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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 4, 1881)
cmecrat. MART. V. BROWN, EDITOU. FRIDAY FEBRUARY 4, 1881. irroin tha Portland Standard of Feb. 5d.) M.IH'K VltS. extraction mt tfc Middle Koutc Failure to tet Ik Mall Ttaregwli i Uylag . Wh. I esalr. Contrary to general oxjicetation the boat from The Dalles failed to make the connection yesterday at the Gee cades, and the Wide West returned to this city without mails or jiasaengri . The telegraph line beyond Rooster Rock was down all of yesterday .so that the coadition of the liver above that Station could net be ateertained. It is thought that the only impediment to navigation en tho middle route is at the month of the Klickitat rirer below The Dalles. Postal Agent Simpson returned from the Cascades by the boat last evening after having made an un successful attempt to reach The Dalle ith the mails from this city, having left here on Monday raorniug. lie managed to get as far as Moshicr creek, twelve miles from The Dalles, v hctv the snow was found to be four feed deep and further progress iaijHMjsihle. Agent Simpson offered $."00 to have the mail conveyed to Tho Dalles, but its delivery was regarded as irajH-ssiblc and the offer not taken up. lie re ports that the cattle m that vicuuty were dying by the thousands, the poor brutes being unable to get anything to eat. Reports from the surrounding country were fully as bad, and it is ap parent that Btock men have this winter experienced s very severe loss, and many of them will be utterly ruined. It was raining hard at the Cascades Yesterday and tho river was full of slush and ice, which, with the moderate temperature prevailing, will doubtless raise the stream sufficient to wash away the "iani at the mouth ot the Klickitat and other places on the middle route The boat will start out from this citv again this morning in the hope of mak ing the connection. At 5:40 o'clock last evening the wire was got up as far as the Cascades, and the following tel egram received at tho O. R. ft X. Co.'s ofboe in this city : Cascades, 5:40 P. M. Ther. 34 : trloudy aad raining ; wind down stream. We had the heariest sleet .s terra here last night ever known in the portage ; think the line is ail down from bare to The Dalles ; the i iver is clear of icv, but lota of slush snow ; they must have liad a heavy storm east of here ; the Thompson did not get down ; the gov- Tfruuicui. wUL U yot-i-liY nnl reports the river blocked solid for five miles, commencing half a mile above 'Mauialous Island, twelve miVs below The Dalles. The river i r.iig r.ipid ly here. MiVft (UMIU! !: I Ml. trrjn; the rVrtlstid Standard THROUGH TO TEXAS. m STOKM AFLOAT TO ClURt Till', rROIHAT or out BASTKKM LM IMRfc TO TIIK la I F. mmm um t-nirai rnciur Kuiiron.5 rssspaaj fro" to Control our Wheat aitteit W i"ni;To Utffffn into oi r rkoi i,ar comamvavsem1 A conference was hold at San I'Yau- eisco on tho 1'Jth ult. between a com mittee of directors of the Oiegonian Rail Company and Prcanlont Stan ford and n committee of directors of the t'entrul Paeitic, the object being to ar range as to tho point of connection ami tho terms on which the fame wore to bo made, of theso two railroads in southeastern Oregon. At this meeting a satisfactory arrangement was con cluded. Rut tho Orcgonian directors were much surprised when President Stanford informed them that his com paay had made arrangements to carry the wheat trade of Bantam Washington and Eastern Oregon to Galveston, or other points in Texas, f r shipment to Liverpool, instead of by the way of Portland, as r.t present. He also stated that his company, the Southern Pacific, would carrv tho w heat of California via the Gulf of Mexico to Knsland. The plans o the Southern and Centrsl I'a citic companies, ns stated by their I'res ident. Governor St an find, to the Ore "onian Railway directors, are as fob lows : The Southern Pacific will reach Galveston or a gulf port within one vear. In 1881 thev will immediately thereafter buibl a line from a point on the Central Pacific, .'.0 miles east or west of Winneinucc.t, up into Oregon by the way of the Malheur reservation, from which latter point their line will fork ; a northeasterly branch on or near to Walla Walla und thence to the Pa louse countrv to a connection n the Northern Pacific's main line, with u north westerly branch from the Malheur through the OojMWO country and John Dav river to Tho Dalles. When tho roads an connected with the Centra Pacific the Southern Pacific will carry the wheat of Eastern Oregon and Mast r 1 i . . i ern Washington sti uiiint liiri.-ugh in o O cars to Galveatop at freight of $1 1 to 1 er ton, and Kay they have made arrangements with the White Star line and Atlantic bteatners and another steamship line to carry wheat from tin Oulf of Mexico to Liverpool direct for $'2 per ton, making a through freight from Pastern Oregon to Lieorpool ot $1 1 per ton at most. They also inter d to carry rnenengers from Great Britain via Galveston to Oregon at o0 to $C0 each, through raU-v. Whether they can aecoinplinh these points '- tiaavfin bo determined. Eastern romls will carry wheat from Omaha l-.w York fr '" and per t..::. a oiis tance of 1,600 mUmr; mtd York to Ltwrpool t!t-- freight ..t leeu -?l 50, and may be always obtaiaed for WAmtmnotr, D. ('..Jan. 91, 1 SSI. Kilitor Democrat : While tho buHineHS of Congress is . I . t. Progressing Steadily mot quttuiy ine tolittetans and gontini hsve had enough to occupy their attention in discussing robabilities as to the next Cabinet, watching the program of tho tnrioM Senatorial contests, and gathoriug in the developments of the Ohristianey scandal. Perhaps the chief interest has centered on the Stinatership struggles. t is a noticeablo fact, howovor, that. toliticians here have, as usual, hail nn boundetl confidsnce in the ultitaato tri umph of the machine in New Voik, 'eniisy, and all other States where machines and "BostOS have a healthy existence. The most amusing, if not the most surprising, result waa the selection of Conger in Michigan. 'onger may be a man of soma ability io certainly must pmmmj some skill in manipulation, but iu tho House of flap resentalives he has cut a most ridicu ous figure. Any ono who has watched him from the gallery for a single day would never impact that such a man could obtain Senatorial lent, Bu they may refrigerate him in that digai tied body. It is an ndrantrgo to the peace and progress of the Hour that he has been taken out of ita deliberations. Concerning the Cabinet there is no end of speculation, but the only jautfo lio that teems to bo definitely disposed of is that of the Sccretrrv of State, which is asaiguvd to Mr. Dlainu. It is presumed that ( 'onkling personally, and some of the other fellows of the Orant crowd, will not like this, and that they will have to be violently conciliated be- foro thin-js osn run tmoothlv. It was o asserted ith ;;;( neilidtace, at one time, that Governor Poster, of thio. would be made either Secretary of Interior oi Postmaster General. 'Isat would b . g od aeheuie for the few re mainii m lie reahlonta of bi". The I're.iidcl t .vi.j.-j fof all thu big fah out there by p iog Uh ia in good pJnoen, and the Secretary of th Treasu ry has satisfied (he inti iu ediate giadea with special ag t . I un l other berths. Now if tlx Post n;,,: Defsurnmemt could ouly Cake i.i the imsller fry for clerks and rooto age titf , Ohio might I'oim coiMTiSi. The recent freshet did a great deal of lamnge in Southern Oregon. The bridge across Rogue river, near Deakina' saw mill, Ineciimond to the re cent freshet. Fied Watson, well known on fJoM Hy, has had the misfortune lo lose his power of speech. More fanning than over before known is being done in l.ako valley. A large area will bo put in grain. A deal of sickness still prevails in Jacksonville more than was eor known before in a single season. A Mr. Cranliuhl, living near Oaliee crock, Josephine county, had his dwell ing house carried off by tho freshet. Crowing grain looks finely through ( ut Otaokamai county; farmers are plowing for spring practicable. The st urns did tho greatest, amount of damage on Coos river, having very much Injured all the improved farms a ong that stream. Varren Packard, of Coos river, re OOnvlr shot himself with suicidal intent A doctor was speedily summoned and 1 i won mis dressed. sowing wherever John lb Garrett, foriuei ly of Jackson county, OOfltmittod suicidn at Saerameii t by taking ''udauum. He leaves i number of rclau es iu that section. The farmers in Jo OphUw county aus- taiued much loss from the washing away of plowed fields, destruction of fences, and other damago by the storm. The muspicrade ball given fwr the lauiefit of tho Oregnu City Kiro Ie partment, last Kiiday eveniug, waa largely attended and netted about $210. The citizens of K.iglo Point and vi ity are agitating the projOOt of con ting a wagon road to Kort Klam i i Pslioan bay, thus greatly sholt di -.t. litre from Itogue rivor valley to the Lake country and Kastern A case was detailed to us ihe other day which shows the strength of confi dence one man may have inauolber. I is as follows: A span of fifty feet, had I P0B" S3-v' ' ' " '' 1 ' ' ' ' 'i":iu been washed out of the bridgw ot the O. 2 per ton. f the Southern mi i "en tral Pseific can get 1 ; per ton from .-'.ern Oregon to Liverpool direct they cun make more u.onev in mrrrini wheat than the western rnilromia now make in enrrrinfl wheat from .'v-w York ; beaidea which they pu- stru"lr alof" ''! of all reo:i w Ite.i it C. R. K. at Je'Teraon, extending from the bank of tho river to the der, leaving a frightful opening over the rapid waters beneath. The Snperin tendent of the road, Mr. lirandt, had thre? stringers of fifty feet in length thrown across the spaa from the bonk of the river to the first pier of the -bridge. On these stringera the sup ports for iron were laid, and the track waa connected. A gentleman when it was ready for use inquired of the engi neer if he was not afraid to cross the span on those stringers with his loco motive. "Afraid T asked the engineer. "Do you think Mr. Brandt would ask jme to cross it if there was the least danger 1 If the old man tells mo to cross ever the river I shall do it with my locomotive as sure as you live." The engineer passed over the bridge in .perfect safety. And this ii the case wherever Mr. Brandt has authority. There is the utmost confidence placed in his judgment and abil it;-. And his officers and "boys" have that confidence is him that faithful soldiers have in a .great general, one who has never lost a battle. And they will go where the "old man,"ss he is affectionatdy called, aends them. The public have this con ifidence in Mr. Brandt. There is no officer in railroad matters who stands higher where known, for integiity, con sumate skill in his profession as engi neer, firmness and kindness, than J. Brandt, Jr., Superintendent of all the standard gauge railroads ia Western Oregon. Town Talk. HAM OI k .MAJVICll V. The fact is now established beyond dispute tha Hancock has a majority over Garfield of over twenty thousand. The Chicago Trlb une some time ago ar rived at a computation which gave Gar field a majority of a little over :5,000 in the popular vote. Tho Associated Press telegraphed the Trlbunez figures over the country, and by those who only read Republican newspapers those figures will probably be accepted as correct, but they are not. The Tri 'bune estimated Hancock's majority in Texas at 85,000, but the official count shows that his actual majority in that State is 103,230, which makes all the difference. A thief named Ad. Ifarlun, who has been robbing the people of Myrtle Creek and Canyon viile, has been cap tured and is now lodged in jail at RoEe- lr- Reno. Liverpool with in thirty-two days, a tovioc of from four to live montln acosmd t'.ije Horn. The insurance will be much Li.-8. nd as two-thirds of the wheat which go I via Galveston will be carried in bull:, there will be n oaring in sacks also It is not the Southern Pacific's intention to take the Oregon wheat to Sun I'l ancis -o on its way to Galveston. They pro pose, after their Oregon extenv'on to the Palouse country is completed, to continue that line southerly across the Central Pacific's main line near Winno mucca to the Colorado river, and thence onward to a connection with the South ern Pacific's main line in Arizona, at or near Maiicopa Wells. This lino will make the distance between Galveston and Central or Kastern Oregon nearly as short as between Galveston and San Francisco. President Stanford stated that his csmpany had now no intention of ever extending their California and Oregon line from Uedding into Sauth ern Oregon, but would be pleased to make connections with the Orosonian Kaiiway Company's line if it was ex tended to Southeastern Oregon, as ti e Central Pacific had no intention of go ing to Portland or of making extensions to Western Oregon or the Willamette Valley, except by connecting them with other linos, mseting them in Ki.-.tern Oregon or at the Central Pacific main line. Bonator cirri Isabon, of Virginia, i an object oi" 1Ct, ttJM ho is shrewd enough ; i ftty liu iftoation. The Bepubl icans are espesiailf kjILU otni oonoerniag Mah'me'a urounida ooaras in tl- 8nat, at.d thc:e i of StrenuOOS efforts to win hiiu to tlitir aide, l y promisee f old the onming sirngglo in his State. The u tin, ml KejwbheaiifO&w edited by George '. Qorham, candidate fr Sscistary of the senate, openly orgca the Repob lieans of V irginia to join the Readjust are, end iu returo it j. ondersteod tior ham einogts ifahonsfs vota put the fleiiielsi jthip But the bat ineerpnnj Oasahs to I Virginia poiitiotana aaj that Hjehone ean not afford to affiliate wi n the lle publicans Mm) be knows it limt his power would fail and htx following di- appear. A prominent Virginian -id to j our oorresnondeot today: Mu- hone BOnld nrt bold his own forcew, nor om third of them, in line on any ticket for Ktate control by fusion with the Radical colored vote, and he knows that pecfeetljr wall, beeanss kofaw how on in" b eeon. A tramp who hud been prowliug for Hovera! da) s uImuiI Vancouver, atablanl a man on the stint ene eyenunj this week, intfiotine an nely uaah in the nck. The wound b aiuful but not dantroua. On Leini; attested an ojsn knife WOO found iu his pookotn lis is thOBghl to le ur. fOCa DOd lutitttie. The fh.tiriii; mill nt Atnii.lhe prop . : : V of Millie .V Bros., .is dratroyed by fiie between - ami -l o'lh'V IwhI j ielav morning. The bttibling wna en tireljr dootreyed, together with the eon- mm M . t-ntn Ot) l.til.eii; .4 lalli aSMl '" i urrshi Benr. N inanreneeee lar ks known Otieinof fire unknown. The itlrretora t ifas He..; ..: diatriet era oontom ids ti ng the onwtion of it new School building wi'h capacity for acoommodeting 100 or " pnnfli, Before sneh notion oenid he had the proposition won Id hnvoto be aubmittt-d po the bsx-pnyers of the eitj, and after thai :i inx levied for the build ing fund. Aie fonds for all tinea wihl nel eyceed pfpbfMy Bye mills. Tho aiieu has si lest Ins n aafsly Unti ed at Tillamook rosk After a iluUy of several d, in OOnoeOttOnOO of the weather, the (but. Hurley left Astoria Sunday morning, accompanied by the larv Tar lor, and loreeedod in safel? landing the aircjt on the ruck. The Mary Taylor relumed SuuUy evuuiug. rr.'S AU Hdaaona. The A'veuiiuj Bullenn of Portland has kei flum mixed passed in its checks. A little, ohl-fasltioned 19 per cent. mortgage is what got away with i. We are sorry", for it was a good paper, and we hope that Mr. Atkinson will debet ler the next time. Tits little M(uad of Oreen bucket a in Congress will loso their lows leader, Mr. Weuver, aftei tho 4th of March. Under these circumstances they have resolved to call tho I lev. J. Hyatt Smith, of Brooklyn, whom they claim as a (Ireeubackor, to tho leadership of their little band of patriots. Joaqtiii M illh Is again a married si s a m i until, ins wile is a uuuiMiier or win. I , eland, one of the famous hotel keep ing family of that name. ThoW is a very young Miller in the world, and the Post sf the Sierras is leadiui; u vary tttiet anil uneccentrie life- for him. lie haa not writtou a play in some months, wkieh lands tho color of probability to ropOftl that hn has n formed. Ms. F. (J. S MWAikA, ttf Balem, has just roceived a letter from l.ieut. FretL Schwtttks, which was directed to A. ( '. H:hwatka ut Sacramento City, stating that he would be home in April to visit his parents and relatives iu Oregon. It ia ptoposcd to give him tho command Of the patty to jo in search of the Jennnette. If ho takes oommand the party will bo fitted out at Kan Fran cisco, ami sturt some time in dune. AU Kltidi mt LMMbrr. Vn havo f.a- wt! , laith at liobaaoa aud (inuM Itulge.300.0Uri foot of all kitnU of lum x r, such as McauUtiiK, cists, barn tiuibcr, taxing, ftMtciog, ami other roSgh lumliwr. At Lahanen w bavo aaapertor lot of dry (amber, uch as rnetm, fleoring, vtr. Owing to thv late fire, wo aro offering thu Uimlior at roilucud ratoa. Add rem us at Ulianou. CONN BKOT1IK1W. Ijumhov, Or., July 31. 1SS0. TSr Uinr Orwljis Mfhimr. Hur friend, Frel (iraf. baa" receive! the agency for the erlebrated Howe mwiitg rna Shlnej and i now eaily to supply the public Tho improved lluae is ono of tko htOt nt&- m m a n . S euia- inanurai'lurtHi, anu our r a... -. alio want an v tii id iu that line will d well t call at raf'e furniture atoro and look at tlua latly'a frtnnfL THE BOSS PAIN KILLER OF THE WORLD IS dr. iib;mj;v s IJ(.IHI. OH;. The Nw Medical Wonder of (he 19th Century TIE WONDERFUL AB0LIRHKR OF TAIN. W 1 LLAMETTE MARBLE & STOE WORKS. A tPEciric FOIC DIPHTHERIA AND SORE THROAT! TM tnt ttt-.f!iiiina Hm smld ii i i ksosa. mW M AKtJ PA ' TTJ 1 1 R I H OF rviAriDLn monuments, head stones, tablets. WANTELC, CEMETERY CURBING, ASHLAR AMD COPING, EASES FOR GARDEN FOUNTAINS TILE FOR W ALMS, AND ALL KSNDSOF VOr?K IN STONE. U e hHlleuuu I lie Worii. When wo aay wo !Ic j we. havo ov- oenes tu mean 'im Rbi fwamniiainn 'uro l tliK-liltwi' 9 ' . ' Modieiuo mams Pnr ..will en re a eomnun ) e tHigh iii ono half tlw lluie,ain! . ' vii AnUiiiui. Uroni hllia, Wlm ph.,- Mlgh, l "rutin, aiel ahow more eanan Of t Miiffifitiiti enrixl than nil others. It wilt en re where they full, It 1m ploOMSrf t take, hauiilex. o tho yontixt ed nnl we Knaranlei what we mm I'rt., 1 Ota, ia eiM, att'l $i.ou. If vottr I emgs are sore, I "IiomI or BBOh larti". n' Nhlloh'a INiroua I'laxler. Shl hv 1 "hav Miwnti, lrn- ejMjx, Alhany, Oregon. ml KhrMNinllr ln I klieil In 0 mliiiili .. Senrnlaln l'lii Im-iI In I". Bltsnl i HriiilnrSe atopH-il le ," iiluiite.. fesnlmene iii i in m mtmwU Atu r.isiit r mammsms nsefleali re llOVOi u nilnMlr. TO BE USED EXTERNALLY. Kir alr ay all lrusrttlM" '' r '" "" '''' aiul al mIk.Ii alu l HODGE, DAVIS & CO, mjlIliBII. OMOOV. t',.li..iii- u our ti mt loatleaoul '- r v ' Tlir riUir, Mr. W4llrrlnl, i II '"' U"'al biniwii In iMl rily. Ki-r mrt.' BlOT .i ' J ' Wlli rl'.el '. !'., Kalriii ; npsnaav. Oaan liu I ytut .lift. rui wltli wm mU Si thai la ac-vum! U I mmt lo praijirU-ii uivaoir. I umxI mm at jir "UfMaHig UmiuM at," ami It ri'iiprtwl tli tli miii Hi-' nr.t t. Tlw .tirlli iIU-atlii MMMtratl all MMM 'Uf 1 1 tit trnin. Y-tt UmiIImm-Imi anl iM 'iraltcla It i- IS ha.tiiK Imw-h tru-.l In mf awn Htmilfi I haw -K.llon. . l.iihiH-iit nl trarfWH hlil, ami tlil t " kJ iirtwaa an) . I Ultftlly rellillM''l tlUi x'tlnin.- ltd arhea bikI h In t,i:i MV. J. w STKATHERtVOBO. ()( HOC O ! To Stock Raisers IN THK- 00H0C0 COUNTRY. $Oti Saturday, N'-v. 'j;. U . IhO flrsl tininber of a weakly l'"-r, to be ealled Tho Orlioco C ioik i , will la iiiel at 1'rlnevillo, W.t '' l , OremnSi ate! anil be jpnbUohsd In ihe la lerent of that I in mediate aSQtlOQ. mOTO S0 jix lall v aa reu.-inN Ht'K-k raij-int'. lartia ntMidin'ic In the Wtllemotte Valley, and owning NtiM'k In Oehooo an reel i reii aide mtsUlesoee by onbaerlblng i"r Ihe Pioennn. S-nd rnarkn and brand, nhfc h will Im iihllxhi-d fr '. Terama 'i M per 3 cnr. k. j. n i l buy, li'.i; Tuh. MOcbOC0 ltner." Am we net "ir Marhle dlnfOt fr"in the Kntland Quarries and MHla in Vetnsont, and have iL wle lei I w it h niri'. v. e ran ius'iio enxtotrera 5 he I test sf mar hie, a1- expert v. rl- Srs miiv that Vermont marhie in leter than any iniM.r1ed from foreign rovnUh. I laving Jnat i iv d m-v ral Ioiim ir RmmiS, anl liavuitf more on the way, we. ean oflbrottra mducementa to those nenting work. Orders fronsanjr part of the Msta nroiiitttlv !ill iidel .t. and nil work wa-ranuwl ax ret. relented. vehae e. aiivnw rn out fo.- work exeept. thosn having ttle.r ersdstlttalll from n. .Jf.T" r.liolt att'l OI K- er: I .-w-.ihi m m raimtuiMJ miwv, n 11w.11 , . m. v L.tiHtr K. WOOtl v i n i. V. MAWlV. F SHAY & MASON pneesnmei to Jhn roahajr.) DKaUOH in - DRUGS, BOOKS, STATIONERY, ETC., DKUGS AN DMED KOINES it :!aa n-Uil -.uU:;.t. . OIJ ALI. Ki,.riwii.. ari'X fon.l I i Jiii. usg or BOOKS A I ) rlPTATIONKRY, Tli- tsei i IS btsa m i m m L A nrw m al ma w .-.w,..tlrtn ailh tS'ia 4r;rti..- i t, all U l4laMUiri ,1 ii... ;:.. l UitmiJ.. cV.. i .nil-; K,-nifl. WHEN YOU COr.lC TO ALBANY CALL AND SEE US vrnnif El AT THK ld STAMt. FIltffT BTRERT, HAS OI UJCSV AS as'ht!i:n r OF P1NF AN COOK, BOX STOVES AND PARLOR AND RANGES, As hnome In t;ll y. tz? M Imports and mantii:;' Imfem TiS, SKtF.I EROS AND COPPER WAKE 0V :vn:v MM"!t:rr: m IH STOCK OB to ORHEH. aio, hk KEKP 1m A WHj A1S4BORTMKNTOF A I.I. GENUINE CrTAWITE IROT4 WARE. ov WHICH in OFFERS TO TUB PTJBUC AT PRICR8, TTJ A3 CX)MPETTn CA LL AT T'J FIRST STREET, ALBANY, ORSi H Of. Rep k deno at reasonable figures. viSniii t'uej Hcatti-re.1 tho lent i-ai.ij.sign, wLrn j .ui4... rt.t,,rin.l Mumlay uom When a man wants to hi. list In the army of China his courage is entjected to a very unusual test. The recniiting ofticer places the candidate on a chair and proceeds to extract a tooth, and the conduct of the patient under this or deal is said to deeid.e the question as to his fitness for the military service of the empire. If he howls and jumps up and down he is pronounced unlit, but if he smiles and exhibits generally a feeling of satisfaction, he secures a permanent place in the ranks of the army. HL L. W. Kxox has twenty-eight men at work on the first section of the Nevada and Oregon railroad, grading according to contract. The men are now engaged on a heavy filling near Reno, on the line of the Central Pa cific, and good progress is being made. The trestle work is under way, and the timbers are fitting up ia the yard at the depot. Tho first trestle will be put in place about; a mile and a half from . w . t tit Teenier iwaocracy was iiii nvm them in earnest. His strength a a leader, and all of it there can be, mut come from bjf position as an indeiH-ud-cnt Democrat. Another thiuc : the negroes can't rote without paring their poll-tax. 'ibis Item amounts to $90, 000, and the campaign expense will uitiko another $.'.9,000, thn total to come out of tho Republican party of the North, as an experiment, and this with the moral certainly that his own white Democratic troops would break if he hoisted the enemy's flag." Vet Ifebone may vote for (Jot ham a.i a mat ter of iTi;onul fiiendahip. During the extreme cM weather of the past month much sufiuririg lias ex isted among the poor of this ity, wheru unexpected severity i:i not no well pro vided against as in communities where it is looked for. And we have a lar"c class of poor here, not only consisting of the lower elements, but omhrec' many who have known better times and possess a degree of culture and pride. To a call of the authorition fer means of relief there was a most gener ous response, and within five days from the time it was issued not a case of distress was to be found in tho city. Wealthy citizons, public officials, and the people generally gave liberally, and even the British minister, Sir Kdward Thornton, a most noblo man, i;sponded to the cry. Tho President of the United States, however, who receives a salary of $.10,000 a year from tho public, of which he has boarded S150, 000 in four years, gvo not ono cent, if Mr. Hayes had any national pride, any respect for the office he holds, any appreciation of what are known as "the proprieties" in his great office, or any sympathy with or anxiety about the sick and lowly, he would blush with shame when he contemplates the igno minious fact that the representatives of foreign countries gave liberally to the suffering poor of the Capital city, while the President of the great country kept his hundreds of thousands of dollars closely buttoned within his miserly pockets. But Mr. Hayes thinks of nothing but himself. ing. The veatber w very favorable. A wrll wan recently mink in front of he hotel at Liakvillr, and at the usual u pth an excellent spring of good cold water was struck. It being thought advisable to go deeper, the worktnea proceeded a few fi-ct further and found a heavy Mtream if boiling water, Buck as is fref, neatly found iu the Klamath basin. As a hiimi..;er beverage this water is undesirable, but for culinarv purposes it will be most convenient, snd when cooled is very pleasant und health fill. Oregon City Knterpritt : The fire alarm called tho department out on Monday evening, but the fire was found to on the hluft, ia the house owned by Mr. A. Bttdey, bur. formerly owned by Mr. P. Cornell. Before assistance could bo procured the house was ose mass of flames. Tho entire building d contents, with the exception of a W chairs, some bedding and an organ, Sf burnt. Mr. Kudey, although blind, managed to save Jiis important papers, and during tho progress of the fire was enabled to indicate to some one the number of paces to take in different directions, and tho boards of the side walk to lift, under which was the snug little sum of $1000. The loss is fully covered by insurance. Tho houso was built for Gev. P. S. Ogden in January, J 80 1 , close to the formor residence cf A McKinley, Esq. It will bo remem bered by old Oregon ians und the stu dent of Oregon's early history, that Gov. Ogden, of tho Hon. H. B. Co., was tho gentleman who secured the re lease of the prisoner aftor the Whit man massacre. In the destruction of this houso another old landmark is $5.25 iu ailvaiit f m- vt(ll ti any addrraa (ur ar HARPERS' MA;AXIK and the IIRMO RAT. Audi.. $5.50 in ed vanes ne di mad t any a!lrr f-r a M ar II.MM'Kirs" WKKKLY and lbs !Kl CHAT. TbosmantlN of nolltr. ami liolrn nru en titled i" pansmmSj un iyinnt tmtn date -if ltM-h:ir r li(li, it atipllM-l ' r I- January 1. Wound. ai-tiliiUl In jury or 0 1 vwo -utitlti l a lUMirilv aiul Jmek nv -.IIe-ti.. In.'nMt. f iVuiiuti aoeuriHj, 'fid" Urni ii.tal.lUI'1 III Aijilrtttt. i)'(;ainu Mninp, I I' SON 1JKO.., V. H. I'laJiii AlU)i ny, 71 1 i Street, Waanington o. u. A CAHD. T all vtiio arr .uffi rlii frutii thr arr.-r. n.l Imlt ifctkpiia -A jruulli, ii.riui waafciiov, imrly !". Umm ut umnhfmtC, ar., I will aotul a rmeiym Utal Ul ..u. IIIKK OK fllAltl.K Thi. t-r.i rrnKly waa !i..neinl by Mi Ann-run. VibI a aril ajilnutnl rtinl.w Ut lie Itav. Juaaril T. I- aas.tmnsa n, nw x.k f. I'x.nyx The Corvallis Frail I Will r'lir. li'-" I'ltituni. r drtt o finite! full mm RSt i. . ; Wiii mnd a wmifiafMit perw rt in -frsH crowsrs a i.. enHlvstinn .i .r .. i;. in oramves : Will supply fti'it trees of "j i 1 ' Mt at nsodenno prices : Win mii riiiintnr t Ists Uimneji Unn, I'-'liOiii Hie I little '-oUllllMa, I rllt-r Ut In- m!.i n i ..r-. . ! . i - ! : ii : V tri paiiv, t "or k nll h, iU'tt ton I '.ititi' v, I trt-wV. W.M.I. IS N..--II. Krwfek ut. Jamsjn I'.i ;. n. Ssejr. jnuir Ii ffil L " Acflion and Cmmi isia. SEND 25 CENTS IN POSTAGE STAMPS fOR A TKF.EE rOMTHS TRIAL SUBSCRIPT10S TO C ' ms nn A BARGAIN, 0u art omit of wauling to pi to Ctlifornia I want to sell my Hue resitipnre near IIm ( uni t House. A harain will be iven. ('all at my store an noon as possible. In j ma:. NOTICE. tlua, I . L I K I ISO NS W I i ( ) A K K I N D K I IT K D to ur on book account, or noten mmi payable at Albany, Oregon, aro re quotitotl to eall on our Auenl, EtiKeno Ilu oSanau, and sett It the name on or before February 16th, 1SS1. warrnT nininonu; . co. ronland, Or., Jan. II, 181. "LIGHT FOR ALL." USKJTSS Rki.ioion. l per SSSSm Sctul 3 rt.t cUini fur Mai.i.r Aiiurmi A. M. WIN'CWKHTRR, llanajrer. P. O. ISoa 1W7. Han Kranclaco, CSL gone. Cameron's man, Oliver, the coming Senator from Pennsylvania, was born in Ireland, and came to tMs country a poor boy. Ho is now a great iron prince at Pittsburg, doing a business of $4,00Q00Q ft year. Ho is not a speak er or a thinker ; knows little of legisla tive matters, and will figure solely as a dummy of a dummy Don Cameron. THR NEW YORK OBSERVER THIS YEAR The Largest anil Best Family Paper in the World, Send for bninple Copy - Free. NEW YOKK, IS .17 ParU Kaw, .w York. Q AA A MONTH jruaranticd. $12 a day at SeSM )t M niade by the ItiilUatriuiui. (JailUI not re quired ; we will atart .you. Men, women, tioya and Ifirln make money laater at work for tin than at any tlilnir The work is linht and pleamnt, end vtu h aa anyone can go right at. Tlios who aro wise who ace Utia notlco will aend us their addroaae at once and see (or theniHelves. Costly out lit and terms. Nowi the time. Those already at work are laying up large sums of money. Address THl'K & CO., Attirust Maine. NEW BARBER SHOP ! J. H. SURGES, Prop'r. A GOOD SEA FOAM SHAMPOO goes with each shave. Prices for shaving and hair-cutting same ss usual. Rooms opposite Mcllwain's store. lOtf .: iii mriiKEi . A ITOTION I : i : iz. I'roi::.. u'n : . IMIII, ... -j.. ;eS. 1881. Harper's Weekly, ILLUSTRATED. Tl.iM lu rio.llcal, lv ita nll' 'tt-.I m i)r- ly li'UHiiiiii of Um nponltom of l 1m '..y. W Wi-ll k liy l: 1 1 1 ii -! t .ti ii ii . - v In. ii :ir. Dceeesed iv tho best Hni-u- has alwaya hxioUhI a puwfrfttl mi.l beneficial inllu oiifo itK)ii i In1 ptil.lir rnltnl. Tho voi!li! iif ii.h nitliu'iK-o v 1 1 n,w lv- Ik Totinil on tho mIi of morality, enirghl -SMMSkti ami roliitotntuit. HARPER'S PERIODICALS ! OttCR'S WEEKLY, One Vcar S M ll.VUI'r.U S MAOAZINK, Our- -mt 4 00 IIAUPEK'S IUZAR, One Year. i 00 Any Illtt StSfl pulilicalioiis, t..- fSff M II Any TW. niiiii-l. Our Y.-ar 7 "J IIARPKU'S Vol Xil CKol'I.K, One Vrur 1 0 PoMaift frrr to till . t'n. I n!'nl snttrt or (ssiaa. Tho Voluinos of tho YVookly iti with tho tlrat Hninber for Xannarj Of ;-h your. Whon no timo 1m tnentioneii it will In- uti deratooil that tho subscriber wishes i i roinmonoo with tho nnmhor mt aftst the rsctipt of tho order. Tho lat B30Tes Annual Volumi HakI'KR'h WnnKf.Y, 'tt tical ciotlt liitiil- ing, will bo wnt by mail, i": t' pui-l, or by e preas, f reo i ozpsnss nnrvided the froight iIoom not i-ici-cd onu dollar j at voluuiu), for $7 00 c;. Cloth caaeti for each volunio, snltnble for binding, will be hi'iit by mally post jiaid, on rolpt of SI earh. llemlttanceH nhotild Imi ntitdo by Potl Ofllco Money Order or Draft, to avoid any ohanco of 1 . Nrw)iTH urr not to cop; thi nnn nutnt without tin exawttt (' ; tf Banna a BRorriKRs. Aiiilrcss, EARPERA BROTHERS, Now York. ii PAPt?. OF IS PACES. ISSUED K01THLT AT SIOUX CUT. IOWA. it ii i&pobOi H FQliiicsaBi Mm, Ginaz lie tm cms wcr as ocamu f mil Bfflt Irtmn Its Literary Mfewv is S u pplied by Selections from tie Best Writings of tne World Aa an Irtnin'.r to rrvwadoawwrta r. r Imralxraang rrom rmo ''JiiJZ V . not be cqaall-l, hAvhi ; 'irreqpoofc.a::u m a-l quaneurr wbom artenpeuma oi in1e, ' ra f ' sw'r'thoV'.r-.w M':ction ak-d by our nauw-roua aabtrribr-n. hU-h Is becimins quite an iorporV "IpEKSIOn! BOUNTY,' LAND OR PATENT OEPARTMErlTS n throofh taut moulmr many times bo save! a tec, i t oy rx-fTiEJi? n rill lie answered through the er.iumns of the per. It has also a special a Iah iliiK IXrMOM of the several Department above mentioned, run ktiuIs a Sxir-Uae R'lvertisement In the pflper to any Mi'jscnbcr 'who r i-T, ,.,., ... anv I'rumrv. with his ai'.-lrts and name in hill o that lini : ! '.'''.tnviniaation can he bad with bun 6y any oos doiring. to those sendins us SLOD for a year's :nt'"n Tmk i'Mttwr-i'iTi' !urin(C tfe first fix montlw of Its existence averaged a eimilaton of 1" tlata rs ra r jiiotir'- i .u:rini-el ireul.-it Ion la 5.000 hm from present indtcHonS u ui- to 0 0U fct month. Your add of four hues will go through ail of the one issue. Sa4 lor its Ten SOsatmic. atft Free MMr fcPoMtessiiteCOT. west: v.:kted. wr. guarantee a lamer cosmissjoh thai ahy other paper : Aica. st WRthnjrton. D. c. St'ltlieil tht-ir Qnestii Department gMngsJ Atl.ln ....:. T'HF IU I1 PI 111. iioixCity.lo-tra. DR. S P I H N E Y To Uie vamw '. MO, 11 KKAKBKT faTiri:i.:. Satt KraticiMC, Csllfi r:iia. Treafo nil hr:ilr and Sfseclsl I1- e.-te. no ; 11 n M n i ?:r.v. i i.. .u t .ii t: . mt I i' i ..: tli.' alljir ! SI'IVXKY ail! guarantcw Si-niiiuil.- uraWi r n iuur aliitik lie uiHlvrtb'a ti t;ii: r.i.-n. will ilty. Im: t t BVSflT iS0 :i any LiikI uf to wure. MII5I)I.i:-AC.r.J BSS. Tho"T art many at the a-r of tiirty-Cvptiiixty s4s an tr.'iil bSh awnssjaSSI cvaiOaUiiii I-ili-r, iift.ii aeemiijiaiii.xl l.y a !il.t .narting'r biirtniig u-iiMiUiMi, aii I a weakeuiti of the srtci in a manner UfeSSsUirnt cannot ai-ciiuiil for. Ou .-xniii i.iii.- tin nriyary .lefxauta a nipv sadiSMSS oilen lie fouiul unl aoiin-timra small arti. !r of a'l.iiimn will a(Kar, r will Ik-of a thin iniiKi.-h Inn-, a.'.ni riiang ing to a ilarV aiul lorjnil a '! re an- tnatiy who lio of this ettncuit) ignorant .4 ttic ttuise, Mob is ihe sopood sta 4 j Ik will intarAnuv a trii H i.i;ix-hi il f.;rh c;u.-, ul'.J hcalUiJ NSsSRSisa "f the -i nit.. -:; fesrj or- uit Osssss llofss 10 t.i 4 and c to S Btmlagr bnsa toll a.m. 'V.naulHttioi: lixo. 'IU r i:,'1'. :intUr aul athioi", f'.. Kor ill. at diseases f -U rt ts,oo:rg :i f.i!l iiMin of HssaSBM BsSscssnl for a. iir.-. srSbsii ii.tiut tious, aill v Stat to any a.!ilri on rxitij-t of jjrln io. Cil and adiln-tH, Mb arusKi e o., UAivl No. 11 Ktrv St. Sim Kraneisi-. -i;ilt;rl .1 1, x: - . UR- .C13B0N-5 Dispensary. i. k i:rv rt. " I -l oirtv ,J Viminnr rial Street, San Fraon-an. ;. S'a IUhe-1 in IW SUM tnurnvnt c4 n-i Swtiiiittl Uisoasea. - .nrrkea. t.leef. . .rlc:are, :htl!. in ail funns, ltttMicar), ni'ht I. ssca hv drnsuw. nilw. i . i ; : i ! of tr.aii! ... i-au .sititih o -i. .: ;.. "i :":ct-l should ii t fail t npssi SSBa. 11m Issctor li.w traveled extensi...i Karojx. and itii- tel thoronshly the h. -i . tI iIh-o-, otitaining a yrrat il.-al of valuable i-firn-t.oo. ahiih lit- ino'iu-tft!t t'i impart t-- tii.-i ii';d of hi mt 1K. .lt!l:oN aill make in- rlatre SMess he eSaot a CUie. renvi at adialaner Mtv III: I AT IIn:. All w.mmoni.-atio..s strictly cMtifidential. V--:i r.o mu- lnt the Is-tor. ' .ml ti-n I'.'ilin fi.r . '3;'. u i.-U ':i criUng to 1, 0 Do.-ttic mu stae ui. i tmf (Mfsqr Ussy scethi adenisuoi.t in. ' fharr .. vinabi". '.'oil .-r write AJdros lUt J. F. GllUjO, Vx'X li)5T, FrancSaov. vir-WS MM GUIDETO SUCCESS WITH FORMS F0 BUSINESS SOCIETY. is IIY I'A K the best flitsinoss and S.K-U1 (Juiilr snd Ilund-Hook ever iublislicd. Much the latest. It tells both sexes sompletety lion to no r. r.u - TlllM. in Um seal way, lio t Im Yoqr Own Law yer. How to lo businusH Correctly und Su ecwfull y. How to act in Society and in every part of Kfs, '.liil contains a gold mine of varied information InrtlsntMIS able to nil classes fur constant reference. .11. 1. I s WAJTSS for all or spare atasa. To know whj this hook of KKAL value and attractions sell bitter th.m any other, apply for ti i nn to W, iieuim; .v o., I3tp0 Situ I rtnieNro. A BARG AIN ! j Valuable Properly tor Sale.; ; now hdurc the public. Yi . as SMMMV faster at work for u. Umu at arothent el-. 'a)ttal txa minired. A will st-.rt ou. $1S a !:. and u .irards uole at rWone I , . tin- indii.triou. M. n, ..sneii, Im.- aiul girN wanteA . u i .i iiert to k t-r us. No it the tiiuv .-an ticMite your whule linw? to the irk, .w idy four Hin- moincntH. No other bitsiiCNi i!i p-iv yoiiiH-nr-ly as well. No ottc tiling to work ran fail to iuak itvi-nmus jay by I'.iiri'iii at once. t'tly mttfit ue.d term ire.-. A gri-.t op; rtunitv for iki.!s iinm.v -iih- I'lumraMv. AddrriM Tstva ;... A-: ri- THJE PARKE RGUH. THE ALDEN FRUIT DRYER, lncindtag tlo bnfidlns; ami loi upon which it is situated, is f..r salo at a nan oaln. There aro two lr ors attii thiyoan bo sold Koparately. 'this Is a pn d op portunity lor fruit raisers to socico tiio host dryor made, at a low price. The lots aro very valuaolo lylntr on the iver front, ami having; a railroad switch running; hy them. It is a :ood locution for a custom Qesning mill, foundry, or any such hnhlOSS For furtlter ttrtirular3 eajll cn tho Presi. dent or Setrrutarv of th.c Compan v. .;. v. t'HAWKimn, L. C. Hick, Tresident. Secretary. M STUD STAMP FCR CIRCULSII PARKER BRO'S WEST MERiDEH.CV. JbAsTSO Can't Iw lin..le b every indent even F5F month in tho business we iurnish, but those willing to work can easily earn a dozen sVmbms a day riifht in their own localities. Have no ttmato explain here. Husinuss pleasant and houoi-uble. Wo men, and boys and girls do as well as men. We will furnish you a complete outfit free. We will bear ex liense of starting you. l'articulars free. Write nnd see. Fanners and mechanics, their sons and daugh ters, and all ciasses in need of paying work at h me, should rite to us and learn all about the work at once. Adaress 1 si k Jc Co , Augusta, Maine. UAUFy is now tMting nimle faster than ever IVlsCW by those at work for us. Persons of either set can make SOO a week in their own towns if they art willing to work. No risk. STi outfit free. Anyone can run the business. Capital not required. ah woo engage proapar. no one ians. mrucuiars free. Address. II. Hali.btt & Co.. Portland, Maine. TO IHE WORKING CLASS. - rov re;i:ir.-! to fttr-.'.!- a!! e!:v--s.-s with eon- slant emjie t at horn.-, the wl ole of the time, or for their .-; ,r moments, liutiees new, light and profitable. Persons of rith.-r s- easily can. trmn irf i-nts t) s'i iMr evenim;, and a pteMtSlasMl huiii by .lev tiiu their whole tinti to the biiMiiess. U.ivs and irirls earn nearly as BSQch iv men. That all . ho see this notice may send their ad.livss in.l test the l.iisi nesa e maVe this oSer: To such aa arj e. t wsH sat isfloil we will send one dollar t pay for the troMhls of writing. Full Sjllli alSH and out St free. Address, Ukokuk Snxsofc- ft Co., Portlr.nd. Maine. iyl ALBANY MEAT MARKET. Fresh Boof, Pork, Mutton, Veal and Sausage al ways on hand.. Highest Casl. Price mid f r all kinds of fit totk 4'2U LEVI W2S1 A H LKK in fOSjrowa Wn and t,o apiai O'lU risked. You can ive the business a tnaj ilho;it e.ei'- The best opportunity ever for those willing to work. You should try nothing else until you see for yourself hat you can do at the business we offer. No room to explain here. A. u ean devote all your time or only jour sjiarc time to I be business, :ind make treat pay for every h c.;r . work. Women make as much as men. tv o.l fur spe cial private terms and j articnlars, which we mail free. Outfit free. LViu't complain of hard times alii le ou have such a chance. Addres II. llAI.I.KTT A CO., Portland Main ST CHARI S HOTEL, AUBAN, OnXGON, I US. G. lOlJI, - - - Fropriftcr. This It. ha been thonrerh?v renovaO d from tr to bottom, and is now in splendid cinditio-i f..r the citcrtainment of travelers. The lable is supplied with everything the mar ks! affords. Sample rooms for oommarcial men. .. . . t . w . mJm- , flSsSU 0 iti week in vottr own nu. wn OtfOalMFfrec No risk. Reader, U yi u business at which persons "f either sex ean - . .i .i -- i. . . i o H. 11 u.itTT a Co. Portlaml, Maow?.