The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, February 04, 1881, Image 1

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KFICK. Ill "l n .. raf.tiiil.llnu-.'iil--(:ii -irner
ItroaUttllH n tool MmmhmI si.
Stna- e pjr, t-r wwr 00
I s1r pT. fix mouth i 00
Singio iv, tlms- month 1 00
tido mtnthT lit
fights democrat
1 w 1 I m 6 m I ts
limb. 1 00 300 600 810 16 00
2 " 2 00 6 00 7 00 12 00 HI 00
3 3 00 li 00 10 00 15 06 22 CO
4 " 4 00 7 00 12 60 1 Of) 27 00
'4 Col fi 00 0 00 15 00 26 00 06 00
Vk " 7 M 12 0i 1M 00 30 00 4 00
X " 10 Of) 1ft 00 : W) 40 00 00 00
1 " 15 00 20 (S) 40 00 00 00 100 00
Itnslnee notloea In the Local Columns
20 cent per line.
For legal and transient advertlsementa
f i 00 pet square, for the first insertion, end
50 eeiile per square for eaudi subaerpient In
NO. 27.
N. h in vi i.urv
Albany. O retro u.
Wil aesellfla all th. Court in Uf BaSle, Prolan
netn.r ami cttlivotioiM steaaaaal i" nniiil.v.
i ri.iNN.
i lb r JT, Oregon.
rfriliw in 1 rs P.rick Bka k."?V
r. s. uma, i.. wi.vkv.
IlItACTlOE in Ai.i.Tiir.i ui inNoK
Ifcta state. They give spaniel micit
turn to collections and probata muw.
iMhce in Foster's new bii.k. -!'tf
I . A V.
an Tv
Notary Pubnc.
Albany. Jifi.
QsYsm ui-.?surN. over John Rriiro store,
1st street. vMttSStf
Albany. Oregon.
Otttre n, r Hi ' tt-4!.l IVUom"-. Trm
ear CMtaettoM a ptilaWjf qfl,
(XOTAKY t .)
Al.lttM. OK I. V.
If Stto. Si -u! at. .ti n.ii .. i-.:; U... uu!
I'rohat.- ai .tu t
-tJ tft in OU KiJUw-. T. n.i.I. (11:2
j. c powKM. nr. at, mi.tko.
Antl Salirilnrs in ( h int t; .
4LUAXY. - - - t: S.(.
(.'idle ions prtinil v onwlo oo nil poi ttta.
friratrT pearoaatted oil rjnmwwMMo tnrttta.
Hint- in Kmio-'s Hrti k H
v Mti J'.i f.
ttbaut i
WSJ pranlieo bi all Ibn CJeurts ; thi
SiaO'. KfMiciai at.on: ii.ii given '. i ' -
laboa. Oilirn n !-!.Uiir in KtwrutnV nvnt
T. r, iiAv?ai.i:v a ,
MaWIT ofcn.ov
- !! up audi
:u !! I
lot n
-! Um aottfta l - Sl..le.
i;:..... ixiv.-i. i. asdleeUtmk, eeo-1
1 riH.xluHti.iii ' I Hi".. lro i
t'l)lll4. Hltf-i
OtiJtitiH a hjM.-iMllt y
rpifblNtr. i
V A V E li
fjwaiii ranbli'a Clock.
oi. i. .!:,
Srnvt! ticnU-ja laa U
i l n-ai ctatr
1-U utl
Vol pra '
tf. all the Oiaita or the ;-uu
in t'.-.-1 'otirt llonfl s
i. u mid- w :.
Pliy8ician8 and Burgfona.
Albany. Orcsron.
: ; ii s PaaOMf t- waaa'ta iruz M-re.
Jir. Hill's residenee. eor. Fifth ?nd Vine.
i)r. Dodrt8 residenee. 'earner Fifth and
E,"ifsl.ington, in front V. P. ciiurch.
' vii;ji--tt
Odd Fellows' Temple,
Albany, Or?;".
OftVe boura from K to 2, und from 1 to 4,
E. il. JOHNSON, Bf, !.,
Physician and Surgeon.
Albany, Oregon.
tfrnee in romjareVi I'.n.-ki tyo 4pori
Jijst of Conner's Mootc, plO
"m. t. IV A',
8AE.EM, ORK;02V.
treating tba va
urioiis (lis'KS.-s to wlil-h the
AVf nml -ir nr' su ij--! . boo reew eonnu-ni. or
, i,.. entire Kstisfiu-t ion to tlios.
pbtee tbenlMlVM nniler liis ;ire.
wlio may
nol f.
i. W. HAUftlS, Iff, JJ.
Office in Fosfpr'a I5ri-k, next door to office
of Vowoll A: Bilyea.
Tb-sidonoo in tho two story fiatuo bnfldtog
' op .Soijth side of Hoeond street, one
ptnc& id PfiH f
VVhiMdor iV IHefcojPS
Jjvcry btahlp,
Albany, nreeaa,
-oJ 1 fin 1 Ji t
Physician and Surgeon.
OfTico at Foshay A Mason's.
Boaldence on Broadalbm s.f., Aibaay, Or.
Eyerybffdy deliglited with the tasteful
and beautiful selections made by Mrs. la
mer, who has never failed to please her
customers. New Fall Circular just issued.
Send for it. Address
I6:7tf 877 BroaUway, New York.
Additional Homesteads,
(h'tidcr Sec. 2Mi Its.)
If mil wore In I', s. orvloe nt least 9 lnvs nnd
prior lo Jane 1874, took fl acres as a homeasusd
you wonM be entitled to io bmms; if von took an
so, so iwwwj it' ijo. e mtm Mora; if i 10
acres more ; l.v.l, I acre tnorv. which b ttuilulni
to amount you un not rvovivisl and Is km.ivu us
tho "teklilfnnal liouu. lead." niul It ?ntitl l i nn
sell, i u tl! uith Ititiht' VtrM lrt,rjr no" six.
Fractions wauled iu.. ill kvo
Ier HO or propitrltonriM- for othi-r ie
t. tag MM who Vttl lut mo on thl .v t tiiul I
uccced In ninkinK h pnrch e, Think u little, im
you not ktio oi'.somo ouo. tiiul inukc Si'. SctMl
Uuuj lor circular QXplalDlng.
nro ilTWi t illnmoai
r Qm hein i iiiosm
ili!tirt.l mi Knw
.ti tho r.s Service, and under the new Uw
run ohuin a IVv.iuu ilailnf Uu-k to the tti (
liMtMUtyorilcuthur Uie original Uui mm. iro
ntteattppuaUiOB Mmado prior to July i. ini. k.i
tii;it all penptu ongbl to nutko tmmMline applt
cation. All ttioso who will iu,ik appllcautn
tiinmch ma before March 1. 1880, will attend to Uto
boatnov t,.r too oi'S!'. U:ot:nto not U Niiil
until litv .t:i U uranttxl, ami n.. jniv huIcm -no.
epawul. S wriio lit Imracdiatolf arfil itivo h full,
cU;vr state mont or your k'roun Uuion vhi, h tOOb
t.un ,v pen loo, and you w.U U immptly answur-
CU. LtU'kttC Ulllljw.
Tp ''! panooi i;!r r tc-l In IMMM I aflat ntv or
rloM to obtain Patenta tor them npon ihagroonda
that anleaa patent b obtained make no chara.
ti - ,Uull iviutU,m awl ..' MU '.Jor ; fj-u...j,u-
Ebfaflral cilaai Watdttnrton, i. c . eonneaj
Uons whuuutko iho vxiuinnutiou m jivrMju trvx'.
and i-xihttiigvii in all part, or the United .iuU4
ami t anatla. Bead two I MM suunpn fi-r the
Iniatnl UM ir ii rmtri tart-ML
All kinds of Scrip fir location of stato or (iir-
rramefttLandebottKhtand eokl (Hd War land
Warrantl wanted. n.l !,U!iiitori-ircular.or
for Famiihiot tolllni; how nil kitflacatt be local! I
and nnder what acta Ihey uriKiuau.-d. tiend I r
rvtcrcucea. .dln.v. ,
ASEKTS WAITED. " ' Mau iiy. lam.
Kidnei 1 Liver
1 PdMlliVC SCrtu'i lot- il l. Hil-t-r
i l ri;iur) l"i ti hl
riotii fl.!- nt; 11 Miaflt .
irc'ily timiu tlaa Orgamii . i . t -3.
For I In- li!-. S:-.-!.?!! ta
I ;:!.
I tu ; all lo
Jtibn OrtMti'
I i latbe ronwl
Hnm i
i atraaina.
i it. Kan
iirWtH- imtnv
j ft i'av .tv-; KOArrq t."
I tloreewanbi frotn m :. id 1
' m t sr at oi i bs ora : 1 1
v uri :i -I
.....' ..!
' Now YmfJs
; World,
I No Hontotlv hcrolofirn iRncm'orttd iit
j ! llLI rOT Ml-.- in.on.oit j,i .-...ii j, i; :i
iHitii it" A liarvrv, li D..Wnabitic-
ton. I.
"It ! t'to it.-.- and only iIIiiinl rantetly
for Kblofty a?il lAwt l rt at blc e tar brotiicril
lifori! tma public."- ' ' ; John K. Nt--
I i m . H v. vta-iuninti, i .
"lam rafotoad to .: I am now a woll
mart Mid a 'miv ! : . i. ti!:-.;
tit - '. . i, -i.iis .'-mcrfy
ai iiia.ti' iti - happy. '
I tit-. i i'. K- iLarkbf), Aii-
Ttia Great atarnl Uedy foi
jSait by Drajlilii H ::-s of tho j
Itoclte. :r, ?l. V.
c. i iirr.uY.
ciir.UiiV & PABKRJ,
ISnoeenore to C. Cfberrr.)
8, Ifilwngbts, and Iron
T T oomplatod, smi :tr- now prepared to
handle e kinds of heavy work, we '.i ill
mannfaetnre .steam Koirinea. Glial und
j Seer Mill Meo)iinerytftnd all kinds of Jn ti
I and ilrits Oaatfnga.
Bpoehtl ottentlop giv-u to repairing all
I kinds of machinery. Will aJao manufae
lure the hoprored Cherry A. Whim (jcfttn
shop nu .. r Si. o!lict- ni I.nmerr Vanl.
Albany, (ir., Pee. J, t8w.
A 1-15 A SV
8TA10ER lilios
- prtprictors.
a Sit
iii:ads i'oms
Etxecuted ui Kalian oi- Vermont Marble.
Also, every variety
other atone Work dorra
nt cemetery and
w lib. neatness and
Bjmiyal atloiuion piven to orders from
ell parts of this Slate and Wasbirjglon
'I'ert itory.
1&&AII vyor)-; wayranteil. n5t
Persons wishing toetTeet loans open :it
proved security can bo aocom modatod hy
applying to 0. H. HEWITT,
o'Toolo's Itrick Block, Broedalbtn St.,
Albany, Oregon. 2tf
Auction and Commission.
auctio E li.
Fromap'fi Block. v.
i . i mm i it ot ht ut
Jl im.i: MAN,
s. Oiroull ( ourt Iilrlcl r
Motility, Jittitmry 17, 1881. v I'llislm I'.nni'H -No. ."'. 1.
A:iiiii tu rroovrr iHJUHi'MHitm of
rati prejpti iy.
(I) raAOttt Cox ihaohthim ok it v
OTaAL BVIDSMVK. a March 1 J. 18(50,
Coftyrati gtantvd iIih Hwuinp ami
ovciH iwi-ti Madi in OfMMn to tan
atttc bfl Wanliticil ttml mlantnj I y
tln Hci'ietMiv of tin' intoiioi : on
July 5, 18B6(H Stat, fi'i), tmKraaa
gtaaied to tha Htata, to aid in the
IMHIMI Hill it! of u w nj(un roail fioiu
AlbMy to the) rtairm lino tlooaof .'
Ma4aOM p i milo of tho tihlu htrnli
lo bo eler!ct within "i mil of Mtid
iomiI, the mi ni a inioht ho locatad,
and OQ June 1 , 1874, (18 Slat. SV),
alttltorUt0ii jmlciitM to iasno tlnrcfor
M fool tin' sun- hIiouIiI ho kc lint ail
ami i-ei titit d ; Rtad ill Junf 19, 1876,
ti patant wuh i.inu. .1 uiuiar aaid waon
roioi grant to tin atnte or iu OMiglll
tr tti ptWMtaaai in coutrovemy :
Hdltl, (hat liic l atent wan lom-ltisivr
i M.iea.c at lawr that tho UVMtfMI
wuio iucluJoil in the wagon road
,i ant aiol wara thnielnrt not saanip
Ittiol tho latter coiicluaioit laiu a
M)0MMUr clement to tho foimor.
(-' BiTOI'i-Kl. Iii S71 tlo prciniaen
in rontravi i :y af Kelaclod and af
piovcil bj tiic html ilcpartmoitt an a
jnt oi HM hmuii loud grant wilh
uiit objCCtlMl on th ptli of tho atato
or any attempt to ahow that they
wi ro iwanip, nuJ in (873 tho atato
sohl tho mmo t tbt latfondOBt aa
KWatH) and tho tlefotulant ia in poa
MaM n without bavuio puid tho pur-
cImm money Held, ilmt the dotond
AO I I a no title, and eatinnt prove
title in tho atatu umler tho awauip
htaal gi iot beoattM tlia atte it c
toppca to deny that the MMaTOMI nra
in the witoim road grunt.
Dl UT. J.
1 his action is brought br ottiroai of
i I 'alrf. rtiia . ngaittM a ettiSM of OrMHM,
to rrcoMT the posv-HMon of K i ll. in .'I
I tOVWroip 15 Itttb of rane Q
f tho WilumHIa rotrialua.
. ' j.!r;:)tifl' i laintl to he the OWMW
the fieini.-rn and entitle'! to tlbB MO
ion tborool us Uia tiiirrrMnr in in
Utread . the Bbita .t' (Vvcob.
T. : t !..;.i;ii only uWorola lor the
j' .i. !.o,rih nf li.,. s.etio:., iu,.l
It . ii ' . llirii m nt he Siitic n the
" i p.. imp label net of Men h
Mi 60 (I'J -i S, and that be ia in
f hior. uahr "be Stato in purnuam e
' f,) ". i ut. rj contntet of iwralaoMj
rer, um.,. nodaW ihc act of Optohor 20,
!. '' 1 pm iding f.,r the .v
.i t ai2 HWiiiuii lan.iM
1 he plain lift .;. r irs that the pieuiiaea ;
r. awaMp bade in feet, and eHeeoe
that the Beoretar) uf the Interior !
tiocided othenrhto ; and ahaa, that L-
.... .. . . . . . .
i o Ri-tTiuiin u patent trom tlno4
' Mb i i leU t tho lead u
aj v,.. .. ,, ,.,,1 iM, jH MtefeaoJ
RO t. aMcit tlotl the land la aniimp,
which esi.tpp.-i 'nil, i, the dependent, the
Statc'a vonafee
1 Bb aa aOoi i iaa a iL II. . & 1.1
o" ' , wit ii ii ii i. lum oin a ii n
onl Katervention of a jury.
' in the f i iiil
u alipiilalioii a as n a.l
containing tho evidence in tar ease, eA
pt, io ti.i enentaoo of whether the
fU'-inwi are in foot awamp land or not,
I ead M to lhotf Offal evidence w.ia ro
erivod anhjeet to tho objection of I ha
I pleinttiT for ineompeteneV.
I ht facte of the ease are aa follow :
j tin .July 5, I St)0, ('ongresn, to aid
j :n tiio conetructiqn ol a military wagou
i road' ftoai Albany, via Canyon City,
through tho Cascade raountaiaa to the
eastern honodarj of the Statu, granted
to the S:ate the "aitarnte aepliona cf
tqe public iuti.Jj deejhjaatod he odd
M three ROOttOAe per mile, to bo
leleotod aithia aix inih-B of aaid road."
(11 Stat. S'J f.
The not making the grant eontaina a
provision that riot exceeding 30 aec
tiona of the grant "ehell be disposed
'" 00.14- V"t :d Bet M tho
fdjovefaor of the htate 'ahal certify to
the .Secretary of tbj Interior that any
ten conttnnouj n ilts" of the read nro
oompleted. Ity h.u oo of July
.. st. . . .i, ( ;uiigrea changed
the line of tlo mad from (Janyon City
to Camp Harney ; and by tho tvet of
June 1 , i -71 (jlJ H.tat. HI;, it waa pej
vided 0 ellect, that whenever it ap
lieared from "tho eorUneate of the ov
ei nor," iu in the Afit Of July ft, lU(i,
provided, thai a.iid road was ''conatruot
cl and 0Opleted,n formal patent
ehoohi isiiij to the Stato, or any corpo
ration being ils aHaignee, "for aaid
luiidH,"":is fast an tho same ahull, under
saiil grant be aeWtod und certitp;d." '
: tho hot if 5 biUr iii, ifioot.SfM.
tin: iititto traefderred tht: ' for the purpoooi and ujKn thn
cooditiooe and litipUtiop" pgn Uined
in t!.,: act making the au.c, to tho Wil
lamette Valley and Wade Mountain
Wagon Road Company a corporation
duly organized under tho laws of Ore
gon, in IKtjf.
On Augwat 10, 187J, KHiil corpora
tion conveyed tha proroJoM in contro
versy 0 JC K. W. Clurltc, wlij) on,
gkiptentber 1, h; 1, duly ponveyod thf
aatOH to the jilutti ill'.
that the pregitaee are nc)qded in a
list ot lands, numbered ope. ami do-
actibed uh -'Uiiih granted to the State
of Oregon by the act" of July r, l8(ii,
aforesaid, to aid iu the construction of
said military wagon road, and on May
li, 1871, the commissioner of the gene
ral land oilice recommended said list for
approval ee being the lands te which
Liu: State whh entitled under the grant
of July o, 18Gfi, and therein certipd
that it iu shown by thp. certificates pa
file of the Governor of Oregon, bearing
dale April 1, 1HGH, September 8, 1870,
and January 9, 1871, that said corpora
tion bad completed its road from Al
bany to the ? 3 section, distance 3G8
miles, in conformity with the provisions
of said act of Congress of July 5, 18GG,
and the amendatory act ot July 15,
1870 ;:' which list was, on May 4, 1871,
itpprnvcil by tho Secretary of tho Inta
nor "auhjeot to any villi J intei fei ing
right which inity luivo oxintcil at the
tlato of acloction of anid IuiuIh ," that
on Juno I'J, I87t', (ho United WtaUa,
by ita proper oHii-era, itoiwd e patent to
tho State "for tho lino uml henflit of
wai. I corporation ami ita MMnigna," pm
porting to grant the htmla in cotitro
verOj, and 1 1 aiiKtuittcil it to ihr (Jovor
eof of Oregon, who ''rooMfod" tbe
Nainu "and causeil it to be rceonh'J iu
the l onntieH wherein the lamln theiuin
limci ihed nro Militated."
The eet of October S6, 1870, taon
entitleil "an act providing for the MiCC
tioti ami Hitlo of Hwituip ami overflowed
lamln belonging to tho Stato of irefoti,"
bj Operation of the awaiup lumi act of
Match 12, sr,0, (13 Stat. S)oxUdi0ji
lV0r 1 begon, tho ArUunauH Mwump lumi
net of Sept. US, H.r(i, proidrd for the
eelection of audi lamia hy prraoiiM em
plo)cd hy tko State ami the aalo t( the
Haiuo in uiiliinitoil ipuintitatO, at nat Iohh
than I j" i u ere the purchiotrr to DOT
not loan than 'JO per centum of the pur
ebaso prtOO within i'D diiva after the
helcctiou in com pie t ml, and tho hah'.ticn
epon pVOOf that the land "haa leen
drained or othm wine mado lit for onJti
retfofi ," bttt if Htich linul payiuent und
pi eof of reclamation aro not made
within tan yeara fraan tho time of the
firtt payment tho land ia to revert to
the State ; and it ia declared in the m-t
"teat all aaamp land whi. U haa boon
loooeeefullj cuittvetod in either gra-m,
ccreala or vegetahloa for thu-e vcuib,
shull bo o rt noid trill h fully raeloinM aJ "
The prcuiiaeaaro Mituateto ihn east of
the I .'.- i-'o inaiintaina uud on the iiotth
hank of the OohoOO Croolf. Tho lie
femlant went into that couiitrv frOM
the Willamette Valley with atm'k,
when it wan linnet tied, in tho fall oi
I-Sli7, and Ruleetod tho place in OOtktro
veray bocauae it was gfaid meadow laud,
aud lived thi-ieon 7 0T oigal TOOfl, dur
ing which time ho cultivated a garden
of tana lhaii an aero iu extent, ami an
nually cut tli- wild graaa front about
100 eOtOO Of it, wilheul, it apjK-arn,
ninking uuy claim tu tho p'eaiiacN tin
e'er any net of Cougreas, until iu 17'-',
hereinafter atated. The I'niti-d
Staler Nurveya weie not extoiidai over
the preMieae until o.-tobar, 1868, hot
00 notico ihen of waa given to tho ftov
eruor by thn Secretary f tho Inlet i. it
Itntil eorootlroO ia IS7 ', in which year
the Stat- Mriected iho preanhato no owomp
end oveiilowed lamia, and on Sapteni
bar ! 1878, the oVfendnat pniobeeed
tho oonie therefiw uuder the act of
Oetohor 17, aupra, and ueid
ihoroon 111 't eenteM of the puri-h
priee, hot 1ms not jret paid the bahta.e
or J ii enythiag reetnini the
mom, axeept lo eut eai iiioonehloinblo
diirh thereon aiaoe 'he orrowMeaanonl
of this litigation ; tlutl the Und if ihui
OOghl) dntini- uonld be ihetol) in
j pned end doprecieted In eelno; vud
liaia or plats of eweMfi lende eatWeeiag
the pre Miari ia eoatweoiar Law been
ma. In .r tiled or I ranentltted 10 liJ
Governor of thfej ,ia,ta '.v loeorolary
the IntOttOv,
fhe Brat and roai oriel ntteatiee) lo In-
uecmed in inu cato la, hetbi
let tent leaned tu the nnder
uTitnt of duly .f, iNtiij, to,- the proaiioee
h nentroverey is oonolowive evidence hj
I hie nctiou that thwy la-long to the aa
gun road gloat and not to the wnmp
land one.
'i'ha aaraaop land yrant wan a giiint
in aran0NM of all the awamp and ovm
llwwed lands iu tho State thereby made
"until for cultivation," but the determi
nation of what lands come within tL in
ttegOry ami what do not, reata with
the Secretary of tbo intetiur, and his
ileoi u,n ia U"h unless impeached for
fraud or aiisfuke. French vs. Fran, 9
t lite, i 70. The provision iu I J of the
act of March 2. HQQ, supra, which
roaairea the lands ''already snrvoyed"
to ho selected withia twe rears from
the adjournment of the next aaaaiou of
tho legislature, and thoso to besurvevi 1
within two yours from the next seaaien,
utter notiee by the Boorotarj of the
Interior of the (iovetnor "that tho
surveys havo boon completed a;,d tea'
. ii .,e, in ftpt ta tee origiuai awamp
lami nut. The effect of it appears to
hy that it ia the duty of the State to
i:.. i t i
tiiska theaelections hi the first instauci
and awbinit them, for appmral to the
becrstary, and that if this is not duue
within the tcrat pieacribed, the grant
t everts, ut however that may be,
the pewer to determine what laud pass
ea under the grant art being "wet and
unlit for cultivation still rests with th
The stututes of the United States
provide that the Secretary of the lute
rier is charged with the suriervision
fiaal direction of the public business
relating to the public lamlr., and. that
the commissioner ot tk(i general land
olUee ahM perioral under his direction
all the exeeetive duties appertaining.
among other things, te 'Uhn uxuing of
tatents for all grants of land under the
autaority of the government." 141,
453, It. S. And by 2 of the swumi
land act it is made his special duty to
determine what lands aro withiu its
1 he wagon road grant was a grant
in prsisonti also for the odd ectiou fur
nx miles en either aide of tho road
wbev(.vei' it might bo located, between
the termini named, which, so soon as
the line uf the road was designated, wt
tai:L.el to sudi septous within the are
scribed limits en either side of said line
and took elVoct from tho date thereof,
Shnlenberg v. Hatriman, 21 Wall., GO
Rut the grant to the wagou road be
ing subsequent in point of time to that
ot the swamp land, the former could
not attach to any legal subdivision
within the operation of the latter un
less they had reyerved to the, United
ttau'tf io- want, oi seieciion iu due tune
which could not havo occurred in this
case, as the surveys were net extended
-over the premises until A,nd this
is so, from the very nature of the case
rather than from the effect of the clause
in I of the wagon road grant, except
ing from its operation "all lands here
tofere reserved to the United States by
act of Congress or other cempetent au
thority" Tor the words "reserved to
tho United States" do not describe or
Inolede lands "sold or otherwise dis
posed of," as did tho reservation iu the
railway grunt, cited by counsel ft out
Rail way ( V v. Fremont county, li Wail.
94, but only ludian and nilitaejr reser
vations ami tho liku lauds withdrawn
upon the question of admitting oral
evidence to contradict tho patent in
this reaped , Mr. Justice Miller, in de
livering the opinion of 'dm court, after
citing the caao of Jolinaou va. Towslwy,
it Wall. 7.1, to the elh ct, that the ac
tion of the land offloO in iaauing a pat
ent is eond naive epoej the h-i title,
uhjeet, however, to the power of a
OOttrt of aipiity in certain eases, to or
ie. L or set it aside for fraud Or Ulhltahe,
aaya : "Wo 400 nothing iu tho case
before us to take it out of tho opera
tioii of that rule ; and wo ale of the
opinion that, in this action nt law, il
w mid he a departure from sound pm,
riple, ami eoulraiy to well considered
jttdgntonhl in litis court, end iu othora
of high authoritT, to permit the valuli
ty of tho patent to the Xute to be set.
jex ted to tho teat of the veidict of a
jury on audi oral testimony as may be
brought before it. It would blanhatl
tilling the jury or the OOOrt sitting aa e
jury, for the tiibunal which ('mgreea
haa provided to determine the ijaest ion,
and would la: making a patent of the
United Stales a cheap and uiiatahle m
liauce aa a title for lauds which il pur
ported to convey."
And in Sharp va Stephen ( August
l!5, l7'J) this court held, that the do
fends nt, could not, at law, prove, in
OMMoition te a patent under the dona
tiou act, that the penon mimed therein
ii the wife of the aetller, was Hot his
wife and therefore not entitled to her
half of the donation.
Not waa i'. in allowing end iaauing
thia patent alone that the secret! v
passed upon the itistiou to what '
the premises belonged. Iu IMWOving
the lists selected undei the wugon road
grant ui 1871, he did the same thing j
for as yet, a patent was not Mlhorhod
and the grant was .dsaplete upon the
appioval by the Kec ary of the bsta
of land selected und. r it The patonl
issue. I under the auhnequent .-t of
.lone I B, I "7 I, aupra, did not p the
title, but is only reOOfd OvidonOQ of the
praviouily ixiiiting grant bv Matuta
and tho identity of the lauds lie 'u l .1
in it. Langdean v. Hano , 31 Wall.
III the face uf Fi-, , v F, si . and
evi n upon general priiastphaa, cbunael
fol ( he deti nd.t i,l iluSM n-ii ib-nv, hal
that if the p.iu-i.i had hanifil (.. - aj
KbsU for the on
lami net, It woof I he i-oneio.i . h iu ten.
eotioo as lo the aharoeiisT of tba ImimI,
but it ia nerrrthi haa oiafeltindeal ii-i
the i.iitffit actually Iv-ued lo ll,.- M(r
uieUr lh nagoii liw! Kiai.t H not mi. h
avtdeaoa that the htnda hh- not awaatt,
hooanne In too eeoaidetntiw n.l deb .
niination in the laud dfpaiteaeai f the
iueetion whether the preen he a snu
itii iu the wapiti giant m iut,the
pieutioii of a hethoc thev wsM awanip,
was not not eeoai 1 1 v invol vwl and ti.' .
(Ota cannot be sid to hue boM I I
aiderrd or le. ided
Bat tins ran eon ing in more iueaiiione
than sound.
1 ho i Bool of ihe docieion of the h b
n taiv diss not depend ou the exisb
en. e of mu aetuul or foiui.ii coiiti ovcrav
before him, carried uu bv I 'allies ad-
w w
fOtnalf Inbsreoted Iheeein, imt upon the
faet that it waa duly made iu the regu
l.i i course f ( j,,. BdiumiHiralioii or ex
ecution of the law t (dating ty tp sub
IVda too awamp land and Waaoo
road graut were before the department
for consideration and patent.
I nlur the oircumatances it was the
luty of the sect o. ary in selecting and
(Mttauting lands i idOT the wagon road
grant to ascertain that thav wero not
included in the prior grant of swamp
land. And whether, aa a matter of
fact thia was consciously and putpeeoij
done, with regard to tho particular land
in controversy or not, i cruituuplation
of law it certainly was. For it was
iuiKtsstble for the leorotary to decide as
he did, absolutely, that the land be
longed to the wagou road grant, with
out at the uun titae decidiu-' that it
did not belong the watup laud grant.
ibis latter conclusion is a noooooory
( i. ui 'ii oi t uo loiiner, anu ihoreioia
j i ii ... ..
the law considers that before tha palest
to the premises as inunj as ami for
wagon road laud, it was deddad that
they were not swamp. (Or. civ. code,
It also appears to u:e that tho State
is esstopped to say, as uiruinst its
at a I
grantee, this filaintitl', that tLts is tiot
wagon road land. Tho Effete grant id
this land l" pjaintiiV's vaudor aa wagon
road land, and allowed it to be selected
and approved as such by tho secretary,
without objection, long before it sold it
to the deiomlant as swaanp inrtd.
The defendant has uo title to ibis
property. Ho is only a purchaser in
possession without tho purchase Thoitey
being paid, ami stands, therefore, iu the
relation of tenant to tho Stato whose
alloged title under the swamp land ao
he sets un in bar of the acticui. t lol
lows that it the latato would be esstop
pjed to set up
this title, or, whut is
equivalent thereto, to deny that tho
premises ure wagon road land, Hie uo
femlant is also,
Tho State was tho granteo in both
tbeto grants. It accepted the promises
as part of tho wagon road grant, or a I
lowed its grantees to do bo, without ob
ieation on its part. 1 f, however, the
land is swamp in fact, the State must
m m m .
have neglected to furnish the depart
ment with tho proper etideuup -reof.
It may hav? ayted thna beeause it pio
ferred that the land should pass under
the wagon road grant, and thereby be
applied in aid of a useful public enter
prise. Fr years alter it was made this
swamp land grant was not regarded
with favor in this State, nor was it
thought that there was any quantity of
land to which it was properly applica
ble. It is a matter of history that up
to 1870 the State refused to take any
steps to secure land under it, because,
for one reason, it preferred to mako its
selections under the school land acts,
even if damp enough to lie on! ted
swamp, us iu most esses the dampness
was a recommendation ratlnr than oth
erwise. In the meantime this land was
WiOOtod and approved its wagon road
land, with the scipiiescence, if not tho
coiicui roneO, of the State, for tho bene
lit of its grantwe,and therefore it is now
from tho public doiuitin for some special
use of tho United Willis, and not lands
disposed of to States or others. It ia
aa inipOOniblo that two grunts shwuhl
have i fleet OOOn tbo same land us that
two bodies should occupy the same
pace, ami therefore tho grant that is
prior in point of time and has not n
vertod to the grantor excludes or repels
the other.
Iu French v. Fyau, aupra, the Su
prooM Oonrt hold that a patent leieod
under tho swamp land act of I H.",0 oan
not he impi e lied m uu lotion at law
by showing that the laOd which it eon
veya waa no', in loot swamp and over
flowed land.
stopped to done directly that it is in
cluded iu such e;iHnt or Usdireetly, by
alleging that il waa swamp land.
A paper waa alo offered m evidence
by tho plaintiff, nxoontod hy the Ckrv
emOf OI the S'ate, under the great seal
thereof, ou October 1871, reciting
the giant to the State and the aasign
inent thareof to I he wegoa road 0001 pa
ny, and certifying lhat the road haa
keeu duly constructed and BOOeiatod,
and that'th" lands BeOttgtbc line of said
loud tO tho amount of - ".(. mi acres,
have mule: said donation ami "rant
passed lo and boOOOM the ahdute
propel ly of said OOOapany, aa a patent
oi grant from the S ate, but was not
r.n-eived aa su h boOOIiae H did not pur
poit to be a grsnt or patent but onlv a
oeKiaente, that in the ofdnion of tho
executive OOrtaia lands, ire -biding the
premises in coutio . .-isv had become
vested in the wagon ion ! . .mpauy by
virtue of the oonniiaeiuiial and h-"isla
live (grants ami the lltaniMIOal cm
struction of the toad and baennaa it
doea not appear that the Uovornoc was
authori! to iaue a patenl for the
pietines umb t auy i irrumataiices.
My oondtnaon i 1 1 That the pMt
ent is .-inclusive eridaOQO In this ac
tion that tho preraieea are not swamj.,
an l thovefore the oral evidence to that
effect cannot is- nontidojod and
that ihe Stale i., i slopptd to den tlmt
the pieiuisfM aio ineludi-e in the VBam
mad graut end therefore its t event, the
defendant, is alsi
Priam faeie, the p!intil!' I .s the le
gnl till- oid is entitled t.. tie- piMoura-
aioa, and the ilafendanj k-in ptoeind
ed from showing that the pn mis i are
seMiup, it follows, it iii,t!-i , f iuhim',
thai the f.iimet must, recover.
re meat i
1 1 o.Ik.
i i.i
n.-i.i he the pletntlQ aoonrdtngiy.
i: ItaiaagJf, John W. WhaUey
ao.i M W Fe- hheini.-r, 1. ! plsin
W. i.iir llili, tor the di fendaat
glMIIU I rti.iHi i in'. i ou mi. i n
1 1 i vii : i ; in-,:.
;-:Lirr. ama .
A t Washington thOOOi OntOOnth do
gree of Virg will be ou the merid
ian, I'rauu- having ju,t euliniiiated ;
the third degree of Kairiitarins wih
Is ou the ascendant. Mn urv und
Mars in the fir-t hou-e. The ingress
will fake place on the cuq.of iho sec
ond bouse. Thtvc isixllions are un
favorable for the pimc aud welfare
of the Foiled Platti during the en
duing quarter. The Proaldent will
have a perlisl fullaf trouble and aux
iety to pass through. The people
will be excitable, strik s will bo nu
merous, und dueling wi'.l be sadly
rife. Martial idea will be in the as
cendant, and should war break out
the American banaer will lie carried
to victory, llailways will tie pro.sper
on, for Venus will he on thn cusp of
the third house j tho moon prooenCO
iu theaiuth belnf indloatiro of mm h
traveling. As Jupiter will be in the
fourth house, the general character of
the weather, though stormy, will be
favorable for agriculture, and fanners
should greatly benefit thereby. Old
Saturn's pfejeejoei in tho fifth house
Is inimical to the.iters and public
placos of amoaereent : the f.diiug or
destruction of a great theater would
appear to be End lent od. The birth
rate will be below the average aud
infant mortality will rule high. A
new sect er schism will ari-e iu the
state, for Jupiter is lord of the fig
ure . and in Arios the day house of
Mars. Science should make lapid
strides, for the mooh is in tho ninth
heflon. end In trine nspeol with Sat
urn an earnest, let us hope, of great
revival of the ancient science of as
trology. At the lunation Saturn will be ia
tho third house and Mars in the elev
enth. A catastrophe la threatened
on tho northern railways. Congress
will witness excitins scenes. The
army will havo large reonfofOOJaente
tivdv cenaaipntlan CaimL
nillaielfihla ia., Oeb 4, is7j.
H. H. Warner A:. Oo. Uento.- For the
pal leu years I havo sulVered the evil of
feeta of what mi";ht botermeil ehroniecen
ktlalion: my akin became yellow and my
liver was all out of order; 1 tried all the
remedies that could bo obtained, aud that
was all i could do, after finding no relief
from regular niodicino treatment, and 1
finally commenced usoifr your remedies.
1 lirst tried the Fills, aud el the end of one
week niv bowels had attained a regularity
aud healthy action unknown for yean, I
was no jiloased with tho efljOOt that 1 con
cluded to try a botllo of your Hitters, and
although I havo not entirely used the first
hoU-lo, 1 am so perceptibly improvod aud
toned up that I vvrito to you giving thia
voluntary testimonial to the cxoelleuce of
your roiuedioa. Yours truly,
K. J. Campuki.l
STO RATI VK Tho great English roniedy
haa made more euros of Nervous Debil
ity, Komtnal Weakness, Iost Manhood,
nocturnal emissions, lassitude, Inability
for mental labor, daspondency and sueo
diseases as are induced by youthful lollies
aud excesses, than all other inedioineH
combined. Why will you sufler? Send
to A. E. Mlntie, M. D., Mo. 11 Kearney
street, San Francisco, lor tho Restorative
and be cured. Price, $3 per bottle. Four
times tho quantity,$10. Try a liottle. Dr.
Annuo treats ait private uisoases success-
avium am oaartfii,
I dyiiiK, Kgypt, dying,
F.hbs tho cr'inaoii life tide fast;
And the dark, Plutonian shadows
fiat her ou the nveuiua blast;
fyit mine arms, 0 fueeii, eufwhl mo,
1 1 "ah thy sobs and low Ihino ear,
Listen to tho great heart eacrola
Thou, aud thou alone, must hear.
ThOOgh my BOarred and veteran ItglOfM
liar their eax'es hlh no mare,
And my wrecked and r... galleys
Olrew dark Aiaium's fatal shore
Tbongh nogllilorlng gmnele surround ma,
l'rompt to do tlielr master's will,
1 must fs.risli like u Itoman
MO the groat Triumvir frtlll.
IM not ( a tar's servile min!ons
Mark the lion thus laid low,
Tmm no bieeaan'e haad that Culled Mam,
' I'was his own that struck tho blow
He who pillowed on thy bosom,
Turned aside from glory's day.
lie, drunk with thy caressoN,
Madly riiiiia a world away.
Should the liso p!olaoau raliblo
Iare assail my name at itoiiio.
Where the noble spouse, Olavia,
Weei wiliiin her widowrs! hoaad,
iaah bor ; say the gola bear nMllian
Aitrs, aaajnaa, larnlaai wioks
Tint her blood, v,iih mine eeennahaglod,
Vet shall mount lb throne of kins.
And Tor I hoe, sUr eyed Kgy Hian,
tilorions ereeress of the Nile.
Light the way U Styjrian horror
Wit h the splendor of thy emile!
iivo tho ':rtar crowns aud arches,
IOt hie brow the laurel twine,
1 scorn the .senate's venJ triumf hs,
Trhmiplamj m lOOO like thine.
1 am dying, I'acypt, dying -
liark I the umnMang lnmnnaoryf
They are eaanang! quick, my falchion,
lift mo front them ere I die!
Ah, no more amid the battle
Shall my heart exultant swell ;
ail and Oairis gmaTd thee,
t leOfaatrn, Home farewell.
4 I I. Kits' ! KM I s I ECO.
We publish below tbo fee bill adopt
ed by the last Legislature for work
done by the Clerk aud Sheriff. !ar-tie-
having bu-ines they wiah these
officers to attend to will bear in miud
that they are now on aalary and are
rcsKnible to the county for all work
douo, bonce the iimticy must x- paid
When the services aro nernermrd.
, , ,i . m -. .
I'reserve the billow ing, as it may le
of in; for future rafm enm
Section s. The following feo ehnll
lie paid to the several counties men
tioneil in this Act for the following
service peribtnsed by tho Clerks
thereof :
For issuing any writ, order or pro
eean, except suijsc!ia, forty cents.
Ior issuing a iinngarrne for one Kr
son, twenty cents, and two cents for
o.teh additional person usmed therein.
l ot filing each iper or pleading,
except in case of claims filed io the
County Ceurt, agaiust the county,
five cents.
For filing claims again-i the coun
ty, three ceu' .
For entering any judgment, order
or decree of any court, tweaty cents.
For each folie after the first in any
judgment, order or decree, ten cents.
Pm each folio of any journal entry
other than a judgment, order or de
cree, ten cents.
l or taking an affidavit, including
the administration of the oath, ten
can .
for swearing a witness, five cents.
For taking and approving an un
dertaking or bond In any case,tweniy
live cents.
For making ami tiling judgment
roll, twenty cents.
For making copies of jjurnal eu
tries for judgment roll, ten cents for
each felio.
For docketing judgment or decree
inju Igmentdocket, twenty-five cents.
For making copies of auy record or
file, for each folio, tett cents.
For official certificate, under seal of
any court, twenty-five cents.
For official certitk'ate without seal,
tw enty-five ceut-s. For issuing com
mission to take testiinrny,fifty cents.
For taking depositions, for each
folio, ten cents.
For taxingcosts aud disbursements,
ten cents.
For docketing cause in any action
or proceeding, other than the docket
ing of a claim against a county in a
county court, twenty-five centa
For swearing jury on the trial of
any action, suitor proceed ing, twenty
five cents.
For renewing, reading, filing and
recording verdict in any suit, action
or proceeding, forty cents.
l or issuing letters testamentary of
a.l ministration or of guardianship, for
ty cents.
For recording any judgmeut, order,
bill or appointment of any executor,
administrator or guardian, for each
folio, ten cents.
For recording the appointment of
any admensurer of dower, twenty-five
For making and keeping a register
in relation to an estate, fifty cents.
Fr making and keeping a record
uf accounting and distribution in re
lation to an estate, one dollar.
For filing and making a certified
copy of a declaration to become a cit
izen of the United States, fifty cents.
For entering judgment of admission
of an alien to citizenship, and making
a certified copy thereof, one dollar.
For making an appointment in
pursuance of an order of the County
Court, twenty cents. '
For issuiug any license required by
law, other than a marriage license,
fifty cents.
For receiving, receipting for, keep
ing and disbursing money, on the
first five huudred dollars, one fourth
per centum ; on the second five hun-
died dollars, one eight per centum
on all sums over one thousand dollars,
one-si xteenlh ier eentnm.
Wot taking and certifying an ac
knowledgment to a deed, or other in
strument of writing, fifty cents.
For recording auy deed, declara
tion, contract or other private writing
required by law to be recorded, for
each folio, ten eenta.
For making and issuing a marriage
license, registering the suite, filing,
recording and indexing marriage cer
tificate, two dollar-".
For filing and making entry, when
required by law, of any article of in-i-orKration,
bill of sale or chattel
mortgage, twenty five cent.
l or entering and attesting satisfac
tion of mortgage or judgment, ten
For each poll book required by law,
one dollar.
For taking each justification to a
bond or undertaking, fifteen cents.
I or inakiag, in tin- several indexes
the entries required of the filing aud
rocordlng of any instrument, paper
or notice, for each entry, five cents.
For receiving and filing every man
dale from the Supreme Court and
iiccfiiiipanying papers, ten cent-.
For entering issuance of attachment
iu register, fifteen cents.
For furnishing fee bill to any per
son, twenty-live cents.
For entering issuance of execution,
If-. -M - .. I . . . . M.
iii execution uocaei, ntiecn cents.
fine entering returns of execution,
and bow disposed of, in execution
lis ket, for each folio, ten cents.
For recording any private writing
le-s than one folio, twenty cents.
Section 9. The following fees shall
la- paid to the counties mentioned in
Mi-tion 1 of this Act, for the follow
ing services performed by the Sher
ilfs thereof :
For serving any writ for the en
forcement of a judgment or decree
fifty cants.
For serving any summons, aubpe
na. notice or order, on each person
-erverl, fifteen cents.
For executing auy provisional rem
edy, thirty live cento.
For serving any bench warrant or
warrant of arrest, seventy five cents.
For tnking an inquest by a jury for
the trial of the right of property, two
1'or takiug und approviagan under
taking er tiond, twenty-five cents.
For making and delivering a copy
of any process, erder or notice, nec
essary to complete the service there
of, for each folio, ten cent.
For all money actually made on
any process and returned to the Clerk,
I a a. r m. . i a
oe ceiituiu on tnc nrst tnouaaau
, ,, ' . i , , ea
ilrt lira enI t v t I .. I f - f aku ruir aVaa
. ioiii n ) o'i uai iii jw a
tn in on all rum- over one thousand
For making a conveyance of rod
pnqierty, sold ou any process, to la;
paid by the grantee, two dollars.
For making a certificate of sale of
reaJ property, twenty-five cents.
For making a certificate of sale of
peranmtl property, when required or
demanded, to be paid by the pur
chaser, twenty iiv cents.
Section 10. The fees provided for
in this Act, tdiall lie paid to the Sher
iff or Cleric, as the cmae may bo, at
the time the services are performed,
and they shall each keep an itemized
account of all the moneys paid them,
and famish a copy of the same to th
County Court, under oath that the
same is correct and true, at tho end
of each month ; at which time they
shall each pay over to the Treasurer
ef the county all moneys received by
them respectively, during the month
last proceeding, taking his receipt
No people in tho world suffer as luueb
with Dvspepsia a Amerieans. Although
years of experience in medicine had failed
to accomplish a certain and sure remedy
for this disease and its effects, such aa Sour
Stomach, Heart-burn, Water-brash, Sick
Headache, Costiveness, palpiUtuon of the
Heart, Liver Complaint, coming up of the
food, low spirit.., general debility, etc., yet
-inee the introduction er ii rkks'h Acui st
Klowki we believe there is no- case of
Dyspepsia that cannot be immediately re
lieved. 30,000 dozen sold last year with
out one case of failure reported. Go to
your druggists, Foshay fc Mason, and gel
a sample bottle for 10 cents and try iu
Two doses will relieve you. Regular aiae
75 cents.
BETTER THAN OOL.D is perfect
health, and yet many aro suffering the tor
tures of the damned with Dvspepsia when
a single bottle of DR. MINTIE'S ENG
PEPSIA PILLS w ill give relief, and, if
persisted in, will cure the worst case of
thia distressing trouble. This pill cures
Torpid Liver and Biliousness, Regulates
the Bowels, removes Pimples from tbo
Face, cures Sallow Complexion, Foul
Breath, Sick Headache, Heartburn, Pain
in the Sides and Back; is Sugar-oostod and
TABLE. It acts direct! v on the costing of
the Stomach and on the Liver. Cmn be
taken in any clime -wet or dry weather.
Beware of imitations. The genuine has
an engraving of a lion on the outside
wrapper. Price, fa) coots. For sale by all
druggists. . .
White's Prairie Flewer.
Takon before retiring, will insure a guod
night's rest, with an awakening in the
rosy morn to health, courage and vigor.
For oosted tongue, bad breath, sick head
ache, or any disturbance arising from dys
pepsia or torpid liver it is without a peer.
Its action on disease is entirely tluTerent
from any medicine ever introduced, quiet
ing pains almost instantly. The hue and
cry rabod against it by patent mslicine
tubn, who have foioseou in its advent tho
destruction of their nefsiiotis btitinese,
and the thousands of unsolicited testimo
nial flowing in from all parts of the Now
World, is a suro indication or its groat
merits. Trial sise at all Drng Stores. Half
pound bottles, 75 cents. Fushay A Via
son, Sole Agents.
Wc take mnch pleasure, in congratuleting
oar enterpriaing druggists, Moeare Foshay
and Mason upon having secured the egency
far Slavcn'a Famous Yoaeinite Colegne,
Harmless Yoaemite Face Powder, and Cali
fornia Pine and Eucalyptus Porous Plasters.
We call particular attention to the Eucalyp
tus Plaster, which ia taking the lead of all
others. The Yoaemite Cologne has already
become a household word, and all the ladies
recommend the Face Powder. Foster's brick.
Main St, A'bany, Oregon.
Mr- J. H. Batks, Newspaper Advertis
ing Agent, 41 Park Row (Timea Building)
1 advertisements in the Democrat at ou
I beet rates.