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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 28, 1881)
tmttrai. FRIDA.Y JANUARY 23, 1881. .FARM, GARDEN AND FIRESIDE. THE THOTTF.K! OF tiiW. Below we present a most interest ing exhibit of the notable perform ances on the American trotting turf durisg tho season of 1880, showing the horses that trotted in 2:27 or bet ter, those who reached or went below that Hgure for the Iirst time, ftd those who improved upon their rec ords in previous years. The tables will repay study, as they demonstrate an astonishing increase In the speed of the American trotting horse a rate of development which, in a few years, bids fair to bring about results not hitherto believed ios.sible. Of the 124 horses that trotted in 2:-7 or better, Gl readied the figure for the first time, while Gil horses of n faster grade improved upon their previous records. Among tho most extraordi nary erformances of the year wero the 2:101 ot Maud ir.,0 years old, and tho 2:25 J of tho 2-year old Fred Crocker,-owned by (low Stanford, of California. The list of bones that accomplished 2:27 or better for the first.time, is as follows : 2:27 or bkttkii, riBsrr rats. Maud S, ch u, C'uioafe Sept IS Battle Woodward, b m, Iluffaro, Auj; 7 Para .. b m, Boston, Sepl 7 Piedmont, b h. Chicago, July 51 Kentucky Wilkes, blklh. Kuif:o. Au. Alexander (Fran '.) blk h, Id ilaraukaa, J ttas I! Black Cloud, blk b, Chicago. July Lady Rolf, b ro, Louisville, Oct & Paiiua, ch f. East s-.j June IS Hector, bf, Rochester, Au - Alcantara, b h, Louisville. Oct - Edwin Thnrnc, ch t;, Boston, Sept 2 Cray CHud, g h. Fast Saginaw. June is Little II. cb m. East Saginaw, June Id N'sa-r, ch in, Hostoa. Sept 25 Miuu'ie K, c tn, Crnthiaiia, Oat 21 Tommy Ikwtd, r g, Saerautento. -l Kate s'prafue, br m. 'rtieaeo. Sept 10 Pickard, bg aaWatsat, June U Leon tine, br m, Cincinnati, Nov 3 " Wilbur F., blk g. Hartard, Aug- M. .7. Stonewall, ch g, Washint' ', t 9 Charlie Champtiu. b c. Prospect Park. Mty SI Abdallah Boy. b h. Toledo. June 21 Del Sur, blk r. Sacramento, Sept 20 Vallev Chief, g h, Hartford. June J4 Elate Graff, b m, Karlville, 111, Au 19 Joeephua, ch g, Chicago, July 22 Oohlen Uirl, g in. Ilartlord, June 22 ! I . : ' - I ' Sll . .2:23 ..2:23 . .2 25 J .2:2 . .f.I ..S:2 ..2:21 2 2j ..2.2i . . ::2 .2:21 . .1 25 ..2:25 ..S:2A 2:25 . .2 -j ..MM Lumps, b b, Cynthuna, Aug 'l Florence, ch in, Rochester, June 5 Catania, b m, Minneaeoii. Sept 8 Fred Crocker, b c, San Praucisco, Nov 19 I Alt, b m St Louie, Sept 9 Hamerino Beile, Cynthiana, Aug 27 John t;raut, b g. t'hicaxw, July 20 da ...2.5! .2:2tf ...2 2H ...2:29 2 "fl ...tJI - -'. ..... Jt ...2-Mt 2:10 Sir Walter, ch h, Boston, June M Kama Maxwell, b m, St J.cph. Mo. Sept 11 Jerome, b g, eynlhiana. Oct 21 Pnxpect Maid,' br m. Rochester, Aug 17 Alfred, b g, Eitst Stginsw, June It! Brookaide Flora, Poughkeepsie, Jane 9 Blanche Armory, b mx, i'ynUi:aj.a. Aug J e Banker, g f, Louisville, -'. .' rgw H, () br g, Alb-viy, July 1 ,pta".n Herod, chh, Prcpheu-town, Aug.. L mj Martin, b m, Boston, Oct 1 . 1 : --'.T. b g, Albene. July 6 f weelheart, (2) b f, Sacran u.-. - . -i J W Thomas, e'e g, Iiouisville, Oct s Myrtle, r a, Chicage, Sept IS Parole, blk g, Waverly. N J. Sept 2J Uncle Dare, sp g. Prospect Park, Juno Cruwn Point, ch h, Sacramento, Sept 33 Capt Jenks, b g, Saeramento. Sept la Beanie G, g m. Cyuthiaea. Oct 19 Cheater, b g, Hastings, Mich, Oct Multie Drew, cb m. Stockton. Cel. Sept 99. Helene, ch ra, Prorideace, OetSI Oouald, b s, Cl Bills. Oct 20 .2:21 .22-j r. Carrie K, b r.i, m Joseph, Sep 11 -': '". W&KUBk THAT BEDCCEO THEIR RE ' P. I.v From. To. St Julien. b . : Charlie Ford, g g ! Hannis, chh 2 ItfJ Monroe Chei, h h .. .1 tSS Patcben, c g Ji:'.'5 WedgewooJ. th tXt KitUe Bates, g m I . ; Keene Jim, r g 2 jr Trinket, b n ." i B J WiUCody, b m 2 -. Drieer, h g S9J Moose, U g ;::.0j l'x - u h in 1 a Deck wright, b g Orange oL-1, b m 2:204 Capt Emmens, b g 2 it Elaine, h m . 2j Sheridan, b g Lost, blk m ttt Nuoetide, g m ! . 4 till 2:1', 2:i7i 1 :-i I li 9:19 2:19 - tii 2:iJ I IN 2194 ?9 I 2--1SJ 2:2 2:20 2:2 1 2-1 2:i 2:9M 2 i GlemUle, bg. ! 27J Irene, g m : Dao Smith, b g Hamb'etonian Balsaw, b h Jersey Boy, b g. fitcve Maxwell, g g ConToy, g g Dick Moore, b g. Pilot R, b g Brigadier, bb Telu Maid, (Nettie t), b m Kno Boy, br h wizz, b r Iron Age, r g Argonaut, b h Robert McGregor, c h William H, b g Lady Fexie, cm John Hall, b g George H, blk g Carbolic, b g BarSoep. bg Gray Chief, g g Belle Oakley, cm Fannie Withenpooc, c m. Rienzi, b g Amber, bh Fred Casey, eg Johnnie Gordon, c g Lyman, dn g Robert Lee, blk g Chieftain, b g . Cajsors, b g Matti- Arnold (Ladv Daniais) b m Billy D, c g Columbus (Hasbletonian) b h Echora, br m Dora, br m . Alexander, be Gas, b h Taylor, r g Volunteer, br h .. Duroc, br h ..2:24 2:204 lVTil lr 2.2tt :ft 'I'-O 23J ! ": ":JT -i:i 5: "J 4 2:27 ui 2:j 2:25 irj J 30 7J 2:2i 2:17 -1-iti 2:2 2:30 2 -Ji 2 30 2:30 -:28 t:2J ..2:30 2:27 2-'J tM 2:53 2:28 .2:-2l 227 2.-2S 2:2 2::T. l gu 2-::li 2.22J 2:X3 2.24 1 -1, 2:2J -24i 2 24. 2:24 2 24 :. -:25 2:2ai usl 2 :i5i 91 2c2Se 2:2; 4 - i 2:2 J 91 - 2:261 td 2r2r;I iv2f' 2: -J 2:27 AHEBKMSj H I'M AXE ASStll IATIOI. The American Humane Associa tion held a session at Philadelphia on mm 18th of December. The reports Of the executivecommittee and treas urer were received and adopted. The former after referring to the work of the association the past year, ad vises that the State committeesshould be informed of abuses in tiieir locali ties, and that national and local so cieties should co-operate ; that offi cers ol the national association corres pond with railroad officials, shippers of cattle, health boards and public men as to the best methods of effect ing the aims of the organization ; that an act of incorporation by the National Government be secured as soon a3 practicable, and that active societies in every state ought imme diately to be organized. A resolu tion offeiel by Mrs Morris, secretary of the woman'!) branch, appealing to the National Board of Health to aid in urging Congress to pass a suitable law to prevent injury to cattle, was adopted. It was decided that the president should refer the matter of securing the passage by Congress of an amended law relative to cattle transport a ion to the executive com mittee rather than appoint a special committee for that purpose. scientists tell U3 that rainwater brings down yearly about twelve pounds of ammonia per acre of ground. To supply an equal amount of sul phate of ammonia at six cents per pound would cost the farmer $2.88, and this is therefore the manurial value of the rain. To thi3, however, must be added a certain quantity of nitric or nitrous acid. Hair brushes are best cleaned by washing them in saleratus or 8oda water, which removes all the oily coating. m 0!,D TIMR. Tin kin J old friendly fcelltigs ' We hae their spirit yet. ThURh )nn and Tears hnvo SJd, ni l trteftd Slut- tkou and I last met I Ai'd somolhinjr of tray Turn ' old Sit-M In thy fading eye, Y-i 'tit tho name good ht.ue.t j?'. I loved in llniM gone by, Kro tho kind old friendly failings Had ever brought a algta. The IHII "Id f.Undt.V feelings Ah, who teal yet be told No other links can blud ths hrait Like llioee loved links of eld ' The hand I joyed in youth to el- 1 bo touch ef wye way show ; V t "tin the amino true hearty ui ap 1 leted so long at" ' Kiu tho last old fticiid'v feelings Had Uughl a tear le flow ' "."ho kind eld friendly fi-eliaxs ' Oh, aeeu they e' r less i'.er.r, Ueoause souio recvl lections May meet us with a tear? Though hopvs we haivd il.- . . - Ainbitioe showed our way -llo tied deur friend, like mornlnr tNMMt lWf-r- truCt's avarvhing ruy ; Still we've ke;t tho kind ld feoling That Meex-d our youthful day ! I'hnrrh irrrlory. Y. I. 0. A.- Meet at tWtr rooms la Pos ter s trii-k butldinj on Vchuwtlay ovcninc at 7:.'k o'clock, HBC on Sibath l't ni.-:ia tit t. BtuOMM latintillffl aro Uvltl on thv cvrn in oi the oowl Motnlay in each nu'tnli. Kvcrylxxly in ttctl to attanJL U. P. Cni Ki tl. rrcacliinijevory BaKfaftth, tt 11 a. M. . witl 7 l K. i-v ilev. li. lr ei:ie, 1. 1. KhUwHi ScIuhiI at '2:'M V. M. rrayor BMtkb everj riutr.ii.lay ovcntiij:. EVAirOEUCA! t'llt'U' lt iVcachuii'MU Kitii r.s 11 A. School 12:15, ML, sWC t ' V. M. fJwPlaMII htyer ineeVtMg every Iliurs- Uy eveniiiL', V. t'. Kantaer, psvnojr. i 0ONCKKO tTltlSAl.t'li! Kt it. Scrvict every Sablwth P5 II a. si. S v. M. S.lth Si;hv'l at J::;o. l'i v r pseetinij "i Thttrtlay HTWlinj ol ea h weak. W. Harris, iator. M. Ki pBVBCU. JmHHI. '.r -o,-;, -v.-ry .S.ib!.:th :iv St Pot9 fcf. BL t l-.nnh, oiitii. at 11a. w. 99hl " P. m. s.i.Katli .vK-hixl at 13 v. M. Prayer nmtin wvry Thaw tlay ovt-nii.. M. 0l Milter, peArtor. M. K. Ciu i:t ll. ;':jr'iino every S.tllth at II a. M. an. I 7 P. 9L BOM 99TTS09 in ti c fvoniu; ln-ftro strtnon. Siiilath Sc hool it 2 :"0 f. m. Prayer inei-tinj every Thurs laa cvenini:. I. Dtlloa, jatwr. Birn-rr Cue not. Kcrviceseory SraLLath At 11 A. M. nml 7J I. M, 8bbaVtal MeOtJ t 12. Praytr meeting ttrry 'l'haf9day 9T90' iug. W. J. Crawf r.?, ja."Ur. Pkesbytkuian OKI KOR, Seivice eery .hbatlt BKXmiBg ami 9TaUag in t'tll-t;e CSafwjL Sondaj Sobool ita mediately i ftcr U9 mi ruing tv:.v, I'ntyer nut:!i j c-very Tharv'li. feaing. Katr. Elbert N. Co. i. lit. pastor. rvjur x i aeawwes lfTllll rislll III ttiei. Taken lefort rt'iiring, w!U inarar8 .' I ninl.t's rtj.t, with h:i 9Waken4og in Um r tnorn tti hlklltn. 0OIHsLi1 :tni imr. For Wtttsd UaUMIaO, Dad brtsgth, I lok bm I- acho, or any de9ttafflMUiet aaatiiig frou dyt-ixp-sia o torjii-1 livt-r it is without h j., i 1l anion on diseao i-i i-ntmdy diti'emtt Irnui any un-dieii ; ever introdue- l, quiet tng pains almost instantly. 'I he htj ui..! cry rai' I ajpiin-.t it by patent ni ;t;cine nicn, who bae Eoteaeea in its advou! Lbe tleMrucLiun of tiieir BOfiuiints I vj-tnu.i-', and tho tbun-aniH of ontolieiied teMtiHK mal- Bowing in ;! Mlta of tbu New Work!, i a Mire . ti i i:.n rra mt r .ts. Trial 99B9 eat ell 1TU tr k. H i ! t-.';n'! bottle,?.") (x-ni.. to-, hits V .i sot:, Siiie teuls. W e t Ltallottse Us9 W' rial. vs iicti v nay v.o ti:ti ii.i t- deooe to rtve that S1u1!i'h IJoiaauusplkMI Cure is deidedly tho b'.st I.nu4 MamneiM marie, inasmuch am it will cufO a OOtnmotl or Clirunie Coucli in 009 hall the tiiii-,n.l relieve Asihnia. )rnehtti-i, Wfaooj iitg Cotjh, Cnup, an ! thOW more rs of GosaWaptloa cured than a'l otbara. It will cure wtsflfe they fail, it is ploaeai '. t. tnlie, m less t. the youn-st child and we triiaraiitee w lint v say. l'riee, 10 cti, it eo, and SLOOl If ;.ur LtUIgS are 90919. 1 Cheat -r I tack lam'-, iim Shilob'a l' runs Piaster. Sold hv Poabay k Mason, tJriiii- 9jiate, AHany, Ogegon. uM in sMivaiice we wid 9atw t a aKeia 5"v 1 - 'i- .- i r HAi:n:i;v MAGAZINK n l lite DEMO- I- .. 1 . And for i t adrasce we wid i. i la a:iy addrcNx for a car BABPKBS1 CHAT. l.i:LV and the DKMO- Thou.yands of .soldiers and heirs BtV titled to pensions, with jiayrneiit from date cf dtacbar9j9 er death, ifavpfaUad for betel January 1. l.-". Wound, accidental in jury or disoavs entitki to a r9riril liounty and back pay collected. Increase of Pension necureo. Tiiis lirnt -jtabii.shrHl in 18iJ. Address, eneloalataj Mtarup, Jd SOX BROS., U.S. Claim Attorneys, 711 J Street, Washington, It. C. A CARD. Ti a" w!r are suffi-riii- from the e.T'.r ami fatfls. crutiiMu of jwili, ii'-r uiw wi-aknw, tjirt Uy, 1mm ef aaeeaMNMs, 4tc, 1 srQ send rastpw'Oat -'iro fgm, fUMM Of Cli.MUiK. nil Bat retnvjy was ii.fverel by a tsssMaiJ in tyituli Am:ri-a. Siii s s;lf-a.-ldrfs(el eioclnpc t he kKv. JMURV T. I. aaS.ataltM l), New .rk J. l.lZyi I . LOOD ONING 5 Causing Chills and Fever Dumb Ague, Intermittent Re mittent and Typhoid Fevers, Biliousness, Liver, Stomach, and Kidney disorders, and many oth2r ailments, destroy ing the health and lives of millions, is driyon out of the system, and radically cured by the use of tho LION MA LARIA AND LIVER PAD and GANGLIONIC BODY AND and only perfect treat ment by tho Absorption prin ciple. The Plasters acting in conjunction with the Pad up on the nerve centers and re mote part3 0f tho body, in ab sorbing and thoroughly rid dingth ? system from MALA RIAL poison. The whoio treatment, PAD, BODY PLASTER and FOOT PLASTERS, ail combined, sold for SI. OO tho cheapest and best rem ody over discov ered, and a positive cure guaranteed if worn accord ing to directions. Remem ber, Pad, Body Plaster and Foot Plasters, the whole, $1 .00. Sold by all druggists, or mailed on receipt of price by THE LION MEDICINE C NEW YORK. OOAAA MONTH guarantied. US a c'ay at home l Capital, not ra- Ol)"" made by the industrious. quired: we-will stars you. Men, women, boys and girls make money facter at work for us than at any thing else. The work is litrht and pleasant, and such as anvone can 110 rii'ht at. Tho3 who are wise who see this' notice will send us their addresses at once and see for themselves. Costly Outfit and terms. Nowi the' time. Those already at work are laying up large sums of money. Address lULfc at w., August Maine. V ror. Pitcher TToOov i IUto rmtl Pssyakilaa rcoosuzcoud It. IT 13 NOT NARCOTIC. (iiNTAi i: xxmrnaosm ; tbQ Worhl':; jrrcat 1'nlit-ICc-Itovteg I taedtet. They hoc.i, Notiui :m euro Jttirn: , tYoiimis Weak ituds and ..hcuitiatis::i upon Man, SpniSiia CUills and tanaac r;o:i Boaatok Choapi tialdi a& reliable. fPTJRTii c i Ucnntaart 1'lnoti.s, i '.on, Cracltllu.i Pniurt a tlto .d, Totld Hreatb, AJoaTnce. .1 uziy C'atarrbal Comp2aiut, 1 9 c-Ttcrmliiatotl by Wcl or Cr-lnrrh Cure, a Cou-.t . .::1. Antldoto, by A!ior M - I:upovtaut Eia ... ;.t Vacclar.tlou. r-'v - HENRY W. SMITH & CO S CELEBRATED KENTUCKY THISTLE DEW WHISKEY. HENRY W.SMITH 6t CO. DISTILLER, r Konton Count, 6th Dist. Kentucky. OFFICEi 252 & 254 West Third St. CINCINNATI. Tlie ali. W Matty ha taken an llM meoae ran Kjtt, aaa leWoiiiiiietiilBil the medtoal raealljrlbr medleioeJ aodsint Hv pajpoaee. iW slo by Hm ban. L c illoti eai or ltt.'e by all Imfc.:isH and gTOtN I and by R. GALTMA2.SH, sOMUIJ . Or. e-jo. t . .: THE BOSS PASN KILLER OF THE WORLD r r 4 fit t aa - aa aswea Tin' New Hedleal Woncler of Che HMh (Viitury. THB WONDERFUL ABOLISH ER OP PAIM. A SPECIFIC F4U DIPHTHERIA AND SORE THROAT ! The lie. t . .'-n llij i rM lia m r kin.wn. UhrnniuSii I'ains Hipped lu'iO mlnutr. KcaraHrta tal9M i9afpas1 in u luiimic. fl-:i!:irli . ;,im-i n " minute. Vaatliarlai' hi i.c, :n I-; lulnnlr. ftrliux r unirilirif. In llic I l h rr llrsril In in iitliiiitc. TO EE USED EXTERNALLY. F.rul 1... all iln;- ;t an.l 1 . r in inc!ii iii t, anU at Wsspatsale Uy HODGE, DAVIS ft CO.. I'oI:TI.AM, OJUtOO' Kxllowin is mvc i4 tljc rr.aiij t.vtin, , reca'vad 'Hie wriUT, Mrs. Vcatl.crf..r.l. i aaH SMl bLtWaMi krmwn In tliis ity. Par rticu!srs laejain J V. Wc-atho-rfuril &. 0.,KaIcm : PJlTt.AM, f)UKKX. Dr. HkaLKv: 1 was suffering with ,,ain ItiU iiM ly, M that tor several .lay I was not nhr U d; . u myiMilf. I BSed SOBM of .,ur MUpMaiaf J.iniiitcnt. mm it raawead Use pafa apea ika ilrt pplliwtain. The fourth application rutnovoj all ssnaasj causel ly tho jiain. For lOOsaawllM ami neuralgia it is . 9aa9aM havinic 1k-ii tried in my own family. have ustil ralloiiH of liiiiinunt of arious kimls, urid find this to suroasH any. I highly rt-.-oiima .id it fj any gggmkm with aahsa and ileitis. nl7yl HPJL J. W. WEATHKKKOIlU. GUIDETO SUCCESS 97ITH Kol: FORMS BUSINESS ANI SOCIETY. it IiY KAIt the best llnsiness and Hocial Cuidc and Haad-Itook ever iiiblisln:d. Much the latest. Ittells h.'V.js .ompletcly MOW TO III RYBKT TIIIMi in the Im-h! way. Usw to be Your Own l,iv y:r. I1m to do business Correctly and Kti'-cessfully. How to at;t in ti-Hety and in every iiart of life, and mtaioM a pli mine of varied information Indlpiis able toall cisssss lor conatanl reference. Al.hVf's WAIVTEO for ll or spare time. To know why thii baok of RKAL value and nttiCtioas SUs lietter than any other, apply for terins to r. ohuim; a ch., 18ni Hun t i-itiicu. o. Q 1 '"kAfl TO l(50,0 A YKAK. "r t" & a day In J? 1 f f 1 your own locality. Ho rink. Women do as well as men. Many nasks more than the amount stated alKivc. No one can fail to make money fast. Any one can do the work. You can make from 5) cut! to 9-2 an hour by devoting your evening and rpare time to tlie business. It costs nothing to try tho bus iness. Nothing like it for money making ever offered licfore. liusiuess pleasant and strictly honorable. Reader, if you want to know all about the best paying business before tho public, send us your address anil we will send you full particulars and private terms free ; samples worth also free ; you can then make up your mind for yourself. Address CEOKGK 8T1N SON a CO., Portland, Mains. 4I&QQQ Can't be made by every agent every praJaJaF month in the business wo furnish, but those willing to work can easily earn a dozen dollars a day right iu their own localities. Have no time to explain here, business pleasant and honorable. Wo men, and boys and girls do as well os men. We will furnish vou a complete outfit free. Wo will bear ex pense ot starting you. Particulars free. Write arid see. Fanners and mechanics, their sons and daugh ters, and all classes in need of paying work at home should write to us and learn all about the work at once. Adiress True k Co., Augusta, Maine. 0 " 0 r ea. X It VsT a 9Laea - " 7 al sWwl 9T : Ml -t u I R i . I tti.M.Ul. vhical fur-ti m one nf the create.-.! l tan posscasloits, but iinfi)rtimtely It only a .short llu:e. A id uS, diseaae or obi turo come airing, and I be force" bleb were oiiie ho owerfuI (pdckly p.tsnway. Anything that cn re-tore thco'iamcr or preserve tbeiu In tlnuefore more vain ddc than the power th melven nml inoro to bo admired- 'I l ls is exactly what War n r' Saf. Kidney and l-lver t'uro doff. It takes the lody wln ti It Is broken ami bowed 13 alaknravt and restore It to tho powers It 0t! co poseoaAcd. It tats di-wasc tnd alt etbl opjM-iir t-vllsovt r the pre: Ipios into oHiwoii. U haa no frlemls that are enemies ,, health and noenemuts that aro the ft lends of health. The vast in I .r'aiiee of the loW4 r potltoa of the b'l in proditi itij; (jod l.o.itth is in coming I u r known every day. lt ,li men and wo mtU Of U class- i l (his. I'or women previous to child birth, fur all disease pe culiar to their M X, I i ikbilitatcd m-ti ami pun.V ch'ldnu tberw i-jjotldnK which mu 1 safely and auivly sijialmt met rwalofi s as jthU'iieit !tlral Ibmody. The Kldnifl ! :tntt urinary rne. whe t dettWafJ J, tin . ileiHlllsa the tile much ulckr than a09 j bumptl 'iii, and they nitiift I altembd to promptly r! e u . pu ik'is. at - Mr to j follow. The Usstltm.tdals whl h am print ad herewith OtOBrij 9sWW that Warnei'n i i!.- l.idiiov aul ! uro WlU not tdy check those dim aves hut entirely . tire them (van U they have Iss mie . c d. It U t!i only known remedy I fli lebwiU rah ly and reTteinlj do tld, r.iI Iju re is not an in .Intiw iinuJ wlu-n It h..s .l I. HI- for Nab bjT druggie! in all ji t of .1m -i! I and Mi UI I by li. u. him t: .. .. a..r.'.. .1. r, s. t. King of the Blood Curra nil Bemftilotis aff. rtioti ami disorders result. J'uf .'mm Iinpurltjr of taw blood. It la iu-lleas to ifjr all, as t lc sufferer eat 1 usually (.metro tlrir - ; but .S,tU A" '.Mia. IHmpUl, l Utrt, Tmwort. 0 , SiBlligt, Ice, ure lli: roinmon, us w-ii - m y BiI-Uous ol th lUa.t, JUttd, Lvtr and .Vtnavt h, SCROFULA. TTsadorfal Curo cf EHsdnocs. T. IUjisow, So Co. : Tor tho Wnrllt of sC mabtad with Hcrofuia or Impure lllooil in their system, I lisroby rujrarurnd King of lite 111.....). 1 have mm troublol with Hcrofuia fur tho post ten ) Its, ! ; h so affrctud my eyes that I was roes j lrtrly blind for sis months. 1 woe recommend. 1 totry Klatjaf the Ul.l, whirli has proved a Iftcat MfSaing to me. as tt l.a, r,,i;i wi- ly r.n. .1 me, mid I BMtrfBlly rccotuincud it to all troubled as 1 bais laaa. aaan truly, s Mas. H. WaUTnaataVw, Sardinia, N. Y. w,l I paid to any Public Hospital lo 99 mutu y nr'T' ' I upon, for every cert ideate of this uv di- puUuhed Ly us wltlcu is not genuine. Its Ingredient. To show onr faith In tho safety nnd excellence of tb. K. Bm up-m pruptrr persouol upplicution, when satislled that no Imtst.ition Is intended, we will fjivu tUn names of all iu, by nllidarit. 1 be above offers were never mado hefur by tlie pro prictor of nny other Fnmily Medieina in tlie world. Jf?."' t99tll919Mi9l9iftllllni information, and rull directions for using will Ijc found in the pam phlet "Treatise on Diseases of the Hlood," in which each lt lie is enclosed . I'ricofl ier bottle con taining 12 ounces, or 40 to &0 doses, f Hold by druir guts. L. lUsoM,tjo.i & Co., l'rop'n, JuulIalo.N.V VlIJa VH1 iiouhi:. IlalNcy, OrPfcou. A. L0UBNEE, - Propriety . rTVBi ELEGANT NKW IIOTKL. Jl.'HT NOW JL o nplctcd, will be opatMd kboot Jvlj loth, M,':. It s constructed on the must. iiKslern ami convenient plan, has a tine sample room estccially arranged for commercial travelers, and the table will be supplied at all times with good meals. 10 rt A ft chance to make money. We J mA BvFaMiccd a pervit in every town to take 11 riptions for the largest, cheapest and liest Illus trated family publication in the world. Any one can become a successful agent. Mix elegant works of art giver, free to subscribers. The price is su low that al most everybody suhserilles. Cue agent reports tak ing 120 subscribers in a day. A lady agent reports making over $200 clear profit in ten days. All who engage make money last. You can devote all Max time to the business, or only your spare time. "You need not be away from home over night. You can do It as well as others. Full directions and terms free. If you want profitable work send us .your address at once. It emts nothing to try the business. No one who engages fails to make great pay. Address Gko. VMM A Co., Portland, Maine. fclyl REVERE HOUSE, Corner First and Kllswortli Albany, Oregon. Pfeiffer Bro's Props. This new Ilolel Is fitted up in first class style. Tables supplied with the best the market affords, ftpring Beds in every Room. A good Sample Room for Com mercial Travelers. OTPree Coach to ami from tlie Ilolel. TEi Kill DATE BIT C J W'u. Mister, Solicitor ot m I CH I Patents, G17 Seventh St., or Box 229, Washington, D. C. No fee required unless Pat ent is obtained. Send lor circular giving terms, Ac. Established 1870. II anT a srUOC HOUIls t ltON s I U)- sol Kl'tlS. Tho following Hlatementii are the olun tarv fxpresaloiin of a few latlOsag thotm amlM who have bs-n ave! by tho use of Werner'H Safe Kidney ami LlOOf iye. Tim writers aro not erNoiially known to the proprietors, hut they have went thetae lot ten. an exprnsxlons of their Kraliltido. Their sinter llf, thcrcftre, -aiiml Imi rpiea tluiird : Moasrs. II. II. Wat tier ACo.: (ieiitlomnti; I have for a Ioiik tlma been atllicted with a terrible kidney complaint, which It aeemetl at times ao'thiiiK could control. 1 trird doctors and medicine x -teiislvely, but found no relief. I'mally 1 as sd Imm1 ly a .'rlend to try your hafn Kidney and l.ler Ciir-. 9B0 BiMT. llfttf HtilferiuK nearly four - the laost amite (tain, I Dnd m 91 ' ty wall and able ! 1 atl en I 1 . wry dav. Jolt.w J. l CttAWroltl. sey City, Juno, lHho. it srs. Bs EL Warner A Co.: 4iK.TI.KMKM: Without aelleta leu I de sire to express to V"M in.v hih ppreoiaV tloti of your remedy. 1 rlm ains mv attention was ealhsi a ifonlleman who had for a 1 n . r ttme bo .. a i. it xuf ferer. After makm.' a tiiotough examina tion of tho case, I found that his ktdneye and liver wer-i l. ! y ulfisited. Not vtlth out hesitation I pre aurlbOel Nafn' Kid ney and Uyoi Cure. Tho ranult, after tak ing two boulca. ha-t i i-Mtl satlafaelory in the extreme. Without hesitation. 1 -would pn v rilo the Kami- remedy to all similarly ui:u-til. Yours truly, Klatba9tf,N'.Y. K. CAft.KtXa.M I. Meeera. II, II Warner . (a.: Uk.iti.i.mix; 1 liave Imw-ii aflbcti d with dlswae r.f the klduvvi for the Mat two years, and have tried numerous 9J9Jedle wan only partial and temporary relh-f Your Mafo Kidney and Liver l iire i n eoinmoiulisj L me, and a.'ler t ik nj; It I he pain and diatroaa left mo and I am to day foclim; stromr ami well. I am pel tly aaUaflod UuU Warner's (-are Heme llo cro lb" molii-im,s iueded, n .1 can tJieerlutly uuim tjiein toothers. O. V. Htahm, TAllUir Tiio Industrial Cra." Albla, Iowa, June, Ivmi. Sportsman's Ifcadquartrrs. w. jb. SCOT T, IiKAI.KH IN (iuns, Kifles Revolvers!! Ami trautunllloa of All kinds. Just rrcehed a large Invoice nl the latest Improved IU-tiiUifton, hharp's. Winchester ami llallard r. - t.i.v: rtflca, Motiro, lU unngton and Steven's lrooch L.ln. hot guns, ami muxxJc loading rifles and shot MM jvnry lcacrltlon. Aulo, large and well selected stork A Klaldng Tackle, Cutlery, vv I'otlars, Fancy U.tods, and In tact any thing yuw could wish for in my line. All kinds of Sawing Machines Re paired, Krmrmbrr Thai I Cannot Be PndersoM Anywhere In this State, 1 U JAMES DANNALS, muuw n amp siM rinmiR or SOLID WALNUT BEDROOM SETS, Mnrhlr and Wood Top. Parlor Sets and Lounges, Mar ble Top Center-Tables, Spring Beds and Mattresses, WALNUT, MAPLE AND OAK BRACKETS, AncUsi' li- j8 Wltninols, l lialr ' w' niouda, Kxleasloa Tn- . idp2Lll nnd l imry Motila.tat Ctr. I intend to U-ep everything In the furniture line, and will guarantee satisfaction to all who w'ul call on mo at Miller's Uriclc. JA Ml.rl DAMN iljs. (rATIXTBD JUKB WtU, FOR SALE BY OZXI, BAUM 6c CO. Ala any Bath House. THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RESPECT fully inform the citizens of Albany and ri cinity that I havo taken charge of this Establish ment, and, by keeping olean rooms and pay in 8trlot attention to business, expects to suit al those who may favor us with their patronage Having heretofore carried on nothing bnt First-Class Hair Dressing Saloons, we expects to give entire satisfaction to al afTChildien and Ladies' Hair neatly en nd shampooed. JOS WEBBER. s THE BEST OF AS.I. LINIMENTS ron ma:t oe uzast. Wlun n mr-tllcinn iina InfHtllbTy fle-n It woiU In inUUmiM of Bi tans t o luOTD Itinri It till i 'I (it li cento iv j . Ir n It bus liaaaMtl rvury pmi if llio wiillil) s lien I Till III I I le , lillnllloll I UT I h l tn- aldnr ii the naiy gala ittllaiien In nan of j pill II Of lice . leu I, IV II pi el I j UNO l cull Niiell It liicillcliit) Tills Is Ibn nmo Wtitl ItM .lleslran MuslmiK 1. 1 it I in it I . 1. ljrlllgllTollli(eiei ii vnllintilr llltrse saved, tint hk-.m;, i nnstwsatlsH ifelot linrrt sulMlued, lie horrors Of ili.n malUin mi, et.'i u it II:" and omt other bicwMlng. i niol in i l s perform''! by tlie ohl reliable 9tea lean Wn ilauff Msfaaassi. All fonna of oiitwnr.l ill urn so nro poadily ( in y tM MEXICAN Mustang I .inliiiciif . It pi'iict rules lillisfle, ineliibrnMO nnd I llnsiie, In tint very l,oii-, buulsliliig pnlu I iiihi Ciiring li M'usn wild it pxiwer lluu never fulls. It Is u lile.llelno nei-lc'l l.v tvitrybudy, fiom t iiti i mi. aerw, wii t iic I ItlS MUSTANG over the i.uliliir, id ulna. In I li" n ei . b I It ' : Inrinee. saw u iroodautter t i bis lied with Ibo tlx. It cures Itlieiiiiu.u mi wlieii nil t tl.ii Bpplei:lHIH liol. 1 1 1 S Oll'lt'l III, LINIMENT spoeillly e i; r e a t tic ill MAN I f.I. II B I II It f u im e 1 1 rn . Juini . t aatraerd af final lie. (?! l blllili nl i of the Kts-rlllncs, Mini binaries. It ii ae ' Hi ultra m it a i H lilies i 1 1 ' I V mm ..f.I " T t I. .-.. - ., w,w w,w mm. .. ' H lit . ., IIH. iVs, I'll ris. I rosfblU s.l hlll.laliaS. date Hip) pl e, I sknl lli'nsl. and litilred every taWSBI of i ltruml dis ease. It Is tho t;:i ntc.'. r-tttely f.,r tltn ti orders nu I aoeldoata lo ivldtli tlio Huuik CaaanoM arn enwjart ikaS Itaa UVer been kleitrn Jf f i.i- sjaaralaej a!it. , siirr sTolMfa, reuuilrr, flr-t t . m , Hal lls rasen, I ,.oi ttt , '' t9W If "i iu . fteali. Hallow ib.i i, i r.ins, tiii.i- aells, Npatfo. I i- , Stlngltottr, Old Hnre., I'ntl t.ttl. liltit tii.on itlte ailtt orttt v.i y ..(tier aliment in vai n sa ore ;.nn or io sniii.t smt Stock i -ri art liable. A lweity.flvi Cent Ii Ittle nl IfaXatMHI Musinna I.liiiiiii nl i often sari t a valimbin ltot.e, ti !...) i .t i'i!.Jji -, in yeai s of lot t UI I, II Itcals vrllliii: r. 'rrr. It) lo ilio aery root of th i.i UU :, j m t : ntmg oven t bo bona. It mice ivervltotly. nnd Alaappotata no one. It bns been Iu ....(.. t,.. rot tnorw than tvct.!; year, uud l pOtltUi ly THE BEST OF ALL LINIMENTS FOB I'AIT Cm B1AST. J E. SORBIN & CO. 1 UI J el aj eii-l al r t CIGARS AND T( J L. 1 A"-n! for ! N ' -v, i.iki. ii . ..ii. i i .i aala Plaei iiiii' ? I. Urttir irutu U ate la 11. Kilie I ::. . gallon, in r -r ' ' Fine old Wet a i i oo. in -att ! - '; eta. i r ine Hlierrj- u. 'i i 1 Ti. J3 trlMet if 1 Ilollu.'. I.lw . ' 9i i :. rt to U r All aiuii Vt :i . . fHf e ami CWi!9. (Muret dol1- . ; i -ti'. Lienors in nlM auC ta i u' "" " ir .vi . i i.'. i ' s$AM PI A . Ui m ; . a'eliet lo CIGARS TOBACCO, I'.y lie bos or OOU1.J, cheap. I'lrst Htraat. ar Ilruadnliiln. AH, nny MARX BAUMCART If AN Jt'.TT orKNKD OCT A New Liquor JS4it EEK.fl OOKKT A Mi V o.N TUB F1NKST BRANDS OF WINKS, LIQUORS, TOBACCO & CIGARS. The 'flcbraloil St. I.oiiIh STONEWALL WHISKEY, Tho flneat vlil"kc.v in Iklbaaa Whiskies. Frrnrli Bnuidif, Sherry, Tort, Claret, ud nil other kiidi of nines, (iin, Alo, Beer, ami To iter. Bitten of every kind, and (he best brands of Uibtcee and Cigart. MmWI want everybody to nndoia tM 1 tl. I have opciuxl out a ft i ! iiIim Daw Ikj uor atote, where city and y diiil- era can procure thru atockH at Fori lu mi irioi.s, with only Praia ht ad dad. Kootnx on tho comer of From and Torry Streota, Alhany, Orovmi. -D I A W.ITCIIKM,' CaaMXl, JEWI.I.Kl. Sil t 1 If rtaiTM WjUUt, AMI UIIIIOMI arKiTAi Lr.H. i:ti Acrnls' for Xrw'flloiite "Sen ln 1'arliliirs. AI.HAN V, - - OEKQOK. vlln2Mf STAR BAKERY ! CONRAD MEYER, Proprietor Fresh Itrcnd laily. Groceries ami Provisions ol all kinds Cheap : CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, Etc jBsTCall and see my Stock. 42tf WILLAMETTE MARBLE & STONE WORKS. M AX j FACTtT KKI'-S Ol MARBtwS f;cNur5Er:Tcf head stonec, tablets, MAMTCL8, CEMETERY CUHBirilG, AGHLArt AND COr!NC, CIAGEG FOR GARDEN FOUNTAJMS TiLt; FOR WALKC, AMD ALL KINDS OF WORK in sTcrcn. Ah anj nat our faiil rlirvol from tl- Im vo it h locii l , lib care. w ran liismo ruatoinera the baat af marbte, aa ,-xiK-ri v.ik- ora ay tlmt Vorinotit unirldn ii lir-Mer I ban 1 1 i Vint; jtJ,t rueiiiveil "over tl I'ltm of offer extra linliK i in-yiH lo tlioan v.atiiim; .n.iii.ll y nttiifl'l t, and ail won; tain;i:tu a- r j ir: "nfiij. v : bavu ivn .sj-k ra out for work exempt tlio-n b.ivln Ibnir ercMfi T Miop :i,rl Worl acrii' i y'ti:,:: I nml s ItmHt ii-..' tv - n. r. MArir. FOSHAY & ASOii fhMRafaaTMatl to Jobn Foahay.) - UKU.r.i. is DRUGS, BOOKS, STATIONERY, ETC., a lai'j.k ajti rnoiH mm. n m DRUGS AND MEDICINES i t . itnua.iy fiaiibi f ! : :. BOOKS AI r:,e i -l i. on ttitt-ami fri!rtn A" ' all tlc Ui't KasteRi asags saw ' WHFN YOU CO!V5 TO ALCAM .' CALL AND GEE UG M3n7t AT TUki H.I STAVI' COOK. BOX STOVES a An mJ !;; t sa ::. rmltmr. lie a m li.ijieils Hud uiauulaf litiM Y r;, 5RF.ET inc?! AfID C0PPEB WARE : EVKU : i' Tl' N IN STOCK C I1AND, A I ILL , QENUINE CRAITE SSON WARZ. a i.i. or vrnicn hv oftkrs the vvbuc at rmci.N, that dbfi M.'ini' .v. CAT- Repair work done SEND 25 CENTS IN POSTACT TAMPS fOa A ThR WOKTKS TR'L SUBCRIW!0J T3 tmm, B9He 48U1 aBa " aWKAM MkBif yif flitr a ma PAPER C? 16 PAGES. ISSUED WONTHLY AT S!0UI CITY. lOWi. ni THs iTinrr-ii in r "n i rnnrininnBTn--- ---- .. .:: Its Literary Nexs h Supplied by Selections from the Best Writings of the World K.n tin Irtntrnrtor to faCTaKllM dflflfaOQ" r f i '. iv. from r,Tt.f cUTitrvor Mnloti to iin'tiaT it nn I , , i ;n .. ) tv.nirl TXtmV '-A M in n' I M KM t 7 fc -m IWMlBtt of tlie tcwrtl iiTtions PENSION, BOUNTY, LAND OR PATENT DEPARTMENTS linn I. 0L can thriinph this tnMlnin tnaay times IicsstcI a fee, for bybeeominirsnb u W- Ml 'ii will tie answered thniujtlt the columns of the jatper. It has aLv a fepecial t "IV'iK nil tiie . .' - ' "f the Kveral Ix-paruneni altorc mentioned. xi oft. r of inaertlni; rTdiei a i .- rno a tverUsemcnt in the paper trt anr fubecreher wlo i.. .u.,smJn.tnr i,!,m;.v . t - t. nv. with lusiuldreas and name in full j thai direci ..ion rAii u. hail with him l'r cut rot n. Titr. r.Mor'l.iTK dnrlna t fie first r. r . i: it i 1 Sat $lloi m Tem Sttscnpi'm zti AGENTS NAMlO. W SuMUJlTEE LARGER Addrcsa Plain.;, pTS N E Yl vn is Lrinviv Tir T Km Fntni-ist-o, ("a!if r Trral all tironir rti.l i ...I liUravrs. liriiunty nr. miiikiv t t sflees aT jroaUifol f ..! - .!.. cll tti avail thcmwvltct o( this, ever laid at t li altar ol suS. ring SI'INNKY aill miaraiitet.- : :l. it ; N. U.. ...I. v.. ..r I ru..V ii4 ; uu. r . l.uti lie tad Im ; . . 1 . r Minni : I CCD i v There ar 9MBM at the mgv of thin j ";! '.f : ! i are treiili'ital u itli Uio freUeit ci-n.,.tt-.'i .-I t!- !! i 1 Icr, i.ftcti a.txsiiaiiiri hv a Uiht hnuuliiii.' liunnitjc wiitcitiiMi, ami a vtcaki'iiliift of the svstcri la a tuannvr the iu'.icnt eaunt t son.itt f..r. On estBSSaWSM "k' urinary tleKwim a rttj.y aulicieht aiil i-fton W f.iUiul ttnl aniuvtiiim Mnill partielcs t.f alhumvn w ill a!ear, .r tla- o tl. a" ill lie f a thin n .Ik.-.l., athi aseesj in tn a i lark ami taqii.l at'j-t ar:s TUsi arc many men alio tlio t.f this tlinVuliy inorasri ol Hm caoar, ahu ll i the M-et.n.l i-tae nf ISBMaa weakiteas. 1S aill lfiianinUtJ a jTfeet save i'i :'.l eack oas-. a:.J healthy r. i.t..ratt..i ..1 the j.-it.-urii...i ir-ns- Orrur. Basaa- 10 to 4 C t. a. Sunday fr -ia toll A.M. (.'nllSUlUtiim fltrtv 1 le aaagk eSCiniUlaUOT anil at!we, ff.. l.r pritatc tliM-a i f shi rt stsmlire a fuM conn of edtciiie Mittieieiit . r a t ure, a;th all i ''M'-.i n, will he mitt to any aiMrt m i rmi; ; jlu i '. Call ajiJ aU.lrif.t, UK. M'HM V A .. M9aM Nt. 11 Kcarin m. r' 1'r.u.. t . '. A BARGAIN ! Valuable Properly for Sale. THE ALDKX WW DRYER, Including tho bttQding and lots upon which it is situated. Is for salo at a tar Cain. Thero aro two lr ors nl tlioy can Ui sold Konarately. Tins is a good -porttinitv l r l.oit raisers ! stvin- t!it iHst di- r 'nit-, at a low prieo. The lob. ; , very valuable lying on the lUror tVont, and having a railroad witch running by thMii. It is a ovl hw-ttuui fer a custom llouriug mill, fotimhy, tr anv KUt ii uuincss. For further rariieulars call cn the Plea, dent or BoCTOtanr of the Coin p:my. ti. F. FUAWFOKD, L, (". i:u-K, Fresident. siecrotarv. W TO I HE WORKING CLASS. Wo are noa prepared to furnish all clones with o..n Htant etnpliiyiuont nt homo, tho a hole .f the la mo, or f..r their sjuirS luoiin-iit-i. llusiiuns new, luht ami protltablc. lVraoiisof either uox easily cam fr.:n ."-0 eciita to .'t r t tt timir, an.l a proiMirtional sum hv ii. otinjr their whole time to the husinojy. Boy s auJ wM$ uun nearlv as much as men. That all who mc this notice may atmil tb.ii" athlress and tot Uio 1. un ties we make this offer: To BSMftl as :.rc not woil sat itJIcil we wirl semi one dollar to ay for the troui wilting. Full imrticulars and outfit free. Address, Ukokuk Sti.nson 'i.t'o., Tortlaiid. Main. 2yl ALBANY MEAT MARKET. Fresh Beef, Pork, Mutton, Veal and Sausage al ways on hand. Baaaal Csat Wee paid for all kinds nf fat stock. 4tf LEVI WEST I Till. ff&Rm. w - HtiMan l ii'r.iric an-l MiiN in V rioont n:irl any imfHirteil from foroign rraaaTAslta. iiiiir..!", ;ui I ln iii more on 1 v -. v.r an Work. UrdatV from nny jart .. ,a "tata - Ptlala frfui ua. Kllmvortli Mre.ta, A Umii y, f n jm. F. WUOLi .t . Jorl.V foaMAV ii. f.r. sfMI rtxll d'ifc- labd.ll'l.ntant. 1 1 j . : WT.'.; Km;i;v, itiis! - .fr. ,-, ;ih tiiis iiiar!f-il, t,ere j.i. , T, H W OX UAJfD AS FIN V T or LND PARLOR OTD RANGES, KR. ALSO, UK KEEP o l i OF FIRST STI.T.I.T, AM'. A NY, f!:fjfio.N. at reasonable Cgr res. mm 3 one dwirinsr. to th.o een-isnir im ! f c a Year six months of it exL-tencc avenvred a rirv ultum ii eiilul fn la 5.000 but fnun tin-tent l ulicamca Trtt lit cr 3c Pcsgc Iff Sauli Copy. C3KISS!3 THAN ANT OTHER PAPEF, AMcRICA- TIf U COSMOPOLITE, sioux City. lwa. ft S l nft.rtui.au7 DE GIBBON S Dispensary Kt'-IBXY ST, I aalsir..t, Miu IniMU-e. V:U' i.h.i in I KM, f'.r jtlto Uvatuimit . 4 ivn-J - i t.nnorrbea. 4.1 . f ric i:iri-, ShIIU ui !l furms, ltuaonr, i.'aht liases liy drtatcs, j.nii- f ntaith;iKi mn titive' l-e irtxl should nit fa.1 to i-alt iis traclei cxteuitTclT in l. The stsk 'i The w1. iui.l :i siici in! thoroughly the Tart. u Uni- Uil there, otaainiii a aaaal eUl Trluahle enfuruak Mraa. aiiieh he isc inj e; i.t to ini art to tlaav in nerd of his stryi.t.. 1)K. UlhltON will make no raarv '. -s . ; acwa. r. mons et a aaataaee Mis lit: C I KI D T MM Ail c-uiimiiMcutioM sun tly riiitidoiit:al. Yu 4.v ito r.i.e hut tin.- lvr. Bead t-n deHua for a aasaaae of medioine. earais i a.. fca UkS DsasSV !l fWaaas state the name of tbt l;..rt! v th;s auy-ertiiK-ment in. Cfcanrr n r write. AJilru&s l'K. J. K. GiUllOh, Uox 19C.T, San Francisco. vliieCJ jl a H, rglosinese now before the pubhe. Y Jl mJy mY tn make money faster at work fir ou us than at anything !. Capital not require.' M'e will M.irt ytu. 12 v day and uiwarda made at house by tin ::.lti rrious. Men. wotncti. oovs and cirls wanted . m ry where to work for us. Now it the time. You i-:!t oP'ote your win .1 tro nioa.i.-nt. Kti ly ;v wtitl. X.i t.-ne 1 1- u.sou- p-.y l y 1 1.; t. rrns frt;. A Rriat easily and houorab.;. alaine. time to the vroik, or ouly your her b-.isir.e-i will ix vawaaap ilir.g to w ortc run fail to maps ng at oiire. Coatly outfit and pMirtuiiity for insktiit; money Address Tun & 09b, AVfc-usta THE PARKER GUN. SCND STAMP FCR CIRCULAIf PARKER BRtfS WEST MERIDEHaCV A WKSK la yoaroaa t -n and lo ca4t?J JIM It ) ri.-koti. Test sea pee the MMBjai-a tria It In ml efiawee The test opportunitv cw offexvU fnrtlieee srilllmr to work. You should try nothing; u-- until you see for yourself what you can do at the kevaaeN aa offer. No room U explain here. ou can devote all your time or only yi.ur fpare time to the bueilMSB, aud make pTeat pay "for eeasy hour you work. Women make a much as men. Solid 8w cial private ttruu and (artieulars, which we mail frve. ki Outfit free, lion't eouplain of htrd times wliilu ou h ive such a chanco. Address II. HALLhriT A CO., I'.trtlajsl, kfaSaaV 8yl ST CHARLES HOTEL, L3AKY, OREGON. MRS. C HOIK, - - - Propricio. This House has been thoroughly renovated from top to lx t toin, and is now in splendid condition for iif entertainment of travelers. The table is supplied with everything- the mar ket affords. Sample rooms for commarcial men. Curvallis. Lebanon mmI Oallus Stue Office. vUuStf O V a oak in your own town. $5 outfit oltsUUlree No risk, lieader, if you want a husiuttts at which persous of either sex can make tr i at nay all the time they w irk, write for particulars o H. tULurrr & Co. Portland, Maine. Lm-k MR VVT Tf