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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 28, 1881)
flie Democrat. FIIIDAY JANUARY 2S. 1881. . si C. tt. It. TIME TABLE. Aiitntiy Ntntioo. nMMKTSKF. OK TtMIN. POPmi south. A l.BA XV I X PliFSS 1 Vj Ml nt . . f:Sn A. M. Mll. TRAIN i a n trs nt - fl:Q A. M. lHfurtnt - -, mm; TUMS i arrives t 7 lcula at 11:43 A. M i os r. m. aw p. m. IMS f. M. KRKIvlHT TRAIN Ai.nA.N v i . x v u i :s.s A I ; v . I sv All Truinx atatty, rr'l Srntlnj-. WIU.. It. Mi K, itatl. Ajji'iit. tlTTTd P ATJT?T? fur Kf.'iin.l,Mi A aaaO . jcvi- Ijlv ) t:.', it k ow npiint Aiivvrt!liui Rhm i I" sl nkW i .r stvri laity .out mm. la may b imoUv CM U IN M.W VOKIi. Our City Council met in regular session last Tuesday evening, with all odaoers ami members ttvstut. Aft?r the minutes MN reul ami approval tho Committee Ml aYcaOBBta taportsid that they ha.l examine! the reports ef tho City Treasurer, Baootdsc ami Marshal ami found them OORBOtL Rt port adopted. The same Committee reported iu favor si allowing tho following bills : A .1 Hunt, & -T. : I G Denny, $5.tM : C A i'hiumior. M. 37 ; N J Heuton. C10.S0 : f M Rodln-ld, $tl ST ; Louis Miller, $1.40. Tho Committee on Ways sad Mens re ported ia favor of striking names . if delin quent tax list, aa maofamsndod by Marshal Report adopted,. The Committee asked for farther tinio iu which to eonsider the patittOB of John Craw ford and other?, ar.d Van CloTO and others. Alderman GradwoM iutroducrd an ordi nation bill reducing the si.t? el r rwi all which passed under auspensinu of the rules. The city priuting waa awarded to Coll Van Clove, bU bid being tho lowest, SIS. 00. The Recorder wasjins true ted to advertise for sealed bids for the contract of (wilding crosswalks and tr furnUbing dirt and grnrel f r the aame during tho t reef I 3ear. The uiotiou passed at the lit meeting of tho Council, empowering tbo Recorder to employ a City Attorney, was rescinded, an 1 J as. K. Weath'.'rf -: A was elected City Attorney. Tho petiti on of Joke Coaoer and ;'.ier making for redaction of l:rcns a laundries waa tab'eil. J. A- Werrea mm Hum eleeteJ City Surveyor. Th-J petition of VL B. and .tk rs wa tabic L A petition oakfaf that Jeek Crakb be do cUrci a coiitujou irjnkaxd era i Baled A petition was presented aakiag tttattll Indians cxmpinj near the city eecaetery le caused le remove. Inferred. Tbe fedlowiag bills were rtferre. I : Mans field an i Moattith, ; McKarlaud and liarvey,$S.OO ; coats a caae ef City v. Tay lor, $i.35 ; City vs. Teng Hen-, : A J Unnt, $51. e0; 9. J. Kenton, V .4. ; Tweeda!e, $5 ; R Sltnr.arsh, $12.&. caaael mmi aJtve. Toward, the doe ef the exp:ring yer, in formation had reacked this coist that Jofca Wealey Cazad, well known in 1 toesditj as a fooi-raccr, had Wan t-'iot in t!i ba and killed by hi3 backer, in a foot.raco at Driver, Colorado, about ttie llnt of Iat l)e--i Tho statement if anthor.tatlvc.Iy oajiiri m'ii Wxl by Waa, Nuttall, who pro nounces it absolutely and BaKjaa ;.bdiy false. The Clipper pnblis"hes the correction of Natt ajB who is the manager of tho Li rami ( u tral Tbeiter at Liadville, and was one o: t'.:i principals in getting BptiM racj. Tho w .. affair was declare-', off, owing to ss .-.. of Cozau'd koaeat intention x Ho t-;w c -enrrcd, no thrcati were made, aaal Cozad ia yet alire and uninjured. S mach far thia canard. A S.rgat ;netlf;::. The Portland E'R'ie says tke los3 of a large amount of wheat on Paciuc Dock, in t hat cfty, caused by tkc rioing of Willamette river haa raised a question of responsibility for the damages incurred. The actual ewn crs ef wkeat in most instances arc farmers, whe, should they have to bear tkc loss, would indeed be a hardship. it m claimed that when the wheat was sent there, it was etorei in the BORM .f the wheat broker, and it is is beheved tl.y are responsible, and the owners leok t them for payment, bnt the (sommission merchants claim they aBBRBt be held responsible for the loss, and that it falls on the actual owners. As quite a large sum is involved it b rerj probable that courts of justice will take toll and tkc lawyer? the bal incp, The Caafata. At last the cootirtaoa, for the performers in tho Cantata of Queen Krthat have arrived and tl oae who have seen them say they are truly inagnifieent. They are of the etyle worn in ancieat times by the Hebrews, and -of course seem very odd to people of thia generation. The Cantata will now come off vurenext Monday and Tuesday ovenings.and V w who wish to witness the lir.est musical exhibition Albany has ever had wiil do well to make their arrangements to attend. Re ajrved scats can be had for 75 eeata, RMDB lar admission 50 cents. AHen'e Music Slore. Tickets for tale at omplinienlar A'ellre. The Iltm'z r pays our late f.dlow townz m M, rrosecatin Attorney Piper, the fol lowing deserved compliment : ' District At torney Piper haa att ndod to his duties dur ing this term of court in a faithful and dili gent manner. He has used all possible ex pedition in disposing of business, but etill has attended to all cases that demanded in vestigation. We believe he will provo an efiicient and economical Piosecuting Attor ney. Sadden BeatBw. An vol gentleman named iieid died very suddenly iu Benton county a few miles from this city, last Wednesday night. He waa living with his brother, Taoe. Reid, and was 1 found dead in his bed yesterday morning, his death probably having resulted from heart disease, He-was a brother of Mrs. Ashby Pearce. - sabnuth School Institute. The Baptis's of this State espect to hold a Sabbath School Institute iu Albany, com nseaotng on Thursday, February 17th, aud couu ' oVer Sabbath, On Sabbath even ing it is expected there will be a union meet ing of all churche3 in tho city. A Chance for Fnrmers. Farm irs or aay one else who have hogs for sale st ind a good chance of making money by calling ou W. H. Heartless, at the Cen tral Market, before they dispose of their pork. laataltaUea ef oojceri a s-cmi i iv imi nmiii t luw rsnit." I ho Patrous ef Hnsb:iadry ni t nt (hik Plain QfRBga Hall. Jan. S, I8$l, for the pur peso of iBltallillj t!io ofioam .f that (iranpo, and by the BXWrappoiatodi th' h.nll was tilh-d to ovcrllowing. w ith patroae. broth ers ami sister, working together in tho e.;ii- of hnmauity. "Patrons tlooking from tlie hilltop atid from tho valleys with ear nest hearts amltni;" EabaRBBi ffnritiam. HarniORy, Head BMjOj llan tsburgaml Chnr ity tiranges all Kdng repnvu ntcd. At about 11 o'clock tiierc appeared on the 10000 of tc ti.ui that, ir.dus! i tut' t pat ron. II. A. Irvine, State I'eputy, OCOOBjfpaB ted by a host of other, hard working p l: ou. among whom vco noticed Hon. S. A. l:nv soa, of Harmony, J;, Han. Maivoy t he! ten and U W. Poinetey, of Santiam. I'.rother Baail Cooper. Matt Scott and others, of Sand ridge, .;, bro;'--r r.nd ri-ter Train a:;d oth era of Harrisburg, No. 11, nud Brotbof ami sister Sender, of ( iiarity, 10", an.l alto ninny tthers. After prayer by tho fhaplain n-.-l music by the choir, brothers lrviuo Bad DrwRBR ORReintroiluceu, and proceeded to install tho following of.icii-s : Master, A W Staunard ; Orerscer, J J Cornett ; Steward, 11 R Wi;ht; Asst Steward, S P Prock ('hap laiu. 80I0B Taylor ; Treasurer, S (J Collins ; Seo'y, Thnrston Uavidaon ; late LiOOpor, T K Newshitm ; Pomona, M B Taylor ; l iora, L Ram iey LA S, Sarah Cornett. Owing to t!io prcvaieueo of scarlet frrer in thudr family, brother and sistfr Davis, Worthy Lecturer aad OoVBt, could not be Uresent for inutaiiation. After tku ceremon ies of jnatallatlOR VON concluded tho table was propaiad aud tho sisters spread before the ( a sumptuous repast of rOOlt chicken, ham, pi-. . eakat, COtfOB, etc., such as tko goad sisters ef Oak Plain are uiways w ilnug to prepare. After justice was done tho viands tko table waa cleared, and the lirango was calhxl 1 1 ordot by Y. ML ijtaji natd, and tho speech-making then began. Brother David BBtith, - : LohaSoR, Treasur er of State tl range, w.-.s called forward and taade a few w. '.i tine '. 1 1 lail-o.i eooj au t.oa. I'.rether fci. W. Trum, Mn'.crSd liar risburg Orange, sjiokc at loRgtti on the good of the Order, showing the advantages o.' 00 epetatioe and how Other trs l-i and call 'tigs are beneii'.ted by OBBftBrtod action. Brother R. A. Irvine, agent wf t!-.o Uaa County Council, thea tel. ti.- r r .. . i a:er.air.,d the audieacc ia kis oauol toTOt and able etyle in a speech ef ORfl kottl r.nd live lanoSO. shewing the aiva 1 dorirod by the pat roas of Old I dan from OBBCBtt of action and uuitcd effort ia the last two years, making au iaipression on tho ui'.nds o' matiy pat-ro-i present that will be httier, and con rtneiRg the:a th-t the (Iranje iu LAaaCoRRty is not deal by any manner of BMBRB, T:.ea came tkat !irm old p'.tr.n, brother Hirvey SholtOR, of Santtam, aud made no of bts characteristic speeches, tcliin the patrons p,-e4nt that he was "of ao account at heme and wa3 sent ont oa th pe !...o:. fa ba got out of the vay." ..-, brothers and filters of Saatiaw., it yea BBVO tny more ef s;; ti BoeaaBBtB as Harvey, send them ont to stiffen the backbone ef other Orasges, as In wdleverku forgo: a ky tax who met hint at Oak Rata. Brother M tt Scott, of Sand Ridge, m.aor .a : - latd remarks, and th'ju came brother I. TT. I'oe;-roy, v: Han rial, whe irpo!o iu his iiumcrous vtin for bait an hour, making aO happy who heard him. S. A. Dawson then cai? t tho front and aUr i hiimlf juriicularly to the officers of the Orange, closing ky apeak ing of the beneiitn to be deriv.-.l by farmers working together. Sistwr Tr'n, Ceres of ! the State Orange, replied 10 an able manner to encomiums of brother Irvino in refcroaoe to tbo way and manner in vhioh the rasters provhled refreshments. After a fw chting remarks by various members, the day being far rpect, aU dispersed to thtir homes feel ing that it was wsil that they had mat to gether, and that it would be 1 :t r ;' r the t.!.-r; of the soil if they bad many such meeting, and that wa.a eopeciaPy the fueling c i tko Ch:xi. Axarr Them T.v.:.i;.. Ok . ;o UEffflL S iu, Or , Jan. I, I8SI. Editor Dcmc U : Tho Biue Ribbon Club Ret at the nc-.v church on Satnrday oeORIBg. A brg6 au dience was in attendance ; but o- ing to the excitement over the recent fkds the com- mittee on program failed to present any or- ; dor of exercises, so the time was tilled mostly by short speeches, m ih; , t :. Tee Union Sunday School is J irgly at tended, and the present teachers arc rapidly advancing their classes in the luMWladgB of bcripture and in morality. Hodlumis:n predominates on the street comers h'jre thenc winter woman. There arcKcvcral fit Kubjcct3 for the lockup shortly unless they desist from their BORry gather ings and blackguarding!. . Further particulars from the flood. Tho Richardson bridge on Crabtree Folk was carried away ; also the bridge at Cyras' Mil! on the same stream went down. The bridz et bfaharna, on the North Sautiam, was also carried away. v mails, no telf grain, no trains everything has been stopped by the disastrous flood. The Railroad bridges en Thomas ari l Crabtree creeks still remain, with but little damage.- Tho telegraph lino fiont Scio to Marion Station has been repaired ho that wo can at least get some news. The people ever here are very anxious to learn what damage has been done on the outride, en that they can knew whether the Forks are any worso off than other portions of the country. We had no mail hero from the 11th uutil the 24th. On the night of the 23d wo had an alarm of fire, aud soon ascertained that the residence of R. Pentland was 011 fire. It was put out without mach damage being suatainod. Scio. 4 aptared at t. Who among "tke boys" in this locality docsu't remember the jolly, rollicking young Bod McHngh, who used to boss the lumber yard of Allen, Robinson & Co. "Tho gang" hefts were considerably surprised last Wednesday to receive quite a number of neat wedding cards from their old friend, which contained the following : Married. At the Ladies of M iunt Car mel Church, Lawler, Iowa, Deo. 21), 1380, B. J. Mcilugh and As'aes Kerby. If Rod was here the boys would give him a lively send off, but now they can only join in wishing him a long life of prosperity and happtnes.", and but we well not particular ize. gieas. A r.usda leather purse containing cards, on which is printed tho name of Mattie Foster, also some money. The finder will confer a favor by leaving the purse at this effije. Ml 1 tKOKI OCH tL. TataaMe Ariieir rait I rleinln In the l ai. t Yoar The following is n complete report of tko meteorlogteal ohsrrvations mado in this city, by John Briggs, Ksip, during tha yoar 18R0 : January Highest barometer, 30. 4 X ; low est, 88 77: BMBR, 2f.8& Highest thonnom i ter, r7: lowest, 21; moan, 4I..TJ. Rainfall, in ineh, 1. 11.10: snow i- inehea, 1'!,'; princi pal direction of wind, haw; maximum force in scale of 10, 7 : number of days on w hich .01 or morn inches rain fell, 24 ; daa in which cloudiness reached 8 In sealo of 10, J, ; irosty days, fl I Highest barometer, 30. tfj low- '); mean, 30 07. Highest thermomo ter, ol; lowest, 'JS; mean, 30.51). Rainfall, 5.31 ia.; snow, 3.5 in.; principal direction of wiiel, S ; maximum force iu sealo of 10, 4 BBBthot of days on which .10 in. rain fell, lOj days in which cloudiness reached H in scale of 10, 22; frosty days, 18. Ifafofe Bighott barometer, 30.44 ; low oat, '.".1 29 ineau, 98M, Highest thermotn oter, CO; 20; moan, 40.4. Rainfall, 3.61 iu. : snow. 5.5 in.; principal direction of wind, S and N; maMiuum force in sealo of d iyi oa arhieh'.OI er more in. rain leu, 1.; daya in wiiich cloudiness reached Sin so do of 10, P.: frosty days, 23. April - flighost barometer, 30.20 ; lowest, 20.17: mrau, 20. S3. Usghcst thermonmter, S2; lowest, 32; mean, 4U.5. Rtinfall, 2.(J2 in.; RtiRoipal direction of wind,. S and N ; maximum force in sealo of 10, 4 ; days on which .01 in. rain foil, lo ; days ou whieh cloudiness re.i' hod in scale of 10, 17; froiity days, 0. May Highest barometer, 30.32; lowest, 2d. 43; mean, -O.'U. Highest thormotnoter, 70; lowest, 10; ttivau, 52.35. Raiufall, 3.21 ; p'.ucipal dirOOtiOB of wind, and N ; maxi mum forco in Male of 10, 4 ; days oti which .01 or more in. raiu fell, 18 ; days in which cloudiness re.o bed s in scale of 10, 10; frosty days, 1. June Highest barometer, 30 28 ; lowest, -" ;:; ; moaa, SUM ; Highest thermometer, Sil; lowest, 43; mean, 59.14. Rainfall, 1.18 is.; priaclpal dirootioa of wind, N aadSi maximum force in scale of 10, 2 ; days oa vhioh ,01 or utile iu. iiu fell. s ; days in which cloudiness reached N in 'scale ef 10, 17; if sty day.-, 0. I 1 II '-lu st barameter, 30.22 ; lowest. I SI BMBR, Z9.f7i Ilighest thermomeUr, iJ; lowest, 52 ; mean, 05. tW. Rain, .05 in.; principal direction of wind, N ; inaxituuet taaot in StaJe of lO. '.I ; days on whieli .0) or more ia. rain fell, I ; days on which cloudi ness reached 8 in scale of 10.0; frosty days.o. ARgBet Highest barometer, 30.07 ; low BH, -..74; "flMBR, 2.1 04. Highest thermoase ter, SC; lowest, 50; mean, (1 H. Bainfall, .62 iu. ; peiaoifod direction of wind, X; mat isfeBRI force ia scale of 10, 2 ; dajs on wktch .01 or mere iu. RRR fell, 3 ; dsys in which cloudiness revoked 8 in scale of 10, i; frosty days, 0. .c aber Highest larometer, 0.28; lowest, 20.77; mean, 20 os. Highest ther ru -., sj; lowest, 43; mean, 5 05. Rain fa'l, 1.11 ia.; principal dire.-tioo of wind, N; mum Etreo U soale of 10, S ; days on fell .01 or BSOrO in .hu. 4; days in whick !ouu.ars 1 . i i in ac!f of 10, II; frosty drys. 2. I I tober -ffigiiest b.irouieter, 3Q.44 ; iaor ' t, 2876j RMBB, lAfM Highrt thermome ter, 74 ; lowe.t, .; mcao, 50 5. Rjiufall, LIS ; principal direction of wind, X ; maxi mum force in sealo of 10, 3 ; days 00 which .) or mure in. irIr fell, G ; day on which c!oudinp!a reached 8 iu sealo of 10, 25; frosty da',, 13. November Highest barometer 30.52 ; lowest, 20.52; BM an, MVltt Highest ther mometer.' '.'1 ; lowest, 18 ; mean, 40 71. Rainfall, L 73 tB. principal direotienof wind, .X: maximum for .!.: of 10, 4; days ca which .01 or nio.-c iu. rain fell, 8 ; days on which chmdim 1 .1 ;.rd S in scale of 10, 0 ; frosty days, 21. I Highest barometer, 30.25: i,we.U, 20.13; oiean, 20.77. Highest ther mpmstor, 04; lowest, 22; mean, 41.52. Rain- ' fall, 'J.S7 in.; BBOW, I iu.; principal direction ef viad, 8 aud X ;'.utsj forco in soale c 1 1", b ; dsys en which .01 or more in. rain : II, J'J; days ou which cioudiuess reached 8 ! in scale of 10, 27; fit sty days, 0. gT-)ta! rainfal'Jduring the year, 4 1.C5 iu. ; ' ssow, 24.75 in. ; BBBihof of days on which rain f dl .'! or more inPh,e5, ij.i ; Uuys on ; Rhieh jdajdioaai reached S in sealo of 10, 907 UPOity days, 106. During the year there were two thuuder Htorms one ut 1 ebruary and one in Juno ; aid dpriqg tho tame period, twelve bail storms thrco in February, two in March, three iu April, three in May and ono ia lane Albany aa altitude of 157 foot above mean tide at Astoria and i situate in lat itude!; 3 ; longitude 1ST 1S Stiifc Tempernnee Alllanre. The tenth .innaul sen ion of the (Jrcgon i emperaace Alliaace will be held in the city of Portland, oaim OB riagaa Wodnoa day, Feb. 10, 1881, at o'clock, p. rn. Ar- tide 2 of the constitution reads as follows : j i'he Alii aoce slu'ill b'j cpmposod al delegates icily and duly accredited from temperance. .Societies and other organ ixations devoted to the interests of the temperance cause ; the basis of Um representation bciag one for the organization and ono for every twenty members and one for each fraction ov. r tea. Provided also, that aay person of knov. n temperance principles msy become a DWmbor by paying into the treasury the sum of $1. Tho O. & C. R. R. Co., (east and west sine (i. visions) win rctnrj: delegates free on certificate ef Cue secretary, full fare bav- .'t.Jl-.- X. . .. tug bona i.iid ffoin. Pet lata session see a rcnui-'O of rtli the temperaace workers in the state. Dk. J. W. WAITS, President. I . EL BotTBXOR, Secretary. Bel Dr-ad. . h met wooaa vauey papcio we noticed an account of the shooting and death of Will Kii.;r, second son of Sol King, Sheriff of Ben, .. i- ..t., .MA,.. j. u i ton Ooonty, whieh Was satd to bavo ocourred i" V! iar. a M n iilnot an li , t I In ll.f VLt.i.ha i-nll.i. 1 1 1 " '"" rt-" we nouccu an .u. ...Wm.M... ... r.atCrn virogon. xt i r t ;it . . iCW3 ieueive.1 nom i nucvuie puts WM case in another absrin altnrtter Tl, m 4 . r. , . j . man was at Lako Oven, and instead of being l -n i i ....... kuicu oy anouicr pany, acctaoncniiy snot himself i. the hnj. The bullet was extraated u.. t. e .a uy nr. . Miniey, oi Aiueiope, anu ino youna; . . , r Tt i . I. rr-rvi i nfT fur o - Letter List. Thero.iowing Is the Uat of loUoM remaining in the goat yrico A.i.any I-lnn ,.unty mkiedS whloWhVwer: advertised. Baldwin, Mru Martha A, Coster, A Cibson, James E. ' P. EL RAYMOND, P. M. Culerlalnuient nt ahedd. We acknowledge tho receipt of a compli mentary ticket to au entertainment to be given by the Shedd L. and T. Society, at tho M. E. Church, at that 'place this (Friday) evening. MALM iotaV.1 MHMfMM MSTi (UK tlu. A Klitcmrsi IroiM Uie I'nrty Uhlrii tfeareBrd la (he Mouniniim for Aleaso Melellre. 11ai.ii Pkit.ii, Jan. 0, 1.881. id! for Democrat: Wo, the undersigned, wish you to insert the following iu your columns in regard to tho man who waa lost here about ono month ago, Alenso Molntiro. Wo hare been hunting far him here far several days, and have searched ell the coun try in the vicinity where he was last seen, ami have hunted the creek that ho and Wil liams started down, but can lind no traces of hint. It has beeu reported by some party or pur ties that Charles Williams, Sen., had killed htm. We found where Williams oamped tho uight after Mclutire was lost, and could see his tracks frequently on tho way down the crook, but nould soe no sign of tho otker man. Wo fount), however, a largo buck dead, olose by where he waa last seen. Prom its sppoarauue it waa evident that it had been engaged iu a fight with some person. There were two buck shot in its head, and the left sido Was bruised vrysbadly, as though Ja man had held it by the left horn aud heal it with a club. We concluded, from tbo shot iu the deer's hnsd, that Mclutire, beiug the Rely man there with a shot guti, must have shot it, and no donbt knocked it down. To inking it to he dead ho probably rau up to it, and the deer beiug only stuuned, raised for light. From its appearance he bad struck it across tho nose with bis gun, and broke it, probably break iug(his gun off at the breech, And thea having no other weaon than the butt of his gun, caugkt tke doer by the horn and hammered kirn oe the side with il. Tho deer might have killed him or crippled hia several miles from where we found it. as they always ijm to nater wken wouuded. We found it oa the same creek. Williams and M luliro started down net far below where they separated. Wo say further in behalf of Cede Charley Williams, aed in Justice to him, that after be coming acquainted with the facts m the caseit is our opinion that the rorts iu circulation abeut hiss having killed Mclatire for his money, or any thing else, are utterly false and without aay foeadatien whatever, t hose reports were started by raea who have had a little unpleasantness with kirn, in which Williams came out ou top. Mr. Wi! liaais was with us during the wkule ef tbo search, and did all he could to assist, while those who circulated these reports did not pat iu an appoarauee at all. Tbc fallowing are the names of all taese who took part iu too search, and all signed this paper. BrBBR Sylvester. John Kerns, Jacob ikerheltaer, ( i B McK leney, Oeo TV Klum, Adam P Nye, Heary O Xye, Hogo I'arrash, ( baa h. ott. David A Hall. H O Klum, I ll.cksseu. W B Donees, H liOneairr, P. art Bur re! 1, Isaae Beets, W H hfcKhersou, J S Oreee, W K Smith. K M Oiltnore, W W Wirt, H D Klum. H 0 Rise, J M Williams, R R Humphrey Vrseaal. Mr- started for his old Chicago home last we k. Our teadsrs will remember him as the gentleman employed to a-.sixt Mr. Eachaaanin Newbury A ( kapman's old agri cultural implement house. Mait V. Kruwti wnnt dowu tu -vileni but Monday to attend court, the long-delayed State case agaiest bim liaviag been put 01 trial S. K. ouug ut dowu to Portland on M ouday. Frod lggerlaud wife started for Iwswrence, Kansas, yesterday, to make a visit to bis parents. He experts to go beck by the Southern Paciflo route and will be absent about two months. Walter Turrell, Uokkoeper at S. K. Tonng's, left this city ysterday to visit his parents in San Francisco. He will rvtuta in about one month. Kev. J. 1). Part ts.'i, of Salom, was in this city last Monday.' Wallis Nash, of Corvalhs, wa down hero during the first part of the present week. B. Chapman, F.q., who, for seme time. was in partnership with d. I. Burkkatt in etty, has fme back to Lomsviile, Ken- tucky. We are pleased to hear that Moat Mob. teitb, who is now at San Franc . rooor- erieg his beating. Flo Is receiving treatment from the beat aurists of that city. Gaa. W. Sill has severed his coanection with tho Corval lie Fruit Company. Ho is a splendid canvasser au sold u gRRtl many drie.a for them. A iRtBJBff t ansht. .Sometime last October or November a young man named Geo. Aadorson, (not the son of J W Anderson of this city) sold an or- der for $40 oa Heary C. Duau, of Corvallis, to James fiilmour of this city. A few days afterwards it was foond out tha tho. order was forged, aud a warrent for she arrest of Anderson was issued at onee aad olaced in i w m the hands ef Constable Moateith. His whereabouts were net ascertained until last woek, whon he was found at Oregon City aud brought up here by Menteith. He waa examined last Tuesday before Jastice Haven and bound over under .'00 bonds, in default 0f which ho went to jail. He acknowledges the crime, but says that he was n nder the influence of liquor when he committed it. A WeiDEEFIX For the speedy cure of consumption and all diseases that lead io it, such as stubborn coughs, neglected colds, bronchitis, hay fe ver, Minni, IMI in w ma bbu uucbk, uijr i i.: f. : . l iv.i . -..I - - t IL. 1 !.. .! nSVKlDE OUUKII. V1UK1IHK IB VIII HI Mill. ! oo- ut 7EZ2 3 r li-.-rin- diseases of tho throat and lungs, Dr. King's ' r. mr. New Discovery kas no eqsal and baa estab, lished for iteelf a world-wide reputation. Many taaing pnysieusns reeomsnena muu umm it in thir practice. The formula from vhiph if. in nramsrad ia hiirhlv rAnriinmnndad I . .. . . ... by all medical journals. The clergy ana tne by all medical journals. Tho clorgy and the press hare complimented ia the most glow- !n8rm- , o to your druggist andget a botto free of cost, or a regular sute for f 1. For BaU b . . a a a i'oahay ana Mason, wholesale agents Aloa I . l-v it : a -l - . t t. -1 T JLm y 5 aaerrie, aow , yr. . roioy, I nn ; Vr. J. M. I OWOll, Lebanon ; Ri I Calkreatte, Buena Vista ; Reafetto and Mon Lia O u P Tr I ' - ner ; R. A. Rampy, Harrisbnrg ; S. S. Hayes, Halsey ; Damon Smith, Halsey ; Starr and HlaJcU Rr.wnvill ' Q' "- . a sad mistake. ( Viuite a uumber of newspapers last woek referred to the flood of 186-2, comparing it witn th6 one wo had hero the week before. Old resident, here toll u. there was no flood in 1802, but that it was ia December. 1861, aue m mt mBMura to taeir continued re the highest water here being on the 3d of ianUtions coming from a cer- of the month Record of Speed. . . ... In answer to a request front ottizens Prineville we this week publish the record of American trotting horses, which can be re lied ui o i as correct. Uo $o Billy Watkin's for your groceries. lloiue ihhI A bread. Chew Jackson's West Swoot Navy Tolwsc 00. Spectacles of nil kinds nud prices at French's. VVe had a fall of eleven inches of beautiful now last Tuesday evening. Fresh butter and fresh rf,',n always to be had at Billy Watkins' store. Mrs. Josie Davis, wife of J. H. Davi,dlod suddenly Tuesday BIOIRlog The Willamettee has fallen 00 that it looks a lo lie a river ought to now. BomomlHir tkat Billy Watkins always pays tho highest cash price for door skius. All classes of.colloctiou given prompt n 1 sonul attention by Stewart ami tirey. Kvory man's wife wants a "Davis" sowing machine. W. B. Hoott, Albany, agent. On Monday last when tho southern mail got in, 420 letters wore distributed hero. Tho costumes for tho Queen Ksther Can tata arrived thia woek, and are magniticeiit. Hubecribo to the "Jltiutrntrd W," the most readable Journal on tho Pacific Coaet. If you want to buy farm or village prop- erty call ou Stewart and drey, O'T oolo'i Block. The Blue Ribbon t 'lub has beeu jiostponed from to night (I'riday) till next woek Pride? night. 'I he best insurance companies on tbo coast are roprcsnutcd 111 Albany by Stewart and rev. er Bi member tbo Cantata of Queen Father next Moudny and Tuesday evenings. (Jo by all uieaus. Is your house insured ? Remomlwr, housne loburu. (Jet it insured with Stewart and Irey. ( 'all at French's far VRRf watches, locks and jewelry, aud Iw convinced that you can get bargains. Kissing e girl on the cheek is like eating tho skin of au orange aud throwing the juiey pulp away. Tho new law regulating the aalann of clerks and sheriffs, and th 5 "10 tr cent law" are now 111 forco. We understand that old Mr. Feaniug, liv ing just eeuth of this city, was struck with palsey one day last week. The Rev. Atithwuy SiaspiRR, of ( wrvallis, will preach at the College Chapel neit Sb bath mornieg ead cveuing. ORB, W. licit, lato of Sjlem, BBg BjBRI tw ledepeudeece aud opened a law -office. orgo is a rattler and will do w & Dave fa-wis loot about twenty head of cat tle durtug tho late Hood, aud V. H. ColwoU lost al.ut tho saiuo uumber of hog-. If any one tbiuke it is uot dull hero at preeeet wc are of tho opinion that be ought to be sent to Rarnuai as a cunecity. On Friday of last wsek we received our first mail from below, getting it by way of Wsl! Station ou the West aido read. Die public echoel at Taageat opeucd out oe Monday of fast week with a very good attendance. J. W. Forest is the tea- her. Dunug tbo latter part of hut and the first put of this week nta ners have been arriv ing at aud departing from our wharves at all hours. The "lAugbtog Man" BBRM "gd doro mgh" splitting his sidne r euog over tho work done at tho State Fair ou the "Davis" fcsswing Machine. We are sorry to h r that Hon. John Hughs, ef .ioap ( 'reek, lias lout -me of his 1st -tie cbildroe. kits whole faindy liu !eer. down wita the RRR lot Ian r. In a short time a grand ah toting match 1 to come off here Iwrtwreii a horde of yocng chape. You have sunt better records than they have at glass ball sheeting. The reeeptiou in honor of Mr. end Mrs. F. M. French, given et the residence of J. McClong, iieip, on Thursday evemag of last week, was a very pleasant affair. I sun county has lost a large amount of money by the lato freshet. Several large bridges are a total loss, and ineumerable small bridges have washed away. A great many of our farn-er have bcon holding their wheat ami wait'bg for arise. Tho rise came on tho 14th, aud still ihoy ere not bsppy. It is hatd U) please some peo ple. Mtesee Mary Ooldson and Flora Rum- baugh have removed their dress -making shop from Mrs. CundifftuA. Ik Mcllwam s Brick. Their old customers are invited to oalL U. C. Biggs, formerly a citiaea of Corval- lis, ia a member of the Idako legislature, aad his many friends in Oregon will be pleased te learn that he ia prospering as a farmer. One of tho Albeay gHh) "ho has been re- ceiving attention from e young disciple of Blackstoao says that if there is anything iu this world that she likes it is the strong arm of the la The Chinese at Portland refused to take out license for laundries, but after tbo Chief of Police arrested a few of them they came to June and all made their little ceatribntioas to the city treasury. leap year is now orer, and during tho pleasant weathor this week all our old bach elors and widowers havo been out airiug themselves, with no one te molest them er take tkem afraid. A sploudid caae of stuffed birds and ani mals was rallied off last Saturday eveniag. N. 11. Alien was tbo winner. Mr. Peacock ia one of the sufferers from the flood, and the amount realized by the radio about $150 will be of great benefit to him. Mr. S. B, Cray, formerly of Paxton's cele hrated gallery i,n this city, has lately gone to indapendence and opened out a photograph gallery. He is a first-olaas artist, aa the poo pie ot that city will find out, and will do them aa good work as they can get any where in the state. Salem suffered considerable loss By tho I a . r . . )itg Hood, in the WaShlUff OWaV I oX ware- I . g , , . . , 0UMB ferry. . bridges, etc., but o loss of gram is reported. I ho. stoam boat wharves will be built aa soon as tho w.t.r aom down in a much lars-ar and more llk,i.,. ., bW.m fch. r I Ram Vnnnv ia crninrr to hnvn hia MtaLliuh ment ux)d up ,oon in u0 Btylc An addi- ment fix)d np i00n in fine Btyl . . n -Q rcar F I . to tne auey, wntcn win oe use Mi the ,h-iving in the fron reaching back used as an oilioo, front will be an - laroed. Tha whole will be taintd nil I w . ... . al 1 1 - A revival has been in progress at Dr. Al - u , s. cuuuar kuuui nni mr uuuui ion usti, ,!. Kw p-v T n wi,ii. conducted by Rev T B. White. Much food has been accomplished. Tho meeting BUS- , , , - .... . , ponded by reason of tho storm, will be re I w . i u: I IUUIQU U.A W U.J All JEM Li. 1 IWUU1UM a A. .All . ... ...i a ... r water-oound lawyers nave ait got hack fe from 1 elk county. We suppose their nd cIwn coniltlOQ "turn was 10 mamDer OI ine proiessiou oi tna county, If rumors are correct it would have been much better'.if a certnin Senator from Marion . county had followed the example set by our of ... 3 I A I Kan ar laavwaaa Albany lawyers. For Lame Back, Side or Chest use Shi lob's Porous Plaster. Price, 26 ctr Sold by Foshay k Mason, Diuggists, Albany, Oregon. (IV0111 tlc HunJjiy Mi -i r UK BAUBR IClRATfRX. lull fllsforv of Ihnt UoriCermi Oaby, unil IBe llfseovery of Its 5f other. The systematic search inMitnlcl by tho citizens of Kalcnt for tho mother of the found ling Wt so mysteriously on tfcs BOBOl of Mr. Murphy's residence, has le;n successful, the baby's maternal relative Bf tuft no ith-r than tho daughter of a wealthy Yaiiihill county farmer, and its father a "snide" gambler ro siJ ing in Amity. The child was born just throo miles from tke lattur pise-, nnd soon after its birth was conveyed to Albany and confided to the custody of a colon d woman uamod Mrs. Smith, by Coergo Mitchell, a barber whoso cuticle was of tho sumo dark huo. The young mother's father undertook to support tho unwelcome little strangor.and in aecordauco with tin', 'purpose, forwarded te his grand daughter's homo a cow and calf, evidently desirous that it should notsufltr for want of tho lacteal. The oM man's good intentions were of brief duration. In a short time he discontinued tkc regular rrmitt;tuco, and the iafaet's foster mother dying it was left without home or protector. To conceal his daughter's shame, and get rid ef the evi doace thurcof, tho obdsratc old curmudgeon concluded to leave tho illegitimate offspring where all trace of its parentao BOBld be ef. factually obliterated. A woman, who, it is surmised, is a Mrs. Brown, an oiWueon, tho life of an Albany blacksmith, was employed to spirit tho waif from Albany to Salem, with iustructioi.s to deposit it where it wss subsmjuently discovered. By the clumsily laid plait to absnd':i tke bah" and conceal their guilt and uhamc, the whole affair has gained much more publicity than it would have bad the wealthy but niggardly old graudpere adopted a gusrous policy. The unfortunate mother of tho child has the sym pathy of those . ogtuint of tho circum stances. H waa without her consent that the infant was disposed of in Um manner dr scrilcd. Irrfrijii Knrrfjr One of the Intrwt and without qOBBRRR tho most p:rfe t, snio mm hine ik.w Uforo the public is the "Iavis;'' why th. y actn&Uy make out o' HtriiM of cloth cups, sauoers, baskets, eta, in jierfeot s-.ap.-. We ,tt UIM, at the Albany agency BRdRBJOtROt w ith many auiploe of praj-tissl work a rt A w.ll say that there are things ttevct bwfore mad'- ou a Sewing Machine, iio and so f..r yonreclve mbI b oanehaoad. W. li. Beott, Agent B( i.i n s;m v vi. ". I . Tho best salve in thi Rorid i i cts, brais es, sores, ulcer., salt rRORfll, ".er sores, tet-t-r. chapped bands, cbdblains, rtis and all kinds of skin emotions. This savo is cuar- anteed to giro perfect etisf-tiou in every caae or money r- funded. Price X: ttr bei. For aale by Foshsy and Masm, wholesale ts ; D Moore. Kcio ; D Folry, Iebanon ; Dr Powell. Ibanon : B-dpath and Mon iBgBO, JfTron ; DM Calhreath. Buena ita ; O Cornelius, Turner ; B A Kampy, HatrhibRnj Starr and Bliskeh, Browns ville. All r ... . -I- wium iA..uJU..i .raas I'.idif. . :s).(SS foct of all ..1 mm- ber. such as scant! .. Urn titnbem. unx ing, ;nein, ami otnex rostgo luniiwr. . ... I At 1obanon we have a superior ht of dry lumistr, such as rustic, flvnnr. "t-. Owing la lite kto fire, we aro offering this lumber at reduced rU. Address us at lelmnon. 00HH BKCTHKlLv I-JCftASo:., r., July 31, IbNJ. -o Tfcr II., m r -. ur W.irUlnr. Our friend. 1-rcd (!raf, Jus received the agency for the cclebraUd Howe sewing ma chine, and is now ready to supply the public I he improved Howe is ono of the bust ma chines manufactured, and our readers who want auythiog in tint line will do well to call at Oraf's furniture store and bok at this lady's friend. ii i i i i i Q r Homo l ar lltulpranla. Texas is tho state luat is doitino 1 at no far distant dav to lecome tlio cinntio of the Notttti. bliould you want to learn more :iloiil tho ffirat ntato wud 83.00 to the lirown County Itanner, published at Hrowtiwood, Texas, tOC R yBBfB BRRBBrlp- tion, or fit .ou for at x month'. - m Do Ion Unnt I smlir.n ? Jaa. Dannals, in this city, now has 1 ortbuid, hands a largor stock of furuitcro other establishment this sklo of aud if you want to purchase any it wdl pay yoa to give him a calL He lias something to tell you in regard to his RffMBR N'o Deception: I aed. It n Htrango that no manv pcoplo will continue to HUlicr ilav alter dav with Iv.s- pepsla, I.irer Complaint, Constipation, Sour Stomach, or (ienoral Debility' when they can procure at our stero Slnloh a VI- taiimr, iroo oi com; u it uovh nvi cure or relievo them. Price, 75 ots. Sold bv Fo- ahay & Manon, Drutorbttx, Albany, or. Klavcn'a t jhcrry Tooth I'uate. An aromatic combination for the nroaor- vation of the Tootdi and Uuiuh. It is far superior to any preparation of tho kind in the market. Iu large, handsome onul tKitH, prioe f0 cents. For salo by FoahaT vV Mason, Albany, Orogon. laventersand latcuU-ea should scud for instructions, terms, refer bRBSb, etc. to l'dson Brothers, Solicitors of 'stents, Washington, D. (',, who furnish the same without charge. Edson Brothers is a well known and successful tirm of large experience, having boon established in 1866. Mr. J. II. Batks, Nawapaper Advortis ing Agent, 41 Fark'How (Time Building) New nrc. is authnriil lo mntrwrt for Now York, is authorized to contract for advertisements in the Democrat at our beat rates MAUBUKD. McFARLAND -LU PER At the M. K. Church, South, at Tangent, on Sabbath, Jan. 23. 1881. by Rev. H. C. Jeukius. Mr. John B. MiTARLANH, and Miss hi.i v r. l.i PER, We most heartily tender our congratula tions to Mr. and Mrs. McFarland, and wish them a long and happy lite. iTfce" Martteat. Following is a correct report of tbo mar kets in this oity up to noon yesterday: WHEAT Go cents per bushel. FLOUR $5 porbbl. HAY baled, $I0(3&U per ton. loose, $8. POTATOES 60 eta per bushel. BUTTER 25 to 30 cts per lb. EGOS 25 cents per doa. PORK 5 to b eta per lb. BACONS hams, 1518c. shoulders, Kko P2c. sides, 14Jc. DRIED FRUIT sun dried apples, 10c. " " plums, 14c. Plummer dried apples, 14c. M " plums, 18c. CHICKENS $2. 5O3.00 per doz. SUGAR San Francisco C, 180. COFFEE Costa Rica, 18 20c, Java, 30c Curoola 22c . Rio, 22. MILL FEED bran, $10$I 1 per ton. chop, $20. shorts, $15. middlings, $20. '. B. M ! i:w : r. NnTAltT PURUCk STEWART & GREY, WISH TO CARL THK ATTENTION OF THK CfTIZKXS OF ALBANY AND vie nil y to tbo a t U, at they havo -elabllshed an ofTlee in O'Tnole'e Block, an llroaMalfIn Street, for the purpose of iratiaeliii,r n general REAL ESTATE. LOAI, ILRAIVCE A N COLLISION I hoy will atujrnl to tho rontln of property, collection of ron(a,bnf ing and edling 1 .! , T" . O,,to,'' tt"' noKotlatlon of loaita, the collocUon of none and aooounU. ROW at home and aOrwad. the foroebwuro of mortaKoa, the adjuatrnent and aesUlng of 7,., o", mo souiwHiitni or cmuiu, j ii(y uro prrparoJ to ofTof.'t Insurauw in lowcNi jkbiiio raltie : Imperial, London, Northern & Queen OapitaL $41,000,000. Oommorcial Union. Capital, $12,500,000. North British and Mercantile. Capital, $10, 000,000. Commercial, of California. Capital, $200,000. All buHliiena entrusted to (Air oare will receive prompt aUontkm. Wo ahall bo irlal lORorraMMRoi with partlea wisbing Information of cur city or en rronndlnir coun try or of tho S(ato. OFFKJE-O'Toole'H Block. ALBANY, SrJJ:VART 'BBRRRRRRHRHnBaRl THE " WORLD'S FAVORITE." HAS ONLY 12 WORKING PARTS. MM DAVIS SEWHTG MACHINE. Hnrurii r irsi rruuuiu, un S . u ...I Vlul ..n.inB Clsss ' eoututlltors at the tastrallau International Vxhlbltloi I0. " ' REf KIVEN I IltST . j . . . m . . . Tho "DAVIS"' Sewing Machine Selling 1,000 Machines per Week! It is CHEAPEST because it is BEST. It does every variety of work without liax'JnK, and has move readies! attachments than all others. xmbinod. W. A GOOD THE NEV? YORK STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRA1 WILL BE SKNT TO.ANY ADDRESS Tin SUE -AND THK UB40 WILL BE SENT TO ANY ADDRESS FOR g3.00 IN ADVANCE. Thia Is tbo boat oppoitunlty evor afforded the people of tho Willamette Valley to cot readtne matter at low ratee. Send in torostirur ;olitioal now from the Kaat which Delinquent Htibacrlbors wishing to avail to pay up all axroasagea. ALBANY FOUNDRY -AND- HACH1XE SHOP. ESTABLISHED 1S6S. By A. P. CHERRY, situated at oorner of First and Montgomeiy Streets, Albany, Oregon. Having taken charge of the above named Works, we are prepared to manufacture Steam Engines, Saw and Grist Mills, Wood-working Machinery, Pumpa, Iron and Brass Castings of every description. Machinerv of all kinds repaired. Spe cial attention given to repairing farm ma chinery. I'attcna Making done la all la fersns. 16:llyl A. P. CHERRY A SON. WELCOME SALOON. Wm. Yoigt, Proprietor. TIE BEST WINES, LIQUORS AND cigars always on hand. BEER 5 CENTS A GLASS. Call and see me. Saloon in brick build ing, next door to Dannals' furniture store. 2-tf WM. VOIOT. patents" F. A. Lehmanu, Solicitor ot American and Foreign Patents Washington, D. 0. AU business onnectec mi ith Patents, whether before the Patent Offloe or the Courts, promptly attended to. No charge taade en ema patent is secured. Send for circular. 17 A. l. OKBT. Att't at Law. D BUSINESS. con v-yan-lnir, etc.. etc. tbo following lead! following leading companioo at the OREGON. fc GREY, OUTLASTS OTHERS. 99 gvu mate rair. 19V rsBU 1900, I M W M A. . IMtKMH ! HHESTIIE Jl DOEf Company are manufacturing and B. HC TT, Agcut, Albany, Oregon. OFFER ! WEEKLY WORLD FOR ONLY 93.35 IN ADVANCE. WEEKLY EWS names as soon as possible, ao as to tret the til we mav expeot in the Spring. themselves of these offers wdl bo oxposted H. FLINDT will make you a pair of Boots that will fit you according to your idea of a fit, and will keep them from running over, with his Patent Counter and Shank Brace, and Steel-Edged Heels ; also in good repair, if neces sary, for six months, for Six Dollars- 22 ALBANY Democrat COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE. ALBA XT, OB. The Third Term will opes on Mon day, January 31, 1881. For particulars concerning the courses of studjr and? the price of tuition, apply to 5 BE. ELOMtT W. CBMOfT. Frea't. Under the Gaslight ! XrEW YORK BY GASLIGHT. Sketeb es of life in tbo Great Metropolis af ter dark. The most interesting and thrill ing book ever issued. Rich, Rare and Ra?y illustrations. The only book that describes aourately tbe wickedness of the great city of New York. Sent post paid for only 60 cents. Stamps taken. Address Mickbl Publishing Co., Brown wood Texas. PENSI0NS.2SSS iJSS a laws ot Congress. Send two stamps for laws, and copy of Cituss SoLMsa, to N. W. FttSMrald, U. 8. Chum Att'r, Box 568, Washington. J. c.