The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, January 28, 1881, Image 2

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For many years tit olJ Western
Union Telegraph Company hjJ a com
plete monopoly of the telegraph busi
nets in the United States, and tho div
idends declared to stock holders wire
enormous. A few years g0 two new
companies the American Union and
tho Atlantic and Pacific were organ
ized and gave tho Western Cnion a
lively opposition. The consequence was
cutting dawn of rates, anil audita I
fighting until tho foro part of the pres
ent month, when the companies were
all consolidated. It is understood the
combination was effected on tho basis
ef 80,000,000, the capital of tho for
mer company, of which tho Western
Union is to havo $58,000,000 ; the
American Union $15,000,000, and the
A frantic and Pacific $7,000,000. Tho
resent capital of the "Western I'nion
ih about $41,000,000 ;0T the American
Union, $15,000,000, and of the Allan
tic and Pacific, $14,000,000. Thus the
Western Union gets a scrip dividend
of 40 per cent., American Cnion gees
in at par, and Atlautie and Pacific is
put in at 50. It is undeniable that
this movement has been engineered
throughout by Jay Gould, who holds
vastly preponderating ccntiol ef the en
tire telegraph system of the country.
This movement, in which he has check
mated his opponents, completely, it is
estimated, will run his profits op into
the millions. The present movement
in telegraph stock was lgun in the
later part of Nevembei by Vanderbilt,
who ran stock up from par to V', to
enable him to unload, which he did at
way down to 90, as he saw the prepa
rations the rival line was making tor
severe and protracted competition.
From 90 the stock was carried down to
13 per cent, by Gould's shori. sales.
The speenlative movement lay dormant
for a few davs, but assumed aciivitv bv
the sale of one block ef 20,000 snares
at 784, teller sixty days, and another
of 10,000 en similar option at 78. The
street was mystified as to the pnrp rt
of the transactions, but speculators gen
erally were induced to put in heavy
lines of shorts. From this point th
stock began to advance, and immense
transactions were the order of the day.
There is little doubt hut that Gould
and Yandarbilt hare been acting in
concert in this buying increment, al
though it is believed Gould is by far
the largest haver, as he appears to have
dictated the settlement.
.EO. Q. A V E9n(t.
Hon. Geo. Q. Cannon, who has for
niany years been Delegate to Congress
from Utah, and who was re-elected at
the last general election, has Wen givc-n
the grand bounce by Gov. Murray, who
not only refuses to give the muchly
married Cannon his certificate of elec
tion, but issues that document to bis
opponent. Gov. Murray puras up the
matter by saying that "Gannon i3i.u- a
citizen and is ineligible to any oilice.
His parents, are foroign to this country,
and he has never been :sattxralized a3 a
citizen of the United States. There is
no court record of his naturalization,
consequently I could cot give him the
ceitificate. Added to this was the ag
gravstion of his being a Mormon nolyg
amist, which makes him a felon and
criminal against the laws of the nation.
I don't see how I could bave done oth
erwise. I wish it distinctly under
stood, however, that there is not the
slightest bit of politics in the matter.
It is not a political question ,but simply
a question af right or wrong.
rori LATie.v or tme cjited stats.
On the 17th inst. Gen. Walker Kent
to the House the complete census re
turns of the whole country. The cen
sus of the States jghows a population of
49,369, 593, and Territories 783,271,
making a grand total of 50,152,866.
Gen Walker furnishes eflicial figures of
the population of the following States :
Colorado, 194,649; Florida, 266,566 ;
Louisiana, 940,263 ; Kentucky, 1,648,
599 ; California, 864,686 ; Connecticut,
622,683; Idaho, 32,614 ; Georgia,
The Legislature of the State of Maine
is now in session, and during the past
week they inspected the election re
turns and declared the Democratic n.-.(
Greenback candidate, Gen. Plais'ed,
duly elected Governor of that State.
This sattles that vexed question which
was debated so hotly bv newspapers
during the late canvass. Republican
bull-dozing has not panned out very
well in the old Piae Tree State.
Last Saturday the President directed
that the following officers be placed on
the retired list : Brigadier General
"W. M. Dunn, judge advocate general ;
General Stewart Van Vleet, adjutant
quartet master general ; Lieutenant Col
onel Samuel Woods, deputy paymaster
general, and Major Joseph H. Katon,
The House Committee, to whom ws
referred the bill placing Gen. Grant on
the retired list, with the rank and pay
of General, report it back with the rec
o.uaendatian that it do net pass. Ver
ily, Grant is a modest man to allow his
friends to aak so much far him.
Contracted far tlic Narrow QaoXO Bead
rr the Virltt nail South SKBtinni
Tiie PorUand papers my that instead
of using those portions which remain of
the two railroad bridges which were
partly C Silted away by the MM last.
Wednesday and Thnrsdsv on t!i north
r w
and south im rivers, the ditSOtors
of the Oregouian Railway Company re
solve! to rebuild entirely new bridges.
Tho two bids of A. B, Miller fc Son,
and the Pacific Bridge Company were
opened iu tho Railway Go. 'a ol'.ice, and
tho contiact was awarded to tho Pacific
Bridge Gompany, of San FrnncUoO
boinc the lowest offers for two cotubi
nation iron and wood bridges with two
pans of 150 feet ; making each bridge
300 feet long, instead of 200 feet an
formerly. This class of railrea 1 bridge
has not yet been adopted in this State
to any extent. It is much superior to
and stronger than the old Howe Truss
railroad wooden bridge, It is a combi
nation of UTOD and wood, so OOnstrOOted
that all the tension members are of
wrought ii n, and all tha compression
members arc of wood. Tho patentees,
who s re the Pacific Bridge Gompany,
guarantee that in durability it will last
double the tisSS cf an ordinary railroad
Imm briiJe. and is simple and eav of
- JB'I - 4
adjustment, enabling any portion to be
removed while trains are running over
it, preventing a stoppage ef ttatliic ;
when any accident abould happen and
when fire takes place to the bridge, pre
serves the structure from falling. In
California and Mexico a very large
number of these ii:i and. wood bridges
are iu use cf the railroads of these conn
tries. There is onla 006 I !:cr bridgoof
the ammo clasn in Oregon over the
Kickreal river of the narrow gauge rail
road company's line at I .:!!.-, built in
June, 1880, and which has given the
company great satisfaction. Between
the north and south Santiam rivers the
greatest injury bus beOB sustained to
the road, four miles of which was dis
placed. Between the .south Santiam
and Brownsville only 50 fool of em
bankment at Oak crrek was dipl u -d,
and a small jiece of the cut at Ward's
Butte gave wav. Excepting the loan
of tho two bridges on the north San'.;
am the company has sustained much
less damage thau they expected. With
in bixtv days regular trains wili be
running direct from KVs landing to
Brownsville, us formerly, by which
time the Wee: Side iO. will be extend
ed from I)ayton to the Willamette riv
er below Bay's landing.
a mouuin: c as tra.
I ! r Swttal Clerks Rtirnrd l Death in
- MUclird Car. ar ttmnvn " lurk.
Elmiea, Jan. 23. Brie train No. i:..
from Buffalo, lef: l,!::iira iat night at
1 1 o'clock for New Yoik. Tho train
consisted of one jKWtal car, oi:e evprc.w
car, two baggage cum and nino pssaoav
coaches, most of them Pullman
Whsn tivi- miles west cf M
wego, near Tiogo Caster, or.e of tho
driving wheel azls of the k;-iotive
brofl eloaa BJ) to the wheel, and the
entin train, going at the rate of 25
miles per hour, wa-; thrown from the
track. The accident ooOOfied where
there was no embankment. The en
gino kept its feet, the engineer apply
ing the air brakes as noon as he fait the
book. Tuo ciin were stopped very
quickly, hut the forward cur were
turned over and over two or three
times, some going on one ride of the
track and some on the other. The en
gineer and fireman escaped unhurt. The
postal car contained four clerks. This
car almost instantly took fire and burn
ed like gunowder, the oil lamps ex
ploding and adding to the fire from the
stove. Every man in the car was
roasted to a cri.q). The remains of one,
who weighed aver 200, were gathered
up and put iu a small box. In the ex
press car was Messenger Henry C.
l)rewer,'of Klmira. EfTertu wsre made
to relieve him, and a hole was eat in
side the door of the car .so that ho got
his head out, but his legs were fastened
by a piled up bih-s of express matter.
Tho train men tiied to ptd) him out,
but the flames drove them away. They
saw his hair and whiskers bum oJF, and
then he put his hand up to hin eyes
and fid I back into the flames. Eivo
men in all were burned. No passen
gers were injured. The men in the
ostal car must bave periabod very
quickly, as not a sound came from the
wreck except the crackling of thellamep.
The names of the dead are Joseph ited
inger, mail agent ; Henry C. Brewer,
express agent, of Klmira j Mail Agents
Seyboit of Mount Hope, ngrahaai of
Binghampton and Mail Weigher Pox,
of New York.
VatE "HiAr qs Fsriex.
We regret that an ably written arti
cle, signed "Yerita," did not arrive in
time for our issue of the 14th of Janu
ary. Wo presume the delay was occa
sioned by want of mail communication.
And as the Board will hold its ad
journed meeting before we go to press
this week it would be useless to piint
it now. The question of building an
Insane Asylum is one on which, so far
as we know, their: is no diflerenae of
opinion. We thin!-: the people of Linn
county are solid against it at this time.
BE IIolladay has had a clnim of
$100,000 allowed by Congress. He
modestly put in a claim for over $500,
000, but it was cut down to the figure
above nfmed. It would have beea
still better if the amount could have
been expressed entirely witk ciphers. W ill.'.: XrtTC t.
Tlio big tustle at the llanisburg
budgo was not damaged, but the north
pier of thu bridge nas washed away.
In Lane county the lost to clock is
reported at 13,000 ; Spdntfiold Uidge,
$10,000 ; Bpring field dam and saw
unite, 5t000 ; Cobig dam etui saw
mill. !?.M)0 ; other losses tstinttttsd
at 0,0Q0.
At Sslem ihs water atlsiuad a height
of 86 Esot above low water matk. Not
a liatt ri leu in lite cut except
KinncvY Tho wrvlr company will
havo to eouatruct a new rSSOrrol
cost ef $12,000.
It will n it P 1
sand dollars to repair a: tits
bridges earned way by tho kigh water.
The bridges on tho LttokiSBStttS were
especially unfortunate.
The uantity of grain stored at .Juno
tien and the amouut dasasgsd by the
late lleoil is estimatnl as follows : Loo
mis. 1 4,000 bushels aftorsd : dsmsftd,
7000 bosholi ; Friendly, 1D,0(0 buch
els, damafsd, i,OU0 ; lrih Bros , 25,
000 bushels, damaged, i.imi); Hurl
hurt, 12,000 bushels,' damage-'. 6,000.
The lose entailed bv the QoOcj LsM
is as groat ui ikat oocssionod lT the
rust in is7,.(, bat falls rmthor upon lbs
land owners than upon iho rOUtOffS, ac
was the CSSS with the Ions entailed by
Hon. Bon Elayden lost about &0 head
of eatUs and one hofSS b, the high wa
ter. I .en evidently did no? Imvo
thrm on hie l-!k omnty EcrOJ,
Captain Crawford, near DaYtOB), lost
128 Angora goats, worth alaiut $1 ,000.
DsPSSSl county is a heavy suflercr by
the recent biirh w;;tM- in the loss of
bridgep. nearly idl tho bridges in the
county b' in crashed awar.
The warohouae belonging to K. N.
Cnlbort, nbo'it 10 loilec above 'rval
lis, wiis wabtiod frost i s foonuatkna,
S,000 buhelH of win i cjt
The ! -n. i warsho is a. Monros i
a total wreck, A.boot 12,000 bunkels
of grain doa4 tOJS I.
The CorvallHi (SazetH siyi that Mr.
Aah, 'Iv-.-'g h f. Urt below
town, wsi m bio bouao, SSM
wiii. bis fansilv. stinii v.f a wife
and two stnull children, compollod to
iim'' in the 1 rai .c f a nee, whrr
the e::... insd in tho cold a- i wet fc
about I KtOOl Si . when rescued.
Mr.i. A'a hn 1 aim . poriahod with the
OolcL Mr. A. S8 iifirg en a i 'ed
far;n, and al! b;s p: pertj and ho1- I
bold goods were lost. J oat acre iht
river, iu Linn eeunty, the damage is
perhaps as gn.a as at any point in the
State. A section of country for alxut
:"vk tuds cast f tbs liver n entirely
submerged, aad all or nearly all tho
(bsanfSJ washel away, acei a i itgc por
tion of l!.e st- ok drowiicl.
The (JviT'l savs tho ool has data
aged lane county at hast 2 oO. 0V0
TLa fiuicia bad hardly revovorel fiom
the mat, when tho llovd washes away
fence and OtbeT improvements. The
peoj'! were po r enough without this
last misfortune.
Tho Sorth SjaSAOSSkS I ' '
to bo lined, in pla.-e.
daahed to doatb bv ti.'
The SpringfieM bridge wi
apart and hauled out of the
it now lien. The material is
something r.ear $1 ,000.
The Lugeno Guard says the ClHfSM
thero are discussing the propriety wf
expending $300 to build a levee to
keep futute floods out of the city.
A correspondent of, the mlrxmnn
from Mehama asserts that parties in
terOStod in the Glair bridge ar-rocs the
junction of tho North Sai.tiur.i one the
Little North Fork are determined to
rebuild the sacae.
Hiiam Bssith, owner ef the Coburg
saw mill, was so unfertOBOte as to lose
all his saw logs by tho high water.
About 1,000,000 fst of logo wore car
ried away, alee a considerable ipaantity
of sawed lumber, llscides thee loss,
which were in his mill pond, he lost
about 800,000 feet which were banked
along the river, ready te run in the
snv.- mm turn w.
In alluding to the loss of the ill fated
f.upata, which was dashed to pieces in
a storm by night on Tillamook Hock,
the AttorimM says: In this connection
it is proper to remark that tho press
had no information of her expected ar
rival, and there may be forty other ves
sels en route of which we are eq.ially
blissfully ignorant. It may be right,
and it may he that it would bo inter
fering iu business to publish these
things, but with all boasts of honesty
en the part of some, and talk of dis
honesty on tho part of others concerned
in the ommerco of Gregon, to i
shameful that the people are not pei
mitted to kn'jw more about the number
of vessels epected from foreign ports,
chartered, or seeking cargoes on an al
or.ii.os mi:uokiii.h.
A number of menioiiuls front (he Or
egon Legislature were luid before the
Senate by the Vice President a few
days ago asking appropriations for spe
cified river and harbor improvements
and construction of military wagon
reacts in this State, favoring extension
of time for the completion ef the Ore.
gon and California Railroad, and rec
ommending revocation of the orders
withdrawing tne Malheur Indian reser
vation from sale.
Justice Swayne kas
associates that he will res
the retired list shortly.
tii: ri.oou or ei.
U. MsOBOSI Kelatcd In empire Style
Tle i m r 'HI ms Seen at Wlilani
etle i nit.
The following from tho Ttljrmm,
wiitten by Irn. burn, is i very en
tei taining sknlt h :
As is generally thu eiian when din
OOUrsing OB a proSi at calamity, the
ficbhwt now prevailii g iu the Willam
ette is spoken of by many hs i he great
est ever known to have taken place in
the oWUissd bistoi A that ucually
well behaved ill urn. Thoco whoco
memories run bark te tho flood of '61,
1 wver, ausile with inciodnlity when
0 tn-unory of the ' oldest inhabitant"
eliallonged to roes 11 anything like the
OSOAt volume of turbid ami angry
Stori that is new being poured into
IS lordly Columbia by its chief tribu
tory, Many who dwelt at Oregon 'i? y
luring tbe prevalence of the former
flood remember with a shiver tho fear
ful devastation caused by tbo angry
waleis at that time, and bow for day n
the inhabitants took up their position
on the high bluflTs above the town and
watched ahilfl Linn City gave way be
fort the enoroscblnsj wmroi ; saw the
angry surges rise higher and higher un
til the Inland Mills were swept from
their fonmintion, and creaking ard
groaning in every timber set caii 1
tbs SOS, taking with thorn the m.
Dr. McLaughlin, built in the
lii vi ; saw tho crib wot k whjch formed
f old basin, whore the locks now are,
Wurfct with the mighty weight of crators,
leading an awful BsSUrS through which
the flood leaped with uproarious gucto,
arrytng the I. inn City nulls with them
and making a clean sweep of the homes
of the loboiera that WOTS nestled UKn
tho ro' kr below. And when thn great
ect obiine was reached all remembor
how in a fever of excitement the deni
ens of the city, village and country
OOHgregatod at nightfall upon the hill
and watched a little river boat, arannetl
by two raeklesn and intreiid aaen, as
she turned her venturesome prow to
wardc tho falls and with all stoats on
CrOBt careering over the cataract, cloao
to the begon City chore, wbicthng at
brief iatarrahj to let the watchers know
that cho wac ssskiog tho perileec run
auiveaifully. Curd wood in immaace
quantities covered the boom of tho
river fur days ; huge caw logs, loosened
from tkoir bwoone, made the frightful
plunge ef tbo folic iu great uumberc ,
syataoks, k-u mounted by chickens and
pigc, floated down the cream, the voy
aging cbonticlooic in more then one in
ctanco crowing lustily oc tho pacoage of
the folic wac madi with ccfety Is hie
novel raft and it a living freight. We
lememlier aeeiag a large two story
house come floating dawn in the early
norning of one of those days, the o;ou
viadows showing the mesne of egress
r its Stortlsdj ownero, the bedctoade
Standing in lha chambers with clothing
ujon them, disbsvslsd from the cudden
'ight of its occupants. As the bouse
nged over the falls, about tbo mid
t.. the river, a creaking of timberc
and a ' of glace roao for an inatant
above the of the waters, and some
minutes later sees of tho demolished
tenement rose U ''.e surfaee below the
swiils and eddies at 'he fo -t of tho falls
and kept on their interrupted journey
down atream, telling no tale to tkooe
who caw them aftoinrd, of th bouoe
of which they had f. med a part.
When the waters, efter tediuuc delay,
idodf tbs old basin s not, and tho
front of reg -i j re .onted a clean
STOtcb of rock-. ko the river. Thoanz
ioty of the dayi when tbo river wos
oadiiy defying all prognostications of
e "oluesi nhahttantar was iatenso.
I any a aturdv pioneer, who had based
ad built bin fortune in thn city of the
cILfl in primitive tentorial dayc and oettlel bimeif down to content
ment and prospective plenty, say the
labors of years and the hojias cf future
opto potency borne away by the unsrsos
dented rush of the waters. The aged
Indian soothsaver. who had before been
regarded as merely tho worthless vega
boni that he ojaj, wac eagerly consult
ed by the timid regarding the probabil
iti, and with lugubrious SSOSSlt snd
distorted visage elongated to suit the
sauln isnpoctanca wtto which ho found
himself iaeostsdL told with duo solem
nity of a time whn the river had fi
the chasm to tho very top of tbs t
ing walls of colored basslt thct tiow
grimly frowned upon tho discolored
waters below. Hut the flood of 'CI
mads its rooord and subsided, and less
than a decade thereafter many of its
devastations are forgotten even by these
who witnessed tbsss, and to the genera
tion that have Ifjrung up since, aod the
immigtants who have since become eld
Oregonianc, tho present switl of angry
waters seems iu excese of any that has
before been known.
UlS 'ornm-i c.ial JiulUlln ef Chicage
in quoting Commissioner Swift's state
ment about Chinese naturalization be
ing null and void, says : "If Swift is
correctly reported here we are inolined
to think no suck treaty aa ho and his
confrere have brought homo with them
will ever receive the sanction of the
United Slates Senate. Thero are many
Chinese merchants who ate among the
largest tax payers on tho Pacific coast,
and in New York tho courts, as is well
known, havo no scruples aboat grant
ing naturalization papers to persons of
this nationality. The exclusion ia to
tally at variaace witk the spirit of our
free institutions." This shows what we
nay expect from thost Eastern puritans.
hey would be in favor of naturalizing
the devil providing ho settled on this
Tab. G. Fa i u, the man who carried
Ner:'.l for Hancock, has, been chosen
U. S. 8ei.t 'rr to succeed Wm, Sharon,
the ever-abst. a toward he richly
merits. Fair it a man of ability and
energy, who commenced at the lowest
round of the ladder, and by dint of his
personal endeavors has reached the
eminence ho now enjoys, lie is a prac
tical miner, a man of the people, who
will steadfastly oppose the class legisla
tion of the Republican party and its
attending iniquities. Jacksonville
Ox Tuesday of last week tho Legis
sture ef Maine elected Eugene Hale
Jeaater. Vote Hale, 106; Smith, 72.
I t: 1KD li'ISSOBC.
Watch famine in lllinoic.
Tkn foot snow drifts in New Tork
"Old Prob Bays we will havn nn
o;en spring.
Jat Got i. ii'ji logon is Nuid to be
Tmc J oils h government hna over
90,000 trOOpS la Ireland.
Illinois is out of debt and has
$1,4 mo.OOO in her treaenry.
B, A. Hot 1 1 KitM, tho groat actor, died
at London a few duys ago.
Has WmAMCUOQ has taken $l,000,00(
worth of the Paaoma canal stock.
O Tuesday, the IHih, Gen. Howard
wac to take charge at WeatJ'oint.
Tun reoent cessiou of the Vrrmont
Legislature coat that .State $63,420.
Vmi.isiA towns buried in snow ore
among the novelties in the F.ast now.
It h nisinrocl tbo groat Glad
etoi.M If i l'lnr ef llawar-
A ntiMTcn'H toast : "
Second only to the pi esc in tho dissOBo
iaation of news."
A H UBBIISOM pbyoi sdjvsf tiiSS
to .iesen be for " widowe, oiphans and
old maids" I t oo of charge.
Cr.v 0 nh. H Van WBOM is tho
new Senator from Nebraska. Do was
elected on (he 17th ballot.
It costs aboat $70,000 per mmum to
keep up the Whito lieuso oxpeiiHeo,
exclusive of the Preeident'e salary.
I.Asryear MiuneaKlis, Minn., grouud
ovei 10,000,000 bushels of wheat, ruck
ing upwnrdc of J,000,)()0 barrels of
'l'u u new (termuii caucus is expected
to reach tho aggregate of 1 000,006, or
tf,00),0MJ loos than that of the United
Roaa H. H i u i nitKT, or Waterlos, is
appointed administrator of the estate of
Idclntvre, tko tuau who dicapiiearcd
' ' 11
frois the hunting party a few weeko
i a tko ee?etilk time ia hie career
ac a Kiee Macon tko Prince ef Wales
kaa Woeu nominated ss Grand Mccter
ef tko Order throughout tko United
Taiaxr OKI HtaUaef the thirty eight
ia tko Union sow have kieanial coo
ionc ef tkoir Legislatures, and twenty
eight uf tho Htete legislatures meet
this month
Tae Kureaesn dotsond fr food pro-
ductc from tho I sited States is gtea'.er
tbaa expected, end the promise ef tko
wheat market is encouraging both te
formers aud merchants
Tni: (i rangers' lUisinesa A sooVti en
have called a convention ef farmero for
Feb. 4tk, te coasider tke depression in
ike wkoat market and increase ia ocean
freights and other topics.
rK KSTAKT EVsltTS a lew dayc ego
uatkooghtedly " let tke cat ont of tke
wallet" ky a statement made in diplo
saatie dooumeats that Llaine will carry
oa correspondence hereafter.
ArcOBDiao vo recant figure, the
average value as aers for cleared lend
in Maine is $1'.' 87 : in New Hasap
hire, 1 5 00 ; ia Vermont, io '26 ;
in llaisachuaottc, ?- ." 0 ; is Connec
tiout, $29 00.
Tub AttoT'- . . .bat Senator Sla
te- c.ullv of the ckance ef
a or
a I C m
-unng a liberal appropriation Irom
tke presest Congress for Columbis bar
improvement. Tke cam of $"0,000
will bo asked for.
Is Mickigan last week ike Legisla-
tore elected Senator Baldwin to fill tke
unexpired term of Senator Chandler,
ending nort leVoh. Vote Baldwin,
1 li ; Barnes, 14. Conger received for
the full term, 111 ; Lathrop, 16.
Tns Mayor of Liverpool kaa been
communicating witk the comraaador of
tke troops in the district, and the cap-
taiaefaguaid ship in the Mersey, to
srraage for the landing sf seamen for
co-operation with tke military, in the
evoBt of some suspected notion en the
part ef irishmen.
Ous neighbors in Nevada and Cali-
fern ia do not think tke new treaty with
China is exactly what it ought to be.
They claim that a largo loop hole has
been left open. It is a great improve- Union and Washington and tho neccs
ment upon the Burliagatne treaty, aad sary outlet to Lske I'nion fcr a reason-
we are always in favor of takiag what
we oan get, and doing bettor afterwasds
if possible.
Hon. Jah. G. Fa in has beea aloetod
Kau.l.r tkM SfavBfla uaii t.a . F a It
n kj mi 1 J - a n
) - .w-. - w..-
r. minor cuco-mac mwwmjci eon so
Soaator from California. Qeaeral Mil-
let's views on tke Chinese question
V. bn nut fort b in eimk farlaa
a. 1- u i v . w
hope that they will find ia him an ear-
j iii u .1
nest aud intelligent okatnpion of the
alaima of free wkite labor as onuoced te
. U(
Ms. Wmitino, ef Riveraide, Califor-
mim, x.
aa uti1ai r rr 1 KCf mAmm r f 1 u k . 1
with a stockade, and proposes import
inn t. e o,u
inr 100 pairs of ostriches from South
Africa, worth from $250 to $000 a bird.
Ostriches breed at four years of sge,
and will produce feur broods a year,
each averagiag twenty chicks. At eight
, ,i j i
months the feathers of a bird become
worth $5, and as it grows older attain
, ciAA j it
a value ef over 100. It is said that
U r mnr im lrMn an ostriab than
it costs no more to keep an ootrion man
a sheep.
Os. Jos. K. HlWLBY was elected
U. 8. Senator in Connecticut lect week
by 177 to 7'-'. One DsSOOSTSt and one
ludopondent voted for Haw ley.
Title IVruvians are gettiog BSOSt glo
riously licked by the ermiSS Of Chili.
Tho Chilians tiow occtp.y UsSS, UrS
capital of 1'ertt, and CsllaO, tbf ntifjol
I ml senport.
Tim; Boon sro srowdisg tbs English
in South Afriea, and the. t loops al the
command of the DrUisfc Met I ITS en
tirely too email iu numbei to enable
thorn to hold thai! 'ociiion.
Tin; time to thoroughly Mfsair il
tooln, plows, reaping nsaebinoa, cultivt
tors and (he' like in tbs winter. Tim -teken
for this now is lot lost. mote
important business, as is the OSSS in the
proas', of spring and lUSBBier work.
toUOMtl (rOSB Ireland s.iy that
withstanding tho troops are kept very
. i i t i i--
eioso ju tlio naitiieKH sngni nuarrem Be
tween them and iho local population
are hourly occurring. Woes tho city
under martial law, it would preSOBt so
more of a military aspect. The troubles
in the western eountius are rather in-
crcssing than subsiding, and ell seon
gloomy and threatening.
v i
F SfSS i osavrsssnc.
About U0,(f)0 young islmon Iibn.
lieen turned iuto the Clackamas ri i
Tho Itcmisr rays that the narrow
gauge road is to be extended fi
las to Monmouth.
ilt. Iitkor is fallowing the txassple
cot by Mt. Hood, and cTMCcUlgbl SSSOl
ing on Friday ei last week.
Tho Knappt'ju mills Ia.t )enr .hijicd
a a A. V S
over 1 I,i'Vu ie't ,i muier, in
cluiled iu which ei :W, esrgoos for
San Frsnoisoo.
The pi inters at Portland liae . rg I
iod a Mutual Aid Bociotj. I', is a
worthy orgaaiation and wo I
eraft will mnko it permanent.
John ("tiCpmiii, at Looer Q
HlufT, below tb; mouth of Klama'h
river, ia ( leaning uu 1 '00 a oav bv
, . . . ...
woaame: the Hand en tiie 1 en. k.
Tho clock on the raj gg in ti 0
ma region ia ouflering aeverely. and
loos than oae tkird of it will be 1
thorough orocUhgr coBtiBoss
Ssottle's city debt is Leie. t
guiahod at the rate of about ; . I a
cuontb. Ita warrants have . ?el V
appreciated during tLe '.. t
and four vvais.
sJonator (irovor writes ti.
the Port Orford J'uU that he inav I
dejaended on to do all iu his power in
favor of an nnnroo? iat ion far lbs
, , c .
bor of refuge at t !
The total receipts by too board of
manserc of the Oregon 'l ii licn'f Aid
Society, during the year e
bf.r 31st. were .
B,ntii 203S 51. 1
j, badoacs in
Six additional bodies uere wadted
ako'.' laat SftbLa.n r.ear the wrookecl
chip Lupata. Their fe .'cica weie so
mutilateil ky looting againat the rocks
that descriptions eie ; bev
MtoM Indies have row boon it-
We le.irn firOOS the J.,
tind that Willie, aged 9 yeat, con of
Hori. J. X. T. Afiilet. hheoling at
arks s hea tho accidental dihcharge of
his gun tore tko upper left arm to
shreds, and that it kal to be amputated.
Daniel Whintler will 1 wild a saw
ill at the ilratty mill hite, at Meha-
i in . .1 will
aaw out lumber for a
which Mr. Ileatfv will
1 " f
floutin" mill,
build at an early dv. 31 r. 1 V ftttj
been for manv vears bead miller at S.v
lent Flouring Mill.
Tke locomoti-o of tko Puyallap
branch of tho Northern Poetic that
fen through the trestle near New Ta-
coma jIltu tks bay weighs twenty eight
tons. It is entirely Bu'jUierre.l at hiidi
tide, but it is thought it can be n
w ut li8t
The Ochoce Piommr say: ales I
gtoirc Todd sold during Lbe. week to
Messrs Broymsn A SoBaSBervilie, of
Prineville, theii large band of stock
cattle now running on what is known
as the MatolasanSe, near Black Butte.
The band uumbti.' I, "'Oil head, ami are
in fine condition at pi e,stnt.
Mr. N. S. Woodard, of Seattle, is
prepared to tako tho contract for open-
iag the proposed canal between Lakes
able consideration, and begin the work
I at onee, giving good and faithful surety
for its faithful performance.
Notice te Blelm.
I - "
i m J .j . .
from tho Probete Buroaa of San Fraacisce,
giTiog a ij8t 0f tho estates being sdmiektered
upon ia the Superior Courts of San Francisco
and Alameda oouatiea. In it we found this:
I Estate of Mary Cromwell Iunes Heirs,
Ckoorwell. Nehalcm. Tillamook
Co., Or.; William J. Cromwell, Turners
Station, near Salem, Oregon ; Maguic Mo
JJg (,n;d Charle. Crounvell, BoJem, Or.;
Hadie Barr. Albany. Or.; L Thomas (.'roiii-
well, Colfax, W. T.j liartktt J. Cromwell,
White's ITalrle llewcr,.
I TRknn before rotlriiiff. will insure a Kuod
- night's rest, with an awakenin- in the
rosy worn to neann, cemracm mm Mir.
HISr2uS3 nr.,. nx t.roath. sick haad.
i x WS lwswju w v f
ache, or any disturbance arising lrom ctys.
niiu vi caj v- r-
pepsia or torpid livor it is yithout n peer.
action on disease is entirely litl"en)iit
from any medicine ever introduced, quiet-
nr naJna almost lnsUintiy. ino nuo ami
ory raised against it by patent medicine
a k . . . . .. , "
i men. wuo nave ioroseuti m jw
d'u f u ir nefaiiouc buiinosf,
and the thousands of unsolicited teotimo-
nials llowing in from all parts or tlio isew
hforld. is a sure indication of its great
a sure indication of its great
merits. Trial size at ail wrug niorts. jiu
75 FOaay A Ma
I . . . . r or mm
son, Sole Agents.
HS,tvoi:::r.R4 sn.t:vt rt.
JCditor Democrat:
When I was In. Albany tlio otho day
several or the citizens of that city Inquired
of mo nt to tho truth of a rumor (hat was
going tho rounds derogatory to tho good
name oT ono of my reJglilis
Tlio story goes that the n:' rnlnoj after
the Jate fh'l V.'m. Ilnle, 8r., won Id not
allow myeolf r.:ul family to etep t bio
house. Mow, I crtah to lay in thl pahiie
manner, I h rough Iko 'OOlOSSne Of VOW
widely c'.m '.l ateil anI valuable j n j er. that
tho porM'ii who stitrtnl Ihe etory ban told
a wilful and irialieiMis lir, and Jll:o all
cowards, is working in the dai ! ,n ! hi so
u nderhnnd msnr.or is ti .vir;c 1" Injure Um
good BBSM of a kind I.' II ' 'I old to bBSnd
a K( i eit izcn.
'i'hursday OfOtling, !l 0 l!i In t . T took
my family in a i .kill, ns the v.atc r v 1 1 up
to my Jiouae, looking for a j.'aeo.of snfetj .
We got an far as. (ho barn on Mr. Halo's
lower Hold, win n v.e r..' t Mr'. Jece-;k.
also fleeing from tlio hood in his wagon.
Ho could get no further than Iho barn, a
thcio was f in. . .. -r sA-een im
end tho hills. IfeanKid mo to May wilii
him, as I had liio only nilf and if I
water did roseli th) barn wo eoeUd ptjtsstr
wives and ekUdren 10 iho boat assf sses
tbOOS, 1'hat ni;:!it we stayed in tho iarn
live men, two women, ami hveehddn i
iuiS alu Mr. l"eae., v.'n liorw-s. Ac the
water raised wo got ;; a !in of w i;
In tho uppep jHrJ. of ti.o.1 arn. and as Iho
w;der slill continue i to raij weeSJt '.i.'?
horses l.o'-o about mklnfgbt, an they were
drov. j byentttnoj -!. ea looootkere
wax a i . .f ti.iir swinindng
out 00 thi hlllx, OScS Belle away.
The next morning at dsyUgbt I Ivtartod
to take tho DOOBCO out, CjCJOl BBJ boat DO Og
small, I had to make three tffpe. When
I g.t to .Mr. Hole's i :. my family
haasko'l in- w hat I had loot I told kin
my team and cow, ay 1 i thought my kooMsj
va gone with In It, Heme:
us aL IhedfJOr 001 fold : aewi:- v ;.
coiuo to .etay as long as WO liked. His
granddaughter and be chopper, Miss
Nora Hate, SOOSI bad BS a gaasl bo hfOSjl -fawt,
and they both tslksSl and acted as U
they deoj'y syn ; ocSr
io.4. Aller breakfast, as thy wr io OVOT
erov,del In :!'. l. i; I . i ;o !?ke
mj caaally to Mr. i. IT, Bown
Hale ogaln bsefctod on u '.n i
Now, Mr. i.:in r, tbo 19
nearly everything l?bad, and I
ing p. pay you forlneeitlsg thw
hut knowing jfocj to bo a man
tosos Josiios done to oil, I !
that yon will pnb?ih this.
J-fvre olocSBg I WOStd ii-.'
iat. Mr
u.i ;j
fiank ajaoto P. H. Bowman snd many
otliera for th ir kin '. - .
falsi' v. 3. y. ; n
ill and
IS or::s I ;.i KBU
L-rd. 1 1. v.c i . ;
of a document entitled, 'A i
frou. J!.n ii. hi II I i i;
Scott, editor cf 'u .
swes to sn e litorisl i.i the I
'jonlan of Dee 1, 18$0.H
eksrgod r. Utiobi aril i.
:t r
. in an
J Ore-
ieg t .
Northern PactCo ilai'rosd, nd tke Int
ter denies the allege ... snd ; i-vcs hi
portion !y the rre ,v-, cf tbo Senate
Mr. Mitchell is mcft tern
hi .'.tn'ti.i e, . '. e .
Scott tho Wu.-t ,,;.,
onci kaa ever rocoived sine
egon fcty'e of editorials w
We ar not porttcnlarly
1 1 ;f. in
ti.i- ajrj
.e old Or-
els EIt bold the!
eitber portji ar. I wii!
hata and coats of both
bor esek other.
1 1 ; v. p.:
..: t
owns c
in U.i
the quartet 17 interest on it itoOO.-
have $5,000,000 more, a qn iter -
Iv interest of 050,000. Louis M. Lane
has $3,000,000 in bonds, with a qrqar
tcrly interei t incoi!:" ci" $50,000. d, C.
Flowl has $10. , '): a quarter-!
ly revenue frotn the investing t of
$100,000, and Miss Jcanie Flood, his
uanghter, still unmarried, has in her
name the sum of $2,000,000 in bonda,
and quarterly pocket money therefrom
of $25,090. Gsndsstoo X:ils.ou has
$78,000 ia Ss of lsgi and $22,000 in
Cs of I '. Lotta, the actresc, has
'fOOv. 3, and Emma br 1 .-
t. 000 jn i-.,
M .
The i;rst suit brought hy i. j i. -vr.t
owners of the land grant to the W. V.
Jc C. M. Wa!ron Koa.l t'j. against squat
teia tamo o ll'in Portland a few weeks
ago before J udge Deody, of the I". B.
District Court, and was decided in fa
vor of tho company. Next week we
will publish tho decision, a.i it is a mat
tax of great importance to many ..f our
r.i '.cis.
Onn laithfol Keprestt&:ie lion.
John Whiteaker kas introduced a hill
to autkoii.-o the ootmfi uetion i f a hii lge
across Snake river between Grange
City and Texas Leading. Another hill
introduced bv him Bi ptepriating i 7.V
100 for tko construction of a steam
vessel for the revenue maiine. for spe
cial service in ;he w rs cf the Terr it
(ory ef Alaska, ic still bolero com Com
mittee on Appiopriations, strongly in
dorsed by tke Secretary of the Treasury.
Tin: Stat:: IJiciit.-; Democrat, edited
by our genial friead, (Jen. Mart. V.
Drown, issued a splenui 1 holiday num
ber, descriptive of Albany and its busi
ness houses. It reilects credit on the
DoWOCSAX for its entorpriSQ and solici
tude for the wolfatv of ita patrons,
which every newspaper shouhl possc-s.
Jackson cille Times.
Maine boasts of having furnished
tho pitsant Governors of Massachu
setts, Wisconsin, Michigan, California
and Iowa, a Senator from Oregon, and
two of the Minnesota Congressmen, l.-e-sides
a hundred or two other men who
have greatly distinguished themselves
iu other States.
They are having very cold weather
in the Esst, and it is reported that the
wheat Oelds of Indiana and Illinais are
all frozen' out.
The (orvallis Fiuit Co.
V.'ili pnrehaso 11 ummor dried fna;t at
foil nuu ket nricea;
Will eond a competent person to advise
fruitgrowers as to cultivation of or addi
tion to orchard:
Will supply fruit :: approved eorte
a? ii' derato jriee ;
WiilaoU I rift tkroqgh Lh:n,
l itoifanl lonoioiiiSlea
Itter to wot to Corvalli Fruit Tom -panv,
('orvallis, RenUm County, ( acNjfcsc,
WALLW NASif, Preeedsnt.
IwHoary i, w. 'jiv.f.'
i H. SURLES, Trop'r.
with each shave. I'rtees for shaving
and hair cutting name a usual. omn
rjpposiU) Mcllw tin's store. )(r.
Harper's Weekly,
Tiiia porlodlesl, by its able ar.d i-bo4ar-1
v dfaceo cstons oi tko qsmtfeoes ei the day,
ai well as hy i'n illiirtrattons which art
nionafOd by the boat artist has aiwajH
excited a powerful and ie official iiillu
eneefMHi the puh'ie mind.
''. ..i.' of i' influence wbl a! wave
be found on the side of morality, nli glit
eanMSlt, and IstflnOPIOWt.
... 4 00
i 00
4 00
JO 00
7 00
J 50
is:: vi.;..-: y. . :..:,, ,
i; .vr.n s ;:. r..oiR v
'joe Volatnas of tbo Weekly ix-gin wgh
I be l.i .. :u&-r ( r January of each year.
W.'m ii time in OBCCnliOfkod it wuil h; un
cVsrctood that the; eubocclLet i!i to
mtm nee crttb Use number next after Uoo
receipt of the order.
Tbo last Qsvea Annnyl Volnmea of
HAitj-ne.'H nt'. e..,-.b hind-
j ing, will te f-nt oy ma.!,
by es ptoaa, free of expen
I frejijljt do.-s no exceed
I volume), Cor XI SSearJtL
:ioth cava for catdi
jc do; Jar per
binding, will Ik mi,
t of ! eaeb
. ; r.-1
Order or i'.af;, to aveed any
w (kit odpCf&K'
ier of H...; ,.r. 4
V 11
Kir: rORK
l&r&ftwBi Bsst Famiij ?ap:r
ia ata Wcrli
v.e:iJ rur Snniple C'opj' Fr.
S3 :.r Jf VorL
s s . - sa r
LhHH NINtS oil.
Tiie N'.'v 3Icdical Wonder
of tlic 19th Century.
m : -: a t'.U has ever V:..n.
::.r somsSai rain .topped in antiiHu-..
cumlsla Tain stopped iu IS mlsnle.
f :-ml.M-l-r '.p;ed to 5 niinctr.
Tootn.- :tpprd la I-S CSdCmSCa
Any Ecelnco cf In the F"ri rr-
I : -.-.! iu it m:nnle.
For rJe by all r.rvjiats aod Ccalen ia eaeCkiM
n 1 ai hei(.i lit hj
F..V .!, Is acM i
l bs c iter, iir w
). ii. '.v ii in ei .
Vv.iti- lii.iJ .,
' tho mai.y tcstini.uiial rcoe'v.l.
ahvrti.rtl, U well at;l fvr5'?r
FVar ntculan ikqaire af J. w.
Wviu :
ror.Tt.Ki. Of.kcos.
Irt. ImCBCnt : I sufforimr with jain intetwcly,
s t!i t tor ' r;il ' 1 : );: :..'.. t-' lni!i.-hti n
hum!'. I V!t-l m.uic ..f your "l.iy hlnii.j; l-ii.inin't,
aiula roi;ii v i tl thi' I'jin urii thu lirt ;:!: Mt..-.i.
'Itic hatn h ; '. removed all Pumtew cause I Sf
the JUin. For t.'hachc ami tiearot-ia it is mCoSBl
havinjr Ih--!i tried in niv own taimiy. I have u-i-l
gallon l liiiinii-nt ! ari-.iti kind. nl find this to
as oJ'. I COjrhty reivtiinivtid it t-0 any eufferins
with aches and ltin.
irr Miis. j. w. weatzierfokd.
i u s ?s e n s
;x F.Y TAI. lilt' lii' "I !':-' .i : S.. . Guide niui
ll.tiid-litik ever puhlNhol. Much Uie l.ieet. ItCaOi
Oaaai l!()W TO IMS KVCSl-
im.X. in th I- war. II i. t 'm .mr Omi Uw
yir. Hiovtodo! shi Cm i re.-tly and SU'XiMfuliy.
liow to act ia nd in every rt of life, and
imtains a cold mine of aried ini. imation indiMiens
abte o all classes for constant refereaee. aSaCtSTH
IVAMIU for . r !: ro time. T-. know why tbia
liook of I'.KAI. valite io i . r.- 1 :ttr tl-.i:i
auy other, ;'j'lv for ttrm t.
r. Bmmtam. m .,
lmC an Fraurit'o.
0 1 ran"." ' V YE Vtt, or S" to $20 a day In
CpaQUv joarewa liaoliajf. Norisk. Wonundo
m well as men. Stany make more than the amount
htatoil above. Xo one cnu full to make money faM.
Any one can do the work. You can make from 60 cfc.
to tZ an hour hy OSveCSSf your OSCCmWc and siro
time to the buines. It eosts nothing to try the bus.-
1 u-. Sothing like it for money making ever offered
l-efiire. liusinen leasant and strictly honors Mo.
Keader, it you want to know all about the best ayit.jf
liusiii" tiefore the public, send us your address and
we will send you full paiticularB aud private Unns
free ; samples worth also free ; yoa ean then make
up voiir Bind for yotuself. Addres OEt.rGB ST1X
SON it CO., I'ortland, Mak..
iQOQ"'' 00 nvuie h7 evw7 e"D ec!7
JwS T month in the busiuess we tuin sh, but
those willing to work can easily earn a dozen dollars
a uav rtj;nt. in tnu
explain here. Uu
men, aud boys an
furnish vou a con
penee of starting
see. Farmers am
tens, and all claa
should write to i
once. AdireB Tl
laalsas ttav no ww
asut and honorable. Wo
i as wuil as men. We w ill
it free. We will N ar es
rticulara tree Write ard
i.-j their si is and diuirh-
of navimr work at l ome,
irn all about the wcrk
., Aujfusta, Maicc.