The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, January 21, 1881, Image 3

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    She i
monat. I THE FLOOD
...JANUARY 21, 1881
. A '. U. K. TIMS TABLE.
Utuiij Slat ion.
ntniiTi nr.
!' I It tl.
t ki kiui
txruKss Departs el
Arruw at -(
MM Mum,
( Arrive at
1 IViiart nt
VUKIcllTTi: MN - -
A1.I1ANY EM'K RSS Arrives st
KM A. M.
teen A. M.
11:4.. A. M.
11 306 P. M.
11:4.'. A. M
i M P. M.
s i m
n ta m
Tho Wrathful Willamette Waging a
Watery War of Waste I
III Trains !nilv. rrel suiitltiv.
VII L I'-. i:i K, Station IgtH
TTTTQ T A TJTTT? 0M he found on ttto al :.-..
-LIllO X aiLu iv RowwUS Ci" Nmwkmt
Advertising Ifcinsui t 10 Spruce St.i, where artvertlslnij
uontrscla may be uukto tor U IN NEW VtlMv.
nr, WOOL'
Owing to Ul imavoftlablo delay caused
I 3 l ho Hood and storms, In getthOf the
costumes fr this entertainment, it aaa
been necessary l postpone it ono WMk.
Instead o( the -Mill and 2"th, it will oomc
Off OB the 31st and lb. 1st. All ticket
sold wi!! lo good iiinler this cbanaje.
lu'il'icr Hunt.
The seewud match huut of tho sportsmen
of Kuox Butte came off List l riil.iv and re
aottadpa a victory fur the mom side which
won Ik-fortv. The BOOM was as foUaWO :
Bon Custar, 17-; Y Hiight.Tlo : Jerome, 4$; M Bropst, 99 G 8lMM
GKIaO, 115; Ktim Miller, 50 J Mat
Chambers, Mfc Total. 85 i.
Alonxo Miller, 5 Enoch SI tiler, 39 ; 0 A
Archibald, Go ; J it I'ropst, rJ ; K.l. hi box,
Od ; Jasper Custar, 15 ; Sam Cohn, 107 :
Frauk Butcher. 14i Total, oOS.
The losing side furnished a splendid oys
ter supper at Kuox Butte si.! House,
which was enjoyed immensely Ly all ulio at
tended. Tho .' miv side arc uot yet satis
tietl, and aill give their opponent anoihor
rattle" M a few weeks. Tlie fact is, they
wre "akuuked" thii ttin, M B:a Custir
and lloo. Simmon blWfc in a live skunk,
which counted SSGt
'i'ruui liic "acale' I ren tuit'."
T. P, McKui-Lt, Bat., of hmm Soda
Springs, writing us under dae if J in. 15th
says they have thu far had CO parativaly
ne winter in theSmtiam Canyon i lLo Cas
ctle at .in. Tiioro is n ouow 00 the
Y. V". & ('. M. Wagou I Load tine ido of
llacklcmau's PMt-MM the Moaetoia Saav
wit aud tho a.Lr i mild aid gonial.
The rain storms of last week rs.iaed too
tiara to an unusual measure, but tho water
ii now ruuiiiuy m and no further daUfl r it
apprehended from Mjjh water.
from the purport o.' this Icttr-r c would
infer that there is but very, little taow on
the hue of the Mountain YYanu KoaJ W
tveea here- and tKthoco, and that adventur
ous travelers could make the trip aero
without much diflicnlty, Howev- r, wc woul J
not suvhse any one to strike out ob that iiue
with the meagre information w pew-x.
HuniliTils of lVrsuHs Hopteless
Tln;iivanils QfSltp, Cntllr and
Hones I1: ihi !
Millions oi" Acres rioolcS--r:-np-eriy
ic oyoel Crowlttg CihraJn
Vnslcl Ortt mid n ic:jern!
Kcin of Torrot Tliroiisn
on! the Vnlley.
"VeUs ami IncIdcMil'-
Meters Feshay and M-ikoo, th live t'ra
jjist of the town, are alwajrs cp t' the tlW
tnd reaiy to m-4-tthclomaBiisof their many
customers. Tbey bare j.iat received a sup
ply of teat wonderful reiui'lr tht w a.-ifru-!-r
:'i' tbe world by ita marvelous euren. Dr.
King's 2vew bia.-overy for Oaaaa uipt ion,
coughs, colda, &thma. bronchi tie, hv ttW,
phtliuic, croup, whooping cough, ticklinir, iu
the throat, lot of voice, iioartenetut or any
.. t of the thrfiCt and lungs. Toi rem--ly
poaitiveiy cun-n, as thiuans can CCSti
iv. If yen do nut bvlieve it call at
Foahay and Ifaaeo, w liolesnle agYib Alba
ny ; 1. MoriiH. ; iJr. 1 Foley, ieba
,it a ; lir. J. M. Fowell, Lebanon ; I'. M
Caiercatte, Peua Vistt ; Raafetto aad Mon
tague, Jefferson : O. II. !'. C'ernelinc, Tur
ner ; It. A. Ilampy, Ilarrisburg ; S. S.
Have. Halsey ; Urtisjnp Smith, H.l:ey j
htarr and Blakaly, brewnsviile,
mifi got a trial bottle free of cot or a rt-gu-iar
sij bottle for one dollar. As vou value
vr.ur lift triwm it. a. tri&l ftn:l W.- -:.rwifte1 t--- '
, vw . . aw . . - . . . ill, . w ... . ...
thouaandd already have been.
I'p to about the Sth of the present mouth
there had hOsfl but a uli-ht rainfall (' a-
sen as com pari -d with the rooatd esaaj
yearv past lur:i ig XoTcailx-r and Decem
ber, ufualty elaMsMl withia t!u- "ra v oi
son" that liai given Oregon her tit! i ;
"Wwbfoot Stat;" the rainfall amounted to
nly 1 1 03 iaehea and ouly about I infihtl of
Ml, The weather had boM ..ry BaiU and
plwusant. The thcruioii i t. r l. i.i i.. t '. v :i
lower th.m 1 i dg.-ec, and, thfl tXOp
tion of occaiionally an old "wcbfi. '. -.
wanted more rain to m il.o ! v. t
weather hold together, thiro w.".-, awry gen
eral satisfaction tires;ed ;t th5 manner in
which the weather eh-rk had conducted mat
ters. People cvcii b pn to thu;!. there had
been a change of r.d::.iuist ratio.', ai;d tho
spoils belonging to the wrsther bureau were
transferred to the victors by the appointment
of a new and letter natured ejerlb
fallacy of all these en j -rturea SOM i"
be mado apparent to the most tkeptiesj, and
everybody is eonvinceil tbat it i tlie laa
old fellow who has managed li: Ubiag u-i far
back as we have any record, aad stands or.
cueI of Ho-kIs and harrican. i iBODMBCsble
since the big tuss!" K- h. ,1 N'aah M
hi.s mighty ship.
j ii:: i:a;jt
becau to fall "ii .-.
and cnotiuued for Several day, in BTM ling iti
amount very rapiJly. F; :a M nday the
10th iat, at 0 a. m., for a period of 36
hoars over 4 inches of rain fell. '..
wither BWplntl pr.- ii. t I . r. in Um
i VViljamette as early T i-n '. j n salttgbot
snow on the mountain, r. i: : .. ,
lieved that the r:-- w i t not 5 i.:.: . i
dang-roiu. p.ut fea-, if any, s. Ur M WM
have b-.en able to l-zm, to-.'. .-.
tions, and thu raid lise of the wat ri found
everybody unprepared for their rucsptloo.
AfU-r it had risen to th;! hi-.h-waltt
marks everyboly vai ' oeftaia that
would not go higher that htti a n ( .',
remove property. Stealily en andup it crept,
passing men's opinion? and flrjodi:.'.; BeJdt
and streets, until it t i ' i '. liu.i, mom.
precaution to oil ,thir machinery, and in
. oiim-iui nod the vvatri M ill not afl'eet it iu
the leuf.f. Their seaaenod lumlxir was wot
pretLy badly, but they still have enough loft
to hgin work nt once, bo that tin ir damage
will be comparatively slight. Putnam sndCo.
had stored lot of agricultural implcmonts
and machinery in Cowun'f briek wnrohouso,
and tlii was eOTOfd by the wati-r, invnlv ing
a great desl of vvorU to prevenl it from rust-in-;.
ttWM Other ' uninjured, and .h If
lorn will he Might. i'he hanomcnt of the Al
bany Pitt Bpinning IVa works) is usnl for
ntorago principally, and nlthough Mr. Iluni
UtOO the i iiu)ny's supei intend, nt, took
the precaution to retnovo n portion of the
llax stored th. ie. and place tho red on n
platform ! board.! laid on barrels, the water
fOM to height of six fo t, mul, upsetting
ti e platform wit com idcrabl llax. Tho only
i ui'.l I e that o u;i; ipn nt on dryiog it out
liii. Tile water rose to within three foot
of tho Boot of tho Albany Farmers Co'l
YWOhoMs) and to tvithin live feet of tho
wheat bins. It did uo damage whatever to
ti e main 1 uil iiiig. th current roport that it
had settled or washed out tho foundation of
thoOOtihwOOt cormr being untrue. That
OOraor Ii somewhat lower than tho rest of
the building, hut it was not caused by tho
wab . , and hns b:en so for somo years. The
wuait and died on tl nvi r .md attaehod to
the waroaoaai waa waaaoci a.iy, but as it
wA.-i nevor used tho company scarcely ooa
iklered it a . although it was built at an
OKpoaat of 5? 1 100 only a few years ago.
Tho water was feot bUw tho ruin
Q t iu r..d)aid. Ujm ci Co'l mill, and did
no damago whatever except to w.uh tho
eartii away from some piling on tho river
bank. lh wheat bins wem Hi feet and
ivo t!
-Vint 1 1 i"
d by thy
ith'iv a
Tao wharf at Mootetth's milhi wai ooav
pletal kahmergod and tao water fivo feet
and foot iaehea deep oa their whaif iluor,
but lacked four and a hall fee t of re.e liinj
their Balia ihvor. Their grain bins aro oa a
level with tho mam lhr, and were 00000
ipuently high and dry. The damage 00 the
mill it slight and only am unt It tl an Dg
out the mud and debris), s:ul aOOsO bllio Kt
pauing on the a; n.c.o : i to tho whaif. Mr.
I OOteith Was fi t io having shipped a
Lr.i urujuu. Of &OSU Vbioh Was stored on
tho wharf floor only a few days previous, or
hu loss might havo BOM fOtJ severe.
At Fo te: ', mill th-: wit. r w .cover live feet
iOOf on too maii; BoOT, but did not Teach
within aooa loot ol the Rtaia biaa. A grert
deal of OTOrk vai DOOOaaWJ t move their
n ur to Um leoaad Seer, bat it was promptly
done and all tared. A fear bushel of oats
aad load v
t. .1.4-
ing, the Uth ir.vt , ,TJ S-10 feet vc h.vr
water mark, thu being within - last aad '0
inches of the bivh' ;t point reached by the
flood of IS81-2, tho most ! t r. ev ;
ktiowu i the -..ii.'. .
W t, but till lllllllW W.l 1
very slight. Mi'" wars nolo to clem., it
the mill rn afoodaj, and aaido from the
work involved are aOt much VOTM tat the
high wat'-r. Oa rv of Um suppotts iu tho
mill ii naarh show tog the highest oiut
reached by the saUr iu 1881. This mark is
two feet aad ton inches higher than tho
rati r roaohod tius ttmo,
Tho owner f the old Clieadle mill, Mr. 0L
Klock, was not in th city, aid ihC BtUl has
not baaa oaoood ahaoa the high wate.-. bo
water n. . t :. .-. u.-st ; ' i-.le 4 tii j e.
i i" !.... r ; a: . the n il a;.d i..4 coiuc-
(gooatly oorored aH tho ataolktaarf and l it
ing. A !art amount of dry luniber desigBod
for repairs oa tho u
to remain for several mentbs.
I Sth TBo waters havo fulh n about six
foot, So fur uo loss of life.
MVitam r. rtiKctNcr.
In the lower lands of tho Syracuso I're
Qinol BOM UM mouth of Mm Santiam rivor
HMsOM has been eoiiaiilerahlo. Almost ev
ery farmer has lost something ; fencing is
swept away 'and grnin washed out, stock
drowaod and bolMiagi aad bay sml grain iu
noro badly damaged. Mr. Harvey I 'ole, we
learn, lost about HO head of nheep. Mr.
PerrV Adams is ono of tho heaviest loOOf,
The water umlerminod nml lloated i-ll his
grainory buildiug, which foil to pieces. It
contained nhutit I MM) bushoU of wheat ami
o it i, and (huso aro aro all lost. Ilo also
botWOOB ami KM) hidd of sheop
drOWBOd. Mr. ti. T, ( rooks, who livos near
the i ivi r, wa i niirrounded by water, and
himself and family wore moved out in boats.
He leOOO all Of hn cattle, but wo could not
learn tho number. Mr. l'ereival is also a
loooi sad woo oarreaadod by water so that
li" bail to move out in boats. Mis stock was
diounid and other projn rty damaged.
in HPIfaiT'l Iiaimim.
Upposil-' tin ne rapid ., between ludepend
OaeO and Huona mtn, there is a large tract
of low land, and m arly nil the residents aro
heavy Insets, and many of them eamo near
I" lag tin ir lives. ThO water rose so rspidly
thai It Oal "11 cominunie.itiou frou thu main
land they could eseapo, and bring
bonuned ia they wore obliged te let every
tinii go and serk tho highest plat es for per
sonal safely. They weruliuslly, on Wedues
day mid TbarodajT, driYen into tho upper
r IO0M Of elfgO two story house, where they
remained without lire or f i mmI , and in -staut
fear of the loiit.nually rising waters.
On i "inlay moiuing, .Ian. 11th, thu (). 11. Si
. 'o s OtoaaMT, Will.unetto Chief," apt.
0, A OofOi Master, knowing thero must be
niu I i reriogia thu settlements along the
rivor, eoaoladod to attempt to go up stream
and t oe if sem U iig could not bo done. The
it was a. no, the water lull of heavy
drift, and the river banks overflowed, mak
ing the trip an extremely dangerous one, ami
old liver men at Salem, where the steamer
WSM laving, tried hard to jx-rsuado I'apt.
At .v'..n W tor's
several feet deep oa
roa- he? to
fiOl B A I" undertake it. U the (see f all
UO j OBOtaoUo, however, at about "-TO a
in. the t biel si wood up tho rivor At
ladopoadoBOO she lauded close up to the
v. iretooseaj i og dirootly ,'evur the lauk
of the rivor and almost into the town. The
water then was rising fat, but had not yet
bod ti. iimn strevli. We understand a
. I '. oi lumber j lied on tho river
i . w swrt away. About mou tho
steamer r. -u ii. 1 liuaiphrojr'o lUptds. The
' ha 1 b!orn the whistle frequently all
g aea sjjail to any who might be in uoed
of help, hut had heard of or seen nothing
until reaching the Lapida, when tho shouts
el tho people who had beea for two days and
1 1 of the ilood, rcsched his ears,
aad the stooaoor atones loft Ihi nv.r, snd,
htwiag bar OWf through the w ater, which
BWO OOVeral feet deep, over grain fields, or
j . i MOadoWOi came up within a few
N II of tho house, when her boats were let
1 v.i- il) or :) (.fjiji rescued
i - :.i al at -.. oal ! soon have been thoir tomb.
MOM u kpokoa if by those who wit-
i i . t ... . , .
was wash i away, ieeou is as n-ai irei..nng in tae extreme,
must ' hji r- Ta days ami mcro of tho cold, without tire
!,: vi made many of tin m alinoststnpid
I,.,.. .'. oad t:t. rly careless as to whether they were
M I I here Were bfUwn wqjicu,
i.t or t :i mtn and sevisrat sinaU children.
rloar -i d
badly was
aad II
eu That WOO I grs erod m the house r taken on board, the Captain had
'. i wa very i l'f larc l (or them a wsua meal, an I did cv-
rythbag in his power to make thm cum
.ruble, N-ir by a lare floe'x of sheep
r will lose ' ' '- hng f-. Um aits the rising water
... i- its ..: v.. bier piekid up 111
.f thse, . 1 I'.) or 1) head of cattle. The
oaai t taea ausdo bach t' the rivor and
The wa!
on tho i ti i r
ooaaj larablo d . ..
al at ISO i :-
malt and 1 4 barr ¬
el aoaniogj a
ini., wa very
. . ral inches
i rewery ani
large. l ences, vinos, vegetsbles, etc., gone.
His fine blackberry patch, oil' which ho made
$.K) last year, in now covered up almost cn
1 1 rtdy.
Ames Howard Ioson almost all ho had, and
it is tho nine with Mr. Poooock and Mr.
Harebell, and our citizens would do well if
they would oitunnl their aid.
I 'oarer had ten or liftsen acres of carrots,
and hundreds of bushels havo eon washed
BBjIj and every trco in tho bottom now has
carrots in tho branches, giving them a very
odd appearance.
Paaroo saved four head of horses aud seven
head of cattle by packing them into a littlo
room in bU barn about 10 feet square.
The bridge in i ess tho creek lov.! Main
water's wss washed out, and also ono on tho
Corvallis road over Power's Slough. This
latter aridgO was 210 feet Jong.
HOTal Bf ffOJ WAY.
About 8S feet of tho ajiron en the south
si. In of tho large bridge at Lebanon was dam
aged so as to prevent travel, bii is probably
POpairod by this time. It is thought that
the south pior of this bridge lias settled sev
oral inches.
Some damage has boon done at the S wider
sou bridge anions tho Santiam, between this
eily ami Scio. Two bouts of tho obi bridge
have been w ashed away.
Tim bridge aurosa the ( 'alapooia, ono mils
from Albany, will be a total loss, although
it has not floated away.
Mr. Whitmore, Thiirs. Lay ton and James
Hateher worked faithfully on Thursday
night in getting out of the alapooia bottom
thu families of Phillips, Kitchpainek, Laytou
and Coaloy, and sav.d all. To umb rsauid
ilr, ObwJoy loes everything he had.
( noloOeo. Hughes says tho wsrerwasso
high up there in Uio battoOM that every
thing was lifted and carried of; except the
Wolvortou, the milk-man, has lnen cut
oil' from Albany by the fall of the fahpOOia
bridge, but yesterday bo moved hi ions
over to tko I line plsrs, aud tks milk atgaa
will start up immediately.
The French McCoy wedding psrty left
this city on Thursday for the rnsideaeo of
Mr. J. F. McCoy, in Orlesos, intending to
.on,. that evening, but could not re
ctoss tueCalspoota until Saturday evening.
Oa Saturday as Ous Kyle was working on
the lower floor of Montetth'f mill, the water
still 1eiiig a foot or ten do-o Bpafl it, be
steppeil into a Urgo trap door whieh had
been forced ejn u and esm noar tseing swept
away undnr tho ll ior by tho Ion s of the
rent. Ho saveil himself by fortunately
grasping something within reach.
llobinion, the aaw-mtll man, was jerked
off tho boom by Carter's plsner as he was
fastening tip wiaa legs, and was washed
unite a distance down tho river, but SJ00 OOl
all right.
I aarvHi inn i..n .
. P C. A. Moota at their rooms in Fr
tor's brick building on Wednesday evenings
at 7:.'K) o'clock, and on Sabbat h afternoons at
4. Business meetings aro held on tho even
ing of tho second Monday iu i a h month.
Kverybody invited to attend.
IT. P. Cliunrir. IVoachinievorv Habboth.
it . . "
au ii a. m, , ami 7 r. M, by Kov. . Ii.
vine, I). I), Wabbath Hchiwd at 2:.T0 i
I rayor mooting every Thursday evening.
F.VAWori.icAi. Curm n. Preaching on Sab
hath nt II a. sr., and 74 r. M. Sanbath
School 21& I 'rayor meeting every Thurs
day evening. W. C. rflfltOIT. JOltsT.
I loaNJI i ' . 1 1 o , j i ' j 1 j . i 1 1 ... Kerviceaevory
Sabbath at 11a. m. and h v. at, SabUth
School at 240. Prayer meeting on
Thursday evening of each week. , W.
Harris, pastor.
M. K. Cm i k u, fsoi i ii. Services every
Sabbath at St. Pauls M. K. Chun h, Death,
at II a. m. and "4 r. M. Sabbath lehed
at r, M. Prayer mwiting every Thurs
day oveting. M. (!. Miller, pastor.
. M. V.. Cm iicu. Preac hing every Sabbath
st 11 A. M. snd 74 r. M. H-ntu OOkWMoia
the evening Ihi fore sermon. SabUth School
xt 2:30 P. m. Prayer mooting every Thiirs
tay evening. I luilon, iasUr.
mrrnrr QaWaam Sorvieoaevie-y Sabbath
at 1 1 a, m, aud 74 P. M. Sabbath Tfohifl at
It, Prayir meeting every Thurwlay even
ing. W. J. Crawford, pastor.
tmrnnnmuM Oawtam sWroloo every
Sabbath morning and evening in College
ChepeL Sunday Schwd immediately rftertbe
morning service. Prayer meeting every
Thursday cveoing. Lev. Bbert N. Coodtt,
pan tor.
Itl U OA's IUMI i MAUI .
Tho lx:st salve in tho world for cuts, bruis
es, sor;s, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tet
ter, chamwid hands, chilblains, corns Mid all
kinds of skin eruptions. 'I his save ia guar
anteed to give perfect stisfaetiou iu every
case or money refunded. Price He per box.
For sale by Foshay and Mason, wholesale
ats ; I Moore, born ; 1 Foley, LohaOOa ;
lr Powell, Lebanon ; Itcdpath and Mou
lOgaO, Jefferson; DM Calbr. ath. B0M
V isU : 0 Cornelius, Turner H A Itampy,
Harris burg ; Starr and P.lak. !,, Browns-villo.
Th re srao i or S foot of Water in tho cellar , reached Buena Vista, where iasseogers
:' the Star lhwwery( and Mr. Bellaaser w: aad cargo wire lauded free of chargo. The
; i.. ; ..: !.: snd : !.-.:.!. ' i ' on and j-as ; ..-rs speak ia the highest
..: ". . '' f I'-' " tho nixnner in wb'ch both
in inu cm
damse will reach a
fbjaro oooao
?15,(.ssi, aa
elooory v.ttou
S LU felt Vfasif le Ke Mupplled.
We have recently learned through a relia
ble source that a movement is on foot to
build a tint-class hotel in ;. 'cwn. This is
certaiuly a very commendable enterprise,
and we hojo it may lie a OBWeootj We arc
informed that quite liberal donations havo
been subscribed t- aid ia the undertaking.
A commodious aud well appointed hotel at
lbanon ha been a long felt necfcrf.-.ity, aud
since a railroad has been built to that point
t'.iat neeesfciiy is greatly anguiented. Per
aou3 seeking health or pleasure at the Soda
Spring or adjacent tnoantaimi wiil hail thi
valuable enterprise with pleasure.
X u fi nal ;.! v e' Trayer IVr Cptleate.'
where betnoee $lu,t.'0 and
nearly as can he estimated so
the fall of the waters. It is prohobk that it
will reach even more than tho latter figore
when the return? a!i get ia.
Property holders along the baaks : the
river, of course arc the principal Riffercrs,
Allen, Behsaaon & Co. are oasoog tho
The churches of our country have ft
wide Thursday, Jan. 27th, as a day far eflcr
ing special prayer to Almighty Owl iu behalf
of all was are being trained ia our ecuooh,
colleges aed seminaries of leanjinj. Tho fol
lowing errangement haj besu mvlc for sor
Vtci in Albany on that day ;
At the College Chapel on Thursday morn
ing at 9 o'clock short addresses will be deliv
ered by the clergy of the city. This wiil be
in connection with the usual morning pray
ers' at that place. All interested ia the causo
of education arc invited to join in this ser
, ice. Ia the evening a union prayer meeting
will bo held at the Congregational Church
in the inter.sst of Christian education. All
arc invited..
heaviest k3er2, their lumber yard In-iug al- gt
most entirely under water on Friday im-rn
mg. Fvery effort was BM tfl to prevent loss,
but in spite ef all that could be done the hs
in lumber will amount to 60,000 or .J.COU
feet. Thir. was carried ewejf OJltir I .. sad
their dry lumber was badly wet, but not
otherwise injured. TaetT e'::a!l boom at the
mill, containing eouio twenty or tv:.
five legs, was cleared out completely,
and their large boom in tho ('alapooia creek
vrai badly scattered, and it will be difficult
to estimate- th-: hm until the water sulfides
U low water mark, as many of the logs will
then he high a::d dry, and the expeaooof
getting at thm, etc., will figure 00 quite a
fac'.or ia their los1. 'i'hey also auticipats
that the work done by thei i for several
years past in clearing ohistrUMtions from the
Cslapooia, and inaLing it psseoble fer logs
will le damaged eo:no by drift, etev, bat as
yet no estimate can Ik: made, and all if poa
jecture merely.
of bi er. 'i
feel of water, and his lost j dws eltd crew did their doty. Kvery
a. idorahl& At '. ,.:.. ig WOO OOf od that wmld be, and Captain
.- wa: foai feet oa the narin Woreli noble aetioa will loug live
Jioor, uml oeerythiag wot aad Mixed up aiuo:i(. the oaaaio ef the ahaat of $h The
Ibcsli t. 4-tairi m afyb.e, p.oas.ui gouthtman.
mden and Ster(
of salt s. ir., 1 ir' th
I iods ot i ... !- were remove L '?. " 'i-"y-
Poshay and Mason had a large ate to) "" t'i!' Pa,"nst'r". ('pt. N. & ilumpb-
per ba pietore frameo stored iaoae el rey, ef thJo eilj, doacrhoi, an amusing inci-
, ( ml. ,,f ; ,;' 'l""' :"r':eted with the rescue and landing
id lh water rartiallv ceeered ImmiimI paseoagvra, hloatiog
bedananre will not he Iaraa hW-1 boot 00 PieC8 ot earths place
. 'water eaaMiato thu 4 Woho aheap ware looked up, the men
.i Tamnle about A f-ot ,1m,. Dr. ' fl,und a 1:tt, bck" I". he "t on
had oils, si km I there, bot 1 h iatprowiaod heat oo iadipaadoat aoif ho
S to these will bo slight Kcv.
If r. Stevmo had 200 baahelo of pehltoeoiq
tho basonteat. y ' I Farlaad and
Odd W
;.K, lyi.'n .... ii.. pjvu.innnu,
, ;.. .1 I hj kstkai as Master af one of tho best
of tiio O. 11. A N. Co., show iu
: . emettt. Ail otnei
. , :.. . .. i. LtS i. .1 .
Qrxeanna ..ciii;mip..!,
At a regular meeting ot Orgcanna Baeamp
m:nt No. t O. O. F., of Albany, held Fri
day, Jan. 14, the following officers were in
stalled by P. If. liaymond, D D Q P, to wit:
J A Davis, C P ; Samuel Krapo, II P ; H
d (5lark, 8 W ; V, A Parker, J W ; J H
P.urkhart, S, and B SaltmarHh, T. The C
Pthen appeintel the following named o(fi
cere L H Aloutanye, IS; ll Kaymend,
(J; I C Dickey, 1st Tatch, I Q Jackson, 2nd
Watch ; I Fox, 3d Watch ; J Backensto,
4th Watch ; J A Millard, 1st O of and
A M Roop, 2d O of T.
jooi JtasToainaji
A lew years a?o Mo-srs Nimrpd Price,
Sylvander Dawson aud some one else (the
name we have forgotten were appointed by
the County Court to view out a site for the
bridge across the South Santiam, and the
first point suggested to thera was the place
where the Narrow Gauge railroad bridge
was built, and from which it was last week
washed away. The viewers finally selected
the present site of the bridge, and tho result
shows that their judgment was. most ercel
lshv '
Burkhart Bros, represent three of the best
Insurance companies and will do insurance
as cheap as any one.
At the foundry and machine shop. f Cher
ry "ic Parkes the water WM tweuty inches
deep on their'main floor, and several feet on
their moulding floor. Most of their machin
ery however was above the water and d am
aesd very little. Their new water flume
was floated to one tide and considerably
damaged, probably requiring to bo torn up
aud reconstructed. They won ready for
work acain on Mood ear, not much the woisc
r water. Tho railroad switch bridge
which crosses the deep gully near their shops
was washed off to one side considerably, and
will need rep'acing before it can be :. i.
The street leading down between the foun
dry and the lumber yard 0TM badly dcinor
moralized and left full of debris. A small
bridge and some plaukiug across a low, place
was all lloated out of position, and tho gen
eral appearance of things as the waters went
down was anything but orderly.
At Althouse& Co's planing mill the water
reached some twelve inches above their main
Uoor, and their machinery w?.s badly WOK.
Much labor will 1j required to prevent its
rusting. Their lumber yard has the appear
ance of having been visited by a hurricane
or by an earthquake, and is mixed in crot8
wise, endwise, lengthwise and sidewise,
without much distinction as to "race, color
or previous condition of servitude."
E. Carter and Co's sash, door and blind
factory escaped, their main floor being aliout
two feet above tho highest point reached
by the water. in the basement cf their
mill they had stored ahtcgo quantity of lum
ber which W0J mixed up and disarranged,
but otherwise uninjured.
The water was three feet and seven inches
deep on the main floor of Graf and Frem's
furniture factory, but they had taken the
Harvey, morsd out cf th ir !.. .'. a laf
stock f storee ete. , to time to cicapj the
On- of ti.-; ii.tavuil I l tb ll-ivl i:
C. D. . . The water was over four
feet deep da the at ii'i Uoor of hia warehouse
and three of tho i. at bins, each alsMlt 39
feet s j i ire :r-. on a level with Inn ?! r,
that the Iom of orhoat will roach nearly
G.000 btiehehi. AUjiit I'i'n baohehsei ots
aad a large MOttmtity ! sacks wer wet.
Quito ral OAAeattt of apples storetl in the
house WOfO damaged badly. It is difficult to
estimate the total loss. It is probahb: that
Mr. Simpson's hiss p r.s . ially will bj co:i
sideiab!., b:.t the Jo-. i '. . gvai.. w ill ho
divi.h'' i:i n o;..a lion to the OMeaot stored
bv each oh
other roxwrg.
S. to, Jan. 13, I d.
h'.h'tur QeimftraU
-.. rev. nil v.s.d a lew iieuia that will bo
ofloten t ta OOotto of ywar readers. Having
bo mail earried yeoterday' 1 ooajld aot write
Jan lioii 'Mnma3 Orcek raising one foot
per hour ; families removing, to higher local
ities; in tin street a Hood of water the hitrh-
cst known since 1861,
12 o'clock noon McCnlly bridge across
ThoOAOi crerk, 2 miles abovo Scio, washed
away ; Cnele Dan Morris elevates his goods
to the top of the counter, water six lncher.
on the Uoor ; scores of men, WQMOa and chil-
.Irr.ri 1'i.iU'lfiif 41. f, hf.ll W:lf e rf fbil Si.-'rt
....... . ,. .. ..,. ...... w , ..W
bridge ia danger of beiug owepf away ; con
siderable siocli liabls to perish in f'.o i-igh
water ia the botteajpx
10 o'clock, n. rn. The water begins to
fall ; y:. about .'? feet during the night ;
commences to aino again early on tho 12th,
and by 0 o'clock is higher than before by S
or 3 iaohoO. Tho bent under tho south ap
proach to Scio bridge gone out.
10 a. m. Waters oa a stand.
1 p. m. Waters 1 -gin to subside. The
bridgo (in the Narrow Cauge K&ilroid across
the North Santiam carried away by heavy
drift; about 6 or f miles of tho grade washed
away between Scio and the South Santiam ;
water 2 feet deep on track at E. Ii. ware
house. No. 4, namely, the "Brtwnsvflle,"
is on tho track between Thomas and Crab
troy Creeks, where perhaps it will be likely
were used to Hoods. He was 'picked up ami
brought on board tho steamer, when lie at
mice began a survey cf the entire deck of the
Bteamer, walking about and grunting at this
Ood thai Ot r.i it entirely satisfied with
tho erranfOBsOateef the "Willamette chief."
At Beeoa I ietO the pig was on hand when
the. plank w-1 run out mid, bsfuro it reached
tae baah was on It, and beinp; wet his bind
:'. rt :.lipfe.f, and ho went sliding down, tak
iag oboorvotlotH as ho went.
acii N s Tin. Itivtn.
1. 1 OOOSpaaj with Fd. Carter and Jas. Fos
ter, we crossed the river at thin point last
Tuesday to BOO w hat damago had been done
in that l N ality. Wc knew tho losjB Must h
very great, but WtWO not prepared to view
li !. a desolate picture as that locality now
Mr. Pierce's l .:s v. ill reach several thous
and dollars. Hi.i fences are entirely swept
away, and he loses nuc dwelling, barn and
outbuildings, nod at another place a barn is
very badly damaged. A great many BOOOs
to pi les, pea- and dift'ereiit varieties of
Mod grata stored in a couplo of cellars and a
small store room. AH wcro submerged, and
the rich, sandy loam washing iu upon them
haj mado all a solid mass which cannot
he displaced with anything but a pick. He
alxo loses two valuable cows and about 100
hmd of hogs. His farm is badly washed out
iu somo places, and in others has filled up.
Passing up tho river there are scarcely any
traces of tho road, and the gravd beds have
boon washed as level as a lloor. Thu high
banks on tho river cpove the gravel beds
have boon washed terribly, and acres ol the
eurth have beeu swept away, so that in sev
eral places only half the old road is left.
Thai is a juattiir of grave moment to our cit
ueiiH, as it sliowa plainly that one or two
freshets will change the course of tho rivor.
Wo will mention this matter in a future ar
Going back as far as John Riley's our pro
gress was barred by a largo stream of water
sweeping through in front of his liouso, but
he obligingly ferried us over. He is situated
on liigh ground, and comes off without much
loss. His fino vegetable farm was about one
foot under water, and was washed but very
Jittlu, Piiley was a host within himself on
Thursday night, and labored all night with
his boat in rescuing those of his neighbors
who wore i urroundsd with water. "
F. M. Wadswoith, just, below Itiloy, also
worked faithfully in helping the ptfbplo of
that locality to high ground. Ilia loss is
M..n imuI AiiroesJ.
.. t Ihlly Watkm for your grocerioa.
Chow JaOOMBa'O Mcst Sweet Navy TobaO
Lurkhart BOM have money to loan on real
P.urkhart Pros, do a . i.ri ,! . a
Fresh butter and flash OMM always to l
had at Ihlly Watkim store.
ReaeOBelMW tU l Billy Walkius (.. s
tho highest cash price for deer sVn.'
All olooooe .'. .lleetioun given afaaapt p f
sonal attention by Uiwsrl ami Orey.
I .v.sry man's wife Wools a "Davis" sw i .j,
ma hme. W. l. Soott, Albany, agent.
SuIsh riltc Wi the "lUiuirntfl Vnpt" the
m ist readable Journal on the Paai8o Gooat
'l banks to Mr. J. L. Sorbin for late cp
lOOOl the Portland dailies, ai i WOOt side.
L you w ant to buy a Urm or city j.r .perty
Burkhart Bras have just what will suit yeu.
If you want to buy farm or village prop-
ertv call 001 Stewart aud Orey, iiblui
The vftfc iiisuranoo louijsinK- fu the coast
ar. rcpr. rented in Albany by Stewart and
Is yojr huse insurel ! llcmemlH.r, bouses
do burn. Oct it insured with Stewart and
Tho "lAUbiug Man" came
nigh" splitting his side roaring over '..
work done at tho State Far CU .,h,e "JavU"
Sewing Machine.
Missrs Mary (foldsou and Flora Bum
baugh have removed their drees making
shop from Mrs. Cuodifl's to A. B. Mcllwaiti's
i i Their old customers are invited to
The plentiful supply of water now days
800001 afl'eet the sale of Uie Star Brewery
baa. Mr. Bellanger sell just as muuh oi
that delicious leverago as hugh water was
one dollar ft gallon, with the benefit of Uie
rise try s hooiier.
Perfeellon nun l)
'gol d.m
WMI0I I'ralrir tinner.
Taken Ix-foro rotirlng, w fll insaro a g.wl
nlKlit's mat, with BOj WObMstilg hi the
rosy morn to health, eoiiniKO and vigor.
For OOatOd longuo, bad btwatlt, sick hoart
iu bo, or any disturlmtiee uriniiirf from ily--i-qmla
or torpid liver ll is without h t r.
In aoseoa oa dieaaao hi entirely dlitswsni
from any medieino ever botrodui . d, i
Ing p uns lanBOl InsUiilly. '1 be boo ai.d
ory iaA ad aKainst it by patoot Dostdleine
BM0t who ha.o btwaooa in its odvool tin
destruction of their BoaaihMM hlislnaae,
and Uio tboiisimns ,f BBeofleltod lOStlniQ
iiiais flowing In from all pans of the Now
World, 1h a sure Indication of Iin great
iio-rlls. Trial size nt all Drug Mtorr.. Half
pound IsoUloM, 7'. f nts. t'oshn V Nu
sou, solo Ait-rntu.
My chibi." aaid Um opttin, M I'n n I
flraling fault; no harm in potting your
Ixwit fiiot foremost. I wUh y ou'd do It a
Utile At your ago y.nj ought to l
thinking about uetling married." '1 hero's
very little doubt that the Kiddy young
thing was thinking about it, nun h more
seriously than tho Captain-dull, on all
men are vei inidgiru d : but sho w an
troubled alv.iit her eoniplexion. Madame
Boi'fu.l'n Kiiamel itloom won ruoornmeud
ed, and olvol tho problem, l'erfrjctly
hsruilesH. niadu of tho most delb-ato plants,
and wholesome its ita ej;. ts, It is IndU
fnuiblo to every lady. For sa o bv nil
1 -
O.SC.KATl I. v roitv.
tike mui h pleasure iu eongratulatuig
our euUrprtstng drnggist, MeaOM Foshay
and Mosou upon having secured the agency
f.r aaaesaao Baaaaao V - unto Cologne,
Harmless Vosemito Face Powder, and Cali
fornia Pine and Kucalyptus Porous Plasters.
We cJl particular attcntiou to the Kucalyp
tus Ptsster, which is taking the lead of all
others. The Yuec-rnite Cologne has already
Ih it boush old wi.rd, and all the 1 ail lea
recommend the Face PoweW. Foster's brick.
Mam Sr., Albany, Oregon.
tit kino r letaal
We I iave for r-oth at 1-b.aaon aud
Oraas Iloigc.,(ssi fHit of all kn.di of lum
Wi, sm h as scantling, t , bam timbers,
boxing, fencing, arid other rough lumW.
At U:ii.i:i we have a sujwrior lot of dry
lumiM-t, such as rustic, UoorinK, etc. Owing
to the laU- fire, wo aro offering this lumber at
reduced rates. Addntee us at lelemon.
EjOaoaWOr, Or., July 'jj, fiiKO,
Cm II. elTKWAltT.
A. I.. c;kkv.
Att'v at Law.
vleilnlly to Iho fn'-ttoat they havo oMtahliMhod an oflloo In O'TikjIo'm Block, en
Broftdalhln tnreel, for tbo purpose of iranwting a general
A N I)
They will attend to the mntlmr of property, crdlecrtlon of rente, buying and aelljne:
all OteaWOO Of rol es4au, tho negotiation of loann, tho ryllrefon of nrtew and ocrvunU.
Loth at home and nhrood, the foiWfllOOJOfO Of mortgages, the adjustment and mssUMok of
titles to real estate, the Mottlnment of eetate, emveyancingt ObOm etc.
They are p re j, a rod U efrerrt Insurauoo in the follow ing loading nnnpaniea at the
lowoet . it,,., rate :
Imperial, London, Northern & Queen Capital
Commercial Union. Capital, $12,500,000.
North British and Mercantile. Capital, $10,
000,000. Commercial, of California. Capital, $ 00,000.
All hiiHlnoMN OBaWaWead t our rare will receive prompt attention. Wo shall lo
glad U corroNpond with jiartieew lulling luformalion f our :ity or Hurroutidina coun
try or of tho Slate.
OFFK'E 0TooIeH lUock.
l ellei: L.tat.
rlnr Is tbo list of h-tlen r uislsmi
in the Post Ofnee, AHiiy, lanu eouniy, Ure
ICn, m. Ivso ivrsons ruiliiiK lor li
l-tl-rs muni v.- the l,te uii wlil- li !'. .- wr
mivi ni. ii.
fa p0laa-Il s
Awartlrd First Premlam. Oregon flirt Fair, 179 an 4 I HMO.
Annrdacl II r-t Premlam, antl only vine hi no nlaee-d tm First
"IaM (23 rompetitora; at the Australian International alslblllon,
Mil. mi-viti I VI .
The "DAVIS" Sowing Mai:hine Cempany ore manufaeturlng and
Selling 8,000 Maehines per Week!
It is CHEAPEST because it is BEST.
It does evarv varioiv of work w ithout Isasrtinu. and hae more ni i Ileal auac'menia
than all others .vjmbinfsL
Wm It. M OTT, Aejenl, Albany, Oregon.
Ford and l '
O.bheard, .1 A
Howard, Ida
Killhnier, Mr
Madren. WiUard,
Savage, Doliie
Sohnhert, Miss I
Walacc, Master, Daniel
Wallas, Mr.
Ono of thu Uttsit and without question the
most pcrfoct sewing rnachino now beforo the
public is the "Davis;" why they actually
maJio out uf strips of cloth cups, saucers,
baskets, etc., iu porfect shape. We saw ono
at the Albany agency and together with many
samples of practical work noted will say
that there aro things novcr beforo mado on a
Sowing Machine Co and sen for yourselves
and be convinced. W. B. Scott, Agent.
The Howe srwlsi Vim din,.
Our friend, Fred Oraf, has received tho
afOOOy for tho celebrated Howe sewing ma
shine, and is now ready to supply tho public
Tlie improved Howe is ono of the best ma
chines manufactured, and our readers who,
want anything in that lino w:l do well to
call at iii ' . furniture store and look at this
lady's friend.
io luu .ml I uriiilni . ?
Jas. Dannals, in this city, BOOT has on
hands a larger stock of furniture than any
other establishment this side of l'ortland,
and if you want to p'.ir. h-.-c i.ny ;! will pay
you te give him a calL Ho has something
to tcll-jou in regard to his prices.
Nlavrn'H 4 hcrry Tooth Paaatojs
An aromatic coanbination for the nroser
vation of the Teeth and Ounta. It is far
Hiiperlor to nny preparation of tho kind in
the market. In large, handsome opal
jkiIs, prh 50 cents. For nalo by Foshny
vV alaaon, Albany, Oregon.
To ill who aro suffering from tho error sml imlis
erelloiw ( youth, nervous weaknoss, early Ueesy, loss
of iiuuihiMsl, Ac, I wilt sond a recipe that wilt cure
you, f KKR OK CIIAUdK. This irruat renusty was
discovered by a mlssionarv' in Botuh Anmrti-a. Hentl
a sotbitddroased envolopo to ho Ks.v. .!..rii T Is
mas, t-tatioii D, New Xork jr. 1- I
Fruits and Vegetables!
. MANY, must increase their exports. We are producers as wo 1 as consumeis
must (.ursine., more than wo consume-and in no way can we do this more effect
ually than by planting good orehnrds of select fruit-s, thereby making a good and
happy home for your children, and at Iho same time giving them useful ard remuner-
:i-:. c employment ly learning them how to preserve t tie great varietioivol fruits and that prow upon their father's farm.
From ON E TO FIVE THOUSAND JKJbbAKi pjr annum can be realized by the
UNO of
Family Fruit Drier
w hich absolutely has no machinery of any kind, and is so simple in Its construction
that children and aged people can run it oft any kind of fruit or vegetables. Seventy
five in sucoeMsful oi oration iu Linn Courty. Its cheapness recommends It to every
body. We havo opened a foreign market ami are prepared to pay the highest cash price
for all fruit dried by this process. It has no equal. Terms liberal.
Inventors and Putcatcrs
should send for instructions, terms, refer
ences, etc., to Edson Brothers, Solicitors of
rateirls, Washington, D. C who furnish
the same without charge. Kdson Brothers
is a well known and successful nrm of btrpo
experience, having been established i:i 186ti.
IAVAGH HANNON. On Jan. 19th, at
10 a. in. , at the United I'resbytoriau Church,
by Kev. S. 0, Irvine, D. D., Dr. B. M. S.w
awe and Hiss W akv J. Han mom.
PRENCB MeCOY.-On Jan. 12tb, st
the residenoe of th bride's parents, iu Or
leans I'roeinot, by Ibsv. S. 0. Irvine, D. p.,
assisted by Rev. A. M. Achesoa, Mr. Y. M. ii, ef this city, aud, Mia Lillian Mc
Coy. , y
IRVINE M ILLS. On the 29th of De
cember, 188U, at the residence of Rev. A.
Fads, at l'eadletou, Mr. J. H. lnviNB, of
Center villc, aud Miss R Mills, ef La
This is probably Dr. J. U. Irvine, former
ly of this city, and if so we tender our con
gratulations aad with Liin joy.
Tbe Lest Mss.
The company we mentionest Weuh before
last us going out to search for . Melutire,
worked faithfully fer several days, hut could
uot tiud the lost man. - A report having
been started by some slander mongers that
Mclntire's companies, Chaa. Williams, had
killed him, the whole neighborhood arise
and contradict it, and their statement we
will publish next week.
F. A. Lehm-inn. Solicitor ot American and Forclim
Patents, Washington, D. 'O. All business conneeted
with Patent, wliutlier before tho l'atent Otlleoor thu
Courts, proniptl v attended V. No charge mado un-
ess a patent is secured. Send (or circular. 17
1)17 ATCLfftATC? Otaaaaati ol aaaljato and
1 JVlN nlV )W O.tluir sain .utitlod bv lau
laws of Coiiirross. Soml two stamps br laws, and
ol I'm. Solid ra, to N. W. ritz.'crsld, I'. S.
Claim Atl'y, Uox WS, YYasuhurtoti. 1). t'.
Thursday Eve., JANUARY 27, 1881.
Agent Corvallis Fruit Co.
A Kenioval.
1 wish all to take notico that I havo rented
the building formerly occupied by Senders
and Steinberg, and after December 1st can
be found at that place. Thanking my cus
tomers for past favors I respectfully aak a
continuance of the same, not doubting that I
can do as well by them in the line of general
merchandise as any establishment in the
city. I. G. Jaoksok.
The State ii Demit
This is the best opportunltyi'ever afforded the people of the WUlaniette VaLey to
get reading matter at low rates. Send in names as soon as possible, so as to get the in
teresting political nows from the Eat which we may expect iu the Spring.
Delinquent subscribers wishing to avail themselves of these offers will be expeot
pay up all arrearages.