Slic gctituci'at. FRIDAY JAKUAUY 7, 1881. i!!i)h.iithl iiiouairs. Wise men never make prophesies. The man most looked i lo The man ia the moon. The things that nre really for us, naturally gravitate to us. At what time was Adam mnrricd ? On hi- wedding Eve. Talent and virtue are k-s frequent ly hereditary than tho gout. V,o not too prodigal ; tho kettle when too full puts out the fire. True glory takes root nm! oven threads all false pretenoe., like flow ers, fall tn the proum!, nor can any counterfeit last lon-r. God made the soul to correspond with truth. Truth I its own evi dence, as tho liirhtninj; Hash is, as the blessed sun.shine H Diversity of worship has divided the human race into seventy-two na tions, l'roiu alt their dogmas wo have selected one Divino Love. Keason was given that revelation m'ght bo received. It Is adequate to knowing what revealed truth is, not adequate to knowing why it is. Applause waits rjn success. Tho tickle multitude like tho light straw that iloats along the stream, glide with tho current still and follow for tune. The path of duty U mar, yet men fkek it afar off. Tho way Is wide ; it is not hard to Und. tio homo tuna seek it, and you will not lack teach ers. What is even poverty itself that a man should murmur under it ? It is but as tho pain of piercing a maiden' car, and you hang precious j:jvel. u the wound. lie that waits for repentanco waits for that which cannot, be had ns long as it is waited for. It is absurd for a iv.:'Z to va lor that whiMi ho him self has to do. S live ihat death may never find thee unprepared. Happy tho man who constantly keors the hour of his death in vie v. and every day pre pares himself for it. There arc certain relationships which give deadly point to cruel words. It is net the si.o ol a wound which signifies, so much as the klud of weapon which inflicted ir. We believe that condemnation fol lowed 6in not that it comes before it. We do not believe tliit Cod ever Hung out lightnings except from the licsoin of a storm. The triumphs of truth are the mtt gloriou?, chiefly because tbey are the ma-t Hoodies of all victories, denv ing their highest lustre from the number of the saved, not tho slain. The little flower that opens in the meadows lives and dies ia a season ; but what agencies have concentrated themselves to produce it ; so the hu man soul lives in the midst of heav enly help. Success rides on every hour; grap ple it and you may win ; but without a grapple, it will never go with you. Work is the weapon of honor, ami he who lacks tho weapon will never tri umph. Peace is the highest aim of the su perior man. Begin to regulate be fore disorder come?. Where legions are quartered briars and thorns grow. In the track of great armies mn.-t fol low bad yesr. The Jersey justice wiped bis brow, took afip of cold water, put on his glasstM and looked at tho man who was standing with his hands on the rail in front of him. S-tid he, in a voice, the sternness of which was tempered with uncertainty and meas ured calmness : "What are you here for ?" "You told me judge, to come this morning and get the five dollars that I won on Indiana." ' 'Five dol lars fine, young fellow, and (hat make.? it square." VS'liile Prairie Flower, Taken before retiring, will inwure a good tiiidit'a rest, with an awakftiintr in the rowy morn to health, courage and vigor. For coated tor.gao. bad breath, nick head ache, or any disturbance arising from dys pepsia or torpid liver it is without a peer. Jt action on disease is entirely diflerent from any meliei&e ever introduced, quiet ing pains almost ins-Untly. The hue and cry rae-ed against it by patent m4dicine men, who hate foreseen ju its advent the destruction of their nefaiious buine, and the thousanris of unsolicited testimo nial flowing ia from all parts of the Now World, a sure indication of its great merits. Trial ize at all JJrug Stores. Half pound bottles, 75 cents. Foliay V 91 a Hon, Sole Agent!. HOW TO SAVK MONKY. Instead of going to a doctor for a prescription, if you have Bright's .Disease, Ijiabetcs, Pain iu the Back and Lofns, Smarting, Inflamma tion, Calculi, J'.rick-dust lepoit, or any trouble of the Kidneys or liiadder, buv a bottla of Dr. Mintie's jS'ephreticum, the great Buchu Compound. Jt is the most wonderful prescription for tiit-we troubles ever compounded. Messrs. Abrams t Carroll, wholesale druggints, hay : "We regard Nephreticum as' the test kidney and bladcter remedy in the market.'' Woodard, druggist, Portland, Or., says : Kverybody 8ieaks highly of it." CUiids, druiKt, Portland, Or., says: "Sold lots of it; it always does tho work," Many have been cured of obstinate kidney com plaints after the doctors have given them up. Price, ?l.i. 1-or sale by all drug giLs. "My child." Raid the Captain, " I'm not finding fault; no harm in putting your best foot foremost. I wish you'd do It a little more. At your age you ought to be thinking about getting married." there's very ittl doubt that the giddy young thing was thinking about it, much more seriously than the Captain dull, as all men are ever imagined; but she was troubled about her complexion. Madame Kachel's Kuamel Klooiu was recommend ed, and Molted the -problem. Perfectly harmless!, made of the most delicate plants, and wholesome in its ellW-ts, it is indis pensable to every lady. For sa e by all druggists. - . Iinv. Mb. Kit's injunction to the young man ut Poughkeepsie was : "Beware of doHs! Yes, don't suck the painlofftheir heads. It is poisonous." Parents often give their little ones the same warning. Mes.sos. Stewart and Grey have secured the agency cf the well-known Commercial IiiBUraiiee Co. of California, and are prepared to write insurance in that company. They now represent the best line of companies on tho coast and can give rates as low as any ageno3', and the further assurance that all losses will be promptly paid. tlitireh lilrcctorj-. Y. 1. C. A. Meets at their rooms iu Fos ter' brick buiklinir im Wednesday ovouinps at "tfu o'clock, ami on SablmtH afUunoous at 4. lUisiness meetings nro held on tho even ing of tho neconrt Monday in each moutii. Everybody invited to attend. U, 1. Cmtucit. IYcauiiingcvery Pit'ibaUi, at 11 a. '., and 7 r. m. by llev. ". U. Ir vine, 1. 1).. Sabbath at 2::K v. M. Pinyor mooting every Thursday evening. KvANor.t.tCAL Church. FreAchiiipon Sub. bath it 11 A. M. , and 7J P. M. Snbbatli School 12:1."S. Prayer mooting awry Thurs day evening. W. L Knottier, pan tor. CoNditEiiATioNALClivm-tt. Sorvimn every Sabbath at 11a. m. unit T. M. KnliUnth School at 'J-.'.M. : Prayer meeting on Thursday evening of rach week. J. W, Harris, pastor. M. K. Chcrch, Socth. Service every Sablmth at KU 1 'aula Al. K, t'lmiuh, Smth. at 11 A..M. and 7 J l M. Sabbath School at 12J l M. Prayer meotinjj every T hum. day evemig. M. C Miller, pastor. M. K. Ciiuki'H. Preaching every Sobkttli at 11 A. M. and "if. M. iSonii iiorvico in tho evening before sermon. Sabbath School t 2,,10 r. M. Prayer meeting every Tliuin iay evening. L Dillon, pastor. lUrrisT Clicisi-H. Service every Sabbath at 11 A. St. and 7i r. M. Sahliatk .Sulim.l nt 12. l'rayi r meeting every Thursday even ing. V. J. Crawford, pastor. i'kbxbytkkian Cltrttcil. Service every Sabbath inoming and evening in Colic- Cbajicl. Sunday SchMilimmodiat-ly rftertlio inoming service. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening. Hew Klbert N. C'iidit, pastor. . I CRKKV.H AlUJI'flT FLOW Kit. It in natural lor ppoplo suffering with DyHMht aud Liver ( 0111 plaint, or any doniiigtdiicnt of tho digestive, orgnim, Miieli as Sour Stomach, tslck HeadHche, llutilnat CootivciiOMR, Ittlpitntion of tho Heart. Heart-burn, AVaterbrash, gnawing and burning iiin at th pit of tho stomach. low SUln. Coated Tongue aud dL-njin-e-ablo tiiHt iu (ho mouth, eouilng up f Imm1 after eating, low RpiritK, ,tc.,lo day t" day biiving n arlielo that they know has "enrtni their tuighl)or, frieinl or relative, yet tbey havo no faith in it unlit it ia too lato. lint if you will "ko to your ilrugjiifls, Fiudiay t la-ii,and get olt tie of Orkkn's Aiuii'ikr Kiaiwku your liu motliato euro it m n-ertjiin an you liv. S;vniplrt ImttleM of this medicine can Im ot- uuiiett lor jo entj to try us superior vir too. Kesniar Hixo 75'ivntM. Try it; two Uvwon w ill roliove nuV .'. Itrunlr wnilMillnu I grnl. VhiUlelptib. Pa , Oct. i, 1S70. It. H. Warner .V Co. iient. for the past ten years I have MilVoretl the evil ef feets of w hat might letriiied elimuloewti stiati)n: my kkin lecaiii yellow ami my liver was nil tmt of order; 1 tried all the remetlie that i-ould o obtaine.l. mui lhal wan all I could do, al'u-r lin.ltiit; no relief from regular luodicino treatment, and J finally eoiiimein-ed lining your reinedio. 1 lln.1 tried ilio l'ill, ami at tho end of one we k my bowels had attained a regularity and healthy action unknow n for years. was w plcuisoii with the pilbet 1 con citidod 10 try a bottle of your l!itter, and although I have not entirHly nsetl the first tulH. 1 am bo nenf ntiblv iniorovetl and toned up that 1 wrko Ui'yoti giving ttilsi voluntary testimonial to tho excellence of your rc:ue lies. i our irtny, l J. t'AJil'l'.KI.I. is Now i: c.(: it i no tits FAM. and va.vri?i: STOCK -coxs'sTixa or- DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, CARPETS, GROCERIES, BOOTS & SHOES, WALL PAPER, House Furnishing Goods, ETC., ETC., ETC. 3Iany of these Goods arc bought direct from the man ufacturers for rnli, and are all First Class Goods NO TIIASII, and will be sold at Popular Prices, ALBANY FOUNDRY -AND MACHIIM' SHOP. i:ntaiimsiu:i) im;5. Hv A. CH EftriY, Mluated at corner of I irst and Monlgon.eiy Streets, Albany, Havintr takrn rlmrrnfif lliAnhAri iifitn ed Works, we are prepared to inauiifa.-tii Steam KnirinAH- Hiur Mini llriwl. Mil re Wood-working Machinery, I'umps, Iron and lSrass Castings of every description. Machinery of all kinds repaired. Spe cial attention given to repairing farm n eliuiory. I'ntiern Haklus lne In all ll rirmo, K5:llyl . A. V. CIIKKY A SON TO ZL.O-VZsT- I'ersons wishing to elTorft loans upon ao proved security can I aecommodatod by ajJJIl vill i lO J. 31. lir.YYl l l , O'Toole's Briek Illwik, Itroadalbin Ht Albany, urogon. 20tf ALBAF3Y OEAT EIARKET. Fresh Beef, Pork, Mutton Veal and Sausage al ways on hand. Highest Cash Price paid for all kinds of fat ntwU . LKYi WKST QO A A A MONTH (fuiiraiit'Xid. $12 a day at i?OVfJ made by the industriaufi. CuiLitl home ot re wcwui bLiftn. you. Men, women, boys jiirlsniake money laMUtr at work for ua than at thinar else. The work in liirht und Icaant. and ai anv such as awyone can po riht ut. Thi who are wise who iv i.m nonce win aeiui us their aldreHHes at one :eand (t uicniwivcs. t:or.iv uutiit aim ternw. Nowi the tune. Tbtwo alroady at work are laving ui lur"0 mnna ot money. Addresa TUL'K & CO., Aueusu. Maine. Now oZ-zray Onrox never fl.lap jiolnt:i. ' ho world'n rjroat Palu Koliovor foi Han and Boaiit, Choap, qr.Ic'c sail rollnbl. PITCH KifS t!ASTOIUA is not Narcotic. Cliililrcu grow fat upon, Mother HJ.r, ttnil Physicians rccomsnctjil C.VSTOItlA. 1 1 rcjrulutc t he IIowcN, cures "Wiiiil Colii-, e.Unj! l'Vvcrl.shucss, utul itv r.:roy V.'ornts. WEI DE MEYER'S CA TARRH Cur. R ConntitnUouftl Antidoto for thin torrililo mala dy, ly Abnorjitloa. Tho mont Isiportaat Dinoovrrjralnoo Vao clnatlou. Other romodioM mar roIlcTn Catnrrb, tM curat nt aay KtAgo beforo Connuui-itiori uot iu. HENRY W. SMITH & CO'S CELEBRATED KENTUCKY THISTLE DEW - WHISKEY. HENRY W.SMITH & CO. D I STILLER 3, Kenton Count, Bth Dist. Kentucky. OFFZCEl 252 & 254 West Third St. CINCINNATI. 1 li( alxivn VVlilskv Iibi taken nil Im imn-( run l-txt, n:it i rmiiiinmliHl ly lh iiiiHiii-itl f.iouliy for lurjii-itial aii'lJani IxUtlo ly nil iliuisu ntul Knurrs U"I !'' R. SALT.-ARSK, THE BOSS PAIN KILLER OF THE VORLD LltillTXIKt! OIL. The New IInlieal AVonder of tlie lllth Century. THKWONDEIIFU, AKOLISHKII OF TAIN. a Kii:rii-'it: roit DIPHTHERIA AND SORE THROAT! Khruiualir 1'ntnii (njir: In -JO mlnnlp. Hrornlula lnln-t kum-I iu 11 nilnnlrn. ISrailnrfae Uijrl In Z mlnutr Tualliurlir kI;jk-iI Iu I-; tiilnolr, Auy fcc-lins or nniailanriM let Ibr t' rr lirvrd Sn 10 llllllll-. TO BE USED EXTERNALLY. y.r Bile i.y ni! rrtiUfw attil iIaUr itt ittetlUr'nr, ami at wltt.ii?c hy HODGE, DAVIS & CO., roim.AMn vnv.cox. Kull'min !a on of the tmtty t;ttntfititaU mu'vihl, Tlie wriU;r. Mr. 'vutUfrUfi, i wtll al Iavtraoly Mt'twn in lhii city, r'or jarti' 11W lottire of J, V. W eatherfirfil & Co., Kih in ; rKTI.AXP, OMUUVX. IlKsi.r.v: I waa Mtifferiti' Willi inU'iiwly, m that for wiveral Ixh I van not ahlu to utmihU-ii tuvm-tt. 1 uvhI ttoiao ft yrtir hijrltninjf Linimfrit, and it remove 1 the itii iiimhi tti. tint apnrati((tt. The fourth nitien.lin retnovoil all aoruneKi mue I hy th (Ktiit, r'nr tM.thiii'he ami netiralij, it if a niwcilh: having Iteen tried in my own fanoiv- I have urn-d if;ilim nf liithiM-iit of xnr'untn kituU. nod find thin Ut nir)iajK any, I highly mniiniieii.i it to any u(Terinj; will) iv Iutiiu (H tim. 1I7 I MUS. J. V. WKATIIKUrOKO, GUIDETO SUCCESS WITH FOB BUSINESS WW I mmm I isIIVFAR 11.0 liwt r.iiHintlw mill Hntin.l Ouitlo nml lf:unl-4Mk vvi'.r MilIUIic-d. Mitch the Mut. It -Hn Vxi-H c..intl.:U-ly IIOH' TO IK LKtLKKl- I III!V- ui tut: iMtit way. linw Ut tie Y our Own lm yr. linw tiJ Imti'mvHX t'nrrvDy utni Kti'icrffully. llow to act in Hm:ittty anI in ;vtry Jmrt iif lifut atid cviMtaiiiM (fold mine ol varied information ii.difn' able t lilt uisxxmm fur croimUiitt rcf en tice. 4al-;.T.H W.tTICIl for all or time. Ti know why thin tHM-k or ur.AU Vftiuoaini lUinu-uoiiB koiim huLlcr tliiin aityothi-r, ttpjily for t rniw Ut i . si;ivi(; a c o.. Q1 r,firt TO mm A VEAf; t,r Vy a rfay O yur own lot-ality. No rink. Wuiiiuii do m well jw men. 11 any mnUa more titan the amount staUxi ahove. .JSoonu can I nil Ut ntukit money fjixt. Anyone can dc the work. You van make from' Co cU. Ui $1 an hour hy devoting your evetdiitf jum! naro time ut inu unamoH. u cmts notiun' u try the hiift ineHM. Nothing like it for money making vor oITurod before. ItUHiuet plca-uit und Btrti-tly honorahlo. Header, if you want to know H about thu bent paying bubinetfs before the publit;, send un your oddrcaw uiul we will send you full particulars and private terms free ; arnplen worth ."i also free ; you rtin then make up your mind for yourself. AdtLroMt UKUKOK HTlS bON & CO., Purtlaud, Miiino. 8n(4Ca-n't be maila by every a(ont every "f a? mf month in tlio business wo furnish, but tbowi willing to work run eanily earn a dozen rlollara a day rijflit in their own localities. Have no timo to explain here, luminous pleasant and bonorublo. Wo men, and Ix.ys and twirls do as well as men. Wo will furnish you a complete outfit free. We will bear ex pense of starting you. Particulars free. Write and see, Farmers and mechanics, their sous and daugh ters, mid all classes iu need of payintr work at homo, should write til us and learn all uhimt tho wwrk at once. Adiress 'I'elk it Co., Augusta, Maine. lb? Sri - IS UJWJ WARNER rut: il m i: of.h; ki.m.ii:. I'liyoical forro isoimor tint itiv.itfl ( j human jMiort-sMloiit, lint inifui uifi.ih-ly It tntH nnly a hliort limn. Ai-i-lili'iii, illsinso or olil n'B ifxnc tilon;,', ninl I Ik- forrcM wlili li Aiivllilnj; thai mil H fcluiM I hrxuw i ir ri"rv Ilium In t!irTir in'iu xuliml.Io tlian tlio jviwcra tli. in-.i-h i-i ninl moro t Im mlmlrcil- Tlili It fx ;ly h:it War lirH SiiA Kltlitoy mitl l.ivnr 'iitr Jt tnkci tho lMidy li n It H hrtiKi-ii nml hovrl hy Hirkitw. r.: I r"ti.n-i it h tho VWCIH It Olii-O Jt I" H UfH?tO mill nil other t t-vi!ovi-r thu jrp;- Ijili-c into uhlivioii. Jt huH ii i frii n. N that Kro rm-iiilt if ' (iiUU aiul unci i-uiii- tltiit nro Ihu fiifi.i!), of ln-'.l:h. J'ito vast Im jwrtnmtj i.f tho iowi r jiortitm cf tho hcxlv tit .rntm ins Brx''l hi-:iUli lbi--:iniiiK hot- U-r known tvi:ry J:iy. 1! -;h iii'-n'ttiiil wo mrn f nil i:hivi-i r'-n.iro thl. l'nrwoi,t'ii irovlott to i hlhl hlrth, f r ell ilica-ii rx etili ir to Ihi-ir m , f r ili-Liliiat nl mi'ii nml funy ch'.hlrcn t!n-io U n iiliins' which no KHft'iy nl ti, cly'Mi!. (..(!; ami rcntoriM thin (iri lt II, !iici!v. Tint khlnpv nittl urinary n; im. u hen ih raiifi-1, nn th-riiilno thi lifo iiiiu h (jul'-Ucr than t-oii- Minilili ni, nml ll . v 1,'tit !' u ' ; i . 1 1 In l-roiui-ilvor fatal i- it- (in, u.( . ,, Mir to I J.!.,.... -i i... .;.,..! t hrr.wit !i . h-:ir!y fh..w th;i Waim-tV frafo KIii'-y aii'l I.U-r t'nif) not only rhcx t. thojustliwaw) hut ciitiii ly t nr,-lliii even if tli-y liavt l,ro:t;n w iili-.l. It U I'm only known oiii-ly tthh-h will ,i.r !y ami ii'ituinly.ilo' thi, i"l thi-io i li l mi in-ktam-o oi rt- or.l w horo il hn Ijii'i-iI. It i for khih hy tlriiifK'"'"' 1" I n'!'1 ,, "" uorhl mi'l Ih l it . ii it I :n-1 ::(;! ly ;i. wish King of tho Blood Carrti al prrofuJon mffeiitmM nnU lr l-rn muU tun frtwn Impurity or tko M.wd. It i m--l!r? 10 jwctfy ailaaui t! .H!lrereiin uuMiy prftxi Ur,r cntimt' ; tut Salt Upturn, fimpltj, I itr. Turn. imtrtu JiwHlttnffi, Sec, ftr tli in tmt r.mmim. n well maoy i!ecttu cf tho Jlcatt, ihad. Ltvtr and Siemach. SCROFULA, Wsaderfnl Curo cf lUsdacss, J). Rijwnr, So Co. I For th bcm-lit of r" troulil with Scrofula or Impnr. iiiixxt in ttir-ir nraurui.,1 barettr ncuroiiirnd King of iho Jtlnu.1. 1 hao l -ii truuuM with ScrofuLi In tlm j.n.t u-n Twn, whK-b ao my cyr-a that I waattim t'lptalj bliod ftrraix ninoltia. I wa. rw.mimiriilnl til try King of the wlikb lia. lirovi.1 a im-at lilMainrr lo ma, a it lina (mtt!it-l)r mrcil nirr., uri-1 1 cbacifuUy rucutuiacml it Until iralilol a. I huva Voura truly. Hat. S. 'WEituuiuiw, bupltiiia, X. Y. &HmmCP 0 0 IH h rniJ to any Public IIoapiiM o 1j mntn- lly trr'-wl oim, for m-irry oortilicnlo of tlua iumIi. ciu pubualiod br lu wluth 1. uut fc-cuuuio. Its Ingredients. To liow oor fnith In tho .ntVty nml cTtWillcnw of the K. II., upon proper piiraonnl applirtiiiuii, hn aiiti.li4 that no (mp..llii.n Is iutrarlr-d , o will piva the namcsof all nfliilnviu 'J'bo abure oUita war. never ntniio before by Um pro. pnetor of any other Famil Jdniinne in tlio worbt. Many la-r Itifortiml kin, and lull dim-tiona for uairnr will bo fnund in Ilio poin. phlet "Troaliaa on lliarnars of 1lifl llloml," in wlnclir-oliUitiloincncl.Hwil. 'rir-o$l rlottlrm. tiuniiiK 1'J oiinr-ra, or -til I11IO iloaoa. r h,,l.l by ilnn BU, I). IUhhom, Hon & Co. , l'run'rs, Jiullulu, H .V VlffafaAKD IIOIJSK, Ifiilsry, Oregon. A- LOUBHEB, - Proprietor- rrilllft KT.KtlAXT NKW IIOTKI. .M!ST NOT X coiiiplcte.!, will bo oKucil nlMnit July, li"!. It ia croiiHtiuetd on thu mowt iiiodttm and envt'tn:nt platn. liax a lino Maiuplu rHint ewictally nrruitied for commercial tnivelcn, ftiid the Udile m 111 Ik supplied at all tiitiea with (rmnl mcald, 4 g2 f W W (Iresit vlianee to niako tnont'y. Wo " v MA H.Piieed a ihtmoii in every town to hike HulMU'riptiofiM for tho inrutMt, ehenMt and bent IIIiik tratetl family publieation iu the World. Any one euu iMteonie a auecufmful nifent. Hix clt'jjttnt workn of art (fiver, free to miliMerilwrM. The price la no low that ol luoMt everybody Milmcrilteft. One aut reMirU tiik inf li!0 aubwrribcrH in a day. A lady aeut n-jxiitH naikiiiK over fc'-iOO clear profit iu tn dan. All who enyujfe make money fiLst. You wn devote all yonr time to the buHiucH, or tuily your ftpurotime. Vou neeil not be away from home over nibt. You can do lift well an others. Full tlireetloiiH and torn in free. If you want profitable work tsend u your mldrnwat oneo. HeoaU tiothinif to try the ImihIuchh. No one who enaes full to titake threat pay. Addrts (Jko, SiixHus Co., I'ortlaiid, Maine. tl 1 REVERE HOUSE, L'orner I'lrst ami Ellxwortli Alliiiny, Orreon. Pfeiffer Bro's Props. This new Holol Is fitted up In flnrt class style. Tables ffuipliod with the best the market afford. Bprin Beds lu every Room. A good feainplc iUsun for t'01.1 mcrcial Travelers. tZTfree Coach to and from llie Ilolrl.t l " ' 3:llt IT?ATC!TrMVTC3 Thousands of soldiers and JuV OIL il D. their heirs entilled by lute laws of Coiiiircss. ' Send two .tninis for laws, and copy of Citizkn Somiikk, Ut N. W. Fitzgerald, V. b. (JUiui At t'y, Jlox Cas, Vi anhiiiirtoii, 1). C uj .V".irPT- -iitfY& Tho foltawlne tatMnt ui th voluu- turv nxtii-MKlaaa af m amBe tboim- aiid who fcn m?m by the una of VViirncr'a turn klilnar mad 1.1 r Cur. Tho wrilrx bra it jv'ly kow to tho jrunrlotrii, but tti.T fcv nroi iUfe li.tlom m oi iiOMirn r ;riiiiiuo. 1 heir him . ily, UiartHartf. jajiut mo now iloiiol : MoHxro. 11. II. Tiifr A (text lii-iilii-oinn: bnvofur ) (luy baau nili-l-it Willi K tn-rtbl kidmf rouplalat. win. lilt mwinal ml lims iiiinK cauiu control. 1 trintl ilaotors 4 umadwlim x. tmiMYoly, but fuuao! n rUt- rinaJly 1 wa ivif4 t.T.lniud lo try ymr r-io Khliinr Ur Cr, a4 B9vftr MittAring iirlar (mat imm mmmi mmmlm I'ltm, I find luyael"! WH tmi Ua to aui-ivl to Luinm r 4y . j-w n.7 CHuu mm. Jcrm j CU, IfM, IM y.i-i. rt. It. Wnr Cm UKTMtMBa: WlUia MlIbaMVaB I Am- lro to(X.rM mmrvm, m J hm my f malm lion of your rmm4r. tmmm Hmm ttmom my nuoiitiM wmm oil4 to wlliiii u ho hrnl for loatr Uis baaa mmml mat- It n-r. AfWr inlir m thors&rk euaalaa. liou of tbn u, I fouaU tkat hi ktdT mid on- wrra eaol y acarie. JSotwIl out lu iiUn'.l.iii I prraurlbarf yvurSnfo Kld m y nnil I.ivrr t'ure. 't ha rult, Rfiar fak loijtvio lioitli-, htm bavo aau.rwUjrr In (ho -xlrfii". Witii'ml. tiitiituUarv. 1 ouhS .r. w ri'o tho naiae roaiady to alt similarly il""-t'"i. troiy, l-hfU-r,S.V. K. Ca M,.s. H. II. Witnr A ii:STl.i r: 1 huva ltii nftlMcn with lix-too t.f Ikii lil'In.T. far th pl Inn )ian, nml have trim! numorans-rt'mfKlIc Hitli only (.urimt iroJ,l4MjT;faty rclli f Yuur KiimrTa4 Klror t'ura i i'-iniii-i)il.:l lu in, aad aTlrr takiliff it tho (Mm ami ilitr, a loft ma muH I am to lay fwlintr Mronif ami wall. I am wr f.i lly MHiUlioil WrBir' afa Itemi' i!.i- aro liin niiulii-lnon n!tl, a til rsi i Ikm niiily f'oliimitnd llirrn lo othrr. ti. XV. tam, 1". htwr "Thn Indtixtrlal Kra. Alhii, Ion, Juno, l"3?4. Sportsman's ncadqaaHers. w. E. s 0 0X07, fiuns, Kiflcs g Revolvers!! Aad Auttaaatrlaai mf Af! furl a. Jtiat rrvirl a larjfri InTot-o of taa lataal JaaarMvM lt"tulti)f-um, hbaqi'a. W ricbaaiar aad liallara rwaaliMrr rifli-a. Muura. HpituncVin aad bara braoei laatllaa 'hutKuria. arid ntuul. luaJiaur ralaa aad aba tana of ivrry deacrlpUiai. A. in, a larira and wall ardaaan) aloat f Flaalnc Tarklv, Cutlery, Ik CV,!!aa, a. nay lda, aad la l'-t y aaau wjaa Mr ai raa law. All kinds of Sswisjakiaes It- Vr Ttaat I Cannot B Cmleimold Anvwbnr. la OaU Blaaa. (1 ti .TAMES IAfNAL, SOLID WALNUT IKDROOy SETS, Mnrlila mm 'Wmm Taai. Parlor Sets aad Lotugs, Mar ble Top Ceator-Tables, Spring: Bod and lltrttreflaoa, - WALM'T, MAril 1U I1I HiUKTS, VbalnoU, ftr. Baltaaafta, fiaiafon Ta bin., fMaaaU. tmt aaial aHaaay I luteud ta kaaa ha tVa raaaanra Has, to all nnmmms aall aa ami will rwaranua I muM Niller-. Uriak. JLajota MnrAn. FOX, B-A.TJ Sa QO. Aioany Bath House. rwiIIE UNDRSIGK? WPIB iHPECT X fully inform the oirtaaarof Aiaany and ri cmity that 1 hava tak.n oharf l af tkif Jnta)liih mant, and, by kaoping- alaan rioai and payin strict attention to bnsinass, azpeett to mat al those who way faror US with tbai'r patronaaa llaving heretofora ea.riea on nothing bat First-Claea ga4r 9nmg Salooni, we expects to glre eaiis'wi riabMnotion to al -C'hildien irff lfadiOT' Vatr neatly on nd shampooed. - . JOS WfiBBtSt. i i THE BEST OF ALL DIE3EQT! . F03 JIA1T 03 ESA2T. Wbfii n mrAMnn linn tnfnllltIy rtotio I ii woi-ic in iiiiiiioiin or c'oihim ioi Tiiorv tban n thti-it or n omiturv; v In n it hn ri-iirh.l virv jirt of I ho wm-1,1; wbnn nutnlini-lana fuiuilli.N fvi-r'Wlr-r run- Idtti' II. tin' only niifn rolliiiK'n lit cnmi nf pulii or MK-lilfnl, It I. jnuiiy m.i in to vail .ucli a uiDdicJno THE BEST OF ITS KIND. Till 1. tlir) on.n Willi tlio BIxlca In.lniiK 1. 1 I in out, Kvi-iy mull brliiK lnU)lll)!i'IHtiiof n ntialtle lir wtnl, Ilia fmiiiiy or mi unliii ! or bHrn uftdMtfl, tlio Iioitoiw or rl.rn ovKrooni", Mini of It tlimtiiiiil ninl am othnr lilooHhiui inn! tix-ri-ti-a Vi Hirloi'inftd hy tho oll fllublo .Max LMtt Ifiumiuutt JMltllMfiltt. All lirinii iir rMMwiit-,1 ilt.nnno nrr, lijicvillly filloil t.y I In! Mitdlnnir I lnlinont. II H'iii.nil.a limnolc, UKUiliinnn nnrl IImiiiii, lo Ilio vnry ooiii-, burilnlihiK puln ml CJiiilnK 1Ii.iii wlHi n jKiwi r ilml nover full. 11 U ll ini-illchio nnnrlcit l,y ovnyLioilJ', from Ilio raitchefo, who rlilu. in. . ovot-llie aolllnry I.IhIiik. loflmiiir-rr-biiril A it'liirr, iiii.i inn wooiiniiiirr wni Mi'ilin I bin lo- t Willi ilio DX". HA ll r-iir-a Klir-iiiiiall.lii whon nil ollirr Rlli'iiMnni lull. Till, woiiilunut .onclllr rtirr Ulcll ul:ilic'l!a of tlio It Ii n in k 1 1 a , milllai, IIIIlT JolnC. i cntrart! MhhIci, It.rnt a4 ttrald., t, Xrail.a ati.4 arli., PaIi.u.m lllle. .H4 MllMK. iVtltTi'.r.a, Lament-.., WIU Mor.a, llcra. irA.ttta.4'ltlllrlalMa. Mara lll, I'.hrrl XKr.aat, a tl avcrjr foru. ot cstaroal ill- M.i. ll l tlio Rrfnli-rt rrmr)y for tho 1l-oritr-ia itml n re 1 .1 it t a lo wlilr-lt the nmiiK I uKiiiiir urn Ktiti)nct lliut lion cri'r ln-i'ii kunwii. II cure. iraln., Hwlnny, MillT Jnlnta, r.uuil.r. Ham... Horra, Hoof !!- .... I ool Itnl, drrrw IVorm, Kr.h, Hallow Horn, Mrrotcbr-a, 'lnt ralla, Hpavln, 1 arrr, ItlngboM, Old More. I'oll l.vll. llu anon itHm Mvlit .Hit rmf .l l,r a 1 1 ui.Mt lo whlra It, orrafiaHla or In. labia anil acork l'aril ar llabla. A tweiiijr.flo writ holtlo of 4ti-l-un Mn.uoitr I.lnlliir-iit I hoi ofitn nvel a valuablo liire, a lliu on ci-utcbv., or yaar or icrrrnri. at Itaala wllhiHit n Nr.r It fro?, to Di.Tary rootol tlio iii.utui, j iiulrulluti a frit Iba bonr. ll ruiua erv1"'1y. nifl ilSanppolnla ao ona. Jt I in a t,-i Iu r.iia,ly n,t lor mora lirciily-Uvt; )van, und la poalkiva THE BEST OF ALL t03 ILtl 03 22A37. .! K. SOUIHN & CO. CIGARS AHD TCEACCO Avnla Ur Ji-a-a Mnorr A l'V it aiul fy Wkiaak-a, oirei lurail- Flno H lilnkl.-a from t MM a cmloii. Itl. a r.-r. nt In l.'D ilia Krr-nrri brnmlv Irran -.7S lo I",.I ra I lr in In littlr fmiri ".' era. In I i.-iii. Hlrii- 'lid rri Wlni- man I.'.wki H.'U a Ral on. in IxhiIi-. from a.'rla. ', Hn.-Kh. riy Mi irino ."-' l ll ".'" a irl I. rfi in l.lili a Inirn Tii-1 .. It. .1-'.'. Ili.tlnnil till. Uaia tjlior, in ;ni, 7.'. rta. lo ti.UK All MlMlanf Wlor, Itiller a nt 'iirilmla. 1'iririH "lie iliiSUr a trfii.'l. i.-r i-l. a Udlle, I iijiHrra In I'irita arlil ll:f I'lut ak Inl Iraviera au4 tai.i ra. .sampi.i: HOOM altnclir . to puitsroitic. CIGARS b TOBACCO, By tlie box or pouml, cheap. Flrac Klraat, aar Ilraadalbln. Albany MARX BAUMCART BX JUST OPKSKD OCT A letv Liquor SI ore KKRrA OOSaTAirrtT OH M4SD THE FINEST 1! RANDS OF WINES, LIQUORS. TOSAtTO & CIGARS. The lcIrlHl HU Inln STONEWALL WHISKEY, Tlie flniwt wblnkey In the State. WiokUp.'', French Krantlics, Sherry, I'urt, Claret, and all other kinds of wines, (iia, AI Re"", and Porter. Bitters ef every kind, and Hie besj brands of tobacco aad Cigars. mMT T van! ar.n'lirvt v In imiinptjanii tlK I Lave ojumwkI out a lirnt-t-liixa new liq uor atore, where city and country ilcal era oan jirooura their aUMka at IVrllaud prlr0H, with only irolKlit Riinoil. Iruu.ia nn thoi-rirnor ut Front ami 1-Vrrv Strootii, Alluuiy, Orjtgon, 2S:f. TITUS IJTtON. -I I A viTiir.. ci.oriis. jewelry, kilvm:- n.tTKI WAKE, Al III ttlOM) RIEtTAi'I.ES. ETC., .turning Tor Kew;l!iueSrwhrm Narhlurs. AI.U.VNY, - - OUKGON. STAR BAKERY ! CONRAD MET? EE, Proprietor Fresh II rend Daily. Groceries' and Provisions of all v kinds Cheap : CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, Etc , TCall and see my Stock. 42tf 18 1 1 t- WILLAMETTE MARBLE & STONE WORKS, "I ''IB "WOOllD SS MANUFACTURERS Of MARBLE MONUMENTS, HEAD STONES, TABLETS, MANTELS, CEMETERY CURBING, ASHLAR AND COPING, BASES FOR GARDEN FOUNTAINS TILE FOR WALKS, AND ALL KINDS OF WORK IN STONE. An w fxot our Marble direct from the Rutland OnArria ami Milla In Vnrinnnf. anrf linvo it r(i-tni with care, we can Inaura cuntornora the U-nt f rnarl,Io. n. oxrx-tt work. nr aay that Vermont marble ia bettor than any lmportoil from foroijjn r-oiiiniica. Having juat roisoivnd nevoral Un of niarbla, ami lnvini? more on tho way, weranr ofToroxtra. iiiducomeiita to thoae whiiii work. Orders from any part of the Mate irointly nttondod to, and all work warranted aa rrpronented. We'havo nocanvawrr out for work exojt tlioae having their crednntialM from na. r-Mliop ami vorKM cornor ooconn ana vJ5nHtf !. r. MAMO!. FOSHAY &. W3ASOW (SuocottNora to John 1'oHliay.) -DEALKUS IX DRUGS, BOOKS, STATIONERY, ETC., A LAIU;K AXtl DRUGS AND MEDICINES OH AT.T. xczxros, Kwlnwliiy urcollniMr tmially Umtui in a Ina-cia. rvlail drug wrtaMrliiavit iriuutcer hooks vivj si'-fVj'ioivjan.Y, Tim b-k la "i laK ami well Mrtd. A nw 1i at .Im ran la ounim-tkm w lib Uii. ib-tuinwnt, wtwra all llw btUl tutcrri upn'axliKl. pb-tunala. ttc, can IM IT.Mnirrxl. WHEN YOU COME TO ALBANY CALL AND SEE US vWii.TTtf AT THE OI.O KTANIl, 72 FIRST KTRKKT, 11 AS ON HAXT) AS FINE AN AKSORTMK.NT OK COOK, BOX AND PARLOR STOVES AND RANGES, Am ait) houMC In I lie alljr. lie TEf., SHEET IRON OF KVEKY iJESCI'.imON IN STOCK jia.mi, a rui.L, a"v-hi;i air i iir GENUINE GRANITE IRON WARE. ALL OK WHICH HE OFFERS TO THE TUBLIC AT PRICES, THAT fiEF CtiMrETITION. CALL AT 72 FIIWT STREET, ALBANY, OREHON. Repair -work done SEND 25 CENTS IN POSTAGE STAMPS FOR THREE NORTHS TRIAL SUBSCRIPTION TO I PdPEB OF IS PACES, ISSUED KOITHLT IT SIOUX C1TT. IOWA. It Is Insist li fnima asi E-tiESsa, Oitisx is: lew ol ns wofi as octki wiuija Mzz IeSscs, Its Literary News is Supplied by Selections from tlie Best Writings of the World As an Instructor to pemons rjcslrrms of Immigrating from oneomilry or section in another it t-aq. not b ciuniliil, hariug Correapondeoia in ail quarters by whom dtarrlpOonsof the several sortioi:. or cmmtrtM are given. In the iK-parunent IaroaaaTios roa ih ISQUismva. will attempt to au. tvrr t he various questions ankrd by our numerous subacrfbers, which ia bi-cominir qnilc au uapuJV ml and instnictivo feaiuxo of the paper, fersonawhrj may hare buatneai before any of Um PEKSIOII, BOUSTY, UHD OR PATENT DEPARTS EHTS at WtwrifTTitoq. . IT., can thmaaH thU jrtedlara mans- times be sa-red a fee, for by berwrninir rib-M-rila-n tln-ir jueailuna wiil be answered thixHiuh tlie columns of the paper. It has also a Special lAiwrura-nt rlvlrurall the iMdins; In-ci-oona of Uie several Departments above mentioned. A aiwiafofti-r of inarrUna irraiis a four-line adyertuement in the paper to any stibacrfwr wni may wish to tliapoaoof or exi haneeany Froperty, wiib bis address and name in fall so that din- i eoiuraiinirwUon ran he had with bim by any one desirinfr. to those Bending us fli for ayeara ulM-ripUon. Tbb Oomsoroi-ITE durtns; the nfst six months of Its existence averaged a eirrralaUon of u;..i paneni per tnotirti. Our 4aiairsiBite4l lrrnlatlo la S.tMlO but from pn?nt iinlnntntuil may run up lo ai.uuo per month. Your add of four lines wiii go through ail of Uie oi ionue, sol si isrise Yon KasiiyiiJ asl rra iii, or 3c fsms M Sample Eir. AGCITS WAHTEO. WE GUARAXTEE A LARGER COKRISSIGll THAR AIT OTHER PAPER II AMERICA. Address plainly, TUG COSMOPOLITE, Sioux City. Iowa. DR. SPINNEY NO. II KEAltXEY fiTBEET. iSan Franclaco, California. Trrala all ("hraaile and Uperlal Dlsraaea. .vrnikMir wv .rrrrviaf: rtan Tnr. ,-millilnl f.tlla ur hmacnrtiull. Srul lu well Ui av;il Uimiaclvca ul this, Utcgroatca biam -vrr If il at tli. ailr of miflcnnir huuauiity. IH. ril'ISSKY will fuarwuU to fori-1 40OO(.- every rase caracua- which b aiulurtakcs aud bul to cure. lilOPLE-ACr.D HKS. Tbera ara many at tli. atr. uf Uiirly !lve;toaixly who are tmublou aith toofmiucnt evacuation of Um bUd Our, ufum atvooiisuiicd by a alirlil smarting or burning amauini, aiul a aixikclimir of tlie system in a luantuw tlie auitil aonouut fur. On aianunuur Ue urinary orpuatu a ropy aadiineat will Uuu bo luund ind MHneUmca small autii-laa of albumen will appear, .r the color will be of a thin mllkiah hua, again cliinj hut to a dark and torpid aiircaranoe. Thara are many niun wlio die of tin. dithculty iirnorant of Uie cause, a-miiiL? he aoooml staxeof aviuinal weakneaa, la. will guaraHtre a ;r!--t cure in all such daaaa. aud beaJfhy roaumtiun ivl uie ytfiiito-arinary orjraus. Orrics Uorsa 10 to 4 ami (I to 8. SimiUfs from toil, a- Oonaultatiiss t roe. Thoroush Tyiiuiitwf anil ail' ti, gS. ' F.w iiriiate illsramw of aiiort standim; a full eonnie of nlirine auftieu-iit fcur a aire, aiujiall iiwlrurUisis, ail) be smit to any adilms ui iw.-j.-i) t IV. Oili and ail; Ursa, 1H. BriWaKT at f 14:S6vt y. 11 Kearnr tit. sen francisco, t'l A BARGAIN ! Valuable Properly for Sale. THE ALDEN FRUIT WWR. Including the building and lots upon which it ia aitiialod, la for 8&lo at a bar Btun. There aro two dryers and tlioy can bo sold ueparatoly. This is a good op portunity tor fruit raisors to secure tlie bent dryer made, at low price. The lots are vory valuable lying on the .Hvur front, and having a railroad switch running by them. It is A good location for a custom (Wiring mill, foundry, or any such buiness. 1 For furtlior particulars call en tbo Prosl dent or Secrntary of the Company. G. r. CKAWTORD, L. C. Kick, President. Secretary. SO TO THE WORKING CLASS, Wo aro now nprtHl to fiiniUh all clamw with eon stunt employtiMint ai hio, the whole ol the time, or Mr thttir 8aro uuintenlH. UuMiucM now, lift lit and ppiflluhlo. l'tirwuwoj either rcx etuiUy earn f row ftO r-ciiU to Hr e veiling, and nraMirtioiial raw by ik'votiiiff Uitilr whole time to the InwincM. Boys and irii ear ucarly m much aa men. That all who eee Ut'ii noTic pttiy aeml ihcir fuldrw-s aud tout Uie bust iu we make UjU oiTur: To aueh m are not well aat tRlliHl we will send one duller p$ pav for the trouble of writing. Kull partirulara and otHttt roe. AddreM, (ittoRuK Stimhoii t Co., PorUund, Iklaiuo. 1 Administrator's Notice. NOTICE 13 IIEREBY GIVEN THAT the undersignod has been appointed Administrator of the estate of Alargaret Jf ugUet, deceased, by tho County Court of I Jim County, Oregon, and ail persons having claims against said estate are here by notified to present thom, with the pro per vouchers, within six months from the dute. hereof, to the undersigned, at Scjo, Liuu county, Oregon. maulS!r, !Sw4 ., ' Adi))iuistrator. GO. r.iiMwonn Blreetn, Albany, Orrofi. V. "WOOli ii CO. Oil rHAT fllKHIJ tfTWK OF a ao Import and manufarf ur AfiD COPPER WARE OR TO ORDER. AI-SO, HE KEEPS ON at reasonable figures. ''',t,:it'-1 ,4 - r-x - -rSJ-- To the Unfortunate! dr-;gibeon's Dispensary. 6.-)0 KCtstXV T. vi) rx-nit ol -mrr-rial MnH-t. baa I'lmlao. i) KstablisheJ lu Inr ( - j tbe trauuent of bnauai , ' aiul Seuiin.U UiseaaM, stK-sft J iiawarrbea. tilers'. -.. M rirlarr, tiptallla in all v"...j.--wV.i iu inrmiL IsnMlrsirT. larnslnat MraVarsa. nurht bwacs bviircania. iin- ii-a on the face andliisa ol inanb-iod aan piyativiy tw, cured. Thcmi-lr: and alttieioi shoo 11 not' fail Uicail Plum bint. Tbe I Victor bas travolrtl exteuaively ill Lumpe, and inspected thoroui;lily tbe various ho,. UUs tbere, obtaining a creat deal valuable infonua tiiai. wbicb he eorueterii to impart to ibnap in a?,! of his aeryieea. 1K tilHUOS will nuke no raars unlxas lie el? out a cure. rVrsous at a diManoe alt UK llltrw Af HMK, Alt oonimuuuwtt.m, atm-tly oontiilenti.. Vuu ave no orie but tbe Ka-ttr, Sim1 tea dollars lor a pnukam ot nietliuirM. IVrs-ris a nliiie to tlie Doctor will please state the name uf Uie paHT they see this advert isruient in. t'harvra rva aunabre. Call or write. Address UK. J. K. littiBOX, Box lll.'iT Kan Francisca v I "a .-11 Tf W,'1 TPfjusiness now before tlie public. You at sCj a can nuke weney faster at work for ua tlian at aiij-thinfr'elee.'-Cxpital not re julre-l. H sritl start you. 12 dny and uSwarua usblc at fal-me rr (Jie (Uilitstrious. Men, woiueii. boys and irirls aanu4 ft en ure 14 work fuc us. 'iw it the nine. VoU cau uivoi your wbole tints to tlie a-ork, or only 'iur Snire aanuenla. 2o other business will pa o-af l aa well. No one willing a-ork ran iail to niase enanuous pay by et;sln at ouue. I'ostly outtU ain) turnia free. A (treat ojipoiiiinity (or maaui auaivy easily aud honorably. Addrvs 'I'sCS A C'u., AlijjVHa Mai ue. THe;parkergu!) 3CND STAMP FOR CIRCULArT . PARKER BRtfS JYEST MERlDEHsCV. SO ( AVEEKin your on n tog-a nd 1,0 cajntuj IU riiioil. ou mn giye tlie business a trial wilhoutexHMise. liieliost oiiportunii v ever tTert-d for those williiiK to work. Vm slioulil tr- iiorbiiij; else until you sue for yourself a bat you can do at Hi business ae oiler. Kn room to explain Jiere. Yoii oau devute all your time or only your sre ti)iie tu the busiiit'sa, and make irmt jy U- itvery Jiour tst a-ork. Wonit-11 make as niut-b as uh-u. rn-iid fojr s;a cial private tonus and partieuhirs, abivli we mail Irue, & Outfit tree. lVin't vompUiu of hard times a bile you have such a cbauco. Address li. HAU-ETf A CO., ISirtlaiHl, Maine, svl ST CHARLES HOTEL, A1.BANY, OREGON. MRS,. C, Pl'g, , . - Propriotuj. This House has been thoroughly renovated from 10a w oubwiiu, Miu is now in spienuut eouuition lor the entertainuient of travelers. Tlie table is supplied with everything the mar ket affords. Sample rooms tor couunarcial men. CorvalUa, Lebanua anil Dallas Stage Office. vl6ntf C(f aweekui your own town. $5 outfit l I . r liree. No risk. Header, if you want a tu 11 1 it:a at which persona of either 8 can make Ifrcat pay aTthe time tley work, write I ir particuisis o 11. Halleti & Co. fortlkud, iliine.