lie isfrmflfrat. FRIDAV....-.DECEMCEU 31, 180. . " Cir02M.VS IH.tT02.lL TOTE. Tif Oat Br l!ut ltaaeark OrsScd tf Male iti Tkelr Stonr r. The New Ymk Clipper thus ilwciio tra question arising over tLe California electoral vote, on account of one of th Democratic electors of th rrnidVntia) . ticket being tlofoatcul and a Kepublican elected : W. F. C, Sacramento. ', A says : 'I bet tou that GarfieM camV Califor nia, and 1. accepts tbe bet. "Who win., if either ? -. A says to li : 'J will bet you tUat Garfield parries California,' and I relie, 'I will bet joathat Han cock does,' and tlie bet is mad Wko wins! X A says to I : 1 bet you that lianeK-lc ViU'riea California,' and B accepts. Who wins, if either 1' Seemipgly, A La l,t tlio lut ti bets, and won the thiid. A ltai can never go in two or more utiftrcnt way because of a s-ilit in the electoral- vote, any mora thau a county curt go in two different vrays becanao the KrjmbHcans elect the County Judge snci the Ieruor craU the Sberiif, olacea that, owing to, their bei5 totally dissimilar, cannot l f -mpared as to grade, so as to uiaket no appear higher than the otht-r. The same means iliat by common connent has from tituo hiiin.niorial been resort l to to determine the majority cf one Presidential ticket over another lias logically and constantly to le resorted to in oi ier to de'emn:.e which Pi-psi-dcntial ticket hat c.tmeil State. Th same Rican3 has from time iran-.eni.iria! been made use of for the determination of bets. The vota for the h ad cf the ticket ' go vcrr.p, iiet her it is the city ticket, the county ticket, the ordinary State ticket, or thst branch of the State ticket which every four years comes tip as the Presidential electoral ticket. It is because it has been ensiomary to take the vote for the head of every ticket as the representative vote that it ia ob servable that ia this State, fur example, the I'est known and most popular man on the ticket is put at the head. Solo mon Sell en and Abram S. Hewitt head, as as it is ossib!o for two mm to do it, the electoral ticket cf New York Stato that w, Hchru's nauio is ni the head cf otie column of l-stint.... and Hewitt' at the Lend of tLe o'.her. The name that ia at the brad cf tS r:rst column, and thnt therefore is for prac tical purposes the head of the ri-ker, is not that of Solomon Scben, who ii com paratively but littlo known ujraong Democratic voters, but advisedly' that of Abram S. Hea-iti, who is so widely known Tsmcng all j artiLs that whoeve r got hld of one of theso tickets wouhl tee at a glane that it was Di'ir.ocralic at the head, no mutter ;bat its tail might be. Si fixed has become- this method of making tbe Leal ijf the tick et the governing tptyre that wc note its effect even. in Sin Fianeisco, the Alt.t California, in giving the lesuitsof the canvass of California bv counties, stating that it takea "Miller" and Wal lace as tho representatives cf the Re publican aud Democratic vote." That the -jiT has so taken them is iresumv tive proof that the canvassprs niustalao have taken thwiD. As we understand it, the Republican electoral ticket of Califcrm'a was headed by Miller, while Wallace headed the Democratic ticket; ana our decision is that Calif nui has gone Djaiocratic if WalLice has more votes than Miller, as we are almost cer tain that he has, our only doubt ia the premises being the prudent one engen dered by our Lick of the oGcial return as vch At the Bteetio tf the 2ffttljtl Grange ia Washington, D." C, Nov. 20th,: the following rebolutieos were submitted by the committee oa the good of the order, and unanimous.' y adopted: Eezolvxl. That the National Grange of the Patrons cf Husbandry demand that tbe Commissioner of Agriculture be mado the Secretary of Agriculture, and a member of tho President's Cabi net, with the same salary as Secretaries of the other Departments, and that this 'Department be sustained and enefeur aged (by appropriationscomiaensorat with its importance. , . .. Resolved, That we also demad the enactment of a general ' railroad law prohibiting any discrimination in favor of or against any cla.-w, locality or 'in terest in- transportation tf avenger or freight ; also, piohibidng exorbitant or excessive rates. Resolced, That we dematid such re vision of tbs patent laws as hhall effect ually protect the innocent put chaser or user cf-the patented article r, imple ment, and" make the manufacturer and ven-H-r alor.e resjtorudhle for violation of the law. - Jleselved, That we dsmand the imme diate enactment of a graduated income tax, to the end that all wealth may bear its just and equal proixtrtiou of the ex jienKea of the-government, and that productive industry may be so far re lieved from tho burdens of taxation as pail be consistent with strict jtu-tice to Rctolced, That in view of the unwill ingness and tardiness hitherto mani fested by legislators in 'accordicg to farmer the rights they so justly claim, the National, Orange, will,- in behalf 'of the OrVle ; of Patrons of Husbandry, bohre'acir Senator and Representative in Consfress responsible for his fiction upon the subject matter of each cf the foregoing "resolutions, and that we pledge ourselves as a body and. as indi viduals, and we earnestly and candidly invite every farmer, evciy patron to unite with us la uf.e par whcle influ ence, lxth ly word ar.d ballot, wltoJly regardless of party, political orpersone.l cousidetations, to prevent the re-election of any member failing to" support by his vote any of the above measures.: - Wklte'4 Pnlrlc l l3cr, ' Taken before retiring, wilMnsnre a good night's rot, with an awakening-in tho Ty morn to health, courage and vigor. For coaterl ton sue. bad breath, nicklieaii. ache, or any dirfm bauce arising from dys pepsia or torpid liver it is v.-ithout a peer. Jts action on iiea6e is- entirely ilitl'erent from any medictt.e ever introduced, quiet ing pfMus almost instantly. Tlie hue and cry raided against it by patent medicine men, who have foreseen in its advent the destruction of thsir nefaiiousi busines?, and tlie thousands of nnsolicitfd tertirno niaH iiowtJig in from all parts of tho How World, is a muo indication of lis preat meriiji. Trial si at all irng Storec. iialf pound bottles, 75 cents. Fojshay & 51 a ta. Siule Aeals, : . I ttut-rU ltrrrtirj . V T r! A.-'XTWIa nf. tlirlr rnnnm in Foil tor's brick Iwililiiig on Vpilm.ray evenings t o'olwlv, mid on falihnth afternoon at 4, Jiuaiuess twccinispi aro lioid on tr.o even. iii!I of the Rocomli Monday in each month. Everybody invited to attend. V. 1 'iit"tni.i rrearbiii?very Pabtatl', at 1 1 A. St,, ami f p. M. ,ylcv. f. O. Ir. vine. 1. I). Sabbath Sclmol r.t 2:."50 r. '. rmycr meeting ex cry Thnrsilny evoninr Kvi'tnfc-i.if AT. Cit rr;i-it Vrpacbiitt? on 8a h- hath at 11 A. M.i, and 7 . M. Sftt.ltli School 12:13. lYkvr.r tncu-tiiifr ovrrv TiinA- day evening. W.j (.'. Kantuer, iator. Cost: v. m atio.V al t'll u lt U. Servim every Sablmth at II. w. iul 8 P. M. Nablmth School at 2:110, I'rnyer niwtii"t on Thursday evening of each w'ok. J. W. Harris, jwgtor. 5f. K Citcnnt Soeni. Scrvico every Sabbath at t. 1'nid' M. K Church, South, t 11 A. w. and jfj r. M. ivabbrttli Sihool at l'JJ r, M. I'rayl'r nioptinR evi-ry Thnrs- tlay eveniu;. Al. if. Aliliur, i,t''r. M. l' CueitcM.rrcaehiiu; every Siibbatli at 11 A. M. ami 7J r. M. Sons; twice m the evvidn before nornion. S.iMutli Schnwl vt ".CO r, M. lrayer meeting every Tlnirs biy vcniB,. 1. l!illon, pastor. Klrrisr Cuvnettl Servieeaevmv Sbbath at 11 A. M. ami 74 9'. M. Kuhhath School at 1 . IV.iyt r meclHij; every Thursday wvn- uig. V, J. Crafjrd, p.Uir. PMJl:W I'I'llV l!!fl.lMI .vt.r'iio i-VtirX' Sabbath laornijic 'ami evciiinu iu CiOiotc I'linjK'L ntulsy Stihoolinitncdiuti'ly rtui tin- moriiiujj ti-rviitv l rayrr mewling every Itcv. K'du i t Comlit, Tliursday evouisii. pastor. It U natural lor; rtiopio sulTerinrf with rn-.nniiuia nil. I I 'tlltl liiui lit . Ill- A11V tiiiranitemont of the tlljie-tive organi. sm h as Sour Kloiuac-li.Sfck Ilcaibtehe, lUlotunl CVvstiveneaa, taluitalloit of lh Heart, Heart-burn, ater-lrHii, gnawing anu burning pains at the pit of the Stunai:h, Ycilow Skiu.CateilTooi;ue ami di.-airie alilo l.Lste in the mouth, iimilns up of fl atttr vatin low apirita, Ac to puiott from tiaif U ilay buying an anielo that tliey know cured ltn;ir tieiguoor, irieini or relative, vet tl-ev liavo no faith in it until it is too lato. 1 silt jf vou will to your drntruist-s. Fo-liay ty Mon,nii aooi tle of OiUKtcx'd AVrrr I - iflWKR your itn ineiiiiito enro Is a4 mrtaiu as ytm livo. ampl liottles of lljiis mwliclno cuii tie ol !ai:u'i! for 10 cUt b try Its nii!orinr ir luo. Itoiiuar to iciita. Try It; two !u.--0s will relievo Billy ease. t V - ' 4 ironic ek)ailun I urct". I'bi'.auelppia, Ta , CVt. 1ST3. It. II. Warner -41 t'.- HiritH. For th pat ten year I have rttofcrcil tho evil cf leers of w hat miptht iitarmHl rbronieron htipatioa: mv skin iuui jollnw and my liver wsh alf oat of ionl.-r; I trtcl alt tu! reme'ties that could ! te obsr.lnet!, ant that was ait 1 vou!J ito, :slier liiniiu no H'lii-t fr.m regular nsc.h Unfitly coinme:n-e.l 1 Jiic trie,! the : !ritn!i'ni, ana i ju ,; your remo lies. nii'l r-.t tua enu pi one wet-k uiv liove!s limi jl a:ts'ii4 a reifulnrity ami hratthv a.-luin i uUiunvii i ir yoara. I U'o etU'rt t!i. i eon i of votir Itr.teri, nm! wi rtt wttU elutled try a liotu. altiiouh 1 iuve nui jeiitirttlv ltnid ths lir-t Ijottle, J tun f o pcrre ;:ibly inprotsl mid tonoiup that lwiiio t you ttlyins this voiHatarv t-stiKiotj;.vl to llto ckoolleaoe vour reiatttics. ! Yrs tmiy, l- J. C.VillMlKI.t. REMOVAL ! SENDERS c: 5 I Lh. iJultU kavcjrcracvci nincent stpc h cf Qoncrai iitercnaiiQisd eld stand We arc trndev deep ob- ligations for tlio generous patronage wc received at tho hands of tho people at our old"stand,andnow being eituated in curcvm btiilding, tzg ijeeltliat vre can oScr custcmers bot- ter indueemei i !its than ev- er. Give us a i e,.l tSnieEicinbci' the plae just cneSblock dcTni tho street from our oldllocalicii- has rz : J I (PATIKTiiBt-M l'Ji:r, rb'tS.J - ' ' a full line of 1, 3 and 4-(;mtun t.Ii! Clorc, . in uUt li, " ' I - and ori:n -rs iKr. The Lares,t Stock of'jKid (Jlovesin the ( ibi. ALBAI.Y.RSEAT1 f,1ASET. ... - - Fresh Beef, Pork, Mutton, , Yeal and Saiisage al--! " "ways on Hand. Hilitrt Cuh Trice ro'wl f ir all kimlx r,1 tit ntnck. iM . i LEVI WESV Kverybody deliarhtod-with the tasteful and beautiful (-elections made by Mrs. la mar, who has never fhih d to pleaao Imr cuKtomers. Kew KalbCitcular jut j(-(5ucd. Send for it.. Addresfs " ' j. - MRS- KLIEX U1UR, 18:Tt.f 877 l.rtKflwiy, New York. SOfl A A MONTH (runrent-ica.-S02 c!.y at hoine OuU maiieby tlie iiidustriotu. Capital not re-qiiirc-tl; we will fctart you. Lln,' wotiwn, Imyn ami Kirls nuike moue.T fueur Ht wurk for tia than ut any Uiii.if eluc, 'I tie work ia li'bt ani r.lpa:uit, atid such a anyone can riirht at. T Iki wtio arti vimj win, yee thin iHtii will scnil tig their aiLUresncs at onrcaml ee tt ttieni;lveii. twt!y Jutlit mitt knjin. Kowi Hie tiaie. Those alrecdy ut work re In, iir up lurtro suini ut money. Aililio TliUE d CO., Auirusta Uaini;. .iFATEKTS.;; F, A:. Lf-hniamt, 8oli;iUir of Amtirlftmi anj Forcitrn I'atont, Wiuiiintnn, l. (.'. All bminem rainnecteil witii ttitcuts, whctlxsr liefore tlie l atent Otlifo oi- th Courts, prompt ly aucileJ Hi. li charu nuiUo u loss a .au iit is securtd. tend tor 'circular., It ALr. - I - ' ' I ClBiklFeii' mm m ror. rocou:taonil i U IT 13 HOT nARCOTi:. t:KXTAUI I IA J.IM I JNTr. ; ilio 'World's rrrrat rnlu-IU-licvlii;? rcinodlc;w Thry hc;;l, tootho nnd euro lltirtii,. Won litis, Wouk Irtck itr.d Khcumntlr;ia upon Hlr,si, r.r.d fpralns, Galls and Lomcix-tra r.;o:x licasiH. Clier.p, 4:s!o!4 stud i-cliablc. CPURT3 ci'citsanti-acKaer.-.. rr.nCieii, CrnoltUns Volua in ta Hood, I'otlil Breath, Uoafnoen, -A any Catarrhal Complaint, -Jl iio axtormiamteil by Wet Eo : 4 y-or's Catarrh Core, n Coaatl-'--d .utidoto, ty Aiiiorp- ' . To jc;it Itn-no'.-tmit Eia ; . .y tiso VoootiiaUoa. - HEfiRY W, SMITH & Cfl'S CELEBRATED . j ICEfJTUCKY 1 THISTLE DEW WHISKEY. HENRY W.SMITH fit CO. OISTILLCR,r Kenton Count, 6th Di'st. Kentucky. QFFICEi. 252 & 254 West Third St. CINCINNATI. lin ativB VVlitukv liat takfii an meitM run IjiM. and It r. -fUMtn. mfr t-'io medical faculty for iiittdiciiiitt and il y J)iirxi-f. I'-jr aai by tl.o I nrn l, railnn, n l.;tio Iy all diuf.-sjiiSa and grHt)i ai n. GAL.Tr.iAns.-?, VIimI.-whIo and rc-'.nil Asr-nt, I.ii- d i-y IU4U- 1 1.V rr-r-T-T- AIM KILLER l .j o 4i OF THE VYOHLD 61 St S3 -iJsi Sill 15 . x Mi ri Vn vSiiia Tlio New 7iktI2eai Vomlcr of the 10th Century. a tivzt zviv roi: DIPHTHERIA AND SOHE THROAT!" Tlie tiKWt aitofi:Ji;n- the wor.'.l !l,-ii crr known. Jtufatisattf I"nt:: ktop jiej la -'0 niittatp. Sinratla Kuim atopfirtl In II mlatilr. Lti'attarli.! nmpppd In 5 ralnalra. Tooi!i.ici kiaiiipi3 la l-JainB(r. iuy r.--..':u2 r vmnlmru Ik llir FIrU r Ifevn! In 13 nalan lea. TO 12 L'SEU EXTEALLV. - ? Frt! l.ywil 'rn-:ii!s im! c?!ro in msAMwt, nanl kt whoii-titFu Ly IIO 2G2, DAVIS & CO.f I'l.JI'.wln I pitr tit many tc rcf-c'vr!. TIls wriu-r, Mr. Vc-itn-nrd, H v-oll n4 imvimUy I'mowu in (his n't jr. Kr rt;colxr Ivuiro at J. W, Vcatiitrfiifii & Vo,t flaltsi : ISk. I!p?tT,Kr I wan r.nfSartmt trith liain InUtumW. titnt firiu;vttral ilu 1 mit uhle to MaitfliU'ti mvHuii. j umj1 Kruno or ymr JJrlnnin(r lAnuiumt,' mud it retwtv&l tit mifi vimtt tho linrt. unoJiintion. The trtinh nplic&iUm rtiiiuvral ait nnrcnm auw1 h tii Fur tMttliiUMio and ntura.H'i it i njMwifirr hnvinsr been lriel in my own familv. I have ommI 'tfui ui lintrncitt frf varimtH Mmii, an fiiul t hia Ui nrr.irM atiy. hitrliiy rcLoriiMwn.l it W any BurTeriiiK nun a-'rim ar.u ptiiiH. iryl Mil;-!, J. V.. WATUERF0RD. GUIOETO SUCCESS WITH rnii DUQIUuGS AMI GOGSETV. FORJgg. i BY FAK the bait TIuiino anil Hocial Cluiila nl Hami-iiMjk vcr publUhcil. ?lrjrh the Utift. lttellN Ih.Ui texts comjiletely HOW TO t:ti:m. 1 ni me li. it niiy. li" w o j our Own ijiw- yer. How to do huvim Correctly ami . Kuttemif ully. Hoi to act in Hoeiuty atij in vry irt ( lifo, anil contains a pold mine ol varicl itiforn.atlon in iinKti. aitle all climacK lor eortHtnnt rulerenco. jli;KiTH WATK!) for all nr jwri) tiiaf To know why thi. iNxik ol HKAL mluo ami a! Iruatlotia sella Ijettw-r than any .titer, apply for terms to , ..! ..' r. ftiww? & vo., - Ql ffir. TO ?:0o A '.r $y) a day in fi? l'))f your own locn 1 ity. I?o rik. Woiuca do m well as men. Many ical:u n:nte than "the auiomiC st;iteil alvivo. Kiroiit etui fall to inaka momiy fimt. Any one can do tiifl work. "V ou can juuke from' SO eta. to S2 an hour by ttuvotiug your cvcuiufpi and ,are time tr, the hiiHinoss. It costt uotliini to try the hit. iitens.. Ntithiti like It for money making evir offered beiure. Iliuiiues3 plcoant nml strictly hoporahle. Realtor, if you want to know a'l about the bent payinv businens before the nubhc, atnd us your wldrcM ana we will send you full particulars ui id private torn is iree ; fanipios worln also tree ; you run then make up vour mind for votirnolf. Address CEOKUE ST1N SOiV & Co., Portland, Maine. OffSfiT Can't be made by every aarnt ovorv llKMltil in tile bUHillOHIl wa fnrniwh hnV Uioss willing to work can c.w-i!y earn a dnzoti ilollnrs a dny riytit m their own localities. Have no time to explain litre. J;uiineis pleasant and honorable. Wo men, and boys and sriris do 113 well m men. Wc will funiisll you a eoniiiu to onlfii free. Wa will W v. imuie of ytitrkijK you. I'arlieulam freo. Write and .eo. Fannera and lTiucbaniea, tlieir snn. nd daii"h terB, and all claases in need oi i,:,,-;,n. w..,-i .... 1.,...'.... should write 10 imand Irani nil nhont the work at once. Adirct-a Titvi: & Co.. AuL'iuiU. llaiim rit a -rr-'V a- S . U 9. "'CS - rani fro s0 g ia. Iv-C. ; r tS5 TiiEwnii('i:o:i.u;:!.iii. I'liy.ilcal U otio of tho crc.itri I of human ikisw-Ioiih, Imt unfurl tmattily It laatt only a hliort tluio. AciMctit, diara'm or oM aoccur.ti alon, ami the formt wUlvh wero onto o,ikwi i ful ptvia away. Anything that can rc.storo them wtr or prewrv them l lln-rrroro moro valnntiln than tho r-iworn thr-tnM lvc tuul inurn to bo adiiiinnl' Th!a In pxmnly hat War iif r'a Fafo KUlnov anil I. Ivor I'n ro iJih h. It take tlio holly tthrn it It t'tohi'tt mi l bowed by lc)iicy nn.l rca'.oro it to tho powers U once poxaewttt. ll v&kLh tiianano anj a'l other oj-pof !n ovuh over the jiree Iph'O Into oblivion. It has l:o i' that nro ciii'iiiien of health ami iiocneittkia that aro tho filcmN of houllh. T!u vast Int. portaneoof tho lowrr portion of tho body In producing goo.l health lbt.t"jtiiitig bet Uir known every day. I'.-nSi inon'atul wo men of all elaenit reaiirc this. 1'or women 1ti) lotM to rlii!d-b!rth, fur all UlocitMe pe eullnr to their nei, for dehilhtted nmn ar.d puny children thero ia nothing which ao aeiy and auioly anataina en 1 roatore a thi Croat Natural lh ineily. 'fhokldmya aud urinary orsrtnt tviieu demnped, mi tlrrntlr.o tho lifo nitiLU iiic!ter than con Mimjili.Jll, atl'l they IDtirt Io aiittiU 'd l promptly or fatal c(m!'iu nee are sum to fulloH'. The trn'.iiiH.rhiN vt ii li nru ptint -d hercu fill eltarly fcli.-w l!:i t Warner'a Kafo lCiifiwy and r t'ure v.iil not only fj"ck tho) dines ; biie!it!rf' ecu ret !nl even If they hava teerriM m :it d. Il Is th only know n remedy v. hlch v. ill (.' ly and enrtainty do .Ihlsjsnd the n- li i:i t r.ti kfanro on record whero il hit IuiUhI. jt U fur tnlo by tlrutfRbitH i:i' ail pti'rt!; Koil 1 and li lil-ni:f.i'ttiri'l by is. ii. t ii:: c t -.." r, V. S mi .AftMi:ius,TO nncoMK, i.iki: tiioshoi-' it.anck andoko- JL MANY, in ttht Increttxo tluur e.Krta. Vt aro protlueora n wo'l s reniumoii- mum produco more than wo eontoimo nnd In no way can wo do thin moto ellect tially than by pluntinir trood orcharda of acloct fruibt, thereby liuiklrifr a pood aud happy homo for your children, nnd at thoanmo timo glvlnjr tlterii neful and remuner ative employment by learning them bow to preserve tho groat variirtliw of fruita and vegetable that iirow ntmn their fther fnrm. ' l'rom ONUTO. l IVKTlHiLHANU 1nj1.LA1:9 per annitm can bo realized by tho use of PLUMMKR'S NEW PATENT which absolutoly baa no marhinrry of anv that children and aed poojilo can run it on any Kind of fruit or vepotaMon. (Seventy llvo In auceeaKful operation In J.lnn foufty, lis chcapnewi rccomuioiida it to very- laHlr. Wo liavo opened a f irelKti market and for all fruita tlriod by thin pn-e. it has 45 ai5oawi-M8aW8smsxaaiaca THE NEW :''YORKv AND- ST A TE MIGHTS BEM OjDMA 1 y!.. KR He.N'T TO ANY "ADPrtRW FOR ONLY't3.S UN ADVANCE: T is - AXD - THE .CHICAGO ; AflLL'BE TO .A NY ADDRFJyS FOR. $3.00 IN ADVANCE, i .'t This Is tho host opiwitunit.y'rtver affordod tho pooplo of tho Willamctlo Valley to poo reading matter Rt low rates. !ond in namoa an soon as ponsible, so as to get the in teresting jxjliUcal news from the JOasit which wo may oxpeot in tho Sprinp.-- DeliiMiuont snbsieribers winhlttg to avail thomsolvos of Hioso otTora will bo oxj eotod to pay up all arrearao;os. . - m CM.1 Tho following atatemeuU aro tho volun- tary exprefotioni of a lew anions lliotix aiida wlm hitvo been avctt by tho itfo of War ner 'n tiafo Kidney and J.lver t;ur. Tho writers aro not jwrtionully known to the pronrielorn, but they hitvo nmt tliewe letters an exprcMnlonit of tnetr trrtuituile. '1 lielr itieirity, tlierrfiirc, cannot bo Utw tioticd : Meicir. II. H. Watner .t (!o.: lifntlemen: I bavofor n Ion"; tlruo teon efilu-icil wltii a lorrllilo khlney coiitplalnt, hi. lilt riHimtd at tiinij nothinic could emiirol. 1 trlotl doetora anil niodh-lno ex IciiKlvely, but found o jclicf. fituUly I wat mlviM-d by n friend to try your hafo Kl.lner nil l.lrer fur, and now, ftr iiiU:rinir nearly four year iho wont aeuUi pain, I Imd inywiif entirely v nil and abie to altend to IiuhIiichm every dav. JOIIM ll.'li. t'HAWFOKP. Jerst-y City, Juue, lvo. Mr. If II. Vi'nmor & Co.t (iK vTt.kMK.K : WltilOUt HOiieltaiioU I do Nito to expresa to vou my high apprecia tion cf your remedy. Nouio tliini alneo mv attention wa cailod to Knlleman wiio Ijh'I for a long lima been a great nuf frror. After makiiK- a tliorouh exnnilna lion of thoraatr, I fonnd tlutt bl kidney and liver were badly a!Toot. .'ot wllli otu heltntioii I prencrftxd yonrh'afo Kid rj'.v nri'l I.iverC'urv. Tho rotuit, after tak ing two IxULlo, Imi been wttUfactorv In who ex'.reni. 1 wonld prekerdHi the fa:ne teiuedy toail fcimllarly ii!!tietccl. Ynro trtily, lloMlwjtvr.N.Y. 'it. C'Afl.Kljea.M.II. i MewirM. II. II. Varner A Co.: i.Ksnl.ltMi.K: I have been afflicted witU ii.i :ie i.f tho Liitnuya for iha paot two yiKtw, ad have tried nntrserouo tenieiilo. with only partial and temporary relief Your Khineyand I-lver Cr wa r(Hiniinioiiilinl to m, nml atler taking it the pain and ilistro left mo aud I hui to day fceiintr klrons anl wull. I in per tio lty jtubtt'iif I that NVamer'a Fafa Jii ine ijle are tin. iii..!icinc rtee.leil, B.l ean !i'i rl'.nly c.jii.HH mi tlirui to otliom. li. W. 1ST AM M, I"..ii!nr "Ittn Indus! I Ui Kr.i." i 'Atbij, linta, Jqee, lv0. kind, ami w ao aiinnlo In Itn eonstrneflon aro prepareil to par tho highest cash rrlco no cijual. 'ertua liberal. . - .... G EO,: W. SILIi,' ' " . A":ent Corvnllis Fruit Co. FF.ER!:l WEEKLY WORLD ,WEMY - WEWS vegeiables Dner SisfitS: Jswirat THE ' BEST OF ALL T02 HA1T CB BEAST. When a rnllelnn 1in InfalllVy rtcme. Ita work In inlliloiii) i.f ciiw fur morn lhan n third of n cmturr; olooi It )m rmiolieil ivery jiurt of (Iio wi.ridj whwii faiolil cn'iTHi ni eon lilr It IImj enly riilv, I'flhiin'ii In manor imlit ornocithiiit, U I pi'oliy mtto toeail tucli a muilicUio THE BEST OF ITS KIND. Till in the enurt w(1 llin . llflv.i.r I, inunflll, I'.voi-tf litull J J l.rl"Kinllllii'n('0 ifu talnal.U horaa ; f jl.nrii Mul..1iirtl, the luu-rum of t - .IHIHU4IU vvfTrouiiic, iiiki 01 n luetiMMtet. 'jmiil oiirt other lliinr(4 nml iwi-n-1. a 4 l.orli.i inc.l l,y tli'i il reliuhiu a 4lcfn HlMtloiiqr l.lnl.itiit. All foriiM or iiiiwiu-.l illfioino nrn "ptiedlly eureil by iln irintiiitiif I.inlment.' It ftonot riitt'it tmiarjo, memtirnnfl nn1 ttinme, to I ho vary lion", Imnl diinu n lit mill ciiiiu (IImi'iiwi wliii it thui nnverriill.. It I it motliclna rwwlel by i'vim j luMly, f I'tnu I iMi i auckcro, who rulwt Mt - overtieeIl!iiry pin lim.lo tlio ier hunt lirtuce, met Hit) ViMHli.'iillt r win. Hi'ilO. hit t Willi li.o j... II. cui-" lilitMiiuutlatii when nil other flp'itlcntlotm hill. Ihi wviitluriul iwey fnri nucli alimcaia of tlie lil'MAN 1 1.K l I iu, HIieHiHKllam. WTrelltna.. Ntlir fj oiiki.. i jrinsri, uiirni 3 wtl H.altl., C'nla, llral.i anil JMpraliM, I'oltoMtna V.Xim a.i.l , I'l.rr.. t'rnatbllca. lill bi It.. W4r Mlppl.e, llr.a.l, noil Intlnvtl every forui of external dla ifort1er mi. I neel'lciilx 10 whlcli tin- Ituurit 1 nr.Aii.4 urn aubjoct Uut lion over O""'!! kuewn It cure. iirln( Mtvlatiy, fatliT itnlnta, round.r, TTaruia. Mar... Hoof I1- . l-'ool ta4l, hMrw .Voraai, Hrl, If ollotr Horn, Nrrnttb"-., Mind. 'Kll, MpaWu. lurry, 1 1 1 11 aj IX, a. , I OiU "Inrra, l ull livll, llui npoai .(! flKhi ainl atv.ry oilier In wblch lt nrrnpsMla or lit 1 Mania una ttocK aril an liable. A tweniy-flvft ent l.ottl.i of Mexican Mtiatmiff I.lntiitciil baa often brvcmI rulimlii'i Imrae, a liiu en enjuhta, ot yenra of torture. It heal wtiiannt n Hmr, It poea to tlttj cry ml t,i liiu lii.iUtr. ncuuirallnit ofm i bo bong, t It cuics cver4?'KMiy, rjul iVanptviinf. a4 nr otic, u una l-'n l i ieniy lor mora llisa Iwu.ty-ilv j j'lwi, tviJ U JfUlely ; THE BEST OF ALL PCS Hill C2 MARX BAUMGART uwutrworwriioi'T KKi-i s ccxrtxTt.i '' n n Ti.K nxi:st ruamis wirx. i..Qi;oi.s.T.r.Airo & ncAUs. Tlif rlebrnleil t. ImiIh STONEWALL WHISKEY, Th flnif whfaUey I" " Sf.i!. WIiMie, FiriJih l:jn?t:!if, .herr.r. I'm t. Clart t, and tiSlur Ulai of tune, tun. An. I. ?'. s.'!i! l'ntler. Bilin-H tit eVifj k:uJU ani th '-pit Lranu.1 til iua t o aii ' s;ti. tH wajit rvcryUnl v to u nrlornUnd t U I havo opened out a iini-eli3 new lia uor atom, whoro city and eountry deal era ean procuro their aUn ka at l'urtiaud prir, w ttli only irelulit attuou. liiKiraa on the corner of Front nd Ferry 2'ycota, X 1 hany, Orot; an. SS'X J E. gORBIN 8c CO. Importera acd dcalfrsln CIGARS ARO TOBACCO- ' Afrit for Jeaaa Mooro Coa. B. and nya W!nakla, oOVi fur aula I'lne 4 lilakl.' from 12.00 lo $8.C0 a calkin. bcrfi U'S fnun VI cent lo tl.So Fine French bntndy Iroto t2.7S to 1 55.00 j-nl ion. In UaXlea from 75 eta. to i..v. " Fine Old Fort Wine from iuo Ut iUV m gal- on. lo lti lea rrom vz eta. to 'ju, t lne Kherry Wine from I2.6H vo t IO.0U a gal Ion, In bottloa from 75 eta. lo 2-U. Holland Utn a gallon, la botlc from K eta. i H.fiO. . . . AH klndaor Wine, BHira ana mruaii, Clarot one dollar a gallon or aiit. a NHe. I.tqunra In pints uud half pint fcaska for travplor aud othurs. , ; SAMPLE llOOMS . KttacbedtO OUBSTORK. CIGARS 9 TOBACCO. By tbe bo or pound, cheap. , Vint Street, wear Brosdalbln, Albasiy TITUS BROS. ' I a y-u i ' : ' UATCKCa,' rtOCKS. JEWELKV. MLVC3 i FLATEO WAKE, AMI UliUOMI ; 8 PECT.1 t'LES, ETC., . Accnl'rr Xew'JIIomciSewlns Marhlnra. , ' A I. BANT," ".' r-' " OKKOOJJ. ? ,'-. vllnSUII - ' ''"STAR.; BiKESlV ! ." C0NHAD SIEIEK, Prcprictcr- i "Fresh I5rcal linily. Groceries nad 'Trovfslons of all kinds citcap; f ; CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, Ec TCall and soe my Stock. 421C tm'J BU si I Jj WILLAMETTtE ML. i3ARBLE & - STONE-WORK WG02D SS (OOa, . MANUFAClUl!Kn.S CF ' MAPuULZ tf.OtiVt'iC. NTC, HEAD STCr.EC, TAELETS, MAr-TCLC, CEr1ZTCRY CURBSKG, AGHLAR AKD OOPINQ, CASES Ton GARDEN FOUNTA'.PiG TILE FOR VALKG.AD ALL KINDS OF VVOUK Ui STONE. An wo pet our Marhlo direct from tho Katland Qnarrle and Mllia in Vermont, and have It neleeted with care, wo can Inmiro eiwtomera tho bent e,f marl.le, n rxpcit work- i..a rny nm, v irriuviiv funruiw ia HI1HHI man Jlavlno; it reeeivefj aovoral torm of marble, and hivini? more on tho av, we run offer otr indiiecmenU lo thono wanting work. Order from nny partof tha stato i..iiy mieiiuuti t.,, Bii.i an worn, wurraiiioo an reprcaeiiicu. iv o nave noexnvaKrs for work exee;rf. thoao havlnp their erodentiaU from mi. TNIiop anil Worku corner Heeond and Kllawortli String, Albany, Orrc-Mi vl6ftf Y. OOi A CO. r. r. Kawtrt, FOSHAY (StiiiooHnora to John rluiy.) -HEALEUS Iif DRUGS, BOOKS, STATIONERY, F.T8., A LARCH ASB DRUGS APD OH AT.Z. X3C3ISr2Ee, KialwiiUi rv.t,u,iir oaoally tuuud In a firM-4-fc.a. rrtml truv eU..i-.ta4:i!t. a li tt uir. or IJOOKM -A.IVI KTATUiXli-TrA' lui U ,!( I. mj lK awi wi a.irrtd A new. o, Uttft IMf m uiaicajaiwi., tnvumU, ate, tail oe I I UlC VKCN YOU COME TO ALBANY CALL AND SEE US Yisnimr AT TIIK !.r f-TAND, 72 MUST KTItKITT, HAS OX 1IAXI) AS F1NF AW AJ"KTM KM'i' UK COOK, BOX AND PARLOR STOVES AND RANGES, Am any hou- In l!io silley. lie a -o imports and tranufnrdtrr im, KET IBOH AHD COFFER WARE OF KVltP.Y DrX-ltllTfON IN STOCK Oft TO OEiir.R. AIXO, UK KKKl-l OR HANI i, A R'Ui AtWlilTMENTO? GJ-r.UIME GHATa'STE IROF4 YAHE. AI.I OK WHICH nK OFFKILS TO TMK I'CBUC AT PRICK. THAT I)KK coMnmrios'. call at 72 first stukkt, alp. any, orkgon. Repair Tork dono rSe2S SEND 25 CENTS IN POSTAGE STAMPS for, il THREE K0HTH5 TRUl SUBSCRlPTiOH TO It "at t ' " j- r -1- V ' . - - 5. TT- - r'f 1 a a PAPER OF IS PACES. ISSUED It il Ia-22l2H U ItiincX 211 EtUllD-, GlTlIJ lit BT alTT PAStTT. SECT OB CSIEED. Its Literary News Is Supplied by Selections from tia Best Writings of the World . A an Irwrnctor tortfrarmadarirrmaof !mmlrratfnrfrarn onocrmntrynr sectiin to anothpr it rail not Ih, enallnl. haring v.rrfin-itita In all quartera by whom descriptlotia of th aeveral spetiutis or crmntrun aro glren. In the Department IroRATTO rs TH B Isijiumre. will attempt to an-wt-r the variuui qurctlons sakd by oar nnm-rou tabarriben, which 1 hpoomins; qat;e an inrport eti uul Uutroctiva fcaturo ot tbo fatpeiv Pcraooa who may have buaineai before any of tho PENSION, BOUNTY. UNO OR PATENT DEPARTMENTS at Wonhlr.trion. D. C can throouh this violinm many tltncs bo saved a lea, for by br-comlnrrrct. rritafi. ihilr Qunulnn. will be auwwered lhnich the column of the paper. It has alv a srcu4 licpanmrnt BlvinK all the Leading lieclioii of the aeveral Hepamneau aboTe mectiw.eL A ajftai onw 01 inacrunir irraus a imir-iiiie Eif.v atith lo dlKpoaeof or en hance any Property, with h is addrewa and name In full to that dim-t rmmunliilo!t can be had with film by any one deairing. to those sending na J1.U) for a y-s rjlrrip4ln. Tb C-iioHoUTK ilurins; the first nix months of 1 w eilwnne averajred admilotion of iniavt nr mnnth. thir iaiara.ailpl tua- run up to 'Jf),ii fet month. Vour add of Sol ;i lor 05 Teix sasmriitu aal ACESTS WASTED. WE GUARASTEE A LARGER Addresa plainly, DR. SPINNEY HO, 11 KEAKSCT STREET, San Francisco, California. Trrrjs all fhrwaJe aad Pprrlal Dlaeaaea. TSTOITIsro- 3ME2250r WnomY be mrrcne nton the 4'flcta .4 youthful IjUio. or hitisurotui, will rt., vol! to arait theniaolvea rt this, tlrtwl.'.t bo.NI evr-r hvUl at she altar ot snffvrinsr liamaiiltv. UK. Sl'INNtV aill ruaranto to (.n-fcil (Mvi"t rry cM bMiiiiials wmkiunai ar jrivmle ttiaeaas ai any ktud or caractcr wltiuh he uiuiartakaa ainl tMa U sura. niDDLiACCD KCX. There are many ai the ace ol thirtr-flreV. Hty who are sronUUid vith Uio frMjuvnt eracuatiim 'of the blad der, often aoromiittd by a plight atnartinir or burning setMaUsn, aud a weakentug of the system hi a manner the patient oannot a.xKui:t fur. On examhiinsr the urtnary dop,ita a ropy aediaaent will often be Imjnd uhI suniesiinm small particles of albumen will appear, Jt tlie color will be of a this niflkiah line, again oliary. Ing to a dark and torpid appearance. There are many awn who die of this ilirticuHr ignorant of the causa, which is the second stage ut seminal weslcneas, la. aill guarantee a perfeol cure in all such ran l s, and healtliy rwaoratiun of the gentto-urinary organa. Omra Iloras 10 to 4 and ( lo 8. Sundays from toll a. sr. (iiiBUltaliuli true. Thorough etainimiliar and advice, private dlacaaea nf short stsvidfr? fnU rourre of S cdirine stirtirlcnt l a cure, wil h all ImtrucUons, IH lie srnt to any address ob receipt of 910 CO. Call audadtlreas, DB. SriXXET Jt CO ll:3!vl No. 11 Kearny St. San Francisco, Cal A BARGAIN ! Valuable Properly for Sale. : TOE ALDEN FRUIT DRYER, Including the build in ft gntl lota npciu which it is situated, ia for sale at a bar gain. There are two dryers and they can bo sold separately. - This Is a Rood op portunity for fruit raisers to secure the best dryer, made, at a low price. Tho lots are very valuable lying on the Mver front, and having a railroad switch running by them. It is a good location for a custom flouring mill, foundry, or any such buinoss. For further particulars call cn ths PresL uout or ssecreuiry or tlie Companv. U. F. C KA W FORI), L. C. Rick, President. Secretary. 80 TO THE WORKING CLASS. Wo rt now nrennrod to him is h nil el&sges vrth oo- stant enlovment at home, the whulo of the time, or for their iHre momeuiH. brntiiieas new. light and protltAblc Ieiwnaot either sex easily earn from fid it'u lh 141 v or e veil inf;, ana a proptniomu sum oy devoting thoir whole time to the business. Bv aod tru ; earn nearly ta much u men. That alt who soe iliia notice may fmuJ Uieir address aud test the buji ntt we make thitt offer: To uoii as are not veil ant? ibsled we wili eend one dollar to pay for the trouble tit wrltintr. Full pnrtiuuliem and outfit free, 'Address, UaottUK Stiksok A Co., 1'ortUi.d. Maine. fyl Administrator's Notice. NOTICE IS IIEREBY GIVEN THAT the undersigns! lias been appointed Administrator of the estate of Margaret Hughet, deceased, by the County Court of Linn County, Oregon, and all persons having claims agaiust said estate are here by notified to present them, with the pro per vouchers, within six months from the date, hereof, to the undersigned, at Scio, Lum county, Oregon, N. IITJGTIET, 13-11-4 Administrator. K3i atny importrMi iroitl Ifjreiri count ic. & MAS 1HCI1I STOCK Of RflED SOI WES ia al ran in dnnncetios wiUa thU -,, IHH - Tiurrtj. at reasonable figures. . " . . " ' 4" r:4- ' " '.$S , ' - ? V! VI -r " r - a KOXTHLT AT SIOUI CiTT. I0UX IsWI 01 118 TOH IS DCCHTlIZ f UaOat Eclll aiariairuM3ufc in uto mia-uu;. .uu C'lrn lau Ion la 5. WOO hat from rreaentindu&iioii4 tour linos will go through all of the one iusue. rra im, ot 3e ftssm fcr sasjle csjt. C0MXISS10I THAI AXI OTMES PAPE3 II AFRICA. TU COSH OHtUTi, Sioux Cty, Iowa. To tbc-.Unfortqa.TtPj Dispensa: a cll direft. fra.1 Knmiisrt4. -- - ttablihed In ls&l I. ' tbe treaunent c4 acacal . . t.k .j and Seniinal Disease, wwi. ' - tioaarrhra. i.lrt-1. . k"MrlrlareS.hllUuiall .a.wi'.iu forms, liapotearr. araataai raVaru, night kisses byoreaina, pini pias oa the tace and of manhood can potamely bo cured. Tho tics: and altlictcd shonht not tail tu cail : nptai bint. Tbs loctor has traveled eatensiTrly in Lurope, and inspet ud thoromthty the various h. s'i tats, oHtaininr a great deal of valnal4e informa tion, which he if omprtritt to impart to those in ami of bis services. UK. U1BUON will make no rkarya unless he ritrvt a cure. Persons atadistanco Jl.iV KB ( I KI D AT HOHK. All eoma.ininat, strictly conbdcritiat Voo: eee no one but the tocto. hiend tea dollars for a packaire of medidno; foraoita writinr to the LVicter will please state the name ol the paper they eee this advertisement in. Chan rra sunable. Call or write. Auitreas 1K. J. K 0.IBCOX, Bos 1967, San rranciacd. T.i.. IrS f 4SnPl,,-,'Ba now before the public You SLBM-JK9 JL can make money taster at work us than at aiiythinx else. Capital not mtuired. We win start you. 813 day and upwards nude at home by the liHlnstriuus. Men, women, boys and girls sauted everywhere 10 work for ns. Now it the tune. You caa devote your whole time to the vrork, or only your spars momenta. No other business will pay you mar ly as well. No one willing to work can fad to make eparmoua nay by engagring: at once. Costly ontnt aud terms raee A (rremt opportunity for making- money easi))- and tonoral, . Address Talc fi Co , Aujusm. TiiC PARKE RGUH $CHD ran ClRCUtAS PARKER BROW VEST MER1DEH,CV. 0) ritdct-ti. Yon n ftim the btiKtne4 a 4rh. withouteieiiAe. Tuc htMrt opportunity ex-er cfTtrtJ for Uioao willitDr to vtrk. Voa should try lKfthit:. else until you see or yourself what you can do at the huaiuetw we off or. S room to explain here. You can devote all jour time or only your spare time to tiie business, atvd mate great pay fttr every hour you work. Women make as muvb as ni'n. fir spy? cial private tonus and panioulars, which we mail fre, fOuUitfree. Don't eompliiin of hard tin es hll you have such chance. Addret U. UAUKTT A CO., Portland, Maino. ST CHARLES HOTEL, EES. C. HOEK, ' . "ev Propicici This Honse has been tboronghlr renovated tup 1 . ... ... u..w III KfHl-IlUlU C.WU1IHMI H T the entertainment ol travelers. The table is supplied wiih everythins-tee mar ket aSunls. Sample rooms lur " ' oomraarcial men. CorvalUa, Lebonoa anal stase OCirr. y viaiuu AAJ treolc in roar nrn town.' ontfit 0lslHrfr.e. Norlsfc, Header, if you eant business at wlnt'h persona ol enlier ssk can :uko irreat pay all the timo tii.v work, write lor ptir if;iil-s o a. X1AU..T1 s CO. iomanu, auuiie. V