The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, December 31, 1880, Image 3

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    ..DECEMBER 31. 1880.
Continued Jrvm Cd pg-
oik m ATr.n ronxa.
Cheap motive power lias ever lien
tine of the greatest elements of success
in all classes of manufacturing enter
pilars. Combined with proximity to
the production of raw material, and a
market for the manufactured articles,
together with cheep living and home
comforts for operatives, and the prob
lem of success or failure in such enter
prises is reduced to the aimple fact of
proper directing and managing ability.
Preeminently ell prepared to furnish
tho cheapest known motive power, Al
bany is alao w!l located as to all the
other elements of a great manufactur
ing centre. The bluff along the AVil-
I.... 1.11a asm ea-k4A Vta-ilmlit r P
about 3d feet. Along this bluff on the
east side cf the I iver is located the. city
of Albany. Sloping gradually to the
east aud southeast upward to the Cas
cade mountains, with but few counter
elopes, there i a natural water shed to
the river. The Sanliam, a con
siderable stream, rises in the Cascade
mountains and flows northwesterly into
the Willamette river at a point some
nine or ten miles below Albany. At a
paint on the Santiam near tho village
of Lebanon it is taped by the Canal
that scpplies Albany ith lirr majniS
cant waterpower. . 'Where the water is
taksn from the Santiam it i nearly 100
feet hijrner than tho bank of tho Wil
lamette at Albauy, giving the Canal an
average grade of eight feet to the mile,
it being about twelve miles in length,
The Canal measures about three and
one-half to four feet in depth, twnety
feet in width at the bottom and sloping
from one and one half to one, and pos
sesses a carrying cajmcity of 1G,000
cubic feet of water i-er minute. As
will lie readily seen it U capable of in
definite enlargement, the supply of
water being inexhaustible. It was
constructed in 1S73 at a cott f some
thing over SGO.000 by a company of
home capitalist. It Las since changed
h-indj. Rusdung along between its
banks through the sloping, productive
gud fertile praiiie on its mission cf use
fulness, jiiit a it reaclip the suburbs
of the city h Is divided into numerous
small canals and ditches, traversing the
city beneath the sidewalks and along
the streets, furnishing aciple supplies
of pure mountain and spring water for
household consumption as well as for
all uses of the splendid fire department
of which tho city boasts, and dashing
over the bluff along the river at various
points where the mills and factories are
located, it sets in motion their wheels
-a willing instrument in the Lands of
man, working one the great problem cf
material progress and development,
building up prosperity and happiness
the greatest and ngblt work of man
oa earth. It is jierbaps the easiest
controlled and adapted to practical uses
of any of the great water powers of the
world. Constant, tireless, nqverfailinj
l is a iMMsesion of which Albany may
weii l prouu. i ne average cose 10
consumers ier ai.uuni is estimated at
ftbgut I,0C'0 for each fifiy-horwpower
wneel, and of course proportionally less
for increased power.
It can be conducted to any joint
along the river bank or elsewhere, and
lots, conveniently located boll) for
steamboat apd raUroad transportation,
paving both river and switch frontage,
pan be had at from $300 to 800 each.
Jn regard to the cost of material and
construction of buildings, it is safe to
say that prices here, both for labor and
material, will compare with any town
on the Pacific slope, and are fully as
low as anywhere east of the Pocky
: The original projectors of the Albany
and Santiam Water Ditch and Canal
were L. Eikins, Jason Wheeler, C P.
crkhart, Jas. II. Foster, D. M.
Thotnjwon, J, V. Eackensto and Martin
Lnjert Mr, Elkins was the first Pres
ident ( tho Company. Tho present
owner is Mr. Jno. A. Crawford. Per-
B jui wishing any more definite informa
tioc in regard to obtaining waterjower
jbr' ajsy purpose, are" referred to Mr.
Jno. A. Crawford, Albany, Orrgrr!.
and Hide and Fur Depot, W. II. Hart
leys, proprietor, is locat I on First
street near the cmer of P-rwlalbin,
jjmj the proprietor prepobes'to keep it
fully tip to tbe standard of a first-class
market. lie is an old hand at the bus
jnogSjbas foup4 trade good ftndponsiders
th faat look for the futiue as excellent..
lie has run the Central Market for
nearly two years, excepting an interval
of three or fjnr months when J. R.
Iferren ljal control of the lijinines?.
i'te buys all kind of fat gtock, and
jakes a specialty i iiidtSj furs and
pork- Sir. Hartley cams to Albany
from tUis county in 1878, wberS'he lias
resided for many yeais, and is well and
favorably known.
located pn lis fcouth side of Firtt
Street opposite Mc'ilwain's store, came
q Albany from iwlem in lt'(v although
erinnally from Canada. In company
with Wb. JSmrick he opened his-prea-ent
business. Emrick sold ; put last
spring, since which time West has rm
tpe business alone. He keeps a . Iirst
class niep& market ami lms built up a
good reputation in tlio Visinesa. llim
sclf a gooJ butcher lie liias four broth
era bo are also b.rtclims and Liu i'atiier
is engaged in tiie same jtiuttiness. Mr.
West believes there iiit nothing liko
sticking to one's trade tinJ is
a good patronage.
Located on the south aide of First
street opposite Froman'ji Block is also
an experienced butcher tnd runs m first
class meat market. Mr) Ilorlacher hns
woiked at the businesr i inco a boy and
understands every detail of his trade.
Ho has built tip agoodbusuicasandgivcs
general satisfaction. TBio btnnd occu
pied by him is ono of tl o oldest meat
market stands in tho city and has
changed hands many times, always,
however, having a goiM .reputation
Mr. Ilorlacher came tp this country
from Germany n fow yeajra ago, nud has
married hero and settled down to
toiMtti::s A si it 1;
!1NE SllOI'H.
ciune aiiors.
Messrs. A. F. Cherry &
Son, propri-
etors, aro located oa tiie north-oast
corncr of First aud
streets, uiad aro tho old;
lest eatabllsh-
ment of tho kind in the
tity. Mr.
Cherry is on experience
1 machinist,
having Leon engaged ovj
or thirty-flvo
years in tho business.
Ho had re-
tho business
suiued entire control of
and proposes adding now machinery,
tools, etc, and U prepared to do all
classes of work in his line. Particu
lar attention Is given to repairing,
and the shops turn out all classes of
saw an flour mill machinery, Btoatn
engine, iron shafting, turned and
polish cl, face, clutch and friction
couplings, babbit lined boxes of all
sizes, flanges, adjustable hinges, pil
low blocks, iron pulleys, mill spindles
and fixtures, saw raant rels, pumps,
wood working machinery, and in fact
everything in tho machinery line,
castings of every description either
iron or brass, iron house fronts, iron
fencing for cemeteries, el c.
Tho foundry Is run by water power
from the Albany and Santiam canal,
and gives employment v;hen in full
operation to six or seven men.
Mr. Charry came to Oregon from
California in ISol.andjto Albany
from Polk county in lSCoj
- mess us. en r.nnv & pabkes.
To the enterprise of tpese gentle
men Albany owea tho establishment
of a new foundry and machine shop,
located at the "foot of Eafcer street.
This firm was onntniiced only a
month or two eiuee, nnd If tho oner
gy displayed in erecting
their shop
and getting ready for wo;
k Is typical
'poso to do
of tho met hot! they pni
business on we predict for them a
flattering success Tneyj have erect- j
ed a fine building with eyery conven
ience for carrying on their business,
and are putting in new andimproved
machinery capable of turning out as
good work as any shop oh the coast
They propose to do all classes of work,
both repairing and manufacturing and
will soon be ready to fill orders. Both
gentlemen ro expcrieniped trades
men, and thoroughly understand their
business in all its branches, if r. U
C Cherry came to AUbany from
North Carolina in 1S74, and wa j for
nearly three years proprietor of tho
Albany Foundry aud Machine Shops,
where ho established a gbod reputa
tion as a skillful and rcliible work
man. Mr. C. IX. Parkos came to
Albany in 1877 from Detroit, Michi
gan, and has also become well-known
hero through his workmanship.
They give Hpecjal atlpntjibntoraanu
facturiDg warehouse ahd, mill ma
chinery and engines, and all classes
of castings. We wish the new firm
Although not actively
engaged in
business here '.'Doctor" O'Toole as he is
familiarly known, is one of those men,
who leave their Impress. Uf( the cotn-
munity where they Uve and this is
particularly truo cf Mr. O'Toole since
he has been among us. He came to
Albany ia 1873 from Michigan, and
very soon after landing here purchased
the prominent" business; corner at
Sroadalbin and Tirit airsets, now
known as "Q'Toole's Block." Since
making the purchase the! Doctor Las
been continually adding improvements
and building up the property and has
made it one of the most popular corners
in tho city. The Doctor also loans
money on i eal estate. I
We understand lieintends eroding a
fine opera bouse some t"3ie text' spring.
Albany is sadly in need of jsuch a struc
ture and we Lope the Doctor will carry
put his phjns. Tbe Doctor is alao on
record as no of our pijblio-Bi iritod
citizens, and his money is ready when
ever needed ,to advance the) interests of
the city. lie contributed 300 toward
the Catholic Church to bo. erected here
400a. " .. - ,
!fhere is only one featuie in connec
tion with the Doctor that is to be de
plored. For some reason ho has es
caped all the snares and charms of the
fairer sex and is still a single man. We
suppose advice offered to: the Doctor
would be entirely superfluous, but we
venture to tp the ladies' that it
wou't do tg' get dibcouragedand "faint
heart never won fair Judy"; works both
ways.--uo in, ladies, and it any one
"succeeds hi capturing tbe Doctor there
is .a rousing serenade awaiting them.for
he is. e"ne of .tne moat popular men in
town.;' ..;-!'
Located at tho foot of IJroadalbln
street, was erected In tSQl by Charles
Kelfer, tho present proprietor, and
has always done a fair business. Mr
Kelfer has had several partners In the
business, but Is now alone. Tho
brewery has always had tho reputa
tion of making a good article of beer,
and in consequence has established
a very good wholesale and retail busi
ness, the former extending to most
of tho valley towns. Mr. Kelfer pro
poses to keep up with tho tlmos and
uses all Improved methods and pro
cesses, lie tells us the business Is
largely increasing and that the brew
cry has turned out moro boor this
winter than ever bofore in the same
length of time.
On the corner of First and Baker
streets, Kd. Bellanger, proprietor, has
built up a reputation for turning out
a good article of beer, second to none
In the slate. The presont proprietor
thoroughly understands the business,
and lias fitted up his establishment
with a view to manufacturing only
the best article In his line that It is
passible to mako. The popularity of
the 8tar Brewery beer fully attests
his success In this direction, and Mr.
Bellanger Informs us his business Is
Increasing rapidly, and that ho now
enjoys a profitable wholesale trade
extondlng to almost every section of
the state. Mr. Bellanger came to
the United States from France In
IS53 and to Albany In 1872. Tdnce
ho purchased the fctar Brewery he
has added many improvements and
largely Increased Its capacity. His
sales now reach over 400 barrels per
annum, and are continually growing
came to Oregon in 1853 from the State
of New York, and to Albany in 1860.
Mr. Powell held the office of County
Judge from 1SC2 to 1SCG, and was Dis
trict Attorney of the Third District
from 18GS to 1870. Member of the
firm of Powell Jk Bilyeu ; office, Fos
ter's Block, First street.
Came to Oregon from Vermont, and lo
cated in Albany in 1SC5. Was admit
ted to practice by the Supreme Court
ot this state in 1SG5. , Is the present
County Judge of Linn County ; mem
ber of the firm of Fiinn & Chamberlain ;
office Foster's Block.
Catno to Oregon in ISCi from Missouri
and located at Corvallia, where Le re
mained until 187C and removed to Al
bany. Mr. Strahan was District At
torney of the Second District from
18C8 to 1870, and was elected to the
State Senate in 1870. Member of the
firm of Strahan is Bilyeu ; office in
Foster's Block, Find 8U
Originally from the State of Missouri,
came to the Pacific coast in 1 850, and
to Albany in 1S72. Mr. Baldwin, waa
elected, to t'.ip Senate ;"rou (rant coun
ty, Oregon, ia 1870. He also held the
position of City Recorder for the Tear
1S78. le L.aa lcn, in active, practice
of law ftr many years office, room 4,
Pan Uh's UlotL
J. J. WI11TSEY, SQ.,
Came to Oregon
from New York in
18GG and located in Albany la 1877.
Graduated at the .rlba,ny Law Hch.jol
in 1861. Was elected Prosecuting At"
torucy for the Third Jadiaia.1 L)ilrsct
ia JS7 and again in 1873 ; office in
Froman's Block, First St.
Came to Oregon in 1807 and located at
Albany. He was admitted to practice
by the Supreme Court of this State in
137' and, was fcleclpd, to. the fctate Sen-
ate in 1SS0. Member of the firm of
Humphrey t Wolverton $ office in Fro-
man s Blockj First t,
Came to Oregon iu 18G2 from the State
of Missouri. He Las been iu practice
at Albany for two years. Mr. Bilyeu
was lected to the State Senate in 1 878,
He is a member cf the law firm of
Powell ife Bilyeu o(-e y filter's
0me to Albany ia 1874 from Browns
ville, Oregon. Was elected County
School Superintendent in VS74 and be
gan the praclio of law in 1875. He
was rlioscn a mcmlicr f theegislature
ir. 'iTG H'it tmiored" with the
Speakeihhip o.f the House. He was
candidate for Blector on the Ijogrt-
10 t?ckt n efi, but defeated j office
in Odd Fellow.' Temple, First St.
tauio io a many in tail, noin JNew
" . ill f v rim A y. -r
Liberia, La. Mi. Montanye' was elect
ed City Iteco-.ler in 17I and las prac
ticed ll-i'profcHsion ijince Iv fist came
h,rc office on First St., over lb igga'
hardware store,
Came to Oregon in 1876 from Ohio,
Was admitted to practice in the Su
preme Court of Oregon the same year
and elected to the legislature in 8J.8,
He is the present City Attorney of Al
bany j office in OToole's Bleok, on
Broadalbin St., near First.
Came here in 1876 froca Jatpbe,
Miss., and, conimpnped rrac.ticing eopn
after. He held the position of Deputy
Clerk in 1877-8 and in 1880 waa elect
tflto the Logisluturo. Mr. Chamber
tain is member of the law firm of
1'linn St Chamberlain ; office in Foster's
Block on First St.
Came to Oregon from Missouri In 18G2;
and to Alltany from Linn county in
1870. Held the position of County
Superintendent of Schools for 1870
Is a member of the firm of Strahan fc
Bilyeu ; oflloe in Foster's block.
n. It. K. SLACK lll'RN, ESQ.,
Came to Albany in 1878 from Browns
ville, Oregon. Was admitted to prao
tice in Tennessee, his native State, in
18G7 ; office in Odd Fellows' Temple,
t irst St.
Came Lere in 1874 from Polk county,
Oregon. Otaduated at Lexington Law
School in 1874 and commenced practic
ing here soon after. Mr. Wolvcrton
waa elecled to the oflice of Juntico of
the Peace in 187G. Ho is a member of
the law firm of Humphrey it Wolver
ton ; office in Fioiuan'a Blouk. First
Stieet. '
Came to Albany from Yamhill county,
Oregon, in 1870. Admitted to prac
tice in the Supreme Court of Oregon la
1877. Mr. Hewitt waa County Super
intendent of Schools in Yamhill county
and is now Deputy District Attorney
of this District; office in Foster's Block,
First St.
II' a aaa ...
w as born in a i tinny. uiaUualt'U in
the Law Department of Michigan Uni
veraity in 1878 aud was admitted to
practice by the Supreme Court of this
State the same year ; offico in Odd Ful
Iowa Temple, First St.
iitmi.VRu nnvAST, esq ,
Ic a native of Linn county, Oregon.and
waa admitted to practice by the Su
preme Court of this State in 1878. Mr.
Bryant lias been County Surveyor of
Linn county ; oflice at Court House.
Came to Oregon from Arkansas ia 18G1.
He was admitted to practice by tho Su
preme Court of this State in July,18f0.
Office with Humuhrev L- Wu! vet ton.
rowan's Block, First street.
Came here in 1879 from California, al
though originally from the State of
New York. Graduated at Hamilton
College, in that State. Waa admitted
to practice by the Supreme Court of
Oregon in 1879. Holds the office of
ustice of the Peace. Office in Foster's
A. L. (JREV, ESQ ,
Camo to Albany in September, 1SS0.
Was admitted to practice in Buffalo,
New York, 187'. Member of the firm
of Stewart & Orey ;
Office OToole's
Block, Broadalbin St.
AlKMILTtaL lrti:t(KT.
a a. voi xu.
In addition to hit regular niercsuJus lus-
Mr. Young carries an extensive line of
agricultural implements. His warehouse is
located oa Second street between. Furry an
Washington. Ho baa "t.lwys on kand a
Urge stock ,( aU clasef Ct fartntug. imple
ments, including Bain wagons, Buffalo, Pitts'
Threshers, McCormick's Uartert, Wire
and Twine Vnon, Manb, Harvesters and
Sb". binders, Mawers, Seed iiowcra, .Sulky
lUkcs, Uartlen City Clipper Flows, Oliver
Chilled Flows, Molina Flows, etc,
For many years tbe popular manager of the.
Albany brooch of tbe immense b.luos of
Newbury, Hawthorne 4 Cn, baa recently
opened Uusiueaa for himself at tbe old ware-
hoot of !ewbory, Uawtborno and Co. en
tbe north-east corner at First and Ellsworth
streets, Mr. Uuchanaa is well known to our
farming community as a man upon wbote
representations they can rely. He is origl.
aally from the state at Mlohtgaa, but bat
been oa the ooast nearly twenty years, and
is thoroughly experienced in the basinets he
has undertaken. He proposes to keen up
the stock, and will always cany a full and
complete lias o all grades of fanning imple
ments and (ana. machinery. He will also
oarry a Urge stock of floor and feed, and is
prepared to make epecal rtaa en these ar
ticles, Qt all olastes of implements and
machinery he keepe on band extra parts and
all necessary repairs. He is handling the
celebrated "Whitewater" government stand
ard wagons, J. L Case and C'e's engines,
threshers and headers, D. M, Osborne and
Co's mowers, reapers and self binding har
vesters (both wire and twine), Morrison
plows, Farmer's Friend drills an scad sow
era and many ejthed. ' lie lias also iavonted
and perfected. danbjo grain cleaner, for
farm, field and warehouse purposes, that is
said to be by those who have need it, the
most perfect machine of tbe kind QW built.
Mr. Buchanan centenda that grain passed
through his oloansr onoe U left cleaner than
when run twice through any other machine.
Mr. John ltom has one of the machines in
ate and pronounces it perfect Tfe. Buch
anan is ntskyi avangeuonts for. their man
ufacture a,t tbif place. jo wish air- 4acn-
span the success his, well known character
for energy an.4 fcnWrTV1 is sure to bring
him in P.W business attalrs, .
Dealers in agricultural Implements, are lo-
oated on the south side of First street be
tween Ferry and Broadalbin streets, snd
carry all classes of farm mplemcnU an
machinery, 'he ishium was started here
by M'oopJ in 877, Ue. F, Bimpscn
buying s,a interest ia the business in ISfO.
Tb8 ntl ae doing an extensive business and
Carry a Urge stock in their line, having a
warehouse well arranged for storage and dis
play of goods. They are handling among
other thing, the well known "La Belle'
wagons, Wood's harvesting machines, Buford
aud XJo's plows, Chicago Fitt'f tbroahew,
and are agents far the Urge, Portland houte
ftt Prank Bru's. A. M. Hoop to Albany
from Indiana in 1S72, living for nearly two
years In California. Geo. F. Simpson is one
of our old pioneers, having come to the state
at an early day from Missouri. Ho ha
served as Aldorman in. tbi city, and, wide-.
awake and enterprising, has generally been.
connected with all publo, enterprises tjhat
nave originated Here. The firm consider tbe
business outlook for 1881 as good, and le
lieve in Albany's future prosperity.
wiLr.r a. Ai.i.r.y,
At number 27 Firt" stroot, has onu of tho
mot octnplute book, itationery and music
oitabliihinents to ba found In tho Willamette
Valley, and although only opoaod in Octuher
lait Mr. AUnn has made tuoh judiuial ne ef
printer's Ink a to be already quite well
known to mutt of our roador. Ho carries a
full aud complete line or all cUims of ita
tinnery, blnult booki, eto., and kocs on hnml
a large stock of books of all dotcriitiona, In
cluding the works of standard authors, die
tiotinrioe, school books, etc. lie alio onrrifn
a fine Mtortment of fancy srtiuU-e, bric-a-
brac, pluturoi, frames, brackoU.albumi, etc.,
and nmkei a specialty of all claiiact of muil
oal publications aud sheet muaio. Of the
latter he has probably the largest stock in
the state outside of Portland. Ho has tie
agency of tho celebrated "Weber piano, the
lty and Shoningor organs and various otlu r
makes. He has also a full stock of other
mmioal Inntruments. The tnnto with which
hit stock ia arranged and the general nnat
eppearauoe of hit ettabliahnieut has won for
Mr. Allen many ooniplinientx, and it an ev
idouee of hit enterprise ami attention to 1uh1
net. He hat already built up a good trade,
and (U font increasing it, and telle o he is
more than eatitllad with the outlutKtk fur
the future. He it now tiublisliinea moutlily
jeurunl callml the "Musical Pastime," a live
ly, uent publicatian, devoted to nnuio and
musical literature, and which promises to
bocome au attrocttveand interesting journal.
We wish Mr. Alloa success lit Albany ami
believe it is in store for Itim. He came to
Albany from Sun Jose, (VI., whore he was
engaged in the tamo business, in which he
hat had a large experience.
.i si sToar.
n. wwr,
Located on First street iu Foster's I'Uh V,
carries one of the largest and best assorted
stocks of tportinen's goods, fishiug tackle.
guus, Run fixtures, cutlery, eto., in the
Htato outside of I'ortlaad, He de a gen
eral repairing business, and his establish.
ment ia general hrad'iiartcrt for sttortiiig-
tnen in this section. He baa a neat store
and bis stock ia well arranged and his facili
ties for repairiug are gmnL He is also ajent
at this place fur tbe celebrated Davis Sea ing
Machine. Mr. Scott camo to Albany from
Portland ia 1874, although originally from
Mississippi. Active and enterprising, Mr.
Scott has bocome widely and favorably
known. He was elected Alderman from the
Second Ward In I37S and re-cU-rtcd at the
last eloction.
riiii HiLiM. rtr.
ALTilOt'HC k I o'
Flailing mill, and aaah, door and blind fac
tory are located at the foot of I.yon ttraet,
and are one of the eldest and largest catab-
itbmcuU of tbe kind in the WilUmette
Valley. Tbe junior membership of the firm
bat changed several times since the bnsiuess
was first atartod in IW2 by Altbouse & Co.,
although tbe firm name has remained the
same. The present Una U Samuel Althouso,
who is one of Albany's pioneer's in the man
ufacturing business, and K'K. Fierce. Sam
uel Altbouse came to Albany fmni Illinois in
l!M7, and was one of the oil. i.l owners of
tbe Magnulia Flouring Ml'.', tl.o first mills
ever built ia the city. K. IL FU-rce cattie to
Albauy frotn KebruLa in ISTv ni.'l bought
an iutermt in tW iirm cf Alihuue L Co. in
1S77. Tliu baaiiws of the tirm has a!aays
been good, and ol Uto hat inurused lapiJly.
Tliey have s.bUd many iii.prov.-m.n.U dur
ing tbe but year, and have nearly doubled
the ca(acity of the niachincrv aud alo adacd
Urgely to their buildings. They are How
ei pec ting a new band saw for acmll wuik,
hicb will etiable thorn to da all c'.av cl
work in this lino, aud wil Ui the wdy ma
chine of the yiiul l this part of tbo .oun.
try. '1'liey manufacture all grniUt of sasb,
doors and blinds aud alt kiuJa of moulding.
They now have a contract for doing the
woodwork on Best's wheat separator. This
separator U very popular and is now iu use
in nearly all warehouses aud mills in tbe
state. Mr. Best manufactured 33 separators
during ISSd, and expects to double tbe num
ber tbe coming year. He also intends
branching oot and including tho manufacture
o' agricultural implementi, in which business
he has bad a Urge and varied experience.
He came to this coast from Iowa in 1S.VJ and
has lived both in OlifornU and this state.
We hope Mr. licit will meet with sacccsa in
carrying ont bis iiitcntions of manufacturing,
and feel assured he will, at ho possesses am
ple ability and experience.
s. tauter & sos,
Flailing Mill and sash door aud bliud factory
are located at the foot of Montgomery street.
and dda Urge bminosi in their lino, nianu.
faetuImj s'4 grades of sash, doors, blinds and
mouldings, andsaro also manufacturing tbe
celebrated Escalator harrow, and clod
crusher combinodf, one of tbe beat implements
of the kind made, and which U largely in use
by tbe Valley farmers.
Tbe business now owned by Carter & Son
was first started la 1S59, by J. B. Comley,
and was purchased by E. Carter and Son in
1870. Those gontlcmon have greatly onUrged
and improved the property both by adding
to the capacity of the machinery and cnlorg.
ing the building. T,heU basicoes has been
gradually inoroating as the country has luilt
Hp, and they express themselves as wtll
pleased with the future outlook. They ob
tain power for propelling their machinery
from the Albany and Santiam Water Ditch,
which they consider one of Albany's greatest
ad vantages. Mr. Carter camo' originally
from the state of Missouri, but lived for lev.
oral years in Colorado and Montana, settling
hero in 18(0. Torouh mJva.nic and pot.
tossing a Urga and aried experience in tbe
different branches of their busiooas, they
turn out only ttrat class work and have an
excellent reputation.
Continued on lit jtaijc a Hujijilrment.
C. O. CltKRRY.
C. Jt. rAllliKf.
(Suecofcsors to C. C. Chorry.)
Machinists, Millwrignts, . and Iron
Founders. - .
v compieieu, aim are now prepare! to
handle all kinds of heavy worK. Wo will
manufacture Kteam -Knglnes, Ci isi and
Haw Mill Maoliinery,and all kinds of iron
ana xirasa LasungH.
Special attention given to repairing all
kinds of machinery. Will also miinufao
ture the improved Cherry & White Grain
Shop ob Raker Rt.-Oflicc at Lumbrr Yard.
Albany, Or. Dec. 1, 1SS0. , . 18tf
TJTATOTfATC! Thousands ot soldiers and
X Hill OlUll O.thoir hoirs entitled by lat
laws of CoiiKress. Send two stamps tor laws, and
oopyol vmi.r, holdikr, m n. w. f iizjorauj, u.
Claim Att'y, Bux WushiDtrton, D. O. -
Samuel E. Yoilvg
ia now itiicmviKo ms nittl vi.vri:i:
-cossiirrixo OK-
Houso Purnisuing Goods,
Many of lhoo (sootls arc
boiiKli t direct from the man
ufiteturer for cali, nittl arc
all FirMt ClaHH (JootlK NO
TUASIf, and will bo wold at
Popular Prices.
Ilarpcp's illaffazisice
"Stu.I vIiilt ihn nublwt ol.;iif..i ,!
from tlio ottiicalloiial jxilrit r view ek
Ilia to provldrt that which, takon altmndh.
or, will Ik) of tlm moat aervitw to tm Inn-.
t numtxir I long ago rointlubd that If
i i-ouiu iiars mil 0110 uorlc for a publio li
brary, I WTiuhl aolnct couipleu aut of
IlAKIKll'H MoSTMLV.,,Clsarlul Vn.r,i.
Ailaiii.i, Jr.
Its contents are contrltititoJ tv tho mnut
emltieiil atilliora ami srtutia of Ku row and
. .... 4 . ... I. .1 . l
niiiioiuBionip excrience of Its
nublUlwra haa ina(le liim llmroualilv
cotiveraant wlih ibe dmlrlm t,r the nubile.
whiclt they w ill spare lio effort to gratify.
Harper's MagaUtte, one year... I 00
iiarpt,i'a cklj-, ono year :. 4 00
Harper's Hazar, one year.... 4 to
Tlie three alcove publications, I 00
Any two anove named, one year....... 7 00
Harper's Young People, ono year..... I 60
ISu-fu.jf rtr 10 ll ,ur,-riUr .' Ac Vnlttd
TllO Volumes of tliA Mm-nx'uiA lutein
Willi tho liuiuljra for Jnn .ml luwmi.r
of t-ajU yoar. When no tiuio ia sowilimll
in in ik) unu-rM'Ki iiiatliio aiiUarriber
wltliet to beam wilh tho currMit Number.
A cwmnlrto ant of llarrx-r's Masazine.
ryjiiipri.hiK ill vulumoa, in neat flat ubind
mir, w iu ue sum by expreaa, freight at er
Hii of purthancr, on rectipt of f - U.r ler
volllllln. Ninulu voluiunL lv mall rxu(.
ld, 51 CO. Cloth -an, fr binding, 8
wnu. by mali, pctid.
Iii-iuiiuiii'c ahoitlil U made by Tost
Olllco Mdiipv tinier ir llr:1 l..
cliaucetif liMut.
Nowniiaiwrn nro not lo ihl ..Ir...
tUemetti wlibuiit tho ennwut'of HariHT A
ll..f I.AM .1
20 New York.
BuRKHAiVf Bros.,
IIAItMjofall ttjay Improved and
Improved and unimproved, in
and n-
and adjoining counties, suitable for grain
raiHiuK! '" iiiiiix-rmi land ami stock
farms 1'OK S.Vl.K on easy term.
KentliiK farms and niiv nroiwrtv and
eollocHious of all kinds promptly ntiunded
on short or lonp; tlmo In sums of (t50 to
SJU.USU. UoIU. Silver and Currency
FUftlT and In l crest allowed al'lr thirtv
Oorrospondonee solicited on all land
manors. iKiaxf
ty A. V. CnERUY. situated at corner of
First aud Muutgoiiueiy StreoU, Albany,
TTavinirlakon chanreof tliosbovo named
Works, we are prepared, to nianufaetnre
Steam KiiK'inos, Haw and Urint Mills,
Wooil-worklng Machinery, l'u nips, Iron
and ilrass Castinica of every description.
Mao h In or v of all kinds renal rod. Spe
cial attention givun to repairing farm n.a-
rnttrrn Maklas dime In all Its brim.
l&llyl A. F. CHKKRY & SOJJ.
(PiTiSTxo juxa 13th, ldTSJ
, FOR 8 ALE BY f
Administrator's Notice.
.7 0TICE is hereby clven that the under
J3 signed has been by the County Court
of Linu County, Oregon, duly appointed
Administrator of the ebtate of Samuel
Cooper, deceased, and all persons having
claims agamst saia esuue are nnreuy r
aulred to present the same, with the prop
er vouchers, to the undei aliened at his res
idence about eleven' miles southeast of
Albany, in Linn County, Oregon, within
six months from the date hereof.
Dated this 10th dav of December, 1SS0.
11. w. coorisit,
Gko. E. Chambkri.aij,
Att'y for Administrator. 19v4
Thankful for the liberal patronae-e (flven me In the paat. I take pleasure In an
nounclng to the eltlzons of Albany and vicinity that on and eftr tbe first of January
I nroftoimto BUY M T ttOOIt KU
patrons MTl l,L I.UWKH l'KIt'KS on
lam always willing to accommodate my friends Call and see me, and don't forg. t
Opposite Odd IVllow' Temple.
C. A. PLU313IEK, . - - - - . Proprietor.
"E" 11 23
Awarded Flrat Prrmlam. Orrisa tt Fair. 1879 ssa 1S90.
A Wisrtlsxl Flrsit Prrmlsm. mtM I nh ni..
f'" 25 -npIUr) at the A astral iau laf - lioaal Lxblbllloa.
Tbe "DAVIS" Sewing Machine
Selling 1,000 Macliiues per Week!
It is CHEAPEST because it is BEST.
It doe every varteiv of work without Laatinc and haa mora ntailMl .iitrhm..!.
than alt others combined.
W. It.
OTART 1'tni.lC.
vicinity to the fart that they have established an office in OToole's Block, on
Itroadaltiin Street, for tbe purpose of transacting a general
Thov will attend to the rentinir of cronertr. collection of rents, bnrini. ami sollint
an riaaMM oi real main, ma ar-; -s.:anon oi
ttu at home and irul. t;o f
lire of
to real estate, tbe u
nnoe in
Tbev are nrenrd to t-iV
lowest possible rates :
IraneriaL London. Northern & Oueen Canitnl
Commercial Union. Capital, $12,500,000.
North British and Mercantile. CanitaL 310.-
Commercial, of California. Capital, $500,000.-
All business entrusted to oar care will receive oromnt attention. We shall Ins
glad to correspond with parties wishing information of our city or surround. ng oous
uy or of the State. '
OFFICE-O'Toole's Block.
are now otTerlac for a limited time all their stock ot itbove cootfa
ana eeiue staple line at prtos tbat are napreeeeiented.
Sportsman's Headquarters.
W. 33. SCOT T,
Guns, Rifles g Revolvers!!
And Awmaallla mt All aUasls.
Jut received a lanre lnvoics ot tbe Uteot lmpwTd
RomlnirUm, ahsn's. Winchester siiil UslUrd rypoun(t
riH.a H.xire. Rum in I: tun slid titeveu's sraectl-kaulillK
'hut (Un, and muaUe-luading riftol and shot runs ol
jvery uesonimon. - ...,
Akin, a Uivo and wU sslsctod stock ot Fishing
Tsckle, Ititloiy, lu Cullnrs, Fancy Unods, aud ia
tvA stij-thiuj; you suuld wish lor la aiy Una.
ill kinas of Sawing BcMnes'Hc-
Kriuembrr That
I Cannot Be . Untlersold
Anywhere in thU State. 0 tl
Win. Tolgt, Proprietor.
Ji cigars always on hand.
BEEE. 5 CEOTt' A Cl ' '
Call and see mo. Paiocf. In 5iru -a fcc'.'d
Ing, next door to Duunaw' -mi(ro tre.
2-tf WM- VOfGT.
Tula will enable me to offer my
PHr.nil'H uiirv rm
Csmpany re mannfactarir.g
HCOTT, A seat, Albany, Oregon.
A. K.. cnEY.
Arr'r at Law.
loans, ine collection or notes ana accounts.
mortgages, the adjustment and soUliuc of
onvejHncinjr, etc etc
tho following leading companies at the
l lsll.
King of the Blooi
Cores all Serofaloos affections and & isorders result
ins; from Imparity of the blood. It is needless to
specify all, ss the sutferean usually perceive tlieur
eaues; but Sail JXAuas, Mstplct, Clews, rwaurs,
Setrrs, SwtllinffM aa., are the most eonunon, as
well assaany aductiona of the Heart, Utad, Xicr
, Wondetfol Care of Bltedness.
D. IUhsov. Son & Co. : For the benefit of -" .
troubled with borofula or Impure Blood in their
systems, I hereby recommend a. ing of the Ulood.
I have been troubled with Borofula tor the past tea
years, which so affected my er.-e that I was com'
pletely blind for six months. 1 was recomaeuiied
to try King- of the Blood, which l.sts pro rod a gmt
blessing to mi, as it hss complete. y eared me, snd
I cheerfully recommend it to all troubled as I hue
been. Yours truly,
lias. S. IVSaiucaww, Sardinia, K. Y.
Will paid to any Publio Hospital to be mam
ally sirresd upon, for vrj certincste of this
siae puUished by us whioh u not genuine. -
Its IagrodiGsits.
To show onr faith in the safety end excellence of
tile K. B., upon proper parsuasl appiicattoa, whan
satislied that no impoWtion is intended, we will
give thenamesof all its inirrodienrs, by aibdsvit.
The sJdovs oJers were never m.ue Ujfore by tbi p o
prt.tor of eny other Family iecui'tn in tiie Ivor a.
SHmay tostfmoniuis.further ntf ormatioe, a id "
full directions fur xaans will be found in tu jj i
pldet "T-eatise on lieeisrs of tl Blood." in
which each bottloisencloeed. Price $1 perbotLltoc .a
: imngl2 eunces, or 40 to SO doses. ' hold by drt r
euis. D.itiLaoiilSjN & Co.,Prop'rs, Bufliio.N. f