i STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT BATHS Or AVr.TIWO. 1 w I ti ($M 6 s flrn Illicit. 1 00 ' 8 00 5 CO 8 CO 1ft 00 " 2 00 6X1 7 00 13 00 18 x 3 " s 00 6d IT. 00 IS 00 22 10 4 4 00 7 00 12-60 ISOOt Z7 Co K Col 6 00 9 00 15 00 29 00 A5 0(1 7 60 12 0 IS CO 80 (A 48 CO M " 10 00 1ft 00 'Jib 00 40 00 00 OO 1 " IS 00 30 00 40 00 60 00 100 CO ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY BT Aim ' r 1 1-R. I a "n m wml" n ll.lt mtt. (n ilnl r ref Drnuuima ana Kecuaa HI. BuJne notice ia lis Local Column 20 oenta per lino. For logal r.d trariinnt sdvertl-KiraeDls f 1 3 per squam, tar tbn flmt tnnertlon, and 60 coota per sfiare lor each subsequent In sertion. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: Single eopv, per Mar. Hiniri. y, six months, ...... SiiMflo eony, three rauuthe " BKla number , , IS 00 I 00 10 VOL. XVI. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, D'EC3lBER;s4. 1880. NO. 21. I! I MI T- PROFESSIONAL CARDS. o. a, woi.rRTox. k. a. nrsraitar. HUMPHREY & WOLYERTOX, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Albany, Oregon. WU pruotic. In Ml th. Omrt tn the St.te. nliate Ul-vlter Slid cull,-c'l-.is '.taiui, U to irlllj'. U KI-ISS. a. K. ClIAMUKfcLAIX. FLIXX & OIAMBERLAIX, ATTOR.1GYK AT LAW, Albnay, (Jrrgon. Jrtrofflo In Foster's Brick Blook.-TS vlSnlStf. STIJAIIAN & 1SILYEU, ATTORNEYS & COUNSELOBS AT LAW Albaay, Org;oa. PRACTICE IN aTlTHK COURTS OF this State. They Rive apodal nttou Uon to collection and probata matter. OOleo in Foster's now brick. 4tf L. H. HONTANYE. ATTORNEY AT J .AAV. AND Notary Public. Albany, OrrgoB. unicA upotaira, over John Brim Rtoro. 1st atreet. D. R. N. BLACKBURN, RTTORKEY 210 COUNSELOR AT LAW Albany, Oregea. e na ale. tain la taw Add rrllew's Tew Collections a specialty. ap2l. J. X. WUATIIEEF0SD, (SOTARY PUBLIC.) iTTOUNKY AT LAW, 1LBLM. BEMI. YlflLL PBACTICK IN ALL THK CtlFRTS OF THE 1 1 State. SpwciaJ siumiUuq kivi to euiiwiiuta) and rotate loatur. , tnyt&am ia Odd rIHnr'i Tcaip!- J. C. POWELL. W. R. mLVKl'. POWELL & DILYEU, vTTOHNF.YS AT LAW, And SoIirUors iu t hanrci y ALRAXY. - - . OKlltiOX, CoIle.4inii9 promptly niae oiihII xin. Loan netT'liannJ mi rtvnnHii'e I.-rnis. fiaTXHUvv in FosUt's Uti-k.- Vl4ul9if. T. I. IIAVEaLEM.', ATToRN'KY AT LAW. ALBAXT. 01Bi'e up Htairs outicox in tb OJJ Ft!!u 's Vl3n50 F. M. MILLER, ATTOUNKY AT" I-VW LESlSiO.H OKEUU.. , Will prartlea In all the ermna of (he stte. from pi aunttun gtvn u lln.44an, en vvyaBcv aud ejLanilnaIiu iA litlea. PrilHi tiuuona a .peciainy. vlnutl. J. A. VA.vri, ATTORNEY AND COUKSELOa AT LAW COST ALUS, OL'ESOK. rill Limit lit t the Vtiit nf hf Bute a"ttlic Is th Court llmmo "Va vliNiahrl. DR. G: WILLIS PEICE, DKXTIST. Odd FelloT7s' Temple, Albany. Oregon. pfflca boors ftoja 8 to '2, and from 1 to 4. 16:10lf E. O. JOHXSOX, 31, D., "-T HOMEOPATHIC Physician and Surgeon. Albaay, Oregon. Pifice in Frof!J', Biieie, I wo Ioors iLst cf Vonaet'n Hank. ' ulO Ur. T. Is. GOLIs:.. OCCULIST AND AUKIST 8ALC3I, ORF.GUX. DR. OOf.DEJf Ha8 HAD EXPERIKNtTE IN treating tbe varkiua dlanaiie. to which the a ye aod ear are aubjeet, and feel, confident of giving entire atifartion l thoe who may place tbetnaelve. ODdnr hi care. noKir. T. W. IIAIHIIS, 31. 1). Office in Pouter's Krick, next door to office Of Powell & JJilyeu. Reid-ri' in the two story frame bnildirg ?Mjutb bide of Second tttreet. one '' M.'K-R and S fonlf Kant of Wheeler & IUke-7 livery Mah'e. AV s, - - 'rr;oa. . Voll6alD;t A. . uri: L A. Wr Y. IS I I . bmci Parri.li'i Block. . . ALB XV, . . . . , Bi ril atU?rttkD (.iven to etAUx-Vr-n rn rt-nl csUt. REVERE HOUSE, rearr First aail Clbwartb naf, VrrfHtL. PfeiflerBro's Props. - - Tbia imir II rel iii fltl S in iT&titm .trie. Tstilof ufBed with Ilia beM lh v ff..r.I Kyr.ug KeH in every Itfjom. 4 fint Koolu I. Cuc- IiWri Trstvelef" " ' iSVrtt Caarb fa and frn (be llwlrl.l HEW BARCEET SHOP J. II. SURLES, Prop'r. 4 GC and bai GOOD .SEA FOAM SHAMfOD noB nth each bhavo. Pru-es lor cliavu tr ana nair-eiittuiK xine na nsiiiil. Kooms opposite McIlwain'H store. lOlf VUAjUiy HOUSE. Halitv, Oreeou- A- LOTJBNEE, Proprietor- ELEGANT NEW HOTEL. JUST NOW I completed, will be openl txut July 15tli, 187i). It tx eooAruetM oa the most modern and convenient - eUn, hu a tine nmple room esriecially amuiireil for eoniiii.wvtal travelers, and the table :u be .uppited ac all time, witn (rood ie.i. til THE "WORLD'S FAVORITE." HAS ONLY 12 ran WOR KING 3P.A.:RTS it SEWIHG MACHINE. - . Awarded Flmt I'reiulnui. Orrsrou Htntv Fair. Is70 aad ISftO. ' AwKrdtil Firal I'rrmiiiiu, and Clani (25 roiupclilora) at the Aunt rnlluu Iiitrruallonal Fihlbltlen, AI.WAVK ItKCKIVrS FIHST I'HKMIl.M WHEN THE JUD4JFJ A IU: nilMUTI AL. The "DAVIS" Sewing Machine Cmnpany r nianiifiu'lurlng and Selling 1,000 Machines per Week! It is CHEAPEST because it is BEST. It chip ov-rv vsrU'ly of work without banting, and has more ptactkiaiaitacluiieuU than all others eombimnl. 52 U. B. K4-OTT, Agfnl, AHwuiy, Oregon. Warnsr's Cof,. Kidney Liver OURS. A roilIre K tly for AM. liid- ny, Limnd I rlaarjr Trenlilm f bolli JIale and Femalr, Artlng Directly upon tbeOrgaiiH AlTert- ed. Far lUc Ho 'Nrnaou It in In- Talnnble. IIEAI) THE HECOllD: "ft saved my life." K. It. Ilct Jy, 8cJnja, A!a. "I advixe all to try I'. John limadun, lxavcnwortb, Knn. "It Is the remedy that will enretlie manv diHeaaen iculiar" to women." Mother" Mapizlno. . "It hat pajwed evrre lft and won en donetnenis from aome of the hlhext imvl. ical talent of the counlrj-." New York World. f Remedy heretofore tlixcovered ean befv.M for one mouient iu omparioi) with it " C. A. Harvey, D. D., Washing ton, I. O. "It is the bet and only efTicient remedy for Kidneyan-J I.ivertrotiblesever brfnilit before the public." (Col.) John K. Mo- t ljesney, v asinnpioD, u t . "I am rejoiwl to aay I am now a well man and am only too p'ad to utify re ganiintr the glorious rpMilU of a remnly w hich has made me ho li:(pv." (Kev.) 1'. i llirklee, Ark. TLis Grt'at Xataral Ileraedy is for Sale W DrnRists in all Tarts of the World. TRt IT AND TAKE X0 OTHER. H. H. WARNER & CO. Ilaelieater, IV. V. JAMES DANNALS, BULK Of AXU KATACTl'KU Of SOLID KEDCOJI S?TS, Marble and tToad Toj. , Parlor Seta and Lounges, ble Top Center-Tables, Spring Beds and Mattresse3, WALSCT, w.lTLE A.D CIS tfilCfiCTS, And all kind, of fTlialaol. ( hair, Bedalaad.. Ctlrula. Ta ble. iMaad. tiHt and I'nnry . Ualdlne, f.tr. I ititm.1 tn keen evwvthlnif In the furniture line. aiul ill giwraiiK lutiimetiun u ll who t!I on nm at Miller'. Brick. J.tJlfcJ IUVNALA. C. C. CHKKRT. C. U. PAItKKM. ALBANY IRON WORKS. CIIEURY & PAUKES, (Suecc'fiBora Jo C. C. Cherry.) HacMnis.3, Kiil"nTights,. anJ Iron FcmivlGrs. "aEilAVK)UK NKWSIIOI'S A IX f eompIcUd, and are now "bf cpnrcd to handle ail kinl of heavy work. Wo will inariiifiKiiiro Klcatit KnpineH, Orist and Saw Mid Ma-hiuery,nnd all klnl-of Iron and l!ras Canting. PATrr.KS. MIK, S3IOET NOTK'K. Special attention fven to repairing all kiudx of irianhinery. Will a'o mamifao lure the improved Cherry A White Oraiu Separator. Shop an Kalier H.anjee at LiimU r l ard. Albany, Gr,, Dec. 1, WSO. 18lf ' The Corvallis Fruit Co. Will pnrohase Iluniiiipr dried fruit at full market f-ricex; Will send a competent person to advise frnit growers as to cultivation of or addi tions to orchards ; Will supply fruit trees of approved sort at moderate price j Will sell Pluramer Driers through Linn, Benton and Lane counties. Letters to bo sent to Corvallis Fruit Com pany, Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon, WALLIS TASH, President. . J auks HkaiiWan, Hec'y. January 1, 1880. 24w6 BftTCfJTe w"- M"er, Koluritrrol 14 I rEi I iJ.i'atciu, 17 Sevt'iithHt.,orllox 22, Wttshiutoii, b. I'. No fee retitttrvd litilttMii Tat ent ie ouiuifd. teiid for circular lyiiij; tenn, &c. ktftulihed W0. . rr. OUTLASTS m IVMkw' V OTHERS. 99 only Machlu placed fa Firat 8A1IIIEL E. Y0UG IB NOW RF.l-EIVINO UI3 VAIA. and WliVTKK STOCK MEHIIAD1SE! cossiirrixa or- DRY GOODS, ITOTIONS, CARPETS, GROCERIES, BOOTS & SHOES, WALL PAPER, Houso Furnishing Goods, ETC., ETC., ETO. 3Lmy of thro Goods are boulit direct from the mun ul'aclurcrH for cath, and are all riist CLl.H. Ooodn NO TIlASir, and.111 boA al Popular Prices. BLOOD poisoniuG. Causing Ch!HTand Peveif DumbAgue,lntermittntlte mitt ent and Typhoid Fversf Biliousness. Liver, Stomach; and Kidney ' disorders, and manyotherallments,destroy- ins tnevheaitn ana lives or millions, is driven out of the system, and radically cured by the use of tho LION MA LARIA AND LIVER PAD and GANGLIONIC BODY. 'AND FOOTPLASTEfS, the cheap est and i only perfect: treat ment by the Absorption prin ciple. The Plasters acting In conjunction with the Pad up on the nerve centers and re mote parts of the body, in ab sorbing and 'thoroughly rid dingthe system from MALA RIAL POISON. The whole treatment, PAD. BODY PLASTft4and FOOT PLASTERS, all combined, sold for SI.OO the cheapest and best remedy ever discov ered,, and a positive cure guaranteed if worn accord ing ito directions. Remem ber, Pad, Body Plaster and FootPlasters,T the whole, $ I .OO. . Sold by all druggists, or mailed on. receipt of price by - . , THE LION MEDICINE CO., NEW .YORK. ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE. ALBANY. OR. The First Terra will open on Wed j nesday, September I, 1880. For particular! concerning; th. course, of study and the jmce ol tuition, apjuy lo 39 BLV. K1BEBT BT. OADIT, Pres't. O. A C. n. It. TIME TAKLi:. .. Albany Ntallon. DF.FAKTIBB OP TKtlVH. II'U NORTH. AMI ANT KX HIIKK8 Drn.a nt HIK1UHT 'i'HAINS " . f,:30 A. U. H:ll A. M. 11:4fi A. M. IS (i r. U. 11:4B A. II I an I". M. j) M1' M. n il 1 . l HAIL TRAIN 1 Arrlm tt . lVarl at (OIIHB WITH. MAIL TRAIN i ' . ritKIClHT TRAIN " . ALIIANV KXI'llKHS ArrWw.t . , All Train dalir. exrriit Kund.r, WILL. 11,'IIICK, Blallon AgMit. f TITS P A PI?tJ " ' riind on fill at tirHt, AilvnrtWn. Ihinau i iu Nprutw at), wbiirx af.H-ii.ii. MutraoM may De wad. rur It IN ttlLW I UUK A raWRKB KArL4IO.-. T l.uag Mrn Berlaa.lr Krarl hy ma r.xplwil.a ml reader. " ' I -ant Thursday evsuiug Ovid KiawraaJ Nawtoo IbHiKay, aach about siiteea years of ago, wore faarfully bunted by a powder ex plosion. They were np-staira in the real deooe of the father ef the farmer Marion Kuter near Harriaburg, ami were weighing out some powder. Tbey had one pound out ia the scales and young Kizer was down on bis knees oa the floor and had the can con taining about four pounds resting between big logs. McKay uotioed a flak s of some thing rrd aud glittering, like iron rust, in the aooup ou the ecalaa, and picked it op and stuck it in the candle just to aoe if thing are really what they seem. Results would seem to indicate that all i not ru.t that glitter. It exploded, and so earned the sx piosion of the powder in the can and oa the scale. Ths result was fearful Both of tbsyenog twin were terribly powder-burnea on the bands and face, and had nearly all the hair burned o(T their bead. ' Tbeir clething was ignited, aud before the lire was extinguished Kixer'e bugs wore badly burned, sad but for the timely arrival of other men., here of (be family, togclli.r with Sheriff Charltoa and Surveyor ISriawa, wbe ware psssiag the night there, both would probably have been bunted to death. The effect of the shock was so great in the room that one j indow was blown out eutirely, one parti tion borated, and the floor beneath the boys parted sufficiently to allow some of the sparks to go into the room below. The can was tern into pieces, and parts of it were blown entirely through a valise, and almost through a partition wall. As young Kizer was kneel ing down en the Hour with the powder can between bis knee it can hardly be conjee. lured bow be got off with bis life. Dr. Smith, of Habtey, was called, and he savs the boys will get aloog along all riht Tits DlfgrM Ifaal Tel. !-t Saturday the sporUmeu of Albany, Corvsllu, Soap Creek and Long Tom were all out on a grand match bust. It was a kind of sn "unsight unseen affair as no one knew on which side be belonged st the time or the huut. The sportsmen met at dif ferent place, and counted their game, send ing tb score to ConraUU. Yesterday all who took part in the hunt ware to congregate at Corvallis, and after ths two Captains, ties. Oerbsrd and Wallace Baldwin, would make known the names of tho members of their companies, a magnificent game dinner would be partaken of, to be paid for by the iueers. After dinner a glass hall shooting match and rifle shooting fur turkey would be the order of the day. We did out bear the result.' but we know our boys mti.t have bad a good huut np there. Our Albany l s msdo the following scores: N. M. Sprenger, 860 ; W. 0. Scott, SCO : J as. Marry, 170 ; I). H MenUith, 12G ; D. I. Ilacklemsn, 1.0 ; O. Huberts, 205 ; C. II. Coote, 145. W. V. Baltimore and Jas. Kslly started down the Catapooia from Bos ton Mills, but did Dot get in until yraterdsy morning, ana it is doubtful whether or not tbeir game will be counted. The fclaese TreabU. Th Chine S troubles har st last almost eeased at this city. When we went to press sst week one of the almond-eyed rascals was being tried before the Recorder for ataaulting one of bis brethren who incurred bis dt. pleasure by concluding to take out city li cease and going to work, lie was found guilty and lined and costs. He then had Hxn We, snother heathen, arrested fur sa isult upon him, and after three trials the prisoner was-diamissed. The costs id the suit will ran np to about $250 or 1300, which the peoplewill have to psy utile.. Judge Haven taxes them np to the prosocut:ng witness, as be has the right to do. This occurring st the present time will operate very badly against the measure now before the Council to repeat the laundry license law. They seem to be a sourco of expense to the county, having the same redress in Court that a citisen has, and still do nut pay a cent toward running the machinery of our government. MiSOMr, Following are newly eleoted officers of the tao Msnanio lodges in this city : Corinthisn, No. 17. K. Bqchsnan, W M ; E. AV. Langdon, S W , N. Baum, J W ; Jno. Briggs, Troas. ; R. A,. Foster, See'y ; W. R. Graham, Tyler. St. John's, No. C2.-D. P. Mason, W M ; Geo. Humphrey, 8 W ; Ceo. Chamberlain; JWi Thos. Monteith, Treas ; 1), Main field, Sec ; L. O. Marshall, Tyler. The installation of tho officers of both Lodges will occur on St John's Day, next Monday evening, at Masonic Hall, and will be public for Masons and their families. At the conclusion of the installation ceremonies a supper will be served at the Revere House, after which a social and general good time will be had by the brethren and their guests. Coins; It Alone. Mr. E. Buchanan, so well aud favorably known as manager of the Albany branch of the Portland agricultural nouse of Newbury, Hawthorne A Co., wjll hereafter carry ou tho same line of business at the old place, but on bis own responsibility. ' We are glad to see Mr. B. take this action. He has built up a large trade herejand by his fair dealing has made hosts of friends whe will stick closer to him than ever now that he is going it alone. ' As soon as he selects the line of implements which bejsyill sell he will notify the public through the DgMocuA f, Look tat Lr his adv. ' - freut Orfeoeo. . riiiNKvii.i.r, Deo. 15, 1880. Editor Democrat : As w are having tome weather to-day 1 thought I would drop you a few linos In re gnrd to matters In this section of country. We had a change in tho woathtr on the 8th lust, it turning quito warm. Before then th mail from Kugeuo had failed to connect ftt three different time. The mail from The Dalles ha also been unable to run on Its regular time, on account of the sevjerity of the weather, so that we have not had the news from below very regulsrly. Buniurss iu this city was very livnly en Friday th 10th, as the people came in from all around, expecting to see the grand 1000 race between O. W. Barnes mnro, "Cotton nose, and CoIdtbnrpe home "Bop-rye;" but tho race was postponed until the next dsy, Saturday, on which dsy tho track was iu ilendid condition. Ou of the squares! ra-es ever run oa this taU( was run ou that day, and Cutton-nose was declared ths victor by eighteen feet or more. Both ani mals are very good horses.and will matched, as they rsn very close until uear ths lluuh. After the grand event of th day there came a dash of 400 yards between W, O, Allen's bay bona Luther, and John Wilson's Indian Mark, for $100, in which a much if not mere, intereat, was taken, than in th big raoe, Indian Mark had beaten Luther, or been allowed to beat him, once before, but the little bay aheajio is allowed to ran, can, and will, gat away from all such as In dian Mark every time. This was a very easy victory for Luther. Out of ths Ouboco usrtz lodge heretofore mentioned, in the last cliance there was pounded np about 25 pound of the rock, which turned out one and a half ounce of of gold and silver bullion, which a, a. very good yield. This ws. on Friday tbo 10:k. Ths company expect, to drive instters in the spring. - The whooping coojh is wbooping nearly everybody np this winter in this seutfoa. - . (!.. UCAl'Sh. rrraaasl. We neglected to statu in our last week's pa I xt that ws lial a pleasant visit from our old-time Kan tern friend, D. K. Budd, who is now connected with the oonstrectioti ef the Oregonian Narrow Oaogo R,, of. which Mr. J. B. Montgomery is oonsraotar.. By. tbe-wsy, we are pleased to hern that Lis son, Fd. R. Budd, is now manipulator of the throttle-vol re on the loeomotire that runs into Scio. There is no better Soy than Ed die Budd, sod w sr. glad to hrsr of his success. Mr. (liver Prie, the n-injjott brother of Ximrod Price, Ef., of tl.i. city is now in Albany on a vi.it, hi. home having l--eii for severs! year in Alaxks Territory. He has not been in On-gn tafre for i-vpnt n yeors, andsprals in ejluaing term, of tho sdvsncement Albany baa nmlu in that tinm. Arrul.alall as!. The J'tlnjrmm is lufornir j by private b tti-r that one dsy last work a di.tmliance tmiU place in a HarrUburg saloon brtwrrii lW-li Barber and another party. The Urrel grt-w dejerete, resulting iu a fight. IUrt-r in attempting to draw bis pistol, sccidrtttally discharged it, the ball entering bis leg, in flicting a terrible wound. He was immcdi ately carried to bis home and a physicisn called, who examined the wound and gave it as hia opinion that it r . jd be necessary to amputate the limb in ordt-r to save the youn man's life. Lest la lae Heaatalaa. On Tuesday of .but week Chaa. Williams ami Alonzo Mcintyre went out bunting ia the mountains in the folks of the Santiun, near "Bald Peter." and it seems tbey became separated, and then both got lost. Mr. Wil liams slept out tlist tiiiht, but found Wis wsy in next dsy. From tltr.t t(uio up to last Sabbath the whole neighborhood was out hunting for Mr. Mcintyre, and since that time ws hsvs not beard from thore. W earnestly hope ths man has been fouud, but the chances sre that bo has perished. The Meraalae UabH Cared. The Jacksonville Time say that J. J. Comstock, ef Douglas county, who has been under treatment at Portland for the mor phine habit, has returned a cured man. He bas been quite ill for years from a complica tion of diseases, and during kat time ac quired the bsbt oi using morphiue antil he became almost a slave to it. Ha succeeded ia overcoming it, however, upon which he is to be congratulated, bralb af Ilea. J 0. Mearr. of Rslem. We regret to 1e compelled to announce the death of Hon. Jno. II. Moores, which occurred at his residence in Salem last Sat urday. Mr. Moores wsa for a quarter of i century prominently identified with the in terests of Salum, and for year was State Senator from Marion county. He was a brother of Col. J. 11. Moore.i, and leaves wife and several children to mourn the loss of a. kind husband and indulgent father. The Wheat Market. Tho Journal of Cotnmrrcr of San Fraucisco, in the issue of Deo. Hth, speak of the wheat market having declined heavily in Liverpool Chicago sod New York, but says itis "mere ly speculative or temporary" and cauuot last long. fine ftlaplay of Meats. Of coune everybody wants something ex tra in the liue of meats for Christmas, and to supply this demand Jas. R. Herren is ar ranging to have tho fiueet display of beef, mutton, lamb, veal, eta, that our peoplo have ever seen. Be sure to call around tiiere to get your supplies. A Mamlral Almanac. Wiley B. Allen has just issued a "Mu sical Almanao," which is quite nice publi cition. Boside giving the usual informs tion it has a complete list of sheet music, music hooka, eta, giving the prices. Every one should have a copy. A Christmas Herman. ' The pastor o( th Evangelical Church will deliver a Christmas sermon next Sunday at 11 a. nj. ; and in the evening he will preach a sermon upon "The Living God." The publio cordially invited. Heme and Abroad. Mf-llllV ClIKIXTMAM, Lovely winter weather. Revival will soon bo tlpo. ' Breezy, wheezy, snoexy weather. Road all tho new advortiseinouls. (in bi O.horn' for your sweetness, f lo to Billy Wat li fu' for your groceries, I'huw Jacksou's lhjt Sweet Navy Tobac co. Lset TtieuUy was tho shortest day of the year. Tho nury law go into effect on the 25th of January. . Ostwrn's frtnh cream chewing candy is tho best iu town. flutter and tKn 01 u scaice aud command good price. " Ths Knights of Pythias talk of havings sociable shortly. Try those chocolate carrHni.-!. at Ooborn's. They are splendid. ....... Christmas foativ ities this rveniiig at nearly all the churches. The mountains sru full of snow ami trsvtl cffoctually toipcd. R. N. Armstrong paid his family a flying visit during the week. It will be ill order for (verylmdy to swear off now in a few days. Boast turkey sad guoso will bo served np at Borblm's to-night free. ' , No, Ouo's ball come, off this ovuniuj- It shosld be well patrooiusil. Fresh butter and fresh nWaystobe had at Billy Watkins' store. if yo Iiave jsropcrty to sell, cell on Stew art & Cirsy, OTool.'s Biock. The "'One Price Bazaar" is the I .est place yet to get bargains for cash. 4 Young ladies, leap year is fading. Make the best of your advantage. There will be a general suttlin up next ctkor rather an attempt to. K C. Rice was down yesterday. He has improved very much in health. I- B. Royal, formerly of this city, is now reusing a barber shop at Scio. A I oiars for Christmas present, at the Fanners' Slid Mechanics' Store. Ths next meeting of the Bine RiMmo Club will bj held on Christinas tjil.t. RemcniWr tkat Billy Watkins always pays the highest cash price for deer skins. Ail holiday goods marked wsy doan at the Farmers' and Mechanic' Store. Santa CUus i!l be cavorting around lively in this locality for a week or so. Every man's wife wonts a "Davis" sewing machine. W. B. Hcott, Albany, agent. SulworiU to th "Itltutratcd W'" the most readable Journal on the Pacific Coast. The two Workmen Iodges of this city are increasing in ineraWrship astonishingly fast, Doriug the recent cold spell everybody stuck np the motto "Please Shut the Door." New silk neck wear, suspenders and ho siery at the Faruiers' and Muvhau'io's Store. At U&t the Chinese laundries have "struck their color.," taken net lieenc and gone to work. Mr, F-Uu i bock in this city again, after lining c;.riit tlio past season in the upper crtiiiiry. If you want tu buy farm nr villi je prop- r'.y cll ou Stewart aud Grey, O Toole s Blmk. Fred Oortr. ha. started for Germany, but ill atip off in California for several weeks visit-tig friends. Tho wife of our popular ymimr dentist. Dr. G, Willi. Price, luft Su Francisco fur this city lost Wednesdsy. If you want to open out a new set of books ith the New Year, call on E-l. Baum. He can fit you out. New silk handkerchiefs and nobby hats for men and boys just opened at the Fann ers' and Mechanics' Store. ft. Just received, a full stock f Preooh and American candies at ( W. Osborn s.directly opposite Mcilwaiu's, First Street. I i vine service will be bold in St. Tutor's Episcopal Church on Christinas morning, Saturday, December 25th, at 0 o'clock. The tax-payers of tho county did not come up as lively as they should during the recent tax collecting trip of the sheriff. Gov. Thayer has appointed J. L. Miller Notary Publio at Scio. Mr. Miller will at tend to all work in that line in good slutpr. Quite a number of our citizen, wont dawn to Portland to testify in the case of, the Cas cade Wsgon Road, Co, v lUrncs and Web- dell. Ed. Hiuin still has some toys left, which ho ill now sell at cost. Remember this if you expect to make any New 1 ear s pres ents. Tho "Ijauhiu; Man" came "gol dorn nigh splitting his sides roannt; over the work done at the State Fair ou the "Davis' Sewing Machine. Mrs. Gaston, of Ha'aey, ciuie down to this city last Monday, aud on Tuesday went up to Corvallis on a visit. She will return here to-day. The Lsbanon ' city authorities have been raiding th saloons out there for keeping opan on Sabbath. What thn result has boon we do not know. At tho same tnuo that you swear ou you should come around and subscribe for the Demockat. There is nothiu? like beginning the new year right. Cob Hawkius lias tried to deliver a couple of lectures iu this city, but for some reason tho public refuses to bo bilked, and does not turu out in multitudes to hear him. The I Jim county fanners aro now turning over tho soil as fast as is possible. The land is iu good condition for plowing, and bettor weathor for ortt3ido work coald not be naked for. ' Wo understand that Trof. Sox resigned his position as principal of the publio schools loot eveuing, aud that he will at onco euter the hardware store w ith which he is con nected. . Wallis Nash, Esq., of Corvallis, was in the city last Friday and Saturday. He says it ia his candid opinion that the Oregon Pacilio Railroad will roach this city from Yaqniua Bay by the latter part of next year. Sheriff Charlton collected $11000 in taxes outside of the two Albany precincts. He cot $7.00 up in Maybcll. which makes his fees on that trip about 13 oonta. If we were Sheriff we would let the tax-collecting in that precinct out to the lowest bidder. -When yon want beer ask for that manu factured by E. Ballanger at the Star Brew ery. ' The quality of that brand cannot be excelled anywhere on the coast, and it is justly gottiug very popular among those ' who love that healthful drink: nrle Hews. " A serious accident happened to a son of Mr. Jas. Compton lost Tuesday, While be was handling a shot gun it exploded and the barrel bursting the cr.tr ts struck the young man in the sid of the head, and aa iron sliver was forced through bis arm at tho shoulder. His chance for recovery are doubtful. On New Year Eve. there will be a grand ball at Wheeler' Hall, and M. Alexander is to give tbs supper. The boys look for a grand time, both in dancing and eating. Scio is improviog steadily, and even the rain do not stop the work. A. Osborn is putting up a nice store bout just above the Kcio Livery Stable.' Abe is one of our most energetic citiztn. The citizens will have a grand time on Christmas Kre. They will have a Christmas tree, and it will be literally bssded down with presents. !, II. Royal is doing a good business in tb tin of jewelry. gKMI'OcoAmoXAL. jtaetlea M.as. One thing Albany bas needed very ranch was an suction bens, and new ws have it. Geo. Humphrey bas opened not an anctioa aud commission establishment in tb F re man buck, and will make bis first sale. to. day, ami hereafter will bare regular sale days about twice a woek. Mr. IT. ia welt known all over the county, and w batterer it become generally known that he is in that business we feel confident tbst be will get plenty to do. sc frtee Baxaar. We dropped into this sew establishment in th Tat brick yesterday, and were sur prised to see such a neat store. The stock is a general assortment ef dry goods and fancy goods, and the beauty of it is that ev ery aiticle is marked in plain fig-urea and sold at extremely low price for cash. TLe King of the Cannibal Islands couldn't get credit there. No books ars kept, and all customers are required to pay cash down. Indies, especially, will find it time well spent to call there. I H Locale la Albany. We are pleased to be able to state that Dr, S. W. Dodd, formerly of Astoria, bas located permanently in Albany, and will shortly commence the practice of medicine. Dr. D'ldd is a skillful physician and surgeon, and is sure to do well here. He is a pleasant, agreeable and perfect gentleman, and be and bis estimable lady will be quite aa important addition to th society of our city. The Sal-raw Caage. L the C. Rice was down yesterday. He says Narrow Gauge Railroad was completed .... r beyond bis place last Wednesday, and that it would anrely reach Brownsville by to morrow. Tbst enterprising town will prob ably nave a grand jollitjaatian over the event, and well tbey may, for It is tb most iai port ent epoch ia tbeir history. Aa Ed. raises Exa Yon msy think w are tailing a "whopper" but it is a true as gospel that Cooper Turner brought into our office this week a ben's egg which measured in circumference the loog wsy9 inches, and the short way 1 inches, Tb:s beats any . we have ever see n. Xetlce ts the raatle. Our city reader will hereby take notice that no delivery wagon will be run in Alba ny to-morrow (Christmas), as the owners the Parker want on holidoy in tb year themselves. Go down town to-dsy and bay enough to but until Mondar. Services as laaaA. Rev. S. G. Irvine, D. D-, bas been nnable to preach for the last two Sabbaths, on ac count of a hurt be received recently.buthahaa recovered sufficiently to enabls bint t bold the regular services at the U. P. Church next Sabbath. tea the Hair shell. Ia getting ap our holiday edition we had to work off one side this week, and so nisch type was used in it that we did not hava enough to iasue a whole sheet this week. Una t'eaaly Ceaaell. The Linn County Business Council, P. IT., w.ll bold its next regular session Knox Butte Grange on the first Saturday in February. tier lees al M. rani'. Rev. Joe. Emery will preach at St, Paul's Church next Sabbath, morning and eveuing. Our young men are beginntug to marry now. Two of them have committed matri mony already this week, aad snother comes on to be heard to-night. Several others hava put it off until January and February, be cause they do not wish people to think that the contraot is the result of the ladies' leap year privileges. Letter LIU. Thetoilowlns I the list of letters remaining In the fuel Ultlee, Albany. Linn county. Ore iron, Dec. 2.1, lxso. Persona calling tor these letters iuum give the date ou whlcu. tbey were auveniseu. Armstrong, Levy (-) Newman, W H Bryant, Geo Powell, Mrs Martha JSailey, ur w 1 Koyoe, ueo s Crawford, Alex Ridgway. Mrs Anuie Ilanford, Thadeus (4) Strout, M II Holzapele, Fred Sandersou, Jas rleoJey, Wary lay lor, M Koeton, John w ernon, an, Morris, Thos B Williams, M J P.H. RAYMOND, P. M MARRIES). . HCUSTON MARSHALL, At the resi dence of the bride's parents, near Knox1 Butte, Deo. 15, 1880, by Rev. P. A Moses, Mr. Bour. K. Houston and Zxiv Ri . Maf SHALL. COWAN MILLER. Or Feu. f2, 1&3, at the residence of Mr. John B. Miller, by Rev. T. B. White, Mr. Samcsl H. Cowah and Miss Ida M. Miller all of Linn county. DOFFLEMIER MILLER. At the wai denc of the bride's parents, in this oity, oa Tuesday, Deo, 21, 1880, byRsv. C. N. Con di t, Mr. Cyrus Doffucmikr. and Miss Mis- NIK AilLLKK. ' - ' " DIED. ' SALINGER, In thia city, Dec 20, 1SS0, S. oAUNUEtt aged 75 years and 4 years. ftaafa Claas Beadeiaartei . I have just opened out the largest aid beit assorted stock of holiday goods everMea in this city. The stock p. so varied that I can suit everybody, and fittbem'Vontj.with aay kind of a present they may wish to make to their friends, 'I will only mention a few ar ticles, as my stock is so immense that I would have to stait a newspaper of my own if i I wished to refer to all : Babycarriages, wag ons, , rocking horses, railroad i trains, baby trunk's, Bohemias vases, Majc lies war,beau tiful toilet and smoking sets, China cups sad saucers of all kinds, velvet frames, writing desks,' rustic walnnt frames, work loses, shell boxes, an immense stock of dolls, new stylos of photograph and autograph albums, handsome tortoise shell and pearl card cares, and hundreds of other articles. KchooD boeks,Jstationery, both plain and fancy, asd holiday picture books, wholesale and retail, of -which country dealers sbonld Uks notice, as 1 will sell at Sf-. Francisco prices, having bought in Now York. A cordial invitation is extended to all to call and examine toy stock, 'and select yenr presents before tbey are picked over. My stock ia larger than fvra ever before seen in this line in Albany ,od it muetji sold. ED. BAUM, Cor. First and Broadalbin - 'etts. A Fine Thing for the Teeth Fragrant SOZODONT ia a composition of th purest and choicest ingrediena of the Oriental vegetable kingdom. Every ingre dient is well known to have a beneficial ef fect on th teeth acd gums. Iu embalming or antiseptic property and aromatic fra grance makes it s toilet luxury. SOZODOXT removes all disagreeable odors from the; breath eonsed by catarrh, bad teeth, etc It if nti."' free from the injurious and acrid! p t - of tooth pastes and powders which destroy the enamel One bottle lasts sis months. Teys 1 Toy. t Tea- I Julius Joseph always bas eclipsed all com petitors in the line of toys, and be still keeps np bis lick. H ha opnd oat a stock ia I the boilding eae door above Mady'a Restou- - rant, and is sow ready to supply tho dnund for toys. He absolutely has ereay thi.?g. and as he wants to quit the business, o. will get rare bargains by calling upon h-m. Re member that he fully intends selling every thing in bis store, so call early and maks your cIkt'cs. rerfe-rtiaa Barely One of the latest and without question the most perfect sewiuj mscMue now before ths public is the "C-.is;" why they actually make ott of strips of cloth cups, saucers, b etc, ia perfect shape. We saw one Alh"T aZency "d twSether WIth mxr . t, -wl ;n samples of practical work noted will aay that there are things never before made on a Sewing Machine. Go and see for yourselves and be convinced. W. B. Scott, Agent. - Teys ass H.lluay Ceas. If yon call around at Conrad Meyer's yon will find that he bas brought oa a mag' nificent stock of toy s and . holiday s goods. and that his prices are away down. Be sure to call and take a peep s his stock, and buy your keliday presents now and have them laid away. lie doesn't want to carry any ef his goods over, and consequently everything can be had at a bargain. AU BUaU a Lanshcr. We have for sale, both at Lebanon and Grass Ridge.SOO.OOO feet of all kinds of lum ber, such as scantling, joists, barn timbers, bexiag, fencing, and ot!er roagh lumber. At Lebanon we have a superior lot of dry lumber, such aa rustic, flooring, etc Owing to the late fire, we are offering thai lumbar at reduced rates. Address us at lebanon. CONN BROTHERS. LxsANoa, Or., July 31, 1SX Bay Tear Freaeata. Don't forget to boy presents for the littlx folks, and before yon buy be sure to call at Joseph's, one door above Mady'a restaurant. There yon can find a magnifijent stock of toys of every conceivable pattern suitable for boys aad girla of all age. They are go ing off fast, and yon should call early and select what yon want. A Re aval. 1 wish all to take notice that I have rented th building formerly occupied by "enders and Sternberg, and after December 1st cam be fonnd at that place. Thanking my cus tomers for past favors I respectfully ask a continuance of the same, uot doubting that I can do aa well by then in the line of general merchandise as any establishment in the city. - L G. J a ox sox. . De Tea Waal rarattnre Jas. Dannals, in this city, now bas oa hands a larger stock of furniture than any other establishment this side of Portland, ai 4 want to purchase any wul pay yo t r va him a call. At baa something to tell you in regard to his prices. Fine F ami I ere. Fred Graff is manufacturing some of the Hnost furniture ever exhibited in this mar ket His bedroom sets are perfect models of taste and beauty ; and whs1- is better still, they are all frota Oregon timber. To Fanaeas Daw Seed Wheat. Rufus Thompson, of Center pTccuJt, has some of tho celebrated Russian whe-.i for sale. This is the variety that was imported by Sain'l Daw. You who want seed wheat take uae notice. Notice to Farmers. Having purchased the Cheadle Flonriug Mill I am now prepw 1 J do custom work for the usual toll . 1 will turn out as good ficur as can bo had in the valley. ' - -' C. Klock. Bides ana Fnrs. W. II. liar tl ess is still buyinr all kinds of furs and hides, and aa bas always been his custom will pay the highest market price in cash. He con be found at Herreu's meat market, ' Wanted. .- We have a easterner for a small farm with house aad outbuildings. Call on ' ' Stuwaet A Ghxt, O'Toole's Ilock. i