The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, December 17, 1880, Image 3

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i i
O. & C. It. It. TIME TARLE.
Albany Station.
A:S0 A. M.
S.-uO A. M.
11:44 A. M.
liM 1 M.
11:45 A. M
lis P. 11.
- : t. M.
.U P. V
Arrim at -
SOt'ftS KT.
Arrives at
LViwrW t
All Trains dull', exreal Bandar.
WILL. B. RICK, Station Agent.
fTJTQ TJ "DTTr may hm fVwn1 on file at
idnnwai tuw M Spruor 81.1 here slwtijim
Mtntota nut toBBOaiioc U IS N kV VOHBk.
Saata ( Inn neeUqoaricrs.
I Lave just opened out the largos t and beat
assorted stock .of holiday goods erer aeon in
thia city. The stockjis ao varied that I can
nit everybody, and fit,; them' out with any
kind of a present they may wish to make to
their friends. I will only mention few ar
ticles, as my stock is so immense that I woald
have to start a newspaper of my own if I
wished to refer to all : Baby carriages, wag
ons, rocking horses, railroad ' trains, baby
trunk's, Bohemian vases, Maj lea ware,beaa
tifu toilet and smoking sets, China cups and
saucers of all kinds, velvet frames, writing
desks, rustic walnut frames, work boxes,
shell boxes, an immense stock of dolls, new
styles of photograph and autograph albums,
handsome tortoise shell and pearl card cases,
and hundredj of other articles.
School books, stationery, both plain and
fancy, and holiday picture books, wholesale
and retail, of which country dealers should
take notice, as I will sell at San Francisco
prices, having bonght in New York.
A cordial invitaUon is extended to all to
call and examine my stock, 'and select your
presents before they sre picked over. My
stock is larger than was ever before seen in
this line in Albany.'and it mustbe sold.
Cor. First and Broadalbia streets.
railed Werkasea.
Taagent Lodge. No. 37. A. O. TJ. W., was
organized by A D. Rogers, D. I. O. M. W.,
of this city, last Friday evening, and stsrts
at with the following officers :
Jos J Beard. PM V,
J W Kswcomb, M V
John F Beard, Foreman
Geo Grimes, Overseer
Jas Elk ins, Recnrder
Geo W Luper, Financier
J. Simpson, Receiver
H MeClut, Guido
Wm Doty, I W
J Doty, O W.
The orjeanuane; ofieer, Mr. Rj,e s.
out te Ivsban Inst Wednesday eve j'iij Tor
the pjpoae if f'ttiug a IakIo in working
order out tbara, providitt euXckuit moor
element is reoeived. We boe the pwy'-l
ut there will take ho'J the raa'.ter and
get np a fine Lode.
ErswaoT.lle L4s tit as.
Linn Lodge No. 22, A. O. U. V., at ti .r
last communication, elected the fullow'of
.. officers for the ensuing term : W. B. Sud
ish, M. W.; Wm Lemaster, Fererasn; M.
O'Hart; Overseer ; Jn Lijgetr, Hecerder;
J. P. Galbraith, Financier C. Elakslv,
Receiver ; W. O. fltaaard, Guide ; C. N.
McFarlaad, L W. i . J. 3. Irvine, O.
W. and Dr. L "W. Starr, Medical Examiner.
Brownsville ldge Ka 56, A F. A AM.,
have also elected the following officers for
the ensuing year ; J. P. Galbraith, W. M.;
J. B. R. Morelock, S. W.; IL R. Powell,
. J. W.; J. M. Moyer, Trower ; Peter
Hume, Secretary ; J. W. Tyeer, S. D.; A.
K. Thompson, 3. D,, and E. V. Jack. Ty
ler : all of whom will be installed publicly
at the New City Hall on the 27tb of the
vrillaaseite'e Aartable.
The sociable given at Odd Fellow Temple
last Saturday evening by Willamette Lodes
No. 5, A. O. U. W., was one of the plst
an test affairs of the kind which has trans
pired in oar city for a long time. The pro
gram was a good oue, and although the hall
was crowded to overflowing every one pres
ent seemed to be enjoying themselves. The
order is growing very fsst in every quarter
of the Union, and especially on this coast,
and here in Albany .it has moved along with
great strides. Both Willamette and Safety
Lodges have a large membership, and they
have initiations at every meeting. A Lodge
was organized at Scio last week, and also
one at Tangent, and the organizing officer
is now cut at Lebanon getting np a Lodge,
and will soon visit llalsey and IXarrUbarg.
The fkfaese Sta it C.
One day last week five yoooj bloods ex
ercised their muscle by recking some Chi
nese np at Shedd's Station, and sncceeded
in mashint one Celestial's nose aU over bis
face. The Constable np there doesn't I ke
te encourage suoh playfulness, 8o he arrested
ihe y b's and Justice Cnrrie fined them $10
each. That was a righteous judgscnt ; if
our hoodlums were always treated in that
war tlmv would have a wholesome dread of
the law.
A t'lese shave.
Last Tuesday as ayounj man named Fruk
Batcher, was loading a Winchester rifle,' he
acoidentallr touched the tricccr before he
pulled the guard back in place, and the oar
tridge expodml and burned him in the face
fearfully. For seine time he could not see
at all, but he wll not lose his ijht perma
nently. His face i powder burned consid
erably, bat he inteudj having tbe. powder
taken out. ( ' J ?
Take Care ef Tear flpes, .
The Water Company wish as to caution
the citizens whe are taking water from their
works to be very careful during the winter
in taking care of tbe water pipes oi tue'r
premises. During tbe late cold weather
many of the small pipes barsted by the water
freezing in them. All the expense caused
by the repairs of such breaks can be pre
vented by throwing something over the
Snpper Pestpened-
The supper to be given by the Daughters
of Rebekah for tbe benefit of the Odd Fel
lows' Library has been postponed. The time
now decided npea is New Year's Eve., and
they will very likely have a public dinner
" the next day. They should receive a warm
support, as their object i good one.
- .Wanted.
We have a customer for a small farm with
hwuw and outbuildings. Call on . '
Stswabt ft Gkbt,
' " ' "' " OTpole's Block.
Tfce lliyt'oar:i.
Our City Cocna'l mat in regular session
last Tuesday evening with all o.Tcers sud
members present.
The comm'ttee ea a.cuunta reported iu fa
vorof alWnj the fol'ong bills, and the
report wsa adopted i
R. Fox, jud of firems eViion, f 1.C0.
C C. Ciierry, c! xulsr graiss for No. 2's
engine, $17.75.
A, J. llukt, Marshal s fos, 47.00.
A. J. Hunt, cress-wa'ks, $10.-' 5.
J. K llslter, Recorder's fees, $10.29.
11. Klock's pet liou asking foe the riUt .!
way to construct anew audlaiger Puuie from
the DKMccrAToIce to the foetof t'.ie street,
was graated sade? r I iot'ons, sad
the Comiriltoe ea bt eels was 'nsiruUed t
see that the work wai doue as orde -ed.
The pelitioo of Wm. McMrck l rnd
others was not grant d, b-t fie matter of
drainage siktd for w referred tetlioCity
The Committee to whom was refur.-vd the
peUtioa of 11 Kovlo wsi grafted further
B. Purdom and etlie.j asked that the
oi.y iay for the w-k tt tiie croig of
Baker sud Second steels, s v'e iu
pioremests were nt coiuploted w'.icu the
new law went iuto force. lte."mJ.
The City Marshst ptsented a oa
ask ug that the c.laboese be icpredaoda
stove pwt in it. Granted, a id the Marshal
uist. icted to make lite repai'-s.
A petition ws press ated by Chcriy .r.d
I'a'kn asking for an o.dor for a new sidewlk
on the east tit'e of Bakor f xax First to Wa
ts, streets. Re ' red.
On pet lion o! several ciU- eas Peter Mc
B.ido wx. declared a oomnoa druukard.
A peU.ien w received from a ljrje nu u
ber of properly ow ue s asking vhat the c;ty
reliev-e the Coal Co. f-om the expense o!
pnttisg in new b idgt j or walks over the
canal, and ef repiir'ng old ones, and that
such work be paid for out of the ci.y trea
sury. Referred and ordered priuteJ.
Several cilizeus pretenteda petitieoask'ng
for the repeal of the Chinese lice uie law.aud
the matter was rird to Committee on
Oapel'u;oao sev-s 'c'ti ens Robt Mey
ers and Cei, Dougherty were declared com
mon drunkards.
On of G'jilvrot 1 a fuaco w- i or
dered bui't sroucd Ko. 's engine bne,
spec'ticat'oss to be made out by Committee
ou Fire a-d Wfc:er..
The Mayor aad Rt: -3e reverted the re-
suit of the late elcct'ca, wticU ;i the sjiuo ss
we repo- 1 L t wr .1 .
n it it it r
The fo' lowing article upper ed ia the lat
issue of the J..1J.-7 :
From the l:ve!y l:l;'e towa of 'bya
comwnaicaiioa !u Urn rret'ved dota:i:"g
vhe pa.Ccu' s of sn e. c'.tiaj ;io"Jrnt tust
tr-sp:-ed thee last wt.-V. It sae-rs thai a
youag tnri of good rs ls but 1 'e cj at,e
had been payinj bU add' eases t tSo on'y
daoghte.-of a leod-'i c'f -er. T-youi3
ladv reciprocud her loet's se. on scd
met him cUndrstinc'y at vj '.cjs I ,., coa
trajy U tbeceormandv -f htr (uteiral re's-
tne. wita vhooithe joaia d d not st- id ;i
good tavor. The msdoj's brt 'cr wsi also
so arowtd enooi cl ht choice aud look no
spec .1 pa - to cuocr U tiio fet'iac. Tbe se
cret njc;;n-j w'tb he' , lasiorala w. s con
iued Btt4:' oue evening the incensed b oih
e. s espicsge dscore.ed the lot :og coop's
at the'r rels? ty- ile ;ifo:j)d h's
fitos , and tc i,i.t parent hiwl h-.u u the
apota..ned w.'th a stoat c-Jjcl with whirh
he be'sbcred the oljoc. i.u.Uc and tnTo tj.
nite lover in the mosi mere'less meaner, not
withstand'og tbe tea lul t4pp'tcatio.s of tbe
aslooislisd c'lujbler who p'-ded ia s-or j
i Jg tonci fo.- bar father to dok'st. Tbe yoqog
man never attempted resistence. Us purjuer
st. Iking fctoi at evey step nnti the .'jgitive
fe't f om e (hsoatioq aad co.t td with gore.
stheabis unreasonable assailant oetied his
B-.esi'.ong. The .' lends of the oatrasd
youth are tryl-ig to prevj" oponbire to have
the father arrested for auajlt with intent to
k;lf, but t auB far, out of consideration for
the daughter, be has rej'et-sl a!', iatporiuoi
ties. The girl is s. 11 fsTwful, and aays tbs
nnprevoked attack has on strengthened
Ler love, though she would bsve preferred
to see a disposition t defend b'mse'f mani
fested on tbe pa -t of far fi ItO'l.
Andrew's Earar Ttr Re re j Ler.
Oa minvprevioosoccasiocs we bve s,.oUa
in terms of praise of th's jonisa'. Tbs De
cember number is truly a royal one. From
the striking Christmas pictare, "&aU CI&js
at Home" on the t'.tle-page, to tae lis; pge
wiis its funny p'ctures and alwtys spr'htly
,vy urtle Tracks," it is good. Tee J'terary
features, its sle-.ies, roii-eMsny, etc., l id
sort ple.sirg at hoi ear-time.
Ia addition to its nsaal wealth of Fashion
intelligence all yeaiiy sabicrrbrrs leceive
with the number a Grand CarisLmas C: t in
tbe form of a gigsn'-c sapplerre at, tbe fu'l
size of tbe Barir itself, C'ifd wivh
ase'ul ssii beiititui at:-.D tai.1 csj
be nsed as patteim In fashioning many
articles suitable for hoi'day g'fii ; also de
signs for printing oa china, silk and satin,
for embroideries, etc., etc. Tbs proprietor
states that these designs, jf purchased of a
dealer, would cost ten limes the price of tbe
Bazar, which statement will at once be con
firmed by any one who may examine the
beautiful supplement. Tbe subscription
prioe vf Andrew's Bazar is $1 a year, aad
every subscriber is entitled to a valuable pre
mium, and, if tbey begin with the December
number, they will secure t le Csristmae sup.
I atlle aad tienll- area !
Just received a fine line of slippers, silk
sud J'oen likudke chiefs, neckwear, jewelr,
hosiery, et., for fie bol'dsys. If you want
to make any of your gentlemea friends
Christross presejt yoa will Pnd tVs arstrt
ment tbe most complete and the prices the
lowest in town, or if yon wast rometli'oj
mere costly ill sell yon au overcoat or suit
of clothes for man or boy vei-y !ow for cash,
L. E. Elais.
Bay Tour PreseaU.
Don't forget to buy presents for the liUle
fslks, and before you buy be sure to call at
Joseph's, one door above Mady s restaurant.
There yon can find a stock of
toys of every conceivable pattern suitable
for boys and girls of all ages. They are go
ing oil fast, and you should call os'ly and
select wbat yon want.
A Ba Vurueii.
Last Wednesday merging a barn belonging
to C. O. Baraes, situate ou his farm out near
Sa ia Ridge, was burned to the ground. It
was full of bay and contained nothing else.
It is supposed that the fire was caused by
tramps sleeping in the barn. It was a total
loss, with no insuranoe.
Tbe "Laughing Man" came "gol dern
nigh" splitting bis sides roaring over the
work done at the State Fair on the "Davis"
Sewing Machine. -
"fcVlsrevereel al Last.
Editor Dtmtcrat :
I thisk it ia the duty ef soma on to an
swer the sditorisl of tlis Oregon 'an of Dm.
Pth, 1SS0 entitled "Discovered at Last."
I have no personal interest in the matter ex
cept that which all citizens should have in
defending the welfare of the state, I never
waed share in any of the companies whose
interests are involved in th's question. How
ever I desire to see justice dene these mea
who commenced and carried te successful
completion the Willamette Valley and Cas
cade MeoaUin Wagon Road. The Oregon
i aays that the land granted the company
ware given away "ostensibly to build a wag
on road aad yet no road worth the nam
has boon constructed, and no equivalent has
been rendered for thia vast tract at land."
This i giving the lie to the gsatlemsn whe
received the road for the state, on of whom
was tho gentleman el so ted by th people f
Lion county at th last state election to th
State Senate. Doe tho OrejeKi'rs auetk
that bs was a party to th atlrgtd fraud f
What does th editor of th Origonian
know about th condition of th road T H
makes unqualified charges of friud against
the original Wagon Road Company aud bases
his authority for his statement npon a dis
patch containing references toa report of on
Win. F. Piosser, a special agent of th gen
eral land office at WashingUn. Shortly after
the return of the Prosser party from their
ttip across th mountains I asked Mr. Jason
Wheeler, the gentleman who acted a Mr.
P.-ower'a guidej what th bitter geatlejiaa
tbonghli of th road and Mr. Wheeler tcld
me that Mr. Prosser had e -pressed himself
as wsll aatis6od with th road, aad had not
expeeted to find it in such m good condition.
Ntw, why shou'd this gentleman make
these assertions her and than go to Wash'
ingtoa aud change them?
IV.csa he can eipbvnbi wsoderful change
it his op'niuns I thiuk hie report should be
looked npon with coiieidenbl suspicion, to
ay the lesst
1 bav traveled ever thia road from Albany
eastward for about two hundred miles. I
bsvetisvelcd ovr the greater portUn of this
distance so ire tea e: twelve times be :ng the
most mountainous part Ia say opinion it is
a good wagon mountain road.
Has this road ver benefitted lb people of
IV 3 slate ? I'aa the stato sver received any
equivalent for the lands grs ated te th com
pany that built th road ? Th OrtgonUi
deLe that any equivalent has ever been
Tbe remriaoy was not ropoasiUe for th
"open character" of th count? east of tbe
mountains. Neither were they responsible
for th abseuc of rive -s on th route needing
tw'dges. The Deschutee river is fo.-dable
wbe.-e tbe road croraea it at any season of
the year. ' It neither rises nor fa' Is mora
than from eigbteea or twenty inohes, ao I
in reliably informed. The otlier streams oa
the rod are only a few inches deep except
wbea swollen by mclLog snow.
What baa the road dc e to beis'jt th
stats? I sjswer : lit It baa opened a vsst
region o' country for settlement ia th son th
era pa-1 of Esitetn Orsgoo, whirh wou'd now
probably bo the visi wilderness it was before
tne completion of the road. Thousands of
catt'e and sheep hav been driven over thia
rosdsioia its completion, some of which
have even been aoIJ in the markets of Chi
c.130 ard St. ) .euts. 1 honssads more are ia
that count. yjiow, aad every year arebe:ng
di iven to those markets.
2nd. It hf s been tho means by which
hundreds of familiee have found comfortable
homes of ther oj, which they probably
would not hav had.
3. It hav furnished easy aad cheap means
of crossing from on side of th Stat to th
ether, thus avoiding the great monopoly of
the Coiombia river.
4. Without the road freights would be
even higher than they now are oa the Co
'c labia.
5. ItsboKeas the distance from I .inn,
Beuljn, Mai ion. Polk and Yamhill counties
te the southern part of Esotora Oregoa frova
200 to iiO ssilea.
C It makes the coat of travel to aad .'.tn
he same less than one half.
.It saves thousands of dollars to th
pt op'e of the state eve-y year.
It is suit e.ideat that th real object of
tie C 1 'Ionian is to defeat tbe nronosed rail.
road frojt Yaquina Bay eastward over this
oute. I repel tbe assertion of tbe Ortgom-
irn thai the original Wagon Road Company
committed a '.-aud in securing those land', as
a cooU nptible faLthood. No amount of vt-
tape.ation from th Orentmicn can defeat th
great dejire of the people of Lion, Lane,
LVatoi, Tolk, Marion and Yamhill corn tics
to rrske a harbor at the Yaquina Bay, which
will enable them to skip their grain to for
eign markets without seading it via Pert
.'and and the Columbia river five or six hun
dred mile out cf the direct way, merely to
I lease the nieti f.r whom th editor of the
O egon an a tites. Crnzsn.
A QarXlsn.
Albamt, Dec, II, 1380.
Ed '.itr JJctnvcrul :
Will you ple&se answer the fellowiog
questions through your paper :
1 Can a white man marry a full-blooded
ind'au woman in O.-egon without transgress
ing the laws of omjSUts ?
2 Do yoa know of any cas of a white
man marrying an indian woman in this state?
I ask these qnettions to decide a dispute
oa our m i.r.ago laws.
C. H. Mai HriALu
Ia lookiug at the laws of onr Stato we find
that wh'tes aid Begrocs even down to quar
ter-bloods are forbidden to mirry, but other
race aro not mentioned.
The second qaestiou we are compelled to
anwer in the uettive. To kuow ef several
cases wherein a white tuso is living wita aa
iailiAi uii.i wherj thev have urn
riud largo families.but whether r u.t they
were ever legally married we are uot pre
part 1 to answer.
BurLbarl Eretbora. .
This old linn iling their banner to ths
breeio in this issue of th Democrat, and
snnou nee to the public what kind of busi
ness they wudi to do. We not ioo that beside
the general real estate and brokerage Lusi
ness which they have been engaged iu, they
now propose to receive deposits and will pay
interest after thirty days. Both members of
tho firm are well known hove, and nothing
we conld nay would add to their present
popularity. Read their advertisement.
Disease Aniens Children. '
" This city and vicinity now furnishes eon
siderable work for the physicians on account
of the alarming prevalence of diphtheria,
scarlet fever and tr measels. A great many
children are sow ill, aad the publio schools
sre almost empty. ?
, L. E. Blaine is closing oat his entire stock
or mea's and beys' overcoats at great reduo
. tion tor cash. '" ' ., . -
la Memetlnm.
Caps. Jas. Shields last week reoeived th
ssd intelligence of th death of his youugsst
brtar, Kaooh O. Shields, who died at Hills
bero, Ken., Nov. 21, I860. The following
kind wsrds ia rotation to th deceased ar
taksa (rom th F!rmlngburg Timet :
It is a aad duty with us to record th
dsata of Enoch G. Shields, whloh took pise
at his rssidsno in Uillsboro, Ky., oa Snadsy
morniag last, of aa aeoamalatsd ca'cull. Bs
bad bee an invalid and a great sufferer for
many years, but through it all h bore him
self as k scams a man and a Christian. Th
early msmoryof th writer calls np Ms fa
miliar fao as tha teacher of a class ia Sab
bath Bohol ia Uillabaro, twenty. five year
ago, aad he was a member of that class.
Stoce that tim th change and cai real's of
lifs's vr shifting sea hav east us about
hither and thithsr upon th world, but aw
at tha close of his lit w eeme to offer this
feebl tribute to th memory of th departed.
K. O. Shield was a man of strong natural
mind, kindly impulses, strong and deep re
ligious ooaviotions. Starting ia life without
th aid ef fortune and with only suoh an ed
ucation as tbe schools of th country afforded
he set to work to win for himself an houora
bl nam ameag his fellows. II did not
ohoo the mor ambitious path of political
preferment, but as a merchant of th village
of his nativity, among those with whom he
was reared, and whom he knew and loved,
b strove to fulfill th injunction, "Do u a to
other as as yon would that others should do
unto you." Of hi character as a husband,
a fathsr, a citisen, aad best of all a Giiristiaa,
it is useless for us to apeak, ao far a our
resdsjs ia this county aad elsewhere were
seucerued. Hi lit waa aa xampl which
might be held np to coming geaorstiens as a
pattern. But he is goos. His dying hoar
war peaceful as those of m child falling
asleep in the arm of a loving mother. He
knew ia whom he trusted.
We tender to the bereaved wife and sor
rowful son, aud t.i th larg circle of rela
ativee oar sincere condolence. Bat remem
ber that it ia only a abort separation. He ie
aly gen te rest a little in advance. He
will gladiy greet yon "over there" whea
"lire's fitful fever ia e'sr."
II is funeral took place from the Methodist
Church at nilUboro, (of which be had been
a member since bis youth,) Tussdsy morn
ing, th discourse being delivered by Rev.
D. G. B. Dnmare. after which the remaias
wer taken ia charg by th Masonic frater
nity, of whiuh be was aa honored member,
aad interred at New Hope, followed Vy a
largo concourse of friends.
Frees Ockeee.
Urrta Ocuoco, Doc. 2, 1S80."
Editor Democrat :
I arrived here yesterday from th vsllsy.
crossing th mountain by th McKts.
rente. It had beea snowing ;a th mount,
aias, and th deepest I found waa from
eigbteoa to twenty iacbe. There was from
fourteen to fifteen mils of snow to rids
over, and the weather waa clear bat ex
treiaelycold on the mountains; as 1 came
dewa a th east aid it gradas'ly grew
warm and pleasant, and wasa I got to tbs
Deschutes il was real nice, only a Title
frosty in tbe msrniog aad evenings.
Stoos. is looking toe, betier than I ever
saw tbs m at this tim ef the year. 1 beir
coat look aa though they had been kept ns
aad stall fed.
Th weather was clear here tilt yesterday.
whea it ttegaa to enow a little, but it let ap
daring th aigbt, aad thera waa very liUl
on th ground ia th morning. It started ia
again about Boon to-day, and ia now very
cold, with tbe wiad from th west.
Tao Oehoe quartz miners bave struck a
nsw breeze, and ara in the best of spirits.
Priaaville is qoite lively, aa a great raaey
people bav moved ia from the ceoot.-y.
Th sporting portion of the by ar spe
cially lively. They bad a 700 yard horse race
a few days age, ia whioh three of oar beet
horses engaged, viz : "Footer," 'Tep-ey"
aad "Cot ton -nose." 'it did not result very
satisfactorily to our mor sober class of cit
izens, as tbey argued tbe ruler of each hers
was too heavy iu tha shocMers, with muscle
a th arm to eerrespood ; but tbey will
make it right next tim. Tbr is a race to
come ofToa tbe I Oth iuat between "Cotton
nose," and "Pop-eye," for $500 a siJe, dis
tance, CII0 yards.
Th first number of Oehoeo Pionnr will b
issued on Saturday, the 4th insk
Tbe mail carrier hav mad their last
trip Borons tb Cascade mountains ou horse
back for this winter, for yesterday moraiag
th snow was from 3 to 4 feet deep ia th
mountains, and et:U snowing. From this oa
tbey will have to tak it on enew -oboes.
I met Abe Hacklemaa ia Priaaville. He
beat ma ia half. a day. W. G. A.
; Chinese aUels.
Tb waskhona diJCcuUy ended in a row be-
twsea til Cslsst'als themselves last Wednes
day evening. It eoems that when th liceas
w.s placed at (5 per month the head ofnb
a aeren( laanaia met aad n;erd inU a
sol sm n compact ta do n more "washca ' un
til the tax waa taksi oX After th meeting
of theCooac'l last Tuesday evemog Saa Wa
and Sin Chang concluded to go to wc:l
again, aad th next morning commenced tak
lag ia washing. This caused the other wash-
beusa preprieto.-s to b',o.u vary angry, and
tbey canr. around to Sin Chang' in a body
and p.woeeded to bnll-doz bim. Result
two or tnree fights, sereral black syes, nu-
msrous cost bills aad attorney fees, aad, w
hope, quite a contribution to tbe school fund,
bat of this latter w can't aay, as tbe trials
were going on befr Recorder Halter nd
Sqnir nven whea we west to press.
letter IIat.
Tbeioilowlne Is the list of letters renialnlnc
!n the Post Oltlee, Albany, Linn county, Or-
En, imc. iu, isw. jrersone eainnif lor ineae
Lters must jrlve the dale on wbtob they were
atlvemsed. f
Bible, A S
Cariaon, tl A
Chance, Curtis
King, Presley
Keliey, Mrs, (miliner)
AlcUlure, J M
McDonald, Mm
Misner, Wm J
Newman, H F
Rogers, J B
Shang, Charley,
Taylor, Miss Sarah
Turpin, Martha A
Kills, John
Kromm, A
Fromm, Elizabeth
Grimm, Oth
Gilraeur, Mrs Jos
Hocaa. Nannie
Hunt, Miss Maggie
iioutzs, tieua
Head. J G
1 urpin, A J
Ward, Geo
Johasle, Mrs
Williams. K V
: Wildea, John
Zink, Violetta,
Alnuey, C V
Ne I's Ball.
From present indication this ia going to
be the treat affair of the kind which th
Company, has over had, and that is ssying
a great deal, fer the old organization has
beea noted for its soirees. , As will be seen
hp reading; th advertisement it comes off at
tha Opera Honse ea Christmss Eve., and a
supper will be served at the Revere Iloaie,
at the moderate price of $1.50 per couple,
Make your arrangement to go.
CMcIlwain has just received a large addl
tiea to his boot aud shoe stock. Call and
scs him. f
as aad Abroad. ,
Farmers and Mechanics' Stor,
Sheriff Charlton is out collecting tsxea.
Scarlet fever ia raging here at present.
Go to Billy Watkin' for your groceries.
Chew Jackson's Best Sweet Navy Tobac
co, Ladies' aud gsnts' watches of all kind at
Titus Bros'.
All th leading music book for sal by Wi
ley Ik Alloa.
Hav you seen Ut fin ortineut of ring
at Titus Bros'?
On pile for all at tha Furmsrs' and M
chauics' Stor.
Very little wocat Las been purchased iu
this market lately. '
Chocolate caremal aud chocolate squs e
at 0. W. Oshora's.
Titus Bros, it tha place where you can get
value for your money.
Dr. Krichbaum aud mother return to tlis'r
California horn this wsek.
Buy your wife a fin gold waUh aad
chain at Titus Bros.
Fresh butter, and fresh egg always to bo
had at Billy WaUtins' store.
Titu Bros, ar selling their full line of
silver plated war very cheap.
On account of tha low price of wheat
time ar vry bard her now.
If you have property to sell, call on Stew
art ft G rey, OToole's Block .
Th next meeting ef th Blue Ribbon Club
will b held oa Christmss night
Boats ar now running bero rrgula-ty, sud
freight ia down to $1.00 per ton.
Tb Urgent and beat lia of jewelry ever
brought to th city at Titns B.os.
Tha waatbsr ehaa;od again last Wed s-
day and now It ia cool instead of wet.
Remember that Billy Watkin always pays
tho highest cash price for doer ski us.
Win. L. Watkin pay th highest cash
price for all kind of fur aad hides.
Every man's wife want a "Davis'' sewing
machinn. W. B. Scott, Albany, aaent.
r reparations are being made to get up a
aice Christmas tree at the 17. P. Church
Mrs. Failing, after making a lengthy visi)
ia this city, has retaraed horn t Port Is id.
If yon want a piesent for your father,
mother, sister or brother, call oa Titu Bros.
French is determined to dispoes f his
lock of holidsy goods; call aad beceav.arsd.
If you want some nice freab esndics for
Christmas go to Osborne'. II csn fit you
W bear that Geo. W. Belt, Esq , contem
plate removing from .Salem to fndepend-
French and American candies of all kinds
sold by C. W, Osbera at the lowe.t cash
Call and look at a line of goods selected
ith grr-at care for tb holidays, at Titus
Good smoking and chewing tobacco OOo
per pound at tbe Farmers' and Mechanics'
If yea want to bay farm or village piop-
erty call oa Stewart aud Grey, O'Teole's
For firtcU iusurauoo iu leliabl com-
psnise, call on Stewart and Grey, OToole's
Merchants are very buoy ri!ii? ready to
take stock, and will sn,n know n,-tly how
they stand.
W bear of one or two uiMiigra la lo i,i-U
ia bosiaeM firm iu iku cly about the tirt
of the year.
John Urigga has put up a net lion tiog
around tb elevator at Sender 4- SUmU '
new store.
Fred Mc"y, I. C. I'ickry and W. B.
Rice bave !( gut Lack homo aud
down to busiaeaa.
When lr. Klock geU all bis reaiis made
ba will bave one of the finest cuituoi fl uiing
mills ia tbe State.
What w prophesied about the tnatriuieti.
ia) market is being fultillod, and vei.iy the
end is not y tt.
Mi'J oery gcods will be sold at cost for the
nsxtthi-ly dys at M s. Ma l a's, opposite
the Reve.e House.
The Baplita have concluded to have a
Christmas True for toe benefit of their Sab
bath School scholar.
Wallia Nash, Esq., wa ia tew a a fsw days
ago. lie is very aanguiae over tbe proapevte
of tbe Oregon Pacific
Oar schools are runing down to almost
nothing an account of the prevalence of
scarlet fever and diphtheria.
The largest, cheapest and most attractive
stock of winter and dress glove in towa at
th Farmers' and Mechanic' Store. '
Call add seetboae faacy embroidered slip.
pars, ladies' and gents', at Samuel E. Young's,
Just the thing for a Cbristiaaa piesent.
Mr. J anal has Need ham died near Tax.-
gnt but Wednesdsy night .8b and her
hatband were among the first aeltlers iu tb:
Yeung man, yon can't make Acr a more
appropriate present than one of these aottlss
of faacy pefumery for aale at Fesbsy and
Upper Ochoco is without,, post-oflioe, or
rather, a postmaster, tha emolument of the
office being considered insufficient for th la
bor entailed.
The Machaniu'a Bras Band wsa out ou
night thia week and serenaded all these gen,
tlemen among whom Leap Year ha snada
such ravage. -
Th Evangelical Sabbath School ba taksa
a nsw dtps; tar and will have a "Christmas
Arch on Cnriatmaa Eve, Th publio is ia
vited to atlead.
C Before baying all your presents call around
at the City Drug Store, where you will fiad
a One assortment of holiday cood. vases,
perfumery, eto.
Rev. S. (;. Irvine mot with a saver fall
but Saturday evoning, which bruited one ef
his limbs ao that lie was n liable to fill his
pulpit oa Sabbath.
The best teacher' Bible the "Oxford"
can be had cheap at Allen' Music sad Book
Stor. And at tha same place you can get
the prettiest of holiday gifts.
J. W. O. CoOrars 8tate Agent of th Com.
msreial Insurance Company of California,
and Mr. Magill, th General Aeent of the
Home Mutual, wer in th city last wock
I On of th bast places in tha city
ta purchase groceries is at Redueid and -Ir
vings. They always keep a nice, fresh, stock
of goods and sell aa choap aa the cheapest,
Mr. Bellanger haa improved th Slar
Brewery so that h can now store away sev
eral tboBSaud gallon, and in consequence
can fill tha large orders coming in with
out delay.
The chess-players of Harrisburp have ohal
lenged the chess players of Junction to play
sometime during the holidays a series of
three games of chess, the losers to pay for
an oyster supper.
. A petition for reestablish nient oi the mail-
route between Frineville and Silver Springs
has been forwarded to Washington, Ther
ar many Settlements bet ween the two point,
practically without mail facilities, letter
sometimes remaining in tha Frineville sfCce
two or three month before an oppoi tiuity
offers to forward them.
Daring tha past week there has been a
grand rush to Foshry and Masons for holiday
gosds, aad they have don a larg busiaeas,
but they still have th bast stock in th city
and can suit almost any one. Go around
there and look at their holiday goods.
' Arthur Wilson, of Portland, th energetic
general ageut of the old Aetna Life Insur
ance Co., camo sp last week and went away
lait Tuesday. 1s is now Vice Consul of
Swedeu und Norway. He seems to tak a
great interest iu music particularly ia th
ladies' brass band.
Memos. Stewart aud Gey hav suuu ed
the agoncy of the well-known Commercial
Insurance Co. of California, and ar prepared
to writ iusuraou in that company. Tbey
new represent tbe line of companies on
tho coast and can giv rates as low as any
agracy, and tbe further asMuranc that all
losss will bs promptly paid.
"What I J o'.'t'icsl sc'.oaoe?" asl.s an r
chatige. IV'tiral soisuce 1 Pol'tieal science !
0, ysi, ws see. When you oan make people
be'ieve that yon can hold ollic better than
tb man who is iu, and they have the confi
dence to put you in hi pi, you bav de
monstrated about all thor ai iu political
Holidsy good at a great sacrifice at F.
a,..Frejch' until Nsw Ysar. I vC!l sell
i-j-hiS la my )'oe, consisting cf ladies'
bi.d waLhca aid chain, gents (.old and ell
ve watches, a raa'somo assortment f jw
r'ty, s'to a It a I's of s'ivorwsr of vry
4fcc p.ion mauufscluied by the Meridea
Pitt Co., and wa ranted th Ut Roger
PrcJ. foiK shkmv, etc , etc. Remem
ber, I naan bus ieM and wifl sell regard!
of pr'ca. Cs.l and xauiii oodssnd prices.
F. V. 1 re.icii, Oibl Fellows Tern-
It Is a painful eight to m young ladies
In their ton wlUi wrlnklod and prema
turely old faon; noverthlex It U quit
comnion.anil to any one who olmervestue
slKiia of the 1 1 1110 the reason ta very appa
rent. Owliitf to the Mamlng advertisement
and boirua certificates, iu whb.-h are uaetl
tho 1 ta met of eminent pbynluian and
chemists, the unsuspecting and creduloos
bavo lMea Induced to use aoino of tb ao
rallotl liquid baaiitlllora, all of which are
know a to be positively Injurious, aad K
usckI for any loiiRth of lliue will destroy
tho complexion, au that It will ba next to
linpoMublo to rentor It. Mother should
ba very careful to so that tholr daughters
do not use tbese prcpamUena, but atk for
and obtain Hlavan'a llanoiow Yoaemil
Face l'owiler,tbouly barmloM beaittlfler.
For sain by r'oshay t Mnwu; yuatar's
Brick, Main St., Albany, Or. . , 4
rcrfertlsa Bore!
Oue of the Latent and withoat tjueatioa tha
most perfect sewing, machine now before, tb
public is too "Davis;" why they actually
mak out of strips of cleih eupt. saucers,
baskets, etc, ia perfect shape. We saw one
at tbe Albany agency and together with many
sample of practical work notod will say
that ther are things never before made on a
Sewing Machine. Go and sc for yourselves
and be ewurinoed. W.' B. Scott, Agent
Toys ao4 HetUfay Lim1.
If yon call around ittt Ooarad Meyer's you
will find that be ha brnj,'bt oa a mag
niliccnt stock of toys mod holidays goods,
and that bis priors are away down. - B enre
to call and take a peep at bis stock, and buy
your holiday presents now aud have tbetn
bud away, lie d'icsn't want to carry any of
bis goods over, and consequently everything
can be had at a bargain.
AU triads ef lasiUr.
We bave for sale, tnith at Ltbaaoa aad
Wm Ki-lgo.3)0,000 foet of all kinds of lam-
!cr, such as ecauUinjJ. joists, barn timbers.
xin(!, fencing, and other roab lumber.
At UImuioo ve stva a eaperior lot of dry
I u iu bur. such as rustic, tooriup, etc. Owing
to the late fire, we are offering this lumber at
reduced rates. Address os at lelwnoa.
Ijibakuk, Or., July 31, 1S-S0.
A Krsaeval.
1 ub all to take notice Uuxt I have rented
tha building formerly occupiod by Senders
and Sternberg, and after Decet.l-r 1st can
be found at that place. Thanking my cus
tomers for past favor I recctfully ask a
continuance of the same, not doubting that I
can do as well by them in the line of general
merchandise as any establishment in the
citv. I. O. Jaokson.
A Hattrat Si ma ass.
Wiler E. Allen bat just 'siusd a "Ma-
siral A 'si rc, which is quit a nu pnbli
ii'ot. reside (it ngthe osral ia'orma-
lion it hai a cemptele list of sheet music,
mu-uc Lsu'., etc., g'v sg the piUei. Every
oje should hav a copy.
Ueaer to smb.
By rsfctellce to our adveitisio columns it
ill be seen that C. II. Hewitt, Esq., an
nounce that ha haa uionsy to loan on ap
proved security. If yeu want anything in
that line clve bim a call. OlCoo in O'Toole's
Fine Faraltare.
Fred Uraff is manufacturing some of th
finest furniture ever exhibited in this mar
ket Ilia bedroom, set are perfect models of
taste and beauty ; and what ia better still.
they are all from Oregon timber.
Tbe Faineas Daw Seed WUeal.
Rufus Thompson, of Center precinct, hss
some of tho celebrated Russian wheat for
sale. This is the variety that waa imported
bv Sam'l Daw. You who want seed wheat
take duo notice.
tildes and Farm.
V. II. IIart!cas is still buying all kinds of
furs and hides, and as haa always been his
custom will pay tho highest market price in
cosh. - He can be found at Herren's meat
CAT A Bttll awXETIHEll
conimonce with a oold, but its euro at.
wayb commences with tbe use of bage's
Catarrh Ktmrdv, u his om, reus uie and
well-known remedy has stood tbe test of
years, ana was never more popular man
For Lame Back. Side or Chest use Shi
loh'a Porous Plaster. Prioe, 25 ct Sold
by Foshay & Mason, Druggists, Albany,
- BOttX.
MCKNIGHT. At Lower Soda, Deo. 12,
1830, to th wife of I. P. McKnight a son.
CRAWFORIt. In this city, December
13, 1S80, to tho wife of Rev. Win. J. Craw
ford a daughter.
cember 12. 1880. by Rev. T. B. White, Mr.
Michael. Richard and Miss Emma Traci
ail of Benton county. .
PEARL HUGHIS. At the reaidenee
of R. D. Wilson, in this city, Deo. 15, 1880,
by Rev. J, W, Harris, Mr. W. a. PbarIh
of Ualsey, and Miss Ada. Huohss, of this
SHRUM SHELTON. At the resideaoe
of Mrs. Thorp, in Fork of Santiam, Deo.
VI, 1S8U, by Ja. Williams, J. P., Mr, F. C.
Shrcm, of Marion county, and Aucs R
khbltok, of Lian couaty.
The Markets.
Following is a correct report of tb mar
kets ia this city np to noon yesterdays
FLOUR $3. 50 per bbl.
HAY baled, $10&$U per ton.
loose, $3,
POTATOES 75 ct per bushel.
BUTTER 25 to 30 oi per lb.
EGGS 33 cents per dee.
FORK 5 to 4 ct par lb.
BACONS-ham, 1417c
shoohlers, 12c
sides, MJc.
DR1KD FRUIT sua dried apples, 10c
" " plums, 14c
Ilumraer dried apples, 14c.
" " plains, 18c
CUICKKN.-$2.50$8.09 per do.
SUGAR San Francisco C, 12&0.
CO FFEE Costa Rica, 1820e.
Java, 30c.
Curoola 22c.
Rio, 20.
MILL FEKD brae, $10&$U per too.
chop, $18$20.,
aborts, $15.
middlings, $20 13.
in advance w will tend to
any address for one year
CRAT. And for
ia advance we will send
to aay address for a veer
-A Fine Thing for the Teeth
Fragrant S0Z0D0NT is a composition of
th purest and choicest ingredient of tb
Oriental vegetable kingdom. Every iagre
dieut ia well known to hav a beneficial af
fect en th teeth and gums. It embalming
or antiseptic property and aromatic fra
grance make it a toilet luxury. SOZO DON'T
remove all disagreeable odors from tbe
breath couscd by catarrh, bad teeth, etc It
is entirely free from tb injurious and acrid
properties of tooth pastes aad powders which
destroy the enamel. One bottle huts six
Ter t Tej-s t Ters t
Julius Joseph always haa eclipsed all
petitors ia the line of toys, and be still keep
up his lick. II ha opened out a stock ia
tho building eoe door above Mady' Restaa
rant, and is now ready to supply tb demand
for toy. He absolutely has everything, and
as he wants to quit th business, yon will
get rare bargains by calling upon him. Re
member that he tally intend Belling very
thing in hi (tore, so call early aad make
your choice.
going to a iloror for a prescription, if you
have I'.rigbt'a tiiseawe, IHabeteat, Fain to
tbe Rack and Loins, Smarting, Inflamma
tion, Calculi, Rrick-Uust Deposit, or aay
trouble of the Kidney or Bladder, boy a
bottle of Dr. Mintie'a Nephrettoum, ibe
great Ruchtt Compound. It ia the moat
wonderful prescription for these troubles
ever compounded. M emirs. Abrauia A
Carroll, wboleaale druggists, say: YVe
rvtrard Nepbreticum as the beat kidney
and bladder rented In tbe market."
Woodard, druggiMt, Portland, Or., aays :
Kveryijody speaks hijhly of tt." Child,
druggist, Foniand, or., say a: "Mold lots
of tt; tt always diw ibe work." Many
have been cured cf obstinate kidney com
plaints a.lcr the dxor have id ven tbetn
up. 1'rloe, f 1.26. For aale by ail drug
eurta. RETTKK THAN GOLD Is nerfaot
health, and yet many are Buffering the tor
ture of tbe damned with Dvspermia when
ncie bottle of lR. MI XT IK'S NU-
K1HIA PiLLH will cive relief, and. lf
peritd In, will cur the worst oaa of
ibis Olnirwwlng trouble. Till pill cure
torpid Liver and RUrousneaa, liesnbuea
the Rowela, remove Pimple I rom tbe
race, cure fallow Complexion, Foul
Hrealh. htkslc Headar-be. Hoartbura. Pain
in tbe (tides and Back; ia Ruawr-oomted and
iUAKAartcuioiit rUKELi
TAbLE. It acta directly on tbe coatinz of
uie cxoinaca snu on uie xiver. uan be
taken in any dime wet or dry weather.
Beware or imitations. Tbe gennin baa
an engravlno; of a lion on the outaide
wrapjwr. Price, W eouta. For aale by all
sVe Cknllewce tb World.
Wlicn we aay we believe we have evl-
danoe to prove that Shtlob'a Conaumption
Cure ia decidedly the bent Lung Meciioine
mado, lunaroucb aa tt will fine a common
or Chrouio Cough in one- half ibe time, and
relieve Asthma, Rronobttw, Whooping
Cough, Croup, and abow more oaaau of
consumption curea liiau all otnera. It
will euro wli ere thev fail, it ia rdeaeant to
take, batmleea to the yenngeat child and
we guarantee what we aay. Prioe, 10 eta,
50 eta, aad $1.00. If your Lungs are Bore.
Chant or Rack lame, one Shiloh'a Poroua
flakier, eoia Dy oanay A Aiaaon, Drag-
guaB, Aioany, uregon. ns
STOKATIVK Tbe creat itozliah reaaedr
nas made more curea or JServou Debil
ity, rjeminal Weakness, Lost Manhood,
nocturnal emuanona, laaaituae, inabuity
for mental labor, despondency and aucu
diaeaaea aa are induced by youthful folUea
and exoeaaen, than all other medicine
combined. Why will you auflerT bend
to A. K Ml n tie, M. D., Mo. 11 Kearney
atreet, San Francisco, ior tbe Kestoraiiv
and be cured. Price, $3 per bottle. Four
tiinea the quantity, $10. TryabottJ, Dr.
mid tie treats all private disease auoeeax-
S Ueceptloai Uaed.
It ia stranee that ao manv neonle will
continue to suffor day after day with Dys
pepsia. Liver Complaint. Constipation.
isour stoBiacn, or ueuerai ueointy wnen
tbey oan procure at our store billion's v 1
taliaee, free of cost tt" it does not cur or
relieve them, price, la cts. Hold Dy rro-
anay & Mason, Druggists, Albany, ur.
Thousands of aoldier and beirs are n
titled to pensions, with payment from date
or aiacnarco r uoatn, u appued Kr before
January l. issu. wounu, aociaentai La
in ry or disease entitles to a Pension,
Bounty and back pay collected. Increase
or pension secured, xnis ur:u estaoiianed
in IStiti. Address, onclosincr stamp, KD-
SON BROS., U. S. Claim Attorneys, 711 O
Street, Washington, u. j.
Slaven's Cherry Tooth Paste.
An aromatlo combinnlion for the preser
vation of the Teeth and Gams. It is far
superior to any preparation of the kind in
tne niaricet. la lanre, nanosome opai
pots, price 50 cents. For Bale by Foshay
a mason, Albany, urcgon.
" Si
Inventors aad ratealees
should send for instruction, terms, refer
ences, eta, to Edsen Brothers, Solicitor of
Patent, Washington, I). C, who furnish
the same without charge. Edson Brothers
is a well known and successful firm of large
experience, having been established in lSGii.
B Ton Waal Faraltare t
Jas. Dannals, in this city, now haa on
hands a larger stock of rarniture than any
other establishment thia side of Portland,
and if yon want to purchase any it will pay
yon to give nun a call. - il haa something
to tell you in regard to bis prices.
Notice ta Farmers.
Having purchased the Cheadle Flouring
Mill I am now prepared to do custom work
for the usual toll, and will turn out as good
flour as can be had in tbe valley. ,
tf ' C. Klock.
Subscribe to tha "IUuttrcUed Wasp" the
most readable Journal oa th Pacific Coast.
HawliasC Baa 3LBaf" ZsLai ' 2
, TO XjO A.TT-
Iernon wibing to effect loan upon ap
proved security can bo afcomwiodatod by
apply in i to C. H-HEWITT,
O'Toole's Brick Block, Broadalbln St.,
Albany, Oregon. 0tf
rny frifnfn and tbe pnblie that I have
nHtabliKhed rny Dew placr; of boMnesa at
the corner of VI IWT and FERRY Wa.,
where a full t'ialay of
CEfiERAL r.lRCE!Ari31S
oxBiwmo or
Staple a (id I ;;ncy D17 Goods
EmbroiuVi-i?, Gloves, Corseta,
Ladies' & Gents Farnislilng Goods
Lidiet', Gcnt'i, Miuei k Childrf o't
H00T3 and SHOES,
HATS and CAPS, Etc-
ass a nss uss or '
Etc, Etc., Etc.,
Far; knl ar attention bavins; been paid fo
tbe aeiectlou of style ami quality in th
diflereut department of nay business. I
am confident that wyjprioe will compare
favorably with any offered In this market,
and a fair chance I kindly aaked.
I Ifaauk von for tbe liberal oatronaz
already ronelved , and hope to merit aeon
tiouaace of tbe saue.
Albany Engine Co. Xc. 1,
Friflay Eyb., December 24, 1833.
C'ensasillee of Asrnaaea 1st
FRED. L. Ill 4. J. A. OILMOIK.
BteecaeJesi Ceaaasltseet
Fleer Cetaaslttee t
STAIGER BROS. - Vnvtitian.
Executed In lui' -ui or Vermont Marble.
Aluo. everv v
"iety of cemetery and
loue with neatness and
other atone work
Special attention iriven to orders from
all parts of this State and Washington
fMAXL work warranted. r.Mf
Ur A. F. CHERRY, situated at corner of
First and Montjronjeiy btreeta, Albany,
Havlr g '.akea charge of tbe above named
Works, we are prepared to manuiiaetare
Steam Engine, Saw and Urist Mills,
Wood-working Machinery, Pumps, Iron
and Brass Castings of every description.
Machinery of all kinds repaired. Spe
cial attention given to repairing farm ma
chinery. ratter Manlaa ae la all Its femes.
l&llyl A. F. CHERUTf A SOS.
Notice to Tax-Payer3
OF tiaiM COCaiTY.-
NOTICE la he.-eby given that I w ill meet
the tax-payers of Linn county at 9
o'clock: A. M , and remain until o'clock
P. M., at their respective pbu-es of voting
in the several precincts, at the following
times and places, for the purpose of col
lecting the taxes for the year 1831.
Lebanon, Friday, December 3.
Waterloo, Saturday, December 4.
Liberty, Monday, December 6.
Sweet Home, Tuesday, December 7.
Itrush Creek, Wednesday, December 8.
Mabel, Thursday, December 9.
Brownsville, Saturday, December 11.
Center, Monday, December 13.
Syracuse. Tuesday, December 14.
Orleans, Wednesday, December IS.
Harribburg, Thursday, December 18.
lialaey, Friday, December 17. ,
. Shed J, Saturday, December 18. -West
Albany. Monday, December 20.
East Al ban jgjTuosday, December 21.
TAKE KOTICE-Pay your taxes and
save oots. J.J.CHARLTON,
Sheriff and Tax Collector of Linn Coun
ty, Oregon. 18v,3
To Stock Raiser
ra THE ' i ,
On Saturday. Nov. 27. 1SS0. the first
number of a weekly paper, to be called
The Ochoco Pioneer,
will be issued at PrinevHle, Wasco Co ,
Oregon, and will be published in the in
terest of that immediate section, more en
peci&ily as rest&rUs ?toek raising. Parth
residing in tho Willamette Valley, and
Owning stock in Oohoco. can receive reli
able intelligence by subscribing for tbe
Piojiekr. Send marka and brand, w hie h
Will be published free.
Teriua SO per wear.
aid "Pub. "Ochooo Pioneer."
1 5