a-lsj Sf 'tfj'-jf'a STATS MIGHTS liEMOCKAT Itl tii raths or ADvmvrvnm. ISSUED KVERY FRIDAY BT rrK'K. l"nm-riMttlldl.(i-alr ttripr Braadnlala aaa Mmiil U. TERMS or 8Un.scktPTIOI: Slnl. oorv, per .ear .. fta 00 Si4u ofy six nit4a. t 00 Sirfk iy, three aknidi 1 00 ntf. nuiotxr. lo Buina notiOM In the Loral Columr 20 eetitN per line. For leitat and transient ad varteiDnt tl 00 per aywara, for the flrai-rnsertloD Saa 60 eenta per agaare for each subaequent -aertkiD. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER TO, I8fcc. VOL. XVI. NO. 19. m mb. h k " 244 Ait 1M If H f K . 1 ao fij lc il r$J Sh 4 " 4 60 Jf to 1W 1 t1 HI X Col A t w oo Km S6 oal 5 r, ." 7 K) 12) JAM 0 Cal 4 P1 X " i oe it oo af 40 oo f.-i i " i oe a on oo ea oo te 1 J 1 ( 1 J r r V r PROFESSIONAL CARDS. e. I. woLraaro. . (. MtM1V1;KY, 1IUUIMIREY & WOLVERTOX, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, AlUanv, Orrgon. WU practice In ail the tVnrta in the Stt. IViOatc mMtera etui milfe..".." alitUMlvU 1.1 trMltUt. TlllMf UIN. O. K I'HAMItKt.l.AlN. FLIXX & niAMBEHLAlX, ATTOUXISYK AT E.AW, Alban), Orron. jKTOluoe In Koater's Itriek lilork.-tV vlSnlStf. H, 8. iTMBAM, I H.TaAT. STKA1IAN & lHIAJiU, 1TT0MEYS & COUNSELORS AT LAW Albany Orrgoo. 1JRACTICE IX A IX TUK COV KTS OK ihia State. They pive special atten lion to collection anil probato matter. Uffioctn r'oster'a new buck. 4'Uf L. H. MONTANYE. ATTOltN EY AT LAW. AXD Notary Public. Albany, Oregon. Office upstairs, over John Urines store, 1st street. vUniJtf D. R. N. BLACKBURN, ITTORKEY ftJID COUNSELOR AT UW Albany, Orepan. c a etalra la tat Odd Frllew'a Trai la. a- Collections a specialty. ap:i. J. K WEATHEETORD, (NOTARY Pl'ULIC.) iTTOKNEY AT VriLi PRACTU K IV ALL THK COURTS OF THE HUM. Special altauUou mirvu U cuiiectioiia and probata matter. trOthc in OJd F.lbw'a Temple. 144 AY J. C. FOWILL. W. R. HILYKU. POWELL & BIIA'EU, wTTOKNEYS AT LAW, And Solicitors iu t'baBrery, ALBISV. ... UKI.UUX. Collections promptly made on all iwiint. IxMUiM nettittiaiud on rea-sonuule tt-rtita. fdrxjrti in Koater'a lirk k.-X vHulirif. T. I tlAl'It 1.1231 AA ArrouxuY AT LAW. CdT (li. HDBIHir-i in the Od.l K.-1 !nia 1euip!e.- Vl3n50 F. M. MILLER, aTTOHNEY at law LEBAWOX OltEUO.V Will practice In all the muni of the K-tl. frumpi attention iciv.-o to ciil-i'thii. cn veyaawa aud eiannaaltoo of Titit-. Fnitmi bueiueaa a epeciat it jr. v UoKI. THE HAS ONLY "WORLD'S FAVORITE." 12 IJlTf rHW$l OUTLASTS won K I KG PAKTS. OT11E 99 SEWING MACHINE. Awnrtlrtl lri.t rrrntlnm. Ormon Ktaif Vmlr, I7 ! IS NEICKBOR GOODWINC'S STORY. ''Nttplmwr Natlmn wna always gniille. I doubt if ho ever knowingly trod iikii a worm, and I'll venture no word ev'vr escaped liia lipR tkatf lie would wihli to tocall. He early found tlio oace of heaven, and tias been all liidrty tliauk ing God that the blrHMingn voucliHufud to him aro so manifold. It in aa I now rail to mind hoiiio tightetm montha an my ajieuao atood tinder the tuale tree that ia mmr our porch, buay, aa ia licr wout, with Home dairy iiiitltfiH, thttt hho litiuid tho clnttar of a horao'a hiHifri, atul looking up whom did aheat'O but her nephew, Naihun. lie rode up to her, and without diamounting, sa luted her, bunding low to do ho, mid alter presenting her with a fut and neatly dreawd fowl, mud diacoui'MC which I will repeat, an nearly aa my memory beura out what my wife did tell me." Tho lArd hath ta-n very goxl to lue, iny Aunt Charity." "So he liatii, Nathan. "Mr blewiinga are more than I run reckon, my Aunt Charity." "Iruly, you do well alwuya to bear that in mind, Nathan." Yetl fear that, through ho tunny Awairtlrtl fr'irat I..... ...i ll. ul.r.cl !u Flrat merctea, I hI.bII be unmindful of my (1m. (23 roiuiietitorM) ul the Aut rnllau liileruattional Kxhlbltlon. spiritual dutiea, and becomo attached to 1S. ... ,. '. the thinca of time aud aetiae, my Auttt I.WYS nKC F.n r.SriU!iT l'ltENli n IIE THE JIDOWI Charitv." ARK I.MCAKTIAL. Tho "DAVIS" Sewing Maviiiue Caininy are manufuoturlng and iladihics per Week ! Selling 1,090 It is CHEAPEST because it is BEST. It loe evry variety of work without basting, and liaa inoro piactloalattauiiuieula than all olliors ivuihintHl. 52 W. It. NCOTT, Agent. Albany, Oregon. J. a. YA.vns ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW CORVAtUS, OREGON. r"w la all the t'.xi.l of h Klale eVOlUco In the Court limine " umavi. DE. G "WILLIS PEICE, DKTIST. Odd Fellows' Temple, Albany. Oregon. Office hours from 8 to.' 2, and from 1 to 4. l&lOif D. 15.. Jones, M. D. Physician and Surgeon, A LB A XV. RECOS. Warners Safe Kidney Liver CURE. A I'oaitlTe Krmnlr for AM. littl ney. LHrrriMl I rluar) Trouble or botU ?IIe nl Female. Artins Dircetly upon the OrcmK Allrrt fd. For the IIol'Kraiian It i Iu-valoable. KEAi) Tin: iirxoiii): "Tt naved niv life." K. 15. 1-iktly, Seltna, ASa. "I advixe all to (ry it." Jobu Itrimdou, Ijoavcnworlli, Kan. "It intlie retnwly that will enrethe miiny lieas ji?uliar to women." Mother's Mm.-azine. W Ih lit.". .1 M-in t t-w.. . ..- teirMninui from Komeof the biabeirt nuM- K-al talent of tho itnintry." ew Jork World. "So Remedy heretofore discovered ean bn held for ono moment in c-ompariwii with it " C. A. Harvey, I. I., u!hmg ton. I. C. "It It the lxst and only efficient remedy forKitlneyand Liver troiibleever hrouylil tfore tba public." tf'ol.) John K. Me Cbesney, Washington, I t'. "lam rejoiced to nay I am now a well man and am only too plad to i.;j-tily ni rarilins the plnriomt roultH f a remedy which ban made me o happy." (Kev.) V. F. Harklce, Ark. This Great Natural Henu-tly is for Sale by lM npists in all Farts of t he World. Sam el E. Youxu IS .NOW KECEIVINU HIS FALL and WIATUK STOCK 'You uiuat play to bo delivered from temptation, Nathan.' "1 have Cttttt my eyea about, Meek in e aome meana by which I may Ikj tried aa by tire, my Aunt Charity. "ou do wrong, THuthan. J ho L-rd wotka in hia own way." "Therefore, I believe Lo hath direct ed my thought." "What ineun you, Nathan I 'Toward Mr. Folly I'lentina, my Aunt Clarity." Now, if 1 know mv aiiouhe, noiuh- bora," aaid Mr. Gootlwing, interrupting the course of hia narrative ; " mid, to judge by the llaah of indiguattcn that waa in her eyea aa abe told me Una, the answer that she gave Natlmn waa not gentle. Her worda were : 'Toward that shrew ! Why, she hath iu her to afllict a man worso than him from whom our !ord did drive aeveu "And hearing that, ymi did not (urn away, Nathan V "What I heard only aatittliod me, Aunt Charity, that I should find the tribulation I do greatly need. Mr. Trent hia como to me, and I spoke my J you because he had no triula,theHe were "1)3 yod know why ho tnnrrioJ you 1 Aro you so stupid that you have, not ilwcovcrcti that I tny spouse asked. "1 know, fur ho made confident of me previous to tho wedding. lie married tuiiid to hint without delay. 1 said that I desired hia daughter in miit riago." "And what did ho reply 1" :"lle answered that Eunice was a well-favored girl, and that ho could not deny her to mn, if she cIioho to take me. 1 said it waa not Eunice, but MittretV Tolly that I desired, and 1 confetti he aeeiuiid ama.ed, and did stare at me with a curtain fixed expression that was painful to look upon. Then he ap proached mo and said he had never heard that I waa imprudent" in toy drink, and I had trouble to ei'uada him that hia suspicion wronged me. Then ho looked at m again, and even hinted that my reason hail left mn. At 'KSdt t iernttadcd him to s.nid lia daugh ter Tolly to me. Aa kn (pitted the room he seized my hand and said : 'Na than, 1 pray that she may drive you from the house. It would be a bless ing to you.' " "Mistress Tolly citmu into the best room, my Aunt Charity, and, aa the door closed, aho stood with her back against it ami smiled, aud I confess the smile had naught of humor but only acorn in it, I tiembled at that muile, fearing that she would drive mn hence. " 'HeBk up, Nathan Appleby,' she said, 'for never aince your mother bore you, did you sx ak louder than a rat mews.' ' If I now remember aright I an aweied her nothing, for my thoughts were in confusion. " 'Art dumb V sho said. 'Might as well le for aught j on can sy. Your faco ia like a jack-o'-lantern, and your tongue as full of sjx-ech. What's now, I say I' "I asked her if her father did not tell htr. '"Had Lo told me,' said she, 'you would not see ins here. 1 mould like hia words, and he feared that he could not reach Heaven unless he had Lis share. Therefore he wedded you." Aha, a good one," said Mr. 1'antrv, aa ho tremblingly xhnok his head with laughter. "And what said She to that? nuked. Kipiire Whytynge. Never did she Kpeak so nnietly, and for some time ske mado no response, at last sho said : "Ho that was his reason, was it! Well I'll disappoint him. I'll be even with him. Ill make him an other sort of a wife from this hour, for I'll not be a pack horse to Heaven !" "When Nathan canio iu on after what did his wife do but approach him and kiss him, and Nathan trembled, for never had she done that. And she said 'dear Nathan,' and she dii lovingly caress him, so flint he was as one in a tranco. "Neighbors," continued Mr. Good will, "1 have seen their babe, aa I ie tnarked ; bu1 I saw Nathan gently stroking hia apouse's brow, and be did say soft words to her, to winch she made loving response, and as she looked cooly over his shoulders to my spouse and me, she said : 'Mr Aunt Chant v, you see what your words have driven me to. I am not anr pack horse, am I, iny husband V acd Nathan did even iu our presence kins her, and if she re turned not the kisn oi" love then I never gave one myself." "Would that I bad known that thus could she havo been conquered. For she waa the comliest lass in all these parts, and I would have put up with six months of gall for a life time of sweet ness. Had I known what I know now her name would I hi Blntutield not Ap- lek-v," said Mr. Elnmfield, sadly. XS Al !. SVIIIL. All innocent, hard woikin man yes- WaSMVUTeS LirrTER. The National Orange, Patrons of Husbandry, Las just held it, annual sesion in this city, all the states of the Union being reirresented. TLere were forty or fifty members present, many of them accompanied by their wives, who are also members of the order. When tfmn ear regular ConTiiKmUnil.) WASiiisoTOjf, I). C, Nov. 28, 1880. Only two weeks remain before the assen-.blingof Congress, and a great deal of interest centers upon the event The session, tkouirh short, will undoubtedly bean important ona. as the dne., the Grange was called to order by Mas ot the next Congress and probable di- tr' Frot J' J' Woodman, of Michigan, vision of power between the two houses Mr' s"nleri f e agticultural de- thereof, will create aome strife over partment, delivered an address of wel matters to be actid upon th's w later. I come, which was responded to on behalf The probability of an extra session after ' Orange by Col. Putnam Darden, the 4 th of March is alraady discussed. I f Mississippi Prof. Wood ma a then Should tbe Democratic majority of t,e delivered his annual address, reviewing present Congress decide to tray tliel1' work ,ne nd tbe Vro&T('M mide Marshals employed by the fcepublicam dnrin tle past year. ITe rcfeiTed to party in the late election, an extra ses- lhe iul,ort"DC of agriculturalists pro sion is not likely to bs called. But tlax their interests by means of or- there is gra ve doubt whether any appro- Saniztion "nd C0PrtioD- pnation for that purpose will be passed. Congress endeavored to modifr tl. l.w. autliorizing these Marshals, so as to T0R.1 IN TWAIN. aiakethfHi nen-partizan and fair, and raiKLC euti meet beats General Garfield Limself agreed with them for a time, but the stalwart wing of tlie Jrty bid dozed him out of the jiosition and induced Hayes to veto the amendments. This left the Democrat r.o other resort but to refuse aay appro priation for Marshals, and it is to lie hoped thai they have sand enough in I yesterday afternoon f the most horrible their craw to stick to it. Alexander accident that has occurred in this city II. Stevens, however, says he shall vote 'nco the ' the Bremen saloon to back down, and he thinks some others will. Phoso. MirHl.fKBl. Wblle Mafaliag a Belt la Wclsbr'i Mill h U Caasat aad VThlrlad Kaaaa tbe Shaft -Tbe Traab fall aa aa Me aa tbe L-( aa tbe larr. Weidler's saw mill was the scene to know what you. whoso spunk is less tertlBy loht a hitUiltioni j,,, )ia, than a wonu's. could have to anv to me from vour own Hi. Not to give ad- vire. I'll venture. You are no such idiot aa to try that. Come, I'll have it Belike vou would like to OF- li;U II VMMSK! devils." "Yet, knowing that, I desire Misticsa I out of vou. Polly iu marriage ; surely, in that way, I marry me T if iu no olhor, 1 may make self hacii- ...she said this, my Aunt Charity, as lice, aud be tried as by tire. ;n mrc-axm ; yet I am glad she said it, noon as the team bad gone the citizen ")ou are pleased to jest, Nathan. for uiy spirits sermrd to melt like an borrowed a quarter of a cord of the "I never jest, my Aunt Charity; for Afrit snow bank, and 1.d I not taken aame sort of wood of a neighbor and eveiy light word we are held to ac- i,or words on tho echo, I l ar i eouhl aldd it to bis pile and then rode down held for a year, and which .e believed secure for at least another year to tome, and if this meets the eye of his late employer perhaps the man will be taken back. A ctuzcti of Baech street bought a cord of fjiir foot wood, and the same was delivered early in the morning. As -CONSlifllNO or- DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, CARPETS, GROCERIES, BOOTS & SHOES, WALL PAPER, count. 'But Heaven doth not command you to eat bread that uatlt moulded, nor to take a wild beast to your home, Nathan." 'Nav, but it has come nism me with the force of conviction, my Aunt Char ity, that I must have such trials as will wean me from the world, and if I mar ry thia woman I shall have such tiial over present. 'Thereuiioii my sisiiae " nga:-i Mr. Goodwing aaid by way of interruption, 'did call him a stupid fool, and did not have made known my eutid. Her elanr aa I said tins was tell line, mi that I turned mv ees to the rndix aa for a chance to ewais iulence. I can Hot ccn!l all she aaid, but I dn bear in mind that she tetoied me a U-e- lle, that she id mv lK " kpiu-lh-shanks, which ia untrue; that alio re marked contemptuously n-ii the idle ness of my face, and likened me to Sandy Sam, the idiot. 1 i-en-eived. however, that her violence was only oi the tonette. thoti"li that is enoi vh for tii it . i one person. no cauun mo a isiunra. whatever that may be, and said that 1 Ono other subject of controversy will no doubt, be the Kellogg case in the Senate. It was left unsettled last ses sion, though the indications were that tlo Democrats would not vote solidly during the great storm of the 9th of January. About 4 o'clock ia the after noon the belt connecting the line of shafting with the lath machine broke and the work saen immediately set about repairing it by tiveting. John O'seo, a Swede, a young man about 16 years of age, climbed upon a pile of slabs and to unseat "old brind.e Bill." If justice L' , Wfc wh lay uyon the shaft. xuc iiug ui autiMUjj u nwuh ci. u i ice prar Heaven afterwaida lo forcivo her. She aaid to him also, that to wed that should ma-ry her, ami t iyht aasy, and woman would lx to seek a crave or the 1 a sad day It would be for me, too. Mie mad-hoase. But he shooi hia head, I warned me to have no delay, to canae aud without further remark rode away; I the bans to be published next Iord s and my HiKiuso did comfoit herself bv I lav, aud aa aoon theieufter as the law HOUSO Furnishing GOOdS I t!ia lhought that, determine aa he petmita to como for her, and she warn- S ' I might, two minutes of conversation I ed me to keep out of her sight till ln. TKY IT AXD TAKE X BTIIKI5. H. K. WARNER & CO. Itweliester. '. V. Office in I'lnmmer's drugstore, donee on Wahington St. Reai-2tf Dr. T. Is. c;OLfIY, OCCULIST AND AURIST SALI.TI. ORCKOA. DR. OOI.DEX HASJ HAD EXPERIENCE IN treaWnr the variu diseases to which the eye and tar are subject, ami feels confident of rlvtnr entire aatmraction to triune wno mar place themselve nnder his care. ntvitf. JAMES DANNALS. BAtaa u ass aurcrAcrvKEC or SOLID WALNUT BEDROOM SETS, Marble tad Wand Tp. Parlor Sets and Lounges, Mar ble Top Center-Tables, Spring Beds and Mattresses, WILU'T, I1PLE m 61S BSACKET.1. And all Idil VTbal aafa. fbaJrs. Bltads. F.lra.a Ta ble. Standit. Cllt aad t'aary MaalaMac". Etc f iutentl to keep evnythtn ia the fnrtiitnre Hue, Mil l will a-narsiitm- iMtinfartion . nil h'i will mil on st ilillor'a Knc. Jtwr. .'.aj. NEW A D YEUTISEMEN TS. A. Mj. m It 12 Vf OrricE ra rih' Elo-W. 11BHV, EK603, Sf cil atlentiun glvf-n to euUecUora anil nal culale 1SH HtllK.. nEVECE HOUSE, t'oracr First sad Etlswartfa Albany, Orr(nn. Pfeiffer Bro's Props- Thia new Hoiel la flttl ar iu flmt elan style. Tallica niiuUed with the boat the market arTitrda. Siriiir Beda in every Kuum. A aMi Sample ttuuui I or Com mercial Travel era. jarFree Caaeb ta aad rraaa the Hulrl.'fra S:lt HEW DAUBER SHOP J. H. SURLES, Prop'r. A GOOD SEA FOAAr SHAMPOO goes with each shave. Prices for shaving anJ hair-cuttinsr same as usual. Kooms opposite Mcllwain'a store. l(f Summons. Ia the CouiU'j Court of Linn Count;, Stittt Orfjon : Otto 1VX, Plainliir, vs. ravid W. Shaver anil Mirim'.a Sli:iver, DefendanlM. To David W. Shaver, or.o of tho Ifelend ants abovo named : IK THE NAME OK TII EST ATE OI' OKEOON, you are hereby summoned and required to appear and answer the complaint of the abovo named plaintiff, now on tile with the Clerk of said Court, on or before the lirst day of the January term of said Court, to be boldcn in Albany, Linn County, Oregon.on the first M Jiirlay, the 3d day of January, 1-81. And you are notified I hat in ese you fail to ;ipiearanl answer as shove required, the plaintiff will take judgment ayaintt ynu for 10 4H in U. Bold coin, w ith interest thereon in like coin at th6 rule of 1 per rent per month from the date hereof, and the fur ther sum of S2f 00 attorney's lees, and lor the costs and dihburaemeiit' of this a tioii. Published by order of Hon. I,, r'linn, .Iuilg of said Court, which order it dated Nov. K, Its.). I,. H. MO.NTANYK, J5w(J Att'v for Plaimiir. OCJIOCO ! To Stock Raisers IN THE OCHOCO COUNTRY. On f?aturday. Nov. 27, .0, the first number of a weekly paper, to bo called The Ochoco Pioneer, will lie Issued at PrineviUc. Wasco Co. , Oregon, and will be published in tho in terest of that immediate section, more es pecially as retard stock jaifcinp. Parties residing in tho 'Willamette Valley, and ownintr stock in Ochoco. can receive rr li able intelligence by subscribing for the Pioxekk. Send rr arks and brand, which will bo published free. Terms-!3 SO rcr year. t K. J. JKKFEKY, nlG Pub. "Ochoco Pioneer." MONEY TO LOAF on real estate and upwards, their deed. 14tf sconrity, in sums of JflOO Applicants mutt bring BURKHART BROS. lo You Believe It? That In this town there ara scores of per sons passing our store every day whose lives are made miserable by Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Sour and distressed Stomach, Liiver Complaint, Constipation, dec, when for 75 cts. we will sell them Shiloh's Vilal ixer, guaranteed to cure them. r-oldby Foshay fe Mason, Druggists, Albany, Or. ETC., ETC., ETC. Many of these Goods are !ous!it direct from the man ufaet-urerM for cah, and are all First Cla Goods SO TIlASir, and will bo sold at Popular Prices. BLOOD PQISONINS. Causinsr1 ChUls?and : Fever Dumb Ague. I ntermittent Re mittent and Typhoid Fevers. Biliousness. Liver. Stomach, and Kidney 'disorders, and manvotherallments.destrov ine the .health and lives of T? ! I & . - minions, is driven out ui tna system, and radically cured by the use of the LION MA LARIA AND LIVER PAD and CANCLIONIC BODY. 'AND FOOTPLASTERS.the cheap-, est and i only 'perfect (treat ment by the Absorption prin ciple. The Plasters acting In conjunction with the Pad up on the nerve centers and re mote parts of the body. In ab sorbing and thoroughly rld dingthe system from MALA RIAL POISON. The whole treatment.' PAD. BODY PLASTER and FOOT PLASTERS, all combined, sold for $I.Ob the cheapest and best remedy ever discov ered., and a positive cure guaranteed if worn accord fnerito directions. Remem- ber ,Pad. Body. Plaster and FootPlasters,i the whole, S I .OO. . Sold bv all drusrsrists. or mailed on. receipt of price by THELION?MEDICINE CO.,' NEW .YORK.- ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE. ALBANY, OR. The First Term will open on Wed nesday, September 1, 1880. For particular, concerning; tbe couraea of atudy and the price of tuition, apply to with Mistress lolly would drive the notion I roiu liia head. A week later, Natliau couiu again. rtbe liaa promised to wed me, my Aunt Charity. 'hhe baa promised to wed you, rsa- I liuii f Have you iu tiulb asked Iter hand t I could cry with vexation aud sorrow. Other painful worJs aha said, which I will not rejajat, my Aunt Miurity, and thus has she romiaid me. What think you all, neighbors, of snob a wooing as that ?" Mr. (ioodwing liKjuired. "That vur siKjr.se did ris-htlv when she called him a stupid fool," said Mr. Pantry. That passes all tomiirehi n-i m." said "How else, uiv Aunt Charitv, could she promise to wed uio unless 1 asked I SUtre Whytynge. ncrbanur "Well. I aav" remaiked Air P..r. 'How elset Why, the shrew, had 1 chase, whoso domestic experience was to th wharf itmt said Mr. Elank, I kff vtu have th-Hvered mv wood." Vt-s, sir Vi'i, we u!wns deliver at the earliest moment," was the reply. How much did vou send t" A cord, sir a full cold. Weneri-r hrnt oa ineasuie." ' lint. I am not Kutisfinl with it "I'aii't help that, sir; 1 sent a cord. 1 saw it loaded invself." "I've measured it and " "Cant lisip your measure, there ia a cord of wood there." "I was S'nS to Kay " "Can't help ahnt you were going to say, I ve lieen in the wood business too Ion; to make auv mistake." i was U"inj; to s.tv there was over a cord." "Over a cord 1 Ab ! Teal's a differ ent thin:;. I Lat needs look in z into. Get into my bugsy,-and wo will drive up and measure it. I am glad to find one honest man in Detroit." The pile overran a quarter of a cord, much to the dralera amazement. When certain of tho fsct he could onlv scratch hia head and ssy : "Never heard of the like Is-fore-never, and l'vo been iu the business long time." Within live minutes of hia return to the olb'ce ono of the drivers had his balance of his wage, and was walking out, as he was never elected, but prec edent aud jKlicy and a few other coa- aideralions are often sufficient to deter men from a bold assertion of right. Gov, Wilt has splinted the Hon. V. If. Manning to the vacancy caused by the aeath of Mr. Kpoflbrd, the Senator e!ect, and, and as one seat is of more iinsjrtance after the 4th of March than it baa been heretofore, perhaps action way be taken. Nobody doubU for a moment that if the situation were re versed, the Republicans would declare the seat vacant, or admit the contestant, in a hurry. If the present situation as to the Presidency were reversed and the Republicans Lad both houses of Congress, there would be a high old time over counting the electoral vote, and the face ef the returns would go for naught. It may be th it the Demo crats are a little too law abidinz for the game of politics. Quietly submitting to wrong aud waiting for pu'jlic approv al, rather than make a disturbance, Ion t seem to work very well. A little i . i . f ... .. ieiw tenuemess oi public opinion, and a little more arbitrary assertion of richts might work better. The Ohio Senatial complication will she taken the notion, would not hesi tato to go to you or any other man and I head iu such a noose deserves to wear it demand marriage. Of course she prom-1 always. Vinegary women are wont to ised you. Little chance had she of a I be smooth-tongued during courtship. husband. Why, Nathan, why did you I and to make amends for it afterwards." not wed the widow Abigail cancel "Well, tell ns tho rest, neighbor." Tell me that. A good woman, a thrifty ..i.i Mr. Rlumfield. "Thev were mr. l ; r . . i l rw i ... Iieunewiiu. aim a geimt? noui. i r.edf "Ah, my Aunt Chanty, much did 1 1 "Yes. they were married on tho desire to do so, but that would have Lord's lay three weeks, and those who been too great a blessing. 8oreIy a-as I saw them as thev quitted her father's I tempted to ask the widow a hand on i house, say that sho lierated hi in ail the the day that her sister wedded young way to bis home. hipicer. I sat that evening iu the I "Ami did he soon wish he were iL-nJ?" kitchen by the window as she knitted. I asked Air. Purchasa in such a aoi".'eHt- : and marked her grace of manner and I ive tone that Mr. IMumfiehl ngsiu slyly comliness ; aud 1 made mention ol I nudged Mr. uoodwing. Lydia s liappmes, and when 1 did title, I "He bore shrewishness iincomulain- Aklgal turnoi lo me witn tender eyes, ingly for six months or more, though and coyly said : he did grow pale and lose llesh gieatlv ; "'Will you take pity on Ly ilia's and he did confess to me' niion one oc- lonely sister V and for an instant, even casion, that he did not l-nir in mind many minutes, I did have sore teuipta- whon he married that deat h only parted tion too woo her, for I judged by that husband and wife. Hia silence enraged remark she might, if urged, have given her, but never did he speak a word in me he." hand. Then came the worda of teuiiter to her. JNow, 1 will ralate to the Scripture to me, to flee temptation, you that which is the maiveloiis as well . I l a . -a r and 1 made a great etlort and quitted as amusing ot an ot it. My spouse her. I have not seen her aince, except bap(eneu to fall in with JNathan a wile in church, a here she does gaze on me about a year ago.a, ml I will say, neigh- 1 with tender eye. bors, that my spouse, though smooth ... . .. . i i .1? i i ? .. i "You are a wicked man, INalhan Al- sjioaen, can say a tiling snarpiy it sue . . . a a 1 1 1 1 1 i t 1 T II I t nlebv. thus to break the heart ol a cood so uesires. .?ne uiu ten i-ouy Appieny - ' . . . . . , I .i. . . ..i r... i . . woman and take tip Wltll a Shrew, mat m was a grievous snaine ior ner to Still, bavin? dono so. Nathan, tell me belabor that patient man, Nathan. of vour wooini of Tollv." "Man, Nathan a wife replied, "man! ' . . . . . 1 T t I 1 I I "It was on the evening ot tho last weing ot your moon, ua no woimer ne Lord's Day, my Aunt Charity, aa the w no man. He means like a calf and sun went down that I made my way to purs like a cat, and has less spunk than Miatreaa Po v'a dwel incr. 1 heard the eiiner. a call will mint ana a Kicien sad. "that he who knowinalv imta hia off with the remark : . . - I nil r t . uuw imi Keocn-eignis oi it corii gnr. all swelled up dat wav am mo dan I kin tumble to.an Ize go to go bar'foeted all winter to pav for it." iMrolt Free 6 UEV. EtBEBT N. COSDIT, Pre'!. sharp tone of her voice as I approached If I mistake not she was speaking to one of her lathei'a farm hands, and bIio said: 'You great seed-sowing num skull 1 Out of my sight, you ill-favored hideous-mannered clod.' " "And yet you persevered in your in tentions, Nathan 1" "Truly I did, and I heard her say, 'I hate a man, great misbegotten things I' Then her father replied, 'I fear you will never have an opportunity to do aught but hate a man f To this she said, 'It would have been well for my mother had she not favored you. If I had a men, oh! but I would make him rue tho day!'" . will scratch !" "Well, as to that, Madam Appleby, sharp sjHech never made a calf to. bunt nor a cat to scratch. Your speech is of no more account to him than it would be to them," said my spouse. "With that Mrs. Appleby Vocame very wroth, and did call my spouse a padora, "Humph," says my spouse, I could tell you that which would make you angry for cause. Do you not know that the sharper speech yon use the better does he like it V At this Mrs. Appleby did open wide her eyes, and neighbors, on I Bit here, for the first time in her life she answer ed not one word. THE 0I LIST "Ot lltt.- Ilrr I'.arly llilarallea - tier 1'rcroctly IVraoanl apprnraarr. nrr from the floor, and the young man's head from Lis elevated position was above it. Suddenlv the men heard a peculiar noise overhead, and looking up were borritied to see the form of poor Olsen whirling with almost incon ceivable rapidity about the shaft, Leld down by the belt. Before any move ment towards assistance could be made his body was cut in two at the waist. Tbe head and trunk were thrown out through a door into another apartment, and hia legs dropped on the floor near the lath machine. One aria was found fastened between the belt and the shaft. Tbe contortions and twitching of the head and trunk for more than a minute after the accident occurred are too hor rible for description. It ia needless to state that death was instantaneous, al though some muscles moved for several minutes. How the young man came to be en tangled in the belt is not known and never will be. It seems inexplicable. The terrible accident occurred like a flash and no one saw it till it was over. His footing may have given war, caus ing him to fall against the shaft, or he mav have been caurrht nn bv iha belt. i....... r vr .1 L w t.. rpuoucans a great jfoiUier the foreman, nor any of the deal of trouble before they are through LmploTes of the ktk departlnent are to wuu .t. ne case attracts mucu alien- blame m lhe Coroner Garnold i t .i - 1 iiua atiiiouz lawyers nere. ana meir a zr . i wtm uuwuru, buu ai viacus rem 1.1 rem iu- views of its legal aspect are very di- LUt upoa 8Uch proccetilng8j win hoUtin err. in speaainz Ol in mailer to- : t i- . IPI . . I v ay ot-naior iuurman Rata I hat the Democrats would not exert themselves to help themselves out of the difficulty. He said that ne matter who was chosen or how or when it was done, before tin 4th of March the case would have to go before the Senate Committee of Privileges and Elections, composed of a majority of Democrats, and many of them would lave remarks to offer on .1 1i. . a mo sunject oeiore the applicant was admitted. Democrats are counted en controlling the organization, and the Olsen came to Portland last spring, and has been at work in the mill for three or four months. He is soken of as a sober, industrious, steady young man. He made his home with two brothers, also employes of the mill, who live in Watson's uddition. rvi ET emu. "Oiiiila" is the nam tie jiuaue of Miss Liuii.o do la liame. As she is known to the world, so she has been known to her friends from a baby by the name of ' ( hin Iu, an lnbintile corruption of her baptismal uitnie, as "lioz was in Chas Dickens s childhood. Her present abode, is ilia rariuolH, a most beauti ful placo somewhat less than three miles from Florence. Authorship of some sort or other has always been th gratilicution of a natural impulse, and at four years old she wrotti in printed characters u little child s storv. Sh has always been something of a stu dent. v hen very younyr she was trained to masculine modes of cultur and thought byhcr father, who had a lofty and polished intellect. As a child she acquired a smattering ot algebra and mathematics, and delighted to trace on ancient maps the campaigns of Alex ander and Ciesar. Thia love of study has never left her, andsho adds to it a great and reverent love for all the aits. Silia has, as her novels conclusively prove, a strong belief in "race," and what the Wexlminster Jlevtew, in an ar ticle upon her, called remarkable free dom from the bonds of any kind of prejudice. "Ouida" is not tall ; she is slightly built, fair, with an oval face and large eyes of dark blue ; her hair of a golden-brown color, which used to bang loose over her shoulders, is now braided a la Calotjan.' In her habits of thought, her powers of description and her keenness of tongue "Ouida" has been compared to George Sand. She forms heij -opinions rapidly, defends them keenly and abandons them but seldom. Tauchnitz Ilccord. The girl who bangs her hair often makes the wife who banga her husband's. Met Victoria Fuller, in a sisterly way, thus talks to country girls : loager they can argue the Ohio case, tho Uf. well a8 th, priJe of lhu and keep the new Senator waiting in try a glorious race of women which the cold corridors of the Capitol, the no other land can show. I seek not to better they will bo satisfied. A Senator them; for before they can Income ... , ... . this, they will have to make an earnest is credited with saying that the case is ,ffort of Joce or tWQ thing8. .Xhere are so peculiar under the statutes that some who deprecate their condition. there U a solid month of goad talk in I and some who have false pride in it, it. The preponderence of lesal opinion ecuse they deaiand more considera- isthat General Garfield having been ,?a ,f T?, j o I liMnrHi ti rwtn e.11 th uliiita gt rim lav elected to succeed Senator Thurman, ad of a retined ,,00, is no mor; no vacancy can occur until after Match excusable in country than in a town- 4th, when tho term begins, and that, bred girl, in these days of many books therefore, no election can take place and newspapers. before that time. Al Many Sf are dMoonrgd because Iuiey cannot ue sent away irom nome to boarding-schools ; but men of superior added in the contest for the position J min knowledge of the world would and the war against the "ring" or mu- rather ,,mve for wives women properly can be had wherever the desire is not wanttng. A taste for reading does wonders ; and an earnest thirst after lrflMlAjJTA ia almct: NlfaTn Ia slliln a . sweet draught from the"Peirian spring." There is a farmer's daughter in this very room in which I am writing a beautiful, refined and intelligent woman in whose girlhood books were not so plenty as now, and who obtained her tine education under difficulties which would have discMraged any but one who had a true 1q5 for study." tual aU mil a tion society that runs Re publican politics in Ohio. Somebody said this could be stopped if Mr. Hayes would appoint Stanley Matthews to the Supreme bench. The fact that Ohio already has two members of the Su preme bench need be no obstacle. If the necessities of Ohio politics become urgent things could probably be fixed to appoint all the judges from that State. General Garfield is expected to arrive here Tuesday night, and will re main quietly at his home on Thirteenth street. It is generally believed that upon this visit he will Bee Secretary Sherman, and the two will come to a frank understanding about the Treasury portfolio. The belief here is that Gen. Garfield will tender Mr. Sherman the Secreretaryship, and that Mr. Sherman will accept. Of this, however, nothing positive is known. A boil in the on your nose. kettle is worth two A printer's wife always the baby in "small caps." It is absurd to suppose that a man can speak above his breath, since hi? mouth is below his Dose. Subscribe ior the Democrat.