The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, December 03, 1880, Image 1

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    ft Omen
riirK. la "Imim ralltildlac.(t-aalra
t araar lirHtalbta mil ecal .
nimirww. notlocaa In h Tyn.j...
20 astus rsar ikin.
8'n-l eopr, per mr ,
Sa. aey, mt x m-J . , . ,
K tarto ewpc, three mntith.
1 00
VOL. xvi.
Kor l and transtVit adTertisementa
II 00 nar " naa 1 1 1 tnr tho firmt lt.ui.- a
NO. 18.
60 cwrts per a.nare for e.;h aubaVtienViD -
am BuuMr.
X k It 1 V!
"v. fc. r Vaj si sr-m
i 52 t? i2W is o' 27C(j
X Cot o oo v oo is tm ; co 85 a
" 7trt ia oi tn oo so co 49, Co
K " J? 00 lft (V0 25 10 40 '12. 00
K. nvurH.av.
Albany. Orrgou.
lwiw lu all Uie tnrt in the 8i. l'n.lH
Albany, tirvgou.
.jsrotue in Filter's lirlok Illoek.-o-
Albany, Ore-goo.
. tills Mtate. They alve apeejal atten
lwu to collection and probate matter.
Omce in Foster's new brk-k. 4:f
Notary Public.
Albaay. Oregon.
Omce upstairs, over John Briinp. atore,
1st street.
Albany, Orafaa. .
Sec a stain la tie odd relln't Trui
p tr.
' Coilectlona a ipedtltr.
I Slat. Scul MtouUuo fiu w oo4lnsjoo and
probala awOar.
trOOv la OJJ rlii' Tttnfij.
-. c rowiui. w. r. jit SC.
And Solicitors in Chancery.
A Lit A St Y. ... ott.'iO.
Col lec ions promptly maJ on all point.
Loans nes.siaio-l on iva-souaie tmni
i5"i ttji-e hi rWcr'a tir!-k."
vUnlwf. '
x2 iifrbwfa
Aapdil rir.l Fn.mlnni. Orrtron Mtatc Fntr. 179 and 1SSO.
Anardeil Flrnt I'rrmlnni, auU only illacnin placed fa Ural
CUw (5 rom-iclilon) at lh A Mat raliait luterualloaal aMalblllan,
ARK Dll'Al'.'l l lL.
I amattnin Iwl ttw thmd of llf U ulun.lrr,
AiJ K.n with m th hbor will Im wruuglit,
Than growi my haut ta athor tirU mor Uiml t.
Tilt Unio it lUurU
A lhtihtrd'i tent tit retdl tuj llawtm Jer,'ui'.-.
That uliclit wlndi will toon orumblt tutu niiht ;
8u taetiM mjr lift, from tomt ruila bUtt 4trhnj,
Tilt tliiM it tliort,
t'l". lip, uijr naul, tht long ipttit.tlmt iwiWmluii I
Baw Uwu tkt KU at batur dawlt tiul IIiuukIii ;
Uflil otlitr ltniM, whllt ymi tbt lght la bvamluii.
Tlit tlnw It thtrt.
Tliluk iat tlm gxi tliuti ml.'lit't havt Uim, l.m
Tlit tuh tu thtt Mo t cludrrnt ttawu'i Urullbt ;
II tun Unl 1 1 llwl In plwwurt lltbily.
Hit tliu la tliurt,
TtM Unit Ubhurt. Then bt thy httrt a bmlktr'a
Tu tvty btart tbat natda Iby brl In aujlii ;
Moult thuil aiay't mad tht tyniimtli) u( nthtrt.
Tht tiint It anurt.
If tbuu hatt tritudt, glt tbtm thy bnt tmlttvur,
Tby atnuwl bnplilat and.thy HifMt.lbaught i
Kttplii( la ailnd la word and action tvtr,
TIm Hint it tlort.
Wbm Niiiuir winda. tram ladon, aovtr.
CaaittHriunt ml, tutlr work fortrtr wrought i
Huoa otbtr gravta tat Rwat and (trn alll ravar.
Ttw Unat It abort.
L'u, uu, ay taul, trt ytt tht thadow lalMh :
Homt good rtturn'.ia.Uttr.atatunt wmufbt :
Funrat tkyaalf, when duty callvth,
Tht Ubm W abort.
By all tbt Uaa thou baat ktn lorgU an.
By all tkt lattona .r) tr to that balh taught,
To athra ttauh tht a) tuiathbM o( llaavan.
Tbt tlnw la abort.
The "DAVIS" Sowing Machine Cetnimny am manuraolnrlug aud
Selling I9000 Machines per Week!
v It is CHEAPEST because it is BEST.
It W every variety of wnik without baslinij. an J ban mora piauUoal aiUubments
than all others ciiuibitioHl.
T. f I3At :iLK3IAA,
AThjUXEY at law.
ia the OJJ F:iur'a
JBafoaioo uo si airs
Warner's Safe
Kidnev g Liver
Y. U. KfOTT, Ageitt. Albany, Oreifou.
Samuel E. Voug
A E'osititc nrtnrdj for AM. lilJ
aey. Litrrrud I'rlnary Trouble!
f botb Male and Female. Aeting
Dlr;eelly upon (Iir Organs Affect,
ed. Far the Hot Ncaaon It 1 In-valuable.
WUI praiMice la all ths cur a r tu 4te.
I'ruiupt alUntluo ntv-a to , lotion, cuu
vayaaoea aud'l.ia of Title. lmtiie
lusiueu a apeuiaiily. vl2u-lf.
4. A. VAAT1X,
C0RVA2XZ3, 03t30M.
aVIlt r".rtine It all (he t'm,u of (a Htate
aTOfllf to I hr t'ourt Himiw "
"Ti. O. JOIIXSON, M, D.,
Physician and Surgeon.
Albany, Oregon.
0-e la Fromaa'a Kriuk,
East of Connar'a Bank.
"It uaved my Hfp."
'E. li. Ijiki ly, diii.t, Ala.
"I advise all to tnr it."
John lirnadon, Ix-avenwortli, Kan.
"It lathe TineilY that a il! ruretn many
dixraMK iculiar to women." Mother's j
MaKHziuo. I
'It baa pavxel wfre Uixia mi l won c:i- !
tlonementa from Hcnneof the bii-bwit meil- i
k-M talent of the countrr." ew York ;
Vorld. ;
No Rmedv herotofora liicof!rod can
beheld for one moment in coiupariNon ;
with it C. A llaney, I. I., Waahing- )
ton. D. O.
"It ia the bpt and only pflleW-nt rorut-dy I
for Kidney and Livrtroiil!csevfr broucLl !
before tha public" (Col John K. Mo- I
Cheaney, Washington, D V. '
"lain rejoiced to nay I am now a vn:'! i
man and tmonlr too clad to utify rt- i
ajardin the glorions ri-Milts f a reiiivdy '
wtiwli La.4 made in mo nappy." i
' (Hev.) I. F. llarklixs Ark.
This (Ireat Natural Remedy h fr j
Sale ty Dni-ists in .-11 Part of Use
The die ia cant. The white kluvcs of
the North will tar tribute for another
four Years, ami perLaini longer,- to the
monied oligarchy who aeek to own
them Uxly and aoul. Hoar long will it
take the people to learn that it ia them-
$dei who ay tha protnctivo tariff for
tha benefit of large uioiiieJ corpora
tion, and for the aupport of custom
oollectorg and theirasubordinatca, whoae
aalatiea rate from 112,000 per year
downwarJ, for which it U aafe to aar
not over one half of their number ten
der any equivalent in labor performed.
Tariff or no tarifl, if the market be
comes glutted and mora of any fabric ia
manufactured than is Jem an Jed for tine,
it cranes to be profitable to make any
more of that fabric until the attpply U
exhausted or some newdemand aries.
Skilled labor it bound to command
price a hen there'ia a demand for a
welltuad article, andathemoreacompe
tition lluro ia the higher'thti atandard
of woik reipiired. Thoae who inveigh
agniuitt frco trade are careful not to tell
their hearers that one-half the money
now iieceanary to purchase otte half the
articles that we wear and use U tariff
money. Take, thta .tariff off andjyou
will pay only one dollar for cloth that
now coats two; you will pay only ten
cents a pound for commodities which
now cost twenty. Capital which finds
one kind of labor unprofitable will seek
another mote prolilaMe, or will become
the agent of agricultural production,
wtretcbiug out its hand over the broad
yATVTa PAPER, I priris of tbe'wet which no a- lio new
i.. I ttnbrokon. The workingmsn pur-
H0U20 Famishing GOOdS, I chaaing the nrcesaaticscf lift at cheap
er rales will be able to save sotuclhinz;
t?v annnn
doors I
H. H. WAR..ER & CO.
Itacltester, Y.
In Cur, Couiilv Court of Linn Coui.lj, Si-jtt
Orojon :
Otto Vox, PJalntitf,
David V. Shaver and MiranJa Shiver.
Physician and Surgeon, Defendant-.
To David w. tsliaver, ono oi tiie Ucteria-
Odd Fello-w.;' Temple,
Albany. Orrjoa.
Omee boors ftom S to '2, and from 1 to 4.
D. M. Jones, M. D.
OfSce to Plummer's drug store. ReKi
gence on Washington St.
Dr. T. I4. fiOI.bE.V,
S4LEJ1, OKr(-0.,
I 9 ireul nlittf vnrUmn uft-M' Ui which the
ve a.fut "ftr mre sahlct. ntii ufieut of
giving rmir eatMart un lo those wtio mtt
Coraer Flrat aad UUwortai Albaay.
Pfsiffer Bro's Props.
m.i. H.dal ia ntttd no In rt Aim atyla. Tahlw
auuulinl with to bast Oia o.arkist aSonia. Hi
bol in tory Booia. A good Sin.pla Booni t. r Com
mercial Traveten.
g-TXttr t'wab la aaj frwaa (Ai Bolrl.f
' f.tlt
r, r A MONTII fiiaraiitxd. ill a dav at hum
J. II Ml maua br Hie . widostriuoa. t'api'al not rt
l,j. mm will lrt jO- Jleo, woniefi, boya Mid
5 rn ittaki loouey ix--r t word (or ua than at ny
lBii. elae, Tlw -work ia light aud plauit, and au.-h
a anvon can go riyht at. Tlioa wlo art wi wht
mc th'U Mite will tend u their addmaea at oiieeaiid
t. tiinii-Jva. CoatW Outfit and teruia. Now i
tb tiiuo. Thma. already at work are laying up arg
u,Ma ol nii.uev. AJurcaa lKit a t, Am;n.ia
)jMiia. ' -
jfXi i :y -1 a x'n a is .
muuia u asu aAstracruaaa or
anU above named
OKKOON, you are hereby summoned
aiid retjuired lo appear and anwec tli
complaint of the above named plaiiitilf.
now on tiie wun me LierK 01 tu:u uiun,
on or before the firat day of tha January
term of said Court, to be uoluen in Albany,
Linn County, Oreon.on the flrnt M.niday,
the 3d day of January, 1SHJ. And you art
noticed mat m ease you tan to appear ami
answer as aboT rtMiuired, tho plaintilf
will lake judgment against you for tiid 4U
in U. gold eoin, with intercut thvreon in
like coin at H16 rate of 1 lr cone per
month from the date IrerefiT anil the lur-
thersum of S25 00 attorney's foes, snd for
the costa and uibureaient of this aetion.
Fuliil-ihwl bv ordor of Hon. It. Hinn,
Judir of aaid Court, which order is dated
ISwff Att'y jor i-iainiiii.
To Stock Raisers
On SatardaT, Nov. 27, 180, the firvt
number of a weekly i;rcr to Lc 'ailed
The Ochoco rionccr,
will be ksned at rrmeviue, vaseo 1 o ,
Oregon, and will lie published in the in-
tereat 01 tnu immouwio wny.., ......
oc-iaHv n renard Rtock iMMnpr. I'arlics
CPI lh V1 NTT P.FDROOM SETS residme in the Willamette Valley, and
,SULli A1.AI' 1 hl.WiWiil nuia. tot.k , Orhoro can receive rrli-
Liv suoserioinir lar niu
Marlitr aad Vf ad Top.
Parlor Set3 and Lounges, Mar
ble Top Center-Tables,
Sprjng Ueda and
' Mattresses, i
Aud all kinds o ,
W1ata. t'balra, ttHUad, Eklraalos Ta
MlliB Ete.
m Kl 1nMtliounie
Piokekr. Heiid n arks and oratid, w nicu
will bo published fre.
TemiK-SS SO per yenr.
'K. J. .iEl'KICnY.
nlO Tab. "Ochoco pionotr "
Many of 1hre Goods ttro
liouglattlirecl from the man
ufacturers for rash, and are
all First Class Good. ?iO
TKASII, and will be sold at
Popular Prices.
Causinsr Chills 7and Fever
Dumb Ague, Intermittent Re
mittent and Typhoid Fevers.
Diliousness, Liver, Stomach
and Kidney 'disorders, and
ins the, health and lives of
millions, Is driven out of thd
system, and radically curea
by the use of tho LION MA
FOOT PLASTERS, the cheap
est and f only perfect treat
ment bv the Absorption prin
ciple. The Plasters acting in
conjunction with trie Pad up.i
on the nerve centers and re
mote parts of the body, In att
sorblng and thoroughly rid,"
dingthe system from MALA-.
' The whole treatment, PAD,
PLASTERS, all 'combined,
sold for SI. OO the cheapest
and best remedy ever discov
ered,, and a positive cure
guaranteed if worn accord -in?
to directions. Remem-
ber,Pad, Body. Piaster and
a few years might Me him the owner of
a ranch aud herds of cattle, ait inde
pendent and happy man. Ditt keep uj
the tat ill .which itrolecti monotiolies
and support hordes of bloated lazy of
ficials ; bring in the "heathen Chinee,'
ho will lire whether there is a tariff
or not, and. thrive on a diet of wharf
rats, and a few years will suf!ice to
make the condition of the workingmen
of Ameii.-a merit the 'name of whitt
tlaittry. Fort MaJiton Democrnt.
When is a wall Iik a 8li ? W hen
11 Is sealed.
How doe a stove feel when full of
coala ? Grateful.
Which of the reptiles is a mathe
matician 7 The udder.
When is a boat like a drift of unow
When it ii adrift.
When is a doctor most annoyed :
When he is out ofpailent0.
When is a literary work like smoke?
When It comes In volumes.
Why Is the letter Q like the tun ?
Because it Ilhe renter of light.
What Is that which tdiows others
what It cannot see himself? A mirror.
Why is thejetter N like a falihless
lover? Because it Is Inconstant.
IIow does a cow become a landed
estate? By turning her into the field.
Why Is whimpering a breach of good
manners ? Because it Is not allowed.
What is an old l tdy In the middle
of the river like? Like to be. drowned.
Why ia a miser like a man with a
short memory? Because he hi always
IIow does a sailor know there is a
man In the moon ? Bocausa he has
been to sea (see). t
Why Is a fool in high station like a
man In a balloon? Because everybody
appears little to him, and he appears
little to everybody.
FootVPIasters,' the whole.
. .... .. ....... a ,.r c-ni
on real esinw lonuiuj. on" "
snd npwards. Applicants muxt bring
their deed. . - r,
s (n tlva ftimH.nrA TtriA I
I iataml to tP ercr j s ... - - -
and wiH raarantee taumacMo..
uio at MUior'a Bndt-
ataeftA J. Wm. Mlater, Bolicitr-r of
El A ft I I v , Patents, 617 seMtli.St..or Dox
-'wil.', tT o. No f ronired unless t".t
tSwobuuned. Said tor circular gn-nf Urnj, 4c.
". J. H. SURLES, Ti op'r.
A GOOD SliA i'OAiU nu.LiuJ
with each shave. Prices for shaving
or.. I l.uir.rntfins- aaino as UfcUal, uooma
opposrts Mellwiin's store.
$1 .OO. - Sold by all druggists,
Or mailed ori. receipt of priced
The First- Term. will open on Weil
nesilay, September I, 1880.'
Far particulars concerning tbt courts, of atudy and
tlia price of tuition, apply to ,
Ft Mors rtiTs or rTr.;ni.
Among tho Oreeks the Burrccssful
athlete wai crowdwl down with lau
rels and lottdcd down with wealth
und honors. When lJgcnetus in the
ninety-second Olympiad, trlutnphnut
In games, entered AffrigontumyhU
native home, he was attended by an
escort of 300 chariots, each drawn by
two whlto horses nnd followed by tho
popuUce, checrlnsj and waving ban
ners. Milo six tiim-a won. tho palm
at bolh the Olympic and I'ythlan
games. IIo Issald to have run u uiilo
with n four year rid ox upon his
shoulders, and afterwards killed the
animal with a blow of his tbt, mid nto
tho entire carcass in one day I
So groat was his mu'cutar power
that ho would noiuel lines bind n ford
rouutl iiia head and brouk it by tho
swelling and pressure ol tho veins.
An ordinary meal for Milo was twenty
(Hitinds of meat, nt much bread, and
fllteen pints of wine. l'olydumus of
Ttissulut, was of prodigious strength
and colloasnl hetghth, and it la mild
alone and without a weapon, killed
an enormous enrugud Hon, One diy
(It Is recorded) ho hcIzkiI a bull by ono
of Its hind feet, nnd the animal es
cap'd only by leaving the hoof In iho
grasp of tho athlete. The iloiuun
Emperor Maxlmus was upwatds of
eight teet tu height, and like Milo
could wjueeza to powder tho hardest
stone with his 11 ngors. and break t he
leg or Jaw of a horso by a kick. Ills
wife's bracelet served him as a ring,
and his every day meal was sixty
pounds of meat and an amphora of
Whllo a prisoner In Germany Men
ard I. accepted an Invitation to it ho.
Inir match with the son of his Jailer.
He received the first blow, which
made him stagger ; but, recovering,
1th a blow of his fist killed his an
tagonist on the spot. Topham, who
as born In Loudon in 1710, was
possessed of enormous strength.
His armpits hollow In tho cafe of or.
dlnary men, were with him full ol
muscles aud tendons. He would take
bar of Iron, with Its two ends held
In his hands, place the middle of the
bar behind his neck, and then ls-nd
tho extremities by main force until
they met together, and bend back the
iron straight again. One night, per
ceiving tho watchman aletp iu his
box, lie carrleu both the ana his
shell to a great distance, and diiioit
ed them on tho wall of a i tiurchyard.
Owing to domestic tr.niUe b com
mitted suicide In ht piim i f life.
he famous RhatKlrrhurir. ki:i;r of
Albania, vhit was Urri In 1111, was
man or great stature, ami hit r.-its
In sword ixvifUo'lisvij never In-eii
equaled. On niiu Kv.Mn, wi lt a
aclmeter, he struck his Htitigiiii-,t
such a terrible that Its treuicu
dous force cleaved blut to thu wal.t.
He Is stthl to have f en cloven in
two, men who weru clad In tirnmr
from bead to foot. On ou iK-ci.iuii
the brother and nephew of a certain
Baltaimn, who had been convicted of
cruellies towards the AUwuIjus, were
brought to him latum! together.
TransforttHl with rage he cut them
in two with one stroke of his weapon.
Maurice, Count of Haxony, the hero
of Fontenoy, Inherited tho phyicl
vigor of his falhcr.and was especially
ooted for the surprising mu.-vcular
power or "grip" of his hands. Ou
ene occasion needing a cork sarew,ho
twisted a long Iron nail round h. the.
recinlred shapo with his fingers, and
with this extemporized implement
opened half a dozen bottles of wine.
Another time when stopping at a vil
lage blacksmith shop to have his hore
shod, he picked up a numberif horse
shoes, nnd with his hands mapped
them iu two as readily us if made of
glass, inucb to the surprise mul us-
glst of the smith.
If history Is to bo believed, Thayl
lus. of Crotoha, could jump a distance
of fifty hlx feet. The exercises were
practiced at tho Olympic games and
formed part of the course of tko Pen
lathlon. Strutt, an English authority
on games and amusements, speaks of
a Aorkshlre Jumper named Ireland,
whoso powers were aoraothing mar
velous He was six feet high, nnd
at the age of eighteen leaped, with out
the the aid of a spring-board over
nine horses ranced side by side. 113
eleared a cord extending fourteen feet
from the ground with a bound, crushed
with his foot a bladder suspended at
a height of sixteen feet, and on ntu.t n
or occasion Hjrhlly cleared u large
wagon covered with an awning.
Colonel Ironside who lived In India
early in this century, rela'ea that he
met In his travel an old white haired
man, who, with one leap, cleared the
back of an enormmis elephant, flanked
by six camels of tho largest breed. A
curious French work, published in
Paris in 1715, entitled Tho Tracts
Toward tho History of Wonders Per
formed at Falrn," mentions nn Eug
Hshman, who at the Fair of St. Oer
man in 1724, leaped over forty people
without touching ono of them. In
our days wo are familiar with many
remarkable expositions of strength
and endurance. Dr. Wiushlp with
the aid of straps, lifted a weight of
3,500 pound?, and with the little lln
ger of his right hand could raise his
body n considerable distance from tho
A young lady living In . tho mo t
exalted social elides of Oalveslon,
after much toll and practice at the
piano learned to piny with considera
ble dexterity n piece entitled "Picnic
Polka." It is something after tho
style of tho IJattloof tho Prague,"
In which tho listener cn readily dis
tinguish tho roar of artillery, the rat
tle of muskeiry, the shouts of tho sol
diers and tho gronnH of the dying.
In tho "Picnic Polka" tho nolso of
Iho wind among tho trees and the
Joyous carol- of the birds uro repro
duced, the fluulo being h thunder
shower, which disturbs tho sylvan
revellers. It happens that a country
cousin Is Iu town Just now, and the
young lady thought sho would play
the piece to him and hear his com
ment. He Is a plain, simple-minded
youth, and though not very bright is
very appreciative. .Site told him what
the piece was and then proceeded to
glvehlm tho "Picnic Polka." Tho
first notes are rather (slow and hesi
tating, Iho idea sought to bo conveyed
being the solemn solitude of tho for
est through which the gentle zephyr
sighs. After sho got through with
this preface she asked him If ho did
not almost Irmglne hirii'i-lfin a lodge
Iu Homo vast wilderness. He replied
that he thought all that slowness
meant tho delay In getting oft. Htld
lie : "There Is always some darned
fellow who over-iloeps hluielf and
keeps everybody t-No wiiiting.''
fiho did not caro lo dispute tho
question with the Ignorant fdlow, so,
to conceal her emotl ms she once
more let herself out on the piano.
The woods were filled with music.
The mocking bird whistled as if his enading with her is from Columbus, 0. split, mo cuckoo uueu I ,
.1... ... .!.,.. 1... ...T.I. I.I. .. .,..1 I
cry, while ever and anon the mourn- UDW ryy. gl b-rted, easy
ful cooing of the dove Interrupted t( bewme acquainted with at this sort
the matin song of tho lark. of place, talks a great deal about Ler
"There, now, I ku'?m you know school Ufa and her conquest, and does
. mat miunii, ,.kc, s.h, sa.u, its ot ,;ka aJ g;r, flo Buf-
' "You mean that 't.x.t'e, W,tlo too- Wo irl " I""" nd nte'ting, and
tie, chug, chug, chug ?' You just bet ba '1a'- Ku') not know how to
I understand that. Xdany is tho titno dress well, Imcause he admirea obstrrti-
st a picnic I've hoard it nt tho mouth croua colors. She dances well, flirts as
of demijohn or tho bunghdo of though she enjoyed it hugely, and mar-
Her first Imnulsa was to burl the ,u; w"n with deml cf
piano stool at him, but It passed off lt hocan. The Indianapolis girl is
und oneo moro sho went tit tiie piano jolly, a liable and kind-hearted. She is
as if it was tho young man's and was moderate in Ler ambition, likes auto-
su7 WT " ,v,alut- fu graph allH,ms, and wears nice, tasteful
tlllltldi.r ornulul Mtn tlfrt,n;na. I '
f from her eyes.) and the first heavv ,lr"H,iH- T,,e LouiavUie girl is full of
drops are hoard upon tho leaves. She vm. dresses nobbily, and Las many
banged and mauled the keys at a marvelous suits. She has pretty
loariui rsio ; iir-ji njicr peat Ol ucai-
enmg ihunder crlurlo I the tUtnos-
phere, und re echoed in still louder
rt-vcrhnt lions until it wound up In
ono npnlljng clap ns n grand finale.
ThiTi turning to the nwe struck youth
SllO Ml. I S
'I stippo-e you have heard some-
tiling like that before ?"
"Yes, that's what the f. llow with
the linen pants on said when he sat
downou Ihe custard pic"
The audience found hiuiwlf alone,
but be pu ked up his hat und saun
tered out Into the street, densely un-
coitsciiMis that he had said aitvthlntr
out of I lie ujv.
"M Ti-rirs r westervj (uirls.
Sitting over there in a earner of a
porch, says a Chautauqna Lake oorres-
pondent, is the typical Western girl
She dresses well, but not so elaborately
as some of her sistcm from other places;
she goes in for brains, money, handsome
rnsMCiiline admirer, and personal com
fort ; she is good looking or pretty, but
not beautiful ; ns a rulfj sho has a car
i iag or bug-y nt home, knows haw to
row, and bus a goodly following of
hanus, hut she randy marries until she
is past twoiity. lazily rocking to and
fro in that big chair is the Cleveland
girl. She is wonderfully vivacious :
her piquancy is something marvelous
and electrical in its effect. She is ex
coedingly prelty and has the rareat
kind of A mortcan beauty. She is quiet
in lres, but has a knack and style in
wearing her costume tbat makes Ler
the envy of her sex here. Thia faculty
enables her to always appear fresh and
dainty without frequent changes in ap
Irel. She reads great deal, t!ks
well, flirts in a dolce far titnt way
that is as becoming to her as Ler cloth
... f ... . .
runes, rsiie is iudeMndent in opinion,
and knows sotnethinff about noliLies
from an Olio standpoint. She doals
fraukly with the men of Ler acquaint
ance, is shy about making friends of
strangers, and dances divinely. Th
gill who is laughing and talking rap
idly with tho gentleman who ia protne
The road that leads to destruction is
the route of all evil.
Elmira Frte Pre calls for something
more cheerful than poli'Ies. '
Snakes are no longer fashionable in
NewJer.-y. It's live alligators.
"No, ei-." writes the Pyjhester Jsr
aid, "ci .if t short far chicken."
Sara L.---, hsrdt is the sensation ol
the period m New York A bad sensa
tion. Piominatit chin and abundance of
cbejk aecofnjwry the snccvssf'd book
A great many people make the mis
take to illuminate t.oses in place of
When a Boston man invites you to
dinner and Leads postscript K. B., he
means "no beans."
The refoim in Hj-eiling will Isr re
vived rfter the election, suggests tLe
Detroit Free Fr$$.
A genuine German count, who SaLs
five languages, is in jail at Fort Wayne
for stealing saws.
A Nevada ball repoti sava : "Mias
llonoia X. waa full of eclat, in fct,tbe
eclatest lavly present." .
for the en
homaj." A
Southern accent, aud ia a general favor
ite. One of the beat tvnes of Ohio
womanhood u the W arren girt. She is
modest, fchy, extremely pretty, quiet
but stylish in dres, exquisite in figure,
charming iu face and conversation, and
mows down the other sex without ap
parent Tort or dcaire. She is good and
womanly, and "knows heaps."
Boston has "a society
couragetnent of study at
cooking school, tnsyVje.
"Anty, vat makes the little J; h cry
sot Do it vant its mndderf Yea,
dear, and its fodder too :"
"Kvery tiosition in lif Las its pull
back,' said th maiden as ?i.s Etooped
down lo gather fall leave".
The' lioston 2'rantcnpt sava that civ-
lizatLon is only another fotm of barbar
ism, or words to that effect.
The Boston Tratu&rit felt confident
11 along that the ram would come
w hen the dry weather was over.
A t air of soneakine boots entering
church will usually draw more atten
tion than the most attractive minister.
Theodore Tiiton Las returned to New
York from Karore. Ills new tectum
is entitled "The World To-morrow."
The mince pie is little backward
this year, and fears are entertained
that the early frosts have injured the
The Cleveland Herald avs : Good
text to frame and hang in a steamboat
stateroom : ''In midst of berth we are
in death."
A man who Las been successful in
nutting up ts winter s stove may now
safely commence to attend religious
meetings again.
In an Ohio breach of promise suit,
ihe nan was proven so mean that the
jury awarded no damages for escaping
such a monster.
The completion of the Southern Pa
ciSc is looked for by the farmers of Cal
ifornia to onen a new and favorable
route for the export of their vast sur
plus wheat crop. It is even prophesied
that this route via the Southern Pacific,
New Orleans and the gulf will carry
the entire crop of that State, alaiost im-
mftJlatelv after its openins, and that
wheat alone will give the road fifty
thousand tonspf freight a month.
The spelling Lea craze is breaking
out in certain sections.,
Uen. bteel being too oMest mem
ber in continuous nervine rf the Indi
ana Legislature, was appointed chair
manor tae commttteo delegated by
the Legislature to meet President
Lincoln at the Ktato line and escort
hiiu to InrfbuMpotW. At Lafayette
thcro was an immense Gathering of
people to gret tho Provident, and au
earnest call by them for a sjieceli, a
wish with which h seemed very reluc
tant to comply. Finding, however,
that he must say something to quiet
the multitude, ho related the follow
ing ; He said his hituatim reminded
him of a man out In Illinois, who was
a candidate for nomination for an of
fice. Tho convention Ht which the
nomination was to bo made. was held
at a town some miles distant from
where the candidate resided. On the
morning of tho day on which the
nomination was to bo made, the can
didate hired a team to take him to
thescene of hlshopes. The horse proved
very slow. Tho man pounded nnd
swore, ami swore and pounded, but
vlth his best efforts ho did not get
through (I'd nfter the convention was
adjourned ami his hopes were blasted.
llrf returned homo lo'a frame of
mind which you can imagiue. Tne
horse had been hired of the foreman
of tho livery stable, nnd was returned
to him.
Our candidate did not waste much
powder on the fojoiunn, hut on his
way home meeting the owner, he
denounced him in the strongest
terms for letting him have such a
horse. The owner said there must
be some mistake about it ; that his
horses wero all good travelers, and
finnlly persuaded him to return to the
stable to find out the trouble. When
they got to tho stable, the owner
asked tho man in eliar-ro what horso
had been given tho man. I gave him
tho hearse horse." "Hoarse horse 1
hearse horso 1" exclaimed tho man.
"Why, if a man vyouia. s:nrt to a
funeral with such a horse as that he
would not reach tho grave till two
weeks arter the resurreeilon," and,
said Mr. Lincoln, if I make a speech
in every town. I pnss through, I shall
not reach Washington until two weeks
afler tho Inauguration.
Tho story goes that during th build
iug of Solomon's temple that wise rnler
decided to treat the artisans employed
on his famous edifice to a baoouet.
While tho men were enjoying the good
things his bounty had piovided, King
Sxiloiuan moved about from, table to ta-
ijie, endeavoring to became better ac
quainted wain ins workman, lo one
be said :
"My fiiend. what is yo-ir trade f
"A carjwnter."
"Who makes vour tools f
"The blacksmith."
To another Solomon said :
"What is your trade T
"A mason."
"Who makes your tools 1"
Tha black smith."
A third ntated thst Le was a sUi:e
cutter aud tint the blacksmith io
made his tools. Tho fourth man that
King Solomon addressed was the black
smith himself. He was a imwerful
roan, with bared arms, on which the
muscles stood out in bold relief, seem
ingly as hard as the metal he worked.
"And what is your trade, my good
man V
"And who makes your tools f
"Make Vui uivwslf," said thu blaek
xiuith. WhercuiHHi King Solomon immedi
ately pronounced him the king of nie
chatiics.becauHe ho could not only make
his own tools, but all other artisans
wero foreiid to go to him to have their
tools msdi).
The Nycntn Advertiser says if it
could be possible to live our lives over
again, we would not act just as we had
done during our first experience.
At a recent Oratigo meeting of Ster
ling. Mass., Gov. Long delivered a
strong, sensible aihlrens to those pres
ent, on tho farmer's' business and life
generally, in the course of which he
said : "He did not think the farmer's
life was all poetry, for ho know some
thing cf it himself j but he reflected
tbat if brains were put into the work,
as in other calibers, the farmer could
his she observed. "Has he any marks by
, .. .. 1 i-i '1 which he may bo recognized 1" "Well,
family with luxuries and social pleas- j M Ja J -
ures, as well as the merchant and man- him wiJ a bod aat M,llilo ,le ole niun
ufaclurer." . Brains will tell in every- was a holdin' him, has laded out yet."
thin?. Galvettton A'etcs,
O . , :
. A big, fat colored woman came to the
Galveston Chief of Police and told him
that her stepson had run away and she
wanted to know where he 'was. "It
bodders mo to know why he left. He
had eberyting he needed to make him
corafable. I done all I could for him,"
Dk I.CiiSEi's btS I insists that Le is go
ing lo build tho iuter-oceanic canal. In
a letter to the President of Panama he
gives assurance that he is about per
fecting the nectssary financial arrange
ments, and that the commencement of
active operations in the construction of
tho canal is near at hand.
Physicians now say that the tele
phone is ir j- 1 ious to the ear. We pre
sume it's : h - -rain of listening and
bearing fc.v.i - j; Unit does the barn:.
A dull old lady, Ixsing told that a
certain lawyer waa lying at the otnt
of death, exclaimed : "My gracious 1
Won't even death stop that man from
lying r
Gambling is not" increasing particu
larly, but as black woolen stockings ar
to be fashionable, there will probably
be a great many blacklegs on tha street
this winter.
I think, dear, the dew has com
menced falling." he said in his softest
accents. "Yes," she yawned, "I have
been waiting to hear adieu for some
time. He did not call the next evening.
"Give Me My Hettrt,' is the title of
a poem sent in by "Pisnlope." Certain
ly ; we will send it by return mail. 11
any mora of yonr aiiHtoray ia missis".
uotifv us ey telegraph. -A eta loo
The editor was mad enough to kill
somebody w hen' he found that by a
singular mistake his foreman had pub
heading " hat we tat over ar
editorial how to feed hogs. C'tVc 'ntati
Saturday Aiyht.
Since bicycles have become so fash
ionable It ia proposed to popularize
tho wheelbarrow by changing- its
name to the unlcicle. It la thought
that If some nt our swell youths would
organize a unicycleclub they might
possibly earn enough to pay for their
An exchange heads an article "A
woman turned to stone." We hav'nt
time to read the article and discover
whom she turned to stone.but no doubt
it was some tellow who adversely criti-
clsed her hack hair or hustle, or some
thing that way.
m m i
Tho young clerk who deslrea to
pass himself off as a wealthy son
of a retired manufacturer or
lord of the soil, shcnld see that tho
hight of the counter is not too plainly
marked on the blading of hte coat
Coal is so black it is wonderful how
a dealer can make a ton so light.
Subscribe ior the Democrat.
An Oregon preacher had cr of hi
hoises stolen, and he went to his study
and prayed thnt quickened conscience
might oblige ttia ttuet to murn it.
That very bight the fellow returned
and stolo the other.
A poet asks : When I am dead aud
lowly laid. . . .And clods fall heavy
from tho spade, who'll think of nie t
Don't worry. Tailors and shoemakers
have retentive memories, and you'll not
be forgotten. ' ,
The Whitehall Tine says the fiah in
Lake Champnfe have been so long
without . water Ven it began to rain,
for the first time Itr-sdat weeks.that they
were seen running about with umbrel
los over their heads.
A yonng woman in Denver flung
herself into a cistern, but was fished
out. A local parages pher advised her
as follows : Cis turn from your evil
ways, But he won't joke , that w ay
when it comes cistarn.
- A baker, whose loaves had been
growing "small by degrees and beauti
fully , ?" vital going his round to
serve- his customers, stopped at the
door I one and knocked, wben the
lady within exclaimed, "Who's there V
and vas answered "The baker." "Wlafc
do you "To leave your bread."
"Well, you needn't make such a fess
about it put it through the keyhole,"
was the reply.
t4ttiUahd ls7'. '