WILLAJMETTEI 7U S3 J Child FOB MARBLE STONE : WORKS.' THE BEST 0? ALL F III DAY. K O V EM P E It 26, 1 V sir Oil i i:xi.i.ti;s roa urr. -, - . .' . In retiring from tho position vl Master of the State Granjo c'f JIifou ii, II. Eslibaugrli, lfi-, made a part ing ftdtlress, of which tho folkming are tho concluding pnragrapa : Whoa I united with the Order of Husbandry, I enlisted fur the strug gle, nrd through life, l'ottrins frcm an ofllcial position jdors not relievo me. from any duty or obligation in tl;e Order. Hence I will always be found within its fold, advancing Its, ire princbileP, laboring to build it up on n h;si.t that will ei.able ii to ilMriuufe. juPttco with all iti Mcbsinp to all mankind. - I have long since- been eonvitued of the fuct, and my, belief U mere .strongly tottfirmetl than ever before, that there is uo time to bo .lost by thuTirmers of Ameiien if they wish ioraiso ihcuiselvos nnd- their children from si r Men. U; doom Unit has crushed tho tiilers of the soil, In every other ago and laud. Would that every fanner in our land could fully realize hia condition, and bis surroundings in their truo light, and the great darters which constantly beset him. lie would, then not be long in flixiripr that tho only hope for relief and fcr tho restoration of his Gotl-givcn ri'.its dejvnd upon the success of the Grange. This is the only cnfinlzation th..t tho f ir.ners bave'ever had tl.ftt. promises relief, tho only one that will ever give relief: It must bo tither this or nothinj. Success to the Grange or the futuie doom of the farmer will soon bo foaled too firmly to be ever broken. Farm ers, make your choice ; there Is no Mantling still. . Yu are counted on one side or other. -Which side it shall be is for you to say, and the time you may think still alotsed, may be much shorter than yon Hippoe. With thcst convictions so firmly fixed upn my mind, by el-se ol?crvatipn and careful study, I shall ever work ftr the success of the Grange, with a strong l;rjmth:. ti e farmers will all rally to its rnppori "and carry its hat- owed principles on to victory. With kindest rcgirtls, best uinhw anil my most ulneero thanks to oiu1 ind ail, f.ir f.ivorj tnd courteies receivttl through ycur kimlne.-s. I most fraternally bid you an Atrial adieu. . . , . , , .-. AjllEICIX HBE1T IV C5SI t. . Iast month two AmeKcm AtcAinf laden with grain entered ti:e pert of Uovel for tne purjKxso of discharging Iheircargoes a circumstance hitherto wnhcut precedent m the anna! of Kasian coramcrof. "A St. IV tersbue k?tter receivetl a few day a, says that it baa MUicrto been : firmly established article of -tith in the tear's dominions that Eu-'sj 2xuldxiever need to import cereal from "Trtreijrn ccuntriei. ran'il fcmr ever has of late years been the falling ir a productiveness exhibited in the agricultural districts ""of the empire that the seemingly impossible has at length come to pass, and northern Russia is importing wheat from the United States. It is but justice to the Kussian press to acknowledge that ii has been profuse cf warning with respect to the probable consequences of slovenly and unintelligent farming, persistence in old fashioned and ex ploded systems of cultivation, reluc tance to invest capital in modern ag riculiural improvements, absenteeism and ether leaches which have practic ally disqualified KiSbian grain growers from competing fcr foreign custom with their trans-Atlantic rivals. But Russian boyars and peasant farmers alike were so immulablypossessed by the conviction that .Russia was the predestined granary cf Europe that they calmly ignored these salu tary monitions. They are now strick en with amazement and consterna tion by proof positive.snch as is aford ed by the importation cf American grain into Revel.that the cereal yields of northern and central Ilusia no loager suffice to meet the consump tive requirements of the native pop ulation. Germdny, too, is giving to America the preference over Russia for what grain she .finds it necessary to import from abroad, on the reason able grounds that the American wheat is at once cheaper and of better qual ity than the Russian. Oa the whole Russsian asrlculture is iust now nt n extremely low ebb, and its future promises io prove even gloomier than its present. . h Diajt is etin s "Dtmn' as a noun Mr!,t:tntivc i- at oUl regular vrord, used frequently by Eiifjlish MTiters do n o the first Iart of b?'.17th,ei;nry. "Ve uo not we why imnderoas a word hits been dropped by lexieograpliers. In tome places, as, if we ejjealc of how original sin lies heavy tifus, it Peems a mobt oppropfTate 'word. "We in herit witti Adain's natnro tho dama clenvinz of it !" Tho iio rr tb came down to oiir .American grand father and lasted even In ih ttr when tho n If rental currency wa3 a "not won li -a continental damnor "dead lo-?:" ' And for short- not wonh a d trno"" or bit of pajier- that was a dead loss ! It is not to tho cred it of our American 1 that they haver not recognized, tbii ..'jfigin ui a- im-dfia peculiarly Ameri can, and that if "Mang" et first hav ing a ba$ in fact, like h countless number of liIh r word-t, it ha been enrolled hs n factor in our accepted language "gerrymandering." his been. The ijeotibi did 'Let fW it,.,, their wrhew -f-. ar.d dii'iitniiri-). )miii witti a loss - -. - - - . . - . . . 1 1 iw.i r;. i;?,5 (in Arucrk'ait parlance, ai ivoifLteis K-rip). JXiraiiable, f,r its general meaning slgKiHos wortKy of sdverrj censure." Ooly when us In a theolog ical connection does i t imply what Por itana fcuppose. -It,mostcertainly,i9 not swearing !" And, except by the im position orlhe Puritan Signification, it Ja not cursing. And yet we re member hearing people using a phrase whose history they knew not say ; "I do not care . a cuss"meaning curse. Freeman Journal. " The Cleveland Herald snys: "Gojd text to frame and hang ra n ftcinr boat stateroom : ln mt'dt of hori Ii we are iu death." " L .; ' . ' " Witched b rccotaracsd it. IT 13 NOT NARCOTi:.-. CENTAUIS USttMKSXS ; tho AVorld's pront roJn-IJr-licrlng remedies. Tlicylien!, tmotlie nnd euro II urn u, , Woundsi, "WeaJc Dack nr.tl 1 ItheunuUism upon Man, n::.l JSprolus, Galls aud LamcucKi r.;c;i Iicasts. Clacnp, xuloU -and reliable. - CPTJRT3 of Cine- tins Eir.cr., CnuClos, Cr&okllus Palaa is tlio Ilcatl, Totld Eroati, DoaTacao, vnd any CatarTuU Coir, plaint, -rvn to exterminated fcy Vol Do "iryer'o Catarrh Curo, a Conse nt iounl Antidote, by Abacr? i io-v To noit Important Eia-cwer- ico Vaooiaattoiu HEKRY Vf. SMITH S. COS J CELEBRATED KENTUCKY THISTLE DEW WHISKEY. HENRY W.SMITH & CO. DISTILLERS, Ktnion Count j, 6th Dst Kentucky. OFFICEi . 252 & 254 West Third St CINCiriNATI. lh alwre WhLiky has taktu n lui tnenw) run ami 1 romnieniIKl by tho medical faculty for medicinal nd lam ily pnrjos. For Mia bribe Vmrrnl. pallmi, fw or bottle by ait druggists aud grocer ud by R'a 3ALT."il ARSH, "WholcsaTo and Rotail Agent, Album y, Orrstia, ljcl ALBANY FOUNDRY r.STAUI.IIIE 1S55. T.y A. F. CHERRY, aiUmicd at corner of Urst and Munlinuueiv Xlmnts- Alt.anT. Oregon. . . Having taken -haTsrof tli ilmra - mcd Works, we are nrermn-fl in mimiftutfnre Steam EnirinM. Saw mil (irist Mill. Woed-workin Machinr!rv-"Ptimrii. Iron and Br&sK Castings rf every deacripUoru Machinerv of all ktnd.4 rrrmiM-iI. Ktxv c5al atumtion ctven to rurrairuiir farm ir:a- cbinerv. Pafirrn SJxkLBE Ine in all It ftinaa. IftUyl .. A. 1'. C'HEURY .SUN. . ALBANY GARBLE WOKKS - ' ALBANY, OUE&OX STAIGEB BROS. rropriciors. . 15 !.. HEADS I'OIVlCg; Executed In Italian er Vermont JCarble. Also, every-Variety-ceuictory and other Btona Worlt. doiia -with UiaV''ieKI and dispatch. . .. t . ;-toial Uentiaii piv n to orders from. at iart.1 UiU KLata and Wa.-hinjjton Territmy. . ... . - 2T-AU tmtit -carranUJ. n6(f Aliany Batk Hox?.s9. '2 mavsivLSiQszi rcrtn.iaESP3?cr tm- ialTiy intvria the r.itiieoi of Albv.y Mid ri IE it i iiave u1icd churge ol tb is J-:alil:cli zest, Knd, by. keeping clou FOOBkvad payin etrictatteutian to baiue. exp:t to suit at fbota-who may favor ua with thair patronaga Uriag brotufu aarriad on nothing bat ' JTirst-CJlass Hair Dressing Ealcone. w expect e girt entiro aatisfactioo to si ; 5--Cb iMi ott and Lr.tliet' U.rr rt tnVy eti & (EaiBpocad. ' JOH i baii -M. v 9 morula io n ae l'iisiiie wis lurruh, but tu.mu willing t aork i-.u 1 cvily cant a lozen collar! a uay rit-lit ia their uvm. localities. IKve time to explain liere. Uu-nuaa j lonKaiit and liuuurablc. Wo men, ami lxy an.l girl ilo an woil a men. We will lumish yon a cuniraute "it!if, free. W -will tiear cx peiinc at Martinif yoo. Farticolarj fr. Write and Fannera ami ineuicitheir enatiil dauh tvr, arid ai claitMe in mscA of paviritr rrK at bmitt, tiumld twi'ito to im atui Ireirn aij" atwiit tiio work at u.kk. Ad.rsa Tw a C. Am.iuv. iislne. - ' S' a Pi-csh 3ocf, Pork, Mutton, .' "Veal and S&uss',ge al V.lwt bn;h'aiid.''- Upbeat C3t Triuo for all klnila of f t tlt. ,4-tf .," ,- J.EVI WE6T. WEtOOME - SALOON ; f VTin J Vols , Ijoprfcter. ; fpTIE BESTwiwro, T JQTJOB-S AND .A jragara ivrsy on l&nd. .beeii. 5 ,cE;iTTs;;A OLAsa ', Call and HoejiiA.: -fiatoott.in.nrSiik btiild in:r, 3t iliior to J KiunalV furiiitttrn stor. ?-tf - Wi, Voltff. King of tho Blood Cn i nil Srrofulmia naiPtinna nnj iHwinlrm rmult iu from lmpiirHjr of tUo bluod. Iti Bamllnm o lwcify all,u thn !i"r';rrciin ummlir mrwlv tlnir ouuw; but ttall A''iT3n, J'implu, Chr, 'umor, .v.i ir, Xmtllmt'. !!.. r tho imwt oninmon, k well many ailvcUuiu at Uia Jlmrt, Jltad, Livtr Had AVmicA. SCROFULA. TTonlorM Curs of Ellnduoss. I. lUatnM, Hoj, A Co. : For lUo IwnciH of truuUxl with tinrafuU nr Iratuir IlluoJ In lilr i-ylei, l lirlv noiinnn-na Knur of tho IHuwl. 1 hi lm livubltMl with HorofuU fur Um put Un . wliah o kIIvUhI my cyrt Hint I unn. (ilotelTr I'linii for u montlit. I wiu iwuniraamliKt W try Kinn of th DIokI, Ulch liaa pruv.nl n Kraal lilraainif l ma, a tt hat rumplrtaly vurvd nit, awl 1 ch.vrlully iwuwtueud it t.iull tnmlilsU mi 1 ttava lw". Your truly. Mm. 8, WKAtimuLuw, ianliuiu, N, V. !SL 0 C will b prtiJt to liny Public Jtonpltnl to mi mntn hy un4nt for evnry tssrttiU'flte of t ltia uill- Its Ingredients. Toalinvoar fntth In the aafcty ami rxrallsnw nt Die K. 11., upoB miiur porm.iml nppiieuuun, lian aiiiianva uwi no impoitiuou in tulrtultl, va will piva the nnmaaof ull kta iiarmhanta, ly nlH.lovtt. priauirof any ntliar Kamily Mnlirlnain . mwTV vut-iv .vi. uv.iTr llliHlv lwirt I T II. pro. i IImi wurld. utanjr (eatimoniiua.liirtUrr infnrmnlino, auil full dirvoUona fur uairxr will lw found In tha pain rlil"t "Trealu-i on JHaraara of tha lllond, la which ach lMttaiarnrioafHl. lvi-w pi prrootUcoon. taititair li ounwa, or i l bo diw. hold ly dmir futa. 1. lUxauH.SuM it Co., l'rup'ra. llulI.d.KN.y Spoilsman's Headquarters. W. ID. SOOT T, i.E.u: is (inijs, Hides Revolvers!! Am .truuiOMUion rf Alt K!nl. fl.tumri-Mi, Siiafii'n, W(t Utwvr &k4 r-;taj( rieaUii? ii..t gun, aiKl tnttuiV'ftvMliui; ntt an4 ! guik t4 T'WUt. CalU-rv. t ailor, I aim v Ut kinds cf Kaehincs la- paired, S t,'aj;not lie t'lulirvijld A:o!. TO Ui ll.U M:lc. (! If WHEAT VAHTED. t Wit. I. r.VY A P R E M I U I5 of I'OUU CENTS tor bimla l Jn Mlil ftcJ over and alovo tle Market iiriiwrntnl rood Mervlmnubie wlu-it fclorml uitll ilieiu IhU aca.tt. Arc prcimretl to piy .CASlt IXWS, and guarantee aa j;o,M' price "an ' obtain ed ebsewhere. A largo supply of hack always on band. We have our Mill fitted np Ub all Ibo latpt iinproreU Macbinorj', nnd do CVH' ruM WORK. RAT.LARD, JSOM .t CO. Albany, July Jt.lsbO. hi INSURANCE. Commercial Union, of London. Capital, $12, 500,000. North British and Mer cantile. Capital, $10, 000,000. Also tho Imperial, Lon don, Northern & Queen Capital, 339,000,000. C. H. STEWART, Agent. CENTRAL rVL AHA Jii. J. It. HERRF.X, Pi opiiclor. .ITTi:ii UP IS TIIK XE.VTICTTKTVI.E and keep i ontantly oh hand a full aupply of rSHE,3lTTCS, VEIL SAUSAGE, AND Tbo fullest pftinsvUI bo taken tnwom moJato the public. 16:CHf f3SrV btwwhvlng niivia taifteT than ever kifcH hy ih'-tv twtr for iu. lVnnmf t-iUier v : nri tmike Vi mjk in their own Uvrum II lh:y art wUUny to work, bio rule. . 'j utitlit frrv. AnyMutcAn run tlie bu-inv, Ca(ital not rNtiinrd, All wb4 iffrr. hn one fail. I'jtrtKtjlsrn free. Add i H. 11 ALL 15 rt Co.. Vtntiutd, Mttitw. , jpl gy VT XTk Crent chanc o nuke nvmcy. We VKvyfli MXrioc4 a jwrson In tsvery Viwtt totakn raterirtifmg for the lrxeit, Htenct and bent Ulu tra.t4 family puthcatim in the vorM. Anyone con UMnea ucMsafuJ afcut. bix olojrant wfrka of art (riven free to miliscrihcro. Tlic price ia o low Dial aJ mot every tMnty mtlntcrilleg, tno ayent report tak i(C 120 u!wcrifcr in a !'. A litoy aifcnt reptrtu making over tViOo clear profit in tii in. All vw enra's make money ftiat. You can do vote ail your tuttatothd bainc8. or onlyjottr Kiro time. You f.ovni Dot be away from homo over niht. You can do it a well as other. Full direction trma fro. Ifyouwajit profitA!e wtirk on1 ua your aiirttMaat onco. It cmtn itothin f o try tha buiu. No one who enmrea fait to uiake preat jaiy. Autirow Gm. &mxos tic Co., Portland. Alaino, . . klyl (7ATISTBO tVXM. 13TB, 1370,) -''- FOR !6ALB-BY,' POX, bttjve, & c o. The Corvaliis Fruit Co. Will purchase ritmiiner dried fruit at full market prices ; Will rttmd a competent person to advise fruit grotvera es to cultivation of or addi tions to fltrchartts ; Will nppiy fruit trees of app wed sort at moderate prices; ' Will Plumnier Brfers through Linn, Bantam and Laue eountie. Letters to le went to Corvallfe Fruit Com pany. Corvall is, Konton County, Orecon, . WALTJM HAffH; 1'nwUletit. .Tamkm ItuADlftN, Koc'y Jautinry 3, IShO. 21vG 555 1 ' '- 1 .. 0S VT of1 tars r i if "m coVARN tK 3 7, tiik iti Kci:.oi;sTKr.xt;rn. I'liyoUtil forco Ik one of llto grfintet ol btiinan poucwlona, but 'unfortunately It IomU only a tdiort time. Aocblcut, dlw uo or old ago come aloit. and tlm fom w btcb wcro oneo o.powerful rjuU Vily j-a nway. Anything tlmt cttn'rvxturo thcbo'powora nr preerv0 them Is lliurrfore inorc vntt:ab!o lbn tbo.pwer tboiiisrhpi ntid ir to bo admired TbU U exnctly wlmt Vr. nr r'n Safe KUlney mid J.lvtr Ciiin (Iimm. It taken tho body wbrti It In; broken and ImiwchI by nUiknt'Aji and rvtra It to ttio powers It once poitwutavtl. .It iILmuk and all other opposing wil ovfr llto ptfo Ipico Into oblivion. Jt tiH no fririu'.s tlial are noui!oa of btnlth aud.uocticiuk's that arc the filomln of boalta. Tho vast ha portanco of tbo loner portion of Ibo body In prtxlticlng gool hrnllh Uliccoiiilug bet ter knitwn every day. IJotlt niriiVnd wo men of all c!aHM nailx tbb. Kor women provioun to child-birth, for all dboanc j' cullar to their ntx, fur tlel!!ltatt mon and puny ch'btren tbero i notlilng w blob no Hafely and mitely mn;ilni and restore a tbis Urcat Natural rti iuetly. Tt;e kblurya and MrltiJiry orf;i, wbesi dcrargrit, tin- deruilne the Ufa tmieli inlclir than con tumptiou, and tbey intiHt to nttrmU.l to pronipllyor fatal conwincnrp ore fcure to follow. Tito UirtlinortUU will. Ii are trlnt- ed herewith elenrly i1i.w tltat Warncr'a Safo Kidney aud Ltvcr fnro will not tiuly check tliosc diaeaxoa but cuUrrly euro thfin even if limy bare IjcO!UO antcil. It I lh only knowu remedy which will aafclyand certainly do' tbU, aud tbore la n4 an tn ktanro on record wbcro It hat liilicn!. It in for iialo by druxsk4!" 1ft" all i a:U of tlm world aitd.U niuufji tntfil by i. ::. iriiiMx c t o. UarlM-t-trr, S. 1'. mils ana 17lAXlMKR?,TO r.r,X)Mi: WKALTilV, MKK TIIOftH OF'TItAISCE A3fl CEK , MAN V, muat bicreaao their exrw. We are produccra a wo'l aa coiiHumeia miiKt nro!-i( innre man wo ennKtimo nallyibati Ly planting ptioil on liitnU of aelect frtilu, tberoby inAkiitfr a xood-and happy homo for your children, and at thaftame tiino irlvin them ti'x-ful ami romiiner atlve emptorment by learning them bow to prcnerve lb trreat arietlea of fruit aud Vefrefabbta that prow nron fbelr f.itber'a From ONK'JO FIVKTUUl'SANIi PLUMiMERS Family whlch abaotntoly ba no maeblnory of any that cliildren and aud peoplo can run it on llvo in aucceaKiul oirulioii in iinn t oupiy. itacbuapueaa rccomuicnua it to every "We bare opened a forclfrn market and for all rruita ilried ly una process, ji nai " "V, 43 ' ; ' nurrrnrtnenr A -GOOD THE NEW YORK -tAND- STATE-RIGHTS I)E3IQCItAl WILt I!K SiCNT TO ANY ADIVKIvKS lilts THE . CHICASO- , - WEEKLY ''.KEWS ".' WILTj BK SENT TO ANY ADDRESS FOR $.0 IN ADVANCE.-. This Is the boat opportunity ever afforded Ibo people of tbe-wniamotte Valley to pet reading matter at low rates. Soud in natnos an soon aa possible, ao as to get tho in teresting Klitleal now from tlio Kiwt which wo may epf ot In tlie Spriit)?. Delinquont Kubseribers wiahing to avail themselves .of tboae otlera will be oxreoied to pay up all arret! rages. ,:.' aTO.NU I SOU TUOX4i OI KttJi. Tho follnwlnit alntotnonU aro tba volun tary oxprMuilouM of a fow ainrmK tboua auilx wliu Imvo Iw on aavtHt br tho nao of Warner'a Katn Kidney and lAvvr ur. The writer are not jx.raonally known to too ruprtctorif, but limy nave nn tit-e K'norM na oxnroH.ioaa or incur cratituuu. 1 liitr alurerlty. Ihercforo. mnnoi Ik) 'iua- Uoticd : J Mi-r. XT. 31. V.'ai ner & Co.: I inntb'inn: I have for a lonir ttuta lioftn til'iik-tfil with a torrtblo) kidney mm plaint. whii'ii it aoeiiitui at time nollilng ttouia cntitrob J tried doctor nn.iuoi!l''ln tenalvely, bul found no relief. Finally 1 vi nt hIvWhI by a friend to try your fciUo Kidney and Uer Cur", and now, after utrrittR nearly futir yeara tho moat aeiib ln, 1 find turaclf entirely well and able to atund to buaineai) overy day. ti Jou!fi. I. C'uawronn. Jersey City, 7oue, isso. Miir. II. II. Warner it Co.i -UK iUKMK.f: Without aoiiella-.Soo I do- hlro li exjireiw to yon iny blgh apirocl tluu of your rimiedy. Homo tlnio alnew nty alien: to u was called to a Kantlentan w no nmi for a loni; tune iiceu n icreat auf- ft r-r. Aftor tnakinir a thorough examina tion of tho eauMf, X found that blx kldneya and liver wrr Oatlty alfecuxl. - ?iot wltu out boaliatlon I prem-rlbed your Hnfo Kid' ney and IJverfura. The) roan It, after tait Inir two bottloa, haa been aatinlatory In ll.o extreme. Without ho.ation. 1 would pri-aj-noo i:to ramo renicoy loan similarly urninwi, xonra truly, lU-chei'.er.N.Y. it. C'At'I.KM,M.r. Mer. II. If. Warner A Co.: Uksti.kmk.": I bavo lcn a raided wltb diea6 ut tbo kldnvya for Ibo pant two yearn, and bavo irlod numeroua rcmeii n with only j.nrtlat and temporary relU-f. lour Halo Kidney ana IJver Cam wna rtHMuinumded to ma, and after taking tt t no pain ana uixtroaa left mo and I am to- nay loeunt? Mrnug and well. I am per f.vt!y aatUt'cJ that Wamer'a Fafo iCemo- dtcMotre tha mudlrluen noedotl. aad can clii-erniily commend tbeui toother. tt. W. Htamm, IvJUor "Tba Induatrial Kra." Albit, Iowa, June, Ivso. sjKBSSaaea eabes ami nt no way ran wo do tula mor enect farm. ., IHILT.AIIS per annum can bo rcatkad .y the NEW PATENT kind, nnd in no slmplo ia U eonatractioh any kind of fruit or vcRotablea.. Seventy- are prepared to pay the bigbeat cab prico no ejttai. Tortus liberal, , . . . , , , , ' -''geow.' sill, Ag;cjit Corvaliis Fruit Co., OFFER WEEKLY WORLD I-'OU ONf.Y $.5IM ADVAN'CK. AND . . . t Democrat T02 mil OS E2AST. Wliftl ft mf1l'lnJ lina Inf.illltity dona rl work In iiitiiloim ofciiMia for mora limn a tlilnl of it c imlin vi uIm-ii It liaa r.Hh(ii1 vi'v ini't of ilii win l'l; whon nntnlrt'rlivA liiiiillina ftMywIi pi in aiilMi It 11m rnly Httiit )'fHiinV' 1m I'tiait of pnl it rr iK.'i'I'li'iil, it I jimiiy ,.) tu call auclt a mudli Hid TEE BEST OF ITS KIND. Tllla la Itin Man' with tlio Bfrdran mnrntnujc II Ml mr tit. J-.riMy muii rnrrd, the iK"y "f "fl "'"l t:.t or burn aulltaal. Iho lirtiiia cf riirn matl.irt ovruonivriii'l tf it lUotiminil tf Mllrt (rtiO OllKT ll'l'dHlllir-l IHKl llll'l'i i a iifrnr'tii'tt iiy tn iiihuio iaa jtaan Slmlaua I .ll(. Ail forma or I ii'yiirt illfii(t nrn pJl!ly tiuiisl Uy t!i MMEM Mnntntiir t.ltilmont. It M-ii't( i iiti-M itiimct", ttimthmnt nnl ttx.uo, o liiu very Ihiii", buiilalilitK jmlii ii li"t tiirliiij ilUi-iiio wtlh A (i)w.-r Hint I..... f . . 1 1 . 1 1 I. hUU.IIi'Iii. AmmImI I . tr fVr)toiiy, fiolit llto raiuhrrn, win) rlliw lit - : . ' S. . . - -MD.STi.NG ov"rtt n anllinry )!nlii3, In llto incri'bnnt if 3 trtiii,".mi1 ihi wiMHloitu-r li illlf ii ui i"t witii mo a. tm M It etiri' Illii-iimulUm wtiPit ml otlmr t- amitli nt Ion. mil. p i Tliia umlurlitj . . mm annetllr ettrea futh al:uieut of the lit MAN l.Kll aa lla.ttia.tlant. f)r.lltal, BllfT J4nla, 4 Ontra. t-t Bfalaa. JlarH. aiaii tumlam. I'au. Il.yti.a mmH MpralMa. I'nlaauoua ttltaa df HtlMca, KUfrnraa. l.nrnm, Old awraa, t'levra. 'ratHlia.l'bUI,latfia. tor. Itftpfilva. i akr.t ttraaat. nt InUactt cry forua of cxtarMal dia a.. Jt la tha (fretttea. rnAj for fhn 1!a Ardrrv ttift ttatfiUvtitN la wltlcti tti Until H kUtrniM nr .nlijoct liwt liua ovar Immmi luiown.- Jtcun-a flralna, anlniir. hllfT Jtnlnta, FaaaHtar. Ilaraaaa Hrrrrn, l(oar Ita aaaa, Hot. few-raw IVora. faa. J Hollow llaru, Mi rate Ij.a, Ind , (all. Spavin. 1 arrr, ltlngbotM, JOlit Knr.a, 1'ull l.t ki, lltn npan lit Mlt anil rrrr oilier attmcnt l waitrlt Ik Aff.ii.ali of taw fctabla ami Mack lurU an liable. A tweutv-flvo cent IxMlle f Mnxlean Miia'atiK I.lnluieut lina onen aavoa a valtwblH liorae, a lilo o: trutclaea, or yi ara f lortir'. It haala wllhowt a Srr. ItCK-'ti tliM furv roiil ul liui tii:iUi-r. iteuutmtliitz 3 cwi I he Ikmip. Jt ntrea eveTTiincjr. ran nianppoin'a no ona. Jt Jui Ih I.t .ti-nily u for morn lltdit lilil;'-Uvu yviii., u;iil It IKnltlvviy THE BEST OF ALL rC3 C3 S3A3T. MARX BAU FilG ART Ha icar orr.r.o ovt a IVcwLiqaor -Store Krreo!T!m.Te!i hd THE FINEST r.HAXDS OF WIXES, LIQUORS, TOSAaO & CIGARS. Tlte OlrbralrU SI. Lou in STONEWALL WHISKEY, Tba fiiwat wbUVey In tbe Slate. WUiskie, French Brand", Sherry, Fort uarct. ana all otarr ktna. f winen, (iin. Ale, IWr, nad Ftirter. Rittm cf every kiud, and lhc Les braoils of tuharoe and lirar. want everybody to tindemUnd tl I have oitened out a llrtt-clttwt new lie uor autro. where cltv and country deal era can procure tueir (ttorwi ai x'onuuta nrleex. with only frt'ttlit adilea Iteoma on the corner of Front and Ferry Streeta, Albany, Orenow. av.r. J E. SORBIN & CO. Importera and deatera io WI.E A1SD' LIQUORS. , CIGARS JIKD TOE&CCQ- Airenta for Jeaaa tfoore A Co "a. IV and Rye WinaKiM, om loraaia Vina lilklf. from i00 to f.ao a ptlloD. bottle fn.ra i eonta to tl.SU Ktae Kreneb brandy from I2.T5 te I1S.( nllnn. In bolt lea from 7S eta. to f i'iii. i.'. . i,ut im VL'ln. emm t .IMt tj. ai III a, ..1. on. In tf)tll irora ucta. to liio, Ji'idb Bherry Wlna from in to f 10.00 a gal ton. In bottles Inm 79a. to iii. Holland UU a.w) a italloc, tu bollei from ct. toI..MI. All kimiaor wine, tuttereaaa t oruiaia. ( laroK.ne dollar a callou or 25 eta. a tiottln. I-lnuora In ptnta aud tutlf plat Haaka for traveler! aud others. If ci AMPLE HO O M S ' ; " ., ' attaebealto .... CIGARS 3. TOBACCO, By tbe box or pound, ebeap.- rirst Elraat. Bar BraUaJbl, AHir TITUS lJXIOSt. , trMT.txi. .rr., t , Acrnls fur Krwin.au Rewlas Marhlnrs. AtUANT, - - OKKCON. tu) lf)ULf i'ur uwn IcMnhty. No rink. Wuimii do aaw.ll aanwu. atany tiiaKp more than the amount .tauxl atiove. no one cau im.ii to nta?tt monny runt. A nv one nan do tlia work. Vuu ion nuiLa Imiii fLI iflj. to an hour Uy Uavotiitjr your eveniiia and ppara time to tho tmntiidtiii. H conta nothltttr to try the bus inoaa. Nothing like it for money niakinst ever offered before. Ituainena pieamnt and atrtetly honorable. Reader, If you want to know all about the beet paving buaiiioaa before the public, lend ua your addreaa aud we will send you full particulars and private term, tree ; samples worth $& also free ; you can then nrake up your mtna lor youreeit. Auanns UfcOBUIS Bll.V aOSi & UO. , roruaiid, Alauis. urn Yonn snoppiHG Everybody deligbted with the tasteful and beautiful selections made by Mrs. nar, who baa neyer failed to please h.er etiHtomers; JfewFall Circular justissueU. Send for it. Address "MRS. ELLEN LAMAR, lS:7tf . S77 BroaUway, ow Vcrk. EE L ESEBTSE 14 :.ti -S' -MASCrACTUREnS or- MARCLE KONUMENTO, HEAD STONES. TABLETS. MANTELS, CEMETERY CURBINO, ASHLAR AND COPING. BASES FOR GAROEN FOUNTAINS TILE FOR WALKS, AND ALL KINDS OF WORK IN STONE. Aa we tret our Marble direr from th Rutland Quarrb and Milia in Vermf-nt.aftd have it elix;Wd wllli ear, we ean Inaiita wntninnri the br-t ef marble, an nrtt work- era y that Vermont marble la letler l han J laving Juat reeelven aeventt toiw tu marine, anil navinir more on me we ean offer extra ludiieomenU to thoae wanting work. Order from any part of tho itar promptly attended to, and all work warranted aa represented. We have nocanvaww r out for work jteept thoae having their eredenttals from . . . aiCrlsiiop ami worua corner rHMionu ana r-imwimii Btreeta, Ainariv, tirepon, Vl5nWf - V. W(Mj A CO. aisaaawaaBraalaaaaaMaaaajaMaaaHaBaa I), T. MAftOW. Jolt r-Hr FOSHAY &. WIAQON (HueeoMMora to John Koabay.) - bEALF.es I.t DRUGS, BOOKS, STATIONERY, ETC., A LARGE AND DRUGS AND Kmtan arU.ln aanall fmad a nix DOOKK Vrsl Ti! Ut-k la rrry iwaa awl mm aaMtad. Mtlfot alas run la aMmrtl a its thia Aeymrtmnt. aa all the Uuxt IjuUtii a.nnii, tnetunala, ate., aaa M VToami. WHEPJ YOU COME TO ALBANY CALL AND SEE US T13037U AT TIIK CM KTASn, 72 itkht btrickt, aksoutmknt COOK, BOX AND PARLOR STOVES AND RANGES, Am any bonne In lite valley. lie TilL SHEET IP.CN KVKRY DI-!CRII7TTON IX STOCK OU TO ORDER. ALHO, HE Kt.KI-s 5N HAND, A FULi ASSORTMENT OF GENUINE GRANITE IRON WARE. OF ALL OK WHICH HE OFFERS TO THE l-DWJU Ai riwttts, iuai COM PETITION. CALL. AT 72 FIRST STREET, ALBANY, OKHiOS. Repair work done wiSnS6 LAiiD! MSM!. PATENTS! SQLCIEBS H0 S&1L0HS' Additional Homesteads, (Coder Bee 2KJ6B.e.) If fnn wrn hi V. B. snxlce at least 80 days and prtur In June Z2, IWt. took acrra as a homuttesd you wilil berntitjrl to l'ju store: If you Unk an VI. W acres more j If 130. 40 acn-s more: If Liu. 10 arrr more ; 1 jU, lar-remon, w hich Is the claim tnattiiKitit you have not trri-ltM and la knorn as tha "additional bummesd." and If entitled can a-li. rntt pavthe lliykc Markrt IMeeJoraUiiac. Jtracuuus vsolod alauu Will giro $25 CASH AS A C0""ISSI0.(i frr M or araparlhwa to tor aUmt si am to any ona who w til put me oa the way of aud I succt-rdln making a purchase. Think sliuie. J you not know of some one. aud make fji. (krod sunup fur circular explaining. PENSIONS are rdrcn to all persona or the heirs of those inlnnnL no mailer hoar ails. it. in th 0.8. twrvlce. and undertlieaewlaw rait obtAut a Pension dating bac k to the date of dwililllty or di-ath of the original claimant, pro vided aj.plK-auon la made prior lo July 1, l.J. so tliat all jx-nous ought to make Intmedlate appli cation. All those who will make application through m before Mnn-a 1. Isso, will attend to the 1u1mi for a f of flit, the same to not he paid until the claim Is granted, and no pay unless suc vfUL So write in immediately and gire a full, clear statement of your gronndaupon which to ob tain s t iiu. and you wlil be promptly answer ed. uduso stamps. -ipJsariiBisrnrs- To all persons Interested In Patents I offer mrsrr vices tu obtain I'atentafnr them upon the grounds ttiat unlcM patent is obtained make no charm, Writrjull par&CHlar taut srwf Mmlri tor ea erasuno liim. Have flrwlai Washington. D. C. connee uous who mnke tbe cxamluatiuo lit person fax' USDS MD OTHER PROPERTY BOUGHT MO SOtf) and exchanged in all parts of the United Statu aim uinaua. eeua two s-cent stamps lor the Lrsat List 1st Uie mttesi States. All kinds of Fcrtp fhr location of State or Oor rrnment Lands bousbt and sold, did Wax Lnnd Warrants wanted. Send stamp for circular, or loe t.r ramohlet telling how all kinds can be located and under what acta tbey originated. Send lor references. AUdiem. D.H.TALBOT. ACtXTS WMTE8. Stoqx City. Iowa. A BARGAIN ! Valuable Property for Sale. THE ALDEN FRUIT DRYER, I nduJing the bulldinft and Iota upon wliieh it la alttiatod, la for sale at a bar gain. There are two tlryera and they can tie Bold separately. Tuia la a good op portunity for fruit raisers to secure tbe bet drver made, at a low price. Tbe lots are very valuable lying on the .Ivor rront, ana Having a rauronu.swiuta rtinnititr by tbem. It is cood location for a custom flouriKg mill, foundry, or any sticu uutnesa. For further particulars call on the IreL aout or !Secretry or the coiupan v. O. K. CRAWrHJRD, L. C. IUcTJ, ITesident. becrotary. 39 T!iE PARKER CI)).8 SCUD STAMP FOR CIRCULAR PARKER BRffS V.'EST MER1DEH.CV. , TO i 11C AYOKKIKG CLASS. We am now prepared to furnish nl! elates slth con stant employment at homo, the uholo of' the time, or for tJulr siwre moiot nix. liuvinviw nw, liht and pmfiiaUle. l'ursons of cither sex easily earn from 50 routs to . per evening, and a tmipnftional sum by devoting their whole Uine to tlio buMitisna. . liovs and girl, earn noarly aa much aa men. That all who see this notice may send their addrtwa and test the busi ne wa make this offer: To such as are not w!i sat iticd we will soud one dollar to pay for the trouble nt willing. Full particulars and outfit free. Address, liKoauK Stiksos tt Co., l'ortlanil, Maitis Syl VIIslfARD HOUSE. Ilftlsey, Oregon. A- LQUEIJEE, - Proprietor. fTTIIIS KLEGAKT SEW nOTEL. JUST NOW JL c l..i.l. will ba onetisd about Juiy 1 5th, Is79. It is conctrticted the most modern and eonvenieut plan, has a tine sample room especially nrramrd for eoiumersi! travcluis, and the table will be suppled at si) times with Rood weals. s any imported from foreign i-uuiitriex. fHKHII STOCK OP RIEDICINES in fln-taai null 4raf caalH-lmrl. UK STATIONEItV, II AH OK OX HAND A II NK AN a I m porta ana inauuiaciur AKD CGPPER WARE at reasonable figures. DR. SPIN HEY NO. II CEARSEY STREET, Nan Francisco, California. Treats all rtuwaic a special m -sroxrasro aexnee iirnauif kr rrratixc lion tbe y cflctatff youthft.1 foUitv r biu7"a, siil do artl to sfsil tssndoai uf Uiia, tbegrnJuas, Iras er bud at the aitar of ausennr hutuaiut;. -flu KHI.VNKt will gnarantM furfeh Mjia,. erery im btmilnai. ntwa at prima diaaii. sf any kuad v cadr wfatch bs andanakes and fade U awns. a HIDSIX-ACED HEX. Then sr. manr at th.ar.crf tbir-fltosfrtT wb sr. imbM rltb too fiaquawt eracssataoa oi thm blad 0r. etlai annaupwled by a alight lananingw btmai-g senaatwa, and a wcakenbis of the n-stem u s ssHHr tbe paucot cannot aocoiuil lor. tm exanuntng w nrinsry depcaits s ropy sadisms will often l found tnd atsnctiBM. small partirhs at al Somen will appesr. Jt tha eolor will be of a thia milkiah bne, again chang ing to a dark and tort ad appearanoa. Tber. amnaay Bwa bo die of this diotcnlty igsonntuf tbscauar, which is lbs seeuod stage ssminal wcaknen. IHt. will gnanuitM a pwfcxs eon In all ssdi sasss. and healthy rcabiraUoa of tbs gsaito-armary organs. . Orncl Hoeas 10 to 4 and tnS. Bandays tmca toll a. a. Cooaultatiuat fne. 1 burooh uuuaiw and advice. S3w tr priiate dlatares of short SUncinjr a fn'l entme of edicine salSoent for s enra, withal iuMrwrltuba, ill bv aeiit tu any addrese on necipt of $10 IO. Call aud sddiHa. . -' - K- ftriSMT Jt ( U Xi t v No. 11 KraniT fct. Fan FrmiM..mx; tal To the Unfoi-tnnate ! DS- - GIBBON'S Dispensary, 00 KE4RST rT. "1 U-iT eorne of t'ooimcr 3 cial Strsst, tan Fruiubana. IvrtsUidied in ISM, f. !tbe treatment of bVxnal f and Seminal lliMaara, sucb -;taa 4Btrrhew ailees, atrirtare, SpblKa in ail A it. furas. lasa.teaey. ftessitaal Seakaesa, night kisses by ilnus, pim ples en the far. and kiss of manhood ean peemTely be cured. Tbe sick and aSietad abooM ant fail te mt non bim. Tbe Doctor has traveled exteustvel) la Europe, and inspected thoroughly tbe rsriou. b.t tais uters, oMaining a gmat deal of valuable infunrw- Itnn, wmca as ueompewst io unrart as iboss m aeea of bis seryiees. 1B. GIBBON will make bo Htam nnlMs be effeut a enre. rersona fct a distance 3tlf" fCB t'( Kit ST HOME. AD eonintuaicauoa swictly eonndential. You see no one bot tbe lajctor. Send vsn dollars for a package of medicine. lersoua wriUng to the Dorter will pieaas state the name of the paper tbey see this advertise meat in. C'banres rea sonable. Call or writ Address DR. 4. K til Bltu.t, Boxl57, ttes rnucisco. .... : vlSrrtJ STAR BAKERY ! ItA'ajTJilTl TUTrTfTT? TvtwJ.w. WASASAS' uwi iviriii.iyfc- rrrh Itread Daily. Croccries aad Provisions of all kinds Cheap : ssass- .'.- ' CROCfiERY, GLSSWApE, E'n? aETOall and sre myt?toolt. ' WT7T7 A T IV A TVTT CTi f ii liWLi. . itiutxiitr . WHEAT WAKTER THE T-ROrTt-.K.roiiS OFTHR MVfl NOLIA MILLS olTer a vromiuui of four oeuts per bushel over and alove the market price for good merchantable t heat either sold to them or stared witii thmn tiiis coinintr eoasun. Saoks lurni-hed to imi4:a. n'i.Uinni I r ami with nr ftnlt whpftt to them- I. tt, rtotr.tta t ii. Albauy, July 30, 18i0. 62 STi CHARLES HOTEL; AU3AJSy, MRS. C, KflUK, . cncooN. - rroprji'to. Tills House has been thoroughly renovated from top to bottom, and is now in splendid condition for tbe entertainment of travelers. The table . . Is supplied with everything the mar - ket alforda. Sample rooms for commareial men. Cerraills, lebaaoa aad nallat Sface OOlrr. rva week ht your own" town.' K5 ontfit ifree. No rink. Keader. if you wwt a busliHws at whu-h persons tif either sx ih iiit; (rest pay all the time iney work, nte fur partit sisis o 11. 1UU.KTT to Co. rurilima, auuue.