The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, November 26, 1880, Image 1

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sates or AXTrrsrjro.
27 :
85 t 0
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meat, la M-mlliillliiK.Mplaira
t'araer anuulalttia an. Ser.ual la.
HO 00
Bu)n aotloea In the Local Co. omn
20 eents per line.
For leg and transient advertisements
ft 00 per sqaara, for the fimtinaertioramd
60 cenia per sqnare for each subaaqoeol in -,
Slnala enr-T, If aar.
Sinsria copy, ait month....
Siiurla eony, three auaUta..
ni lumbar.. ...........
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NO. 17.
e W c I "9r
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s a. Kt-srimitT,
Albattj. Orr;on.
W.1 nra.-ti.-a i Ml tha U.rulnltt- Sia PrvUtc
at-vUar and cullnrMona ac-J.'U u. iruiKl
I rUKX. O. K. CUAbUs.lUAl. '
jaroflic In Foster's Rrk-W P.I.w k.-tJ-Sj,
visnistr. - - -
Albaa j, Oregon.
this sane. They jive special atteu.
Iton to collections and probata mailer.
Office iu Foaler'a new brick. 4ttf
Notary Public.
Alaaay, Oro:
Office upstalra, over Johrr Brivsrx afore.
- vMn:sti
unonnKisa coussELca at lo
Albany, Orera-
atalra la add FrlUwa Trai
Collections a apesiy. api.
J. K. WEATHHHrom),
IF Mat. SpwialatUMtiuog.TitoooHcetiooaaud
prubaia suatter.
trOOtm ia Odd Fetlaa-
J. C. roWEU. W. R. F1LTEU.
And Solicitors ia ( h.weiy,
.Collection promptly made on ail points.
Loans reirotuced on term-..
uriiei in Foatrr's Brk-k.-V
iuii, aaxvas -
6"""Ofllc np stairs in the Odd FelW
Tl3u.d - -
lebaxos oat:co..
Will piutka ta all t anuria of tw nt-ile.
flumiat SvUvnlluu rl-n U eu:ieloii9- en-
vfjiimmiidn.mioimoo.if ullu. l-rot-ato
joeaaaapecuaiay. vl2u:JU.
J. A. YAA'TlM,
Vlil In all the Oumta of tha Plate
iTOffli 1 n tha On Hntuc "V
E. G. JOHNSON, 31, I.,
Physician and Surgeon.
Albaaf. Ort'ao. ia Froman'a Brick, two doors
Ext of Conner's Bank.
Odd Felloes' Temple,
Albaaj-, Oregon.
Office hour from 8 to 2, and fioai 1 to 4.
D. M. Jones, 1L D.
physician and Surgeon,
ALR4M, Bi:(iO.
Office in rinmmer'j dn:g htoie.
deuce oa Washington t?t.
Dr. T. li. OLDY,
8AL.FJ.H, 0RKC05. ";
treating tha varloua diwanea to which lli-f
tya aud ear ara aut)-t, and ( eonfiUent of
ftivlDi; entire aatiai'aution to those who mny
place themaeirea unuc-r bui care. noStf.
D. G. CLAtH, :
(fSaaxtm in 3. B. Wyatt.)
Dcalor in Ilsavy and Shelf
Hardware, J ron, htet'l
and i?lechanic8
On Fir ctrcat, una oor mt of 8. E. Voui.g., Al
any. Orn,".-
firacr riral aa4 D( (TriS albaaj, Oregaa.
PfeifTer Brp's Frop8 - 4
TWa a Hole! ! 8 '.ted up lo Srat c! -Tl .lea
aurninl "iO ttu b.t tl.a nurkel aituniv ;tii.ic
boM in avery Buoui. - A juort Jkuuiw Cuuu lr Cum
ewrvial TTafla.
tfVrr Caarh ta aail from Mm. Ootel.S-a
rut .'
A f A M0.VTUKnarii'- 1. $12 a ?.iy at horn
ViM'v ml:by iiiJunlriun. -fapital nut ra
quired :' w. will tUiti ou. Um, wemten, bt and
girl. uiak. nniiwy luK I-work Uir-Atn tbaij at auy
tainv eka. '!'). wnrk.M li-t- aa.l Jfrtt. iufsnr
. any.Mij can f o rtfh; . 7 tun -ha&!. jet alio
fee Oil. inHu. viil M.t.ii u-rh-nh ivl'lfww. t onrju.d
mm ttr Hiatus lvu. !n-ly Outr.' ni w a.'ai
ti tihiaJ Tteuas aliirl) L w. rfc ar i.ijin np lerire
dm. m niuoey. A.I.M-..T.. ril t. Aauria
"PTp fc-fatmiuo twr.r1.lte iiohlic. "Yi,
MM mJ9 a can nuke lumiey t3ii:er at au.k for ui.
tti.n at anj rint. cpitl luA reiivJ. We will
Han you. i2 uy dj u warda luaae at tuwne ty
Utt iuduMruHla. Men, w.nnu, iMiy. ami ''irU wanted
tvttrywhrc tu work for im. Xi.w it tho time. You
ta tivt your rUu!i uc Vi the work, or oiilr your
Kkar m. h nunts. ho oliusr tuiimK will pny mjU near
ly aa well. A'u one wilting to work can fail' to make
fctiarmoua pay uy engmoi'K once. Ctly omrit and
Wnuafrea, A great oiHurHinity for tiutkin iiw.iu-y
easily auu lumorauiy. AuuretM i Ht-a a Co., Augusta
r:sn onoin ens?
J. II. SURLES, Piop'r.
a GO
r witn eacn snave. r-nces ior snaviuK
. . . r. ,
auJ Uair-euttinar same as ustuai. ; xioonis
. . .. . "
opposite Meilwiin's store. tou
WOR K 1 N 0
B? 2E3
AwnrtltMl Flrt lremiuiii. Oregon HI ate Fair. 17 aa IHO.
Awardtd Firat I'mninni, and only Marbiaa plaeed fa Flrat
riaoa eomprtitora) at llie Anatruliau luteraalloual txhtbllloa,
Tit "P.VVIS" Sow Uig Machine C-nipany ara ttianuracturlng and
SelliESg 1,000 Machines per Week !
It is CHEAPEST because it is BEST.
It dvnt evsry -yarWy of wcricw ilhont Uutin, and haa mora i adioal aliaoh nteu U
than all other -ouittntn!.
IT. It.
WarnetV.:"Safe..i 1 'V::
KfdncyR Liver
A I'otiHive ICeinedr ror AM. Kid
ney. I.irerani tTrinary Trouble
of both .MaJe.aatl FruiatrT Artias
Direetly apon tlicOrxanM AITert
eI. Far the If tean it 1 Id
valaable. . "
head the i;i:coi:i):
"It aaved my life."
E. Ji. LaLdy, St laia, A In.
"I alr!ie all to try It."
John lirnadoti, I ja von worth, Kan.
'It istho remily that will ctirethonmny
diMeanea evuliar to women.' Mother's
'It has pamcHl tevere texts and won en-
dorxementa from Home of th hi2het mel-
rI talent of the country." New York
."Xn Renied y heretofore diwovered ran
be held for one iiiomcnt In cotnpnri-uui
with it " C. A, Harvey, t. V., M'aKhins
ton. D. C
"It In the best and only efucitnt reinedr
for Kidney and Liver troisWcover tr?UKht
tiefore tha politic." -(Col ) John K. Mr
C'lieney, Waxliington, I C
"lam rejoiced to nay I am now a well
man and a"i only too'piad to tes-tify ro
rurtlinvr the glorious rexuIlM of a rt-nn-ly
which haa niado m fn hapfiy."
(Hev.) I. F. liarklee, Ark.
. This Great Natural Remedy is' for
Sale by Prnrgists in all Paris of (lie
Itochratrr, !f. Y.
vti'I pay no premium on wheat stored at
their warehouse, hut hereby fjM'o ponitive
ajonirance that they will enter into no com
bination to keep prices down.
They will store grain at the rate of Forn
cknts per bushel for wheat, and thhkk
cksts per ousnei ior oats.
'lhe Company agree to ftiitbrully en
deavor to secure the hiehxt pOM-iblq .rice
for all grain atored with thcm.withontany
charge except otorape.
snrinp frram, and tipi.n all that is ntored4
Arrangements Iiavo L-en maTn for in.
witn uh and lnxtirtd we will rridke lilx-ral
advances in enh. M. II. WlLf-8.
Atiewt: I. Maxsrnti.u, 1'ie.
ltf S-c'v.
4 Va.lLK III AXD M.KbrjU.Tt KT.B Or "
Harfcle and Wood Top..
Parlor Seta and Lounges, Mar
ble Top Center-Tables,
Spring Eeds and
And all lands uf
W autlaota. ( bain, ldnlcatl., l.xtraKisa Ta
blra, Kfan1. (.Ill and fancy
Hooldias, Kir.
I intend to kwo erer.-t.hit.if in the f tin.iture line.
ami will rHarant.- aatiMriurti.t t.. all who will enli on
hi at Miller-. Urick. J DAVViLri
Administratrix's Notice.
.1 the untlerHiKiicti w as en the rth cay
f Koveniber. InS'I, duly appointed Ad-
miuii-tratr.x of the e-taw ol Asa I allcott,
deceaned, by the rV-ounty Court or IJnn
County, Oregon, a-, i all jiersons having
claims aaid-jKbte are hereby noti-
liad to present the Mtme, wrti tne proper
vouchers, to the undertoisued Aditiiuixtra-
trix at her residence in tv io, Linn County,
Oregon, within six months from tbe OLh
day or jNovemner,
r n T I T T rrTT
-lAdminlslratrixof the estate of Aba Tall-
cot t, deceased. ;
rg C A WEEK in your own town and io capital
fjjj ru-Kca. yon can give tne niiBineM
without expense.
The heat nnnnrtunity ever offered
for those wiilinir to work.
You .houid try noininK
else until you tee for yourself hat you can do at Uia
business we oSer. Ko room to explain here. You
cau devote all your time or only your spare time to
the businesa, and make Rreat pay for every hour you
work. Women make as much aa men. Send for spe
cial private terms and particulars, winch we mau free.
$5 Outfit f reek - Don't complain of hard times while
you have suth a chance. Address 11. HALLCTT
CO., Portland, Mamo. Bjl
X2T Ikl W-
SCOTT, Agent, Albany, Oregon.
S.yniEi E. Youg
is .sow neceiviNu uia
CoNdisTixo or-
HOUSO Flirnishinrr GOOClS.
fflauy of'thcao Goods are!
bought direct from the man-
ufaeturors for rash, and are
ill First Class Goods SO
UU i irsi viuss woous
TKASII, and will bo sold at
opular Prices. '
Causing' Chills -and Fever
Dumb Aeue. Intermittent Re
mittent and Tvohold Fevers,
laiiiousnesSf a.iver, otuiiicswif.
and Kidney disorders, and,
1ns the .health and. lives of
millions, Is driven out of the
system, and raaicany curea
bv the use of tho LION MA
FOOT PLASTERS, the cheap,
est and' only perfect! treat
ment by the Absorption prin
ciple, The Piasters acting fn
conjunction vyith the Pad unj
on the nerve centers and re
mote parts of the body. In ab
sorbing and thoroughly rid-
dtngtne system irom malat
The whole treatment, PAD,
PLASTERS, all 'combined,
sold for SI.OO the cheapest
and best remedy ever djacov-:
ered,.and a positrve CMre,
guaranteed If worn accord
ing .to directions. Remem
berAPad, Cody. Plaster and
Foot Plasters, the whole.
S I .GO. . Sold by all druggists.
or mailed on receipt of price
. WW - ' . . . I . . ..' a . . a. . . . . .
The First Term will epeu on Wed
uesuay, Septemser I, 1880.
For particulars concerning te eoursea ot study and
tne price ol tuition, apply lp
KEV. ELBESr K. ta.VtelT, Fies'l.
ate NotHble raaet mt I'liMragc.
Men, aa a rule, have littlo ailiniia
tion to spare for Amazonian ilumt'C.
Kvon thoae who profeaa to hclicve thut
the only natural diflercnce ln-twm n tho
aoxes ia that of gender, would never
dream of contemnina a woman for
wanting valor. Excepting that foi in of
it which conaixta in endurance of auf
forinj', coinage ia acarct-ly yet tooog
uied as a feminine atti iluite, and rx
aniploa of bravery in womankind are
Ml 1 1 1 held worth llin 11 r.t i t cr tut utmli
hardly do amiaa in Hotting down a few (Jam hieath before di n;eiidin nyiin, i
nutdem iuatancoa not Ken"i-allv known. 8"f',I,T,w of i,,lt ran.
An American niitlwir-a r mi 'l,,t "0oinl voiitmo nenilv niovtid
Ariwnian matron who, upon her Iiouhp
Uiatf attacked bin at Indiana.
whilo her himband was aUont doinij
.... . 1
amy ai a legialator, deeuting
Tha Uaau'ratlal la too wiat oourw'. I
allot down tix of the if d men with her 1
own hand, and next day wrote to her
lord : I
"Dear John: Tho Anachea attacked
the ranch. I have won the fiitht. Vou
need not come youraelf, but aend aome
more ammnnition."
When the lives of thoaa ahe loves
are at atake, then, if ever, a woman
will prove valiaut ; but oven thou, it ia
odd that ahe breaks down aa soon as
the dancer ia imat. lady . Cochrane
readily nut her life to tho hazard for
her'a sake, to ahame hia falter-
Ing crew into sticking to their guns ;
but, although Uia not so
would havo been nothing surpriaiii'' if
she had indulged in a ptk1 err when
tbsend was accomt.IUhcd and the vie-
tory achieved.
In October, 1877, the liigantine
Moorburg left Fooohou, in China, for
Mslbournc, carrying four seamen, the
eapUin, mate, and last, but by no
means least, the captain's wife, who was
a little delicate woman, and her baby.
They had not gone far on their vorage
ere the crew fell sick, and ono afUr an-
other died. The mate did not succumb
entirely, but became reduced to a skel-
eton, and was incapable of doing much,
wbile the capUia himself was in almost
aa miserable a plight, Lis legs having
swollen tremendously, and hia body be-
iog a mass of aorea. HU wife alone
held up under the terrible heat, al-
thouch ahe had nursed tLe sick until
they needed nursing no longer, had
looked well to her baby's needa, had
done duty at the wheel in rcular I
watchea,and Uken her share of sea-
nin'a nrlr l.i.1.. T L .... i I
and eventually the Moorbnre: cot into I
Itriabane harbor, half full of water,
with two sick meu on board aa her crew
alt told, and a woman at tbe helm, the
gallant woman bringing not only the
ahip but ber baby aale into port.
Some time in 1071, a woman named
Theresa Maria, dwelling in the vilUco
ot rratel, on the fronttei of rortutral
... . .. . P . OI;
and Staun. on the wav aero the r.el.l. 1
with ber husband'a dinner, waa told l.v
a shepherd's lwy that he had seen a I
wo f prowling about. Never having I
suenonein ber life, she nut down her
basket, aud directed by the lad.e mbed
to a place, and, lookinc easerlv around.
descried the animal in the act of do-
voiirinn a lamb. Thinking to the
In lite from ita t.rev. the bov shouted at
-l ad lled it with atones, so infuri-
uug ma won iuu. ib ir-ii. its meat no-1
finished, and made for its diHturher.
jumping up at the little fallow's face, J
tearing the lleab, and then pulling him I
U tbe ground. What did the horror-
stricken on looker do run away? Not
ahe. Picking 011 a large atone, she
rushed on the beast and seized hold of
him. In vain lia bit ami Inr.
tU nndaunte.1 wom.n .l
kwI' hi throat closely infoldo.1 by her
1 ,i,ii .1. 1',, . t-Jx ,
W. . awa aawa x i.w hw vavtci 7"- M in UfJeaU
l.-. ..i -f !..-. i. l:ii.i i.:-.
Meanwhile, the villagers had been
. ...
alarmed, and came hnrrvinn- to bar .i.l
armed with guns, sticks and stones,
armed with rmns. atick. an.1
meeting lberesa on her way home, cov
ered with blood from terrible wounds
in ber face, arma and hands. They
.. . vtj
iTr,Uif.l t, tu Z 1 ? '
where, pitiful to tell I, ah. expired ex-
K"' - "-, in
r J . V TrV i T
k.,l MitrlflMll llM l.r tr. VM.H A
. u nii l.n..i-a will. Uu. n. II..I 1,
, . . ,. e i ir .1 i t "., I Malay or Caucasian race, lleaccord
false belief, alaa! for the shepherd-tK.y ,.1...1.h-i ,
died of hydrophobia a day or two alter
L - . j I-
.vuu..Kom. ... ...uue-r way
woman of the Commune, who, during
that terrible rising, bad worked day
and night in the hospital, assisting a
eorvarn -org.., wnuw, rr,,pe. .rra
weeiy renuereM -vo u,e
-u. v ru t.
maurrectiou w He., ,., ' uouior
waa S1IWWU auu uimklieu vu MI
triou oy orom-ueau wtirvmartia.. a.
he approached the door of the tribunal,
ne approaci eu ti.e aoor oi toe inounai,
be met hia late female aaswtant, coming
out between soldiers, "yi,y, Adele 1
he exclaimed, "how caino yoH here?
1x.aing nam at mm, witn uniecogn.i-
ing eyes ahe replio. , I don t know
you, air; a denial ho net down to a
fear of acknowledging the acquaintance
of a doomed man. Not a littlo to las
aurpriw, ho gou on, auu waa m no
eny, to leant vuafcAtioie nan ueenauoi,
and was on her way to death when sue
bad repudiated all knowledge or l.iin,
auu lorooro apposing igr iis aio, raiucr
than compromise him and ivnder hH
case a desperate one. -
A poor wtrvant gnl of o.von, i'i
r ranee, once proved neiseit a real nero-
ine A common sower or great ucptii
uu ..yc.. .... i""", vr ..
...s y";" -ei- -"Mi"
planking y bttt those ebwvge nogleot,
" r --w --"
A.I tj iiiitfA itnv liftur ta warn
. .. f . I . . .1 .. . . . .. ........ ..... I
i wayiaiers ui m uiijjr:r jii men j'aiii.
J Four men, returning home from work,
stopped on tho planks, which, being
frail and rotten, gave way under their
weiSht Rnd rcilitate4 tLem t0 the
I knUniM Tr. vara ea-ata-A a 1 m A 1 trVilA Anv
uutvuui. w .....w .v
one Decaroe aware oi wnai nau nap -
nened : and when the people gathered
round, no rnaa among the crowd was
daring enouah to respond to the frantic
! entreaties of the wives of the entombed
1 men, by descending that foul and loath
omo depth. Prudently n fingilo I.m.Ic
ing girl.of mvnutcen, trping to thn
front, Bttitl quietly, "I'll go down mil
try to Mve the oor fellow ;" and the
dentures calling tbonifiIvrn nun were
not oxhannMl to Mtnn) by Mid nee Cm tha
lino Vawwur lot down o'n Iht valiant
hut foal fill niiHuion.
Tla-n fiinufiil a fw long luiinilpn of
nnxiotm miHnM) Lt-fore th nignul to
jmul up waa flt, and two still breath
ing hut nnoonwioim ui-n wen-, with thu
Rullmit fiii l, hroiiht to I ho ut fnp.
Nigh cxhaimtdtta the rflort Imd l-a
her, tin) hrroio luitiilcn only bImvi-4 to
f. ' l10" acliiii the bottom of
" " faatoninff a ioihj around
.ne l,ro".,ru fw". Catharine fIt aa
1 1 it i. . 1 . ... 1
: . H, . wig airaugiu ny an
inyiaiblo hand. Unfortnnatelv. tho
l"!" round her own Waint had tiecotne
"nst'nod ; and when, after groping
'" ,,io nppmK, cianuny wan, nt r
"and touched it, aho had not atrength
e'lflkieht to poll it down.
r,i47eJ M "iH I"d her
wiui auonfc urr, ana loohiog her ln;
hair, twiated the luxuriant trtaea with
the roi. Tho roim waa hauled up.
. . i t i i . .
and the horrified crowd beheld thn in
animate form of tho brave younu tiil
swinging by her hair, and, to all apK!nr-
anee, ueau. r ren air and prompt it 1
minodralioti of alitnulauU broucht her
10 conacioiianeaa and the happineaa .f
knowing that, if ahe hud failed in miv-
in8 "Ib-her brave endeavors had rchtoted
three of tho bread- winner to their fjiu-
I u this caao tha heroine wua a IVt.n-
nvlvaniu lady, living at a place culled
Holineadale, who, walking home f.otn a
fnd' hoiiae on evening in 1879, nn-
frtuntcljr got belate.1 and mUneil her
w,Jr- Suddenly ahe felt lieraolf sinking
in th" ground, and knew too well where
"ue w,w wandered into Link
!,wml, Ir- Avery a Ciat resource
WM la crX ,0,"I f ,r w,,l I luro
was no response. Hho was far away
from n7 Jwelling, and there were no
uglt-wa!kera abroad to hear and etri-
cateher; while her own effjrts only
resulted in bet sinking deeper and deep-
er in' tl'8 S til, ""ding the inexor-
orable mire up to her kneea, ahe ceaxed
"niggling to get out or it, and delikr-
tely conMdored tho situation.
It was anything but a pleasant one,
,ook Bt lt " ,1U would. Si.o wout
of "d out of liearm uf anv hti-
wum """X '"M " f""1 ' tiieaus
Of P-t till if Bn V t 1 1 W.M 1 .1 .1 . t U II tid
,M,r,''.T' "'"'rd snking
farther in the mud , wih ii
't a . . a t
aiu-rnaiivn nui ki enii -ncKy ly
auirocatioti or t-llv lv Mmiution.
Still ahe ke-t l.ri inui btel mt le
the let of a very Imd llitng.
Unahlo to make anv wav out of ll."
saatup, she (iintrive.1 to avoid iI. kh I-
""I"' n.'nn hit uilki trim
I I- : I . I t r
atagnaling by alight but .-..1.111.11. 1
movement, quenching thirnt hy
drinking tho dirty water in hmh alio
atoou, an.i slaying, 11 not saintly ing her
u'gpr by eotig biivb Iwrk on t.inii
ousncs iuckiiv wiinin nt r reacn, Mm
Avery managed to keep herself alive
for ei8ht ays. Then a wandering
" Jnter caught sight of her, and, with
some difficulty, ahe was reacued from
awamp and earned to the iieareal
""" -."..1
rox drink and a divtar brought her
rouud, aever, probably, to bo-exactly
Dr own self again, and assoiedly nover
w -',rg1 1,10 "die.i and ninety mid
"ra ejient in Link bwamp,
I A tet er rumnt srsiiax
lhe following rather curious piece
Pf Trt" I' 1 rw't',,' J'1"1
I upon tho blncktoard at a teachers In-
suiuie, auu a pnzo oi a wemtera
I TlWil tritn fit en,rtrl lr ana imikin,. la l.a
. . "
cuu,u Taix " uou. Pronounce every
0rd COrreClly. The lsok WttS not
can UhI off however, as twelve was
the lowest number of mistakes in
pronunciation made : "A sacrilegious
-. t r . I ...I... or . r . .
son oi ouuni, n uuBuiiiTeu iruiu uruii-
cbiUs, having exhausted his finances,
,D orjep (o 1)0(J tho ,,efitit rcl
Jvt irt -,iv hiin-nlf . n o.vm..K- lo-
I " " " 1
nient and docile young adv of tho
I uiaainvy 'f n .mtimivt'ii nut -a uiii nf
curing a PWlt of rooms at a principal
hote, ho engaged tho bead walu r S
hU fru. ,Ie lhe dUpnll.hl.a
T.r ...... ..nAVnAn.i......i ..i
iiraBhtf cxlnil. invi(int, lho vouniy
,aiy tQ R m!,t,oe B,,0 lt.v0lteJ Rt
the Itlw, rtfwed to consider herself
flacrlflcable to hlaMeslrca. ami eent n
i pollto noto of refusal, on receiving
ii-h nh ho u , an.l
bowie-knife, Ruld that ho Would n(
now f . i.vmcnlal witn- the
now f()rge fut(ePg ,
flt,etp wept j,,,
Sred bis Jugular vein, a
the contcms of his carbl
latcil spot, sev
nnd UlschiirgoU
rlttno infi-a f.lkinhw
doinen. The detirla was removed by
thp (.or,,nmr.n The mistaUci, jn ,ro.
nuiicUtloii were made on the follow-
Uu Won!J , Sacrilegious, Belial, bron-
chj,i, exhaustetl, iltianceH, deficit,
- eomi'ly, lenient, docl e, Malav, call
olp, Chameleon, suit, eonrtiutor, Cl
Ugraphy, niatlnne, sacrltloiible, car
bne, hyirienial, Isolated, Jugulnr nd
Uel)rls.ffaw Hmtfd,
Dr L Ca,Ie)j ,a(Jv ncn,,Hillt.
ariCtt the other dav and was met at the
joor V)y U)e lady's little irirl. He ak
hcr to tel, ,ier mmm tr, i,
- ,,a(1 CHlyti llie frlii id went upstairs
ana presently returned. "Did you ton
.our mwxm - wM t,n noctor.
ivna wiiai; ma Biio hay i
1 .nr ... n a i a i- i i ..tu.
. I .. '
i gu,j iqjj pshaw"
' ,.
Even the wisest ia sometimes a fool
For examnle. the nhilosonher who wore
his sjwctaclea when asleep.that he -tiiglU
I . a 1 l. 1 , . i. I ...
i recognize tne iriepus mijjiii. bo u
1 rife8,m,a,
I ' -
The average individual pays off debts
of gratitude when be cannot help him
self, but he pays on old grudges when
- the other tellow cannot help bimaelt.
irAni9tCTO n:TTi:a.
(ksum 01' ncoi !, tonr.caroiiiniiT.l
Wasiiisoton, D. V.f Nov. 1 C, 1 8S0.
Editor Democrat i
Tho election hi' over, and nil that i-
mains of tho political excitement inci-1
tient to ttio campaign will shortly Iks
1 . a it . Ha a a a I
irani.iL'rreil to tins city. J ho Keplibli-1
can party again triumphs. It is need-
h'Ns to furlhr-r diMU tho nwani and
m.lianeea l. uh.VI. . . r...u 1...
Imhh compliHl,.l, or to argue now
' J I
... ... .11- ..1 ... I
upon tho juilico of the iVmocratic rp CMM was not acted upon. Axut
cause, iiio n.iiueiicf a thut nave en-1
compassed it d fi-at aro well known. I
Tho twwer of tho ofi.ce holde,-. tl,
...i ,.... ...... i
. .. v v., ...ui.ku
is ot i lie country are greater m
. . ., . .
tbo lmlance thnn tho. mere, will of tho I
people. Practical politics aro too much
lor a..ntimm,t and principle. The na-
, , , .. . ,. .
tumal banks, railroad monoiwlics and
other siiecmi interests recognize the lie- I
. i
publican party us tho seent that has I
enabled them to crind hire nrofits out I
,f il. -..,1 it. r.,...:!i
e. ... . .... , r. J ? .
,.,rw.r, ,ro, ,u. i i.eso inter-
esta control, by coortimi or other iuflu-
.... . !
ences, a million voters, who. left to
their inclinations, would voto the Dem-
i:..:.1.. Ail . ..i:. .1... . n- ...
.v.v ,.,... ....
oi an enormous army or oihco holders
with tho friends they control and we
have a combination which no rimplo
majority can over overthrow. No-
lHly doubts that a maiority of the
a a I
wnean jeoj-ie are to day orpoMM in
sentiment to the Kepublicau party, but
the most of us will now acieo that
notl.ii... tl.... ,.t .v.lm;.... e,.. ..v
: :
""S'T "I1"" lmrr-
,, ,,.,,. ... I
To sum all up, Garhcid is elected, I
Giant is again nominate J, and the
gieat fraud of 1S7C Lt condone). Six
months sgo such a result ws deemed
iiDjiossiblo. l'tit if Ilcinocrata who le
licved this whh to go htill further to
tho root of things perhaps they will
now conclude that when 6iey abandon
ed Mr. Til.leti they surrendered that
wane. I iU not menu when they f.iilcd
to nominate him at Cincinnati, for he
was out id thn otieJition then. The
abandonment f tho old ticket Israeli-
c.t!!y occurred
long tha. I
know it is the opinion ot many of our I
eat mid sliiew.lest, Diiuoi-rati that
.1. .Im Kelly and thoHo whonctrd with
l.i.M 1 v held lo a Very lar
. ... ...... , ,
ah.i-.rib,,w,biht. for the pres-
em uia.tHtt-r. Hut I will not discuss
thai. It it cprtiiin that tl.U failure to I
condemn ihe iniipiity of lb first theft
of our chuf magistracy will embolden
the authors vf if, and it may as wc.l bo
understood right hero jhat tho first no-
rious step towards a bhxxly revolution
in this country has been taken. ' There
, . . . ...
will In. no nuibb!...g aUmt Garfield a
dectton. l he lemocr.uia party is not
that kind of a j-ai ty. Ho w ;ll lein-
auguiBte.lrind the result manfully ac-
,;.,.. i ;.. i,. ri , t
luiesced in, thou'-h a ti slioiifnt man is
1 . ,
,ein,ittc-.I to occupy the 1 residential
ollico and a hack politician from the
slums of New York shall presido over
the Senate of tho United States. Kut
look out for Grant in 1SS4 and 1888,
The scenes in the streets of Wafch
ingu.n on eirH'tion niyht. have never
- . ... ... .
boen oipialleil on any similu.r ocoasion,
rrt , .
luouaanoaoi men ami women were
UKn tho corners and in front of the
bulletins whero leturns were diHplsyed,
nd creat excitement One
lisa-'reeal.l.. feature was the crowds cf
. . , ,
ow, noisy and umoleiit negrora, who
asulted evrrylHy and sought every
pofmble opiNii'tiiiuty to make trouble.
who dared to for Hancock was
in danger of his life. Oao inoffensive
Democrat was fatally injured by a blow
on the head with a club. This city is
infested ' w ith a l-.rmi element of ll.ia d wu.i a Mi go el. ment ot this
character. It ia called tbe "uigger par-" The dcceutly inclined blacks
remain on the plantations of the South
whero they can earn an honest living,
, . , , , ,
from all accounts they largely voted
the Democratic ticket in tl.I, olection,
.... ... . .. .
nut tt voviupss, rowdy class, wno
tuko au interest iu politics, ilock to
i i '
BBUiuuion, wi nro tieiU''0"t3 inmil -
, , 30 .
cuius make use of and encourage them.
Tlit if insolence on such occasions as
bal Tuesday night is almost itisuuera-
Une of the piuliculavlv outrageous
thinizs of tho. lato oamnnii'n waa the use
.le ot- the Ponsion- Office in the In
teret of tha Radical party,
m. '
allO pitS
ent Commissioner of Pensions,
Bentley, is about the most contempt'-
ble stHjcimen that over occupied a nub,
i; ,SU;i.! . tb
oflice nn.der. hia administration bus beeu
used chielly to oliatniut tho claims
Holdicrs and lirovent tho execution
l o a .1....: .1.:
IjIIO liwn V. -1 Man, r.iu ...... .1 wim. ..... - .. ..
. . o I I V ' !. ..... . . ...1.... ..1 ......
campaign ne uas emp.oytHi niSw.o.e
, . .. ... .
lores m ueuuiug vituuinra to Hututera
whnRo claims ho has heretofore held
i,i- ,-r...m! ti.'ii..f. m..!.
""""i " vo
were aoout to be allowed and would
paiti proviumg no cnango oi auminis
tration occurred. That was the infer-
ence to be drawn from his circular, and
the object was to keep soldiers from
voting for Hancock. Now "that the
election is over probably no further afc-
ten I ion will bo paid to the claimr.
This remirtln me of a rather curious
case that has been t:ndin:f before the
omco Mvcra yParM. Thomas Jefferson.
a private in the Fifty-second United
States infantry, was, during the winter
IoC3, tor some trivial offense com
"" " .e guaru nouse ny a ncia
4 t aul aa.. a. A If. . f . 11 I
vmui. wum no remained mere an i
n,S"l '' " n legs were so I
badly frown that it was necessary to I
anu.iiiato i hem both, lie ant.lied for
asnsion, but for ono reason or anoth-
y,?ar ago it was asse.i ujon ty iej-1
Mt Coiiimiasioner Clark, but is now I
a2uin before the -office on a recommit-
hnont. Th inaion for ti. of iii. I
-- .
! ,t.- , -. t . it. .r t
'w UU1'D I
'i c n ier month and as this man
entitlwl to a pension from the date of I
"'j'"-. will receive aloot
mi - ? i a.ii rr tl
wiuow oi Avnuim Ldncoin re-
cently returned from Eurotw, and it is
aaid will make Washington her home. I
Klie arrived on the same steamer that I
i. i. R.iti ie.d.. ...a .1.- i
r -
Hat welcome.1 the artress ru.My j.mih-
- .;. m t; i .
w "MUO rr ol- 1-lluco"1-
n,it of ny acpiainUnce relates tbe
thn fullowiner ator alioiit Mra. -r.invIn'a I
; I,":...:
" ... . 1 '
" ow- 4 c"uc wtUB,ouu "
I,ro,eI P,woner of war, and called at
tl,e ",t IIott' J apiwintment, at 81
cio " " morning. Uapt. wt,
i. a a a
I It At tl.A tnatAi ilAtnA fWMdvat ma ami
--v"; ; ; - " .
w" wcrc S 1u":" x,u-"
whisky, when an excited footman caao
n id cried, ' Cat. n, tho old woman
wants verl' A richt.' aaid Watta.
. ' m 7 . . '
piacPUv. iwoseconua aiterwarus luei' . . . .-T . , "
' . T ransomed at length he returned to
uwr .s.u o,: .iu a ,
old woman wanta ye ; she's raising h 1 1
down stairs. " Such was the domestic
life of the wife of a Preaident. and Mrs.
r i.. 1 ..f..r......t. r., i.-.if i...
' 'I
I . 1 , -- a . 1
hihusrsisu -uowuCr
the days of hor greatest social promi-
nenco. . Puoxo. I
Bactavisti reLTa. I
ThLi sul.lect. aava T. P. KInsel. In
,M 0hI Farm' l ot B1 Import-
ance. not only to farmers, bat to all
who own or drive horses. A colt Im-
T -
properly tralfa-d to harneas may, by
bad conduct, Ifndanger the life of tae
driver at any time. I bave trained a
good many colt to drive double and
single, and to bridle. Togetagood,
WMy teAro, I would rather
have two of tbe name age and train
them together, first to doable and I
then to eingla harness. I would never
hf"d'e,a lWltUUslng
lilrta trT" 9n lanoh him fhar ha -
ltt) t&naica at wllb The Idea of try-
Ing to break a colt by main strength
hit long since been exploded, and
has een the cause of upsetting the
man'a temper and teaching the colt a
le89Kl he nVver ought to learn, via:
that he is stronger than bis master,
If a man keeps bis temper and knows
what he n b lt to do, and
patiently teaches biaa, I have tbe
I. . . . . . , ,
first one lo see that ever refusetl to
do the work called for when he
understood tne order of fom
maud. A horse lias more sense
than be is generally credited with,
and when treated with good judg-
ment in tho first handline rarelv
turns out vicious. They oueht to be
handled with harness oa before they
are hitched up, and the work ought
to Imj thorousrbly and Patiently done.
Farmers have too little time and ex-
tnct entirely too much of a voun
colt when first hitched ud. 1 know
a party In Kentucky who sells scores
Of Colts yearly, and be Stated to me
I". . . ...
i mat ne was in tne nauitoi training
hU Mn.In .,.,. arw,. . iIr,il
tight sulky, and they never forget
I it. lly patience a well bred horse
Icanlaa taucht anvthlnir that belones
la. 1 J . t I l...a -.a AT
cruelty. You may whip and drive
Ul llaB. UUi ItO. UY lUmi UI
,he dunghill wrse. but with hotter
blood a different course is necessary,
It Is strange, too, how poorly trained
Tarmors' IlOrSOS are, Wlicn It WOOld
i.,..7i..m t,.,,i.. ar.
asxy aml prompt wnen ia ha'taess.
I A man fnm a city will pajr a good
round price for a drlvet that can
ho loft hitched nnar tho pari nnd will
Dasa busses, steam, thresher, etc..
P ft?hln3f nnTfS, I
nau gueh colts will sell at a roodler in Idaho, Wyoming and Arizona,
1 D
i price and pay as well Tor their train-
ing as nnyming a tanner can raise.
Twtmtv voars a m T cut a srrnat deal
l V " - n- - o
of grasa and wheat from home, and
- pm(. tf,am, . nd
I mower and stat a that not one team!
in ten would tsko hold of tho bit.
I .
11 think a team that won't take the
I bit and drivo ud true ana steady on
(h. ,. na MeilM., and oueht
in ho trainixl ovor
- -
I - -
,Uet. bave vou dressed that tur-
- I . n : . . -
"Ttfr. i....... tko nUo-nev tkinsr won't
j Btttn, iong enough ; and besides
f there's no clothes in the house that'll
half fit him."
"Whv do vou lotinse asainst that
of j fireproof!" angrily cried the boas. "Be-
of cause 'tis bettor to le on the safe side,
resivom ed las laav apprentice, wiui
.I it t,r wiiiuii waa uiuai ihutu.ihkit iuw
ent . - -
i m a m
"Verily my lines are cast in pleasant
placos," as the youth said when
- , , , . . ,, , .nj
be jurnped out to buy a haif po, of cho-
- colato caramels.
Tho chap thas finds turtles with "X,
Y. 1812," etc., carved on their backs
appearing in the papers again. Some-
body had better cut D. P., 1880, on
and turn him on;.
Oo the occanlon of lhe celebration
of the tenth anniversary of the cap
tore of Koine, all polif leal offenders
were pardoned by the King of Italy.
The porta! savlnea banks In Italy
1 taao in t wice a" macn money as they
, . . ... pay out, the institution being consid
gnard house by a field ePed eafe ad conven!(nt a,,. r-o.
eml eafe aD(, conver)ient by-th0
Tbe Xord Mayor of London haa
been entertaining at a dinner at his
offlc,al headquartera, the Mansion
ITaMSA 4. a.. Il -a - t .
" "J" awn ot worapeopie
.111 I1UIIUICU Jfl
number of the firm of printers, of
wnicn he M at the head. Of tho
a"nel8 nearly a third were young
wome ,n " Arm a aervlce.
Tbe Crown Prince of Austria dur-
Mn.n laA rvlllfc ,
milMUJ UMIIVUtcni (1.
Prussia rniir-ifllw axnrauxl to.avnrut
high rtJK-: . his admiration of tbe
Oermau a. - . It wis, be said, tb
" u
ever, that In the Austrian army cease-
leas Care and Ubor had broutrht aboa'.
ucn -hanee as mffrht well terml.
lit to take place beside the Oermar.
w v - - - m - -
The statue of Thiers with the in
scrlptlon, "First President of tbe Re-
DUbIlc"has been unvalled close to
,he apot jn (he smm p,.. ThJe- in
I.. .. .... . ... .'.
t aris, in wnien ne breathed bu laat.
He holds tbe map of France In hid
u"u. - , wim too woru "oeuuri aianu-
ing out In large guilt letters, lndicat-
Ing the fortreas which be successfully
expended his effort to wrest from the
vletorieus German.
SL llamlankeff, the editor oi the
auW.u iuura..K. jJBro, wun
f i ii a i-c i n i iv nca f i i -i raponiiir nan a
PMV " a v .
stranre career. IVr many years ho
was a barge-boy on the Volga, and
joining a Caspian caravan bound for
Persia one summer, he was captured
7 nomaus ana iiveu wr many
veara nrLsoner amon them. Kln-
Ka3Sja witn a unowleuge of aevcrel
oriental languages, and, after e locat-
himself became a very sue -saful
ira jiarungton, ine naitemi
f AO rf IhA 1Ti-.iiaaa af rmninna la
w-a v. a va suw a-svuov V a .;b va-ste
helrtooneof therreatestar.J kealtb-
test peerages In England, &nd a! states-
man almost by inheritance. Uut ho
has ether interests than those of poll-
tics. lie is fond of sport, tend or
travel, and has generally a large ca-
pacity Ibr enjoyment. yet he Is a
very hard working Minister, and has
developed unexpected power as a de-
L.l M
oater ana as a practical aummisirator
Jof nfc" department the affairs of In
The enormous charges of the Brit-
ih pension list are attracting more
than usaal attention In tha House of
Commons. It I-stated that In lew
than a century tbe descendants of
Lord St Vincent and Lord Rodney
have received $1,000,000 each. For
"rly two hundr j-ears the heirs
1 1 mm lYtt Ita . .r aKrmKutrt Kaa.r
drawn a nice income from the grate-
ful country. The Dukes of Marlbor-
ough enjoy a perpetual pension ef
$25,000. The Dnke of Wellington
was given $3,500,000 by Parliament
to support tho dignity of hia duke-
dom, and a pension of $10,000 a year
for two generations. These are
among some of the largest grants.
The smaller ones are numberless, and
. . . . . '
many of them the rewards of mere
Ttnt Et na or MeKesisw.
In -Utah the saints march to the
polls and vote in a solid phalanx ex-
actly according to the cut-and-dried
I priestly program. And not only tbe
I masculine saints, but the feminine
wen wno ireaamiuea to me sui-
frage on t dest of conditions. No
tax-payln?a i lftcaiion is demanded
I from the feminine voter, and If he
I o a wiie, no matter now recent nor
It a a r At tl . arr -
imponauen iraunwinHH wmiea
il "' ""'i" jjoumoo, "u .a-
tlonal her claim onon ber husband.
she wields a ballot at tha dbp. al of
1 ue cnurcn. ine aiormon papurs oc-
casionally protest that there Is no con-
1 rtaaoTIAfi nAI T17Daf1l I TnnfPH NTfllA in
I ''-X.aav.aa a. a, WW w.aj. v-aa WlV
Utah, but it is obvious that the very
existence of the Church depends on
j the strictest political unity. In tbe
eariy zauvoo oays ino iuormons
Io"itou moiaiauwu. in"" lw-
tor In Illinois, and the ooDular odium
which they drew upon themselves by
their use ox it was one of tha ehbjf
factors in their expulsion irom the
The saints now hold Utah in
1 relenUess grip, whiio tnroagn tnesi
colonies they have I e Ulancefof now
a relentless grip, whllo through their
wiui uio pioopcut vt. wuuuiug m
I .... . . . , s i. 2..
I At the recent Church conference ev-
I .J l.,l.,
ery one of the old lenders who had
aBy sympathy with the American
institutions, says the Salt Lake Tri
bune, was dropped from the roll of
I M.a3tAnam awbi I Vm af1 n asws t-a f I a nta-j4 .aa Ik A
v,j.uo4 . .. . t..
wuuui w a .unut uiaiewuw t., uo-
siznlng Englishmen, with eld John
I Taylor at the head as a prophet and
I 1 . . . .
a law giver. x oiygamy 13 Bos mo
oniy evu ot aormonuo., nor, ss many
i I Ka1Ia.a la th,iaf K.l !,.-. nt,n..vlniu
claims of the Church which sots itself
above all other authorities, temporal
3 well aa spiritual, thus becoming
inevitably antagonistic to the free
governmeait of thi3 ceutitry.
I If a woman wanta to prevent profan-
ity and howling on the part of her btt
a ter nail, sue must, iocs; tae rocaui
I," "1 1 ... t xt
I .hair ant mo! u.nttl. nuiwlv .n rl.A
closet before tho lights are extinguished
v-w. m.uVv.v wvu..t
I tor the night.
he A Chicago girl who hat! read the
u.Mnv i.i..,f-i, .i.i e .i:.,
by a rope ladder made of shoe string,
tried it but we need hardly say th it
the attempt waa boot-lace.
is The Cincinnati Saturday Kightm&QC-
ly Says ; ''When a girl talks a bo it
his the 'two Strings to her beau,' does sl ie
mean his sufpenders