MART. V. BROWN, KDITOll. FRIDAY NOVEMBER f, 1SS0. OLD LINN' GLORIOUSLY RECEDED The Republicans in Linn THEY ARE BADLY HURT! LINN RECLAIMS HER BANNER ! Only Fonr Precincts fur tuc pnMicius in the ('usury ! Re- SXE TMC PC .M ' tEttO B.tTIC tBEtTS. llarrisburg Brownsville Brush Crock , Sweet Home Waterloo , Lebanon Liberty . . , Santiam Scio Franklin Butte. West Allan v. . , ..54 ..13 ..10 ..31 . . 5 . .r4 .30 .88 . .70 ..84 The Republicans have only carried fo ir precincts in the county. STILL IX DO I BT. The result in the State a::d on the Presidential election is still in doubt. Oar dispatches last night indicate that the Republicans have carried New York. If they hare done so there roust Lave lon treachery in John Kelly's gang. Without hid support Democrats could not hoj-e to carry New York, with it they could certainly have swept the State. Republicans now claim that they have John Kelly and the entire t3kw niany Ring. Tney may have purchased Kelly, but they cannot purchase the working men of New York City. If Kings' county La3 given us the nmjoi ity claimed we have the State, and that wiil give us the President. uar lass aaviees are mat ttie liejiuo licans claim New Yerk by from 15,000 to 20,000. Since they have whittled down their majority from 40,000 to 1-3,000 it is ossiiIe that they may yet lose the State. It may be observed a:so that Indiana is claimed, with icircely no returns from that State. One Associated Press dispatch to the Orejmtiiut. puts it at five thousand, but we have no returns from the Wabash District, where three Democratic papeis opposed lenders for Governor in October. It may however be jioesiWe that the e ection has gone against us. If we have lost New York we have been de feated for President. Rut if as ia re ported by the telegraph' that Davenport has Ltcn pursuing the same course in this election that he did four years ago, arresting thousand of jn-ople on the ground that tliey were foreigners and alians, it is likely that the two Houses of Congress will look into the matter, and go Ix-litiid the returns. Democrats will insist ON A FREE VOTE, A FAIR ELECTION AND AN HON EST COUNT. EftW I Till? We quote the following di.patcles from the Oreyoman : Chicago, Nov. 4. The probable Re publican victory in North Carolina is lelieved here to be quite positive. The Republicans of that State may cause surprise oy wieir work. r.D;riELi, iNov. 4. one negro killed and eleven wounded in an elee tion riot. Mkmphis, Tenn.j Nov. 1. The Re publicans, gain two Congressmen in Tennessee and elect the Governor. Moon is probably elected here to Con gress by 1,000 majority. The Repub licans gain 11 assemblymen and claim the legislature by virtue of other gains m middle and east Tennessee. I low is it possible that this condi tion of affairs could lie true when the Oreijou'uin has been insisting that no Republican could vote in the South 1 Surely the Orcjonlm has been edit orially lying all through the campaign or its dispatches He. ' ' mi " ... .i ine lact is, neither iNortn Carolina or Tennessee have gone Republican, nor have the- Bepnblieans carried a single State in the South. But it does ' seem curious to every consistent reader cf a newspaper that it should charge one way for six months and tlien chum the the contrary the day after election. O, Consistency, thou art :P jewel and thy naoie is Ore;jonian V . . ALB 1ST riTf KLECTIO.. On the first Monday of next month the annual municipal election in this city will take place. Thevote of last Tuesday indicates that in tlfe city pro per the Democrats have a majority. If --.;..if a T0od ticket we believe I ward i!l go-""i't-i-aMp. men be placed in the field wDl lie -" " ' .'.'?'! s'.is HURRAH FOR NEW YORK ! . Won't be Counted Out! DCnOdtm IX KAttNF.MT. - - : - . iy) Tho following dispatch was in the OrrjonUtH to-day, and explains itself: Nev Yokk, No4. All kimts of startling rruors wsro set a I Tout touay in regard to some suspicious action about to be taken by the Democratic National and State Central Committee, intended to prove fraud on the part of Republicans n Isow loik Nate, more especially in New York city and Brook lyn. JVIeinbeis ot the Tsational and State committees wore very mysterious, but admitted, that eohio notion would certainly be taken, and that prompt I v. The State committee hud a meeting and issued tho following address : WliKUKAS, It apitenrs that at tho re cent election in this State, a voto has been cast'in several localities, largely itt excess of tho legal voto as deter mined by the recent census taken tin ier tho direction of the general gov ernment, therefore .Y.Wntf, That it be the duty of the several county commissioners of this State, and they are hereby requested by tho Mate committeo to examine such census ieturns and make compari son with the votes recorded as having been iolled in the various districts of their county, with a view of ascertain ing tho extent of fraudulent voting in this State, and forward immediately the result of such examination to W. A. Fowler, chairman deni. state ex. com mittee of New York. The unaccount able increase in the Republican vote in ew York nnu lvins counties anil )lain evidences of fraud in such votes demand immediate investigation on the part of the respective democratic or ganizations of these counties. 7tVWm, That all citiens of this State in each and every locality who favor the right ot tho jieophi to jiopular government, and who lx'lievc a fair vote and honest count essential to the perpetuation of our institutions, are re quested to aid by all means in their lKwer ascertainment of this record. JcDoic-xl, That a copy of these reso- utions be forwaided to every Demo cratic organization m this State. Democrats may understand by this that New York will not le fraudulent ly count d for GarCeld. If wrongs are perjetratcd by any party the party should not sustain those frauds. If it loes it is untrue to our country, and untrue to our republican institutions. Four years ago the Republicans htole the Presidency they will not ! al lowed to do so again. If Hancock is fuiily ilccti-d I.e will take his seat ! ori:i.i). The question of the citation in Ore gon is sun ia doubt. l.oiii parties claim, it at tho hour of going to press. It is possible that wo have .out the State, but tho figures and returns are to meagre that no one can tell. If the Republicans' claims from the State are correct they may have- the Statu by about 100 majority. But the remote counties, such it Iike, Josephine, Coos and Curry, Grant, linker ntvl Union all ordinarily Democratic are - not heard from yet : hence it U iinjoHsib'e to determine how the State has gone. It is so close that the of'lcial vote will be required to determine it. Later. Following ate the figures that the .sitin!rl made cn the slate yesterday, anil they are the Litest vc have : Hancock. Gaiifiei.d, Jackson . . . ,32" Coos . 17" Douglas . .100 Polk ...50 Yamhill.. . o . 7 " . .",4 115 Lake Josephine. , Curry Lan Linn . . .SO Washington ..250 . . 200 Tillamook .15 ...30 Columbia 00 . . 275 Clackamas. . .201 . .325 Marion 007 .. 275 Clatsop 100 ...325 Multnomah. .401 ..100 Benton.. . . Waseo. . . . Umatilla. . Union Baker Grant, Total 2300 Total .2230 In the above table the greater por tion are estimates from partial reports received. The Republican majori ties in the State are pretty full, while the Democratic localities have only been partially rejiorteO and the ma jorities-may be increased. It is currently reported on the streets that a prominent Republican and busi ness man of tho city stated that any one who voted for Hancock was dis 1 iyal to his country. This man is a type of "Old Flaxbrake," Mitchell, M. C. George and others who sat on the banks of the Santiam, and while hiding under the willows of tho Cas cades shouted to Hancock and Demo cratic Union soldiers, "On to Rich mond." Neither of them ever shoul dered a gun and neither of them ever used a weapon save that used by Satr. son when he slew tho Philistines. THE SOLl HOI Til A IK It Til K SO 1.1 1) PA- TTC COAST. The Repe.blicans admit California and Nevada and aie in doubt about Or egon. If we have Oregon we have the Pacific Coast solid against Garfield and his Chinese Morey letter. And the South is solid without a question. ; Yes terday Republicans were claiming Flor ida, but they have it not, nor have they a single State South of Mason & Dix on's line. 1 :" STILL IS IMM ICT. Tho Republicans to-day claim Ore gon, out nave no ngurc3 to sustain themselves in their claim If Doug las is close and Eastern Oregon have given us what the Republican papers admit we liiayql the c.v,mai ff.abt.- ty rl'V.ioii. Ilt-turna laruilrlt'. 1 IIKN'TO.V. Gar- H.n. cock. 48 f.O rKKCl.NtTS. field. Philomath 1 : Corvallis, Mnj Estimated Dem. innj. in county, 30. CLACKAMAS. Caneinnh s 30 13 Oregon City 300 140 Lower Molalla ... Co 40 New Eiio 4 f lf All precincts heard from except Cut ting and Soda Springs, and give 302 Ivepulilican majority. COt.lMIUA. Indications are that Republicans liavo curried the county by 8 majority. Union 108 fit Scappoose 21 27 Deer Island ID l.'i Uainier 0 I 42 coos. Coos City 22 17 Coos River. CO (i Empire City C2 .12 Marshlield, maj 38 Sumner 27 11 North Coos 23 13 South Slongh 12 It Rep. maj. in county, Ml. L.vrsm Astoria .".18 203 Upper Astoria, innj f Kiuippa '. 30 22 Clifton 27 13 West port 21 " (iatlicld'H inn j. in county, KM. Iof;LAS. Culapooi 201 108 Galesville 48 28 Deer Creek 277 20.- Myrtle Creek 4.' 107 Canyonville 123 171 Drains, mnj .ri I Yoncalla, mtij 4" County very close. jackhox. Garfield precincts Ashland 2C, Big Butte 0, Eden 2, C rant's Pass 1 1, Kv. an's Creek 4, Uniontowi 13, Sterling 12. HaiKxx-k precincts Applegate 43, Little Btitto 3.'!, Chimney Rock ", Ije- land 7, Mansynita 11, Pleasant Creek 30, Rock Point 27. Table Rock 03, Willow Springs "4t Florence Rock 7, Foot's Creek 0, Jacksonville, 102. Hancock's majority, 3 l.'i. This ma jority will not bo changi ten votes cither way on ofhcial count. LANE. Cottage Grove 1 114 Lancaster 12 180 North Eugene 150 12S Willamette Forks 41 31 IiOngTom G 22 Soutli Eugene 12:5 181 Springfield 70 50 Irving 33 31 Mohan k 25 22 Creswell 00 71 Camp Creek 31 IG I-ost Valley 22 28 Pleasant II ill :il 35 Siuslaw 28 31 M.WUi'X. ihittcville (ill 57 Chaining 41 117 Aurora 105 0 Hubbard 7 13 K-ist Calvin 2G7 1 20 Sa'.cm i r,'.'7 'J 10 Gervais 140 171 Wontiburn 43 22 Fuiriichl 31 12 Turner 100 40 Mehama. '. .".'J ",0 Complete returns from all the pre cincts give Garfield 007 mnjority in the county. UVLTNoMAIl. Couch 285 020 Madison 378 240 Morrison ... I 48S 308 North Portland 1 Go 17C South Portland . . Jsl 310 Western 501) 422 Grant 113 00 East Portland 155 ICG North East Portland 113 01 Columbia 10 15 Fulton 31 18 Mt. Tabor 02 21 Multnomah .' . 45 43 Powell's Valley 41 33 Rooster Rock .' 20 17 Sandy 59 15 Sauvie's 10 27 St. John's 18 20 Willamette 41 15 Willamette Slongh 1. 31 11 Total vote, 5,030. Garfield's major ity, 40 1. POLK. Polk county complete gives CarhYId i 1 riii'jorit v. lliATILLA. Pendleton . . Weston Blalock's . . . Milton Centrevillo . 224 J 03 . 27 .188 .130 3C8 200 28 17 149 Estimated Dem. mnj., 300, WASCO. Falls (Locks) Dalles Celilo (maj) Eaton Fifteen Mile TygU Mosier(maj) Hood River (maj) Oak Grove (maj) Bake Oven (mpj) WASHINGTON'. 174 .525 , 10 , 37 113 . 15 53C 25 110 51 10 Unofficial reports from all ptecincts except Wapato, Beaverdam and East Butte, give Garfield 223 majority and Hancock 33 majority. These three re maining precincts will probably give 75 Republican majority. YAMHILL. Dayton " .150 105 Sheridan (mnj) . . 44 McMinnville ' 180 108 Lafayette 01 83 Amity (maj) C Willamette 48 54 West Chohalem . . . 35 51 Carlton..' 04 3G Estimated Rep. maj., 100. WOKKIX.IIF.N ritOTKIT T1IKTISF.LVCS. " Workingmen on the Pacific coast are now at the front. They vDted for their bread and butter, against Chinese cheap labor, and by their votes they insist that tho Chinese i r perfume or the day .. V it. Solil ly Foethay itr.TMts ikon wrm. MlKHOl'ltl. Missouri give Democrat 10,000 majority, and clcels almost a com. plcto Democratic delegation In (Ion. grew. Tho dispatch Bays : St. Lot' tx, Nov. i. The ulalo In probably 40,000 democratic. Frost, dcm.,hj elected In tho Dili ; Ford, greenbacker, I claimed ; nothing defi nite). Waddell, dem., In tho fith, 1 probably elected, and Monsur, dem., in tho 10th. In tho 4 Hi Davis Is elected ; 5th, ; 7th, Phlllfpi ; 11th, Clark; 12lli, Hatch, and nth, Bubkner all dems. KKNTl't'K Y. LofisVii.T.K, Nov. 4 In six out of seven counties from which olllchd reports aro received tho republicans gained very generally. The city is i,200 democratic, it reduced majority. Democrats undoubtedly elect n solid ongresslonal delegation. TitioiNiA. Returns embracing over half of Virginia nwell the victory of the reg ular democratic electoral ticket, which when all returns aro In, w ill have a majority over ImiIIi rcmljtisterrt and republicans. m:vaha. ViuutxiA, Nov., Nov. ::. It, will ake till to-morrow to gel the returns from Storey county. It Is heavily democratic. The Htato Is uniuetioii ably democratic. The olllciul ectitit ore not In, but nearly every county Is democratic. eoNsKfrnTT. Gives Garfield 2,570 plurality. INDIANA. IxiiXAroi.iK, Nov. 4.- Returns from 50 counties complete, nhow re- uhllcan majorities, 10,413 ; demo- ratle major It Ich, 15,l".; ; republican gains, 2202 ; democratic K'lin-, 1071; net republican gain, 312. IxMAXAroi.m, Nov. 4.- Complete returns from 05 counties in Indiana show republican majorities of 2t,S"s; leiuocratic majorities, 2l,2i:S; iiel democratic majority,' ". 15; n pul'licsui gain, 125. Twenly-seven counties to hear from gave a net republican ma- onty In OctobT of 7313, which in dicate a tnnjority in the Mate of 7002. IOWA. vv.H Moisi:s, Nov. 2.- t utt", rep., Is surely eleted In the 0th congres sional district by 27 majority. nouth Carolina. RAi.r.i;tt, X. C, Nov. 4. Fifty- four counties, casting two-thirds of the voto of tho Mate, give Jarvls, dem., for governor, a majority of 3300. Tho same counties In 170 gavo Vance, dem., for ovcrno,0900 majority. Othcrcountien givo ance 5lhj majority. J.irvi-.' majority Is estimated at soon. Hancock runs ahead of the state ticket, and will have probably l(),(ion. TilUen's ma- ority was 17,l't5. Returns from tho first congressional district aro mca ger. They Indicate the election of Latham, dem. Sliackli fi.r.l, dem , is elected in the third district: AH other eongressmeu are democratic, but In the WHoml district, where Hubbs, rep.. Is elected over Kitchen, present incumbent. The legislature Is ilfiiim nitic. AI.AlSAMA. MorfJoMitKV, Alt., Nov. 4. -(Jen. osepli Weeeler lias uudoubttslly de feated I,owct uporteiI by the green iMickers and repub!i aus in tho Mh district. Tills makes n solid lemo- craiie delegation from Alalwni-i. l ltV OI Ml. To those Republicans who voled for Hancock in Linn county n high com plimcnt should lie ald hj Democrats, They were inspired by Hancink's name and the desire fur a change. The indications are that there wilt be a change. If there lias U-en fraudu lent voting in New Yoik there Is no reason why it should not now l counted out, as were Imisiana, South Carolina and Florida four yotrs ago, klom in: is. ri.ics. The Oreronuin says that the Kepul lican loss in Multiiomuh was on account of the rain on election day. The pr sumption is that Scott, Mitchell ai d Williuins couldn't be out for fear o: signing their jilug hats ; but tho honest workingmen, with thciridouch hats and old clothes were out in nil that rain voting nnd working to protect them selvez against the Chinese and plugs. WHAT Kl I ll M. Tho Chinese in the proceKKion of tho Republicans last Monday night Is what got away wifh them in Linn. Workingmen who witnessed that Bpectaclo rebuked it at the polls by voting for Hancock. I.AMVtl I.I:T WILLIAMS. Old Flax brake's $30,000 didn't cor ral Oregon, nnd ho lias gone to Wash ington to weep over his downfall. 3UTt Iir.I L M ITS. Mitchell Is now sitting in the omIics of his own ruin in Portland and la menting that Oregon didn't Mand in. Til IT It tNhlt, It looks now like altnost all of tho country Frecincts in Linn should ho entitled to that hanner. sin ASTfjkv cooVKK's" vital nn- STOKATIVK Tlie roat Kiurliwh remedy has nrede more cures of Nervous Oebil Ity, Somlnal "Weakness, Iost Manliooil, nocturnal emissions, laxsitudo, Inability for mental labor, despondency and Hiieii diseases as are induced by youthful follies and excesses, than all other medicines combined. Why will yon suffer? 8eud to A. K. Mintto, M. I)., Mo. 11 Kearney iitreot, San Francisco, lor tho Itostorativo and be cured. Price, $3 per bottle, i'our times the quantity, $10. Try a bottle. l)r, Minlie treats all nrivato diseases succtese fully. . Wliat wliali I le for a complexion T Is the one abiding thought of manv a lady, who need but that last touch to be a rav ishing beauty. Whore nature has failfad to do her part, comes in the aid of art, and now that Madame HachersKnamel Blokiu ia freely olfered there is no excus Tor plainness. This providential invention is ,h-Crf'-Hy harmless inRi-odion(s,J fresh li,a tijo woi",? ""f and piBiir, and has a most win Jionomo as woil as a Jc i 1 Ih'l.l '.tf'1 the skin. N ,(110- ' bout it. n !, ACTS KN.NI.W 111 TIIK UOtEliXOK. Tho following Is a complete list of acts, passed at tho Uto nossion and signed by tho Governor. This list also includes memorials nnd resolu tions filed at tho same time ; JL B. 3 -An act to incorporate Dalles nnd repeal nil former acts re lating to tho same. S. B. 8 An net to lneorporalo tho own of Amity in Yamhill county. S. B. 20 An act supplemental to an act to Incorporate tho town of Marshflcld, in Coos county. H. 1J. 108 An net to amend un net to incorporate tho town of Oakland, In Douglas county. H. B. 113 An net to incoi pernio tho town of I'rlnovilie, Waseo county. S. B. 70 An act to incorporate tho town of Monmouth in Polk county. If. B. - An act to Incorporate tho town of Dayton, in Yamhill county. H. B. 0 An act to Incoriiorato the town ef McMInnvilloAamhlll county. S. B. 102 An net to amend an net Incorporating tho city of Roscburjr, Oregon. S. B. Il l An act to amend an net Ui incorporate th city of Astoria, Or- gon. S. B. 107 An net to amend an uet to Incorporate the city of Eugene, Or- troii. S. B. 42 An net to establish nnd protect tho rights of married women. Section l rcpenlsull laws which Im pose or recognize civil disabilities upon a wife not Imposed by existing statutes tiH)ti the husband, and gives the wife n right to suo In the courts nlono for redress of her personal wrot-gi. Section 2 provide that tho resioiihibi!ltles of tho parent In tho ab.-eoco of mlconduct shall be equal, and tho mother shall Iks as fully tntl- tlod to the custody and control of the hitdreu and their earnings as their father, and In case of tho husband's lentil tho wife shall como into as full and complete-control of the estate nnd the children as tho father now does In ctio of the mother's death. This act Is now in force. S. B. llsAn act to define the ltitles and fix tho ciuipetiation ot the clerk of tho board of m-IiooI huid- ommKsIoucrs. This act more par ticularly prescrils's the manner in which tho record of transactions by tho board shall Ik kept, nnd fixes the salary-of I ho clerk at ?l"o) per an num. K. I J. 41 An act to dispose of tho unfinished branch mint building, tho material and tho block of ground on which the same is situated at The Dalles. This net takes effect when ever all legal claims against tho prop- rty nro Ketlled, and vejst tho prop erty In tho Waseo independent acad emy tisssoeiatioti, to be used for edu atlonal pursses only. S. B. 11 Repeals sections 23 and II, title 1, chapter 45, miscellaneous laws of the Mate of Oregon, com piled by Matthew P. Deady ami La fayette Late, H. J. R. IDirects tho Secretary of Suite to purchase ICO copies of vol umes 7 and 8, and U' copies of vol umo 1 of the Oregon mrpreine court rcporis, and directs the disposition of tho Kime. H- J. 1C. 11 Concurs in the pro posed amendment to tho constitvtlon providing that regular sessions of tbe IcgWaiivo Bs.-embly shall last six.'y days, and fiechd ses.sIons thirty days, ami that mcmlers hlull receive $1 for each day actually in session. S. J. M. 5 Asks Congress to ap propriate $500,000 to make purveys uid Inaugurate works on a canal nnd locks around Hie. Dalles of tho Colum bia. II. J. R. 3 Legalizes warrant No. .'4S drawn in favor of G. K. Clark and paid loforc any appropriation was made therefor. II. J. R. 5 Authorizes the super intendent of the tH-nitentlary to let convict lalsir nt 30 cents n day for each convict. S. J. It. 2 I'rnpnscs an amend mcnt to the consiiiulioti as fallows The elective franchise in this state shall not hereafter bo prohibited to any citizen on account of sex. II. J. R. 4 Directs tho Secretary of State to have 5000 copies of the school laws and 2500 copies of the road laws printed for the use of scIukiI officers and raid supervisors. Chrnulr tonMipallon itrrtl. riiiladolpliia, Ta., Oct. 4, 1879. II. If. fc Co. CicntM. For the past ten years I have sulVeretl tho evil ef fect of what might bo termed chronic con stipation ; mv skin becamo yellow and my liver was all out of order; I trlixl all the rouicillcs that could bo oblainotl, ami that was all I could do, after finding wo relief from regular moiHcliio treatment, and I Dually cominonoeil uslnjr your romcdioa. 1 llrst tried tho Tills, and a tho end of one week mv liowels had attained a regularity and lieakhy action unknown for years. I was so pleased with tho otlbct that I eon eluded to try a bottle of your Hitters, and although I havo not entirely used the llrst bottle. 1 am so perceptibly improvotl and toned un that I writo to vou Klvtmrthls voluntary teatimonUl to tho cxoellouco of your rciucuioa, Yours truly. E. J. Cami'bicix. Thousands of soldiers and heirs aro en titled to jieusians, with paymeut fromdato of dlschargo r death, if applied for befare January 1, wso, wound, accidental in jury or disease entitles to a Pension Jlounty and back pay collected. Increase of reunion secured. This lirm established in 1800. Addross, enclosing stamp, KI- su;x uicus., u. . uiaim Attorneys, 7Jt u Hti-eet, w asiunfjtou, u. v . EY TO LOAN on real .estato fieourity. In sums of f .WO and upwards. Applicants must bring tiiotr iioea. litf KURKIIART J1ROS. Administrator's Notice. TVJOTICK 13 ITERKI1Y GIVEN THAT JHf tho undersinsd has boon appointed Administrator of the estate of Robert Carter, deceased, by tho County Court of Linn County, Oregon, and alt persons having claims against said estate are here by notified to present thorn, with tho pro pur vouchers, within six months from the 5th dav of November, 188i). to tho under signed at his rosldouee 4 miles south of Scio. or to ll, uryani, me attorney in saiu estate. WILLIAM KINDKK, Administrator of the. cstato or Robert Cartor, docoased. n!4w4 Administratrix's Notice. N OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT tho undersigned was on tho 5tli day f Novonibor, 1SS0, duly appointed Ad ministratrix of the estate of Asa Talloott, deceasod, by tho County Court of Linn County, Oregon, and all persons having claims against said estate aro hereby noti fiod to present the same, -with tho proper vouchors, to the undersigned Administra trix at her residence in Brio, Linn County, Oregon, within six months from tho 6th day of November, 1SK0. JNl A K 1 A. t i . J A I i I A.-Cl 1 I , ,i;,,ii,;-r'.(rix: of the citato of Asa Tall- THE BEST OF ALL LIKECJT! F03 1IA1I OB LEAST. Wltrm a mr-itlrlno linn IndillHiIy drnin It work In iHllliiuiH or rum fur luoro tlinn n tlilr't or u ontilnrv; wlnni H link ri-iwlii'd Kvnrv piul of ilm wmlilj wlitui iitiiiilM-rl- IimiiUIki i'vmy li' rn tun- liHir It I In, only miIh i iiIIhih-h in i-awi f pnlii or nvclilnnt, U 14 I'flHlj HmKi lucull UCb U IJKJlllulllO THE BEST OF ITS KIND. Till 1 tlm rto Willi Ilm 9ftln Mmuih 1. 1 I in ii t . Y'.vi vy mail l.lliiK liiinlllK-l-'. a vhIiihIiIo Iiorw veil, ilm nuimy i f iui mtful armrf or linrti huIhIukiI, tlm liiiirom "t rlirn-mull-ill oviu'iiuiiii', iiimI of li tliniinMiiil Hlul filiM otliir hU-alilMi; ftli'l liiri'l-li lean Mnalauii l.liilmniil. All foimn of (iitHviiril illiciiso arc fpooili:y curt"! I lli MiiDtnnir l iniment. It !iii!triili iinixlc, incnilirnnn anil tUui', In I In, very lion,', biiiilxlilnu mln ntnl rilling IIh.i wlili ii ihiwi r llml ni.vrr I.ill.. It Ii it im-tlk'liia m-tslcit ly i viMybu-ly.fn.iii ihu ln.Atio, who rliln over the urMnry ptnln, ta I tin mrrcbnnt Iirlncii, ninl Ilm voii,li.iitti r who ftUl la Uvl Willi llio . II i'llr- KIli-iilliulUliI OJipHrullinia Intl. )! n't ntlmr 1 HI wiiniu-rlul LINIMENT jiwillhr nurea audi nllmenU of the lit MAN FJ.I.Mt a It It it mi llm . KtvrlllMK, Rllflr jainii, murai tra nn-l, llnrna anil Hralila. na, llrnlaaa find Hpralaa, I'alinuant Vita anil fttlng. Vllfrk'-raa, I-mrMrav OM orra, l lrara. L rnall.lira, litlMalna. Mara IXInelra. I ahol llraaal. and ludaait ctcrx form of csternal lla caar. 11 I tlm crrnlont rrmoilv for tho ell, null , a bm, I ui-ir I il ii I a a wlilrli tho Itnum 1 urfin nro nltrt lllul Liu cva-r 1k.ii Lliown. It yurra inralM, liiiy. Miff Joint. raanil.r, Ilaruraa hnrra, Ifaof llla rtmi i-'oxi (!, M-rrav IVvihi, Mal, llnliotv Horn, Mrratcnra, HlaiU (tall, Hpavin. Karry, KlnglioiM, Old Hnrwm, I'oll I.i II, llu tip a 'Cna nlffht ami every oihrr alliiaanl I a wblrla tha irrnpania of tfaa Calila anil Mtork lard are liable. A Iwrutv flvo ei-nt hollln of Mexlran Mnamnif I.lnlniciil Ima orir n atv a vaiunbln liotw, a lllo ou irult !;, or yrnra of torlrni. It beala wlihnnt a Krar. I! icrx-a t- Ilm Ti-ry loot ol lim'r, f ii-iniiliig tv n ilia hoiii. It ciirt a evvrrhnily, 'iTjtw.lnl no rm. It Ima Im.-h In ai.-mly ii-k lor mora Ihna li-nly.avu yea:, nut! la ioslllyt-Iy 1 TPTTTR BP.RT OF ALL F03 HA17 02 BEAST. MARX BAUMCART HAS JVHT OPEMKO OCT A Kvw Liquor Store K KEPJ4 OOXKTAWTf.V OJt ItA.tO THK FIXKST HUAXIhS OF WINKS LlUlOtlS, TOBACni & CKJAItS Thf Olrbrnted Nl. I.ouls STONEWALL WHISKEY The Client whlnkoy In tho Stato. Whiskies. Frpnrh Brandies, Sherry roil. ( I.i re I. and all other hums of wiufs, (Jin, Ale, Beer, nnd Toiler. Bitters of every kind, and the best In otitis or tobacco ami t iars. gtrl want everybod v to umlerstitnd lU" I have oiwiioil out a li rut-elans new liq unr atore. where city ami rountrv ileal era ran i-nx-urw their hIim-Uh at l'urtlanj prii-eH, wuli only freiuht aihlihl. ItiMiniH on me roriier 01 j- rum ami rcrry StrwW, Alhany, Oreuoii. ;r. J E. SORBIN & CO. 1 m porti-m and itnalcru in CIGARS AKD TOBACCO- Anta for Jraaa Moore A t'o'8. R. and Rye Wlunui-a.oiri-i iiiraair 'lne whlHklc from K.noto $0,110 a ERilon. boillr from Hi cviita lo $1.60 Hw t n-neh Lrnmly from $2.TS to $15.00 niton. In bottle from 7.) rla. lo $Si. KlneOUl I'ort Wine from i.ulio H.0U a cat on. In Ixill ! from Hi ct. to $2.tti, KliifMlierry WUi from Ji'alto $1Q.0U a Rat n. In bottlpa rrom 7o pi. ui i.ti. Uollaml Ula liuu a gullun, iu botlea from CU. to $1.50. All kind of Winn. Rltfer anil Cordials. Claret one dollar a pillion or 'i rt. a l-otllp. I.lquoni In jiiula auu uair pint, xaKKH iravuu-rs auu oiuer. 8AMPLE ltOOMS attached to ouxt stori:. CIGARS TOBACCO. By the box or ponsd. cheap. FlraC 8(ret. aar Itroadalbln. Albanjr DEAL I KS IN 1TI I9EV4 MH KH, JEV KLKV, filLVr.C- rLATKO M AKE. A DIAMOND SPMT.U LIJ4, ETC. AeeuU'fiir NcwlUomclScwIns MarhlnrR, A I-U A NY, - - OREGOX. ' Vl4n2fitf Q1 ftAAT(9r'W0A YKArs wQta $20 n day In 3 I f)H J ymr own kctvlity. Ho risk. Women do iu well as naun. Many mnke mine than the autnunt stated above. No one can fail to mako money fast. Any one can do tho work. You can make from 50 ou. to $i an hour hy dovotinff your eveninps and smre time to the ImainoRS. It oo8t nothing to try the tm ine8. Kothin like it for money making ever otTertnl before. Hunineiw nloanrtiit and strictly honorable. Header. If vou want to kmiw all about tlie best naviuir busineaa before the public, tend us yonr addrecH and will aend 3ou full itnrttcularB and nrivate terms free ; Bamplt worth $T also free ; you can then make up vour mind for younwH. Address UEOUCiK ST1N SON & CO., Portland, Mm. riEw Yon.( siioppihg ! Everrbody doliirlitoil with the tasteful and beautiful selections made by Mrs. J-a-mar, who lini never failed lo please her oiiHtomers. New Fall Circular just issued. Send for it. Address MRS. ELTjEX LAMAR, ''Ttf ' . bi7 llioadway, hiw Vork. WILLAMETTE MARBLE a. STONE WORKS, M AJU FACTynKU-S OF MARBLE MONUMENTS, MANTELS. CEMETERY CURBING. ASHLAR AND COPING, BASES FOR GARDEN FOUNTAINS TILE FOR WALKS, AND ALL KINDS OF WORK IN STONE. A wn rl our Marble direct from tbe havo It selH!te with care, we can Insure customers tlm Ix-xt ef marble, sh rtimt work ers ay that Vermont marble U Ixttler i han any luixried from foreign eountiiea. Having J u at received Koveral toim of inarMe, and lnving more on the ay, weeair ofTer extra liiduceinciits to thone wanting work. Order from anv part of (lie itale prnmptly nttiuideit U, anil all work warratittsl an reprMtitel. We have noranvatw r out for work oxci-lit thoso liavlnir their eiwliitlla from im. hhop ami works corner isoe-ond aim VliinKlf n. r. MAWIK. JOHX VtmHAI FOSHAY &. MASON (Sueeoanom to John Foahay.) I.KAI.KUS is DRUGS, BOOKS, STATIONERY, ETC., obtbu's wrriv brxo A LA ROB Al DRUGS AND OB AT.T. CmliraHng eraryUiliir wuaJly (uaad A Fl'lL HOOKS -A.TVI Tm lirk la r-rr laitie awl vail aria-la.1. A aar drpot M alo run In .wnnacUun ith thia dnaunmcnt, bai ail tlic latcal VmAjcxu watiajanca, H.Cnl.. etc., ran Iw KortmaL WHEN YOU COME TO ALBANY CALL AND SEE US aI3u37tf AT THK OLD STASH, 72 FIUST HTTtRKT, HAS ON HAND AH FINK At A!minTMr..M r COOK, BOX AND PARLOR STOVES AND ItAKGES, A anj liouae In I lie valler. lie TIN, SHEET IRON OK KVF.KY DESCRIPTION IN STOCK 1JAND, A FULli ASloraMMi ot' GENUINE GRANITE IRON WARE. AM. OK WHICH UK OFFERS TO COM PETITION. CALL. AT 72 FIRST STREET, ALBANY, OREGON. Repair work done A BARGAIN ! Valuable Property for Sale. THE ALDEX FKUIT DUYER. Tiii-tinling If i I'liitiliii'r and Iota upon wliii'li it Im MiluatiHl. t for Hal" ai a bar gain. Tlwre r two ilrvcra ami llieycan Ut HfM wjwniiel.v. 'J dt l a RoihI op- ortiiinty lor irua raiwn to mure me ilryer maile, at a low jirii-o. Thi l!U aro very valuable lyins; on the Jivor front, ami liavin a railroail awitch rimiilnK lr tlMm. It w a fooa niuon for a rtiMoin nouriwg mill, fimndry, or ant ImlneHM. l-'or fiirtlii-r irticulnm rail fti tbe Prort. ili-iit or fM-rmary of Hip I 'otiiiatny. i u rvini. U C. I'.ii-t:, SMM-ri'tjiry. 1'ivsiiloiiL. 3t To the Unfortunate! DR- GIBBON'S OOSti iii.-3lKs.,r u tm. ItMptMrarr. jU n the Jjuf bjdI Umm 4 hiaiiIummI vu naiiiveljr be -nrvl. lttoiit'k aiul inu-lU lHuhl tu UII U call uiMtii htm. Tlm ltvtr baji trnvuloi rntiiivclv in Kuri wt ttnd iiiMfvi-tMl thrtmi;tilr tlie vrim bii- lnl there, oIilbuiUi trrtt i4 niualilo iithtrtwi tiiti. hit-h he iouii'Utit Ui Umrl to IImm in arii ( hi KcrvlcH-n. VH. t.liifU-X ti1 niKke im ttvo imUiw hn rtltH't a mrv. r"TMi mt a liMam-e MAY UK 4 I Ki t T nHU All rt4ntui.iHMis wlrirtly txtiiliaontial. Vou ac &o one l-nt lti I odor. ritin? t the mftr will lt-ac hUO (let-name vf lite lHr i hey mo this ativeniMrmMtt in. i'lianr ra- IS" I't 7f s&ait r raiK'isc. THe;parkerguh SCHO STAMP FOR CIRCULAR PARKER BRO'S WEST MERIDEM.C'. VILfiAKD IIOU8I:. Ilalscy, Orrcou. A- L0UBNER, - Proprietor- THIS KI.EOANT NEW IIOTEI Jl'ST NOW cmlclol, will he oened about July lutb, ls79. It ia ciinatiiirtvtl on the nutst uiialcrn ami coiiveiu!it plan, haa a tine sample niom especially amuiireil ftu euinmeruial traveltira. and the table will be uppli(l at all times with Kuod Dieals. itf A WEEK in yonr own town and no capital OUl) rikwl. Yon can sive tho faimiuea a trial williimtexiienae. The best opportunity ever offered fur thiaw willing to work. You should try nothing else until you ee (or yourself what yon can do at the buaineaa we offer.- No room to explain here. You call devote all your time or only your spare time to the bueineiwi, and make great pay for every hour you work. Women make an much ae men. Send for ape cial private torma and iarticulara.whieh we mail frve. SC. OlltHt free, lhm't conlolain of hanl times while you hare stK'h n chance. Address 11. liALLKTl . A CO., Portland, Muino. yl fcfldO"'1 ',0 n,'la 'r wy sireiit eery month in the business we furnish, but those willmir to work can canity earn a doxcu dollars a day riht in their own localities. Have no time to explain here, llusiness pleasant and honorable. Wo men, and lioya and girls do as well as men. We will furnish vou a complete outfit free. We will bear ex peuse of starting yon. Particulars free. Write and see. Fanners and mechanics, their Sims and daugh ters, and all classes In need of paying work at home, should write to us and learn all about the Work at once. AiUress Tki & Co., Augusta, Maine. ALBANY r.IEAT F.1ARICET. Fresh Beef, Pork, Mutton, Veal and Sausage ak ways on hand. fol Hijheii Cash Trice raid .-ill all kinds of fst stock. LEVI WEST. HEAD STONES. TABLETS. Holland Quarries anil Mllla I n Varniail a ... I r.iiawortii Mreetx, Altiany, Oregon V. WOOl A CO. BZ.OCK. VKKSII UTCKK OP MEDICINES In Irat-claa Mail ilrof mUMiahmant. UIK OF STATlOXliltV, a o Import and manufacture AND COPPER WARE OR TO ORDER. ALSO, liE KKKFS J THE FUBUC AT FBIOS, THAT at reasonable figures. L1ND ! PEHSION ! ! SOLDIERS AND SAILORS v Additional' Homesteads; (Under Sec. 2JU6E.S.) If joa wen la XT. 8. service at lea 90 ditvs anI prior to June 22. Kl. Ifiok a-rwi as a homesleaul you would be entitled to l'JJmore: iryou kink an fclOamnnnrs: If 120. ! avrea more: If l.V. U) mcTMmore; LV9. 1 acre more, which Is I tie Hairs to amount you hare not received and is known as tho "a'lilitioiiai homestead." and If ntiU-l raa sv-U. I mU pa? the Hi9hat Market Priceor all too. fractions wanted also. Will give S25 CASH AS A C0mlSSI0!f Per M aw rropirti suite for taier- aixv to any one who will put me on the way of and I nirwcd In making a purchase. Think a Hole. lx you not know of some one. and make ti.- Send ataunp for circular explaining- ppriQ I n fiq s? srorsz I ILIIwllaf II Sj injnred. no matter how alight, in tin V. H. Service, and under the new law can obtain a. Pension datini; back to the date of disability or death of the original claimant, pro vided application is made prior to July 1. lssu, to that all persons oncht to ma ke lxn mediate appli cation. AU those who will make application through me before Hon-b l.lsSO, will attend to the biuinesa for a fee oftlu. Ibeaameto not be paid until the claim ia rraiUed, and no par unless suc cessful. Bo write In hiuuediately anil give a full, clear statement of your groundstipon which to ob tain a pension, and yoa will bo promptly answer ed. Kuclose auuniKs. g"o all perwww Interested In Patents I offer my ser vires to obtain I'atenuibr them upon UiegruuniU that nnless patent ia obtained luaice no clutnr. Write fuli partifulart amd trmi Model Jor am erimta fi'm. Have fin -class Washington, D. eonneej tkoa ho make Lbe cxamioauoQ in persoa nr LMDS AKD OTHER PROPEBTT BOUGHT AMD SOtfi and exchanged tn all parts of the Cnited States and Canada. Bend two S-cent stamps for the Ijsrsreet list la tbe I'nlted States. All kinds of Scrip for location of State or Gov ernment Lands bought and sold. Old War Land Warrants wanted, bend stamp for circular, or kh for Pamphlet telling how all kind can. be locatrd and nnder what acta they originated, bend for refcrencea. AdJivsa. V 0. H. TALBOT,. AEEATS WANTED, r Mvmjt City, low. DR. SPII1IIEY NO. 11 KEARNEY STREET, San Francisco. California. Treata all Ckraate. aad apeclal Dieaa, WHO MAT RE FrFFEKIXC. MOW THE effctaof Touthfnl f 4Ii- ur huiavrvtiin, wiH do well to avail iheuiwlvca of thu, IhenaU-st )vtn ever laid at ttte altar of mifferitt? bmnamtT. - !K, y.'I.VNKY fntarantee to tvnVit $UHlttr evory owe Sciuui&lo wMktieM or private dincaw of aiy kuui tr camoter vhkh lie undertakes and bulg to cure, -HIDDLE-ACKD HEX. There mre matir at the ace of Uiirty-flre i tty who are troubled with too frequent evacuation (if tie blad dur, often accompanied by a alurhtunyu-tincor buminp etuatum, uitl a weakeitinfr of Ifae nvtcm in a nanner Ute patitiut eaumot aocoutit fcr. On exaniiniiir Ua urinary deoosita a nvjy eetliment vill often be foutwi uttl aiiineumv auudl (lartH-lea of alburoea will apt-tar, the coltv will be of a thin milkiah hnc, aain chAnir- ' UH-n who die of Uiia diltk-ulty ignorant of the oauHu, which ia the aeeund tae of aawinal weakneM. Vtu wilt inwantee a perfoet cure in all auch cawa, aiul healthy leatoration of the igemtouriiiary organa. Ornca Uoras 20 to 4 and 6 to 8. Sunday from toll a. h. CoiisulUaUon free. Thorough exaoviik&ur autl adviee, $5. For private diseaeeii of short atandin a full NUie of 3 euie-ne sufficient fr a cure, withal) iiwtru. tioiis, will be sent to any address ou rccciit ui $10 (hX Call and addreaa, DB. SPXET ft ., . 14:3Gvl Ko. 11 Kearny St. Sap Fraucies Cal STAR BAKERY I CONRAD MET? ZR, Proprietcr Fi'esli Bread Daily. Groceries and Provisions 1 all kinds Cheap : CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, Etc- SB-Call and see my Stock. 4Cif TO THE WORKING CLASS. We are now prepared to furnish all classes with con stant employment at home, the whole of the t-uie, or fur their spare momeiita. Buuueaa new, Ji'it and jironUble. Jer9ouof either sex easily mrn J rum iU eenta to 4 per evenintr, aiul a pniortioi.l hum hy devoting tiieir whole time to the buinees, 15p-s and g-tris earn ueany as mucn ineii. iiiv&u v im -tj thia notiee aiay send their address and test th busi ness we make this oil tw : To such ae are not a ell sat iettiad we will tJitd omt dollar to pay for the troahle of writinar. Full particulars and outfit free, Aiaress. Geoiiut: Smbos A Co.. PorUand, JUaine. 2yl .PATENTS T