The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, October 15, 1880, Image 2

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..OCTOBER 15, 1SS0.
or rrritldmt,
Tar Mcc rredtrnl. rirrlor-..
J. K. VK.VTIIKRl?I f J ju
- JAS- ti LToy. o,,w 0,v,
Tbrsrral principle or Antrii,,, liberty
are Mill lUr lawful luhrrltaare r lhu
pie, and ever khauM be. Toe rlaw r i.ihI
by Jury, the nabrn rara. the K-r(v f
w pees me irertfum or xneeeh. the ,(.
ral rlshi of prrwm anil the rlhla of !,.
MiMirin s. n tco k.
WaJ. t:r. am'.l lirpt. lm. and leva.
Will speak at the COURT HOUSE, in
bati;rday,(1. 33, isso
At 2 o'clock 1 31.
Senator Biiyeu, of Linn, lias secure J
the passage through tLe Senate of las
lill to salary the ofiices of Clerks ami
Sheriffs. By Lis able advocacy ami
persoual superintendence of this bill be
secured iis almost unanimous support
ia the Senate, only four votes lieing
vast against it, ami those four In-ing all
Republicans. The bill stands s lair
chance of passing the House also, and
in case it should lecorae :i law will nia
terialiy reduce tlie emoluments of these
offices. The law is so frame! as to take
effect the first of July, 1861, and pro
vides for a salary of .91,500 a year for
Clerks and Sberitli. All the fees are
also substantially reduced, and must be
paid into the county treasury. Depu
ties are to be provided from time to
time by the Count v Court, which will
also fix their pay. We will publish the
Full text of the bill after its enactment,
and we compliment Senator Bilyeu on
his effective work thus far accom
plished, trusting that the meiuW-rs of
the Hoube from Linn will push Lis bill
to an early consummation.
Latee. This bill passed the House
on Wednesday evening, ami will no
doubt become a law. Instead of the
s-dary of Clerks and Sherifl beius
fixed at $1,500, as -.slated in our forego
ing article, the salary of Clerk in Linn
is to be ? 1,800 per annum, and that of
the Sheriff $2,000 j-er annum.
This Is really the only measure of
merit that Las passed the legislature
so far, and we again compliment Sena
tor Bilyeu upon Lis success.
Thus to a Democratic minority are
the people of the State indebted for an
enactment that will save the tax-payers
an immense sum of monev and relieve
lilic3 of the incubus cf these sot-ailed
"paying offices."
We understand that the incumbent
l.'lerks and Sheriffs h:tve made, v.n a
-.iua already to contest the constttn
)nality cf this enactment, and will
iisfc. every effort- possible to render it
null void.
m:risu) i MKtn.
TLe elec(on from Ohio and In
3ioa is gc-Jjfor t)e Iiepublicans !
They will I sTOIliatea to fresh exer
tion, aDd will yt entertain the fond
but delusive hope Gf JtuccesM in tLe
Presidential electioa Let them feel
good. I.t no Democr discourage the
poor, deluded followa. lt them Lave
a'l of tbe comfort and consHti.,n that
can be drawn out of this littfct straw.
They hare Indiana on Goveror be
canse theDemocrats were foolish ftNngli
to nominate an extremely unpopular
candidate and because the Republicans
imported at least 10,000 roughs and
negroes at an expense of 1 ,500,001'
.Every one knows that Indian is
Democratic if L.-fc aloue, but money
and United .States Marshals caK over
power the bturdy. Democr? tic majority
in almost any Ktate of the Union. For
tunately, however, these imports must
be recalled to their own States in tlie
general election, and tie people-of In
diana will be ermitted to Lave a' fair
vote and an Lonefcfc election. ' "Then
look out, for a majority for Hancock
and English of at least 10,000,! , .
And don't von forget it.
Col. Hawkins (so-called) insisted in
LU 8ieeches that a .Republican, who
would not vote tLe straight ticket ought
to be stoned to death to suffer the se
verest penalty know;n to tlujold Jewish
law. Wle wonder how many Republi
can voters would be alive to-day in Linn
if tliis penalty had been inflicted after
the last June election. It would Lave
4)een almost a complete annihilation of
tlie Lian county Republicans. ,
tiPKUklVti AT A MUM .
Hon. N. L, Butler and J. J. Daly
ttill speak at the Caurt House in thi3
" , . l TIT Jl t - ' ' : . m
city nsxi v cunesaay. vvvnmg. xurn
out eservbodv. .
Of J lilNIV
G- 33, .A. UST 3D
Democratic Mass Meeting
The (iroplo of Linn County are in
vited to attend u grand Democratic
rally at libation, on Friday, Oct. 'J-.
Speeches will bo made by
HON. J. ii. 1:121 1
- ANl
COL. W. 11. I3FFir'til21I.
Let the Democracy of tho county tuin
out. Let them come from Precinct in
delegations, and oo,i prepared t stay
for a iilt meeting and a
- viiiocraiio urns am retpH'MCit 10
bring their torches and banners.
Let us Lave audi a demonstration as
has never leca known in tho Valley,
and show that Old Linn is determined
once more to be the
itir. nrtnoM i imii.
llic J.ei'iil'lica" Icailois Jt.ive "one
such lengths ia fraud that they will
stop at nothing which promises siunvkh.
Their iniquitous, infamous acts Lave
U-en so thoroughly rxiosed that tliey
have become hardened, ami puisne their
mast treasonable schemes against the
people with an entire disregard of pub
lic opinion. The other day they tele
graphed over tho wires whirh that par
ty controls tLat seven thousand imports
had been brought to Indiana to vote
tLe Democratic ticket, when the fact
was that these imports weie Republi
cans, and any ml vantage which the He
publican juirty may Lave secured in In
diana mav bo attributed to tLe unlim
ited amount of money sjwnt to secure
the presence of these imKH-d roughs
and ne-ro "exoausters."
In tliis connection the (mri-f Jir-
mil of the 1th inst. has the matter
boilcl down as follows: 'The Indian-
aiolLs Jinminf haR attempted to stir up
the spirit of the mob in Indianajolis,
and it Las ointetl to lav. Hendricks
as a shining mark. Daveisj:rt's imi
tator, Dudley, who, as United States'
Marshal, brings the nation it to dis-j
grace by Lis ecandalous talinvior, ia
scheming and plotting to gag the I )eio
ocracy, and to carry the election by
voting Kentncky negroes. He has is
sued circulars to Lis deputies to Kjot all
"Democratic" voters, at the same time
lending himself to scLemrs and plans
to safely vote negroes from .Kentucky
''Send tLose negroes to Evansville," Le
writes, '"Laving tirst correspoinled with
H. S. Bennett, Chairman of the Re
publican Central Committee."
Dudley's infamous conduct is onlv
equaled by his ofliciousness ; lie decides
all questions of law as though he were
a Judge, and disregards all whi. h in
any manner hamper Lim He is deter
mined a fair ballot sball not le cast in
Indiana, if it takes the whole fl.rce of
tlie United States to prevent if."
The Iegislatiue Las been in trouble
over the assessment laws, and List Tues
day the Senate passeil the following
joint resolution :
S. J. R. Resolved by' the Senate,
the House concurring, Thai Lis excel
lency tlie Governor be, and Le is hereby
authorized to upoint a commission to
consist of five pto taken from dif
ferent vocations in life, whose duty i
shall be to revise tLe assessment laws
of tLis State, and to submit to tlie next
legislative Assembly tlie result of tLeir
labors. Such commission shall prepare
a bill which shall lie a substitute for
the existing revenue laws of the State,
if approved and )assed by fiaid Legisla
tive Assembly. The members of said
commission shall meet at the capital of
the .Stat aL such time as the Governor
my aj'uiiii, and then and there organ
ize by the election of one of their mem
bers as chairman and the appointment
of a clerk.
No member of such commission shall
receive any compensation except their
actual traveling expenses incurred in
going to and from the capital while en
gagecl upon sucli commission.
The Secretary of State filial! provide
a place for tLe meeting of said commis
sion, and furnish thorn with light, fuel
and stationer'.
Cor. Ci'BRf'V, in LI' speech at Ba
ker City last week, says the Inland
Km pi-re, charged the Democracy with
the horrors of Indian warfare in
(J rant county because , they reduced
the army, flo , made no allusion to
the soldiers kept in the Southern
States to overawe voters In a peacea
ble county, thereby leaving an ex
posed frontier State wholly defense
less. . lie was equally careful to omit
any reference to Garfield's record on
the Modoc war claims, when the peo
ple of another Eastern country were
threatened with extermination by a
lot of brutal savages.'
Gov. Giuiis was advertised to
wave the bloody shirt before the Al
bany "faithful" last night, but as we
were compelled to go to press prior
to the waving wo are compelled to
waive a notice of his meeting'.
nsmiv i ij i tionh.
Kleelions wcro held in Indiana,
Ohio and West Virginia last Tups
ilay, nnd following lira the dlspnlch-
os : -
I ill rl Itrinrn.
Cincinnati, Oct. Hi The latest
returns aro moro favorable to the
1 Democrats. Five hundred and sev-
enty-soven precincts heard from net
tt lN-publieiui gain of 2,U1'.'.
Indiana t'.lrrfloii.
Indianapolis, Oct. Dl. Republican
State Central Committco claim the
election of Porter by from 2,000 to
:5,00(. Democratic State Central
Committee concede tho election of
l'orler nnd claim balance of ticket by
iv respectable majority. Assigned
reason lor Lander's defeat Is that he
was freely ncratchetl by tho working
men of tho Stato who diellkcd htm.
4'oulrlimlliui fi-urn Hunk..
New ork, (X-t. Rh Secretary
Sherman's pet banks paid latgo con
tributions to tho Republican proces
sion which was n tamo nllalr com
pared with tho Democratic demon
Indianapolis, Oct. 13. - Olllclai re
turns by Counties Khow, Id L':l eoun
lies, iv net IScpuhlicim gain of 'Jii",
Tliere mo H counties in tho Slate.
Later returns show till moio favora
bly for the Uepublicans. In the lirst
congressiodal district llcilman, Re.
publlcnn, is probably elected.
'!.-'- t, . l,n , KIM'S U
Democratic majority of 7.10, Demo
cratic lass of 7 1!. The latest returns
from tho lirst congrcsskuial district
indicate u very dose contest.Mioth
(urues claiming victory.
100 precincts show n Democratic
gain of :J7o0 ; Republican gain, 7(!72;
tut Kcpublleun gain, ..J-.'.
Toledo, Oct. 1.1 Html, Democrat,
is ueieaieu t?y littclne. .
fincinnnti, Oct. 1:5 Republican
majority in Clinton county, 1(5 JS, a
gain of 7S; Favt'tto county, lleinibll-
can majority, i;s I, n gain of 71.
KvaiisviUe, Ind., (lit. Indica
tions here jHiInt to the election of
Kleiner, Democrat, in this (the 1st)
Republicans claim iu,ooo majority
in Indiana nnd s of the I :l congress
men, while they have a large majori
ty in the legislature, i!iuring the
next C S. Senator.
IndianaiKiIw, Oct. i:J.--Iinders
F.uglish and McDonald sent out ?00
at mlanight last night to bet on Lan
ders' election.
Indianapolis K-t. 11. lenders
concedes tho ehs-tiou ol l'orter by
about 1,001) majority and Unit the
legislature wi'l probably U Republi
can. tlreinla Itemarratir.
The Deiiiormts claim Wi st Virginia
by from 1(i,(mki to .".,OOi.
ui: HMrT4.
Si.w Yoim, Oct. I. "..Tim U'uvll
s:ivs : .o one seems to iloult that the
RepublicaiiH have carii-Tl the Republi
can Mate ot I ;uo, aUlijti"!i iiih.h the
candidate who heads the ticket the
Democrats Lave jjia'Li considerable
gains upon the vote of IS" I. Indiana,
however, is a doubtful State, ami a con
test there is always close. Tim total
vote this year, if we can infer anything
whatever from the returns thus far r-
ceived, has been more than 4 " ( 1,1 10( l.
I he result wnl not apparently vnrv
much from XmK of l,i;. It is to be
noted, Lowevei, that iLs straight lVm j
ocratic counties cf the interior are still
to be heard from, und it is entirely
within iiossibiiities that these counties
j may not only nentralizo but so far over
reach reported Republican gains as to
swell Landeis' majority to figures much
greater than those reached by Williams
in '7G, although Landers ha unques
tionably run Im hin I hi ticket, fcincts h
is not enough of n Orcetiliacker to at
tract any coiisidcrable lo'lowin from
soft money men.
The San Kays: It is probable that
the Carfield party has carried Oartiehl's
own State. The iigures from Indiana
up to this morning are not such as to
give n detailed result of tho election in
that State, but the lirst of the returns
to reach us from that State are from
the larger Republican cities, while the
vote of tlie counties in which the heav
iest Democratic majorities wen- ex
pected ia not yet turned in.
The Electoral College for the choice
of President and Vice President will
lj comjioseil of :if,'j electoral votes;
and ls-" will bo nwesstsy lo a choice
tho same number as was required
in 157;. The following table show
tho number of voles each S:ate is en
titled to .
THK i I i: Toll.w. jut.i.tnK.
I loriila
Mieliigau .
pi Missiwip.i
i; Missouri
O; Nel.raska
New I lainpshii r
i : New J ersi-y
:t New Vork
1 Nevada
H North Carolina
II Ohio
2 1 r.i?o,t
J.r! I'emisylvaiiia
."! Hlioile Islmiil
luSoulli Carolina
s Ten net see
7 1 Texas
Si Vermont
1.1 Virginia
III Wo-st Virginia
5. Wisconsin
Wliolo Kleeloral Vilo
Necessary for a Choice
The Oregon Legislatfire only Las
nine days more to grind, and j-et tlie
On-'jonhiii wants it to adjourn instanter.
That paper thinks the Legislature is
doing nothing for tho country or for
the people, but is only attempting to
sit down on Portland by unfriendly
legislation ; hence, it should bo immedi
ately prorogued.
Well, it is a Republican Legislature
anyhow, and we presume the Oi-njonimi
has the full right to tell the concern
what it shall do.
The Louisville Courier-Journal re
marks that "the Republicans aro sur
prised that they are losing ground ;
but they should remember that their
lies tire really too fcig fii- the people
to swallow that widen relates jtha;
the Republican pat ty has taken the
place of God in tho universe, for in
stance. ' -
.11 n:itl I in 4 I it.UASi.
Pursuant to nntioimceinetit I Ion. K.
II. Antenreith arrived in Albany last
Monday to meet Lis Appointment for
speaking, but tho Republicans iiiKistml
on him dividing time with a voting
man mimed Cm lis, to which, rather
limit bo considered discourteous. Mr.
Autenreith consented. Tho court house
was crowded to overflowing ami Mr.
uleiireith opened tho meeting with n
.recti of three quartern of an houi,
mainly devoting his tune to asking
questions of tho Republican young man,
Curtis, llo asked him to explain Car
field's $:V2i) Credit Mobilier ti ansae! ion,
and to explain why the Republican
Congressional Committee leported thut
Carlii ld Lad taken tho money ns a
bribe willfully. Ho asked him to ex
plain why Carfield took u .5,ii(i() fee in
the DeClollyer pavement contract mut
ter in which ho had a direct vote in
Congress, lie asked Lim to explain
why Garfield went South, as a "visiting
statesman," nnd after .doctoring up the
Ixniihlaun returns to suit himself, voted
as an Klectotal Coinniissioiier thus hi
could not go behind those ivturns. He
usked 1 i nt to explain why Arthur, who
had been turned out of allien by Juycs
SlUormnn, bm n wholly dishonest
man, held tLo second place on tl-
publican ticket ; and in fact he nuked
tho young Republican orator Mich a
multitude of questions in regard to his
parly and its corrupt practices and can
didates as to literally llood the young
ster with confusion and ntiharraxsmi'iit,
and when Le camu on the stand ton
ply Le found Liuiself so iucapable of a
logical replication that Le st.uply fell
back on tho Moody shirt -that cssen
tial primary groimd-woik d the Radi
calsand Haunted the ensanguined gar
ment with such llutteiir.g case aa t
hLow that Le had been uell diilh'd by
Hippie Mitchell nnd Land ml. t Wi!
The young muu occupied an Lour in
speaking hi piisv, n plyiug to r.otl.ii.g
and answering none of I he peiiinent
quest i"lis propounded to bin-, mid then
lie MiiiMiicil. a li. I we liavn I si-ace to
tell how completely AuteuiciiL Kpiiiki'd
Lim. The putii..Lmi-nt was uicrcifi.lly,
liglitly ahil jocularly Kdministcred, Lul
in such a wav as Ut create a tumult of
enthiisiann in the audii iict. "whloiii
witni-F4-d and hecr excelled.'' As the
11 ueii t and caustic wntenec of the elo
quent Autenreith lolled out the audi
ence, bui-sts of apj.!aus f .llowed in
such rapid Hticcei'u as to make the
court house shake from top lo bottom,
and at tho conclusion of his masterly
ttli.rt a wild shout of resjwisivc i-u'.hn-siu.Mn
went up fiom the inidicmc which
showed that Lo Lad crowned Limjic.f
with the brightest laurels and enshow-
erod the grand banner of Hancock and
Kug'.ihli with frcfchsKt ai lauds nf an
approiuhing victory.
c".1" 1
Tho Ijulsvillo I'ourirf'Juurmil, in
reference to the Southern war claims
stys: "The ?.? nnd other
Republican organs ussert that Han
cock's word in regard to "Southern
claims" is "not to bo relied ujon,"
and they renew their chargo that
Hancock will, when elected Presi
dent, I ilsr day nnd night to hccure
the raywit of ?i,:;'jo,jo.i,ooo to
claimants. These journals should
state whether they really believe that
Southern tax payers would ever con
sent to U, taxed to pay their share of
this enormous sum to two or three
hundred iKigtis claimants or that
Northern Democratic tax-iaycrs
would so censent. None but a fool
will swallow any such nonsense."
A3 ou i:ti:im.
A Democratic .meeting u Momoc,
Fayette county, N. V.. on Saturday
last, was presided over by Col. Renja
min Rrownfiejd, aged 101 years, who
said in the course of his speech: "1
never missed a Presidential election. I
voted twice for Jefferson, twice for
Madison, twice for Monroe, and three
times for (Jen. Jackson. I voted for
Van Ruren and also for Folk, Cass,
Piero. Riichanan, Douglas, McClellan,
Seymour, Urdey and 1'ihlen. And 1
hois) to live to vole r. o,,. Hancock,
and as the result of my long ox, 'wuco
I would advise you to vole for him too.'
l)'ttKlt!lltt07l J'okI.
The Dulles TiJuml Empire hits Old
Flaxbrako right between the eyes in
theso few lines :
"(ten. Willuiins is more in Ore
gon, to wLicli Lo loug since renounced
all citizenship while Democratic Legis
latures were in vogue. Ho in now in
hopes that tho Radicals will have a ma
jority in 18S2 nnd ho will succeed dro
ver as United States Senator. It is as
tonishing how patriotic these strolling
political mountebanks become when
their party happen to take a trk:k. Is
it not nearly time for Jasper Jewhilli
kens Johnsing to return, also 1 When
ever the fatted son is ripe, it is in sea
son for tho prodinal calf to como hoinov"
Following are'the ollicers of the Ib
anon Hancock and English Club :
President, C. B. Montague ; Vice Pres
idents, C. II. Ralston and F. M. Miller;
Secretary, J. B. Slater ; Treasurer, E.
Keebler. Number of members enrolled
up to last meeting, 10.'). This number
is only six less than the full Democrat
ic vote of tho Precinct in June, which
indicates that the Democratic vote of
that section will be materially increased
in November.1 Lebanon will undoubt
edly give Hancock ard English a hand
some aend-olf.
A Clear .Stai't'iuentfi'Diii .liulad I'.Iai k
Iff lirpllr In t'rrlnla Inlrrreuiiliirlr. KhI
Ittilleil lo Mini liy Hie N. V. Hub.
l i"hi (hs N, V. Sim, Ki-.l. 2Mh. 1!'sii,
To lii KJ'itoftif llin Sun !
Silt : Vour questions are entitled to
a candid answer. I will net down their
substance and give my reply to each
one in the order yott put thtin :
I. Did I mean in my letter to Mr.
niaiuo that (Uncial Carfield acknowl
edged the icceiptof Blocks and divi
dends from Oakcs Allien I
Unquestionably Lo agreed to lake the
stock, and did receive dividends npon
it. Tho letter plainly implies that he
had not coiiccah d, nor tried to conceal
that fact from me. Rut Lis admission
was coupled with a statement which
Lowed Lim to be guiltiest'.
It, Did Le decline tome that he
would go Is'fore the Poland Committee
and testify truly that he Lad taken the
stock ?
1 had no pic ions conversation with
boil about Lis testimony before tLe Po
land Committee, uiut I i!i, not kiiow
what it would 1st ntitil I Ik aid it de
III. Did I adixennd urge Lim to
tell the truth T
No; certainly not. Such advice nnd
urgency would Iiiivh Im-cii it most out
rageous iiiHiilt, which I could not oiler
to any gentleman of Lis cLaracler.
I '. Did L agree to adopt tLe line
j of ih Ti'tiM" snggi sled by me I
, . You Mem to think that I was Lis
counsel, t was not ; but, ns Lis friend
and a lit in lx'liever in Lis jeifi-et inno
cence, I wits extremely aiivious that he
i.holi'd get safely out of this lilifotttl
liate businesM. After it began to I
di.iv iissed in the lie wfipiipcra, and before
tin committee was appointed, I be
sought him to make no statement for
the public rye which might be incon
sistetit with what Le Lad said to me.
I .est Le luiglit forget it, or Uiiss tlm i lit
portant points, I res-.lted tLe siiljstonce
of it somewhat carefully. He did not
reply, nnd I learned noon afterwatd that
In; Lad uutl.oiied a total and flat con
tradiction. Simultaneously, tLe otLer
membeis X Congress wbo were imjili-
catel made separate statements of tLe
mono kind, assuring the public tLat
tliey La-I never taken or owmsl any of
the stock, or received any dividends
ujon it.
V. Why, nccirding to my under
standing of the f.u-t, did Oarliel.I adopt
a defense so contrary to that Le Lad
agreed on !
1 Lave already said tLat Le made no
.igrcemeiit uUuit it. His reason for
ubandoiiins tLe true ground of Lis do-ft-nse
wn, doulitli-ss, tLe necessity Le
f.-lt himself under of making common
Cat:s with tits Wilitical litelnin, for
whom there was no refuge except in a
fundamental falsehood.
I am, with great respect, yours, ,ic,
J. S. Rl.ACK.
IltlL. AMI I tui win:
'Col." Hawkins, in Lis Lebanon
speech last Friday iiight, became so ve
Leir.ent in Lis denunciations of Dciinv
crats that many f Lis auditors v- ere
supremely disgusted, and when he af
firmed that Le Lad no part nor parcel
with Democrats in any way that he
even did not want to associate with a
Democrat his language and manner
were so malignant that many of Lis Re
publican bearers left tlie meeting.
As a sequel to LU speech . wo may
state that ho could not secure the as
sistance of the Republicans to give him
another ineeting in Linn county. He
was not invited 19 spek nnd was not
further countenanced by the Republi
can managers, but was sent on his way
to California with the solemn injunc
tion whispered in Lis car by tLo .dis
gusted faithful, "For goodness sake,
don't come again !"
And Le proLably never will.
Ytilf, Hawkins I
sir. ik
T. M. Draper, the "lioy orator," is
iiueilng wilh an ovation wherever Le
goes. At Eugeuo Lo Lad the largest
audience of tho campaign. The crowd
was largep by one-third than that of
Williams, and although his speech was
over two hours long not a single person
left tho hall. In the evening Lo was
seienaded and tLe young ladies of tlie
city sLowered Lim with jboquets. He
ia doing gallant service for the cause,
and L is work will count in the elec
tion. . . ,
!'! I I .1 I'M
A I.OOII lll I.OXi:,
James Shepherd, tho honored
father of tho editor of the Tkikcr City
Democrat, and an old ami respected
newspaper man, died In Iowa last
month. Ho will bo remembered as
tho father-in-law of Hon. Delazon
Smith, nnd visited our city n few
years ago. Ho was ono of the oldest
newspaper men In Iowa, as well aa
one of tho oldest Masons West of the
Mississippi. , '
Peace to his ashes.
The State Senate passed a resolution
submitting the question ipf woman suf
frage to a, vote of tho people, of tlie
State, but the House failed to sustain
the resolution, hence the question of
woman suffrage in Oregon is for the
present a "dead issue," . .
The Nashville American says that
Con. Hancock's manly letter on South
ern claims will meet as hearty a re
sponse in the South as tho North, it
has been charged that General Hancock
dared not pronounce against the pay
ment of these claims, when the fact is
that there is no more determined oppo
nent of the whole war shit" than the
Southern people.
The Alabama Demociacy speak out
on this question in an address to the
Democracy from the State Central
Committee, thoroughly endorsing (Jen.
Hancock's letter on the Southern
( 'lainis. und. snniminsr tin, says : " )ur
party in Alabama stands committed by
its pint form, by tho action of every de
partment of all the State government
and by tbe judges of its courts elected
by it first, to an acceptance of tLe re
milts of tLe war ; second, to tho equal
political rigLts of every citizen ; tLird,
to the faithful maintenance of the pub
lie credit, htflte nnd national, and un
flinching opjiosition to the tepitdiation
of any public obligations ; fourth, to
the free and fair exercise of tlie elect
ivo franchise, and fifth, to the strictest
economy in tho administration of pub
lic nflairs." f
The Hancock Association of .Louis
iana have also held a meeting endors
ing Hancock's position, and tho New
i leans Uemaeral says : "We are glad
that Ceneral Hancock has at last qoken
on this subject in a manner to lay at
rest tho biigulmo of Southern claims
forever, and nowhere, in the country
will his emphatic utterances receive
moro hearty and cordial indorsement
tlinti in tLo Southern States."
The Memphis Apinl, the Mobile
lli-ij'mlfr, and the North Carol nut und
Virginia pa jiers come to our table
freighted with cordial, epen and hearty
endorsements of (Jen. Hancock's jssi
lion on tliis qni-stion, sliowing com-la
wve!y that the South is unqualifiedly
opposed to the payment of any rebel
war claims whatever ; hence tLat great
Northern Radical journal, the New
Voik Tim, has well summed up the
matter in its editorial article the morn
ing after the issuance of Hancock's let
ter. That pajter very promptly averred
that '"Gen. Hancock's position tqsn
this question is conclusive. He ihs-s
not sneak Is.-hind a forced construction
of tho fourteenth amendment, but Jc
dares Lis js-rsonal purjste in regard to
legislation which the amendment does
not cover. The ossuranee which he
gives does credit to Lis honesty and Lis
independence, and is one which every
intelligent citizen, nhstevcr Lis joli
tics, will rejoice to receive. TLe coun
try can now devote its attention to otL
er and graver issues between tLe two
parties, of w Licit there is no lack, and
os to which the position of Gen. Han
cock is completely identified with that
of his party."
If the New Vol k Tiui'-s the great
Radical headlight of the Republican
party can afford to believe Hancock,
and believe the jieopl-t of the South,
who assert positively ami unequivocally
that this question of tho payment of
ivla-I war claims will tierrb fonsnfrrr-l
fiirorahti, it is time that such orators
as Mitchell, Williams, GiLh and others
should devote their time to other and
graver issues between the two parties.
Hayes Is Just leaving the North Pa-
ciflc coast, nnd yet tho Cincinnati
Commercit il declares that "a state of
war exists in the South." It Is a
Is-autiCtil Administration, then, which
runs away from Washington at such
a icrilom time and junkets in Oregon
and California. If "a state of war ex
ists in tho South," and tho Republi
can Administration cannot keep the
peace, tho sooner It is knocked out of
power 'ho N;tter.
I lore is the way the Oregonum prods
up its present Republican delegation
in the Legislature : "It Las been
clmrged tLat one of tLe members from
Multnomah has been drunk at the cap
ital and has neglegted the business of
tho session. Tho people only wish that
tho business cf tho session were more
generally neglected. Jf Multnomah
can find where that member got Lis
wLisky, it ought to send every niemWr
of the delegation a barrel of it."
If tho condition of affairs In the
".solid south" is anything like as bad
as the silly radical editors anil stump
speakers represent, Is It not about
time that thcro should be n cliango of
administration. If fifteen years of
radical legislation has failed to result
in peace and good government then
It Is better that jye have an adminis
tration that will glyp us speedily
peace, quiet and good government
Let there bo a change-1 There yill lip
a change on-March 4 th, 1SSR
Hayes hnd 1,5,000 in Mainein 187C,
and only 5 2,000 in Illinois, The
Maino majority has "gone whero the
woodbine twineth." That in Illinois
is being diligently sought for. Ly
man Trumbull may be depended up
on to give a good account of its total
extinction. Tho increased Democrat
ic vote in Chicago alone will wipe out
tho insignificant Republican majority.
iThe Una County fair was a flnan.
cial success and now we trust that
all will lend a hand in keeping np tho
interest in this Society and assist in
its efforts to develop tho products
and Industry of our county.
mm oi k itmiu.K tvs.
There was a grand Hancock rally in
Fittsbnrg, Tenii., on Saturday, The
proceedings weto entirely under the
control of converts from tho Republi
can patty. There were loO vice-presi
dents all late Republicans men of
high standing and influence. TLeie
were about twenty thousand jiersons
present, and tlie greatest enthusiasm is
said to Lave prevailed. Col. Forney
spoke, und we make the following quo
tation from Lis admirable address :
For Lis own part, Lo said, Le comes
back, after years of absence in tLe Re
publican fold, to Lis old political house
hold (the Democracy; because lie nnds
there nil the ideas for which he con
tended during the hist twenty two years
cordially adopted and honestly carried
out. "After fifteen years ol attempted
reconciliation ; after ten years of at
tempted reconstruction ; after large
numbers of Republicans had joined the
standard of Horace Oreeley in 1872,
proclaiming that tho hour for settle
ment and peace Lad come ; after Cen.
Grant himself had over and over again
declared that the South was already
fitted for government and abundantly
deserving of trust and confidence sud
denly, after the sacrifice of the greatest
soldier of the time at-Chicago, General
Carfield was selected ns the candidate
of the Republican party, and placed be
fore the eop!e as tho ajststle of re
tn(;r, 'J'cj jli,A. u ti'iitdelfito in nomi
nation whose oidy claim to tho suf
frages of this people is the fa:t that Le
must stimulate tLe very worst passions
of sections! discord is Lad enough, but
to choose him wilh all his sins upon his
head, covered over with his own con
fessions of wrong-doing in the councils
of the nation, detected in the very act
by a committee of his own parly, de
nounced by tho pe of Lit own dis
trict, and held tip by many Republican
ncwspajH-rs a little more than six years
ago as a js-tjurer and a jobber (mark
me, gentlemen, I am using quotations,
saying nothing but what is taken from
the archives of th Republican J-artv
itself,) is one of those spectacles that
can onlv bo explained ujxjn the theory
that the Republican managers lost their
reason nnd Lad determined to confirm
tLeir title to universal distrust and to
prcpate tLeir wav fur deserved defeat
bv selecting tlm very easiest candidate
for thn Democratic party to overthrow
Would it not Ie monstrous if, after
such a record, the j-eople of tLe Cnited
Stales La i tamely submitted to it! Ix-t
mo rejieat the startling srory. The
country demanded fs-nceand reconcilia
tion ; tlieSoutL prered obedience and
loyalty in retqmnKe to the covenant of
pardon by the law ; a gieat party Lad
itself largely taken from tLe Republi
cans suporters for the Democra
nominee tor President eight years ao
on the basis of forgivciii-s when ad
at once the Republican Undent declared
practically for civil war and nominated
a camlidatn ptcnrmiici-d unworthy 1y
tht'lnhelvei. !"'
We wiil rn.-i.ivc at t!.i i.fiK- iu jluut two
a limited number of thvw vulaal.'e
hook ami all who want (-"!i- should send
in tlirir name at one. It U 3 complete and
very e!aloratc woik tn 1 w i! t valuable
duniij; the cranir rnmpain. It will com
print about .') paje-n, wil! I? line!' illu
t rat ml, aud altiioueli tho prux! 1. not jet
eivrn we ar aseiirc-1 il u ill it Un tl.nn usu
al for ucli a work, (.ivo ti your aatumf. or
nJ tlieta in by Jioetd card, and wo will let
out the book when ti:. y arrivo iu t'a' oruer
that your n."itne a'iMr. Thu t.ik Las a
national reputation and i cini.l.-r t far in
the lead of all other biayrjpliii-s of the
i.Micr-tatomaji - tie-ia At Proni-h-nt of the
Luitt?it SUtc. I'.y readiiii I'ornry'n l.inra
phy of him' yon gtt a g m..' hitry of the
Mexican War ami a enmpK-to rec.w.l of tap
heavy battles of tlto War of the KuU-iiion,
fur ho participated ia nearly all,' and was
generally the leading npirit in all battle in
which Le was engaged.
BFTTKK THAN liOI-D per.'.ct
health, ami yet many are sulfonic the tor
tures of the damned with Jivspepsia when
a single bottle of Hit. Ml VI IK'S KN;-
Lisii dan iii'uoM uv;:k AND IYS-
PKrsilA JILI-S wiil Rive relief, and, if
iiersisietl in, wilt cure tho worst case of
this tlistrssHlnjf trouble. This pill cures
Jorplil Liver ml ililiousneas, Jieiiulaies
the liowels, removes l'liuple trout the
Face, cures Sallow' Com pi ex ion. Foul
Breath, Sick Headache, Heartburn, Pain
in the Sides and Hack; is Siigar-enateiland
TAUbK. It acts direct I v on tho coating of
tne biMtnacn ana on 1110 raver, can oe
taken in any clime wet or dry weather.
Kewaie of imitations. The cdnuiae lias
ait eiigraviiifr of a lion on the outside
wrapper. Jfriee, cents, ror sale liy all
foyvriTiTiox il AMtir.T.
Tho Iegislaturo has passed the res
olution adopted at the last session,
providing for a sixty day's session of
the Legislature instead of forty days,
and increasinqr the pay of members to
-l ixr tlay. A9 tins is a constitution
at amendment, it will bo submitted
to the pooplo for their ratification or
rejection at tho next geneial election
On the morning train leaving tLis
city last Friday morning a vote was
taken for President, resulting Hancock
2, Garfield oG, Weaver 1. Hancock's
majority over all, l. This was a train
leaving the Fair, and would about indi
cate tbe general average of public sen
timent. ' So Hancock continues to
booin 1
Is ins speech in this city Geo. II.
Williams challenged any one to name
a man who had nwindluS tho country
out of a dollar during the last jour
years. Why did he not say fiv-e years 1
The icason is plain he was a member
of tho Cabinet five years ago.
- najimLJ l . i
AS :sTorri-fc,
"For God's sake horn him cV," said
an old I.inn Republican to those of his
party who wanted "Col." Hawkins to
continue the canvass in this county.
And thev horned him oft !
To all who aro 8(Teriff from the errors nnd unl'ia
crotiona of youth, netroua weakness, early dtn'sy, U&
of manhood, ttc, 1 will send a recipe that will euro
you, ikkk ir uiiAiEur;. huh jfieat rvmeuy ww
iiswoverea by a mifwtonary la koulh America. Sena
k eujif-addresd envt liiH to he Ktv. JoKtPH T. Ix-
MAN.StAUouP, Kewiork y. lj;2yl
i nirocitt rnirs.
Tin: legislature indefinitely jiost
poned the bill to divide Umatilla conn-
TilK Oiegon lyegislatiiie has ulsut
passed outwithout passing anything
C't,. Hawkins left the Lebanon Re-
publicans in disgust : that is, they were
At the great Democratic rally in
New York 4 .V0Q men, with torches,
were in line.
PenilAl'S the Republicans would like
to have another certific-tle of chiirscter
for Garfield from .fere lilack !
TllK amended usury law, placing le
gal interest at N js r cent., wiil doubt
less pow the legislature. It sboiild
have lwcn C per cent,
Pi.aisteo, the Democratic and Urcen'
back candidate for Governor of Maine,
has over 500 majority. "As Maine
goes, so goes the Union."
Gr.x. Damki, 11. Sir-Ki.r.s, of .Ww
Voik, is another 'flopjs-r,' and has
conic out for Hancock, Ko, foo, hat
b'wt W. Chihls, of I'Liladelj.hia.
Til!: -jttit'tlioii!tl aiiiemiiueiit repu
diating the debt of Arkansas was de
feated by over 7,000 inajotily. .So Old
Flaxhrake will Lave to lie alsjiit some
thing else.
TllK Washington 1'oH says editorially
that Hancock L is ieceive.1 Id ten from
1,000 ex soldiers in l'. runivlf nuiit, all
Republicans Leretofore, who pleile.l to
Lim tLeir support in
Plaistko, Governor fleet of Maine,
Usik the stiiinp in Indiana for Ilnrieock
and I,i!iIi:is immediately sfter Lis elrc
tloii, and yet we vo told Le is a Repub
lican. The wood aie full of just
TllK legislature will a.lj inrii, at the
bidding of the (rjoiiinit, as soon as
possible, and tlius prevent the passage
of the set reducing fees of Clerks and
Sheriffs, or any other iueasnre condu
cive to the Wst iuterests t-f the State.
As sure as fate this Republican legis
lature will give the IVmocracv tLe
Slate in 1 sK-j.
Al.tsKUT McConrKi.n, Democratic
tSherilf of Shelby County, Ind., was
last MtHtdu shot by a rullian Reptib
licau wLuin Le attempted to arri-st for
disturbance at a 'jioliticnl meetini;.
Much f.-eling was created by the cold
bltwlctl murder, and only by tLe time,
ly counsel of Hon. Tlios. A. Heiidiicks
were the people deterred from rcs-ntinij
t lynch law to revenge the alrocitv,
srctkiM. irronTvrAT.
Hon. J. J. Whitney, of Albany, will ad
dress the citizens 01 Uregon at the follow
ing times end places :
Independence, Polk county, MottJav,
Oct. is, at 7:30 r. m.
Ifayelte, Tuesday, Oct. 1!, 7:"8 P. v.
Kast l'oniaod, Wtslnesdsv. Cct. at
7). "
Portland. Tltursilay, Oct. 21, at 7.3' f.v.
Itregoit City, KriOay, Oct, sti, at Tfij. -
The local ctirnntittces will make arraugii
mcnts for the place to speak. By order of
tho stale Central Committee.
C F. BpATlr", CLairinati,
Diu.tiRtfic sri ti.iv,,
ib.n-s. K. L. Butler and J. J. Daley, of
fUlia", will address the citiren st fl.e fid
lowing places and time s
Corvall'us Tuesdav, Oct. 19. :
Albany. Wed nea-iiay, Oct. 1'U.
llarristiurs:. Thursday, Oct. 1.
Si-io, Friday, Oct, 2.
Local committees will make armute
inenis for the meetings. By order Siaie
("yutrl CouJuittvs. , "
('. V. Bkatik, Cliiirai..
We Can'V.Talt;
V.'ith.aut tliowinj the coniiitu;n of puy tcttt).
la-cry lan-h cxposfs them. Iij order nut t
be ashamed of them, let ns nse that standard
dentritice, SOZODOT, which is sore to kerp
them white ami spotless. No tartar can en
crust them, uo canker aliect the enaniel, t o
sjtecies of decay iufest the dental bone, if SC
ZOI)0NT is regularly used. It is a botau
ical prcjiaratioti, and its lenetieial eTeet oa
the teeth aud gums arc tusryelits, as it re:
moves all tlucolorattoun, and reader tLe
gums hard and rpsy.
V hi?N Pratric fovrf r,
Taken before retiring, wil! insura a good
niitlit's rest, with an awakening itt th
rosy morn to ltealth, courage and vigor.
For coated tongue, bad breath, sick head
ache, or any disturbance arising from dys-
Jteiwia or torpid liver it is w ithout peer,
is action on disease is entirely diuVreut
from any mediclue ever introduced, quiet
ing pains almost instantly. The hue and
cry raited against it by patent pWici;;i&
men, who hare foreseen tit its advent llisj
destruction of their nefaiious buaioes,
and the thonsands of unsolicited tesitiuQ
nials llowinjr in from all parts of the Nttsy
World, is a sure indication of lis great
merits. Trial size at all Uriii; Stores. Half
pound bottles, 75 cent;. ftiy $
sou, Sole Agents. .
- -.
Alliaiiy Foundry and MacMne Sliop.
By A. p. CITKBUy, ajlnij'etf af corner of
First and iiou'frniei v", Aluaiivj
oretjoi). ; , .us.r-H
Having taken charge of thealiove named
Works, wo are vrenared to inanul'aetnre
Steam Knpioes, Saw and tirist Mills.
Wood-workipg llaehipery, P'pmps. Iron
and Brass Castings of every description.
Machinerv of all kinds repaired. Spe-
cial attention given to repairing fartn 14
chinery. I'nllcnj Mafc.1113 done In all Its forn'.
ia:llyl A. F- tHpjip&SfJls
Administrator's Notice.
NOTICE is hereby given that theundor
signed was on the 2d day of October,
In 60. dulv aooointed Administrator nf tlu.
estate of Thomas Summers, deceased, by
the County Court of Linn County, Orii.
lion, and all persons having claims against
said estate are hereby notified! to pient
the same, with the proper vouchers, to me ,
at my otiiee in Albany, i-inn Conpty, Orp,
gon, within six mouths from the date uf
this notice. - ,.,,
Bateil this 14th day of October," IsSO.
Ilw4 Administrator.