The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, October 08, 1880, Image 3

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..OCTOBER 8, 1880.
O. 1" VK. It. TIME TAltl.r..
Albany Mntion.
nr.rtKTiKK - Ttt ti.
ALBANY F X PR ESS Departs st . . r. SO A. M.
iKKiuiir IKAI.3 " . . hjiia. H.
I mwit . . -11:46 A.M.
t IKfwrtssl . . I. . M.
ALBANY hXfKKSS Arrive si .
11:43 A. M.
1S:0 I. M.
:M r. M.
.VSo V. 11.
All Tralas dally, rxrapt ftaailay.
WILL. U. KICK, Station Aitvnt,
Williams al alba ay.
Well, the llapublicaus liave had a Wm.
lliu. Geo. H. Williams was here last Muuday
night aud held forlli for two hours and a
quarter to au iiutueuse audieuce. The Court
House wm packed ai full as when Hammond
nen iu the revival busiuesv The whole
couutry was scraped aud made to coutrihute
to the audieuce. We noticed pfrsom there
from Ojrvallis, Ualsey, Shedd and Browns
ville, aud au excursion traiu with about two
hundred paaseugers uuder the leadership of
Dr. Uallard, came dusyu from Lebanon. A
torchlight procesuiou bearing 13!) torches
paraded our streets before the opeiiin of the
nieetiug, and after adjournment the proces
sion formed again aud escorted the I-ebauou
folks eut to the depot. Mr. Williams has
changed Very little aiuce he was here eight
years ago, and his uuder jaw works as loosely
as ever. He is not a eloepieut as Mitchell
or Hippie, er whatever hU name is, but is a
great deal better speaker, for the reason that
a common in can very easily follow hiin iu
all his flights. Iu the three coruered Repub
lican Senatorial f)K"t two years from uow the
members of that party iu tbis couuty m ill no
doubt back up Williams.
Xrrs C
We suppose asarly all of our citueua have
read the reports in the tnjUlrr or HmU of
the Hancock excursion to Lebauon, and thof
who were along on that occasion know bow
unfairly the stateumuta by the two papers
were mad. The w hold affair, aud it was
not ao great as represented, was caused by
the Cluards loaniug out uuilvjrms to six per
sons with whom lUpy were not acquainted.
Our readers and eapcvially those here in Al
bany, will readily note wit's what ill grace
a tetuperaca lecture pomes from oue of the
papers in question. Ouly about two. Vet:, 3
ao we refused to publish an advertUemcut
retlectiug very seriously pu the character of
Hit aut person, but it seems that any favor
or Joruali.tio courtesy sbowu hiut is like
r'jaeting pearls before swine." Vo are uot
sure hot that it would be uuly just to nuke
public his own couduct at l.ebauott, which
yss almost as bad - that of any oue tl.-wr
MytF rr Frr) fees!?.
John R- McClure is just down from Oak
Grave, Wasco county, aud wilt go back iu a
few days. He says there is plenty of room
in that locality for live hundred settlers, as
tha valley is about eighteen miles long by
fifteen wide, and there are ouly forty ranches
there now. They Ijfood school sia
iftonthsin tha year, wjlh an attendance il
about thirty three, aud hereafter they will
have religious services three times a month.
It is ouly forty-live miles to The Dalles and
sixty to Oregon City, and the road are very
good- Water can be bad by digging I ruin
eight to City feet, and rails for fencing can
be had within eight or tea mile, and the
roads are so good that one buudred can be
hauled at single load. Any woe wishing
to settle in East Oregon had better visit this
A MacBiaerat Maaeaaeat.
last wetjc a insgnjcent iparble mauument !
yas completed ly Staler Bros in this city
for the grave of the late James A. Porter,
and w a set Dp in the cemetery near Peoria.
It is a perfect model of beauty, and more
than filled the expectations of those who or
dered it. Staiger Bros, have worked up a
eulendid reputation for their establishment,
ud itae done so by dMing nolbi&g bjt (jmi
fcjaa work and enly oskipg such compensa
tion as would fairly remunerate thtm. They
are prepared to turn eut all kind of work
in their line punctually and according to con
traband ask all to call around and learn their
prices and inspect their work. Besides their
regular marble work they wish us to an
nounce that they are prepared to do oy
Uug in the Ijn? of grants-
ttarelNe Will
Already five grain warehouses have burned
down in this valley during the present sea
son, and w hen a farmer stores his grain he
should bv all means iusure it against lire. It
costs much less to iusure than is generally
supposed, aud a small outlay in that way,
while it would not be missed, r. ould, be oJ
gfet tent a paae ul ore. l no ueavie,
ifaHochest and oldest companies doing busi
ness on this Coast are represented at C. H.
Stewart's Fire Insurance Agency. Quick
Settlements are mails by these poqipanigs.
tad the cash paid doa u in gold poin. When
you want any information in relation to in, call on or address C. 11. Stewart at
this city.
Sywael arihe 4 alaaabla.
, Tha Presbyterian Synod of the Columbia
ha i been in session at Corvallis this w et(j
ai will last until oyer Sabbath. ' As the
Iwj Revs. Coudit have been in attendance
hi College closed forthe remainder of the
wejk last Wednesday evening. They re
quest ns to upuuncs that there uity l9 na
ffcjigiouj service at the Culiege Chapel next
De l ea Will a Harrew
Carter 4 Co. still keep for sale at their
land door factory in this city those cele
Id Excelsior h'arrows'a'ud clod-mashers
!ine4, n4 can supply ejjher the com
V machine, flr the' alone, pall at
lasb and door faptpry and lern their
?. 1 . I .. I
1114 Bpp 1MB
Wimswefte rfesut errT
'4he WrJieniette presbytery, embracing all
the United Presbyterian Churches in this lo
cality convenes here on Thursday of this
aek, and will be iu session several d,ay.
W believe lev. T, J, Wilson, of lfslsey, is
II jderator cf the argsuistiou.
iiaiUa( 14 be Happressrd,
A great many sports came up from Port
land with the intention of carrying on gam
bling this week openly, but we understand
Msrshai Hunt expects to give them the grand
baa ace.
Waast V sated.
ay one having wood for sale can hear of
i cua toner by calling at this office. -
The lto Orator."
T. M. lrapcr, of Oregon City, has been
delivering speeches throughout the valley iu
the interest of Hancock and Kuglih,'aud ap
peared in this city last Friday evening. The
Hancock Guards turned out in uniform with
torches and escorted him from the Kevere
House to the Court Jiouse, where n large au
dience had assembled to hear him. Many
Democrats when they heard how young Mr.
Draper was, thought the Central Committee
had made a sad mistakel in sending him out
to stump the state, but 'he had not spoken
five minutes until they found out their mis
take, Tho facts in the case arc that he made
about as good a speech as has ever lieen heard
in the Court House. The Democrats were
iufatuated with him, and immediately in
vited him to route again, and the result is
that we arc pleased to Announce that he will
speak at the Court House again on Monday
eveuing, Oct. l$th.
To Parents and (.nrttlnns.
Kd Ilium wishes us to inform our readers
that he has just received a full line of school
hooks and stationery, and from now until
the Holidays will receive additions to his
stock on every steamer arriving from San
Francisco. As tho I'ul.lic Schools will opcu
out generally next mouth, you t-hoiit.l call
around soon aud lay iu a supply of hook for
your children and give them a chance to -r-use
them K't'ore school opens. His motto is
"The leat of goods at lnittom prices."
Don't forgot the place corner of First and
Droadalbin streets, opposite the building
which is now being erected for Senders vV.
Sternberg. Call on hint and he will treat
you well.
We iui:;lit also add that besides doing a
lan;e retail business iu stationery, tobacco
sua cigars, lie is also prepared to sell very
cheap at wholesale. Country dealers should
make a note of this. .
I'uu for Ktrr) busty.
We have noticed that, Mark Twain's new
book 'A Tramp Abroa.tV - has been Selling
It.. -11 IT. . lV-i-i . . J &
an mo vuilcu Elates, au.i nave
often wondered why it was not introduced
in this locality, but now at last we are going
to get it. W. 11. ISrunk has accepUil the
ageuey of this couuty for it and w ill begin
canvassing at once. It is a book that is
needed everywhere aud gives its readers
plenty to think of and ponder over, and w ill
keep the world good humored for years. It
is writteu in Mark's well known style, and
is said to excel both his ''Innocents Abroad"
aud "(toughing It" lie says it is "written
by oue tramp for other traiu)s to road," and
almost any ouo would U'come a tramp for
the privilege of reading it. If you want
something to drive away the blues don't fail
to subscribe for it
A Balar I ban:(.
We were somewhat surprised to lcaru a
fw days ago that W. . (YU-rs and F F.
ioT had 1-ougl.t out the hardware store be.
longing to D. O. Clark, but such is tho case,
od on last Monday morning the new linn of
IVters X So took charge of the institution.
Mr. Peters has acted as salesman in this store
for several years and has a thorough insight
iuto the business. Mr. Sox is well known
here, and though he has no experience as a
hardware mau, will add a great deal to the
popularity of the linn, I'-tli are young men.
an 1 we feel sure they will make the bin'uip
hxmi. "J'hy have our best w,htij.
Tie Bel 1 silat: oal.
Oue of the mo-t curious aud Wet little in
ventions we have seed lat' ly u au olcctric
hair brush for sale by Fo-.hay 4 Maeon. It
is cempoeed ef combination of substances
which produce a permanent electric current
which acts immediately upon the hair glands
It will cure nervous or bilious headache iu
five minutes ; will remove dandruQ ; pre
vent falling hair and baldness ; cures dis
eases of the scalp,arrrsts prematuregrayness;
makes the hair soft and !"-', and dl pro-'
Uuce a rapid growth ot hair en bald heads
when the glands are not totally destroyed.
fa flte PaUHr
For the past few mouths I have allowed
my stock to run down very low for the pur
pose of getting rid of old good , and now I
have filled up with a magnificent fctock of
merchandise, well selected and oj the. (atcst
and best varieties and styles, which will
sell at as low prices as can be alforde.I. I
thank old customers for their liberal patron
age aud respectfully reluct a continuance of
the same, aud to new customers I promise
fair dealing, aud will give them as gcd bar
gains as they can get anywhere.
I. (I. J.ti t.j-j.
jw raflrn,irp, lk tlrrf.
V.'hu would not rather have a suit cut and
made to order than buy custom made cloth-
ug, providing the price is low enough ?
Graham has just received a line lot of new
cloths and will give you the following bar
gains :
Finest pantaloons made of Knghsh good,
10 ; Brownsville goods, $7 to $.f0.
Suits, 'ine Spqtcli, jtfi; Jiroij-h,vjlle goods,
2, to f Ml.
Coat and vest, of the best diogonal., S.'Ut.
Call aud see their goods.
rerfecllon Hiire.Iy
Oue of the latest and without question the
most perfect sewing machine now before the
public is the "Davis;" why they actually
make out of strips of cloth cups, saucers,
baskets, etc., iu perfect shape. We saw one
at the Albany agency and together with many
samples of practical work noted wjll gay
jhat tjififp me things nevur before made on a
.Sewing Machine, Go aud see for yourselves
aud be convinced. W. B. Scott, Ageut.
A ftllsbt Arrlilrot.
A littie boy named IJeed, step-son of Mr.
Robinson, had a thumb aud two tingcira con
siderahly lascerated a few days ago by the
explosion of a cartridge which he was hand'
ling. Dr. Davis dressed his wounds and he
is getting along finely.
LokIbs aa Time.
Qur fanners have certainly profited by
their 'Vusty" expeijeuce, for plows are run
niug now in every quarter of the county, and
hundreds of acres of grajn jre already
uu county farmers arc not going to be
caught napping again.
Xpna of Horses for 6ule.
Who wants to b(iy a span of black horses ?
A mare and a h,orse one sjx Hud one spven
years old well broken, well uiatchcd and
for sale at a bargain, hn.pure of O, 11. Stew
. Nolle o Fsriiivrs.
Go to tho Bee-Hive wire works for all
kinds of wire cloth aud zinc screens for re.
pairing grain cleaners ; also for galvanized
wire fruit cloth.
Sevraly 4'enls fer Bcsael.
Ballard, Isom aud Co., proprietors of the
Linn County Mills, are offering 70 cents per
bushel in cath for wheat
We will receive at this oflice ill about two
weeks a limited number of these valuable
hooks and all who want copies should send
in their names at once. It is a complete and
very elaborate work and will be valuable
during the coming uampaigii. It will com
prise about f00 pages, will bo llncly illus
trated, and although the price is not yet
given we are assured it will be less thau usu
al for such a work. Give us your names, or
send them in by postal card, and we will let
out the books when they arrive in the order
that your names appear. This work lias a
nationat reputation and is considered far In
the load of all other biographies of the great
soldier-statesman -tlie next President of the
United States. By reading Forney's biogra
phy of him you get a good history of tho
Mexican War and a complete record of the
heavy battles of the War ot the llebelliou,
for ho participated in nearly all, aud was
generally the leading spirit iu all battles in
which he was engaged.
what Bi:rrrB ri iikm : the iieople ask to substantiate the mer
its of Dr. Pierce's Family Medicines than the
tact than tho fact that they have uot only
yearly growu in popular favor in this coun
try, but the foreigu demand for them has be
come so great as to necessitate the establish
ing a branch of the celebrated World's Dis
pensary in 1 Jiudou. Kugland.that these bless
ings to ths atllicted may be dispatched from
that greatest commercial center of the world
to every country aad people ? Golden Medi
cal Discovery is a couecntrated, potent, alter
ative, or blood cleansing remedy, that wins
golden opinions of all who use it for all hu
mors from the common pimple, botch T
eruption, to the formidable scrofulous swell
ing, internal fever, soreness and ulceration
yield to its benign iutiueuce. Consumption,
which but a form of scrofulous allnction of
the lungs may iu its earlios stages be cured
by a free use of this God given remedy. See
article on consumption and its treatment in
"Invalid's Guide Book" 10 cents post paid.
Address World's Dispeusary Medical Asso
ciation, Buffalo, N. l .
Woiti KsTKH, Mass., Feb. 3.1ST9.
Dll. II. V. PlEKI'K !
I:it Sin With trembling hand from my
extreme ge, being eighty-live, I write to iu
form yuu of the great benefit your Golden
Medical Ciscevery and I'ellets have been to
me. Three years ago I was prostrated with
pueumunia, and ne oue thought 1 would re
cover. By the use of those medicines I was
raised tohealth, and by the blessing of God
and your medicines I have enjoyed pretty
good health since, though for years before
this I sutfered from weak lungs aud a bad
cough. Uratnfully yieirs.
Sl NRV li. r isk.
4 Hasalareal rreseal.
Tha Presidout aud party have left this
part of the couutry, but there is at least oue
person iu this locality who will not soon for
get them, and that is Mrs. 4. A. (iross, laud-
lady of the depot hotel. Wheu rooiiuj down
t!ie road last week the party telegraphed her
fordinuer.and after they arrived here aud bad
partaken of it they were the happiest set of
people we have saeu for some time, and were
not at all backward in saying that it was the
best meal they had sat down to since leav
ing the Fast The lady was surprised last
Saturday by receiving from the party au
acknowledgement of their obligations to her
in the shajie of a magnilicent gold watch, .
chain, brooch, and ear rings and a very rich
dress pattern.
HH'ts Her.
Mrs. Puwell wishes us to auuounce that
l;er new stock of millmsry is now open, aad
that her large stock will be for sale t luwer
prices than havp ruled here before. Hor hats
embrace every new style, including the fash
iunable beaver aud other, aud can be bad at
priors ranging from 11.50 to $-. Brocaded
tinselled ribbous and all other styles she has
in abuudance. In feathers there has never
been such a line lot in Albany. Ostrich tips
can now be sold at from 50 cents up to fi 50.
Iu trimming aud all other work she claims
eLcl all compf t,turs, aud L,e is anxious fer
iad". to call and see at what low prices ska
is selling goods,
tar rtare la star.
Those who attend the Coiiuty Fair this
week will do well to call on Kd. Bsuin, as
he keeps the best cigars and tobacco ity tj,i
city. He also h ed(J sLv uf sta
tionery ard cucd honks, w hich, is sure to
go. ot! fast as he is selling at bedrock prices.
Kd. is a vury aooomuiodatiug guutlemau aud
will give children aa good bargains as adults
can get, so you need uot fear to send a bills
child to him if it needs a new book. Be sure
to call ou him aud sse his larire stock ao 1
learn his prices, "
- -
Follow ing is a report of the weather dur-
ii;( September, furnished us by John Briggs,
Kstj. i
Highest baroiiicjer, 30.29 ; lowest, CO. 77 ;
mean, 21). US.
Highest teiiiH-rature, 82; lowest, 43;
mean, :ts. 'J.t.
Prevailing winds north; tnamutQ farce, 3,
Tid:,! piiptaljV I inches j days 4u which
ra,in (ell, i ; cloudy days, 1 1.
Frost ou the l!Hh and 23d.
Arrived al last.
Art Mewy ladies havo Iweu aniously
waiting the Arrival of an Immense lot of the
famous "Bazar glove-fitting patterns" which
Mrs. Powell ordered from the East lately.
aud we now have the pleasure of announcing
that they are here at last. This system is
the best now known aud in Paris is Bie4 X:
clusively. Tri0 tfreitj is lilted in the same
manner as the glove-maker takes the impres
sion or shape of the hand, and the fit is equal
ly as good.
WaoU i Wees!
Hvertl tif unr subw-jLers have agreed to
pay us their subset iptuui In wood, aud now,
if they have time to deliver it, we would
like to have them come forward. If all re.
epond who have promised to do so we will
have fully enough to last us through the
coming winter. Don't forget this ; came eu
as soon as possible, and if ' yftiic 'oeiehborB
vj'ant'a gooiV paer tell them to. bring ns
wocd am) tlte.y cn get it.
Mrs. Parrish has now got comfortably set
tied down in her new smarter one door
above S. E. Young's, and has opened out a
maguiliceut stock of millinery goods which
she wishes the ladies to call and examine,
Tl)ere is, no use in enumerating the articles
she has, fur she keeps everything usually
found in a first class milliuery store. Dou't
forget to call.
!o leu Want Lamberf
K. Price has 300.000 feet of fine fencing
lumber for sale at his mill in Waterloo pre
ciuct and will deliver it on either side of the
river. He also has about 200,000 feet of as
sorted lumber finishing, flooring, etc. It
will be sold cheap, and it will pay you to
enquire their prices.
usure with C. II. !ijjwai anl rest easy,
Itatss are very lew.
Heme and Abroad.
Call at French's.
Sickness is now decreasing'.
Sploudid weather for tho fair.
Get your spectacle at French's.
Carpenters are still lujlemaud In thla city.
Chew Jackson's Best Sweet Navy Tobac
co. Groat reductions Iu prices at L, Kline and
Blue Iliblxm Club to-night. Be sure to at
tend. Mrs, Geo. Pstterson is very ill with the
Our Legislature has tackled the temper
ance question.
Those fins silver watches at French's are
selling very low.
Chinese grubbing parties are now going out
all over the country.
ludiana, Ohio and West Virginia hold state
elections next Tuesday.
Trade is enlivening up and our merchants
are making lage sales.
Several divorie suits will come up at the
October term of ( 'ourt
' Do yuu want to buy a good span of horses?
if so rait at this olllce.
It you lose anything or want auythiug ad
vertise iu tlits DEUm-iur.
The very I Mist of ale is now ou draft at
Caumgart's liquor store.
Aud still the wheat is not all iu. The rush
seems to be as great as ever.
Almost everybody in the couutry was here
duriug the preseut week.
French feathers aud other kiuds of all col
ors aus! prices at Mrs. Parrish's.
The best stock of tobacco iu town at the
Farmers and Mechanics Store.
The Farmers aud Mechanics is the pioucur
Oue Price Cash Store of Albauy.
L. II. Moutanye, F-su,., is out agaiu after
an illuess of about thrru weeks.
G. K. Beuket h Sons line sewed boots at
the Farmers aud Mechanics store.
John Hurd is aysiu connected with the
Settl. u.ier saw uull ou the Sautiam.
Miss Lolls O'Connor, formerly of this city,
i i the pet of Portland theater gore.
Seuator Bilyeu and Hon. Geo. K. Cham
berlain speut last Sabbath iu this city.
If you have friends iu the Fast send them
the DKMis' it is better than letters.
Graiu insurance is very low. Call ou C.
H. Stewart if you waut the very best
P.very man's wife wants a "Davis" sewing
luschine. W, IS. Scott Albauy, agent
Subscribe to the "lllnruUd ll'a.;'," the
must readable Journal ou the Pacitiu Coast
Basket's race horse arrived last Monday
aud take part in the turf contests this week.
The famous "Mesiiuit" grass -the best
pasture grass known for sale at liatTendeu's.
Hon. A. C. Jones, of Jacksonville, has
speut several days here duriug the past week.
The fireman's parade interferes w ith the
glass ball shooting match at the Fair Ground.
C. P. Davis, formerly of this city, is now
taackintf, school at Ccuterville, L'uatilla coun
ty. The hall has been beautifully decorated for
the ball iven by lloscue Hook ami Ijbldrr
French has a full assortment of jewelry,
which he iuvitos the public to call aud exam
ine. Dr. G. Willn I 'rice, deutist olbce in h t
Odd Fellows Tenii.lj, oyer I'lummrr's drug
Good broom van be had at the Albany
Broom Factory only three dollar er
KeuatuT N'rsu.ttb will address the people
(if Albany on the politioal issues in a Week or
The mills here are psyiug 72 cent for
wheat, but the market price is not over t5
If you are feeling easier in m nicy instters
and still owe for your IU;Sj Kir, call around
and see u.
County v-Ju'l hs bceu iu session this
Week. We w ill give the prooccediug iu our
next issue.
A full Hue of thd "Standard" white shirts
oiened this week at the Farmers aud Mo
ehsiiics Store.
The Hancock Gusrds are uudur obligations
to D. Fromsn for the free use of his, h(l on.
two occasions.
'V'vft A"uy t prss is auw a thiug of the
past, having been superseded by the Leba
non Fx press,
W. U Palmer aud C. K. Wotvertou ad
dressed the GartUlJ club at Ixibauou last
Friday 'eveuiug.
D. G. Clarke wilt act as agent of Wells,
Fargo V Co. uutil the commission, culues (or
ltu,r readeni uow cast their eye arouu.l to
see ht advertiser otters them the best iu
ducemeut. Strand Price aud wife have gone over to
Priueville, where he expects to engage in
took raising.
See Dr. Price's dental card. His oflice is
in the front room of the Odd Folio. Tenud?
ooe second Hour.
L. C. liicVU'out again, after having been
confineti te bis bouse for several weeks with
the rheumatism.
It is to be deplored that any oue should
disturb a public meeting, as was the caue lit
Monday night.
The finest wines, liquors ana cigars to be
had in Albany are for sale at Marx Baum-
gart'a liquor store.
Linn Engine Co. No. 2 raised a beautiful
flag pole last eveuing. It stauds about 1.1. J
feet above the grouud.
Monies and, brocaded dress goods "the
latent agony" for sale by U Mine and Co.,
at 25 to 37J cents per yard.
Oh, yes, go and see those fine stoves and
ranges at W. C. Tweedale's. He alse has a
good supply of tin ware,
Ladies aud misses cloaks lu large variety
at S, F Youngs. Call and see those light
walking jackets just received.
The uniform of the "Hayes Inviucibles'
did not arrive in time to allow them to air
it at the William's blow out
E. A. Freelaud arrived here from 0:hoco
last Monday. He is uaytnV grvt deal
bettee heam tftau a used to.
The Ladle. Band of this city presented a
beautiful bouquet to Mrs. Hayes wheu the
Presidential party were here. .
Ladies should remember that L. Kline and
Co. always keep on hand a fine lot of circu
lars, ulsters, cloaks and dolmans.
The Democrats of this city loaned their
large flag to the Republicans hint week to
use in the reception given to Hayes.
Have you heard of any candidates for the
city offices ? Ouly two months will elapse
until that important election occurs.
Geo, H. Williams was President of Wil
liamette Eugene Co. No. I, at Portland wheu
Joe Webber was foreman of that company,
Look out (or thieves ; our town is full of
tha worst trash in the state, and you wouh
do well to keep jour doors locked at night
Geo. Jim Turner, the leading spirit of the
Third House of the present Legislature,speut
last Sabbath with hi relatives in this city.
Farmers, carpenters and builders should
remember that a lrge end very ceinplete
Bto&k of tash, doors, mouldings, eta, is kept
at t ie faotory of E. Carter St, Co., and will be
sold cheap.
Just received the celebrated Peruvian
Bitters, a positive remedy foi1 chill and fe
ver. For sal at M. Baamgsrt' liquor toro
Mrs. Parrish makes a specialty of niching',
corsets and hosiery. If you want anything
iu that line call on lier--one door above H.
K, Young's.
Our old friond li Turner has moved back
to his old ranch in Orleans precinct He has
been living in the forks of the Satitiam for
soveral years.
The "Laughing Man' camo "gol dcrn
nigh" splitting hi sides roaring, over the
work done at the State Fair on the "Davis"
Sewing Machine.
The torchlight procession before the speak
ing last Monday uight had iu it persons of
both sexes ranging in ago from sixty five
own to infants.
Cox Is a rusher wheu It comes to plaster-
ixg, and he has his hands full of work. He
has the .Senders k Sternberg building ready
for the (iuishing coat
Dress goods worth 25 cent per yard have
been reduced to 13 cent at Kline's, and
cashmere that have sold at 7. ran be had
there for 50 cent.
ladies, remember that Mrs. Parrish keeps
all the new style hats "Fern Cliir," Hig-'
lial," "Nitson," and mauy others; also the
new style beaver hat.
We see by the reiHirt at hand that the
Davis'' sewing machine wn again victori
ous at tlio Stale Fair, receiving tin. First
Premium, a it did lost year.
laJiaiia may possibly g.i Democratic, but
no one can ever get away with I.. Kliue aud
'a. iu oll.triiig bargaius to customers. Go
around ther aud see if this isn't so.
Gradwohl says Hancock wss born lucky,
and beside that the laird sud Dutch are on
his side. For these reasons he wsuts to bet
on Hancock, but can't tiud auy taker.
I-adirs, it will not pay you to make up un
derwear when Mr. Parrish sol' such articles
at such low price. Fxsmiue her stock ; she
eeps all kiuds of ladies' furuishing good.
1'nmembrr that H. I'.. Young still sells the
celebrated 1Mb rook aud Ludlow Shoe m!
is constantly receiving new stock. He has
received instructions to guarantee evrry psir.
All yuu delinquent subscribers look hrre ;
if you waut to suars up account we w ill
ke wood, grain, potatoes, county or t-ily
irders, or cash. Coma forward aud lis things
Moudsy's train from below brought up a
terrible crowd f thieves, cut throsta, ksin-
blara aud such trssh. Our iwii.le wilt be
pt to hear from them Imfore tha week is
Ashby Pesrco is recovering from his 1st
severe illness, contrary to the espectatiou of
hi friends. We are very glad to hear it as
Mr. Prsrce is oue of our most valuable cili-
We call the attention uf our readers to tl a
profcasioual card of Dr. Johnsou, a homeo
pathic physician who ha just located in our
city, II ui utlic is iu t romau brick, on r irst
Itepublicaa boys seem to be more enthusi
astic thau thsir father or bi brother. A
lot of little 10 year-olds raised a Gsrheld Asg
pole last Saturday up by the Congregational
Peters aud, Ho have the only exclusive
hsrdasre stura iu this city, ami o.HtsUcutly
can do better by thsir custouieis thau other
can. They have all kinds of shell aud hravy
Fever and ague are somriinos kuowu iu
thi locality, and it may be of iutetest to
uow that the I'cruviau I'.i.ters is a sure cure
for the disease. For ssle at Bauiiijjart' liq
uor store.
When you get advance uu your hat
don't forget to come arouud and, ay or yotsr
paper. Some of our stibi.-r',lrs vwld i.ot
pay us last yraa; snd yjw they shoobi ui.t
ofgvt li.
The Ladies Haud played hut Monday eve-
niug at the Court House on the occaalou ul
T. il. Draper's speech. They play remark-
bly wall now coustdoruig the practice they
ave bad.
here is no stock of gruceiies iu the Wil
lamette Valley equal that krpt by LeLjcuJett
Bros, of this city, t very thing ta the line
eU be found at their ntabluluaeut, and they
Ut uo oue undersell them.
We see by the Jacksonv ille Timm that the
many friends of Basil Oerry gave him a
hearty welcome wheu be arrived oat there
last week. Well, they ought to, for "Bas"
is one uf the best boys out.
L. Kliae aud Co. e gMOsg ot uf the
tuthiug bsiu, au4 for that reason will
vtuae eut their present stock at cost If you
waut auythiug iu the hue of geol' clothiug
and furnishing goods drop iu ou them.
Something new in lib boots. S, '.. Young
as just opened out a splendid line of rubber
goods, including the celebrated stand loop,
Pebble Ig Gum Boot, the best boot in tb?
market A hue liue of rubber goods altvays
on baud.
, .. . w
'ireeVoeas trum next Tuesday the Presi
dential election will occur, aud then there
will be no more use for the "Hancock
iuarda" or the "Tow-Path luvincibles."
They can then lay aside their uuifurius and
return to private Ufa,
Farmers, you have no idea how low tire
Inaurauoe i. C. II. Stewart will write you
a policy for $1,000 on a tint class dwelling
house, or the conteuts, fur three years, for
only $13, aud give you the choice of auy of
his large Euglish comt'sief.
Our regudature, has boeu petitioned to
change our charter aud cause the cross walks
aud grading adjacent to be done out of the
general fund. If it is granted taxes will have
to be raised, as the live null tax is now V.r-
ly suQicieut to run the city.
We have mat. seu something new for the
kitchen at McParlaud Jfc Harvey's "gray
euamelled hollow Ware." It consists of iron
cooking utensils enamelled on the inside, aud
every piece is warranted to stand use aud
abuse. Call around aud sea it
Hon. Jas. K. Weatherford. candidate for
Presidential Elector cu, the lleuiooratio ticket
has, cyineni-'ed hi canvas of tUe state. If
the political change going ou in Linn couuty
is a criterion by which to judge the whole
state, Mr. Weatherford will most certainly
te eiecieu. VT
Q Several persons iu the crowd at the depSaX,
when Hayes was here wanted to kuow who
. i
that old Rrey-headed, unshaveu, rd-(aced
fellow, with an old blaik, fyt ba.t piashed
down on his fcoe, was, aud they were very
much surprised when ha was introduced to
them as Uen. Sherman.
The New Urpol Hotel.
. Jas. A. Gross, who has (rained such an en
viable reputation as host at the McMiiiuvillle
hotel, has opened out the new hotel at the
depot in this city, and is now reudy to prop
erly care for all guests who may stop with
hua. Everything is new, neat, clean aud
convenient and better tables are not set any
where in the State. 52tf.
see rer Uaarary.
A gentleman of this city asks us to an
nounce that any one who feels ao confident
of, the election of Garfield as to lead hi in to
risk money on the result can find out where
there is Hancock money in sums of from
20 to pOO, by calling at-tlus office,
Church lMrrrlurr.
Y. P. C, A.---Meets at their n.oinu in Fos
ter's brick building on Wednesday eveiiinis
i . nun un nauimin niirrnoonsAC
4. Business meetings are held on the even
ing of the smmnd Monday in each mouth.
Everybody invited to attend.
IT. P. CilDltcti. Preachingevery Sabbath,
at 11 A. M. , and 7 r. M. by l!ev. f. G. Jr.
vino, 1. D. Sabbath School at 2:.T0 r. M.
Prayer meeting every Thursday evening,
EvANfiKi icAbCiittiicii. Preaching on Sab
hath at 11a. m., and 7J v. m. Ssbboth
School 12:13. Prayer meeting every Thurs
day evening. W, C, Kantmr, pastor.
t'osiaiK,(i,Ti().iAl.Ciiiiicil. --S.-rviccevriry
Subbnth at lis. si. and 8 p. i. Sabbath
School at 2:.'I0. Prayer inectinj; on
Thnrmtay evitiiing of each week. J. W,
Harris, pastor.
M. E. Clli'lii II, isi.i ril, Snrvicc every
Sabbath at St Paul' M. E. Church, South,
at II A. M. aud 74 V. M. Sabbath School
at I2J r. m. Prayer meotinf every Thurs
day evnmig. M. C. Miller, pastor.
M. I". Clit'Hcll. Preaching every Sabbath
at 11 A. si. aud 7 J P. i. Soiitt serv ice in
tho evening before sermon. Sabbath School
it 2..T0 v. At. Prayer meeting every Thur
lay evening. I. Dillon, pastor.
IUitimt Cut-lien. Services every Sabbath
at 11 A. M. and 71 l. M. Sabbath ScIkm.1 at
12. Prayir meuting every Thursilsy even
ing. W, J. Crawford, rastor.
l'liruil tki:MN t'lii'iicll. Service rvry
Sabbath mnrniiiir ami eveniuu in Cullece
CliK'l. Sunday School immediately rfterthe
morning service. Prayer minting every
Thursday evening. Ilcv. Elbert N. Coudit,
The Mararl.
Follow ing is a correct report of the mar
kets in this city up to noon ye.teidsy:
l l.t)CB- $3..Ml pcrbbl.
HAY- baled, ju-r ton.
- loose, $S.
POTATOES - 75 ci per bushel.
P.UTTEl: 20 to 25 ct per lb.
EGGS - 20 cent j-r dor..
POBK-- 3 to 5J ct r II.
mcoN'S -haui, lltolGj.
khiHilders, II.-.
sides, 13'.-.
DltlKD FBC1T sun dried applen, 10c.
" " plums, l ie.
Plummer diicd apple... He.
" plums, I-. .
CHICK F.NS -?2 50fUf;u) p,r ilut.
SCGAI! -San I'ram ioC, i'.Jo.
COFFEE CosU Bics, lv,2e.
Java, 30.-.
Curcula --22.
- Bio, 20.
MILL FFED -bran, f lot", fit per t.,n.
chop, $isom
- shorts. f.,
tiiidJIiiigs, $2ufcl3.
We Can't Talk "
Without showing the condition of our teeth.
Every laugh exposes tbrm. fn order not to
be ashamed of theiu, let us us-t that sUndard
doiilrilice, SOZODOT. which is sure to krrp
litem w lute anil spotless. No tartar can eu.
crust them, no canker afi.-ct th ruauiul, Co
species of ilacay iufest the d. J.Ul bona, if St ..
Zf)IHNT is regularly urd. It is a liotan
icsl preparation, aud it U-nrlicisl elToct ou
t!:e teeth aud gums are marvelous, a it re
move all discoloration, and render ti e
cuius hard and rosy.
. .
( etna aad I ibf-i.
Frrd Duiiuing wishes n to inform our
reader that h ha just received a magnili-
cent st. k of roiTins and CSkket. aud here
after he will s.11 tin-in at prices i.cvvx kriive
heard of ut this cuiiimu,uvty. 'to give some
idea cf tha plia- tuv authorise bs to say
that they wUl raiu;e Iroin $3 up to $30, and
for tko Utter prne one will be furbished
that has heretofore e.t fully f7T. He means
tkir 4arvullls
Msjf wnirr
al I be etrsrre
The Irav i lim.' public will pleaso lake no
tl. o, that tha ki neral hIko oIH.'sj for; Cor
vallis Ims Isn removed ;rom llio Si.
Charles Hole! In lU Itev ere lloiiw. Stage
fr CotfVfcllrs, lluoii, laU, au.l liulo
4iJcuco, leave I ho ltevero Iioiino daily
(Sunday excepled; at ono o'clock, y. u.
Cham. PrKirKKii,
Prop. I'eveie House.
All Sv'aas .r lsul(.
We have (or sate, bulb at Labason aud
Grass kiidgr.oM0.00O feet of all kind of lum
ber, such aa aoautling. joists, baru timbers,
boxiug, fencing, aud other rough lumber.
At I.bauon we have a superior lot of dry
lumber, such a rustic, riooriug, etc Owiug
to the late tire, w o are offering thi lumber at
reduced rates. Address us at lebsnon.
1 :mov. Or., July .".1, 18St,
Tbr, Ivlvan A stallreaU
ia not built yet, aud until it is our people
will still have to use some olhur mode of
conveysuce. Frod Willert, of this city, hss
six or eight hacks and bugge which be will
sell at very low prices and ou reasonable
terms. He also does all kinds of blacksmith,
iug aud wagnn making aud guarautees satis
4'all aad He tile.
W. II. Harness having sold out his mast
marke wants all his customers who are in
arrears to call at his old stand and settle at
once. His busiuess must be closed out, im
mediately, and all who owe him. U"-uVl
"come to the ceuter."
I ow Waal t'nrallnrr t
k. uaunais, in tins city, now has on
hands a larger stock of furniture than auy
other establishment this side of Portland.
aud if you want to purchase any it will pay
you to give him a call. He lut something
to tell you in regard to. his prices.
e'lne rvsraliare.
Fred Graff is manufacturing some of the
Uuest furniture ever exhibited iu this mar
ket His bedroom sets are perfect models of
taste aud lieauty ; and what is better still,
they are all from Oregon timber.
. : ,
Baslurss ('ewitrJI.
The Lino County llusincss Council of the
'atrons of Husbandry will hold its next reg-
IUlar session on Saturday, October '.M, inso,
at Jordau Valley Orange, in the Forks of the
Sautiam. IL C. row km. Sec.
Cou W, H. Kkkincjkh, Col. J. W.
NeHinitli and Hon. Ben. -Hayden liavo
all promineil to Biioak in Linn county
before tho election. -
To all who are siifforlns from th. errors snd bulls"
crettoits ol youth, nervous weakness, early decay, loss
ol inaitnoiHi, nc, i win simiu a rociw lliat will cure
you, KKKK Or' CliAKUK. This Krest remedy was
UisiMivered by a missionary in South Anierii-s. Sand
a self-adilressetl eavelope to lie Ksr. Joski-ii T. Ik-
SAN, Htstloli 11, Myw .jrk y. i.f.ii I
Mr. J. H. Batps, Newspaper Advortls
Ing Agent, 41 far'k Row ('limes Building)
New York, In authorized to contract lor
advertiHemenla in the DKMocitAi' at our
Desi rates.
Don't forget it I You can got the Cliirago
iiff.iy jVmm ana me ukmocrat one year
for $3.
Subscribe tor tbe Democrat.
II 1 natural for peoplo auTurlnp; with
Dyapopftla and Liver Complaint, or any
deruiigflnmnt of the digestive organ, mich
a Hour Stoifiach.Mck Headache, Habitual
CosUvene, PnlpHallon of the Heart,
Heart-burn, Watr-brah, gnawing and
burning pain at th pit of tho Htoiyach,
Yelow Skin, Coated Tongue and iliun vi
able taste In the month, eouiinir up of f'joil
after ostlnsr.low splrlas, dtc, to piiloff from
uay to nay onyinir an article mat they
know has ciirmf Ibolr neighbor, friend or
mlativo, yet they Imve no faltb In It until
it In Ion late, lint if vrni wilt ir In
drugKintHf Kosbny fc Mason, and get a bot
tle of liKKKn'n AtviDsr Klowkh your iai
inedinte euro Is a certain aa yon live.
Min,in lioitlc if this medicine can be ob
tained for 10 cents to try It superior vir
tue. Itoifiuur wl.o 75 cent. Try It; two
dose will relieve any caaa.
I HMi i:rbo4ljr l Kiisw.
r.v. io. If. Tlsaver. an old clllznn of
this vicinity known to (vers' one a a most
Influential cilion, and Christian Minister
of tho L K. Church, Juat at this moment
ateptssil in our rtore to say, "I wlh every
oMiy io kiiow mat i consider that Wrth
myauir and wife owe our lives to Shiloti'a
CoiiMinnplhiti Cure." It U having a tre-
meiiiioti ttale over our couulors, and l
Riving Mirlct satlsrairliou iu all eaae ot
l ung Diseaaee, such H ii-)lblti elae ha
done. lira. Malchett A Franoti.
lloiirhon, IimI., May 13, 1878.
Midil by Fisshav A Slason. liruirUU. A I.
buny, Uregou.
braalr 4'aMsllsallesi Cared.
Phllailelpliis, Pa., Oct. 4, 1H79.
II. 11. Warner fc Co. Gents. For the
.ant ten yoare 1 have sulTored the evil of
loots of what Dilirht beoarnieU chronic can
st ipalion ; my akin became yellow and my
liver was all out or order; 1 tries all the
remedies that could bo obtained, and that
w as all I could do, after finding no relief
from rogulnr inodlcltM treatment, and I
Dually coiiinieiiiwl uiii(? your remelioa.
1 I irst tried the I'll!, and at the end of one
westk mv Ixiwels had attained a regularity
ami healthy action unknown for yearn. 1
wan ao ploaaed with the etftst-t that J con
cludes! io try a bottle of your Hltutrw, and
alluouich I have not entirely usod the lint
ixAlln, J am ao is.rceptibly Improved and
toned up that 1 vvrlui to you glvlnir thla
v olnutary lmilMiOiilal Io the excellrue. ol
your rnrieilias. Vours truly.
A Fragrant Breath and Pearly
Ate iti-div obtalfied by cleaiislnir vour Osilv with iliat justly popular deiill
frbss, ,S4,()xNr. ComiMjsed of rare
snttnepili; herb, It luiarti( whitene Io
the teeib, a doliclou aroma to tbo breath,
and prmsxrvm Intact, froul youth to old
lit, Iho tMilli. Acidity of tbo aUmiach
will destroy the MrobKi-at teeth unlews it
.mx-ts are couiiteractod with HO.OOONT,
sun iuii pure looiu-wasn proutcw lue uen-
ini suriaigM jy roniovliitr every luiDurltv
that sdtieree to them. Ak your druegist
going to a d.stor for a proriptlon, tf you
iiavn a-riKius iuaeaae, xnabetea, I'ain tn
the liack aud Ixiiua. Susartimr. Intlam illa
tion, 1'aU-ull, ilriclc-UuHt iHiposit, or any
trouble of the Kidney or Bladdor, buy a
bottle of JDc. Mliitie's Nephreticum. the
Krci. jmciiii compound, j i la toe most
wouoorlul prvMcrlilon for tbeae troubles
ever compounded. Aleaar. Abrama ot
Carroll, wholasstlo drugKlate, aay : W
regard Nephroticuui a tho htssi kidney
and bladder reiuodv In Ilia market.''
Woodard. druirtrlst. Portland. Or-tare
"Kvery Uxly aiamke highly of it." fhii'ds,
druggiat, l'ortluad. Or., says: "Sold lota
(fit; it al way a tinea tho work." Many
have tie n cured of obstinate kidaT eorn-
plaiuta after the doctors have given them
up. Price, I. as. For wtle by alt drug
gwta. kit. aktleycoo?i:p.'j vital ke-
STotUTlVfc-lbe great jinlili rewiedy
uu more coroa of .Nervous Uebil
ity, Suuilual WtwknesM, Alanhood,
ri.MiuriLai (.mmaionM, laswiiuae, Inability
for mental labor. unoiideucy and such
nat iaixr, UAxponueucT and anca
I aa are induc-ed by youthful folllo.
tliau all other medicine
"--.. W'T will you aulTer? tSend
ami cxrosssM,
to A. Mlnlie, M. !.. Mo. 1 1 Kearney
street, San Fraru-ii-o. lor ths Itcstomtv
and be cunvl. i'rioe, $3 per UUlle. 'our
lime tho quantilr.tlO. Try a bottle. Vr.
ivimtie I reals all lrivala dMsase aurceiev.
Wksstt nball I do for a complexion?
lis tbe one abidine; Ihoughtof many a lady,
w bo nessla liul lUal last touch to be a rav
ishini; iM-auty. boro nature hss failbd Io
tlo her istrt, i-oim-s in ihe aid of art, and
now that Madauie Rachel's Knamol bloom
is freely ottered there U no excuse for
plainness. 'I'bis taovidential Invention U
made of perfeotly barmleaa insredlenU.
fresh f rum I he w or 1.1 of llow era and plants,
nd loss a must w holesome as w e. I as a de-
licbtliil elt'ect upon the akin. No toilette-
table can atl'ord to be without It. 1
Uo Vein Believe It?
1 hat lu this town there are scores of per
sons ptuviinir our Mere, over v day whose
Uvea are made miserable by Indigestion,
HvapepHia, tSour aud dLslreWd, Ktouuu.-h,
I aver oiuplaiuU CAiistipaUou, AO., wsan
for 75 its. we will sell tbwin Shiloh'a Vital, giiarantotHl ta cure them. Hold by
rohliay Momou, llruggusu, Albany, Or.
The moat popular perfume of the day
IIACKMKTACK." try IU Sold by lhay
A Alasou, lirtigglsta, Albany, Or.
15. Us JOHXSOX, M, D.f
Physician and Surgeon.
Albany. Oregon.
Ottice lu Krrynan'a It rick, two
Va1 of Conner's Kank.
Odd Fellows' Temple,
Albany, Oregon.
Office hours from S to '2, and froin 1 to 4.
X NO LI A MILLS offer a premium at
four centa per bushel over aud above tne
market price for good merchantable wheat
either aold to them or stored with them
thla continir aeaaon. Sacka lurntshed to
jiart'es wishing to atore with or sell wheat
to uieru. j. il. rusitut g t.;u.
Albany, July 30. 18S0. 52
Albany, Oregon.
Information given cheerfully,
me at Albany.
Commercial Union, of
London. Capital, $12,
500,000. North British and Mer
cantile. Capital, $10r
Also tjhe Imperial, Lon
don, Nrthern & Queen
CapitaV $39,000,000.
I'sr.sweekln your own town. $5 outfit
i!UVJsVi". No risk, Kosder, if you want a
business at which parsons of either sex cn Disks
great pay sll th. time they work, write lor psrticulsrs
io a. tiiixsn s uo. foniana, Miuus.
! Sportsman's Headquarters.
33. SOOT T,
(iuns, Rifles p Revolvers!!
Aad AiwasaMlllea f AHKIads.
Just raoeiveil s Isrv linroie of ths Is test Imrornl
fmlntloii, Hhmrfr's, Wlncbestsr and Hsllsril rsimOns
ntles, Mmn, Kemlnston snrt Hteven's hrsech ..s.lluz
'bA (nns, si ul intuits-ksunritf rifles and slml tridM 'A
nary dsst.tljsiisi.
Alio, larir and wsll sslscted stork .f rlhlIW
Ts;kl, Haltmrj, Ih Orflars, fnny k1s, asd u.
fact snrtbinj yoa uould wish lor In my tjm.
All kinds of Sewing Machires Re
paired, strmesafecr That
I Cannot Be tTiulcraoId
Aiiv-wW In tills SUls. fl tf
Ihr Cirruit Court of tit County if Linn
tin Statf, oj Oreijon:
Altnln C. Wef gate, PUintiff, i
va. I
I-evl S. Westgale, Defendant. J
To Ivl H. WtHitss!-, the iMfondant above)
named :
ORKtiOX, you are hereby aummoncsl
and mmiresl to appear and answer the
complaint of the aiiove named plaintlrT,
now on til with the Clerk of eatd Court,
on or lforo tbo 11 rat day of tho n-jxt terra
of aald Court, to be bolilen In Altanr,
Una County, Oregon, on tbe fourth Mon
day, the .'; li day of October, WJ, and you
are notified that the relief demanded io
will complaint is that the uiarn -p con
tra now exlstiiK between aaid plalntitl
and defendant be forever di .cli-.l. that
plaintiir have tbe cat and cuf xly of tbo
minor child. Alvln WeatKato, and that
plaintiir recover judgment aicalnt defend
ant for br coots and diaburaementeof thla
euil ; and if yoa fail to apjar and answer
said complaint aa herein required too
plaintiir will apply tosaid Conrt Cor the re
lief deiuiudod in aaid com plaint.
Thla summonaU pubiUliod in the Stat k
Rioutm Or.Moi;AT newpa per once a wook
for six cenaeeutive wtsska, by order tit
Hon- K. V. lioiae, Juilg of aaid Court,
Which order M datod Septetnler 7th, J8d.
w Attorneys for PlaintMr.
I HAVE P.KFITTKDand renxsleled my
place ol buaineaa and ae-urel tlw ser
v wa of a iirxt-claaa bwrber from San Fran
cisco. I now nave the celebrated Erypt
bui hair touio, which la tbe best prepara
tion for etreiifctneninR and softening tbe
hair, and wtd use it uu my cuatomera free
of charge.
"VOTICE U hereby given that on Satur
day, tho Tid day of October, 1SSS0, at
tne hour of one o'clock P. i-l at the at
blea of Wheeler A lickev, in Albany,
Uore to iv th roata .A
kedn ii bor toetthw v
oT silking .U m
,5' ffj n.
s ouniy, vregon, l win ssmi one uay
orpenaea of
with the cost!
Itd this lat day of Octos?r. 18S0,
w3 i JOS fc Pi I SIXOX.
We are aow lassssrsd to farnhk sJI rlMSrt withoaa-
suuit uiUuiunt at aufus, the whukt at ba Hum, ur
lur iKtfir s(ara sssssu. bmiusas Hesr, liirht awl
pJMslrts. lrsuos ot either ses assiis ara tatei s
oetiu t as per etenin(, aad a imaMartioiial sum ay
detuunc: their wtaui tima u tee ataunesa. Km anal
ifirU earn nearly as morb a aiea. That sll ba tea
inai auue msy aaad utetr addrsas aad test tba Sun-
aeai snake this uflar: Tu such a are not weii sat-
u.Ool v srill ens me dollar to pay fr.r the tru'H e
art lung. Fall istricurs and outfit Ires. Ajd,a
Osuaas Stimos a Ci . HorUaad. Msia. 1
STAICEE.BROS. - ProptieJars.
Kxecuted in Italian or Vermont Marble.
AIko. every varietv of cemetery an
other atone work done with neatness and
Special attention riven to orders from
all parts of this -St'c and Washington.
Territory. ,
AIL. work wrra-i."d. not
ft W3!rTbas!nss now before the public Yeas
MMtL4& at can sssks ruormv fssiar at srork tor ns
tbsa at snulilnj rise. Capital not miulrad. We asll
suus you. vis s is)- ana a nrards msils at hoots b
Hie imlustrl.ios. Weii. vosan. bors and s-irls wanted
.veaxirbrra to work f- as. Now it tha time. Yoa
csu ocvotc your whole time a the work, or only youc
siere moawnts. No othvr busiaass will pay yoa nasr-.
iy as wsil. N one witltna- to work rau hul to make
enarmous pay by engairiaK at oas Costly o itflt aud
terms trac. A irreat opixirtaiiity (or niskint- mouea
easily aud honorably. Address Tsi s a tv., Augusta
Aloany Bath House.
fully inform the eilitene of Albany and. vt
cinity that I have taken charge of this KstabUsa
avent.and, by keepioi clean rooms and savin
strict attention to bnsiness, expects ts suit ai
those whe may ravor Its with their patronage
Having heretofore earned oa nothing hat
First-Class Hair Dressing Saloons,
sr. ezpeets te give entire satisfaction to si'
Chlldiea aad Ladies Hair neatly ea
ad shampooed.
The Corvallis Frait Co.
Will purchase Plummer dried fruit at
full market prices;
Will aend a competent person to advise
fruit growers as to cultivation of or addi
tions to orchards ;
Will supply fruit trees of approved aorta
at moderate prices;
Will sell Plummer Driers through LInny
Benton and Lane counties. -
Letters to be sent to Corvallis Fruit Com
pany, Corvallis, lienton county, Oregon
WALUS MASH, President.
James Rxajdxajt, Sec'y
January 1, 1880. 2-1 wo
Pinal Settlement
the undersign. Executor of the last
will and testament of W. IL Goodwin, de
ceased, has filed in the Counly Court for
LiDR County, Oregon, his final account aa
such Executor, aud by order of said Court
Saturday, the ath day of October, 1S80, at
the hour f 1 o'clock P. M., is set for hear
ing objections to naidtinal account and tha
aettleuienl thereof.
&wi . Executor.
SO AAA MONTH' 812 a dsy st home
OUU aiade by tha industrious. Csistsl not re
quired; ws will start you. toes, women, boys and
girls make money isster at work for lis than at sny
thinv.lse. The work is light sod pieasaiit, and such
as anyone can fro risrHS at. . Tims s-hoare wise a bo
see tins notice will send us thh sUirenses st ottee srui
see for themselves. Costly urn -X t.nti te.rnis. - ?iovi
the time. Those already st wo r are ls.vii ap larga.
suots ot money. Adurt CO., Auusta
aWne. . '