iSTATfi RIGHTS DEMOCRAT issueFekrv fkiday BT BATE OBVlDTBaCSIfiO, o i. . i ra.fc.jL r , W 1. O.lH'Vafc ) k KM) it,. Pl3f tW 1 vO a eo e Go ejo .xj it is irr ' 85 48 a. loo 4 00 :1 tKWf tl-iti 6 00 00 hut-0 7 t(rV2 01 M tr IO 00 lft OOf-AVlO p ') n. of! 40 00 An co turn. la "Bfmwttt" HalMInc, Ht.ftalr BualriMie notions In Ilia TAtAdnn., TERMS UP SUBSCRIPTION: 20 eenta per Una. 'or legal and transient Bdrertbsii"jila II 00 per AWua,re, for th. Grstt lnsurtioTr,i)a 60 cenia per square for each aubsequent Id aertion. Sltu-l enpv, pat .ear Suit;! ouiyt ai mouths Sturl. oony, tlirw moot lis... Butia numbr..... 't 00 a oo 1 00 10 ALBANY, OREGON) FRIDAY, OCTOBEU 8, 1880. VOL. XVI. NO. 10. " ir itfiir 111' it; r l f ft 1 inch. r S " 8 " h Col H " t " PROFESSIONAL CARDS. C. (. WalTKKro.X. K. B. HI'MrhKKY. HfilPHKEY & WOI.YF.RT0X, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Albauy. tlrvgou. WJ uracil l.i all th iVurtt in (In- Stata. frolwita ta-Ucra ul i-oHvt'tol. sUvi.vI.aI Ui Mtiittj . l .i. U l.l.SN. . K. Ill AllbKkUlN. FLI.NS & niAMBERLAIX, ATTOn.EYS AT LAW Albany, tiregoii. onVo in Foster's Rrtck Bliw-k.-- v J.'.nlSif. K.S.S1K1U4N. u nii.Ykt'. STKAIIAX & IiIIA'i:U, AiTORNEIS & COUNSELORS AT LAW Albany, Oregon. PK ACTICR IX ALL THE COV RTs I K this Mule. They aiva special aiin iwu to collo-liou and probate matter. Urttoe iu Foster's new brick. 4Hf L. H. MONTANYE. ATTORNEY AT J. AW. AND Notary Public. Albany. Orffoa. Office upstairs, over Bri.ri' store. . la atreet. uunr D. R. N. BLACKBURN, ATTORNEY ASD COUNSELOR AT UW Albany, Oreg-.a. aire ap .fair la Ike Odd Irllaw'a Ttu pie. a"" lAillecUous a specialty. ap2l. J. K. WEATHERF0RD, (NOTARY I-IHLU',) TTOUNRY AT LAW, WILL PRACTICS IN AI.LTHECOIKTSOFTHK it btal- Special attention gi.en w eoiietltous aihi prooam matter. atrOAc to OJJ FelUw's Te4e. S. C. WWKLL v. K. Hlt-YKH. POWELL & 1JILYKU, v'JTOltX K Y S AT LAW, And Solicitors in Chancery. ALBANY. ... oki;U(. l'ollei-1 inns promptly made mi all Hiinli. Loans on rfasuiiablu ttriu. JEJTt tri.t in Foster's lin-k.- vi-tiil'M'. T. I 11 A I.I I.M IA, a v n hcn i:y at i .. v UBiU, OttLLUX- tVsTOdlce up stall-, iu the Udd r"t How's lempla.-fas vlSu'.o F. M. MILLER. rroitN K"i AT LVW .:ho ki:i;us. W, til practli in Mil llie murll of I lie Nt .le. cl.JilH allelilli.I ,;iv-u to tnll''4i,i,ar eiu-tfeut-s taua aMiuiiiHf itu ill liili. rri,imie tiUalllcJlt M b.-C.ilI . IUJOII. J. A. VA.1I, AJTQREY AO COUELOA AT LAV a 4k' 111 t- in 'l the f.Mi.t" l th Mtute tybam lo the Court Hiw viiaUMvl. D. M. Jones, M. D. Physician and Surgeon, ALBANY, OBEtOX. fiffi.-e Id Plummer'ti drug store, delicti on SS'aihiQgtoo St. IJesi- H. J. B0UGHT0N, M. D., ALBAXT. - - rTiB? EPCTOR 13 A OfUW-'ATg OP TUE ITTI 4.' TCK-S1I V llalil CuUece J Vom, .n4 ta a manner ut twuovua Mapiiai aloiieal College ut iitw Vuik. ume nridviM-. on oonwr of Fourth an J SlUwuno Street, dirmly ltk ol lt H. K. i'hiin-h, iurtb. vliiwiLtt Or T. I. -OLDK.V. OCCULIST AM) Al'RIST SAL. Ol. OKECOX. DR.UOLIF. HAS HAD KXPKKIENVE IS tr;atiOK ttie arinun iltmraHii t which tlie ye aail ear are ulJwt, ana feel nxidtient ul KivloaT entire Mllxfaetion to IboMe who may place themselves u inter till care. niKaf. tSK.-ctiv.r tu J. B. WV4 ) Healer in llravy and Shelf 4urUvnre, Iron, Steel tuitl ilecinic' Tttti Ou Pjrt ret;t. one tfr t-t USE. V.mnjf'i, Al- REVERE HOUSE, Ceraer Flr. aad ElUwsrtla Albany, ttrriaa. Pfeiffer Bro's Brops. Thia new Hotel ia Btted up tn tint eltm at I. T.l.lea upptinl' vim tba beat the market alforda. Hfiuig aii ia every Kium. A good Mawle Uouu lor Com. Bira&lTrvtl(sr, yrree faata ia and tVafa tbe Hute!.CA ii-; ' Viirt " ' 4 If? A NY, OBfOOJf. pi. t'. HOl'i. - - - Pfopriftoj, fris 1)uh ha tjeen thuroinlily retiovated frotn u SL to l(itOIt "l ! 'HM'M V'Mut""'" 1 t(t iHrt4iiui!t ol tnnfetera. The table I (a aupulieu th everytiuif t,e mr I ket 4fforta. Hiniln rooma tor allla. tebaaea a ail Ualla Stage Offlre. V iHiLI a U'Kt'K tn vourown t.jwn ami iiu caottal riaked. You ran give the buaiiieoa a trul ft uxoeiiae. The bt opportunity ever oSered iu arilllmr tn woik. Yi ahould try nothing V. ' til you aee lor youraelf liat you can 1I0 at the bu.. offer. No room t explain here. You eu .. "."Vvoiir time or onlv Hir apure time to the buainiI7!i4 make great pay Ion every hoiwyoe wurkv" Wuuia uvieNui uiucli as men. rteitu lor ape' Anllirivk't trnia a'lid lirlu ulura, llkh we Will flee Si Oul8f If e'e. 'ItvU't tiuVpbiii oi ' liaTil t'lniea' wltl you h'aVe siich a chance. Adore 11. HALI.KI1' & pft., Cortland. Maine. tS) ALQAUY PEAT FalAOlCET, Fresh Beef, Pork, Mutton, Veal and Sausage al ways on hand. iriheut Cash Price paid (or all kinds of f t .k k. a . ... I L'L'I UL.-l. IZH " ra TO A TT7'0 may be found on file at Geo. L3 raTi'itli p. kowellat Co'. Newapauer lertlataig Bureau (10 Spruce St.), where advertSinj it-, rni'y rymH lux XJi -ia. a u ii.ia THE " WORLD'S FAVORITE." ONLY 12 ftegW HAS rim WOII K INC I ifT5 ! it JA 1. : J lit-" ? 22? 3E3C 1E3 SEWING MACHIHE. Awnnlrd Flrttt Irnilnui. Orrgou M(r Fnir, 1S79 and IS wo. Awarded fr'lrt lrrnilum. and only Maibme plarrd !u Ural 'laM (45 rotuiirlilorn) at thr Antalrallau lulrruallonal Eshlbllluu. I !. AI.WAYN ltF. I'.IVFS PIKST IMtl.NH HIIKM TI1K JIOGKM ARK'AUTIAl.. Tim "DAVIS" Sowing MaWimo ('utjiauy am titaiiiilai'lurliig auJ Sellins 1,000 Machines per Week ! It is CHEAPEST because it is BEST. It lxi evorv varinly of wcnk without Im-alnif. and bao uiorit iia.tlU'alatUL'htunt than all o:lnrs coinbiiu'J. Y. II. N( Urr, AkuI, A!bauy,Oiou. Warners Safe Kidney Liver CURE. A loalllvc Kfuirdy for A I.I. Kid nrr, l.itrrauil I'rinary Trsnblefi r both Male and t'nualr, ArliuK Itlrrrtly upon flu Oreaii .ir--l-rd. Korlbr lldl Nranoii il I Iu valnable. i:i:ad tiik i:i-:coi:i: "I; savi-il titv liiV." - K. it. Ijj1.( 1y, .Si-Iii, aJh. ; "I alvi.-v nil to try it." I Job II :rtialoii, I a ill ! I Ii, Kati. "11 Ntbe romwlv tlmt i!1 r-iitetnt? iiihiiv liiimHin"! culi:ir l whiimmi." Mot hi-rS-. Muua.iue. j 'U has itaHwl govern ti.s anil wi.n !- , iloix-nieiitii from winieoflbe liitihent luml- ! h-I talent of the couutrv." New V.rk : VoriJ. i Nn lnieily bpn-tof.iro ilisinivcreil rati j b bel'l f"f tnn iiiniiii'iit iu f iiiiitiu J i b it "-('. A. IUrvey, I. I., Va-.liiii ! ion. i. t;. ; 'It it the lest it ii 1 nnlv efti-ient remeilv i for KUiuey aitl I.iverlroiiblirHevnr broimhl ' lfore tb public." ii'ul ) Jobn Iv. Mr Cliesiipy, WailiiiJKt', I ' "I am rejoiceil to xav I hiii now a v. !l , man hiiiI only t ulail to ltily re- fcardinir Ibe fjlorions reuIt.H of a rt-in.-.l v ; wbu b ban uiailfi iiih m Ii3py. (Kev.) I . K. llarklix-, Ark. 1 ThisGreat XaturaKUfinedy is for Sale by Druggists in all Tarts of the World. THY IT A XI) TAKE X0 0T!EH, H. H. WARNER & CO. ICerliralrr. S. Y. Most I'opular Seaside and Summer Resort, NEWPORT ! Yaniinari liny. The 0tiu IIousk! JOS, UtVI.S, I'rojiiietor. H AVISO I.KASKDTIIK AWVR I'Ol Ul.AK IKiTKLfor a tei 111 of y earx. 1 bava bail it thoroughly reiiovatcxl and Iiaiiited insiiln and out. ami furiiit-lied tliruugl.out with new furniture and betl- tliug. 1 have also secured the Rervlcen of Mr. ilark JJclI. Oretion'a cbampion - terer. and bein located on the runut aigrbt- ly location it ta in every ttenne a nrHl-claXM Iiouhi!. parties vinitini thu aoaHitle for health or pleaaure will do well to give iina call. SatiHfaction uaianteeil. Hoard from $I.C0 lo f.&U a day, witli stiecial rates to families. lln'i JAMES UANNALS, DIALKK IX AND aAXt'rACTURM Of SOLID WALNUT PPKOOM SETS, Marble aad Woeil TP. Parlor Set3 ad Lounges, Mar hie Top Center-Tables, Spring Beda and Mattresses, WALNUT, 3UPLE ASP OAK BRACKETS, And all kinds of Wbalnula, 1'balra, Bednl.aiU, Kxtrnalsn Ta bleu, Htanda. lillt and Faarr Mualdiuga, Ele. 1 Intend to keep everything In the furniture line, and a ill guarantee atiahu.-tion to all who will call on me at Miller'a Brick. JAM Kit UANSALM. ESTRATf Q0Yt STRAYED from 1 lie undersigned, liv ing five miles i-oiithfast of Albaiiy.oii tbe Brownsville road, a muall roan cow, A year old. llstd on when nbe was inisHed a cow-bell, a pitce of rope around J(er horns and pair of bridle bjts in her mouth; lo the "boll is knocked oil' her left lioru. If returned to me a liberal reward will be paid. O.W. WILLIS. Of Kit Can't lie made hy every airont every f 7 J' nionih iu the linsliiem we furnish, but tlioae willing to work can eanily earn a dozen dollara a dav right ill their own louililiea. Have no time to explain here. Buxiueaa pleasant and honorable. Wo men, and boya and girla do aa well aa men. We will turniah you a complete outfit free. We will bear ex pense of atartiug you. Particulars free. Write and aee. Faraiara and mechanics, their Bona and daugh ters, and ail classes in need ol paying work at home, ihouid write to us and learn all about the work at once. Address Taus at Co., Augusta, UaiiK. OUTLASTS OTHERS. 3T ZES'iT 99 S...mEi. K. Vou I ; NOW KKl EIVISO llti iwi.i. ati.i viti:k STOCK iii:itHAiisi:! -CON'il'JII.SJ Of- DRY aOODS, fCOTIONS, CARPETS, OROCERIES, BOOTS & SHOES, I WALL PAPER, Houso Furnishing Goods, ETC., ETC., ERQ. .Many ul' these Clouds are bought direct from the mail" ufactiirers for rath, and are all First Class flood "SO TICASII, and will be sold at Popular l'rieeH. ana CENTRAL IS) M Alt KKT J, II. MEUBKS. I'rojiiietor. 1.1 1 TT KP l' P l S TH E N KATKsT STY J.K 1 ami keujii foiiMautly 011 band s full hunply of FRESH BEEF, POBI, BETTOX, VEAL ASD SATMGE, The fnllnHt patnawill lie taken Inacfom mudate the publiu. flftflCV la now Inlny made faater than ever l.lWjiCI by thoae at work lor u. Varaona i4 either av : uii make 9oU a week In their own twne 11 they arc willing to work. No rtitk. & ontlit free. A in one eau run the liualiieaa. Capital not minimi. All who eii'pfaife pr'iaiivr. No ene faila. fartieuiara free. AddreaH. II. llAtLKTr Jc Co., Portland, alalue. COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE. AMIIXY. OB. The First Tonn will optt op Wd Hs(,;ty, Sejiteuilier , 1880. Kor nartu'ulaM cunoerniiig the vouraa. uf atuily and ine pnee 01 uuuun, apply tu 6 EV. F.LREBT N. OSBIT, Prea l. WHEAT WANTED. ISnllnrd.Isoin & Co. WILL PA V A of FQUp f'ENTS per bhel In Mill feed over and above the Market price ou at good Merchantable wheat stored with them this season. Are prepared to pay CASH JlOWN, and guarantee as good price aa can he obtain ed elsewhere. A.large supply of Saeka always on hand. - We have qui. Mill fitted up with all the latest improved Machinery, and do CUS TOM wtmit. BALLAKD, ISOM it CO. Albany, July 22d, 18S0. 6U NEW BARBER SHOP ! .1. H. SURLES, Prop'r. A GOOD SEA FOAM SHAMPOO goes with each shave. Prices for shaving and hair-cutting same as usual. Rooma opposite Aicxiwain's store. lvtr GARFIELD AND HIS PARTY. A lKNIK TATIOK. Mitulifll said in hia recent Allinny (mh.( It tbut OitrliflU wuh wiiliotit ktaiu Ntid without ifiroHclillutt nn lti'pulf lii-nu lirtvl ever Knit atiitit uainiit liiin, atnl (hut fViMt Midi JiHtingitislieiJ l)i-nt otTati? an Kfimtor Tlinriiinii mid Unit. TIioh. A. I Ifiuli itkn had H)olrn of liiui iit.llie liiln-Ht teriilH of (iiic, Hi an lioneHt ami iticoi I iipl itle tiiatt. In uiiHWt f the lultor uxii'i lion we liave, mi ly to rrd-r our reailera to te nft:i of tJov. IlenJriikH, iiibliliil iu laat wtt'L'a Dkmih hat, in which (Jar- tinld ia arraigned as a most corrupt arjl iiiMiuoua jubber 111 the great ttlet'toral s( pal of I87t, and in which he is jiroven to have been the chief cohspirator and most uuHcrtiuloiis iiianiptilutor of the false returns which counted out Tildeii and counted in Hayes electors in I-ou-iiiaua. h'or lurther and acpaiate answer to Mitchell's a.Hsertinn that no lli-puMu-an or Imily ol' Ui-publicans had ver aaid alight sijuiiist lint tii-hl, we cllcr in evi dence the following : t)u the Tlh tf September, H"G, the lirpuhlicalia of the Nilietii-nlh Con greviioual District of Ohio opssed to the return of Jaines A.Uarl'.eld toC'on greta met in convention at Warren, Ohio, and orgitnied. A coinmitlet on reaolutious waa apoiutetl, which, after mature consideration, submitted the following, which was adopted : AVuiv., That there is no man to day olliciully connected with the admin iatration of our national government against whom are justly preferred more or graver charges of corruption than are publicly made and abundantly sus tained against James A. Oariirld, the present reproselitative of this Con gressional district and the nominee of the llrpiiLlii-an convention for re elec I ion. HetiJveJ, That nine he first entered t '.ingress lo thia day, there ia sciirccly au instance in which rings and Woiiojhj. lien have U-ett arrayeil against tin; in Irrcsls of the iroli, that he has hwn found active in ssx-ih and vote on the side of I lie latter, but in almost every case- i baa l.n-u the champion of tin-s and nii.noKjii-s. t!rnulitl. That we injs-ti.llv thurge hitu with venality and cowardici- in -er-mitliiijf Iteojxuiin llntler lo attatb lo the Apptoprtatiou Hill f IHT-'i that over t W reiurtuWrcd ttifaiuy, the ha. ary bteal, and in ajH-aking and voting fl that measure Uaiu its final ssar; and charge hiui with Corrupt disregard of the clraily expressed tlt-iiiuiid of his const it lieu Is that hi) shiiuld vole for II H re-al, and with evading said detualid by votiiag for ihi lliiti-biiisoti uuiend ment. ll'tul C'A , Tliat tae Inithi-r ansiu ami Jt-iiouiii e him for his corrupt cou-iii-rliou with the Credit Mobilier, fur his falsi) Ji-nials theieol Is-fore his coit al ll uenlS, for his p--t jnied denial thereof It-lorn n comuiittee of bis orera in Con-. Kitisn, for fiaud iisjlt hiu coustitueuta lit litriiUtitijj MUjong tUetU a auiphlet piilsrligg tu hft forth the tindiiigH of aa(d couiuiillce and the evidence agaiuat him, when, ia fact, airtioiiS thereof were omitted and garbled. .VaoiW, Itmt we fin t her arraign and charge hitu with corrupt bribery in Helling bla official influence as Chairman of the Committee on Appropriations to the Vm Uolyer lavement, to aid them in securing a contract from the Hoard ol Public orks of the Uiatrict of Columbia ; Helling his influence to aid said ring in nnKsing tixm the s pie of said District a pavement wVwb is almost worth lerpi nt u, price three times l cxNi(, aa sworn to by one of the pooltaUom j selling his innnence to aid said riug iu procuring a contract to procure which it oonuptly paid $97,000 "for influence selling his influence in a matter that involved no question of law, tijion the shallow pretext that he was acting as a lawyer : selling bis in fluence in a manner so pulpable and and clear aa to be found and declared by an impartial and competent Cgtirt upon an issue solemnly tried. l;olvJ, That we arraign him for the fraudulent manner in which ho at tempted, in his ?ecb, at Warren, on on the 19th day of September, 1874, to shield himself from just censure in re ceiving the before-mentioned t'OQU, by falsely reprpsepttpg tn said apeecu thtit the Congress of the Uuited Htstes was not responsible for the acts of said lioard, nor the United States liable for the debts created thereby, when in truth and in fact, as he then well knew, the said Board of Public Works and the oiticere of said District were but the agents and instruments of Congress, and the United States was responsible for the indebtedness by them created Itfolved, That we arraign him for gross dereliction of duty as a member of Congress in failing to bring to light and expose the corruption and abuse in the sale of post-traderships, for which, the late Secretary Xelkqap, was r cached, when thp sa,ui wftS brought to I i' 'l 1 IT l a-rt lis KnawieiKte ny vten. listen in tei-j, Hajon in 1872, and can only account for it upon the supposition that his manhood waa debauched by the corrup tion funds then by hint just received ami in his own purse. JiesdveJ, That the law of 1873, known as the act demonetizing silver, was enacted in the interest of the gold rings, bondholder and capitalists and against the interest of the taxpayers and without their advice or knowledge. That this afct, by a single blow, lias se rioualy crippled our power to resume specie payments or pay our national debt in coin. That no sufficient reason has yet been given for this legislation, so dishonest and palpable in its dis crimination against the sma,ll creditor V '..ii... .j : t il. class and capitalists, a,nd against the Kifut ilfhtor clttns ittnl Ihn iiitliiNtiiiil itilereLts of thn country. That Juiiipn A. Oat liel.l, during the last hchhIoii of (JoiigieMM, was the cotiMpit'iioua ilefi-ridrr of this crafty a.tteitipt. to Haci itlee thu inleieKtM of the Hoi to bonlholJt'i'H ami foreign ciiiiiuliN(M. Thitt whi-it it whs roitmtul to icstoro tlm old silver dollur t( the lfu it hud hfhl in om it intory as n nation us a h-gul tfinh-r for all dehta, public and iivalt, he dY iioiiturnd the atteuipt hs "a wiinl!t on ao "l Hlid it si'uli) as to nmke tw ai liicvi' iiient illimtrioua" and ns n "iwhuiuo ol at fatality and eohmaal mm hulling." Itrtvtmt, That' bi-liosing tln Mali? iiienU in t tin foregDiiiK leaoliitiuiiH net I'ui I h, w cannot, without Httiltifving our iiiaiihtNiil and di'ImHiug our Hfll'rt' Ntcct, Mtippuit at the imiIU the noiniiifH of the lii-ptililii'un Couvfittiou of thia liatriot fr roeh-ution, nor tan wt, wMliout hiirictideiitiic our Ileitis aa electors and cilii-ns, fit quietly by and aee a man so unworthy again sent to represent us in the national legislature. That strong iu the conviction of riht, we call tisni the electors of the Dis trict, irreajaictlve of former or present party attachment, who desire honest government, to uuite with us iu an ear liest, faithful etlort to defeat there elec tion of Oen. Oarlield, and elect in his stead au honest and reliable man. The result of this expouc wa n uia joiity for Mr. (Jurfiel.l of twenty nine hundred and ninety one votes in the Nineteenth District. (Jarfield'a ma jority was SiG'J lean in his Cnngiea- .tonal District iu I.37G than Haws ie ceived for President. T UK. ML4ISK. The Philadelphia Chrwu-l ltrrM addresses Mr. Dial no as follows: "See hero, Mr. lilalno you are late- getting at your work, ami your game is thin. When you thought the fuslotilsts had from 'J.ooii to a,l)00 majority you know that the Job was too big for you to h audio, as you hail spent all tho money you could get to buy votes !?- fore the- flection. Hut as tho Fusion majority grow Kits uml the appalling etlect of your defeat wiw apmriiit on the whole ltepubllcun pany you had a substantial hint from the National Committee, ami you went to work, with what result apMHr In lh Intest return. You lot Iu ymir own flrmig- holds, and you have sim- nildn sii to the roiurnlngolH -vrsof itn l'u-l .n titroiigliolil'i tin nr;uiiuiit wbii-h, tiu- fortunritt'ly, ihh-iiis In liave gieat con vincing swer In the Niah? t,u Ii it h tho example of your life has given a baj moral roUV. You i-aunol limal wluk tin American Your little linllati.iti of the I' fraud U u iuer f.irre, wbilo l list was a sublimely tnferiiul tragtily. You tuay count your gotcruor In, but you cannot get back w hat your party has lost. Your party N tl'Mimed. ktrriHrwanoaia. WA.stiixnN, IX C, Sept. 1H. Ooueral Krancls Walker yesterdriy re ceived the following inn-resting, though unexplaliifd, comitiunlcatloii: Ai I-asta, (la. To Col. Francis A. Walker, Adjutant General U. H. A. : At Hit! engagement nt Ream's Station In August, 'lit between the Hancock corps and the Confederate troops by the fortunes of War, you were made a prisoner ami deprived of your arms. You sword came into my ttosHOShion, anil I wore it from that time until the surrender at Ap Hmattox. I prlzeit It highly tn a memento of a nevove ongtvgemtjiit.liut Its vtliAa-was doubly echamtHt as coming front a corps from which we had received moro hard knocks than trophies. I have tried to keep Its blade as bright its when it came into my possession, nod I flatter myself that lot luster is undliumeil by an iiBMoldlerly act of mine, (living you credit for aspurea patriot iu your de fense ot the stars and stripes as I claim for myself In my support of stars and bars, and appreciating a sol dier's love for his arms. It affords ma sincere pleasure to leturn this sword to your possession, which I would have done lonif slnc-o had I known your address." Very resjiectfuljly and, truly yt,rs, Uko, V. Anokbson, il-Urlg. Uen'l II. H. A. ta l AaeiMsi 'Lib. All Hancock and English Campaign Clubs and all other orginazationa which support the" Democratic candidates are requested to send to W. II. 1'akslm, Chairman Nat. Dem. Committee, 138 Fifth Ave, New York 1st. The name and location of their organization. 2d. A statement of the number of members enrol led. 3d. The naues of otliceva. 4th. A,ccouut of meetings held. &th. lteports, every two weeks dur ing the canipaigu, of the number and increase of inemhership,with the condi tion and prospeots of the canvass There is probably no truth whatever in the report that, in the event of the Republicans controlling the next Con gress, they will divide Rhodu I-dund into eleven States in order to secure twenty additional Senators and ten ad ditional Congressmen. The present son test is, at the bottom, a fight for constitutional li,ber;ty as against the centralized rule of a parti san ring. General Hancock ia a soldier and a statesman, uenerai uarneia is L ji ls-ir.i. a smirched politician. WASUIVaMTOff tKITI tt. (r'n.iii our rrgalar CorrraHiiiilit.) WAMiuN'tJToft, Sept. 20, 1780. Tho etui ol an unusually hot ami dull summer nt tho Natlounl Capital Cfimo with tho Iwglnnlng of Septem ber, ami for onco tho calendar divi sion of seasons seems to npply to u. The nbsi'titoes are returning In droves mid Washington begins to be Itself again. Probably there in no city In tho universe deserted by so largo a proportion of lis population during the summer months. Congress U gone with all its employees uml uttachees, uml the other departments of the gov ernment run on about half their force. One half remains while tho other gort, thus dividing time between them until nil have hud u holiday. Of course these over-worked govern ment clerks need a couple months rest. They work as much as four or five hours a day during the remainder of the year, nomo of them nntl some of them don't. It Is one of the campaign cries of the radical party that the Democratic Congress has crippled the government by culling down the force lit wmte of these tli puret units and refusing to uppropri tie money fr so many fat salaries. Hut It Is ull bosli. I am pretty thoroughly ac quainted with the workings of nil the executive department-, and can slate with a good deal of emphitlJcnostthat in nearly every one of them tho force Is Mill uunecet-sarlly I.irge, with nu merous sinecure- bore uml there that might well Imj dieused with. I know one fourteen hundred dollar clerk who says he in employed to lift the puH-r weights from one position to another on his desk, timl he is no exception. There are many others w hose wrvices are Just tiUjut ns ex tensive. There may be one or twt bureaus, In Home of the departments where tho clerical force is none oo large, or not large enough. but to meet this home of the Idle ones should be tr:itisf-rretl from other bureaus of the same department. Rut If iiuylhing proves tlnu we have a greit many more oillcials in our civil M-rvh'o than thero is any need of, I: is tho .pec(ai-le now pre sented nil over the country of thous- uikIs of salaried olllcors of tho govern ment from thir ikisis Mini ilu voting tin- linn- for which tho K-oplo pay them to campaign work for the rad ical purly. It is est imuleil that the Hgicgult- s ibtrliM of the ofm-lals thus engaged amount to over three mil lion dollars. Cabinet ministers, heads of Imreuin, chiefs of d 'psrt moots, for eign ministers, collectors of revenue, district attoruics, marshals ami olll- ciuls of nil kinds an thus employed, while the business of the government Is neglected. If there Is anv ne?d of all the"? oltlcers they should be at their posts attending to the duties for which they nre so liberally paid, but if they have no duties demanding their attention, their plliom should Is? vacated. The people at large know very In lie cenrVrning the ex tent tn which the abuse is curried, and that, us), under an administration which started out with such extraor dinary professions, of n "pure" civil service. Since the Maine election thero has been a marked change in the demean or of the oluco holding Republicans about Washingson. For the past two or three months tho general bearing of a numerous class of Republicans, towards Democrats, has been charac terized by a contemptuous iu sole nee, a haughty, domineering, masterful tone, imKtssibe of description and not easily endured. puoli terms 83 "rebel" and copperhead" have been their staple of talk, and at the time c( the grand Democratic ratiiication meeting here, three weeks ago, one of them sneeringly said to rue that the largo Illuminated letters U. S. over the platform should" he taken down and C. S. A. put up. I did not answer him. I felt certain that his day, ami tho day for that sort of talk was about, done; that In the triumph ant election of Hancock insolence and bigotry would be silenced. Already thesu fellows begin to read the hand writing on the wall, and their man ner Is perceptibly modified. For men who never saw a line of batlla or did anything but curse rebels at a 1,000 mllo range, while sneaking behind a fat salary to question tho loyalty of Democrats who proved their patriot ism on the field, and to sneer at the supporters of General Hancock Is most too much. This class of Republicans have a way of assuming that this country belongs to them, and that the Repub lican party is the government Their organ in this city speaks of the departments as "the Republican suit 9istence chest," and refers to a-score of Democratic clerks as being "fed from, tho Republican crib." A stray Democrat holdinf a position In any department is the target of .abuse in tho local press and the subject of dis cussion and resolution in the club meetings abut town. He is charged with "filching money from the Re publican party." It Is about time this sort of drivel was dried up. The election of Hancock will bring these men to realize that the Republican party doesn't own this government ; that It Is a "Nation with a big N," a government of the cople, and every citizen, I'euiocrai, itepublloin or (Jreenbacker, is a part and parcel of it, and has the Kame rights under It. They will find out that the Treasury Department and every other depart partment belongs to the people and lis use Is the transaction of public business. Another idea or some of these fellows Is that John Sher man and the Republican party caused tho commerce of the country to exist and the crop to grow. There are some men who actually think that but for John Sherman and their party no wheat or corn could have been grown this year, "What infernal nonsense," Is about all the answer one feels like making to such drivel as this. The Congressional Campaign Com mittees are hard at work with a large force of clerks sending off documents to every suite, ami several large print ing entabliahinent are running night ami day turning them off. The Re publican Committee nre saving post age by illegally franking piles of doc uments. The city post offlco was obliged to refuse to send them, for fear of the law, and now the commit tee carts them out lo the smalt offices in neighboring towns, from whence they go. AH reports received at Dem ocratic headquarters are of the mot cheering kintl, and since the Maine Waterloo there Is great depression among Republican clerks. Rut they should not be utterly cast down. The walking will be pretty good by the middle of March, probably. Pifoxo. Ctal:l ATUBMMII41 KKT1 KSS. It Is true that General Garfield him self devised, suggested and prepared the perjured lestimony upon which the Returning lioard of I-oulsiuna threw out the real return of the election in the p.trlsh of West Felic iana, ami thereby figured up a major ity for Hayes in the state, whereas, a iriHjority ,f the people had voted for Tttden. This Garfield did Ip the way which Mr. Hendricks sets forth from Oartleld's own testimony, and this same (Jarlleld Is now the Repub lican candidate for president. It Is also true that in liLs place in tho House of Representatives, Gen. (iarflehl resisted the passage of the t.Iectoral Bill, declaring It to be his conviction that if that Rill bhould pass the Klectoral Commission would lie required by the provisions of the Hilt to go behind the returns and as certain what votes had already been cast by the iieuple; and yet as a mem- lM-r of the commission, after he bad taken an oath to examine and consid er all questi;ns and render a ttue judgment, he refused to go behind the returns, ami held that the people were concluded by forged certificates cemfylcg to nothing but falsehood. That thesu propositions; and others incident to them are absolutely and tuny established by uarneid s own sworn evidence Is demonstrated In Mr. Heud rick's speech. TUE rABTli W HlrH SACB TUK lIOV In a speech at BellviHe, Illinois ex-Senaror Lyman Trumbull, candl date for governor on the DemocrtH: ticket, in re fat ion to the Republican claim that that party won the battles of the Union, remarked: "Rut I have not clone with this false claim of the Republican party. I propose to-day to bury It so deep with facts and fig ures that only the dupes of dema gogues can longer lx lieguiled by it. The Democratic State of Missouri alone. In which Mr. Lincoln received but 17,028 votes In 1S0, furnished i!,ni men to the caloti army a greater number than was furnished by alt the Itepubltcnn states of Ver mont, Rhode Island, Minnesota, Ne braska ami Kansas put together. Neither Michigan, Wisconsin or Iowa furnished &i many troops to the Un ion as Missouri. John A. Dtx and Dauiel S. Dickinson, of New York, Lewis Carr.of Michigan, and Stephen A. Douglas, of this State, all life-long Democrats and leaders of the party, the moment Fort Sumter was fired upon, came out in public speeches for the Union." Following up this representation of the facts in the case.ex-Senator Trum bull made this strong point : In I860 Mr. Lincoln received a total vote of 1,806,322, and there were enlisted during tho war 2,678,967 volunteers. If the Republicans alone suppressed the rebellion, somebody ought to ex plain how 1,800,322 voters supplied 2,679,907 men of military age. ASOTUKH KKl lUir FOB HAKr0Cli.. A letter from Hollidaysburg, Penn sylvania, to the Pittsburg J'ost, Sep tember Cth, gives this : --Major 'WU Uanis, of Hollidaysburg, a leadiDg Republican, and President ot the Hol lidaysburg Gas Oompaay, a well known and influential citizen, openly declared for Hancook and English in a brief and effective speech, on Sat urday evening, before the Hancock and English Club of Hollidaysburg. Mr. Williams held a Major's commis sion in the Fourteenth Regulars dur ing the war, aud also served in the Mexican war with Hancock. He is now one of the Holidaysburg attorn eys, and is a man of wealth and social position." Subscribe lor the Democrat. tOITOBIAL CHIPS i W7 infikld a ctrrr ANCOC AYiW. f T ILL OUCCEED LL Ot'CCEEDli Hon. II. II. Gilfkv Lai our thank, for a "PoKticat Manual of 1880." Wm, Keimiart, vf Sumnwirville, Union county, recently lost I chil dren, all he had, from diphtheria. IJotf. P. J. KeLLV, Democratic insil ber of the Legislature, from Umati. county, thia yenr raiscl 15,000 Luahwi of wheat. The present inUiacitaiii ate laughtT of deer in tlie tuountauu bhould cal. tor a stringent game law at the band of tLe I legislature. Uv ioestlv Roscoe Conk ling waa col rrct when he said at the Chicago Con vention that "no Republican tave Grant could Le elected President." The Republicans in Atkan voted with the Republicans to tepudiate the State debt The Rada down in Arkan sas are of an elegant stripe I A Uh us that he can't tell whether Kwong Mow'a sign is for a Ciiioew! wash house or a couplet from Tennyson's new loem, "Out of the Depths." We give it up. "We to buy it, Ly G d," was the reply of the saintly Logan, when aked at Augusta, bow the Re publicans propoaed to carry Maine tbia year. From tbe looks of the returns, however, their aack didn't bold out. The monument to the memory of tbe late Oakea Ames will cost about 80, 000. General Garfield ought to con tribute about $329 towards making up thia amount, but as be might want it to "go as a loan" be will not be aaked to contribute. Jco. Botakis, of tbe Boise City Democrat, says tbe Idaho City girls are now bewitching tbe bachelors up there with tbe huckleberry mouth-tempter. It is not so seductive as tbe choke- cherry pucker ; but still tbe boys say tbey c. ' resist if. Some new pavement U being laid ir Washington, but tbe bids therefor only range from 27 to 40 cents a yard. How prices have fallen. Tbe paven -st, fo speaking about which to Bosi Shep herd, Garfield received $3,000, cost six or eight times tbat per yard. "Mariar ! Matiar!' called a wash erwoman of tbe "Holler," "Yon chile, be sure an' bring all dem clo's offen de line.. Ie 'Publicans have a meelin' to- nite, and we don't want none of dat Mogollier business 'round us ; - ou beah me, honey V Port Jervi Gaz'tle. Eves Minnesota ia in danger. Among the letters received by tbe Na tional ' Democratic Committee bas laeea one from General Thomas L. Rosaer, of Minnesota, who wrote : "I could hard ly convey to you tbe real condition of the canvass iu this State. You would be incredtiloua. But I am willing to stand by tbe statement that we are on the eve of one of tbe greatest political upheavals in tbia State ever km wn in tbe country." CKVCKAL WKaVEB AKa HAaSf. General Weaver, the Republican who is paid by the Garfield managers to stand as Greenbacker candidate for President to lure voters from the sop part of Hancock and EogliL, -nw sets up the claim that the victor, fn Maine is a triumph for himself and hlscani?. General Weaver knows that this is a false claim.- He went to Maine under the pay of the Repub lican managers to make speeches and use hii influence against the Fusion, against Governor PlaUted, and in fa vor of the Republicans and Governor Davis. General Weaver is enacting the bat which fought with the beast, and. now, when the victory 13 wHh the eagles, endeavors to play himself for a bird. He is, nevertheless, a bat, and henceforth he will he shunned and contemned by both birds and beasts alike, and left to flit by night and feast on the vermin which dare not venture in the light of dayr ex actly as his nature and his place itv the political kingdom qualify hira. The victory in Maine was won ia spite of his efforts to- the contrary. S. F . Examiner. SHOW TBS BOOKS The Republican party baa been fa power five terms twenty years. Dur ing tbat time it bad charge of tbe books. Fully one-half of tba . men entrusted with responsibility during fifteen ears are known of tbe people to bave been venal and corrupt. The naval secreta ry stole whole millions outright ; the war secretary took bribes ; the Vico President of two administrations waa clothed with shame ; the interior secre te ry, Delano, sold poet-traderabips ; and Garfield, who "carried the purse of tbe nation," as Chittenden phrased it, was a bribe-taker and perjurer. What we want now is a chance to look at the . books. Pittsburg Post. If you lose any thing or want anything ad vrti in the DjatocRATt