The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, October 01, 1880, Image 2

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    C ai ""r" -1 i--
tor rrcfttilrat,
- er rKNSSTLVAHIA. ..! . :
. - ---T '
For Vice PrenUlonl,
far Presldi-nlla! Electors
K. YK.VTIIKnitRl, or IJnn County.
T. . OWEJf, or Coos County.
J AS. Fl LTOX, of "Wasco Count.
TUc swat Tlnrlple af American Illxrly
are still lie law Hit Inhrrltnare or lhl ix-o-llr.
nail rvrr akeuld bo. The riizht of trial
bjr Jary, th habraa rei ;as tla lllx-rty of
the irrs the frffdiit f Ihf mla
rat risblt af pttu nad IU- rtgttta of prop
erly mNt be preserved. , . .
mikfield b. ntxrocK,
MnJ. Vn Cam'dc Dept. la. and Texas.
Senator Slater last Monday night
spoko to one of the largest nud'ences
ever assembled in the court house. Ro
twecn 500 ami TOO peoplo were pres
ent, a very great proportion of the aud
ience being ladies. I lis speech was a
masterpiece oT logic, argvmont- ana "i
eontrovertible fact. He asserted, notli
iag against the Republican party or
their I'rcsideuUal citiUulalcs that could
not be proven by tlie record. The proofs
he offered 'wore from that party alone,
and must remain unchallenged and un
disputed. The Senator has a candid,
square, open and honest way of pre
senting hid arguments that cannot fail
to impress his hearers. lie deals
squarely with facta as tliey e'st, and
withaat bomliast and sprcrtd-eagle dis
play of oratory, he nails his arguments
"to the cat-head" with a power of incon
trovertible legic which mrsi convince
his listeners and overpower . his oppo
nent, lie possesses that peculiar nec
romancy of the orator, the
power to encha:n and hold his audience
against all intennption, and by his can
dor and impartiality of debate ho at
. . . . . . . . .
tracts me attention ana w.ns there-
Fpect of all who are nnder the Found of
his voice.
We regret that we have not tlio space
to give his most admirable scech in
te tail, or to touch upon the points pre
sented by him. Seduce to say. tint his
Sieech had the effect to compel Repub
licans to ponder upon his. arguments
and make many of them hesitate upon
the question as to hour they should cast
w m invrnMinr ,TIa irr ilmnri
magnificent service for the causa of tho
peerless hero, Hancock, and tw work
. will add many figures to the -column
which will swell our glorious majority
next month.
la relation to the matter of fees of
Clerks and SherilTrfwc notice a speci
men of Republican jugglery that is
eminently characteristic of (hat party.
Hon. Jno. II. Smith, State Senator
from Linn, introduced a tee- bill reduc
ing the emoluments of those offices to
a fair living rate, but, true 'to the in
stincts" of the lladicaj high-salary party,
Starkweather of Clackamas headed off
Senator Smith's motion to refer it to a
fru?uly committee, and by the power
of the Republican majority secured its
reference to the Judiciary Committee,
where It will mast likely sleep -the sleep
that knows no wak;ng.
" Senators Eilyeu and Smith may as
well understand that the Radical ma
jority in that body will put a dead lock,
if jiossible, on any and all their meas
ures to reduce the expenses, or remedy
the present evils of the public service.
The inquiry which was instituted by tlio1
oommiltee organized here. Into tint eligi
tdiry of all Presidential Electors named
ty the Republicans, has already resulted
in the discovery of naveral ineligible elec
Mus in different parti of the country.
They wilt be compelled to resign and new
nanieH substituted. In one caxe there was
loufTd an Elector who was also Collector of
Internal Keren ue. VVaxhintoa Corres
ivindeiice of Cincinosti t'oiniuercial, Hept.
6th. y r .- .
So it seems that Gov. Grover's decis-
' ion in the Oregon Electoral case has'
beconfcs the settled law of the land, not
withstanding, its being , overruled by i
li-aud four years ago. I he Republicans
are that they cannot nullify
the Constitution -in this iesjieet a sec
ond time. ' '"
Tne cobkect: Time,',
The Jacksonville city comci'l nofased
to spend a let of money out of th4 l0
lic treasury in a recejtion and "hoo-doo"
for Haye, and the Radical papers are
scotching around likethr"ider alioutit.
The council did right not to expend the
people's money for any such a Fraiulful
circus. . j-iet the nm who traveling
about tlie country nu Samuel J. Tit
don's salary pay tho trave,;ng "expenses
of his own menagerie, r
Don't forget that T. M. Draper-
"the lcy orator" aud Hon. JJ. Whit
Dey will speak at ' the Court House"' td-
night. Give them & rousing house.
If is pnfortuiiate that the Albany
Foot-Pad Sqintchiblrs can't have,, a
$IC00 landaulet to ride Old F!a:khiake
4out in next Monday .night. . ' ' ,
Transportation corporations und com-
pan pretending to operate as common
carriers, but who have tho power to din
oriminnto as to tho quality or price of
freight transported by thorn, are cer
tainly a great ir.jury to , "tho iublic.
Such monopolies enn "ho, fnd should bo
regulated by law.
That there is at least ono transporta
tion company now extensively opcrat-
itegon that needs some atten
tion iu,JLhii-iepte thero. is o doubt.
From tho circular issued by Mr. il- President of the Oregon IVlwny
& Xiivig; tion Company, wo see that tho
not earnings of timl corporation 'or '
months ending witli ;st Docetuber were
$G9P,SGl CO, while the net eniaings of
the first half of the present yrnr reached
tho handsomo 8in of $1,C2.",000. Tho
circular oracular! r ' observes that "it
will not bo deemed extravagant to pay
that there is hardly another transporta
tion, conipany 'n the- United Slates able
to make such a favorable showing as
this." .
Tho jwit and rapid 'ncrense in tic
freighting business of tlio upper Co
lumbia, r-f which tlri Company now
possesses tho exclusive monopoly, is
given as the main reason of this hand
somo Ehow' ig. It U 'evident from I
further crti&al of lh; circe'ar that ll
O. R. tfc N. Company proroso to hold
this monopoly of tho Columbia, and dc
feat if ossiblo tho construction of nny
and all competing lines. It goes on to
say that "the Northern Pacific R. R
Company have decided to build, and
have nlrcady entered uport tlie cor
struction of 220 miles cf standard
g:ugo railroad, to lo part ot Uieir
through transcontinental I io from the
mouth of Snake River, in a northeast
erly direction to the foot of Ditter Root
mountains; and this new line w'l lea
direct feirtlur to our riccr l',t, awl trill
hare (o J I ullnjriur itj-on vs for
transjorlaiion Jlt-t'itics -vji uiul tloirn
ihf . CVwZ.a." Aga , the circula
goes on to sik of the construction ef
its Company's own Tie of railroad from
Celilo to "Wallifa, "which," i? addn,
"will Etrengtbcn our hold on and give
us cJtlusiee . cvntrcl of llw Columbia
Hirer which mar be termed the back
bone of our ente. prise.'"
barely tlri looks very much ' :e a
settled detern 'at ion to ostablitJi a
gantic monopoly snch. as w never
known even in the eld monopoly days
of the I T. and O. S. N. Companies,
and it rhor'd alarm the eople of the
ent'H) State, and espccia"y theso o
Eistern Oregon and "Wash" '.ton.
But in further proof pf this bold a
tempt on the part of the Oregon Ra:l
way & Navigation Company to throttle
the jxoplo and to exc!uive!y control
the transportation nteresf: ct our
State, we qnoto tlie following conclud
ing Kenience fiom iiraTemTHrm.
circular :
"Moreovejyisthe grosing importance
of Oregon and Washington rrnidor cer
ta:n the corstmction of new through
Ihv. from the Histwltb'n the next
few yr it must lie onr iol''cy to meet
anv and all of these at ach th ' ai
will prevent lit dn'glii.ij of rpjjonin j
irtirresU in our otc.l Urrittry .'
Their o a territory, forsootji ! What
right have, they, moro than any other
company, to claim the exclusive control
and management of the transjttrtition
interests of Oregon 1 Nono whatever,
and th's 9S8nmt)l!on of such a light
should Trarn the jeop!e to Ik? on the5
guard lest this '-o!ent corjtoiation
make its right and jowor felt beyond
the; hope of reparation,
With an evident Jitention to head
th'i corporation oil :i its high-handed
encroachments njion the public welfare,
Hon. E. Clow has :ntroduced in tho
State Senate a b:'l "to provide for the
iterchange of traffic by common car
riers, . which, passed, will comticl
this monojwly to receive and '.ansport
ny and all freight or passengers from
other lines over theirs. This bill should
pass by all means, and we Urgo its con
sideration and supjKirt by tlie members
of the Legislature. Comtiel that Com
pany to do wiiat i light. Comiifl
them by law to interchange transorta
tion with other companies without ex
tortionate charges or urfa;r il'scriuiina
tton. ..
Here in the full text of the Rill,
which for iha good of the common
wealth we hope will be'promptly acted
upon and placed upon onr statute books:.
Section 1. Kvery common c.irru;r
in this State, w.hether a oorjwratiori,
firm , or person owning any railroad lo
cated , wholly or in . part within , this
State, or owning or operating any steam
Vessel or other water craft plying alto
gether or in part on the waters of this
State shall receive without discrimina
tion and so forward to their destination
(as far as- tlue - powers of snch corpora
tion, firm or person' extendy, all freight
ami passenger cars, whether loaded or
empty, in the case of railroads where
similarity of gauge exists, and all pas
sengers and. freight passing or-being
forwarded over aud along and by means
of their railroads, stpamslujw and other
water craft, as tlie cso may be, wheth
er suih cars are tlio property of, or un
der ;the control of, the corporation, firm
or person owning or ,ojerating therail
road, oriOf any corporation,' firm or
person owning-or operating any inter
secting or 'connecting railroad,' and, in
th -case. "of passengers and freight,
wither ; their transit ,may kvo cofc-
menced on .such railroad, steamship- or
.other, water , craft, tr on , railroads,
8teamff1jiis or otlicr'water xiaft owned
or oeiated by any other corporation,
firm or person whoso lines of coujyuni
cation intersect of connect witli tliose
of the corporation, firm or pci-son own
ing or operating the railroad, steamslp
or other water .craft over which it is
proposed to forward. -such passengers
and freight.
Sec. 1.. .In-construing this Act, dia-
criminslion shall bo taken to liienn any
distinction in time, rate or method of
transit, and delivery of tho cars, pus
sengns and f wight in qnesslion.
but;. J. i'.sery violation of the pro
visions of thU Actr Minll bo puninhable
by n i'no of not loss than 100 nor
more than $1,000, to be recovered by
tlio injured party iu an action nt law
n tlie Circuit Court of tho Iaoo withlu
this Stato whero tholiead office or urin-
ci-cl pluco of busincs of tho olVonder is
situated, or of the pluco whoro tho of-
once vnn committed ; nt tho option of
the corporation, firm or person injured.
A recent issue of tho Portland J!nl-
'n cl:nrged that t'm editor of the Ore-
!o-i t was engaged m ISxU in trying
It buy ofl' MilchtH in fovw of Holla
day for the XT. S. Senate, nnd ns Soott
fitly deiiea thin charge, tho lliiUelin
of luht Thursday publishes the follow
ing testmony of Ceo. K. Cole, Portland
po 'master :
In April or Mar, 197.1, whilo post
master, and alter len Jjolladay a re
turn from Washington, I frequently
went night and day to Holhulav house,
and attended generally to his private
business. Ilo sent lor mo often. I
was his man and received A salary from
him. A'ter that time, when Holladay
was at Clatsop, Major lowler, lim pn-
vato secretary, came to n o nnd I went
to see Holh'duy, who projHwed ii scheme
for raising glli.UOt) to pay running ex
pensea of tho Jhillrtin, This was to bo
subscrilied principally by oliice holders
in monthly iiistallmentx, coiunencing
with isoveniber, I.i I. Mv iiamu heid-
ed the list with 700, but it was under
stood I was not to pay ono cent. 1 1 was
intended to lnfluenco the boys. The
talk about Holhuhiy's Senatorial aspira
tions .began on the 4th of July, I72
At ITalsey's request I weut to Clatsop,
and Holladay wanting to go to tho U
fconte, I was employed to seo the
membeu elect tf the l,fgiluturo and
' .-t them interviewed. I went to Ya-
qu la. Coos Ray and louglas county,
eiiiing meniUn, nnd saw putties
Pist cf tho mountains. Finding that
tho irntter was fcrsiblo. I went again
t Chit p, gut i-'coi! to tjo Joint, and it
was determined I hut Mitchell must
withdraw. I was authi.:cd to con-
Mct with M tche't, p-.J C 'v-A vl to of
fer him ?2.i,000 in told to withdraw,
I went t Salem, engaged rotuni, Injught
cigars and laid a stock .f wlubky
and wi t cringed, in working u, tlie
matter from July until October, 1872,
I blept w ith Mitchell, atul talkrd w'.th
varioes eisons who in turn talked
itu hun, but he declined to withdraw
and that ended the matter.
titnr tmk rT.
We ni-ko the following extract from
a !.Hter received by an 'bany gentle
man from A friend now in Washington
City: "Hancock w 'lbeclet ted. He will
have 13S votfi from the South ; New
York, New Jersey and Connecticu
with .i0 more, or moro than enough
to clot. I n. liana wiil give h;-n 15
more. Ohio, Pennsylvania, New Unnq
shi-v, I.M- loss, CWoiado ami Cn'!forria
are p'l fighting groii, with chances in
our Iavr --i Ul-'o, Tri rsylvar'a ami
v .or- a. now amo more than
I:'!y get i ime Rept;b,;can votes from
Ma to, tho election in that State on
Monday having deprer wd and dishear'
encl the Rcpnblicens r'l over tlie coun
try. We n" gave up M"aine, two week
t if mo the e'eclion, as hojtelrssly Re
publican, and the result ii peifcctly as
tun'"ng. When the Radicals lose
M line, w ith the bnll-dcuing, money
orruption, etc., rri ed to by them to
hold her "n line, we Ruould not m stir-
p; "id if the tidal wave sweeps Gnrfiel
out of existence ;n Novernler by more
than 500,000 vot ' V
Senator Dilyeu and Reprrw itativi
Dawson, of J nn county, were on tl
Joint Con'rr't' to vMt tho Insane
Asylum and repoii iqirn it,s cont,;tion
Representative Chamberlain, of Linn,
was on tho Hayes reception committee.
and we know it went agairst tho grain
of that gallant pn Democrat to act
in even this official capacity fn receiv
ing the Great Fraud.
Senator Jno. n.BSmith, of Linn, U
vigorously pushing a b:,l -to reduce the
fc?B of Clerks and Shct5r!k
ret i hi Ttir. i li'
luvery patriotic cit;-en of tho lan
wi1' sharo the hojio which Major Alex
ojider, a Srexican vcteian, expressetl to
Geiieml Hancock on the occasion ofthe
v.:tenn's visit to lim bet week : "Gen
era)," said Major Alexander, "there is
one thng your old comrfdes look to
have you do when you are elected Pres
: lent ; they want to see yon rcstoro re
spect for the United States among for
eign jwwcrj by piotecting tlio mercan
tile marine sailing under our flag on the
high seas."
The Abeni Pout, a daily German pa
per publ;Bhed in Cincinnati, has in past
been a powerful ally of the Republican
party by Irtuo of its immense circe'a
tion throughout Ohio and tlio Western
States generally, JEt has now declared
for Hancock and Knglish for tlio very
sujrc, -tive reaion that it "cannot cpa
scicntioosly support nominees of the
bad character of Garfield and Arthur."
The outlook in Ohio does not grow re
assuring. Mr. Jewell.
Senator plater dcsiicB us to niato Ikt
he forgot in bis Bpeqeji last Monday
night to tell the Albany Republicans,
who arc bo nervous about those terrible
"rebel brigadiers," that they owe to
these same brigadiers the passage of tlio
QiQfiifQ appropriation for Yaquina Bay,
Gen. Gordon liuving been the ospecial
champion of tho .measure in the Sen
ate, wiere it met with the moat opposition.
OL. tlltKABU: A! ill I All JrVIATOlIH. I
The Jleijintcir of hul week iinplicH, by
lonuendo,what it Jain notoper'y cltnrgo,
viz: that Co!. Lnrrahee was forced to
retire from tho army do 'ng tho war for
stealing cotton. Th's is rs untruo as it
i contemptible; and tor r-sver to Ihii
irty calumny on a bravo and gallant
Union officer, who, being writed by
d:sea: o contracted m 'io t . vamps oi the
Chickahominy, was compelled to retire
from nearly three years f hoiiorablo
service, we present tho following highly
commendatory letters from his superior
officers nnd comrades in-nrniM :
Ur. Hhrrldin'M Ixilrr.
Stkvkiimik, ., Auki 't :il . litiKi. j
Cot.oxrx : On your rutir'ng from tho
service, 1 desire to express to you in
soma manner my regard for your past
services in eonnootion with my Division.
Having had every opportv'ty to ob
serve, it gives ma grei.t satisfaction to
testify to tho ability you have nlwnys
uispiayea as a commaniier. oir con
duct and bearing has always been that
of mi intelligent, bravo and obodicut of
ficer, and I Icel assured that whatever
position vou may herenfter bo called to
occupy, you will win for yourself the
same credit to which. I am happy to say,
you aro justly entitled, for thu valuable
services you 'have, in your position, ren
dered tho government whilo command
ing a regiment in tlri Division.
I am, Colonel, your olwdieut servant,
I . II. Niifhipan,
Maj. Gen. Oom'g.
To Col C. H. I.a titAiiKr.
21th Wis. Vols.
Cm. Ijllr". OOlrlul Order.
Miy( AHfKn C. Koarr., 1
lir.iiaiKiimr. Ai... Aim. 1
Colon rx : l.hava tho honor to for
ward the acceptance of yonr rosiL.iat inn
by tho headquarters of tho army of the
1 no general commanding directs mo
to expr ws his profound legret that you
arc atiout to bid farewell to his com
mand nnd the service. He desires me
thus officially to I war testimony to yonr
gallant and hoiiorablo rrct.rtt r an ol;i
cer and a gentleman. He d" eels un
to say that junco ho pssuinitil coummnd
of th"t brigade ho tins found you'iinl
forniiy active, zi'aloun and Hutu ii) in
the ,:scharge of your official duties.
bile for mil. lory considmliota,
he rej,-ets your resigratioit, it is
matter oi congratulation Unit tlie
people mid country aro to have the len-
elit of your wide exjierienen nnd dis-
ttnguishetl ability.
Carrr with you, Colnnel, to yor
homo the high regard and bt inhes
of your comrade in arms.
I'.y couimaiul of Uric. Gen. . II
Ja.i. Ahaiii Gnovr.i!,
Cspt. and A. A. G.
To Col C, II. I nn.iir,
: 2lth Wis. Infantry.
: i.rm. UmFntrnn' Lriler.
' m t'icio, Vxu, An. I'sl'Hi..
Mv Dfvn Cou xr.i. :
I rm arnoyed io hear that calumny
has had tho aud.ivity to wliiijn r that
you left the Aluiyof the Cumlieihiml
in some r-nd of disgrace.
No -officer of hi grade stood higher
;n my estimation lor Ab;'ily, caurage or
patriotini, yo.i did, wl.rn I liecamo
Kiiuiucti iiiai i hit (ouuiiion in you
flt MMl . Vlh lAHWHri - '
stances made fcrwn to me, nxwd on
me the dulj oi nccrpung your iTHigna
tion. .
You arc at liltcrty to i.tat this Icttt
as yon please.
Sincerely trusting that no Union man
has deen in (Mn enough to lei.d a IihiuI
in stabbing one of the country's noble
mipl-ortent and soldicia,
I rm ymn friend,
W. 11. RosEsrr.Ass,
Rrct;. Maj. (Jen. U. S. A.
Cul. Cuah. H. LArnAi:i:K.
And now w"l tho J!ijh!rr have tlie
manliness and cor-.ige to correct its tin
fornded and rhMiderori iitalement, or
will it remr'ti s;,int nnd rest binder th
imputation of In-ing tne of those whom
uen. IIoseiicrsnK desij, mtes as "mean
enough to lend a hand n stabbing one
of the coi itrv's noble sntiiiorters and
Rut f co conend. .ims are in order,
wo would like to hare the Hryistrr
scratch jts head n little over the follow
ing :
Firs' When the war broku out and
when Col. Inrrabee promptly volun
tecrcij ami went bravely to tlio front to
fight his countiy's battles, do by side
with Sheridan, Rosecrnns and Han
cock, why was ono of tho UejitUifa fa
vorite orators sk'pp'ngont from thoim
perilled and invaded so;l of Pennsylva
nia, and niter sedttcin; to women and
changing his name to escape detection
hiding in far oft Oregon, whilo Han
cock was shedding out l i life's blood
on tho field of Gettysbvg nnd Lnriabee
was lcad;ng Irs men through tlie sedgy
swamps of Chiekahonrny ?
Second And whilo thot bravo mi
were defending the flag of their country
under showers of leaden hail, why was
it that Piother of tlie Register' great
orators was rolling through tho streets
of Washington in n $1000 landaulet
drawn .by a $000 span of horses encased
in silrer-tippod harness all of whiel
was w .-ongfuliy and fraudulently paid
for out of the public .treasury 1 '
Will tho Prrjxsier please to answer
theso pertinent "queries before it again
stoops to tho very depth of calumny in
attempting to besmirch tho good name
of as true and biavo a soldier ns ever
marched under the old flag and kept
time to the music of tho Union ?
E'.i Trm
Hon. N. If Gates, tho ablo Joint
Senator from Wasco and Lake, is vig
orously pushing a bill iu the Legisla
ture providing for the establishment of
Ochoco county out of a portion of
Wasco. Th) is a just and meritorious
measure, and hhouM be promptly
passed. '
Hayes d-ew two months salary iij
advance when he started on his Pacifi
coast tramp. It is likely ho took this
precaution for fear the rightful owner
of the salary, Samuel J. Tilden, would
draw it while he was absent 1
in: i.r.uit axo Hiiuiivr stLtRi bii.
'Among tho most imporlant mcasiticH
pcnd' ig in tho present leg:slaltire is a
hi" 'ltroduced by W. R. Riljett, Sena
tor from our coi ily, who is working
failhfully for its j .issiige. It is ft bill
to muko the Clcik's and Kheri(l"s office
In led ones. T! e bi'l is known as
Sennto Dili No, 12. It is well gotten
p nml well j, uirdcd in every respect.
Tho fees pm i nduced so (hnt if the
Clork was to meivoa salary of say
jl.i00, the coi-nly would rec'vo alHiut
from 2000 to , S.'iOO por year instead
I jiaying out of i'"' trenHiity from
$1000 to ?r000 a year. ' Tho bill has
some opponilion, rid from quarter
eitHt expected, fur soino of the opjiosi-
io:i to this bill in in direct violation of
plcdt s inaue uy inemiicis oi tlio Jegin
latino rnd ngr'i st tho express wi-'ies
and letr nds of their constituents.
hotc is no ncccs' "ty of our nrf,.ung
tho utility or justness of this measure
at this Into day, (or n'ur tenths of tlie
people of this va'Vy ore in favor of its
passage, Th!i habit of paying Presi
letit'al salaries to County Clerks is an
infi'iuuri outinge upon tho lax-payers
of our Stale, when thero nre good nnd
competent men hondrrds of them in
every county that urn will!ng and
anxious to take tho jMisition for $1200
a year. Wo regret to "i form tho t"-
In of L'i i county that somo of our
own members have show i n il'sixmition
to opjmso the nu .suri'. At present we
will iiienlion no names ; bs;t, gent'o-
men, have a care how you trample
uhix ami disregard tho his nnd the
just demands of tho citizens of L?,n
ounty 1 1 no voters who Kent yon to
tho 1-cgirtlutut'i) to repi.ttent them will
i-momlH-r how yon violate the trust
they have reposed in you. It is hardly
x eot -d that tl 'i l'l will pass so as to
apply tJ r'l thecoriti in the State,
but there is no I nson why it ould
not puss ami up Iy to L;'''i and some
othi'i of the larger coi-'ities in tlie Wil
lamette valley ; for r'l tho. membeis
from other counl:rs have Apresned a
Mifcct "il'-'gn' "H to have the bill pass
and have it apply to those . counties
while they wput it; and if tho bill
fails to puss and apply to JL'na cornty
it 111 be tlio fault of or-own repr'
sentalives, rnd it won'd bo well for
tin-in to distinctly understand what
they may expect if tho b:,l fail to ap
ply to our county and that is that all
their futi-x.olitical aspirations will lie
etci.Uy blighted by a justly outraged
m mi a nt Tr. tatew a ?
I n New ( )i hums, on the 20lk of No
vember, 1SG7, General Hancock insiied
his famous order in which he said ;
Tim grct pi'i ":;Irn of A merican
liberty are st'M tholiw.V1 ir'ictitance
of Ih't lHoile. nnd ever should In.
'1 i:e right of trial ly jury, the La
bc.-i f Drpt'H, tho liberty of tho press,
tho freedom of sjicech, the natrTi! rights
el iiersori and the rights of procrty
niiiht be preserved.
"Free institutions, while they ate cs-
sent:a' to the prosperity end happiness
of tho jeop!e, always furnish tho strong
r it fntltictments to pcaco and order."
Tlie r-o won't of wisdom and true
statesmanship. They mean vwlumes.
Compare t'im to Garfield's expression
dui'ng the eleclot.d count of 187C. H
said :
' vYe havo the at my; w have the
navy; we have tho treasftry, and w
have tlio rxecutive. If you had sue
CAn1-! wouldn't you play them V
Co ihl i..ic1i lan logo emanate from
a tl .10 and patriotic slaUsmanl
wtnrn wm the rATaioT t
Gen. Hancock wis in the army dnr
ng tho rebellion because it was his pro
fession. General Garfield left civil life
and fought for tho Ur!on, because he
was impe"ed by patriot'snt. Jinllai
Yes ; and as soon as tho fights began
to come thick end fast Garfield left the
army and took a safer scat in Congress,
"bocaeso ho was mpolli 1 by patriot
ism" and fear of rebel br'lcta ! Ant
Hancock fought a" through the war
"becauso it was Lis profession" to light
for tho Ur !on and tho old flag J
AY iiicti was tho professional dema
gogue and which the bravo and noble
patriot 1
Ijct Garfield's Cougresuional steals
and Hancock's gaping wounds answer
the ijnestion. , ' -? ' ' ; '
' t'l. V. II. LARAiE,
Col. C. II. Larrabeo will address th
citizens of Oregon at the followin
times and places : ; '
Hillsboro, Saturday, October 2.
Portland, Monday, October 4. .,';,
Astoria, Wednesday, October 0.
Tho Dalles, Saturday, October 0.
Weston, Wednesday, October 3. '
Pendleton, Tliursday,tOctober .
Union, Saturday, October 1 C. ,
Raker City, Monday, October 18.
Tho local committees will advertise
tho time of day and the places for the
meetings. .''.'"'
By order of State Central Com.
P. F. Beattie, Chan-man.
Hon. James II. Slater will address
tbo citizens of Oregon ut tlie following
times and places : ' .-
Pal las, Saturday, Oct. 2. . ,
Independence, Monday, Oct. 4.
McMinnville, Tuesday, Oet. 6. !
Iafayotte, Wednesday, Ovt. (J. -.
Hillsboro, Thursday, Oct. 7. ; .
Astoria, Saturday, Oct. 0.
The hour of speaking at Albany will
ho 7 o'clock p. jii., and . at ' Ilarwbiirj
and Scio at 1 o'clock p. m. "
I Subscribe for the Democrat.
tit, ii iM'oi u i
ll Dlrrcllr llfrlnrm lltst ii Mrh liilnn
ulinalil be Paid and lhal hi) liald ,
Tela LfgUlalloa la Ibnl End.
New Youk, Sept. 25. In reply to
Theodore Cooke, of C'ne'moli, asking
for an authoritative declaration with
reference to rebel claims, Gen. Hitucock
writes i .
Goveiinok's Island, N. Y., Sipt. 2.1.
To I'ltmlorn Coohn, Km Dr.An Sin.
Your letter of 20tli ' received. I re
gret that you nro ytti'bi I about that
bug bear "southorii war clu' os. 1' -
pie cannot bo misled ly it to nupposo
that "rela;! claiu"" or claims i tho in
terest of ix;rHoi'i who were in the r
liclliou can in any way or in Any degree
be countenanced, Tho J'nputalion of
disloyalty, such as used to le made
sgainut democrats even when they were
in amis defending the country, so far as
it touches me I denounce. T he govci n
ment can never pay a debt or grant a
pension or reward of nny sort for wag
ng wt aga'-it its own exnrtenco ; nor
could I m induced to opprovc or en
countgo poyment of such debt, pension
or reward. Nobody expects or wants
such i' natural action. ' To proioo it
would insult tlio intelligence and honor
of otir people. When reU-llion was
crushed so won the heresy of secession
forever. It u a thing of tho dead past.
We movo forward not backward. If 1
were president I would veto All legisla
tion which might como Wfore mo pro
viding for consideration or jmyment of
la-'nis of any k:nd for losses or damages
by i-ei Nor.s who were in rclx:Ilion,wheth
or pardoned or not. Jii relation to Un
ion war claims, tho government's obli
gatioes to its defenders come first,
They aro last'ng and saci '. The pub
lic lavs of, cfrilizod nations d not in
gencial recognize claim for iiij1" ies to
projerty resulting frni operations o
the war of tho union ; but rui hostilities
were closed more than fifteen years ago
claims of that ntttef, now inostly in
the hands of brokers or jK-rsons other
than the oiig'nal sutTerers, nro becoming
stale slid, 'i m judgment, might fairly
be considered as barred by laje of time,
and If hereafter cnterta;ned at nil should
bo subjected to the strictest scrutiny
Yoitts very tre'y,
W. S. IIK K.
Pnt the Jicw Yut4 Sew. Tt. Ii, t'
Thcfollowing letter settled the Soutli
era claim bug bear in I7G. The at
tempt to revive it uow if i'lly.
To tlit jxojile of the ViditilJit ile:
We understand it is now generally
charged by the Repuli'Vin leaders and
press of the North that the Sonthei
peoplo expect that chrnge of the ad
mip'slration of the Federal government
nd the Advent of the Democratic reform
arty U jower, "M iiirv to the- jtrcti
niary U-tu-fit iu tw-ce -ing for them jray
ment lor io or rnraago to proj-; .y snf
fered by them during the Lite r. I
reply to this charge we declare that th
Southeni ople have no such hoj-e or
lueir loss in debts incurred in s.ij
Ktt of the war and caused by euipnci
pation is barred from payment by the
Foo'teenili ameni'ment to the Cjiistitn
tion of the United Stal s. Comiensa
lion far all other injuries to their pror
erty caused by tho war ii prohibited by
the laws of nations and the dc'sions of
the Supreme Court of the United States.
They have, therefore, no hope or ex
pectation of being reimbursed for eillier,
and wo denounce such chwg as ;"ju
rioua and false. A It we desire is pence,
prosjierity and just government; giving
us equal rights under the Constitution,
Octolr 2."i, 1S7G.
Jans B. McCrtF.ny,C jternorof Ken
Jolix W. STEVXRON.United Stales Sen
Thos. C. McCreeiiv, United States Sen
A. R. Booxe M. C,
JOHX VotliO BllOW.1!, M. C,
C. W. MtLLKEK, M. C,
Hexky Watteusox, M. C.,
M. J. Dc'ham, M. C,
J. C. S. Black ni-nx, M. C,
J. B. Clabke, M. C,
1. Ij. Jones, M. p.,
T. Ij. Borsett, Chairman Kentucky
Democratis Stale Central Committee,
Hrsny D McIlEvnv.MembeV National
Committee fr Kentucky, '
J. STbPDAUn ' JoiiXi?ox, ieretarybf
Slate, i - '" - .-
John S. Williams, Electorat Large for
tale, , '
Isaac Calowell Elector at lrgo for
, State. '
TO r AHr iltS TLl BS.
AH Hancock and English Campaig
Clubs ohd all' other orginazalions whic
support thfi'Dctnocratip candid.ites are
reijuested. to nend to ; . - .
, ! ' i i w. II. Bakxvm,
, Chairman Nat, Pern. Committee,
138 Fifth Ave, New York.
.1st. The namo and locatiou of their
organization. " . '
2d. A statement of tho number of
members enrolled.
3d. TUo names of oflicers.
ith. Account of meetings held.
. 5th. Reports, ovory two veeka dur
ing the campaign, of tlio number on J
increaso of membership, with tho condi
tion and prospects of the canvass.
Secretary of War Ramsay told our
folks at tho depot yesterday that they
look od remarkably like other people ho
had mot, and that J.bey were American
citizens 1 Good.' Nothing like some
thing new and original in a circus !
McMixxviLLK, Sei-t. 2-fiir lZi'0.
I'd. it or Dan -icral :
Th''t' ig that irn item or two from
this port ton of Oregon, relating to the
po ticol rsuei ot the day, might ue ot
nterest ti your many readers I respect
fully send you tho follow 'ng in tho way
of news.
The "'mom" in favor of our chostn
and nob!d standard beirers, Hancock
nd F ig" di is increr'ng day by day.
Tlie demc -rats are woik'ng together in
tho g'trioi-s cat" 1 with a hearty deter-minat'-n
nnd in ''1 of purpose that augurs
of gla-.'oi sneer . Y'omhi'l County,
doubt not w'" ' 'ulicate her title to
ono of tho lcadhg ili tiiocralic counties
n Oregon, at the irr ' eh-ction on
tho 2nd of November next.
At the present time there nre three
political campaign clulrfi in orr town.
Tho first rnd largest . formed scvera
fiki ngo, ii tho Hancock and Eng
lish, Club, and at this writing numbers
147 membeis. Two weeks w'o the n-
ublicans met and founed a Garfield
and Arthnr Club, with ierhaps twenty
members at its fit meeting.
Iist night eighteen young gentlemen
of th's tovi.i and vicinity met in Justice
Hardinger's ofilce and formed them'
selves into a Yorng Men's Hdncock
Club. The following oft'icer wfcro e.lect-
l : Preiiident, J. If. H.nith, Jr., V.
Pres., G. V. Seelling, Scretay, Frank
lin, Ciu:hr, Cor. S"C., W. Rangansar,
Treiinurer, A. C. Wyin''isini. Wo ex
leet to donblo oi" prr'ent roll in less
lliim two weeks. And thus tho ball
rolls on, increasing ' size and velocity.
lA-t the young democracy :n other farts
of this state f uinl.iJe our maiden i fTort
and the nur't Jn NovemlxT will oston
ish our moi,:ed republicans. .
On the thirtieth our clulm will ! ad
dressed by that i twtien, orator, Col
If a"ri-eable to vou I will forward to
the Demickat our w -Hy proceedings,
Wishins vou succ in the cause yon
so nobly esjKMise, I rcme i,
RfHwctfulIy yours,
S--e. Young Men's 1 1. & I I. Club.
uiToiiiiL iiir?..
IstlAN A, Ohio und West' V'-itiia
vote one week from next Tuesday.
Wk '' have Ni-smith here in a fiw
days to cojk Old Flaxbrakt-'s goose.
Col. Nimitji Kpoketa a giiatcrowii
at IndiJKndencc lust Tuesday "
Cot.. Nesmit:! I ;red n shoi ' li.-ml r
jorU-r to ta'ie dov i Milclftrll'M tqirr-cli
at Salem, and he wiil rrswer it in ?e
tail at t'jc Ojiera Horse : i vhat city tc
Xch." i i ! J hkin him alive !
CoI.oi:a;o ehtlion next Tmshiv,
Tho Republican jilf-alit y : i that State
in 1873 was 2,823 tnajailty over Iwtth
Ifiiiociuis ami r5Hisu.-iki,'i!, xnc
.Stale r'' ptjbably go P publitin by a
round miijoiity.
"Oi.i F'.AsnnAUE," nliaa "landau
let" W:':--ns, w " npe-'c to tho Kepul-
hears cf Albany next Monday I 'ht,
at which t; ne the Tow-Path Souiuch-
ibles w"'l padi'le p orvl the fetrrc8
in impOBir.g scarcity.
The r.ecessily cf occupying our col
umrs with jKjlitical matter nt tli;s lime
precludes tho pub'ication of legislative
proceed:nga in detail. However, all
important acts of that body w!,l reci-ive
due attention in tliis paper.
Mns. IIayhs s-?nied to bo ie most
popular persomge ' the Pr .idcntial
partyyes;terday. She is not essentially
handsome, but eectoi to lie n very ami
able, l :nd fiic J woman, amP as such wo
were pleased to see the resjiectful man
ner ' which die was leceivtnl and
treated by o'r citizens.
That trealmtntof tho Albany Lr
dics' Brass Bend by the K.u,:cal Salem
ites yesterday was a shabby trick. They
telegraphed them to go down, the la
dies went to the depot all prepared, and
of courso they didn't go. Tho Hays
circus ought to Im'vo better r'ng jnas
ters ! .
J L"3T 7 Radd met in n Democratic
law oflico (by cor-lesy) at Lebanon last
r Wednesday evei "ng rnd organized a
Hancock isjom I When we remember
that' Lebanon ii. kI to be tie -boasted
Radical lianner prec'net of L:nn, we
cannot fail to weep in unison with Bro.
Wassom aud Doctor Ballard on the
hopeless degeneracy of that bailiwick I
A Radical Oregon pajier now feebly
squeaks out : "Errors have been-dis-
covered in the Maine election returns
which wijl probably give Plaisted Dem
ocrat) a plurality and therefore elect
him." O, goshins ! is it "errors" that
did this t We thought it was Demo
cratic votes I Such "errors" as this
will everlastingly knock tlio pins from
under tho Rads in November.
TO lltHVIk fl US.
; OituuoN City, Sept. 8, ISS0. J
To tits Hancock aiul J-Julinh Cluls of
Oregon, grating : ,
Gratified at tho interest and zeal
manifested for Democratic principles
and the success of tho Democratic party
in the ensuing Presidential "election, by
tlio spontaneous organisation of the va
rious clubs, as auxiliaries of the party,
I respectfully request all and each of
them to report their names, date of or
ganization, names of ollicers and num
ber of members to J. R. Wiley, of
Portland, who has charge of Democrat
ic Headquarters, at that place.
i - , . , ' CF. BEATIE,
s Chairman of State Central Com.
Subscribe-" lor the Democrat..
Sportsman's Ileadquaiicrsi
W. 13. SCOTT,
Juris, Rifles Revolvers!!
And AmiaaaltUa af All Klad.
Jnt rwfivrd lanre Inrntca ol th latmt limmmil
tbmingHm, Slmr'i, WlnchcaUr and Itollud rptint(
ritttm, triora, fUftiilntrto and Mlven'g Ifwch-Uaaiiif
un gun, hni iiiuzAWMjauiitg nnta ana hiha jfuiia of
rtvry acrl(ti.m.
A.!t. a larira ami wIt toct?d otork tit Klsliln
T kin, Catlury, lxf Ootlnni, tvyy (Kmin, and In
laui nnyimnf jvn vmm wimi it in mj Iilw.
L11 kinds of Seeing Machines Ee-
Krmem'oer Tbal
Cannot He Vntlvrnolti
Any here In thiSt il. .. (I f
the Cirrnil Court of the Comity nf Linn lit
State of Orrgon:
A 1 mini C. West gate, Plaint hX )
Ivl H. Westsate, Deft ndant. j
To-Invi K. XttifM, the Pefendant above
named : - ,
. OHWKJN, you are liereby xunifnonnit
sun remiireu io aprear and answer the
complaint of the above mmml plaintitf,
now on filo with the Clerk nt said Court,
on or tiefore the Cit day of tlie next tot in
or saia coun, to ie liolden in Altnoy,
Unn "onnty, (Ireenn, on the fourth Man
day, tlio t'r.h day of October, lh0, and you
aro notified that the relief demanded in
raid complaint it tliat the marriage i-on-trsi-t
now exiMtinp; between said pluiritiit
and defendant be forever diwIved, that
plaintilf have lit care and custody irf ttia
minor ehlbl, Alvln Wentale, and that
plaintiiT recover judgment afcaiiMt defend
ant for ber costs and dwburMemenbiof tliii
knit ; and If yon (ail to appear and answer .
ald complaint iim herein reftiired tba -plaintilf
will apply to mid Court for the re
lief Jud in Maid complaint.
Till summon is puLiixlied in tbeSrTE
Riiiit rM Ukmch-uat iiown paper once a week
for six cBiiseeutive weeka,- by order tit
lion. It. I. 'oie, Jadge of said fourt,
whu.'h order ih tlated Se'Aember 7th, laXO.
tfl KAIIAN fc HI LtU,
CwC Attorneys for rMaiotiu.
Rallnrd.Isom Sc Co.
of FX)UU CENTS per bushel in Mill feed
over and above the Market price on at -(rood
Mere-lianlble wheat stored with
lhM Ibis season.
. Are prepared to psy CASH IX) WN. and
tuarantee as good prices as can be obtain
ed elsewhere. A. large supply of Sack
alwavs on hand.
. We havo our Mill fitted up with all the
latfxt improved Macbiuerv, and do CUS
Alhany, July tJul, lsoo. " f,i
WHEAT V. AiTi:i)!
Tin: nurniKTOR.s OFTnn mag
nolia. MILLS otter a pmmiuiu of
four iwdIh per bushel over and aVove the
market prii-e for good merchantable. t heal
either Koid to them, or stored wilbtbeni
thin cotnin? Keaxon. Sacks lamiiid to
pt'es winning to more with or nt-11 Waei
to t hem. J. H. fXteTEil t CO.
Albany, July 20, 1SS0. ; &l
.Tfiir T!.f .Tirvrv
Albany, Oregon,
Information given cheerfully, Aildrwis
me at Albany. - 80tf
J. II. SURLES; PrOp'r.
with eai'h abave. Prices for shaviut;
and hair-eutting same as usual, Koono
opposito Alcllwaia's store. -. - . : lotx
QQ A A A MOVTII Koaruitird. 1 ady t hooia
Vl)UU made bv tbi imlun'riooa. Cspttnl aut t
quiml : ara will atart you. . Men, women, U M
cirls maka tavnty laaKr at work far m than U aaji
Ihlacr ela. llw work la liglit and pleamnt, and aueli
a anyone can jt-n riplit at. Thoa wbo are wiat Ko
ace thw notice win aritd ut tneirdareaaea at oucaana
tee (ur thennt-lvea. Coatly OnlSt aad lartna. Noai .
the lime. Thnae ahtsady at work are laying rp lan;s
miiw vl auHiey. Atltlrcaa TKL'K CO., A - l Usui.
Maine. . ,f - -
AltKE T.-M-t:
J. R. 11ERUEX, - - Proprietor.
Iittep ur IJ'stylr
and keeps constantly on 'hand a full,
supply of
The fullest palnswill be taken toarcom
modate the public ltSUUf '
f; f f f i ru ia oow bciiiic node iMu thaa ev
1 U 1 1 Em I by uwae at work lor as ft a t
Uit! w i can make i-U a week in llicir own towns it
Uicy arc -iliiiur to work. . lio rntk. $5 vullil. trve.
Anyraie can run the uiinuieiu. Caitat uot nrutred.
All who ei)ir-u,-o iwwper. No one tail. Parucuhu-
tret'. AUrvsH, II. 1UU.HTT & Co.. INtrtland. llaiua.
flie First Term will opeu on VM
nesdivy, September U W
For partlciltnm eoneernlne tbe course9 tf study alii
tlie rice oi tuition, af -jly to i -
81 , KEV. ELBEBT S. rOXDIT. rreVt.
Commercial Union, of
London. Capital, 12,
North British and Mer
cantile. Capital, $10,
900,000. Also tho Imperial, Lou-
don, Northorn & Ovm;
Capital, 339,000,000. ,
, t Agent. 1
r-, . . 11 wttk In yonr" own Vn- Si outfit
OOOaUUtree. No rl.k, BeaOer, i you want a
buniuuua at w hich persons of eiitier sex cun nmK
grea i jay all Uie time tlwy work, w,rit tor irlicuUrs -to
U. Hallktt & Co. Itortland, Maine.
UTTTC! "D A WT fr,UIK' on P,e " Geo
1 iiiij 1 AX iSiV l'. howelltoo's N.-luer
Advortisinf Bnreao l W Suruee StA whore advr lB.ujt
euuuti may ho luaJe ior II lit NEW i O itlm