me pcmgnat. M ART. V. TRO VVN, KDITOR. FIl I PA Y : . A U( . I ST -I'O, 1 sso. NATIONAL DEMOCRATIC TICKET. l'r PrealUent, WIXF1EL1) S. HANCOCK, W VKNXSYI.VAXIA. , . , in H FVAlW a. A" ror Vice rresldrat. WILT J AM II. JEN'iilii S 1 1 , SI" tSPtikVA. 1 'j", l'r rre-ilitrafJnl Klrrlnr-.. - r. K. WEATEREORl of Linu County. T. O. OWEN, of Coos County. JAS. Ft'LTOSl of Wasco County. I H II OCT 11 nKUi, bearcat rturpr'r Amrilna liberty are ! ill Ibr law ful iakcrllaarc of IIiU pre pi. ad ever Hhoul.l be. The. .rlcbt T trial T Jury, Ike fcafeeaa rsrpax, lUe liberty of ike t , Ike freedaai f aprerh. the naiu ctl rlxhu or peraaa aad Ibelrlshi r prep erlj auu-l be prrsrnnl. ximikiu a. ntto(k, laj. -r. t'otti'd'aLDepl. la. an J Trvs.. I . . -. THE VlQIIYl ElB. Ce iuv ho wrong, and sincerely ti'Miit that we uie, but it seems to RR that the prosiecta for the improvement of Ya.piina bar. w hich tjiis valley lakes fuich great interest in, just now looks very tlim. True it is that through the t-lTaits of I fun. John AVbitesiker iui ap propriation of S-10,.0! was sccnreel for that purpose, but it is our opinion that ia the l.i.t we will get. . From reeling Major GIlIcspIe;ij-eport to headquarters we. are led to believe that -all the money expropriated will be expended in resur vrying the Day.' 'Although' the hut mrrvVv was verv , elaborate the Major any a iu his report that nonec-f them ran 1 UKet to-day in preparing the Jans required, and he therefore "recommends . :i re survey, and that the plans for tha injjiroveraer.t be deferred until afttr he has been alue to Htmly tlie harbor in all its relationfi, winds. - current!.' tides, rrckson the bar ntvl exist in "Obstruc tions on its exterior.' A fterliis survey has lieen ui;i.le we cxject jiiui to rejrt that tire iutroseiuent of ta bar would b a need'eKi exene, or stmietlin" cf - that sort. and, .we think nuch a rejiort --will owe its esu-teiseejo tlie iitlluence cf the wealthy wen of Portland. Per aaiu may .Bar that Portland i.-i not cp joi?d lo the improvement l" Yaquina J'ay, bat such i not lhe case, and we know- wheretf wo, speak, and tor that very reason we havo'arriyed at the con clusion that some influence will be . bought 4o bear upoa Mjor (JiUegpie totalise liiin txvrejwrt againttt thft im provement r.f Yaij'tiua Lay. , If ' Col. Wilson Jiad '.charge of the work we would ; all ha- satiGad np Jtero iji ih - valleVi. bnt Msior Gillesnie is not krtown to us drul is untried, and if does riot yiePl" to the iiiijcrtUiiitiea of some of the iirifjH.-raU of Portlaad he will have ; ti.le Kent awar like Col. Wil.-fon.. For - the general good -ef out valley we.'hppe " t hat he may tm li a i!if er.r to nil pio positi.itis tnade'l hliyrby those men, and do hi best. to secure ug the seeded improvement! at m eaiJy'a Aiitm an pos sible. " i-' " l f It DESOrKAT i Jtt tKiMt. In fofiiineetion with and in i-ntradi-tijictirtii to the falsi-hondii iis9eminted by the Itepublican telegraph dipatclf manipuhitors anl the .organ of, that party, concerning 'the recout elcctioji in Alalia ma and the bull dozing cf colore! T.. i i... r t :...t iii nnria "'r 111c t-iii;i t iii, 1 1 Dill t . I. EiliH, a colored voter of that State, fteoi. fVoui ?doiitgoinciy, J uly 2d, to the riiiiocrati Xationul Committee, is worthy of attention : "Our colored Ilaneork and Knglish Club on its third meeting last night nuinlied C,U). The colored voters are. a unit for the. cause. "We are going to raise a handsome ban ter ai won as completed. Tly next ffttk f expect hi put a thousand vo ters cu record for. the J-st man ihat was ever nominated fo the Presidency. What have the Rf publicans to say ti tliis from the Afabama olore.J Dera- u-j':lis ? . ' . , .'' - ' . ". .. The ' .A'iuhii)gtH jPosi;ths pithily, resents tlie .situation brt th question' A' pai ties and national credit : - '"'The temoerat.i party has had control (if the purse since. 28,7 j. The Dem ocratio party polled a large, majority of bath the popular and electoral vote in- 1S7C. these fucts, in view, it. is worth noting and VeniembeVing lhat all the. great tiiiancia,!- achievements of tlte Coverunienb have .been consum mated sLflee the RepnUieaa party lost control of expenditures and was warned by the election of 1S70, that its day't-f power must soon end. Capitalists ney-' er showed such confidence in our -National seeuritiegneyer put their nicney into the hands of f !overnment. so freely, cheerfully and at such low rates of in terest as they have sinee.llio: Radical patty lost its hold -on the Naticnal purse." ; ;''.,. .' ."'. - . . ..... , - - . ,'?"''V .... Lystkict vuiK ct.rnisi.M n The cophs of this county have elect ed several per.'sclsk to iipvaeAt ihem in the I-Pgi.sluluie, and now they should cmloiiviiv to iiisl-ruot them in Konio nnn- ner as to what they expect thoin to do. What laws do our renders think are wrong, and low should they lo amend ed.? What now laws do wo want 1 What old laws nhould b repealed 1 These are questions of importance, and the more they are dicuRstd the plaint r wUHeTHliH of duty to.'Otir represent- . Ono thirnj is oertaiu om entire deh - gatnih mut contiider itsolf nut u!oih in- RttU-ted, but pledged, to bring forward and laboVmeosisantly for a till redm-ir g the tttlarh-a. of. Clerk and Slu-fitT in thia eountc. t'l'hir w olio iwunt that ) eel" thvl, iilut ' the' nvfliiber w ho oppos-e it, -or gives It i InKewarm Kuppo", run lent Hsint'd that he will get an Hiring. Another question is that of tho ro- duetion cf intoivst in this State. Oui eutinj delegation is also phslged to ad vocate, this measure. .Right, here we wish to ny on this question that wJ believo it would be lt' for the legal rato to lx placed ns low as from C to 8 ier cent'. . AVe know some money lend ers wtl object, and aay if it U done the whole State will Riitl'ee by capital leav ing it. IVm't you believe it. Almost any manufacturing establishment, if nroiwrlv manaaetl, will lny 10 and 12 per cent.,v tin money invested, and if interest is lowered Orcgou'tf ituineiue water poweia will U utilized, t'upital will never leave a locality liko Oregon. Ve hear cithers iay our Road Raw ia defective,' If it i., hmr np ita defec tions, and then if our Representatives do not labor' to amend it, thiow the blame on theiu. . "One H-hord . Riw is not gent, we hear on every sidi Now ia tlie time to talk about it if vou want it changed. Tlte Legislature will soon convene. . The "Rlue RiblKm" members nay the li.U0r.lw is not goo.1." Ia-1 them ap point committees of worthy, capable men to look into the matter and recom mend amendments. Re careful in se lecting j-our committees, though.. The temiKrance jwple of Oregon can fieenre almost &i legislation they wish, pro- riding iber do not allow a lot d hair brained fanatics to rule their dclibera tiortH tuu saddle their bill' with a lot cf measures that would be imjmlitH-. - .Aad there are innumerable other ' question that ought to come rip which we will not mention " iv', but which should "bo thought of aii'l all.s! tf by our Hople. ; . . ' ' Now if any on ha aught . sir on these qnestiont! they i,hoi$Ll.'; iiiake it pnbuc," and the lct. way ij Xi'iite it to a newsjiaper. t nr catufU: vav. at youc uiffsBal, anil so, ! ! are those of our etenij'i't :n i i nl iu yVutr views, niakiif them.iion 13001110' oT yea. ia:iy .not W iu Rie3..iTf it of writing fr the public.-but thrt makpi no ditlV'refu-e ; y(mr -h-t tern will be corrected if mit''. ' lion't frs'it tuiiiiK mi i nr. We lift; tin (,-rj,i,i!mi jiiit-s very frequently from Murat llaltead's jaKT the Cinciuii.tii (Jtnnififi-eiti!, but here ia one little atticle it .has overlooked. It i taken .frwin that, ajier of March 31,r.l57j;iit it is notvet too old for use - . - ... t ."And t l.irCi-ld noble soul wa. ktdly perturled." " lie looked iqNin the wene with' grave apiiretiensiuns, and regardel thm'unfieendy persecution of tin- rij;ht eoiis with such horror that his-soul was Sick within-him.' , lie came neaw mak ing a fatal blunder once. After Ames had testified the second time as to the guilt of Garfield, ftxiiv il vyou him clearly and xinmiUikidjlj, the General at once nqtified the Committee that he would come before themand refute the vile slanders tliat the mendacious man from" .Massachusetts . had jn)i:rel out against hiui. j The day and the hour came, bnt simuitaueouUy came not Oar field. Ilq lad Iieard , that Aim's (who was then reluctantly producing the re ceipts that Patterson had signed) had in Lis possession other such documents tq prove the correct nens of bis testi moiiy in respett to others, and the gal lant General, whose flashing blade was wont to gleam ado wit the line in the goy days of the past decade, found that U stay away was -prudent., and he nevci apjteared. The complacent Com mittee foreliore to-questiou Ames fttr thrr as to CarGeld's statement and his own, and the papers were consequently never produced. Cj4iiti,'t.n Cure. Kew Ilawn I'atluiliiini, IVb. i',," "6W tT Lllttii IT IT." "J had ft chance to look over tlie fa tuous diary for 16C8 and m the list who K-ere entitled to that first di idend. It .read as follows : Paid to . J, -W. Patterson.. . SJ:! ,800 Sehuyler Colfa.v . . : . ........ 1 ,200 II. Ti. liawes . . ; . . . . '. . . GOO ScbfieU ... , COO John A.; Rogan. . . . . . . . ...... 32!) J A M EH A . G APvFl K LTk ..... ?,'29 Wml-'D. Keliey. . . . : . . . 320 and'so on.' 4 Aa each man was. paid a cro.'is was ruarkei against Ids name, and every name was crossed. Now just look at it ; of this list the first-,. Patter son'fy $1,800, "is ; 'uncalled (or; Mr. I'Tawea admits that ho got Lis. .f OtiO, and so doc-a Mr. .'j;otie!d ; so does Gen. IjO gan.' Garfield-Kays it was a loan and Kelly says It was a loan, but these two persons tfojiul , drig ' 7it -flei tot the MO.ty." ' , , .. .. JET us not le too hur.l' iij oiiMt. Hayes, .Jlis wilV will not allow him to subscribe Id the Republican Cam paign Fund for fear thoue dreadful xdi ticunH will spend a portion of the money for whisky. ' - . ' '",'.. i ninriov ikoiv I.uke P. Poland an I tlco. W. Mc tSary wer two of thii three .Republi can members of the I ngiesnional Com mittee w hich found (iartiehl guilty of t ikinga bribe tVoin Oaiea Amcp, and each of them lias been eompelh'd by their party to go buck onllie l epoit they swore to. The last letter "on. the subject is from "McC'i-ary, in hisv(V to a lei tot Kent liim af.khig Iuh'vc'Ws tn Garfield's Credit Mohilier transaction!. It inuat bo uiideratood: that I ho wliole thing win lixed up by the National Re publican Cyinmittee before it wiw mado public, and poor Jlc ,'rnry was foi cml to iru iN Jtcro it n now rend it ole- ly: Ki.uki u, J,i., duly 17, l VSti. 'Hint. Cinr'D Jlrtirifufi'i, Wiixhimitoii, ), (.. Mv Dr.Ait Sui ; Upon inv re turn ftoin St. Paul I find vrnTf f.ivor ol the 2t"th u'.t. awaitins: me. In reply to your inquiry, I Kay without qiiuliticft' Uontliat I regard Mr. Gartield as a man of thorough integrity, t nerved with him hi Congress eight years, and came to know htm very intimately. JMy con fidence w as Htren.vjthened With Jus daily life. In the Credir Mohilier lvrt Ra tion, there appeared a conlltet of ttmti- raony Is-tweon Geb. Gnrliold and Oakes Ames us to the character ol their trans. actions, but the committee wer unani mously of ' opinion that, even uikui Ames' own statement, tien. Garliehl had done no wrong, and l)cmocrataand Republicans united in soreiorting. Tlie paragraph in the. rejiort which seems to dccide.thndispnted quest inn of fact In imwi o Allies was " enirics in his memorandum book," which weroi'f fered to ccrrolairat his recolhetion. It waaafc'most'nomore than 'the common case of the dillerence in recolhclion ls. tween tvirties to imat transactiona. Sifdi conflicts are of daily K-currence !n our courts, und are deciletl, as they must be. ono way or the other, wuhuut nny reflection upon the veracity of ;tLi wit- ness whose recollection is not unstained, With respect, however, , to thia transac tjon, I must nay that aulisequcnt devel opulent and further consideration of the matter long ago led me to the conclu sion that the memorandum tif Mr.'Ameil was Very unreliable, and ,1 have for vears felt assured of the "correct ne?ss of General Garfield's ieeUeotion ofjjie facts in dispute. ' Yery sincerely voitis' GI-:o. W. M.'CRARY, No, after rt a ding tke n'ove, elnnct over this repoit.'remcmb-.fiing' at jlie same time that when it was mad.Vthe teUimony was so Mrong against Gar GV,d that Uie N. Y. Tim and Trihw, leading Ilepubliean papers, aceii!!el the committee of whitewashing tle wut'e muti - itasnirrr.i: .Hri-oncr. I Poland 1 Ie -tji-t 5g .T. j 'He !reil .'VItlOlr. Amr t tale ten ,har n of Cred' .SL.bilu i j.tivk,luit did not i:iV r t he "jirie. , Mr. Ames 'receivil the N jL cent, dividcinl in londs. anil-wdd tlieni for '.'7 j-er cent.. anil a!s received tl.e (.! ln-r cent. caMi Oividciwl, which, together, pnid the price 4 tlie Hfocw anil interest and left a bid Slice vf m'J. , 'J'his fciun a. Jid ovrr li .Mrl.nriifJ.I l.t-n i IifTR-TOi lli H,-r i;cint-s!-ArmC and Mr. GarGeld then i;ndeif.!'o.l this Mini a- tin- l.iihu.i-i- nf dividends nfu-r paying tin- the aiin.' Signed lV' ' ' l,t KfP.'loUi., N. 1. Rwks, ' Gk. W. Mi-Ckakv, . W.r,Nll:I.Al K, W; MVMtiifiit Kfc. inimt an nnprcjudiwed jK ron'a opinion Is of McCmry after leading these two quotations, one f which was sworn trt and the other wrung from him by bis party manageis 1 How can y one get over the conflicting statcmenta! C" '' iui:riirT i d-i ivcjm.. Only Inst Tuesday the ttr'.jon'mn launched out at "Rill" English and gave bun a very lively. " send eif. ' )ne charge was that he was "driven out of Congress and into retirement,' which, of course, is a lie. lie served four terms in Congress, ami, refusing to tun the fifth time, the Convention which nominated his niccessor adopted the following resolution in regard to him ; UexiAeeil , Tliat in selecting a candi date to represent this I istriet in the Thirty-seventh Congic-KS, we deem it a proper occasion to r press the resjCct and esteem we entertain for our present member, If ui. W. H. Iviglish, and our confidence in him as u public oliieer. In hia retirement, in accordance with hia well known wishes, from the osi- tionf Representative, which he has no long filled with credit to himself and benefit to the country, we heartily greet linn witli the plaudit, "well done, thou good and faithful wrvant." This resolution looks like Mr. Kng lish was driven from Congress! Rut then thatr is as nviir as that intensely independent paper ever gets lo telling the truth. While speaking of Mr. Knglish we would like to hear what the Orcjoniiin has (o any of his opponent Mr. Arthur. What is its opinion of a man that was Licked out. of olliee for dishonesty? . . .. It . t . A' M'Eltir. The Yeruiont Cirmi!ck,'n Republi can paper, contains the following inter esting item : Should the, Democratic parly succeeil in electing 1 Tancoek the Northern States should at once .secede from the Union. Her people would bo better off, politi cally and socially. No affiliation with Southern whelps iu a jiolitical sense. They will do to laise cotton lor our benefit, but should not have any politi cal rights with us. , This is a Northern Nation, and don't you forgej. it; M.siii rii !. Li n i n. . A week or two ago Senator Nebiiiilh wrote an able letter to the Jacksonville Timrg. showing up Garfield's record on the .'matter. of the Modoc war -claims, and after reading j.t w-.e don't eee how any Oregonian can vote for the Repub lican nominee for President. We will publish the letter next week. ' i.iHik ov mi rrri'i'itk .m o ihit. liEIH'tU.iCAJJ CAM- I'Atu.v nr." ; a . " Irisli Catluvlitlv run Turin. '".; Older for milita ry eoiniiuHhinii In try Mis. Sin rut t, and will tiot volo tm General ' Hancock because lie hanged ot hois issued by A. Mis. Sui nil t?" Johunou jVIny 1st, l 0:, reads: ""Rre vet Major General llarttaiii'tr is ansiiiu - fjtil to duty tm hi- . Jmal provost niarslial general lor the pur posi) of auid trial and ftttendaiteo it p. on (mid cnminiiision jaiiiPllio execution of its nmuiliites lliirtranft carried nit . the order, as was his duty. Gen. Hancock is ... General Order,. issued by nothing but a regu- laf army ollicor and; General ItrtBcock has no knowledge of tlie laws. He has on taking command of t he .'th militniy no civil record what ever. - district, August 2 1 st,t: "Iu war it its indispensable to iret'rl force bv force. land ovt?throw and j,htroy npposiiion ;to lawful authority. .: Hut when insurn-c tionnrv force hiui iliiH-u overthrown land lieaeo ratal jliiihed.aml the civil (authorities are rea "dy and willing to !erform their,;du ilea, the military js)wer .huld pse ;in h ad and the civil udmiuiHlration te Isuiiie its cultural i.u'd I ighlfifl doiuin j. lie ia "wtld'l lo atfTny waya and be lieve in the -conn try Iteing run by m i I ilarv - in e n. ' The genei aJ com manding iigmtiljed to learn that petice and quiet niiia in the Tlepaittiieid. It Therefore the objw;-' will li his pwrsse tion which applied toprescrvn ttiis iniii to Grant applii-s to'ditionof thingv A him. i muaits 4t'.'-thi igreat end "he ro fgards the malnten rtlice of the ciyil au illinrtliei 'Jjf-i the failhfiil exBctilion ;.f Mm law-ai the uiost etlicielit under WintieU S. illamvck in-.-SfiZ. . G.ufieM ami Ar ; Garfu ld tt-iguel thur were Vsith an! in the dniko. Lour diera, and will re ;of the war t., run ceivo Uie votca of for olliee, and ' Ar tho veterans of the-thnr never got any late war. Tlie I'n-'ncarrr iIkv. front ion soldiers will not than Allany,. V. vote for Hancock, Hancock fought it' because tic in a lit-m jont through live ocr.ii. lyratu, and received ithe thaiiLa of both ; Houses nl" Coiigiena for his diU iugtiinlied jt-tvioe. ' . lot (lie i.Uw out and. catty it nrotrnil witli ymi, and wbeu fn Uvx.s ltepublu an lying aUmt the noble ticn Ilancmk- draw Ihe. icord on him. IMIIUUIH4 IUB HlUUIk. Tlie telegraph informs tei that tin: Chicago Tim J-i! week piiblishiil a tetter from Senator ,liv hi l.ivis to a suit...... : .. : i ; ,t. i... it n it uniuiii-H'ii, iii nun H Hi- says : "The training aud habits of my life naturally lead me to prefer civilians to soldiers fr gtvat civil trust's, but an parties are "orgunii-d Ihe voter must choose lclween the candidates or must stand aloof, indifVcrcnt or neulral,which no good citizen ougl to do at a Prcsi dential election. I-have no hisitntion in si;potliiig Hancock for the lest of all reasons,' la-cause his election will put an end to fceetionul tdrife nlnl m-ctional partii-s, and will rcviie patriotic scnti menta all over the laud which litical leaders and factions for sinister ends have sought to prevent. There can be no permanent prosperity without pacifi cation. Great as were the achievements of Gen. Hancock in war, his conduct in peace, when in command of JOtiisianit and Texas in 1SG7 ii still giander, and Justly commends him'to the confidence of the country.. His letter to Gen Sherman, recently, brought to light.lifts Gen. Hancoc!; far (jbove the past appre ciation of his civil ability. It marks him as ono of the wisest of his time, 'with a statesman grasp of mind and the integrity of a patriot whom no sense of expediency could sever from his honest convictions." m.ri clm-av ariviov orinvroi k. Gen. Sherman says : "T nevr 'dis cuss political questions on the merits of candidates, hut if yon will only nit down and write the higheat praises of the character of Gen. Hancock ns an oflicer and a gentleman, and say alt the good things capable of being said of Ins per-' sonal character, I will cheerfully attach my signature to it.". , ; Gen. Phil. Sheridan ays : "Gen. Hancock is a good and great man. The Democrats have not made any mistake this lime. They have nominated an excellent and a strong ticket." m-:sii;i.: mf..w To the Editor of the. .Vnt Sir: There are twenty-five Republicans and seven tlreenbackers employed in my piano and organ works wlvo will rote for Han- ock and I'.iigl ish. " DAXIKIi F. Bkattv. Wasihngton, N. J,, July 31. Gk.v, K. W. I'abckh, of Michigan, third assistant postmaster general un der Grant, and Gen. ITazen's predeces sor, has come out for Hancock. Gen. Barber was a strong friend of IZach. Chandler, anI got . Li appointment through Chandler's influence. re. am 4Hsk. ItlirtlsTIN'R Nt'.ll.sON, th() celt bl-.iU'd iw'rcss, died iu Paris this wc'ik," oi.k l'.ri.i. Ii:i Juade liin'Masl appuar niU'.','' , I le "licit in. Norway last week'. i ' ' i '' ' ' 4 ! j Tm;' I'Ji rUjriiHllt fiU'cihn" now comes nut. iu 1 ne fltaj tv iitul is a very neat iipcr. .'"'.' l!i:rrt!t.ii-.N claim Mniiie by 7."00, but. 'wo thiiil: Ihey "have jfet their &' urea hi.ih.' pjiMoi it.vrs ami Grei iibnckerH will unite in Ncbriif.ka and make a hercu Icaii t-H'ort to e.triv that. Stale iu No- vriuhcf, ' "Kt ui:ka, Nevadi), burned out nguin la; A Tuesday. luiss abont.fl ,000,0(10, uptiu which there is an insurance of about I o0,000. " Tub only charge against llancocV thai the Chicago Timet Cuds wilt stick tit Mm Moty that lie wan woutuled 'nt (Tvttyslau i.'. That seems to Im surdainod bV facts. ; ;" , ' Tiik HfuiiDct'AtH of Indiana urn going to make it lively fight to carry the State tii October. They ojM'iied the campaign last Saturday, and a-ill have over '(i0 upeakera at voik in the State, ?4 Cosui.iN'ii baa got through llhhing and Si'nator l)orey aaya he will make several upepchea in Ohio, Illinois, ami a worm campaign in New York, 1 lis sjiei'ihca will be rather tame, fop hi heart is not iu the work. Wk ask all our leaders to auut ua iu extending the circulation of the Ii:m- ot iiat. We will Iry to give you a good campaign 1 aper, and you' can trSst ns and the cause at the tame time by (tend ing in a few. new aubsciits-t. Ttir. Ofitniun aays Mint if "a full vote, free ballot and fair count" were allowed in the South Garfield would be elected. We only have voiir word for that, Harvey, and fortunately for Han cock it don't rank very well in I hid Stale. Mit. IIaihi:, Chairman of the tSreen back State Committee e.f M if big come i out wiuarely for Hancock. He thinks the 75,000 Greenback vote's in that State w ill largely go for Hancock which will luako it easy for him- to cniry that State. ( " ' A hiiour tinm ago President Hayes gn-e.1 with the National Republican Comiiuttee to deliver a few political speeches whilt. ont on this Coast, but he now g"i L em it, w hich theaim wo are sorry to bear, for, like Jtodeiic I)hu, "ene Lla-.t iqmii his bugle horn is mirth a thoiriatid uieu" t Hauco k on this CoaM. , TiiK liiiiiun qKili i 'ftids, heretufore Iiiden-iuleiit Itpnblican, 'declares it cannot -rucii like GarCeld and Arthiir-the one bccuwhI i.f rjury, bllbei y, niid e..i ruption. mid I ho other dise-hargnl by a Republican Preside-nt for dh.hoiici.t!y coudttcling the New N'tuk Ciiti'iii n.une, ir alio iugol hem to do K.I." 0 . f;t:lTtii.K-.vx.i of Oregon made a sad iiic.l.ikc when th-y tried t capture the Gree-nback vole for Garfield by putting that old fiisiil, Gen. Applegale, on their electoral ticket. Grvenbackers know him very well, ami will not follow Lis lend when hi) champions the cause of such uoleiriotisly corrupt, men as Gar field and Arthur. It is diflicnlt to mulcts and what the qiialificatioim e.f a Yice President are, Arthur was deemed bv the Piesidi'nl of Mm United Stales, by Kcerelary Slier man and by the Senate unlit to be Col lector, of tin Port of New, York, but the Republicans now nominate him for Yice President. It may be that they consider Lis defeat certain. ... it Tim Pirn ton J'dtide, published at Cor vallis, 1ms changed hands'' and is now under ihe management of Johnson Ode- neal. Tlie paper has made a decided change for the better, and now gets up one of the best local pages in our val ley. On this account it should receire a wana Kiipiort from the citizens of Bt'iit on county without regard to party Wi.vnF.r.n Scorr Hixi.wk is the man on whom Congress bestowed a vote of thanks for his patriotic services to the country. James A. Garfield is the man upon whom Congress was asked to 1!rr a vole of consuro for Ms unputri- etio services to himself in laying him self open to bribe-taking. Does uny Republican dispute the fact '? ' Let him look at the proceedings of Congress for May 30, ISO", ami Jan. '2(1, 187.1. ' Cor.. Lamia iiek, of The Dalles, will canvass the State for Hancock. " The Colonel is said to be 'a very fluent and forciblo speaker. In. Wisconsin .he served ono or, two' terms as Circuit Judge, and was e-lected Representa tive to the .loth Congress from that State. lie uroao lo theposflion of Col- ontd in the volunteer service during the war of the rebellion, and fought under the General he now wants to make Commander-in-Chief ' of the' armies of Ihe United States. ' t ti n oitvi t rou Hive oi k. The California "indojvendcut" jinpers are coming out for the Cincinnati tick et. Theilasfc to eleclare themselves are the Dixon Trlhnnc and Stockton-'Mail. Ilajcs' majority in the, State, ovet Til- den was less than 2.800-i-cliieily fraud ulent votes cast and counted under the auspices' of the Republican ( l ing in San Francisco, All the present indications are that California will givit Hancock and English from. 5,000 to 10,000 ma- lontj. 'Standard. " : A Sill Xl IU.1KM It ITII' DM l. tltATItl. The Hon. Wnt, II. Knglish, Demo cratic candidate' for YieoPrcidderit.taus announced his wntimentii on the money and labor question, years ago, and has rigidly adhered to theie . neiitimenfu, through eve ry mutation of public n flair. They are fit to aU.nd forever: "I am for honetity in money as in politics und morals, and think the great mateiiul and business interests of the cdniitiy should be placed upon lb" most solid basis, and as far as fioshibh from li e blighting influence of dMnngngue. At the same time I am opposed toclaxs egihhttion and in favor f protrclingj and fostering the interests of thelalsir- ing and pimlucing classes in every le gitimate way possible, A pure, e con omical, constitutional government, that wift protect the liberty of the js-ople and the property of the peoph-, w itheml destroying the rights of the Stales or aggrandizing its own powers beyond the limits of the Constitution, is ihe kind of government eontemilatcl by the father, and by that I think -the De mocraej- proe to stand." A0TMt.K 4 i n r. Georie Wilkes, elitor ef YUM Ndrit t f the Timm, is out for Hancock ml F.ntlifch. Heretofote - ho has lx;en an ardent Republican, but in a recent letter -to Wm. H. Hall, e.f Stamford, Conn, he use the following words : Mlancoe-k fills the Lill an honest sol tlier wiio knows nothing but his duty, and will be sure to leave the people, unhampered by "policies," lo their own free will. . That is Uie true theory of the Presidential instil til ion. , f have be-eti hankering to votV the Democratic ticket for over ten years past, because it is a fixed principle with me that no parly whatever is fit to wield the Gov ernment, its army, and its pure, e-n secutively for over ten years. i on m ttri's Br.i i i r. -Wei, notice that the (trrjoidun ipiote coiihiileraidy the Springfield JU imhlleiiit, bnt the following from the latter jiajwr has probably Wen over looked by Scott : The Republicans ahonlj certainly en eleavor to clear their candidate of the wide-spread suspicion which has l.een engendered as to his honesty. It will not do til iooh,"XKili the ollU-ial record of Congress. The charges must heme! and elisproved, and 'they Lad la-tler ! alo ut it. Her I t-ln4 4MallM-l al Ibr WaMilertal ( re la faVr. JO C.rimth 8lrjt. ( Itoi liehter, N. Y,, Auj. 1 17'.'. i II. It. Warner A Co.: This I to thai I was attackoU with a kidttev liitear almut four years ago, which briiuuli'- me very low lor stxut kix months. I then grur U-tler, but in February last tha old )wea& riHnrmwt in a worse inrnt than U- frn. I etnploved four ellfl'erieiit .livi clans at eliflerent limes, noun wliom aeemeel lo do mo nmeii eoml. 'II.pv all xaM my raxei would lerntinaie in I'.rftclil' ltitMvana.aua none or mni pave me nny nuiiuinKcuirm iimi t i-oiu.i r-eover. ,mv uncle thi-n lolil me about vuur tnfe Kidney and Liver Cure, anil at hi urgent aolk-inv tloul proruretl a bottlAamt eotnnieneed lakliiR it about the et It of the ireiit niomli : I am now takiuir my m-coihI I wa ne, ana leen mat l am aliuot well. My iuinruvewtent eoiumtioewil as soon as "I eouiuiencetl tislnir your remeely, and has Ixien coiiHiout ever nince, and i expert to baa4 well as I ever iw ins fow elava more. My friends, aft well as myself, are woiulerinu at tlx change w hich has been wrought In me, ami anmeof them wonder llial I am still alive. Uratefully vours, Mas. Kmma I'.bow. THE AJIKUICAX IKOI.E. No people In the world aulTyr as much with Uysiiepsia as AmerlcaiiM. Althouirh years of e-s(ertenc in medicine had failed lo areompllMli a certain and ur reinesty for thia OiMeasoand its eltWrt, such aa Sour Htomaeh, lli-art-burn. Water-l.i-ash, Sick Headache, C'ovtlvenoKS, palpitation of the Heart, Liver Complaint, coining up of the TooeJ, low spirits, general debility, etc., yet since the Introduction of Urhkm''s Ai ui-ht Flowkr wa lielleve there is no of iiyspepma that cannot be imniediatolv re lieved. 30,000 donm sold laM vear with. out one oua or failure reported, (io to your lruifjrlt, tosiiar A Mason, and cot a sample bottle for 10 cent and try it. T wo uoaes w-UI relieve you.' Regular size I.ICCI1LS. BFTTER TilAS GOU la rfeet health, and yet many are sutrorlnn Hie tor lures of the damned with Dvupetmiawlien a slncle lxttle of nit. MISUK's i-:x. LlSIf DANOKLIO.N LIVKR AND DYS- PK1-SIA 1'ILUS will give relief, and, if perslstcMl in, w ill cure the worst cato of una uwtrsasins; troubio. This pill cures Torpid Liver and ltiliousneas. Regulates the Bowels, removes Pimples iroui the race, cures nauow complexion, roul Breath, Hick Xloadache, lleartburu, l'ain in the Sides and Back; is Kti par-coated and UUARANTKKD to be POKKLY XKCiE- TAB L1C It acta cliroctly on the coating of tue otamacu ana on ine JJver. t an be taken In any clime wet or dry weather. Beware of imitations. The genuine has an engraving of a lion on the outside wrapper. l"rice, &u cents. 1- or sale by all druggists. : Mn J. II. Bates, Newspaper Ad vert is Ing Agent. 41 Park Row (Times Building) New York, is ant!urbd to contract for adTerthaenients in tlie lKti-nr at our best rates. Administrator Sale '. S . f , t ...... XTOTICR IS IIEUEBY GIVEN THAT ii under and by virtue of an order of sate duly made and eniereu or record by the County Court of Linu County, Oregon, on ine uay oi August., a. i. issu, it oo InfC the second judicial day of the regular August term of said Court: in the mailer of the estate of John Miller, deceased, the undersigned, I. I. Miller, the remaining Administrator of the estate of said John Miller, deceased, will sell at public sale, lo the highest bidder, on Saturday, tho 25th day of September, A. D. 1830, on the prem ises near xuuier s eiaiion, utin Aoimty, Oregon, the following described real es- tute, to-wit: Beginning at the Southeast corner of the Donation I .aud CUini of John Miller, Sr., being Claim No. 5s and Notification No- 1U74, as appears by the piu sou surveys on me in me u.s. uina Olliee at Oregon Citv.Oregon. and runnine thenee North 77 53 Vest 0c)iaiDs,thonc North if onains and Aj links, toenoe south 77".ia' East 20 chains, tlinnco South '6 dial ns and 25 links to the place of begin ning, containing 20 acres, more or less, and lvlng and being in Township 10 H. K. 8 yV. of tho Willamette' Meridian, iu the County of Linn ud State of Oregon, and beinir a portion of the lauds of which said John Miller died seized and possessed. Haid sale will be made bet ween the hours of 1 o'clock p. m. and 3 o'clock p. m. ol said day, to-wit; at 2 o'clock p. m. of said day. ... i Terms of ale Said sale will be oiade for U. 8. gold coin, one-half to be paid cash in baud on the day of sale, the re mainder on a credit of six months, to be secured by note and mortgage on said premises, bearing interest at tho rate of ten or cent, per annum iroui nato et taio un il paid. ... , - .' . . August 19th. 1SSD. ' "I, D. MILLER, 2?wi '' Bemainlug Administrator. THE ft WORLD'S HAS ONLY 12 WOK Iv 1 N 4 - n "2? 33. E3 X:U -ES SEWIN& MACHINE., . A wa'rtleel l'irt Premium. Oreenn Kioto fu ir. 1479 Baa I .-(. . AnsnUil Klrt I'rriiihnii. tanet only M ne-luue ulaerel ."tt I'lrnl !. (35 e-ouipelHors) nr the Aiisirallau Intrriialloual xlilbiiluw. a $,xvah ier i:ivr.s i ikxt ,m: lUI'AltTI l. Tim "DAVIS" Sewing Machine Selling 19000 Machines per Weel It i3 CHEAPEST becauto it is BEST. It does evry vsr'ejly cf woik without Ii.titi8r, and has more p1n.-li.-4I s-.m.-liiopnl (hail all other) i-uiiiliin-il. .',2 W. It. KCOTT, Aeeul, AlMny, Orer;wt. . T I estinghouse I S- ---D7 EC 3ES Tho Best Separator Made ! Easily Managed and Kept in Order.' Least Complication in Working Parts. Engines made Specially for AjjricnltnraJ Pur poses. - . . Tmriii:-tiiiAKi:i JiousK powkii, 8 AM IO IIOKSiF, ii:.KIXfi ENCASED. - . Tlieso Machines have every available advantage. Send for Circular to . J. faOHTilHUP & CO. Comer Firnt and Main .-Hreels, J'onland, 1'regiin. J. A. ;il.YIOl II. Albany, Trave-JinR Agent. - . -. n'Miai,, Summons. fa lit t'ireuU Court "f t'ir .V.i'f olh William t'ccliran, 1'laintiir, ve. . N. It. Baird. ,. :. llttttUrl, K. per, 1- raiuwa I'arrt-M. I 'liarle I u Mort.m, ariii II. Uortnfi. l-.valiin. I.,r!.in 'I'lt. ' antler Vauahn ami Kti.ilsth Vain-hit. He- 'ia-.i.h ' ToCharlex 1 Morton. Marv Alexander V'aiitrliti and l Vaiilin, ibur of th luefeiidauts above naiiMHl: IN TIIK NAME F THE STATE OK OliKtiON, you and ca.-h e.r yon ere hereby reepiinxt to npi ar aud auer the complaint lih-d tiniut vou in t-.ti-l foiirt iu iiieauovo entitled tint, oner Uioie ihe 'i"lh elay of October. A. It. ISMi. thai l-iiitr tho fim dayot the next iin ar tei uiofi said Court, and if you tail lo aniwer, the J plaiutin will appl v to the Conrtjor the re- lief Oeniandenl in said eouiplair.t,'lo v :t : ' that e-ae-h aud every one of the dretli men- i tloned and tiese"riled therein l so re- ; formed as to convey the land intended to i le conveyed : that the deed froni-AIxan- der Vaughn and wife to John Cochran be i so reformed as to convey the following pretnistsm to-wit ; IVeginnins at the S. V. earner of 8ee. 32 in Tp. J5N. il. 3 W'.of the Willamette Meriiran, running tlieneo I-jist one-half mile, thence North fsi roda,thence West one-half m lie, thence South So rotbt to the beginning, containing 50 acres, more or less : and that all the other deeds in said csmplaint referred to be ao reformed as to convey the lands intended to be so con veyed", to-wit : Beginning at the S. E enr- ner of See. 31, in Tp. 13 N. R. 3 W. .t the ; Willanietto Meridian, and running thence rortli ijo rods, thence Weet lnu rods thence South I'M rods, thence East Itieirods to the beginning, i-ontaining 130 acres; also, beginning at the S. W. corner of the S. K. quarter Of the . W. quarter of Sec. JS in Tp. 13 S. It. 4 W. of the Willamette Meridian, running I hence East 43 rods, thence North 40 rods, thenco West 40 rods, thence South 40 rods to the beginning.con taining 10 acres ; and the premises in this s it m tuons here i n before ti rst descri bed , con taining in all l'.K) acres, and lying and be ing In Linn County, Oregon : that thrs de fendants, and each' and all of thorn, be de creed to execute such good and deeds of convevauw as will vest the title to said land in the plamtttt within thirty oaya jrotn tlie uate tf tne Unat decree ia this suit, and in the event they fail so to do that plaintiff bs decreed to be the owner in fee siirple of said premises t that all the rigtu, line, interest, claim and demand, legal or equitable, of each and all of said del'endanUi, of, in or to said premises, and each and every part I hereof, lie divest ed out of them and each of them and vest ed in the plaintiff, and that said decree be recorded as evidence of plainti'Va title and for the costs and disbursements of Mils suit to be tax ml. ' - Published bv order ot Hon. R. P? Boise. Judge of said Court, uiade at chambers on the luih day of August, 1SS0. V It ATllr.RKORD .X tJJ.ACKnlTRK, - 2w.C Attorneys for PlainuiY. WHEAT Ji'AFiTEDa DallnrtUIsosn & Co. WILL PAY" A" PREMIUM Of FOUR CENTS per bushel in Mill feed, over and above the Market price on all good Merchantable wheat, stored with them this season. ' Are prepared to pay CASTl POWN, and guarantee as good prices as can be obtain ed elsewhere. A large supply of Sacks always on hand. We have our Mill filled up with all Ilia latest Improved Machinery, and do CUS TOM WOH1C. . i ,- - BALLARB, ISOM &. CO. AHtany, July 22d, isso. w TO I HE WORKING CLASS, We are now prepiirc.l t furnwh nil cl:wo with con stant einployminil at hunio, the wuule ol tlie time, or tor their spave inunientn. rJmhiess new, lijfht, ami profltntilo. tVi-aoni of either Kex enaily earn from f0 eenta Ui S5 per evening, tttid a proimrtiuiial nun by devotiiitr their whole time to the busine; Bova auii girls earn nearly om much as men. That all who aee thia nutica may aenil their s.iilresa and text the biui nea we make thin offer: To noh a are not wreii aat liitteil we will aend one dollar to pay for tlte trouble ot wilting. Full particular and outfit free, Addresa, Gca& ST1.X90.N Co., Corl;a:.d, ilams, . iyl Jatiji-s Jl. alonoii, .valine Morum. llu. ; . H. Morton, Jlul-rt m-hrait. l'ailirrlnii (ItHIO'i'i I 1t v-v gent trrr Perkins Winnie llrefdi-M. I.u-re:ui Me- V nmth in tho toinm '( lum A bui Murrv, Mary Kenned v. M.t'eH-hniii, i '"'!ls ;"Tk n 7!f' ""i , ,kiI a'M"t r i,;ilJ I w w .. if.. 1 f i o l ' lk"; ,K:h' m I'1"" KiiUe. Ilaleru tuivij rord, Km ma L. S.-atlriutih, John M. Ite.l- hk-o, mJ Un and eirh Jo u -U itrf-n. We wal ford, Ielitia K. Bedfortl, -I. K. I.. Bejfunl, ' lnn.Uh tu:t a n.i-i nutiit five. W beM-M-Ida B. Bedford, eieorire U. Brtifi.rd. Airs- i '" ."' Hi.tu.-uUr Ine. Wrae and FAVORITE." OUTLASTS OTJIKIIS, I 9? vv.v.ym n ivur.x the Ji itut Con'ijony arj iimmifai-t tiring an I 1 i. : I 1Z B.OSS-I. D. II. Jones, It D. Physician and Surgeon, Ai.Kixv, oi:rr.o. I e'-Hic in rititumer's drug More. I Kesi- ll" J elcruv on VV asluugtou tt. I rt: ,,M T -h- . n r., aiui iti itoc, is bwa 14 iM-iiit work fcl j.m.. i .ti-mM rile lo u ami kmrn all aUmt tlc tttiik 41 1 Ar Ti i Cu . Aiarasia. MUi-. j ' ; I AI.l'AN V I PAl'l VP I 4 TV IVCTITI'TI1 vULljrAllA I ti liNoll I I 1 t. 1 AITi.xvv ntt , t T,, First Term u ill anen n V.1. nesday, September 1, -IriSd. K..r tarllnilar. mnrrnin ll.e misro ij iuJt ar i J" pw oiitiii, a.lj; u et.T. clbekt x. avniT. rr t. BRICK ! B. W. CVNDIFF is now mannfactiir;iu brick, and has one kiln Imrued and for salo. . CHEAP FOR CASH is his motto. l:emember him when vcu want brick. 4:if. NEWrOUT. To PleasurjL -Seekers ! JAM STILL PROPRIETOR OF THE old-and popular "HAY VIEW HOl'SK" at Newport, on Yaquma liar, and wiH, as 1 always bave done, take great pains in rendering the stay of guests at my house pleasant. Charges are .very moderate, and the table will be furnL-dted with evervthing the market affords. ,1m p. M. ABBEY, Prop'r. Assessor's Notica rpHE BOARD OF . EQUALIZATION" J. will attend at the otllce of the County Clerk of Linn County, Oregon, on Aioq day, the Set h elay of August, 1SS0, ana publicly examine tlie assessment rolls and correi all err,ors iu valuation, description or qualitiit of lauds, lots or tkiber prof erty. Z. B. M'JSS, lw.1 Assessor of Linu Co. QOlWV A 1IOSTH Kn4rantd. fjiSa Air urtiion-j uiade b lw ilrt.uttri.Hn. tliHial not ie -iiired,- we will atari you. ilen, women. Una au4 girt make money lUr at work lor lwtau at ai.j ih.ielM, The work is lifht and pleasaiii, and aikh at amone ui iro rijfht ai. Thoa who are viae wad aeo I Ins noltee will aend u their addrvKtM at eiiraati for themselves. Costly tMnfit and term. the lime. Tl.oe already at wrk are laviuj; m anm e money, , Ad.tro Tttl'K A.', Aiaiia tdaintt. . ... . . . ' . . ' - . HEW BABBER tHOP I J. I!." SURj.FS, rroji'-v VGOOIl SEA FOAM 8HAMPOO Ofi with each thave. Prices lor sha Iui and bir-eutting same as usual ttoom-e leu opposite AletlWain s atora. STORAGE. Auvm Cm Mills These Mills vy ill pay Pour Cents - per Bushel in mill fed bran or f-borls-over and above the market price, on good inar clmntablo wheat sold to us or stored at ouc mill. Call on us before making vourai ranaomenK 52mt TITOS. MONTEITII & SONS, CV i ee tin! made faster than .erer ibaMaaI by thine at work for us. Peraons oi either se : uhh make ida week in their own towrs u tliey are willing, to work. . Mo risk. S.t utSt fi a Anyone can ninth btniaeaa. capital aiot rwquir 1. All who eut-. .ro-ar. No one lads. larticuiara free. Adui ea, H. iUlifilT & Co., PorOiBi, Main. Thresher J ( ' i i il 1 : f '