JUKE 11, 1880. A lre at Sorbin's. Iu t'uiscity oarelectiomlay was ushered in Vy li'ce little fire at Sorbin' saloon, wVieh waa diswvere.1 shortly after twelve o'clock on fiat morning. Tha alarm waa given, and X Cue's gutting getting out first eut a lively stream iu at the Ki 'L dr ami soou hid the lUiiiea rxtiauisheti in tlie saloon, but the tire lill burned fiercely in the collar, creating such a dense smoke tint the firemen coulil hardly atay in tlio rvHim. At last tlicy fouiul the tra; door.and raising it poured tlieir stream into the cellar. Just aa the trap door was raised a CP-sallou can ot coal oil exnlodetl. ami the hose boys n near I'vsiiii; in their check., but Vu'j' rtt water on it in good sliajw and came out all rij-lit. About this timo No. Tsro'a also got a stream into ttie cellar, and tlicn tlio tiro did not list lorn;. Sorbin was insured iu the Rttl-j. I.ivesttnant f.r SI.CS5, and received the sum of $12ik',and the owner of the builJ insr. IV. F. O'Toolo, receive! the emu of 44 ID $;l. 3J on the framo building and STUS-IV) on the brick, lie had a poliey of ICOi oa the brick, and S2,(XX) on the frame, both in the Liverpool, Louvlon and Globe. Messrs. Sorbin, OToolo, Xulau and Blum lr sleep in tlio framo building, and thry would probably all havo been suffocated had not lr. OToolo awakened. Mr. Sorbin and Mr. Xol-iu were so much under the influence of the dense rmoUe that it w as with the greatest dilliculty tliat they were -nakeneiL Miw "Ipcr" t'jacert. We uUu to call the attention of our read ers to the favt that. Mu4 liper, our talented musician, assisted by her jvipil 'and the flies' lirass Hand, will give a traud vocal and instrumental concert at tlio Optra House on Friday evening of Reit week. Miss Viper has taught musio lonj aud successfully in t!)U city, aud has never loit an op'xrttunity tj render all the assistance in her power to mako tlio entertainments given in our city successful, aud now enr ciu?., ns should turn out and give her a r-n:s:ni; benefit. The concert w ill eouiiweuce at $ o'clock, aud the print of ad mi j ion is M cent. The pro-t-amme will 9piear neat week. (l.ttr.l ItarMtea, Willamette LoJ.p N.i. 0. A. O. V. V., of this city, elected the followiu oiiic r at the til eiiiiij list M mday eve:iir-s; : la--ur - I. Jicks-m. Central SVrctiiau . '. Jii-e. vtr?rrr y. II. 2u. C-irt'..r. j?ec-jnler - L. Martin. i-iii.uici-.r- I. i. Lirtt. Eecc:ver-; Conrad Meyer. Ouido -C. Kalirky. Inside Watchman I'tu.k Wood. Outxide WatiLmm I. C. li Ley. Molio.il Kiauiiiier lr. J. A. lUki. T-"U-.!ec rrd Jraf. Tile rrrursS Evrun-inn. Oa Thursday of lit wek lumil the Gremen's excursion from this city to &!eui. and our Ik'VS wiU l"n;j remember it with pleasure. About forty or fifty of onr lire men weat iiJ !i, and now t'iey cann.it tiu-i lanuae sciueiect to express their kind feel ings towards their red-shirteil lri-t!iren of that city. Never w re men treated better tb'.n our bays were there-, m tlie lictij ill feelioj whioii has beretof-irc -aiated between 'e two CeirtinviiU lias completely wipjot. 49wal tIcrl ia. . Ttu; annual election of AIIjjkv I'ngine Co. Xo. 1 occurred lat evening arid rruulted as fullows : Foreman Jos. Weblier, Sea. A -sL-tani U X. Liggett. Foetnaa of Jlose T. J. Ciine. FreskUt Mart. V. I-rown. Secretin- C". II. Stewart. ' Financial Secre tary - Ala Karris. 4 rcasurtr Louis Miliar. ileml-er of Cjard of Fire Jjtl F-ii- to. ; ' . U;e ire re.jqested l-y the laijies of ,he iaitr-d I'rebj terian Church to publicly ex press their thanks to Miyies puttie l'iper and Doliie 11. mU, axul Mrs. C. K. Wolvortoa, for the aid they rendered in contributing to the entertainment of the gueU at the socia ble last Tuesday evening. Thcircfiorts were warmly appre;ialJ, aud the ladies 'feel thcir gelves nnddr uiuiy obliations t- th. iu. T .;-iJji,Ui Evcsr:ii. i j. . ; ,- ' -'!.e Methodist Sali'oath S-jho-.J est-ursion to Saletn on Tuesday lat was vtry enjoya bh, tut on acconnt of the election eicitc nient it was not patroui.d extensively and the school came oot about -50 behind. This js unfortunate, but we have always noticed that ai!iiot inrarialily when sn eseuraion is jiostpom -I, it never pnvs largely wljen it does oonia el,. . Slrj.:Terry aud Ur 1 rraiu Festival. Ti:p I.nlies of the 1'irst Fresby terian ('J::.-li of Albany will give a i.rvy1rr-J and i :a roaas j-a-tival an4 soeial: in c-noaK s tuildingforr.erly the Cramp JRiots) ou'tlie cWi:er 'of'Wasiiingtou and First streets, on Tasaday cyeuiDg.'June 22L Xo charja for amission. A general and conial invitation iVeitended to all, anil a Jileaesut evening is pr.miiiei- '. k A IrWb t;vtiii'ail, tiitr liremen chartered three. c.T3 to Salem tirt'Tt-arsd y of List v, last week to try to py tticir expeusi to that place, but hen they came back they found out that they would have & level an "Irian dividend" of a'KMit 73 to settle up affairs. ' They don't rowl about it though, for they consider tho ay v'Pi'f tjwni pecu s,1 tht f(2rpf '' gallfa?S iM-htol (on!. Tlie Methodist Sabbath School of Shedd will have a puinic at tho camp ground at Eobert's Bridge to-morrow (Saturday) and-a general good time is expected. Altlioajh it U goUeii up by he CuboU tiwy ! not proi pole to make' it exclusive. All wRi lie made . wrelcome. " IVof. Thos. Condon, of Eugene, will deliver tho adores. ' glral!errs ns! re can, .; . - t. . . ' i. We are requested to aimonnce that the la 4ie. of the M. E. Church' will give a etraW berry and ice cream festival at the Opera Iloqse, on Saturday evening of thi week the 13th. ! 51. K. t'hureh. - "'i'hB sacrament of the Lord's Supper wll iiS administered immediately after preaching next Sunday morning at the M. 13. Church. Xj service in the evening. . " " Bress SfaUer Waatcil. A fashionable dress-maker wauted. For terms ap.ly ta Mis3 Maggie Mjiler, Salem. FlllDAV...., Irller I'roui Fntrrn M'tmhlugtea Davtov, W. T., May CS, 1SS(). kJUor Democrat : At last Dayton is to have a railroad, broad guage, and this is to be tlio terminus. "En thusiasm" don't express tlio couditiou of the pent tip people when it was ascertained to be a fact. Messrs. Yillard and Thiulson have located tli depot nt the hiwer end of town, and the work will beiu soon. These gon tlemcii promise that cars shall be running will. in a year, proKibly much sooner. All they ask is the right of way. Aud now we foe I tempted to "blow" somo ab;Hlt our part of the country, oven if we can't rauo epiite so much wind as Oregon did last winter. Our prospect for a crop of every kind (ex cept peaches) was never better. The weath er, which has been changeable ami unusual during the greater part of 1SS0, is at the present writing warm, bright ami iu every way perfect, ami over tlio country, in what- ever war von turn your vyos, they rest ou the waving green of grain Held. No -pro venting Providence, the near future of this country is a bright one. It is rumored that the town of Spokane is to lie left out in the cold by the railroad above. This, if true, is to be regretted, as it is an enterprising place, w ith many natural advantages, if poor soiL The general health hero has been good. Whooping cough has prevailed to some ex tent among the little folks, but is fast disap pearing. Many of your readers will learn with re gret of the death of Mrs. .Kannan, formerly of Albany, but for somo time past a resideut of this place. This estimable lady died of cancer, after many years of suffering. Iu my last letter I mentioned the murder of a mau and woman, one above aud one be low this place. The man is supposed to be one ISroomiicId, the woman an unfortunate. traveling with him. The supposed murderer, A J. Thomas, h.i Keen literally overtakvu by Justice (John Justice, Sheriil of Walla Walla) iu Kansas City, Mot, and will soou be here. Many articles Were found iu his possession which were identified as belonging to tha murtlered persons. A man named Wailaek has Ihm.ii arrested here, eharge-l with defaulting to tho amount of from $25,000 to $.0,Oua His" victim was his father in-law, Mr. JjtLs.ui. of J'eia, by whom he had been trusted for six years w ith the inanaj-mrut of his biisiues and daugh. ter. Ho now huignUhos in jail, but will probably, after Somo necessary k-gal delay, take a trij Kick to tlio anxious wife and iriends he left behind him iu 1S77. The heathen Cainoe, though, fortunately. not so numerous as iu Calif ornia ami Oregon, is still steadily aud surely pushiug himself into all the positions formerly occupied by working men and women. Thrvo Chmese gardens sopjdy this place w iih vegiabhl at prices that will starve oat any w hite man. In hotels, laundries and private houses they are crowding out the poor people of onr own laud, and still they comi;. Of what can the Americana be thiukiog? As usual our l!at cra brothers kno jr more about our troubles with the Chinese, as with the Indians on the frontier, tiisn WO d onielvca, aud bear them twice as clr-trfuliy. J:i disgust of the U,j-vit 1 tluK. J. Twine liimlrr. We all thought the invention of nire Li:id er a great achievement, but it did not ex actly suit the American farmer ho wauted twine instead of wire because it was cheaper. Inventive genius was called in, nd the re sult is that binding with twine is now a suc ea, as the fol!ti:ig special dispatch, front Kaahville, lUinoU, to the Chicago Vi'ufc, shows : XA.iHvtu.r, I'.L, May '25. The farmers of Washington county were treated to an exhi, bition Una aU'rooon as unique as it was en tertaining. It had len advertised that an exhibition of harvesting machinery would Iw given on the farm of Ju!ge Aisen, where one machine woul.lliind wueat with either wire or twine, and inviting competition by other wire or twino binders. Several hun dred farmers were present, and two machines were exhibited in very huavv f-reen wheat, viz' the Osborne Combined f wine and Wire i.iuder, ami the Wood Twine Cinder. The latter broke down on tiie tint round, and waj taki.'ii out of tit': lield. 'ilie farmers were delighted with tha oelieiit work of the Osbume, aud highly praised the feature w hereby either twine or wire can be used, as may be the cheapest. A? the tnveniion was cmnplele'd at sii:b late ilato it cannot be brought iuto renisi tion on this Coast out'4 tho harvest of SSI. A Pepnlar Li err ktabls. We were anrprised to hear and take great pleasure in announcing that our outgoing SherilT, I. C. Dickey, has cutered into pirt nerbhip with JaKor. Vhwlef iq tho Iryery busiuits, and that ttey arc Gating up in splendid' style for the nccommodatiou of the public. Fesides the hacks and carria that already Wlongpd to to the institution, they have added three more new and handsome carriages, and several magnificent horses and. are now ready to fit ov,t our people with con veyance in jjood shape. They aUo keep a splendid Jot of feed oil hand and w ill board animals for a fair retuiincra,tton- tioth. n(cm bersof the fm of M'beelcr & Dickey are well known all over tho valley, aud we fitl sare they will get a very fair nharc of the pub'je patronage. - Weather KepurJ. .Following is a summary of the meteorolog ical observations made by our fallow towns man, lf. (Juhu Li iggs, during the month of May: . Highest kirometer, 30.32; lowest, 20.43 ; mean, 20. CO, Highest tuermmnetpr, 70 ; lowest, 40' mean, aiSo". I'revailing wind., north-weiit ; maxiinum force, 4- Total rainfall, 2 21 inches; number of rainy- days, 13; cloudy days of eight iu scale of te 10. Frost on the morning of the 12th. rarflH-rs I2ealciuarfcri, The election is over and tho great question with farmers is still "where can I buy tho cheapest?" Mr. McIIwain thinks he can solve that question, and would be pleated to meet all the farmers at his store. If yea don't intend purchasing anything, go any way an get acquainted '"wildi anci 'learn his prices. It is a duty you owe your family and yourself to practice economy, and ifyou find you can buy there cheaper than any w here chsc, yoq will havs Iearnc,d hew to take one step in the right direction. - 'J Tlie Surveying rsirlv. W. 15. Barr has obtained another Enrvey? Ling contract, and this time the, scene of Ui labors will be in Union county. V. is. iloc teith,rMpnt. Montcith and.Alex. Furdora ac company him from here. The two latter started yesterday," a;4 Mr- $arr and D. B, Montcith will go nest Monday. aun::i eli!S at Robert's Bridge. The Methodist Episcopal Church will hold a canipmeeting at Robert's Bridge, com mencing on Thursday, June 17th, and hold ing over two Sabbaths. - . SEW lOKK AXI1.I0YH. Material Liberty la HlylFt'Areessorlrs, Me. A! TKRIAla. Inexpensive aud pretty costumes arc made of pals eoru bunting trimmed with ribbon bows. Of course thsre ar other shades, but delicate ecru tints are preferred, not only be causo thry are especially adapted to summer time, but because they harmomxe with any thing aud everything. A notable advantage .accrues furthermore from the foot that the fact that the character of a buutiug costume is so easily changed by meant of a change af the rccossories just mentioned, and one can Ihi crave and coquettish upon one occasion simply iu consequence of displacements east ly effected. The figured goods of the day are likewise a popular tlnish for bunting cos- tunics, but tuuh combination, it ia maoifoit, must bo pormaneuL Buntinjc nevertheless ia now closely rivaled by the now figured clullie of tlio iley and u these are in every imaginable vareety of pattern, their use is correspondingly extended. The time U Dow close at hand, too, when even in Northern latitudea we shall seek relief by the adoption of cool wash costumes. For morning wear, gingham is much sought after aud nothing more refined can be imagined than a neat gingham suit with parasol to majok, -Fine (arasola and lawns are also in favor, and here likewise tlie parasol can be made to corres pond. In white, toft qualitins of mull are trimmed with Hamburg edging or ltoeton lace aud especially novel suits are of mull iu delicate tints of blue, pink or yellow. At to the trrVLKs or M .Mil Ml there it a liberty that we can appreciate only by a recollection of the past. We all re member tho time when, willing or unwilling, wo were compelled to wear close Cttiog prin- cesse costumes, which, while exceedingly be coming to rightly proportioned liguros, were an cipial terror to ladirs either too stout or too thin. Thou we rushed iuto the oppositeex trumo t pauiors came iuto vogue aud it teem. od as if, whether or no, we shoufd all be obliged to wear bunched up dresses. Hut fortunately at tho eleventh hour a change was brought about by I-ord and Taylor, if memory serves us right and the improve ment has been a lasting one. Xow we have no cast iron rules, benched op styles, cuirass or eh iso Citing coreagre, straight hangiug drapery. basUee aud trimmed tkirta, over skirts, po!anasca and dresses all in one are equally stylish, while for wash costumes there is a choice among nuliued and close fit ting basijues, half fitting jackets which may or may not be belted in, and olanaisce or overakirts; the two last mentioned, however. being ouly sometimes chosen. Of Ute, too, there has arisen a ttyle of kit tjist brings back remembrances of the lung ago when they hung plainly aud - ha4 rows of French gathers at the back below the waist line. Tlie Gitana it a model embodying these ideas and can be be suitably worn with the WV woo coat or a perfectly plain basque would answer likewise, lint such a cuotuuie is un to i tod to wash goods and here the Tbide skirt would he more desirable. J a baiiM, the KudU is new, and together wi n the Hone skirt would serve at a model for a taste ful eostuoie of ailk or nml. An evening toilette might be copied after one worn by Krtima Thursby at the recent Ole Cull coo- cert, which was ef pale bine eatiu and bro caded greuadier, made Chanthe polauaiae and dcnii-traineil qkirt. T'e young 'prima donna ia quite pretty, of medium size, and owes much of h,er wyMl q her eogsgiug manners vhcu befure an audience, fihetang to an, accompaniment played opoa a Haines upright piano, and it ia worthy of remark that this ttyle of instrument lias been much in vogue this winter, since it hat been chosen at concerts where Companisne, Galasae ilar-J nuon and other Slain have appeared. There is a rage for natural flowers as nvisii:sa toccuk to the toilette, ssometlinet it U ouly a little blossom, bet they ore worn iu all gradations up to dusters of a dozen Toss-s ' or liufs Lbunches of violeU or heartc. Thry are substitutes for the tie or are placed any Vhcre on the fiont of tno corsage; being often ten stuck in the belt. A.rtilk-iaJ fuwert tre worn, b;:t nntural are he frc.t viiulf' Pr" hap be?aup in. a city they are mot en- sive. ilaml itaiutinz is in extrawdiuarv fa- vur. HibUon bowt fte often ornamented iu thin way, and elegaut evening toilettot are liuished by hand painting aud embroidery, Spanish, lace black, white, or more or lose heavily laden with gilt, is in extraordinary favor aud forms not . culy a, ttylitV aAdrtjbo to buniicti, Li t In tha i-'hape of' n4aluUn scarfs will all'ord a slight protection, and give adorumcut to the shouUurt ni Society belles whily ijirtiag on the plaxzat of summer re- sorts. Graceful and very becoming bead coverings can also be improvised from these scarfs which have been in'.rqdypsij honor of (jueen tihrntio, " ." The r- eerlauie. The ladies of the United I'rcsbyterisn Church gavo a sociable at the church last Tuesday evening, an J a'i. wu : attended seemed to enjoy theuitelvee very much. The lunch was splendid and teemed to be relished by alL Miss Fiper favored, the 'audience with "Down the Burn. Davy, fete," the ac- Coinpiai.nout being played by Mist Dollie Uouk, Mrs. C. I- W olverton gave a comic reading, Mr. Barnes tang a Chinese ditty. and Kev. Irvine and. Dr. 'tlca played several popidr airs on the llute. Th( ladies cleared the nice little sum of S'll.TiO, which is very good lor one eveuiuif. ; far J ef TsmaM. ' We wish to rotnrn our heartfelt thaukt to the members of the Albany Fire Department for tho promptnesa with , which they re sponded to the fire alarm last Monday iporn ine, and for -"the etheielit n-ncr. Jn which they extinguished the flames and saved our property. The rnembort of the Department have put ut under deep obligation to them, and we will ever remember them with grati tude. . " , ' , F. O'T0QLr , J. H. Sji'ii jiis, " ". J.' M. Nolan. To tlie Pabir. Our reader should, all rjinea'utr that V, II. IJartlese ba opened, the Central Mar ket aud now hat the finest establishment of the kind in the city. He keeps the fullest stock of fresh meat constantly on hand, andj sells at reduced prices. Remember that he payt the highest dash price for good fat calves and also pays more than any one else foi hides. ; . ' : Eciuluiiont ef Thank. At the last meeting of the German Aid Society resolutions were patsed thanking Mr. John A Crawford for the, free use of the Fair Grounds on the occaskm of the late pie nic, and Mr. Baum for tho fine German flag which he presented to tle Spuiety at that time. K.tSTCU.V OlttCOV Wnlirs lly and Ike It a Id Hills -I rup rres perls -Wratlirr, rle. Tuc Dau.km, May 22, 1S30, Editor Democrat ; This it a lively little city. An iminento amount of busidest it done here, the 0, 1!. & X. Co. doiug the most of it. They intend building the railroad down the livrr to the Cascades at' toon at completed between here and Wallula. The whisky aud beer business is more ex tensive than you have any idea of. There are about 33 places where spirituous liquors are doalt out, besidct a fuiiiile of without peddling bottled beer. It is supposed 1y somo that the bald hills will produce nothing, All a mistake; The toil hat at good, if not better, Krain growing properties than the Willamette Valley i but it lift! Dot Loett tatted , until lately. It it claimed that from 73 to 23 bushels iter acre can be raised. They tackle a hill like "Sad die Hutte," on the Calapooia, but (our timet as large and a great deat higher, and loro around it until they roach the top, aud if a level piece piece it found large enough to play a game of croquet on (bate ball it out of the question) thoUillor exclaims, "Ah! a fine tract of land ; 1 would not take &I0 per acre for it." On top of these high hills potatoes do at well as anywhere. Tomatoes, high up, with in twenty miles of Mt. Hood, grow nicely and do welL The toil it light and sandy, just the place for tweet potatoes, corn, etc., tlie only trouble being the scarcity of water. Some of the farmers haul water tip from creek t and springs. An experiment it now being made with cisterns. Thry propose to dig a hole on a slope, thru lino it with co ment J inch thick, and lilt It by running some water into It. If it is a success there will le several mrc good farms taken up in this v.eii.ity. Ou Dutch Flat, 12 or 14 miles south of here, are suvcral good farint to be had, but the elevation is. about the same as the mountains you can eee by looking at Mt. Hood, aud at timet the wind blows a "mild breeae." Sometimes the sun will w shining nioely and at the tame timo you, need buck skin breeches and a good overcoat. The weather hero hat lieen very changea ble this spring ; you Webfuott'tt need not come here expecting to avoid tho rain entire ly. You can get out of tho mud J that is tome satisfaction, Cut tho rains we are now getting are needed as much as the showers in June down there. Polities take a second place here, but there are some prognostications to the fleet that Ute political "ground hog" will try to root up tome of these bald bills ; but the shaucea are he will fill back into his hole aud pull it in after him. Col. O. A. Hill, formerly of Liun touu,ty. will be our nut Micriir. lUi-u Ri.rrr. Ctae ElMwa ( lets. A large and apprcvlativo audience of the friends uf trmperanoe lilted the ball of the Young Puoph-s' Christian Association ou Sat urday evening but, the occasion being the regular meeting oi the Albany Pdno Kibbou Club. In the absence of the President. Mr. John ('owner ocoup!l the chair. The meet ing waa opened with prayer by Dr. K W. )ray, aud reodiug and ailoition of the min utes of the previous ntoeting followed, after which tfce cl-ib list'-acd to an clociucnt ad . .... i w A .. . tress Irom lion. J. C. l owell. Slusic, eon- sUting of Cute solo by Dr. i. Willis. Trice and organ accompaniuieft by Mist Kate Councr, fcaioe nvtt in order, this was fob lowed by areeitation from Mrs. U Y. Smith, ho, when ap4anded by the audience kindly eanaen(el to (awir the club with another abort aud 1minor.us recitation, which pro voked much merriment aiming brr hearrrs. Circulation tif tlie pleilge resulted iu secur ing the addition of tome tweutyfuur new names to our list of members, (ahich li;t is rapidly approaching t';.0 anii of Its first iov.tnuj. The pletnc romnittea were not ready to report aud requested an extension of lime until next meeting, which request was grauteL t wae rvsulved that the thiibkt uf this nlub be tendered Mrs. Smith aud other, who have to kindly aided in making onr mcetjng th evaidu to UiUrcst tng aid, tuoocasfL A collectiun was thru taken m, and, aiter another tlntu fc.(o by Dr. I'ritu tho mntH'J adjourned to meet June ith. Dr. lrvtae al tsrvsllls. Last Tuesday Rev. Dr. Irvine went up to Corral lis, and in the evening was called upon to address tie A,dvlpbia$ SoviUy of the State Agricultural College, 'jko Corvallit (f -.yWr tpca,k of hit eflort as, fuituwa i Tho Uev. I"". Irvine, of Albany waa then introduced'. He'waa here twenty-eiuht years ago taught in a school bouse that was inno cent of paint not much roof ana no door mostly wall made of lir logs. Uut this tchool bonse started S'.mo boys that gradu ated at Yale C-pilego. Itoyt dreaaen then difterent from those of this day in fact it cannot be said that they drosscd at ail. tneutal cu'tvjre promule moral culture. The produutive capacity of tho individual ia increased by mental culture. Education give Increase I will power. Medically and scientifically the tick mau ought to d,e ; but he witlt not to die, and hit Uvua. lilucation give hii4 tumothiUg to live for. Intellectu al enjoyments increase, physical enjoyments doorcase with age. ' Institutions of learding cannot exclude religion. The moral man ia the reliable man, worthy of cnfidenoe I would trurj him with Wme Ij. J had any. Altcgether thii Vos one of 'the most logical. compact, instructive and amusing exteinpo- raneeut aieecnes that your rrjwrtcr njvi ever listened to. . : (feQlas and Caskets. Fred Dunning wishes ns ta lofuim our reqdef that hehot piyt received a inagnifl cent ttpek qf coflin and caskcU, aud here after he will tell them at prises never before heard of in this community. To givo tome idea of the trices, he authorizes ut to lay that they will range from $3 up to $ 0, and for the latter price one will bn furbished that hat hegtofure cost fully $73. Ha meant business, - . ' Prosnpt fnyiuettt. I take this method of publicly thanking J. C. Powell, agent for the State Investment In. turancs Company, far. tha prompt wanner in which he totrtod the lots I tuttafned by the fire which occurred, at my saloon on Monday, June 7th. , ' . J. R Sojjuin, Urn).-o' Attire. If you want to get the neatest glove that this market affordt for gentlemen, go toBlain't and bny a pair -of those celebrated Foster kids. He also, ijow Jia vfi haml the finest lot bic,klio and do-ekin glpves ever brought to Albany. " ' Closing of (He Public H. aooi. Our public school will close on Friday of next-week, the 18th. Examinations will be gin next Wednesday and parents are invited to attend and note the progress made by their children. . , . ' . Town Property for Sale. A good two-story hoas? a.m( ue lot and a half, s'(tuate'd oa First street, in this" city, can be had for $2,000. Apply at this office. II ii air and Abroad. Chew Jackson' tost Sweet Xavy Tobau co. Sam Cohen wut burned nut at the late In dependence fire. lweedale it prepared to do all liu.U of water pipe work. A full stuck of oils, paints and varnishes at the City Drug Store. 1'ay up yuur subscription and gi t the Chi rajo Weekly AVw for a year; rr. Clina. Willcrt It now ' woiking In a black, smith shop at Independence. A fow dayt of warm weather will cause tho wool market to npm up lively.liure. There will be no tervice at St. l'etcr'e Episcopal Church next Sunday, June 1.1th. Ballard, Isom ACo. are now making cus tom work a specialty at their (louring mills. W. U. Baltimore, N. B. Hpreiiger and J, Mo, Merrick nUrt for Yuijuiim J'y to-mur- row. Downer'e coal oil, $2 23 m-r can; Huu-rite, 1 t'oiitinetiUl, n , at flrodwohl's cash store. Don't forget it 1 You can get the ChU tiyo WtAly JWusaud the Dr.noriu-r one year fore.'!. Good broomt can bo had at- the Albany Broom Factory for only three dollars wt dozen. Otto Fox came up from Sn Francisco about a week ago and will remain here a short time. lid. Duly, A. J. Bcaid ami L W. l'oeicmy have been over here fruiu Kcio during the past week. W. C. Twesdale is aide agent for the cele brated Charter Oak Stove and also for the Medallion llange. The liellanger beer boom still continues, and the Star Brewery is turning out iuuer-usc quaiititie of the German neetar. 11. Sallmarsh has tocured the services of Will Ijuigdon, a coiiiputoiit druggist, who w ill take pleasure in wailing upon custom ers. There teems to have l-cisu a great sulo of clothing iu this city dm iug the past ten days. auppisse the gviitlenmu have sold their Wool W. C. Tweudale is sole agent for the i proved St. IaiuU Charter Oak stove, an.l also for the improved Medallion llange, tl.u two bust stouus now iu U. Insure your bouses wilhC. II. Stewart. So one ha any bclU r euinpsines than he rcpreseuta. Among all kit eompanirs titers la not one "wild -cat. Not being able to procure renter for the second story of their proposed trick build ing. Senders A Sternberg have aliout con. eluded to build only a one-story. Hememhvr that you ran grt the Di m... rvr ami the .V. 1". MVsXVy Vort, for one year fur only $d 2-V. This it a splendid opportunity to get two papers for the price of one. The fifteen puaxle now it l.uw (iradwuhl can affurd to tell half a down dinner platesi tnd half a doaen cup and saucers fr 1 1 10, and deliver them free in any part of the city. A new set uf orockiin roller have bn avlded to Ballard, I sum St (''' llotiring mills, hic-h, thry claim, rnab'et t! e.n to turn out a better quality of fl-mr I'uu ms;v her mill in the county. At Gradwold ist toi Ui-l.-n C e.-!T.-- sugar is worth b'j: Uo e.-ifc-... 4 j ll-s i.t the $1; soap 7j ceiiU -rr !.; Mj..n' k ,!i.u ghu jar. 42 10 w-r te n. Ail gwsia sold at correspond imly Los; lijuj.s f-r ca-li. We were kmv tw- ).,i.Uy will, c!i from Hon. I'nli Holt and Msri.ni Cuuning ham. the ttesvly elected County ('.iiiiiii.i u r. Thry were on tlseir way to atleinl the Grand Chapter of Maaolit, l.ieli louvrort iu I'ottland to-day. A vry Interesting programme wi!l be ren dered at the t)pcra House m-xt Jtstunbiy evenisTg iu cotinectiin with tha ics cream and strawberry rostlval to be' given on that occa sion. e unuersUnd that Mis G.ornum,thv celebrated jubilee tingrr, ' U present and sing some of Vu iuimttable ng. "Be- beooa" will also bo present to draw water from the well for tluee who " Cairo, (tswaits; laaalea. With laudable enterprise KhrUK fWan (Jnrter!-t Ur the present summer presents its reader with a beautiful chrumo-lithograph, illustrative of the faahion of tho aeason. L'ulike moat fashion plate, whiuh are mere ly creation of thejartiat't V.rain, tko present i a faitbfid rruroibjctioa ol the actual, ex istent costumes, of which, lut only the full descriptions, but the priocs a well, scorn- pany the pl.lo. For the bsnctit of our losly reader we append a brief summary of these costumes, extracted from an advance shctt furnished by the publishers. No. 1 represents a walkiug oostuma in brown, of summer eancia hair cloth and polka dot latin. The front ia uf aatin ar ranged in toft (olds, w tu tide draperies of camel hdir.edged with silk and tape'friuge. The back of the skirt is of camel's hair, di vided from thu tide draperies by broad biat bands of aatin, and ornamenod, wila, aatin bowa. Tlio baionj ;a uiade ia Freuoh coat style, wa broad hip pieoca of the polka dot material, and tastefully trimmed cuffs and collar. Price, $47.00. Xo. 2 is a second wa'Uin urs, appropri ately na,n,e4, tu VSunrUo," and mado of gend'arme Xiua IVcnch bunting aud silk bro cade. By an ingenious arrangement rj the two materials, the fro(t n caueuted with the rerosunttUiu. of, a vn with ray ; the tide Urapenet being of bunting meeting at a point below the botquo, aud drawn to cither tide of tha vtr4 deiagn of the front, The basque is made of bunting, cut long and round, and appropriately trimmed with the brocade. Price, 503.00. s The third figure In the illustration reprc sentt a combination dress of ailk iu two con trasting shades of drab. Tho Vn,t,7"kiit ill front is nude of a,ltorna,ta strips of tho two matcriola laid in kilt puttings, the back be ing of a single tltado, plain and full. The overskirt is trimmed across the bottom with revert of contrasting tilk, with a full bow of silk in two shades; the back being of a dark, er shade of silk, neatly draped,. The basque is mada (ft ypnkr, trimmed to correspond with the lower part of the costume. Price, $28.50, ' " The last figure is, tha,t q( X djuef. or rooep tion dr? of, ruet colored aatin duchess, elaborately trimmed with cashmere bead fringe and pvssemouteriu. The skirt it ar ranged in a double tcarf, on which the trim ming it imposed to realj advantage j while the bapk drapery it formed of a d nubia box plaiting extending from the waist duwuwnrd. The botqne it cut with a ooAt bauk and elab orately triuiticd. The tleevot are open on the upper aide, aud laced with ccrds of aatin, with band of passmenterie on .either side; the lower part of the sleeves, as well a the trimming of the neck, being finished with ruchingt and plaiting! of . lace and satin, rrioe, $143.00." BeUgtoya ttorvlch. Ijhe o,uartorly conference uf ihe Methodist denomination in this city will couvene at the 51. E. Church next Tuesday evening atJiHO o'clock. v barrh Dlrrrlnrv. .I, C." A.- Meet at their rooms in Fos ter brick building on Wednesday eveninj at 7:'M) o'clock, ami on Sabbath afternoons at . utiNinest moctina are held on the even, lug of the tnomid Jfomlny in each month. j.vnryuouy inviioil to attend. U. F. Clltrifi(,preacliingevery Sabbath, a. m., ami i p. m. iy i;v. . tl. Jr vine, D. 1), Sabbath School at 2:30 p. m. I'ruyor liieeting every Thursduy ovrning. J'.VAfKJKi.iCAt. ClIPlK'ir. Preaching on Sa). hath at II a. M., and 74 . Sabbath icuooi u!is, I'rnyer meeting every Thuit day evening. J. Bowemox, pastor. t oi II HiAT!i.fAl.Cimt-ll. Services fvcry Sabbath At .1 1 a. m. and v. (. Sblti Kch.Hd at e:.'IO. Prayer uniting mi jnursuay cvoiimg i.r each week. .1. W, Harris, jiastor. Ut 1.. It.. i.. viiuiii ii, auitTii. Service every Sabbath at St 1'uut SI. K. Church, Muutb. at 1 1 a. si. m,a 7i r. i. ISalbath MiimA J r. m, l'rayur niPotinff every Tliurt day evoiuig. &L tl. Miller, pastor. M. IU Ciimni. 1'rcachiiig every Sablwth at 11 A. M, and 7J i. i, Song tervice in the ovniiing Uforo c!niioii. MabUth School it 2.30 r. M. l'rnyor tnoetlng every 'l liurs lay evoniiig, J. T, VoIfc, jiastor. u... i,.... . .... .... . t f.i'n r.riwwAi. .;iiL'ii'ii.-iivinnr-ice is held in the Church every Sunday t 1 1 A.M. Sunday Schmd at 2:30 r l. B. 1. Stevens, pastor. Hsr-rwr Cni;i! ii. -Services every Sabbath at II A. M. and "J r. m. Sabbath School at 12. I'rayir meeting every Thursday even ing. W. J. Crawford, pastor. I'liKsnvrcitus Cia-iuii. Servico every Sabbath morning and evening in Y. 1. C. A. Hall. Sunday School itumciiiaU'ly rfter the morning service. J'raer mevtiiig every Thursday evening. Bov. j'll rt S. Condit, Kwtor. lrm The fer&s. I'oiiKs S IVIIA'J, June 3., 15i,', I'.tlitur Dcmncrul : Havinjj a few snare mnmeiil I thoiiuht 1 would drop y.,u n fe lllr) fri.i.i ibis i,it lhi O'lmtv. Items scarce as linns' tee' h, Tho i-ueri I heidth is good, thi,tiuh .Mia C-ii, CluytMsd i suirering from a:i ntlack of that treacherous disease srarletina. Her two little sister. Mary and Yida, af ctiivsluM--iit, liavin iw'i mo same uiscasc tome Wix-ks ano. C t .1 .. i- . Mr. John Beard, jr., bfi for We.tnii a few days ago, where he g"es iut. biisiursa. May success attend biui and his amiable w if in their new home. fcheep shearing is g"in on Jivvly and the wisd clop will be heavy. . Tho M. K. f'hureh, Si.ulh. will bolts -ampmeetiiig at their camp-ground near Aunt Sally Crablrce s reti lenee, rmbr-u ing the 2-1 Sunday in June, nt which the uhlnst talent of the church will he present A'd who like to hear g'wd, sound Bible (;;.) preaeheil are rprU-d to come and biiiig a'l ih-ir neigh Ur along with th'-m. Mr. IVtrr Bityeu, that prince f caterers, will admiuistrr to the physical and inner wants of man. There will be quite a number of campers ou the Kruund and a gol nievting is anticipated. Your as ever, 8 U. 7. ampotrrtlass- TIimo tilil b- j viO'J'Dircliug held on the (,'raiilr. camp pound, four inih-a fnm 1-b-anon, brifiuning on tho Tknesday liefore the secuiiilSjtdiath in June. Also al Bine Creek, near Stnlfhlield, in (jtne cm lily, tAl the Thursday Wforu the third ii.i.Uts iu June. This will 1h the Iii.tial Confer, nor, at wliifli all of the min isters ill lie prevent. A!s" st Disio t.itn;.;nu..-l. in Bulk Coun ly, euil,r..c!! the third and fourth Kabbatha iu June. This will be a joint meeting with our I rvt.'iiti. of the M. F. Church. Also at Yamhill river, near (, brulge, b'iuniog ou Friday lf..r the first Sabbath in July. JJiiiistorial hvi'ha beu secured rr ail tlicc meetings. KierylKxly U iu- vited to come Ij tlu-so meetings ('nine and stay and pray. T. B. Wima. 1. F, "ii:jtuetl District, M. K C. S. X. I:. Xo huxtering will be allowed. A CosmI. Krllablr llrnt. Wo refer to fcUier Brothers, mauufae- turvr of and dealers in dl kinds of marble and sttiie work, monuments, headstones, or namental and cast iron fence woik, etc. They have been in lti.i'ie tti tli jt city for several year and hate always given satuifae- tion, Mil they pouit with pride t! tpeciiucne of tUir work in all the ceMotciios ia the cen tral part of this valley. last week they put up a Jury n grauite encliMure in the Masonic Cemetery in this city widen they invite all to iuiccl. Tho stone is truly handsome and the work thoroughly executed. They are also prepared to turn out inuinsent iu tcither foreijt or Au,rican granitu. Ksti- mateeon, all kinds of it-i:. marble or gran ite work will le forwarled on application. Ornamctital wrnuuht or coat iron work. cither 'galvanized or painted, cnu be furnished on snort notice Always give tlieiu a call be fore you make any orders in their line of work. Iriniia atatlread i Mot built yet, and until it U our people ia ttiu liavr to use o:no oilier uolc of conveyance. Ired il'uA, ot- this city, lias tlx or cijjht l.yJii and hugiet which he will tell o.t very low pricet and on reasonable terma. He also doe all kinds of Uckiiiith- ing aud waijon maljing aud cnarutcs satis faction. friae turallurr.- Frcd Graff is tnanufaoturing tome of the finoht furniture ever exhibited in this mar Let Ilia bedroom sets are perfect models of taste aud beauty ; and - what is letter still. they are all from Oregon timber. Lumber fur fate. Conn fti-os. to.rt?u) op their taw mill altout one montu ago, and are now turning out ftno (piulity of all kinds of lumber. They al so have a liue lot of dry liuudiing lumlwr for sale at JA-oanou. : Wool lVauled J I will pay the highest market" jrico for wool delivered at my ijnrvbpuse in turn city, C. l. Simpson. i Albas v, June 3, 1SSO. . i r 1 Mr. E.. N, CliUinghaui, for many years ano af ihe leading merchants of Salcrn, died lu hli house iu that city last Tuesuny, aged 42 years. ' Dallas retains the county ieat of Tolk by 20Q majority. , itou.v. CLINK.-Near this city, on the 7th ol Juns, 1SS0, to the. wias uf tieu. Cline a Uauhter. , DAVIS. Iu this city, on Thursday, Juno 10, 1S80, to Ui ifo uf Or, J, A. Duvis, Oiruner a dsuhlei'. ROOP. Iif this elt.v, on Saturday, Juno 8, 1SS0, to tbo wife- of A. M. Hoop a Uaughtur. IIACKLEMAN. In this eltv, on Mondav, June 7, 1S50, to ths wifs of T. 1. llaekleman a son. DYER. Near this city, on Saturday. Juno 8. ISSf. to the wift? of Jus. Dyer a sou, . V-' 1IAI.L, In this crt y, on Snbbath, Juso 0, 1SS9, to thuwiuj.uf, Lpbt Usir a d'Mitftiter. ' i COLE Now Miller's Station, on Tuesday-, June 8, w, vnp ;ue luxrvey uoie a auuMur. BlAKUtCU. WHEELER THOMPSON. At SL 1-aul's II. F. Churli, Smith, in thin uitv, on Tuesday evuning, June S, 1SS0, by Uev. T. li. White, Ma. Wm. H. Whkxlhs, ot llenlou county, uud Misii Fuu TuoursuK, ui Liuu. Fruits and V!. A ItM KRN. TO KB'OM K WKA I.TI1 . MANY, muni iiieri-iisit llin.r extiorU. must produce mor Unui o .miiHiiino-nml In tin wgy inn do ltd inoie tfleH IIHllyllnui by plniiiim; k,oi orch;inl of sclort fruiln, Iberol.y making s gocd and '"Ppy Iioiiim for your i-hihlrt-n, mid at tlms-iuin timo giving thciii uwfnl and reninnor ntivti etiipldvnii nt by learning Ihoiu bow to ptcwrve lh great Tarietio of frulle and VhgHulilcs I bill (rrow nixiii Ibolr ftfliM' farm Kroin .N K '1 KIVKTIIOUMANI) J MM.I.A BS ra-r annum ran le realize. 1 lr tlie uho of ' . IHA1MMKIVH Ni:W PATENT PS t&3 1 E3!Z3 1 r V da y which nhMtliifuly hai no niaihliwry .r any kiniJ. and la ho simple in It ennxt met ion that children ami auml ip!o ean run it i any hunt of fruit or vegetables. Hwveriily i In successful oj orniiinj hi i.iim Com-ty. IU vheapoe rreouiuieuda it to every lMly, Wo bavA rtH-riod a f',relirii notrkA' nriil sm rirrrisrfl 1 twv Ihsi liiliAkl MibK nrii.s for all fruila ilritwl by tlilt irceH. It Jias Di-nsolutioa of I'aHnpisltij'. ' ! 1 tlm I'liriiiorsb!,, lnTi-i(.fi.r. iiir ijclivirrii W. U. Scon an. I 1 1. ii. M,iii,-ii li, miller tlm linn I'Hinc .f S.-..II .V. Mimirii ,,. IS IhU IV ll-Mllv, V IIMHllill M M'. I. J l. M..im-lih r'!'-iiii;. vv. Il.wt i , all li bts linlr.i. i .1 l.v tlm film, Miid n'lij ; :ii'e-t all K'-jniiiit- ; W. li frr. . i. i; Mo'tniTn. J Albany, Juiie-H'0. i.wl I MARX BAUIVJGART A Jt:T OrKSKD OVT A icw Liquor Slerc K K F,r OtlHtfT AXTVt O.I H AS I) TI!K FINEST BILAXDS fiV WINES, I.IUl'OKS, TOIsAK O & CKiAItS. 1 lie ( elt-bralrtl 5t. I-euIa STOaXEWALL WHISKEY, Tha rin-l wbii-kfy In the tai. Vhiskii . Kivni-li lli an3i", Shciry, Toit, t laivl, and a!l nthrr kioJi f wint s, tJin. A!r, Ueer, and loi It. Hillris of every kind, aud .lie. leh b i. ia ils f lutac o and "ignis. ptll want vorj'lMly Vt midendand tL I have (.uiied out lirt-elaM. tuw lni ur lor, v. Here r-iry and inunlrv tloi r can prriiro tbfir aux-k at 1'ori.laitd priest, w.ib only fr-i -bt adiltsi. H'Kims on tlie-f,rner of Kront and l-s-fry ftivlJi, AlhMiy, Orfcitn. 2l. I A M r.S l A X Nr A I -S . Ur AL.rn.rn tm ii- ct r vr soi.il walm t j:kii;co.m skis, Marble and Wowl Taps. Parlor Hcts an5 Iounges, Mar ble Tc;x Cs ater-TaLIts, Spring I'eds'anii Mattrtfees, W1L.CT, K1PIE iU 6AI BSiCttTS. Ami all kitula el Vraalavls. balrs. t-cUlrsU. 1'slru.tr.a To l,les. Maads. Clll aad lane) Uoalillass, Cte. I Inlend u krp ,nllilni In the tunn'.ufe Ills, aJ rusrsnire ssivfacUun 1.. ll l rail ou ma at Willer-s Usl. JtHLS nttuis. INSURANCE. Commercial Union, of London. Capital. S12.- 500,000. North Eritisli and Mer cantile. Catoital. S10.- 000,000, Also tho Imperial. Lon- don, Northern & Queen Capital, $C9,000,000. C. H, STEWART, Agent. NOTICE FCR FiHAL PP.GOF. f.AJil) OmcK AT n)-i:ni:i'.o. Oil. 1 May 4, 1S0. N OTK'K IS lll-UKHV fdYKS THAT the loliouin intuiiJ f-oit'er basj Bled nollee of bis iiilonliiui to make linal proof In auiuxirt of hi el.iiui, and MH;ura linal entry l hereof on l!io lo.h ibiy of June, lN(i, ifii,r me Juil-j orciork ct tho C ourt of ldun County, Urrgon, viz: JACOB EVUCU. Ifoiiuu-loiid Appllcntion Xo. iT.as, for the N. Ik ii of Se. 10, 1 p. 14 S , K. 1 K., and naiiios the following nst bis witnessot, v'z : F. Ackerman, lU'nry Uroser, Mirviu Uar ris and J. AV.iillilaiul,ll U ii Aeet Home, L'lin Comity, Orcrnji. . 1 BENJAMIN. n,40vv5, ' llcgibter. 9 Any bnok, nispuino or nt-v-Fser seut ve-sl-jil at ths mblisher's luwt l!-'-e, will, a vsHmlilv preitthiiil. W give s tine Uxls : .-jf ihe C'sfiutl hutUliiur, Die mmt nuufniitcent s'.ruciufvln Anicriim, slsa spteiitliU views uf lbs White lljuw, 'IVeiistiry builtliiig, bmiih amisn liiflilule. 1'sUjul ilnioe, Mt. Veroni.. and fthor tsiiiits of interest iu and atKtut tha National Caikital. (nlrs tsksit fur tho Urv CHTtiU.1 en'ruviii!; ur for sets vf the views, and cabhwt phuto(rmths of leading ststesiuPii. at vost prieoA. It .you wsut Hiiy bok or lu subserthe fur any ooriodkal, ur to renew sn old suh seritahui. seud sump fur a eupy o( tho IdTfcK.WlY Ul'l.LK'flN euntsiuiusf iHWk-nutes, - ituticed -of neiv uutuieatlulis. cstaioiruo prums, ete. NATIONAL Nk.WS BCREAU. WaaliiutiUin, l. C. Lnek Unx-tS, or 933 F Street, VILIiAKD v HOUSE. Ilalscj-, Oregon. A- L0TJBNEB, - Proprietor. IS E LEO A XT NEW HOTEL. JlST NOW uiinilutl, UI he uinmej aUmt Jnty l.Uh, lfe7i. It ia cinuAt uutvU on the most motion, ami- ixmvement titan, has fine siinle room eniseciiilir axraii'jW for tHmimeruial travelers, mid tne iblo will be applied at fttl timo wilh eotnilg. 4 J ST CHARLES HOTEL, MRS. C. HOCK. - -. - froprittai. This House has boon thoroughly renovated from tt to lMitiin, and is now iu splendid condition fr . the entoruiinment uf traveler. Thiuiitle . is supplied witli evorylhinir the iiisw- . : kct Hltonis. Sample rHuis fur , commarcUl men. t'tirvaUis lebanon and t;ij!as Since OKicc. Vecetables ! Y.I.I K H TIIONEO" FBAXf -A It CTK. Wo arrt liroducerH an w 1 as I'nisuiiicis mja n n era f cjiiiil. Vernn literal. EO. W. HILIs, Aent Corvallif Frnit Co. Cathartic Pills Coml)ln the ilinket(t rtliarti; rninririles In DMsUieiap, Jn iri.nii.iis mvursUely tul jnstnl to s-rnre aetivtlv. fvertuiiitj", anil uiillormity of filTect, TLey are the rult m year ol cartful rtiulv ami praetiral rx priuient, ami ar Hie Hioat effectual rero Iy yet Iiseoverel fur lis-a.es, raiMxl l,tr ile.raiiceinent of tlm storuiu li, livfr. awl lioweU, which rjiiir jroiujit and efTertaul treatment. Avi;k a are spci inily ars- SlicaLlo to thia claaa of diseasrsi. Tlw a t irectly ou the li-stir ami assimili-rive procosws, and rmtore regular hralihr ac tion. Their extensive nsve by fihvaiciaxs In UuJr prai-e, and by all civilized nations, ia one of tlie many irrsjfa of Thmr raltf as aafe, aiire, and ) rlwtly reliable purgative medicine. IVing uimpmindeil of the con centratdl virtue of purely vegetable sub. Ktancefi, they are pcKitirely free from calo mel, or any injurious prnfwrties, and ran be aduiiniatered to children with perfect aaletv. Arm Pii.l are an effertnal cure for t'onsti pation or Coativeneas, Indiges tion. Uyspepaio, Ioaa of Appetite, roul 8tomiicU soil Breath, IUzines, lleailache. Loss of Memory. Nanihnrn, Itilioaanewi, .fannflire, Hbenmatiisiv Kruptious and bkin Iiaeaes, Dropsy, T uniorn, Worms, eorwla:la, Clir, ;ripca, Diarrhoeav, Iyentery, Gout, l'ilca, Diaordera of the Liver, and ail other diwaaca result ins from a disordered atato of the digestiv apiiaratus. As a Dinner rill lUcy hare no erjnal. WTifle (jentla hi their action, these Piti are the tuoat thorough and searching eatliar- -tic that can be employed, anil, never ftive pain unless the bowris are inflamed, and then their influence ia healing. They atirou l'it the appetite and digestive orcans; liter operate to porify and enrich the blood, anil linnnrt n-newej health and vigor so tho A hoio system. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & So., rractleal and AtaaJyttcal Ctaesnlria. Lowell, MAs. oto by all DBCcburra aiaai waxxx. TAX SALE. s i i nil. r. sr a ivakkakt 11 MJ i-ued out of tlie County Coait of IJon County. Stat a of Oregon, on the 20th day or April, 10, to mo directed and deliv ered, for tha collection of tha delinquent " taxe in said ci unty for tha year 17S, I have levied upon the following denciibed real property asKsMcU to unknown owmis. to-wit: The Sou" hcast Quarter of Section thirtT ix (SO), lownship thirteen (13; .South. Kange two C2) West of Willamette Meri dian, in Linu County, Oregon. eonsiuie lfiOacres. Alho, the SoutK half of the South wchJ; quarter of Section thirty-six mt tat Tmv ahip thirteen (13) South, Bangs two (2 West Willamette Meridian, Ljuu Couty, Oregon, rontaining eighty (SO) acrea. Also, lx.t No. four (4) csHitniniilg 35 74 I'Ht acres, and lx No. aine (9eoutainlas 2tl 5-100 acres, in Section twenty-one (21 and ljnt So. one (1), containing 15 4!V-Ii acres, and Lot No. fcix (6), containing 19 M P 0 acres, in Section twenlv-eiiilit lajt. and r.ll in Township eleven (11) South, IUng it'll r (1) Went H'itlaiuetle Meridian, and containing one hundred and nine and 75 100 (HHJ T.vioii) acres, situated in theCoun ty of Linn and State of Oregon. Also, 1-ot No. four (-1) in the Northeast quarter (N.K. J) of SectioH ten (IOXTowb Hhip eleven 1 1 1) South, Hange four (4 Wea Willamette Aleridian, and containing thirty-three and 81-100 (33 M-lOu) acres of land, tUuialod in the County of Lina and . Slate of Oregon, and on Siitunliijf, the 22th day of June, ISiO, at the Court House door in the city ot Al bany, Linn County, Oregon, at the hour of I o'clock P. M., I will sell the hereiur before described real property at public auction lor cash in hand lo ih highest bidder to sjiti-sly said ta.ies, amoiiming to 2l 31, with costs aud exje use collec tion. Uatod tLis-Hih day of May. 1SS0. s. v.. eivnivi, ShcriO" ad lx Collector for Limi Co. Orcsou. . , Hwt "K3TIQE m FINAL PEG OF. I a' Ofkicb at Obkoon Crrr. Oic l ' May 4,1880. J J-OTICIi IS I1ERE8Y GLYEX THAT -L (lie following named settler has nleu notice of his intention to make final proof: in support of liia claim, and secure linal entry tueieof, and that proofs will be made belore J. L. Cowan, County Clerk off Liau County, Oregon, at the county Mt oi Haiti couniy, on unesaay, Ut Stls, day of June, 1SS0, viz: - . SIAMUKL M. HARKIS. Homestead Applicnlion Noi 2S(V, for the N. 14 or tho S. K M ot tb.e S W. ,'. and Lots .t, 4. 5, anil 7 cf Sectiou Ut, Town ship IS South, Kange 1 tast, and natnea the following as his witnesses, via : Jacob Hush, F. Aekeruiau, John V. Gillilaud, and Jlugh Harris, all of Sweet Home, Linn Couuty, Oregon. T m T . T. T n-13w5 Registeiv BAKOED FEFICE VsttSt Cable Laid Double Wirtv rOUE POINT STEEL BAREST Tha best and cheafwst Feniie kmviru. No other Fence equal to it. Uauufsctuml under lioeitse frtsn. the holders of Ute oriental p&teuka. up , 0Q"ts reels. . Send f,vr eireulsrs. All kinds of Vf! UK. Iron, Si4 nd Oalvsntxeil, for BALING, IfaSclSW, TiO-EUKAPH, -TKUUUKa, etc,-tc. VslKH UOi-i: of all Hinds h stock or tnsnafsc tured W oix.cr. A. S. IIALUDIE, rlre ISIiUs f&U Wire RopenVei ts- - 83mB 0 California St. San;Frsneisco. l J. II. SUKLES, rrop'r. A GOOD SEA FOAM SIIAMrOO goes -iV wi;h each bave. lor shaviug aud liair-ciitiing Kama as usual. Uooma opposiie Mel Iwaiu's wore. lOtX. Drier Vg-i' -If'" .'.-irslsjiWsii. i. rim. ..