The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, June 04, 1880, Image 2

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Sue Qcinorat.
FRIDAY JUNE 4, 1880.
' " ' Per rsngreas,
Of I-aiio Coanty.
fur Mate, Primer. .
of "Wasco Comity.
II ox,
lN.r PreaUleatial I'.lrelnrs,
J. K. WKATUKRFOHP.or I.Inn Conny.
T. ti. OWKX, of Coos Count y.
JAS. 1CT.TOX, ol Wasco County.
Far Supreme Jattcea,
r. r. riilM, of Jackson County.
.1. K. KELLY, of Multnomah County,
JOHN RURNKTT, of lionton County.
Judicial Nomination,
Frnsr ' Iustrict For Judge, II. K.
II ANNA ; for Prosecuting- Attorney, T. K
SKCOND JIlSTKHT l'tir JlHljJf, J. J.
WALTON; for rroscvuliii" Atlornov, J.J.
Titian IusTmcr For Jude, W. M.
RAMSEY: for lVvw.itinjr Attorney, K.
Fourth Iistrict For Ihi'kp, 0. 11.
Fitn il IH-iTRjer For Jud, I L. Mc
AKTIIVtR; for Froswutinj; Att. rmy, I.
l f. :t s aw i it. a j k . t i .
!O,O0O " Secured; lor the
Improvement of Ya
quiua Bnr.
Tiie appropi iation bill, giving $ 10,
000 for the improvement of Yaquina
Ear, which parsed iLe House May IStL,
a'so passed the Senate last YTednesday,
June 2d, ajul will I-ccomo a law as soon
as signed by the President. This is
the result of oM "Honest JohnV woik
ia Congress in connection with Senator
Republicans claim this to be an elec
tioneering scheme tf Whiteaker's.
May the Great Ruler of the Universe
so direct affairs on this mundane sphere
that many more such electioneering
ssbeuies may prove just as successful.
If there are any litical schemes that
the people of the Willamette Valley
do not object to it is 510,000 appropri
ations for Yaqujna Rah
Readers, it L to your interest to vote
for Y"bi'eaker !
Jl ttfcE UI KStTT.H KTA .IC.
last week'); Ls"je of llie For-Horn
roi a jjortion of a dirty article from
the RoretnT!-g- l'laimUale a'iout Judge
Hiirnett, lernocratie candidate for Su
preme J ndge, ;in which j-aid article goes
onto deny that Judge R. w fitted in
either ability or experience for the posi
tion for winch ho was nominated.
Any one who 'knows Judge Ramett
(and w ho is there in Oregon who does
not Inow something of him?) knows
how utterly empty and false thes? as
sertions are. ' Why, even right here in
Linn county where lie .lias practiced in
tnr courts to qwr personal knowledge
for t!e paiit fieeu years, he lias estab
liiihed a reputation for professional abil
ity second to none and equalled by few
la.wyers io )regou. Ju two recent
cases of Ijomicide thowj of Charley
V iliiauis nndf Frank Rcul- both of
whom Le "defended, his masterly ability
as an advocate electrified the audiences
and in e.-tch. case wa3 mainly instru
tuentat in securing a verdict of aequit
tal. If w-mistake not the editor of
the Ilerall informed us that he had not
heard in Oregon so able, logical and
-loquent an argument as that made by
J udge Rurnett in the Reid case.
Judge R.'s standing at. the Oregon
Bar is secoi;l jto that of no attorney,
while Lis fcliiiity. and purity as a, jurist
was amply -demonstrated during his
term as Judge of the .Second District
and Associate Justice cf the Supreme
Court, and; these .JiUlo contemptible
slurs of itwiponsibie ecribblcrs will
only serve to 'make the jieoplo stand;
more closely' h'y hs'rn at the jwlls on
Monday. ' -
Capt. IIoipurkv btates that he is in
favor of a -prohibitory liquor Jaw, and
w ill do his bent to have one passed at
the nest Legislature, and .still his most
-active supporters in Albany are noted
anti-iimperauce men. . What influence
does he bring to bear, on these men to
secure their services? Tha people
would like to know, for it is an o)d and
true Haying that "water and oil will not
unite." ; - . f ':,
rff"For live tditarial matter see lo
cal page. -; , ..... ; .-
Bribery ami Corriiplion
viltAiny foiled i
It was generally remarked aiul confi
dently believed after tho nominations a
few weeks ngo of tho rival candidates
for county oilices in Linn, that the can
didates put forth were in the main good
men and honorable cilkons, and that as
a consequence of putting siu h men in
nomination tho campaign would lie con
ducted in strict compliance with those
elevated principles which at all times
are expected to control men of honor?
that the acrimony and bitterness which
had characterized previous campaigns
would be entirely ignoied, and all coarse
and vulgar personalities would be dis
pensed with that each nmn would run
on Ida own merits and on the princi
ples advocated, by Ids jwrty, without a
resoi t to tho baser method of tearing
down his enemy's good name to build
up Lis own olilicttl fortunes. And we
are pleased to say that in most in
stances this desirable . practice in poli
ties has been adhered to ; but from this
rule tfiere lias leet iu ono instance, at
least, a most lamcnUble and disgraceful
departure, and that is in the grievous
treatment of D. 1. Mason by the Rad
ical candidate for Clerk and bis pujd
emissaries and pliant tools.
Not content with publishing lying
affidavits and fabricated falsehoods in
his (Bauiu's) hired organ in thus city,
and tlio further circulation tf wide
spread lies against Mason lies that
would not stand the light of investiga
tion for an instant they have resorted
to still baser and more cowardly means
of tearing down his good tame and de
faming his heretofore siotlcss character
in the eyes of our citizens. Tho last
and most infamous of thete methods is
the fulmination cf a large handbill
which they prepared and had printed,
and have been secretly circulating in
out-of-the-way sections of the county.
The following Is a copy of this grossly
defamatory document :
XotU-e is hereby given that we, the citi
zens of the Forks of the NntiUatn,. in I Jim
county, Oregon, do positively say that we
do intend, on the Heverth day of Juno,
180, to do all that lies In our por to do
feat the Democrat ie nominee for, County
Clerk, for the following reason:
FiasT He for several years has done all
in his power to butcher good citizens to
accomplish bis own selfish ends, and in so
doing, has resorted to such low principle
that we, as a community, can not and will
not stand by tiiin.
bEcoM "We understand that lie is mak
ing a point, or trying to, as a tmjcrant-e
man. Ho far as thai w concerned, wesav
positively that if he had justice, h would
now be in the penitentiary fur vliiu t
tue mjuor Law. w e have never bad a
man in this community that ha done
more to corrupt moral principles than said
TiilRU Six years ngo he forxnok the
Democratic party, pledged himxelf lo the
tail end of the Independent party, and did
Use his influence for J. 8. Morria, and did
vote for said Motrin in order to aecure the
same favor in time of need, and now be is
a cood Democrat, a good Temperance man
or anything the Devil wants hiui to be, for
Fourth W bile be was acting as Post
master here, he was guilty of the most
outrageous violations of the law, and done
all he could to favor one of his clique to
the detriment of thin community, and we
ate prepared to prove those charges if be
dare deny them.
Fifth While here, in Scio, he and hi
clique mane several attempts for the
Clerkship, and was handsomely defeated.
Finding that he could not ac-.-omplish it
here, thought it policy to go to Albanvand
bulldoze lae people there and secure the
nomination, which be did; but since then
the people of Linn county have found the
uuo, ana say mat on tne Hrst .Monday in
June, ISSa, that they will break him from
sucjung eegs."
Sixth We hear the nets of nal.l
nee are making all the capital they can in
favor of said nominee on account of Mr.
Kantn being a Jew; but we think ourselves
highly honored to have a man of principle
to vote for. We think of two evils, it is
uei vo enwse me ieai. v line we know
.Mr. uaumlna Jew, we know that 1). P.
Mason can double discount iliim n tff.
line ; and what is moro. MrJiiaum hm i
nonoratne record, one that is above re-
proacw, ami lie is our man. This is thn
xentiment of the Democracy in tlm !.VirL-a
ui ui oauiiaui.
f .i 1 1 . -
Si io, May 10, I860.
We give this emanation from those
political maqilots in full, that the hon
est voters cf Linn may understand to
what base purposes Raum and Ms char
acterlesa aids will prostitute them
selves. Daring the discussion at Lebanon
on Wednesday Mr. Mason managed to
secure one of these posters, and mount
ing the stand, read it throughout to the
audience, and stated that instead of
denying any of these base charges he
would simply leave it to his Republican
neighbors in the Forks of Santiam who
had known him for years if there wua
any -troth in these charges whereat
Mr. Geo. Johnson, a proroinent.Rcpub
licanjnerchant of .Scio, who chanced to
be present, sprang to his feet and pro
nounced every single charge contained
in the document utterly false from be
ginning to end, elosing his remarks ly
stating that he knew the author of the
lying poster that his name was Jack
Houston, of Scio, with whom . Mr. Ma
son eomo years ago had a personal diffi
culty. . This prompt refutation of Mr.
Johnson, as might be expected, brought
down the house, and for a lew minutes
so wild was the enthusiasm among Ma
son's friends that the proceedings of the
meeting ere suspended. Jfc was a
boomerarg for which Baum and Lis
henchmen were wholly unprepared, and
Bamn, with confused and shameful
blushes mounting to his cheeks, under
took to disclaim any knowledge of the
existence of such a document until he
had just then heard it read by Mason !
But afterward, on the street, when his
aide-de-camp Plummer openly confessed
to a crowd that he had known all about
tho document's existence for a week
past, but had advised sgainst its circu
lation, Baum, who was standing by,
openly stultified liu):sclf by unthou-'ht-
ed!y blurting out, 'YYs, and I told 'cm
loo, not to cueuhito them papers I" The
people were satisfied that he whs then
telling the truth that lie had full
knowledge of the fulmination of these
slanders, and was most jirobahl a par
ty to, if not the instigator of them, and
that his statement from the rostrum, a
few minutes before, that, that ho knew
nothiHi whatever about tho matter,
was simply a subtetfuge to hide Ins
shame and confusion. When a, man
staits in to practice deceit and hypo
crisy he should be more guarded than
Raum was in this instance. "
On the arrival of the canvuasers at
Scio tho citizens of that section of the
county wera made awuro of theso base
slanders against Mr. Mason, anil a pa
per was - immediately circulated and
Slickly signed by at least a hundred of
the best and most prominent citizens of
The Forks of tho Santiam, denouncing
and repudiating the hand-bill's charges.
Following is a copy of tho document :
Wiiikxam, a certain iMtix-r In tltSrtn of it publipno.
IU- (Ui tbuvs l true cnp.v) ku liran prliilol for Hi
urMM of circulation by mmm UthonNl mid fiml
RlAitilfirors wurklntf in tbft liitarMt ut Mr. X. Uauiu,
Uie ltoulllviui r&titlMMl Iiir lumty I Irrk, tut
WttHKlUM. tit Mill printed lmtU luiriiurM to hav
been Kitttu up by Hit cltliviu of the fork nf Ut San
Lam lor Uto urMuM ot vivtinr imiit u iit vuin f
the county of the bat! cliArai-torof Mr. D. ff,
, ooit,tit
nemot-nttic rnuriulnle lor I ouuty Clerk.
No, therefor, be it remember.! by all tbiM tA
m him three trMcuta eball omte, lliat til undeniiaed
letfut voter ol Ui Forka of lb HauUaia, amim tun-
man rrHtT, KiMLAiH ami abi.iti.t av a
t-oxrt-yiox with aivowi.aiMiK ot the oamiN nf aabl
ftrltittl notice, and HaaKU tb rMna abo el tble
iKrAMoi a Rtallr an Iim4 a HMNacaRtta atul ft tg
rKaa of on whom w km., to b an upright au4
biHieat man. Ami front th fact nf our havtiitf known
Mr. Maana for a Ion term of yoara we take great
tleaura In aa iiur tliat we belirv eacb ami every on
.I the tlmput anil alii trullone omtained In aabl
oahitett notu- 4. 14 alMoluu-ly ami uniualifle.l.v tale,
and gotten up for the piiruw nf cin ulauon on election
tUy. with ln oilier object tlian to deceive aud mivlrnS
Ue honcM voter cf the cunty.
Wuno our Inmh tlila M ilay ol Jnue, 1 ").
L W Honveroy II II Irvine
T A Turner A r" llenrtl
ruilvvu . J V Jobiiwm
ewvai Crabtrrr W K kelly
ECl'eiituuni 'liatidMrera
S H ClaviMM.1 Itarrey ivlielu.h.
A II M. lknwl-1 K J Daly
V M SliiUll A J lillv.-U
J Nramw J K Hll. y
J W Turner J K Hruijeford
and HO otlHra.
We haven't space for all the names.
luoso given above are representative
men of liotli the Republican and Petn-
octalio parties cf that section. The
names of the ono hundred signers are
on file in this ofiice (or the inspection
of the public
But there is another feature of this
disgraceful ttflair which needs a little
airing. We allude to the part taken
iu it by Mr. Chun. A. I'lummer and
Dr. R. M. Savage, two pretended IVtu
ocrats of this city. It seems that
riumtncr, by Lis own acknowledgment,
knew all about these slanderous hand
bills, and seemed to srtvgate to himself
S'lii'.ticnt authority in the matter to di
rect their suppress.!!! ; white it is Ki
lively asserted, and cy b proven, that
Doctor Savage was over at Scio last
Friday, actively figuring iu this hand
bill business, an l on his way Imck to
Albany on the following day ho read
ono of them Ui n disaffected Democrat
of that section whom ho chanced to
uicttv, nrniiii; mill uiey wt'IO Irt It lia.
. . -I- .-.. ... . . .
tribntetl all over the county, but pritici
pally in tlio sou them jwrtion where
Mason was not known, and cautioning
him not to my anything about it until
tho latter part of the present week as
the w hole nfliatr was to bo a secret tin
til that time! We presume this ho will
not atUmpt to deny.
However, Savage's dirty work against
Mason has already been sufficiently ex
posed, and I ho voters of Linn under
stand it too fully to rrqnirc ftulhcr al
lusion to it or to Lim ; but in reference
to Clifts. A. Plummer it becomes our
painful duty to show up a still darker
and more damnable transaction in this
matter than all that has preceded it
and that is an ojien nnd unblushing at
tempt on his jmrt to RR1RK voters in
Raum's behalf,
To our utter astonish ment, the other
day, 3Ir, Ceo. Cochran, one of the most
honest and upright young farmers of
Linn, stepped into our sanctum, and
throwing down a twenty dollar gold
piece on the table, handed us the fol
lowing statement, which explains itself :
Albany, 4 aae 3, IsSe,
Editor Democrats
lcar Hlrl dealre to deposits la roar
oHIrr the aunt of '..o, wltlrk aiuaaal was
haaded at by Ir. C. A. Flatttsaer la hi.
drag alore la Albany, Orecaa, a Ike SMta
dar f Mar, isss, aad be save It I Me lor IT l THE ISTKKEST
C'oaafr Clerk, aad be also premised lo ead
lo me afly elher amonal 1 mlKbt dealre la
use la Mr. Baum's lalrrrsl,
I eertalnljr do aol dealre lo fcrrp any
man- moaey, or sue tbe same lor eleefloa
parjHes, and Iberefore dealre lo deposit
Ibe fH'JO.M la Ibe efHee or Ike Uemoerat"
snlijert lo Mr. Plammers order.
I at all times slaad ready to make attl
davit lo Ibe eorrertaeas of Ibe above.
The foregoing statement which can'
not be contradicted reveals a story of
enme on the. jart 0f Baum and Plum
mer which muss bring Uio blush of liu
miliation and shamo to the cheek of
every honest citien, no matter to what
party he belongs, and brands Plummer
as a shameless briber and corruptionist,
as well as a violator of a plain penal
statute of Oregon ! And it is a matter
which should corns before the' next
Grand Jury for Linn county !
It is indeed fortunate for the people
that in theso transactions the operator
happened to stumble on to an honest
man in the person of Mr. Geo, Cochran
of whom, as St. Gregory says ; " The
universe is not rich enough to buy the
vote of such an honest man" -and that
his trick is thus exposed before it is too
late to remedy the damage.
Wa are extremely. sorry that a just
regard for the purity of our elections
and tho protection of honest voters lias
compelled ns to exposo these vile con
spiracies and criminal transactions.
Gladly would we have wished tjiat this
thing had never occurred, as it is not
only unfortunate for the-' operators in
tho transactions, but it is a lamentable
stain and disgrace upon our community.
Xlie overwhelming rebuke which in
evitably awaits these bribers and cor-
ruptionists on next Monday U scarcely
sullicient punishment for tho inefl'uce
ablo stain which tho publication of
those facta lias left upon our heretofore
honest community.
Tho Orf'oiihtn of Tuesday lust, in
peaking of Capt. Humphrey's candi-
dateship in Linn for State Senator, and
Raum's for County Clork, says :
"Fearing that the attacks on theso
gentlemen in tho local papers might not
have weight with the voters of the
county, the villiuers have called to their
aid tho Democratic organ of this city,
and it lends its feeble aid to swell the
stream of lying abuse which tho organ
at Albany has kept pouring out fur tho
past six weeks."
We don't know to what "lying abuse"
the Orfjonitm refers. Tiio Dkmociiat
has treated these gentlemen with the
utmost consideration and in the case
of Baum with much more than he mer
ited, fur he lias gone out of his way to
make a personal attack upon us in his
campaign harangues.
In the case of Ixth of these gentlo
men wo have endeavored to deal only
with facts, nnd in the case .f Cnpt.
Humphrey we can find no cause tocen
aure ourselves for misrepresentation or
personal abuse of u'ny kind.
In this connection we desire to state
that the pKuoritAT condemns and nt
terly repudiates a communication w hich
appeared in tho Poitlund Standard of
last Sunday, written from Linn county,
and signed "Cututtix." Tho allusion to
Capt. H.'s domestic affairs was un
called for, roarso and contemptible, and
we will be behind no one in condemn
ing the author of the slander. We also
state, on behalf of Mr. t'oshow, that he
in no way endorses the senlitneuts or
the spirit which actuated tho writer of
the communication referred to, but on
the contrary regrets that such a course
should be pursued against his opponent.
Mr. C'osbow is too much of a gentlo-
man, has too high a scum) of decency
and honor, to rndorto or even jwlliatc
this modi of o!ilical warfare. He ex
jKH-ts to be elected on Ida own merits
aud on the principles of his parly, aud
not by tearing djwn the good name of
bis opKnent.
oib airKKiic teiBT ntkCT.
No better men for the position of
Supreme Judges can be found anywhere
than those whose names apju-nr on the
Democrat! ticket.
J as. K. Kelly represented our State
once in the Semite of tho United Stales,
has been on our Supreme Rench for
several years, and is eminently qualified
in every way to CI1 the osition.
P. P. Prim has been on the U-neh
about twmtty fir yenr$, nnd what ltter
recommendation could W tiven him
Several times while running for the
office of Circuit 3 udge In the First Dis
trict he Las had no oiNMiion. What
a dificrenco there is between his stand
ing at home aud that of our old Judge
With John Burnett our readers are
all acquainted, and niott of them have
heard him in important cases at differ
ent points in this alley. As a lawyer
he is second to none in our State, and
when on the IVncii his decisions were
not reversed.
Watson, one of the Republican can
didatea for the Supremo Bench, is now
County Clerk of Jackson. He was ad
mitted lo the bar ten years ago, and
half of that time he has not devoted to
tho practice of law. No fair-minded
man wilt want him on the Supreme
Waldo, uf Pol Hand, is a lawyer of
very limited practice, and has never
even held the position of Justice of the
Peace ; besides this he is an invalid and
could not attend to his duties if elected.
Major Lord lost his hearing while
fighting for his country, and if elected
will have to use IjoIIi telephone and
The Chicago Convention, which met
last Tuesday, is thus far having a lively
"tussle" over mutters. Up to the time
of adjournment last night the Conven
tion bad only effected a temporary or
ganization. I he Convention meets
again this morning at 10 o'clock, when
it is expected Uiat balloting, for Presi
dential candidates will begin. ,Thus far
Grant lias tbe "inside track," although
Blaine is at bis rear, slashing away,
with Sherman a good third, and Ed
munds and Washburne in the back
ground for 'iBlack Horse" chances.
We regret that we are unable to give
the result before going to press.
Shakspeare, Ben Fianklin or some
one else has said "by their works ye
shall know them. We wish to apply
that text instills way : The Republican
candidate for Congress says be is in
favor of the improvement of Yaquina
Bay, which same promise all candidates
for Congress have given us. John
Whiteaker kept bis word, and has al
ready got the appropriation bill through
Congress giving $10,000 for Yaquina
Bar. ; . .. . . .'.
The latest news from Benton is that
Bush. Wilson and Sol. KingRadical
candidates for Clerk and Sheriff will
be handsomely "wolloped" next , Mon
day, and that John Whiteaker's major
ity in the county will be at, least 150.
Hurrah for noble Benton ! . . ".'":.!"
Faiimers, remember that Hon. John
Whiteaker ia one of your number, and
give him your votes." ! : "
Evert Democrat should be at the
polls next Monday. .
vi inrEtki:ft Boons.
M. C. George, with his boasted legis
lative experience, introduced ten .bills
in the State Senate in 1876, and got
two passed into law. What would be
be able to do if sent to Congress, where
he would meet both legislative expert
ence, skill and ability 1 " Simply noth-
a x I t I. . a a.
Ung. 'iis ot mteen bins Introduced by
htm in 178 yir only liecamo laws,
and yet Mr. Georgo claims that Mr.
Whitcakcr never introduced a bill in
tho Oregon Legislature, which of course
is false. Mr. Whiteakcr lias been
Speaker or President all, or nearly all
tho timo ho has been in tho Legislature,
and would not introduce bills. If Mr.
George upKnr that lie can get votes
for himself by misrepresenting Mr.
Whiteakcr, whom the people have
known so long and so well, he will find
when It is ton late that he has made a
woful mistake.
Mr. George, the Republican candi
date for Congress, tells the people that
Mr. Whitcaker never introduced a bill
inrthe Oregon Legislature during the
wholu length of time that lie served in
that body. Mr. Georgo has wilfully
attempted to deceive ami mislead the
people, as he certainly has not forgotten
his own earnest attempt to defeat Sen
ate bill No. 7, introduced by Mr,
tiiiueaker in lOiU, and wbicl. was
passed by the Senate despite the efforts
made by Mr. George to defeat it. (See
page 510, Senate Journal, 1S7C.) In
that same session Mr. George intro
duced ten bills, and after giving them
the support oi Ida time and talent be
succeeded in getting two of them passed
into law. Ilia bills were opjKMcd and
voted down by farmers and mechanic,
who, while they mode no claim to legis
latiyo exjierience or ability, yet knew
how to vote in the interest of the peo
ple whom they lojiresented.
In tho last legislature of Oregon a
bill was introduced to reduce an exor
bitant fee of twenty dollars allowed
district attorneys for mere apisrance
iu divorce cases, when no service in fact
is m formed. This bijt was in the in
terest of tbe people, Lut Mr. George,
Republican candidate for Congress,
with bis usual disregard of tbe interests
uf the people, voted against tbe bill,
a bilo Mr. Whiteakcr, with his usual
watchfulness after the interests of tbe
people, voted for tho bill. (See page
227, Senate Journal, 1878.)
In 1S7C a bill Senate bill No. 22
was introduced to create another Judi
cial District, and thus create another
official for the people to pay out of their
hard earnings, Al usual, Mr. George
voted for the bill, while Mr. Whitcaker
voted against it. (See Senate Journal
IS7C, jsige 42G.) The ople want a
friend in Congress, aud hence will elect
Mr. Whitcaker.
At the last session of the Legislature
a Joint Resolution H. J. It. No. 12
was introduced providing for an amend
ment to tho constitution so as to et tbe
public printing to the lowest Udder
This was introduced in the inteteat of
reform by cutting down public cx-
jnes. Mr. George Republican can
didato for Congress, voted against it,
while Mr. Whiteakcr voted for it, and
the people will not forget him on tbe
7th of June for thus looking after their
interests. (See Senate Journal, 1878,
page 211.) Mr. George voted for Sen
ate bill No. 72, for the relief of tbe se
curities of S. 11 May, former Secretary
of State, who bad squandered large
sums of public fuds, wh;Io Mr. Wbite
aker, who thought Mr. May should be
made to disgorge, or that his securities
should do so for him, voted against tbe
bill. (Seo Senate Journal, 187C, page
4.10.) Tlio peoplo will remember this
when they come to vote, and cast their
ballota for Mr. Whiteakcr.
We are informed that ljttJe Jlaumy
went out of bis way to attack the char
acter of the editor of tbe Democrat, in
bis. Ilalsey moutbings. Ferbapfl tbe
pigmy thought that was the judicious
thing to do, but we learn that bis con
temptiblo mumbling, bo far from meet
ing with favor," acted as a boomerang
against himself, and lost him several
votes in hia own party. ,
Thus far in tbe campaign Baum has
been the only candidate who boa en
gaged in jiersonalities of any sort the
rest of tbe candidates deeming" it be
neath their dignity to resort lo "coarse
villiGcation and personal attacks in be
half of the cause which each repre
sents. ,- ,:
Little Bauuty bad better copy from
these gentlemen, and perhaps be may
yet redeem himself from tho contempt
in which be ia now held.
Voters, when you are making out
out your ticket and get down to
Judge of this District remember that
Boise solemnly . prouiiaheil Judge
Powell, of this city, that he would
not be a candidate for Judge,' and
then wont completely back on his
word and received tho nomination.
He elmply told a fidaeltood to secure an
office. At tho Bamo time you should
remember that when a vacancy occur
red on pur bench two years ago, the
Albany bar, composed of both perao-
crats and Republicans unanimously
petitioned Gov. Thayer to appoint the
present Democratic candidate, W. M.
Jtamsey, to fill the position.
Because the Prosecuting Attorney
was careless the gcand jury had to be
called together nnd do their work over
again, in Douglas county. Do not let
this occur in our county. Avoid it by
electing an honest and competent attor
ney in tho person of Judge Eradshaw.
It will be remembered that lust week
we stated, on authority, that whisky
was given away in Sweet Home Pre
cinct in tbe interest of Raum's election.
When the Democrat containing this
charge reached Halsey tbe .discussion
between the county candidates was in
progress, and when it came Raum's
time to "chip in" be mounted the ros
trum, fiery mad, and dmfounced the
statement as utterly false, and wont so
far, in bis blind rage, as to make a dirty
K!I-soiih1 attack upon lis for showing up
bis crooked transaction.
It will be remembered that we stated
in the article referred to, that if Baum
denied this charge wo were teady to
prove it ; and now, since be has denied
it and denounced our statement as false,
we produce the following from two of
Sweet Home's most restiectablo citizens:
Sweet Home, June 1, 18S0.
Editor Democrat'.
In your last issue there was an item
to the eflect that Mr. Baum, the Re
publican candidate for County Clerk,
was setting out free whisky and cigars
at this place, some even to minors, and
we also understand that a very strong
denial is being made to the statement,
Now, in justice to all concerned, we
have just this to say: That we are
residents of Sweet Home, and that re
cently, we did aee some free whisky of
fered to parties here, and tbe person
treating it out said it was "Baum whis
ky" and "Republican whisky." As to
a minor having drank any of it we do
not wish to aay, as it would eliminate
the parties setting it out if it is so.
Very resjiectfully,
li R, Abbott,
M. Harms.
We could present tbe names of vari
ous oilier rsons who have been wit
nesses to tbe disnsing of Raum's free
whisky at Sweet Home, Int. do not
deem it necessary to produce further
proofs. All of Bantu's vociferous de
nials will not convince any one of bis
innocence in the light of these stpli-
bom proofs against him.
In bis sjieech at Lebanon Mr. Baum
said be believed Mr. Mason to be a js-r-
fect gentleman, and also staled that be
bad nothing to do with the circulation
of slanders against Mr. Mason, either
by posters or through the columns of
the Jiralf. Now we wuJi to state that
we know a part of this to 1o false,
Several weeks ago we published a letter
from Halsey which reflected somewhat
ttion him, nnd be came to our flice
and asked if anything more would ap
pear against him. We told him we did
not wish to enter into ereonalitie, but
that we would lu furred into it if the
Herald still continued to make a per
sonal fight against Mason. He said
that was right, and then gave us bis
word of honor as a gentleman that
nothing of a rsooal nature should ap
pear in that jiaper against Mason !
Does that look like be bad nothing to
do with the articles in that pajrr. The
next issue of the Jlemld verified bis
pledge. The next issue contained one
little squib against Mason, and one of
Bau m's friends came around and ajiolo
gized for it, saying that one cf the edi
tors of the Jlernld was tbe author. Tbe
next issue, we believe, contained that
"damaging sUlcuierit" of Dr. Savage's,
and thinking that forbearance had
ceased to Is) a virtue, we turned loose
on Baum, for the reasou that bo bad
told us be bad tbe power to keep things
out of the If trail, bad pledged bis word
to do so, and then failed to fulfill bis
promise except for one week. Since
then we have in connection with others
worked hard to unearth tho schemes
and joba put np by Mr. Baum, Plum
mer, Savage and Houston, and as a re
sult we refer all to this Issue of the
- - : 0E Ot BAIM- MISTAKES. '
Baum takes pains to ' ip on the
stamp that ho is "no narrow -contracted
Jew that be gives' liberally to the
support, of all Christian churches in
Albany and sends his children to a
Christian ' Sabbath School. Perhaps
this is so; but we want to ask Mr.
Baum (who is just- now so friendly to
Christians!) why be busied himself so
specially a few yotrs ago in organizing
a Jewish Sabbath School in this city, so
as to prevent .he necessity of sending
his children to tho ' Christian Sabbath
Schools! Will he answer this t - '
Let Mr. Baum not throw this sort of
ohaff, to catch voters with. He has a
right to hi religion, and bis political
opponents seem to show mora respect
for it than he does himself, for while he
is always prating about it, like a chat-
ering parrot, bis opponents" on the
stump never aiiuue to it, je is pay
ing a poor compliment to jus Jewish
brethren when he deems it necessary to
continually defend their religion, that is
in no manner assailed. . We at e assured
that many of his brethren of the same
faith deplore the course Baum is pursu
ing in this matter, and they will make
him feel their rebuke at Uie polls on
election" day. " '"V '.'-.
'. '!',";A FiUK'SErSBTi '; !".
Somo 'of Bruce's friends are clrcu-
lating the report among business men
that Mr. Umpbrey,' our candidate, for
Treasurer, is in the habit of buying all
his goods at Portland.. i This ia sot the
case Mr. Umpbrey is Vpoor man and
will have to buy on credit- until after
harvest. A country farmer does not
get credit at Portland.
Look our for honest John Whitea
ker's vote iu Linn next Monday l it
will completely smother George out. i
iT:nr.Ti oupabihon.
Salem, Mny2, 1880.
Kditor Standard i
For some years it has been known
that tho financial affairs of Marlon
county have been badly managed, and
that Its finances were ,in a deplorable
condition, but tln extent to which
mismanagement and extravagance
havo been carried, has not been
known, except to those who have
had sueh matters In charge. Only
two years ago Republicans told the
people In tho canvas the Indebted
ness was but 10,000, but tho report
of tho clerk last fall shows an indebt
edness of, $-13,CO0. It has bn n lic
Heved that largo sums of money have
from timo to timo lcen expended and
disbursed for whit-h the people have
never been ablo to gay that they have
received anything In return. But
when tho attention of the tcoplo has
been called to tho matter, republican
leaders have denounced tho inquiry
as an electioneering dodge, nn.l the
matter would thus be mothcrcd,but
when tho tax-gatherer would be
making his rounds collecting the an
nual taxc, men who often found it
difficult to ral-to ruinic'.cnt money to
pay their taxes wotaM of en bo led to
enquire: ''What iHwoine of the
enormoiH suras of money raised
yearly by taxation?" Rut tho mat
ter would lo hushed up and no f ;r
ther effort made to ascertain the
fact?, but recently tax-payer have
been looking Into the matter, find as
A remit of their la!xr., they have
been enabled to make the following
comparison tictweenUnn and Marion
Comparative statement of taxes
levied for county purposes alone In
Linn and Marion counties for the
years'of 1870 to 1879, inclusive;
Escca tt
orer Linn.
Am't later
Ain't laxeiJ! rf
1 177
3J,(M )!
li.l 13
D 44
.!7I 4 .;
7li 1M
1"S C-i
in 74
uu,7M ow' la
I 7.2i7
It., !
ac.bcj et
) lo
4, 144 K;
74 71'
THtal..l4i7.S?4 ::m,4u "m
It will bo seen that this comparison
coven a icriod of ten j'ear?, embrac
ing 1S70 to 1S79 inclusive. Now in
onler to fully comprehend tho force
of this comparison, it will be well to
keep in mind tho following facts:
Tho number of Inhabitants in Linn U
tho same or rtsirly the isamo as Ma
rlon, f'rimo and pauperism are no
more pievaleut In 'Marion than In
Linn. Tho geographical area in Linn
greatly exceeds that of Marion. All
of which show3 that it should cost no
moro to run Marion than it does
to run Linn. But wo aro nhked if
there have not Iieen porno extraordi
nary expense) in Marion that made it
necessary to raio suth enormous
$om, and we answer that tck county
Is entitled to somo expenses atsive
tho ordinary expenses f running
county affairs. For example: Ma
rion county during- the alovo period
of comparison built a court house
which republicans claim eet the
county $90,000, but at the Mine time
wo should charge he r w ith $13,000,
the amount of Indeb!eilm3 of tbe
county. Linn county U entitled to a
credit of $20,000, old Indebtedness
created by republicans while they
held a "lltllo brier authority" in 1SG1
18CC, and which was paid off by the
democrat of that eojjnty c-riuns the
above period. Unit should be credi
ted with $15,000 for a J til nnd 2o,-
000 for two extraordinary bridge.
Now these facts enable uito make
tho following- simple, plain stale
MAIU03 rorjiTV.
Debt to amount ot taxes raianl for omntr
purrxiaea alon tor 10 yean, from li
to IX7U, inc.mhc StCT.'il 42
To llnlebteduea aa bovj n by la-vt rcirt uf
t-'Mtrt; ......v... f900 00
Total debt ...S.".U,.',?I 43
i-redtl by eoat ot court buuae mi.ouo no
Bslaac Aiiinat Marlon county. lS,r,24 4S
Dcld to amount of Use nuaed tor count r
purpoea alone for ten year, from laTvl
to l7, inclusive.. ........ ;r.l,4ui 03
i roan oy ow indebtedness M.ana
Hy eoat ot jail 16,fnii)
By two xtroniimir- bridaoa WiO. GP.OO-l 00
Ualane against Linn eonntv.... ilsM.4v a
Which enables us to make tho fol
lowing clear, plain statement :
- Santos eorxrr.
Debt to taxes levied lor ordinary purpose
f-r Ujn year l20..V2t 43
' ' ' -' US CMttTtj 'I.""
Debt io taxes levied for ordinary purposes
for tu year. . .
r.i,43 t.s
Balaocs against Marlon connty. ,
.$228,110 S5
Thus showing that during tho last
ten years tiro peoplo of Marlon county
have boon required to pay tho enor
mous sum of $220,11 G G5 more than
tho peoplj of Linn have been required
to raise, for ordinary county purpos
es, ap amount that would be sufficient
to pay the ordinary expenses of Linn
county for over eight year?, .and yet
no good reason, as J have shown, why
Marlon county should not bo run as
cheaply as Linn. Taxpayers may
here see an exemplification of demo
cratic economy aud republican ex
travagance. No wonder the republi
can taxpayers of Marion county are
now declaring their intention to voto
for men who will fulfill their pledges
of economy. Tho result of tlio com
In election in this county will show
that they aro Indignantly Ju earnesf,
or J miss my guesv .
The Fog-llom .speaks of a paper "pf
doubtful ownership." It surely can't
mean itself, for there is no doubt of its
ownership, and its proprietor, Hip
Mitch, can tell fi 6m his cash account
just how much it cost'Lim I
x. o o jk o "cr t i
We have wind that Linn Comity
Democratic tickets will 1 out next
Monday with Brum's name snltdituted
for that of Mason fjr Clerk.
Diitnocratsr will look out far this
nasty trick and promptly head it off.
Baum and his managers are very
much mistaken if they imagine they
can snipe Democrats by any tuelt a
scurvy Iriuk. Hie tickets will lie well
scanned, and tho firet attempt to play
this dodge will result in the nitskt con
dign and ti.iriininr; hwniKfttinn to iis
base projectors.
Democrats can lead ;tml don't you
forget it ! -'
1 11 1 -j
ASvVFU! It ivtjt itisi; kTATEWTAT."
Last week we bad f.omet1iin- to wy
in regird to the cowardly s'roite that
.Mr. Raum rd Dr.. Savage made
at the b(t,iris cf Poshoy fc Mason,
and showed very plainly that the tpe.-
tion f f Mr. Mason's utiii-lu;li;ily ::'i a
diliit had resolved iUelf d.n to
simply n dlff- r 't-ce of opinion I el ween
our phjeictar.s. Di. Savage in hit affi
, ... t . t. i-.
1.1 II- R'niti ... u.vt nr.o
Unit Maioit bad wiilfid'y eom: ion ruled
his preerSplion in a wrong mimier.
thereby endangering the lif cf bis pa
tieiit, white t:ery phjriciiia ! o lead
his " damaging statoriM tit " would bold
their bides aiid laugh at the- f .!i';.br ess
of hi charge. And after reading b$8
affidavit and wing his jTetcriplion snd
the eotnjiound put op by Mason, live
of our bii physicians aiel i!. only
ones who have resided here a t-.r, r.ut.
IbiU a card over their own signature
satins that Mason is u ti'at nnd
rlii!,l. Jruytjimt?
Tin' week Mr. Mason received a
letter from art old and well kuovtu resi
dent of this city, now Waled at Eu
j;etie, aliu-'i alnO warmly rpcom nereis
him. The writer w a pln-.icijn of
lutge practice, an-I Cr.;t ;ra luafp-l we
Ijfiicve in the physio-meuit-al st-hrs.t;
he is the wm of a prominent atul well
known clergyman in what i Lio'an as
the Christian Church, and a member cf
that denomination himself. lie is also
a solid Republican, and member of the
Republican State Central Con.nolfee,
and was a delegate to their late Site
Convention. Here is the letter:
-EiCEXn, May 28, IS SO.
D. T. M asos :
Dr Sir and Friend : I era a red
hot Republican, but as
friend who has a high estimate cf ymir
coiiis;lency as a tlrugL'jt atul joor
character as a gentleman, I refar-1 it
due you that I join my name aud what
ever influence it can it s fn Linn count y
wiljt those of the physic-Lies of JtiiMiny
who have in your behalf signed a stat.v
ment published in to-dav's 1)kvoCBAT,
in tes-Hinw t. n aSidavic
T. W. Haei:w, M. 1).
What must Mr. Raum think now
whrn he sees arrayed agairst the word
of bis j-olilico-medlct) phji5ic;in th
namer, cf all the physicians of Albany
who have practiced hero over one ear f
aucir names as iteugiiton, Alexander,
D..ti.-, Hill, Kelly and Harris,
Aud what must the pl of
county think of Mr. Banm wheu thry
know that lje and his fol to wing of
weak -brained Demrerallc f oii,i-aJ
have sfa'ted such slanderous reject's oa
Otis', of our most r:riectal.'f nwrvhsnts i
As for Dr. Savage, we think i.e i,
not - reFjonsib!e fjr tlie attack." -; lie
was a delegate in our county conven
tion, ran before it for a position on the
Legislative ticket, got. scooped, and
Raum and his friends have occd hi..)
as a cat's paw.'" Ho comes ficm a t.''d
old Democratic Anility, but if Ue l.t-uj 3
np hs j. resent line of action he wjU
brin disgrace npon it.
Stmo one who. was aware of tho
fact that Bium's sideboard was al
ways full of liquor had the hardihood
to doubt tho propriety of his running
on a platform which declares in favor
of a prohibitory liquor law. -Out en
the stump Baum gets oyer this tv
saying that he was nominated beforo'
the platform wa3 adopted. This is a
deliberate falsehood. Tho platform
was adopted before any one was nom
inated, ami Baum to-day Is runflKnj
on a platform which declares in favor
of a prohibitory liquor law. What a
Even since the tickets were inmf
nated in this county the Kejiubllcaji
headquarters has been at the drugstore
of Chas. A. Plummer, in this eil ,
Democrats will bear in mind that l.oih
he and Dr. Savago were delegates-in
tho Democratic convention. No com
ments are needed.
FAry.rr; renielnWr that ip Yaqujma
Bar is lttuowJ u will ipceive )!ii-t n
conts moie ,per bushel for vonr wjit-nt
than you do now, oad it-ineV,iler thrjt
John Whiteaker has secure.1 a $-40,000
appropriation for this bar. Reward
him on election day, and you can f
pect moro.
Baum's entliu&iustio friends are over
doing that "swapping" business." Soma
of the other candidates on the .Repub
lican ticket especially those who are
to be sacrificed have dropped on
Raum's Iritis hick, and ho will feel X.f
weight of 'tfieir vengeance on election
dsy. ' -. '
,TiS Mitchell organ, chai ses that Y. ,
P. Mason's workers are offering loswtip
0. P. Cosliow for' votes fcr him. This
ia a falsehood from beginning to end,
and is simply intended to breed discoid "
iu our ranks.