STATE RIG1ITS DEMOCRAT KATES Or ADVEIlHSr-tO, ISSUKD EVERY FUIDAY av- ' --. " , -A ' : 'f It-' ...' J f 1 IneU. 1 Co S 00 6 no stSi j 10 2 " 2 00 6 00 7 00 00 18 10 3." 3 00 6 fib 10 00 l!i f 22 10 4 " 4 00 7 00 12 60 IS I 27 CO X Col 1 00 00 15 stl lift ft) 85 tO 'A , 7 f-0 10 la CO gOt 00 4 0 A " 10 00 1ft 00 'A SO 40 00 0 to l " ... 15 oo so i 1 4o on to oo leo oo -.Ay " 7 rHK. la "Hfinwnr Bn U.I In. (-r"-an I r timer Drwadalbta and Mrunii Ms Itutnes- notices In the lcal Column 20 cents per line, For legal and transient advertlierrrita il 00 per square, for tbe Art insenlorw and Ml e,n per square for ea.-li subsequent in sertion. , , V TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: , , Slnjrl oopv, --r nr........ fS N Ninl ciy, nix m-mOm ............. t 00 Sittirle ey, three luiuth-,.. ... 1 00 Singla number.......; 10 ALBANY, OKECONFllIBAY, MAY J8, 1880. YOL.XV. NO. 4:J. V r - PROFESSIONAL CAP.DS. C . VofrKRTMX. . s. arsr-ussr. ' nujiriiREY & woLvf.rtox, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Albany, Oregon. "Will ir-u-tir in nil the Court- tn the Slate, Pivtmtc uv-u-h-s ami bvU-.-uU.Hiit -UeiiUa to rttu)Htjr. vl&ntet I, H.1NN. U. K. CUAM11KR1.A1N. FLIXX & CHAMBERLAIN'. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Albany, Orison. -Offieo tn 1 cr's ISrlek ltloek.-S-?i vljnlStf. 1m. h. montanyeTT attorney at law. Axr Notary Public. Albany, Orrgon. Ofttce upstair, over John Ilrhrsr store, 1st street. - vHnStf dTh. N. BLACKBURN, ATTOPiSEY COUNSELOR IT LAW AHKtny, Ore-. onif p klalnitathcOJJ Z'cIUw'tTrn J'-t'oltootloii-i it ---Ialt y. np'.'l. J. K. 7EATHESF0RD, (NOTARY reuuej , vTTORXEY AT LAW, ALCttT. (Kt'tM. "VrIM. rUACTH'K IN AlXTIIKei'l'ltTSOFTHK t-u-i-u matter. . -rOffi-e in J0d Fol !- TVmyl. (1 :S J. C. roWtl.I. XV. R. Ult.YHU. POYVELL & 1III-YEU, vTTORN FA'S AT LAW, And Solirilors iu I b.mrery- ALBANY. ... OlttlliON. Col .-e ions- promptly iii-kV on all points. Loans ip-timed on roaxoi.-ftiee let mx. -9"tlii-a in Kwu r'n .ri.k.-9:w vHui!i-f. Arroi; n i-: Y at i w. tialtl. acut' Jr-f" Itlh.- upstair in lite Od.flViii-w'a Iil.-U 1TOKXKY AT LAW LEU.txox o:ir.fto:. Will pra'-tltv? Iii ail th. (un "t in !-l tromit Kltfution -:w---i to c.ii-cttin, cu-VfiMihy- arii txniiiiitttiu of 'titlr. P--ti-imsi-i--- a .p--.-i.iily. vl-.'it':!. J. A. V A AT IK. ATTOHfttY AND CUUriSELO.l AT LAW COSTAtilS, 0fcO-ON. Aill -.rapt - In nil tr. 4'ihi.v -f ;Imj i-tal-l'UIIW in til- ("Mir". H-nri-"Va H- J. BOUGIITON.M. D.. ALCIXV. - . - - tE:.-. rrHB IXTh: IS A r.RAMMTK of THE f.Vl- 1 Etei rv wiii v'nii,-,"! 1 if . y:itk,iHj i 1, Ui tvKii!er of H-tk-vtta! It.-iltAl )iAiH-ul Cullee i4 X 1 li-- an-t 1--.!i"- mj oiwtt I oarth ami F.llKW.-rib S-ivrtn. ii.n--.lj lu!i ut I tie U. K. t t.urrli, Surth. lfit52ii r. v. j:i.i. FU, i.r. j. m. fiiwku, M.r. BALLARD & POWELL, Physicians ami Saroons, IFbiBn, Orejon; 0t)fn ::i IlKn-n Pru Store.''!.. vTmllKf . D, M. GAVACi:, Physician and Surgeon. A I (. rsH 51 A V I Ml IS KA l I" ATKI IN TIIK l'iiv?it M.-.I inii Intta;i' if t'iiitriii ll-tti, ll:-) I t:l .lt.11y. a"0:liK. i t l'r. mnV Urifk. -t:irH vj !;-:; Ur. . WILLIS rillCK,- IL;rTIST. Odd Felov7s' Temnle, Albany, Oregon. Oin.-e li urs front 8 to 12, ami front i to -1 vo!15n!!).f Dr. II.. J. Clmrchill- H32EPA5HICF3TSICIA5&SU25S03 ' -'aire in lid wain's IJrick.) AJuat-.j, . - - Oregon. Chronic Diflf'asos a -fH;ia'.ty. Can bo foil n. I at rny oftice at all liour of the day or night lien not profe-loually absent. , Vl5n-i4ll C. C. Kelly, M.D., I'liy-fScian and Surfoii, ALHANY, OUCG03f. arOlHfio in M'llwain'x Block: lUmi dence. one door north of Uroont Katory. vHnStf (Successor to Dr. Krevver.) Office and residence on Eeacntl stieet, npar Xo. l'g Engine Ifouse. 23tf lr. T. I-.. Offifiirv, ' CCCU 1ST AND AURIST rvR. GOLDKN HAN HAD EXPEKIENCKIN X- trt'tin th vnrious tli-aw to which the eye and ear are suijji, and feplic confident of giving entire satisL'totitm f tboso who may pia?e memfWMves tinut? nis care. uootr. TAKE NOTICE! IF YOU WANT A Cf.KAN-, COMFORT ablo Kbave, liitir cut or batli go to the FASHION HAIR-CUTTING HEAD QUARTERS, where yon will find Gns. Knj-Iander and iienry lMtcKermvoaiways on liana and able and willing to do good work. . Rooms on First street, two doors Wow . Wells, Fargo & CO.'s cilice. 3ttf JOIIX ELLIOTT, PRACTICAL IIILLIVEIGHT, Albany, Oregon. . Information giren cheerfully. Adiirpss me at Albany. aotr nns paper ffrifiSyii-Ss ouutiwu limy Ua iiutJu for H 1T Mi 1 OUK. , 1S6G. . ISSO. ' ; IS NyV liKl'l'lVJJtHllJ . SPRING AND SUMMER ST -OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE I coxs:fn isa or- DRY GOODS, " -' ; BOOTS & SHOES, CARPETS, WALL PAPER, Houco Furnishing Goods, ETC., ETC., ETC. I AM NOW OFFKiilSrt A l.AItr.FR Af BETTEIl K1JK than ever tfrv, HiiU mil i-tktrUty . rrvu l.r lilH 4 rviltlo imhI ilaviit ui CAM! iut UMriii 1 miu Ui-le'nmii-J 114 U lm uiKlemtiM. 1 invU ttlio-u. HnntlD: coo I gcodM nt lo)nt-tr irlrr-t to mil antl nre utc. sAmvel e. vorxc. vol i,"ji.j;uj V.'AUXEH8 SAFE PILLS Am on teita!late anl nritrr utimnltw fr a Twpl4 J-ter,twlcurt ostivont, Irpta, UlnimauMrMt. titti utrrh(m, n!arta fevt-r and Asim. anJ hiw ui I u-w1 whenever tuo tMjwe zu;i opeftU Jjr'ly mod rtulriT Tbtrartten wirrnttar thiin that f othr ptns,an4 ltlbe mnietimo m(re Ml-s-tivr). No cx rv-stf-h ftmai! dupM f-tr thoroorh wurk. Thf have lMa uv! with ert-at pnrrWi Itt T"nuith arioT where M!rt prMrii, ami ara tLa &ntidte f.r all ktmlw of fa!irtl rim. etr who llTOf-rwnTk In anhtojtbT plac. arf! thr of M-xientary habitV houij u t hfin. Tffb.i at bKl-i irn. ihj pmMwtf rrt axut tinatf un Caiuri crnrnaxwos tho next ftw njn. Th?jr do mt act dirwctly on !? btwel. bat tnTt Trtiy throntfh the ltw. raiKini; it ly iw-Ttfr tli rivrt-mrf bile, am! honJl mim-aytt be f refcrrr-it . whtcn ;--rra to as a viokroi calaoruc, caiuu p , i men and wtaknea, Prtoe. C3 cents a Eox- 1 TrAX5r2's safs atsms lr5:?T ctvea Ttt an1 ftleeptrttliertifVrtnff. rrrw 11. m-LiK-he and NcumJcia. irrent KpiU.ttc Kuj, and relure Nmna IT wt ration lrni:ftt tn by ex cewHtt ArtaX, OTefwura, m-ntl aiiucaa ami utar I'owerful att (a to tom!nimrtiifwaedlditrbe4 tmttp-, it nT-r lnjurt-- tlio ytcm. aLwtixtr laaca la maI or l&nr-s ltoftennrTtth-? proTem t wtlftmi ciefteiTy therecaperalive rrft which & nMuajt, aU4U (Ct4r e.Vtal iu all painful C.tfWi. WaTWTa Faf Ncrrloo Impmred di- overjr tjf Ut-t tu--t i!ii(ji n--t-r d---f-r f tim writt find an ir-ttmat: t-fe-ntftoail who pittter 7mrTa fafe KM rf y uud LWrr C'arr ruf'e Ulabetea tare. ral fc.(Srra and fealo hi aio -ni.r-r r. iLn-ute. nneuaiN-i in 1 lieir iepenv Im-aJ4 of 1 5-,; ' -tr; 1 Wamrr'a Hnrr uin- rdiraareiwikl i-jr Jirui.yw lRnl 5!-dicjiHj Mnf-rit iren 1 erallT ihri-tiynort th-r-tjn- f I 'y.ry.wend f"f tumpavt E-HTTanicr &Co. Sold in AIIkid.t by nsiIAYAMAiUiN. In Kal.m l.y li S. H rilflEI.I,. AIJLYNY C0LKKGIA1E- IXTITUTE. OK. The Soconi Tirni will opon n X vnslipr 3, 1370. . ofjrit Ik t!ft-!nMe thrr vtir-.- of foKtrnton .1J be i-urj-il.-.J iu thi-f JiMtitut', iy; tlaimiJ, , . bcieiitiilc atnl Ntnual, A fuH f orpi of lai.Irnr(or ban Wn rnrrd- t For partictiUra cHicemTnv the ctmrw of lutiy afal the j'Hce of tuition, iil w ri Kt:v. rustu r omit. vm t. STAE1 OAKERY ! CONRAD MEIER, Proprietor FretsSi Ilrcatl Dnily. fi'ro-i-ris ami Provisions of all ', kinds ( heap : , CItOCKEItY, GLASSWARE, Etc."..' jgiTCall and gee niy Sto. 42tf ALBAfiY R1EAT fABKET. Fresh Beef, Pork, Mutton, Veal and Sausago al ways on handt Hiij!ict Cash Price for all kind of ttix k. M GfcO. YEUUElf. HO, FOR SODAVILLE ! I WILL MAKE TKirS WITH STY STACK EVERY Saturday between ALBANY AHD S0DAV1LLE, nil will ean-y lth f roiirht ml MetiirK. IjJvg ynler. t'8t. Cliarlea or llisvcra llotii- 1 now owii the feeu ntable at HiKlavtllu, nnSt wilt taUe ("vJ care of iiontcn laft In my ul&mc iilt 1.U ItUOCEIt. WATEEt WORK! 7 t F-- YTrtTT Tliriini ' pirs III I I Illf -1 AS WE ARE NOW ABOUT TO HAVE Water Works In. thin city the under signed takes, the opportunity lo inform bis friends and the publio generally that he is prejiared -with all the latest-appliances to execute all kind of water-fittings at the lowest possible living rates, and solicits a continuance of pit patrotiij-e. . ,s JOHN BKIOGS. May Ifi, 1SS0. 4lw4 -' ; . tTOUI OF A WHITE HttX ,:. A fanii-liouKo Ititcben,' wiJe ntl ploHsaut, tlie Bnting unnltino lying in bright squares on the glotuty floor, and tlm wind out of tlio old applo, orcliotd. and the long line of inow-r clterrj trepri, dnIUnj in at the oen door, with its deliciona jioi fiime and breefy breatli;"A woman atanda at the table, on wliiuh mo piled the freshly-baked loavea, brown and fragrant a woman no long er young, but whose hair ii plentifully hjninkled with gray and whose form in visibly bent, aa if from the weight of years. And yet she baa seen but forty years, albeit years that could but "leave their traces on heart and brain," so full have they been crowded with the bur dens that, once borne, lea re Ui'oir intf fucoablo impress for all time to come. She haa bt-en fair once. If you doubt it look at the blooming gill who enters from the porch, with rippling, burnished hair and glad, blue eyes the imago of her mother, they call her," as that moth er looked twenty years ago. ' You have Keen two roses on their parent stem, one with its creamy heart, rich and fra grant, just opening to tho kias of - the June attn ; the other, a -little lower down, faded, withered, and will, acent leM leaves, aadly folding front the light and dew, neither of which, is able to renew its life and beauty. You have noted the contrast, and yet have not doubted that the dying flower, in its heey and morn of bloaaoming, -wfts equally sweet and glorious with the now unfolding one. And if, Lilian Grev is lov)y and-full -ef woman's Lprotnine, no leas ao was Miriam (J rev, ntanding in the May sunlight a score of years- agone. T lie elder woman looka at the young girl with an ineffable look of love and yrsn-ing in her faded eyra. . ..." Lilhe." ".he ; fays tenderly, " 1 fin- ihhed your dretts 1-u.t night rxcejit the lace at the net k and wrwla, an you cmi havtj it to wear this afternoon." " Wh-r, mamma," anawrrvd I.illra Urey, "1 had intended to wt ar aome other. I did hot wi.h you to hit-lip when yo;s were so tired. You know I did not." v '"' '"But 1 winhrd you to navr it.'dcar," her niotht-r said fdu-ilyV .T1i .tlir pt lii will 1 iii wl.ite.aod 1 culd not mr that you should be tluanpoiitled." Her tlUnghter went tip to her, and Iiutting her aims around In r neck kiiweil ter m!o inoittli tenderly. It was a lit tle deed, kttt-i;- sw-ot-ii-I th-t wboU weary lny of toil for Mirimn Grev.i ' You had butter drta befote Jiitner, Liilie," her mother teaiitttitl, " u to to rea-ly whin they c!l fr yow.-'' " I will help you rt aUntt the diu lier," the girl replied. ' .- Hut her mother put her by with the axxurance that she could ' do quite well alone. And so. the thonghllemi though really tiiiHeluh gill left the kitchen, and tripping to her own, little chamber, grni her simple toilet ; while her moth er, fluHhed and weaty, bent alxtve the flowing riu.i;i', and huriii-d to and fin, from mil iv iu ctrllnr, and from store- ri)iu u tablt, in Iht tH.antfioim foi the tuid-lay meal. Hurried t vt-f. him wa.alwata hurTT ln lo and fio iu this i.'.iinitiit ; .lie lunl hurried for tiwnv -tear, wunlil hurry atiil, io liti I it, until kotue day when lh -ower wax gone, and the reaction rain-, and the wont out luaehilitf : rrfin-rd to lotigrr jietAiriu ii m uocuatomed fincliiu'. Then the hnirr would Ih Oter. Farmer Oey emite iii fimm the Held fltlhhed Hint heated, his gtent brawhy. flume in Klrtkiitg tuntrant lo I tic slctuli-r liitre nf the woiimn, who llitlrd in, while In- !- ? nt lhevgteat' --ink in the cot lift, nl t heu nuked tin- 'Men-i-tyiel pii hi i. ill i- ; I ilintiir ready 1'' , Vin," t-he- anawt-red -fftirtly. "Yon n tall iht niiwi.' f ' Aim wtihoiit one mu ilj for the weary face ut the table oppuMic bin own, with out lit'jiu -note that her own : plate of food was rai-Iy tonthed, John Grey ate bin hearty, well-cookvd , meat, in si-. Ictice, and when, he had linudied, rose from the table,' fo'lowetl . by bis faim hundK, and went ont Attne' jKuclt he tnmnl tiack. ;; ' - 1 , . ; '! ..' "You'll bava to lel(i. me iriiilk. h night, lliriaui," he called out, "I dj&'t want to stop the teams as long sa we can w e to work, in this hurrying time." It was is rely that the patient woman remonstrated'with her lord's dictation. I5nt this time a v.Liion of the.. labor to lie performed that afternoon rose, before her and she said meekly : , " . ; " "I hardly see how t can, John', as Lilian is going away and - will ' not be here to helpme aoburthe'sujiper." "Keep her at' "home then," lie' said grullly. "Our work can't be put off for her to' run the roads." : Which elegant harangue was simply qtiivalent to a reiteration of the previ ohkIv prer-o'ii.oeil eiMef:-.'.'Afte the ta bi. yMM i'l. aied Li!.-tn ilcft vjth the gay pitrty-of . pivknickuis", who called for Lher, and Mrs. Grey, after seeing her off, came back to her domain With the old weary look on her' face, and resumed bef toil. She had failed to finish the week's ironing in the forenoon, owing to a few little hinderances, such as the skimming of a hundred pans of milk, and the washing of the milk pans, the working an4 packing of a tub of golden butter (Mrs. Grey's butter, was ; excel lent, and well it might be, site worked so much of her life away in its produc tion), the washing and dressing of the children for school, the chamber work and washing of dishes for a large house hold, to say nothing of the thousand little trifles sandwiched' between1,' each with its complement of a dozen steps or go, And now she resumed her place at the ironing. table, clothing the bars in their white, spotless apparel, and finish ing only as the clock pointed io the hour-of ' four.-' ;o i , . ..: j i. Within the next hour she must pre pare the" fire o'clock ''"sapper and skim the milk that is awaiting her dexterous hand in the cool, clean dairy, that she may afterward, assist,, in the ". milking, according to her master'sexplicit orders. A hard thing, this slavery, is it not t The. sun went idbwh ,that . nigbt' jfc a great i'bpfl of- roseate ' billowf), the pirk jiiiBh overlying the bjllows like a tinted ' . 9 ...... . veil. Tho time hud been when Miriam Grey would hRTfr-rntclied Bitch a sunset with tho taptutots appreciation ' of a sensitive, poetio soul, when the gfories of the panorama of Nature, spread out botore her, called up such emolioim as found expression in many a sweet and rythmic idyl, which thoso who t tt'l" were 'not alow to appreciate, as belong ing to a high order v! cicuiivk.- and im aginative genius. i ., .... lias thooUlun fire all died out within her, that sho turns away from the. itiitii itablo jminting in full view of her w in dow, and busies herself in tint petty de tails of her narrow kitclitn, without an other glance She has no time to watte on such in dulgences. Tho setting of the sun in dicates that what reinuiiis of the day's toil must be l'mished quickly, and only the half-suppressed sih that wells up from her heart trstiiies that Uie is not content to shut her eyes on the beauty and loveliness thut lie brondcust over all the sweet Hpiing landscape. And this is only one day- one of many, that follow hard ouo upon 1 he other, each like unto tho rest, with its unvaried, unyielding piew-nire of toil, its tinpity ing, 'hurrying i.t-cenhitu-s, llmt, like a whip if small coitls, hn-h the victim on in her flagging exertions. The $uniuirr catnr Hiiuiiucr overall the world, balmy aud lux mini it ; Sum mer aiia in tit the window ; Summer loses in the garden ; but no .Summer came into Milium Clrry'a life. Spring and Hummer hate gone by. The days are much alike to her, wheth er ottUide are blo-isotiis or drifting snow, since tho narrow world in which she lives admits of no change at iimn thut hints at release from toil. Her ti.k witater, after the harvetits are gathered in, and, the, Winter couics blustering and wailing over the mountain, sits by the kitchen fi'it and allows hiinndf mt from bis labors. " ITtit it is not so with the woman whfl shares bin fortnnr. It is work, woik, ; work still. Over her shoulder a grim ghoul is c-vt'r lookiti-, and nriiiK her on w ith his hollow, t iii- les eyes, 'fche sonders, somelitttoi, awy down in her heart, unnten and unheard, what therri id the eoan-e, on input licltc, hif-eruel initn wI-m-name she Warn, that cou'd tvtr have awakened her loteiti tha looming f her happy youth. Kho loveuj.iiu li loted hiio then, fjr fiv u a ni exotic; ami, all hough it limy not iKi at., em e, triiiiH phtiiled into ntui i!n mil, mid cjh s.-,! to chdiing wiud-, wjll one l.y otic -.Lol i's rjiiivering li-ates and t-i it'j; hl-Winu-i ti!l only the naked, i-hiveiing ,ilk le tokens its existence, wliU-h, en exsuii nation, tuny still rowe to hold a I ill!" of the eiixtr of life iu its shrouded ven tre. J)oe . he Into h-r 1 Ho ha Rot told her 0 Iiof, at I.n.t.' twenty years. ' Iln to.e.1 lo r.fn-tt, when Lilitn was an iid'atit at ln-r i.t i unt, mi l the b'ltg gotiet-vho in c'lli sweet in her -ar. Of toir-i4- he ;Iih-, t!.i.t;t,li ; llmL U nn-d-rt.tont, Hf -.iiic- -Ai'titn hii tu n const rucii il M-iiirttro. 'lint ) ! a but a s'rsnge, sweet Ihi-iii wmdil j;" through tiuauic Jt al''a I ,i -., tlmilu is liei- thnr yoifiy liyr .uiij-ciii.', aud ihougb hi-r 1-e. pi tie, mi. I jninr, Mud t:nri-liiel, if I hut soft- ii-fraiii, "I love Jol'," would itj-aitt greet her eats from hps rtteo so l.ivo-li in their prate-Hut ious tf jil'iH-iitut ' li t men iieter think of iIiih I Or, tlii-ikiri', ilo tliey pat itf.otu till III H a SelitlBielil lltiw H I iV timttlt ity slid n wate -f fdii.lnc.-H on the 'object nnih r ioiiiiier.ition t 'WlrnthtV leaves f..'il 'Autumn Liiixii Grey lefc the tA I liotuestrnd, the happy bride jf a mini in etery rvp-rt worthy of her lot e, and well oil' lor this woild'a bouiitv. IViIimiim it was the weeteat tlrop iu Miriam Cret'a cup of exiMenco wlien he kay lict' ihim Inip 5ly ' muted, and knew t!mt for her heart's darling there were hot the bitter years of drudgery in Ktoio that . had lieen her motheis Kirtioii, ISiich is the love 'of a mother Tho other children were boys. ! They would, st least, never tread ill; her own troubled footsteps. After Jier daughter's" marriage the un mitigated burden of the caie of the whole house fell tijton her already shrinking shquders. . ', - Iter busbani'l did iiot notice that'lu-r step7 grow each day a little slower and more irresolute that she stooped a lit-tb- lower over the washboard and iron-ing-taUo;, or that her; night?" wore fre quently vexed, with pains and. aches, that were in theniseKcs the advance guard of the oncoming forces of disease and dissplut)vn.'"i"Dut tTio time cumo when the unwelcome truth was forced upon him, thut a girl was needed to as sist in the bous'rhold cares an original idea with him, and ono that found ex pression only when Miriam Grey was prostrated on a bed of sickness, from which it was doubtful if she would ever rise again... The slow Winter months dragged by, and it was not till early Spring that she was able to' sit ut the board and take her meals with tho ret of tho family. . : . , The bong fever had left her, but in its stead, as an , equivalent, remained a hacking, wearing cough, thst sounded hollow and terrible iii the bleak Spring nights," when the sat npalone from sheer- inability to' lie down and share the untroubled rejiose of her husband. What were her emotions, what her vis ions, retro8pectiyeaudLprospf-ctiTp, jn those, midnight .watches? God alono knows. Perhaps the thoughts of a not distant' clay of emancipation' were in themselves compensatory for- lots of slumber. - : ,..:; . .- i . , ,1 have ouly told you of ono vcHr tif n life, the last, suJdcst ypar, in wliich Miriam Grey iiriisiied her work. Again it is Spring ; again Spring sunshine floods tlig heavens" with' translucent glory; again the" sweet "airs lind their way into the kitchen windows ut far mer Grey's, but Miriam Grey is not there at her, post. A funeial .cortege winds, up the hillside,. and the fresh,, gri eh .earth "opens its arms to another weary child. There are heard the old familiar sounds of weeping and .lament ationfroni ' Lilian Grey 'and hpr or phaned brothers, and they go away, and the churchyard gate is 'closed, and the birds resume their iietit-buitditig in the tuts that wave iibovo their gtassy mounds. The shackles have fu'Ioii off fiiua tho weary limbs ; for the sleepless nights and days of hurrying toil "the blesKctl sleeper slmll find abundant repa- tation.for heio "lie giveth His beloved Sleep." i And John Grey T He will mix her, of course the tears that fell froth his ryes have at least the virtue of sincoi- ity, though they be fw in number. It is it mysterious dispensation of Trovi deuce tit least so say i tho minister, and he in ttst submit. , It dors riot occur to him (hat be goaded her on with whip ami spur of unremitting toil, till the overwrought machinery gave way, and Denlh, the gteat emancipator, averted his prerogative in terse hingtutge, J lo does not know thut' he killed her I (juery: Are tho. sins of iguoiatice idl to lnj winked at 1 , i . fUn Jua Uorritty. i- - 1MIMK AS UOHCaTIt. , Tbo terrible details of Iboliittrder of C'hus W. Severn lien , in Jlirlon county should bo sifllcionUo warn nil einployors of Chlneso of tho thiiiger to which they nro t'.xisi.iti ilu-ni-tiolvos and their families. cen turies of practical serfdom has served to endow llio wholo rncc with wonderful towers of dissimula tion, find it In llicroloro Imptmslbk to to on guard tij-uiiint them. Oilier mcrs will usually Is-tmy theniHt-lvt-s in ono way or nnoiher, If t-jirehiily watched: but u Cliinittuun niuy: mtille In you faro one tniiiuto anil 'mtirder your family tho next.i; Ami boi-J ap parently Incopublo of gratitutle, ntuj without the least 4ftnr of Jistlco. Treat him kindly for year., Mr. rjevcrmeo did, and lu will fnolulily ho will bo pluttng to . rubor murder you till tho while. Nor. In n gtssl t-oiiiluct tho s)Ig!ite.t gunrtinteo the futurn. t:hlnAiii tn may of ii to lo oil thut could r (loxlrt-d n sorvant InduxtrloNs, olllcti, tll-i-iwl, nd even uffcctioiuiio timl yet Is) in league with tlo woitd eiiiuliiul-i of his race, and U rendy to commit any rtlnio for the ak of a fow lot lar. Keepln-r ft clilimm:tti In the family l-illko keepiitjriiiUiino tiger h-fH-o about tho preuilsessisinvr or Uier the one find the other ttrn Mtre to develop their natural if.iiluejs.nnd generally with ibo ntw rri .).. re sults. ..' : - Antl i niitv l! li-ei'iitl ulielhr-r the it'p' .,f I b ini-o U reillly aey -iivit, -vi-n vhcu i keejs on lit tr.M.d Is-bsvh-r, stn-f t. it is. 'J bo ! i-f j r,y in tn-e way or nil 'liter l- nmro iliutt ff.r.i.-iciti lo p;iy ilsu hi wgc tween whil-. M-rVMt;l a (linn ir.aii. Not that whin lVlltll-i i r sUvsys lionet, hut I here l ti-ti!lv i limit to their peculate ntf. wtiib I'm innw f ii Chiiuimmi e.ia, ".'tuttctl with plunder. A' l r- lliert fire etilldreo. lt uri-x nn- f blne-e, -peel;illy tl'sttH l' linU-tp, ciiniiot isll to 1n intiro or' Up dis Irnu.t. They know nothing- ami care nothing nlsiut mora'.iiy n?) wo tm!er Msnd it, mid ns for chastity. It i-t doubtful whether they could Im nt.nh tr eotnj reheud even Is ineunlig. Dally contact with ladtigssotle-'radetl mu-t iii-eesMirUilIy Is? very demoraliz ing to children of Udh sexes, ami it seems nliiu.-t lniMij-Itdt that any in telligent j it rents should' permit It. Stilt It U is'rmltted, nut will emiilnuo to l-e, until iiiore ' terri ble erlnies reveal the danger of -urh !l-H-l.ltt-l. KtRntlNOSt IMIVO. , if your ful her is so t.iti.itleil that ih-' etitp tif his ilatiuhtty U a burden u,n oleuilfr lesources, you otlilit to relieve him by working for j out self. Lvtry U'otnati should be nUo lo stipHirl her self, if there is nicd fr so doing, "llttii tlreds would ls vry nntch hsppier if they did so when tho ' need wat not pressing. We ars so ct-istitiitcil that alternate ierils of work and rest are beneiieiul to us. Idleness is tho bane pf existence. - The veriest btitterllr among girls would lead a gsyer life if she had something mote to do than to flit from lliwer to fljwer. I am piite suto that the hard-worked, tiled out shop giibt, who have so fw hours for, re lose, arc often happier, becanxn nmre genuinely sett-respecting, than are Some indolent,' dawdling young' ladies, who kill time by reading silly , novels, and whose chief .aim seems to be the pres ervation from soil of their-sofr., useless hands. A few years ago; teaching and sow ing were almost the only vocations opun to educated and ' goutly-breil women. Now, all doors ojien nt her ligh touch, and the lady not less, but more of a lady if -l i e honorably work has but' to lay her finger. on what latch ibe chooses. Work is not play. If she wishes to earn money, she must givo skill, ja tience and unselfish diligence to her en terprihe.' The market is crowded, and only the best have a chanco. ' ' ,il 1 Hut the young woman who resolutely ami cheerfully takes tip a calling, and who pursues it with steadfastness, has as good an opportunity for success as her brother has in his field or profes sion. If it be "her duty to work and earn Her own livelihood, she need sacri fice no delicacy, of sex, nor. lay aside any of 'her beautiful womanly modesty in doing so. She will also have a posi tive and -not-to-be' measured advantage if, in her self-supporting career, she can live nt 'Lome. .Jn the best boarding houses Open to working women .thcro is much which is not home-like. Archbishop Wood, of Philadelphia, condemns secret ' societies. -As the Archbishop isn't married, it's all right in his case, but does he want to deprive thousands of husbands, of the only ex cuse they have for staying out late 1 . , :m mm BpcliQater. doesn't brag of having pretty, girls or statesmen,, but tell a rjochester roan that thepatent med icines of that town' wont euro every disease ever heard of ntid vho'll tear aud cuss like a Bandit. THE ;IVJ OF UIKMWf. Tbeebaw, the king of Burr-nib, is ono of tho most depraved wretches on the fitco of the earth.' Ilis recent saerilicH ot seven hundred beings, to propitiate tho gods and save himself from deal h, is only efpiale.d by the terrible butchery which' followed his ' accession' to the throne in 187P1 He is only twenty years of ogt and is thus d;hcrilud : When the ministers of the old king pronounced Thef haw his successor and seated him tion tho throne, he was a tall, well-built, personable young man, of i.mooth, olive complexion, withu good forehead, - clear, n'.wfly, blight, black f,ii", a,fir:n, but pleiHaut mouth, a full, setiNual chin, and a will of bis own. Of this lost charurteriHtie, Theo haw as we may . b pardoned for call ing him fur short -sj-ecdily gave nnmis tuk.iblo proofs The ministers who had odvaiirod bim, among tho ; youngisfc of Mindune, Mill's sons, over his elder brothers, wero within three weeks im prisoncd in the royal stableK, there to meditate tixm the facts that ' coiixtitu tioiiril reform is a ticklish and rixky undertaking when nil tho traditions of the throne ate thoo't of aLi-oliit-isut,and that a very slight taste of iowr is strftjcimit, under such cireiiiimtiincci, to t raiifcfyi in a branlless, pliiilil.; boy into tho worst typfi of an hIi1uIm monarch. Instead of llnse nilvi--r of his father, he surrounded himself with iiiee, or boys, of his own at-o or tuMcK, and the p tlttcc became the sc-ne f orgies, con. ducted sl-soltitely wiihoft rcsiraint. Another offheebaw's nela itntuedintely sfier his accewtion wrs lo secure hiiti- iu-'C ii ii i i iht plota by tho simple proves of killina oil all his ie!atui-. A letter idea tf what this tuetis en 1-h -;ninl by considering that . the -jay old mon HltU bad fifty -three wives and one httn- Ji'c.l and tea ehildicir, ( f whom thtttv- w-veii w ives iitid Kit v-uiti.i ciiildren sur vitc him. It in iuijOMi!-!e to say how tu-Viiv of ihew . brothers' sinters, and step-mothers, so to sikms were kUS- ed, but 4-i-hty is a sir rumprouiixe esti mate. I; Must Iiot tat iiiiasiued tliel lher wi-ie distiosed of with nnv fcenti iim utal teiideriiL-ss. At first tin; vic tims welt- led front their Cells iu twos d thrt-t-s to (r.7.o to ihe king; then- their haisnit wt-to lied to their ieac live i r.iis of Bii.h-i, and blows with a tn-svv tltdi ;tt llie l acks of their necks - ! letir in'M-rv. Iiot this kkiii l-iotcd ttttt tnild a -j-cticl- . f"r ihr Im-i oi1i iiiii'i-t.ilr l.1 11,, el aw. One of hi t !.!--r br.l.eis t t,f. -.M .l otter scoin ! r J.nt eould done to him, sr?d wax ll-L'i-I lo u-lh, 'Another, who had i. i..i .1 loteiglit ts mi ilw uiil l- i hi I, hi- f.-rt, 'an-l as utterly unworthy tn . iiK.1 Ijetw-'ivn heaven and earth, was IkiiIiii ! mid itiivenlo n:ii-!iuH Ijtf.ire I-- iitg a liilfi.iti.l blow, and bt wtiihitig IhJv vh, then thrown into I be tihfiic tn-tich du lo r-ite the l-m-t: A f riu.-r jovih nor .f U-ni-m lnoi his now ntrl tymilli fiiHsI itl) jjiin- Hwlt-r, a niitteh was spptitnl, and be wh flmi iiit- th- tienoli to In? Stili'il hf the sncceiMliii iMslies. One young nWl of six let-it was pitched ilito tin-Miniu hi-Mting grate after having S'ltl'i-ie-l evety outlnt that could la; l-y eight voldters of the guard. One pregnant princess was cut in two, and her husl.Min! was enlb-tl in to we his w if, and chil-l lt-foro he died. The liii(-.ncr-,- :it ctnreil on in thin Icuiirt ly fi-hion until Thet-l-aw "and l.ts exe-eniiotn-rs wti-ie.l with ihe sport ; then lh-i wotn-ii were miii;i!v battered over the head, and the ibildrett were sA ting HgiittiHt the pahe-e walls. At I I tst the victims weie all ki!!e-l, and the I revolting sjn-ctacle was ovel, lint Thee- l;i-t plan one n-it iinu-iial in l.itr itiah was not siiceewiful, for the rea son lht at Icaiit three of his blood es c.tjMt I, nud one of llieiiiwili probably succei'd him. A SIJiD.tV IX Ti",tS. The following narrative, says the Li t-t!-t Ilock Oazeltf, was told us eonliden tially by n slanderer : , A Texas minis'er are Is a large audience, took , his text and liegan prtacbiur. A bri-tk tirin'j of itols cjiiimeifi-t-d on the" outside ot the church. 1 - ' ;.'rother Di'scon," said tho minister, "I boliove those fellows are casting in sinuations at me; in fact, I am .very nearly convinced," he continued, as a big jMeco of plastering foil from the wall close to his head. ' -: "I think, parson, that it refers to some one else,,' replied tho deacon. ' The minister raised a tumbler of wa ter and was in tho act of applying his lips when th-i glass fell, shattered by a shot. '' i - - m - 'This is an iuuendo no longor," said tbo minister, wiping the water from bis vest. "This is what I tetm an' unmis takable thrust. ' The congregation will please sing while I go out Btid investi gate this matter. Is theie another preacher in the hotise t" " "Yes," said aman throwing down a stick which ho hud been whittling, aris ing and pulling at the waist of his pants like a man who bad just straightened up after 'sotting out a row of tobacco across a broad field. , "Got an extra T" . ., . "Yes." t '-. .. . . , " , : : "Unlimber !" ' Tho whittling preacher handed over a large Ilemington pistol, which the in sulted preacher ' took, and drawing one from Iiis belt started out. i After going out there was an imme diate improvement in the firing busi ness. "It was decidedly more life-like, insomuch that the deacons sat working their fingers,- h Y - ' After a while the minister returned, and placing an ear and the nostril and a half of a nose an the pulpit,remarked; "He that batli ears to hear, let him be have "himself." The sermon then -h-o-ceeded without interruption. ; ! ,"IIell6-Gram" U suggested as the proper tenji for n telephonic mes sage. ' . ' the MAt.tsr. it rant. . The tei-eiit declitio in the price cf iron is to be followed by a general de cline in all kinds of good vanccd so rspid!y. Inst fall and winter. Our met chants till have to trim their sails to suit this fall ii priues. The ad vance ill prices was too rapid to stand, and they w i; I m!; a healthier level, flaking of this mattir, the Bprttrg- (ield, Mast-achiiKctts, Jicjmbllcan The business l-o-nn corilinticd to show signs of its steady ebb to a Leafthy level. Lailroad btn-iin-HS is percei.tiblr slackcniiltr. is rhat s to icvive. but st presens tho predictions are the other way. - l'rom Chit-afro, in spite of a re duction of freight ih'.i-p, Die sbiptnent ot grain and provisions over the trunk lilies have fallen week l.y week, fmtil during tho lnt month the reduction has been from 70,000 to 33,000 Ions. A part of this is due to the betinriiiig of lake navigation, but there is a sht.-k- nesi in shipments from all diiectioiw which prvunoes light l.ithii,(H tl.nm 'li tho suiutuer. . Meauwhilo u oiice tall XIKUls quicken and tho (-lain '-'ut sixhf," on the open market that is, is sloly receilin'to a not mat -inou'nt,iu-sleal of l-eing half aiain as birg as' a year ago. 1'riees in Kngland aie hIio falling, und wJiih; toiillictifig reports aWit the firuin crop of lfc&O make pte di.iinu uaeh-Ms, the present signs oint tu lowtr rates fur grain during the cont-in- ytrae. f 'iirteney it coming back Ut New Voik as one fur it eeaM-s away from the great centers, and it nm-t la gravely questioned whether tho sellers und storekceji-rs iu Stnall places hate had a demand at all pioportionaie to the tise in current articles of daily uw. The lxmin w.-ia biggest in the big place, and the smaller ones, after all, in the long run deter mine the avera- level of retail prici--. Tho king isstrvtdby the field, and tir-iiirtchart tirinco ar.d the railroad bnron aa well. - Manufuctnrers stocke-t op with law imitctial nuderlhe excilemctit if the Ixkiiii or who rained the rate of wages may have to turn sotiiu hlmrp coMit-rs in the I ext six monilm, and I lie present ti-udetiCV iu prices'-and products eini.haxies the moral l-recKed iu ihee cobiums two monll-s aio, that lliere must l-e a spirit of mutnsl areontnodatiiiu Is-tween en: pluter end employ -il in lt"tuaiitifai-tur-in; eetiteif, a w !,.!. -wKitue givV and take, a t-niKti--M on the jiart of the IiiIniht to wait bibber w-igns ntilit ga l shIcs liavt unie.l times, and a reJy gxl wid'in t!ie maittifaeturer toohnie li im tiini-H with the men who make ii ,r ,.-, ),, n J';f,. -OHuble ss soon a c-udie I mU s tmn his jirofitH in'o motii-v. now B:ui:r.ti4 :bemv. Tin ( i : Whenever any ono through the .e-t-ident.-i or enrclc-wneys of maukiiul, tr hu wiie, or bh cow or lin, or in any other way, winsM into poKces'sion if mulilatel currency, lio fends It to the Treasurer of tbo Unittd Slates ftir re demption. He also tisua'dy tell the story of his wrongs or bis mi.itortunes to excite the ofTu br-s sympathy and to get gofwl bills in return. ThU en genders a sort of literuture, which if collected would mako an intere-ting and curious volume. Before giving h few notes from it, it will be told how this sort of tattered and torn cur rency L-t retleemetl. It goes to the lletleiitption Bur u of the Treasury, and in case it Is a legal tender note and the numtiers and denomination are distinguishable, and satisfactory evidence is furnished that the other Minion will never bo I'rosenled, a note Is Issued to tho owner of the fragment. If a national bank n'.i the name of tl.c bank mu-t clirg to it, and the snmo evidence ris to the other portioii-i lw famished. Sath factory evidence Consists of affidavits as u how the money became, so dil apidated, nd endorsements bv re sponsible ersons as to the honest in tents of the claimant for redemption. For, of course, fraudulent atieinpts are frequently made on this. Bureau. Quito often a woo-begono piece ot oi note wiii im- sent in mm upon ap plying the crucial test will turn out to bo part of; sometimes too the fntgnientsare "manufactured" to makeup a good casa. In these Instances the sender gets a reply more jKiiotod than pjlite. But gen erally there ia little trouble, and the fifty, men and women employed in this division can see through the case remarkably quick, and theclai wiant gets his just deserts at once. Tho pieces of notes which pass mus ter arc ground to a pulp, dried , and sold to paier makers. Tho amount redeemed averages nearly one and a half million dollars a month. , a hak am:cioti-:. During the htte war Gen. McLaws, now postmaster at Savannah,was riding down the picket line and encountored a genuine son of tho old Pine Tree State on duty, who had taken his gun "apart with the intention of giving it a jthor ough cleaning. The General halted in front of him when tho following con versation ensued : ; "Look here, my man, are you notr a sentinel on duty V "Well, y-a-s, a bit of a one !" ' "Don't you know it is wrong to take your gun apart while on duty Y' "Well, now, who the d I are yon !" The General saw bis cbaree,and with a sly twinkle of the eye, replied; "I'm a bit of a general." , ' "Well, Gineral, you must excuse me. You see thar is so many d n fools a ridin' 'round hero a feller can't tell who's Gineral and who ain't. If you'll gist wait till I git Betsey Jane fixed I'll give you a bit of a s'lute." , The General smiled and rode on, firmly convinced that the sentinel would prove equal to any emergency. . ' ; Beccher saysheaven will never for givo a man for drowning n cat. Doesu't need to; nothing to forgive. THE 1101. IT V DILL. . A there has been considerable in quiry to what has bocom- of the hill to equallzo lxunties of soldiers, wo give tho following from a special to a Chicago paper ' ' . ' ' -ir 'ii..J S.t to, ' vii. tnuiiiiui, ininoin, rtporieu to the house from the select eoiiirail teo on pension", bounty, and back jmy, his bill to equalize tuntles of mldier of the war of th rebellion. The jslnt of order was raised that the bill had been Improperly referred, a.i the committee named had ti3 Juris diction over tho ul jct matter of the bill. The speaker pro-teinporo, Mr. Ul'iekburn, ruled that as the reference was the order of the houne it wax protM-r that the cotnmitiee should re srt the bill. It would then -go to tho public oalendar, and when it wa reached In the howe if it had leen Improjerly referred a motion wuld re jn oru(;r to make proier reference. Tho bill, however, was not projerly reiwrred, a Mr. Thomas did not ac- cotipany it with a report In -writing. , which under the rules, he la required in do. The bill provides that there shall be allowed tu ami paid to each and every r on-commissioned officer, muHieian, artificer, wagoner, and pri vate soldier or enlisted man who en listed in the service of the United States in the war of the rebellion. and who was honorably di-tcharged from such service, tbhe sum of 3.33 per montn uuring an the time which be actually served- -In cae he has been discharired before tlm aixnlratlon nf his term of enlistment on account of the tturgcons certificate of disability or wounds receired In action with the enemy in line of bis duty, such bounty shall be paid hlra for the. whole term enlisted. In computing and ascertaining the amount of mon ey due to any person under this act, there shall be deducted therefrom any and all bounties already paid for such services nnder any law of the United States. No bounty, however, ii to be paid to or .on ac count of any person for serving as a sulx-titute in the army, or who was ui-icnargea at nis owo request or 'or promotion, or at the request of par ents, guardian?, "or other persons, r on the ground of minority. Jn car-e of loss of discharge certificate of any or-on on account of whoso service.-; bounty h granted under thw act, it shall be competent for the ac counting officer t- receive proof of such loss in lieu of production of such discharge. " . - in the senate the bill is in charge of lien. Iygan, and he hopes to get it through this session. snz t isits jl mnrtsti rn x. S!ie came into the office smiling an-l lieautiful. George and she were eu--.aetl, and George bad a. cam. lie Lad a --alley of solid nonpareil on kin frame tt htch J.e wa about to lock up and ptove. - Ocorge, Unslir.g like m frirl, shook her hand and called Ler Lis dar- lln-r lli -v.xl tk.!tAv aweeter than before, Doldy, dejir," she said, still eyeing the galley, "are them the things vou. print withr " Yes-, dai ling, "said D sidy feeling ly. She swept her taer fingers over the matter, squabbling the entire galley. "IJ'etiS you my darlingr said George, chokbsgly, the sweat jaDuring down his fac". ..... ..i-'- Sim looketl at him and aaid: "Why, Daddy, dear, it's all in little pieces, isn't it V "Yes, love," said George, gently tak ing her hand and leading her towaid the door. "Good-bye, darling V be said. 'Goad-bye,; be sure you cjma tc-nis-ht." " . . "Dear , me," she soliloquized, "how Georg loves me! He nearly Bobbed when Ttouched those funny little bits of thin gr.nimies." George, moodily: "I wiah all women were in Heaven." The pardon of tbe Pennsylvania bribers, Keiuble, Crawford, Salter, Pe trol and i..umoerger, SI10CK8 tbe moral sentiments of tho nation. Pennsyl vania politics has loi-g beea a syuonym for the most shameless corruption, trickery and knavery. Men have not only bean purchased like sheep at the shambles, but have 'been eager to be purchased. The . whole ,x)Utical ma chinery has become rotten to the core. It seemed, theiefore, that when tbe men had been caught in the act and sentence passed upon them, that a heal thy reaction had set in and we were about to see the end of it. Instead of this, however? the board of pardons weakens at the eleventh hour and the Governor appioved their recommenda tions. This will not only intensify the contempt in which all good men hit the men who have mmln thW enmliti'nn of things possible, but it ought to bury that Governor and that boa id fathoms deep. The tiorf vary sensibly conclude! that the. construction of a harbor of refuge at Port Orford will result in an expenditure often or fifteen millions of dollars at a point where the use of it will amount to next to "nothing.' Not only this, but this item -of expenditure will be charged to Oregon, and it will be next to impossible to get any Con gressional consideration for Oregon'a seal commercial " improvement for a quarter of a century to come. , The se lection, is regarded throughout the State as one particularly unfortunate, being cut off as it is from inland eommerco by almost iusurmOuntable natural bar riers, wh"lo from its ltlitioh njioii tbe Oregon coast it will be regarded ns an Oregon improvement, barring out ex penditures for which tha commeice of the State makes-loud demand. ' - - m m " ' " The Chicago Tribune think.t that the ono who invented sleep did not furnsli babies with enough of it.