The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, May 21, 1880, Image 3

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    Site pDcawrat
Fill DA V....
.MAY 21, ISt'-O.
For Stnio Senator,
O. P. costiow.
For Representative,
j. r
c. i
p.ukkuaut, J.vcuii m:vm.N,
W. F.,
For County Jude
i. uilyf.u.
For Coimiv CoinniiH.ioiipr,
LF.VI I iO I'll LAS. I.F.W1SC0X.
For County Ch-rk,
1. 1. MASON.
For Sheriff,
1. i. millksl
For Trrnsurvr,
For Assessor,
ltUt AM V1 I.I.I AMS.
For ScluW. Superintendent,
K V . N. UF.ll.
For .-'urveyor,
:i:o. a. uni.MKs
For Coroner,
Ml J. A. HA VIS.
For Ja-ai.-o of the pec,,
W. A. COX,
F.r Con-Jable,
For Justice cf the Pem-e,
I ir Constable,
Bradatiaw and I'ijwr.
K. C. F-radshmr and W. C. Piper, Demo
cratic and Republican candidate for Prose
cuting Attorney fvr tLU LUtriet, will gptak
at the Court House in this city to-night at 8
o'cIjc'.. They, tlieuM bo jpeetid by a lare
a idieuce.
Speakta-; at nrw.
Javle Joi.u J. V.'tluey and l'- n.
E.!jeuii! -L ou'tlie olitical i
W. 11
sun of
the day at S. to-mono at 1 u'ctocV in the
IIuo. W. H. I;ity, u and Judj,e J.din J.
W'uitaey will address tLe jwj le of llarrla
burij and Liuity on the p..litio-l iidues of
the day on next Monday wctiiuj.-. May C4,
r:ilral Sprat. la.
Tberewill be pvl.t:cal tieaking at Happy
Hjine Sell uoihouse, ia Suitiam i'rocinct, on
Monday, Miy "i irsi ti. luUuiarein
(SiTled) IlottLiNU SatTif.
Deatorralir apswiBlisiealo.
The Douiocr i' lc candidates the various
county oUicea w ill address tleir fellow citi
zens at the fuiluw in pUevs on the d .iei men
tioned liclow :
tirn-l,ur, utOajt , May th
H-.,wit tile, M.mmU- , U mUU
ItviiM, TikW,), June
S- i., T!,uni,y, J ium 3U. '
UiIkt's MLUtu. fc'rWat JoiW 4ih.
Aili)r, Sluiaay, Juu vta
i lrr:i pj pirrrlerv
The annual meeting of the stockholders of
the Albany Fanner Company wa held iu
this city last Tuesday, and the election of
direstors to serve during the ensuing year
resulted as follows: M. If. Wilds, David
Smith. G. F. Crawford, A. S. Powell, Alfred
?.!evius, J. U. K.drt and Itob't I Smith.
This new Hoard ( Directors is composed of
me of our stannchest farmer-", and we feel
ore that the interests of the company will
be closely watched during the ensuing year.
0ii account of the failure of cnp the Com
pany lost money lat year, but they now
have every iudieatiou of a good year before
them and wiil have a splendid o;ortunity
of making the books balance in the riht
Tbe t'mp iriuier(.
troai every ijairter of this county we bear
fj encouraging report from the farmerr.
say tljat the jpspcct for a lar;e grain
prop is BpleudiiJ. rad grain is ilMu well.
but stil Uioks a little yellow for want of
SUnaliiiw, and spring grain could not possibly
be in better condition. A few day jo the
r-;p-rt was circulated on our street that the
rait had already made it appearance iu this
county, but we have onversed with several
prominent farmer, wiao eay it is a mistake,
they having examined their grain critically
and found no indications of it. Everything
now betokens a very prosperou year for
Linn county. m
The ladies the first Prebyteriftn
Church will give a salable at the residence
of Tho. Mputeith, Ffj.. on FriJ4y evening
np)(t week, ni the public is cprdially in,
vited to attend, Mr.Monteith has a large
and commodious residence, and as be and
bis estimable wife know well bow to enter.
tain guests, all who attend may expect to
spend a very pleasaut evening.
Let a Forket liooL'.
A green covered leather pocket book was
Ls. somewjiere on tlie niajn road betweep
Iialcy and Albany on Tuesday of last week.
t contained some notes and other papers.
Tbe Cn4er will confer a great favor by send.
jng it to A. Staler, at thi city. Any ex?
1'4S?S W?Hrre4 '4 f'jrwarJip.i? to AJtfany will
id cl;eerflly paid.
,. . ! -
('ariSi: aMrialaii. r ; ...
Xext Sabbath afternoon the sUbjeol before
the Christian Association willbo found in
the 5th verse of the 4th chapter of Colos
aians. . At their prayer meeting on Wednes
day evening of next week the text will be
Titus 2:13 and 14. An invitation to attend
is eitteuded to all. " . '
. r
fbv ifralt.S; -
Our people are now afflicted with the
measles w hich ere fast spreading all over
town. Several persons have all ready recov
ered, bnt we beard yesterday of quite a
number o new cases.
A TniRrtly Hi Pallas.
A horiiblu tragedy occurred at Dallas on
the lllh, the follow ing report of winch we
take from l)ns fitanthitl :
. , 1muh, May 13, 1SS0.
Tho attempt to assassinato Mr. I.ongifon
at tho T)allas hotel yesterday by a young
man named I-orr, and bin own traBio death,
has caused tlio greatest excitement in this
n.ully quiet town, and baa Wen the one
constant theme of conversation since it oo
enrrvnee. Many theories are advanced a to
the real causes of tho shooting, but nothing
raoro definite, ia known than dicloed by the
coulcnta of a letter found on the body of
Lorr af ter bi deatlu This would indicate
that the fear of jnivurty bad driven biui to
the perpetration of the deed, but w hy bo at
tempted to also murder Mr. LongJoa U
more mysterious. Her evident connection
in ome way with Iorr cannot bo doubted,
but to what extent is not known, and the ia
reticent on the subject. The iuqueet of the
coroner reunited iu the fmdiug of the follow
ing verdict by tho jurors cninaum-lcd to in
vestigate the matter :
Tho uudcraiuod summoned by Ir. W.
lleinlwl, coroner of l'olk county, to act a a
judge of iu.pieat to investigate the cause of
the (Until of the person now K'lore us, find
that hi name was Vk 11. C. Lorr, aged. 20
years, and that be came from Corvallis, 1-on-tou
county, Oregon, and came to hi death
liy pistol wound in the head and breast, in
flicted by bis own bands on, May 1 1,
ISSO. at tl.e lUSla Hotel
J F llrown Sam Coad
J M Sear Isaac l.rvdn
A M MiUer - W C Lcown
Tho fl!oniu letter wn found t th. per
sou of the deceased :
"Tbi deed U not dono through purest ex
citement, aud the world may sympathise
with me for thi i premeditated, caused at
thU defeat. It will leave me pcnuiless iu
the world. I was once bronuht down to a
low dvgree, but sweet w ill be the cup of
ueatli belore 1 snail taste that cup ot bitter
niM airatii. I am this day a loser of inatiy
dollar the world don't know. IV th wiil be
the sweetest cup I have lousj tasted. Friumls
W. II. C, Ianta.
Crraiia riralr.
The srtoud annual picuic of the German
Aid Society of Albauy will bo held at the
Fir Grounds, near thU city, on Monday,
M ly Clt, and wiil bi ono of the most enjoy.
able atT-irs ot the season. Follow iug is the
programme :
lTlio proces&ion, beaded by the Albauy
Crass iUud, will form at 0 o'cKk k A. i. auj
march to tho Fair t'.ruimj.
1AfU.r arrival at rrojuds.'inuue by the
3 Singing by tho thotr.
4 Dancing.
C 'Vutenuial overture by the baud.
7 Sinking by ( hnir.
, S Addrcsa by the I'resident, Win. Vui
0 Fimreihmij der dtsut hen Fubue.
10 Xktaciu,;. ; .
Although this La U.ou gotten up by Cue
Germans it i not a private itflair a cordial
invitation Is extended to everybody. The
Committm) of Arranemeut consist of Ffd
Mu'ler, J. Uradwohl, J.w. Webber, l-otii
MUUr, J. X. Hoffman, JI. Ii.t'im, an3'r the
ricaidtilit, Wm. Voitft.
There wiil be a cauipuievtio bobl on the
Crbtreo canip Rrouml, four tuilo from Ib
aaon. begiuuiag on the Thurilay before the
second Sabbath in June.
Also at I'iue Cr., near Sjiiihiield, iu
Lane county, on the Thursday before the
third SabbatU in June. This w ill be the
District Conference, at which all of the min
ister will be present.
Also at I'nie oinp-round, in Folk, coun
ty, embracing the third and fourth Sabbath
in June. This will Ikj a juiut utevting with
tur brethren of the M. K. Church.
AIjo at Yamhill river, near Uaul bridge.
begiiiuing on Friday bebire the first Sabbath
iaJuly. MiuUterial bel,l baa been teoured
for all these mevtiii". Kveryboly is iu-
ed to come to these meeting. Come and
stay and pray.
T- Ii. WiUTC, T. K.
Willamette District. 3d. K. V. S.
X. V: Xo battering will be allowed.
A Sew Imanisrx Asnl.
J. W. G. Cofran, Stale Agent of the Com
mercial Insuraiico Company, of California,
has been up here during tne week .bioking
after the affairs of his company. J. II. Held,
the old local agent at this place, having re
signed, Mr. A. 15. Mcllwain has been ap
pointed in hi stead. Iteiug a very careful
business man, and having a large acquaint
ance throughout the county, we think Mr.
Mcllwaia wiil give entire satisfaction to the
company. J tie Commercial was lor some
time a metnber of the San Francisco lioard of
Firo Underwrite! f, and is now considered
the best of the non-Hoard companies.
A I'rsprrea I lly.
Last Monday we visited Portland for the
first time iu many mouths, aud the evidence
of prosperity which we saw on every Jiand
Wa surprising. We were prepared to see a
great improvement in tho appearance of the
city, but tbe amount of bukineag. which was
being transacted there was far greater than
we had supposed. There ia no use in talking
Portland is by far the most enterprising
city on the Coast, and U already beginning
to rival San Francisco iu certain lines of
trade, aud wealth is accumulating there to
such an extent that her future position as the
leading city of the Xorthwcsfc Coast is as
$rw rial Cor w aralrs.
Daring the past week Mr. Jason Wheeler
has placed in osition adjoining bis stables a
fine pair of platform scale, manufactured by
the I5unaloicale Co, TJiey were set up by
Jos. AHisPP? pf th'S city, who has done a
great deal of thi kind of. wot k heretofore,
aud. this job reflect favorably upon bis alii
ity tt do good work. These scale arenicely
adjusted and will weigh very closely. Far.
mers should remember this when they want
their bay weighed.
Ktup and Bead "jfuj.
Mr. Mfllwajn whle us to iufrm pu,r
readers that he has on hand a. large stpek of
Clothing and will sell it without regard to
irriees at other establishments. Jlo say? he
will positively soli it at pricey away below
what 13 generally cuatoinary. and wants all
to eome and see him before purchasing else
where. His stock of general merchandise is
alao sold at extretholy low figures.
Kabbalk tcbeul Plcaie.
Tbe Shedd Sabbath School w ill bold a
basket picnic at tbe campground near Koli
Ort's JJi jdgeon Saturday, June Igtb, Y'?
re iuformpd that good, speakers haye been
secured for the occasion, aua olner arrange
Uients h.ave been made tq ntake it a pleasant
meeting. .
P'or T-amo P,m-k. Hide or Chest Use Shi
lob'x Torous Plaster. Price, 25 el. Sold
by Foshay fc Mason, Druggists, Alb&nj
Ballraad Talk -tiasslp k(ll Mines. rir
SKATTi t, May 13, 17S0.
KJitor Democrat :
After a long iluno I again proceed to giv
your readers something from ths Sound coun
try and the Skagit mines. . ' -
The merchant of this city rrport business
improving and anticipate a large traJo
for tho remainder of th yr,
Seattle lias bad a real estats boom, caused
by Pama Humor circulating the teport that
Villard was soon to purchase the Seattle (
Walla Walla ItailroaJ, aud push yi work
rapidly forward to Walla Walla. Real es
tate was away up for a few days, but as Vil
lard has not a yet put in so appoaranos Uis
purchaser of a larger portion of the lots sold
iu this city are ot ths opinion that tbey have
anchored to something, wors than ths 13
piiwdo. Ilia salt of this road to parties who
would push it forward to completion would
bo hailed with joy aud ths hearty support of
the people throughout ths whole of F.astcru
aud Western Washington. .
Chas. A. Newell, ths newly appointed
Surveyor of thi Territory, i expected to ar
rive hero about tho last of the present
F.xtousiv preparations are being mads for
tho excursion to Victoria on ths 21th of this
month. The Seattle bass ball club are going
over to walk away with tho Victorians iu a
friendly game of bail, Ssattlo has ths bos
club on the upper coast or at least they
claim to be. ' ' - "
Miss Addio G sorgo, daughter of Mr. A.
George, of Albany, who is attending the Ter
ritorial University iu this city, will shortly
return home to fcpvud vacation.
CL Ksmouio, formerly of Albany, it run
ning a coflTe and- spico manufactory in thi
city and is doing welt "
Mr. ltaphael Cbeadls i bore, engaged in
th auction and commission business f and,
by the way, h was utarrivd last. Saturday
evening to a young lady--Mut Joaooa Hob
in sou. ltaphael is also a diaclpW of Uro. Do
Vore. ' ( .
Tho Skagit mine fever still continue una
bated. A trail is being constructed by
Messrs. Cochran and Day. Tho snow ha
disappeared so that men ean , remain iu tlio
mine. M iou on the hillside aro being
worked aud are richer than w as expected by
experts. Six men were recently drowned
while ascending tho Sltagis river in a canoe
that was too heavily laden. Parties wishiug
for all the news concerning tho mine should
scud for the Sl-iy't .Wrrs, Keattto ssnt free.
' As over,
C. W. I.
Maimer Cro.' Marble Warks.
Thi eatabbUhmeut is now turning out
some of the neatest work we have evr Seen.
Kvery part of it i tiuished up. in good ahspa
and cleaned p perfectly beforo it leave th
shop; no rough place lire left on scroll and
between letter. Tombstones only have to
be purchased ouce and of courts castomars
waut good work; this Mr. Kuiger claims be
can do, aud bo want all to corns around and
inspect the stone ha ha finished up. One
thing we can vouch f.r is that a coo tract
made'wilh Mr. S. will be tilled to ths very
letter a to finish, price, time of delivery,
and everything else. W have had consider
able dealing with both member of tbe firm
and know that tbey are honorable aud' up- gentleman.
Dr. WralkrrfrmT Stralb.
Dr. W. Wewtherfurd, of Pertlaod. father
of Mr. CapL P. C. Hsrper, of this city,
died at hi residence in the former place but
Monday morning. Tbe deceased wa a pio
neer, coining to Orrfcou at an early day and
scttliog in Yamhill county. He removed to
Portland a quarter of a century ago, and
made that city bis bouts uutil hi death.
1 ho lAwtor lor uiauy ) ears kept a large
dnij slor. there and wa wll and favorably
known throughout the State ami, Waslng
ton Territory. J(is remain wrrs buried
last Wednesday at one o'clock. Mr. liar,
wr was St Portland at the tlm f her
father death, and Cpt. Uar jr went down
at tno,ti on Monday.
.'. t'.n.jrnt liuchnnan. ,
Ax-ut D. M. Osborne & Co.,
Ai.basv, Or., Daar,Sir
Our twino binding attachineqt is a perfect
success; can be put on qqy of yqr wire bind
ers in fijttr.n minute, thereby useing either
twine or wiro at th option of tho operator,
Will not be able to aupply ton demand tbi
season, but will guarantee la Jnrnlth and
warrant them to all our customers old and
new for the small sum of $20 for ths bar
vest of lsril. Yours truly,
(Signed) D. M. OsiKiKxr 4 Co.
Hew Patent.
Dewey it Co.' Scieiitifie Pren Patent
Agency has received oftal uotu.-e of the
issue of the. following patent to pacify: coast
inventors, for the wee ending Ja 4tb,
CJf.OtH), Q. Aschenauer, Waorame'uto, Cat.
vehicle spring 327,379, J. Mailer, Kan Fran
cisco, fire box fur boilers; 227,2X3, A. II
Moore. Ellensburg, Ogn., machine for tilling
can witb, hsu, etc.; 77,17": 1. tt.
ItobbiiM, Stockton, Cab, kitchen eabiuet ;
227,189, J. M. Thompson, San Francisco, ore-
stamp mill; 227,142, C. B. White, 8an Fran
cisco, tube for surface condenser. .
Exearalea Postponed.
A careful cauvass bss, satisfied those who
were arranging for tho steamboat . excursion
to start from this city to Astoria on the 24th
iust., that t dvfrr it until the Utter part of
July would accommodate. much bu-ger num
ber who purpose visiting the seaside for re
creation, a well as render ths tilterpriss s
greater success in other important - partiou
lars, benoe it has been- postponed until tbs
time indicated. . ...
Tbe Qneen' Birthday.
Tbe anniversary of Queen Victoria' birth.
day occurs on next Monday, the 24th inst.
and we understand piir nglui friends $
his city ppopow pelebratimj the occasion by
having a grand supper at the 8L Charles
H, e, trbrrb,
Karriage ud its dMtie" will lis the thme
ef disconrse at tbs M. K. Church next Sun
day evening. Bong sarvioe half hour before
preaching. Ajjordial weloome extended to
alb '
Lwasber rr Kale.
Conn Bros, started UH their saw mill about
. ... -s -V
one moniii ago, auu are now turning out
line (luauty ot all inds o( lumber. Itiey
so bavea tine, lot of dry uisirg lumber ..
sale ftt Ibauo.u.
-J-t S
: Cplscenal bevvieeH,
Divine services will be held in St. Peter':
Episcopal Church next Sunday, May 23d
mornias and evening, Eev. J. B. W. Sell
wood officiating. '
; , Hume and abroad.
Sweet-potato pluuts at Iluflendvu.
' Chew Jackson's Host Sweet Navy Tubno-
- ' ' -
i Ths Tory finest Oregon hams sud bncon nt
HsfTenden Bros. ;
Fiuo lot of syrup and strained honey fit .
.JSavoral now grain warehouses v ill be '"t
up out at Letianon tills season.
Psy Hp your sulncriptimi and get ths (""
rtnjo n ttlly A rws for a yearccr.
Dr. K. O. Ilyds is now located at For. 1. m l
and I working into a good business.
No, One aro preparing to put up s new
flag polo in front of their enginu house.
Downer's ooal ml, 2 25 pin' can; Sitn-ri'",
2 lift Continental, $2, at Gradwuhl' cash
Don't forgot it t You ean get the Cli'iut'jO
'flltf AVirs ami tho Dr.MiH'nAT one jrar
Good broom can ho bad tit the Aloai y
Ilnioiit Factor) for only Jhrco ilollw r
Must fragrant ground coHVes at lliilT.indrn
Hro., also tho best of grwn coiruc and
choice ten.
Ir. Ashton it now located at Furudnlr,
Humboldt county, California, and ii getting
good practice.
F.very day bring several car load of iron
tho Lebanon railroad. Work on the
grade will souu commence.
A now bridge ia to bo built acme lake
Creek near the Westlake farm, M. C. Cal
loway is to superintend tho work.
When yon want any kind of canned ods
remember that HatTjuJuM I'-ro. have a Ur e
lock of tho very finest, which they sell very
cheap. ".i .
llallendett IVos. are selling staple groceries
very low, and lear iuiuiml, they always beep
le best goods - th .4 is an item Worthy of
attention with careful hovers., -
The averago man i like the average dog :
When it whim to choosing ' between bii
meal and hi alTeclious, the stomanU i
ndgbtier tlian tho heart.
Oliver McKarland caiuo back from east of
ths mountain lost Wrduesdav. lie ha
taken up a ranch iu tho Klickitat country,
and will move up there thi full.
Ijulie wanting baby Wagon will do well
to go and see Samuel E. Young's new am
vala, including alt the novelties, canopy top.
reversible handle, piano box, etc.
It is with pride that ws refer to the diug
satabliabinont of C A. Hummer iu tbi city.
It is ono of tbe neatest and best stocked in
stitution of the kind iu our State.
Pout em bar that yea can get tbe Di'minii-it
aud the .Y. J. HVrlj Worltt for one year for
only $3 25. Tbi is a splendid opportunity
to get two paper fur tbe price of our.
Tbe railroad company ha selected a sit
for their buildings a little southwest of the
school bouse at Ibauon. Tbey have tr
erd seven acres for their building,'
Tbe fifteen pujulo now it bow Gradwuhl
can aflord to sell half a doseu dumef ' pUte
and half a don cop and saucer for 5 1 10,
nd deliver them fro in any rt of the city
Win. Hale, i. f Syracuto -jirpciuct, lost a
child by scarlet fever a fW day ao, l'.y
(topping tho school down iu that neighbor
hood lliey have stoppu.1 the spread of the
Fred MouUith, wbospviit seversl Jiais in
this city.U now prai-ticiui law in Waukab,
Michigan, lie is in partnership with a gen
tleman named Haight and-they do the Lad
ing busintM in that place.
At Gradwold cash store Golden C c.!Tr
agar i worth 10J; llio cuiu-e, HU to the
$1; soap 75 cents prr Uix; Masou' I gallon
glass jar, S- 10 r tbizatr. All gu.Is S..1.1
at eorrosiJooilinuly bw fU-urvs for cadi.
We were away attending a grand combina
tion funeral dining tl.e !irt ot the week, and
consepielilly have iiot la' to d'.'Vbte as
much time a Usual to thi bue of the j a
per. Wo will u.iAe amend in the future.
The game of "4ixten" U playr.1 at lUu
front gite w ilh one (.t.t on the bottom aud
Mtb arm acros the top, whilo she stands ou
lie other side aud w bids a bit of blue ribbon
around her foteilnger aud heap up a little
ile of gravel w ith ber foot.
Warm weather i coming, aud yon should
insure your property, aud while you aio
tli ink mg on thi subject rcim-tubcr that C.
If. Stewart represent three of the most re
liable companies on tho face of the globe,
haviug a combined capital of $73.000, Out). It
ill take umre than a lire at Tangent to
bnsl" such a combination.
In answer to the inquiry whether the Mr-
CuUu would be ready to take the excursiou
iat from here to Salem next Saturday, Capt.
Hatch write under date of IHth, mot., as
follow 3 "Ths shop i getting along so
slowly with tbe repairing that I do not thiuk
there i a oibi!ity of our gTtting tho
steamer out a soon as you mention. Will
let yon know just a soon a I can prnmue
you definitely.
Tbs suitor of the 4Vorja will be rJeasrd
to attend to business for people generally, in
any part af tho Atlantic or- Wvstoru State
during Lot abienco. Prior to July 15th cor-
respoudeuoo may be addressed : D. C. Ire
land. 141 Broadway, New York; F.bbitt
House, Washington; or iu care of A. Booth
& t.D., Chicago, Illiuoi. After that date
Mr. Ireland will be on bis way home, via
Idaho and Kistern Oregon.
letter Lint.
Thetoilowliic tsllie list of letters remaining
in the lost Dltlee, Ailiany, 1,1 on count v, Ore
gon, May SOth. 'UOiO. rVraone tulllua' tor tbes
leuera-musi. Kive ine i4ve o, wniiut tuny wure
Buckingham, Mary J
Casada, Mrs Sarah
Kelly, Patrick
Moore, Jenuie
Marriott, Henry
Churchill, Uraut
Duuim. Lylia
Urearaon, Mr
Warwick, JaG
Jewett, Irving
p. ii. Raymond; r. m.
rmn and Caskets,
Fred Dunniuz wishes us to inform oiir
readers thai ho has just received a magnifi
cent stock of collins and caskets, and hero-
after he will sell them at prices never be to re
heard of in this coniimnity. 'Ai give wine
idea of a ts h authorises n to ssy
that they will range from S3 up to $50, ami
for tho latter price ono will bo furnished
that lias heretofore cost fully $73. . Ile means,
. Wagon 1 Waxen X Wanon I
I expect ta roooive- this week direct from
the factory a oar load of "the celebrated Bain
wagons, with ail the latest improvements, in
cluding round edge tire. Don't fail to call
and get prices. . '
2w S.unfRi E", Y.orNo,
. I'. . I
Pparlun far 1'ieiilr.
' Tbe U P. gialrbatU Syloo) of, tut. y
preparing to give s, V't!io iu sVv.rt time,
t i, not kuowu, y.t p,i what time it will oe
cnr, ox where it will be held, but these ques.
tiou, will be settled, iu a very few da),
i f uueral Services.
The funeral sermon of Mrs. Jl. D. Murray
will bo preached at G ingle's Scboolhouse
next Sunday at 11 a. m, , by Pie v. J. Bower
10X. ; . ' . j- ' .
rnvo niHit ii,
Oh ! Wit tu llifl strains ot tlio Jin-lisn plsno
Tlist flout like ths walls of a gutliurlii utorin
Tinlitn, lln', tlnk, frniii l(lit In Hi (renlnx ;
HiiiiiUIs, iliiin, (lump, till Mt two In (tie morn,
ATKkIos, Kainwni, siiilstitr, lriniiilti,
t'on dslors, sllcirro, 11lidi111a1vu.11
All ot It Irult ot ths nsiilimtstlon
(if s taiule.truek miss In uvluliborliiv Iioumi,
I'v seen her liy day i she's ss Uir at sn sn.-i l,
Vt'llh dark wsvlng- lulr ami svw) iat kllisr l,i i 'I I ;
Uut huwever aiictls slis Is In tlio clu.i ilnto,
l lis devil posssMns tier soul In Mi nMtt.
"flis bwn.t lly and v," wltll lOllllltl'M Viril loll ;
"I lls tail HoM of Miiminer !" I'll! long fajliiu rse,
Tlis hturm," by llllnd Ttiumsa, wltlilitilus lliiimlrr,
And n'.lur wild tliumlsriiiK lull mf ru;. ',
I IiImIIm miulc front Ws drums to bail''!' i
I drink In th strains ol Aixjllo't sweet soli'' ;
I woislilti llimlnl, llostliuveii, and Verill i
for Aulwr and Wslisr I nalnlullr lonu ;
Hot br bur as antacid Inturprstallon
Dhiglo dink, plukls pink, artlniblg grum grinn l
ulalts Uirturs of siirtuulatlon
ta"tvy loop, poukny ik, (ihinky plilii;; !iitn::
r.lur Blbben Inb.
The C'iub meets thi evening si "i o'i loci..
Following is tho programme t ' .
1 Prayer.
2 Music conict duct by Mesr. Willi
and SUiger.
H -Address-Capt. X. 15. Humphrey.
4 'Muaic - solo by Mis Volma (Trim lit.
S -Spseches T. P. J1j Ulcinaii, C. II.
Hewitt and sometxidyele, l'..i.
0-Music-Quartet, by Misnmt Powell and
Goltra and Messrs. UutTi-ndi-ii mid Clement.
7 Business.
8 - Solo by Mis Piper.
9 - Circulation of philo.
10-Music- p-iartctte.
1 1 Adjonrninciit
For ItopiPM'iibiYtvi,
IV.r Cii-ik,
J. t. iii'iHiiyi.
For N'irrlir,
For TrejiMiiri-r,
T. CAirilluuN.
For f (iiiiitUhiii'rM,
' For An'wiir,
'j. UMillTi'S.
For Surveyor, .
A. J, I'jOrKF.
For Cron r,
Di:. ii. ;i:i:i-.n.
ktsr.Tr wri vjma.
IJaLsiY, Ot, M ty II, l':;.o.
I lu rfliy nmiritiiiro to tlio vi.ti r- -f
I, In il co tin I y lii:it i nut imt a i.unli
iiatt iur Liuiuy v'iiiiini-olncr, ur
any oilier tifllce, u i'nv ( Jr.ftjluck
th kol, tr miy lli kof. my iiumi- Lav
In" Int'ti utiil wlilinul inv l:noI-
el ir (ninriit.
A. 15tKriT.
Iarrmium V.jji.
Mr. Wm. Wa!.; i. .k..l f..r. H-atd
bis fnily aro snpKt !olMli,iit me
whure in l.iio, coifl. Me .i.iiyr.i.i 1io,i
Indiana iu IST.3 and lueatcd ii l innt., . Or.
Any infor iuii"'ji g.te'i at tut will l-r
proerly appretiale.!.
A Fiaa Thin? for t!i3 TceLh
. Flagrant KOZOlMiN I U a .-ui.;.h.ii
of llio purrst and i li-iin t lnt.- i - ..4
tlio Orloiilal VPirotabtM kmduiii, Li f
tnsivrtii-iit It well known i Uaw a Uoi.-ii-rial
Hlwl on tin tittih and koiii hi
iMtliiuns or aiiiix-4Ui pro, ii v an I ui.
initio fruwinn makno it a I' luxury.
vui,ilMi.STreiiiven!l liam( aliic. Ioih
rout tlio briil( t-iiiM-t ly tMiarilt. Uol
tn4li, an, U " flillro v Ire liom lllo lil
Jiiibni prwrtii. of !imi:Ii w.i-s mid mw
iiel wbh'b ilixiry lki iuii.i'1. ow iuii
lio will bi-tklx liioiitlis
Calirrlr Beeasrrrd.
Ntw Yokk Citv, Jtiuti lo, 1,-sT".
II. If. Warner A Co. Gentlempii : I
iH'irliy wrtlfy Hint my wife) lin Isvii tn
Iiik urm-r'n 8af Kidney ami Liver Cure
for Ilrlul t'n di!Ti-,ati. sho It now -nlito-Iv
rl,v(rlsL Wbenall pliywIiMau' r.iu.
tlio faiUsl, lio ww iiidinjil Oi try your
ruiuiKly. and rivnl benellcial nn-iiil-s
from the llrt buttle. Aflor Inking four
b.Hile bo m onllro'y cured.
Viii Irul v,
H. It VI.D.
Cine Lusnbrf Tar Kalr.
Ike Conn has lli;ido arraiiements w ith
S. Niekerson to do all Lis phmiii;;, and a
largo stock of flooring, rustic, furnishing
lumber, etc, will bo kept on band at the
planer in lhaumi. Flooring and rdstio w ill
be sold at 9'M and ".'1 per thousainl and
other lumber iu proportion. Our reader
will remoiulier that the lumber f-otn Cun'
mill rannnt le excvlletl anywliere,
.i coon TIIISG.
German Sy ni p I tbe sim-oUI pi owi iption
of Urt A. , pKMwboe, n ctdebruted (oruiti
PliysicluA. and in acknowledgod fo bo oiw
of the niont fortunate iliw:ovcrl. h hi Medi
ciuo. It quickly cure CouglinlCiibN,aiiil
Lung troubloa of the aoveroMt nature, io
inoving, a it iloeH, tho ('anno ol tbe htl'w.
lion and leaving tho part In a Mlronir nii.l
lieallliy condition. It U not an experl
iiiental iihmIicIiio, but lias Mood' tho i,y.t Lis
year,' giving witlnfactloti li'eyecy cjVso,
which it rapidly Inciyi-iiiir nalo every
witMon coiitlruiK.' Tvyn illlou bolt Ion sold
utiiHi'alIy. JUswata tmotlcine( Kluillur
nau0H, lulply introduced. liosi-heeV tler
iiiuu yrup waalutroduoed IntntlioUiiiiod
stHiesln isniS, and U now eobl In every
kiwii and vlllago in tbe oitllixed world.
Three doaen will loliove nny erdlmtry
ooiigli. Prion TSx'U. Sample bottlo, It) cIh,
Tbe Market.
Following is a correct report of the .mar
kets in. this oity up to noon yesterday:
FIjOUU-5.50 jier bbl.
HAY-baled, $13(251,3 per ton.
. looe, $10,
POTATO Fit 30 ctu pur Iv.lo I
BUTTlt-VJ to yi,cU mr ',U
iX1G3 V!t cent per do.
PORK 5 to 5J ot ier 11.
BACONS-hams, ISJfijlQo.
- shoulders, 9c. .
sides, 12c
D1UF.D FRUIT sun dried apples, Co.
' plums, Ho.
Plummer dried apples, 15c.
" " ..plnins.slCo.
CHICKENS $i5O(?,$3.0O per dor, '
SUGAR San Francisco 0, P.ijo.
C0FFKK Costa liieo, ISsbc.
" Java, 30c.
--durcolit pi,
Uio, 2ft "
MILL.FElJlTa ?,9iSifH por ton, .
chop, $l8t.!2a
shorts, ?15.
Wtiddlings, 82015-
A WEEK tit vour.own towa anil no cnnllal
"if'Ull rifckml. V.m inn yJve the busineNS a trial
willtimt exiwiiae. The best opportunity eear fiffiirvu
for those willinir to work. You should ry nothing
elqp until you aim for yoursoll what you can do ut the
business as tiffttr. Mo room to explain here. You
ran ttevote all your time or only your spnra time to
the liusineHs, siul make great pay for every lip.ty yov
work. Women uiske as much ss men. twrtul "lor Hie
cisf nrivsto tnrms ami inrtiunlars, ' liieh we until Into.
id Outflt free. Don't (amiplain of hard times while
jou, owe such a chanee. Address 11. r!AL.LKTTA&
CO., l'tmlaud, Maine. bj 1
Clinrrb Dlrtrlury.
Y. A. Meet at their rooms in Fo.
ter brick building on Wediimnloy evenings
at 7:"i0 o'clock, and on Sabbath afternoon at
4, Business meeting are held on the even
ing of the second ' Monday in each month,
livery body Invited to attend.
V. P. Cllimclf. Freacbingevery Sabbath,
at II A. M., and 7 r. M. by I lev, r, tl. Ir
vine, D. D, Habbath ScIiikiI ul 2:,!0 r, u.
I'rnycr meeting every Thursihiy evening.
I a a.voi'.i.ii'aI. Ciltwil. Pniicliiiigoii Sub
ti'th at 11a. ., ami "1 i: i. Huhhath
SebiKd I2i5, Prayer meeting every Thur.
day fivoiiing, J. Dowcrsox, pustoi;
CoNlll!RIA'rTnNA,l'lM:l'll .H.rvi-m.,.r
Niibbatli at 1 1 a. M. and 8 r. i. Nabbnth
Melimil at a:'lll Prnvi.e ....
I'liuraiUy eveninir of each we..U. f. v
Harris, paHtor,
M. F Ciii;j:i'ii. .Vol' rn S. n !... ,
Sabbath at St Paul M. K. Church, humtii.
at II A, tl. end 71 P. l. Kabbath Sulnsil
a'. 121 . !. Prayer meeting cviirv Tlur.
day cvwiing, M. C. Miller, pfattor.
M, U. Cliuucil Preaching every Sabbath
II A. M. and 71 V. M. hom sei viciu
the evening lioforo sermon, riablmth School
at 2..'!0 r. f. PniBi r mcctisig every Thurs
day evening. 3. T. Wolfe, pastsr.
Sr. I'KTHIH F.I'IW ol'Af. ClI I) Ki ll. -.Divine mar.
vice is held in the Church every Sunday at
ii a. m. nuimay iieiiooi at V i. 1;,
U Stevens, pastor.
P. tITWr ClIUlwil. fieimnc everv Sabbath
nt 1 1 A. i. ond 74 r, i. Sabbath Schd nt
1. Prnyir meeting every Thursday even
ing. t. J, Craw fold, pastor.
Pl:K!l)Vrr.l:M!t Cut'lii'n. St-rvun eerv
Sabbath luoruiug and tvoiiin in Y. P. V, A,
lull. Min.Uy Hcbool HiiincdiiiU-ly rfter the
in. .riiin service. rrnjer mcutinti every
I liursdy omiiiiiix. Uov. I'.iU rt N. Coinlit.
Tin: tiut lon i4iD.t:i Ti;t.
Fend tho following lol!iii(ii.'w!n, ikh
from ikthoiis 3,000 iiiili x away, whom no
ono knows, imt fiom well know ii nnd
truatwortby litby-nK of Oii'.ii. whir.
iiNini-N, w ri'.t. ii wltli tholr ow u bands, cioi
i m on ul our ofi'ic ;
1'omi.AMi. tr., Feb, X, '0.
llnviii;' siiflfrcd for voara with tmlna !
my back, 1 tin. Orezrott Isiiln-v
a v.s. Hfiti (.mini llllllll IllitIO rilill'I an.f H
irtTliiani'iit cure. 1 lirarlilv rmmiiiitiid it
u nil n,:iis-u-.i in nko maimer.
Al IV. I.. CO UN,
Po I LM. Or.. Jan. iO, IkttO.
i'Oi ; iiHTiuin enm'iNoi um foil...!,.
ttuic.i oxini.t or ttrt-Kuit i;ilny !
i .iiTiiiiiiv itr vi nneH ii, ia Donelli-ial
soik'.v Iu n:1ii-tioim ,f il,u tlicMivo ir
UAitH, It Ii fcimplo, H4tn and num; i-,ly
iMkfll, Inn I rmtori-M lulllll.V vllalilv In ll.i.
'""" ii iiiioiiiicii hi u ta n njMiii Willi
K. J. M.i'oi'.MICK.
libtor Cutbulle Si'liUliol.
'BIMI1 tmt:. m r),!l,I ia d vii'i: -1I"H with
tho flush of lioiMt on blh v. ouii,' rukn.l
an iiideseribalile Tiriilii'., Un ami lake
an iioii.uen pjaei. in tj, w.,rj, H,iJo i),e
companion or hi oinb. Ami aottus
bo.lj modier in l liiiikln of tlio linto w ben
that dt-ar fmo w ill l lilddfii lirro no ray
of bofmcuii I rlblon It wben ber heart
anil homo will bo loft dcsolata-bcati)
thoro was no euro for consumption. JUvd
er. if tho child bo yoiif nolcliUr', take
i Ins eomroriinsr word to ibn mot tier's heart
ln-f.uo It is .ki Uh.. Toll Iter that oil
iiupiiuii is curable, that men aro Jiving
to -day, aged, robust. men, whom the phy
sician i.ion.Minc-d lumirablo at tho aj;o of
irmv-ii, ixkviiw ono luntc had own
s.ui.ikt l.iroyl hv iim tUxfn. Dr.
I'irriu'K I..:. U-t i Mllral Discovery W a
luo.l ;!i. itut altPmUvo lor Hcparaliiiir lit
aer:iiiubs mailer from tin, hlood slid
lung", and imparting iti-i.Klh to thi, svs-h-in
It Ium . u I,, 1 bundrcU ol coiiKiimi.'.
A Salable ore.
II l I'RAMi!, N.J ,0.1, hi I,, J .
- Uitcrt inoriiliM s fun4 mvM-lf
ailllCfll. Willi l.llghla di.oSMH Alljllllli-
oorirt. r.v liie usool a rt.r,?,!ou,t J lounil
1I.I.U1U..II liillis iirlan, and in Mima alight
ih-(;ii In a tuw In.laii n In a unrululcl
ntaio. laiiil'. r, .! from ilroiv, iiariiculurlv
about tlio miklcs, hiitfht .:.ili aijoul the
Kinney, n .11 iaii.-iii....i or.lim-dion, sreat
drvneaa of li akin. mii.I at Honrs much
ilnri, an. I . f cour-4) (.T4.,i.,l f.nUiiit ol
w rcuut Ii. .Iii wa, u'moil i!i hiu'w ol
thiiiK wben I itiiiiiiion- c I iiliig !ln. Sr
Ki.iil. y aii.l Ijvi-rCinv. ..k almut mx
liilu. jhhiiii'uU aty iliiv fr otic w,-k.
when I ..ui;, nil my avniiitmii ihchh-d v
ini and Ml llit cod of two weeks il
w. ilillU-iiU lo !!. cl unvlra-wof
nii n. llin llll.rudclillv l.Weti fj.lj I
bad a very .hKbl rdapxi mh.ih two veeki.
n !, wlu'ii I U'ltsii again nii.kt ibo inedi
cino nud am tmw n well as svrr.
l W. liAnriNK, M. H., It. D.
Mhtlr-. t ralrle lUwrr.
Tat.t-n licforo rcllrlng;, will Iin-uro a skhI
sImIiI'm ret, with nn awakriilug in the
rosy morn lo licaitb, coursg and vigor.
For coated Ioiikuo. !d br.!ith, nick bond,
acbo, or nny disturbance arbdii rrom Uy
jpln or torpid liver It is witboiit a po r.
It action on tli-eaa U entirely (liitcreut
from any inmliomo over iotrudiicod, quiet
ing piu almoHt liihtantly. "I bo lino and.
cry ral-ed agaiiiol it by palent medicine
men, who ba.o f.irpseou In ii advent the
(IpHtrut'iioii or tbelr tuiuos,
and tho tliomutiioa at iiiiioln-iu'd luotimo
innl llowli; in from all airi t.r the fow
World, U H r Indication of iia rcat
merit". Trhil intBll Drug r-mrrn. Half
vjini. Untie, 7.", i-eiitH. s-'vIiay V .11m
mou. Suliy Agrutit. '
tV C hnlleuge tJc tVorld.
When w bsv wo Ivelinve wo bavo evi
dunce to prove iht Shilob'H Conmmption
Cure U dui'idedly tho bent Lung Medicine
made, InitHiuiicIt km it will euro a comuion
or IJbron'c in ono half the tiu.e.and
relievo Attlima, Itroticbili, Whooping
CoukIi, Croup, and show moru oas-n of
Consumption cured limn, nil other. It
will euro whore thoy tall. It U pleasant to
take, iiaiiiiliws to tbo youngest child and
we (riLvaitteo w lmttvoaay. Price, 10 tts,
fu ct, aud $1.00. If your Luuvcs aro wire.
Clctv-l or ltiM-k lamp, use Shilob' INiroiiM
Plostor. Sold by Fuslmy t MuMon, Drng
gislH, Albany, o'rotfon. h:m
STOUATI VK Tho great KnutiNli remody
nn inedo more cureamf iServous iwjbil
ity, Sotiiiiutl Venktiotm, Lost Manhood,
nuctiiiutl ciiiImsIoiis, loMMilude, inability
for menUl labor, UdHlwindeiicy and aucU
Ut.sii.v. us are induooiLby youth I'ul follies
and oxcessw, than all other medicines
combined. Why will you sulTorf Send
to A. K. Miotic, M. II,, Ma. 11 Kearney
street, San Francisco, lor tho ItvMioBjtlivo
and bo cured. Price, $3, por Uitllo. Four
timea tho qiiantity.SlM, Ty a bottle. Dr.
Mlntie trpirt v private disease eucce
The American Blrl U iloncribed bv
a tliu.iigluful writer (uIko American) as ex.-
uiitHiioiy BusconttOlo and imnretiaod tv
tuna irruation aclltif! upon any or tlio
onsoH. site dresMea in tu-sto, and, where
the moans are at band, with ologance, in
color that are quid ami HUDUtioa. ana no
licoable only at a HhortdiMtanco. We make.
nusto to add what this author Bbould not
have overlooked, that by none of tbe Rex
ia'Madanie Kaujiel's Kuatnol Bloom more
appreciated than bv lior. For sitle. Ly 'Fo
..i..... t. xt...... an..... o n
nony IV isaauii) A.craiij..
To tlioxo who ara no unfortunate as lo
bcoonio, prematurely gray, or who.-e hair
ek,i .luU a tendency to full oil', we recom
mend a trial of Hall's Hair ltenewer. We
do ho with tbe utmost conlUloiieo, tiecaime
it 18 every wtiero jeoetveu wun tuarked fa
vor, and ba bultt upon its own merits
iBtich, n wore, foundation that It is known
and soai tu an civilized countries. Audi
sou tN. V.) Advertiser,
lln Ton IVant Fjirulltrt;? -
vas. uanuais, in wis city, now lias on
hands a larger stock of furniture than any
other establishment this side vf Portland
and if you want to purchase any it will pay
you to give him a call, lie ha Hnwctliine
.ii.. i.-i." .
wi teu you iu icaru to ins prices.
.i S,H wlnx arc 8ufforln frmn.lhe erMra snd Iniiia
.cretUiita of youth, nervous wmktioaa, early decay, toss
of nianhiHHi, Ae., I will send a incia) that will cure
you, k'HKK-)? c'HAKCK. This givat remly was
diacovered by a nuaHionary in Smith Amuriui. ietid
u self-adilreaaed envelope to lie .Ikv. Joskhi T. In
ua, sutlou U, Kew aork y. L:-JJ)1
The )nni rail,. ),.,!!) ',4 IS". Wat of Of'ri, In
eisivsntiirtl 'flnl,ltl,,tll.liy wti-ll.'s ol tlie ll'i
forwiit il. lant.lii.x ni." ilia hnmeiliat 1
rnaillt of Hialr illlrt inns, ii., iiy!;f,r. mini ra-n
ha'lvs of imiiiilitr lils-r'y and ,,it,tM tanl .1 .aril
ttv Waxlnittini, J..rfura.iii sn.I tl.s .il. r fH
His Ki'i'tit.lie, V,'a Imliev that tin O'tHlain rs ..l tlu-
itentq.i..n ny v eentranwilion" sml r.moli,iii'!,n
sra cMiiitrary u tl-s i.rmeo.les tn tmr iittilinVm., we
Inaial on unity, JratnriiHy sil tiffiml, sml tltal tl
laallna f..rnieii l.V His warsliail Pot la! r.vrail. W'f,
dvnisii.l an li'iinM t.lm'ti.1 and sn ii-l irn.l of ths
..t,', N'ir aaln liy fraw.1 or f.wvr alialt t-
Iwr wilt lie ltna.' .'4rli.nn. 'I Imt ws
sr iiniitiali:u..ny oit:i...l n. snr aiui fililit. Vwtfi'im
of PreattLMit of tlm t:'.ite.l lftl.ia l..r tlirea Ivnn.
IlKwiiAsn, r lrt fltat w Uvor reimwlv. i.i. 'nmcr
snd iKjoiiom- in oi-erji iJi'pf,rtiiM,:tt i4 lli" ovtfrniuent,
Mtatii slut fViUiral,
l.oil.J- 'f mil l'rrj.n. ali-Hll t I.. :ir Its Ji;.t .f'
!tt.iinoi tsua'lo'., aii.l wo tmitr ilia tiuwonenl A.
Ii Ua sa ail! e-iuj!i'li lira t.iI.
'J'liinl--'I tstttf ineeotikl i,r.,U?ll'i of lh
rlgglitsof lulairsii.l ru,, llntlr jo !, Ilii-rtliy
InaM-nili th liilr.l..,a and lo.:rt.ti(' ttia s.l,u;ilar.a
tM tlia ..rko. iH,i,li',
Knurtli- rl'a.t a. el. nil a, sTii.m.;?t I lie iT fe
rvid tn tli MoS tic ik'lil to 1-1 si ftni. lone, br
tln-lr lyiulalattiril. ll.lm .1 Ul .r.rl.l
ifarrinr Ii-omi HiaUinr llnji Uin-'rinitiii,' i'Hia Siriost
jnii-ainia snd .li-na.
r ill !- I Imt s lav-ir IW if.nileliaiii. of ths taoilte
airli'Mil., tl.a 1hv ami I'rnirt iA a fra Sim,.,
Mlll - liitt inn Mi iiiiN-igrif e.i.afi.l lrie sml
rlin'l lima, slid t.i that i nd ticlinlitiiM, all ti.Wf Iithiiiv
Willi eleWiima r, tin) li. l.'.arv ,..,.r ; Unit Ills axiirl
eiM'4i t4 tliiasnd .i'.iiir:'iii,triiia liauliititiOiUy .ruisij
tint th ,rniMe id t.)ia At His j.,!! la diti-ts-tli e
id tlm frl..oi of vUrrl'Utiim and is iii...''lli!isli)du sitl,
tlm sxisiffii.m id lr-e iii.titiitinu.
Herenili Tlil tlm Uib luil.lliim l.ortv
t, nisn sii'I km;,, ativs tlm uir Pelliii( lftn tli
Nortli soil tin, eH.ti'.li sru Ln bit eoiKU;iiuiua bv wvarr
lovsrirf tits inilry. j
-Ivlltb -1 liat wa fav.f ..nit.lili.-l Ian fill s-.iit4C.foti
'si llw aill'Jiajt of M'niy.'liii amirKtioli Oi Una i n.iln. j
trv, unto tlio f'M r.o .'Vwrun.-iil i. hhivr.1 t. nnalifv
ti treat Its with tlia LIoim, f.inl.i'fi a., sa o. i-.,hil.i- i
It., simI thua aira tliow irf our .-lti.fia win.
UMfft lal,.. Uir aniant fr.rti, tiiijn.t ati'l illrailiir
lMiaHi0.m, We .n.lcMti soil iliii'rtoiiai In tl as-
varnrt. linn, tlio t i t.y It. ft. ilati'i of Ilia '. Il limit.
Ill t lilno.1, lio.iiri.ii tlila c-rtintra, slsl tlna s
irifTlH- al,., His ;k.,h3 have I. , liM! UtJI;'M:t
Irnm Ule a,- rut r.'i4 s irlii'a-rai.i 1'riaM.tnfit. '
liilH k t imt ii, rntfsrd wnti alarm tlw $4tL tU'd.
Uto iff tlm hii..-ii.a c.ntrt o ti, t.-iiff. .1 ht-t4sa aa lian
li.' lawn ina.., in 10a lntrri,t4 tlm KufHii.iliaoi fMity,
ami li,tien-4 Oi l.wt out tli Ut' tt!ve of Mate
fUlits, Lviilmlovi sn.l tlnj IclersJ i'uum.
mttd eliaiii- It ta sh Kmire.
ri.lh Tliat we Ik.14 to tlio rnt.tit',ii Willi all i
snu.-ialma;it( hoi we ioaiat on an li.tertri:Wll.iii ia I'm?
rnttfnt!il in eii Man iivt si;Ji Uic aj.ii il U tlm mu
tual liiatruiiict.t.
Klin until 'I'nat wa- vlc:'2 ialr .in-t kh.i.m- .iv v.
tlf.lnil'Jiti s a lUffli 'it ilntiau.llM'l. ,1 an a rAt 1.1m., U
ly in Ir.nn tialijfal Vie t mtui a.ljamti.Hi,
Twelfth.- 'I lial Ii,. i.nsfr- ,(.ni all fa-.tiln
sn.I . i v. ln'.'i.lsln.ii, .N.i aii.'n'li! ,fiti..rMt or cka M
M.'rM,n. ,h,u.'1 1;i .:''.U',,-.c-l at tlie r-i,ae 4 'rtlwra.
'I Inrt-citl, - Ttat ai ,,aM.t u. an aif all h
laieoa tsri.f., aii.l srit In fa.. .r iris taril? f-.r rci'i.'li-
ilijy, an I wu ..'.l;; i tin, Jieui'icratit. rari O, a'a.lll
all ri.trt..ti'iia !1;"1 Wllniui,. Sa MM, a. ,rMfC!t,ic
rUflvnl, 'flit lii e w ro.-.fici k4J ai.,1
aa Ihs e.n.lllijti.411.1 cirrou',?, ami tlie irfy rusl laaf
s,v, w r.-aixi any f nrl t4 itm i-ar i
lfl .if Ilia Jt'iioiwn.t s unmilM l.r ai.-l &iK.l.tiv'
in tlm ,tr.i-.Ti.l r.tlaii,'al eoruiitimi of lin nintr, .
Itaihial, 'I'nat iMilit-vii.tlifi tizrmtA l,llkv4Mi.
in ti 1 iv ..rl.luoit a'i.1 .mrr.'ti. t. I.liuaiila, !i.v.
tlio .aa ,f s Us t.y tlwj nai La-.talnra material
ly rlil.-ii. I Umr .Hiitaritaatiii a., ti.t tloi ain.rt-.tit
taiwi lil.nii ..,a'l Init e-ixai Us taitic of l'o,J ner-.uv.
ttoiti lo a d.H-.or for a l-rcwcriotlon. if you
liavo I'.nnlit'a i'iMUMH, lial.ti s, I'uiii iu
tho Back and Lolno, Sinai iiiil;. Ififtamimi
linn. Calculi, j'.rick-dot Deposit, or any
trouble of the Ki.lncvs or I'.iml.lcr, bnv a
Until) of Dr. Miotic Nephrcticiim, the
Kreat lmcliu l4,mpounl. It 1 toe most
wonderful prescn;tion for those IroiibUs
over comfHrtitnleil. ,M0r. Aoiatns A
Carroll, wholesale ilroKirintH, say; -We
regard Noj.bivtu-um a the licst kidney
aua l.lsil.ier rcmctlv in tlie market
IVoodar.l, drtiKll. Portland. Or.. t-v:
KveryUidy peak highly of it." Cliiids,
UrilgiRt, I'ortlanil, Ur.. rw.v: solj Iota
ot It; llalwaya noes llio work." J.lauv
have brctl curenl i f obsLln.T,! kiilnev 1-.011.
plaints afior tho doctors have iriva-u llmni
op. I'li.-o, Jl.'.j. I ur kal by a.t itrug
Si. .
V.KVrKK I'll AX tiiJLD U irfet
beutth, ami yet man v are snll.-iin the tor-tor-
of the il.imiifd witli Dyspepsia w ben
a wms'.o ufrttm or nit. .mi.mik's km
LIsu DAMii:i lU I.I V'Klt AND UV:
PKPrtlA PILLS wiil trivo relief, and, if
pern;:-.! m, w i.l eum wur.t laveol
tin l!-iirsslii tr.iutire. I bus put cures
Torpid Liver ai. l li.ii'.nstie-s, Keiriilanw
1 1 id l'-iwils, trill. iw, I'llllpics lroiu toe
Face, cures K:low Complexion, Foul Mi k Ilcadocbo. Heartburn, Pain
in tht Sides and H ick; Is Soi;ar cnatd and
i.L'AltAMi:i:iil.iL PUKKLY VI-UaK-
TAHLV. It u.-ts iliiis;! v on the (sjkiiuif ol
tin. Stbmai'tt and on tin) l.iwr. I an be
taken in Biiv cliiiiM - ut-t .f ill V weailu r
ftwwam of imitn' ions. The cciiuiiio lm
an ruuravirisr of a lnf oo liie outside
wrapjKT. I'tuv, . ecu:. For na'e l.v ai!
tto You lU-Weve It ?
Thai in this town tlu-ic are m-ores of rcr
sons isissios our -t.-r.. i-vmv ihv
live aic iitieto iy itiifiesii,
Dvsji;, S, jir and ,livlre.s d (.,:,,
Liter I '.'iK iilii:ul. i'.-iis.'ii i;u.ii, e . when ".iittswe .-e!l iticiit -tii!o;,s Vital
Ir.i r, kimi ji.tis-.i ta run. ibnu. 'mi l.t
Fusl.ay .v Mas. ii. Drnisfs, Albaitv, 'r
XTGT1CK is berel.v trlven lb t the annual
1 election for m-CHI I-K KNlilXKKU
ml one ASSISTANT KNGINKKt: of the
Albany I ire leirtiiiciit wi I tako place at
,su. i a jiuii ou
Inrml.i lU 11 Jay of Jivis, JSS7,
between the lion r of I aad 7 'clock P.M.
Win. Miller, Win. N. Mifler and Kichard
I'ox are aniHiiuud JtidireH of sid eit ction.
aumny, uiegou. iIBT 13. IVMl
V. lLs'TKWAUT.Pres't.
Attatst. L N. I-iourtt, Sec'v.
I'raw ftirtfvvtlit.
C0NRAP MEIEE, Proprietcr-
lrcish ISreatl; Daily.
Jroceries . ant1 . .Jmvi.Nioiis f all
kinds Cheap : ,
j&STCall andsee niyiKtoek. . 42tf
Freh Beef, Pork, Mutton,
Veal and Sausage al
ways on hand.
Highest Cssls ldee itjd for all kinds of fat stiwk.
mitt . . LKVI WKsT.
' ' '
Salunluy between , "
ami will curry Iwth freight and (tftAtsiifift'.s. . Lave
onlt)p-at St. Charles or Uex'tfra Iltuwo. J nw (
the fciM st; i bio !i SihJtuiUt, aitJ wilt Hike gooa tar of
it eut of ph Cotinir Court of Linn
I oiititv, in the Hlate wf (fretr-.n, tn Ibo til li
day. of April. IS-, to in Oireilcrl and de
livered for tho collection of itie.iellmmoiit
State, I'oonly and Helosil tat m aidC'otiii
fy for tbe yar IS?. J have levied upon Ibe,
lollowlnje lcrilMl ral .ioa-rtv, a wnt
forth In ttald tax roll, lor ili late tine
tliririaoii, a follow-, towlt !
1 h9 We-t half cf P.lock 115 $12 S
The Kt half of'Jiloirk lit .... j tu
Ixit Si, 4, and 8, Jiiock III.. , 8
1MH. Block J(l7 1 ii.1
Ia ti 3 and 4, Bloc): I0.. 8 W
I Ait 8, 4. 7 and 8, Block 110 0 6(
UIK k 121 1 m
U I, 'J, 3, 4. 6 a -id ti. Block l;o ..... il M
y.U f., il. 7 and , Block 112 U m
Block 1tf II 2t
I)tK, lilnck 104 2 40
in Hacklcman'is Addition lo .be City or
Albany, Linn County, Oreiion, ami on
N. (tuning, the 12th dug f Jmit, WHO,
at tbe Court House door in 1 lie dty of Al
liaiiy. Linn roomy. Oni.ti, at tbe hourof
one o'ciork P. M., I will kJ1 wild real prop
erty at public auction for ou in baud tn
I he h itrbent bidder, te satisfy I ha txeaso
charged, with cHrst and exfiense of collec
tion. All Mild real procrly being flsMCnvd
to the 'lordon oxtate.
Datetl thi lltb day of May. 1Ku.
I. O. iilCKKY.
Wicr'tf and Tax Collector for IJnn Co.,
reioH. . - 4lw4
9 snud out of tbe County Conit of Linn
.iiuty. Ntstc of Oregon, on fbe Efkh day
f April, jv.o, to me cliriwrtcal nud ddliv
rcd, tor the collet ion of the delinotienf
uxu in said ccuirtv for th rf 17. I
bate btfiett upon the following ilesciibed
jai property usvosscil to unknown owner,
The S'inlheast rjnarfer of faction DMrtr-
ix (.;,), 'Jownshifi thirteen (13) South.
ltans;e two IU) West of Willamette AleH- in Uiin County, Oregon, corilainii g
iw acre.
Also, the Foutli baif of the Honlhwust
iiarter or Swciior. thirty-six (3fi) In Town
U'.u llitrtecti (13) South. P.ant-e two 12)
West Wiiiamette Meridian. Lfan. County,
'"itsiii foniammtf ei;niy no) acres.
Also. I,ot No. four (4) isHituiuiuir 25 74-
loo a'ies, and Ixt No. nine (Hi c4nlaloin2
'. .Vi-ltO acrea. in Section twentr-ona (211.
atid IA 'Ho. one 1). containiuir 15 o-lt.o
to-res, and I Ait. No. nix (ti), containing 18 W-
H u acrex, in !-lbn tw eiur-encbt (28 1. aud
.11 hi Township eleven (tl) Mouth. Kanmt
four 4) VVet WliUnifctlo Meridian, ami
coritaininK one bttndro.1 ail nine and 75-
00 ( I0i 7--l0ii) acre, ailoatetl in tbe Coun
ty of Unn and Kute of orenou.
Also, Ij No. four (4) iu Ike Xertbeavt
'lUailcr (N'.Ii 'A) of ?e-ti.M ton (10), Town.
iiip eleven ( 1 1) tsoirln, llange four (4j Wewt
Willamette Meridian, and ntaining Ibir-
r inrrsj anil ni-ioi- (Ai i-ioo; acren or
r.d, situated in the Cojniv of Dsn and
Ulaio of, and on
S.turtlriH, f!w l.llh dag o June, JSftO,
at tho Court Hoiixe door in tlie city of Al-
naiiy, i.iiiii i num v. Ureaon. at the liour
f 1 o'el.s k P. !.. I will well tlo liemin.
Iieforo descrilyed real property at publi.'
iiin-tioii lor -aah in baud to lbs higueM
bidder to tcnit-fy said taxen, amounting; lo
til in, w it Is t oKtxand expensea of ewlloc
tion. Dated this 1 lib day of May. 1S80.
Mieiiif sod Tax ColUwtlor fjr Uus Cs -
Oregon. . 41 w 4
H Wnrrauu isued out of the Count v
ourt of Connlv. Oretran. lor th
li-iiciii ol tho delinquent taxisi in aabl
Comity for the yearn 1878 and 1S79. 1 bavw
levied upon the fisilowlmr deM-ribed real
property , as set filh In Mtid itelinquwnt
ix roll, assesel to the Pamsa eatate.
The 1-Jtst half of Blo-k lll.l.i Ilaikle-
inan'a AJ.liil.wi to the iiy of Albany. Uus
County, Oregon, and on
.S":ro'orf, tUr, lyk. dag tf Junf, IS&X
at the Court Housn door 'in tbe Cilv of Al-
tiauv. I.itiu l 'on nt v, Oreiron. at the hour of
II oVbs-k A. M., I will st-i naid r.t proj
rty at pubiic aiclioit for caalt ill lutini to
llio liiiiticst bidder, to ratUtv tl.e amount
of lilies so charted, Willi cost aua ex-
(eiisft of collection. 'I lie taxes for 1878
union iitiiin to o atul tbe lase for 1ST1
amotmiiiito (IS tel.
isjMsi this 1 th dav of Afav. 1S80.
Mn-rif and Tax CollUrur for i itu Co..
"regon. 41w4
THs VieterResTs Drill
w lexj. Kom.u. 3 fitosri(rre&
The inplamm snd rvsa. Mtdat Mrsrded It sT
tist-otnmuusi"u bs. rairirtta.
rtlva A rli.f W I i
as. r uais
. week, burnt tar Circnlars s.4d Terms.
a. aires . nutistrouauaiiiM,.
tiOTiSE F33 FiKAL P33DF.
IjiNDOrrtcs at lto-KBrno, rt.
May 4, ISisJ. j
ll following named setter ha bled
uolhsj of his intention to make final proof
in tnipittirt of bis claim, and secure liual
entry thereof on the' lotli day fJuuev
issi. before the J udge or Clerk of the Court,
of Linn County, Oregon, viz:
Jacob uuscir. tm "
llomestea l Application No. 2J0rt. foe ihe
N. 1C Ji c.f Se.u io, I p. 14 S., K. I L, aiai
names the following a hie wrtftesxes, v'r,:
F. Ackerman, Heivry tlroser, Marvin Har
ris and J. V.t;iili!and,sll of Sweet Home
L ftn Coimlv. Oreotu
n luwo Kegiater.
IM Officii
cb at Okfoox City. Or. )
May 4, 1&0. j, t
the following named settler has tileo
notice of hi intention to make uaiai proof
iu Miptmrt of hi'i claim, and secure final
entry theeof, and that proof will be
made IsMore J. 1 Cow wit, County Clerk a
Linn County, Oregon, at lliec..uttv sew
of xaid county, on Wtdnesdav, the Htt
day of June, 1SS0. via;
. KAMVUL M. 11 1 KUk.
Iloinostca l AtHilication Now 2W0. tnr Ibe
X. ii of the S. K. ! ol theS. W. 'A. ami
Lots :, 4. . d and 7 f Section 34. Town
ship IS South, Faille 1 Kast, and names
the following a bit witnesses, viz: Jacob
lUisli, F. Ackermau, John W. Ciilliland,
and lluuh Harris, all of Sweet Home,
Linn County, Oregon.
Ja. 1. 1JAK1.
ni)w5 Kegkter.
Water Works in this citv tbo wnder-
Hijrued takes the opportunity to inform hie
friends ami tne public generally mat ne i
prepared with alt tbe latest appliances to.
execute all kind of water-fittings at ths
lowest possible liviug rates, ana solicits a
onntiuuauce of past patronage.
JUJtii ismuus
May 10, ISSOi. 41w4
Dissolution Notice.
- w
1 tho partnership heretofore exUtiwr
between West & Yersrer, butcners, iu Al
bany, wan tlii day dissolved by mutual"
consent, Mr. "West retiring from the busi-
Uft-s. All aixsjants dtsethe lata firm ar
payable to Mr. West, who can ttiil be
found at tbe old stand. -
Albany ."May HISSO. 41w4
a i:Yfov AGEXTS!
5)U ING BOOKS of all kinds arefullir
represented in eur new GRAN1 COM Bl
ple pages, binding, Illustrations, etc. A
great variety and Hire success for Can
vassers. All aetually wisliiu: employ
ment, address for terms, r3Tasiam Prn.
Co.. St. Lob is; Mo. "'B
' -. PATENTS. ;-;
F. A. Irfl.niaHii, Solicitor of American and farfiH
Patotiis- V-hiiiruft, If. C AU tMWiiw c.imciU,
will Koieiit, whether before the Pntcnt Ollitw lite
Juuru, proinptiy ttendetl to. ISo ehtre a lu&tid
uus v patvut U sveurcd. Semi tor cu-.ui. ' U
- ft
( ,1