The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, May 14, 1880, Image 1

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r'H'K. In 'nmerai"RallllMa-.t-talra
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J'.usinos- notice la tbe IxI CoJamns
20 cent per line.
Kor lefcal and trsnnierht adeertlemeila
fl 00 per sqaam, for tbs first insertion, smj
50 ents per sijtisre for each subsequent in
sertion. Rlnsrle tver, per ear.
snrle ciy, nix niHiih. ....
Kindle tvny, three neiium,..
Kiiule nuuiher
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Albany, Orrcoii.
Will cra?ti.-e In all the C.wrla In the State. Crutate
,i-wm anU v.llvctt,m atteiatvU w mmil.
. ljii.MI
1.. H.1NN. o. K. CIIAM11KKI.A1N.
lertM.ii'0 in Kos er's llrlek IUnek.-
Notary Public.
Albauy. Oregon.
Oflice upstairs, over John Hrlcs store,
1st Street.
Albany. Oi-rjri.
aaicr mp alalr la the o.M rrllew'aTeai
Collection a specialty, anil.
ALKtM. Ok .. X.
if states Seci4U atwiitiou gnea w cullccthMie ami
probate butter.
ATOHica Ui OdJ FelU'l Temi-le. . Uit
j. r. rowKi.t. v. r. mt.TKiJ
kTT()Uni:ys at law,
Aud Soliritoi s iu ( h.'iurrrvi
Col ! ion promptly- h,hi1 i!1 K,itit.i.
T. P. U lt liLEMW,
AlxKY at
1!isla;r. lit li.t. (Mil l elloe.
r rot INKY AT I.AV
m:a. 0!Cr.;0.
vfill prjrtiee iu all liie e-nina of tlie .tl-.te.
r'r.Vuipa tttiiion t:iv-n t rt,ileii4iitft, u-vryaui-vft
and rKainiuatiim i,f i'ltla-a. Ir.lwil.
uiearns a apwiatiiy. vl'Ju.4r.
j. vaatis,
III p",-1 .e. to t flu- '.! :l r the) Stnla
aV"t(ij,u tu- '.mrt !!- "Va
H. J. E0UGU.T0N. II. D.,
- - - - OKECOS.
L V EKSITY J!-.liJ dril-fre pf rt V.wk, Jil a
laie nMttiUr tt IJviteviie ltinal ledrcal coilvye of
Are V.Hk.
jf and m5re tin nwwf .f Fnnrth and
ri.r.4r:h U. dircliy 1. of the ii. F.. dalrrh,
Norm. ,
II. W. D M.AI-.D, il.U. J. M. rfVr:l.f M.P.
lULLAItl) i-'-roWELTx,.
I'liysicianH anil Surgeons,
Lebanon. Oreson.
90(TTc in I-banon I'riis Store.-S-t;
PiyGicip.n and Surgeon.
Albaa. Orf;;H
iiAVtsi: iiKA iu ATi:n iv t:ik
8 5. ii y'ut-.M-lwa' 'n'tuta t( ('iin-in
nii, ha" Ix-.t: in Altjny.
' 1Es?"Oilif;d ill Km-n.tfiV bri:'.;, (mi Ktaiiri )
iiy. i:, vvjllis vinvi:,
Odd Pello-ETs' Tcmpie,
Ibauy. Oregon.
Oin-e lianra from 3 to VI, ami front 1 1. 4
j-it4': o in M'jIwaiiiV ISrltrlc,)
Alban, ... orrson.
Chronic I)ipases a apoi'ia'.ty. Can lie
fi'v :it iny ollii-o at all lioura of tli tay
or when not iirol'tie-ioniilly aiuKent.
fj. a EaUytliI.p,t
e-ltfifi in M'llwain'a T.loiV'. 1UmS-ijmu-p,
.itiB ijijjr jtortli of lirooin l-'ai-ttiry,
(SucL-essor to Ir. Brewer.)
Offu-eaiui residenco on Eec iid Miect,
npar No. l's Engine House. Zi'J
Jf trf'at.u the varioiiK ili-iiM- u whlcli the
ty and ear are nilJt-l, ami leelx tonfldeqtof
tviiiic eiij.irj BaliNrH-ihin t tjio t1 may
able ttbave, Ijar t-iit or liatlt pp lo lUc
v?iere von will fintl Gns. Entrlandf r anil
ie;jry 'Backeii&toaiB-aya on ia(nl an'jl aljle
Villi wiUwij "to lo goo4 wqrt,
noorns on First utreef, two (J'M)f8 Iielow
Woli.s, I'argo & tw.'s otuce. iiiLf
"Albnnj, resOB
Infrmaitnn given cheerfullj'. AdJress
in at AlLiany. , 60tf
A rAO0T. BV I.
Of eotirae It wm a alii,
lor him Ui atkka pin
In tli. chatr.
Where III" parent utUm t,
Hut he diHa l thluk uf that,
lUJn't care.
On the cuihiun (t and
Iji.t hU father'! HunUay hat,
Atiil he knew
That he'U never ettp tn look
Fvr the tlnjr, pointed hook
Ktivklng through.
o-behhhl the lounge he gut.
For he thought ke'U rather not
lie antutul,
When hie parent raiaed the hat,
And ti04i the tin-Nlltt aat-
J u.liuent aound.
Then he heard blalalheta alim
AuJ another, hut he ke
Like a tttouae.
Ttie ue pareon, aure a f vte.
kloved into the place of late,
8oti! to ruuee.
lloat from chair reniorcd the hat,
lude him eeat hiunvU lu that,
A"d he did. ,
From lii.'red Up there fell
Karttet worda and curiilin yell
All unhid.
Now that boy liaa lu.t hi vim.
And a aeat that Jut auiia him
Mint be evil.
And be wean a weary fruwn.
Itut you'll note he ilnil ait dow n.
Very oft.
li:m.u tL t;ia.
riTKult'i.t Anstll, f tlio Mu-lii:!in
Univprsitv, ia Urn confiriiieil minister
to China.
Jlio fiu;inMit I.usatun hUtt'.sin:n
Pniho CitrtaclnikoiT is fw thtncfrmifclv
til tliut Lis id ath is -xmct'.il nt nnv
Th Kti-.niu r Spoilt, nv.)lii.;ini,.il l.y
a tmJer, will start fiom Lnnlon shortly
to ensptt, in the work it'Lttiiii n iww
Anlo-Annno-:tn caUo.
If Hussm ).;n to iij;Lt the Cuiiit-M-,
-sli roH)si'H to Sfii.l to thii fonntry fur
arms atnl ntntiiimitiuit thn tirNiM.
It's an i!I win.l that l.Iows injlo,!y gootl,
Thrrrt wore ",,000 iinnu'raiu in New
Yoi k on the wtiiuiaR (m lmiiRHr-
tation to Iowa, Dakota, Visntin ami
Minnekda. Kvpry tcanirr firing frwilt
Six tart-k of thoroughly HiiKonnMo
weather in Kuglaml has inrtile a wonilcr
ful change in ilm ittct :f tin fro in
l hut country aporiSiiig to ti, Jfark
Lit ue 1'xfTett.
A wealthy Jet ish railroad euntracfor
i't IJnssia has' ."Oil,(;0O routilea
t",,r thn jiirjw( !" Iiiit.liri:. tiear f;ie
niiivemty in Sr. IVterelmv.', !, tin f.r
t'r KttnlontK.
Ixcojnotivcs whiolt run on common,
fornix and tratttiMitt heavy liRtd lutvo
been extenmvely lutrodui-ed in Neva-ht,
and interfere aeiiontilv wiflt thu
ti-auiing tnniincKH.
A fotil-hard fci!iw .'uiiired head fore
most from tli railn a I liridw nt 31i:n
fortUville, Ky., on Sumlay hitf one
himdn-il and ta.eiiy feet to th'i water,
and pFcacd uiihtiit.
Cu'ia i great Imtm .f coofeiitioti
just now in the .Sj:iiii)i Ci'.iiiit-'.Hiid in
the Loitea. Tlio ifUml a co-,liiig the
government million of money ami many
thousandth of livea nnmiallv.
Since the last diHhnrsement of inler-
est on covernmetit 4 l;r cent, louda.
when ilr. V. II. Vamiertiilt wa found
t 1 th nnrr ot' ?.1 1 ,000.000, ho has
Kent $20,000,000 additional to the treait.
nry for registration.
The f.ifkenitg intelligence eoinei. from
I'uiuiaii that 700 meua 1mvk, wotuen,
gii U. jiiiefcts and loreignerflT were xaeri-tii-ed
at idandulav ret-entiy lv Intrving
lliem alive. f.,r t!,o restoration tf the
kinu'a hcaitli.
It is fiililirtU'd that 10,000 Canadian
eniigrautK will during the ljuttiun-r seek
new fiornea iu tlio YiVnt and Northwest.
The Canaditn r.tiIroa,ln rc!t thu emi
grant movenu'iit to Wi'sJi'in ;ointa n
already lBvier tann at any time the
:ut yejtr.
Tha goverl tnont iii!e:.da to ticninud
of the Atlantic and I'acilla Telegrajdi
coipia,tiy, t!u' Pullman Palaeo Car com
Kiiy, htid all other jiartieg hi.l.U'sig
fea-4a from t!ic union and Central I'a-
:s!!c RailioaJ PoinpatiieB 5 jrr cent, of
tufir net earning, under tho Pacific
railroad act?, and 2. )cr cmt. for the
fiinking fund tinder thffTliernian net.
The lumber boom tcetna to have
struck tho'iinc-Lcaiing regions of Vris-
coiisin. j'or fourteen dilferent localities
along tlio lino of tho Wisconsin Central
Railroad the cut m log to bo manufact
ured into lumber, exclusive of great
(iianlities of walnut, oak, map!, bass-
wootJ, anil railroad tf, aggregatps 7,-
000,0t)0 feet, or an amount tbree times
as large as the cut for the nanift mills
during any (irevious rear. ' '
la .HIKa lit t fil l Kit.
s ;
There U no other jilanet of the solar
svstem, says science for all, which oiTers
so close an analogy to the earth as Mars.
Tho telescoj reveals tc; im tha figuros
of broad tracts of land and expanses' of
sea njion his sni fac-e. Tke durations of
hia day and night almost coincide witli
our own. His exterior exjwriences the
alternating changes of the seasons.' Jlis
niglit are illuminated by twq retell itcs,
wh?ph rpsent svll thp i;fiioniena of our
own moon, and wore frquently, owing
to thair greater- velocity. An atmos
ihere probably surronnds this j'hmptj
in fact, tio exisitenptj of air js indiqien
siblQ to his other fvatuvrs. 1 fence thp
inference that Mais is a h.-thiia'nle globp
ajHi-s a very obyioiis gtul f.iir conclu
sion, and it would be inconsistent to im
agine that this planet, provided appar
ently with all the requisite natural facil
it'es Ui render life a nrpessary and deT
sirablo fentui e of hs sui fuce, is a sphere
of d(!8o!ation, a mass of inert matter,
which, though conforming to the laws
of gravitation, is other wio serving no
useful eiid, as the aliode and sustenance
of animate creatures. It is far more in
accordance wifli analogy and rational
siwculation to conclude that Mar is the
center of life and activity, and that his
surface is teeming with living beings.
irnin mow ai skhhome.-
EtUlor Democrat : ' ! ' t
lVrhaiw a few lines from old Undo
Davy Nowsome nitty lie of Interest to
your many renders.
Tlio booms are on hmul in old Ma
rion. The machines for inrtnufactur
I tig slander of nil norti are plueetl In
position, mid wo shall soon have nn
fisKortiucut of IteiiiH concerning all
the candidates far every office which
lias money In It. Thla way of bring.
Ing out, Just before tho election, row
revelations concerning the bud traits
of character of the candidate, I no
well known that it will have but lit
tle influcnco on the voter. Tho
candidates of both par tie were
brought out, regularly, by I he row pec
five Conventions, and they were well
Known to too ueieiratcn, aim were
endorsed by them. Wlmt grand na
tlonal Issuea aro up upon which the
parties are 'divided arc hard lo dis
cern. The south and the north, the
east ami tho west desire eace, and
reciprocal trade and frlondshtp. "We
ncc ono great nation on whom the
cyt ol nearly all nations are turned.
If our Itepublic proven a pueeess,
crown.- will soon crow to lie a tklns
of the past. We aro deeply Inter
es ted in Oreg-on in home measure,
and these ore w politic.
Our largo State, nlMtutidine: in
moro natural resource, than any
other Stato or Torritory in tho Union,
isuttracling men of grat capital
abrojul, who nre now Invexttng largtv
ly In rjiiroa,l In Oregon and W. T.
K fpiarlerof a century .ago It was
Kuposed that the high lands in East
ern Oregon were valuable only for
stock raising. And In fact tho brush
lands of Western Oregon were con
sidered almost worthies. But tests
hae lieqn inade.and it I now known
th;.t of the C I iniilioin uf at res of
land within tho State two-thinU of
it aro valuable wheat land-t. And
tho ipiality and quanlity of wheat
grown on these land I attracting
great attention abroad. Jic'nco rail
road. and Rlilps anI liver steamers
are In rciuinition lo traasjwrt our
surplus of grain, wool , flour and farm
product , goncrally to : tho world's
markets. We are no longer tributa
ry to California. Tho brand npon
our article of commerce, "Oregon,"
Is a safe it-.ts-jmrt to foreign or dome:
tic buyer. Tno line of "railroad,
now finished, or under survey or con
struction in Wcvdern Oregon, show
conclusively the estimation in which
thi jntrt iT our Stale I htlJ. The
two lines of the O. , & C. 1. It frofii '
Portland south, on each sldo of the
Wiliiiitirtic river, and' tho feeder
whit h thcyrp.conMrutIng one
from Alintny to I.elninon. and one
from Salem to Iloweil Prairie, with
ftH-dor south fifteen inilets neros
flic fertile district of the W-diio
Hills iiri.l Mill Crci-k; valley, will
greatly add lo thewortli of real estate
alonjf hose Inic. , , , ,
And. the two narrow gauge rotd, ,
now under rapid construction on both
sides of tho Willamette. Pfiver, each
passing close to the western , spur of
the Cascades and of the Coast M.oun
tains, will ohjij. up a markotj and
cheap trjnsporbitkntoortiett tsonrds.
Tho extent arid production of thrse
districts, through which thone two
narrow gaugo rmvi will run", are 1-
ir.ont Iieyond eompcntalion. And the
large Amount of public Iamls and rail
road land lying near to thoao road,
but which havel)cen too remote from
market fo Induce settlers to buy or
enter them, will now . coo -into ae
ti A demand for permanent Battlers.
Thcro i no part of Oregon which Is,
in every respect, more desirable for
newcomer than- Western Oregon.
And, in connection With the subject
of railroad, -fliero I ono great trans.
continental line, direct, which would
pip lhrougV the ver' le8t portion of
our S(:Oe,'nid n.'arly r.ll the "way
thioufli n vast wheat growing coun
try. Till would boa roald "from
Ogden via of Pert Boise, there cross
ing Snake River, and thence throgU
f,ho 8oi'vh,errt pavU of. Baker, Grant,
Yasco,,Llnn and Benton couhtle to
the Yaquina Bay and, Harbor;!, ( Th
WQ iId desect tho wholp tte. of ,0re?
gon from east to west 325( miles,. ,
arq 8tirp4e( liat Uij route bs not
attracted public attention already,
The cheapness and. practicability of
deepening and wtycnjng lljo pntraneo
to tfta Ray, across ariuhvAjQar, are'
manifest to all men ,whote intereslu
do not warp their. Judgment, ; . There
is the largest and best wheat growing
district in the southern ; parts of Ba
ker, Grant, and Vasco, coqnfics o,f
any porlton jOf;v!li Statej but cut off
froto aU markets, nearer than one
hundred mile, and heneo used only
by gtock-raiscr ad miner. It 1
nearly level all the wav- Theroulo
across j the Cascade " Mountains 'via
Mount Jefierson ia tho best for a, rail
road of any other across ' those Mount
tains, from tho Gulof California bo,
British Coliibia, I hope that men
of capital will espouse thi route ntn!
seo ior tlieni.solvcs. Tho tlioallng of
the Columbia River at it mouth,nnd
the' Immenso surnH required annually
to keep an open channel thereof
sufllclcnt depth to float large Milp,
will bring to public notice the direct
ness, nearness and cheapness of mak
ing permanent Improvement nt the
Vaqulnrt Bar, and tho construction
of two or moro standard gauge rail
roads from thi valley to New K.rt on
1 he Bay.
fAi.r, May 10th, 18S0.
Aklla:a inn IPPll' tnrru
When ttpplo or jieartret
eased from being planted iu unfavorable
or ill prepared aoil, or from a lack of
food, they aro very certain to bo at
tacked by insects, which, if they are in
a healthy condition, would probably !
unknown. Certain washed, such us lye,
(a solution of potash), have Urn applied
with BiiccesK in destroying theso insects
and re'atoritiK the trees to health. l!ut
formr own practice wo lutvo for the
last two ynari applied n much simpler
remedy with much more success, as it
Cannes tlio old dead bark, the chosen
hiding-place of the insects, to cleave
cuT, leaving in its places smooth, healthy
surface. Thi is 'simply, nfter a raio,
and while the bark is yet wet. to throw
on some dry wood ni,he, until the ca
eity of retention is full. If rainsoo:!
follows, tho strength if the ashes in car
riihl into every erauny of the bark, and
the etfet is working clenulitiee on tin,
tree. If there i no rain, the nshe
will remain nud bo working their good
fUects, hihI be ready for action when
the rain eoines. The operation of sow
ing Mi the adi is e-mily pnd quickly
jietformed i so, if the tree is in a bud
condition, it is ensi! reisnted until the
insect are all destroyed and rt j.ew
healthy Imrk covet the t ice. To rem
e,ly existing evils sow on tho rndica U-.
twuen now and tho leafing out, after the
Cif, rain, if jsible ; for they ean U
noattereil over the ltrk now wit!, h-aa
waste Hia'n "when intereented will!
leave, ami i4acl more eouallv wbefe
th.y are nee.fet!.' A a preventive Tl
futnre ilein-edaf ions, sow them on in
summer, when ti.e insirts dejiosit their
egg, which will never batch :;nder the
tiillut-ucn f the nshes. Two ,bi.-ct
nre 'gained by this tiiM tation : Ttie
she, or he they produce, f.iniih
for the tree, h well as destroying its
-nenoes, and lmputt Clenidittt ts to the
tar. tiettcvTK t:rroMtov
The ship Gulimre is U 'mg t'.itiil no
for the liowgnte Atvtic -X-edition, and
will sail about the middle of Xl.iv. The
expedition wi'l lie in charee of i ',i-ta'.ti
CheKter, who ts an exi ei leticeit i xi.toii i
and navigttor. The Gnli aie i a steam.
er of two Itimdteil tons bimlcn. mid i
now lying' at Alexandra. wh,-re idit is
Uing sirvnglhf tied to utand the rouh
umye hho will encontiter in the Arctic
hi-vs, A tiertnanent deimt will lm -.
t!!ihtl on tli west side of Smith's
K,miid, Hnd" tie !iel wi'l return for
aottther esrgo -f provinionis, and on her
retnrn to the station will lake the men
left there, mid u ho hav Wroino aceli
inatei, and push on further toward the
(aile, and establish ntiothcr station, find
then 'in nx month th new men will
pl-h or, and 'relieve those in inlvalice,
who will go. still further north. IW
this teeam (he captain expects to le
alle, finally, .to reach the j-ole. If any
of thu' men g-t diahenrtelied, Jie a ill re-
ihtc them with new men, if w,;oui l.e
says he cap nlitav find nit abundance.
Thi plan, w ill take a g'Xsl deal of time,
and it will bo years U-fore the desire I
object can )h attained, but Captain
I lowgate thinks It Is the only way the
desired end can. ! gained. 1
Br.tiHTIinivc watK toTcnsiY nosrux.
AYe are indebted - to a "ftlafl' cot re
spondent,"; for tho following neclote
coficerning tho recent registration if fe.
male voters inJUofctoii lUaccuiflcy is
vouched for by an. eniinont Artist one
of the most distinguished atone, cut(eia
of the Iftib. ' ' '
Kntw old huly of a certain nge,
"I w iuli to register, sir."
our name, please V
"Alniira Jano Simpson,".
Your age f
Mleg pdon.,,
"Your age "
"Do I oiiiWKtaiiJ that I tuust. give
my ago 1"
' "Yes, mififl, tho Jaw requires if.
I "Worlds, sir, would not tempt me to
give it I Not that I care. No ; I had
as lief wear it on my bonnet, ns a hack-
man does his number; but I in a twin,
and if my sister ha n weakness, it is
that fhe dislikes any reference made to
her age ;' and I, could no.t givo my own,
liecanna J dont wish to ofl'und her." -
' ITl'8 l'linro.)
j ' a iirsn.iYO' TF.vt;i:.ix( F.
Tl -lio,. terrible vengeance of n hus-
bAtui, "'bo3e wife has gtmo oJTidth a
handsomer man . -
'pear eir," ho writes qleaao hand
the Inclosed set of false feetii to my
Into wife and ask her to Ivo so good as
fo iftlurn my. father's which, In the
harry of the monienf, she tfok by
mlslake," '" , :
' , J- 'i ! ' - -'i ' ' '
Thi, rediteRt lips a-e ever have kiised,
. 1 . Tha weitoat teeth that ever hate alusi, ;
. Wilt eeaae lo cliarni ui if we oiuie ai.t
That they are not Uie iay'e own I .
, ..; ,' i ; . !
A college Professor onpuHriod to con
vince ' I Joraoe Ureeley Vif tho value of
(slassio IungnagoK, , Tito Professor sail :
"These. , languages are U onduitc of
the' literary , treasures of antiquity."
Mr, Greeley replied :' " I like Croton
watei' very well, but it doesn't follow
tuat t Hiioitut eas ayani or two ot lean
i''ru" " : , " ''Jif"m :. .
, One of the great need of this coun
try' is u' t iity-twpduitto'i kid glove,
wltich," when too ranch soiled for the
band, can be used for a stocking.
(tuns Ol' aui i.n'iT.)
Wasiiisotox, D. C.f April ."(',
fill ! tor fJemocrat :
All of the proceeding of Congress
(hiring llm punt week that would be of
inteif st to the general render can 1-e
Hummed tip in one short paragraph,
though much earnest work has. been
thine. Tlio tkbato in the Ketialc over
the Geneva Award bill, long drawn out
and tedious, ha finally ended in an in
definite postponement which is a mild
and positive fonn of defeat. The cane
as it now stands ceitainly presents
Ivtiil.iit Jsviioar asjHels, 1 hit mi hit
at Geneva awarded henv y iL'hii.i
lil I rut Inn
ig"A in
favor of the United States, itfainst
Great Britain, for tho denti u-Hion of
American propeity on t!;e seus during
tho luto war, by vensels lilted out iu
Engliidi Jiorls. Th claim weie due to
private owners if tho property de
stroyed, but after fettling lib all whose
claim are char llm govriiiineiit Mil! ha
ten minion ilollur of the niiMHUit-
awariled. Iimunitu-e eompnntes and
others have endenvt;ied lo ehlab;i,,h a
light to this lalt:ce, but Congous diss
not seem disjiOM d to allow their ! iui.
It would hardly seem that the iu,,i:i-y
belolig to tlio Treasury, lieeaiiM the
govfrnmciit does' not prvtctnl to hate
sustained any of the damage?, the
rentilt is that we hh ket ten luillioii dot
I.trs obtained from Gn at Britain f-o-a
sjreirie but illmdoii'ity purpose. No!,
wille.tanding the ability mid ipioiiilv
of their ltdvorates, I do lii-t think the
tiiomy ically Iw-hmgH to tlen-e who now
chiiui It, and the coiii !;r.ioii !,! tit n!! v is
that the awnsl n excessite. But
i;miu all these -o'u,Ib thcie i a wide
ditr.-rriice .f opinion niuong the nb!t
inemlters -f the Senalw. Matt. t".,rjs-n-ter,
who ftnierly restated ihn t-Iainu of
the iiiatirnute,ieJ. has ll i s K-
ot oneW ;3. ir lo t t elp.,1 t
1. Hate. -
The Detuorrsli,; oi! i f 'U- S-r:-ale
( oiuinittee ot, Ilui-a . if the
Senate tillb-collllii'n i e ,,,, l!,e .' j i-t e.f
Couioing the i i, , ,,.i; to..-, 1..,.,- ,'e
( idl'd lo ii lillin-t,d i l,l I lie 1 H hoi m n
of Coligrcts tfmli no.,,,! ten j-'tol
llile providtnt: lliut i'.t t-ne !i !e ..i.i
one certificate f the !, ,-i, tote of a
S.nto Ui .-irch!,., t., Cn--,. it .l,ii!t
Itoi ( e nj-cttil i-X '. j t l.v iln i.r.iini..
lite ote of the two hoote. and that in
c i f dual letuli s tte;ll.r r! ii'l
eoniitcl iiti'eH the to Iiohm-p nnr
thai oi.e of tht-lii in iho va'id and I rue
retain. This proposition is nub-inn-thilly
the niute that wa oil'eied by i-ivn-t-r
Motion in tin, Forty fourth (im-grt-Rj,
and then adopted by th Setiute
in the form of a bill, which, how eter,
failed to leceite final action in that
body, iu co:i-i q'iciH'e of Mr. Tiiutmin
having entered motion tj reconsider
its pacstige. The former taent v SeCi i.d
joint in!,-oil this subject re, pit red every
electoral of to lerij,c.ted lo which
any objectio.i was stMtailied by either
Senator irkHl, w ho g.-nemlly
wears a suit of clothes which could la
b ni,lit new for Cwcrty tloilais, and
would not fetch at it second liund store
moie than tine fourth of that sine, j,avo
expression to some advanced sumptuary
views in the Senate a day or two hince.
In answer to tlej object ioi.ti tif other
.Si'iiutors that the reteniio wits not suf
ficient to justify tho addition to the
H-uiiiun list of couts and other areiy
attaches, he urged that if iiccess-irv the
tax schedide vuhl easily U exteiuted
fBiilI'uieiilly to justify it, WliUkv, to-
bacco and Iwer, he ani.l, now tnure than
paid the interest on tho national t'u bt,
and for his part ho-as willing in tdcr
to obtain tho means to le ward faithful
scouts, to add to tho lint swallow-tailed
cr claw hammer coats, stove-pipe,, hats
and ladies' trail.' Stove pipa hats, the
Senator declarod, were ait ntanriiuatioli
and a tnonfitrohity. Senator; -Blaine,
who ulways sports a glossy one, turned
uneasily in his seat, as tl.e. Iowa Rusti
iuis nia'hi tis. lit rent, and the venerubie
Uantiihul Hamlin, tvho weais a plu
hat whlcli lie bought ,on the day that
peace was declared with Mt'xie.o,;w'u8 80
agitated that im was forced tn. retreat
to tho cloak room. . - '., t, ;.( ,
. printout all vo Oly-nuv, vho Svas
uiari'ied a few thi)s ago, had a narrow
escape from disappointing the lady who
is'now hi wife, . Ho bail charge of the
A'iny appropriation bill in tho llonso
and did not get it through by tho day
lio was to leave here for St. Louis to
meet his betiothed.. , lie; would not tell
anybody his! troubles, but nt tho delay
ho became so much worried that he
called .Chairman Atkins ji'b' Ws confi
dence and disoloaed the seciet. "Go,
said Atkins; "why, God 'bless you, my
dear, why dij not tell nio sooserl
lb 1 no 'time' for words when a lady
waits." And I leister went.
Gilbert Bndd, r of Clarenilo.n, Itiicb
died at ot tuovning jtrayers",
before Ln .iu risen from his knoes.: His
townsmen have taken .warning from
this, and if sudden death overtakes them
it will have to break up a g:rno of "old
sledsre." ' ' ' ;:
tfr,in Die Cortatlia n:a.t.
iii itu.tii 1'om n a vtfn iya
Wasliington telegram, May l.t:
"The House Committee on Commerce,
alter iiesrnifr itrguments 1 1 otu - Retire
sentativo Whiteaker, have agreed lo
recommend nn appropriation $.0,000
Tor the improvement of l iiqiiina Bay.
He is also sanguine f obtuiniiig an 'p
propriulion for C'oquillo liarlwr."
Thi is glorious new s. We must con
gratulate the jrople of Oregon, espe
cially of this section, ujtpn the bright
prosjiects of their future. The improve
ment of Yitqiiina Buy harbor is now as
suied beyond n reasonable doubt, and
the fi lends of the project nmy safely re
joice. It is almost certain that the bill
will become a law. It i a rare thing
for the work of committees to be ma
terially changed. In the committee
room is where the work was done, and
it is in no way probable that it will be
oveihaulcd when the bill rentes up for
lilinl action. If the bill is presented in
the genet ui bill for harWnml river im-
pinveiiM-nt action will be taken on i
within pet hups two or llnee weeks. In
eotiMilrralion of the usual custom of
Congress in regard to such matters and
the amount of op arts! t ion the measure
has met with, tho appropriation is r.s
large as might rensouablv have U-en ex-
M-cted, Among the em hiii-s ef Ys
qttina Hay we nny, ftetii turious imli
fin ioim, class Lieut. (Jd. ,'. S. Stewart,
MMiior me nU-r f the !'. rod of Engi
neers ,,f the Paiiiii: Coa-e, who desires
to do so much for Triisi-lad hatlsir iu
Calif ji-fiia, and who i the author of a
minority ejirt from the !Vard favor
ing Trinidad as the site f.-r ihe prqseil
HarUir of Refuge, In this coti'urtion
we rtfer to Stewart to ehow the nature
of tome ,f the opposition to Yaquina,
and that we might not lutvo exH-cted a
larger appropriation nnd:-r the circum-s'atirf-s.
When the $"0,000 arc ex
ndo.l, it will demonstrate whether or the iuiproveitients msy ls made
-tmrtecnf, am! knowing so well that
the smk mu U:tiia!e TTftitel;t, and
it ajij-. ni ing lo Cjiigtess that it nn,
I here wid be tio diioi-iiliy in securing
niij,,.j,,i,,ii,i,s from ;iii,e to time si;l'.i
nt lo coiisidc'.c the iuljpf ineim tit. It
U ;--t erailv kt.owti that it is the custom
! I', ti. or to lnae epproirialions in
till til,!,'l,er.
elie it is true I hat 1 it,, merits of
Ya'pina l.nUir, in thi uiM-ivt-s, ,!i ttutud
an Hppt-i.pi tttuiii, it u l.kewise true
ihat i,o' le legihiiioii e,-uld have
I-eu scented for it withottt the claims
and l-ief its ef the location U-itii. with
n.itch hard Wotk, clearly iulcd OUt
are, s i-sisteiitly urged, iho K'op!e of
this mi lion can tlu-iii-i-N es claim some
credit for the nieces of the measure.
Much credit i due Col. Hogg and oth
ers for their untiring rfTort in U-lnilf cf
t!ie bill, and tts much prai.- etnnot be
awarded fxtiator S.ater. L U-prc-sonlati'.e
Y.'hiteaker rre oe a debt ef
ratitude which we can iu in, other wie
repay ihan by the expression thn. wo
ayjirteiste bis cfiorla. It is not our Je
site to disi-iiss this ptotioit in eonrtec-
lion Willi. iMdilieH, but "ifoiiet John"
WliifenkvV has done so much to entitle
hint to our confidence that he is un
doubtedly entitled to the vote of everv
man in Cential Oirgon, end we can in
no U-lter way assure him that he has
labored 'for n grateful -eop'e. With a
view to the amount which we demand
U-ing appropriated in iirs,ii)nients we
took occasion to intimate in iho JllaJe
of last week tint tin, work might remain
utiftni-diod at t'-ie close of thin seKMon of
Congress. It proves to be true, and we
d,yore to return a man to Congress who
will ilni.-di it. We know Whiteaker to
bo tried and true; why, then, should
we support. George, a young man ef
quite ordinary ability, a man who knows
nothing of tho workings of Corgrc&s,
whom it wouhl, tke'at least a stvision
to leai-n unything about pressing the
el- .,, a a.
claim oi ins cunsiiiueuis, ami w tio is
no friend of Yaquina Bay anyhow, and
w ho would oppose rather than further
the itit-'rests of that, section ?
(Oakatoona lleral,!
IX II. AT.! MFf UltlKI IX.
Atuehlnc. incident occurred in
tho deAths of the aged ' people, Mr.
and Mrs. Dickson last week. For
convenience ln attendance during
their Illness they were placed in sep
arate bod rooms. Tho bend of the
bed were placed against a thin par
tition :' which having an open door
permitted tho two old pcotiio tp con
verse, though not able to wo each
other: Thevnighfj before tho husband
died hia wifo heard him grdanlng
and 'vaa vey anxious to be with brio
but was unable to rise. Soon sho
was informed that ho was dying, and
In order t- bo by him, thp beds were
moved so as to bring, them parallel
with tho partition, tho head oppo
site tho door. This done, the fond
wife reached out her hand, grasped
her husband by the band, and held
t during his bvt moments. Thus
death ftnt.d them ns nearly 51 years
beCoro tho marriage ceremony left
them, Joined hand in hand. . It was a
simple and affectionate token of the
lovo of a long life, and the - day fol
lowing tho wife, too, folded her arms
in the sleep of death, and joined her
husband in the lightning f a longer
life. .
Mr. Dalrymple, tho wheal
grower, ha faith in f ho crop in Da
kota. He will sow r,,oo) acre this
spring. He will nlso break five or
six thousand acre of prairie.
Over 20,000 car-load of Jive find
dressed poultry ore carried into New
York city yearly, and ilo,ooy,ooo
dofcen of eggs go to tho same market.
According lo the lt estimates, lln;
I'nited Slates produces !,M)0.0(H,000
dozen of egg.
One of tho occupation tit vomit?
men M ho nre f.lling up western Texas
I to breed geese. Ono of them has
fJ.OOO geese, whoso feathers are pluck
ed every two months. J-ieh bird
will average, n isund and a half a
year, worth fifty cents per pound.
I'ew realize the necessity of ma
nuring orchard. When once plant
etl, tho tree ore to remain on the
same soil ihlrly or forty yeur at
leant. They in a few year exhaust
the food In tho Md; they are mo-t
fond of. r.iid ihen Ihey vji cr.,. to
In! productive and thrifty unless
properly fed.
Green crop for manuring should
not bo plowed, lerqH-r than four inches;
If they are furred under more than
thi they will not receive enough of
solar beat and ntmo-pheric nir to in
sure raiid decay, and when covered
too deep their full beneficial effect
cannot Uj realized till the. next plow
ing, wnen lin-y aro hrought nearer
the surface.
A correspondent, f IVrl-V JfoutU,,
says that one sjMj.-mfuI of eoarc-sw-dorod
salt pel ro to a iail of water will
destroy jioiato bug, squash Imgs.and
othi-r uisrf. 1W rose It I unur-
passetl. l'..r maggots that work at
tbo root of MiMa-li vines, tsjurulsmt
a pint of tho liquid ujsin iho root of
each vine n s'miii n ibe tes!.- indi
cate themselves.
Potash dissolved in wafer, or Ivo
from wood ashes, is iho Uf t Mash
for trunk ami largo limits t f fruit
trew. V.'hitewasli should not l
ustf, n St clrt-es up the (sires of the
bark, which should Ih kept i!.en in
brder fo lnure a hetdihy tree. Pot-!
B.slt or lye answer everv tutritoso!
which Mhllewah would, with t-ono!
of it ot jot-iion. !
A compound f r the prtsiut-tiim of j
a flrst-tbii itfrtre- : Oatvthlid facti
or cxferiiueii, .i.m-tl.inl Kciercc, and
one-third coniiii.ui ?eno. thorounlv
blemled, and when applied to te
rublKHl in thai the compound shall
form it componcit irirt of the indi
vidu d. Great v.'.re, however, mu-t
le exercised that tho compound Is; in
noca-c exrsjscf! t- the fungi of hob
by, ir the character of the whole will
bo destroyed.
A ton of M-heut M hen cart fji'.v
burned leave ts.ur.d of ash.
While- a ton of straw m ill leave Ct.13
jtouiul, nl t..ii id chalT 1T3.07
pounds To know this I of interest
to the wheal grower, ns it teaches
the importance of ret tir t; ing the straw
to the snl, and frreat earo ought to
bo taken of the ehiT, for one iour.d
a a fertilizer I a mut h n three
pounds of straw, containing six times
a much mineral manure a the grain
A Western fruit grower savs that
ho cut off a limb an inch in diameter
from nn apple tree in each month of
theyinr. . At the end of-five years,
when they wore all healed over, they
were ojiened tint! those fount! to have
decayed the least weio those cut in
February end March, or just tief w
the swelling of tho bad. wh;h th..-v
em , in June i r July, or during me
growing season, had deeaved the
most ; by this it would appear that
tin idd way of pruning in etrly
spring, before tlio sap ts-gins to tlow,
was the best.
A sjitsistt: (.ist.
I'll tell you what," said a New
York jchl the other day, while exam
ining printed curriculum, and try
ing to make up her mind what study
sho would take up next 5 "I'll ell
you what 1 wouhl like to study I
would like to study medicine. I do
not menu that I want to be a physi
cian, and practice,, but only to know
Mil at to do at homo if anybody is
sick or anything happens. I am
suro it. would 13 moro useful to me
than" and she turned to the pre
scribed course of study -'than spher
ical trigonometry and navigation.
What is the use of my studying nav
igation? .
"But wo cf.n not run for the doc
tor every time anybody sneezes or
coughs, and would like to know
what to do for any one who 'is a little
This New York girl 1 sensible and
has m.ido a wiso choice. Perhaps
Bhe never will bo "smart" enough to
work out an intricate problem in al
gebra, and may be sho will never
know tho technical names of all the
bone ia her Isxly, but if , her baby
I brother, while left in her charge,
should burn his hand or. be suddenly
seized with croup, sho will , know
what is tho best thing to do for him
whilo waiting for the doctor to come.
And when sk-o Is a wife and mother,
she will meet calmly and Intelligent
ly tho accidents-ami illnesses which
aro inevitable in every family.
Truly -The only time in
lifts when woman seems truly happy is
when she calmly sits down and at
tempts to trim a hew bonnet with old
trimmings. She seems truly happy, but
what a Vesuvius is at work in her
hear?. , .' ' .'
A mother noticing her little daughter
wipe her mouth on her dress sleeve,
ftsked her what her handkerchief was
for. Said the; "To fihako at the la
dies in tho street. That is what papa
does with bis."
TKE. -
A meeting of the Democratic State
Central Committee will bo held In
tho ci'y of Portland on Tuendaj-.May
18, 1830, for the purpose of placing
In nomination a candidate . for State
Printer, to bo vofed for at the ensu
ing Juno election. A full attendance
of tho committee i urgently request
ed, c. F. Beatie.
Chairman Detu. Btato Cen. Com.
Democratic papers please copy.
The Stockton JlernM justly denounces
the conduct of Hop Sing Bee, the craven
ami despicable moral lejr who is tbe
servant of the Chinese Kmr-eror and
chief lackey to the Chinese Yice Consul
in this city, antl who ha bartered his
birthright of citizenship rss did the
more conspicuous similar traitor Btirlin
gatne, for golden profit. Tho Herald
remark : "Colonel Bee, Chinese' Con
sal at San Francisco, last Satorday
hoisted the Impeiial flag in honor of the
ilirmalion by the Siq-erior Court ot tbe
judgment of the Police Court in Kear
ney's case. The boUting of that flag on
such m occasion was a wanton and dar
ing insult to the American people, that
should U promptly and indignantly re
sented. Col. Bee deserves to be sent to
the House of Correction to keep Kear
ney eoiupsiiv during hi stay in thai in
stitution, and we bnr there taar be
found legal means of sending him their.
Heprotiabiy raised kbe flag with tbe
hojs' of provoking some act of violence
by Kearney'- followers. Happily be
failed in thi. But he should bo warned
by the authorities not to repeat tbe ex
jfi intent. Hi insolent action has al
ready to a great extent neutralized the
elTeet r f Kerney's conviction. It teuds
to nuke hiiu a sort of heroic martyr
rather than an ordinary convict, and has
done more in a single moment to popu
larize the Sand-lot agitation than Kear
ney and his associate radians could have
done in a year. If there are no legal
means of reaching the Consul and we
presume there are hone there should
le an expression of public indignation
that be will not soon forget- The law
I as leen jiroperly vindicated by tbe con
viction and 1'unii.Liinent of Kearney; but
the public j ace should not be again
endangeted by the flaunting of tbe
L !uece hag in triumph over bis convic
tion. The Administration at Washing
ton owes it to the people of this Coast
to revofcetb ejejuatur of Col. Bee, and
we Wpe. some of our Representative '
will jut WjiiYraaaaa.-tey tTTZr-,
its revocation,"
Mushy, the celebrated guerrilla chief
tain,' who is r.ow consul at Hong Kone,
China, does not stand well with tha ad
ministration at Washington. Tha
trouble is that one of the most coirupt
rings ever in existence waa in Hong
Kong, and tbe American minister to
Chins, and the consul whom Mosby re
lieved, were intetested in it AYken
the celebrated chieftain got there, he
went to work to loot out thete evils,
and during his service baa sent Imroe
over $1 1,000 of consular fee, something
unheard of in the history c-f that con
sulate la-fore. Yet all bis interest in
reforming existing evils has only result
ed in brincing down on bis Lead the
wrath td the owcrs that be. Writing
to a friend, be says the reasons ho has
not returned are these :
1. ,-I have lsren threatened with uis
luissa! f jr uncovering frauds out here,
and I want to give tbe administration
an optortiinity of carrying out tbeir
threat, ami thereby signalising their
zeal for civil-swvie reform by poach
ing the only man w ho baa tried to re
form it.
2. "I continue to bold the jawt be
cause I have not yet quite completed
my investigations, and if I were to re
sign now and go home the ring would
claim it as a victory,. .and say I resigned
under compulsion." . , .
We hoe tho colonel will stick to bis
post until he is able to prove all be says -concerning
the rottenness of the consul
ate at Hong Kong, and that taa ring . ,
will lie routed. -..-';-
The influence of the order e the PaU
rons of Husbandry : ia prfcavtotiug tho .
cause of tcmjri-ance has from tbo Cist
lieen of a most decided character, it
is a fact that the best element in every .
agricultural community hare always,
given their hearty endorsement to the
principles of tho order. At first it was ,
a matter of surprise to those who ware
called ttiion to address tbe immense
gatherings of patrons, that thtra waa
such good order, and an entire absence
of rowdyism, such as , bad ; heretofore- :
been common in the neighborhood be-foi-e
any granges bad been orgauiared.
The grange as a temperance organiza-.
tion has and will continue to assert )ta
powerful but Rilent influence. Grang
IhilMin. '
The condition of European croi-a in
dicate the probability of generally good
harvests and t hat the coming wheat crop
in the United States will probably equal
that of 1879. Judging from tbe aver
age of the last live good years in Eu
rope, the latter will require cf the Unit- '
ed States this year 52 million bushels
for absolute consumption, to say nothing
of what might be needed to replenish
reduced stocks, und we shall have a sn
plus of 133 millions for expoitw It
seems reasonable to estimate that- our.
present l ate of wheat production will be
found to exceed the demand for home
and foreign markets by about 100 mill
ion bushels. Under these circumstances
it becomes a grave question as to what
is to bo the result of the current largo
influx of immigrants at the wtst and
the early augmentation of "our grain,
acreage. An agricultural reaction in
that section seems almost inevitable.
Give us Grant or give us Plato's
roHunioB TMB K--l anyway !