The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, April 23, 1880, Image 3

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    .APRIL 23, 1880.
Vmr t'oagrew,
Of Lane County.
Far mMnlM Eleeler.
. J. K. WEATHERKOKD, of Una Couny.
T. l. OWEN, of Coos County.
JAS. FULTON, ot Wasco Coun'y.
ffer Hiprnu Jadars.
I 1. nmt, of Jackson County.
J. K. KELLY, of Multnomah County.
JOHN BURNETT, of Benton County.
Jadiclal Nemlaatieas.
Fir-nt District For Judge, It. K.
HANNA ; for Prosecuting Attorney, T. B.
Skcosd District For Judge, J. J.
WALTON; for Prosecuting Attorney, J. J.
Thibi District -For Judge, W. M.
KAMSKY ; for 1'iowullng Attorney. K,
Focrtu District For Judge, C. B.
Fifth District For Judge, L. L. Mo
ARTHUR; for Prosecuting Attorney, D.
For State Senator,
O. P. COSlloW.
For Representatives, .
For County Judge
For County Commissioners,
For County Clerk,
For Sheriff,
I. D. MILLEtt.
For Trrasurer,
For Assessor,
For School Superintendent,
I. V. S. KEID.
For Surveyor,
For Coroner,
For Justice ef the Peace.
W. A. COX,
Ft Constable, "
Tor Justice of the reace,
For Constable,
Bridge Ike Vflllai
We hope our readers will not let the qa
tion of bridging the Willamette at this place
fall to the ground for want of advocates. A
bridge is what Albany now -rds more than
anything else. A great amonut of wheat ksa
usually been brought to this pity from the
rich farming locality across the river and if
we do not build a bridge and thus give the
fanners quicker and cheaper connection with
our warehouses their grain will alt be stored
at Spring mil and Wei's Station. A stock
company could be organised and the bridge
built this season if we conld get some influ
ential citizens interested in it. And it is oar
opinion that slock in this institution weald
always be at a premium, and pay large divi
dends. A few wet ks ago we wrote to A. S.
Miller Sc. Son, .the most extensive , bridge-
builders oa this North-west Coast, asking
them for estimates oa such a bridge as we
would need. , Ju tbeir answer they say a
"Smith truss" covered bridge, suitable for
sragous, a-itb a t hendced foot 4raaT ,Pnt
t-rf be built tor abeiut $40,000.. Now doe
any one suppose fur5 a moment that the re
ceipts of toll from such a bridge would not
pay a good rate of interest on the money in
vested? The same firm also inform us that
if a bridge is wanted suitable for a railroad as
yell a wagons, it would bay to be a '!Iov
truss," and would cost at least $65,000. Oar
pitizen now have reliable estimates of tbe
cost of constructing this bridge, and they can
sMa ascertain if it would be a profitable in
vestment. Talk it np, gentleman, and let
ns bear our views. Our paper is at yonr
command; we will never got so deeply into
politics as to lose sizbt of the best interest
of Albany and Linn county.
4 w rrJefc Itaildlss.
T ue popular mercantile firm of Senders V
Sternberg have concluded to. erect a handsome
two-story brink building, 50x92, on tbe cor
nor now occupied by Phil Cohen and tbe va
cant frame . building recently occupied by
Mrs. Powell. The wooden building will have
to be moved away and is consequently for sale,
but the brick occupied by Cohen will become
a part of the new edifice. The lower part of
be bniJding will be divided into two Urge
puunesa rooms, am tjie one on tpe corner
will be occupied by tbe proprietors while the
other will be for rent. The second floor will
12 'fitted up for tbe use of some of our soci
eties.. One o,f the best Fprtlaud architects is
jtow drawing np the plans and specifications
and will bring them up bere next week.
Contractors will then be given an opportunity
to. bid op. the work, -
Ladle, Leek Bere.
Mrs, ParrUh Its a splendid stock of mi).
' linery goods and ladies' and children's under.
. wear which she is selling as cheap, If not
cheaper, than any other establishment. Her
stock is well assorted and comp'rise almost
everything in ber line that a lady could wank
She eraplgys none but the best of labor and
j-cjnsetfentjy all work turned out of ber es
tablishment is first class and of tbe latest
style, Ca'l and nee hex stock and learn the
prjoes. .
f.'rar certiorate. :
At the last meeting of Rescue Hook and
Ladder Company No. , it was decided that
all members of the company should procure
their certificate by the time of tbe next reg
p!ar meeting, Friday; May 7'h and that all
'ho djd not should not be allowed the priv
ilege, of becoming charter members. The
cam piny wants to get thoroughly organized,
and to do so its members must have certifi.
cates. '
Fill DA V..
Crerabark Ceaatjr Ceareallea.
The Convention tu called to order at 0
o'clock Friday morning by the temporary
Chairman, John T. Crooks, and the first thing
in order being the report from the Committee
on Credentials, the following was handed in,
read and adopted t
We vour committee on Credentials, find
the following named persons entitled to seats
in this Convention.
East Albany J It Maine. It Fox and L
Sraactrsa John T Crooks.
Sastiam D F Crabtree, F M Daniola.
iSHKUD Dan Bringle.
IUrrisbkro J FHendrix. Aaron Coudra,
Thoe Grimes, J C Saodgrasa, Tnoe ChurebiU
and Cbaa Miller.
Halxxy y Leeper, D M Cooper and P T
Brush Check Thoa J PhilpoL
The Committee on Permanent Organisa
tion and Order ot Busines then reported in
favor of makbg J. T. Crooks Chairman; F.
Leeper, Secretary, and J. C Snodgraaa, As
sistant, and that nominations should bemad
in the order they occur below, which report
was adopted.
The Committee on Resolutions reported
the following, which were adopted without
any debate or comment :
Yonr Committee on Resolution beg leave
to make the following report) That we, as
citisena of Linn county, and State of Oregon,
in Convention assembled in the City of Al
banv. this 15th dav of Anril 1880. in behalf
of the Greenback organization, and the right
of the people dealer in favor of. and pledge
oar earnest effort to secure to the people the
lonowing ODiecu. -
That the County clerk of Linn county shall
receive three thousand dollars a year for his
services from fees paid into the County Treas
Thst the Sheriff of I inn county shall re
ceive three thousand dollars per year, provid
ed his official duties do not require him be
yond the limits of his county, taen he shall
be paid his actual traveling expenses, and no
That the Oregon and California Railroad
Company, or any other company or corpora
tion that ha or may hereafter construct a
railroad in this Stat shall be required by law
to observe reasonable and aniform tariffs for
freights and passengers, and be held respon
sible for all damage don to live stock and
all damage don by fir that may b comma
nicated from the train to combustible mate
rial, and tb service fur the recovery of such
damage may be made upon any agent or em
ploye of the road.
That instead of electing a county assessor
as now, each precinct shall elect an assessor
who shall act as asanas or for the county in
bis precinct and shall receive a a compensa
tion for his services two dollars per day for
the time actually employed.
That we favor tbe reduction of the mem
ber of the Legislature to one-half of their
present number.
That the people shall be taxed to pay the
constitutional indebtedness of the State, and
no more.
That w favor a local option liquor law..
That w are in favor of taxing all money
secured by mortgage, in the county in which
the mortgage is recorded.
That we endorse tbe platform adopted by
the Union Greenback Labor Convention at
Salem oa the 25th of March, 18SO.
J. F. JtX!DlX.
Chairman of Committee.
The following nomination war then mad
by acclamation :
State Senator Jeha T Crooks.
llrjyremntatim Jaa II Wilson, J C Sned-
grass, Jas Forgy, David Myers, Aaron Con
dra and K Fox.
J ml j W J Stewart.
Clerk J L Fuller.
SkerifJnn Crabtrs.
Treantrtr3 R South. .
CommUnoner Juho W Gain and A S
Attrxxn Thoe J Philpot.
SmeyorS te wart P Brock.
School Superintendent David M Cooper.
Coroner Dr Wm S Bracken.
Central Committee J F Headrix, W J
Stewart, F M Daniels, Jaa Forgy and John
T Crooks.
After a few word from W 3 Stewart and
F M Daniels tb Convention adjourned.
Wiling; aa Elk.
Frank Wood, the carrier of the Oregonian
in this city, west np ham with Bad M alley
last week, and while away ap there ia tb
mountains want out bunting. While h was
rambling around he noticed what he thought
to be a cow cotn'ng along a mountain side
diagonally toward him. - Ia a few moment
it cam so close that be noticed a bump on
it back and knew then it waa aa elk. lie
waited until it cam within short range and
then fired and ahet it through just behind
the shoulder. Bad Mealey, bearing the shot,
came np and tbe elk starting off, they to
gether put seven balls into it before they suc
ceeded in getting it dewn. It proved to be
'whopper, weighing perhaps about $00 or
OOQ lb. Frank steps pretty high now, and
be is justly proud of bis feat, for it waa the
first time be aver fired at an elk or deer. W
are nnder obligation to Frank for aouie nice
teaks, which were juicy and tender.
A Xaasaseik
I; sat Tuesday tbe tint of the mammoth
log drive of M- Berrigan t Co., commenced
arriving in tb boom ia tb Calspooia abeve
tuis etty, and by ten o clock next day it a
all in, filling the creek for almost a mile, tb
log drivers following np tbe rear end with
their boat About 6,000,000 feet of loga
were put in the Calapooia near its bead in the
mountains above Brownsville, but an account
of a bad stage of water in the stream, about
1,500,000 feet were left above Brownsville,
and the remainder have been brought to this
city for the use of Allen, Robinson A Co.
Their mill will now trt up lu a tew day
and ran on full time, and they will then be
able to supply the demand in this locality for
lumber. The log in the boom are perfect
beauties, and tbe lumber into which thsy
will be worked will of' coarse be first class.
A Crane) Tlose at aaleas.
The Salem Statesman ssys that the firemen
of that city are' preparing to have a general
jubilee and grand, blow-out sometime during
tl)e month qf Jane, when, tbeur new engine
hoasf are completed. A eomaiittee -consist;
jng of five from each of tb three fire com
panie has been appointed to make tb ar
rangement. , Invitations to. attend, will be
sent to tle firemen of Albany, CorvaUis and
Portland, It ia very likely that large dele?
gation of oqr boys will attend and take part
A (eat fer AarleaHural laapleaseats.
J, W. Gilmonr, of this city, has accepted
tbe traveling agency for ' the- agricultural
warehouse of E. J. Northrop st Co., of Port
land, and will start oa bis tour over tbe val
ley about the 1st proximo. , lie will Disks ttfl
sale of threshers a specialty',' but" ' will take
orders fqr ny and all kind pf ' implements
uf husbandry, V e bppe&k fr bin) a cordis!
reception by the farmers of the raUey, The
advertisement will appear in due time.
e s
Witk riylag Celers. ,.
Tbe locomotive that pulled tbe train Fri
day, came into our city with colors flying,
Tbe flags were presented to otyr delegation
y the pqble Ijeuioral and gallant fireman,
Joseph Webber, Chief Engineer. Albany Fir
Department, If you come around this way,
Joe, may be you think tb boys won't remem
ber you. Roteburg Star. :' . . '
t reat Lake Ceuaty,
Lakk Viiw, Or., April S, 1330.
Editor Democrat:
Supposing that sum of your reader would
probably be pleased to bear from this isolated
and ic producing region of til "Lak
country, I have concluded to contribute a
fw items oa vaiious subject.
, Tb bar, winter has occasioned very sever
loss of lira stock in this, and adjacent val
leys. Th ground baa been covered with
now, ranging from 0 iucho to 3 feet in
depth, since tho 2nd day of Novamber. Th
now is now 2 feet deep ia this valley, th
hay 1 all exhausted, and stock of all kiud
are perishing for want of food.
Times are very dull, and I fear they will
not improve a great deal until tlie country
recovers from tho ravage' of this Arctic Win
tr. Th losses will not bo contined to stock
men alone, for tb backwardness ot tb Mason
will retard the progress ot agricultural indus
tries, and th acreage of grain will not be so
great as it would otherwise bav been.
Ou would judge from tho vast multitude
of aspirants to our various county olh'ees, that
a great majority of our citizens bad despaired
ot earning a livelihood at their various voca
tion and decided upon launohicg boldly upon
tb "sea of political strife," hoping thereby
to gaiu a livelihood in an easier manner than
by dragxing "mallet-beads" out of snow
drifts, and plucking tbe wool from tb dead
carcasses ot their famished flocks, and I a.ust
say that candidates are almost aa nunxrous
as tb afore-mentioned "carcasses."
At oar County Convention we declared in
faver of Samuel J. Tilden for President. W
also instructed our delegate to tb State
Convention to roootniuend Mr. Pottaoa Avery,
formerly of Corvaili. aa our cboic for Joint
Senator from Lak and Wasco counties. W
will defeat the Republicans in this county
easily. Your to keep,"
Shrieks rasklea Qaarterly.
There are certain books which so complete
ly fill their place, and seem so necessary to
th general coherence of things, that it is
only by speculating on what would happen if
they were suddenly withdrawn from circula
tion, that we can arrive at a tnio moaaur of
their usefulness, Ehrkh Qtarterly, now on
our table, I aa apt illustration of tbe class of
books to which we refer. A perfect epitom
of Spring Fashions, it entcrs'Wo every detail
of feminine necessity, and give its readers
full particulars of fabrics, styles, and price.
Doe a lady wish a new spring dress ? r rem
on page of tbe Quarterly aha learn in what
style it should be made; from another what
colors and contrasts are most fashionable,
and from a third what price she should pay
tor ber materials. And at the store she vis
its, the proprietor ia A is turn baa studied tb
Quarterly to advantage, and know therefrom
tb exact measure of his customer' rtxjuire-
its. Or again, a mother, perplexed with
th want of a large family, and poaxling ber
mind so to apportion tbe money at her com
mand that each may have bis or ber wants
supplied, and nothing be nntbought of, may
fly to tbe peg of bar Quarter! j for relief.
There shall she fiod ber want catalogued
and priced, each nnder it appropriate bead
ing. Baby wear, underclothing, children'
suit, bats, house bo! J goods, et id omne 'jeuut,
each and all are there. Tbe descriptions are
accurate, the price carefully compiled, and
the illustrations with which tbe book is
crowded, drawn from actual article of cos
tume. Ia short, th Famhion Quarter' is
genuine Handbook for tb Household, and
hlla a place ia American periodical literature.
which, bnt for it, would remain inconven
iently vacant.
Published by Ehricb Bros., Eighth Av
enue, New York, at fifty cents a year or 13
cents a single copy.
The B aelallea tel.
Oue of our oitiaens went home from the
"lodge" tbe other night and tackled tb 15
puzzle. He wrestled with the thirty blocks,
at least be thought there were thirty of them.
being in splendid condition to "see double,"
and in about aa hour and a half had tbe thing
solved to bis own satisfaction. Then he got
pen, paper and ink and attempted to write
out th solution, a follows: "Shove 4
dowa, push 1 over, carom on tho 14, awing
tb right bower, drag out 6, kef p tbe 10 in
tbe king row, keno on the black, deal again.
ran the five from tbe first base, nve 3 to
the south-west of 13, whit to play and mate
ia twelve moves, P to K B4, QR to K, move
13 14 15 a little north-easterly. R to Kl5cb.
then set'em up on tbe other alley, throw
double Cs, roquet tb 9, take tb 7 on the fly,
toad kink, then Ii to 7, rake in tb pot,
and mo mov move" Ilia wife becoming
alarmed at his long absence, came down stairs
at 2 a. if. and found bim under th table.
But be bad "don it"
- - "
Thank., tr. Haley,
We don our hat aad make our most polite
bow to that veteran journalist, A. T. Haw-
ley, traveling correspondent of tb San Fran
cisco Bulletin, for th present of three beau
tiful pencil sketches drawn by tb bands of
the "fair donor.' Beside being a writer of
rare merit, and author of the only letters to
he California Wets wli'cb bavo doo justice
to our State, be ia ait adept in handling tb
artists' pencil, and when bis boaltb will not
permit bim to engage in active' work be
spends many hours pleasantly in drawing
such beantifnl picture aa those given. I
we ar gtaa to number turn among our
friends, and sorry that bis stay in our city
cannot be longer. He start for Southern
Oregon this wee!., and will write np that
locality for the Bulletin.
Aa Old ilenrt-hy.
By reference to our columns it will be seen
that S, K. Young baa brought on a splendid
stock of general merchandise, and w npw
ready to ht out customers with anything in
his line at very low rates. His agricultural
implement depot is 'also well stocked with
every implement or machine wanted by th
farmer, and all safes are piade pq term. that
a, re fair to, the purchaser. Mr. Young baa
beea in business t bis present location ia
this city since I SCO, and by fair dealing hot.
esty aad strict attention to tb wants of bis
customers, baa built up a reputation that is
envied by all. Hi customer all know that
everything they purchase at bis establish
meat is just exactly as it is represented, and
such knowledge is worth a great deal to them
Read his advertisement, and thea give bim a
calk - .
ji-9 v9,jr
B. N. Armstrong baa seen red a position as
purser on one of tbe upper - Columbia boat,
and. went up there with bis family last week
Mr. Armstrong has resided in our city for
several years and haa mad many friends in
this locality who are sorry to see bim leave
here. , '" '
' For Eastern Oregon,
1;b,ia week quite a nu,mber of our peopli
Started for Eastern Oregon to look after their
interests tn that Jooahty. Wa note among
them the following persons : Wm. Ralston,
Loo. Ralston, Jas. Elkins, Basil Derry and
Mr. Parruih.
X Her Teems Wealed an Ik RallMad
A Dl.asmlra vYebfoetrr A Bar teller.
0m tiii Omadk, 0. It, k N. Co., 1
April ISth, 1S3U (
Editor Democrat: '
We ar at work on tb grade, about 30
mile from. Th Dalles, along th rivsr bank,
and it is dusty, windy place; too cold for
th avoraga Webfootor. Th bills ar all
whit with snow, and it ia raluing down In
tb oanyon now, and w are not at work on
account ot bad weather. It is as disagreeable
her as down la th valley, axoopt there Is no
mud hero, bat th wind U a stand off.
If tliis should reach tb eye of any contem
plating coming ber to work, lot them read :
No more privat teams wanted on tb grade,
if you are coming anyhow, you bad better
aee Mr. Llallet, or writ to bim at Miller's
Bridge, Desohutt, b will tell you, no mar
team wanted. About a dozen teams quit
last Saturday because of tb raise in bora
feed. Hay la worth 25 per ton, and th
poorest axcus for bay I vr saw; they say
it is furnished ut at cost, but w know Ut
terfor on man furnished 400 ton delivered
at their cars in Walla Walla at 913 per ton.
Th cheapest bay I bav seen waa 1 18; and
oat COo per bushoL But so in ot you may
say "I will turn my horse out on th grass."
You can do no aueb thing; tbr is not enough
grass within tea nvlc ot tb river to keep a
cow. If you can get work on the railroad in
tbe valley, you had better stay with it.
TUore ia a big rush fer th upper country
now. Bore will stay up bar because they
can't get away; other will get away some
what poorer, but a great deal wiser. Some
of th valleyite call thia "God's country."
It may be, Ha i welcome to my part of it,
but sum ar determined to stay with Him a
little while, anyway, and bav elevated them
selves a near Heaven a they will ever get,
because if they should di oa top of on of
thus bald bills, tb wind would blow their
spirits off to Alaska a bere it would frees.
Some believe tber certainly must be tim
ber up ber. Com and look; tber ia not a
stick of timber, nor brush (except sage brush)
after yen lsavs Th Dalle for 200 mile, Tb
bills are bald, all of th wood is furnished
tb camps from th boats.
If there ia any on churning divine authority
to preach the "word of God," Scud 'em up
her. This is th plac to show what tbey
can do for tbe "lost sinner;" there ia not
much inducement bere to lead a christian
life, nothing to eaoourage it
In my next I will tell you bow tb people
np bere farm their bald bills, and what tbey
raise, etc 3. A. 8.
Bla Blhhea ilea.
Following is ths programme for tbe regular
meeting which occurs this (Friday) evening.
1 Music.
2 Prayer.
2 -Address by Mr. 1- D. Haven.
4 Ooartett.
5 Address by Uev. I. II. Coed it.
6 Quartette.
7 Five minute apeeebe by. Mr. II. II.
Hewitt, I Flinn, U. K. CbsmberUui, and
8 Quartette.
9 Circulation of pledge.
10 Collection.
11 Adjournment.
Quartette musio ill be furnished by tbe
following persons: Mis Annie GrilGn. Mis
Laura Goltra, Mr. C Haffenden and Mr. H.
C. Clement
fir a Tangent,
Last Saturday about 12 o'clock, just as the
train was leaving Tangtnt, a fir wa discov
ered in tb dwelling bouse of John Beard, of
that place, and although every effort waa put
forth to extinguish tbe flames, tbe building
waa burned to tbe ground. A great many
farmers happened to It ia toe a after their
mail, and all lending a helping band the con
tents of the house were saved. Tbe bouse
was worth about 5700, upon which tber was
an insurance ot 9 lou in toe state investment.
he lire originated from a defective flue.
Cease ef Oar Bast Weather.
Up to a tew days ago we war not able to
account for our bad weather and backward
spring, but we have dropped on the reason at
last It will be remembered tbat the time
for holding the State Fair baa been changed
to July fur th purpose pi having itonosdur.
i"g a dry inantb, and bore lies the secret oon
(Miming tbe cause of our bad weather. Our
winter will be lengthened out so as to take
in the Stat Fair, and then wa may look for
change This must be th rul to work by,
for all others have failed.
letter isUt.
Thfcfmiovlnir la the list of tetters remalnlnc
In the Poet Om. Albany. Linn emtnty. Ore
gon, April tfcl, WHO. Persons calling lor the
ieure muss give sne oaie oa vsnu tney ware
Albin, Mrs L K C
Hodges. Ceo
Iong, Isaac H
Rice. K U
Smith, K Benjamin
MMte,$j .
1'liotnpaou, Jennie
Wrttaraan, Jas
Williams. Vane '
Barteea. Mr fcmily
Bonzey, A P
Cbetwood. John
Carter, H C
Carrel), t(eoY-
limen. u
Dotson, Soloman
Wilboe, Anna Rodger
ar Twlae HIM.
John Crane has been bere during th p-st
week 'and ' arrangement bav -almost been
ooncluded by which he and aa associate will
start np onr twine mill which has been idle
so Ions. ' The startinir ef this mill will be
ppp c! the best things tbat conld happen for
our farmers, as tne culture oi ,nax will pay
doule as much as that of wheat.
A aedatllle Slap,'
T. L. Dugger, formerly of this city, but
now of fiodaville, will shortly commence run
niug a stage line between that place and Al
bany, giving all an opportunity to vU)t that
popular spring and health-giving resort With'
out having to hire a costly livery rig. H
will also supply soda water to our citixeui at
a vry low pries,
: 41 aedaville,
Wm. A. Peterson baa sold bis, property
lying directly west of the ' spring block in
Sodaville to W. D. Cole, merchant at that
place. Mr. Col will put up a building on it
immediately, to be occupied by bis store.
Other improvements will be made at tb'S
lively 1(111. hamlet qV'Pg th aeasau,
tteMirl Baalgr.
WilUmette Lodge, No fl, A. O. U. W., re
celved from th East a week or two ago a lot
pf beautiful badges which they ut iustead of
regalia. Thia lodge now numbers ninety
mnmbers and ia in a very flourishing cond
tion. We understand that Safety Lodge has
also sent for some badges. r ; "
; AT,fftl ' Tea'fas. , ;
W were a little too fust in laying laat
week tbat our County Treasurer weuld soon
commence paying off tbe county warrants.
It will be some time yet for the reason tbat
the taxes that still remain uncollected will
not come in very fast ' '".
Ham aaa ahrat.
Oat your spectacles at French's.
Star Mealey ia now living at Prineville.
Chsw Jackson's Beat Sweet Navy Tobao
a. What lias become of our railway commit
Cli as. Ksifer's beer is fast becoming a pop
ular beverage.
Geo. Vauderpool'a wife died at Sodaville
on Tuesday ot last week.
Blaln keep the only exclusive clothing and
furnishing house in this city.
Sewerage ia now th question which agi
tate th mind of our citizens.
Pay up your subscription and get th CM
cago Weekly AVws for a yarr.
W understand that Mr. D. Mansfield in
tends shortly to move to Seattle.
Downer's Mat oil, $2 23 per can at Orad
wold's cash stor and Continental Z
Tb largest and best selected (took of bate
and caps in our city can be seen at I'luin's.
Jim Murray caught twnty-fiv trout a few
days ago. H ia th bos anglor of thia city.
Pea-knives, razor, razor strop and allay
ing brushes of tb best manufacture at Blaln'.
If ther is anything in thia world more sure
then a delegato ' prom is it I Oregon weath
er. Don't forget it t You can get the t'liirmjo
Weekly A'ev't and the Dkmim-kat one year
for W.
Good brooms can be had at tbe Albany
Broom Factory for only three dollars per
Th juvenile of the city ar organising a
cavalry company, with Henry Main as drill
llartless is fitting up a tin meat market at
hi old location. II will open out on th 1st
of May.
And atill th question of who shall be our
next Chief Engineer agitates the minds ef onr
Half a dozen dinner plates amipialf a dozen
cuji and saucers for $1 10 at Gradwolil's
oash stive.
The children at Bum Vista and in tbat
vicinity ar reported to be aufleiitig from
Fred. Dunning' little boy waa taken down
with th diphtheria but Monday, but ia now
A chamber set of seven piece of tb !et
ston china can b bad at (1 red wold's cvsh
stor for 3 SO.
Choicest of teas, moat delicious cuff,
par pioe, best of all baking powder at
Haffunden Bro s.
Oar people atill talk of bridging lite Wil
taaietU at thia place, and ar fully aliv to
tb importance ef tb work.
Tb school food baa beea apportioned and
olerka can now draw their warrant by call.
in g en the School Superintendent
A magnificent lot of Cheviot and caasim
mere tail were reeetvea l 1 t viein s mis
week and will be sold at low figure.
For nobby neck-wear, hosiery, te.i tber
no place like Blain . Tbat is tb piece to
go whea yoa want to be fitted out in style.
Bids are now wanted fur tb contract to
mov X. 2 ngin house ad ball tower
from it present location to Ibe new city lot
ltev. Jama It. W. fWUcd will hold di
vine aervioe ia Ht IVtsr Kicl Church
next HunJay April 23tb. niwruiug and even
New goude constantly received at Iiaffen
den Bro,', and that is tb store to buy at
if you want choice articles and the worth of
your money.
Mr. Charlton, the Republican candidate
for Sheriff, baa been ia the city during the
present week. It is bard to toll bow mnny
vote be made while ber.
H. N. Armstrong having left here tbe Dem
ocratic Committee of West Albany will have
to put eotne on ls in nomination for lb
oftic of Justice of th Peace,
Iletnember tbat yea can get the Dcmucrat
andthe.V. Y. Weekly World for on year for
only $3 23. Thia ia a splendid opportunity
to get two pers for th price of ooe.
Warm weather is now coming oa and every.
body should insure their property. Call oa
C 11. Stewart who repreaeota insurance com'
peniat having a combined capital of $62,000,-
Reports from Kastcm Oregon shew tbat A.
Hack leman and W. K. 1 no bav l,it
great deal of stock. Price will g over to
their stock ranches in Wasco county in a few
Our old frlead B. McCalley, ot Lebanon,
started for Walla Walla thia week, and may
possibly make that bis borne in tbe future.
Lsbanun will thus lose one ot ber best citi
Those wbo hsve a weaknea for oyster
should r member that Jaa. Vady serves them
p ia any abap desired, and at bis restaurant
always be found everything tbat th mar
ket affords. -
Bin Point oysters, choice dried venison
and beef, extra leaf lard, beat cheese in th
market, splendid sugar cured hams, and ev.
at Uaffenden Bro a.
John H,nton, ana of the solid farmeia of
Center, was in town a few days ago. He
say th farmer ot hi section would got
through with their seeding in a very few days
it it would clear np.
Hon. Jos. Hamilton, of Orleans precinct,
was in the oity last lueeday. lie rvporta
that th Democratic ticket givea good satis
faction in his locality, aad that there will be
no "scratching" up there.
Our wharves aro tow lined, fith ngVr,
and many a poor suoker, ehub and red mouth
is puluxl out ot lis native element, and nappy
ia the man that ia successful enough to book;
those speckled beauties trout,
Tb steamer Col urn Lh, started from Chea
ter, Be., last Monday for New Tlork, where
she will take in ber lading and have quick
dispatch for this Coast Albany's pew hook
and laddor truck will corns on ber.
At Qralwohl's oash store Qolden O coffee
sugar is worth 10$; Rio ooffee, 4 lb to the
$1; soap 73 cents per box; Mason's i gallon
glass jars, $3 per dozen. All goods sold at
correspondingly low figure for cash.
frees id rrleads.
Mrs. J. Q. Evans, ties Sua Deckard, writes
from their new home on Hood Biver, Wasco
county, that thsy hav a pleasant looatien,
an excellent claim, and that the whole ot
that country that is fit fur nja being
taken vp m faa aa any other portion of our
country. Th limit. to th settlers in a abort
time according to ber letter will only be
oircumioribed by th limit of the arable land.
Mr. and Mr. Evans liva about t miles from
Hood Biver post office, Wasco couuty.
Beard al fir Delegate.
At their regular, netHg f May all of th
fire companies wilt have to elect uev set of
delegate the Board, They will probably
also make their nominations for Chief and
Assistant Engineer at that time.
A Far Caps lest.
A fine fur cape was lost last week at one
of the religious meetings at the Court House,
A suitable reward will - be paid tle person
leaving it at thia othce. .
Ouet What Tune this goe to.
Uf grsnafsthsr one ewnsd s mule ttisi was tarns,
Ao would itana as his bin legs see bray.
Tber bar ben other mules XhtX woeld do jest the
Rut not In bis sleysnt wsjr,
He'd do as oammsrulsd, and ne'er wool J cetnplslit
When grand ataer u bim did rid.
Out be slepsed she.t, nsvsr to go a;iln,
When th eld man died.
And for years without fnlfliiy,
Kkk, kl,k, k'sk.klek,
lie d s'en resist b.l.siln,
lilsk, Ks, kk, Li. k,
For he topnd short, never to go stale,
When the aid nuut d'ed.
Bt st last they dele it Insd te stsit ths old bio's,
And sdopted s slngi'ls- plan.
0 aiernlsg 'n spring . when Die wsathsr cool,
Bsrked Mm vp te uy.ismll can.
Ths mats kkked th san, and I needn't siy'nin
Thst swsy tbron jh tb sir bs did t lid i
Dut be .'.euped sboi i, nsvw to go at1".
no ins em niulsdied.
Hsny years wl.heut Mtrrlnf,
K'ck, hlek,r"U,ri,h,
Hs'd ' i r slst bsller'e g,
KUk, I Icl , kl k, klek,
for k tvoppsd sbor., never to gn susln,
W ten the eld a, a dlf d.
LIU B ru', B reyn,
t ing in Hies i,
W Is etder bretber
I'woleUi nl'ksguii.
Sue a '.oni exploeloa
Wakes Uf hot j aoed,
Is bar ee-stsd aud. '
XI(KKI...OMbl!f.-tt tb nsUl.iee ef
Tsjrbir fmpsS, AkU "Irt, 1HSO, by lu
Ma. Kusssv Kkssls sad bus Vma
Uev. J. Uowetvus,
tun, beib el
ibis eosaiy.
Following ia tin lUdical Htat Plat-
forot aludel at Port la ml day l-efor
yesterday v .
TUdolvkd, Ity the nn of Ore
iron In convention aaaeiiililed in th rlly of
Portland, tble Slat day of April. A. D. lane,
that wa pmnos to maintain and adminis
ter tne amsim or government of thin Hut
by atrlct economy and faithful adherence
to tlie TotiMllullou and laws llinroof and of
tb United btatea.
2. That we aro In favor of retrulatintr and
equal izing the salanea of Unmtty and Hi ale
oilloers mm that tby ahal! retwive such
coinpenaatlona aa are unually aid to 'ri
val person under like rln utnalama or
earvlua and renponalbility.
8. That we favor a thorough revision and
lualtxation of our system of 'axallon, to
ma enu tiuu a very npeclea of property
ilblnlta limit, whether ownsdor Don-
aeed by citiaena of thia or foreign Statea,
hall bear It equal portion of tbe bartbeus
of tb government whk h proteou It
e. j itsu we proposw to nmititaln and en
force the ammtdutenla to the oonntltuliou
of the Uaiirnl tuataa, wltb all tbe towera
of the national govern Hismt. to tbe end
tbat every citlxen, whether poor or rick,
black or white, way be axcured In tlie full
enjoyment of civil and politu! tight.
6. That the overthrow ft tbe riatht of
tbeeleeUve francbiae, of liberty and life,
vj wuu ii ipeann irre governmeiu lu a pot
tion of the Htnte haa been defoated, and
tbe aianiresrted fraud and threatened vio
lence in other, together wltb aUemptod
nullification of tlie lawa of the geoeial
governenent and deHaion of the aupreine
court lltervoii, ly Concresnional action In
the Intereau of ibe lieniucratic party, are
alteniptod revolution and tnuxt be utet as
0. Tbat I bl la a nation formed bv the
people thereof, and nut a mere leauua or
cxiaipari, and tbat we renillrm tbe idea of
the unity of Ibe nation, tlie supreinai-y of
inn national Kovernmeiil in a 1 inauern
inwrnl by tbeounatitution under Its control.
i tin pranarvaiton intact of all tne right of
in u it ir i iai e u -cover n mailt ix tierw lae cuar
nn-'eU thereby to I lie ritizeue or to tbe
Siataa reaiHotlvely. At the name lime we
arralKi the doctrine of Kttte anvereignty
aatlni baleful mother of nullificaMoii, se-
ein ami anarciiy.
7. Tbat Ibe reoetit action of Ibe Demo
cratic party In State couvemUmaaeeiii bled.
in (lenouiiclng I tie nupreiue uourt of tbe
United Htatw of America and imputing
th mot unworthy and unpatriotic uio
tiveetfttbat lilgb and honorable court, I
unworthy or law-abiding. Intelligent and
na'riotlo American cit'krnn. and dlractlv
lend to tbe loosening of Ibe foundation of
our government, me subversion of all law
and tbe overthrow of tne sanctity of a sys
tem of Judicature, venerable wl "h age aud
nenenea or w tnciom.
b l iini toe aiiempt dt me leader or tke
Democratic tiarty to defraud the people of
the Htaie out of an electoral vote waa an
outrage unparalleled In the political his
tory of the tsi ate. which toaeiner with the
Maine ltuapay, anu mo a.tetupt to enseal
members In tke bs'l of Cetiareaa for bane
partieMi advantage, deaervea tue coudeui
nation of all. fair minded men.
9. That we condemn tbeoutraceoua con
duct of our Deaiocratlo State admlnlat ra
tion from 1870 to 18TH, their extravagant.
meir "corruption ana iiieir preutatioua.
to. we deprecate toe course ox uieuibers
of Ui Democralie party wbo bave under
taken to revive aclloaal animosity for tbe
purpose oj securing political aaoendatwy
1st the Southern Slat en, and wbo bave re
vived memoi lea of t e ctionsl all if bv tbe
ueiiant ueciaratton ex a purpoae to repeal
lawa made ncoearary by tbe war arfQ en
acted to aeeure tne reaulta of the war ; and
we condemn their attempt to aeeure bv
legislation what was not accomplished by
aruia, namely, the establishment under tbe
name or Slate sovereignty or tnoaa perni
cious aocinnea wiiicu destroy uxtioukl au
premacy and wlil-h la part bave led te ae
ceaHlon and civil war.
II. Tbat lo tbe republican narlv ia due
tbe credit of auoeeanlul lenumptlon and re
stored prosperity and bunineea revival,
and we innint tbat the paper and coin cir
culation of the country aliall at all time
be malned at par with tbe gold standard
of tbe commercial world.
li Tbat whilo we are In faver of a reve
nue lor the snppoitof tbe seneral eovern
niont by duties upon Imports sound policy
requires aucn adjustment or ife import
dutiea as to entourage tbe development of
tne industrial iniereaia or tue wnoie conn-
try, and we commena that policy or na
t tonal exchange wbiok secure', to t tie work
tog maa uverai wsgen, u agriuuuure re
am Derail ve price, to mecnauiCK and man
nfacturers an adequate reward for thels
sain, lauor ana enterprise, ana 'o tne us- I
tion commercial prospoiny aud independ
ence. ia. That we are la favor of Judicloua ap
propriations by tbe general government
ror tne improvementoi our rivers and t
porta, aa well as for tbe construction of I
such lines of railway communication as
win aeveiop tne resources or tue country
and connect our State with other- parts of
in union, uncier sucu restriuuons aa win i
amnlv protect the rights of the people
rrotn unjusa aiscrimniation ana extortion-1
ate charge ; and tbat in the grants lo rail-1
roads we ravor tne sale or tne same lv tne
government to the people at tbe lowest!
price ror pud;io lands, giving tue proceeds
only to tbe corporations.
it. That wa demand or our represents-1
tion in Congress their beat- endeavors to
secure just and Judicious appropriations I
and favorable legislation by the general
government for the ires navigation or tne
Columbia and tbe rivers of tue State, tbe
improvement or we mourn ot tne uoium-
iut ana tue dbi'Dom or iaquina ana coos
Rays, tbe location of a harbor of refuge at I
tbe point along our coast most available to
the interests of commerce, tbe extension
of the public surveys to meet the wants of 1
our increasing population ana aid ana as
sistance to railroads, and tbe opening up
for settlement or suob or our Indian reser
vations as the iaterest of civilization dty
maadx and necessitates.
15. That we demand a moditloation of I
tbe treaty with China so as to restrict Chi
nese immlarratlon to Amerioa.
10. That we bold that a well Instructed
naonle alone can be perfectly free, and it
is in ererore essential insttiie pumioscnooia
. ..... ... -
snip ana tne ordinary uusineas or me.
At Kolomna, ltussia, they have just
celebrated the completion, in the ma-
chine shops of that place, of thei,r fi,ne.
hundredth locomotive antca tbousanth
railroad TbQ first engine was built
taers vi 1 o.G8u and lis still in active
rkarek Mreeterr
Y. P. C. A. -Meets at their rooms in Fos
ter's brick building on Wednesday evenings
at 7:30 o'clock, and on Kabhath afternoons at
4. Business meetings are held on the even
ing of the second Monday in each month,
livery body invited to attend.
U. P. Clltsvu. Preacbingevery 81.11 b,
at 11 a. h., and 7 r. u. by Rev. '. O. Ii
vine, D. D. Mabbath Schw.l at 2:30 r. at.
Prayer meeting every Thursday evening.
Kvanokmcal CltDHcn. Preaching on Sab
hath at II A. St., and 7 f. at. Mabbath
Hchool 12:13, Prayer meeting every Thurs
day evening. J, Bowersox, pastor.
CoNORfcOATTonAl.C'iiciirH. Kervices every
Sabbath at 11a. m. and 8 r. m. Mabbatii
School at 2:.K, Prayer meeting on
Thursday evening of each week. J. W.
Harris, pastor.
M. E. Ciil'ticil, SioorH. Sotvices every
Habiwth at Kt Paul's M. K. Church, Kouth,
at 1 1 :.T0 A. m. and 71 n M. Kabbatli School
at 12J r. at. Prayer meeting every Wednes
day evenng. M. C. Miller, pastor.
M. E. Chuwil Preaching every Sabbath
at 11 A. m. and 71 v. u. Kong service in
the evening before sermon. Habliath Hchool
at 230 r. at. Prayer meeting every Thurs
day evening. J, 'I.. Wolfe, pastor.
Mr. Pare H Er woor a t Cm t neii. - Di vine ser
vice is held in the Church every Hunday at
11a.m. Kunday Hchool at 2M r m. It.
I Mtevens, paator.
BArnirr Cnt'ww. Scrv ices every KaMiath
at 11 a. M. and 71 r. u. KabUth Hchool at
12. Praytr meeting every Thursday even
ing. W. J. Crawford, pastor.
Pukmbyteriax CltfBll. Service every
Rahbatn morning and evening in Y. P. V. A.
HaiL Hunday School immediately rfter the
morning service. Prayer meeting every
Thursday evening. Bov. Klbert N. Condit,
' Tke Markets.
Following i s correct report of tbe mar
kets in this city np to noon yesterday:
FLOUR 1. 00 per bbl.
HAY baled, $l.Vi$lS per ton.
loose, $10.
POTATOK3-40 cU per busheL
BUTTER 20 to 35 cts per lb.
EOGS 15 cents per doz.
POBK-S to Si cts per lb.
BACONS bams, 12 16c.
shoulders, 9c
sides, 11a
DBIED FRUIT sun dried apples, 6c
" " plums, lie
Plumraer dried apples, 15c.
" " plums, 10-5.
CUICKEXS-2.50fe3.00 per doa.
SUOAU Kan Francisco C, lO'c.
COKFKE-CoaU Bica, IS6j20c.
Java, 30c
CurooU-22c. '
Rio, 2a
MILL FEED bran, f 10(411 per ton.
chop, $1820.
shorts, 15,
f reas a Well taaewa rkyslelaa.
ROCHKMTKK. N. Y.. Oft. 5. 18T9
II. II.WarnerAlk). Uenttemea With
out notUrtlallon I desdr to ex preaa to vsu
ray li K 'I appreciation or your remedy,
known aa Warner's Hafe Kidney and LJver
Cure. Home time since my attention waa
called lo a gentleman wbo bad for a long
time uern a great sunerer. Alter making
a thorough examination of tbe -sne,I found
that bis kidneys were badly affected. Not
without limitation 1 prescribed your Safe
Kidney and 1J vi r Cure. Tbe reaulu after
tnklnu two bottle, lusa lawn aatiafartory in
tbe extreme. Without hesitation. I would
now prsworilas th name remedy lo all sim
ilarly amsned. tonrairuiy.
IC Caui.KI", M. D.
Tlie atiove you are at liberty to publish
it you ruooae.
A &r SNralal SSBIrr.
Dr. G. Willis Price will open tbe elegant
suite of Dental Rooms recently occupied by
Dr. E. O. Smith, in the Odd Fellows Temple,
oa May 1st Dr. Price will bring with bim
from New Xork City a complete set ot Dcti
til furniture, and iustrumeuta, including tbe
lateM impronrd S. S. While Pedal-Urer CKaJr,
aa elegant Dental Cabinet Case, Nitrous
Oxide Gas Aparatus, and many ney and use
ful instruments, all ot which will add to tbe
attractiveness of his office, and also to tbe
comfort ef bis patients. lm
CefllB aad Caskets.
Fred Dunning wishes us te la una oar
reader that he haa just received r magnifi
cent stock of coffin and easketa, and here
after be will sell then, at prioe never before
heard o( in thia emumnnity. To give some
idea of the prices, he autherizee ns to say
that they will range from $3 np to $50, and
for tbe latter price one will be furnished
that baa heretofore coat fully $75. He means
rise Lansfcer fer Bel.
IkeConn has made aarangementa wiih
S. Nickcrson to do aH his planing, and a
large stock ' of flooring, rustic, fumUKing
lumber, etc, will bo kept on hand at tbe
planer in I-ebauon. Flooring and rustic will
be sold at $20 and $21 per thonsaud, and
other lumber in proportion. Our readers
w ill remember tliat tbe lumber f"uin Conn a
mill cannot be excelled anywhere.
Beats aaa afcee.
Hard times baa always been the cry in
Oregon, but now it is hard times iu reality.
and money is aa scarce with me as a ben's
teethe so you who bave an iuterest in my
welfare please step to the front A word to
to the wise is suilioieut
ery respectfully,
Emoch. bov lb.
a I'l.M Stall Last.
A 2-year old blue loach Duihain bull
strayed from my farm near Tangent laat No
vember. Any one who will give me infor
mation aa to the -whereabonta of the animal
will confer a favor. Address me at Tangent
lm D. Hones.
i l.ilf leaeher of a Sunday School
Miiimended one of ber pupils as a nice
niti. flirixtisu wbo said ber prayers beau-
tifully, but sadly needed Madame Rachel's
Knamel liiooin to mug iier imins. jub
la a warninir to all to care for their com
plexions in time. What avails the grace
of God if tbe aklu is rough T For aale by
alt druggists. o
Road the following te-.tlmoi.UlH, not
from persons 3,00 miles away, whom no
one knows, but fioni well known arid
trustworthy citizen of Oregon, whone
names, written with their own hands, can
be seea at ear ofli'-e :
Forest Grove, Or,, March I'J, 1S30.
I hereby rwrtlfV thst f have need lb
Orrisa Kidney Tea, and obtained
Immediate relief, it lt God's blensmsr to
humanity. I take pli-nnorein recommend
ing it to the aflliuteil. I am now nearly
1)0 years old, came to Oregon in J8I2 In ibe
employ of the Hudson's Bay Coininy,
and allies I liegun uainct the Oregon Kid
ney Tea I enjoy good boaltb.
Tbe most popular perfume of ihtdsv
1 1 ACK M IcrA CK" try It. Sold by Koshsv
A Mason, lirugglats, Ailany, Or.
IS 80.
Samukl E. Youxu
Houso Furnishing Goods,
hTn;K then ever beture, snd so. carry irar a rego
line t4 relMe fowls. Itasttnr aaui C'AsH lur
Mtau, 1 sai deteiautMjd not to bs audanokt.
I Invite tliDHae watatf mg b)4
gawds t pepalar prleeale rail
amd see use. '
SheriiT's Sale.
In the CireuU Court oj"t! State of Orejm
for the County of Linn :
3. K. Holt, Plaintiff,
Samuel II. Horioo and A goes C. Hortoti,
closure In the above named Court in
Hie above entitled suit, and an execution
and order uf sale burned iu pursuance
there r, to me directed and delivered, I
have levied upon the mortgaged premises
doMrribod in aaid writ as follows, to-wit:
rods Eaat of the Southweat corner of tbo
oriieinal town putt of the city of Uarriabnrg.
thence South ten (10) rod, thenoe six
and throe-fouitba rods, tbencj North,
ten (lu) rods, thence West six and tbree
founbM ) rods to tbe place ot begin-,
niug, all in Linn county, Oregon, and on,
Saturday, tlu l'.th day of May, lSi
at tbe Court Uoue door in tbe City of Al
bany, Linn Con sir, Oregon, at tbe hour of
10 o'clock A. M., 1 will aell tho be rein U
fore denrribed real property at publics
auction for cash in liaad to tbe bigbet
bidder, tbe proceeds ef said sals lo be ap
plied first to the payment of tho mats in
the above entitled suit, taxed al $33 TO. and
ncsTuing enets,and next to Ibe payment to. s
I tie said plaint iff the sum of $773'7i in II. .
S. gold coin, with intereat in like coin et '
the rate of one per cent per mouth frous. :
the 8th day of Marcb, I8M.
Dated this 16th day ot April, 1880.
Sheriff ot Linn Co., Oregon,
By Geo. He am bet. Deputy. 81 ii
Administrator's Sale
OF -!-
Real Estate.
In the. County Com1 of Linn County. State of
Oregon -
In the matter of the estate, a John Mil
ler, deceased.
lu pursuance ol an order of tbe taon
the Couuty Court of Linn County, Oregon,
roadaoa the 2d day of March, 1880, the
undersigned, tbe remaining Administralor
or toe estate or John MUler. decoawd, will
sell at public auction to tbe highest bidder,
in one parcel, on
Saturday, the Slh day of May, 1S80,
between the hours of 9 o'clock A. M. and
5 o'clock P. M., to-wit : at the hour of 2
o'clock P. Id. of said dav. at the Court
House door in the City of Albany, Linn
County, State of Oregon, tbe following do
scrttied premises belonging to said estate.
to-wit: Mefrtnning alius southeast corner
of tbe Donation Land Claim of George Mil
ler, sr being Claim &s. fiotmcation 1674,
as appears by tbe plats and surveys on file
latbsu.ei.Ltna omoe at orrenn Lit v.
Oregon, in Tp. Id 8. K. S West of the Wil
lamette Me no an, and running tben
North T." T Wes. 20 chains, t hence North
10 chains and 25 linktt, thence South 77
3f ast 20 chains, tbenue South 10 cbaina
and IU links to tbe place of leginning,and
containing 20 acres, more or less, and lying;
and being in Linn County, Oregon.
Terms of sale : One-half ca-h in band,
and the remainder in six months from the
dav of sale, secured by inortgawe on the
premises. I. 1 MtLLEK,
Remaining Administrator of tbe estat
of John Miller, deceased. S0w4
Any book-, ntagtxin or newspaper sent post-paid at
the publisher's luwest price, with a valuable premium.
We give s Sne Mxls view el the Capitol buUdiair, the
meat nusfnint-ent structure in America, si no sptonOul
views of tlie White House, Treasure Buikliug, Smith
sonian Institute, Patau OlBoe, Mt. Vernon, and mlier
poiuts of Interest in ami about the NaUoaal Capitals
Onlen taken lur tbe ianre Capilsii eugraving- or for
sets of the views, ami eabinet pbotugrapbs of Wading
statesmea, at cost prices. It you want aajr book or w
subscribe tor any periodical, or to renew an old sub
scription, send stamp lor a copyo! the IUTKRAKY"
BULLETIN containing- hook-notes, notices ul new
publications, catalogue prices, etc.
Wsshinstun, IX C.
Lock Box 19, or B39 F Street
. -,