"ff! .APRIL 9, 1880. -:;emllvr Mrclims. Tiio Cit-operative tneetiugs which hav U ia progress in this city fur tit past three wet-ks clwed ou S.tbliath eveuiiijj last. Tin MellioJiht court-li a crowded, notwith standing tho uipropitious weather. The closing sermon by Rer. Mr. McLaflerty ni from t!io text, "Yt must be lrn Again, and fully sustained the reputation that the gentleman has gaiuctl since coming to oar city, for ctuse ri-vsutiiinr, for gtod clear aud puu gent prescutatiou .f -hi subjects, aud does applications t bis hearer. The sermon X listened to with wrapped atteuliuu from be- j-inuim; to lis cliRt. A large u umber ltiiinod to tiio second meeting, among whom wore many inquirers, and several professed conversion; indicating that tho revival had by no moans spent its force. About one liandrcd aud fifty have professed, conversion sluriiig the contiuuaiico of roeetiiig-a large number of whom are youus people, the young men Kiu largely represented. Tho pastors of the churches, each delivered a brief address, expressive of their pleasure in tho measure of success w hich had crowned the co-operative cITorU; aud yesterday morn ing iu tha aliuiatwr' meeting unanimously tendered Mr. McLaflcrty over their own sig natures, a tilting testimonial of their appreci ation of his faithful and cflicieut leadership, commending him to the love and confidence of any community where ho may labor, either a pastor, or pastor' helper. As a nuioa meeting, tho effort has been slsaraeterized by such mruun of harmony as must bo exceedingly gratifying to the pastors aud churches engaged, and can but result in uch accessions to thechutchto wiil as greatly treu;i!.en tlio religious element in our city. It is but fair to tsy, that our city his been moved to a thoughtful consideration of the subject of religion, and many to action. Lesion f Uoaer at ftrle. Editor Deiiii-cmf : A little over one ear ago the Legion of Honor was organized in Scio. After a few months of interest aud meetings, it seemingly tlied out and no meetings were held. At the l'ue Ribbon open meeting Saturday last public notice was given that the members of t'.m legion of Honor wrro to meet at the City Hall ua the following Tuesday. O i that eveuing quite a niiiiiVr were pres ent a:i 1 new officers elected as f,ir : President C IVulland. Vioo P.x-sivteut John Eeaid. Sretary 'X K. Holuri.l'e. Treasurer J. S. Morris. Sergeant at A 'ins Win. M. TV.e sl. Spee;iei were mule by several of the mem ber and an e;iiura;n derive of. lute reft mauifesicd. Kia.ii n examination of the names sii--! to the Legion of Honvr pledge it was fojii I tn it uu: of l: name only eight were Uu a to Lave broUen their pledge. Several per ma whose time was out, signed the pledged im another year. YYe &el encouraged and on gJiag ahead in the good work. We bona that oar sister societies of Legiiq f Honor w ill aUo rcvi. e ttie work a we hare done. The Legion of Honor pledge appeal to the c:m:u a sense and honor of everyone. 'Hosl.e." Iltai.as SJrellas. A series of cniun religious meetings are now being held in tbU city, the principal miuister being Rev. McLatTerty. of OoLbuid, Califor nia. They were first commenced at the Bap tist Church, Rev. Mcljiffvrty being of that denomination, bet afterward tha other min isters of our city joined in the mo-ui;int and union services have been held at the Court House or Y. 1. C. A. Hall every eyenibg since last Sabbatlu The meetings are inter esting and it U to be bpped that they may result iu much good. Last Saturday our old friend and fellow devil in the HiiMocuAT office, John A. Spaog ler, left this city for Eastern Oregon, expect ing to get work on le new railaoad. now be ing buiit over there. Ho also expect to take up a land claim over there provided he can find one that suit him, We hope Johnu u.ay s,triUc a rich lead in ' son-ethin ovet there. He is a mighty good fellow, and de serves it. Out -a Bail. ('lite a Dnin'j.; r.f peujiit in t'r,e i.iqity of Vj here the lats Iwnioide was co.'uiuilted pe titioail Justice I'abuerto reduce Mr. Farri er' bo:id, and in accordance with their re quest t'rey were pat down to $000, and he U i",o- ics. The fulloving geotlcmftu w,iut on bis bonds : 1). P. C'rabtree, John It. Smith, Ilobt. A. Irvine, Win. L. Vance, Geo. K. Simpson and -S. A. I'awson. 4 Xi l-irl'fcrbul, HUi Lena Nanny opened out stlecf ee'.ioti: l.t Monday iu Mr. Varrcll's building ia the lo er part of town, and we understand has a very ":kh1 attendance. She still baa fofirn ':( a few mere, au7 all kie who wish t j a, all themselves of an opportunity of tend- iug teir children to a eciiool that'! not no cosiifortably crowded, au 1 is presided over i.y a com;teiit tt-acher, had bef ier send o I'rirnds la (be Kasl. A ! tter from New Vork City informs us Y' J; -tt! "? t''8 styt if progressing fiiKily with lti ktuijiei in dentistry, and thai sister Laura is itr pi-wing Wonderfally in lift musical education, fche is taking instrnc ti.iiib from the bejjt in4tprs, ai)d yjl come bacic tt m iu a year or tw a cultured mum cian. Wc are pleased to learn that her .baijith i got"!. - - e -j (severei? Siurnttl, E-iward Ilcliangcr, proprietor of Hie Star Brewery, liad one cf his arms Sivcrely scalded a few days ago. He was carrying a bucket ct boiling i:ot wtter. aud in trvisins tlie"flocf he sliped and fell plunging his liana ana j,art of the arm iuto t jfe w ater. Hr. Bavage dressed the burn, and Mr. Ucllanger is now getting along very well. llar-rlng t'saail. A handsome gold tn-tiMg with a fancy stone setting was f.-nud on our streets several weeks" ago, we believe ab,oijt the tine Dr, f;iniii)S was lpcturing a Albany. Jt was i.audeij us to aJvertUe, and dropping it into a drawer we forgot all about it until now, t aay ns Uqows of the qwner, p'pase let us hear of jt, 'I jig I naer oda B:;neli, Oliver McFarland has purchased a half in tarest of the Upper Soda ranch of Mr. Keith aud with bira will conduct it during the com ing season. Oliver is a splendid young feb low, and all who stop with him once will do so again if they go his direction. l-KIDAY.... THE Tt It lit It's mTmTK. rraeredints mt Ike Krgnlar Aannat tesslsit orihe LlanreaalTTrarl)erslat(lnte. The Linn Couuty Teacher' Institute con vened at Halsey on Thurday at 9 o'clock. The meetings were held in the V, V. Church, the trustee having tendered the free uae of that beautiful building to the Institute. The attendance of teachers was very large, there being eighty-four on the roll, aud tho audi ence hall of the church was generally lilled to iU utmost capacity by the good people of Halsey who thus manifested their iympathy with the object! of tb Institute. Much of the interest and pleasure of the occasion was due to the Halsey Glee Club who volunteered their service, throughout the session; also to the Halsey Brass lUnd who escorted the guest from and to the trains, aud also en livened the eveuiug mooting with their ex cellent musio. State Superintendent, I. J. l'owell, presid ed over the meetings iu his usual happy and flicieut atyle, assisted, by County Superin tendent I N. Liggett of Albany. Mary L, Dlakcr of Shedd, and Thad, Hauford of Al bany were'electvd Secretary and Assistant Secretary. The first days exercise consulted in a dis cussion of the subject "Heading." C. C. Hogue of Halsey, leading; I'articipated in by liov. J. S. McCain, Supt. Powell, Messrs. Gilbert, Sale aud others; Supt Powell illus trating his method of teaching primary read ing by chart. . - In the afternoon, after soma fine musio by the Halaey Una Band the subject of "His tory" was introduced by J. L, Gilbert Dis cussion followed by L. Dilycu, E. F. Sox, C. C. Hogue, a. S. Train. J. Ii. McFarland, C. K. Sale, J, W. Harris aud other. Many different views and methods were submitted; the general conclusion being that only by constant drill and persistent memorizing can an accurate knowledge of the date of history be attained. Mis Mary L. IMaker read an essay, entitled "Kssential to Sueceaa. lien. L. Hilyen,of Albany, gave an address on the subject of the "Director aud hi Duty;" discussed by Messrs. Allen, Train, Gray, McCain and other. ' Mr. Bart. Allen arose and propounded the question "Why is a woman required to do the same work for $30 or $40 per month a a man get $00 for; Prof. Powell gave a a reason, that more women are competitors for schools than men, which tend to. reduce the rate of their wagea. Mr. Allen again asked if it would not tend to remedy this unfairness if women wero elected as school directors, and if that would not be lawful. Answered by Prof. Powell in the affirmative a to the Utter point, but be doubted whether that would make any difference with the wages question. The Chair appointed a Committee "on Res olutions, O. T. Porter, J. L. Gilbert, K. F. Sox, Misses Hettie Miller and Emma Bigger. ReporU.of E. F. Sox and Mrs. Traiu, critics of the meeting, were received. The Institute reconvened in the evening at o'clock, opening with music by the Glee Club and by the Band. Mia Hettie Miller of Albany, gave a recitation "Muua's Water. " The Band played a second piece, and iiev. J. W. Harris, of Allwoy, delivered a thought ful and suggestive address on the "HeUtios of Education to Citizenship." After more m.i(siu by tb Band, A- cUker, of Shedd gave a recitation The Boys." More musio followed by tb Glee Club, and Mrs. E. F. So, of Albany, read an ettay entitled, "Alone." Ilev. T. L.Sail. of the Methodist Church ia rley, then, md" a byly speech, taking as bis subject "Cultivation.1 Tb speaker belieyd that rotation ia th.e tewher' office U undesirable, and that it U a uojudiciout to change teachers every three mouth a it trould, b for a laqdlon tQ change tenant uu hit farm every three months. The first day's session was then clue4 with mask by the Glee Club and by the HaUey BaoL J-lt'CNB bit. The second day' exercise cousisted tu dis cussions on the subjects of "Meotal Arith metic," "Spelling," and "Qrammar.'' The Utter led by E. . Sox and S. a Train. Mia Bovia AUxander, of Albany, favored the Institute with aa essay entitled. "Cob webs." . Lillie Robertson of Halsey, read an essay en titled '."Beading." Miss Aagusta Bridgford, of Scio, gave a recitation entitled TbeTroting Ge UeVl," aatl Hrx Tr'io of Harrisborg, read in'essay on"Vybat sball wi teach and bow.? The afternoon session closed wjth a lively discussion of th qaestion, 'Ar Publif Ex aminations aqd Exhibitions Advisable?" t(e repontleranc ot argneit Uejqg n tji a- lrmative, Supt. Powell belieyed the best wajr to protect the people against being mis led and doped to tbeir injury by charlatans and to guard against the establishment of ntonopoliet and aristooraoj whether of ed cation or wealth, or 'what qot, w to train the people to talk as well as tq think for themselves, s Iqnjjg a we send to our b'g- y halu, tften uavn . f rc the people, farmecs and Beihan.ic and tradesmen, oar school should qualify them ia early life for debate and public speaking so that they can express tbeir conviction and defend their principle on all occasion required. He closed his lemsrks wi(h n ehx.aeut defence' of the publio school work of Oregon a it ex ist to-day, and i's achievement for the past twenty-five year. The" specialties of the evening session were on essay fin r.eacnar " M!H 4nf r,. uasion, ci ljaisey; reciiauon vj ut address by Ilev. T. J. Wtl"11! f the Pre'sUy. terian Churcli, of fjaley, on'Pbysical Cult ure;" recitation by Miss Maggie Foster, of Albany "Destruction of a Brahmin Vil lage," and address by r,ey. J. S- McCain, qq Etiqnett ia 8uhooUj." Mr. ilcCa.q beliey ed that teaching shoi,ld be ma4e an4 regard ed as a profession and t)a,t teachers should be paid a nfl,cient yomp.enntiqn for their labor as to induce them to oontluuo la their work. Supt. l'owell supplemented the gen tleman's remark with some practical sugge tions on the importance of cultivating polie- ness fn itooi8. l jie literary programme ov tne evening ciosea wita a unmorons recita tion by S. V. Foster, jr., of Albany "Tje Jfew CbrcU Organ' - ; THtED DAT. The Institute convened Saturday morning at 8:30 A. X. The printed programme was dispense vrith, aqd te diqjsjsi of icjl Discipline" taken up Mrs. It. A- Ed son of Albany, leading. Mrs. "rajn, ' Messrs. So( Bilyeu, McFarland, loje i)4 tlZ toU' A resolution offered by K K. hox was nnanimoqsly passed condemning the use oi tobacco by teachers; alsq one discrdng tfy qseof thotitU 1,plfes40T,,, HP.plie.d tQ teachers in the public bch.oo.lo. The following resolution was offered by Thad. Ilauford, and after discussion adopted Supt. Powell, Hon. L. Bilyeu and T. J. Wit son speaking in support, Resolved, That as the intelligence ef the masses and a system of free publio education inai gives equal iacmues oi acquiring tuusi edge and intellectual advantages to the chii dreu of the poor as of the rich is the co?or stone of American free institution aud the safeguard of a democratic people, wo are in favor of maintaining against all enemies our free publio school system, and raising it ever to a higher and better standard of excellence. The Committee on Resolution presented a report which was unauimously adopted, ex. pressing the thank of the Institute' to tho trustoea of the Preabytorian Church; citizens of Halsey, to the Glee Club and Band, and to the O. & C. K. K, Co., for courte-iiei mid bospitalitie teudored and enjoyed. Ou motion of Hon. L. llilyeu it was voted that the Institute meet next year at Scio. Supt. Powell suggested a a help to good order in school the adoption of a daily writ en programme, and also recommended that every teacher should tako sumo-good educa tional journal.' Before adjournment. Mayor Tliompsnn, of Halsey, was introduced and ni.ulo a short parting address to the Institute as the guest of tho citi.ou of Halsey which by it foliei tons manner put all in tho best of humor. Prof. Powell responded in an equally bnppy veiu in behalf of tho Institute. The hour for the departure of thu train having arrived the I intitule finally adjourned and tho visiting member repaired to tho traiu accompanied by number of friends among tho townspeople, including the l'.;unl, aud bearing away with them to their several several place of labor the most Agreeable recollection of the guuia town of Halsey and of tho whole-souled hospitality of its good citizens. M utv A. P-i.ak t;:t, Tnvn, UAxror.it, , Secretaries. Arress Ike nov. Wui. If. llrown Uii week anivetl iu the city from Eastern Oregon, baviui; crossed the Cascade Mountains by tho W, V. anil (', M. PoaU uu snow shoes. Ho tuft i'riueville March 23d; left Hiudmau's, or Camp Poll,, on the morning of the Cltli, left Cac'.ie Crevk on the morning of the 2." Ill, and a violent now storm retarded hi progreu so that he was turrtrr fnj making a dtauce of liftocu mile alt the time in snow from 0 to ."() feet deep. HU little sack of proviiious in the meantime became exhausted, and bo was eorapcllesl by the gnawing of hunger to kill hi old and faithful banting dog, "IV.nvnie." and devour the carcass. After tho most ex. traordinary trials aud tribulation he arrived at Kuh Ike ranche, where he found the new and spacious rexidenca of Henry Bur. m ester a total wreck from the weight of suow on the roof, and the whole place a picture i f lonely desolatiou. Mr. l'rowu's fect are badly froaen ami from long hunger and phys ical suffering he took quite r.-tda vermis. This ia the second trip that be lias inado iu winter scrum that route, and be nay be doesu't tbiuk be will attempt the third utie. Tlbrrrla We Dlnvr. The Albany I)BMK.r says : "I tbi-re iio crime in Albauy?" Well, that aU.','ll,or depend on what constitute a crime in the eye of au Albany editor. If yon Ltd to call murder, seduction, and the like a rime. we shoo Id say that Albany s the most Uw abiding place on the Pacific coast. But judg ing from its recent re. or J. we rattier think that Albany is chuck full of crime - V-iSrt Slntmina iu You are sadly mistaken, Mr. O.lri!, in your Ust remark. Whenever our cttiu commit crime), tbeir faults are iuimeJiaU iy ms.le public And there is w bcru our city ditler from Salem; almost every cr.i.ie iu the calen dar can be committed there, an t till the S.'a'rsm-jn will nut tell us of it. fas nisq 4ra4. Mast every per on iu town remember Dr. Snyder, who wa here i couple of mou'Jis ago, aud Wbo, an lesviug (argot to settle l.is otel bai, ana roae on cue of Clem Kin" saddle horse, which after keeping ov lor ten or twelve day, be returned through tl, tx,kane stave dnvcr, mt n.M"!u to,t to remit tb pay fur the use of the animal. This iu iviaual is one o the most dc-'raiiu t men ll.it walk the earth, and if the irpnrt concern ing him while in this city are true no fatnilv, however virtuous and respectable, i sate from bis villainous approaches, ''jtz O'.i- Ktle. SuyderT SuyderT Jt seem to us we have heard that uaute Worn. To the heft of our recollection a gentletnsu by that name ws located receutiy at H-dsey, and gave several little private and (elect cutertainmciils to the citizens of that place. Blue Klbbow 4 lab. Following ii the programme or 1 1 . j liiuv Kibbon Club for to-morrow (Saturday) niht : 1 Music by tbo Orchestra. 3 Prayer. 5 Ked.ilig of mimite-;. i Addras by Mev. H. ?3. McLafferty. G Music, 7 Five minute itpeeches on call, inter- s perse d with music by the orchestra. 8 Circnlation of the ple,l?g. , dBuaiauits. 10 .'ollecljoq. I Muic; 12 A'ljourqineut. ' . Canlrarl AwnrJeJ. . The proposal for tie for the SaL-m and nilverton ana Albany auu 1-cbaunri lee.h r road were opened on the t inst-i at the office of J. Lraiidt, Jr., Superintendent of theO. k C It. It . in this city. C-ntra. U were awarded to O. P. Lent, li. V. l'.eiiy, V M. Bracket t, Clist li s StoulTer and 1!. U Swart, who have entyrgd iuto bends to iur Oieh ties enough to support the track over 18 line. ' the contractors are to deliver the ties iu the coming months of May, June and, July. The people of, Mali"" aud Linn coun ties will have the pleasure of seeing the iron horse "cavorting" acritse ttieir fruitful prai ries by the el- m oi tl,u oittr month. 1'ort land Jfrrrur. Wo were pleased to receive a call this week from that sterling old Democrat, Hon, F. lv Eldridge, of Freuch Prairie, Marion county and his brother, Mr. J. J. Eldridge, of Knox county, Illinois. The latter gentleman is one of the solid taou of hi portion of Illi nois, owning and tilling 00' acres of good 4 te."' 'l'. ' Tr : ' :r . II.. lano, in ope ooiy. ia is ery ujurawy - prised with onr gonntry, but is so wall lixed bavk at bis Illinois, noma that bo wiH prob ably not settle down here. Hon. F. E. Eld- ridi:e is one of onr old settlers, well fixed financially, and is one of the leading men nf his cennty.' 4 l ine Horse. . "Young Hliart" is tba name of a splendid young stallion owned by Ambrose Beard, at Tangent, and will make the coming season at Tangent and Q. Buckncr's farm, n,ear Mijl. er's Statofl. ' Ths. hftrsa weighs 1,83.0 lba, is bcau,tifu,lly proportioned, a splendid trav eller, very strong, and is wejl calculated for the diversified work called for on a farm. Saloon Consolidated. Geo. VVeller has entered into partnership with Jas. Gilmour and their saloons have been consolidated at tbs old, stau of tha Ut ter gentleman; whe're they will both be glad to meet their old friends and customers. Illnl on Uonse-fleaii.'nj. tiv PEonuscK it. Ainsav, Kvery Spring there is a great deal of talk in the newspapers about the misories nisu endure in housu-clesning time. It appear to be takeu for granted that this period is on of great delight to the women, yet I will Venture to say that not oue of them find it a season of unalloyed blis. They like to have the house thoroughly clean from top to bottom, but the process is not at all charm ing. Vet knowing that it must be done, they make the best of it and don't spend time grumbling over what cannot be beld. Surely the men have little rootii to Uud fault if tho women can lie patient, for the former are away all dny lung at a rule, aud the bus tle aud llurry i over when they return at night, and only begins again when they are once more "oil to the oflicc," where bnekets, snnpnuds and sand-paper are seldom seen. Hut the housekeeper must be in the thick of the work all day, or it will not be properly atteuded to. She must superintend the washing of the paint and tho taking up of em-puts, and attend to her usual daily duties as well, that the meal may bo properly served, and no waste of her substance be car ried on by cook or housemaid. I'crhsps she i her own cook aud housemaid, aud then matter are worse, for her Stands are fuller than any hands might to be, her mind bur dened as no woman's should be. What won der if her temper is not of the sweetest by the time night comes. Is it strsugo' tlist there are liue of care on her forehead ? It i a greater relief to her than to tier husband w hen housu-clcaiiing day arc over, aud the bucket and extra brushes are stowed away in the, cellar, But a few hints about bouse, cleaning may help the tired housekeeper and Kivu her new ideas about this distasteful work. In t!iu lirrt place system wilt conduce to evpe.liitou and coinfoit. It UUt to begin at tbo attie and "clean down." Tho job of taking up and beating carpets bad better be given to a man wbo understand th work, and will do it well. It i audi a trouble to have the carpets takeu up that they shout bo well cleaned when once they are up. But sometime it i not convenient to have a man take the Job, and then th novice must attempt it The carpet should be laid on the grass, or bung on the clothe line, ami beaten with smooth stick having no sharp point. I it"ii it iiouu ne swept on tue rigni siae with a ier!cit!y new broom; if Brussels or velvet, must be swept with the pile. Then wipe it w ith a flannel wrt in clear, luke warm water, washing the flannel out in another pail uf water every time it is soiled; then wipe the caret dry with fresh, dry cloths. Tin w ill raise the frill and freshen the color. If the carjtet U very dirty, ox gall in the water a quart of gait to three quart of Water will be found of lunch service iu fl. sm.ing it quickly and welL llil cloth should be dried aa it U washed. or it will be blistered when the work is dooe, and the water should be frequently changed. Yellow soap, a Kvd brush and a piee of (ry ilinurl will make au vil cloth luo,k like new, particularly if liuseed oil is welt rubbed uu a?ter washing. Ammonia is an excellent thing to u ia hotise-tl-'auing time. A tabUepuouful to a quart of water U a good proportion, aud there is nothing like it f r cleaning bsr lloois aud Woodwork. We use wbitiug ton, leaning paint, and find it better than either cod or soap. Wet a lUmiit aud dip iu the hot of w biting and than rub. One who ha not tried it will be sur prised tu see lifcw nicely it work. Very frequently the wall iper over the sofas in pit lor or dining room aredifigurd by the heads of people who use pomatum or oil on tha hair. These uisrks may be re moved if welt but carefully tuUnd with a dry crust of bread. i'l.u oaily days ot June should herald vig orous snl estoruooattn-J warfare sesimt lootVf. Closet, WarJrubeS, all receptacles for cl.ilhiug, should I mi emptied aud laid it, their contents thoroughly e posed to hell and air, and Welt brushed aud shaken before btiug repUoed. In old bouse, much in.V.ted with moths, all cracks in floor. Wainscot j, shelve or furniture, should be brushed over with Spirit of turpentine. Camphor or toltacco should be placed annul-; all garments, for, plumes, etc., when l.ud aside for the iinnuusr. 'Hie cloth liu-!ik-i ot carriages frequently are attacked by moths. To insure against this, spoon th eloth with a solution of eorrotuiivu sublimate of mercury ia alcohol, mads just strong enough not (o b-.ttve a white mark uu a black feather, Moths may be killed by fuiuigatiag the article containing tliein with tobacco or sul phur, or by putting it, if practicable, into I) hot oven. liousFtrepci generally clean house after the stoves are all taken duwn. This i not done iu the JJ iit until the Middle of May, and then the boxes aud trunk msy be emptied of their content, (orted over and repacked with camphor and tobacco, after a good airing. And then the winter clothe may be attended to in a like manner. A ljiieu over catpet in the S'mmtr is cool. and helps to i,vp moth. If a carpet is not to be takeu up aud beaten, the edge should be loosened and insect powder plenti fully i-priukled under it. If a neat i found the moths should be killcol atJ, a, ho.t iron, pressed Vi" "to "pot to destroy the 0g. ewspajien unqer carpet wul prove a saving iu w ear and tear, and tha printers iftk 4 an excellent iui preventive. Fur can be ke;4 fi-ee from these subtle pests by being put iu brown paper bags, sewed up tightly and then wrapped iu newspapers. The wall paper in every room, should, bo swept down V'iH broqro covered with a doth, aud u houee-cleaniitg time tho beds should receive thorough attention, very dUt aud crevice should be washed with oar bolio soap suds, and all nail holes filled up with putty. Use insect powder freely, if vcrmiu are suspected, aud an occasional wip ing of cracks with a feather dipped in kero will prove very eaectvia. m tier m ciiuott, A li.ttur from E. A. Froobmd, of Ochooo, formerly of this city, informs us that spring is still backward over there, and cold high dry winds and storms of snow and bail pre- vaiL This is hard wootbar cn, V.oy Stock, aud t s repoitcd thy are d,yiug i.st a some localities, though Jitr. FrecUml thinks the lp:s w 11 not be iq great as some of the stock raiders are counting on. lonng People and Children's Sleeting. Tlerp will V.a a meeting fur young people and children, tojbe addressed by Kev. B. S. McLafferty, at tae Congregational church, Saturday afternoon, at 3 r. il. This u nounooment should fill the church to over flowing. ' Maud tut un. Vestt-rday.Dr. Lee, of Independence, i'bia was a delegate tj, tbo &thto OonVention, was iiumnioiied home to attend PhiL Spawn, who had in some Way cut off his Hand while fool ing with an edger in a saw null. ' Heine and Abroad. r Chow Jackson's liest Sweet Navy Tobao oo. . . Pay up your subscription and get the Vlii rii;e HVei JVeie for a year-w. Downer's ooal oil, t'J S3 per can at (trad wold's cash store and Continental 12. Everybody goes fishing now, and the quan tity of chubs and suckers pulled out isnlurm ing. Hood brooms can be hail at the Albany Broom Factory for only three dollars pr dozen. Half a dozen dinner plates ami half a dozen cut aud saucers for fjl 10 at (iradwobl's cash store, A chamber set of seven piece of the best stun cliiua can be had at (iradwolil' cah store for f3 50, Our city lias been tilled In overflowing this week, but we heliuvo all have had good ac commodations. Just remember that I lalTdiideu I'.ro. ' sell as cheap a anyom in the State, ami they deal squarely too. The sacrainent of the Ixird's Supper will be administered at the V. P. Church, in this city next Sabbath. ' The steamer C'olumUn sail from the liast to-morrow. Albany's new hook and ladder truck comes ou her. - Did you ever notice bow Democratic con ventions are favored with good weather? Tho Lord must be on tbeir side. HafTendcn Bro.'s have the choicest gilt edge butter, splendid Oregon hams, lino new cheese and prime lard on band. Oregon lVesbytery of the Cumlterland Presbyterian Church met atflervai. tit Mari. on eounty, yeaterday, tho Htli, We have received call from no many of our friend tbi week that to nteution tlieir name would take np too much space. Mia Mary Gaston, who has been one of th teacher in tho Halsey public echo dr, is now visiting her brother in this city. Ilev. J. I llrrsbuer will preach at Millet ' school Ih-uso next Sunday at II A. and Itev, Bowersox at 3 f. m, at Wataou's aehonl iTousc Since the bunting out of the flue in tha St. Cuaries Hotel, lloiia nas iiail a line new ohimney jmt up and there is now no danger to be expected from that quarter. Uemembcr that you can get tha Di Mm hat and the A". )". HVrX7 Worltl for on year for only f3 23. Tins is a splendid opportunity to get two papers for the price of one. If you want pure unadulterated spice ami baking owder, a bio genuine and powerful flavoring extracts, go to HafTeudeit Bro's. They warrant these good that thry sell. Ilaflendon Bro.' would call especial attco. tion to their new Ambrosial syrup, it is much cheaper than maple, and tpauy person like it better. Try it. Sold in I gallon tins The person who picked up near Saltmarsh's drug store, on Thursday of last week, a new lead pencil made of putty, would confer a favor by leaviug it with our next Coroner. Jno. Ij) ton, olio of IJun' oldust cilisvu, having sold hi farm, start for Whitman county, Y. T-i next week, to make it hi futuVa homo. May g'ssl fottane go with him and hi. Mart. HvfTrou has op,i,el miI his L-.it and shoe shop one door aUive lite lower meat market. Malt, ia a good wurivmsn, and since hi new depatlurv lias tterii gelling cm si.1 arable to Jo. Brown, tb as-wln Inai liii.e w-ii(, atill languishes in our utuyty jsil. We can't uit drrstand just rXM tly why Li wife doesu't make a draw ou Iter lltttshurg lank and then bail him out. At Uradwohl ' cash stole Ootdeu ( eofb-e sugar is worth 10; l!io cofT.-e, 4J ll.s l.i the $t; soap 73 cent per box; Maaoti' J gillou glass jars, S'J per doaen. All gauds sold at correspumlingty lyw ligurv for ca.b. Dun't forgt that HafTendcn Pro.' have the most splendid lot of canned pea. he and other fruit put up in thick syrup for table use, and in tliioner syrup fur Uyi Try them, it don't take miitk uiuty to buy tuem. At tbi time of the year tomatoe are par ticularly wholesome aud at the same time very delicious. HalTenden Bra.' have lot of them of the very finest quality which they sell so cheap that anybody can alT.-rd to buy them. HafTctHlen I'n.'r wouUI gail special alien. tion t,o tV'jr tov"k of fragrant tea of differ ent grades, their sjJcndid grown, masted and ground coffee the Utter bring packed in can. uiater with air tight screw tot and are uu. excelled, fur atretlijth and flavor. 4 baacedlls stase. J. If. Reid, onr gentlemaoly telegraph operator, left this week for Culilo, where will take a poeition in a teU'graph oiiioe ou tha new railroad Uoc tleo. Hardy, who 4e4 to be baggage master on the eveuing express, now has charge of the office in thu city. We were sorry to see lteid leave, for he was a jolly good fellow. I--lsr Llal, Theloilowlnt Is I lie list of tellers roiualuut tn in Post Uilli e, Allmuy, t.iuu i.iunly, iire- joo, Aprtr silt, is-c, 1'k(iu uilin lr lline Alters most kivs (h title ou wnien ilinv were aUverttseiX. Bsrtels, Charley Junker, Cbas A Currrao, C'has A 3 Walker, John Kvaus, Ceo P 3 Kellev. Ceorce (Joins, Miss Clara V- . p.-VMaD, p. m- zrr-, , n esanbunh, ''Uf pattari uf the various churches will L fouud iu their own pulpits next Sabbath morning; in the evuuiug, bo ever, all will unite in the meeting at the Couit Hous, where the sermon will, lie uivacked by I'.tv Ajr. VcLsfljerty. "Jbesa Bwtin" will be continued during th week. - , Kellgluas. The regular quarterly communion service of the Uuited Presbyterian Church, will Vi held ou next Sabbath, Tl;e tyr will V asautott C" ev. . J- AclieSQn. ffCfar tory iexyicus will be held, at ft uu Fri d,ay and Sstrdy, ' lielaif la HarrlsWnnj. Win. LUter, oue of onr oldest citizens, goes. to Harriaburg tbi week, aud wll ie fu ture make that la h.o.W?. ltboi)h be i PSltof wejl Sjdvan in. aga it t very prob aid th.at he will embark iu some business at that pUue, Brsnniptlun at the Cuurl lluase. The co-operative nieeingt MriJ) be w-sttmed at the Qo'irt liouao this (Friday) 'evening at which time the I!ev. Mr. McLafferty will de liver a discourse to ektptica. Let all who da sire comfortable sittings came early. Portland bas five LoJgei of Work men. UIKU. KINDER. At Upper OAoco, in Wnsoo eounty, on Pry.:' Ms.ijjU 2j; tbsD, of. consumptloii Uks. Hara P.: iicsuKH, win ot w. W. Kliuier -sstxl LT years. tnotilbs anil 17 day. It was hard for friends anil neighbor to five Lizzie up, yet w mourn hot, as those having no hope. ' Bh hdag-on to th better land, tnutlug In Jesus .her Saviour, PLOWS I PLOWS j PLOWS! Samuel F Young bo rocuived a lurge stock of plows as follows i Th celebrated OLIVER CllILLKD Iron Plow. , TlioOAflDEX CITY Clipper ImproviJ Plow. The CHAMPION MOLINE Plow. These Jilow are guaranteed to be equal, and in many respect superior, to all others. A Kew Urnlal Ofllre. Dr. O. Willi Price will opeu the elegant suite of Dental 1 looms recently occupied by Dr, K. O. Smith, in the Odd Fellows Tumple, on May 1st. Dr. Prico will bring with him from New Xork City a complete set of Den tal furniture, aud instruments, including the liilrml lmirorvt S. S. WhHr, I'fihtl-lrwr Chit!,; an elegant Dental Cabinet Case, Nitrous Oxid (la Aparatu, and many tiey and me. ful iustrntnouts, all of which will add to tho attractiveness of bis oflice, and nlo to Hie comfort of his patients, m of1le nad 'altrl. ' Fred Dunning wishes us to inform our remlcr that he has Just received a magnifi cent stock of collius and caskets, and here after he will sell tliein at prices never before heard ot in this community. , To givo some idea of the prices, bo authurizu u to say that they will rang from S3 up to IJ.T0, 0nd for the Utter price oue wilt l.e furnished that ha heretofore cost fully $7.'.. lie means business. IJKTTKK THAN JOLI ! Irft health, ami yr-t iiinn v are niTi'rlns Hie tor- lure Of tbo lUlllIloil Willi Dviqiepaia wliesi a xlnule bottle of 1JC. M I X I 1 1 -;.i. LISIl DANIiKUO L1VKH AND DVS PKP.SIA PlLi will give relief, and, if peralsted tn, will cure tfiu Kurrt cao of I lil lllrs.liig Irouiilo. Till jiitl imrt-s Torpid Liver anil Isilioiisne-H, heuliiios the liownla, remove I'tmple from tho Ksi, euro -Hnllmv C'ixntUfxlti, Kolil lirealli. Mcli llesliu-bo. I Icariliiii u, l'aln III the hlilos and Hat k; 1 Nunr t-ntttcd and OHAItANTKKDto Iw PU KKLY VBiK TAHI.H. It B-ts tllres-tlv on Cm 'i.:itln:r ct the riutinaidi ami on ibo Liver. Can be (nken In any i litno-wet or dry wenilier. Itawaie of !nilliloii. '1 ho gennliio lias an eintravlnu; of a lmu im 1 1 1 is oiitolrio w rajqsT. Friii', fx) rcitl. -'.r wtlo by nil driiggtala. ' - sa . I'lae In m Iter fwr Dale. Ike Conn ha niU arrau-ineitU with S. Nickeraon to do all hi pl.miii ami a Urge atock of flooring, rustie, fitruisliing lumber, etc., will le kejit m Iwnd at the planer in lbauou. Flooi -ing and rustic will be sold at f'JI) ami (21 per tbousaud, and other lumber iu rotortio. t)ur evaders will remember that the Imi.U r i-.itn l imn s mill canuot lie excelled auywiier-. Hhmis aad abee. Hard times ha always Wen the cry in Oregou, but now it is bard lime iu reality, and money ia as scarce w illi me as a ben's teeth, so you who have an iiiterest in my welfare dcae ktrp to the front. A word to to the wise is aiiiticteiit. Very resjiectfiilly, K.Sim I! IUit.K. iHw a iisii(.tisuiu ttim itv. Pn-f. lirceii. a iliHtingnUli' il ailopailiic physician. nH tu llie Medn-nl lesi,rd at Atlanta. Ua.,lotltoeires-t that atier nil iwlicr ii.i-aus hail fatlinl, iio Mint fur t Its Kidney Cure, (Safe Khiuey ami l.lver Cure), anil li bis nstoiiUliiiioni cured a avriott case of tt'lKlit'a liowaat ! a.luiinlsierliii it, and fixrwarda f.iuiid Ii equal y ttennlleiat in mIiit iuos. lie advitted lifa brother pby sloutis us9 Ii tu prefereiico lo nnylhliig fiass for kidney diaordt-ra. ta ten Mae I raraillnre? Jaa. Dannals, in tbi city, now ha on band a larger slock of furniture than any other eatablisbuient toia side of Portland, and if Joo want to purvUa auy it will ety yon t give him a He lias aoim-thin;; to vUl n in regard to hi prices. tselesailrs la Male Craaae. The convenliitn of delegate to elect Keit- reseutativc to tho State Orange will ntort at Albany, on Saturday, AprU Itii'a, .Vl, at 1 o clock r. M. Im H t trance is eiitainl to vi delegate. 1L A. litvi sr. Ileputy. MONTttCtL till IRIS HO. K. Ib Moat-ly, of Montreal, Caumla, ivr lillwl ritteiitbVr UT, ISTll, that bo bad buf fered terribly fmtu dyeia, and was completely purest by taking Warner'a hie lilllera. lie aaya : ".My Bqeiu Is i?util, and I now antler no incsvtiveui'itt iroiit oallng hearty meals." 'i'lioao slilU-m aie alao a apecluo lur alt skin UUtassw. DtHiti: OV SI 1L tint. Tbo prevalence) of malarial llca-.es in country and town Indicau-s a danger to which we are all eroed. TheMe iIimc-s are eaay to contract and hard lu cr-adicaie. Hut Wainer' Halo 1IIU uoutralize tbo pubton and cure tbeui. And they nio equally vMiWtH'o naaiustail billoua Irou Wwv' - A line Ball Lost. A 2-year old blue roach Huihain bull strayed from my farm near Tangent last No vember. Any one who will c'vve me iufor nation ns to tb Vt'aereabouts of the animal (It confer a favor. Address me at Tangent a V. llot i'K. luvraiersaa raleates should solid for tnatruftlons, tonus, rofor eiifws, etc., U Kdison Hrothei,,ioUi'llor, of Patent, WatdiinRton, C, who fur- nlsii tne name wuuoui viuiruo. j-.uih.iu Brothont f well known ami Miceesstul Urut of iargo exjierlence, bavins hhm ea abliabtHl uime lMl'l- 11:111' Rntrhrr'a Klerks Wanle.1. W. H. Hartless, of this city, wauts two batcher's blocks, "(i iucbos iu dui meter and 3C inches in. height, fjor vi bkil he will pay cash on tbjlvery"Vcive?n tbi duVe and May 50, S80 ' A CAltD. r. . .ii ..i, allfrriii,. fmm Uia error, ami hulls- crvlioluU j oulh, nervoiu weakness, early decay, loss ol ntanlioou, nf.., I win senu s iwii-s "V1. ' V..U. I UKK UK CILsKUK. Tins eivil. rwtlo. discovered bv a Uiissiotierr In BOM-h. Aierl. Sotht a asll addressed euvvto'i" to Uw ItKV. Josaeii T. 1 a.s.;itst.ow U,'N SorkCUy. la:L'J.vl Ueml lu the World. Daring tiio last nix year Dr. Young' Yankee i'oimli Syrup baa proven a boav anlv l.nnn to the doodIo ol' America. mtlilot. of Its tiiitroua stand ready tu to tify that tt is uneuualed a a remedy for auciseaaestoi twei.unat.. i , A Farm Horse for ale. A Rita Ursre farm horse for sals at a low o price and on easy terms. Enquire of Win II, Ilaitlsas. . Ilulbrook and t-udlow's Shoes. Juat received a fine line of c.wlojj good of tbe above welkviown wake a i w"j ' ' Samuul E. Youniis, Tbe most popular perfuima of tha l;ty 11 ACKM Kl 'AUlv" try it. ' woiti ny j' osnsi ez Mason, iirugElsta, Ai liany , tr. Don't forget it ! Yoi caa &ot tbe Chkmjo Weekly AViss and tbe Democrat one year for $3. The Market. - Following is a ton ect report of the mar kets in this city np to notm yeAttday : FIX)UU ?fi,00ierbbl. , HAY baled, $13((S1S p-r too. loose, $10. POTATOES 40 cts per Irtinhel. PUTTER SO to 33 cts per lb. Kdfifttflj cent per dog. POI.'K 5 to 5' cts ir lb. . ItACONS-hams, VlJit Hi;. itbonlders, 0c, u'ules, 1 Ic, , d;:ii:d Fftcrr-wn .tried appb-s, ;. " " plums, lie. riumtufr diiid apples, Ije. " plums, 10,;, 'HICK F.X.4 --Zimt ?.1 03 per ct.. SL'liAK Sail IVamisco (, W'2c. COFFKK-(W llic.i, 1H,; -.;().;, Java, "Of, Curola - 2-,.. Km, '-.'(J. MILL FKKlJ.l.r.iii, $Of';$ll r ton. chitp, ff lf.?'.'0. sliorts, $13, middlings, fMQpl't. This Amcrlpwit efrl i ib-wribcil I.y n tlioiiglitful wriU-r (!tl AinoriiMii) as (fx qiiltilely siiH'cptible nitd liupressnd liy lulld irrlfalion ncllnst iifxin any of (Im (lunam. Siio drsMi in tnsto, and, w hem tlni tiicana are nt band, with chgnii. In colors that are quiet and aubilneij. and no lli-oablo onl y at a hliort iJIsianci!, We make imsui to add what this author nhoiild ntt liavo overlooked, that by noun of the mix Is .Madauii! liiu'bcl' Knaniol Dlooui mote appreeUtiod tlmn liy Iter. For sale bv fro aiiuy A Maxon, Albany. ' Administrator's Notice. TVTOTCK IS IIKKF.ISY OIVKX Tll.lT if the iiini.-rsiKn.Hl da U-eu duly ap pointed Adiiiiiii(rMlor ,f tfio sii .f UiHirge 11. i'iiilnr.. doieawl, ly tUtttUntu ty Court of Linn t.'oiiniy. Ur.tt"n. All ponton JiavliM Uiuis ag.tlna tiaid tulaU? arj tiircl l. p'e.-nt lliem. with IIim projx-r v.iiKshur. v I'.lidi si ni'tiitlis fr,iii tbo Dili .lay of April, A. D. l-.sa,i0 (l.e uu llorslmiod at bis rmtidciii-.., aUtul 4 null's stjiltlnvcl frwlil Krl.i, in said cdiihIv. WILLIAM KIMiklL II. Dny t. AtluilTii!.iraii.r. Alt'y fur Adin'r. Ta-w l V.2 Thtiroti'liirril .Sa!Iia Tarn O'Shanter. tiKi !iii-MuM A"t!t i'Ktiit;-.::i:: TAM O'SHANTKtt. Jit..Waia veers ..1.1 lltla tsprinu: Uof a mahogany Inty. laiuls Mixiceu mill ci.t- liair liamiK higii, end welli l.o-u IHiiinU. Tba firo of Tain O'iShaiiter, Jr., was asi lniporicd i'yUM- umio: lit.; H tm a .MnssL'iiiter. TAM It'SII AN 1 KU has liiis m-lwt; and is of a good disposition. TKiisf' : T' inwir,., f ja. payabl.t wlu-nlb inarr proves i .ovum JoHl ; .-s.ll, ,.., jmv- aoieou or iieniro jiii v 1st. Care w ill Im takeu to prevent aivi.Jetits, but will bo ii sjxntj-iblo loiuoue. Any s r.n psrt ii witti an insure.! nisie, torn l.'j is known M lv wiili f,a!. l.of. ils Itio insurant... XAJI l will Maud tbo ensiiiiii: u at 'famhali'is Stable, Al iMiiiy, stn-KTii. S.on liegins Ajiril I, and ciuUJiiiv .', is!. :t " ASS. MAHSHALL JOHN KLLIOTT, PRACTICAL HILLWEIGHT, Albnuy. Orreen. liif.fiiiiii.oi eivi n .-iKerfullv. Addresa no at Alb-aiiy. :u,:t Administrator's Salo er Estate HJeal rr jo n : Iu Ibo inaltcrff Ibo (":ale of Jubu Mil ler, ileccittMnl. X "OTICK JSlir.KKUY UIVKX THAT In inirsiiaihw nil nnter the Hon. lite County Court tf Umi Coitnly, tnpgon, luatlo ou k I to .'! day !' March. lssn, the uitderKtsned.tbo routainui ' Administrator of the estate of John Miller. tlesnse.l, will sell at puWicaui-ii.'ii lo tin bigliCMl bidder, in one pnrti'i, on between the liours of f o'clo.-k A. M. and 5 o'cixk I'. M., to wit: at lie hour of 2 o'clock P. M. of aid i'av, i.t the Court 1 1 oust door hi Iho Ciiy of Albany, Linn County, Mate of invcun, the following de acritMrd pu-tMites boUMUsinir to (-aid estate?, to-wit : i!jtiiniiio; at the Southeast iorner f the Itoiotliuii tjtnd Claim of John Mil ler. Sr.. iH-ui'' Claim oS, rotuica!ioii Kx l, ax ap"sra lv lh plata ami surveys on nle In tho U.S. ijiiui oineo ai iireRnn fiiv, l irepin, in Tp. M S. K. S West of tbo Wil- Intnctto Meri'i sn, aim running. ineiMf North T,a 2- Won 2 chains, thence Ncrt't lOcbaiiia aud l.uks, Ibeuce Mouth 77 3;' Kast 'JO cbabts, tliesco South 10 chains and 2."t link to lUe place of beKinniiig.and containing 3 aerest, nicro or less, and lying a,lHt Ueing in Linn County, Oregon. Teriua of ale : .'ne-imii ca-n in nana, and tbo remainder iu ttix inontlis from the dav of a'e, scoured bv morigace "ii the .. i r i ii 1 1 i ru prcui!. .s' t.. i, li..., l'enmining Aduiinistrator of tUo e.:alo of John Miller, dcn-eai-ed. 3tw4 5&2 AlaVIP" ISPy sWlai"r ' :,'"''-'-" ' laiSS; i' '', "' - ."i!'iaiai " - id m iw ie; irorer!y "Dr, Crats Kidney CarM - VAesAtnislA TrrnfimtJon whVh t tho Ot ttf ttnrtu in (A tcorttt for HrviAt' IsiteaM' omI itoabetr, ii id ts equally cfitH-ttvo lu all other Ouawanof Iho Ktdntrv l.tvor. Aud fnaiiry Orjaas, and dwirderft -l'wrtrnniTvnnd: Toa tho enro of pinm(nnTt-r Sato Diabetes Onrcs und tor t h run' of lint; hi niitiH 't iit-r utn-iwi tin itr raio ajubcj man i ldvoT Vuro. X'nco, t.iHi a ouiuo. TTST1.HONIALS. nAT?w..T. n. ItANKiVs I.l..of WaWbtnetnn. IK n .a.ptin.su i hut ho tim kiuwu of noveral " w-riiiit nuat curoa of dwoaso.- of tho kidnnva nd urinary ..VHe,.n ilV this 1 1. "all Of tllO KltO Kllillt'V unit L.IV1T (. uro, ana tttia. i ao not. uuuin, ijimi ii, jiiot tirwn ; VtrtUO." I. W. liAliTl ! K, . kf. 1. U.. OI I t..t..a lit fsrn wiMk ltor. t A. 11 AUt'EY. 1. !.. ir-mir. n. .1.. wh itifHinar u curea uim or liniru' ;i.'r.Miirv r flnwurd I'luvcrsitv. uortttlfic "l aui ciinvtntH-vt) that nuremotty hoivtofttre usotl or d?s- Cnhtt call IH ntiuj jor one nnwiem. in wmipunNMi Mich., cvrtlflea that tt oimplott'ly cured hira of t thnuilo Uvr cttmpfumt uiwr numemun oiner rt-nw rtlteHhtwl Ittticu. Tac&ouruuouruvutitu buiupu t,.ti Iho Stmt h roconnnentltHl in t ho MtHlh-Ht IteeitrUihat i.n niiv-iifimi utlm(nlMtir this ve aunty lor Ktdney ITor. i REe, lin Pmint-m niitiiiminr piiysnviuii in i-iv. i is . iitu-hcxti-r. N.Y MaT a ho Would ure- ttnfilisa T lii TrMiiilV. It I HI1 wnttiau tt l Ut'f a UlliI ItlMT .it-. hu.iiv utv.w'iH. IMio liit hmond and ljmisvilli J?tHUJoMrnttt iiU it had done more for tho euro Ot bsiuuuy iMaotvaea man uny oiuur ioujcuj. lHlla aud Halo Nervine axo aiw auiwrior rouieiu'. unoouHiiLHs in tneirrca Ive flclda of disease. Warnfir'i SrIo Keiti(r di(a are sold by Ih-uoiist. uud MtHiieiiio iH?ier teen I'niuv tnrouun.Hit me ?oun try. Send tor i'uuiphkaiUsi O.2rnerfrC0.. ISoclicstcr. N.Y. WELCOME SALOON. Win. Volgt, I'raprletor. Tnp BSST WINlS, I.TQrOtlS AND i-igars always on liami. BEER 5 CENTS A GLASS. Cull and see me. Saloon in brick builtV inu. nest door to Paiuials' furuilnre store. 2-tf WM. VOIUT. 1 It .ii. ufni'rt 5 V t .ii.., - "I i.i - HOW A WFE WAS SAVED ! THE LIFE OF GHAS.S. PRENTICE SAVED BY THE USE OF WAR N ER'S NAT 15 KIDNEY AND LIVER Tli- fulluv.in letter provt lb at UUKinrS DISEASE, in its' w orst fora. I ( I RABLE : iIf-Ji. II. II. sVakhjk A Co., tUl-T, X. Oi.tkyM-tt : rwxfJ J-:b trvm BrigM' da -n hy I ise n 4 jiw , I frrl it my 4uly, twt fy i iuktmmmije niy tfratna U vtrtJ fmrvjttMily, Imi ftt-u to tr.o tuy e mtlrm ihm pmh'.ic, mud tuv tltvmt tw mt u9;r.n fcuujUrlf W ju-ltf wbctiwr ft I(H.h '.IMf ihA. fsTrsaeJ V tlte "retulilV ft ill CUfBtbxV ir pitiful inhuy or tu4. In the mutamtiA Wi I m firnt Ukm UI Ub intAimia tohM-K, I mm f.-n rl, Mrr t4 lirtitKt' J ciit W M4irtl, Uk,ti'ga, ralll U ttty aid hywixi ti bi4-d ability. Afwr reiiaifiinj; ft c;fuJtTrl.J? tftiw UipJmr b.9 care 1 Ljuui iw lmrrtiftmntt ; on tle euulnry, my TiittM r-tmtWb;jr exwutni. I xx-xt pimti mr) lo Hirt;if cf t.u uf tl r.nt kyMi9 of Tutaiu, 0. iib tvt UrtUr rrlt I vi tiara icaJtidd W try t! kiil 4 mi eiiiW.cfJl wJi.-aJ Skiftu in Xv jt, unA f nuauscJ im-isT hi rBT mx iirfmth. Fiiulio; iue'f jjr.rtini Mteawii! wrmkrr, iti bo ftWteOMi oi t kuiney !rri: ;i,i:tri, I b-;a W i):r A trva jal iinx well. lu Urn uuu.uu.r Jt laci tuy fiirnaiji irtr-nJ-J utvp sbnoai, lUuikUtf tltlbatm omi(t loi)jsr wixh tb rUr A foreign nJiersU itaen, cniht tMtsx a i nre. f vo?txmid in finifr intr&4netitm to IL I. !.r lt.I lr. lrcia tA Paris, sni rvammtd ondr htm itar iitun mwtttV. IU nnl ia my cut ht 'm kiwu m H gsrtw!b; trMtibsntt, mnS then every tuetviv! bu.li the autt ativutitV men on tbe ou iut .tr kouwn U ci4ar. Xo Imp-uxetaeut Wh tsiraot, tte wTvi!ra ot Ir. B. m gentiszfca of (jUtU ut.tu, vent tueX AoIc:tcX Hrem BjootlM of care tul trviui4-tt lay th. kuJ nletaMa brooht mm t th U-viutjiDj 4 Hue an rarjOMl mympUmm ot lbr aueaie. H'iib iUm ItUabc, tiniTri liver, hnjoir-. tli;i-!Jii anJ svrriona irrrgularitta cf Lba bnrt. 1 iTjs,wdjJ Lo Mw.batcr, EatfteBd, and for fit tiMMiili tti csm bffy th frkiQ of Vr. Roberta un of ilie abarki men of hi prut In lung land. anJ tmhur tA a m onncme uf tfaa LUMt). Uia Civrnt knoa kl-; Ui not arail it my caae : and firtaiiy. ! inn.; 4 aor imp4n5ment."itjcb vm a cure 1 rvtur!si my na!;ri Ib1 In Xhj bvlVf thmt 1 mooL . Wbtio I rsat.bsd bamt t. -hyjis.-in wera'avaa Hti, a lw, on imbjtm'tiiif tau-iilrt of tba tarine w tbo prinlTta tba test of bt aud avcaJ, iiarot-rMl tba fkrea eara of mlbuiurn iu lar ! aurtiuiM, arbila tba mi rnisxsijaj Kh(H4 uonwanHaa tsMt. All Lbas, Vtgnher ith tba tH jirut sM.k of my phywianm, forced tba ' irtuiug con kiioii tbat deal b ara ine lUtrie. I tbe tlkfmhr-! nj aadatsJ attrulant aitbaiia iateUooa4f WiiUjf usatwre atruga on utaidej t tba nd ; fa my uwttt&uc iu tha aibUitf of aiedioal xnaa to oi miih. UittiM-dercsJ kldnes ha.1 Isnxaie, to my tba toaat, fraat h besetted. At thij tima I weibed ajratf ia th prca9B of annarat friend ia tba tthfeaaja grocery raWbsikbuiaiit of fimtnon t Ctv, Tukdo, O., wmd tumcd tba asia at 21 - J poatda, CT poanda man tbn tny ord.aarj eight, tea iabalib: ia other word, tbe tiwu of mv body vera ftaturLad aitb CT (outJb. or ftbout iaiban, of vater. Kitislly, a bia hsstleWy Hngefiar ia aia and aa-Ifui-Ji. a u btforntad hf lady retiing in inywutb. triiie, ilc tTiVMtc-r, N. Y-, Ibil oneLbarl9 ot Clurlott, bd discovered a renaoiy tr laibt's di ?ac, a !b ahk-lt he had cured huaarli and auny oth I iimtir! Lately rajaired Lo bta reai-imca by tbe lak?, &td alir a trvlnketi of ftta ararka vittba rvnis-sly (iKsar called "WAKX1RS SAFE aiXEY AMI LU KB C'VKIT) ftU my eymptotat sdntvd and I Ihviji i4 (w tliat I mt almost a well ataa. 1 ra turned Ikhiw, takisi; altli ne a part of tha suediciaav atid tisnx-, altatfb m.iitb4 have eU;wd silica I took the last tasjark t jo fully dwU: myia-H blutvK idl, otstbin luind and Wdir. Shtmld tu beva ocaioa in Ihd fultua t ose tbi- lr ti r, ytu are at liberty to d ao, aal any ona b uoilt? to bvtitn'c tbe couciuAvenaM of my stata- tuenu i i-pecifilly rvferrvd to the ColUMwiuf pataous wito ver awarv of tho cbs taster of wy aUtaaat and.' tba atajvut VrkKtuice of my caae : Hose. La Ulanc. 3 Hue Dnrwt, laria ; Henri La blsaa, 11 R MIoHstert0v Ifttxi; lr. S-ttiVr, ikmleaux, Fraj . Vx. X. t b&nuaux, Ku Alita and Lucea Vichy,, Kranev ; M. Jaa Olelulo, SI tui de laUoUa; Br mrd BraJ-Miaa-, 3 Vork ChambervAtia.,Loa-- tlou; J. W. Lam-, 1C.. London ; -Joba U. WUaou New York ; J. t. fiaer. ToWd O-; Thooaaa IanicUv T-fl.-un, O.: J. Prentice, Tkdo O. K-- fully yours, CBAH. a PUSXTICE. WARNER'S SAFE 1IIEV AXU LIVER CTTRli The OXLV Rn0v in th WORLD lka FiOSITIVtLtT ITRKS KKIt;UT! WISEASK, sHAtlETE, i AIL Ki.tay wX Uivwr Ittseases. WAltXERVS SAt'E BITTERJ. A niedioina whl h stimulates tlto-apr e- tito, improves ilijoslion. lealorw 1P strength ami purities, the blood. iTAItXEO SAFK KKKVIXK Quifkly Moothes of all kin Ja ; euie bvadaclie, neiiral-tia; gives sleep ami oai ural ivst. and U tbtHt remedy kuuva for nervous prostration. IVAKNF.U'H NAFK I-Il-I.S. A reiiwilv for uostivouens, torpitl liver- d !)xp.in, lulio4unasi, malaria and l'avet aiul giit. 'I ho boat known laxative. HsttXt.R S NAFF. Tl,)!. Invieorstos tha whole svafeais aa.T for tnyalids, or persons rocoverin 1'm.im se vere Kit knof-s, wtin ii)tiie s sourmuin tonic, it im invaUitvVJ. , WARNER'S SAFE REMEDIES ar sold lv Vruggisls aii'l Dealers in Medicine everywhere. II. H. WAUNEU & Ca, HOCHESTEE, K- Y Pol j iu S'aJem by E. JS. II I' 8 E ELI.. In Albany, by . - 832 EO&UAV & MASOSf.