.MAKCU ISt-O. UUWIk VI ITU 1.1V. ;KiT. Pan ttire r.vio,- the r.-lrchl-3l'r Little Y4 ,'aUtio.s. D.m Rico, tho JlJ cireui man, after turning over a new leaf, mllel a fow incilon(d from t!ie hl pages 1 hU lilross on ttMiipenitioo t St. L'HiI.s. Ilo condmioil UU hpccih ly saying : -Tha nl-;Uf hefora Cli.uullei'i tloUh in l'!ii.u;.i wo wore titimling at a har ti.cihvr thinking. Ho suit): iTJiU ny .t tlrinic, lXin. 1 liavc fuliUSod my uiK-ion. That - was his last dritik, (V.r ho i:isl tint night. I htivo hail my li.t Jr:nfc, and 1 trust to God I have taken it in time. "My character has betn pojil until the last five year. Siuoe tlion every one in St. Lou's knows my feelings. TroubJo caused mo to drink nml I ! have tH'en drunk iivo year? all these years I have got drufik: to drown sor row. I used to go staggering along( tho streets liko this. Hero lian imi-' tated a drunken man. .When 1 think of it it makes mo ashamed of myself. Then I thought it funny, very funny. LaughJer. I thought I was a great man. I used to say to myself : Hen. u-ant's a great man; Gen. Grant gets drunk, I and Hen. Grant have been drunk together. I am a groat man, too. lie's a great man so 'm I (hie). Grant's a great General, in his line, and I'm a great General in mine. Laughter. I'm "as big a man as Grant if drunkenness is criterion.' 1 used to think I would bo a good man. "When I was elrunk I thought I was a great man, but when I woke up tho next morning the hallucination would bo gone. TUen I woald lie there and swear I was going to reform and nev er touch aiiotber drop. Aftor a while I'd get up, and somehow or other I would get in the neighborhood ot that same saloon. My head aehed and my stomach was on ilre.but then I Lad sworn off", I was never going to touch another drop. I looked at the place a long tiair, and then I grew cunning. Laughter. I went into the saloon. I felt very sick. I need ed some stomach bitters. The bar keeper didn't hivo any,- I pulled his head down r-loso to me and whis pered, Givo me a cocktail, but don't tell any one about it.' Then -I would get drunk again. It was the samo thing over and over cgaio, day after day. I would swear cif repeatedly, and break my pledge as often ; but I bate broken it for tho last time. In the course of my life I have spent three fortunes. 1 would have them now were it not for intemperonte.and this is a small part of the evil which I have sutl'ored from it. I know what intemperance is, and from this time on temperance will never have a a stronger advocate than Dan IUce." - .Y.e;i? York Shir. LITTLE JSUXSlE's AVEC UOTE. Woodpeckers work as carpenters, but they wud make more money if they wud go in fur cclo miuin' cos a man with had a cole mine went down to were his men w;is to work and ho said if they didn't work faster he was goin' to get some woodpeckers, wich wud dig out more cole in au-Lour than tiiey did s'l day. Then the men held a media' and all struck,for they thot, the men did, that wood peckers vas some new-fungle ma shene, and when tho man said they was birds, it, was all a j Jke, one ole miner he spoke up and said hede like to kno what birds was; but a other ole fellow said be new wot birds was well enuff, but Lede like to be to!o w-ot jokes was. Yv'oodpcckers hammer.? a treo full of holes and gits werms out, bat I spect wen ono is gittir.' 'em 'out a other is goin' to the holes abed of him and idicktu' 'eta in; and ito-,v tor the story wich J rii1 1 wud tell you: O-K-e a ru-Mi wich lived in the woods was Ciitlin' down trees, and Le had so many children that his wife eudent mind 'em all to Lome, so he tuk the baby with him and laid it on a stump wile he workt. The baby was red bedded, and tho woodpeck ers there is red Leaded too, and one was a settii' on a limb. Pretty soon the baby begun to cri, and wen the woodpecker see its mouth open and heard it a cririe it thot to itself poor thing, were i3 your ole birds, you must lo oHle hungry, He see if I can do anything for you; and wen the man came up to the baby to say gitehy, gitchy, gitchy, he saw the woodpecker drop a long red worm in tli baby' mouth ahd lly back to the lim. Then the man palled out the werm and lookt at the woodpecker and said, my good fellow, if you keep a boardiu' houso here, wot is your terms? But tho Woodpecker only shrugged his shoulders like a French man, as if it said you ugly theef, I beleeve if it wasent batched out yet you wud suck the egg like a cuckoo. Argonaut. A call, headed "ante-masonic, was handed us for publication, by W. P. Hillman announcing a meeting of the "D jdge County Christian Associa tion,", at the court house hall, Man- toryl'Je, ;on the 3d and 4th of Decem ber next. "Christian Association," in our human opinion, is a misnomer when applied to a little "handful of final ten ;r.id agitators, whose chief 'business is to endeavor to up-root so called secret -ocities, and fill the land with' fciahderous clamor; "They have simply, mado a mistake in tho master they are serving. More raal good to society more real Christianity has been propogated in the Christian delib eration and benevolent acts of one lodge of any of the popular orders than from any score of suta deluded creatures, who egotistically and erroneously call themselves the" Dodge County Christian Association." - Ikuii&ai; 'Dodge County, Hemblican, Whet "other preparations fail to do, Hall'ai Hair Kenower Kiirely aeeoiopli.ihes. It renews tli hair and esfieeiaily restores i's color when gray and faded. As a dressing it is unMurpasxed, making the hair moist, soft ami glossy. Tho most economical preparation ever ofiered, its eliltts remain a iunr time, and those who iiave onee made a trial of it will nevprue any other. Advertiser and Union, Fiedo J3i?i, In. Y. Fill DAY. ,noir jiws i:i-.aut wm roi m. In the paint shop of tho pi'lroit IIouso of. Correction is n man h"ui wo will call Jim, who i a Territorial prljner on a li.'e sontonor. Up to last spring he was regarded hh a des IHTatedangoro is limn, rea.ly for ro bellion at any time, lie j l.moed a gonrrtil outbro-ibS, and wai "given awaj-," by one of the conspirators. Ho plotted a peiu rnl mutiny or rebellion, and was again btttayeil. Ho then kept hi.s own compel, mi, wliilo nev er refusing to obey rder.-, b -obeyed them like a man who only nooded baekinp t, miko bim refuse l i, Ono day in June a party of sir ng i e ut.e to visit tho institution. ();t; wax on old gentleman, the other ladies, mid two of tho ladies h id smill children. Tho guide took one of tho children on bis arm, and the other one walked until tho party, began climbing the stairs. Jim was working near by, as sulky and morose "aa ever, when the guide said to him: "Jim, won't you help thbi little ghl up stairs ?" Tno convict hesitated, a scowl on lii.-t face, and the little rlrl held out her arms to him and said: "If you will, I guess I'll kiss you." His scowl van. ished in on Instant, and ho lifted the child as tenderly as a father. Half way up tho stairs sho kissed him. At tho heod of tho stairs sho said, "Nmv you're got to kiss me, too." Ho blushed liko a woman, looked Into her Innocent fueo and then kissed ner on tno cneeK, ana yeioro no reached the foot of the stairs again ho had tears In his eyes. Kvcr since that day he has been a changed man, and no one in tho placo gives Io-j trouble. Maybo in bis far away Western homo he has a little Katie of hU own. No ono knows, for he never reveals his inner life, but th change so quickly wrought by a child proves that ho has a heart IMtott Free J'ress. A Srrliiloral Illalas r.oain. They are getting up a scriptural mining boom in London, and many of tho religionists aro taking stock In it Wo find the following concerning this religious movement in an Ka.st ern paper:' Gold mining Is now i prominent topic in speculative circles in London, and will, no doubt, enlist a large share of patronage from the needier class of speculators on account of the low prices of tho shares. The South Indian Geld Alining Conpanv is attracting considerable attcution, it being claimed that they possess the original mines of Opbir, whence King Salomon drew Ids supplies of the precious metal. These minc3 are oiluaieu in tuu tirutiuu xiciriii, on the Aiaiaoar coast ot itwia Various authorities are cited to prove that this country Is the Ophir of Scripture, while their extraordinary richness is established Leyonda doubt by the testimony of that reliable old wanderer, Marco Polo, who state! that tho ltajah of Malabar had, about 1309 A. D., accumulated gold to the value oAC450.00O,00o! One thousand years D. C. Solomon received cnor inous sums of cold on tho fiects.whlch went through the lied Sea to and from Ophir, and tho result of tho dis covery of the source ot this treasure, it is predicted, will "rostore to on great Empire in the Kwt, that fiour ishing condition which lately seem to havo been despaired of!" The possibility Is also confidently express ed of finding some ancient and inter esting memorial)', when tho mine come to be opened. The shares are already advanced seven-eights, view oftheso interesting speculations, It is needless to 6jy that theSoulh In dian G Jld Mining Company is gettin plenty of gratuitous advertising, not only in the religious Press but even in the pulpit, A smart dodge this on tho part of tho Company. Kn ladling a Clergyman. Confidence swindlers hive dot much recently to nUo their ca'lit loineranK oi a une art, mi l one Iloston c1er.'ynian, who performs marriage ceremoniea for a stated p.-e, can testify to tLeir expertne.ss. A thrifty young couple asked, in ad vance, tho price of the cerimony, and being satisfied with a charge of 5, were joined in wedlock, the clergy man kindly providing the witnesses without extra fee. The bridegroom offered a $30 bill and received $15 in change, and the clergyman disco vered the next day that the $50 bill was counterfeit. Since the basb ful bride avoided a -scrutiny of her countenance, be thinks bow that she was counterfeit too and only a young rogue aresseu in female apparel. HOW TO SAYK MONEY. Instead of COing to a doctor for a preeriptiou, If you have liritrbt's Disease. Diabetes. I'ain in the Back and Loin, Smarting, Inflamma tion, jaicuu, nnetc-uuxt jjepomt, or any trouble of the Kidneys or Bladder, buy a botlle of Dr. Miutie'a Nejihretieum, the great Bucha Compound. It U the inot wonderful prescription for there trouble ever compounded. .Mmr. Abrarnn fc Carroll, wholesale drugjrixts, Bay ; "We regard Nephreticum a tho feat, kidney and bladder remedy In the market."'' Woodard, drnggiat, Portland, Or., nays: "Everybody speaks highly of it."- Guilds, druggist, Portland, Or., says s ".Sold lot of it; it alnayn does the work." Sfany have been cured of obstinate kidney com plaints after the doctors have given thorn up. Price, f 1.25. Tor eale by all drug (?ists. BETTER THAN GOLD is perfect health, and yet many are suffering tho tor tures of the damned with Dyspepsia when a single bottle of Dlt. MISftiKW hnu. f,I.SH DANDELIO IAVEIt AXi) 1IVM. PEPSI A PILUS ill give roiicf, and, if persisted in, will cure the worst case of mis msrrsstsing trouble. This pill cures iireath, Kick lleadatihe. Heartburn, Pain in the Bides and liack; is Sufjar-coated and CiUARAKTEEDto be PUKliLY VEGE TABLE. It acts directly on tho coating of tho Stomach and on I ho Liver.- Can bo taken in any clime wet or dry weather. Jiewate of imitalionfi. The genuine has an engraving of a lion on the otitnido wrapper. Price, 00 cents. For sale by all urii""isU. ; KIH ASTLEY COOPER'S VITAL TtR- STO RATI VE The great Enirl isii reined y has mde more cures of A'ervous Jebii ity, Seminal Weakness, Ixst Manhood, nocturnal emissions, laamtudo, inability for mental labor, ddsoondenev mid rik-L diseases as are induced by youthful follies and excesses, than all ether medicines combined. AVhy will you suffer? Bend to A. E. Mintie. M. I).. Xfo. n t'Mrnu. street, San Prancisco, lor the ltomoralive and be cured. Price, ;1 per bottle. Pour tunes the quantity.gio. 'i rvaboitie. Dr. Mintie treats ail private diseases fcuccesf. fully. - A CAJtD. To ail irho tre sufferiiisr frm the errnm r.n.1 ndo cretioits of youth, nervous weaknta, eariv tiet-ay, loas oi uumhooj, it., I will bci.U a recipe tliit will cure ou, Jr'KEK Oi' CIiA:GK. Thia ;ret rvint-dr v,nx diwovered by a ruissionai-y in South liwria. " Scud a fi.;if-auuttweu- euveioje to the Ktv. 'Jo.fci'H T. 1n M4X, Suttion l, Sew Xurk tit. , 16:r2yl PATENTED JUNE 13, 1870. Tho ttooda A tiro hfrtt aofrf during th pott I , ,ors. Jt it wm mm atori cah lirvHOHnc th ntxi of faotontHg AUSOtVTEZr FERfECT. ThA lrisriT innnrurM ermriMttfl with the eld system of Ilati.m Clovra are entirely overcome, aud iti loiiowmg aiivautiutvs. socuroa i lt Tho perfect cam and rapidity with which It I lacrl. emt Tl adjustability to fit the different slued wrists. 3rtl Tlia lranlmit galuotl by grmtuiiilp slraliiltiij tlio Mil, lntwl or tba ota systrra wnicn ruins so manT win the flnt time bnttonml. 4th Sttvnitth of iluuks anil mode of clinching thi-m. The taslonliig will ontwut any Riu, hlch la a very ran ocourroitco with buttons. Itutrpeuitr-t of Jmprorrmxnt 4i faMontng tho quaHttf i (roaraotord rqual, if not vj.cWui to any othor glov it IA tnorkit. FOB BALE BT POX, &o GO. Sportsmriii's Headquarters. SCOTT & MONTKlTil, hum. Kim is Jans, Rifles Revolvers!! Ami Amman Itloa ot All Kind. Jut nwivnl a Utrj- hituirv ul tli laUiat biiprovtd tlrlltlii.tll, hl.r. . Wlmlinlar !.! IWIluil nlll,Mt rlu4 liuim. iuhI mtui-lculin nnt MiU 1hh guii uf swrv itcril4urt. kW. 1'tttU-ry, I'oUara, law-y lltwU, kntl Ui Ua.1 anj lliliis )u vul l Ult fur m out Ima. All tint's of Sewing Machines E8- . paired, nrmrmbrr Tbal Wo Cannot Uc iiHlrolil AavM-r In tM rUl. l U w.ii. . r.ur.Mi, Hoot Sr JSlt' Inlcoi. I rrnrh kip BmIi to otCrr, I'hiluilrlphla kip. - CM RUBBER BOOTS REPAIRED. Invisible ia!chf! vitl tii'on hoot sd HllOCM. Shop wcond door 1elow Mrvcr laikery, vlMUMf BARBED FEMGE WIRE! Cable Laid Double Wire. rOUH POIKT STEEL BARBS. The lst an! tl rv.t fVur lttiin. K tttr ym -v tjul it. iUntifsrtiirrJ nwUr tu-vum frntn r -. S. ful UtT art uLxr. Al! kimU W ISCK. Imtt, S- nn4 llalmtiiWfl, fr !1AL.INCP KllNXI.N't, TiXtciRAl'Jl, 1 KLti'ltuNK, etc-., ftr. IUK Coril'.f kU l.tiio utbor tnniilM A. H. I1ALTJDIK, nrpMiIU 'and Wire Rope Works- Jfcut; C Ca!if..rni St., Han Frmnrtwo, $m PARKER WW? ttno STAMP f OB CIRCULAR PARKER BRtfS V WEST MERIDEU.CY. . JfOT FAIT, to iond n.r nor sew iKK K LIST. Mora rrmpi Li i mil .Tor. i n.i t . . i i rlnrlpti4HM of fttr.ry tiiUi rjuirNl f..r n. with orer lono IHtutrMlons, Kami nuia r-r.ll,.r It. iMliu will do.) W ill Mil .-L. M Whuleulft prlrrv lu tlllAntltlM tu.ultllietour rlimjMrr. Th afiijr Iti.oiutlon la Amrrtr. who binkc l Un Hit-tr .fMN(al liu.irrft. AUflrvui. WOMI.dWUlV WAI1DC t il.. -J- 1 i 2.1 V tVBbuU A ., CUKiCO. I1U, ALHANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE. AMJASy, OK. The Hcfonil Term will open on vetnber 3, 1871). Xo- SofAr.nlt t. loiral,l three voane of Invtnsfllon ill be imrmirU lu thi. ln.tltuc, bu flmiml. . Si-itutilli; ouit Kuniul. A full rorpsof Inntrarlor ha bera (rrarrd. Fur iwrtloulfm eonocrnlns the coime ot study and the price ol luition, I jr t f.l BEV. ELBKBT X. OSDIT, Prei't. Dr. 'IT. J. Clmrchlll, , EOIffiPATHICPHYSIGIAH&SeSEDN (Omeo ill Parrisira Erlck,) Albany. ... . , Oregon. . Chronic Diseased a specially. Can bo found at my ollico at all hours of the day or night when not professionally absent. VlirtiUitl mrocTAXT to u nrjt. Larul Lticyert and Herd Estate Agent: Your names will be inserted, WrrnortT Ciri!iK, in the American Bottler's Ouido, a new work on public land law, scon to bo issued for extensive circulation hi the At lantic States ar.d in Ifnrope. riend for a Circular givinj; details of im portance to every land man. . Address . I1ENHY N. COPP,J - Washington, I). C. PRAYING,;-, M. Ju IIASI5P.OUCK has purcbrwed the Dray formerly owned by Clark & Davis, and is now prepared to atterd promptly iuu uusinraui vvnicn may no given Hint Ct 1 X A t TO $0000 A YEAR, r.r $5 to $M " lUy In 'J L'tyjXr your own lmaJity. No rlBk. Woman do ua oii an men. Many mukc nuire tluin tlio amount nuii'il auovo. jvo ono ran lull to mako money tutt. Any ono etui do the work. Vou can make from 60 uta. tntiui hour hy .dwotiii your uveniiitfa and .iar timti to the bufiit). It cou nothing to try the but. ln-s. Nothing like It for money making ever offered before. lJusiiics pleasant and atrietiy honorable. Header, if you want to know all about the best fayiisc buunctia before Hie public, send us your addreas and we will aend you full .arti..ulnr and privat terma free ( wuiplea worth 1 alu tree ; you tun then make up your mind for yourself. Addrea (Jtultlifi liXIN Soj & CO., Portland, Maine. C'OAA A MONTH snaramVtcd.' f 12 a day at home I. ttaniLjtl no, wtjvr J vuulo by tin, iuduHtrious. iniieu; eiu biurt you. aicu, women, boys and j.'irls muko money faMr at work for us tlian at anv thinir elc, 'I he work u liht and ple&aant, and aui'h a anyone can p-o rirhl at. Thos who are wise who see this notice will aend in their addreseea at onee and see for themselves. Costly Outfit an.l terms. Sovr in the time. Those already at work are luvingr up lary-e sums of money. Adiiresa THUE & CO., Autusu Iklaiue. . f try ki&yK-sa innrT? 0" King of tho Blood Caret nil fetrtifulntti t(t c!inn nnd illaonWtirmutt lnir ritita ltnuur.ty of tho Moo.1. it i ti.ii.i- m jtwify nil i th HttUwr-ur run uimUv ti,,ivo Ihi-ii Vmtr, SmlltHtrt '. uro lim hmwi WMittmiti, an rU mtiy y.iMcUuuw ot thu Intrt. J.nit Ltmr ftud Mtnmwho SCROFULA . VTesSerftl Carj cf Illsdacts. 1. I'.AXHOM. Bo ft Co, : Tor tlio lament nt I ' troubled with rutrofiilit or In.,nr llluud lu thoir )lm, I hereby n-comm.'h.l Kinir r tho IIIinhI. 1 li.v lu tmubliKl with rternliihi f ir tlio iut ten J.'ir., whieh ao irilod mjr yp that 1 waaeorn ilrUdy bllu.l for ! month. 1 wu rwummetuUit lu try Kliur of Ih. Ill... whirli line tro..l . ,.... blirtuinif t m., It lm4r.Htt1tlPt11lyctiH.il inr, an.l 1 eiHwriiuiy rueuuunutul it luull uountea am I liavo Uwm. y.mrs truly, Mu. 8. WEATiikUum, Hitrtllnln, N. Y, & 2L.Q00 will It. palil lo any P11MI0 n.xpllnl In w mutti. ally areetl upon, (or every curtilkate of llil. uivUI um iiublutWl by ua wlnuli is nut ireiiuuic. Its Incrcdicnts. To attowenr fnlth In the aafaiv nml ri..i;m.,n ot til. K. ll.( up.it, proper parMtiml llpejjtcuoit, vlino Mit.H.tl thai no liutMMdOtm t. tiiteniltnl, wtt will ! h stameaof all lis liiKrh. nl., by i.ll.davit. Th above utters wore tittvrr innde Imfor Ity lit. pro pn-iotot any other Family iltuUin. in llui world. Many atlmaalala.fiu'ilier liifonnatinn.aiid fullilimtUana lor uun will l found in the m thhit "TreallM on luaenM-a of ilui Hl.1," la whutbearb luttl.lameliMnl. 1'rliw l prrliltlenn tainiutf IS ouhcm. or 40 lo to H. w. k.,1.1 1 ,i.m. flat, li. UaasuM,rioM A Co., l'run'is, liuh'alii, N.V STATESMAN FORCE FEED GRAIN DRILL r ; 1 y J , - .... -,.'-v 1 j lItTVIVIv WOOD. TTASA FEW MOT! E OI THE ABOVE I I named celebrated erntu drllln. and mm I10 exptvta to go out of the buAlniwH, ho will awll Ihrm at very Ilim' prloen. lkrinr.ni who licod drtlln will do well turall on him. a be hi lioundto 11. and will Mill low. Call at hit tdsce on curoor of tweoinl and lUlawnrtu atriH.la. u3ttf rP.ASK WOOD. J E. SORBIN & CO. Iroportrni t.J tl.alcrs in CIGARS m TOBACCO- Af eDta f.Mr Jrana Mre A Co. R. ati4 Hy. w iii.Hipa, o:i' l lor an. Kin. wluakl". from I2.it! It t-'.w a ralluo, Utttlra from fi c.-il 1.1 1 lsi Km Krenrri brandy lru.11 2.'"i la I'.j.W gallon, in ixAtim fruiu 7j ti. i tj.:. fins Old l't.rl Win from !.'.' to 1.0U a tI on, la IxjUIra from w eta. to $i.w, Kltie Mierry Win. fn.m . 1.1 110.00 a PJI, (II Wf.tl.-W ,T.,, Jtt. ,U ,W.'F. Hnllaiitl uia H-cs; a t;..iuir, lu lotle front 77 Cta. to l.i. All kind, of Win, ruitor nl ('ordiitla. t'lanH una tlttllar a t'atioi f.r rta. a ImttlA. I.lyiKira In nta mil hail .ir.l liuaka lor travelers aua utttora. rtAMPIili llOO MS atlat-hcW to OUltHTOIJi:. CIGARS i5 TOBACCO, Cthe bos or round, rl.tap. - Firs mmt, aianr Kroaelalklas. Atbawy the CHICAGO - WEEKLY JEWS F03 ONE YEAR TO EVRYS5J3SCRIBER Tin; i 13 m b c 1 1 a t wiw Pays t His KBl-scriptlon Account In lull , to Ulu auj One Year In auVamw, J AMES IANNAIsT naAUut 111 a jti MAjrrTACTraEa or SOLID WALNUT DEDROOM SETS . HMe nd WeoU Ton. Parlor Sots and Lounges, Mar tie Top CentcTaWcs, , , Spring Ee&s and ,, : ' Mattresses,' WllSCT, MAPLE 1SD .Oil BUCKETS, ,.. . , Andaltklndaol , Wbulnola, I'hulrs, Bedslrada, K&lenaloit Tn blea, Manila. Vllt anil t'aurf HoultllitK, Kte. ' t Int4ml to keen vorvthlns In the fumUnra line. and will iriiarantec aaUiruictiun to all who will cnll oil Die at Millcr-i Brwic J1IIM U.I , A BARGAIN ! Valaablo Property for Sale. THE ALDEN FRUIT DRYER, IncUidintr the holldlnir and lota nnon which it is situatod, 1 for nalo at a bur- Bam. There are two dryors and they can bo sold separately. Tills in a cood on. porttmity for frnlt raisers to Bocnro tho best dryor made, at a low price. , The lots are vry viiluablo lyinR on tho .river iront, ana Having a railroad switch runuinir by them. It is 'a 'cood location for a custom flouring mill, foundry, or aii.y sncu uuiuuss, . For further particulars cnll cn the Trcs!, dent or Secretary of tho Company. O. l' CKAWKOKT), . t-fj. C.Hicb, - ., , Trosidont. Kccretary. ,80 TJtEMON.T HOUSE ' S, n WASHINGTON, D. C. ThU populnr hotel h an l-mi cntirWy . rcfiiri.lKl.od. having ftoeumniodtttioim for 300 fjutH, aimI x vut tihuu to be the only HrKt-Habtt liouw in vity ul mo wrme rule, leruw ?z.iv jier iav. , ' F. P. UiLt, Troprietor. WELCOME - SALOON. Wm. Tolgt,. I'roprfetor. . THK BEST WINKS,. LIQUORS AND cigars always on hand. .-BEER -5 CEIs'TS A GLASS. Call and see me. Saloon in brick build ing, next door to Daunalsi' furniture store. 2-lf WM. V01UT. cJ fe; r-i. - I i; "v.-. , ft 1 1 ; ,."t ' ili'ifitVi '-1 'f ' pai-saparilla Xa A i iiinniiiiiil .f t!,o vlrluttit nf Hiirniiimrllln. iiiiiiiilruki', yplbitv iliM'k. with tlm iinliilit pi iiotimij nml iron, all juiwiM fnl IiIhihU iii iUiinr, l.liKiil i'liMiiininif, ninl Uftwiitiiliiliia itiHiniiit..i. it i,i tlm tmri'Hl, sufi-at, uml in (.vt'r.v way the mnrit rfl.'i'iiml nltonvilvo incill rliiii ltimvii or iiviillitlilo In tlm iiiilillr!. 'I In- a i;in r ut mi'illriiii! uml t lii'iiiWiry hnvo iti-wr irinlin'iMl ao vuhmtiln it rmiii-dy, nor unit an M,ii'iit i, euro nil ilipt. anrs riHiilllii! Irn'ii iDiinim iiinmi. It ciiri-a iHcrnnili,, nml nit Mcrof uloita ilisinwi. I U'yoilita, Itwart, or tit. Aiitli'inv'a I' Ire. I'lmiilrH nml ti('c-Kt'tl!a. l-iirtltilca, lllolclitm. Holla, iniioi-i, 'lillrr, I In mora. H.ilt Ithrtuin. Hi-itM-ln si, Kimtworm, I'lrora, borca. ltitctuniti inn, iMorcni mi iiiM'itrv", jh-r.il-rl'i, 1'cniitlo Wfukitr-tra nml Irrcitii l.trltka, .Inumllcc, All'fctloiia oC the l.ivi'1'. Ivti'-iil:i. l.niui l.itiol'. nml (.I'licnil Di blllty. llv lt-1 ai'iirihln-r ftinl rli-niiMfn? nii'tlill""! It inrm' out. tlm lout mrruiiUoiiH tvlilih fiilil.'liilli;lln tlio bliiml. nml ruuan dintiiitv infill nml ili-cnv. it rttimitlitu-a nml niivi-ua tlm vltnl iiiirllona. It iiromotoa fiicrirv mid Hir.'ii.'ili. It rii;iiorra. nn.l irraitrvt limltii. it i n mam tjpty inn mi. i visjor turonuiiont mo wlmln avttt'in. No aiiifi-riT from ny iliaruan tvlilrli lu iain from linnitritr of (tin IiIihmI limnt dfajiitir, liottlll civ A vi-.a'a SMisAr.Miu.i.A a fiir trial. Ci-tiii'iiilifr, tlio rarll-r th tii.il, tin: a;;iUi:r tho t'Ur. It rfflif lm lifiMi furnWipil tn iiliyalt'lana nvnrywliorf; ami llii-y. rm-nstnlxlnx ita iiw- riur ijiiitliiivM, oibniiiMUir it in liu-ir jirui tuc For nr-nrlv forty mar Avrn'a Saiiai-a. In i. i, a Iiim Imtii wiili'ly iiwil. nml it nuw in. " inn itiiiiiiinrri oi iiiiiiinim hi pfopm tvlm li:tvn (xratrliiin'iHl bi'UClita Irotn lt War- Vvllutia t ur.f.ivo virmca. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer i Co., I'ractlcal and Analytical CbnuiUta, Lowell, Mai. rcto st au, vncaeuT ersorwacas. FEMALE DISEASES Mrs. Sarrpta. Smith, M.D., RECEHTLY FROM HEW YORK, tf AH rKHMANTLY liOCATKIl AT II Kaat l'ortland. ami will vialt the dif- loffiit 4lara in tho valloy nvery month. acuurdlii( to tho following ached u!o: Albany, (at .St. ( 'liar If Hotel) from flb to inn. Corvalila. fat Vincent House) from 11th lO 14111. Whore ahe can bo conaolid by all r-?r sons al'.liclod with L'lorlne liaeac. PRINCIPLES OF rilACTICE. I do not l'lontr, to anr partUnilar croett noraoctin nuKliclne. or found my prac tice upon any Ibnoretical doKtna, n.ir aujf fNUHHi universal taw ot cures, iui i ciann there exIiUa eonatitnUoiiMl power In every livuijt boinir tbal tend to y;uard cH and remove diacame. 1 claim that woman, in a normal condi tion, la perfect ami fr from disease; and whenever sbo 'm sick or diseased. some law of her belns has been violated, ad that tlm dlanass 1 the iwnaltv. I seloct my lemndloM from tho common aiorehoiiae of iiioillt-al icarnlnp; and apply thorn In ao. cordunco with cicarlr asceriainod factsaud principles of 1'hysiolouy and jfalbology, and the known action of medicine upon (lie human oritaulam in health and dis ease l I strive to pursue a genuine Klectio lain in the selection of curative agents: I endeavor to prescrlbo them accordion to tixcu and ueterminod principles ot cure. I claim to Jtetp myself fully tin with tho proirrens of medical science. What Is use ful iti Allopathy. Homeopathy and Hydro pathy, I ue;in other words I select, from lite various aud conflicting systems, my rules, practice, and mode of treating dis eases! and this I rail the I Informed l'rao lice, or the School Which Selects. I mako Cterine Plsaasesa speclaliy. For siriecn years I Itave been encagea in treat, ment of 1'cnialo complaints in every form. I positively havo a euro for moat cases of IMotapsu uteri, tremaio weaanoasi. i iim no I'alsmel nor merctirlal druus In any form. I use bo Pessaries. I Instruct allmvsfX how to live. 1 clvo metltctae that w ill aaaiatall the functions of the ho man orgnnlsm to perform their normal WOIK. .-. pir Mr. Hrcp!a Pmlth Is a graduate of IIHI I IlliaOflJHlIlt ll'Ull.w tuiirKinu urr uipioma cau be seen si ncr rooms. Lmlitw who are afflicted with anyUtnrlno dlaoaami win do well to call on Mrs. smith. the will describe their disoisos and symp toms, without ankliitr any nucsUoua. All consultaiiona will 6e free. tlf MARX BAUMGART HAS JUST OPKKKD OCT A Mew Liqnor Store KKKI- COMaTAmXT OX BA1CD TIIE FINEST BRANDS OF WINES, LIQUORS, TOBACCO & CIGARS. The Celebrated St. LonU STONEWALL WHISKEY, , , Tlie finest wbiakey In the State. "Wntiskics, French Brandies, Slierry, i'ort. Claret, ana an otner Kinds of nines, Gin, Ale, Beer, and Porter. Bitters of eTery kind, and the lest brands or tobacco ana ugars. A"-tri want everybody to ondorstand tl. I liuvs opened out a ilrst-clasa new liq uor store, where city and country deal ers can procure their stocks at Portland Driftes. with only froieht added. Kooins on the corner of Front apd Ferry streets, Aioany, urenon. hot. Its name stirs like- a trumpet and rails loinoiray. inat powcrnii new 'Jempor- anco oook, , BATTLING WITH TIIE DEMON I Is tellitifr by THOUSANDS. Cheapost, most complete and intensely interesting lland-Hook and History of Tom no ranee over produced, containing biographies of Its Apostles, iiiruiing accounts or all tlu9 great Movements, aud mighty facts and arguments for the cause. . Finely illus trated. Nothing can comparo with it. More Acent W aiitert. wnto to . . S'l AND AUD HOOK CO., . fct. Louis, Mo. , Low Jatern prices, and we pay freight. vlon27inl) . 'I A WEEK In jrourown town ami no oapltal Et)t) ritkctl. You can frive tha business a trial aillioiit exiiense. The best oiipertuiiity evsr offoroU f.ir tliiimi willina t" work. Yuti alinulil try nolhlii); olnti until you see tr yourscl! what you can du at tbo rmaiiitiss wa otter. No rixtnv tto axulaiu hra. You csui uovoto all your tuno or only your spare tims to tho business, end mako (rroat pay for every hour you work. Womon uiake as muvh as inaii. Htiiid for spa cia! private tttmis anil particulars, aliich we mail free. 5 Outllt free. Oon't complain of lianl times while you have such a chance, Auuress tl. IUI.U. n j. CO., I'ortland, lluiuo. , , , Sj'l WM for AGENTS! rff low ritiuiiuona i as- i;i;ij INQ BOOICS of all klnda arefully rpisented in eur now GKA.N1 COMBI NATION PROSPECTUS BOOK, by saui pie pa;ros, binding, illuytrations, etc. A great variety and suro success ror cau vuNKcis, All aotually wishing employ ment, aildsess for terms, bTANBAJJO Pun. Co., bt, Iouis, Mo. , 27m6 &yr- - n PI ! I v m I (Hucefiuan to It. V. PiSIlCS, W, 27.) ritiitnilim In th IrrittfrH'iit of ;trmile Viwm" iU lii'livKliutl milliiy Ut cnmiufl, mtmm yrn ; .tifliiiMl M'vttrnt MMNllntl tftmllfiiwi lo tunKWiaU Uirm- v1vi wtMt lilm.ua I Ik Vm-ullf nf Ui Worl.l ri- 'I lu trvrarMiilxiillttii ItM lntm contfiltt4Hl mni liirrirrjui- Ilim. IL V. I'ikhtr. I'rM. Y. I. I'ltnr. V. Pnm. hik wttrmwtAnm Ann mvuvTMnn of nu HsMr hii'I mVIII Iinvc tM-cii rh'rtti tm Hm ifiMTOlty 4HII01I41 MKkVMnf fnu oomm witiiiA 0 vurfmHy ttmttntftt f fnlliimn of nmturw Jtt(. iMMtt mnA nk.ll. Jlrimrlifal, ThriMf, mivi Iaiuc Uk iiaHi with tit ntfnst urM(ul FCHtlU. tu-u r ftiiiifrtiar mitr Ptt ilut mumq all Umhmt i'timtt-r 1ImhH' iKTiillnr Ut frnmlffl. muvoi ;m iattAK,-l'iiM.ij.i, Htrttto IVhU ify. t-.iiiU imy (HU, 4 iM.mia (hl.vltiw' Vmtc Htf rnlafln, mitl alitor iiri attturll'ma, nraaV Ua atf iifiofi tifmn sprrt Ik Mil jkvIiv, hirt fcwiAk v T kick pati'kxtr It? or ttvu,n tini ot JliMtui. mm emn Urmt rprnttf i iiri.iiio iiiwttM mm ui-Miruitr wttlumt m wiiti a rrMiitt c"ii-tUail"t.. tfr iwrilriilanf mm M VwooW m. H4ti;A sU UAMLMr-AIIKrnf UK CFptrTBf WW WnKI flioMi fVr Stuutl 1'irJ n" frvlliH Tumor, Vimiuim Iti Arm, I'll, Inti (UtifHun), l(raroci itHntmf 'i tit ur, i Hti'im (ihi in tiw jiisutirt. nnrwrti Me, tc. W Blw tiwatt wiretsMfuUy. hy ft new MU J(lt niiiili-1. - WoIIoh m A CurUv A&mloT 1 Jiif JfAJ-o, . X nry mu I tnviUKla ItoU l. Uavinj if-aOsU mmf Umm mm'I of thHM iJIws-km'' Mculiiir ta womau, ti4 lh1 1ttah lo x-rian-t nwt iUmt tuul plsal Dr. Pisrcs's Favorite Prescription Thm tarn. IvHVcrr. ftt ft tmmtAa twurmmtiom M my hlirh ftiprrM-liUon of u vmltM. LssumI up per ft"tiftl ufrn.Mm. I hvr ril wlttwtii U pul ll rt-a,ttlt III (Mrf3l 0iafta llWa-l-l U$ liHT (vrsniMii ff wotnin, 1k'-1 U mil mt ibm itli mw ftmaiMf mr ma.m nww, Km it tumnia. km.iiv4, mv. twu'i tii tua rnwa-Jy tve thia claa i.ltaraia una um thai wfii.fti ail Unw ftttU anOt r all rtr-utntnfur, art atn! i am witting to m titv rr.utatU"u aa a phf4'ljni ana aa ciiflot-ni mm mat ii wiu n' niaBpioini in ini)iM tt It-riaii'fTWor a ningi- lura.tu utj who nmttt ( i-jt any r iif alnnvnU for Mi h 1 r-retnmxtv It, timt 1 otUry m M-tt It u 1 r A IMMlTtVK Ct'AfttATAJL U ir Ci"i'ns m pafUHi(- wnpT.ujr Dtur.( i i Mi -wlHr !- aittotiir Uiumi alavaac ta wfilrlt tny tarrB -riftiHa4sm; Tiat wortunj rui-M, ft If try iu .arl. mu 1 Witts M. M-rLaliilV tur CT im-tutm avLtzirml It I 'sinful Mmit.'lf rrliKj. hurrin'4nt tbm ftrxm tin natural rau-. IrrrruUrliUa, Wraic Ha; rr ltMti. t I inc m tlx I i?ru, Animnioa aixi ttt-trtrt s-ntntt., Ji.-ar1rifx-!owa hrnatdoM, lnirraa4 i.- .t, K-TGii lArl.ri-Mioil. lH'UUy. 1 MrMttkaiajau y . 'I luvaU-not MiMarrlatr, c iirntiie C'cmgrtUtn. lum f a.u'uaUwHftlMl rifTAtlu(l Uw l'lTUV 1 Bf mZeacy. lit rsrtiftrsiA. or tHifiUir. ftful v'ltnaln W-aVrra. I "t vUA Ihl UM-i-lm a i-nrm-fil.m tmt H b'lmlraMr faleu ftwta mmm mf pmr?mm brliia? ti.t irrf'rt -1 f In cmI thnmlc iltaeaar oi Uw if u i.i ui wumfta. It "l n.c 0iaiiuU, ftuc ! 11 n'lnii li any nv "r ww.m i l,..ae ta .ba.lrr furfha-f Infi'rri.atiraa oft fhtmm l-Vfa raw o It In TUB I . fWWO ftftjnUt MilMrtl. Airt'lntt:!. a ftr-k at itVrT M MsTtaft. atltL .ta-"i!4,m tS"i'tft T'f ftl-t. It trwaaia nutuitHf A im tvr run if i.f rrWNii, BtVI at WMrTft i-tu.M.i.-' a lvtu-v a n,.ar4 U Um BiaiiswaaaauaV .1 atVtfirU i'HvI' M fc-T DR. SPIilflEY XO. 11 UCAnXEY aTKEET, San Francisco, California. Tresis all Osraale aad Sactal aiaeaaca. Tuuivcr avmiar aa iraoMiY at arrrcKiifTraaa tbb V f vAvta ut rouUitul lialia or bnuentiua. An .II Utarall UMtwiaiil Ula. thliarsailssa sul vvc ui'l at Ota altar oC auffwtnc hiuuanlt. OS, MI'I S .S K Y ill marsstas to luHstt tMUfait- nmrj SaoaiaO. akaaa car prttata ilnan id any kiuJ c saractsr abicb Sa tuuUrtaKaa ana bul( la etira. MIDDLC-AtlCB MIL. TW, ars manr at Um ae ca! Utirtj lra.ta sixty who ara Umlil4 ilb Uto rrrniiMatt fscasliott ot thm bfaMi- lar, crfum aomtnauii4 by a alifht aoasrUaa or Ntmun waatiua, suJ s aaatuaiisc of Um aratasa is s Um taolant osnaut await sar. Oa snaaatntaar ska unitary donutau a ropy wallmaiil srtll otum bm iaaaal aiui ausMtuaas small irtlHas ol alUamco will aitpsar. or um eulur will bs ot a thia saUkiaS sua. scats asast- kttf to a dark and torpM aiaaatnuMa. Tbara ara siaoir taa who 41a ut" this diatt.-ultf tjrnofautof UMcattaa, ahich la lb. ascand staaa at asnunal wiaasssa, us. a. a til g-uaraiiUa a wrtrct can Is all aud aasna, S tuaUUiy rattmuiua uf lb iwalia-arsnary ernaiav Oml Uocaa 10 ta 4 aial tn a. Bandars fraaa 10 lo 1 1 a. s. t'vniauutUua Iras. Tburoogh a aral aJ.ka, r.ar prlvaU dlsraacai d ab-trt atamlin; s (all rnaes ot fr.li.-tu. saituntt li a tn, witnall InriraHiuB, all! lo a. ut U anjr aJOrraa us racat4 of iu taj. Call aralaiUreaa, aa. srisxKT a ca. ltvl Ki. 11 kmrur at. saa tVanoiam, CaL lDIaiJa32E12I2 I PRICE & fiiCKERSOn'S saw mill III Wil.rl.io pesrinrt. A lanra )uaiiUt ot Uhi llnrat lumbar oil hand, wbit-b tll ba stU riwap and nwllt rto antU Octuber lai, ls.'J. uUwarUK Um bat ul pricas : (liar lumbar, rwr thooaaihl til DO Frtieinir. barn atdliur.aad all lurabarul that iris ss 00 ik-aiillliik', uiubara aud bsa.jr lumbar 8 09 Tho lumber will ba luraiabad tm al side ol tha BaaUaia. TITUS BRQS- -DEALERS IX WATt tlE. XCli. JEWKLKT. BlLiUt' LATi:U WABI-. At IJtMOXI PEtTi uia. Krr - .4 era I far 11'ew Doane awlaa; Harblasa, ALU ANT, - - OltKOOK. ' Tl.nSStf . . . ST CHARLES HOTEL, ALBANY, OREGON. MBS, C, JI0E1L - -. - Proprietor. Tills Houss lias been tboroughl.r renorated from to . to iwituim, and la now in spieudiu oonrution tur I ho entertainment of trarelera. Tba table la uiliel with everytbiug Uie mar- , ket aOunls. - Somtile room (or . eouimarcUl men. , ('orvallla, Lrbauoa ssrl Dallas Staa OUIrp. vutuau . VIIsXiAKD IIOUSK. llalscya, Orecon. . - . A- L0TJBNER, - Proprietor. THIS' ELE0AKT NEW HOTEL. JUST NOW ooinilvted, will be opened about July 16lh, i"9. it is ooustrutitatl on' the most motiera atiii conventest plan, has a flue sample room asieuially arrantcea for commercial travelers, anu the. table will be summed at ail times with (rood meals. it Pinal Settlement. ' XT OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT Xl the underaigtietl, Administrator af the estate of F. M. Kioe, tl of eased, has liled iu the County Court for LinnCountv. Oregon, his final account aa such Admin istrator, and by order of eatd Court Tues day, the tith day of April, ISSO.at the hour of 1 o'clock P. M. ol said day, is sot for hearing objections to said final account and lite settlement thereof. Any person inter ested in said estate is hereby notified jo appear and tile his or her objeetiona to said liual account ou or before said day. O. F. COSttOW, 2Sw4 Administrator. - Order your work dono vitli V.Z.T:j-..t-JC:-; & Co's Standard Varnishca and Superiino Coach Colors. Thes'3 Vainiciioa end Colory aro in us 3 in all tho principal Coach and Car Slicp-i; throughout tho United States, and aro every where recognized as tho "best for all FinoWci-k. C. f. Raynslis A Co's ifaraishss ars now msnufac turcd expressly far this marks?, to suit ths pecaliarities cf climais. WILLAMETTE MARBLE & STOPJE -MASUFACTUltlCIlH cv MARBLE MONUMENTS, MANTELS, CEMETERY CURSING, ASHLAR! AKD COPING, BASES FOR GARCCrJ rO'JrCTA! MC, TILE FOR WALKS, ATiD ALL t!KOS CP WORK IN GTC?Jrr. As wa stet oar Marhla dlraot fiorn tho bava It salst-tAd with cars, w an inauro rs say that Varniont loarbla ta bettor than any iiiipomJ from foreixn tount; it-. llsrlna; jaat rscsiretl several tuns of msrolo, and lurimt more on IJio v, viemn o(Ter extra Inducamsnts t iriona wsntinK work. Orders from snv pijtrt of liia ta: promptly aUandcd to, and all work war ranted as rpprewnk-d. WVhavo ifrciiivoiat rs out fur work axoept those having tbolr cretir-ntlala from us. aTSliop ana vvorss oorocr nucoiiu anu 16otttf D. r. MASOIf. - FOSHAY & MASON (hSiOOfcasors to John l"ohay.) IiEALKia IX DRUCS, BOOKS, A LABCI ASI DRUGS AMD "Waili , avarrthbHr nana lly fuutal a rrLL HOOKS KTy Tba laa a, aar, laaga aan arao swarlstl. A natrs tHrxtt M alo na in crrict'.oa alth tl.U JrprtnitT.t, a i,m tka a. I sat fsslssa aani'niiss, factunaU, ate, as bs prarnred. WHEN YOU COME TO ALBANY CALL AND GEE CD s, . . YlSaTTlf AT TU'OU STAND. 72 FIRVT STREET, HAS OK IIAXD AS 1 INK AN ASHOKTAl r-M Ot COOK, BOX AND PARLOIl STOVES AND RANGES, Aa aajr bonae la the rally, lie aluo Imports actl inanusar im Tlli, SHEET IRQH AfiD COPPER WARE OF EVEKY DESCRIPTION IJT STOCK HAND, A FVL.U AiSSUUTAliCX Of GENUINE GRANITE IRCt. WARE. ALL OK WHICH HK OFFEKS TO THE TUELIC AT PIUClS, THAT tUCV COMFKmiOJ. CALL AT 72 FIRST STKEET, 'ALBANY, OREGON. Repair work;dono lSirS5 -'.;.;-TEUE. ropl rm sailing meqw.nivd h1 iHom t iHi MaMiootflU lo with thm wottUerf'i! crliof lhU grmmt tmrtma itemed,?, Ut MEXICAN Utistaiig Liiiiment, . fc, : - - ,. i i.t f i 't' F0K MAS AND BEAST. Tala Halmaat vary natnrmlly ortalnatr.1 lu Anwrt as. whar If atura aotrldaa ta scr laUtratory auch -aarprlalBC aatUotsa for the maladies of her chit area. Its fame has been spreading for a yoan, tratll sow It enclrclea the habitable tlulyt. "Tha Uaxlcaa Uuatan IJnlment Is a tnairhleaa ramadf f(r al external ailments of man and beas To stock owners ejtd'faimon u Is Invaluable. A aintrle bottle often aaras a hamaa lifor i Stares tba aasfalaoas of aa axosllent uoroe. ojc, sow. or sharp. . ' K cares foot-rot, JrapfHrfl. hollow horn, grub, aosew-wotm, SBOlthlar-rot. aaanire, tha bites and itlncs ot potaortous p(U and Instvtu. snd tttrj luck drawback to Mock brccdliuj and bush llf'p. It earoa arcry external troublo of hnrwa, snrh a lameness, scratches, awlaajr, anrattiis founder, wind-fall, rlns bono. ela..ic. ; Ths atexteaa Uiutanj UnUnrn t Is tho quickest ars ta ths world for accidents eetrarriiur la tha family, la ths abeeaoa ot a drslolaa, such as boras, acalda, spralna, cuts, etc, aad for rhcu wa. turn, and softness enfrendtrred br exposure. I"ar ticnlarljr Taiaabla to iitners. , . , It la shsoheapost remcdjr In the world, for It penetrates tko atuatsle to lUs Imae, and a aingla Appllcatioo la cuneratir sufficient to cure. Zlcaa Vtutant Liniment la pnt up la three ' siaeaot battles, tlie larger onee being proportion. afiab stash tha cljpfM idd averywhaia. " t'M INSURANCE. Commercial Union, of London. Capital, 312,- 500,000.: Nortn Britisn ana ner- cantile. Capital, $10,- 000,000. . . Also tho Imperial, Lon- don northern & Queen. Capital, 339,000,000. 0. H. BTBT7ABT, ; "." Assnt.' a tWA-Jt. OCD. K E AD 1 STONES, TACLLTC. Itutland Qiarriu and Mi?U in Vermont, anil cuatotnara tlio Ix wt of marh'c. as riinMihoit. r.iiaworlli Mriet", Alhsnr, Orr-;ron. k. WOOl k CO. STATIONERY, ETC., r-UEMII STot K OF MEDICINES is a firatrdaas nrtail Jru ntal'lLroeut. Lur or STATI (JSIZI OR TO OTtPHTt. ALSO, HE Ullias ON at reasonable figures. LYON'S Pa,text Metallic STIFFENERS PREVENT Bests and SIlcss fEsrin Gff ci tic SMs and Ripping in the SEAMS. FOR SALE BY . E. BOYLE, ;-' Cnstoiu Coot and Slioe 5Ialcr. . , JjTpnp.bTit the best stcck used, and a good fit guaranteed- French Kip Boots to order 00. l'hiladclphia Kip ' jti 1 0. Impairing nralljdonr. Give hiin a call. ' a35tf Albany, Orrgon. CITY DRUG STORE. Corner First and Ellsworth Slrrrlv. ALC.LV, OKEGOX. SALTiliAIlSP has asraiu purchased the City Drnc; Htoj, having purchased the entire iuloi eat f auooessor to A. Carothers & C. 1 ft' j bw rectsiving a splendid new stock, which, added to the former, renders it very oom- ?lete in all the different depart mem, 'eoling assured .that all can be sui Unj, hot It In quantity and prices. Mr. Saltmarsh tor dia fly invites hia old friends aud t uwtoiu era to give him a call. PRESCRIPTIONS will rooplvo Immedi ate and careful attention, at all ht .ttrs, tlhy and night. PURE WIXES ASD MQUOns for medicinal purposes vl3n!2tf TAKE NOTICE! IK YOU WANT A CLEAN, COM I-'ORT-ahle share, hair-cut or hath ro to the FASHION HAIR-CUTTING JIKAJ) ; .QUARTERS, whore you will find G us. Englai tier sod Henry Backenstoalways on haud aud ahlo and willing to do good work. Rooms on First street, two dons l lov Weils, i'aro Jk Oo.'s cilit-e. 1 :;tuf For Sale. A Splendid Farm. tin. t Ovrt-I ia well fenced and othen vise well Improved. 200 acres is the best ol fanning land. Good house, barn, and all c improvementa lor an excellent larui. Ko wii itk ui.nd on the pi. situated 1 1-2 miles west of Alb great agricultural center of Oreg terms enquire at tbo nines of vJSaltf . -,IHAT ecesxary modern tee. It is my tUa jn- For ,'IIER. ' ., .j. - , t - ims mas-