The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, March 05, 1880, Image 3

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    Kill lAY.
31 ARCH 5, 1S80.
lim;i ccuhty dlcshatic cohyen-
A Duiiuvratto Cimvculiou fur Lion County,
Oiron, will be held in Albany, ou
V-Inrly. Mitrrk SI, 1S80.
at 10 o'clock A. m., for Uicpurpo-eof electing
fifteen delegates to attend the Ik-mocratx
Sta'c Convention, ami fr the nomination of
a full county ticket, an follows :
Otio State Seic.tor, 6 Representatives,
County Judge, C, Clerk, Slier
iiT, Treasurer, Asscstor, School Superintend
ent, Surveyor ami Coroner.
The various PreciueU of tlie County will
hold th. ir primaries eii Saturday, March 20,
at 1 o'clock r. m. , for tin; purpose of electing
IVlt-ntca to the Couuty Convention, and to
nominate candidates frr Precinct fiicea.
Precincts i-ha'd lc ciititlml to representation
r. follows:
r it .V'.vmiv ..' t v liberty
Wrtt A ;ia.v .. 7 I ;rv u.t t,:o.
1 Iw'h'H (.: t rl.-it
ItruM. Vrwk.................. S! S rscuse .,
(VltU'f rtlSekj.. ,....,...,
K..X Valley S!Mh.-U.I
Kranklu. italic , 4 4uiliaitiH.MM
llarrtlmn 7 jSweot It.Mhe..
1 tJcv . ... 3, Waterloo . .,.
.. 6
T.iiit namV-r of delegate. . TS
l'.y order of the Una Couuty Central Com
mittee. MART. V. P.KOWX,
W. U. r.iLVK.r, Chairman.
Liu a 4'oawljr tcrpnbllraa f aavriillea.
At a meeting of tH Rrtpuhlicwn Central
Commit too of lJun county, held at Albany,
February 2St!i. it woa ordered that a Repub
lican County Convention bo called to meet at
tho Court House iu Alhauy on Wednesday,
Manh Slst, 1S.S0, at 10 A. iL, for tho pur-p-.we
of selecting 11 delegate to the State
Convention to be held at l'ortland, April
Clnt, 1SS0, nominating candidates for couuty
otlicers, and tlio transaction of uch other
business as the said Couuty Convention may
iWm neXsarr. It it recommended that
the several precinct meetings be held on Sat
urday, March 27 th. !SiU), $t 2 r. M., for the
purpose of selecting delegrtes to attend the
Couuty Couventiou. The several precincta
will lie entitled to delegates as follows:
r.i Altanr
i.ri h i rwk
. .Titrr ..................
Kisul; in tialiv...
r- jii.-
ii ,r ri 1 1 1 :
x. r..u-v, s. o.
7 i !- KAiHn ......
i. ; I .ii-i.
, - s ra.'u .... .. ,
,....t" . .....
.1 Saul jam . . .
3'l.v?ct H ,,
fi'trir L:ver;Ml
Piiriitj lUi j nt f'.r ee ijuile a li of
Soar froai t'.o nu'.U of A'.'my lioa been shi
pl from i'.irtljiid for LterjK..l. The Linu
Couuty Slilli, o ue.l by 1'ullard, Io:u ii
C., have afl'iat alrea ly C.tKW barrels on the
.JifririiCTje.- Ffiinijtej hLU crossed the bar on
her way out o i t!ie 21:h of last month, and
are putting alxmt 2,030 more on the ilAnuf
thyn which is now tLi:i in caro at l'ort
land. Tu?. Monteith, proprietor of the Al
bany City llul-t. shippe.1 about S.tXK) barrels
oi the AbtrjiicirLS Cj-U!', which orowd the
' bar on her way out on the 2Uh of last mouth,
and will shortly tuliuw it withv auother large
s'lipmeut. J. II. F-jot.T, proinrietor of the
Maious Mklli, liu 3.r?: iy shipped some to
th9 tain' point, and at present t imttiog
several thotmiul barrels aboard the Kixro,
which is now lyin at Portland. From a
private Livcrj.l market report, kindly fur
bished us by Mr. Foster, we learu that Ore
gon floor raU-s lii;h-r in that marken than
that of any other State in the Union, of
which fatt oar peop!e may justly feel proud.
We hope all our miiUrrs may realize hand
some profits on their venture.
There is no ue talking, we are bound to
liave ool weather aIo:i tte latter part ci
this mont'i, for don't theoU women tell us
that the ground liog and Cue lion and lamb
business jast fcUjctn illy gets a way with all
other prophecies. It's just this way accord
ing to their belit f : The ground hog comes
f! of hu hole on the second of February,
nd ii he pan fe;o the sihadow of hut tail be goes
tae'i'an-l ho'ej up for ix weeks, and at the
ead of that tiuiii he find; good weather. Tlii
year on February CJ he saw bij fchadow.
Besides this iufUbie rula tliw say "If
March ooum i-.i lik a lion it g:e oni like a
lamb," a:;d a'- that opriiij cjwus with
r.Dtter, wliit-U. year on the 2Sth
of March. Vou will see at onco that all
- these rules coiucide with each other, which
shows conclusively that the old ladies have
the "bulge" on the weather tl;U sx,r""S aa)'
Twe More lororluuiilc
Veterday inoruinj;:s train brought to this
city Mr. JI. K. Sehooliiy, who, after being
examined by Doctors lkughtou and Davis,
was adjmlged insane and was taken to East
rorthmd at oqi. The old gentleman's in.
c-.: y U of a mild type, and lie baa been an
i'uuale of the asylum once of twice, before.
lie was brought down from Harriiibarj by
hU nephew', Hon. Ja3. 1. Schooling, of tlist
Chiu. Levu, an old resident of the upper
end of the county, became partially demented
a year or so ago, and bein treated for it, al
rno.t entirely recovered, bnt he has again
lost Lis reason and was brought down yester
clay from Uarrisbur-; by Jas.. U.'.ey. He ahto
,.ia examined by jioctors KoJehton nd
J j.'.vj-, and wjil j-e aken to the asylum to
The Uamlall Marraw,
Vi'hiie rambling throngh the lower part of
Tow'u lost 1'iidny we dropped in on Mr. Put
nam, at Iim new xhop. near the twilie mtij,
and fouud h'.m hard at work puttin2 up a lot
of the celebrated Ilamhijl liarrows". He pnr-
chiscd all the irons iiieh belonged to the
- barrows burned at the Mammoth Warehouse
(re arid Js jttingttem up asrain. Tiese who
have tried hem ery that the heat has not
damaged the disci in the least. He will sell
them at a lower figure than tbfcj were orig-
- ins'.ly ht'd at and ill still make jjood wage
Uune (a ot4Hlv. . . ; x
Clement Esinoni:!, the gentlemanly French
man who for the paj-t year has been ranniug
j eoll'ee and spiee manufactory i , this city,
jjtarted this week for Sseattje where lie ex
pects to open out in the same business. He
understands his business thoroughly, and
would have succeeded well here if pur popu
lation had been larger. The people of Seat
Io will fjnd Mr. JJjmonin qn ljonqnible mn
deal with and we hope they will give him
4 liberal patronaga. --
1 ' .
iPietyiery oF Oreos.
4 Irrail Crt teket.
Following is the docket of the next term
of Circuit Court for this county which "con
venes next Monday t
I John V Moore vs C F. Wolverton, ad
uiinutrator. Kuuity.
N White vs W B Helm, et ai. Kittity.
3 C O Barnes vs MY Krowu, ct si.
4 Thomas Daniels vs Agues Daniels. Di
vorce. 0 Hodges Milion vs Silver Hill Mining
Co. Kqmty.
Andrew McCalloy et s vs Sophia
Brigg. Kqnity.
7 John McKiuney vs T S Summers.
5 Coos Bay Wagon Iload Co vs the Coun
ty of Coos and Couuty Court of Coos County.
Writ of review.
9 Duncan McFhee vs J M lleach. Ap
peal from Justices Court.
10 D A Carter et al vs O II MoKinncy et
sX Etuiitv.
I I J S llorry vs Ad Edgar. Appeal from
Justioes Court.
12 Jacobs lWs vs McCalley & Andrews.
13 1' W'asserman vs MeCalU-y .t Andrews.
14 John Conner vs Fhilip (?lsby.
tion to recover mouev.
13 II A Davis vs'Jolin Teters ct al
tion to recover monev.
10 H A Davis vs 'John Teters et al.
tion to recover money.
17 Amanda Laytou vs F M Lay ton.
13 A McCalley vs Elizabeth Rittcr.
in equity.
19 A McCalley vs the Albany Farmers'
Co. Suit in equity.
20 FhU Coheu vs Fhilip Oiigsby. Aetiou
to recover inooer.
21 J U Mullen vs the ity of Albany.
Writ of review.
C2 Corbet t & Failing vs J Thonipsou &
Sons. Action to recover money.
23 Smith, Brssslield A Co vs Thoa T
Wilson. To foreclose mortgage. ,
2 1 Sarah A MoMahau va Jas MeMahan.
Divorce. .
23 Damon Smith vs J A Wilson. Ac
tion to recover money.
26 Murphy, tirant ft Co vs J Thompson
Sons. Action to recover money,
27 Adam (.irant vs J Thompson & S.ov
Action to recover money.
2S Adam Tripp va li McCalley. Talon,
close mortgage.
29 Adam Tripp vs S Luttrell et al. To
foreclose nwtgagw. .
30 Ueo II hi nee vs W II RowUud et si
To foreclose mortgagn.
31 W 8 Strong vs W E Fayna. Action
to recover money.
32 Edward Lee vsA J Lea and Titos
Smith. Suit in eqnity. ;
33 W K Newhouse vs R L 'and M I Ap
plegste. Action to recover money.
.W it S btranan and n 11 llumplirey vs
Luther Klkiaa. Action to recover money.
33 J K Holt vs Sam II Horton. To fore-
clone mortgage.
36 John Wolverton vs John W Cleave.
Continuation of sale.
37 J B Henderson vs John Jacket. Same.
33 David Youce vs Jas Wc Malum. To
foreclose mortgage.
39 Alonzo Ames vs J II Taylor. Con
firmation of sale. -' '
40 Sternberg. Senders ft Co.. vs E O
Michael. Same. -
41 O F Crawford vs Henrr S Gore.!
Same. . ; ; . i
42 W L Vance vs W J Millhollen. Same.
43 T B Allen vs A A SetUeniierSine,
41 W L Vance vs Farlowluikey. Same.
43 J J A ins worth va Si V Brawn. Same.
4J Mary Kees vs Farlow Mnlkev. Same.
47 A McCalley vs Ct Kohn: Same.'
4S. Board of School Land Commissioners
s A Wiley. Suit in equity. . . . .
J -. .1. ( 1' '.
lory Ut.
Following is a list of persons drawn for the
grand and petit juries for the belt term of
Circuit Court, which convenes next Monday:
Joseph PearL tncrchant, llalaey.
1' L Wallace, farmer, Lebandou.
J I UendersoB, farmer, Browusville.
II B Sprenger, farmer, Shcdd.
John Meeker, farmer. Syracuse.
Allen McDonald, farmer. Ceo tor.
Wm Hawk, farmer, Harrhibnrj. -
G W S perry, farmer, Brownsviltel
Jos Kixen, farmer, Santiam.
A 1' Nye, fanner, Liberty. .
A II Baltimore, farmer. East A'hauy.
J X Swank, farmer, East Albany.
B XV Caodifr, mason. West Albany.
D G Clark, merchant. East Albany.
J M Eland, farmer, Lebanon.
J B Cornett, farmer, Shedd.
J B Galbraith. farmer, Brownsville.
I'ob't Foster, farmer, West Albany.
II N Derthick, farmer, Santiam.
C F Bishop, merchant. Brush Creek, t "
J N Rice, fanner. Drnsh CySek. .i v
W F Ilendrkkscn, farmer, West Albany.
Joe Harrison, farsser, Brownsville.
B F Brattain, farmer,' CaWy. 'i "
R C Miller, farmer, J-eba.non.'i.
G W Voung, farmer, East Albany.
Jas Crabtree, farmer, Santiam.
A Compton, former, Lebanon.
y D Hockenssqith, farmer IXalsey.
OIney Fry, jr., farmer, West Albany.
The Wralbrr.
Following ia a saniinary of the mcteorolog
ical observations of our fellow-townsman, Mr.
John Briggs, during the past month :
Highest barometer X0.CC; lowest, 29.50;
mean, 30.07.
Highest tbermoincter. &l; lowest 28; mean.
3&50. j is. li,Xii.Lij HI
Prevailing winds, south; maximum veloc
ity, 4.
Tula! rainfall, 6.G) iuches; niniberof rainy
days, 10; number of days on which cloudueas
averaged 8 in scale of 10, twenty-two.
Snow fall, J? 3 inches; number of frost days,
BlILROAU TO tr.DiJrox.
A tuilnay U-orrilM Tke UMlldlns of
the stead Assnred,
The much-talked-of branch railroad from
this city to Lebanon is no longer a myth the
company to build ft was organized last week
at Portland and engineers will be here In a
fow days to locate the road. Win. Hold,
President of the proposed narrow gauge, rid.
ioules the idea of this company haiUUug the
railroad, but the following items taken from
the FortUud press load us to believe that the
iron horso will make his entry In libation
before next harvest i
Articles of incorporation have been filel
by Hen. J. N. Dolph. J. Bmndt, Jr., and
Paul Sohulse in the oiliccs of county clerk
and Secretary of State for the Salem and Sib
verton lUitroad Co. t capital stock, Sf'JW.lXW,
divided into 2,001) share.
Articles of inoorpomtton have also Wen
filed by the same gentlemen for the "Albany
and lebanon liailroad Company.
The object of tho corporation is to con
struct and maintain a railroad and telegraph
line froiu,AIIny to Lebanon in l.tun oounty.
The principal otlice will be located In Port-
land; the duration of the same unlimited;
capital stock, $200,000; divided into 2,000
shares. Otrgouiwi. '
Yesterday (Saturday) afternoon articles of
incorporation of the Salem and Silvurtoii, and
the Albany and Lehnnon railroad companies
were tiled iu the otlice of tho Secretary of
State, at Salem, and also at the oilleo of the
County Clerk, in this oity. J. N. Dolph, J.
ISramlt, Jr., and P. Sehule are the incorpo
rators of both routes, and directors of the
two roads. J. K. Dolph has been elected
president and Joseph Simon, Esq., secretary
of the companies. The euginrors start out in
the tield to-morrow to locate the two roads
and both will be in running order nud fully
equipped iu ample time to move the cram
crop of next summer. . Tho proipevt of the
additional railroad service, now au assured
fact, is a source of cmeral satisfaction auioni
the farmers of the valley, and with the in
created facilities a much larger acreage will
be put under cultivation. .SMiunir..
Assistant EiiLrincor of the Oregon ft Cali
fornia railrod, Johu A. Hurburt, with the
necessary aid, Jeaves ttext Monday to locate
the proHl branches of roail at some con
venient Hint near Salem and Silverton, and
from Albany to Lelmuon. The (iliicvra of the
company in this city propose to puoh this
matter, and get these liranciie in operation
as soon as possible, Jl'hese roads will a
throngh an excellent secliou of country, and
be toe means of supplying transportation to
an extensive wheat producing cuuutry.
As Mr. Ileid says, this msy mean nothing
st all, but we have no U tter evidence that
his proposed read will be built The old O.
ft C. R. K Co. bavo generally kept the prom
ises msdo to them to the people, end we are
confident that they now intend building a
branch of their road from this city to Leb
anon. It will open np a large ami TcrUIe sec
tion et onr county and w ill 1k a pa) ing in
vestment from the day tf its comptetion.
We are satisiicd that tho eopli of toibanon
would rather havo it than Heid's narrow
gaage, as it would give them direct and rapid
communication with this city, but thry could
not object to having botli. If they bad the
narrow gauge alone they would be completely
at its mere)-, while on the other tbey would
ship their grain direct to Portland, or cnald
shij) it to this city whetc there is romiwtttuin
Wtween. raitruad and river trai.a'M.iUtii n.
But; nevertheless, they wa-it a railroad out
there, -and -the -one that rvachr tbrm fust
ill be tho favorite.
A rrcmlnnx lo e:lrr-
In a copy of ihe sjrtin pspT, Alt'l
AJIont, sent us a few days ag by tho pub
lishers we observe tho following notice mark
ed especially to attract our at L-ntitu :
The A&rUl ami AJtanl offers the flhwina
premiuiu to anglers f'T the fishing season oi
!.-, to be awanicu oo. in :
For the largest brook trout canaht in the
wild waters of the United States f, t :
iroveil make. It will rnmprie a six evlit
bamboo rod, with reel, line, three di i' n files,
fly hook, creel and three nine foot lenders.
This Is a splendid premium, anil it is our
opinion that some of our a'llers can get away
ith it. We have seen In oi k trciit taken
out of the Santiam that we think would com
pare favorably with any that can be caught
in the East. By tho way, if any of our read'
era wuh to subscribe for a paper devoted ex
clu.ively to huntiug, tubing, agnatic sjHrta,
eto , tby cannot do be'.ter than to take the
A RrUl itnit AjIimiI. J t it a IC t -c .w r, and
can le had for $L The SiMrna is M N .'-Vv
M:iV fOUU F.talllWN
Cprlnz Mllllnerr-Xew Malerlal -XoTelllrs
la ('est n sues. -
MI'lllNd ilILl.IHIr.ll V. ,
(ihapes in new Spring bonnets are so d lifer
ent that every one can have something to
suit. Tho poke bonnet, also called tho Sara
Bernhardt, has the brim pinched at the back,
while tho front brim is turned up against the
crown. Then ws may too t'so Marie Chris,
tine, which shows the front brim cut omii,
nud this also is to bo turned back ogniuit the
crown. Other hats come with soft, w hie
brims, and these are turned up, down, back
wards, forwards, or any other way, just as
the uiilliurr may fancy. The "Cashmere,
nr Oriental Ideas at to coloring and pattern,
which I alluded to in my last lutter as about
to penetrate everywhere, are notably mani
fest in straws, which wo see dyed in all sorts
of shawl like colors and designs. During the
winter, we had "Cashmere" silks and ribbons,
but now ws find as has been said, the entire
boiiuut imbued with Eastern fancies. Of
course there must be contrast somewhere,
and so wo find ich ribbons and silks iu plain
colors both dark and light, and these will
be used as shadings to relievo what would
otherw uo be a picture all too bright. Furth
ermore, as the gold shades are extremely
prominent iu Spring goods of every kind, we
observe heavy importations of Tuscan and
other yellow straws. They are at all prices
and degrees of fineness, while chips are eon
stnutly dyed iu old gold colors. Then wo
havo straws in braids of alternating colors.
There is a great run upon this latter style;
some being dark, others light; others dark
and light'hile again ws see straw
lmunvts entirely red, blue or garnet, for the
dilTcrent garnet shades will continue very
fashionable. More expensive bonnets are
mails of laeo like braiding; transparent of
eour--. mid needing to lie lined, or again the
lioim-t i composed of three straw laces unit
ed with something heavier. Small turbans
for general wear, are largely brought out aud
probably w ill be much worn by those young
laJies who have adopted the satno a'iaie this
winter. Flow ets are iu wonderful profusion
and beauty. They are both large and smalt,
placed in pronounced bouquets or in trailing
and fairy like vines and sprays; the latter
styles being especially appropriate for those
rough carelessly shaped hats which will be
seen at watering places. Variety is farther
more given by tl.e introduction of feather
bands and fancy witit, which will be used
for serviceable hats and bonnets. Many are
dyed in Cashmere burs, bat again we observe
bright bauds of natural feathers, as well also
as breast and Itead of birds. Birds likewise
will be employed, but of coure not exteu-
lie Merino cloths are covered w itU palm
leaves and other Eastern fancies, the same
may be said of new lawns, jaconet, aud in-
ocd the whole family of cotton goods, both
of high and low degree. But invariably we
llml plain lawn etc., to match, and this o(
cotirse is a broad enough hint that plain goods
must bo combined, in order to give effect of
iliadiux. Light woolen goods are likewise
devised in cashmere patterns; summer silks
are beautiful in their shawl like semblances
new satins are similarly wrought; new velvets
as we'.t, and thus it becomes apparent that
these Oriental bless extend throughout the
Onr Mrhuol Merlins.
a he annual meeting of this school district
was held at the Cotirr Houso last Motidsy
evening, and was well attended.
I Bilyeu was made chairman of tho meet
Ing, and presided in a manner which gave
satisfaction to all
After His objoct of the meeting had been
read, the Clerk, J. IL Burklwrt, was called
niHiii for his report, which was as follows i
PiitiKiMnuntr..., .,. , , .I.Sfl.l M
Awowiiwnt tor I;d. ..., ...., 1,:1(I On
All utlivr murees, l: IH
Ami.unt of reelpt. , S.'MI (W
IMi ill IH7S
luoehun iliirtns
Awnint sf dUbumrmsnt,.,
llslsiivs on baud.
3,:ill (X)
This report was on motion received and
placed on file.
Tho Directors then rendered their reriort.
the financial portion of which was substan
tially tho same as that before read by the
Clerk. They also reported that tho piobablo
cost of running the schools during the current
year would bo about as follows ;
I'rwonl Ili.lektnlliMH.
m twebsrs tar V luonlln.........
Mtua, Unjutiu, etuis., te.. ......
litrlitatlal f kimMMi
Clsrk's o.uiiiliMoin.....
The Presbytery of Oregoa will convene iu
- this city ou the ibth inst.
, A Bare Event
Wm. IJumbaugh and wife, of this city,
were married on Sabbath,' February 89th,
1S52, and althongb they never Lave a wed.
ding anniversary but once in four years, last
Sabbath was the first time that it has occurred
on the Lord's day since they were joined, in
wedlock. They observed the event in a be
fitting manner, as well they ought to, for it
will be sometime before they get another sucj
opportunity. Wo have an invitation, to afc
tend bis next gelpbratipo,' afl'f JV ',cau'
attend ourgelf we wilt send a graadehihL-
t ... . ... j :
. tlMPie frr ftpeevlaUe. . .. ;
By referenpe to onr advertising oojunius it
will be seen that John A- Spongier will sell
at publio sale cn Saturday, March 20th, a lot
of farming implements, household effects,
stock, etc, aud if you want anything in that
line you should by all means attend tho sale.
Bead the list of things that he expects to put
up for sale. The sale wiU occur on the old
Luper farm, about six miles sontj) of title
t .
; . . t
U an iuUresting study to wath the rise and
progress of anything that has- T teaiffnpy to
benefit the human race. "As a general "rule,
"Patent Medicines are looked, upon with
doubt and suspicion, and if any have risen to
eminence at all, : it has boea by a , liw and
torturous course, btt net so w jtjjjit, Ilvis?'
(JoLUKn 'BL'ooe Si-mi 1 ajdnieft 'fas 'leap
into pub.Iic. favor
world. And w
as hoasehold woriU'i WpJifct eery 'din; pi
ociy- . -000,000
. llen;T.;j) Wolfe sill prs&a livlliiyi
Church next Sabbatli botb.-in the TOorning
and evening. In the evaning the tlime will
be "Cards, Chess and Billiards. ; The public
a cordially invited to attend.
-. . - Ki-atl Thi. -
O kt .jisti - -... i ... . . i
liven in three bard times yon rsntti.i w e
ot aloo,; w ithodt i'un grur. fio if you have
any cash to seiid you will do sell to take it
to Usjlenden Brow's w ho are selling goods just
as low as they can lo honestly sold. They
keep a splendid stock and yon can rot as
sured that yon w ill be fairly ami honorably
dealt with. Notwithstanding tho great ad
vance in canned goods, they arc'ttill cfTering
them at old prices and tbucgh the prico
low tko quality cannot be excelled. If do.
sired, their agent, Mr. J. Tyler, w ill call upon
you and tako your orders every morning or
at any time and thus save you the trouble of
going down town.' Tliii:', oi it. ' tiive them
trkT. - .
. m
A flra.nd Horse Hole
Parties dawn from IlaUey iaform uh that
during the lust ton day, or two weeks a gen
tleman froui Portland has beeq there engaged
iu buying op work .1iorea for the Oregon
n:i ... 1...
used in the work of grading their new rail
road in Eastern Oregon. - It has orca ted con
sidcrabfa: exdiVcuient in that community, and
there has beon as many as three hundred
horse in town at one time. The prices paid
range from $80 to $110 per head, aud several
thousands of dollars have already been paid
out and some eight or ten car loads of horses
fomanhd to Porthad; ;'" I
" ' Wf:.. ' , '
An ifW laivamark Hene.
' Who is there that ever lived iu Linn couu
ty that has not seen the lone tree on "Lone
Tree Butte?- -Very few, U any. It has
stood on that Butt? for sges, and has been a
prominent landmark with our peoplo ever
since they first entered the Willamette Val
lew; but M it is gone. The 'heavy wind
storm we had on the 9th of January broke it
on Uob fue-jotmn oyws iengtn trom the
gfobaif, h4 now ah that is left Standing of
t'ia oupe beautiful trec.js an unsightly stump
abon.t W M h'zK
entire range of drrss. But it must bo rc
membeml that extra stylishness brings cor.
rexjxindiug expense, and therefore kit these
uew goods are coiisidtrrsbly higher prico than
thoo which have been longrr in the market,
or whkh are less pronounced in haracter.
lWloii;;ing U the foxmcr class, the jardiniere.
or floral pattern inny be laentione.l, they
however being stilt looked upon as quite fash
iouahlr, wbi'e iu the latter category, we find
tho family of small cheeks, ! ri j r s e U. , which
are a! ays iu vogue. !
Shot t walking costumes Will bo quite as
much worn as ever. Iu this tiki, tho Nar
cbxa is very t.teful, and adapted to all new
w.'.,l or tilk t'jatrnal. lor a dciuitrsin,
tiumgh allowable with a short costume, the
HTi:ie-ie overskirt is novel and quite pretty,
while embodying opNito ideas, we iind the
Alula orumLirt which is adapted to a walking
co.tune only. lbe Alcina is a nsw polonaise
whtc'j combtiies t!io t licet of A lau;,t-r basque
villi an overakirt, but reiiuu-uS a trimmed
s'.irt K'low. The Aleson lasijue is an excel
1. ut ilwiii el I'iit sprn wooU-ns or silk
Vitiio for a spriug street jacket, nothing
new r or more Jauuty than the rrederica
could be found. I.l'CT CaRTCU.
tailed WerWtnra.
Hun. T. IX Odcuual, Deputy Grand Mas
tor, , A. 0. U. W., returned from Southern
Oregon last week. While out there be or
ganixed a new Lodge at Jacksonville with
thirty charter moiiibers. Following are th
names of the officers : ' Past Master Work
man, T. G. Eemosj Mrster Workman, II
fx. Ilanua; General Foreman, W. J. Ply male
Overseer. T. B. Kent; Itocordcr, Frank
Kraute; Financier, Chas. ?ickoll; lleceiver,
K. Kubli; Guide, E. B. Watson; InsiJ
Watchman, Fred Lnyj Medical Examiner,
Dr. G. IL Aiken; Lodge Deputy, 1! H. An-
tenricth; Trustee, J. A.. Wilson, IC. Fisher
and Fred Crob.
Also Home Lodge No. ' C4, A. O. V. W
was organised by him at Oakland, Feb. 20th,
with tho following officers i P. M. y'., Geo,
T. IJussclI; M. W., James Dearling; Fore
man, E. J. Page; Overseer, Alex Gilison
Guide, W. T. Fisher; Recorder, EugduoMnl
lcr; Financier, W. II. Moore; lleceiver, W
H. Kruse; L Y., E. Hartsock; O. W., T. W
Wiuuiford; Medical Examiner, Dr. 'h
Page. ' " ' .... . . '" :'"- , '
hlrurb It Bleu.
Tho Standard tolls us that Mr. Jas. II.
Miller, who resides one mile from Svio, has
suddculy dropped into a fortune of 23,000,
by an offer aud tho sale of a marble quarry
and iron ore, on A flat of poor land in Vir
ginia. A railroad recently finished from the
coal beds, which passed near his marble and
iron ore, with tho active demand in the iron
trade, caused the attention Cy' capitalists' tu
pe yrnu io, ii prppcxiy, wiiitn aswirmeny
regayde-d as worthless. Twenty. five thons
and dollars is not bad to take. '
at oueev in every bait the
it hasbeoouiehs PlasnUiar
'' -' - .reslonlee on (ion Creek.
The dispatches from the East inform us of
the fact that a posfoffice has been established
at Wells Station on the West Side liailroad,
near CInglos School House, and that Ja?.
Gjngles is the TOstmaBtcr. Tina otlice will
be of; graafc beftfcfit tp th peopbj; of Spap
Creek, and a more aceommodaling gentleman
coald not hao been found to take care of it,
hi J i Iburkei is Wawa. -
'P. II.' Raymond, J. K.,' Weatherford, and
qthers, who, went up . to Wasco couuty
couple ef .wpeks ago tq get land, are now
dropping lii one by one. They all succeded
in finding good loud aud have each taken up
at least a half section. Their claims lie be
tween Willow creek and John Day river,
about CO mile's from the Dalles.
O'.t 81
... S.illl 10
Air. Ait
...... ........... S.31SS fKI
M Ii 117
9 Sin M
.... S.tUO Wl
... I '-: u
,.,. too no
' M0 OU
S,S1 oil
To meet this exjwuso the litrict wouhV
receive publio money to the amount of aliout
$1,800, which would leavo a deficit to 1m
raised by taxation of a little over $2,000. It
was their belief that to raise this amuuut by
taxation would require a levy of 21 millu.
On account of tho present stringency iu
money matters they recommended that the
people should not take any action towards
making a change in buildings. Their n j-ort
was received and placed on file.
I. Fliuu then tuada a short speech iu which
be stated that be thought it better to only
make a levy of two mills, and coins out
liuhtlv in debt next siiriuu than to put it at
nulls and havo mouey tsken out of circu
lation and laid up iu the clerk's bands for
veral mouths. In conclusion he moved
that a tax of two mills l levied upon al'
taxable projierty in District No. S for the
purpose of maintaining free schools in s.i.l
district for the current year.
After it was seconded, J. I. Cowan moved
to amend by addiug "provided, that none
but the common English branches shall be
This amendment was scepted, and the
piostiou then being put on the original mo-
ion ss amended, it carried by a vote f 07
to uC,
A motion to adjourn then prevailed.
Onr Sew Bsad DIMrlrl.
UJUar Drmocral:
Allow mo space in yoar !air to ak a
question in regsrvl to the change mad hy our
bounty - onuituMioners in the jussd itstnets
of this connty. How are we fanners to know
in what district we reside? Yi hen the votmz
preclude were changed the iH.undarios of the
new onee were given; bss any sneh action
bon taken la regard to th r . I .li-tnetT
By auswennif these iinwii n vn wid eon
lcr a lavor on me. ami i.i-.'.i.y ei ii.i.trn a
great many of your sulwentn c.
t . I . IK
We have c-mferred with our county o!ii, uU
on this subject aiul learn fr-m them that
each new IU SnerviirhaslHrn furu'-hed
Willi a iioscnption oi ins iisirurr, an-1 .1 . nr
readers wish to ae-I'aio in which they rri.l
tliey wU either have ro Watt until thry arc
called ujhiu by the Super Uur, or e'se come
ta Alliany and look at the record. Tho
boundaries of tho uew disttiet have lint bee n
published. We will add for the information
of onr correspondent and other reader that
the boundaries of the new road ui-tiieUhave
been made to conform as Ucxily as possible
to those of the voting precincts, but in sev
eral cases this made the territory too Ur,c,
and then the precinct was given two districts.
Hume and Abreml.
Chew Jackson's test Sweet Navy Tobac
co. Circuit C'oUit convenes in this city next
Monday, r ejir
Tho fair ground was rented last Monday to
J. A. Crawford.
C'onsiderable railroad talk can be beard on
our stroots now.
This week we havo Wit having March
weather In its purity.
Pay up your snlMcriptinii and gi t the ChU
rtt;o ti'akly A'ap Uir a year nr.
1 he regnlar montly mneting of Albany Ei .
giito Co. No. 1 occurred last evening.
E. L. Bristow came up from Salem lart
Wednesday and icnt a day or two in this
Don't forget it ! You can get the I'UUujo
Wtrlly AVirsatid tho Dr.Moruvr one year
for C 3.
Good brooms csn be had at tho Alhsny
Broom Factory for only throe dollars tier
We don't go so much on the U dutiful snuw
as we used to; it is bvcomiug altogether too
Geo. C. Blakely, IL J. C. Avoiill and Mr.
Jack, of Brownsville, were all in this city a
few days ago.
Capt. Mathews was buried yesterday.
He leaves a large family in nlmo.t destitute
Thst motlii'r's Iwrt Wpnt qiii.-My n,
Ttiat mother's band rent down s
For h'j wss pkcfid xaellr riylit
To teel s isre?it's Irown :
Anil she dltl sinllo him li',' anil II .''i,
fehs diil tlis J')I) tip hrawn.
Ill" Iih liiii'i m th l)0!i:ui,' I
Tn foriy-fivs ileitrces
J!i Kiw tlic stsrs frotii heaven fu!I,
t'luree lltittilit(j smut the tree,
. Atff trsvellii ai sin down !iU
Ahtfi'j wlih sflnns ut iivsf.
Tim thotti-ht ill tint wf)eij ruelhi.'.-iJia
Krvl up her haiiii one Inor.,
Ami stM'h a "lajht'fon ui hanjs"
Tlial lo ne'er 1ml l).,
WliiM he yliut, "M.AIii r! I'll I ;f.J
Ami wmi't ilo vi ni more,"
( tuveitiwrmeiit.f
l er Aser.
1 1,'.!! !:i.m i:n, Linn Co., Osn,, )
Feb. 2I, VA. S
To tho l)ent(fr,.t df Linn coniilyprectiii0,
I hereby annmino- myself a candidate fur the
office d Asm-swir, suhject to tho ileeision of
tho Democrat'!! County Convention.
Wiu.u-.f D. Pot-.ri tr.
f Ailvcrtiociiieiit.
A uniliitr fr tlriL,
Sr:o. .T.m. IC.l. MSO.
F., I ilor Dtm jcr, it :
Having Ix-vii incoiirag"d ttiid assured of
Iluscue Hook and Ladder Company No. I I the up)Mrt at many 1 letnncrats, J have de-
meets to-ulght in regular kei u. Muiubers I termined to allow my name to be brongt.t
should not forget this. I In-fore tho Unn Cuunly Democratic. C'onven-
11 is Honor W, H. Newbury,cxM.tyrof Pint-1 tion for the mrHiinntiou to the ',ic of CurU
land, was ia the city this week looking after f the Court, subject stall times to the action
his Uitcrests up here. I of rni 1 Convention.
For geuuiur, whole-souled hospitality com
J.)i:r; V. Ei:o.v
mend us to mine host Matthews of the Che.
tueketa Hotel, Salem,
-tt s sr . . ...
i no iirrttia ouico klarlril up tlieir new
press last Monday afternoon, and served op
refreshments to cullers.
Koine say that beer is only a summer di iu!:.
A 'ar.I I J tie ulersnf I in o I i.k'.i tj .
Uulisel by pitriotic r.i(tive, but bat ing
formed au opinion f.iMn.'.bh: t myself, i.nil
with a simrie i a t an ea-v Job at fair wi
but the Star Brswrry beer is jut as bealihy f,,r tho next two j ets, I li.t rw cifoily
DMs'l klarve isralh.
Week licforo last we published an item
from the Onyon!a stating that a tittle child
belonging to tavi Backus, in Nehalem Val
ley, had starved to death while the father
s away after food, aud we are glad to learn
that such was not ne esse. Thus. & Wi'ial
writes from Gree-nvuh', il asUingion county,
V the Oiv.-oHMif as follows
In your issue of the 21st mst. I noticed an
item resarding a little daughter oi Air. luck
us having died of starvation. 1 have tho
word of twe men from Neksloin, viz: air.
WeeilanJ Mr. Knight both ueighliors of
Mr. uackns tuat tlia statement is false iu
every ltarticular. The facts are ss follows
On the day of tho storm Mr. Backus was iu
Washington county, ami be started home
two or three days after. He exjicrienced
much ditliculty in getting over the road and
was over two davs makinir the trin. Ilia
family were not destitute, as wss stated, nor
did he go to St. Helens, fur he would have to
pass throueh the settlement to get to St.
Helens. 11 is child died of some disease re.
sembliiig a congestive chilL
A freak Insurance lapwajr.
now as in the hot weather,
All ki mis of tin work and rep.t'.r done at
Tweclalu's store store. A. C. I.nlmi has
charge of that department.
Mrs. Crawford, formerly Mis. For J, died
at Seattlo lost week aud wai brought to this
city lost Tuesday for burial
It is very likely there wilt 1 e coiuidcrahle
rvsjiottsible butlon-boliug done during the
coming session of Circuit Court.
Our county jau bss no ocn;i,t., and it
looks now liko linn couuty would ut this
term of court have no criminal cases.
Dr. E. O. Smith, fnnerly of this city, has
just got back to Portland from California,
where bo has bc-ru on account i f ill bcallli.
Veal and fat cattle cin always bo sold to
I fart less, at the Central Market. He pays
the highest raUi price for anything iu his
Sevcrl more new s heard from
in different parts of the country. No lack of
people this year who want to be public ser-vauts.
March came in more like a "bear w it's a
sore bead" than a lion, aud flora iudkatio:,s
now will gi ont more like a:i old bell-wether
than a la
1-iuti Kuiue Co. No. 2 held their regular
monthly meeting but Mobday evening, but
an account of the school ii.-tting they ad
journad at an esrly hour.
J. 11. Surlrs has moved bis botber shop
iuto the room two doors below Strbiu's aud
has ll:tcd up a real neat shi.ji. V.e has work
ed into a gootl pa) iug buine.
1:. inoii.U:r Uiat you cau get the Iiinsu.T
sua the A". J". UVZ JVor'J for one year for
ooly fit 25. This is a splendid opportunity
to get two papers for the price of one."
Wallub Nash, of Corvallis, made ua very
plvasaut call last W ednewlay. Ho u a w ide
awake, cnterjirisii'g geutlciuan. We dnly
wish we had more like him in our Slate.
When a sweet, little child skips up care
lessly aud rests its tuohuacs-smuared lingers
on Jour light castimrrca, it ia well enough for
yon to rcsucttiW that of such is the kingdom
of heaven.
Mr. Guild wrote a veiy ncawy letter here
Inch aiqwared in tho a few days ago.
but his head seems to bare bevu turned a lit
tle by a couple of our glrbt smiling at him
through a barber shop window.
At the but of I -iim M:.;,ine Co.
they t xpro?d then preference for the C'rsw
ford lot upon which to build their engtue
huuse. litis lot is tin the rat side of I .you.
between First aud Second streets.
Isn't it about time that the ladies' Aid So
ciety was giving another festival? We an
swer "yes" every time wo remember the
quality of the provision we tucked away un
der our vest at their last "blow-out,"
We understand Tho. Montcith is talking
some of, (Jetting a two-story brick building
on the Corner now occupied by llarllras. Pur
dom and Baum. If it is erected it w ill occu-
submit my name f.r ymir favorable considera
tion as a caudiditc for election to tfie i.llice
of Treasurer f Linn county at the ti-t en
suing t'b'Ctiou, ubj."ct to nom inrit ion by the
Democratic Cnni.'y Conventiuii l:i whiiH.
aetioii I slialt cordially aeiiniesei'.
Charrh l)!rertry.
Y. Y. C. A Meets at their r-xfl us in Fs
ter's brick building on Wednesday mevuiy
at 7:30 o'clock, and on Hahhath sftf-rnoonest
4. Business meetiiiL's are held on'tbe eveu
ing of the second Monday in each month.
Everybody invited to attend.
U. P. Ctlt'Uni. Preachingevory Sabbath,
at 11 A. K., and 7 r. M. by llev, K. O. Ir
vine, D. D. habbath School at 2 "J0 r. M.
Prayer meeting every Thursday evening.
KvAJWEWCAt. CnvKCM. Preacliinff on 8ab
h.illi at Ham., and f J r. f. .Sahoath
Sebnol 12:1., Prayer nie ting every Thurs
day evening. J. liowersoX, pastor.
CoMcnwMTJOXALCifclw'H. Hervh e every
.'Itthiialh st II A. M. and 8 r. St. Sabbath
.;li,I at 2.B0. Prayer mcetuiLt oa
Thursilny evening of each week. J, W.
Harris, pastor,
M. E. CntfRcK, Soirrii. Services every
5. -it.hatli at St. Pout's M. E. Church, XmU,
at 11:30 a. M. and'i " ; Sabbath School
at 12J P. m. Prayer inerting every Vednes
day cycling. M. C. Miller, pastor.
M. E, Ciil'itcif. Preaching every Sabbath
at 11 a. m. and "t r. u.. Song service in
the evening U foro sermon. SsbTwth School
at 2:30 r. M. Prayer meeting every Thurs
day evening. J. ', Wolfe, pastor.
St. F.rmorxv Ciit'BCW.-Divine ser
vice is held in the Church every Sunday at
11a.m. Sunday School at 2:30 rn.ll,
I Steveioi, pastor.
ItilTfciT Clft i'.fil.-jrvicee every SsbWh
at 1 1 A. U. and "J f. M. Sablntb School at
Ii 1'rayir meeting every Thursday even
iff. W. J, Crawford, pastor.
PuManmit piiuu.'ic ServU-e every
'al.l,.ito inoriting and evening iu V. P. C. A.
Hall. " Sunday .'Vliool immediately rfter tho
iii,irniiii acTvicv, Prayer metmg every
TiiunuUy evening. llv. Elbert N. (HHlit, "
pasU.r. -
Very rejctfdly.
l.i.l K AV.I I.
I.s-ltrr IJt.
In ll,e l'xH on.. .. til,
iron. March itii, I
lriiir mttU. ici
UoVil, Malcolm
Co'x. A W
Clark. Mary M
Davis, C A
llccd, Hofieci
si st : tiuui lii
II wen, Wm
Mrior. W M
Ut'Cie, Jyvc h
Ibo fattii if J. Kline, 0 milm Mciiitk of
Atlmiy, on SV.urday, Msreli SiJih. begin
niiitf m. iu o'l h. k a. -f.,Uio rollowti.t; pr
jiial property :
Oiut 11 tHMMiriil; 1 Morrison o!ky plow;
I It inch walking plow: a barrows; 2
i lr 1 crushers; 1 ;;oo, -liaek, of Willert A
liimh's make; 1! milk cow; I SS year
old heifer; 1 how and ton pigH, and alout
f'.ur Io-n Ctx-liiii and txtcliorn cbickemc
AIo various il.i'.i reiit anh'iewof household
Tkiim op Salic AU mini nmlr v
reo-li in Imiul. n oil lunn over to credit
w ill le Biven until Jan. 1. 1HSI. without iu-
ttrest, tin j'ureli.iscr lo glvo a note with
approved iwcurit v.
Sfareli i, 31wS
Samuel or Freddie
P. II. RAYMOND. nntl C'a-t.rl.
i rrtl I'utiniig wishes us to n..or n our
readi-rs that he lias jat received a maguiii.
cent sloci r( eolum a-l cj..:'ji, ra I here
sftcr be will sell tiiei tit tic-s never lfre
hrsr.t .i ia t:s e-ui:unuity. lo give sne
idea of !s prices. In antuorlus ns to say
The Eai-t half cf Joel Ket-hnni'e Dona
tion flail. i on th Sanlialll, 9 nillon Kant (f
AHstny, IOK N tl,E in liiutr lott to
I Miiit, on cay tonus.
Apply iniiiiwiiau-1 v. to
Slwl Alhauy, Oregon.
Holies of ligaec's Appointsicat.
In tlio matter of the firm of J. Thomp
son A .-Sons, insolvent debtors:
Notice t li-reby eiven that J. Tboum-
ten, J. V. 'l'lioiU-s!i and II. K, I homp
i Km, ciiiipru.iii'4 the firm of J. Thompwm
.-xiiis, nave amy awigna to tue uu)er
Kipiil 11 their pro(rlv, real, personal
ana HiixoJ, lor tlio beuetn. of nil tleir eretl-
for too latter pir'tn ma will
that baa heretofore et ft'ly 01
lie iiur.ns
Another Raiirsnd lo Vaqulna.
Wallish Kash, flsq,', of Corvallis, informs
ns that Wm. Reid says he will, eomplete the
West Side Narrow Oauge to King's Valley
this season, aud in less than two years - he
will extend it to Vapuna lay, This news
WiU be glu.ily received by the people of Bon
fcou county, who have been anxiously looking
orward to the building of suoh a road for
years. It will also give the eople ef Port.
lnud an opportunity of cheap fare to a seaside
resort that is far ahead of any now patrouized
by them.
1 t -
, " ni'tl Uoelnl.
The next regular monthly Vsocial of the
P.aptist Church will bo held at the residence
of the pastor, this" (Friday) evening, com
mencing at 1 o'clock. The usual refresh,
ineuts will be served. All are invited to at
tend. '
Front the Portland psjvers we lesrn that
the Oregon Mutual Fire Insurant Company
baa at last ceased to exist. It was tint what
is termed "mutual" company, but as that
did not seem to work vory well it was a few
months ago changed into a stock company,
and now has gone under altogether for the
reason, as the managers say that our State is
too sparsely settled, aud that there are so
many largo foreign aud eastern companies in
the field that small home companies must go
to the wall. That is not tho whole secret.
Men who insure largely auj llaye cuiuenueut
ly investigated the matter, arc perfectly
cwara of the fact that a small company which
has all its risks in only one or two States can
not afford such perfect security to its patrons
as can a company which has its risks scat
tered all over tho Union or all ever the globe.
The greater the field of operations tho, more
security is allorded to patrons, ,
S ' . I ; i
V. r. t'. A. AanewKcruscnts.
Tho annual business meeting of the Young
People's Christian AtwciatvPQ, will be held at
ho hall nejit Monday evening, for the elec
tion ef olliccrs and the transaction of such
Other business as may' coma up. Members
should not forget this. ,. e ?
A gospel temperance meeting will be held
at the hall next Sabbath afternoon at 4 o'clock.
Text Romans 14:21.
The meeting on Wednesday, evening will
be under tho auspices of, the' . Presbyterian
that tliey will r f.-om 3 up to S"0, and itors, in pursuance of an act of tba Lei-
miive Aswniuiy or tne hiafe of iiregoo.
i-utuloil: "Ao Act Ut secure creditors) a.
juMl uivUlou of the eMa! of dolitorn, who
iron ve-y to adgnees for the to-nelit of cml
iiors," apfved October Isih. JSiS. AU
lnn having claims agaimtf the naid J.
fiioinpisnn V Son are berebw noli lied U
preawnt Ihe tamo to ini at Ifabe-y, l.inu,
cosinty, ureijoii, properly venliej. wutiirs
three ui iii'in from the oalo horeof.
Ilalney, March 1 t, n ilwU.
Inruifn fclftMitlal fica.l tl.
Wo wU'i to cili l'ui a'.toiill-ui i i
ers to au urti-lo which uppcars
page of the Ittlloi ;;, r this w k
"Anibcr Cane." . Iwlieve ii
our re.iu-
.1 the f.rt
Could 1
grown successfully li. re, and if w, it might
prove very rein a iei -!.vc t. our fanners.
Who w ill send u end get enough seed to
give it a trial?
l ine In.nUr far tsale.
Ike Conn Iias
2 Mtioil out of the C-iuiity Court uf Li mi
...onlv, Oregnn, lo ma duec-tetl and tle-
iivercAl, for the eo'.'.oiiionortlie tloliuquetit
axcx in eaid county for the year lsi, of
... , . , -it- .1 . 1 ! inilll 1 11 0 iriMIUS UHWIR HSUHM, s
N. ad la planing, nd havo U-vtod uvin tho foUowiu dee-riboa
havo stock of f.KHiuL-, riovtie, furwubiug I real wJate as sH forth in said 'i'ax Htdl a
lumbur, -tc, will 1 kept oil baud at Uiel f,lo". t.-wU: The South half of tba
, , , ,., ... ,, I Nonhwe-t foMith, and the North ba f of
planer l.i UUan..!.. 1 btn aud rustic ul ,, s.iut!.wo r..nrt'. of -ii.n ltf. W.
be sold at and' C-l tbinrsaud, aud I whip Minia P.aiv-o ' West Willamatta
otln-r lumlitr iu projiorti'i. Our n-aders I Meriili.ui. in Unn couniv. Dree ni, -on-
will rcmeiutier that the luuu-er iwn Conn's I tninlnsr ni-res. lakn sut th rent pri
milt caiim bo excelled anywhere. , orty of Hie beim of William inU-rw, and
,! ilw I SowJu-v. JaI .in of AtirH. IZSif.
at tho Court lionise doorjn tho citr of Al-
llaid tj'uici !..ii a!.tyj ' cct; tow f ry iu ba'i.v, Litui cotuitr, Oretron, at the hour of
0,.Vts.-.,-,MW,l t,.ae, iar-idity. VV JWJl.L Jf,
auction for cisli in imud to naXiafy tho
of $1 :, (!lij amount of taxea .
ana uioiiey mi scarce w Ho nu M a l.eij s ;
teeth, on wh i , have r. ijtcrt ta uiy
Welfare I'L-afC sier to too front. A Word to
to the wi-e siilluiclit.
ery resjiect'.ully,
Enoch Bovi-i'-
The publio all lo kuow that a Safe rem
at Lkt been iUeove:eil for tho euro of dis
eases of tho Kidneys and Bladder, huJj out
of Oregon grow n herb". It is no less thau
py the outire sjwca from tho Oradwohl brick J the ORKC0X KIDXMY TEA. For sale by
to the street. I all drusoutt. DircctUuiiaccosiinr-viu ' each
Wo havo heard, some aajf thry would be in I packs. -c
favor J free sohools if it was a State institu
tion. Our advice to them is to keep it as it
is as long as possible. As soon as it becomes
a State law the tax would be ten mills in
stead of two.
We aro promised a "seed timo aud bar-
vest, but if thu weather holds oa much
longer they will come so close that there will
be danger of seed-sowers and self-binders col
liding with each other aud kuockiug things
into eternal smash.
We received a coiuiu juistiou from Soio
this week that VIS altogether too pcrsoual
for us too publish. If we bad published it
we would of had three or four rows on our
hands. Besides that, the name signed to it
was uuknown to us.
Esrbaase of PallK.
Next Sabliath Rev. Jo. F.sncry, of Corval
lis. will i. reach at St. Paul's M. E. Church
in this city, aud llev. M. C. Miller, the regu
lar pouter, w ill fill Rev. F.inerv pahut at
Corvallis, .
. cusv.
CHY,-ln th! rite, on Tuesday, XIareh i, 13A, to
th I.V.J U K. tiray asnu.
, situatr.a.
HOWM AX - V II KKt.r.I!. A4 r.i Jenceof James
Wheeler, bv Kev. J., Ms. Ko::tt
snj Mim Joa.Ns WitEKioti Uth el Uuu cil.v.
cliar;-evl) with cost anil expense of eotleo-'
tion. i. C. D1CK.&Y,
KheriiT and Tax Coileoior of idau Cc
luted thU 'Ah div of Maroh,
u:'.lt L
Adrainistrator'5 SaW
Real Estate.
lii .','. Cinri.'y Cure or" Linn Counvl S.'a'r of.
In the matter of the estate of Wool a
Davis, decease. "
1 in raimuance ot wn order of the lion,
tlio County Court of I jnn County, tieeoii,
made on tho 3rd ilay ot March, A. D. 1SSI,
tho undcrsinetl, AdtiiiuiMi-tor ilo txnis
lion, with the will annoxcit. of t'.o e-rtate
of Woolen Dnviii, deeitHl. will rvII at
rmhlro auction to the hiulioat bidder for
cakIi, iu one pan-el.ainl subject tocoutlriu-
at.oii ly Baiacourt, on
JfonJni, tlie ut Jity o? April, J$Si
lx?t woen tho hours of ft o'clock A. M. anil
4 o'clock 1. M , to-wiU at tho hour of
o'clock P. M. of saiil tav, at the Const
llixiso door iu the City vf Albanv, In 1 Jut
County, State ol Oregon- tho fllowiug da
s' iDU.tHkt.l ..hi UK, AWIK Uj3(HI. tiotll tit LlUU
m, . .. ... ... , p." , I . '
i lie net receipts oi me icaiivai, rutr ana l county
lunch given by the Laeios Aid Society last
AKMSTHa.NO WIXDOM. At the re)Vcn r.t y.r. I sitHmm! ureiui&ea tieloil 'incr to said 031.110.
Win. lttiiii, iK-.r llulm-v, liy Ke'. T. J. Wilson, Mr. It. t-wit:
And UoaH son rercrl II,
L. li lllain's spring stock of gents' cloth
ing, hats, furuishiug goods, and a special line
of boys' clothing, arrived in Portland on the
last steamer and will be opened out at his
store about Thursday oi next wock. If you
want a ftue suit of oluthing, a "fair to mid
dliu" suit, workingman'sl suit, or anything
else iu that line, he can fit you out ta shape,
and at very low prices for cash.
' A Candidate for Surveyor.
B. Chapman, candidate for County Survey.
or, subject to the action of the Democratic
County Convention. '
week was ?1 10 IS. This was a very fair
profit considering tho fact that Dr. Siniius
bad been looking at facos for !?" a 'whack"
for about a week before baud. .
, You can't fool an Albany girl. When her
follow takes her to a seat u a festival ami
says tie must "go ot a moment to see a
man," she dazzle him with one of her most
reliable smiles, .and pulliiig him back with
the ren-atk, "I brought some with roe," coyly
slips into bis hand a piuch of cloves or roast
ed coffee.
During tho past week, or two we have
noticed Jos. Nixon, of Santiam, Jos. Liggett
of Brownsville, W. II. Countess, of "llariis
burg, and other ean gentlemen in our city.
We noticed that thoir stylo of shaking hands
resembled that of about uiiio-tenths of the
people of Albany, consequently wo set them
down at onoe as candidates. -
' Our readers should remember that by
speaking to Hartlcss, at the Central Market,
th'ey can have a man call at their house every
morning to take orders for moat. : This ar
rangement is a great conveuienco to those
wi s do not wish to take time to run around
to the market every, moruing, and the beauty
of it is there is ho extra charge, connected
with it. ' '
DalnMinsrnt tho quarter section eorne-r
on tho West boundary lino of eotki thir-
tr, iu Township eleven South ltange thro
ll-v... . . Will,.. A -kf.. 1,1.. 1
i ecH, il .110 luniuvtio IUI4I1, bik,
running thenco South thirty-two nud one
tilth rods, thouco East one hum! rod aikI
tilty-ono and oue-half rods to Ilia tasl
boundary lino of the West balf of sakl
section thirty: tlienco ISortli sixty -tour
and two-tifihs rods, thence West oua lian-
iirea ana titty-ono ana one-naif roan to
the West boundary line of Baid section
thirty, theuco South thirty-two nud on-
tiflli rtHts to the place of tieKinntnir, cois-
Follow ing is a correct irviHirt ci the ntar-jtaiuiuj; sixty-one acres, more or lesw, U
1 er ms oNtiale t Cash in uanil,
Administrator de bonis now, with wit-V
annexed, of tho estate of Woolen Davis,
ileoeaseu. alw-4
im.i, .
McPOHAU-At UaThsnr Apeiiey, Kb. IS,
,,l hillioiu rviiiltli-nt lover. Uss. K. J. McHosalu,
daiurliter ol Joh.u X,ve vt tliU i.v s.14 f.l years 1
3 tuotiiiis.
M VBHEWS. In this ctly, on V.'eJnes.lay, Mar.-h S,i,
lSs0,t OOUKUIlfTillon, tIT. w.J. il.eniss ueo 4J.
Tlie KarUel.
Fire at IVebanou.
Last Monday eveuiug a ftro broke oi in a,
small dwelling house at Lebanon owned by
F, M. filler;, It was discovered in time
to allow the citizens to extinguish the flames
before they had done much damage.
kots in this city up to noon yesterday 1
W 11 RAT-Sd lr bushel. -OATS
2t5o per bushel.
FLOUR t&OO per bbl.
11AY baled, 13 per ton.
loore, 510.
1WATOES50 cts jicr bushel.
BUTTER 20 to "0 cts per lb.
KOCiS 25 cents per do?.
POR K 5 to 5 ots per IK
BACONS llama, 12i(:lGo.
shoulders, 9c
sides, 121c,
DiUKD FRUIT sun dried apples, 4o.
" ' plums, 11a
Plummer ilricd app!e3, Sc.
" " pUima, lt'.c
CUICKENS Si 50y -3.00 per doz. .
SUGAR San Francisco C, 12.
COFFEE Costa Rica. 'Z2s.
, Java, SfVy
!fSircola-3;. .
Rio, 2a.
MILL FEELV bvan, ?HX? ?! 1 to-
chop, f 1: -i.
shorts, $14.
; ; ., -middlings, -22.
Pinal Settlement.-
John W. Wilson, Kxeoutor oi'the last
twill and testament of John Wihtou. Uo-
eeasod, has tiled in tha County Curt foe
unn t ouuty, urogon. ms tinal ai-couut ai
stieli Executor, and by order of siiid Court
'niesday, the mil day of April, lSaii, at the
hour of 1 o'clock 1. M v is net tor liearitu?
objections to said final account and tbits
seliletneiit tlieronf.
3lw4 Kxicutoev
Scliool Heeting.
the annual si-hool mcotuig of hctioot
District No. , Linn county, tire ion, will
l,o at tho Central School 1 ioise in
said dUtrict on Monday, tho si 3 u ,v of
M.irch, J.VsO, for the purpose of olecuDr .
ono director for three years, and cier
for one von r. .Said election to ci ic luem-o.
nt 2 o'clock P. m. and continuing untile
o'clock p. m. of said day. By on er of tha.
Koard of Directors.
J. II, BCRKHART. Cleric.