HATBS or AVyBlffHRSrS. Tw i n Jm I Ys i m 1 Ineii. i " a 1 oo 2 00 S 00 4 ( 00 7 M 10 (Kl 15 00 3 ao 8 V in a ft M e 7 00 00 li 0 la oo 20 Of 7 IS a U f 1. ' IS 00 Xr 10 4 m is in ut u 17 09 SS 40 4 (0 00 1k eo BT 1. MWi 4 " " y, " 1 l it so eo 4U CO no (a) ! t, Ft'lt'F.. la"lcmii-r.t'Ball.lla:z.(MMalr C'.raer Kra.laloim nu MrwMil M. Bualnea. notices In the leal Ceieaaas 20 cent pesdine. For legal and trannlont ad vertiner. f a tl 00 per square, for the first lnnertlen aixl M eenta per square for eaob aabseqaent in sertion. TKIDSS Of SCrWv'KlPTtoN: S.1 00 too ..... 1 on 10 Kitu-I. py l tnomha, . . . . . . Siuui. copy, throe miHitha..,., Shit ttuuibor. ......... ...... VOL. XV. A LI JAN Y, OlIEGON, FIMDAY, FEIJRU A UY 1 15, 1880. NO. 28. STAT0IIGI1TS DEMOCRAT KSUEi"KVERT FRIDAY "J ,;::u .,,', ,- ..4-. J i .a 1 V 9 L I . PROFESSIONAL CARDS. C B. .VKlltX. H. . IU"rliKT. HOlFllRKY & W0LVKRT0X, ATTORNEYS AT loAW, Albany, Oregon. Will practice In all tlio Courts In the Stat. Probata tu-tw-r au4 volkvtioita atli'mied tu pnuupUv. vKmiilf I. rusx. a. E. CHAMHKK1.AI.V. FLINX & CIIAMKEULAINY ATTORAT.YS AT LAW, Albsn), Orrgou. 0-Ofliee In Fas i r's Brick TUook. -e vlonlStf. T. t. IIACKLU3fV!V ATTOltNEY AT LAW. jMTOilW upstair in the Odd Fellow's lempte.'B-'X Vl3n5 f. r.i. r.iiLLC?;, ATTOHN'KY AT LWV Will rartlcf In all lb. MuB-i.f the Slute. fitm! HUfntHin alvn U eotw-ctions. om veyanw. anil xaitttualion ol l.tica- IVohale busiuesa a .iK-ciallly. vl.'a.iti. J. A. YAA'TIS, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAV COSVAXLXS, OBEOON. lll pntrtlc la all the C.xiits or I he Stale Vouice In tn l'ti .Ioum- "va B. M. SAVAGE, Physician and Gurgcon. Albany, Orreoa. HAVIXCi OnADUATKD IN THE PhyHio-Mwlical In lu:e of (.'iiium-n.-ui, has locitoJ in Alt.-nr. BOrtl e iu Kro-nanV b.-iek, (tij taim ) vti:: D. B. Rice, LLD Physician and Mtirxrou. OF PICK ri'STAUl IN M1I.WA1N-S lirn-k. Kti.leihv " tii htrevt hai- iitjeto the di'ioi, at liui .rtuuiu$; nr the I. $:.. f D. M. Conley, ATTOJiXEY AT LAW. o FFICl- 57 WBST FRONT KTKKKT. Special attention piveu to ).l'.k)ii-. v!3nlinf J. XT. KAYJXi:R.. A TTORNE Y AT 3 , A W. ; COHV ALUS. OREGON. Special attntlAn t!ylllr.n of a--ootit. Bodice one door 8Hjth of Kiahrra i.ri. k."X TWuilvL D. TL. N. BLACKBURN, AnOHnET ASO C0USSEL03 AT UV Albany, Oreg-en. Brr up atalr ia Ibe Cld rllW Ttm pie. av-tvlp-! Ions a specialty. ar21. J. E. 7E ATHE2FCSD, (SOTARV Pt BLIC,) TTORNEY AT LAW, ALBAS T, OEl:t(l. WILL PKACTirK IS ALLTHKCirP'TIIE prateM Knllff. c j0i.I W. I:. JW.YEI7. rowirLL & ciiA iu, VTTORNKYH AT LAW, And Soiiritors la CLaEeery alrasv. - - . orm;os. Collodion frtiir41y made on all xi'm(s. . IxKtna nexotiiiie l on reaxonab! leHn. roflice in 1-Vwter's Dri-k.-?- vllnltfif. x L. H. LIONTAlIYri. ATTORNEY AT I. AW. AND JTotary Public. Albany, Orejou. Ofli"e upstairs, over John Eriesi?i'rtore, Ixtntreet. vhii-hi D. W. B4.LLARO, M.P. 1. M. POWKI.L, M.B, - BALLARD & POWELL, I'liysicians ana Surgeons, Lebanon, Oregon. 3T"Oaico in Lebanon Drug Siore."6X. vlanlOtf H. J. E0UGHT02J, II. D., ALBAXV. OEttOX. milK DOCTOR 13 A fJRADUATE OF THE TNT- X VKI4SITV Mertial Colle-," New Vork, and i lata nteiubcr o beiievue Hospital liedicai Cull. ol cw York. ctfl- in City Dm? Store. Eei.lewe on 8nth iU ftf cwh1 Ht.. three ii-oo e-. :i of Ui IliiUii tsreet luuJiu to tlput. O. C. Eelly, II. D., S'liysician and Surjjeoii - ALBASIY, OBEGOSl, -Orti in M'llwain' Klonk. llowi deoce, on Uoor nortli of Urooia Faotory, vMnSif ur.-T. t. fOfISiIV OOCULIST AND "AURIST rH.(iOI,DKM HAH HAD KXPKUlKNf'K U IreKt nstti :r!Mi ilisi-awi l. l)f-li I eye and ir sire MiiJ---t, and f'li wmndm o. eivlnt; ntir !ttisftutini U Liioiie wl( iuiy lace tlipmwives ijril.r bin cjirn. no f. (Sucoesr lo J. B. Wjatt.) Dealer in ilravy and Shelf Hard ware, Ji-oii. htcei. and Jviechanic'M; ss Tools. - Ou First atreet, one oor east ot S E. Vouni'V, AI ' "y, Oreaon. a;; u fa ctu k eh So. 21 First M. Albany. E til uroimJ (Tc aiiJ spices of a!: LiuJ wiiolvxiie ur retail. Hthflioa gu.ruUcti. FARiER'S AS3D FilEOHANiO'S 0TORE 1 iu order lo laake room for Snricg iuiiun taUous I will: cffcr for tbe nextsixfy days my entire stock at list i a few nrtti'Ies will give Iut a reiuoto idea of rcunttions made. ;io fnllr understand and njtpm-iatw the bargains' iliat will lo offered, eassh layers are requested to rail early and use Heir own jndjruie nt. .., ; 8 1'iun Cs-sinsoro Euiist, volh f rt 00, rotlumd to H:i WK ' ! 1 " " " mluceii from $20 00lo$lti (Hi. ' i ! (ithir ioot?!. roj iih! in (roorlkiii. t fO rir I'ino ttiineri l'milx, woilii gl Tift, rmliivT lo f -1 TO." l' " ' . - rftliKvtl Train .l fit In fl frt, ' .". " won U 7 O0,imliir, hf. ;.. . i : ,. Kil WorkiDt; rttiits, vorih $1 T(1isitiI lo 7yf. , , , 31 " l-jitout VirliUi!t lHwi- NMi,ie fwm t Zi to ft 'i V lvrali!. JtiMiHra nl ltlUMint rmimxl pi Ue. ' - "'" ' " "' I'-O Merino Miirla and limwcru, worth H-St rlurotl lo Wi. ; 1- " " " " rcfiiiml I'roni f I 00 to1'; . ; . i:C Canton'l'ftniiel i-hirU nrtl J)riivri t!tlucvl fiio 7."kj (o rCo.' 1 " " " " " worth f I 00. rlinfi lo 7S.J. ' I7 Jfptl Y'lannol Slilrts and Tmwr-n nt Hwl of ro-lu'iloni 'St ('jiinrr t)vpiihlrt nX t-tauvblciiii); prit-ot l- i Unp Wl.'uo .viin, nt $1 O', i-ht ;ii ul tl (lliu-ii Ik.vhii)., ,. , -J Mfii'ts 1'k.v ' and Voiuli'a llt, froni6s;J,o lo ('J T.. ' ' ' ' "xxil aml KhccH, Trunks ami YhIIkcm. Wliilor lirvr an.l -IIciynV orri-sjHinilinjj roJucilonx. ". , ..i ' . j PASH WHITE AKD CGLC3ED Noliouo. Krtnoy ;oc tin. Mntionr-ry, ftilk Ili(nllTr!iipl. ntlrry . Rrs ltru-li-. t:tr. t:tr..-U nt rrducrtl prlrfu,, , r 75 poniitlt llrat UMli(y MueKlnc ami 1 hen lni; 1'cbarro nt rc Unrrtl rlfes. . . - ' ,' S.OOO Uooil isnrx. S for 23 rmM. '"'-"Y' ; s' Nprrlal-To rl (Kf ou t . :5boxrLMnairy Kfltpal CSr.MerlURl OH. J , V . nt DOc.wa-rlli pi 25. , :,-."-:. i' ' . - i ! : t .' '. : ' .Tonus of Sale, Strictly. CASH. : AlFjroods innrkr! In nlain figures ami no leviation. :". , , . " ; Fanner and iisccliahic'.. Stora MARX BAUrYIGART i HAB jrHT OPEXKO VT A ' ew Liquor Store 1 THE FIXKST CRANKS Of W'lXKS, LKll'OILS, TORACCO & CIGARS. The OlobraleJ St. I.oul ,' STONEWALL WIHSKEV, The finwt wblwkey in tlie Stain. Wlilskie., Frcnrb ISt aiidies, cherry, Tort. Claiet, and all otbT kinds " of wiaes, tiin. Ale, lieer, - and lHet'. Citters of every -kind, n the- brsl brands of tobaeco and Cigars. - ftrl want evcrylJy uiulcrvtanj tL. bav oinJ out a liraUciawa. new li- nor atnre. where cstv and oountrv can procuro their aux-ka-al l'ortlant (rir. with only freiEbt aiiletl. Koona on the comer cf Front and ferry Strpetx, Alhany, Oreerai. - - Urtf. KEW DAslBEH SHOP ? j. ii. sn:Li:s, rroj; 4 GOOD FtA MIAMrOO Willi e-li thave. I'iu-uh lor aunt int; ami balr'titting kmuio n umai. IIikiitk ri r-i''t Mcll Willi's aloro.. , - . liKE VUAjAU'D ' 'HOUSE. lIalry,.4r-(;oBt. , 1.. .1, I ...l - in I - ...I . M ft th- l pnivi, .''ui ..I i ...... i It U CullitUcfoJ tJoiithcHMt in..kniaiMf wm.wji.:.. ,j j.btcr. Katie, OlParv & Vo a nh e..i u.ak - Tfui 1 itjiiornia, ni.itln(f of Michael f.laa. ba, a fin. trv at a'l tifiwa with g od M. I. IIASIUIOUCIC lina rarnliftm Wio Dray fornr erlv ownl by L'Jark it, Imvih. anil is now prepared to at'ei'd jrUy to all tiintintsM w nii-n may Ktv" wuu. . .vl5niatr -. .v.. ., y ..; v . Final Settlement' NOTICE IS lIERKnYCITKN THAT the nndcrsi'nwl, AiiuiiiMM'ralor of Hie estate of C. F. Haraa," 4aontel, hat iiied in thn County Court fr Inatkinnty, trejron, liia final amount a t.uh Admin ixtri'or, and bvorUr-of fiJ CfMirtTum-' tlav.tbe 2'1 day of Marr iv, lnto At -tl e hour of 2 o'clock 1. M., it t lor lioanntr objmlion.i to aakl linal account ml the Kttltlement thcreor. ; Any por.vin mtoroieti in airl e-talo i hereby iiotiiietl' to apijHr anil li!e hi or lior ibjectiou to aiii ao L'ouut on or bc-i'oro sain day. : t . . J. U. UOiiMvf, ... 28w4 ' . '' Ailminiirtratw.;,. . Final Settlement; ? f TkTOTICB IS iiFftKHY' VTlVferr THAT iirtlie Kxccut'irn of th 'l:i-t vlii -afi'l testament, or William - l;iiyut.' n ceased,, liave fileil w ith tlia Clerk f the' tkiunty Court X)f J.inri Cotfrtty, Hbrt ot Oregon, their final aceonnt for w?trlenwnf, and antd Court on tlio2?)i.h day 6f3anhry. A.Ii. ISsO.niade anon'er apiKjiiiHnirTfir- iay, tho 2nd day of March,' 1880, t - thtf- hour or ono o'cio;K l". j.i. id mat tiny, m. the Court llouso in the city of Altxinv, in said county, far t he Dearingof qtjoowma to sneii linal account and tho aot'lement thereof. 'sr ;" "" " -"rx'OTrr'ltH' iritoreat at the rate of one pe vJOnN EI. JRLTbirtiff MAKTIN V. liltVU, Kxecutom. H. Bbtasct, Att'y for Kxeen'tora. 'Mi w. -w - . ..n liV. nuxtyfWxt'iOl) I'.y i:o. ll UMrn.mi4apiity.7t4 .OJt'iCe ln,Parr?h l:ld.) 1 -, '- J-- 13 U Til ..ur3'!Qi a!l7??f-- ' f'"tJr"n ' ft' i - l-'vy "aj - Albu Chronic Irt.-mm a t-peciuiiy. .'.nan,5;6 i it:..,. ..i ..it f.r ii... .I.... IUI1JIU IU umupnvini ....... . ... .....j or niulrt when noH.rofeJi-iajilIy:a4txt. ll , f .. , . . vlrttriC'l r r , ..4- . ; l i i'-r'l. -p fJSlSJ VflXill ) J .Z' Pr '- l, Kwrrbody dIrAitjd wi'I?Ie tHHUyl awl beHutii'ul VelfctloiU liiadft cy T.lm.'rA mar.who has ix'tr failed lo pleaKO her cuKtoinern; T&w Fall piicular jiintiMueil. Sen'dTo'r U.' Afldrcf.s - i w t--mlr -raw rf Sf w f -r -B.;BQYIiEj' 'o.r t Fasiioaab!6lu:l00t'iM.a!v0.r;. , ,Y.'.i iiY a A ftOODSTOClC ov.ririOTS rTt HATT) AH.THE tx'Zk, iutlmrear .1 Kuiun's .toTe. -.2 ) ! -.-ibttt . :l.!b.- sweepinpr "-rednet ions. Tlw sHlijfihied BUKKETS, AT MILL PRICES. mm Hoot; A';'lioo 3rnltcr. Frrarb IU Knot, lo ariirr, t . f I bltailrlphU Ul. ( - g ao a to . RUSBEB E00T3 REPAIRED. Y ' TnvWhle aiclita;'iut ; en boola B-U abonc .sUop wonil tltMir 1k-1ow t-yer'a Kakery. v l-'-nlMf i : . - ' ) -V-YALrJAN.Y " ' ' COLLKGfATJi INSTITUTK. : "Ai.n.txY. on. Tiii ii i v ud term avHI opea on Xo '; ; vfmbey C, IS7S). fr i-onjjUr wtiu riilwy lUn roiir ly-J m! ii-ti- L'!.imU Court oj (I,- j. ,. AUa;'4.linrj, I'laintUr.' : n ll- I 1 1.. IV . 1!. jt w? lifviiir ami jiuruiuA JdviorniJ. Kane aiutF.AilHry mid Marx liauuicnrt and Ktiim-r A lioiuMeiu, DcfeiidantN. , Ty:Vir.TCK OF A DKCHKK OF IIP fvftecloinwoiii Ihoabovo imuietl Court luLhif abovo cu'.i:j!Vl Miit, oinl an execu tion ail'l older of Mtlo (hhuixI in untuancA jutioof, yi 'lno directed and di-llvereil, I ,iiatu levied ukmi tho iiiortKKKed jrotniw i escribed in Haiit ileereaaa lulloaa. to-wit: 'JL'hirtv.tiinefcct and ten inchea oil' of the Vet aide of IaiU) eiUt in JtliM-kf !) tlireo in f-lw City of Albany, lit JUim County, , uuon, Ktid parctil of real entaUi being a'4 At,m wKhh by 10 feet in Kmth, an J ou XMnnhri, - tlit. 0th datj of March, 13H0, al tL' itkiort JIon Ofjor In tbe Ciiy of AJ baiiy,"lAim (bounty, Oregon, at thu hour of 2 n'efock V. M., I will acl l aaid roat exlato at public auction fur caah in liand to tho hi!iet biiMer. lha proceod to Ih? npnlleil nn jrov iiJud iu aaid decree, ua. fullowa, to nvii: i l-lrst.' to iTie payment of tho coW and diinrseiiioiiU of tUiM auit, taxed at t i3 10, an-! accruing coi-ts. -tSBeon1,'-to tho -payment to (he plaintiff lioroin.tlio sum ot f uoa 3 in U. rt. pld eoini with accruing intereot thereon at tle mtn ono jier cent, per month, from tho iWlayof January, l-;0. - Tiiiru, to Ilia payment to tlie flefondant IT. Koohlcr tho Kim-of' fMt iin U. M. po!d toin, wilh K.'irii)( -tgiyreat theroon Kt t,l;9 riH f nun jr unit per jnonlhfrom thi "-Ciili.duy .ii'.l iu.i.it;. , J-a0, and the fut 'rti r aiMii-wi vb' ui) cosis. " - ' ' Fourwi, to tlio paymont tollie dpfend ftnf.s Kane, Oleary it'o. tho auoi of $U41 liU in U.' S; K'lid coin, with aecruiiiK interest a(the rawof.ono per cent, per montii from the '4Hh day of January, 18t0, and t he fur thr na at 811) Otfcoi.-i ,.! 4 iflh, tollie payment to tho defendants KinncY & UOldfiteinj the sum Of 8281 02, T-witii' iciu-rext at ine rale oi one per cont, fm-r month from the 2Jthduy of Don t J7:. and the i'drihor sum of 819 01 erauer, 00 coats ltitted this tfth.dav of February. 18B0. i 1. C. D1CKKY. ' 1 - .Micriu oi J.io u.jure'nn. , CUT Oc Ssecutcs ,'Notico. , T J Zl OTICB-k hereby given ihat tlie uml 'ii Signed lias been appointed Kxecu - r.r tlio last will and teaiument.f Willii li tu pry uooiiwin, iweeaaeu, uy too com rmirinf thu !?omitv of l.inii end NLate , - T., ; . , 7 OreoH,ard that all persona having elainia oqainat aaid .ostate Mini present them to jw undersigned, properly vertlied, within itfi'Kt inontba Xroia Ihw. dale, Albany, 'I.lfin County. Oreson. U.lted tlii.H 1 itii lny of'Tahuarvj l&RO.-' . tir-K'iimftth'l'Wf. ?5w4 . t Ji;rM!.rtiiiiKeeu.tpr, . iir(ii r.i r tq i wit ,m:v rr Year imrue1 Will be innertedi WiTHoriT (JilvlsoK, in tr.o American tsetiier a uuuio, ni work on'pr.blic land law,a:on to bo issued lor extensive circulation. ,!'i te Al-lanti-1 States ai.d' in" FurOpe. -'-' ' bond for a Circffiar prmg-tletail 01 mi' portaoeo to every, land mary ' - r , . R - JlKNltY N COPP . -n: .. .W ttHlllBgUUIj O. C mi - ' . t a p nav Sheriit'a Sale. a thf ptrrH.t Court ty tttt'-k'tttls f Oivjan jW (he Counly nf J.Ihh: ' t. it. Alien, ruimm; v. A. A. .S.'tUi'inii r ami Unnio .St'tllmiiirrliU wiii, L. CuKlxmitli, M. liolilxuulll and K 11ih11u.Ii, e.artntir umlur ilia lirm name t( L .UiUlKHiitli and Co., C. II. ilont.iK'iu and .1. S'. Ctuick, copartners iimlcr tlm llrm itiime of MdnUuMio and t inii k, V. I'. An tli mim, J, C. itloanlinlilor, ami I. SuinK'n and M. rtriil)crg, eiiartiittr uiidur the lirm uitinn if SKtnlur and Htornber, and Italia Kiaiii'ir, i vf(.'iniiiiit. Y VlitTUi: OF A 1F.CKKK OK 1 1 fnriH'lumiro in Ihealxivo liamoJ Court, in tho aliovti entitled unit, ami au unreutitm and ordxrof anlo iaaumt iu pumiianc. thereof, t.i in dircctvd and delivered, 1 have levied uiti the inurtK'nuPil pramiaca UtmcriiMid io Hitid decree aa follua-a, to.wit t 'Ik-ginning at a jxiint forty-four and 37-100 uliaiiu Weat i f tlm Kiattliuaat corner of that i.crliuii Iiunntmn I And (.'Uiin wlinOi i aitu. aud in Section. Ill, 17, 20 and '21 in Tp. II S, IU .1 Wuat, in l.inu County, OrKon, and biinwn aud dtij;iintcd on tlm map IM the John i'.iitkhnrt lloimtiun I.aihI Ctuun, tlienaa ruimiu' Noith 41.10 clmina, thetico W'eat ::. thiii, thunco South 41,10 cliaiim, tlii iii'ii luat .'(i.2'2 chain to the place of l yinniii, eotitaiumx Ilk) acre, mora or Ira. Alaotlte (rncti"li;,l Southvaat (Hurler of tho N'oiilx'iuit pim! r .f S.!iion 17, in '1. 1 1 S. 1 :i ., cuiil&uiiiii; 10 d'A lOO aurva. Aii-n ilii) imiliviili'il one-half of tho 1 luna tion lAUilCUtim Noliliciitioii No. 4'HKt, Iwiiij; the Northwest ipntrUr of Srction 20, iu Tp. I- K 11. 1 W.. in Linn County, Orriui, aa kiioan ami dn.i,-iiaUl on the re. cordud p'ata of tlie I'uited (StaU-a atirvey ou tile in the land olliee in Orrun City, Orwjjoii. Aim tlie undiviiltnl onu halt bt "the 1 filia tion lAiid Claim Nulitivittiou No. 5.1:12, iMitng the Si.uiUii-nt iju.trtt r of tho Nortlipant nuar. tcr, aud 4 aud 5 of Soctiun 1!), and lxU 1. Vandtiiii .Section SO, in Tp. 12 S. 11. I AV.', t,iiin County, Oregon, a deaitiaU-d ou the 1-eo.irded plu of the L'nited Slate aur vy, ou lilo iu the liunl otlico in On-nn City, Oregon., ail of aid laud lying in lanuCouuty, Or'i."in. And whrreaa, it U pruvi.lod iu sai.l decree that tho two acpsrate tract, of land licrcia hft UeM-riUo.1, the limt ciaiUining IGOacrva, ni.iro or aud thu eclid CuiitaiiiiU( 10 .".l-iHO nt-re. l lirat aold, ami the proceed ari'ing from uch aalo I applied lirat to the payment of tho mm found to be due to the pliiintill lit-rtin, to-wit : Tiie um of f Ii201 i'Aj, aud accruing inter- at thereon at the rat. of oue r cent, per mouth from the HUh day of January, la, ainl thu farther .ma ( 75 0O attorney lee. and tho further aunt of ?I.1S 2.) U ami ilwhui-.em.nt, and next to tit. payment to the defendant 1- N inli r and hi. ftm U r-,', Vrtniriuaforrai.l.tbo ami, of f-l"i 37, and the further tmiiot SV7 K5 casta. j And attobd, tliat the remainder of the aid lia'rtaKe.l prcmiiir k next old, and tiie prw-l arUiti from tlie aaJa thereof bo app!ird to the payi4..nt if any aum that may iirinsi.-i r!ii to ion plamtilf mu-r the applica tion to full cf the proceed, of the liml lirat herumbeforo onU rnl to Ui a.dd, and if auy InUtice r main, t'-at the kama iw paid over fo the ijifct.ilint A. A. tticmier. ' Now, therefore, ou , Stiti'rJtty, tht Cih day tf ,Vnre!t, J$:J, at the Court llouno dH'r in tlie City of Al tny. laun C'onntr, treK"n, at tho hour of 11 o'clock A. -M-. I will r aaid real prop. y i irtvii.b..hif. Htitmt Ml ftait.fy llu aabi a,?veral cl.uin tin ri in lutmiing to tluir priority, wilh awcruuij; eot. I'aUd lliU t:Ui day of Ft-1 a ware, I'iSil. 1. C. IMCKKV, Khrri.'T of J inn Co., OrfifWi. ly Cro. lit Mriu;l.v, Ik-put y. 27ll Sheriffs Sale. TY VinTCK O? A WIUTOF KXKCf X) tioii Uaticd out of iho Circuit Court of liii- Mate of Oregon for the County of I Jim, lo ino tiin-tei and l Itscioii, on Iho 2l ly of l-'obriiAry, IStO, iu Uvor of Ia Sfoiiera. J.SumlK'rijand A. Waclienheliii 1 1, inrtnora fli-rnh-i s;, Kciider. A Co., pinmiiil-., and a'iiiiiHt K. tl. Michael, tie l.'ndJtit. lor the aum of four homln-d and ri)tlit,v-liyo and 2i-H 0 dollar in U.S. koIi oolu, w it ll iiiu-r Ht ill like coin at the ralo f IHii'iiK-r cent. mr arinuiil from Iho i'.ih day ofhcjiiiuuU r. and tlm fur- i r aum oi iinrir-ciut ami iu-iiki iioimr. ihLj-, 1 la to Mpiujoil iltcrTxfii tlio folluwiii- rcii piojien.v iicreioiiro a:(3.-iie,i aa the urola-it v af Mild ilolundnnL at lint and .f )iid plaint:il, to-wit : lirttuiniii! at a tiolnt aevrn elmlna aud l! irl-liin Jmka (7 .'!'. I 0 chain.) ard N.irlli liiii'-Ucnilct-r-n and lliirty inimilm 1-JiHt from Iho Niiui:i-Kt corner of Jarnea Mk-dhiiI'm ixiiiatinn I jiml Claim, in Town ahip fourteen (N) South ltaugu three (H) West In Unit Comity, Oregon, and run nlnj? theno V'et live ehnlnH, thence North niiieteoii deirreea aud tiilrty minulea, ICaat thirty-four cliaiua ami tueniy-four lluka, thence K).t live t-hniii. tlienoe North nineteen decree and thirty intnulCM Kaat livo cliainH to tho itnu linn of riectlon l.J. Tp. 14 B. H. V.. liienco Faat twenty-four cliaiua aud fifly iinkaloK OrlllllU'a North- went coi nor, ihenco aoutn nine iletrroea and thirty minute, Fa t tliirty-nineehalna and ten liuka, thence Went forty cliaiua nd liity liuka to tlio j-uttlinoof Jamea Mic.hael'a Uouatiou Ijiud Claim, the place of beginning, aiidooutnininitone hundred and twenty-elht and- 3-lUJ anrea, more orleaa; aUo beuinninK at the .South writ corner of Samuel Johmon'a claim, Notili cation No. and running inn North easterly dlro'stion ou the Wontern bound ary of i-ald claim twenty-nix roda, thence in a lontueaateriy direction to too xtoriu-wei-t corimr of KliHha Gritnth'a land claim, thence West eiht rodg to the plaeool bo Kinning, vontaiuins 0 acica, more or lea.; u.'ho tioinmenciuK at the Houtheaxt corner or Jared Michaoi'a Donation ijtnd Claim, thenco North iiiBni)tle 100 ioda, thenco iV'mit t.itir.n'.tt') 'film ilu UaiiiIi macnetio ii0 rotla. tlience' Kaat masnutic 200 rod to tho iiluce Of Deirlnnlmr. exm- lainuiK sscu acrex, in Tp. 14 W. U.8 Wprin- eipauy m section 4. containing in ail a;M 70-100 aere, iu I .Inn County, Oregon, tp pethr with tba tonemeuta, berediuimeiita aud appiirteuancea thereunto belonging or In any wie appertaining, and on ScUimltvj, tw, Clh day of March, JSSO, at tho Court House door in the cltv ot Al bany, Kill tl Cou my, Oregon, at the hour of 1 o'clock F. al., I will aell the herein before lictsoi died real property at pubiij auction lor caMh In hand to the liigheHt bidder to aatlaly au.d writ, with acci ulii COl-lH.l , iinted this (ilb day of February, 1S80. - I. C. 1UCKFY, . ' WierlfT of Idnn Co., Oregon. , I5y ilv.0. II u'MrnuKY, Deputy. 2?tl The; Corvallis : Fruit Co. Will ' piirclutHO i'lnuiiucr dried fruit at full market i-ricea ; j s win aeiid a competent person to aviH0 fruit growera aa lo ciiliivHtiou of or addi tion)!' to orchards ;' " v Will mipply fruit Iree of approved aorta at medoraio jirlces; VV'ill sell or lot out Plmiirncr Drier through Jjinn, Ikuitoii and J jtue eouutlna. '.I'Uera to liOKont to Corv:illiFruitCom panv. Corvallis, llpnton CoiuMy, Oregon, WAI.C1M NASII, J'rsHidont. ':' '' - Jamks JUvAhman, Kec'y. ' . (Jiio. W. Kn.r., Oeneral Agent :" January 1, lfttO. , . 2-lwO I fiOAft A MONTH irnarmit-vtl. f 12 a iny nt limno I. (.'auiuil not re. il V'V liuo oy tlie Intltwtrtitua. (4tiiruit i we will blurt you. Men, woiih-ii, tiir.va niul ljlii imliif iiioney liuttiir at work for as than at any. tliintf iil-., TI.e work in liht mill )lctu.tnit, aiul amili an ativonu can go l-tht hi. ThoM who are wine who itie this iioticu will aend im tht-ir lulilroitHoii at oni-oauU fe for tlie;,iivca.t Coftly OullU an terms, . Now Ih the time, 'iliosc ulivudy ut w-nl k are luyiiij; U liui;e ium of moDoy. A.IiIii-hh THLE & LO.,-Aimusta, HlUtt. . - . WAMIIXVTOM lkttkr. tVNOM PI NWIt'kiia CllMlnllliMT.l W'ahiiisiotox, D. J.,Jan. 27. KdUor Democrat: Tlio brolongt'il iliacuRMoii over the new r ii lea or tlio Iiouao la at laat con cluded, and tlu ro vill now t procieJ lii of mora general intercut in that body. I tit tlio timn ent in tlii veil tilution ami ovotliauling of rale lias not Wen wasted. It nut only intuit in .implifying tlio code by which buai tuh ia if filiated Bixl tliH,tclir(l, but it lia given new members a better ac (ii:iinliiiicn with the ntethoU and prac tice of the llouae than they could have obtfincd by twoy' of "nrvice, which iirlo ttu advuiitnge to the entire body, na well a to' the tut-inbera indi viilually. And now the fjnaiit-ial diacmuiiou haa begun. Thia (iunlion witl not down, much aa the majority of both parties BJUH'ar to deture it uliould. lKdatle ou tho "Haynrd rtwolulion" in the Senate and Mr. lliicknei'a batioual bank bill in the llouae threatens to run into a wide oKUiing up of tho subject iu all its nnjiecU. If there waa any way to do it, I think nearly two-third of both llouae would favor putting nn end to all talk, and adopj. for the preaent the (Hjlicy of inaction, merely to keep the (juetttiou out of adilica until after the national convention at leaat. Th-re ia a wonderful lack of tiaaiiimit in the Hepublican rty when they strike the financial issue. A few such men as Senator Allison egg on the agitation with the cxjiectalion of causing a rup tmo in the Democratic ranks, when, as a matter of fact, Lia own jwrty is in the greatoat danger. Ljnite a laugha ble aeetie occurml Iwtwecn Mr. Chit tenden, of New York, add Mr. Town- lu-nd, of Illinois, in the House ou laat Wednesday, liollt got highly eacited in the debate, anil advanced to the 0en space in front of the H.a-akrr, and j danced up and do n U-fte one anoth er, i nlin-ly oblivion to th nling of I he Hjieaket'a tael aud lite rail of order" all over the IihII. At out, time it looked aa if the plraannfi litllo ipmd rillo would Im In me. I into a fir lijiht, but Mr. Mill, of TcXa. intelferit, add quiet was featured. It i wonderful what a enango ha recently came over ihe apirir f the Grant boom among the republican here. tingnimen, aa a rule, are care ful readers of the H'r of their dis tricts atuLStaU a and the muiiy indica tions that the third-term moveinent has mi', the favor of the rank and file ot the nity haa made a si rone im pi cation uhiii them. A few weeks - ago the iiomiualioti of (Srant Mt-iiinl inevitable; todny it i exceedingly doubtful. .The machine in lViiiiaylvania, nc-ortiing to all Hi-1-outiln, ia having some trouble will, it voting cattle, and all along the line tliiie ate evidences if levolt. iloiibthnoi I lie manager could carry their jaiinl, but they are gt'lllng badly a.nie.1. What they doubt now ia the KjMMbi!iiytof electing (rant, and the fear of failure may prcveut his 'nomina tion. It fccetna to mo the Democrats are making a miatake to aid in Lilting olT the third term now, when to defeat it after tho nomination would be about the easieat job that the are likely to have. The Democrats have exhibited a good deal t( interest in the scheme pro- potted in the New York Legislature to change the manner of choosing Presi dential Klectora. Tho general opiuion secma to le that it ia Conk ling's own woik, and that it will lie put through. It ia a desperate )KiIitieal tiick, nnd will in a'l - probability fail to accom plish the t nd nought. A proininout Democrat said teaterday that while the pitKsage of that bill would divide the vote of New York, the rfiect of it would be disastrous to the Uepublicans in other close States like Ohio, WTis- couttin, New Jersey, ConneoUcut,Maine and California. There is a love of fair play inherent iu the hearts of theAmer icttii ieople, uml thojiigli the lUdiculs have been permitted to succeed in one enormous outrage, this apirit is liound to uttaerc itaelf. No matter what hc'heiuca the Radical concoct, the Dam ocrata will elect the next Preaidunt un, less they deatroy their ehnm their own Laud. Tlie'tfloit to keep politics out of the comma seems to have failed at the very outset. : Tho nominations for super visors are very unsatisfactory in many iiiHtiincca, on account of their one-side- edness. The law utrictly ' rolubits this, and the Senate will reject aouio of the uominaliona if they are not with drawn. It in not a ipiest'iou of: p-ilron- nL't). That is a small matter: but if possible tho scheme of the Radicals to count themselves into a Rcore or more of future Congressmen and electors by fraudulent enumeration Kliould be de feated. Senator Harris Las introduced a bill amending the law which mayaoJ complhdi the desired end if passed.' It Tetjuirea that the f numerator of each Btib-diidiict fchall file with the clerk of each county a dtipliettto of his ' work, ttjicl bliaU give live days notice by ad vertisetuent that the return have bean filed for correction; that the returns shall be open to inspection and correc tion by any citizen for , two days, and then tho corrected returns shall bo for warded to Washington to tho Hujieiin tendent of Censu, who shall file a copy of all return in tlie Stale De partment, where they din 1m iiiH-ct-ed. A duplicate cf the enumerator' returns is to bo retained by the' Suja-r-visoi, Our uniiHiial jwultry show is now in full blast. The District of Columbia is some on poultry. The exhibition is really a Cue one, embracing a remarka ble collection of every siiecics'of the domesticated feathery tiile. . There are some of the finest iecimens of pig eons and chicken I ever saw. Among other curious things is a new patent incubator - on exhibition in which are two hundred eggs being warmed into active life. It is a self regulating lamp of wonderfully ingenious construction. The chickens are trained to make their debut every day during tho exhibition. On seeing the light they will lie trans ferred to tho tender care of an artificial mother, which finally turns them out on the world only when able to take care for themselves. One great feature of these machines is that the clicks commence life free from parasite, and if ket freo frooi contact with others, go through life without their comjainy. Plioxo, mr a seMiicir. u k. A private soldier by the name of Kichard Ie was taken la-fure a magis trate of Glasgow for idajing cards dur ing divine set vice. The account is thus given in an Eugliab journal : A hergowt commanded tho soldiers at the church, and when ti e parson had read tho prayers he took his text. Those who had Bibles took them out; but this soldier had neither liible nor common prayer book, but pulling out a pack or card lie spread them out before him. He first looked at ono and then at another. Tho Sergeant of the com pany saw him and Said : 'T.iehnrd, put up those card; this is no place for them." 'Never mind that, said llichard. When the services weie over the Constable made llichard a prisoner, and bi'imuht hint before the Mayor. Wall, said the Mayor, "what have yon brought this prisoner here fort For playing cards in church." "Well, soldier, what have you to say for jounadf !" "Much, air, I hope. 'Very good; if not I will punish you more than man was ever punished." I have been, said the soldier, "adiout six weeks on the march. 1 have neith er Bible nor tymirou prayer book. I have nothing but a iack of cards, and I hope to aatiify your worship of the purity or my intentions. I hen atHvading the cards out before the Mayor, he begau wilh the ace. ben I boo the 'ace, it reminds me that there ia but one Uod. When I see tlie 'deuce' it remind nm of the Father and Hmi. ' When 1 hm tint Hrry it re minds urn of tlm Father, Hon and Holy Ghent, When I see the 'four it reminds nte of the four lCvangeliats who preached Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. When I see the 'live it reminds me of the five wise virgins that trimmed their lamtm. There were Gve wue and five foolish; the Utter were shut out. hen 1 see the 'six' it reminds me that in six daya God made heaven and earth. When I see the 'seven' it remind me that God rested from the great work he had made and hallowed it. When I see the eight' it reminds rue of the eight right eous jajraons that were saved when God destroyed the world, viz: Noah, Lia wife, his three sons and their wives, When I see the 'nine it remind me of the nine lepers that were cleansed by our Saviour. There were nine out of the ten who never returned thanks. When I see the 'ten' it reminds me of the ten commandments which God banded down to Moses ou tables of stone. When I see the 'queen' it re minds inn of the Queen of Sheba, who visited King Solomon, for she was as wis a a woman as he was a man. . She brought with her fifty boys and fifty girls, all dressed in boy a apparel, for King Solomon to tell which - were the boys aud which were the girls. Solo mon sent for water for them to wash in The girls washed to the elbows and the boys to the wrists. So King Solomon told by that. When I see the 'king' it reminds ef the Great King of Heaven, which is God Almighty. "Well," aaid the Mayor, "you have given me a description of all the cards in the pack except one, "What is that?' ,' "The knave." said the Mayor. 'I will give your Honor a description of that, too, if you will not be angry, "I will not be angry, said the .May or, "if you do not term me the knave." "Well, said the Boldier, "the greatest knave I know of is the Constable that brought me here.", '1 don't know if he is the greatest knave," said the Mayor, "but I do know he is the greatest fool. . When I count the spots on a deck of cards I find thrco hundred and sixty five, as many days as there are in a year; When I count the cards I find fifty-two, the number of weeks . iu year. I find four suits, the number of weeks in a month. : I Dim twelve pict ure cards in a pack, the number of months in a year. On countiug the number of tricks, I find ; thiitoen, th number of weeks in a quarter. So, yoit see, sir, cards serve as an almanac. also." "- - The timo is near at Land when couple of dozen able bodied people will assemble at the residence of an inoffen sive minister, cat Lira out of house and home and call it a donation. - -lm SUito.iiuiii, Yk. S.J MURDER WILL OUT! A MYSTERY SOLVED. THE CALLOWS CHEATED BYA SUICIDE I mr. Hitnir.itru or (OSKtIf M IHVin ii ovt:t:M: rtl . f J Im citizens of M-rion county still remember the thrill of horror that star tled the whole community a few years ago when Conrad Warner was murder ed in oiien daylight ou the open high way nlmoxi within sight of the city of Salem, The mur.leier made good his .escai-, and a deep mystery shrouded the whole transact ion and the secret remained unsolved to this day. After nearly six tears of timo a sola tioii of the mystery is now fur the first time made public. A Mr. Mimic!!, of i.iiena ViMts, gave us tho following so lotion : Tlio citij- - of Polk county, and e-js-cfally in the vicinity of Bueua Vista, will remember one William Toblw.n'iHs Will in m Franklin, who some time in the year 1877 mirried a Miss lb-own-int'. near linens Viata, and the tragical end of tho wedded jiair on the 4th of July. ,.H. it will be remembered that iu A fit bf jenlousy Franklin on that Jy shot his wife, killing her instantly, and then immediately killed himself. Itapfiear that the married life of Franklin and wife wmcneof continued dometUc infelicity, and on -several oeea siona aeHirated oi.ly to l reunited. A few days Ix-fi.ie the fatal fourth of July Mrs. Franklin told to Mr, Muiise!! that to her Lfj was a burden, that she was wedded to a man with whom she could not live, and that the thred not leave him. She said that in hi confid ing momerts he had told her the l.ihto- ry of Lis life under tho pledge of aecre- cy, to !. paid by the foifciture of her life if she ever revealed Lis secret. He aaid that he had in his lifetime killed fifteen men; that one of them was. a ne gro in Jackson couutv, from whom he got $1,1 T00; that he was the man ho killed C'jnrad Wrarner, near halein : that ho did it with the extiecUtion of getting 200, the price of a sjwn ol horses sold by Warner a short time lie fore. Franklin imid that he knew when tho horses were sold, the in ice. and the time ) (i.c-.it was to bo made, and be resulted to "et that money ben aid, and for ib.it purpose laid his Luis. H , 'ui.l Warner on his road home, Mopjx-d Lint in the road, Hot bun dead, ami after rifling Wis ockets started tho team home a ard in the road,aud then in id-; his way through tho wood;! nnd bv-wnvs to Scio and southward through Linn county, thence across to the aeut tide of the lirer into lolk county, hcre he Las resided most of tho timo since. Franklin cave lis red name aj William Tublm. '1BICT BIXXElTleVA. The meiulieiH t.f the Cuhinet some times have very nmnsiiiL' interviews with Indie, a the following will illus trate: Young Lady "Mr. Secretary. 1 have called lo see it' vou can tell me when Captaiu is to Im ordered away. and where he will go to V Seeri-tarv "I really do let know. Do vou wiidi him ordered awv V ouug Itdy "No, indeed" (ibis with a very coumciouh look itii.l a alight tncitise in color) "only ll he were 1 would like to Uiir. von i. now, for you see," pulling ,ut her handkerchief and pulling her little gloved linger iu her mouth, a lit ilaggio Mitchell, "you know Mr. , now don't yon?' Secrelary "How should I i" Young Iitdv Then I'll tell you" (this wilh n look of . determination). I m going lo ni.u rv Lim, end if t are going to order him oil" why we v toil to get married la fore. That is alii' Secretary "1 have not thought of ordeung In in away, und since he is going to engage iu such pleasant busi ness, will hot. 1 oung Lndy "O.i 1 Mr. , aint vou gooil t I'm so glad. Now I'll have plenty of time to git ready. Another young lady rends in her card and is admitted, when tho following col loony takes place : Xoung Lady .1 have called to see if you will not give pennisMon. to Lieu tenant to coiuo here from A Secretary "Auy of bis near relatives sick I" scanning her closely. oung Lady "No sir. Ilia ltieuds want to se him so much, and vou can have him come if vou want to." Secretary "Oh ! I see how it U. If you will say he is . yonr sweetheart he shall e mie. Young Ldv "Yes, sir, Tarn !" say ing this with both bauds hiding her face. The Secretary says that he gave per mission to that otiicer to come, tele graphing to htm to that effect within the hour. Ail Secretaries are not like the one we are speaking of, so young ladies must not presume- upon the above incidents for they might not be aa suc cessful as our two fair fciends were. ahin-jton Letter. It is pleasant to renew acquaiutaucoship with the friends of our youth, said a weather beaten sea captain aa he paoed to and lro on the quarter deck of aa lino a ship as ever ploughed the seas ! So I'll lay iu a fresh sup ply of Ktnil Frene'a Hamburg Tea; I liud it a complete medicine cheat iu itself. Sailors and passengers, old and youn::, men, women and children soon get all right after taking it a tow tunes. - The Boston Post says that Geroter gets $300 a night for singing two hours in an opera, but that a baby can make her travel up and down a room all night aud sing for nothing at all. A Western newspaper says: "Si of our subscribers are trying to kill us with kindness unremitting kindness" Boaiuingdionse keepers will find it money out of pocket every time they board a train of cars. ' Bones are hard to digest, and are not suited to stay the stomach unless used in a corset. ftr.txo exeiii a. lavrMIjtalloa r It raM-- VThat I be UI red Men Sar. Wasiunotos, Jan. 23d. The Senate Committee on Exodus to-day continued the examination of O. 8. 11. Wall, of Washington, colored President of the Emigrant Aid Soeiefy, and also took testimony from James E. O'Hara, a prominent colored Itepnblican of Hali fax county. Mr. Wall, under cross examination by Vance, as to the basis for his assertion that North Carolina . was "A God forsaken country, with a soil that would not sprout black-eyed peas," admitted that he had very little personal knowledge of the soil of North Csro'.Me, and ersonaHy knew nothing about the counties from which the pres ent exodus from the South was S-nta-neous; that it would continue until the colored ,-op!e received lietter treatment there, and that in every tn-obability there would be a return drift South ward, for the negro loved the home of his i-arent, and would not emigrate, without some strong incentive. Jure sjKne to a series of ijuentions by Sena tor Voorhees, the witness stated that ui-7 i,isi uiai-ifjii tcKriTcis iry llllll, lot Pieident of the Society, to the elfect that employment for North Carolina colored lenple could ivadily lie found in Indiana, was derived from circulars and -a letter of J. A. Walker, Mail Agent at Terre Haute, and several other ereon living in that State, whose letters he would hereafter furnish to the Commit tee, and from Perry & Williams, Nerth ; Carolina agents of emigrants. What l-ersonnl knowledge the latter had in regard to the j-oint at issue, Le did not know. O'Hara (colored), tho other witness, testified Le held ollice in Halifax county for a number cf years as Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners, . Chairman of tho Itoard r.f R luealion and County Examiner. He has also been a luemlier of the North Carolina Legislature and of the Constitutional Convention; he was one of the Praai- ntiil Electors on the Republican ticket in lS'u, and ia now contesting a scat in the National House of Ilepre- seiitslive. Jie gave a very favorable account of the condition and treatment f iho colored ieople in North Caro lina, but in regard to the industrial and cliiic:il status he testified that, sJthoegh t-ere vha at ore time some "bulldozing . iu counties bordering on Sonth Caro lina, there never has been any political ersecution in the counties affected, by the present exodus, and none now in anv part of North Carolina. Nothing was more common on election aays tiian , to see a white landlord and colored ten- ' ant c iniiii to town in me same onfgy . . i . . nd voting iliiierent tickets. bite mechanics in North Carolina had no fireititlii. amimki. irr.rl-infr wtih m.!.rsut meclianics, and no ducrimmation was": - made against eoloreil tieordn in iIia Courts or on juries. Snator Windom remarked at this oitit that he Lad been looking lor a negro. tcadise, and now Le Lad found tin Noith Carolina. Witness, in resiionse to the interrog- tones uk to the cause of the exodus from the State, said it was the result of efforts of agitators going about the country, and not a sjaintaueous migra tion. The Ia industrious class of col- - oted men wbat-tuiebt be termed tha Hunting imputation were duped by rt'iieseiitations that they would , get $1 50 iier day in Indiana, and a, new- suit of clothes, together with "Govern- ' -..., ! r . .i , . incut am ti, buiiio nuii, iui i.uer vaseu aaauuLa anuuitMiUt mill ,UVJ similarly deceivetl by false representa- t iixis contained in circulars purporting - Kaunas and elsewhere. Ia the course ;. of bis testimony be expressed his opin ion that au intelligent negro in toe bouth has more to fear from White rle- publicans than fi-oin Democrats. " He explained this on the ground that the , llepubheana want all the offices them selves, nnd it colored men claim a divis ion, they combine against them. In lliitt U'av liA fiaiil liA bail 1wn out from his election as Congressman, because lie had opposed a white Repub lican's candidacy for nomination as ftiierui. HISOMt lllMSlCKIKi n niirr. New York, January 527 lh A. M. Tho WorhFs cable fiom Alexandria says : Dr. Fanton, a highly instructed Mason, has finished a careful examina tion of the foundations of the obelisk, " ; and confirms Lieutenant Commander I t ... ...'.. ,1 tiaf-m-A... nf ltduniA blems, which establish the relations of many ancient Egyptian monuments. , 1-an ten declares that the Hiram version of Masonry, which originated with the disproved by the revelations ot the foundations of the obelisk. " The Ma sonic emblem of Life and the Sun, be- -vond doubt, is identical with the iuoa- ument of the Egyptian Uod Usinsv ; This proves that Masonry originated with the construction of the Pyramids, or at least with a far remoter period , i ii. , .- . r . l i i r . i , iiinu ine coiisiiuciioii oi iuo ooeusK. a number of blocks comprising the foun dation, as well as thoir position and arr ' rangement, indicate that the ancients were familiar with the higher - degrees' of Masonry, at least as high, as th; iiiighteenth Degree. Many : iiecuhirr emblems, not understood by Garringe, , were fully explained by l'anton from a Masonio point of view. This discovery furnishes a clue to other important dis coveries, not only under the fallen obol- . isks, but also in other parts of Egypt, ' rendering probable a solution of tlie mystery of the construction of the Pyr-. Amidst. Ammiffl IKa -iiuvwAt'iAa w:ea . found a jierfoct cube, and also emblems ot ail the Masonio , foundations. Uai I - . : . e .1 . IT.. . ring?, wuo is a memoer ox too miisoiiiy i iMa .L.ai,.l, h;. . entire approbation. . : ' ' :: ; This is the season when the draft that -comes in through an open door, niakis a man shudder. Particularly if it is, a sight draft and is brought in by a bank, collector.