The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, December 12, 1879, Image 2

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    Site .glntwcrat.
Our neighbor cf the Heyifter thinks
Linn county is now Republican be
cause, perforce, they elected a portion
of their city ticket in Albany on the
1st inst. Wo liko to see our Repub
lican friends sanguine, but if they ar-
gue from such a trilling and by no
means chcumstance as this
they -will be most fearfully gulled. By
reference to the luji.itcr's files for years
past its editor ill see that the Repub
licans Lave as often carried the city of
Albany as liavo the Democrats, and
even hist year they elected their Mayor
by a much greater majority than they
did this. If, therefore, tho usual rule
is made to apply, that the head of the
ticket 13 tho main issue politically, then
tho Democrats have made a gain in
Albany this year, and with that crite
rion to go by wo must ha vo even an ad
vanced Democratic majority in the
county, and can therefore safely rely on
our usual three hundred majority in
There is no question but what mere
Democrats than Republicans failed to
vote at our recent city election. Ou
party knew they had a good ticket, and
naturally expected that the ieop!o
would elect it without exertion
hence a marked apathy prevailed and
many Democratic votes were in this
manner lost ; while Republicans worked
with a desperation seldom witnessed
and we have heard of tricks resorted to
by soma of their candidates which, if
true, and known or understood in time
jrould have overwhelmingly defeated
Democrats of Linn count v have no
fears cf the usual triumphant victory
next year, and are in nowise losin
sleep ou account of the result of the
city election in Albany, where it i well
known that the balance of ower has
vibrated , between the two jnrties for
years, and where neither could claim a
complete victory.
It will be remembered that Haves
was made President by the electoral
vote of Louisiana being counted for
him, notwithstanding the fact that the
Democrats carried the State bv over
C,000 msjority the Republican return
ing board claiming that "bull-dozing"
and intimidation had secured that re
sult. Kver since that stupendous rob
bery of her electoral vote tho people of
Louisiana have been smarting tinder the
outrage, and being determined to resent
it, last week that State gave a Demo
cratic majority of nearly tiKtnty thous
and the city of New Orleans alone.
notwithstanding the presence of Haves'
U. S. Marshals, Leading the glorious
list with over six thousand majority !
Thos has the I?st one of the South
ern States whet-led gallantly into line,
and thus has the Co'lassal Piesidential
Steal forever made a Solid .South for
the Democracy !
TEE. The Democratic State Central Com
mittee, which is called to meet at Salem
on the Sth of next month, is cotnjiosed
of the following members :
Baker J. M. feheprnrd.
lHiU), J iu. b'inietl.
rUclutuu J. Welch.
'iit.p im Hbbsin.
Columbia H. Cauuie.
tum S. Sl Bailey.
Curry Ana Cotuitr.
iKiuUa u Y. Lane,
traut M- S. Uilnian.
Linn Mart. V. Drown.
Lwe- J. V. Thoipou.
Marion J. F. Miller.
MaUnomah E. A. Cronin.
folk 1. J. Hulme.
-nilamo'.k-T. J. ilij-gin-
U mat ilia A. W. N'ye.
Wasc. -S. il. Gita
Jackjim E. l- - ""iiirav.
Washington V. A. iiaily.
Josephine Cbas, liugtiss. Yarahiti it. ii. Meuum-kg.
Lake Jame baraes. Union A. C Craig.
LTon. E. A. Cronin, the Multnomah
member, Laving died since the appoint
ment, we presume the central commit
tee of that county will 11 the vacancy
in due time, and thereby be represented
in the Committee Meeting.
The Democratic State Central Com
mittee, which is called to meet at Sa
lem next month, will be saved the
trouble of selecting the place of holding
the next State Convention, as the last
Convention selected our own city of
Albany as the place for the State Con
vention of 1880. This is as it should
be. Linn," as the banner Democratic
county of the State, is entitled to the
distinction cf having the State Conven
tion held at her county" seat, and our
hotel accommodations are now of such
a nature as to warrant the fullest com
fort to our Democratic guests on that
Now, bince the Democrats of Massa
chusetts and Ohio have got through co
quetting with such -specimensfor pol
icy's sake, as Ben. Butler and Tom'.
lJ3wing, and are coming down to their
first love and first principles, we' hope
and lelicve they will succeed in adding
much to the solidity and nnity of our
party throughout the nation and assist
materially in the election of an able
and consistent Democrat for President
in the forthcoming election. -
Leaders of Democrats throughout
the county are urging the old patriotic
statesman, Heratio Seymour, of New
York, to be a candidate for President
next year. If he should consent Lb
would beat Grant, Blaine and the
whole Radical camp to boot. It is not
probable, however, that he will con
sent to again embark in politics.
Last week a now paper, culled The
llbany Herald, came out in much abu
sive language against the Democuat,
charging that it. is a dead paper, etc.
With its political titterances wo have
nothing to do in this article. What
object tho managers or inirinianflgera
xpect to. accomplish by stating that
the Democrat is dead we cannot under
stand. These young men have just
started their enterprise in Albany, and
notwithstanding political ditl'erenees we
have shown them many courtesies,
among others that of permitting them
the use of our power press in printing
their jwper they having come to Al
bany with only sufficient tye for their
use, but without a press. With this
matter in view wo had no idea that
they would not only violato tho usual
courtesies of journalism but would also
so far forget what is due from one re
spectable journal to another as to un
dertake to go into business affairs and
assert what is absolutely and unquali
fiedly false. For tho information of
these young and inexperienced gentle'
men we will stato that tho Democrat
is on as sound a footing as it ever wit,
and its solid standing as the oldest
Democratic paper in Oregon is entirely
unshaken by any aspersions front foes
without or foes withiu tho part v. The
Democrat and the Democracy of Linn
who lmvo stood shoulder to shouldc
through many a bitter battle,can afford
to tolerate jiolitical abuse from their oj-
poueuts and still hold the old banne
above other emulators, but as a bust
ness establishment ntd as hu.sinvss men
the Democrat management seriously
and emphatically object to an cspiona:
on the affairs of their own legitimate
business. The Albauy Register an
old and respectable Republican pajHT of
this city under its present managemen
of twelve years past, h?s fought with
us an honorable, gentlemanly and cour
teous light such as both Democrats
and Republicans of decency and ordc
like to see and only with such do w
care to deal. If the new paper desire
to conduct its course in tho line of le
gitlmate and respectable journalism, w
are willing to discuss any and all ues
t ions of public importance with it no
matter Low many editors it in-ty em
ploy ; but if it shall feci disposed to
continue the disreputable course Ll
its last issue indicated it will in nowise
have the benefit of our columns to ad
vertise its existence.
We trust our Democratic and Repul
lican friends and patrons fully Hnder
stand our OMtiou. If an entire
stranger should come into jour city to
locate in business of any sot t, an
should begin LU carcsr by meddling
with either the private or buaines af
fairs of citizens of good and long stand
ing, yoa would all consider him either
bilk or a fool, and would want nothin
to do with him. We don't make this
application, in its fullett sense, to tl
vounjr men who are enjrased in their
new enterprise, but we Lave only de
sired to make a slight illustration as to
the matter of their interference with
our business. Their jiolitica are their
own, and they are entitled to express
their opinions as much as any one. We
are not discussing questions of that sort
in this article. But as to who is tl
editor of the Democrat is a question
with which they have nothing to do.
The name of the editor of this paper is
at the Lead of our editorial columns.
where it Las stood for many a year, and
if they will fly their trijtodical manipu
lator in the same fearless and independ
ent way we shall be much pleased
otherwise the natural inference is that
everybody and everything has a hand
in the sand-pot.
TLii L all we shall Lave to Fay in
reference to the new paper until it
chooses to pursue such a course a3 shall
place it in the field of journalism in
which we have been used to combat.
A meeting of the County .Suicrin
tendents of Common Schools will be
held in Portland, Oregon, on December
30th and 31st, 1879. Following is the
programme :
School Visitations J. D. Itobb, of
Washington county.
Term of Oflics J. M. Heard, Doug
las county.
Examinations I. Allan Macrum, of
Multnomah county.
Reports E. B. McElroy, of Benton
Salaries N. W. Randall, Clackamas
School Libraries L. II. Baker, of
Yamhill county.
Certificates J. T. Gregg, of Marion
county. - -
County Institutes L. N. Liggett, ol
Linn county.
J. T. Gregg, President.
.- . Secretary.
'The St. Louis Times, one of the
solid Democratic papers of the West, is
now owned and edited by J. R. II.
Cundiff, brother of B. W. Cundiff,
Esq., of this city. The Weekly Times
is a colossal sheet, and the Daily is full
of the latest news matter. Its edito
rials are of the good old ante-bellum,
straight-jacket style of Democracy, and
are written with that care and dignity
which so eminently characterizes the
Bourbon Democratic editor. We com
mend the Times to all lovers of Dem
ocracy and State Rights, and hope that
it may have an immense circulation
during the great campaign of 1850.
Subscribe for the Democrat.
Tho dispatches of the last few days
indicate that there is liable to bo anoth
er war with tho Utes. Last Saturday
an exciting parley was held at Los
Piuo9 Agency, Colorado, between the
white commissioners and Chief Ouray's
Indians, and after Commissioner Hatch
had thrico demanded the delivery of
tho Indians who murdered Meeker and
his employes at the Agency, tho Indi
ans, with Ouray seated in their midst,
held a conversation in a low tone of
voico and without replying one of thoii
number lighted a pie, and each Indian
drew his kuifo and laid it across his
knees. Tho tjuesthm of eaco or war
being then pending,tho pin was paused
around, each Indian handing it to the
next without smoking. When it had
made tho circuit sub-chief Colorow,
without speaking, sprang to his feet,
straightened up to his full height,pulltHl
lis belt around until his kuifo sheath
was in front, pulled his knife out,thre
it with forco on the floor, quivering and
ringing. Instantly every Indian pres
cnt dropped his Land to Lis belt and
laid his hand on his knife or pistol
Tho whites did tho same, and tho two
parlies stood fronting and defying each
other for some moments, each waiting
for the other to make a forward move.
Thero worn but six whito men, while
theYo were !'." Indians in the room, and
15 soldiers in an ndmiuiiv' room. Fi
nally Ouray soke :
'We cannot deliver to vou these In
dians unless they aro tried in Washing
ton. They must not 1 tried in (Colo
rado, the Colorado people aro all ou
enemies, and to give them up to be
tried in this Stato would lo to surren
der them to bo hanged. Wo will brin
those twelve men here for you to e'
and then whom you decide guilty shall
tie tu-en to nslungton and the I rest
dent shall determine their guilt or inno
cence. Douglass will have to go, we
know. He was tit tho white nvi
troubles, and you shall decide who
else. Upon this condition, and no nth
er, will wo surrender tho guilty Ind
This being delivered with groat arro-
giiico and Iwldneas, Ouray said that it
would txike aliout a week to bring the
men in.
Hatch told htm that he would aecej
the proiosition so fur as bringing the
ruashacro men in, but as far as takin
them to Washington, he had to tele.
graph for ierniUsion to Schurz.
Colorow and Jack were immediately
dispatched to bring in the men named
including Doug!a: ttnd Periiine, Kayin
that they would 1; back in live days,
l'rwm this it would mm that tl
treacherous, murderous iiogn Mill in
tend to dt-fy the laws aim to continue
their warfare. The mxmer the Govern
tnent ceases its cowardly parleys with
these red devils and proceed to a n
faro of extermination of all thonn en
gaged fn this hostile movemi nt the I
ter it will be for the safety of our fron
tier jTOple and the credit of our conn
A iitio or TTIU
Well il.. the lcaJi-rof that irtv know thu Midi
the iTt.ranl and Illiterate ttiu!uu4c ii t toe not
effective -a .u lh.-y can UM.
The above from the Albany Deuo
CttAT, in si.enkirig of tho "bloody shirt'
canvass in Iowa and Maine, does not
seem to Mxruk very well for an editor.
He imagines that the masses of the jieo
pie ate ignorant, and that tho intelli
gence of the average American citizen
is all a humbug. Well, the readers of
tho Democrat may ! of that sort, but
we have a dill. -rent idea of our leaders.
Coot Lay Arytut.
Our friend of tlie Argun may have a
very fine opinion of Lis readers, but
whenhis class of fol'owcts prance around
that eminent ensign of ignoranee,njX!r-
stition and hatred of the South, culled
"the bloody shirt," and wave it over
American freemen for tho puijoscGf
gaining victories over quiet and orderly
patriots, we haven't much iynijathy for
them and very little retqiect.
RADICAL iKr.iiri'.
As Radical pajieiu now days make it
a specialty to dig up "Southern out
rages," ierhaps it is well to remind
them of some of their own Northern
beastliness. Here is a specimen which
for outrageous coarseness and profanity
beats anything wo have lately seen or
heard of :
"At one of Mr. Chandler's meetings
in Ohio some callow students delighted
hint by singing :
"The licpulilicana all will 1m there, thank Owl !
The IU.puWiimi. all will he th're, thank Owl !
The Uub!ican all will be thitre, thank Orxl !
In Heaven above, lier. all la love.
The Rjublk-ai all will bo there, tliank God V
"A second verse was of the same
style, the only change being of tho first
and last two lines, as
"The Democrats will NOT be thoro, thank God V
tho next strain was:
"The Democrats all will be there, thank God !
The Democrat all will be there, tliank God !
In hell below, where all in woe,
The Democrat all will be there, THANK COD !
Since Sarah Winnernucca, the Piute
Indian Princess, has entered the lecture
field in behalf of her trifle, that noted
San Francisco bummer, J'mqror Nor
ton, has issued the following Lifalutin
proclamation :
Whereas, We are desirous ' of pre
serving the North American Indians
and also of their proper civilization j
now, ineretore, VVe, JNorton J, "De
Gratia" Einperor of North America, do
hereby declare Sarah Winnernucca I5m
press of all the North American Indi
ans, and do hereby also decree, that no
treaties between the different tribes of
Indians and the respective acts shall be
legal without the approval and signa
ture of the Empress of North America.
Cal. Nov. 2G, 1879.
One of the late Senator Chandler's
troubles was that ho smoked too much.
His physician warned him against the
habit, but he loved his cigar and stuck
to it constantly.
.!!!'! IJUSL'-SfiL!!1!" ,.I1H!IIIL L!l '
Presidential speculations nro tho
rage now.
Ifo.v. A. M. Lav, Congressman from
Missouri, is dead.
Tun National Democraliu Commit li e
will meet in Boston on tho S.'ld of Felt-
Pit. Mary Wai.klu weais cardinal
silk MitsenderN. (Irunt wen is a bum-
boo sineh.
And now Capt. Thorn, of the steam
ship California, has fallen huir to
An uiiknowu individual rises to re
aark that a woman w ill never button
anything which she can pin.
The great Register of Sail Francisco
chows the fact that of 1 1,7C voters in
that city over half, or LMJiXJ are of
foreign birth.
Dan. Holto.v, the chief of Portland
landlords, has fitted up an elegant and
superb hotel in that city, and the l'ot t-
lanb pajiers aro bragging on it liko all
irr.Ri:Ar-Tr.r. the Statu Fair u to U
held tho fiiMt weeks of July. This
should have Ih'oii headed n propositim
for all Oregon to celebrate tho r'oitrll
at Salem every year !
Thk Republicans are fussing ovr
whero they mo to hold their next Na
tional convention. They would mak
the greatest Ikhhii by holding il in
Hong ICong, China.
Si natoh Clitil'MM Hays Grant is
man of grin. Does he mean that ho
shakes Lund every one just I
fore election, or that ho Iml l i mi tit all
that ho lays hands on ?
An exchango says ''Greenland has no
Cats." If our at tic friends would lik
to invest in that commodity Albany has
about 3,0l0 that wo would willing
to exchange for Polar Is-ars at par.
TllK great distress in Ireland lias
forced England to talk about help. But
British Kliey toward Ireland is an im
pcachmetit of British civilization. It
a'l beak and talons an. I no soul.
An enthusiastic K intern Democrat
journal says Horatio Seymour coul
carry New Yolk over Grant by one
hundred thousand majority ! For tl
L rd' sako then let us Seymour !
Dkmix-R.vts do not deny that Oral
is a "strong man" strong in the odor
of iniquity ami corruption that charac
terized Lis Presidential terms. Trot
him out if yott want Lim wa1lopjrd I
hikistiiah etiicilainineiita arc com
ing on- the season during which tl
young man with red hair, n stake and
lidi-red collar and nn nuVctrd look of
inttlligence stand iiii and "Dub
lin Bay" by sjx-cial request.
S.u t baa electe.l Democratic 5I
or lor me nrst time in twiniv yars
and we presume this is why (Ji-n. Jnu.
F. Miller called tho meeting of tl
Democratic Stato Central Committee at
that place. Well, Wait, we'll ratify
TllF. Portland St uularil now gets tl
latimt dispatchea, and there is now no
rcosiii why Democrats should not giv
it the fullest patronage. If Deimwra
were as clumitnh in Rfpublicaiii in the
matter of supjMirliug their parly jjers
wo wofild have lesrt reason to complain
of Republican successes.
As oposition paper sayn tho I'kmo-
t'KAT has enemies in its own part;'. Wo
don't know who they aie nor do we
care. Every man who ban independ
ence of thought ntid decision of charac
ter must have cnemies.aud wo wouldn't
give a tinker's cum word for a man who
couldn't stand a little brush from Lis
enemies without squealing.
California legal shysters and news-
rmpers are attempting to meddlo will
the decisions of our Oregon courts. If
they will just keep their mud-hooks
out of Oregon's affairs and attend to the
corruption in tho courts of their own
State they will very much obligo a
people who have already sull'eied too
many indignities and officious inter
meddlings from that quartan
UEATn OF tK.V, JF.W. f. DAtla.
On the 30th tilt. Brevet Major Gen
eral Jeff. C. Davis died at Chicago of
pneumonia of the lungs. Gen. Davis
will be remembered as commander of
tho Department ot tho Columbia previ
ous to Howard, and commanded the
troops at the time of the capturo of
Capt. Jack and his Modoc band. He
was an honorable, high-souled gentle
man, a gallant officer andv brave soldier,
and a common country mourns his
OliKAY, head chief of the Utes, has
bohavod himself very well, and is re
ceiving many compliments in conse
quence, but it is worth while to remem
ber that he receives $1,500 a vear fmm
the Government for doing so. Many
white men behave well all thoir lives
without being paid a cent for it by any
Ox the road leading to Vancouver
the following "Notis" is posted very
conspicuously: "If any man's or wo
man's cows or oxen gets into these here
otes, his or her tale will be cut off, as
the case may be. I am a Christian,
and pay mi taxes, but darn a man or
woman who lets their critters run luso,
say I."
As Senator Chandler left no will, his
widow and only child, the wifo of Eu
gene ITalo, of Maine, will receive his
estate of three to five million dollars,
Mall the Kxprrta,
We uuint muoii liko tlto idea of a I
stranger getting tho appointment of
I'ostai .Agent i,ir mm mate, but wo are
fust changing our mind. It li;ins to I
look liko un eastern imported article is
1 . . A 1 - 1 i I
uoitcr iiiHii Jiuuio roiucuoa
Tho I
. .
Albany ami J ortiami express
... a.
t it ........ ......: 4 e .... i.. .. . I
maaea.- .j ...... .o u. vo gMl
an evening man worn tho latter iilacc,
1 I
but tho oiiiwrtunity has novrr been em-
braced by any Postal Agent until the
f: -
iireneiiv nm i tiiu Mireviioit oi iir. I
Geo. Keabtdt. The first mail came p
hist Wednesilay oveninir, and it is such
. . , . I
il great convenience to our business
men that they aro loud in their praises
..... 1
nfMi. Seabo t. For fear one remh,
la nut undr. stand tho extent of the
plain it. In tho evening only three I
mnil uhi'Lu arr luLnri ,ut nf. T.,t.tli.n,t
. .. . ...
one lor 1 iregoit Vi'.y, olio lor Halem and
r... All....... I :i n : I
received any whero ou the road, and in
the morning the same three cities send
ouo Mica eacii to I'ortluml. Ilnsol
course gives us no communication with
any other city, but wo appreciate) the
one favor and will look forward to get
ting the oilier in tho future.
TUr tlrunaxlllc Ktrrllun.
V.. faae..l.aa t .r -.1 ... . I . ... .1
UrowBsvillo transpires, and from what
we hrar the citizens must 1st taking
considerable interest in it. Tho only
question which will cut any figure in
tho contest will m "license or no li
cense. The Hltin Kiblwn Club has
been ngilnling tho question lor some
time, nnd tho result is tho following
teiuiciBMce ticket lieing put in nnmimv
lion :
Freaiileitt ol' ihe t'.iiiii. il .1. I:. Ir-
Utvoidi-r--II. J.C'. Aveii'd.
Marshttl- H. W.
Treaaiirer W. It. Kirk.
Cuiiucilmeu A. J. Adams,
Morelock, J. F. Hyde and II. at. Fow
11 1 .1 1 . 1 f .1
v a nn e not m-iira tiif iiauiea 01 1 u
anti licens ticket.
Clar ttlbboa lab.
1 hero w 111 IKJ a meeting Ol lim I.IUC
Kibbon Club at Y. I. C. A. Hall to-
iiiht, and tol.owinp; is tho programmo:
i! Miihic.
3- Uecitation. (
I -tJuarN'lUj by male voit-i-a.
5 Ili-umi ks by Ilev, I. II. Condi t.
C Mimic by orclunlra.
7 Original cm.
f Mttaic.
9 IMitiilion.
10 -Music.
i I Five minute ajM-echea.
I- UiiKineaa and circululiuu
Our Water Warasa.
At lust the iron pi for the Albany
Water Works has commenced to arrive.
lutat Wednesday three car loads came
up aud yesterday four more, nnd ten car
loads mora next week will traliort it
all from Portland to this city. It is
made up of 2, .1, I, 5 ami C inch pije,
and there is '2W tons of it. There are
also six hydrants, which wo supoHc the
eily w ill purchaae. '1 hi- pi is being
stored nut ou the common near the
Cowan wart-hoiiM
tir. K. e. aaniia, tarall.l.
Our former fellow citien, Dr. H O.
Smith, is now out at Kodaville, but will
come to this city next Monday, Doc.
1 th, and will renin in with us for kcv
eral days practicing his profetotion. He
can b- found nt his old office in the
Odd Fellow's Temple. AH who want
work don, and also all who owe him
are requested to call.
or la I Xrxl Taeaday Cveabag.
Tho ladies of the M. E. Church will
give n social at tbe Al. r.. Jfarsonage
next Tucstliiy orvuing, and Miry wish
us to invite all our readers and all their
friends to attend. Do sure to go, as it
will bo a pleasant affair.
. tab balk aehsal Concert.
A Sabbath School concert consisting
of geneial singing, recitations, etc., will
bo given at tho Evangelical Church
next .Sabbath evening, commencing at
7 o'clock. A general invitation to at
tend is extended to all.
At Ibe Wntaon gehuul Hume.
Itoligious services will be held at tha
Watson School Houso next Sabbath
afternoon at 3:30 o'clock, conducted by
the pastor of the Evangelical Church
of this city.
Now comes tho news that Eliza
Pinkston, tho sainted radical female of
Louisiana, who swore so loudly against
Southern bull dozers in 1 87C, has been
arrested recently for tho murder o her
last husband. Hayes and his perjured
conspirators will ploaso rush to hor res
cue again.
The Iladicals of Maine aro terribly
alarmed for fear a lot of their illegal re-
tnrns at tho lato election willbe thrown
outby the Democratic canvassing board.
Ah, how tho perfidious, unblushing
scoundrels do dread retaliation for thoir
infaniftus frauds cf 1870.
Joaquin Miller, the "poet," was
recently married to Miss Abby Leland,
of New York. We hope it may im
prove his measure. Olympia Standard.
Well, didn't he metro for that pur
Portland is having a fowl show, and
Salem will havo a Fair one in July.
flrrmoa's Hall.
At the last meeting of Albany a-
Igmo Co. ho. 1 arrangements were made!
lor Homing tiieir eleventh annual noii-i
day ball on Christmas Eve, Wednesday, 1
Dec. 24th,and the following Committee!
'ns npiointed to make the necessary I
, n m T
arrangements: D. T. Mason, T. J. I
A 1 A - V A I - - - I
i - 't : r l.' r..., At. If.. ... 1
, . . .....
ttout iinnuey. m account oi uie i
I'lesmit stringency of money matter.
the price of tickets Las Wn put down I
a - ,.. t ' r fti nr
m, viih rxbi viuuijr itw fi iw i I
(without suppo.) and certainly anyone
can mine that amount. We need not I
. i t . i
say anything in regard to the mawge
uieitt of the ball, for every on will
I, i . i it I
know that it will bo conducted in the
right manner when they see that it i.
siven livtlin firemen. It will be the I
o ' ' . ..
finest affair of tho kind this aeasn and I
if vou take t easure in such ainiiHment
. i I
woum w imwi, tor you vo urn an Tuu.
arrnntremetila to attend.
a, ceeil Wark. I
... .
Wo this week received a copy Oi I
Mf ',,rii,t' Al.tmna. fi.r 1 KKO. and I
It as tho best that 01 r. Mo-1
Cormick has over publiahe.1. It is a
. I
neat little work of sixty iauea, contain-1
Intruafful ataltatiea t-rtaii.iutf to tbelK..."'!?!"'-.
growth, resourttHI, Iopulaliotl, etc., of
Un't'OO. V lUlhlntflOll ftllU 1 llUO. JI
yon waul copy Mia J -'i cents to r,
Ik McCotmick at Portland.
lac ria.
Wo have in our ollieo a switch of I
lint that. a.nt.w.I veaterdav in our
... , ... ... i
Albany Max actory which excel any
lint that wo ever aaw,i
,and is pronounced
1 -f , . ,A
I if not superior to
by exjH-rts to be equal
either Kngland or Ireland production.
We invito those interested in flax cul-
e lilt ItO llioso tntt resit in ix cu.
tu re to come and see it.
Ladle iMka.
1 have ju.t received another Urge lot of
UJa-a tloaki direct from the factory in the
Kaat. Samckl K. Yot'Ko.
The Oratf k Bale f
Our country la a-eUiog to be fearfully
1 -1 t .1.. . . . n 1 1 r. LImw m.
1 .mhuh, ...a b.k - -
cauae, draih reaulltnK generally from the
wud tt arr riar. w moui inr namnuw
imait inaiKniucant origin, jiuounwu
f the yer, eateially, a cold la aueb a
rooamaii tning mat 1
in the burrr of every
.1 nr. u. .u ..j .aaumI.W iL.J..iMr
attending It. and eflenUlnd teo late that a
Paver or Lung treuble haa already in.
every winter, while bad BoaciiKK'a Ota.
M am KAitt-f beea Uken. a cur would have
reaulted, and a large bill from a doctor
Iwn avoided. For all dlanaaea of tbe
throat and lung. llo- uK;a Usts Sr-
Mi-rhaa pr.ven liaalf to iMIbe greateat
llw-overy or lla kina in turxiicinn. every
I. r ihi. .,mirv will lmII on of
ita wonderful etTeet. Over lM,00 botUea
old lat year wltltout a iagle failure
ix-raided In. wilt cure tbe worat caae of
of I but illalraaaing trouble. Thia pill curea
Torpid Liver aud Uill"iino, lUntulalua
the liowola, remove 11 in plea Irout tbe
Kaon, enrm Hallow Complexion, Koul
llreatb. rtirk Ileacbwhe, Heartburn, lain
In the Shlea ami Ibw-k; la Nugar r-nated and
TAHl.K. It aeta directly on tbe coating of
the Ntainaelt and on the IJver. Can be
taken in anv clime wet or dry weather.
Hewate or "initial ion. Tbe genuine baa
an engraving of a Hon on the outaide
wrapper. lrice, So rent. For aalo by all
That I bare taken away tbla elJ man's
dauvbler la moil true true I have mar
rind tier and I have no ritaaon te regiet It
r or aiaee that nappy dar we have al
way kept a aupplv of Kan I Kreae'a cele
brated aJanieurg Tea in tne nouae, ana
eouaeumitly wile ana I, and all tee deal
Utile ouma, are in good health all tbe time,
levaatrra aa lateateea
.. i i r... (. ...j i..... tAm. .r..
IUOJ14.U HCIIU IUI IIIMI Ul ..Vf.n, (., . ' I 1
eucca, eU., to Kllaon 15 rot he nt, Solicitor,
er I'aleut, vyaablmnon, D. u.. Who rur
11 lab the aame without charge. Kdiaon
Hrotliera la a well-known and aoeeeaaful
linn of large ex perlemx), having lieen i
abllalied aiuce lboo. U.VAt
Albany Engine Co. No. 1,
Pacific Opera House.
lVrdnrndaj Etc., Dee. 21, 1S79.
UH. al. V. I1KOWS,
J. at. alKHHK K,
Tlrkru (wllheat aaper) ll.e.
Sheriff's Sale.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon
for the County of Linn.
John Xaorn, rialntilT,
Henry S. Gore and Kllzabeth Gore, his
wife, William U. Uore, U. U. Uarnes, W.O.
Palmer, and L. Senders and M. Sternberg,
partners as senders x Biernnerg, tfoiend-
closure in tho above named Court In
the above entitled action, and an execution
aud ordor of Bale issued in pursuance
thereof, to me directed and delivered, in
favor of tbe above named plaintiff and
airatnst the said defendants Henry 8. Gore
and Kllzaboth Uore his wife for tbe sum ef
f 1374 72 in U. a. irold coin, Willi Interest
thereon In like coin from the 8th day of
November, 1879, and the further sum ef
914eaa attorney's toes, anu tne iurtuer sum
of 940 6A costa, I have levied upon tbe
mortgaged premises deacribed in aaid de
cree as follows, to-wit: Beginning at the
Southeast corner of William li. Gore's do-
nation land claim Notliloation 2197 and
Claim No. 38 in Tp. 12 S. R. 2 W. Willam
ette Meridian, and running thenoe North
20 chains, thence West bTA chains, thenee
SoutU 80 chains, tbenee East 10 72-100
chains to tbe Masonic burying ground,
thenoe North 3X ebains, tbenee East 7 lo
100 chains, thenoe South 3 60-100 chain,
thence East 83 38 100 chains to tbe plaoe of
beginning, containing 100 acres, mere or
less, aaid. land situated in Linn Ceunty,
Oregon, and on
Monday, tint ISth day of January, 1SS0,
at the Court House door in the elty er Al
bany, Linn County, Oregon, at tbe hour
of 1 o'clock P. M., I will sell tbe herein
before described real property at nubllo
auction lor cash in hand to the highest
bidder to satisly said writ, witn accruing
costs. .
Dated this 121U day or ueeemoer, ta7W.
Sheriff of Linn Co., Oregon.
By Geo. Humpheey, Deputy. 19t4
health, ami yet many are atinnng tne im- uuartr or Uie ivorlbeaat ( Section aaiu ueienaaut, tt . v. la liner. .Now, there-
lurea of the damned with Ivpeila when &i In Townabip 12 8. R. 2 West, aiao lot fure, on
aalncte bottle of DR. MINT IK'S KNO- If o. 3 and the Northeast quarter of the &,,, ,u, ,,. ,., ... ,
I.isif IANtKU0N LIVKR AND 1)Y North qttaUer of becUoit 8, Towaahln 7"r ''' ,hf J'M -f ''. I-.
i-i'Kli I'M 1)1 m.M viva minf and. If m it n Wa.1. all In Win.,t,di at the Court ilouae door in the citv of Ai-
Sheriff's Sale.
circuit Court of tU Male of Oregon
for the County of Linn :
jonil Wolverton, Plaintiff,
company dlog buinen lit San Iran
clseo, California, M. VT. Noustadder,
Nutddr. Neuatadder. J. HoentMUim,
' - 4..
J. Kmthwaver. Dartners under the firm
nmm - of NeuirtidTiar lJro... Ivl Mraus, J.
mniua and u. Mtlkllne, artners unaeriue
. j. i . i lj. a. A U' 1 . u
" V Tirn,n? trtnar.
under the llrm ttameof Kiosterman arm.,
Uwrjr Ackerrnan.dotnK bu.ln. under
tlie linn fiaifM 1 Jifenry Acaernun o&
and P. Kaaaer, partners under the firm
Biuii of iteuner llron., K. Ja:tm, I. Ja
kgbn, W. Baurn and P. IJnpla, panneni
under ti.e firm
Ctianea Coleman, tnortxn Coleman, Aura-
ham Celeuian and Holoaion Coleman,
draw Art man. Jan. A. Kbert, and. lirnatz
.17. A,lml.,l-iir fth. .mrtnn.biD of
i?qx dc Uro., einpii of ouo J-'ox and
MUmuna tox, dooeuweo, jeienuano..
j j clfMur9 , tl)J mbov9 nHiuvd Court In
Iineauore entitled aiilt, and an execution
. Ml- ImmhmI l u reliant
tlieroef, to tne directed and delivrd, on
iu-.ia aay oi roovemuer, a uwi on
Ithi d of Moramtxr. 1S7H. In win
,,, i.i onu.. ieVv uiwn the I
luortnired Dremlaea described therein.
biona of aald docnw that the defenuaut
J.u w . '"iver i .1 raiSri 'i ? i
John Wolverton 'ntl"aiituorlSll ISintJ.
1. ob coin, with fxruinu: muirett thereon
further, u in of flat l. ""y',.mP'
uiuor, bmu uto 1
cre is a lieu upon I
the following deaerlee.1 t.reuit-a, Uvwit:
J urn uonaiiun iauu nauum nuiiaiu a.i
Peluraon. Not. No. 2.M, and belna: fort of I
HcH-tlona W and 30, Towuahlp No. 12 li. K.
2 W. of Willamette Meridian, dewnbod aa
follows: Uexluniug S 16-100 chain North
of the Southeast corner of hection 30 of
wild Tewnablp, mnelliK then 1-JUrt 'l l
I lot chalna. theaoe North 'LI 7i-l00 chainx
I tbence Kant 3 chains, thence North 111 7t-
m clMin,t ,etMM, VTwl yi io-l.o cbaiaa,
1 Bouth 4J ai-lOO chains, tbenue Kaat
33 c,,1":.U,J!la VUt, f taK,B,;
I oonulnlmr 3il el-lOO creafexcetaioic tiiat
lews, Went from the extreme 8. K. corner
cu tu.,w Nortl.weat-
erly to the North llae or aw cialnMbeeco
VmjA 40 rxla, more or Urnx, U I lie Soulbe&xt
corner, thence Ctoutlt on the VjuA. boundary
line to the HeutlieaMt corner. 19 74-100
." "
1 following tract of land: The frao-1
I tional Houtb one half of the North-1
weal one-tounn 01 aeetton anu 11 action-
9 HTtti 'LL lh?. Ubn;
I Wlllatnutle Meridian, contalninu
I . 1 1 . l. .1 .t 1 i i . Ar
1 iw araw, unoi m uuuouuu wuu cuiiuui
jnaanh Hamilton, all nr aalil I ami Imini?
I .nd Uinic in Unn County. Oretrou.
Clearer la Indebted to the defendant lirnatz
HeconU, that tne Oolonoant John w.
I .v. avrlminud.raiAr nt thn conartnnhinl
. . . . . .. . 1 ,
I -j.;i4 Fa In 17. 8. trald ooln. with inUireatln
1 e cxtia frarn the 1 lib day of November,
I na the further sum of a an attorney
foe, M1 that aaid tndebledneat cenatitutea
I . i,en on all tbe land hereinbefore d -
.cribed exoerjUnr Uia aaid 112 5&-100 u-mi
hereiabofore dScnbed a tbe donation
U-a -,alm .f Jo-eph H.mJlfn.and the
.air J.', r-re-j hereinbefore deacribed aa
I i.i a r, I i
lB, indelitodoe-a conatitotea a Ilea n
I tbe following deaeribed promUee: Tle
I North half of the Nortbwaat quarter, and
the Northweat otiarter of tbe Nonheau
I quarter, and lot No. 3,frational BouibweMt
an, linn County, Oieson.
Third, that tbe defeadant John W
Cleaver la indebted to the defendant I. R.
Dawaon In tho aum of fiill and accruing
interest al me rate or ten per cent, per an
Fourth, that the defendant John W.
I leaver la Indebted to tbe defendant lien
ry Acker-man A Co. In tbe auiu of Iltf 1 eS
and accruing interest tkereon at tbe rate of
ten per cam. per annum.
Filth, that the defendant John W. Clea
ver is Indebted to the defendant Kloater
man broa. In Uie aum af S-Vta 81 and ac
cruing interest tbercou at tbe rate ef Un
per eeut. per annum.
Sixtb. tbat tbe defendant John W. Clea
ver la indebted t lb defeudaula Jacobs
Bros, in the sum of $877 60 and aoerulng
InleraHt thereon at tbe rate of leu per cent.
per annum.
Seventb. tbat tbe defendaut John W.
Cleaver la indebted to tbe defendant Ivt
Straus A Co. in tbe aum of and ao-
crning interest thereon al tbe rate of ten
per eeut. per annum.
Cigbth, tbat tbe defendant John W.
Cleaver I indebted to the defendants P,
Waaaerman A Vo. in tbe sum of S ,
with accruing Interest at the rate of ten
per cent, per annum, and that tbe liens ef
Uie defendants J. K. Dawsen, Henry Act
ermaa ot Co., K looter man Bras., Jacobs
llroa., Ljbvi Miraua A Co. and f. Wasser-
man A Co. are concurrent in time and are
to share ratably with each other and eon
aututea lien upon all the real property
hereinbefore deacribed (nave and except
tbe 15 acres sold to A. Dodge) and Hiitwe-
quent to tbe lelns er tbe plaintiff John
Wolverton and Uie defendant Ignatx Fox,
aumtniatrator ot i. r ox a xsro., and on
Saturday, the 10th day of January, JSS0,
at tbe Court Houao door in the City of Al
bany, Linn CouMty, Oregon, at the hour of
two o'clock P. M., I will sell all of the
hereinbefore deacribed premises at public
auction for cash in haad to Uie highest
bidder in the manner apecined in said de
cree, 10-Wlt ;
First, that the said donation land claim
of Joseph Hamilton, containing IIS 5S-100
acres, aa nerein described, be first
old, and the proceeds arising from said
sale be applied tlrat to tbe payment of the
costa and disbursements of this suit, and
accruing casta; second, to the payment of
tne aaid sum er ib;i io, witn interest as
aforesaid, and IISO attorney's fee: third.
that if any thing remain tbe same be ap
plied to the payment of the said turns duo
the defendants I. K. Dawson, P. Washer
man A Co., Henry Ackerman A Co., Levi
Straus A Co. Jacobs Bros, and Klosterman
Broa.. ratably and In proportion to their
several claims; next tbat tbe residue of
tbe premises neroln nrst described as cov
ered by the lien of the said plaintiff John
Wolverton be next sold ana the proueeds
arising f rem such rale be applied first to
the payment of any sum that may remain
due upon defendant John W. Cleaver's in
debtedness to plaintiff, and second to the
payment to the said defendant Ignatz Fox,
administrator as aioresaia, ot tne saia sum
of 5894 53 and interest as aforesaid, and
the further aum of 2i0 attorney foe, and
the residue, if any, shall be applied to the
payment of the said sums due to tho de
fendant A. it. AJawson, f. wasaerman a
Co.. Henry Ackerman fc Co , Levi Straus
fc Co., Klosterman Bros, aud Jacobs Bros,
ratably and in proportion to their several
claims. Next, that the residue of the
premises as herein last described, covered
bv the lien ol the defeudant Ignats Fox,
administrator aa aforesaid, be next sold,
and the proceeds ariajng frpm such sale be
applied first to the payment of any sum
that may remain due upon the claim of
the said Ignats Fex, administrator as
aforesaid, aa herein set forth, and next to
the payment of the claims of the said de
fnmfanlii I. S. Dawaon. Jacobs Bras.. Klos
terman Bros , Henry Ackerman t Co.and
P. Wassermaa A Co. ratably la proportion
to their several claims.
Dated this Sth day or Deoember, ix,y.
Sheriff ot Linn Co., Oregon.
By Geo. Uumpurky, Deputy. 19tt .
Stockholders' Meetlngr.
there will be a meeting of the Linn
County Agricultural Association on Thurs
day, January 1, 1880, at the hour of ene
o'clock P. M. of said day at the Court
House In Albany, Llrin County, Oregon,
for the purpose of electing seven directors
of said Association to serve the ensuing
Tear. By order of tbe President.
Attest: President.
H. Bryaktt, Secretary,
Deoember 10, 1879. 19td
- WILL F,F,-
Tafthjrotte nhowitt f..fwarl U thin ofiri c!ul af
HI ulM:f ifffl- U
Th: Ilhuitralml Mairazine f the (-.Bo
.Nurthweiu hae becit
cxr.ATi.r iwpaovr.o ran ty.m.
Ami now rank armmy tli bewt In hm Uniln hiltw.
r.,., u r...., t,
ul II.
Prlc per annual, HI. Sai.u; e li iwnit trer.
Sheriff's Sale.
In thr Circuit Covrt of thr Slat- . (rrtjtmfof
the. County of .'mm :
Jacob Kces, HainlilT,
James Care. Malimla (lore. Iiis ifr. U'.!-
liain K. ( Jore and Margaret Core, Im if,-(
John A. i:bifitt, Frank 'art,ii, John ('..n-
fier, V. O. 1'uliiicr ami C. U. JSamr. IV-
1 9 foreeloMure in the alvc named Court
in the above entitlwl action, and an exctu
Itiooatid order of sale ismeil in purMiance
Ion tlie'lMta .l.iy .f KovemW, )-
n,T , he "'"73a iniU tn
Ual ,l, r-rc! ai loil,, to-it:
.. ,.;-! l,.,.l ,.f ....
11. ;re aud Mgarrt Core, raii; U.
. , "Ti :r . " . ' L-. . ,
, , -. ; r, '
'JtiarU-r rod, thence Nith one hun.lrwt and
ty-leur ro.I, thence Wtnt aloiy the line
f ' claim acvMityight and one ijuarler
rod to the place of trgmning, c-M:taiuiix hi)
acre, betun in I .inn County, Orc.11.
I Whcreaa. it ajiprani that the iK fui.lar.t
in. Ii. Core Inxarne the owner 111 fee aim-
I .,le of the lan.b, hereinbefore U4.riU-l on the
day , seoutnU-r. 1 srs. and ut.-.ia. nt
to j,lttiutiira ai.t iin.rtgaif.r, and that kun
now the owner thereof, .ul.ject, l.ever, to
I : " . '
. And where., it . .fron, the ..rovj.
y iMtM
A- i'iaett i a lien crel,t..r by v.rtne of a
""'Ss y ""
I m. JJ.t.ore and Margaret i lore Ins
I wifo to the aaid John A. llobim-tt, hu h said
1 lien is next in priority to that of the plaiutilf
and iadifment in the County Court aiimift
the dcfendanU Win. li. Gore au.1 Jamea
i,Te,w hichaid lien u ncjetin miority to the
of Uie aaid defen.lant John A. J'i-in -tt,
andthat the defcpdant W. O. 1'aWr ma
lien creditor of the aaid defendant Win. 1'..
1 . . , virtn. .,t . ,ti,...r.t i.....i
I . --r. ' . . : . . '
of thia Court on the ItHh day of April, lb7'..
in an action tuen vetuliai' in uid Court
1 w?ere'n .V- - ?'a.""er plaintiff and
Wm. B. Core and Henry H. Core wc-re de-
I f... 1.... . ' ,1 . . t ..1 . .. 1 )
acrved and iudtrment dulv entere.1 aud rm-
ititatcs a lien on the mortgaged vremiaea
I lien of the defendant C. O. Uarm-a, aiul that
the defendant John Conner U a lien cred.U.r
1 i ,i.r.....l.n m tt .: i.
. ...... . ; ,
"t: " tU 4ih t ki TT
Vi tl L r.;!,;1
l V ' r- r" v-...
I wherein tbe aanl John Conner was l.bmliil
d the aaid in. 1,. (.ore wa defendant,
hu;b axid attachment was duly aervd and
judgment rendered, which conatitatta a Un
the mortgaged nremiaea hereinbefore de-
I acnU-d next in priority to tho lien of the
bany, Liun coupty, Oregon, at the hour of
10 o clock A. 51. 1 will sell the ln-rew.Ufure
deacribed mortgaged prvmiae at public auc
tion for caah in hand to the highest biihler,
Uie proceed, of the aale to be applied to tbe
payment of tbe uma found to be due to the
several lien creditors herein according to
their priority, to-wit :
First, to the payment to the plaint:!? Jacob
Keea the nun of $1533 00 in 17. S. gold coin,
with accruing interest thereon at the rate of
one yet cent, per month from the lOtii day
of November. 1S79, and the fnrfher snm of
5150 00 aa an attorney's fee, sod tho further
aum of S5U 35 costs.
Second, to the payment to the defendant
John A. ftobinett the sum of (421 15 in L'.
8. gold coin, with interest thereon in like
coiu at the rate ef one per cent, pal mont u
from tbe 10th day of November, lST'J, and
the further aum of $39 00 attorney's fee.
Third, to Uie payment to Uie defendant C.
O Karnea the aam of $TIV9 50 in U.S. gold coin
with interest in bke coin at the rate of 1 per
eeut. per mouth, and the further sum of irIO
attorney's fee.
Fourth, to the payment to the defen.lant
W. O. Palmer the aum of $1008 00 in L". S.
gold coin, with accruing interest thereon at
the rate of one per cent, per month from the
27th day of October, 1879.
Fifth, to the payment to the defeintant
John Conner the sum of $319 til tn I. ,S.
gold coin, with interest at the rate of one
per cent. r month from the ;M:h day of
October, 1879.
With accruing costs.
Dated this 5th day of Deeendier, 1S79.
Sheriff of linn Co., Oregon.
Hy Geo. Ui-MPnnEy, Deputy. 1SU
Sheriff's Sale.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Ortyon
for the County of Linn :
L. C. Rice, riaintiff,
J. II. Taylor and lourinda Taylor, his
wife, and Michael Kane aud F! Uleary,
partners under tbe firm name and style ul'
Kane, Oleary A. Co., Itefenuants,
closure and order of sale in the above
named Court, in the above entitled action,
on the 27th day of October, 1S79, aud an
execution issued in pursuance t hereof, to
me directed and delivered, fortbe sum of
9798 00 in U. S. gold coin, with inteiost at
the rate of one por cent, per moiHli irom
the Uth day of November, and tho
further sum of il 00 costs, I have leviml
upon the mortgaged premises described in
said decree as follows, to-wit : Lot num
bered (5) in Block (45) forty-five in the
city of Albany, Linn county, Oregon, as
designated and numbered on the plats and
surveys on file in the County Clerk's oaioe
ef Linn County, Oregon, and ou
Saturday,lhe 10th day of January, 1SS0,
at the Court House door in the city of Al
bany. Linn County, Oregon, at tho hour
of 11 o'clock A. M., I will sell the herein
before described real property at pnlilie
auction for easb in baud to the highest
bidder, to satisfy said writ, with accruing
costs. i
Dated this 5th. day of December, 1S79.
18w4 Sheriff of Linn Co , Oregon.
By Uko, Humphrky, Deputy.
Alpany Bath House,
fully inform tha eitiieni of Albany aud vi
cinity that I have taken oharge of this tablih
meat, and, by keeping clean room, and pay irg
itriot attention to business, expect, to suit hi
tho.. who may favor us with their patron.
Having beretotot eamea on nottnng bat
Flrst-Clasa Hair Dressing Saloons.
ws axpeoti to give entire lati.faetion to ail
ja3rCaudien aud Ladies' Hair neatly cut
tad shampooed. JOS WKBBKB.
Money to Loan
81. tOO. 82.000. and various sums
up to 930,000, at ton per cent, the inter
est payable annually. Ten jears' given,
or long or short periods. All loans paya
ble within this state only.
Apply to i. H. iJUKJVtlAKl,
7tf Albany.