MART. V. BROWN, EDITOIC FRIDAY" ...DECEMBKK 5, 1S79. DEMOCSATIC STATE CENTRAL-COM- MOTEL A meeting of tlio TVmocratte ??tal Contra I CVrniniiUfo is lieivly eslltnl to m?ct iu tlie city of SnUtn on llio Slli of January, 1SS0. A Ml sttotnl ancc is rrquesteJ. , JOHN F. MILLER, ',, . . Chairman.. Democratic jis copy. Mart. V. Brown id the member of the State Central Committee fiom linn. It is liopctl there will Lc a full attend ance from the various counties. ELI i: KlIiBOX I LI t EJtior Ikuwerat : The tail of the Y. P. C. A. Mas erowileil last Friday evening, the occa sion Wing the regular meeting of the B!uo Ribbon Club, of AlUr.v. After the oiening exercises the Club was ad dressed by Rev. J. T. Wolfr, whose remarks, though somewhat lengthy, were excellent, and lktened to with at tention. A solo by Mr.-AUcrt lfaf fendeu was received wi'.h applause. Next was the reading of An oiigiual poem by Miss druthers, whom we un derstand is a pupil in our public school. It was a production that one much old er would Lave reason to le proud ef. Other exercises followed, consisting of music by Miss Pijer and pjieechea by Rev. M. C. Miller and other. At the business mcetiricr Mr. Juhn Conner called attention to the jietition present- ed by liquor dealers of this city to the City Council asking for a reduction of tho license fv-e. It was thereupon re solved that iu the opinion of this Club the license fee ought to l-e increased in- Stead of diminished, ami President Humphrey was instructed to notify the Mayor and Council of the action of the Club, ard 'to "lave it" publLLed in our city paiers. The Club then ad jonrned to meet Friday evening, Dec 1 2th, at 7i sharp. This we can say was one of the best attended and most enthusiastic meetings of the season, and "the temjieranee jeoplehavc cause to re joiceatthe interest shown by ourcitizens in the success of the club. Every one who rea ls this is not only invited but ex(K?cted to be present at tho next meeting. Du e Rirbox. rOLITIC fr THE SEX ITE. The United States Senate .Stands forty-three Democrats (counting Judge Ife via of Illinois,) ami thii ty-tlireo Re publicans, a inajoritv of ten. Exulting over their recent iotoiies, tho Kepub licans are boasting of their ability to sejnre the next .senate, commencih March 4 th, 1SS1. This they can not do. Giving them a gain in all the doubtful States where Senatorial terms expire this session giving them Con Connecticut, Xew York, New Jersey and Pennsylv:inia,the Democrats would still have two majority. The United States Senate will be Democratic for the next four years, and longer loo ! The Ornjoniaa, after an elaborate editorial on Haves' Message, tiinis it ' np in the following - sarcastic 'para graph: "Altogether there is nothing in the message that will create any particular excitement or arouse any discussion, unles-s it be the position which the President takes on linances, and bin party wiil probably give him only a partial support in this matter. There is not much that is new or entirely original, most of. its matter being a compilation of department reports, or a review of the alTaii-j of the government which have already 1eeit ' given to the public by the enterprising journals of news." : -... A t iMPllH on KB. T' any one Fending us the names of five liew subscribers, accompanied by tho cash; we will send the Democjut free fop one year. We make this offer because we are very desirous of increas ing our circulation for the great politi cal campaign of 18S0. We respectful ly solicit the assistance of Democrats giai!y in the work of procuring sub scribers for our paper. If tlio stib- scriptions'afesenjfja before tlio expira tion of the present year we will add all the balance of this year free, and send the paper for the full twelve months in 1880. THE XEXT STATE FAIR. A Jeti( r from Hon. C. P. CurkhaH informs us that the Board of Managers, who are now in seshion, have decided to hold the State Fair next year, be ginning ou the Jst of July and ending on the 8th. It wa3 also decided to keep open on Sabbath, and another de cision was that no gambling should be "itl lowed, and no liquor (beer " included) should be sold on the ground.. ...Geo. S. Downing was elected Chief Marshal and A. Li telling Marshal of the Pavil ion.' : - ' '; "' ; TWO-THIKDS DEMOCRATIC. The Albany special 'correspondent of the Oreyonian stated that the Republi-, cans ' would have ' 'control' cf the "e'eVt Council. This is a broad niis&ke.'Tlie Democrats have four ontf jtlie six 'a two-tLirds' majority, and can'juit nat nrallypans anything over Mayor Clark's veto that they want to. i THE PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE. We have not space for tho message full, but give r.uch extracts ns wo think will lie interesting to our read ers : -- t The message starts out willi a refer ence to our NATIONAL F1SANCIS, Fofigrtu1;ttin eoiigrvss on the micivss- ful elocution of tho resumption nets, ui 4t consequent revival of busineaa. At the time lived and in the manner contemplated by law V. H. notes U-gan to lie redeemed in com. rineo tile lirst of January hist they have Imvh promptly redeemed on presentation, find in all business transactions, public and pri vate, iu all parts cf the count rv thev are received and iud out as the ctpti- valenfof coin, the demand ujKin the treasury for gold and ailwr in exchange fur U. S. notes has been comimrativelv small, and . the voluntary of coin and bullion in exchange for notea has leen very large. The excess f tho precious metals de.sitcd or cxchnnipHl for U. S. notes over the amount of U. S. notes redeemed is about $ l,0t)0,0t)0. With a currency equivalent iu value to the money of the commercial worhl, we are enatiiea to enter upon an cquai competition with other nations in trade ami production, the increasing tor- eijni demand for our manufactures and agricultural products, has causcd'a l:irv' Udaiico of trade in our favor, whii-li 1ms lnvn jaitl in jM from the 1st of July last to .Novciulier loth, to the ainoiint of alsmt .$5.19,000,000. Since the rr sumption of sjHvie payment there has lx-n a marked and gnitifvin improve ment of the public credit. The Uuuls of the government liearing only four Hr cent, interest, have leen sold at or above pur, suthcieiit in amount to pay otl'that amount of the national debt re deemable under present laws. The amount of interest saxiil auuuallv bv the jiriKN-ss of refunding the debt Mint' March 1, 177, U $1 1.297,177- Th. bonds sold were largely in small iuin.s and the nuinU r of our citizens now holding public Mvuritiea is much gmit cr than ever ls-iiire. llio amount of the national debt which matures within the nevt two year is $729, 121, 7tM),f which ..".fHM), UtH) l-ars interest at the rat of live x-r et-nt. It is ln-Iievcfl that thi.s vrt of the public debt can 1 refunded by the issue of four jwr out IhuuIs ; mid bv the reduction of interest which w ill thus lie effected ,$l l.OOO.OtK) tun annu any oesaveii to me treasury, to cure this iniortant reduction of iuU-r-est to ln jiaid by the Unitt-d StaUs, further legislation is required whkli it is liopeu will lie provitleil lv conrejM during its prestnit si-ssuhl. The coinage of gold by the mir.U of the United Stat-s during the List fiscal year was $90,980,9 1 2. The coinage of sliver dollars since the pasKajn.- of the act for that purpose up to Nov. I, PS 9, was 4o,000,tjt, of which $12,900,31 1 have Ih-cii issued from the treasun and are now in circulation, and .'52,300,- 0rC are still m the jioviession of the tyrv eminent. The jieiuh-ncy of the pro osi lion for unity ot action l-tween the l uiUil Stau-s and the principal commercial nations of Rurojie to etfect a jienna-Jit-nt nvstcin tor ihn t-jiualitv of in. Id and silvera-sthe recognized monevof the world, leads me to recommend that con jrress refrain from new legislation on the general subject. The gr-at revival of trade, internal and foreign, will suji- piv during the coming year, its own in htmctions, which may well awaitil U-fore utu-mpting further exjieriiuentul measure's with the coinage. I would, however, strongly urge umh congress the importance of authonz ing the secretary of the treasury to sus- jx'iid the coinage of silver dollars ujkjii the present legal ratio. The market value of the silver dollar being uniform ly and largely less than the market value of the gold dollar, it is ob iotislv iinracticable to maintain them at ar with each other if loth arccmneil with out limit. If the cheajsT coin isforwd into circulation, it will, if coined with out limit, soon become the tuAu stand ard of value, and thus def.-at the d. sired oliject, which is the currency of lotli gold and silver which shall Ik? of equivalent value, dollar for dollar, with the universally recognized money of the world. - The retirement from circula tion of United States notr-s with caac- lty ot legal tender m private contracts, is a step to oe taken nt our progress toward a safe and stable curreiicy,wliich should lie accepted as the policy nnd duty ot the government and the mter- est ami security oi tue p-oiile. Jt is rnv linn conviction that the issue of le gal tender jtftjier money )ased wholly ujsjn the authority and credit of the government, except in extreme urgen cy, is without warranty of the consti tution and a violation of sound iinau- cial . principles, . , The issue of United States notes during the late civil war, with the cajjacity of legal tender 1k tween private individuals, was unau thorized except as a means of rescuing the country from imminent peril, The circulation or these notes tor paper money for any protracted oriod of time after tho accomplishment of -this purpose was not contemplated by the trainers of the law under which they were issued. They anticipated the re demption and withdrawal of these notes at the earliest practicable period con sistent with the attainment of the ol- jeet for which they were provided. TJie policy of the United States, stead ily adhered to from the adoption of the constitution, has been to avoid the cre ation 'of a national debt, and when, from necessity in the time of war, debts have been created, they have been paid oil! on tho return of eace as rapidly as possible. , With this view and tor this purpose it is recommended that the ex. istmg1 laws for accumulation of a sink ing fund ' sufficient to extinguish the public debt" within a limited period be maintained. , If any change of the ob jects or. raen of taxation is deemed ne cessary by congress, it is suggested that experience has shown that a duty can be placed on tea or coffee, which will not enhance the value of these articles to the consumer and will add several million of-dollars annually to tho trea sury. ' r.i A' EECEXT ELECTIONS. He congratulates the country on the "progress: toward a more complete es tablishment, at,, whatever cost, of uni versal freedom in tho elective fran chise." "lie finds no reason to qualify his former opinion that no temporary interests of government will display the zeal of onr neoiile on the ricrbfa ti r-ifi. i i - A zenship, and the power of public opitff ion will override all sectional and state attachments. , Referring to existing laws on this subject ho Bays! "I re spectfully urge nism Congress to supply any defects in these, laws which exsrt ciieo has shown and which it has with in its power to remedy. I again invoke co-operation of executive and legislative authorities of states in this great pur pose. 1 nut fully convinced that if the public mind can lie set at rest on this paramount question of popular rights, no serious objection will "thwart or de lav the complete pacilication of the country or retard the general diffusion of pros ion ty. CtVlt, sr.UVICK llKKOUM. Under this head, after waiting for and gathering the result of investiga tions on this" subject in Croat Britain, which shows that couiKtitive exami nations, H-n to all on unequal footing, is the lost, its rcjiort is submitted to congress. Alter commenting on the evils of our apioiiiting jmwer, and ex patiating nt length on the duties of a-Kunte-s, he says that his predecessor in the annual messugo of Dii'ember, 1 870, declared that there- was no duty which so embarrasses an executive as that of opiioiiitmcnt ; nor is there such an arduous and thankless duty im)Mscd upon senators or representatives usthut ot liudmg places for their constituents. As the civil service coiuiuiKsion in n great measure eradicated this evil, and as their luliors ere crippled for want of funds, by reason of Coiignss witJi- holdiug the apropri:itioii. In renews Ins rtvoiiiiiiriidatum lor another appro- prtation for. tins work. THE TI'.EATV OK WANlUMITOS". er n-hitiviiis ith foreign countries continue js-iiceful. I'lmettled (pies tions n-m:iin with Great Britain, ginw ing out of the maritine pi-ovince?.. A dc inund has Ihs ii miule on Great Britain for $lO."i,."50..02, for ilamuges t Amer ican li .liernien at l-'ortuiu' luiv. I'.tlorts have Ueii made to obtain the reuioal of restrictions relating to the exjmrta- tioli of cattle to the I tilted Kingdoiii. koi:i:k;x i:i:i.ations. A treaty with the Netherlands with resjuvlto aijisular fights and privih-geH, has Ikvu higmsL Some ipiestiotis with Switzerland, iu regard to paujM-r and convict emigrants, an- in course of satisfn lory arrange. Ilieitt. Belutio:m with Germany, Austria, Uus-tta, Italy, Portugal, Turkey and IVlgium continue amicahle. The go eminent of t'hina has i.igiii liel its w iliingiii-KH to consider the emi gration of its subjects to the I'niteil States, nud its u illingiu-ss o co tHTate iu such nie:i.Hiin-s as will prevent injuri ous ctJUSJ-iJUences to the I "liited Slates. i:oi:Dr.r. itAins. It was a gratification t aiinoimcc that, through the energy of the military commanders on Uth sides of tleIU (iraude, tlus rai ls have ln-en con diler hbly decn-oMl. The third instalment cf the award against Mexico, under tin- chums com mission of July 4, l.s'iS, bus lurii .aid and duly distributtiL ibsmimends suitable legislation looking to tin incnasi of tnnh' u-tweeti this countrj' ainl .Mexico. KOVTII AMKIMCAX UKI.ATIO.NV. Diplomatic intercourse with Coloiu ot.i nt rulir r---tt--1. Iij-wt-t3t wi,ig to the Iliter-octfiliic caiutl prosjw-cts. Diploiiifdic relations with China have Ih-cii f.trengthein'd by the arrival of a minister from that country. The United Stati-s will not interfen iu the war ln-twei-ti Peru, I5oli ia and ChilL Trade with Brazil and th" Argentine lb-public is iiicre:iiug. Bi-coimueiiiU to the attention of congress, a provis ion for regular and more frecpicnt mail communication with those coinitru-H. The jiro Imoii-iI government, -n-ceiitl v established in Vi-uezuela. has not yet lieen retogniz-iL The United Statin is awaiting the sanction of it by the Veil (zucluns. A naval vessel has lieen sent to the Samoaii inland:, to make surveys ami take wisses; ion of cediil dated States' privilegi-s. A cJKiling station will almt U established there. Diplomatic relations with Uoumauia and Servio, now liidcjK-ndcnt Movereigu ties, is the subject of corresndeluv, There is a gratifying increase of tnwh with nearly all huroiean and Ameri can countries, and with judicious man ageiiient it can ls exjimled. COSIHTION' OP ALASKA. The ceiling treaty with Russia pro vides that the civilized inhabitants of this territory Khali ls admitted to thi enjoyment of the privileges tf citizens of the Lulled States. J'here is no law providing for the arrest of persons charged with common law oflenw-s, such as arson, robln-ry, murder, etc., anil no magistrate to issue a process. A bi authorizing the ajijsiiutmeut of justices of the js-ace and constables to make arrests, and providing for an npjieal to the j. h. courts of Oregon, will, at the proper time, le submitted to congress. FIXVNCKS. llio estimated surplus revenue, according to the report of the secretary of the treasury, for the liscal year end ing June ao, 1880, is 224,000,000. 2 1,747,2 19 CO was, during the lost and present fiscal year, expended for arrears iu pensions, and prevented apph cation of the full amount to the sinking fund. But these arrears have been paid and the sinking tund can be maintained without any change in the existing laws. ARMY AND KAVY. The estimates for the war department for the fiscal year ending June JO, 1881, are 40,380,428 94, being less than any annual estimate for the last twelve years. Recommends such legislation as will authorize the enlistment of the full number of 25,000 men for tho line of the anny, exclusive of the 34G0 de- tach(d for duty. Also to provide for the disosition of abandoned military posts. . Also some declaratory legisla tion in reference to the military statute or limitations, as applied to desertions. lho work of improving the south pass of the Mississippi river has advanced, during the past year, more than liefore. Extensive repairs have been made to the ships of the navy and two new ones added. The estimates for the fis cal year ending June 30, 1881, are f 24- 804,147 95, being $01,897 28 over the present appropriation. There is not adisbursing officer who is adefaulter of a single dollar. . JUDICIAL EXPENSES. Recommends that inimediato appropri- j-tions be made for the payment of the t(9 ot L) mted States marshals and their deputies, who had continued in I jierformanop of their duties since June 30th without compensation. Huch ap propriations should bo sufficient tocom H'iisato them for such -services an they may render at tho coining election of nioinliors of congress. f.N'ITKU STATES t'OfllTH, Owing to tho arrears iu the business of the courts, recommends the appoint ment of additional circuit judge mid tho creation of an intermediate court of errors and opjicals, which shall relieve the supreme court of part of its lurw- diction. It would involve tho npSiint- ment of ten additional judges and an expenditure of not more thati 6(50,000 a year. TosTAt. AKK.WUH. The jmstoflicc receipts have Im-ch increased. For tho year ending J line 30lh, 1S79, they were $30,0 1 1 ,982.8(5, Wing $76-1,-165.91 more thiui the revenues of last year. The reduction in the cxoiihos of the department is owing to the law changing the com mission from stamps sold to that of stumps cancel IimI. The estimates for the liscal year ending June 30th, 1 88 J, are 39,920,900, ami the receipt 3'-',- 250,000, leaving a deficiency of $7,710,. 900 to lie appropriated fr. The relations of the department w ith railroad companies have been hurinon ized, notwithstanding a reduction of their cotiiM'iisation by congress. Be commends the amendment of the law regulating tho increase of comiiensa. tiou on increicwd ser ice, and incrcascf bjmmsI on star routes, and suggests the advantage to commerce by the enact ment of a law authorizing contracts to U made with American built steamers for trtiiisiHirting the mail Is-twccn tin United Stales ami torts of West Indies and Ninth AlneriiO. Also the colliv tiou by the )Mistmaster general, of tin duties on all urliclcs received in the mails from foreign countries. Tin: ixniANs. The liatisfai torv an. I general conduct of the Indians with two exceptions, is sicken of. AilMH-ates their settlement Uk,ii farm lot i in severalty ; to gii them a fs title inalienable for tweulv- five vearn ; und w he'i their wants ari provided for, to disjiose, by Kile, of n-serwitioll lauds lnt iseilplisl bv thel.i, a fund to lie formed out of the prm-it-d? for their belielit, thereby ndieving thi goveriiliii'lil .t ttie cxiH-nses nor rn iihsl by annual appropriations ; lor admitting those w ho can give nalis fai-tory jiriMif of having mps.rted tlu-ir families fr a number of years, nnd who are willing to detach thcinsclve from their tribal relations, to the U-nelit of the homestead act, and to grant them jciteuts containing the same provision of inalienability for a cerium ticriod. SjH-aks of the tiiiauthorii-d invar. ion of c-rtaiit laials in the Indian I crritorv ceded by the Cherokee to the govern ment, and iiris laims liis purimse to jir U-ct the Indians in that territory to the full extent of the executive JxiWi-r. D,m-s not favor any change in the con trol of the Indian wrvice. Iu view of the recent titulier depreda tions nit jiublic lands, recom mends that a law lie ioshs enabling the govern ment to im-11 timl-r from jiublic lands. without con eying the ucli sali-s to 1h regulated bv busiues-: ripiire- meuts and gttnrding against swi-piug niiuctions or roresis. AliKICt LTt KAI- Former n--oiiimendalioiis in favcr of renewing the facilities of thu di-jiart ment of agriculture are renewisl. Betiuesling the favorable i-on.-.idcra tiou if congress in furihenmct? of agricultural matters. llx-oliimeiiils Kteiw for the pre-r a lion and lH riM-tuatioii of the national library. Bfi-oiiiiucnds the completion of the aslilllgtou IHOIlUllleliL Dinvts the attention of coiigrcsH to the iliiorovenieiit ,f the Dhitrict of ( 'olumbja. res asu M ikMOKM. ''Tommy" Jul don wm lected Chief Kngincer of the Portlund Firt Deart- ment last 3Iond.iv. An exchange says "Ben Butler is a fine billiard pl.iver." However, that "I-iong" carom kissed htm off. G it axt is not a candidate for I'icm dent or he is, as the case may bo. He is a non-committal, which meuns that he will accept it if unyhody wants him to. Last year in our city election there were cast 410 votes. The cry was then 440 or light. Now we only cost 41C votes, and theto vasn't any fight to hurt. Sai.eii immortalized itsalf ut tho city election last Monday. J. J. Murphy, the Radical caudidate for Mayor, was beaten by T. B. Wait, a Democrat and a good man. Chant has promised in a fehort time to deliver nn important message to the votors of the United States! Hold your breath, everybody when the dic tator speaks 1 A Republican exchange wants to know why we didn't trot out our roos ters over the late Eastern elections. We have recently discovered that it is vulgar to trot out a, rooster cock in the way of braggadocia, and we therefore have refrained in this instance. Wk give elsowhere an account of the management of the "House of Correc tion" at Milwaukee, Wisconsin, which for cruelty and attrocity has no paral lel. If such an institution were lo cated in the South the Northern Radi cals would have had tho bloody shirt aflamo with indignation, but as it oc curs in the "truly loyal" and eminently Radical State of Wisconsin, perforce the Oregoniun'a dispatches speak naught of it! "THE PACIFIC Monii.MAX." This is the name of a new papei re cently started in the interest of the Ancient Order of United Workmen," and edited by T. B. Odeneal. Judge Odeneal is an experienced newspaper man and tho first issue of Lis paper re flects credit on his ability and on tho craft. We wish him all tho eood for tune possible, and believe that his mis sion and that of his paper will materi ally benefit the public. - ' I IV !' OI THV. Ilrll on Knrlb. fCindiinnti Kiutniror. JIllAVAlKKI , Oct. 22. The Unnlinfl of to morrow morning will enoUin the most staitltiig tensation of the day nnd txjMise of the honors and atrocious brutalities of n modem "Black Hole of Calcutta," tho House of Correction, a tetial institution of the city. Two years ago n man mimed Peirco cume up from Cincinnati, nnd on a trumped. up charge of forgery was sent to this hell hole for wo years, bin term having just expired a few weeks ago. The writer, who is regniiled in every way as ter- cctly reliable und sane, charges the keepers of the place with outright iniir- der, starving patient to death, keeji- ing them in "black holes" without see ing the light or tasting f ,o.l or water for dsya at u time, winter ami summer, fotnetiiurs when thu weather is ho cold that the unfortunates' feet are frozen oil ; with feeding plisoners with dead calves, ghilulcred horsis, dogs und tho most nliomiuuble filth imaginable. In em rolsjrat ion of his statement, the w riler shows lsne$ taken from meat that are llioiso of dogs and horses, and fibres of bones that ate fiom ulsir live calves. For week they were fed on bread made of horsefced, sawdust, mill sweepings, nnd plaster of Pari. The "bread" was nothing more than a putty dough ; the meat was a mess of the most abomiunblo putrefaction, ami consisted generally of putrid pigs feet, clundclcd horses that liod died, bovine embryos and jsjisoiied dogs. The barbarities practiced are of tho most revolting nature. I he punish ment was by placing pi i toners in vice and binning them w ith hot irons, nn- prisoimietit in dark. Mil.U rislifaii dump cells for weeks, am I flagging and cold baths in the deud of winter. A r.uin- H-r of n isonei w ho liKiips-aiisl and cannot Im found are charged to the kccH-tn, who cither alarved them to ilcalli or klJIe.l lliem ouirignv ir trwi ami inhuman lictiiueiu. i no kick ... . . . 11 . l. were never allowed to nee physicians, and weru starved out a soon as ikjssi- ble to get them out of the wry. infernal jnachinist of toiture were used. Hugo strij of olo leather, dri ven full of tacka, were placed mound their linked bodic, and nick other never U-fore heatd-of brutalities. A few day ago a nick man was put in the black hole and was not removed until corpse, lliis liorria note, wuere me prisoner wa killed, is an old, dry well, five feet five inches in diameter, and of uncertain depth. Tho writer of the SenUntl arliclo was kept in It one time for twenty day without nccing a human face, or even light. He was at tucked with a delirium of hunger. The fahlo of Tantalus was seen by the oor suiTcriiig mortal, who suffered all the horrors of mania a jsdu. Tho kidnapping of ouUidn H"rsortft, generally ignorant country sx,le, is fropieiit, nnd they are taken into the jirison to make chain to fill contracts. As high as eight a day have lccn brought in nnd put to work, without coming into tho city or Is-ing allowed the hm-c ter of a trial. This is a Hjtectaclo for the natives, foi the gods and fur tho angels to weep over. If en handed infamy of this kind can ho found in heathenish countt ies it has never been published. The recital ia one of the most scan dalous outrages ever published. The story was written by Pierce whilo an inmate, and when put in the publisher's hands a Chicago detective was sent for, nd ho made a ersonal investigation and has corroWrfted every statement. These facts nro learned from proof sheets. Kvery charge can lie substan tiated. Forewarned Forrarntrd. I'lij-HiclauH nnd Invalid uxo with coufl deuee tho Kalner Celebratod (ierman Kllxlr for Coumimption end throat and lung disease. 11 In rich iu tho medicinal properties of Isr, wild cherry, etc. Is ren dered perfectly barraleaa to the youngeet child. This would have proved an Augel of mercy In the houHehold of I bone un happy paroula at Vallelo, Dixon, lieaver, Utah, and numerous other places, whose children wore slaughtered by a quack medicine recomtneuded by Its owuor to cure croup, possemlng no properties cal culated to cure it, but instead a deadly drug which lias slain its thousands, lie sure you get only Ucrman Kilxir. The genuine bears the PrufwiRn coat of arms and the fae-elmile aignature of Dr. Kaleer. Samples at all drug store. l,arge size, 75 cetitx. rotbay & Mason, Sole Agents. Sad Havoc is Created Among tbo tenants of the mouth by al surface removes every vestiira of tartar from the teeih, and renders their prematura decay Impossible. It not only Imparts to them whltonoHS and vigor, but comniuuicstes hardness and rosiuesa to the gums. The breath ocquiresamost acceptable fragrance from Its unoi it is a purely botanic liquid, and It may bo called on to accomplish Its beautifying effects without injuring the onsmef like a gritty tooth paste. , hi i i. , .I, -i v STP. ASTT-iEY COOPER'S VITAL RE STOKAT1VE The great .English remedy noM medo more euros of .Nervous Debil ity, Hominal Weakness, Lost Manhood, uocturnal emissions, lassitude, Inability for mental labor, despondency and such diseases as are induced by youthful follies and excesses, than all other medicines combined. Why will you suffer? Bond to A. E. HIntie, M. 1)., Mo. 1 1 Kearney street, San Francisco, lor the Kestorative and be cured. Price, 3 per botllo. Four times the quantity, $10. Try a bottle. Dr. Mintie treats all private diseases success fully. UOKSIU. The entire medical profession express the greatest confidence In the healing, re freshing and invigorating virtues of Emit l-Vese's Hamburg Tea. It always relieves sick headache, dizzlnesw, nervous com plaints, irritability, skin diseases, vitiated secretions, nausea and a thousand other troubles. It should be in every house hold. Una County CuoDt-ll. The next regular session of the Linn Coun ty Council, Tstrons of Husbandry, will be held at the hall of Jordan Valley Grange, on Saturday, Deo., 6th, convening at 10 o'clock in tho forenoon of that day. G. Pabiuwh, President. Why will Tn Allow (old to advance In your yatam nnd thtmeiixouragamor xerlous malad ie. such m rneiimoiiia, llemorrlmgn and I.tinit troublos, when an lmmellai reltnf can he m roadlly obtained. UonviiKm' (Ikhmak Hvaur Iim Kalnd tlio largest ssla in the world for the cure of Coughs, ( 'elds, and the severest I.imir IHimmums. It Is I)r. ItowliM'a famoiia (leruisn prescrip tion, and Is preparod with lho ereatest eHre, and no fear noed be onlertaliied In idiuliilMterlng It to tho youngflnt clillil, a tr directions: Th aal ot thl medlcln uiiprdueneniiHi. ctinea nrst inirouueau there has been h eonntsnt IncriMtsltig de mand, nnd without n alngle report of luiltirtt to do It work In anv . Auk your druggist a tli lo truth of thane re- unrKH. vrKO cenm. i rj n nu be coiivIiiimhI. .... . ..i - i . tf i a UPriTKIt THAN U0M Is perns health, and vet many are auuering llie lor turvw of the datnnod with Ivs'imla when a Mingle bottle of UK. MINI IK'S KNO- I.IHII 1AN MKI.ION I.1VKII AMI UYM- I'KI'slA VUAH will give relief, and, If iteiHlsted Iu, will cure tuo wornt cate or llils dUlrswdug trouble. This pill cures Torpid l.lver and Itlllousnosn, ltegulaUM the ttewelN, remove I'luinlos Iroiu the I'liee, euro Hallow complexion, J-out Wreath, Hick IJoadoelie. Heartburn, I'aln iu the hide and liack: 1 Himar--nne.l and UUAKANTKKDIebe PUItKlA VKOK TAbl.K. It acta directly on lho coating of the Hleinaeh and ou I he J.lver. Can be lakou In any clime wet or dry weather. liewaie or inillailoUH. 'llio genuine nan an piiKravitig or a lion on I lie ouualue wmoiM.r. l'rlie. Oo couts. For sale by all druKgisU. IIOW T( HAVK MONKY. InUad of going lo a ibs-tor for a rcrlptleu, if you navo rsngiit inettie, inaioiiea, I'oio in the Hack n4 I .el as, Hniartlng, 1 d flam mo tion , Calculi, J'.rlek-diiHt lipolt, or any trouble ef the Kidaeya or llladder, bur imule of It. Mlntte'a Nephrtilii-uui. the great lluehil t'oinpound. Jt Is the meet wondurrul prwril.tlori lor ineee trouble ever compounded. Alemra. Abrame A Carroll, wiieleaale druggtets, aey : "We regaru iepnrviicuni as tue bom money and bladder remedy In the market.'' Woodard, dmggtxt, l'ortland, Or., say: "Kverybod y aianaka highly of it." Child, druigifft, I'ortfand, Or., aaya: "Hold lou of It; H always doe Ike work." Many have been cured of obxlinate kidney outu- plaiula arier me tlooiora liave aiven mem up. 1'f uw, f 1.25. or aele by all drug- giU. H e w ere t xpoowl lat week to a pitilea utomi, that wet our feet sad stockings, and iudsed our peraon all over. In fact we took s cracking culJ. which brought tore throat eevera of fever. 11e good wile swertod her authority, plunged oar fvt ia hit Uf, wped u in hot blank. eta, and sent our faithful aoo fur bottle of Avi s'n t'limsv 1'iu-Total. It ia a aplendul mrdicine pleaaant to take, and did the jolt. We alrpt auundly through the night, and awoke wall the next morning. We knew we owe our quick recovery to the Pectoral, ud ahail not Leaitate to recoumtend it to II who need ancb a medicine. Tckuirana ( T'rtu ) I'rrJitjtrrUin. t NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. l rt.l.KW. M. K. CHAMBEKLAI!). FL1SN &. tHAMBKRLAIX, ATTOB.KEYM AT LAW Albasiy, Oregoa. rofll. In Foeter's Hrick Blnck.fA vlintstf. SheriCTs Sale. thr tW,7 Court of thr Stair of Orrgo far thr Coea'y of Linn : C. O. Ilarnoa, llaintiff, vs. XjultttT Klkina, rwftndant. IY VIRTUK OK A JUIXJMRNT IS I f the above named Court Iu the above nutated action on ike third day of Novem tier, 197U, and an execution laauod In pur suance inereor, lo me direct a ana aeiir errnl, in lavor of tho above named plaintiff and a train the asm Ueienuani, lor tne aum of $.k1 00 In U. H. gold rein, with Intereet at the rate of one iwr cent, twr mouth from lho third day of November, IsTtt, and the further aum of M 00 aa an alto rue y fee, and the further aum of fl'J M coata, 1 have ariliel thereon the following real proper ly berelofore attached at the suit of the Mid plaintiff as the real property of tbe aald doienuaut ou tne iu nay or April 17'J. to-wit: All of tbe donation land clahn of Henry It. U Her, aa noltltad for and designated on tbo r-lala and aurveya of tbe public lands on nie in tne land omce at ureaon cut, Oregon 'IVr., Not. No. beginning at a point 25 67-10U chains fMof the North west corner of Bection 14, Townhlp 12 H. It. i XV. , aud running thence Mouth B 66-100 chains, thence rst 8 40-100 chsins.thence North S3 cbainn, Ihenee Weat 48 40-l0 ebaina, thence Mouth 14 15-100 chains to the place ef beginning, containing 100 acres and being in IJnn County, Oregon. Alao the following described real ewiate heretefore conveyed by deed from Francis M. Coryell to Luther Kikina, and de scribed an follows, to-wit: Beginning at theNortheaat corner of the Kussell Hill Donation Ijind Claim Not.234A Claim No. 17 in Tp. 12 8. K. 2 W. of Willamette Mer idian, as known and described by the maps of the United States on tile lathe KegiMler'a office at Oregon City, Oregon, South 11X chains, thence .South & K. 31 cliaina to the head of the slough, thence down tbo middle of the Santiam river S3 chain, thenoe Weat to the place of beginnlug.nontalnlng SO acres, more or lens, situate iu Township and Mango last aforesaid, and being a portion of the East half ofSection 14, ldnn Coun ty, Oregon. Aio tne roiiowine: l ne nonsiion isnn and on cV Saturday, the lOthtiay of January, 1SS0, nt the Court House door In the city of Al bany, Linn County, Oregon, at the heuref one o'clock P. M., I will sell the hereinbe fore described real property at public auc tion for cash in hand to the highest bidder, to Ratify said writ, with accruing oosts. Dated this fth day of December, 1879. I. C. DICKEY, Sheriff of Linn Co., Oregon. By UkO. IIumphrry, Deputy. 1814 HEW BARBER SHOP ! J. H. SURLES, Prop'r. A GOODSEA FOAM SHAMPOO goes J with each shave. Prices for shaving and hair-cutting same as UBual. Kooma opposite Mcllwaln's store. lOtf INSURANCE. Commercial Union: of London. Capital, $12, 500,000. North British and Mer cantile. Capital, $10, 000,000. Also the Imperial, Lon don, Northern & Queen. Capital, $39,000,000. 0. H. STEWART, - Agent. Sheriff's Sale. In thr. Circuit Court oftht Ht-xtr of Ornjon for tfie. County of Linn i Jacob Kecs, llsintin, ra Jsmes Cere, Mslinds Core, his wife, Wil liam B. Core and Margaret Core, hia wife, John A. Hubinett, frank I'arttm, John Con ner, W. O. Palmer and C. O. f.sniun. De fendants. 15 Y VIRTUK OH A HKCKKK OF foreclosure In tbe alxive named Court in the above entitled action, and an execu tion and order ofssle issued in pursuance thereof, to tne directed and delivered, 1 did on the 2SM.U day of November, 187U, levy upon the mortgaged premises described iu said decree aa follows, to-wit : Beginning at a point seventy-eight and one-quarter rods Kat from the Northwest corner of the original land claim ef William H. Oore and Margaret Core, running thence South one hundred and sixty-four rou to tbe Mouth line of said claim, thenoe East along the line of said claim seventy-eight sod one tpiarter rods, thence North one hundred snd sixty-four rods, thenoe West alona tbe line ol said claim seventy-eight and one-quarter rods to the place of beginning, containing 80 acre, nnng ia Una Uouety, Oregon. Whereas, it appears that the defendant Win. B, Core became the owner in fee sim ple of the lands hereinbef ore described on the iot h dsy ef Heptember, 1ST H, aud subaeroent to plaintiffs said mortgage, and that he is now the owner thereof, subject, however, to piaintio s sua mortgage ; And whereas, it airoesrs from tbe provis ions of said decree that the defendant Joha A. Itobinett is a lien creditor by virtue of s mortgage duly made awl executed by the said V in. U. Core and Margaret Core Lis wife to tbe said Joha A. Itobioett, which said lien is next in priority to that of the plaintiff herein, and that th defeudatjt C. O. Ksroee is a lien creditor by virtue ot an attachment sod judgment in the County Court against the dsfsodsnte Wm. B. tiore and James Oore, which said liea is next in priority to the nen oi tne sani Oeleauant Julio A. Itubinett, and that tba defendant W. O. Palmer is a lien creditor of the said defendant Wm. H. Core by virtue of an attachment issued ant of tin Court on the l'Jth dsy of April, ISJ'J, in an action then pendinK in said Court a herein W. O. PaJuier was plaintiff aud aB, Gore and Henry S. Core were de fendants, which afed attachment was duty served aud judtfoient duly entered and con stitutes a hen on tbo mortgaged premise hereinbefore described next iu priority to the lien of tbe defendant C. O. Barnes, and that the defendant John Conner ia a ben creditor of tbe defendant Wm. 11 Core by virtue of a writ oi attaenment issued out of the said Circuit Court on tbe 4th day of October. 1979, ia aa action then pending ia said Court. wherein the said John Conner was nUintilf and the said Wm. li. Gore was defendant which said attachment was duly served snd judgment rendered, which coustitutes a lien on tbe mortgaged premises hereinbefore de scribed next in priority to tbe ban of the said defendant, W. O. Palmer. Now, there- lore, on Stlrdi,,tl,r JfHh day of January, VSjtO, at the Court House door in the city of At- oaoy. ubo county, Uregon, at tbe boor ol 10 o'clock A. M. I will sell the hereinbefore described mortgaged premise at public auc tion i or caan in nana to toe blithest bidder. the proceeds of the sale to be applied to the payment of the sums found to be due to the several lien creditors herein according to their priority, to-wit : tint, to the pamint to tbe plaintiff Jacob Kees the sum of 81533 00 in if. !i gold coin, with scenting interest thereon at the rate of one per cent per month from the 10th day 04 nevetnuer. is, v. ana tbe further sum ot IliO 00 ss an attorney's fee, snd the further snm oi s-Kj costs. ttecaud, to the payment to the defendant John A. Robtnett the sum of 421 15 in U 8. gold coin, with interest thereon in like ooiu at the rate ef one per cent pet month from tbe 10th day of November, 1ST 'J, and tne lurtner snm oi a?'j OO attorney a fee. Third, to the payment to the defendant C. O. Barnes tbe snm of S399 60 in U.S. gold coin with iaterest in like coin at tbe rate of 1 per cent, per month, and tbe further sum of S40 attorney's las. r'onrih, to the payment to the defea.buit W. O. Palmer the sum of S10G3 00 in U. S. gold coin, with accruing interest thereon at the rate of eoe per cent per month from the day ol Ucteber, IS. a. Fifth, to the payment to the defendant John Conner tho aum of $319 CI in V. 3. gold com, with interest at the rate of one Ir cent, per month from the 24 th day of uctoner, is. SI. With accruing coats. Hated this 5th day of December, 1S79. I. C D1CKKY. Sheriff of linn Co., Ongop. By Gao. Hi nriir.iv. Deputy. 1m4 SherifTs Sale. I the Cireuit Court of the Stair of Or.jon for the County of Linn W. W. Thayer, Governor. B. P. Ear- hart. Secretary, Ed. llirsch, Treasurer ol the Stat of Oregon, the Board of Commis sioners for the sale of Befaool Lands and tbe ananagsment of tbe Common bchool Fund, rial mills, vs. Hiram N. Smead, Defendant. BY VI RTUE OF A DEC REE OF FORE cloaure in tbe above named Court, in tne above entitled suit, and an execution Issued In pursuance thereof, to me directed aad delivered, for the sum of (710 30 in ooln, and Interest thereon at the rate of ten per oent. per annum from the 27th day of October. 1879, and the further sum of $21 60 costs, I have levied upon the mortgaged premises described in said decree as fol lows, to-wit: Tbe Southeast eighty acres of the orig inal donation land claim of Hiram Hmead and Rachel J. Smead, being Notification No. 707 and Claim No. 53 iu Section (18) eighteen, Township No. (11) eleven South of Range No. (3) three West of Willamette Meridian, Linn County, Oregon, and on 1 Saturday, the 10th day of January, SS0, at tbe bonr of one o'clock P. M., at the Court House door In tbe City of Albany, Linn County, Oregon, I will sell the here inbefore described real property at public auction, for cash in hand, to the highest bidder, to satisfy said writ, with accruing costs. Dated this 5th day of December, 1S79. I. C. DICKEY, Sheriff ef Linn Co., Oregon. By Qko. Uumpbrky, Deputy. I8t4 Sheriff's Sale. In the Cireuit Court of the Slate of Oregon for the County of Linn : L. C. Rice, Plaintiff, vs. J. H. Taylor and Lourinda Taylor, his wife, and Michael Kane and F. Oleary, partners under the Arm name and style of Kane, Oleary A Co., Defendants. BY VIRTUE OF A DECREE OF FORE cleaure and order of sale In the above named Court, in tbe above entitled action, on the 27th day of October, 1879, and an execution issued in pursuance tnereof, to me directed and delivered, for the sum of 798 00 in U. S. gold coin, with interest at the rate of one per cent, per month irom the Uth day of November, 1879, and the further sum of 39 90 costs, I have levied upon the mortgaged premises described in said decree as follows, to-wit : Lot num bered (5) in Block (45) forty-five in tbe city ef Albany, Linn county, Oregon, as designated and numbered on the plats and survevs on rile in the County Clerk's ofeUce f Linn County, Oregon, and on Saturday, the 10th day of January, 1SS0, at the Court House deor in the city of Al bany, Linn County, Oregon, at the hour of 11 o'clock A. M., I will sell the herein before described real property at public auction for cash in hand to the highest bidder, to satisfy said writ, with accruing costs. Dated this 5th dsy of December, 1879. LC. DICKEY, . 18w4 Sheriff of Linn Co., Oregon. By Geo, Humphrey, Deputy. " HEW Y0I11I SIICPPIHG! Everybody- delighted with the tasteful and beautiful elections made by Mrs. La mar, who has never failed to please ber cuntoiuerH, New Fall Circular j uat l&sued, Seud for it. Address'' MR9. KfXKX laAMAB, 15:7tf 877 Broadway, New York. THE BEST REMEDY FOR Diseases ot the Throat and Iwj. . . . . . . . . , tIYK K nnry organ are so pre v- UlCllfc HI IUII, m Halo and reliable remedy for them is invaluable to every ceinmunity. AVKUH CllKKKr VfJUf Toll A V is a remedy, ij ncntly meriU the conti j dence of tho public. It CHERRY' in w ..........v. . u ...... i urn tion of the, luciJw-inal principle. and curative L-lrtMCU ftl tlin lin4it cil, to insure the rrt- i'rt txMailile efii'-.eiicv PECTOR L and uiiifoneily of re anlts. which enabU-s physicians a well s invalid t ne it with conlideii. It I the immt reliable remedy for diiteases of the thrnat and Inn" that sci ence ha produced. It strikes at the foun dation of nil pulmonary disease, affording prompt snd curtain relief, and I adapted to patient oi any age or eiMior sex. i-ing very rialatahle, the yonn2(nt children take It without liftlmilty. In the treatment ot ordinary Coughs, Cold, fc-oro Throat, Itroneliltl. Inlluenza, t;ieravinan'a More Throat. Asthma, Croup, and Ca tarrh, the effects of' Cnr.iiuv 'n toual are maziral, and multitude aro an nually preservetl from scrlis illness by it teuiely and faithful use. It nhimld lie kent at hand in every household, for tho pro toction it affords iu auddcir attack. In Whooping;, cough and Consumption faero i no other remedy so efticainous, soothing, aud helpful. The marvellous cure whieh Atek's Ciikubv 1'w.Toa!. has effected all over tho world are a auRU:i;nt tnuu-anty that it wiil eontlmin to produce the lier.t rnits. Alt itntiartiai trial win convince the mot accpu cal of Its wonderful curative powerx, as well a of its snperiority over all other i. repara tion for pulmonary complaiut-i. Eminent phyxieians In all parts of tho - country, knowing its composition, recom mend Arm's Ciir.aar Prx-ronAi-to invalid, and preacribo it in tlu-ir practice. The text of half a century has proved its abnoluta certainty to rure all pulmonary complaints nor aireuy ncyonu too rcacU ol nunian am. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Practical aad Analytical Chemlots, Lowell, Mass. SOLD ST 4LL UtfCOlJTS SVEBTSrnESS. OLD, TRIED, A50 TRUE. ltr sMC ought to te with the wonJr-rful tua-ril cr? Usfta frrat Awrtcara I4rnsa!jr. tlv MEXICAN Mustang Liniment, P0a HAS AND BEAST. Tsla Ualment rrysatitrally orlKlnat.l iu Amri ea. wbrra Xalora prorkW la her laburatxirr ucb BmrpriMlng aatldmca foe th mmiadir at l-r rb.i drrn. It fame baa bews aprrsdlxi lur S yean, BBUI sow n ractrcUvtbehaUtablc ctjl. Tbe ll.xlt-na Jluslau- Liniment 1. a miKJiu, rnncd y fur all external ailments of man atul tiea To acock owners and farmers U l Invalaable. A alncls bottle often saves a human life or re. stores tne asefulnsca ot sa exceOeni liorae. ox. U curr fucst-rot, boof-ii, boJlow bora. grot, crrw-wtjrm, ghooltlatr-fot, mane, tho bii auatl slice of Fiooas rrptilrs nl inoci v aiul ery rack draw bark to stock btHaff ami txt!. lire. It cores ctcit cxte-rnat troobto of Ik-, rurh uliawiwn, sx?Ttcbnt. swlnnj.sprtUnA fuumtt-r, wtBal rlnj bcxn. etc.. etc Tbe Xlcilcsa !nsta,as Liclmrat Is tte c;uirk-st cur la th wor!4 for ncr idits ocrurrinc In Xsto faxnfly. In Cue absraco of a ibysSciaii. tmcb as borns. tcoMs, sprahxs, cats, demand for rhputoa dsm, azwi stUTaaaa encoder! bj - exposure, rr ticaUrty valnablo to itlncrv It la thecbeapest remedy In the world, for it pmefxats tbo moscto to the bone, and a uii application lc generally sufflctrnt to cur. KexScan SXustanf Liniment Is pot up in three atsesof bettles, tbe largvr ones beiac proponac-ai 4Mey mxxlijbm cheapest. twM every i-cre. A BARGAIN ! Vralnable Property for Sale. THE ALDEN FRUIT DRYER. Including the buildini- and lots upon which it is situated, is fur sale at a bar gain. There are two dryers and they tan be sold seitarately. Ihis is a cuod op portunity lor fruit raiders to secure tbe bent dryer made, at a low price. The lots are very valuable lying on the river front, and having a railroad switch running: by them. It is a good location for a custom flouring mill, foundry, or anv such buiness. For further particulars call cn the Pre-u-dent or Secretary of tho Company. ' O. F. CKAWFORD, L. C. Rick, Presideut. Secretary. S3 FOR SALE. FINE "RESIDENCE. A DR. LISTER'S RESIDENCE IS NOW FOR SALE on reasonable tsdruia. It Is utte (4 the fiuot4 in the ity. welt finished throughout. Four lota go with it. all well nntproved. Title food. Persuus wishing to Buy are uixum mi cmi avuu uws mc piwitws atitu learn Hi urs.. 1K. WM. LISibK n&Otf REVERt HOUSE, Cerarr First aad Tllswerlh Alhaaj, Orrswu. Pfeiffer Bro's Props. This new Hole! is fitted op in first daas style. Tal.Ks supplied with th best tin market affords. iriiir Beds In every Kuou. A good Satupie Jtouui lor I mercial Traveleri. CaTFree Vsacta te aad rrern the Hslet.ta sun JUNIUS F. "WHITING, Artist, . FRESCO, SIGN, SCENE & Pictorial Painting. DESIGNING A SPECIALTY. Rooms 6 and 7, Par mil's Albany, Oregon. BltK'k. PRICE a niOKEnsoFi's saw-mill iu Waterloo precinct, A lartre quantity of the finest lumbar on hand, hit h ill te suld cheaj and crotlit given until Ootoher 1st, ISla. "uiiowiuy ii the Ust of prices : Clear lumbar, per thousand Si 3 OC Fencing-, barn siding-, and all lumber of that class, 9 X Scantling, limbers and heuvy lumber.,, 8 Ot The lumber will be fursbhed on ci &u!e ol thi SaiiUaUli. 4ii l ist: