W3M9 FRIDAY. AUGUST 22, 1879. F4CM AD ARIE. In rolling ground, nerer do it when wet, but whoa it is lirm enough to get the necessary pressure from tho roller, j If ' you liavo a jHsturo t with Wrpj places on it, harrow, new ewt and roll them, and you will have m uniform jws titre. A pail of milk standing where it is exposed to the acent of a ttrong amell ins stable-, 01 any other offensive odor, will absorb a taint that will not leave it. Pulverized alum jusssesses the prop erty of purifying water. A large spoon ful stirred into a hogshead of water will CO pnrify it that in a few hours the im purities will al! sink to the lxittotn, and the water will be fresh and clear. Four gallons may be purified by a teaspoou ful of alum. Garden beds axs rarely dug deep enough, and the manure is oftentimes so fresh from the stable that it burns the seed. Seeds planted in such soil might aa well be thrown into the lire. The manure which has either rotted in the heap or has been used as a protec tion on bed during the winter, and ben-dung, make a rich and acceptable soil for most descriptions of flowers. A farmer claims to have found a sure cure for potato bug, by ten years' ex periment in Colorado. H is plan is sim ply to plant one or two tl&x seeds in each hill of potatoes. He says that the bugs will shun it every time, and that for ten years he hag been success ful, while others havs failed. The pro Dosed remedy is simple, and it coats al- rf t most nothing to try it. In the care and management of the dairy cow, the milking should be done with exact regularity as to time, and each cow be milked by the same per son, and in the same order from day to day if possible No change of milkers or change of time for milking should be allowed, except for the most urgent reasons. Above all, never allow in temperate dispoaitioned persons to milk. Very slight causes often cause a shrink age in milk which cannot lie brought back. Carrots seem to have some peculiar effect on the health of horses, render ing the skin especially glossy and healthy looking. For milch coi, car rots are valuable for the golden tin 51 and richness which they impart to the butter. Tbey are also mote nourishing for cows than turnips are. In feeding carrots, care must be taken that the pieces are not cut in such a shape aa to chote the animal. Cut large carrots lengthwise, not across. Ax Insect Destroyer. An ex peri enced gardner gives the following meth od for enectuallr destroying insect pest3; both indoors and out: Take a barrel half filled with coal tar and 11 it with water and let it stand awhile. Then the water may be sprinkled on the leaves and tteins by means of a wisp-broom or a watering jot. This will kill all the insects that come in contact with the plants. If the coal tar cannot be obtained, hellebore or Pans green may be used with j-erhaj equally good results. Uy the nse of the coal tar water the plants are not in the least injured, aod a supply of water may be daily added to the barrel of cold tar. To destroy bugs ou anua.sh or cucum ber vines, dissolve a tables ooonful of saltpetre ia a pailful of4 water; put one pint of this around each hill, spreading the earth bo it will not spread much, and the thing is done. Uso more salt petre, if you can afford it, it ia good for vegetables, but death to animal III. The bugs burrow in the earth at nigh: and fail to rise ia tbe morning. It is also good to kill the "grubs" in peach trees only nse " twice aa much, say a quart to each tree. There was not a yellow or blistered leaf on twelve or fifteen trees to which it was applied last season. JNo danger of killing any vegetables with it; a concentrated solu tien applied to beans n:akes them grow wonderfully. A correspondent of the Massachu setts Plowman, with whom we fully agree, asserts that a flock of hens will pay for themselves before they are one year old, if they are rightly cared for. You can then sell them, if you choose, for a good price and raise another lot, but it is not advisable to do so, as the second year is tbe most profitable, but do not keep them after they are two years old, for after they are that age thej do not pay so well. Do not keep mongrels, for they will not pay aa well as thorough breda. One cross between two pure breeds will make good fowls, but do not go anv farther than that, it you do they will be very joor hens to keep for profit. Tbe best cross is to use a White Leghorn cock on Light -lirahma bens; 1 say White Leghorn because that cross will produce a uni- Jorm color; there will be no parti-color-ed feathers, which is an advantage in preparing poultry for the market. If you can give your fowls a large range, ; keep the pure White Leghorn, they j will produce more eggs than the larger breeds, in number, and as eggs are sold by the dozen, you will gain by so doing. The Plymouth Rocks ra a no ble breed; they make good layers and good mothers; they lay good eggs and a large number cf them; they lay more weight of eggs than the Leghorns. They are a handsome fowl when dress ed for the market: but you can make any breed pay if you take care of them All lovers of flawers should remern ber that one blossom allowed to ma tore or go to seed injures th plant more than a dczen new buds. Cut your flowers, all of them before they Degin to iaae. Aaorn your room; with them; put them on your tables send coquets to your friends who have no flowers, or exchange favors with those who have. All roses, af ter they have ceased to bloom,should be cut back, that the strength of the root may go to forming new root3 lor the next year. Sliss Lucy J. Eyder,ot Wey bridge has been elected to the Chair of Nat ural Science in the McKendree Col lege, Illinois. scribe for the Democrat. TRIED, AND TE1TE. BtW lllt tMt?Ul W V tt't S V V .tl.t'ffl:l M.r'Hl t. MEXICAN Mustang Lininumt, Ttal Mnttttu vtry itt -iraUr triv .n;tl b.i iir , whr 'mro ruvil in ln-r l.tottt. .h aurprUIng -tntUl'.- for Ik n:iiwtf 1 . vtnu. Its fumo li.n Ikh-h worratt:)? iW - jwirs until now It rnelrvl tl tiahicut! sl' Th iUxlcari u:u t I. in. mint U a n -i -l.i t-'xwxly fnraUcXH,rnr.Ui.!iuuts.f m&m ; u loktock oifctirTid Uii'.irr It U hmdu :. A, alnyb lwttl tftttt sar-ra a human ItiVorf More tha V-?Ai In - of an xc-l!'i Iwirtwc, on. ov, VT fclW-fp, It c.:rfi toot-rof, fcouf tiIHw htm, fimb, cr'w--una thuuMormt, van-r, th bltca M U iratc"U tott: biv-tMlhit ( mh Jlf It curv tvvrjp rxtcrm I irnil4 t't hip". wwh it Lmtnr ! cr-uci;',Jt, i. ;;. rjr-t,s'. ia.nl r, wlnd-il, rV-','ft; , i'l. cur Ui ti v I f-r tvi-ltm ocvnrriu.; i ti.- (oxnt1.j't tit the ftlt3ar!c a Uvtcian, m-U bortu, ca!4s fcjirjkVi rr.t-. rie.. end fur i-Im-uh, ilxin, cn4 ii;trt ;,--tl''rl by exiHi:. rr tlculatly vaura tt w Jj-.ior. It U t!ic;vr.;?t jv,t.iiv t h wrM. f.r !t pp!tcatlon lrfMliy nfiVfrn to curt-. Mexican Muntaxi MulrtM'nt U pnt up In thrv Uotcvf UKtlcM, th larKvr t Im tun rwrtiua New Firm. ITAKK riJ-:.VSURK IN INFORMING the citizens of Albany and vliiinily 1 bat I have this day adinited aa partner. Mr. Kansky, the well-known youna man in my employ, and that bornaflxr our buainetif or cloaJln m general niercuan diae, consistini; of STAPLE AND FAKCY DSY COCDS, BOOTS AND SKCES, HATS AND CAPS, CnOCKERY AND CLASS WARE, ill be continued undsr Ibo tirin name of Jaekson A Kaliakv. I take this opiortunity of thanking you, the public, for your pat tavorst would re spectfully aoliuit a continuance uf the aame, with the aurunce that it w ill tw our earnest endeavor to meet the patron age by clone attention to the want of our customers, aud the itKjuireuienta of the trade m our line. A'ery repeefullv, I. C. JAfK!S)N, nrtf REWARD ! r. oiArr r coli win ix- paM hr rrf rr tif ! Ib H- Varlla ahaja llavaaa lalMtmt lire 4l(ar. fr wklrk braad I aaa n appelated 7S SOID far LI a a C'aaafy. ( rr Mle al IJ nati, rarh.'er 7 far j IS real al , ED. BAUM. Ml33 i Tailorins: Establishment. CHARLES F. DEUBEL, (SucMtur to B. X. Itakar.) Flrat turret, Albaaj, Orrgaa, la Iha'BollillBC formerly aeeapk-4 Uy If. I rwwetfullr union oc to On public that I ta pr- liorai to io U work iu my lias m Ant-claM tyi. Btanff a rrtfttatl Cutter and fittmr I ruuunu per. feet Mlirfartion. CleaaJng an KrpairlBC toa with Xratar mod DUpatcfc. JtfA trial raspeclf ulljr ailicitwL nil CUAS. r. DHL BEL. OREGON MARBLE AND STONE WORKS. Th underBignd if prepared to in&mifacturft naaiiBfiUt Tanbi Head-ftl-one Mantle. Table Top. M a a UBf, EUu, i:tr. Ail kiiwl of oemoajnr work doom in niarblo, free ttoiut awl Tn;tc Having: aerred an atinrenticethip in one of the laric- ssst New York aiarhle eaftabiuthrueute, mud worked tor man 7 years to tnat city, 1 tuny u nderatajid my bum neM, iMi turn out notliititr but Unt-cla-ia work, and at low rate. tyShop one dor above linn Engliie Co. Fnne Mouse, Aioauy. n. A- CLAKii. J. R. LOMER. ArcMtsct, Contractor and Builder, ALBAS!', OBtbOV. C5 FECIAL ATTENTION GIVE.V TO nTTIN'O UP 3 utorui and otiioi All order, eith.r from eitf or country, promptly attoiied u, and MtiMtaction ruan&ntet m .11 aweH. biiim on Lil)worth Ht.. n.xt door to Kevere Uous. 14:'slt Aloaxiy Bath House. r-pHE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RESPECT- 1 fully Inrorm tbe citiiem of Albaor aod ri einity that Ibavetukeoebareeoftbia Eatabliah' meat, and, by keeping elean roomi and paying triot attention to basinesi, expect t aait al those who may tavor uh w.tn tneir patronage. luvwg neretoior oarriea on notning bat Flrst-Class Hair Drasslng Saloons, we expect to gire entire intlsfaction to all eSrCbil4ien and Ladies' Hair neatly cut ad ihampooed. JOMWKtiliEB II. 8. BREWER, F.l. D. Homecepathic Physician and Surgeon. OFFICE at residence on corner of Ferry and Third Sts. 47tf. 1 mJI WiiJ JLtWiifi4wii imi PRICE- RICKERSOR'S saw-mill hi V,'atrloo precinct. A hxrtfn quantity of the finest lumber on hand, which wiii be oii cheap and cretiit given until October lat, IsTS). iollowinif it the list of prices ; Clear lunsber, per thousand $13 00 Fewcing1, barn aid inland all lumber trf li:,t class 9 CO Scantiiug, timbera aud heavy lumber.. 8 00 The lumber wiil be fursuiihed on eiiher side of the SaiUia.ni. . 4 jl' BR? IK' M 1 fcag? m:aiml -Ja3 ; AND Fanncis of Oregon Tcnilorj : Wo havo on hand and list of Arrricultural IniDlornents and other coods, and wo respectfully ask you to call and examine them, try them, and if they provo satisfactory buy them : MorrUou Urus. wwd and strtl celebrated for being light when others fail, tried nnd Linn Co. Council, J, of Jf., now Known. Fanners Friend rmin drill, doullo force fl'ed,lmiieidli' wlii the team is in motion; winner of Exhibition, 1870 and Tarn ExjioHiton, 1S78 and at all Mate and County tatrs wherever exhibited. ll.inuall rolhu cutter liamnvs. Seotch and csreeVior stet'l tooth harrows. Government Standard Whitewater wapms and ironed, finest finished and lightest for sale in this State. Esnev hat-ks and earriairos. J. J. Case ifc Co's. Tlircshers portable farm engines, best in O.sbome a improvetl selt-binding harvesters, reapers and mow ers. Wheeler's No. 6 combined reajver and mowt-rs. Lion pelf-dump sulky hay rakfs. Revolving hay rakes. Buckeye eider mills (improved Burdick hay and straw cutters. Whipple's wagon guide and draft equalizer, Kvans centennial fanning mills. Crystal 3Iedal, farm, schtol and church lwlls. PulHam jiatent bolster spring something now. Blancham atent churn. Howe's thermometer churn. Scott's patent ftnirjioiut sti-el larlK fence wire Boss sickle grinders. Porter's champion hay forks and carriers. Lightning hav knives. Champion railroad and garden barrows. Centennial bujrgy tops, all sizes. A full line of all steel good, spades, shoveli, ieks, mattocks, All of which will bo sold good terms ; orders from promptly attended to. Illustrated Catalogues and prices tree on appuation. NEWBURY CHAPMAN & CO., Portland, Salem and Walla Walla. EUGENE BUCHANAN, Agent at Albany, Or. Keeps Meats, Pish, Butter, Egg3, Vegetables and Fruits sweet and good drying, or sealing up. It cider ana wines, cures tno cellent for other purposes. It is not injurious to the health, and costs out Family Rights, $10. County and District Rights on Reasonable Written guarar-tee given, case the Process cannot Genuine testimonials from prominent men testi fying to its healthminess For lurtner particulars inquire or C0LDS0II & riATTnoti, (Corrallis, Benton Co., or Albany, Linn Co., Oregon.) General Agents Oitf Dr. G. Schlesinger, Imj.orler and doaler In pure DRUGS AND MEDICINES, Keeps on hand a full aortmont of Imported Goods In tils line. Special attention paid to tlie compounding or I'liyMiPiann' irowTipuona anu Chemical Analyni. Vl4il32tf Pinal Settlement. NOTICE IS nEREBY GIVEN THAT tbe utidorsignod, Administrator of the estate of Job Crabtree, deceaaed, ha filed liia account for final settlement In said eHtato in the County Court in and for the County of Linn and State of Orepron, and Tuesday, the 7th day ot October, 1879, at the hour of one o'clock in the afternoon of said day, baa been set by said Court for the hearing of objections and the settle ment of aaid estate. W. 3. CRABTREE, lw4 Administrator. K0LBR00K a LUDLOW'S V 5 SHOES. Ladies desirine perfection in fit, sly.'e, comfort and durability, should not fail to call on Samuel K. Young and got the fa. mous Ilol brook fc Ludiow shoe. vl-tnistf . ; REVERE. K8USSf Corner Flriit aod EIIswrtn AUmny, Orrsnn. Pfcifer 33ro's Props. Tills new Hotel is fitted up in first clasn ityle. Tailing siippiied with the bwat the Diarktit alfordn. fipring Beds in every Koom. A guwd aample Room for Com niercial 'iVavelers. rKri-e Coarh to and from the EM. l.'V l SMit ST andWashiEigloii to arrive tho following hftim wnlkuig ntitl Kulky iIovs, draft and doing good worh recommended Oil the ml lmv no equal m fin- ha tirst prize at the rliilftdeiphirt , running wagoin over lATt-roi and ileaileis and Traction and the world. garden rakes, hK-s, pading-fork, etc. at lowest prices and on abroad solicited, and without salting, cooking, also stops fermentation in scao on sneep, ana is ex a trine. Terms. and money refunded in he made a success. ana success. for Paeiflc Coast PRELIIUn OFFERED OS WHEAT STORED -WITH THOS.MOxNTEITH&SONS AT Albany City Mills. THE UNDERSIGNED WILL GIVB l'REMIUM OF FOUR CISiNTS per bushel In Mill Feed over aud above the market price for good merchantable wheat either stored with or sold to them this season. Sacks furnished to parties dealing with THOS. MONTEITH & SONS, Albany, July 23, 1S7SJ. Mni3 WHEAT WANTED! WHEAT WANTED THE PROPRIETORS OF THE MAO -1- NOLI A MILLS oiler a premium of KOUK CENTS Ter bushel In mill ffld over and above the market price fcr pood uiurcnantatsio wneai euner soia to tnem or stored with them this coiulner gnsHon Hacks furnlslied to parties wishiug to store or ten wnoac to mem. J. II. FOSTER ,fe CO. Albany, -July 22, 1870. , 61m3 VEGETABLES I AM RAISING THE VERY BEST OF all kinds of vegetables, and will mar ket them fresh at tbe following times and places ; Albany, on Fridays and Wedntm days and lialey oa Saturday and Tues days. Kverything at the lowest Tricf. 4m3 JOHN W. i-NuX. mm Sheriff's Sale. in. ch'Kiire in tlui Circuit Court of tim Mule of Ornjron for the County of l.inn lid an KXWMltlnii lamind In tiiioiiiuiicn hereof the il'tth lnof July. is7t). tt in (lluii'lcd hiiiI ilollviirnl. in iuvnr of JiMttwIh M. Wuild r.pliilnllir Hiid BUHlnt Oii-tl K. ltiW ino 1111U I'uinnllM CiolHllim. hln wil'n, (liifi'lliliiiilH. ior I ho HiiiiKif r.'.Hlfi tKl n Hulled Hiu'dh irrld ixiln. with liilerimt llinrodii In like ci.ln at the mM nf Iimi nor out.. l'r annum from tho f.th dnvi.r.lunn. is71, and the furtlmr miiiii f $ui Ho ciMh liave jnvieu niK.ii 11,0 tiiiirtunui'd nn;i. Iia dnttrilod in Hal. I (iucrcn uh IuIIowk. Io- wit: 'J'lie ICrtftlialf of litmatloii I41111I Claim Not. No. i.'(iliS, and mmtutiatntl m ('aim Ho. 4 bdlnn pacta ot ft'Oiloii l.xtkcn, wivi-ttU-on, twenty anil twenty oin., in ruwtiHtilji 1:1 Mtiui It r Kuiikm 8 Wit, ho- oruiita to ino oiiH iui iiintof Hirvev r- urimd to the utMmrttl lnnl nfllee l.v the sinrvaynr Ji-imrnl, tNung LmhiiiiIiiiI h ft' I la im iIIwiI ax pillow, t-wu : lijtiinliii Ht. a mint I ' clinln Wml, ami 8 clmlno and bu iuka Nnrtli nf tlit Not lliciml mriir nt Nk'Hoii a, and running tliemo Kontti 4 ulmliiM iul U) lliiku, thciiK-o l jt 6U clmliis anil 2tl llukn. thonce Worth 4H t'lialnx mi.1 t0 llukn, ami IhciKio Went (A chalmt and m link to the pla' nf Im-hIiiiiIiik. Urn whole lit) 111 cnntalninir arj H-loo awn of land. and ultuaUid in Unri county, la thnSUU) of Ori-jjon, and Him VmkI half i-tiiitntulnir nil 4-ltK) aiu, ami (111 Salitnlai, the .', Oth inj 0 AurjHiil, 1ST!), at tho Court )loiio door In Ilia e!ty of Al hiiiiy, l.inn County, Ortiuon, at llm hour of two o'oha'k 1. M.. 1 will iwili tho hnK'lii- Htloro ihitutrllxiil lal irojrty at fiuhlla am-tlon lor mull In itaml to lint hluhxnt Iddar, to natlxfy aid writ, with aivriuntf OMtM, llaltMl hU 11 day or AiiKint, 17!" 1. O. MfKKV, I'Zvti HIiHiIlT of l.inn Co , )ikii SherifTs Sale. tilimurn of a irlaui niorttrimn iu tho C irirull Court of llm blalu of Uimkoii fur ths County of Lliiu.aiidaiiexivution Uud in tuirauanca lliortMif on the 14th day of Jul T. .u, to ino dlrertol aud uttliverod, In favur if J. K. llemlrox, l'laliitin, and su-niiitt iurirl(ta It. liore, Jatnoa Gore and 1'litilit UrluMby.lM'fendanU.rorlhe sum of fliol n CliH-d htataa gold tHiln. ili tutortiat tbervou in like coin at tha rat of lain imr nt. iter annum from the aald 211 day of March, W'J. and the further sum of 7U tf euata, I have levied uixin the moiluatod fircinivea usacriiMHi lit aaia lotr na ll ows, to wn: Lou No.uuo(l) aud four(l) in jsiimik -o. x ( iu tna oily of liai n bunr, in the County of Linn, Klauj of Or Bun, the aama Ixilnn the projHrtv of Hon' rtuua 11. uore, and wimreaa. It aplaani ffuiu aald dwrna that the iKileudant. l'iil)it 4riKoy, la tlta lawful owner or a time an! inortuaue which la a lion iirmu tho rpai prniwrty lioroliilfiiro dwrilil, which aald linn la suljiwiiirrit to tbe l'lalnliil iiiortKK and la aubJtH-t llivuto, and that thnro la due iiX)ii aaid note and morlaun the sum of uo In CuIUmI hlatoa aold coin, with lutereat thereon in like coin at the rale of Urn p-r cent. rr annum from Ilia aald I'ltt day of March, IS.'.', now, tnervtore, ou Saturday, the SOth of Au-jutt, lSTj, at tha Court Hoiio door In the city of Al ary, l.inn conutv, rii(on,attiie tionror IU a I'lwk A. il.t I w ill Bvlltbe lierclntw- re duacriliod tnorteairnd premUun in com niianoo with the provision ol kald ilwrwi al publio auiTllon for caah in band U the lilgbimt lilddar, tbe prw ol aaid sale to U apmied Brt to the coats and i)Xinm' of this suit ana acc-rulnir roatN ; iif xt to the ivnioiil lo tho flaiiiilll or raid sum or lo J.' m V. IS. (told coin, with liitort a aloromid; next u tbe pavniuiil to I'hilip uriKoy or aata mi in ot ou in v. . .-. gola coin, Willi intirelaa afomald, and the realdue, if any, tu Ixt paid to aald ilea rirtla li. irf. July th, 1S71. i.e. ikki:y. Slirrifl of Linn Co., Ort-K"'. HO! nK YAQl'IXA HAV IT AVISO A UtHtU t-OACII ASP TKAM PfS a 1 lJfrMii cttbUm u Y'iiio l.y. sua tu. nmmim tti uriitif fibuc aitli B(lMrlM euty MUnlnmrgrnilinu A'r1-li imniMiiNniTH, IKMMV HllH. . I hm h,t la IWrrnn IJOMiAVS. Tl 'KDAY. TMLItAj MtaATtUUAYS. Tbraaclt ttrkrt farllte uuatUaMr t ett. A iwlnrtloo lll b m4a on lbbntfr fniir pfwi'i uA ttr wont f.ir llii( but lko trip Iu tli CUUl WMl MU.fy tMUfMlt. bill M. M 4 M. T. ROW VIIiLAKI) IIOIISI Ilalsry, (Irrcoa. A- LOUBNER, - Proprietor rpm rxECANT sew wnr.L. irttr kw I wnulnlud. will t oHMd ftbutll J t! T 1 h . i7 It u eoiutriKUd oa th nuaa aiwlani al mkmhoI plan, ha Una uiipl room MMruulr rriifl l-w enoimrrclal traTtlara, n4 lh labl IU b upplivd w ail una o lia luud dmi. s TITUS BKOH t'CALERa IK- WATCIIKN. LO ii. JCWELKl. aiMCR PLATED WAKE. ASI DtAJ!OSI HPE(TA LE, ETC., AgnaU'far fc'ew Home SrwlBg SUrhlnr. AI.UANY. - - OKEOOX. vun-r.tf DR. SPItlllEY NO. 11 KEARNEY STREET. San Francisco, California. TrraU all Ckronle and aprrJal IHer, rno mat re hi Frr.niMi inon the v v effcui or youthful folilo or liutMcrution, will da wll to avail thamaelvea ot till. tlit!irreauit dm vrr laid at tha altar ot uffurinir huniaiiily. 1)1! HI'IN'NKK will iruarantM to forfeit tiOOfor ovory cat beminalo wimkii or privat Uine ot ally kinU or caravuir wiutn u uiiucrtK anu tunic to uuro. MlUDLE'AtlEU HIE.V. Thr ar many at th aire of thirty-flveto sixty who ar truuuloa witti too trenuent evacuation oi tlie uiau tier, often aoconiiwiled ty a lliclit martliiif or burning eniMtlon, ana a weaKeiunir ox in yiem in a nuuinur tU patient cannot account for. On examining the urinary depoalw a ropy nwllmcrit will often be fuunj anil aoinellmt) mnall particle of allimnen will a)ipcar, or th color win eor a tnin niiiKmn cue, aain cnanif' in- to a dark and torpid &llearance. There are many men who die oi tin uuncuity ignorant ol tlie caum, which M the iwconu itaoe of terminil weiuoiesii. UK. will guarantee a perfect cure in all uch eaaea, and healthv restoration of the ironiUi-urinary orirana. Omul Hotjhh 10 to 4 and to 8. Bunday from 1 to 11 A. M. CoiieulUtion free, 1 liorouif h exuniiintlU and advice, $5. Call and addrein, fill. 8rirv .t ro., H:3tlvl No. 11 Kearny Ht. Bun Francisco, 1'ul VALUABLE Farm for Sale rtlHE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS FOR SALE H inrm. two tind a hall niUu outU'Wa!t of Aibany, On the Main Road Leading to Cor vailis. Tli fftrra comprises 340 A!REH. nearly all prairie land, and now In rain. The land Is rented out, but a part ot the crop wilt be Bold with the land, as also many article of husbandry and farm machinery. Thtre is on the place a commodious and convenient two-atory dwelling, barn and nut-huustt, an orchard, and everything nut-enKary t-o make a pleasant country home. 1 he farm will be sold in lots to suit, aua will be made easy for the puruhaaci-s. For further particulars inquire at tha PyocRiT of fi'.:3s or she u:ti )-i:m-'i. -i: " JOHX LAY'i'OK. if yfr&r tiffiwr to 11 V VIZIWM IT. P. tin, Tl. V. I'lKltTK. Iiarlntr siuiiifmt a worMwM TV piifntlou III th treatment t'f l-'lifotiifj limtn-rm fouuHKiK In M Imfciv,l(itiii hinlntJM far Kf,4MUita' iU lii'iirhhml aijlflty I' i-mvhf miut) yt-nr ii'1iM'4'i1 rW-vnt-Hl iiiffilt'iil fftiMMMit In wiefnUf Uhhc twlvMi wWli Mii.,h lit F'tcitUf t( llio Vorl-I' H- .t'nnrv. lite i nivitiiiiiir jn-jliir-'tnm nr win'-n vm 'J h- frtd.wlhMi hs h'in vmntUUi mt'l ItH'nrpt- Tn"i Mi'"-r in iinitin Nil' I i) i oi r wrm imprm tlmu ft. X.'I'tKHi k, prtt, V. T. fiKnrv V. tm. RiKK ffiivHfAff Ann ViWVM or cmi- !)-- Uti'l littv- l 't rinrw ti tt4 Hi KllHy iiitftnif Mi-,Mnrmi rnii cvhuj wtuun um very av itiuititl ly m ifntitMM or mm arm Jii'Ik itimi t nn1 akMI. ftroiK'tJal, 'I hnmi, ait'l l.ttn ifis Cttf tr-fit'-1 tHli tt tn'mt mutwrnmfui rwM i-m t,r m DtiiM-i Utr tirttvr fr turn enru u all Unite trdr'tttlr iltwii-i' frpitlinr t ft-tntili'. n r, u t m iivfli . rm ai i i rrrr7nii j tV. I' lIM ii (HU), 4 (Min t 4fti.Vltiti,) imte', N'U- ri'Kl, mi I itrr m rrfHt jant-non, t(-civ tin U ItlKrtt T fill t.rprrj HI llii" 1MJ-Ittnv, SWt SA jmaV tM fKK I'A'III XTC-Ify our ordinal muhi of tiuMo.ia, we nn lrii noiHy nrmiitt oimum i n v itmy wmtmn n kmh wiMfiml C"itilttttt"ii. k'r Mrit'tilnni t " 1.irtU;mld (r l.iMr "In rtli'U Bti'l ivitl CtilUim air t'Mdi -i nix ti nitt fn tiintily lo Nrfcrfii ar ttum :i itft( rUiMi. (Unilit, lUmortt. rWlul In A lU. IIi?rma I(nii4r. Ilylro' iw (Jin.i"!' 'f Hm rVT'dtlHi,, V Jrh-j'-Jr, M ftf utvt l'Ull 'luilinn, I 'tk'ill (Mokh In lli llUiMrn, Stth'tiin, vu:.t fU W'v i-t iWMliy. h a ww nt-iii- i wiinmu kiirtfltat fifrntioii. I M''-r, ini-fif hphiMi f urVntUMMlti'l nlKT 4U furmiti'i. Iw.t lmti I f pi I PI-fVf tffiU'1 iiviiH'U iiU lt ii f - .tl I t V Iif IlilrM 1l.M- 1 a t I'-.ll Dr. Pisrcs's Favciito Frc3or;?!i:n Th tfmi, hrTrr. I 'Hit f---1j Ion f fnjr bl(f ij.r" to t U tsSih-, u-n jk r- -'iial iN-rB?. 1 iidi-. w;iii .fiifJittjf it it. rMl( III ti )' ' tal Jlwiy in- ! -.t lo li.f rvnitl lit of n.f I It ml tai Ifca rlUa r tfNlM ar' f ar iM-llrail ramrt tJjt t) m i iin, kit tM.fi.-, .ttt , mil :l. rt mi .ty ut t!iW rUM tt mil iutUX mt. lhian( ou ifr all c ircim.iiT, a I klIj- i wi(stf tit k ti)f t' p'mi'"U a a plil' l iiii aii M rwij.-Itii afu ins! It UI !i.-H;lrt lit uvt ani-it".ii .-rtalt ! a li1'- In -t.i'1 I-vlJf li O- U f rt'- tA Um apiiM iti MT ; li I r- -,t j I I!. r.f, f ul n if ui-J. r A I'UatTJve cl AKAT ti a n tlti.i', prtiphl- t UAth .) 'BU f.-ll'W!ti St" HHUittft li'rt; M ITI Wl'Tr-tt tny rrwrtpiim I. W'tV d fm, a If M" tiK'. s I ri'tty n-f I niW w i y ri j )-( lriti"t r t''ut f Wr f. s - is,'l;34 'llliffi ltiUiJif H'Kl, l;ijfr -l')H Vlw ! fr-tit itohtMrl rn , $f-ifTilaf iti-fi, U h ti. Vfr MtiiN r kAit'-ix A ih" rin, Antvtrz'n an 1 '.t-tftxt-m-" Jt-r;t:irlrtwti K -aiifi, Jitt-nt;.( u Ni-noM iv-r--im. 1 t f v, '4 ifU m-4 Jirrf I r- u I i..ijf-t - lo- r.MIitJ-rtI I I i -1 "I'Tt!, imj-tf-ir , lW(F tMH r Ki-rilnv, u t tVf.ttrn-, I tl Il'.l fV4 1!sl i:r" i 4 -r-ii, nt U llilfi"l" fvifDU Mntr tM'VM. U a .1 . Ji. .11 l - f'.f ii-i' lj"rruiliH -n fl- titf . (-ft., SlKll- .!.. II In Tlir J-t !.E VSJillt ai :r.u. a i". .t. rf ..Ts-r i .Jtf. ..-iii, i r . t;.l ll tf. I .l 1. ll'l kJ'.- .11' l l fVATl lit t. lfUvllU.lll ftll "11 i. . ii , I i . i 'r "V, . i.si.rY 1 (,,--M .!!..'-. f.H-i.i... S. . FOUCE FEED CHAIN DIULL -. a - v ' 'A. ir v2 J I B AS A KF.W MOUE OF thi: Ar.o E 11 immc-tt cplfbraUst eraln UriU, and a liu oxHfla lo nj out of Uio titiUiic-ao, ho iu aII (lie tit at very low il.-0'. t arinurs who iu-el drill wiil do well tuc-all on lam. at lio tit Uiuud lo N'll, ami will m!) low. Call nt Mm lanj oit curiitT of h-eou4 and r.iiwuii sirittH. n3l!f THANK WOOD. J E. SORBIN & CO. Importer and dmlrr la CIGARS OD TOBACCO- AktiIm for Jc4 Moora A Co. B. utl Xtrn Wiilkklra. olfxi for aale Klitilklmfrofu l.'.nu lo lii.W a gallon, bcxUm rmin lUculs loll.W Klna Krcuph oniiuly Iroio fi.TS ta tli.uu a llou, In Ixvttlrn from 7o . lo ti.5i. r mo uiu i nn vr ino inim ..w to t,iM a uni on, la bottle from 6'2 cut. to t:.oti, Flu Mhrrry Win from ii-M' H0.0U a Cl Inn, In boti lt-n fnm 75 n. to f ilni. Uulland Ula H-UO a Kailoc. ia totle from 75 0U. to All kind or Wine, Bitter ami Cordial. C laret mice dollar a itnllon or i t-oc. a Imtlle. l.lquira In ointa and half pint iiaak fur traveler aod ol bora. (SAMPLE ltOOMS allachei to OUR STORK. CIGARS I TOBACCO, By tha box or pou ad, cheap, first Mit, aar Itroaaalbln, Allxnr MARX BAUMGART IVcw Liqnor Store KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON H 4KB TIIE FINEST BRANDS OF WlXES, LIQUORS, TOBACCO & CIGARS. Tlie Celebrated Nt. Lonla STONEWALL WHISKEY, The finest wbltdcoy in the State. Whiskies, French Brandies, Sherry, Tort, Claret, and all other kinds of wines, Gin, Ale, Beer, And Porter. Bitters of every kind, and the best brands of tobacco and Cigars. fSl want everybody to understand tl. I Lave opened out a first-clans now liq uor store, where city and country deal ers can procure thelr'stooks at Portland prices, with only freicht added. Rooms on the corner of Front and Ferry St rent, Albany, Oregon. 2Stf. For Sale. A Splendid Farm. efr ACRES 200 Jn cWtkatlon. It HJ ia well fenced and otherwise well improved. 2(H) acres is the best of farming land. Good house, barn, and all necessary improvements for an excellent modern iarm. No whitk Iand on the place. It is situated 1 1-2 miles west of Albany the great aprricultural center of Oregon For terms enquire at the nluce of vialcf 1 VIATCIIER, WELCOME SAL00K Win. Volgt, Proprietor. riHE BliST WINIOS, UQUOra AND X cigars always on hand. BEEll 5 CENTS A GLASS. Call and see me. Saloon ia brick build in:?, next iliKr to Damial.V furniture store. "" 2-1 f W.M. VOIUX. mmm PLUf.lER FRUIT DRYERS 1 f.llOM SK TO 11VK 11IOVKAXU UOLLAKM TKIl ANNUM CAN BE EA P iZlilJ hy Mjo wise of PLUMMEirS FA 11 1 LY FRUIT DRYER ! Which al.w.liifi'ly Ii!it no rrwliilirry of anv that cbJl 'k n and agw! rxwii.Io fan run U on Tlii.'t n-v auj uw,ful inveritlon ha Ko Equas, ix Tin Would J lla rlicpri rmjoniiiianiia it to svarj-body, enabling every farmer lo o n a Dryr. An,i llx ro i a iexly market fr all llm fruits ilryetl. PELTCKJ'S SIX-FOLD -M.VSLKACll COOl'JSit, l I KIiloU T A;V H"I;8E IVi't:B XW IH it cm-ip n ir.Mi ami aruxioi. Lef ii. Tu fumT KKll tl. MiiS V .1IAHI5LE WOREiS. STAIGER BRO'S, -DEAl.KIIS IX MONUMENTS, HEAD STONES ANI EXECUTED IH VERF.!0FIT AKD ITALIAN MAHOLE. Kvcry oibi-r rarlc-ty of ecniftcry and atone work done with ncatnesa'and dwj.tch. ejal attention k'v u orclBis from a cliKtaiio. by ina.l or otherwUe. ami wuik promptly forwarded. All work warranted. C-CSbcp cu Bioadalbin Strcfl, nf arly opposite tbe Democ rat CCIre.SS STOVES! STOVES! M. M. HARVEY. VV. H. M'FARLANO. WHOLESALE ASl liETAJL 1EALEK3 IS STOVEG, RANGES, PUMPS, HOSE, LEAD AND IRON PS PES, ETC, ETC., ETC. A USO MASCTACTURES liii, Coppor and Sheet Iron "YVn.i of every Iescn lotion. PLVMntSO aod tt AH FITTINfi and all joh work belonfriog to tbe business car fully and riroioixly duue, by couijflcut and skillful Mechanics. TniriTV Y l'.K P.S exiri'n-e iu tlie biminw, varratita us In guaranteeing aatia (action. OL'R STCWK wl! le lanrely increased by pnrchaKea nisde by our Mr. Harvey, at the Ka-t and in Haa FramiKii. t)ealira in our line, and Country Merchant are ra- apoc-tfuliy invitod to call and take a uiarkea down to mt the Uuifi. Our Motto: "THE BF?T GO"riS" at livinjr ratea; Our aim is to maka Albany ooi permanent home, and build np a bu-ciuexa that will last. COME and KEK ua, and don't forgot to look al our Six difforeiit alylea in atot k. REMEMBER the old stand near the Bank. MTARLAND & HARVEY. d. r. uahox. FOSHAY & (.Suoctaors to John DEALERS IS- DRUGS, BOOKS, A LARGE AND DRUGS AND OZ3 ATiTi Embnwing vorytMw uuily fuunJ in a nnit-clM retail drug enUUuhiueut. A FlU UXE or BOOKS VIVI STATIONKRY, Th tKk to Terr ltugv tuxa wen A new deiwt I ln run in connection ritb thl depart nint, atmra all Jie ltOcst Kutvrii tuuuitics, pivUiruls, etc., cui on )rucurml. WHEN YOU COft".E TO ALBANY CALL AND SEE US YlSnSTtf AT TIIK OLD STAXD, 72 FIRST STREET, HAS ASSORTMENT OF COOK, BOX AND PARLOR STOVES. AND RANGES, As any house In the valley. He also Imports and luamniacturoa im9 sheet men af.d coppeh wahe OF EVERY PESCRIPTTON IN STOCK OR TO ORDER. A1SO, HE KEKl-i ON HAND, A FULL ASSOKTMEST OF GENUINE GRAWITE IRON WARE. ALL OF WHICH HE OFFERS TO THE P.UBLIC AT PRICES, THAT DEFTT COMPETITION. CALL AT 72 FIRST STREET, ALBANY, OREGON. Repair work done vlSnSS I ixtvs rtxini: Miuinvi:. TUr tirat Unit Hah Kcnifdj, TRADE MRK,An unfailing cureTRADE W&RIC. o- ior tfcutimu wens- r h o a , lmp"UiiKy, and all Dismsent hat follow an a sequence uf St-U -abuse tut Lona 9 V (if liniirv l.iitver- ' m r m i ' 'inxiie isacK, iim- mature OKI AKe,fiJ:I'er. XaKlD and many other Diseaises that ciul lo Insanity or Con fcumptiuii ami a Prcuiatur Grave. IdTKuIl partieu lara in tMr naiuiihlet, which w Uesire to twend fi-ee by mail u every one. tSThe tfpouitlc Medicine ia tHlU hy all dru'tHta at $1 per pocked, or ix packaift.-t Ut f'r or will be sent free by mail on rtK-eipt trf tbe money bv addressinir i 'uk k r mi mrnE ro.. No. liJ Mechanics' HitKik, leLrxit, ilivh, St'ld by all dmyiatss in Albauy, and ctacwberu.l'.ily PA" k. t 1 m F. A. Lehmarm, Solicitor of American and Fvi-rturti with Jr-utentH, vhu'.iier biiMfi thy Patent OiLie or tit Cimrlrt, pn-.tnvi iy ai-tenOcd to, io wh.irue S unli'fes a ptitcui ia svicurtrd, y(.?Jid fur cirvui-r. tii-ii r &3 f NEAV PATEX kiiiil, atnl U no Minnie In Uh ronnU w Lnn any kind tit l'rulu or VM!lab!e. JONES & SILL, Proprietor for Linn County. HORSE POWERS, :RI.1 liV- I ASt FAfTI'RKD AT AJ.EM," n!5?. -u a Inn time. I'tll ic . lir-ct yr.t aii. . '' look at our goods and prices, n hich have beei loBX PU8BAT EVIASON Foahay.) STATIONERY,. ETC., FItESU STOCK OP MEDICINES ON HAND AS FINE AN at reasonable figures. CITY DRUG STORE. Corner rirl and F.llswerlb SlrtMt. ALU OUEVOX. SALTiSIARSHI a. has asuin purobased the City Drug S tore, having purchased the entire interest of C. AV. SIIVW, eticcessKir to A. Carothers & Co. He la uw receiving a splendid new stock, which, added to the former, renders it very oom pliite in all the different departments. Feeling assured that all an be suited, both In iiiahuty and prices. Mr. Saltmarsh eor dii Uy invites his old friends and cus. us ers io give him a call. PRESCRIPTIONS will receive Immedi ate and careful attention, at aK heurs, day aud uiu-'i'.. , - PUKC WINIS AND 1JQCOR3 : for rnodicij:al purjH a WIIISISHISIV fc CO-