MART. V. BROWN, EDITOR. FKIDAY.. .JULY 11, 1S79. DISHONEST 0lsr.iT ni-. Here is a sjieeimen of tbe fair dis patcbes that the Ortjoninn receives daily : San Fkaxcisoo, July 8. The execu tive committee of the Democratic State Central Committee met thu evening. The proceedings were kept secret, but it is understood they referred to weed ing out of candidates on the State tick et by piling assessments on them, with a view to tilling their places with. II. B's. The Republican committee this even ing discussed tho jiosaibility of holding an. honest primary, and appointed a committee to devise ways and means to that end. Any one can see at a glance tho elec tioneering scheme contained in the fore going dispatch. The telegraph operator states that the session of . the Demo cratic committee was secret, and then he pretends to know all about it. Thi wise operator goes on to state that tbe Democrats are going to weed out can didates on their State ticket by piling assessments on them ; and in the same breath he states that the Republicans are providing for holding an honest pri mary f And yet he doesn't go into de tails on tbe Republican scheme, but proceeds immediately to infer that everything was to be done honestly in that political body, while the Demo crats were engaged in the " frcezin out " business. We venture the pre diction despite the Oregonian's "Smart Aleck" of a telegraph reporter that when the proceedings come to hand the Democratic State Central Committee are not "weeding out" their candidates at all, and that they will all stay on the ticket, and that the Republican primary will be anything but honest in its man agement or anything but satisfactory to its own party in its results. THE FOl KTH AT t ORV 11LI. J. tie corvaius celebration was in many respects a more complete success than any of our recent celebration?. No accident occurred during the day. notwithstanding the fluttering of flags, waving of banners, the music by the Albany and Corvallis bands, the salutes and fire crackers, the brilliant parade of firemen, and thel liberty car filled with beautiful children appropriately dressed all making up a pageantry which would be calculated to excite un trained horses and unskilled horsemen. Tbe Declaration was well read by lion. Jas. Chambers and the oration of Gov. Thayer was pronounced excellent by- ey&ody. The hospitality evin &ftai Corvallisites was that of the : - most liberal and generous, and was of nature to call out all the resources of our citizens when they return our call at the grand celebration of1 18S0. HUES AB BIS MARSHALS "LEFT." The adjournment ef Congress has leit the Democratic party of the nation in better shape than they have been since the "War. That body, alter hav ing provided for the expenses of the Executive, Legislative and Judiciary departments of the Government, passed a bill for paying the United States Marshals $000,000 in their capacity of sheriffs or active executive officers, but made no provision for their nse at elec tions. And of course, as there is where Hayes and his crowd want them, he promptly vetoed the bill. The ma jority in Congress, true to their pledges to the people and true to their honor as patriots, refused to have anything fur ther to do with Hayes' election bull dozers, and adjourned. The conse quence is that the Marshals will have to be provided for at elections by the Radicals themselves, or the people will have a free and fair vote at the polls. A KEPLBL1CA.V COMPU1IKST. The Sacramento Record-Union, al though strongly Radical of late, seems disposed to accord justice to its oppo nents. In speaking of the Democratic political nominations of that State it says "The State ticket nominated by the convention is stronger than that of the H. B's, and the judicial ticket is a specially sound one." It is quite prob able that several of the judicial nomi nees may be elected, for in voting for judges sensible men will not be gov erned by politics at all, but by knowl edge of the candidate's character and legal attainments. The Democrats have, in fact, escaped a great danger, acd they owe it to the country dele gates entirely. But for these latter the party would not only have been doomed to defeat, but to a disgraceful defeat. EWIM6 ANU FOSTER. The Union soldiers of Ohio don't go much on Charley Foster, the Radical candidate for Governor. He talks very "loyal" now, but when the war began and his opponent, Gen. Ewing, went bravely to the front, Charley stayed at home and didn't fight worth a cent. The sequel will show that the loyal man who acted what he taught will beat the one who taught and acted not. - Gen. Tom Ewing will be elected Gov ernor of Ohio. A stabbing affray occurred at Com stock's station last Monday night be tween Geo. Long and S. Farrell, in v.-h:i,b. Fam-Il re-'elted ei;!st wounds in te breast, V-T1 f f-5-cts .( sUiich he fEIMES AXI TlltUft PI 'MlftllMEXr. Almost every daily paper is now filled with a chapter of horrors, mainly the way of murders and suicides, And every page of our papers arc full of sries of distress, business failures and hard times. .In this matter of murders, hanging, etc., itia difficult to udtre what should be the remedy. An Eastern journal commenting recently on capital punishment observes that some five years ago tho general govern- ment of Switzerland decided to abolish capital punishment. A law was pissed to this tilVet and put iu oimtion. Murders, however, increased so rapidly that a petition was started asking the government" to re-enact tho death pen- alty. The grave fathers of tho Cantons were not, however, to be entrapped into precipitate action. They appointed committee to investigate the statistics of other countries, in order to see whether Switzerland was alone in the increase in the murder line. They di covered to their surprise that the same henomena had taken place in every civilized country under the sun. In England the number had increased seven to one. In Russia, ten to one. France not so many, but still the figures showed an increase. Investigating the Northern Radical. It is just such le matter stili further it was found that publicamsm as tht which tilts Congress the death rate increased in extent in proportion to the business depression, It was greatest in those countries that had suflered most from the financial re- vulsion, and it was least in those that were the most prosperous. The sever- ity of. the laws had slight inlluence compared to the ojeration of this re- sistless and tremendous factor. The operation of hanging was but a feather weight when put in the balance against I ntt4ratnn fjitlrir li-i&fi lliiil.-t-nrrrtr a n.1 1 1 - - J . ... , -j ' .- their concomitants, despair, sant, idle- ness, ana sultenng. ibis result is sur- .... . . prising, ana yet mere is no eape Iroin the terrible tabulation of these figures. it shows in a striking manner how weak me leewo operations oi men are in comparison with the pressure of trade on tuose jaws mas reacu uown anu toucn tuo pocKw, uie stomaen, ana me heart of every laborer in the comma- nay. is snows mat, aiier an, crime is me result, anu me eueci oi numaa sui- fenng, and that the only way to reduce me amount w increase u.e sum o uuman iu.pp.ness. xo siauu u.e offender with a club and relentlessly punish him for transgressing the law is not a way to diminish crime to any great extent This is in direct conflict with the usual ideas on this subject I Tho notion that prevails is that men are to have unlimited opportunities to per- petrate rascality if only they are to be punished sufBciently when caught This ex1nence of the Swiss statesmen shows the folly of this idea. a case of mm. . It will be renumbered that I L, Williams ran for the nomination for Secretary of State against Hon. It P. Ionian; in me ipuuncan convention 1 j. . st I last year, aad came very near beating him. jnow we have it irom the best se.m to be capable of enlisting the at authority that the same Williams has tention of students of the human emo- recently eloped with the wife and child or oneot our recent JJenton county cit- izens. It seems that the family to wnom we reter about a year ago lett here and went to Waitsburg, W. T-, ana tins man Williams this men- toned Radical leader some months ago left his home at Itoseburg and went to the " upper country," made his head quarters at aitsburg, and, becoming acquainted with this ladyv won her af- fections from her husband, and finally eloped with her and the child, and it is thought the guilty parties went to Ida- ho. The deserted husband and father has returned to this city. Williams was for eight or ten con- socutive years County Clerk of Douglas county, and was one of the most influ- ential leaders of the Republican party in Southern Oregon. We give these facts as we received them from the wronged and deserted husband, and have no doubt of their truth. The abandoned husband and erring woman were both born and raised near Albany. TUE WILL BE AT THE POLL. Tbe Oregonian seems to think that many Democrats of Ohio wilt fail to gol to the polls because Gen. Tom. Ewing is on the ticket. The editor of that paper will find, after the returns are in, that not only tha Democrats, but the form the public service. He had lis Greenbackers went to the polls, and the tened in amazement to the claim of po- majority for Tom. Ewing and the Dem- ocratic ticket will be the best proof of the way in which they voted. Mlu.,,vu0glra1uBuawa1KCr) x a.- T T 1 Jl it t ti 1 t wen, to Juogumu anu won uie pe oacK -mums vh, wttu time to spare. Parole, the American prize oi of the world, and Hanlan went " over the seas," and cauptured the laurels in the great international rowing match. And yet England " dontlt vas 'appy " about American skill and endurance. A Chicago punster asks : " Could Socrates the girls 3 Could Bartholo mew 1 Could Shakespeare an " eel 1 Could Shyloek a bank safe 1 Could Cataline his trowserloons ! Could Americus 1 Could Livingstone a cat V Yes, and Cadwallader, and if you Conover this we'll give you Moore. The bill of fare at the California Re publican State Convention embraced three dishes Kearney soup, Kearney roast and Kearney stew rriPiiiLs!'3 La d rv ai-pfll AS rVIAfPY 1MMH.V. In addition to tho California licpub liean papers that are lukewarm in tho piesent campaign tho V irginia City Knterpriw, chief Radical organ of Ne- vada, thus expresses its opinion of tho situation in California: Tho Repub liean campaign does not open with sun- cuiu assurances of victory. The chances are five to one that upon elec lion day it wilt be discovered that there are but two tickets in the field the Republicans and unti Kepublieaiis. Ibe natural gravitation of mercenary minds after spoils will be very apt to concert- trate the opposition ; and now at the start there is not such a maisliahug oi the party of decency and patriotism as there ought to be. An illustration eau bo seen in tlie Arjonani.' lor several weeks that paper has been bristling with live Republican editorials. Uie editor of that pajnsr was, wo believe, resident of tho Republican Convert Lion t Sacramento, and yet the Arjo- "" but half a dozen or a down lines relation to the Convention or nominees, and further on it distiuet- ly states that its managers would prefer to see a conservative Southern Demo- T!t elected President rather than a with ex-rebels, and a man wb can write such a sentiment as tho above is not tit to bo admitted into the councils of Republicans. It will not do to say that he was an original Republican. We susiiect if he was it was through pure meannessthrough a desire to work on the oil side, but whether serious or not m his political convic- Lions twenty years ago, he is not a Re- publican now A vettc labi" o.mtii or n- SUlliMTI voullr y. Mi Lillian Duer. - - waS tj,e ol,1Pr t)aT evicted ,f man slttu hter ;n tj,e killing of Miss Klla earn, and has been sentenced to un priaonnient and to pay a tine of $."'00. j, - - , caW! f t, j.;ml on rf . America, and the New York c, :, f..m... Tl, mnv;(.li(m of r :,; l)iu.r for the Wm of Wlms Klk Henm U conHyer. . ... , riroTerbiul tenderness c f the ft Atn(.ric.m jlirvniJin fur i)ietty criuinBlHt mmtiWng of iur,,riimt n,we is n doubt, it is true, Umt jj;;i;,m acllluy hu KIU, but ther0 fa mim douU whlflU ;t wa(( dom . w .lenUllr. A-ain, , , f . , tiat . ,u W11B tiu not to the wound made by the bullet itself, but to the drug used to produce stupefaction while probing for tho ball, and ia support of this some respectable mcdlcal u.Ktiluony waB aa,lud. The convk.tion ia no doubt attributable to Uie iwpreWiil,n t!mt tl0 two gtUf a(W an almost lifelong intimacy of the closest character, quarreled, and that Miss Duer deliberately planne-1 the taking of Miss llearn's life in consequence of that quarrel. Tbe case, in all its phases, is one of the most interesting tlj4t haJJ c0lue lH.fore tlie courU Icc,nt, ly ftntl iu rolnantic elements would tions even much more than it has done. That the verdict will be executed is hardly probable, although for some rea wat not fuHy explained, the feeling in tjie neiahborhood of the little Maryland -lir tt, i.o-m.K. .1.! i 0 oj very much against the prisoner. A HAK1LASD sTATFJtNAS OV HUM. In the course of a debate in the House of Representatives, Mr. Mc- Lane, of ancient and eminent Demo- cratic stock, a few days ago remarket that whatever of political prestige and power the Republican party had arose froul the very corruption which it had fastened upon the country from illicit and improper use or abuse of Federal patronage, so that he was not surprised at tha opposition made to the bill. If it had not been for political abuses practiced by the Republican party in that direction it would notjto-day have possession of the Executive of the coun- try ; and yet the gentleman from Mich igan (Conger) turned hia face to the Democratic side of the House and talked about infamous propositions, If he (McLane) could find in the whole political life of the Presidant of the United States (so-called, as gentlemen were in the. habit of styling him) a political trait more honorable than an other, it was bis professed desire to re litieal virtue made on the other side for never had there been a political party in the country so tar removeu be . .. yond the right to make such a claim, G.Mt j enormitv even bevond the I " frauJ of th Eleetorai Commission moMtoug aatw fra.ud was. was t.b habitual comiptioa which tho EepuUiMtt party haJ fagtened npon the country. WHILE TIIE UJIP UOI.U OI T, ETC. The principal editorial article in the Salem Statesman of last Tuesday con sisted of complimentary mention of the editors of the Okalona States a South ern paper of decided State Rights prin ciples. We are glad to receive the Statesman to the State Rights Demo cratic ranks, and most cordially wel come it to a seat among the faithful. Latest telegraphic dispatches from France state that the wheat crop is un favorable. Surely the foreign reports make the prospects for good wheel priot ! in err country cf iho iiiont f!-ifc- FA Till: II ASU TWO OX Marrr u IJIiiklilim JIIulHr nul iwo ttlnuiu Ins nnnamrr. The Little Rock (Ark.) Gus-Un tells the following story, nml n Mitsissijipi paper vouches for its vemcity : Mr. J. L. llolcomb, a gentleman of Kentuckv, but who ia:t been ill Crit tenden county, this State, for suvi-tal nioulliM, tells us ot a rathr remni-kiihle, though hardly unptreedented tu vt iuiu nial nlltfir, wliich occurred iu tlml coun ty recently. " (hit from tho line of the railroad and ...M.J it... 11 .1 I aniuu uoui noiioNi iiii uuin- wcu oeiint'U eated in fact, that they are as tin half worn date on an auetent coin there lived old man Rose bury anu two sons, twins. Ilia igti.t the old man is rather doubtful, arid it is believed liv . . it .1 . e i 3 hid iiejip l)fiiJliliot't. Llm llmirexr. fit wliniik I are within a stone's throw, if th stone . .......... Iwj thrown a mile and a half, that ho is about fifty. The sons, being twins, are about tlio same age, twenty seven, j no Snhaldtt bv . Mr. C,lon daughters, though, pity to say, the two daughters were not twins at their uirm, ana nnvo not yet sueew-uea in gaining that jKunt Mr. lUstebury fell deeply m love with Mrs, Ulemi, and the two sons. Robert and John, fell birth, and have not yet succeeded m equally so with thetwodanghters.Mafy and Rachel. The most imaginable- love-making ensued. The old man and . 1 . . .. . 1 .1. ..... t ...1 . . . . .. .. I . nll.HM wmuw peunen uutuhhi iv vvi vtut 1.1 1 : . and the younger jHHplo were sufiatent- ly so to marry, which they all did on the same day. A Iter the ceremony the six happy souls and six happy bodies repaired to the residence of the bus- bands. Everything went on smoothly. The old man was very kind to bis new- ly made daughters, particularly Rachel, the wife of his son John. The kind- news increased, ami the other matnuion- utlists marveleti, one to another, ine ..t i i: l i .1 r uiti iiinu vvrii iir'yHrut?ii hid w uii.. his wife, and lUehel snufl'ed her (!re cian nose at her Roiuan-nosisl huslmnd. One morning, about two weeks alter the marriage, the family of several ili visions found that the old iiisn and lUehel al gone. Searching and not lieiug ble to find them, but lenining from a I ferryman they had crossed the river in to Tennessee, the famity returned. I Pretty soon an intimacy sprang up be- tween Robert, Mary's husband, and the l old lady. Tl,eoldlady was so wise, and bad such broad experience, that I UoWrt never crew tired of profiting by her coiinse el. Another disaster. Rob- ert and the old l.tdy ran away, leaving j John atul JIary, who seeing, as they .. 1.1 .l !, ir. alone, clasping theinst Ires in a loving embrace, for it seemed that they had nnu iii.i, ..nil'.. lu.k fcitT w.71.3 ic b .oved each other from tlio first. Jid .....-.. .1 r ... .. 't-i . i tney stay on toe .arm . .o, sir. x uere is a mortis ire on it. Thev tuutked tin. and aeeordtm; to the ferrvuian w.llt over into Tennessee. " I AttsOUTIotl A I Allium Tho Khedive of Egypt, has finally made up his mind lo aWicate. He was tho most striking example of a fitilure, that can W imagined. Had be been 1pm stupid or less mdtwtrtou; be might have succwHled. He hsd a rniir- bld desire to de oil tbe btiHHiejMt in his country. He owned all the refin- eiies, all the steamboats, and all the cotton mills, all the railroads, all the manufacturing ct,iblwhments. Of course, with so many and so varied in- terests, all resting on tho absolute will of a single man, there would W failure and loss. He Loi rowed money to make up tho deficit, and spent that. In vain did his advisor Wg hint to sell some of his unprofitable schemes. He would do nothing of the sort; and finally his creditors raised such a clamor that ho had to yield ; and not only give up the enterprises, but step down and out of the government. Absolutism in btisi - ness doesn't prty any Wtter than abso- lutism in government. In each it is a failure, and generally a fraud. Hayes tried absolutism in his veto business, overdid the thing and "got left." Grant exject8 to run absolutism in his third term Presidential scheme and will "get left," The lwople don't want one man to run the world or the country in - which they live, and whenever a man attempts a thing of that sort lie must step down and out." I TUK K1UHT BOAT AT LAST. The Ohio Grecnbackers are now m ircbinff on to victory it hist Thev m.trcning on to victory, at just, xney l.nn ,l.irln,l t .nnmri. Hon Fin against Charley Foster, the bands' candidate, and will have a chance to ... .... crow just a little after the election, be- cause Ewina is sure to be elected, Sherman and Foster are, in the same boat, and although every effort was made bv them to secure tha freenb!U-k vote, thev couldn't be bourrht. and will i. l n . ii . - , generally support, mo democratic ticK- et. If the Greenbackers of other States will do likewise that is. Btnrwl ' bv their friends and ortiose the cold t...i. t. t ti .:ii i,. BUttlfc, uu iejr w,,t no, oniy carrv out their mine riles but will i,f. ford the country relief from the most villainous and oppressive corporations that ever cursed any country. Willi II IS UIE ftt'ONOMltAli PARTY. During the last four years the Dem ocrats in Congress have saved over $ 100,000,000 in economy in appropria tions. It is unfortunate for the coun try that the Democrats were net in power earlier after the war. If in four years they could save the country one hundred mUlions, with the same judg- ment and economy, in fourteen years they could have paid off the national debt. And yet men will talk economy and continue to vote the Republican ticket 1 The Indians don't like to be hanged. Three of them who were convicted of murder of whites a few days ago sui cided in the jail at Miles City,lontnna. Thus was the gallows cheated of its vic tims and the sheriff of the hangman's fees. iMrit'H! o.tMTi:as. Albany will celebmte tho Foiu th of July in 1X80. Hay harvest mid Maud Muller btmi- ness now on lrni-1. Cliarley Birti r, a '(i iiHty,"litH escnpml h;,i from the pemteiitiai v. Tlit'io weio fully f mr thousand peo- ph nt Corvallis tv the lAiurth. The XtttUmiuin feiiys Mrs, Coburn is now editor of the Portland Jin, Paul d'lleirrv is nutkinr; tha locnlu flf lm Kat (mimii a m.i ii.l.itw t,n. " - v , J'""t 'V' .. it Abbott, ot tiio J 'liytoit jewn, lias ngam been divorced." Mka Lnuia fiurnni.t. ,f 1 -. i ,:j,i . t , ( , burg s most iKutiitiful nml accomplished I yom,B umwn' uwu ,twl wrcK- 11'. If -I 1 Jiayton, Miendan and Uraude II. It. is now in the hands of a receiver, w;,i liabilities of $150,000, A Hjutheiu Oregon earclutngo speak ing of a Jwned man's Wly being re- recovered, says "his earthly remains wCre consigned to Iho tomb, wkllt tlu,y aid with his u, . - , ,na,nT were consigned to the tomb.M Wonder iieartbly re- Thin is perelratcd by the Roseburg $i,tr : Ilia Raker CUty JJemnrat 1ms Uee fc,,own ft n(w combination lock " . -1.. . 1 t for drawers. 2s o notice ol it Las vet , j'i"". aiming me iiwuion notes in any ot our exchange. Tlio Ciital Guard under command I ' I 0f Capt. Krb, made . ., , ... , ut, tf c"1' lendid appear- a spinnani aptsmr- Jebratwn, and many ot the gallant " Imys in gray caused a fluttering of "gizzards" among thel beautiful hisses present t ,1;,i,.i, r,,., w. tlltt Walla stales I " - . , , , broke out tit tho house of John Mc- r.ane, and tho house was falling in W furo it wits discovered, AH escaped ex. eept one young man e"ea .., who was burned to death. I-aiit week the 1 irectors ol tho S.ilem Kchool District rtHluctsl tho salaries of teachers as follows: Huueiintendent , ,.;, d-(Vl. ;.,,1)- ;.. ' ' ' . .' J. . 1 . s416 ventral ana ivortit ana mwui schools, SGdO ; teanhers in 3d grade,! $550. The toial reduction amounts to soo. A man named Rill Ddion enticed i five year old girl into a cellar at Pen- dleton and attmpte.l to violate her ir- ,,n. Homo lailies hnpireniiiL' to rmss by "I ,MnirI ,)t.r .. (o t)A Ataxic, . . ..... . I d Uie villain w now in jail m default of 500 bail. Ho deserves hanging light quick. A ytitmtai-il eorresjmndeiit pays Std- ney Dell, of Portland, a high complt-1 ment on his l ourth of July oration at I lloseburg. Mr. Dell is a talented gen- tleman and an clocpient sjnniker, and I the J low-burg soiilo did themselves mutli cn-dit in inviting him to twist the eagle u tail for tbsoi. "Lilly ISoone; formerly of the ,S!atul- artl, has taken charge of the local col- umns of the Portland .. Rilly is a "bi ick," and may it be tho 'f grtntt- est Boon in having procured the servi ces of so talented a young gentleman. Knt Ofryunlait. Say, Paul 1 that s good, but don t do it any more. ou will get among tbe Stnwtartl "sass" if you get too smart Edwin Cartright, who was a possen- gcr ott the Albany express train when it was wrecked nt tho north lino of Clackamas county in April, 1878, has brought Biiit in the circuit court of this 1 county, says the Clackamas Jhmocrat, to recover f J 1,500 for tho loss of his right arm in consequence of injurus received at the time. Our eminent lawyers, Messrs. Johnson, McGown A M scrum, have the case for the plain- tilt " . ' i i The Oglethorpe (Ga.) Eclio has re- eeived the following tender epistle. The paper was ornamented with three bleed- lng hearts and a woman, dono with a Den in a manner characteristic with the orthography: "Clark County Ga Mr. george 1 take the Pleytr Of in tonng VOtt a lew l,ines to let you " ' know that I am well and horieing that few werds will find you the same mv love 10 werus your is greater man :r !i t , 4i.i can ex spresg it ail the straw mats in the old feel wood turn to pends and all the lows thats on tii trees wooa turn to paper and all th water thats in th . . , t 1 . -vr x see wood turn 10 idr it couiu not xtot Atight tlie love uown mas i nave in my ... ..... . . . v hni-t. for vnnr tbe Rohin is red and the " " J - vilcts is bill Shugor is seaweet and so are your if your love me like 1 love I - sr your no knlle Uan cut our lovo lnS i would lute to see vour very - - afc this tlrae- lour ar6 mY UftUl .imlir ami mv Mid ninbfc dream I will ,i ,i o i t be down there the 2 Sunday in J une Nothing takes place your dear love Miss Emmcr line Pinson." TIIKt.t. T An Independent Ohio exchange haB "struck it." Ti,!. 5. wl,t if. mtb Bay8 The Democrats go into the fight in Ohio . . . - . , this time with three gonerais uenerai Ewing, General Rice and Ceneial Prin ciples, Tlio T?friiil,HpnTia bn vn atiIt one t .1 general on their ticket, and that is Gen- eral Uetoat... . t: nrnmntJinnu in tha jj g rmy we note the name o Major E. M. Baker, " Little Lightning," Pro- """"" ,-- - moted to Lieutenant Colonel oaletll Town Talk. -.TT i i - nv.,1 VVOnuer 11 no bwuiiS in cried out, "Dud's got 'em 1" A KALLOT-uox translixed by a bayo-, on-ti i tlio device whieh the Ohio Dein- ..'. b-ive for th'-ir tr.u.-'-;'r- t'KS AM S( IMMUt. Ami tills nijhl (ilull Im lilli-il iUi imi.!, And th flli- thftf Infant tli iluj Slmll f'ii'1 their wlntra until moriihitr, Atitj give tbe mti(iilti full w:i', Tub w-jnonal eslalo of the Jute - ,,n Lionel du Ibithsebil-l nmouiils to $C." ,000,000. At,!JAKra Orand I'oiuih at July Celebration in 1880 will Mark it !'' "knock the persimmons." If eatinot be that "all flesh is gvahs." (Iraas uets its dow. About the only thing that does in this world. w Ti'i-K-r not tlin eirctm athlete its be I . I liowinglf filters the ttrelia. He is mail of revolutionary intentions. l :i l,i ti... ....... , ,...u i. ..... . . ,.v ...... called the waiter, and the man w ho re-1 ... . . . . .... .1 ally dot s the waiting is calie-J the guesu . ..ill A MAS returning homo lifter indtilg- j ing loo freely in the flowing M is nol iinfteouently remindtxl that life is te 1. Riu.y Caiitkk says (!orvsl!is never ia,j a bi"er Fourth of Julv No other t. V1W evi.r didthat i. hatdly ever. If a Wuthingtm ofiSec holder were blown up with gunpowder there would be an application forth vacancy Ufore he came down. Hkhb is a rattling good cue : From the Boston Trnniwri ' it : "While a man I . . . ... ... I '",n3 r3-l ly tut we Imve J - . . -. i seen his sidewalk." vvxx "iH idewalk. I As EnglWi traveler in the Holy Ind, it is said, has discovered Jacob s well. Wo are delighted to hear it. There bad been a rumor ti Itdiit that J a- cob was dead. l?uu Urn" fVoTT is Wan king t,f Cuba. He has made ?f.."0,000 in ls;ans since tho mr.Esrhn-j. Wel),1;ar S its turn and he h,Htt it we eau t I.cfus to let biui have it. W tn ihcy lull. ihm Hti Hair 4 atmul.ur ml, A'-0irr b-. Krw Ul im UM fcll fcl, Tlw oOwr W14 un h l f lil ln-a.1. Thfar "U"a Hi.'', w W. t!w mnile. At a church i esi for a minister, t wo eandidates apjnnnl, whose names were Adam and Iw, The latter jieathei an e!gnt discour-e . . ... . from the text, "Adam, where art thou T In the aftentooti, Adam preacbetl from these words, " I, here "n L HosiK fellow is w riting to the Orejon Alaska, mid kit call it the "Switzerland Lf America.' We Wlievc we have em this butt a.iH-Uatioit Wfate. Mc- Donald called the Ump-iu Valley, I mm-- (about Roseburg) the same thing, Mc- pht-rson sjsike alout Iiogue Hirer Val- J f.v jn "thu same tneoaura nnd,' al,J l.lieve the files of the Di:mo- tetr kiiuw that -we tnnJo tnctitioil of tisn 1.,-mtifiil region extending from fx)W.r Htxbt Spring to tbe Cascade Mountains iu alxnit the same language years ngo. if the Otvjanltm edi- tor will tell its Alaskan carrciimident not (0 MSe that woru-out phrase anv nK,n, we will promi.-e not to wran gel with it -i tuber points that is, hardly ever. a "fiitnin.' The New York Star, in discussing the question of capital punishment puts it in Ihe right place when it says that ninety-nine cases out of a hundred the I culttril condemned to sutler on tbe gal lows earnestly desires a commutation of his sentence to im prison ment for life. This simple fact renders any ar- gunient in reply to the opponents of capital punishment unnecessary. It is obvious that the average human Wing dreads the executioners rope more than I he does Whind barred windows, and if the efficiency of a preventative is to be measured by tbe dread it inspires, the advocates for imprisonment for life have I the wotst of tbe argument. i EnjoyLlfc. w'hat a truly Wautiful world we live In! i-Mnure eivew us K.iiuir giena and oooaua, aud thousands of meaua for enloyn,ent. We can desire no better Jl&&g&fi up aisuoaixenou, uiwurpi auu out wun aiMeaso, nueu wiore is uuunsuuuu for this feeUni?,as every suflen-rcan easily obtain diwwse when born, iivsneusia and I 7"r,lVtti ZL enty-nve per eent. of sueb maladies as I . :f 1 ------ - , , isiuousness, lnuigesuon. bick euacne, ISiliousness, lnuigesuon, sick xieauacne . . . i . . i t ; 1 1: ; I l OMU Yttllt7MH. XCTIVtlUn f JUflUNUUlli XJIMtl' ,,h8 Head. FalpitaUonof the Heart, and other distressing symptoms. Three d0Mes of August Flower will prove its won- dorful eUetit, Sample bottles, 10 cents. "y I mn r.x' itt m i Tm tnrt AljJ UM 11 tv non uie system is run uown to mo cx- thftt - j leM ni h Rre uer. vous and irritable, have cloolnv forebod- inirs. sour stomach, sick headache and .! coated tongue, do not enroll yoursolf as if hln T,riVau. in the rear rank, under Gen- now for sale in ever city and towu on the Continent. JNo meoieiue ever compounu- l I ptiBjri -j l. Vt'R miMPl.AINT. It haa a arwililn nwfr over the livor. and bv curing the liver, Dyspepsia and all ether : maple. Sample bottles are sold at the disease ariaing worn .vanuui m i. uy small price of 2S eents that will convince you or its merits. Large size bottles 7& i oents, for sale everywhere.! FiHLOwa' HypopnospniTKB. Tho onlr really Riilia- I hie Remeilv for Wastinar and Nervous IhHi-iwtn. Alter numerous experiments, Mr. Fellows suouo .......AH.,,. ..nnWimiiil. lr. FelloK-s miiuMHiiled in lro- ttn" Z&Zt'p - -h ,,,,,!.. llvi.thBrutio Prostration. Jjeiiui itn, t ever anu Ag-ue, ijeneorrnaMi, .luiruKuiun, llepreMlun, Kenousness, ncurui-.-ia, nervous r...t.n:... u, Vi.....' r...o lVh,.iiri, rli (im. I egtion of the Lungs, Emaciation, Palpitation of the Heart, Interrupted ana teeoie awwd oi ine mrnrt, Uelmicholy. Fear of Chlkl-liirth, Dancers of Child- 1 llirth. Liability to Mitwrriiure, llrpochmidriiuis, Jic. 5jsea, ,,roduced bv ovortaxins tlie mind ; t.y jtrief aiid snxiety ; by rapid growth ; by ctu!il-bonnnn ; liy insHlftcient nourishment ; by resident in hut ehmatus or unhealthy localities, by excesaes.or by any irrugu lurilie of life. IIAMIU'TlG FICS for sale by all dnipjlii. llAMCriiU l"l( .S cuil) the It AM BI.' RtS KH-.S tlie (rreat fruit eatliar li iVM f. J I'll .S Bu-tmrt for t a-tor oil. A HlAMltXti rll.( C. Tlift kl)'(l'.l nray ninsr dor onir, Ttto ImwII he m&f wtiUtli) ; TIP rmhiiJCf tha -'i(njTijf vhtr i Tim tiU-.rlig eat tho tlintlc The ltii!lriir vtusb t! h! iilyht hn.;, Ami lthths Anrfljr lawlv; Anil the nlglitinaie !riif divnmy wimu'S Atnl Ijr.-f! geiva thel iuul. Their n.4i crmi!;ini;J tl.l n-tirnl:e Tlio rioupur hlf no qnick An t!w wy itinwiuilo 'when t ltj('nt And in hi Mil doth ntfck. nt-latlii tit fomaotrurr. Ti.,. f.,!Wii r,fnf.!rffitit wjtil li'Lttuut At tho mt m0l.ti o( tjl) Uim Cmuty Coun. rib 1. el II: tlf . w Am A ,1.l.a ... ,1 IrirmllAlv J tovn Vatlir lisei lit to remove from lour juWst our mueb esteemed sinter Crus, ia-Mlvu, jliat we win eiierwu tn lmnnn,ry ., our )iKnwd nihter as one whose good works are a mot lasting mem oriitl. Keml ved, That we deeply sympathize w ith tior bereaved huttlmiiu and motlier- iivt chtldren, who will never mere listen o nug ! JSul we hopo to meet with her. Al KM. AKSIK J. KltKll, jmhs. K. A. Ikviwk, ilKK. M. li. WltW, t'ooHi.iUoe. . Tm" '"HI!1 ."' -' li" I Itraulntlon. Hall of litm I'nginc Vo Xo. 2, ) July 7, 1X79. WiotcKAA. mtr eity m i !H1 hv hrm tin 4td tA July xl.ilc vor lirt-tjwu ef ul nt Uweity SBlcnt Uu. l n iiwr.u. the Era kmt wtAetr cnilrd !y tnu- - cr itil wttr vivimtt -mttiy, uvmUftm, l il ifro'Jml. Tht tl iiMi l(irr itvmK i!nzl am4 ittir twu oiiiM ft t'Uf A tfumk hft their uittir- uu ctofu lii ill-inn.,,' IWi IUiwjs, tlicreli Mnt J.rvtrt'l, -(it ll,e OmliKXUf I'll tflWiWMWl- II - I Oil fStlMMlAMV V AW AHW I"" IMMI 1'"-! im mid mmium iur siuii wrimin. tim . ttJ-r.l, Tit Uuik t. '.inr m im IMI ' r 1 1 : I V T , . WlfUM'TK! W I ' . I' I l4IHM r)iil tni.titijUrti.'f JitmAted, TlMt tlw 8rly w tSlMi Cmpunj' b tlH-M) f4ffi.)ltMrtII, A Low ITr-l Mf-btur. li. J. t.ralittin, the tailor, has secured- the Ugeticy for the fatuous Amcricm sewiug nut- chine, and ban a lare lot t.f them now on baud sad lor sabs. It i one of the mort wjng machines now manufactured H,i w;iu very low fwm fiH to tavrater d Vsktruirr ahou'.d lend for instruetbnis, trm, refer cikn", et to VillMon ISrotUcm, "SoliciUsni, of l'atont, VahinaUn, It. C, who ur- iiimIi tiie same wuliout charge, tMuxm l'.rothm In a well known and stuxximful firm of htrw extwriouee, having lieen es- abliahed siuee IvM. 14;l-lf Dr. JtiBtle ra-til Srphrt-IirMm Will cure ait Uism 4 Uus kliimjn, l:Ul.U-r whI i rtiarv OtutK. liiimlri-A. lure l-.-a mri-l mttur all Slcr ri-n,i.;im h IaiI..1. ltw .iiilL-h tnaxlclUm 1'i.U h.r r.'i rMUAi In mil mw t4 lfimma Lier, l'v- I. vim.' t-iiij-Min id thi rtty mil luu. It w tlicir rtr in , la Ite Uul uf ail linigiMn. Sit A Vvpulur Erwrt. At tbe Coainfrpolitaa Saloon, ou 1-roa.Li bin utreet. can W found tho finest brands of winm, tumor am! c: -am. Hno open at aU hoar. K. WATKISUS, lrotrietr. NEW ADVEKTISEJIEXTS. VIIjI.AKD house. If aloey, Orrjon. A- LOUBNEE, Proprietor. rilll IS ELEOAVT J5KW ItfrTKt. JCST S"W JL p.!,lrl. mill be mil la Jnljr IsTa. 1 14 i-'nii- t-.l m l In- tii'-t ni'-U-rn mi! .'iixeiiii.tit I Isn. Iw Gtm w.u!l.- r-Hn i,---iUv imnH t"T c,-mnu-n-ial U-r. m.-t Hi.- cui ic iU l-c ujl'-it-J as a 'I uoic rith guuil Ru.b. 49 VALUABi-C Farm for Sale. rnnK fX!K!:sinEi orrccs for saw. his I (ami, twa and hall miloi Mlh-iit 4 Albany, Oa the Jlata Iload Leading to Cor vallis. The Una c-Mnpriwt .119 AI'Ul'.H, tieirly all pntirie IjumI, aiul iiiiw m (nui. 1 lie lux rt-iiU-u oui, nui s tmrt M thccriit. will be .la nlti Uis una, u auo lux n V arlic !.- tA huabamlry J iann ti-liitH-rv Ttwr I ou ili place a wutmiMliofia anU cmvwiiwnt dwell i n, a lam ana mit h-m--.. aa orvrmra. nml eicrvlliini; li-t--rirT u mal.e a k4wutl country huino. Tlw fann a HI lie a'll in inu to mitt, vM wui I iv- nial aiT the pttrrhaneni. Ki.r lunlrt-r artipulara Inquire at tlie OKaocaaT of- Oce, ur i( the ttu.traitirl. 49 JOn.V LAYTOJi. Pinal Settlement. -TOTICE IS HEREBY GH'EX TITAT I3l the undersiiined, Administrator of the e-itate of Andrew J. Board, deceased, bas Hied his account fur final settlement in the above named estate in tho County Court for Ijinnt'ounty.Orejjon ami Saturday, the 0th dy of August, 17!, at the hour of 1 o'clock in the afternoon of said day, has been set lor the hearing of objections and tue settlement or said estate. JOHN BEARl, Administrator. G eo. E. Cham uerlaix, Attorney. 49 FARM FOR SALE. John W. Cleaver advertises his farm for sale, comprising 6-10 acres, well improved, situated on Peterson's Butte, Linn county. For further particulars inquire at this of fice or of Fox, Baum & Co., in this city. vHnSStf 13, S. BREWER, LI. D. Homecepatnie Physician and Surgeon. o FFICE at residence on eornorof Ferry and Third Sis. 47tf. M AMJFACTV RER Colleeis .iii rfpicess. No. 31 First St. Albany. Roasted or ground coffees and sniees of ail l.ind, ' vUnSijl ; 'PATENTS. F. A. Lehmann, Solicitor of Ainerii-an and Foreign PaumtA. WaadiiiiL-ton. 1). O. All bunineiis connected with Ihltents, whether before tlie eatent Oflice or the Courts, promptly attended to. No charge nuuie unless a patent is secured. Send for circular. 14:1 S PREPARING FOR FALL TRADE ! I will oiler for the next 30 days the residue of my Summer Goods at way down prices, to make space for a large consignment of Fine Clothing and Gent's Furnishing goods. . - J. M. NOLAN, ' - T i. 1 SheriS's Sale. IY VIRTUE OV FIVK SEPARATR writs of execution to me directed and ilelivere-l,t!ie first Issued out of theCircrjit Court of tiie State of Oretton for tlie Omi- ty or l.iitti en tbe 17th dy of June. H7), by virtue of a defliee of foreclosure of a eertaln tuortfjan in said Court in favor of It. W. Cooper, I'lamHtr, and airainst J. It. Mct:iure, Jhn M. MeClure, "irmpn Me Clum. Albert McCiure, Phobe 11 iiHton and Marion Huston her husband, James MeClure, Kles A. Vorhies and Vornies her husband, and L. Klinn, Defendants, for the sum of twenty-eight hundred and fifty and 28-100 dollars in V. 8. gold com, with aeerulnij interest thereon In like coin from the J 1th day of March, 1870, at tho rate of one per cent, per month, and th further sum of two hundred and fifty dol lars, attorney's fees, and th further sum of sixty-live dollars and serenty-tiveeents con' s j And tho iccond Issuer! out of the Circuit Court of the Htate of Oregon for tlie Count v of I.inn in favor of Lawrence Flinn, S"ain tilT, and against John H McCiure, John M. MeClure, Kiniian McCiure, Albert Mc Clure, lhet Huston and Marion Huston ber liusthand, James McCluie.KlesA. Vor hies Aid - Vorhles her bunband,defendants, for thesum of seven hundred and fifty-t b r-o dollars stnd ninety cents in gold coin of thu United estate, with accruing intorext thereon iu like coin at tbe rat of one ix-r cent, jwr month from the 11th day of March, 1870, and the further sum it seventy-five dollars attorney's fees, and thi further sum of sixty-five dollars and fifty cents, costs; And the third issued out of the Coun ty Court of iinn County, Mate of Oregon, on the 17th day of June, l7if, In fovor of W. Jf . Swank, Plaintiir, and atcaiost John K. MeClure, defendant, for the sum of ne hundred and lifty-flve dollars and forty cents in V. H. gold coin, with interest thereon in like coin at the rate ot one per eent. jr month from tlx) 3d day of Feb ruary, l!. and tha further sum of live dollars aUornwy'n fee, and the further Mini of fifteen dolUr and seveuty eenueonts; And tlin fourth imued out of the Ciieuit Court of tbe Htate of Oregon for theConi.iy of Linn on th l'ta day of June, 1S79, in favor of J. IL, Foster, Flaintiir,andagaint. J. K. MeClure, Iiefendant, for the sum of eighty-eight dollars ana thirty-four cent iu I'. H. gold coin, with intermit in like coin at tbe rate ef oae per cent, per mouth from tbe 22nt day of February, 1879, and the I u rt her mim of thirty-two dollani and thirty eents in C 8. (fold coin, with inier- ext in like coin from tbs Znd day of Feb ruary, l'J, M tbe rate of ten per cent. jr annum, and tbe further sum of eighteeu uonats ana seventy-nve cents easts; And I be fifth iaxued out of tbe Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Linn on tbe 17th day of June, 1S79, on a judgment rendered In said Court ou the 11th day of March, 1879, in favor f O. Vox and Sigmund Fox, partners doing buif -news under tbe firm name of O. Fox ' ' l'.ro., FlalntiflK, and against J. R. 51 cClnre iiefendant, for tbe sum ef eight hundred and twenty-one dollars and ninety-eitrbt cents, in U. 8. gold coin, with iii!rKt iu like coin at tbe rate of one per eent. er from the lllh day of March, lft7:, and tha further sum of twelve dollars and fifty-five cents contx, I have levied tipon the following dencrilied real property, to wit: Tlie Donation land Claim of John K MeClureaud Sarah K McCiure bin wife, and known as Notification No. 3.K-S, the name being the west half of Se4ion J5 in Township 12 South of Kange 3 West of tho Willamette Meridian, in IJnn County, Oregon ; and whereas, toe decree of fore closure of the mortgage in favor of the mid first mentioned i'laintin herein. B. W. Cooper, cover a part of the neraiu before described piemine, t-wit: Tho North ' half of tbe .Donation Land Claim of Joint li. McCiure and Sarah K. McCiure, hi wife, as known and designated on the plau and surveys of tbe United States on file at tbe land office at Oregon City, Ore- c.n, the same ueing irouncauen rso. 3k, in Township 12 South ef Kange 3 Wet of the Willamette Meridian, in Ldnn County, Oregon ; also, the North half of the boutit balf ot ths above described land claim. And whereas, tbe decree of foreclosure of the mortgage in favor ot Lawrence Fliuti, herein before referred to, covers all of the Initiation .Land Claim of the said I fond ant, John K. McCiure, and tsarah K. Mc Ciure. bis wife, as hereinbefore described. but la subsequent in time to tbe mortiraeo of tbe FlainutT.B. W.Cooper, on tbeSorth nan and tue JNortu nair or tue soutu bair of the Initiation Land Claim of tbe raid Juliu n. Mccnuie ana baran K. il-.-Ciute bis wife, now, therefore, on Saturday, the ICth day of Aujtisl, at the Court House door in the citv of AJ- lianv. Linn Count v. Oreeoa. at the hour of one o'clock P. L,l-will proceed to well tiv heroin oeiore uencnoea real property at ,, public suction for cash in nana to tiie highest biddar, in tlie manner and accord ing to tbe terms and conditions ef tiie said decrees hereinbefore mentioned, to-wit : The south naif of the seuth half of tha Hid Donation Land Claim of the Defend ant, John K. McCiure, and wife, above described, to satisfy and pay the sum found to be due the Plaintifl, L. Fltnn, to wiu the sum of frO 90 In U. S. gold coin, and interest from the 11th day of Msux-h, 1379, and the further sum of $75 Ot) attor ney's fees, and the further sum of bii costs, and accruing costs ; and second, the north half of tha south half of said Dona tion Land Claim of Defendant. John It. McCiure, and wife, above described : aud third, the east half of tbe north half of said Donation Land Claim ; and fourth, tbe re mainder of tiaid Donation Land Claim. The proceeds of the sale of the 2d, 3d aud 4th tracts above described to be applied as follows, to-wit: first, to the payment of the sum found to be due to the l'luintin', B. W. Cooper, to-wit: $2,850 20 in U. . geld coin, with interest as aforesaid, and 00 at torney fee, and the further sum of $t5 75 costs, and accruing co-its. Second, to the payment of the amount that may be due to L. Flinn after applying the proceeds of the south half of the south half of said Douation Land Claim to the pavment thereof as above set foith. Third, to tbe payment of the sum found to be due tue Plaintiff, W. K. Swank, named herein, to-wit f 155 40 gold coin, with interest as aforesaid, and 5 0 attor ney's fee, and $15 70 costs, and a-x-ming costs. Fourth, to the pavment of the stun due to the Plaintiff, J. ll. Foster, herein before mentioned, to-wit: the sum of j-SS 34. and the further sum ef $32 30, with, inter est as aforesaid, all in U. S. gold coin, aud the further sum of $18 75 costs, and accru ing costs. Fifth, to the payment of the sum found to be due to the herein named Plaintiffs, O. Fox & Bro., to-wit: the sum of $821 9S in U. is. gold coin, with interest as aforesaid, and tha iurther sum of $1 55 costs, and accruing costs. : Dated June 26, 1879. I. C.DICKEY, 47W4 Sheriff of Linn Co., Oregon. VEGETABLES. I AM RAISrSQ THE VERY BEST OF all kinds of vegetables, and will mar ket them fresh at the following tit!ie'iid places; Albany, on Fridays and Wednes days and Halsey on Saturdays aud Tues days. '.Everything at the lowest price. 4Um3 JOHN W. KNOX. st DOCTOR N. -HENTON, Physician and Surgeon. Having permanently located in the citv of Albany, and entered ujion the thirty-first year of his practice, respectful ly tenders his professional aerviees to the citizens of Albany and surrounding ouu try. OfSee at Foshay fe Mason's Drug Store. Residence on First Street. v!2ii40