The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, June 27, 1879, Image 3

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    Fill DAY... ;....JUNE 27, 18T9.
luurSlt r -ii).
The Committee of Arrangements met last
Tuesday evening and devilled not to
have any celebration at Albany on the com
ing Fonrth, ami we tliiuk their decision was
ise, for botiiof our sinter cities Juuctiou
and Corvaliis hal began making prepara
tions iur rmi celeUraiious before we thought
of it. Wben the notion of the Committee
was learned, the Chief Engineer of the De
partment, Major lierrrn, called a mooting
of tins lire boys for Wednesday evening, ami
they decided almost nnanhiiouhly to have a
praml firemen's excursion on the Fourth.
Tim Mechanic's Rtuss l-.inj waa engaged im
iaediaiel,aiid a Committee of Arrangements
cousistitij; of Jos. Weblier, Jay W. Main and
Claih. Stewart was appointed, ami they nro
now upitiating with tho companies below
for a steamer to furnUH transportation. The
fare will Im) put at just a low a nro as
will enable the firemen to come out even
tliey don't w ant to make a rent from it,
and tho excursionists will get the bom-tit of
it iu low faro. Tb people of Corvaliis al
ways turn wit e sh ; w hen we have a pub
lic gathering aiul we bope that oil the coin,
iujj Fourth our will hvnl too -exettr,
sion steamer .l.iven to tho guards.
In the eveuing after the return of the c tho Meoli.cuio's 15ns Hand wiil
j;iVe a grand hall at the Uvr ilouxo. The
price oftiekets has been put down to $,and
every Immj' will attentl.
A Ferrcrl strata Jr;
Mill and warehouse mm and farmers un
derstand the necessity of having a jmrfeet
grain separator, an.l Tcliau one is now lving
manufacture!! in AUany hv Mr. 1. IWt. It
e x.v!s all other Vinds. bth f r sjietd ami
ipiality, ana does what no other roarliine of
the kind i'l do makes .- ftcrrc! ntjuiriU'oi
m uau iroiu nm-ai, soiiieuiiii; wiiien lias
never Iwu attained K-forc. The large ma
chines he is now building will have acapacity
of c.eaniug 300 to 4iX) buKluls tier honr, and
will last lor ears. As s.3 as he gets
through with the present ruU of orders for
lari;e machine!) be will build some sm-U ones
for hand power for nse on fartos, ami also
some which will be portable, so they can ac
company a thresher. Our readers wh: are
interested iu such nutters should call on Mr.
I'-est at t!ie Albany Voiiudry.
Itlne HibUs.t ", tit.
At the r-.-."i?ar jit-ti -i: of J , 1 1 1. IM-l.oa
Oiuo to b? he! t at the n-w rf !ir- Y. 1'. C.
The huv shines with modest graes
I'lmn tlie meadow's breast i
Ths small hoy girdctll up his loins
T nvk tho heniets iiust.
The ilifTiOII sail lu toreuix
Aits lyillhg iUhe kne
Them Mmttmental Charlie Drown
Mvfttnlreth wtlh Jiutv.
The m;ilo"i;nwliiji by tho hroek
Stvin hniijir w-HU t)mj of bhietl.
AnU ktno akunl ivmlvely
Auil i-liew the hutlvo euil.
h! finest season of tho jmr,
W soo vihi on the hilln !
Anil wo linteii to tim cupbinnl
it lil tuko seven liver filK
smMixt tiii: :i i:i it."
leans tnil Arn'rl fur Pattn( 4 itin
terrell Manrf- Khe Make a 'ttl-s!on
t.-o.'H-rrt eveian
i pr-'ran.ioe w-
lt Musi J.
21 iVajrr.
At Miioic
4th Address. Ir ll-v. !.":
tj'h iK:ve Mieot
7ih Kaiues yitf. u
Sih l!nii-,
9.h Ail jonm m.-n t.
u:.e Jf-h,
f -I'll!1 .H-
t:.j fob
!. iv
iim ; far.-
aii.l t re-j'utiri
Iist Faiday morning aoveral of onr mer
chant found counterfeit goM pieces had
Iwn passeil upon, them, and upon consulting
among thomscleos they came to the conclu
siou that the ono who utturvd the coin-was a
girl abous wxtoeu or seventeen years old.
who had made purc'l.ises nt their establisli
ment on the evening Inifore. Oilieers were
put on her track and on tho following Tues
day alio was arrested at Siitoni, and mi tho
evening of that day was brought to this city.
On Wednesday morning she was brought bo.
ford Justice I'almer, but instead of standing
.a trial she plead gi!ty nud made the follow-
ing coMfssioii:
My imniH is Clam M. Newaoine; my nge is
near iwventeou; 1 have resided nt TiilauiiHtk
for alwut two years; my father died when 1
was four years old: t had two sisters and one
brother, but one of the children died shortly
after my lather's death; after my father's
death mother married C. A. Smith; while
liv in:; at Astoria some years ago a man pro
posed to my lather to nmke counterfeit mon
ey, sayi'ig that if my father would make it
he would distribute it, but father refused.
We went to Tillamook soon after and father
took a claim, and at dillerent times tho mu
in Astoria wrote to lather ami rciieatod his
otter, but father always refused. Along last
Christmas, though, fath.-r took it into his
head to make counterfeit money; mother ob
jected to it. but he linally overruled her and
made his prejisratiotis; when my brother and
sister heard of it th-y left home; I was not
iu favor of it. but when he got evcrj-thiu
ready I came w itii him to the valley, as I
had always leen in the hubitof oU-yiug him.
We came to I'ortland aixuit the l.'illiot June,
and w iule there 1 distributeil four or live
SJ.."h) pieces; then 0 cable to Albany where
1 diiwcd if jcrhaps a half dozen more;
tlu-u went to I. ig-'iie and put out about six.
then went to il.ilscy last Saturday, where
e eto;iied at John S. Caldwell's; my father
went from there to Turner's Staton and 1
went on to Salem, ad I put out aboat four
pieces there. I intended to leave my father
and go homo from there. As fast as I
changed the bad money I gavo tho good to
my father. While stopping at the Commer
cial Hotel an otiiccr arrested me. My father
had promi,-ed to come to Salem and get me
sod theu go back t- Tillamook and tpiit tho
Clara, M. Xkwshsie.
Tho g;:l was bound over to swait the ae
t'on of the grand jury, and no ouo coming
f.irward to furnih bail, she is now confined
in jaiL
fantZaut riart
- t iiuueil I'riieeedluu',
The Common Council of the city of Al
bany met in regular Icsaloa last Tuesday
evening, with all memlicra present but Al-
dermau Kline.
Committee on Streets made a report reo-
omiueinUtig tlmt Second street be griulutt ami
gravelled from Ferry street to Thurston. Ilo
port adopted, and work ordered.
A coimmniiraliiin from Judge Haley i in
roforoneo to the improvement of Washing
ton street, was read anil placed on (ilo.
The Committeo on Streets to whom was
referred the matter of the improvement of
Washington street, reported in favor of mak
ing a cut of a certain depth at the intersec
tion of Washhigtou ml Second streets, and
sloping from that point in each way until it
runs out when striking tho established grade
at tho distance of oue black. Tho report
was adopted and tho Committee on Ordi
nances were instructed to draw up an ordi
nance bill making the required change in tho
grade, Thoy were also instructed to procure
tho services of tho City Attorney iu drawing
up the ordinance bill, and to lenve the depth
of the cut blank.
A petition wasreceivedakkiuthntabridge
bo built across the Santiam Canal cm ash
ingtott etiect. Granted.
Alderman Kline asked tho Council to pas
an ordinance compelling all iHsrsous who selj
li.pior by the pint or quart in this city tc
pay a quarterly license of $13, Oil inoliou
of Martin consideration on the aubjert was
laid nu tho tble until next meeting.
Committee on AccoimU reported in favor
of allowing tho following bills, and orders
were drawn for the dilWeut amounts! J.
H. Taylor, f ; J. J. Itarbiu, $2s Ian Wag
lion, $2; J. A. Warner, ?'.'; I', C. llarjwr,
ei7.:l0; W. U WatKina, J. W. lUld
win, $.".
$.M.t;t of the Marshal's bill was allowoil,
and the ba'anco was referred.
On motion of Martin it was decided that
the Marshal be allowed hereafter the sum of
$1 per dsy for boarding prisoners.
The Marshal was iustructwl to order Win.
lVterson to fill up the low place in the street
adjacent to his property on the corner of
First and Ferry streets.
Ou motion of lleiith-y the sidewalk on the
south side of First street, between Montgom
ery and l! li'road, was cmdeiutied. and a new
one ordered to ba built inside of twenty
Ou motion of S.-ott the Caual Company
were ordered to rejair their Hume on the
east suio of Rroadalbtn street so that it would
not overflow, tho work to lc completed with
in 30 days.
Ou motion of Martin the property holders
were ordered to construct within 'JO days a
new 10-foot sidewalk on the north side o
First street, between Taker and Montgom-
Now Ids lilies of tho i ul Icy
Oil His mailt Icplui'O are willing;
Ami now ths uohlt-ii bHtU-rdy
tin tlanilullnn's f iling.
Tls now ths tnunilni; siitihniiii Klhl
Ths uoliiiis snil onion;
Tin now tim eluiiwy croipiyt hull
linth Mwk tho tenilcr InihIhti.
II nine unil Alirouil,
Chew Jauksoti's llest Sweet Navy Tobfttl-
I'limd chi'omi, lutiiii anil 1 atiini at lUnVn-
c icons at It if-
.t rw Uret-en.
That ami- nt an-1 eatoqi.-ising animal vvhii !i
Ibis no jt ide of anitry n-r h-ijie of i-.tei i
ty the lunle has got iu his work aaiu.
iiichard CUcadle, liviu; tie r Leban.-iu, was
jhauling rails a few days ai;o w iih a sjiati of
the beforemeniioced and bis load
tilippiug he rollol off in fr.t. IVfore tliat
man struck the gr-mnd ono of tiic mules had
made two dozen, more or less, lasting iiu
pressious ou bis body with its heels, among
other casaalities breaking his riht forearm
in two pl icr. Ira. IXiHard and Khart were
called and
readered the necessary mn'.i. a!
Lars' Sales of Kar Lass.
Ila ui more saw l.s on hand than their
mill can saw up during the present year, Al
len, Kobiiuon & Co. have withia the past
two weeks sold 2tK),tlC!0 feet half being pur
chased by IJureh, Hedge i Co., of Independ-
tuce, and half by Smith, of the Uueua Viata
saw mill?. Ou Saturday of last week the
little steamer AVV came up here and towed
down to Independence feet, and w e
understand she has been engaged to take all
the lug clown which have liteu purc'.in.-ed by
.both mills.
Ad mi Xyo and son, e.f Swctt Home,
bn.ii; l.t this city I -t Moudaj-a lot of
-plan from tue lead lately discovered on the
vmli Kiirk nf the Santiam, and it created
pit to a stir among the old miners in this lo
cality. Frank Wood subjected a small piece
of the quartz to a tiro tent, and brought out
upon it several globules of silver and lead
aud ono good sized tiako of pure gid. Some
nf this ij'.i.vrtz was assaytil soiuctime ago, and
the result showed 5 per cent, silver and 30
per cert. leal. This would give about fc-S.CtiO
f silver to the ton, wittt enough lead to al
most pay for the working of the quartz. If
the lead doesn't change iu richness when
they go down on it, Sweet Home will be a
wealthy community, for we understand every
man, woman and child iu that locality lias a
claim on it, ami the lead is sixteen feet
thick on the snrface.
Workmen's itarial.
A very pleasant afluir was that of t!
sociable given lait Monday evening by Wil
lamette Lodge No. a, Ancient Order Uni
ted Workmen. Judge rijier's aiblrciis was a
model of coiiciiiciios, and highly interesting
an.l instructive. The brethren and lady
friends of the Order had fairly laid them
Tie:x-japT uiiiliiii-.lir-u.
The Marshal was instructed to order
0. lUUard to move bis fence back ou
line of the survey w ithin 20 days.
The Marshal was instructed to repair the
sidewalk on the north side of Sixth street.
from Kim to the west end of lllock No. 4Ut
On motion of Scott the Committee on
Streets were instructed to examine r irst
street from Montgomery to Thurston, and
report at nJtt meeting what improvements
are necessary on that street.
Ou motion of Hicc it wa decided to at
once proceed to work under the ordinance
now in force in re-'ard to cross-walks and
street intersection.
On motion of Scott the Recorder was in
structed to proceed at once to collect a bill
of $15 from tho Can J Company, work to
that ami-mil having bocu done ou the Canal
by the city,
Alto rreftmng several bills the Council
A Xrw I'learing Mill.
Negotiations have been pending for some
time, and were concluded a few clays ago, by
which Mr. KL Coins, formerly miller at
MonU-ith's Mill, baa liecn received into the
firm of Ballard 4 Isom, and the new firm iu
tends lilting up their grain warehouse for ft
Mooring mill. The contract for the machinery
and work has already . lieen let to Messrs.
Alice & reck, of I'ortland, and tho terms re
piire that the mill shall be in running order
by the 20th of next Scptemlfcr. Four run
of bnbrs will lie put in one for chop, one
for middlings, and two for wheat, giving the
selves out in preparations for refreshments, j mill the capacity of alsmt 200 barrel f il -ur
and the strawWries, ice cream, cake and daily. A new and larger Hume is now l,-ing
During the past week the two temperance
publications of this State the Willry F-jiih--t'tin
and TnnjH'raitre ZlvxxrTtyrr have been
consolidated, Maiustic'd k. iloiittnth, of this
- city, having purchased the former p-par of
. J. C Cooper, thongh ilr. C. is still retained
. as editor of the GumI Templar department.
The new publication will lie printed iu ma-a-ziue
form, and will sail under the rather
weighty and cmidiersome title of I'al'rt
Fountain and Temp-ranee Hn-v-nyr ; price.
-SI per year.
Slllicerj- n ad lircsktnaktB;;.
"Having bought out Mrs. C. I'. Davis, Mrs.
O. L. Parks is cow ready to fumUih the la--dies
of Albany and vicinity with millinery
jga.:-! at pneej which cannot be undersold.
.Sho has just brought up a new invoice and
-now baa a very neat and well selected stock.
She makes ladies' and children's clothing on
the shortest notice and guarantees saliifac
tion, and will do it at a lower price than any
other establishment in Albany.
sandwiches were ail, both in quality and
quantity, that the timet fastidious epicure
could wiidi. KverytMxly fi-lt easy and com
fortable, an I t!i-j cent cam ) nearer bein a
real "sociable," in the fullest sense of the
term, than c have witnessed for many ft
Ruoinriis Manr la lie ClaM-d.
We tho undersigned merchants aud others
doing busin-s ill Albany, b hereby agree
not to open our respective places of business
on Friday, July 4th, l
P C N.htii
I. Kline & Co
Kox, 1:211:11 4 Co
L K Bciiii
Sinleri Jt KUjm'
W H liruiik
T IWMnil
A IS ll. llarcii
C li iiit'-.iu
C V (;.lley
H Fiin-lt.
CI K-m-'niu
J il N.-ia-i
J II Uurkliart & ;Jnhn T.Atz
iV KC.cultAltlJCh.Hi
;.ilttln CilSilwi-lil
M rVcilnirt
; Kmnk WiunI
; Y ri limiiiiiif
- IhCTerwtetl IlriMl
j.hitlll CVKllior
: Kw.m-r &losr
SHS C'liill
I l.uitl Yilu.
I K c-alettl
j Mart V ilrown
tj S I.iici;i.-U
)A il K--..
constructeil to carry water from tho (Vtual to
priqicl a 21 -inch Kclipse wheel, which will
furnish the power necessary for working the
machinery. The Ilallard & Isoin warehouse
is one of the stannchest and best buildings
iu our city. It has heretofore bad a storage
capacity of 1 1,0,000 bushels, but putting in
tho mill machinery will reduce it to about
1.10,000. The old proprietors of the ware
house -are well known to the farming commu
nity as upright, honorable and wealthy citi
zens, and we think they have made ft good
selection of a partner. Mr. Coins is a miller
f many years' experience, and if the far
mers furnish him with good wheat the flour
lie will turn out canuot 1m beaten anywhere.
We predict that the new Arm will be very
popular with the public
Fire at Lebanon.
rrnvi.ti uit
Oaea Meeting of tfae legion ef Kjor.
There will be an oj.-eii meeting of the Le
gioa of Honor at the Court House to-night
at 8 o'clock. Hen. J. J. 'Whitney and other
speakers will address tho meeting. It is
hoped there will hi a large attendance, as
the exercises will be of an interesting and
-entertaining nature. Come out, everybody !
Change mf Firm-
Owing to sickness in her family Mrs. C.F.
Davis has sold out her millinesy and dress
making establishment to Mrs. O. I Parks.
Mrs. Parks is well known iu this community
as a lady of taite, and we have no doubt she
will give complete satisfaction to her customers.
far the Kuunil.
Xew Murble Moras.
Frank Wood, of our city, has gone into
the marble business, and being an old I!ut
Ltnd, Vt., lioy, be sent back there to his rel
atives and bad a fine stock sent to him.
He imported a first class workman and is now
turning out a class of work that has never
been excelled in this State. The lirst piece
turned out is a monument for Nathan ISond's
son, and a neater or mora symmetrical piece
of work we have never seen. It will lie set
up this week in the cemetery and we advise
all to go an.4 see it.
An OI if Pinuri-r liinie.
- Win. Bilyeu, one of tha oldest citizens of
Linn county, diedat.hU residence near Scio
last Wednesday, aged SO years. He was per
haps the ancestor of the most numerous fam
ily in Oregon the Bilycu's reaching over 1
hundred in number, nearly all of whom re
side ou the Forks of Santiam. We deeply
sympathize with his large circle of relatives
and friends, and shall attempt to eecure a
more succinct obituary of the gaod old man
at an early day. Peace to his ashes.
A Fatal' Ar::ideul.
Last Monday the fiU.i.ving persons left
Albany to go on th-i excursion which left
Portland 011 Tues.l iy for Victoria and the
Sound: Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kctchum, P.
II. IUymond, Edwin Haffjuden, J. T. Tate
J. F. Whiting and lier. W. B. Floyd.
Attention, So. I's.
' . TUere will be a uniform drill of AP
bauy Engine Company No. 1, 00 Sat
uiday evening, June 28th, IS"!), at 7
o'clock sharp.
By order of -J. Mci. MtiRuicK,
. HAMEUUCi FtUii cure Constipation.
Last Wednesday, as Mr. Kbenezer Hayes
and family were driving into the picnic
grounds at Roberts' Bridge.the wagon struck
an oak grub and threw their little two-year
old girl out and one of the wheels passed
over her head, crushing tho skull The lit
tle ono was taken up and medical assistance
called, but she died in the evening. Mr.
Hayes resides near Halaey.
Mi ! woi : wool :
10,000 pounds of good wool wanted.
tra price paid for Boston direct, by-
r Phil. Cohek,
From W. B. Donaca wo learn that the sa
loon belonging to W. II. Keid, at I Lebanon,
was bnrued to the ground last Tuesday
night about 1 1 or 12 o'clock. The fire had
made such progress when, first discovered
that nothing could be taken from tho build
ing. The (lames communicated with anoth
er building, but owing to the almost super
human exertions of Ben NcDonald and other
citizens the building was saved. Mr. Ileid
had a fine new billiard table and a large
stock of liquors in his i!oon, which were in
surud for the sum of 800. The building!
was owned by Mr. Mossholdur, aud, we un
dcrstand, was insured for $500. Lebanon
can't stand many more fires. If they lose
one business house every month or to they
will run out liefore long, and then what will
become of the railroad? They should buy ft
fire engine out there, anil protect them
Choieost tens, coffee, "nil
Everybody is going to Corvaliis to speii'l
the Fourth,
Canned ami dried fruits of nil kinds at
Oood weather for late sown wheat for tho
past week or so.
The Methodists are holding cainpiuiM'! ing
at Huberts' bridge.
Our strawlwrry erop U nearly goucf it wSs
very short this year.
Hon. J. (!. Dorris, of Kiigeiie, was among
our visitors of the week.
Stationery and tobacco cheap at t'.io Far
muis' and Mechanics' Store.
l'utcr Hume, of Ilrowusvil'e, is the happy
father of a bouncing giil buby.
Trunks! trunks! at way down prices. nt the
Farmers' and Mechanics' Store.
N. Bridgus lost a very lino horxu a week or
so ago. 1 cath caused by colic.
The Committee of Arrangements have ilc
clared all bets nil" on tho Albany Fourth.
Frank Peters, formerly of this city but
now of Tho Ualles, called during tho werh.
Front street U begiutiing to look a throat
deal bettor since the new gravel has been put
Mr. John Fox, the baker, hat a new clerk
E.I. I'pham. F. 1. will moke a good gro.
TI10 .V. .v.' took down another largo raft nf
aw logs to Independence from this city yea.
Our Foul th is "bunted," and we do not
wish to lie called unp.itri-tic because we are
glad of it.
After ftMUiij a Singer a lady will have no
other kind of a sew ing machine. Tlo-y junt
till tho bill.
All goods in.trUod ill plain ligurus, with
ono price and no credit, at the Fanuern' and
Mechanics' .Store.
Bro, IcVorc's evcuriou to Corcnili was a
liuaiicial success. About 300 Jwoplo parlici.
patcd iu the event.
Chris English has sold out bis rt-atauraiit
business at The ladles to Yes Backus, for
merly of this city.
Several different parlies are liiakinj ar-
raiigements to go to the mountains or '-'Ut
jurt after the Fourth.
Misses Maggie and Maltic Footer and M
He t tie Thompioii aud iMlio MouUttlt spent
the past week in i'ortland.
Jones & Sill have already commenced the
delivery of the I'lummer fruit dryers 4d by
them throughout tho county.
Why couldn't a lot of "pug tighes" r;:i.
ixo aud cliartcr the little steamer -V. '.' and
go to Corvaliis ou the Fourth?
The American eagle will screech and
give the annual exhibition of its claws all
over Oregon cms week from to-day.
Ijirgeit stock of candies in I.itio county at
Italfuiiden Bros, and they sell them iu any
quantity to suit; whole tale or retail
Paul d'Hcirry. formerly of this city. is now
local editor of the K-tt "r- j mi-n, pablithcd
at PciiiUctou. He doe Wu'l in that tine.
Cirant Haiht is "b.ui of t!iu bk. U" n. t'iu
Cciitral Market, and all the youtig I5.e c-alt
on bim w hen they comu down t- buy nusk
Perpetual motion has ahut lei c1um.ov
cred, and in Albany, too. It's the cvcrlat
ing dingle of that Chinese Cndle oppite the
If you want a lirst-claoi rew ind luachiiiC-,
call on tioo, M. Chaniplin, agent fur the
Singer. Ho is selling a gr. at many of t!.eo
justly eelebmtcsl machines.
Ibiffeuden Bro's have jnnt re:i-ive,l a iqileii
did lot of good trr steamers U!-l r an-l '!"-
j'tjt. You can find anything yon want in the
grocery line at that store.
I-at Sabletth a ht of youn:; fellow s ran
horses all day just a short distance from
where religious service wore lcing eartied
on at the SodaviIJo campgreund.
John Sc'imeer, of Porthiml, starb-d over
j the I-elianon mountain road boit Satur-lay '
for Ptineville, where his sou rt-i-h,s. lie
was aciimpanic l by hi.i son's family.
We understand Sorbin has alrealy sol.l
the paws of his young l,ear "Tho Baby."
Ask Charley Keifcr if you want to know
what the man is going to use them for.
Great mining excitement in Sweet J Ionic,
Everybody has taken up an extension on the
new lead discovered up there, and all are
going to bo wealthy in a very short time.
Senders & Sternberg bought 40,000 feet of
flooring last week and stored it away for sea
soning. It will be used in their large two
story brick which they propose to erect next
Cherries aro now 111 the market ami nro
worth from thirty to forty cents per gallon.
The price will probably not be any lower, n
the late frosts destroyed about two-thirds of
the crop.
Canned chicken, turkey, toi.gnc, corned
beef, clams, plain and spiced oysters,lolttor,
salmon, pork aud beans, pigs feet, and al
most anythiug you can got into a can at H&f-foudon's.
mer feel hppy, and hu Is now buying goods
a little more freuly than usual which has tho
cflecit of putting a little more money In cir
culation. Several of our lire boys have been running
foot races this Week to see If they stood any
show of winning the trtinipot offurod for the
iicn'tusk firuiiiail, to be eoiilosltiil or fit East
Portland on the ooinio Fourth. Wa do not
know wlwthar thoy will enter or not.
J. I), Titus, tho popular Albany jeweler,
left yuntordny morning for lUhteru Oregon,
with a band of horses. Ho gnus over tho VV,
V. ,( 0. M. "Wagon ltoad, nml is nuooinpa
nied by Dr. Hyde.. Ha will place the horses
under tho cai o of bin brothur Jnck, on Wil
low CrcoU. We wish him a pleasant jour
lic Jmd a stifcrelitrn to tho bosom of his
jewelry shop !
That pretty young tnaii whom Ed. Cart
wright imported to Ore;;oti, ami two other
young fellows, we re caught nmiisiiig them
selves lat Sabbath by breaking window
lights out of Moiituith's flouring mills. Mr.
Motituith threatened to have thorn arrested
fr it and they laid very low for a wliilu and
have pi'obably loft tho city now. It is time
they were seeking other and greener pastures
ArntinjeinoiiU aro being made so that on
exuutftioii steamer will leave this city about
7 or S o'clock cut tho morning of tho Fourth
of July, under tho control of tho Albany Fire
Department, ami arriving at Corvaliis early
ill the forenoon will remain there until even
ing and then return to this cily, giving all
who wmu an opportunity of participating in
too grind celebration at our sinter city. The
fare will bo put at just a low it rate as tho
conditions of the charter of the sU-atner will
allow. Biiug your lunch baskets, properly
laltelletl, to the loat, and a tnmtworthy per- 1 1 .
son win who ennrgi) u uiem, alter ar-
riving at Corvaliis, they wi j he taken to the
Court House, w hero you can get them nt
lunch time. Beiiiejiiber that t.O m!l,iL: will
mt I . Turn out everybody ami let us
have utse gala clay this year.
Jos. WcilliKU,
J tV. W. J11.AIS.
Ci.aiii KriiWAitr,
CommitU e.
A -?I.(Uer f Inh rrl.
Our c ili.-ns may u.,l aware of the fact.
but nevertheless it U the ease, that Albany
is til imitiineiit danger of huing the river.
which, during the summer, glides so placidly
along onr city front, J'.vury w iuUr when
the stream is hifh ami turbid it overflows iu
the bottom oppoir this city, and each
pring finds a dt-i-r ehaunel cut in the hme
andy soil on tint side, and il is only a quts.
tn.ll of tiui.i tint the river will take that
course and I"vi Albany entirely, unless
me.-.stires 1 taken soon to obstruct its pro.
grcss ill that direction. At prisect it Would
not cost much to pot'in piling, etc., nec-iia.
ry to Weep the river in its natutul coure,but
ill a few years it would take a small fortune
to do o. We hop our business men and
the city authorities will look into this mat
ter. A walk over tho ground
ly couvioee any i,;iq ,( the ni 1
An OrrgsM Iloy Aliroad.
Philauki.i'IIia, Pft., June Oth, 1879.
Editor Democrat :
Dt.ak Kin; I thought perhaps you would
like to hfcor of the wanderSogs of an Oregon
boy, fttid in cotwoqnoncjc thereof I have con
cludoJ to write few words, I am now in
tlie eity of Philadelphia, where I have been
most of tho time since I loft my home (Al
bany) last October) have been attending the
Philadelphia Dental College! have put in one
winter teMon anil have nearly completed the
spring course. There will La short vaca
tion during the summer months, when lec
tures will commence again the 1st of Sep
tember, which will continue until the follow
ing February, when I expect to procure my
diploma If all proves prosperous. Then 1
purpose getting to Oregon just about as fast
as stoam can carry mo, and I will see what I
can do for the people of the far West in the
dental liue. I like this city very much, but
I can ssy.with all the beautiful parka, drives,
sights of this place, etc., "Give me my dear
old Oregon."
I have visited Washington, Baltimore,
Brooklyn and New York, ami in all proba
bility will spend the heated term at the sea
side or tlie mountains.
The weather here for week or ten day
was something wonderful for this time of
year, tho thermometer being at 01 And OS
in the sliodo, but it wound op day before
yesterday with terrific thunder storm, and
is now very pleasant.
I get the lH'.Mix'icAT every week, so I arn
kept well jiosted cm the current event at
Immo. I-ong may that paper wave, and may
tho people of tho Willamette Valley have
their fondest hopes realized in regard to the
Harbor of Bcfuge, narrow gauge railroads,
I have a frrest many queer and carious
questions asked mo about Oregon. One in
stance I will speak of: A certain gentleman
asked me where 1 was from, and I told bim
Oregon, and he said, "Oh, yet! that is next
to Sitka," and I hear many more such fool
ish remarks. One man asked me if tlie Chi-
ncse were not ilw.tutntiU from th JwluinL
Aud while ioaking of Chinese, let me hers
say that the people of this part of the coun.
try know nothing about tho Chinese ques
tion as it affect the Western shqie. They
seem to lie utterly ignorant concerning it
Hoping all is prosperous end happy in our
little cite, I am
Very truly yours.
En. (i. Cl.AliK.
letter Mat.
Thorn. lowlmr Is I ho list of lii-m remaloloc
in the I'ost cmV. Aihwiiy, Unit e,uoty, Ore
gon, Juw , pr.H. Persons railing tor lha
f'-iu-rw must Klv the data on wntrU the were
Dewcese, Jsines
Hughes, David
Jackson, H
Johnson, 3 B
Fsudcll, Wm B 2
Withers, A
Anderson, W II
Crnghton, I'tc-hard
CMk, Wm !
Canon, Bernard
IK--tiinan, Ihoa
tlavry, O H
iil thorough-
iiin b of this
The Urcrrr tl.,uw .
1 oe o',n .o Ci-tiriliU pa otir opliiar
hotel, the Bevc re II' e, the fo!lwi:ig ile
serpen eompiutielil : ""il you are parsing
through Alliaoy, Bio! desire t,i klmw w lo. !.
i the firt huMc hotel of that city, rvii.euiU-r
that toe iU vre Houc i a new, tin.t-clU
hole!, kept by (Hihto and eXnrice! pro
prietors. Cleanliness aud f; u-rois fare at
the lJ nn.l b-sitl w ill w in you to Ik a con
stant guett at the Ecvcre. Tlie Beveie is
more convenient Ut the rai!n-ad than any
other hotel in tho business part of the city ;
and it is the corner fronting the ferry
lauding. "
W-alb ef a Lately aas Ctrl.
nr. vt. 1. futrii. of ji.-own-iviiie, wa in
the citv during the week. Hif informs us of
t'-u death of the seenhd daughter of Mr.
Pct?r Kesling of that city. She was nged 1C
years, mi amiable and !eautifti! girl and
a genera! favorite in that community. Her
funeral was largely attended, and there is
g-neral mourning at her death.
A rrljlle Klrake.
Mrs. New house, of this city, has been un
well lor some time, ana lew weeks ago
went up to Sodaville for the benefit of her
heclth. Ou Wednesday of last week she re
ceived a paralytic stroke, and on last Satur
day was brought down hem. She has been
low ever since, and it is thought can only
survive a few days at the farthest.
AflenllaK, T earlier.
You are hereby notified tliat the quarterly
irpiio examination 01 veacners wiu usi
placo at tho Central School House in the city
of Albany on Saturday, JuneSth, 179, at 8
o'clock a. m. Yon are requested to be on
hand promptly.
L. N. Lic:rrr,
w3 Co. School Sop't.
Fanners of Oregon and WasSsifagton
We have on hand and to arrivo tho following
list of Agricultural Implements and other goods,
and wo respectfully ask you to call and examine
them, try them, and if thoy prove satisfactory buy
Morrison Brow, wood and stoel beam walkiin nml Milky j.lows,
celebrated for hein light draft and doing good ivorh
when others fail, tried and recommended by the
Limv Co. Council, 1. of J.f and have no equal u far n
now known.
Fanners Friend grain drill, double force fe!d,hanilk while
the team i.s in motion ; winner of first prize at the PhUaileJjihia
Exhibition, 187G and Paris Exposi Urn, 1878 and at all State and
County fairs wherever exhibited.
Jlandall rolling cutter harrow?.
Scotch and excelsior uteel tooth harrows.
Government Standard Whitewater wagons and hack; let
ironed, finest finished and lightest running wagons ever oHVred
for sale m this State.
EstK'y hacks and carriages.
J. I. Case & Co's. Threshers and Headers and TivK-tioti and
portable fa"1 engines, best in the world.
Oslxjrne's improved self-binding harvesters, reajM-i and mow
Wheeler's No. G combined reapers and mowers.
Lion self-dump sulky hay rakes.
Ilevolving hay rakes.
Buckeye cider mills (improved.
Uurdick hay and fctraw cutters.
Whipple's wagon guide and draft equalizer.
Evans centennial fanning mills.
Crystal Medal, farm, school and church Ijells.
Pulliams patent bolster spring something new.
Ulanchard patent churn.
Howe's thermometer churn.
Scott's patent four-point steel barle fence wire
Boss sickle grinders.
Porter's champion hay forks and carriers.
Lightning hay knifes.
Champion railroad and garden barrows.
Centennial buggy tops, all sizes.
A full line of all steel gocxls, garden rakes, hoes spading-fot ks,
spades, shovels, picks, mattocks, etc.
All of which will be sold at lowest prices and on
good terms; orders from abroad solicited, and
promptly attended to. Illustrated Catalogues and
prices free on appliation.
Portland, Salem and Walla Walla.
Agent at Albany, Cr.
Horsemen, Look to your Interests!
At Lebanon.
H VMIU KUnUSrore Indij.'cstlon.
I lae UsiWr far Salr.
Ike Conn Iim made arrangements with
S. NicUersou to do all his planing, and
large stock of flooring, rustic, furnishing
lumber, etc., will be kept on baud at the
planer in Iebauon. Flooring and rustic will
be sold at ?- and per thousand, am
other lumlier iu proportion. Our readers
w ill remcmlx-r tliat the lumber faun Conn's
mill cannot bo excelled anywhere.
IfAMia itO PICS. Abnuus CsrmlL
A Ituitaway.
John Riley, living over tho rivor from this
city, had ft lively runaway last Saturday,
His strawberry hack was badly damaged and
his team ran over him two or three times, but
he is still abls to be around. A tough man
is John.
Dullar tari More.
An art gallery and dollarstore will be opened
Saturday afternoon in Froman's building, ou
Main street. The proposed store comes well
recommended from towns wherever thoy
have been. Their maimer of sale is new and
Kotiee to Farmers, .
All you who are interested iu self-binding
harvesters are notified that the workings of
the Odborue self-binder will be demonstrated
on Wednesday of next week, July 2d, on th
farm of C. Euckuer, near Miller's Station.
HAMBURG FIGS the mother's Mcsaing.
Il, 11. (iilmotir, at the Cosmopolitiii Sa
loon, Ilianou, keeps the ls-st brand of liue
wines, liquors, cigars, ct., and has the fa
mous billiard table on which the celebrated
I'ortland tournament was recently played
itekiiott lodged to lie the best table in the
Suite. And "don't you forget it" that
"iuib" knows how to treat bis friends and
customers whim they call jpon him.
4 ampuirrllnc.
' llcv. T. Ik White, Trending Klder of this
District, of tho M. 11. Church, South, makes
tho following announcement for campmect-
ings in his district:
1 Villus, on the fifth Sabbath iu June.
Mix in, on tho first Sabliath in July.
Yamhill, on the second Sabbath in July.
Four good reliable men, adapted to the
Sewing Machine Agency buaiucss. Want
them to travel. and otherwise work up the
business. Cood wages guaranteed. Enquire
or addrras Singer Manufacturing Co., Al
A Popalar Krsart.
At the Cosmopolitan Saloon, on Broadal-
hiu street, can be found the finest brands of
wines, honors and cigar. House open at all
him at B. Holt. Hxrrisbnnr. Huulii srtarnom Trnwlir : Wednesday sod Thorsday at Uw Lincry
SuU.le o H. Uaufhnian, Junctkm City ; and Friday an I Saturday of each week at ta Livery Scabtso i. Bim
pfaray, Kuirene City.
It w a well kDuaw fact tbst than never ass been a stock ef horses that hss shown socti s ut
fBUVKMENToa the oommuu stock of ths txiantrv as ths Prehruas have, fur am tad faua sm Evwry
buaiiwM nun knows that a food larjra horse will always briny a guod price.
Was selected In Franca br Mr. C Fnlliierton. the nartv that hnwuht oat IAI 14 SIMLEa. the Orat ot
this stuck that can mi mat of the Alleg-hamas. This bursa proved the groat value uf this stock in our eooatry.
sir. r. tnen nan years- xponanca with this stock when ha brought oat uN. f LEIKY, sod iwrcbased sua
irom one w us imsh oreeuers ot uus race m r ratios.
Term saa tlie Seatton.
SVieoe Krnartl.
Kew IH-atal Itooni n.
l)r. (i. W. (iray wishes his friends ami pat
rons to rcmomlicr that his new dcutal rooms
are now located in Foster's brick block at
the largo bay window. Entrance to ollico,
first door on the right of the stair landing,
Hartless is gaining nuito ft reputation for i opbosile tho Y. 1. C. A. IlalL- tiltoiml
OlTercd by I'hilip Cohen, who has moved
back to his old stand, and will sell goods
cheaper than the cheajiest, for cash or credit.
Cull and bo your own judge.
Phiuf Cobes.
the Central Market, lie always has a splun
did stock of choice meats on hand, which bo
sells cheap aud delivers free to any part of
the city.
Opened this week at the Farmers' and Me
chanics' Store a full lino of whito and Chev
iot shirts, overalls, hosiery, white vests, silk
handkerchiefs, boots, shoes, hats, etc., etc.,
all at bottom prices.
Lumber is now being taken away from the
Albany mills iu large quantities. Albany iu
not building to any extent this year, but the
farmers throughout the county are using up
a great deal of lumber.
. The Albany Farmers' Warehouse is a very
popular institution with the farmers in this
county, and could not bo otherwise so long
its business is managod by tlioue odicient
gentlemen, Messrs. MeCluro aud Mansfield.
Our lady readers must remember that
Mrs. Lou. I'arriah has a splendid stock of
millinery goods which she is selling off at
very low rates. . Cull around and see her
stock. -She also makes a specialty of dress
Last week we stated that Ed. Cunn, who
was fined for smoking opium, was a waiter
at the St. Charles, but we have since learn
ed that he is Mot. Ilo nevor worked there,
and never stopped there but ono night and
then be was compelled to leave,
Albany boys have coucludud not to wait
any longer for summer. They build fires on
the river bank and go in swimming all tho
same, coming out every few moments to
warm. One thing that makes thorn feel luiv -py
is that the sun does not blister their
Farmers from all parts of our county in
form us that the prospect for a good grain
crop is very flattering. This makes the far-
We hud a call yesterday from Dr. J.
II. Lee, of Corvaliis, who says the cele
bration there will be the grandest ever
known in the Valley. We will try and
be "thar."
Do Yea Want Furniture?
Jus. Daunals, m this city, now has on
bauds a larger stock of furniture than any
oilier establishment this sido of 1'ortlaud,
and if you want to purchase any it will pay
you to give hiiu a calk He has something
to tell you in rcirard to his prices.
Lower I'rfees Than Ever.
Boarders Wanted
At Mrs. Leon Oordior's, opposite the Dem
oc'KAT office. &i 00 per week for board, or
$5.00 for board and lodging. This lady has
several boarder now but wants a few more.
Fred Dunning wants us to anuouuee to our
renders tluit for the next sixty clays he will
sell furniture at lower prices than ever. This
is uo advertising scheme simply; he means
business, aud you will find it so if you call
around and price his stock.
Tbe Temperance I'leulr,
The temperance picnic at Uobcrts' Bridgo
last Wednesday was largely attended we
hear, but we have not been able to get a full
report from there yet.
. A Horse Fewer for Sale,
Krtrkt Hrlek!
If you want to buy a number oue lot of
brick at bedrock prices, call on Leander
Stites at tho brick yard near the Masonic
cemetery. '
Episcopal Services.
Divine service will be held at St. Peter's
Episcopal Church next Sunday morning,
June 28th, at 11 o'clock.
Messrs. Hoffman & Davis are driving
a lively business at their soda fountain
now. For gentlemen of the first (soda)
water, commend us to them
Sunders & Sternberg, of this city, havo a
Pitt horse powor (10 horso) in firnt class or
der, which they will sell for half tho usual
MlSS SARAH FltOST, of Northampton draanis ot connubial bliss niy bo real lied, and that
M ASTON CANON In their csrrtaire. at the front
pite of the nwlilonee of Mr. John Morrow, June 4th,
lH7ii, oy ttev, r. M. noyu, us. u. w. aiastuh sruhiiss
Nsllis 0. Cason all of Waitsburg. .
Nellie Is a Linn county girl, and has multitudes of
friends in this locality who all hope that her brightest
county, Pa., weighs three hundred
pounds. Wouldn't Jack Frost have a
bite there !
i -- - jmmm'--J J t ki
. " .
lie has proved a No. 1 breeder in this State.
Sheriff's Sale.
J tlon baiiied out of tbe Circuit Court of
tbe state or Oregon for the County of Linn
on the 10th day of June. 1879. on a ludir-
nient recovered in sain court on tue tsiu
day of June. A. D. 1879. in favor of John
a. urawiorct, riaintin, ana against Hi. it,
Cbeadle and Raphael Cheadle. Defendants,
lor tbe sum of twnty-aeven hundred and
seventy-three dollars and lifW cents, in U.
S. gold coin, and las lurtner sum or two
hundred dollars K'd coin as attorney's
fees, and for the costs and disburse
ments, and the sum ef S45 tio-100
and alao the costs and aooruine costs
and disbursements of and upon this writ,
I have levied nnon all the riirht. title and
Interest of said Defendants, K. K. Cheadle
and Raphael Cheadle, on and after the
said 6th day of June, 1879, in and to the
fallowing described real property, to-wlt
Water I.ot No. six (ftl in the Citv of At
bany, Linn County, Oregon; also, Lot No.
two (2) in Block No. eight (81 in said City
of Albany, in Linn County, Oregon, as
marked out and described on the plats and
surveys of said City, with all the tene
ments, nereaitamenta and appurtenances
thereunto belonging or in any wise apper
taining, all taken as the real properly of
the said Defendants, K. K, Cheadle and
Kapbael Cheadle, and on
Satunlay, f7c 12th day of July, 1879,
at the Court House door In the City of Al
bany, Linn County, Oregon, at the hour of
one o'clock P. M., I will sell the hereinbe
fore described real property at public auc
tion, to the highest bidder, to satisfy said
writ, with accruing costs.
Water Lot No. six will be sold first.
Dated June 10, 1879.
45w4 Sheriff of Linn Co., Oregou.
Tailoring Establishment.
(Sueoessor to R. N. Baker.)
Oa First Street, Albaay. Orrgaa.
la Use Bails! lag faraseriy marcs! by w.
K. SSrahaaa 4X sss.
I respectfully announce to the public tliat I am pre
pared to do all work in my liue in ftrst-chiss style.
Being a practical Cuttar and Fitter I guarantee per
fect satisfaction.
Cleaalag aad ateaalrtavs sse with N rata ess
aad Wis pate h.
grX trial respectfully solicited.
Dr. M!n lie's Veselable Keplirctlennt
Will cure all ilisonHCi of the Kidneys, lilmlilur and
Urinary Orpins. Hum) reds have been cored lift or nil
ether romcdiei have fuikd. HiB Kiiuliah lliuidellnn
rill have no eutiul in all cuius u IiiMMised l.ivur. llvs-
puitHis, or any Uilious derai'cinent. Many of the
lesitiit citt.cns of this city will vouch as t.i their vir
tues, to bo uuii oi all urunirigis. aa
IIAMDUBO FCGS twenty -five oei.ts a box.
her pathway through life may always be pleasant, and
never obstructed by sorrow or sdvarsity. We congrat
ulate the Doctor, for he has won a prize worth striving
for ; and he is not now one of the happiest mortals in
existence, it Is not for tlie reason that he is not wedded
to s lovely, noble and beautiful woman. ' ,
BTKVENS BUHTON. In St. Stevsn's Chanel, in
Portland, on Tuesday, June 24th, by tlie Right Hev.
II. n l,wr juirn,, oik, auskhi ia BTavKNS atlU A11SS
Wo heartily eongratulate our Reverend friend and
fellow citizen on his happy union, and cordially wel
come his fair Iride to her new home among our Albanian;.
of Powers, 4-horse, 8-horse, 10-horse and
12-horse, ,
Warranted for 5 YEARS!
Farmers are Invited to call and examine
them, at B. F. D HAKE'S, Salem ; at A. M.
ROOP'S, Albauy, aud at TllOMPSON &
SON'S, Halsevi
11u undersigned Is prepared to manufacture
Msaaaseata, Teasbe Brad-staaes, Maalles,
Table Taps, TTash gtaads.
All kinds ot cemetery work dona In Biarbla. tree
stone aud granite.
Having served an apprenticeship in oce of the lanr-
est hew York msrbla eatablislinwuts, and worked lor
niany years in that city, I lully understand my busi
ness, nd turn out nothing but nrvt-eWaa work, aud
a low i
U. A. Oi-Aaa.
Shop one i
Ilouse, Albany.
Physiciau and JSnrg-eon.
Having permanently located in the city
of Albany, and entered upon tbe
thirty-first year of his practice, respectfully
tenders his professional i-ervioes to the
citizens of Albany and surrounding noun
try. -Office at Foahav & Maori's Drng
Store. Residence on First Street vl2n40
Land for Sale.
16 ACSES of farming land, all prai
rie, situated three miles west f Tangsut,
on the Tangent and Corvaliis road, sev
enty acres of ialt grain on tbe place.
Church and good schools near I y. Terras
easy. Inquire ol tne unaersig tea on toe
I 4Sw4