The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, June 13, 1879, Image 2

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    She gem0cmi
makY. v. brown, KDrroit.
FRIDAY JUSK 1.1, 1879.
O-i t!ii 5th inst. the Ohio l.'in.KTtie
Stli t' .iiv.-ntioa m.'t sml iionittinu d
tli i MI xisu ticket: F.r (Iwvnot,
U.-ii. T.iuiu.4 T. Niiii; Lieutenant
Uovernor, A. V. Iliee ; Treasurer, An
tbonT Howells; Auditor, Chas. Heme
lin; Judge ef the Supreme Court, W.
J. Uilnii-ire : Attorney Ueneial, Isaiah
The platform has the true Democratic
ring to it. It denounces the President's
Tetoes ; demands the repeal of the laws
regulating Congressional elections, and
the rejwal of the jurors tent oath, and
says that not a dollar shottU bo appro
priated to pay aoldiara, superviaora or
marshals to interfere with election. It
opposes national banks ; farora govern
ment money equal in value to coin and
a legal tender for all debts, regulated
by demand j denounces as a monstrous
fraud" the demonetization of ailver, and
demands the full restoration of silver
to its original place ; denounces the in
crease of the bonded debt, and demands
that it be put in process of extinction
demands a modification of the treaty
with Germany regarding the expatria-
tion of our naturalized citizens.
The Washington AVjwWc (Secretary
Sherman's mouth-piece) says " it is the
sheerest nonsense to talk alxmt the
Democratic nominations in Ohio being
weakness. The ticket is by twenty
thousand votes stronger than any other
which the Democrats cohU have put
in the field. The contest which is about
to lake place in Ohio is in no sense a
local one. Ohio is the chosen creund
upon which the battle between the Re
publican party and the Democtatic par
ty for the possession of the government
in ISiO is to he fought out. To at
tempt to belittle General Kwing is on
to distract attention from the real issue.
The .Democrats have very " skillfully
chosen their leader, for he is a strong
man, of high personal character, ability
as a speaker, tine personal presence and
extraordinary opnlarity. Moreover,
he has the advantage of holding views
on what is the popular side of the money
question in Ohio." The editor also as
serts that the greenback candidate will
withdraw in favor of Ewing, who is re
garded as the better greenbacker of the
Albany, June 10, 1879.
KJitttr lemocrat :
A leading editorial in the Ortjotiian
uf the fuh iiint. is adorned with this
caption, " Is this a Nation 1" and pro
reed a with the flint paragraph thus:
" The whole ooi.troverM- which has lwn
iliit M in (Ymuiei-a for months ast
hinges uu this question. It wa up-
pesed that the war had settled the quea-
rmlilrit Rllllaaa ! Wlrr -'I.M
Tea of ateet Ball I'urrhmfil.
A niamarck (Dakota Territory) spe
cial to the Chicago ntrOctmn .y
that President Hillings, with several
gentlemen who litiersllv anlwerila-d to
the recent loan of J:U-lUHiO to the
Northern Tacilio, ina'oted the exten
sion west of the Missouri river on
Thursday last. It is reported that the
Eaht PoTt,AM, May 31, 187'.).
h'li't,r frrmorral:
u th" (eiii!il Jilnena ul thiiM it. U
tt juallv meet ilitit I tdmuM hmI apuee
in Vim'' I -m it 1 in i ''f fur flm it,t
1 tent inn i.f tliin leiit i, whiih but liiintly
expresses the disgust and contempt, of
many whose enra.wero Mistered and
whose stomachs were lmmmHted by the
vile radical unclean saying of the Uev,
tion so that it never w
oul.lbe raised Pt"id"nt fownd ihe work ; l.'""1" j, A. Crnntn, pastor of the CuiigreKa-
too alowly, and that he will take steps
to stir up tbo contractors. Billings
aaya it ia hia desire to build the whole
distance to the Yellowstone this year.
Aa to the change of management, there
again; but here it ia, in practically tha
same a si tec t as before,
To the unenlightened miud such so
phistry may be accepted aa sound log-
f but. llinaa whnun habit it
n. ....., " ... . r Mnt ,1,-a Hllline
ia to look to the judicial tribunals of " " 7 IT
means to do the best thing lie can for
the interests of tho road, independent
, , .. ,, , of personal friendships. It la thought
11 hardly consent to the wager of bat-1 iV i v t i i . .
J . . . .. f in soma Quarters that A ice President
- -
the country for the solution of contro
verted questions of constitutional la
lie as a final determination of a contro
versy. involving tbo exercise of govern
mental powers.
I am proud not to acknowledge, but
to cVh that the people of tin United
States of America are a Nation in the
full acceptation of the term, but does
that determine the character or theory
tionnl Church of Portland and orator
extraordinary for the (J. A. II. on Me-
morial Day, May 30th.
When tho Uev. J. 11. Acton, with a
bloody shirt cry of despair, n pndiutcd
the honor extendixl to him, Cruzun
stepped into tho breach, accepting the
mantle as it fell from the shoulders oi
his brother fanatical vendor of Kulvu
tion. How well this political text
a iniKMtun
o I ltpM.f ..iKliiiliAil if l'ltilikjlellililtt
. . , . ia,lv" """"I "i""i -' -i"-!
uy . u.. - "w0 lNirn th,t u,a company now has out
Isllina, Ul UIO l.w uwuaiin -
dissimilar as that of England and the
stars: wui vm S"'"-' llnilw.r nr..Mn fulf.llu.1 hi
IV 1LQ VUO OUIUl'lCViUU VI VSIW Maeawa va I . - - ... . .
,1 . .u. i,.. j-Aj-iiJH VotiUml dutl.vs brni wttn.-KS,
dfviaion oa the Paoiflo Coast, President , . r .i...i . ...!
.... IIH'.uriUI sniicniiuy ui unm nnwri nun
Billings proiajsesto establish a tage , .
. . . .i... I .1...- . I
Yida for through travel and mail kfora
the road ia completed. From the .'i7-
United States. A nation nay adopt
whatsoever form of government the
people choose, provided they are able
to exercise that God-given right. Th
people of the several States then coin
posing the Union, with one exception,
met in Convention by their delegates in
17S7, and under and by virtue of a
the following contracts for rails : The
Philadelphia and Heading coal and
iron company haa a contract for 2,500
tons fo the Lake Pen d'Orielle divis-
About one-half the order has
been filled and shipped for tho voyage
around Cape Horn. The balance is
now loading into the ship Tecumseh at
Philadelphia, and will be got off at
lovingly Imlen with Howera to strew
like o'er tho graves of friend and foe,
he gave vent to his politic-id slime
There, in that city of the silent mnjiir
itv. he cavo utterance to sentiments
and promulgated doctrines which sheuld
bring disgust to loyal men and sluitne
and tears to Heavenly antrols. n that
day of all days, Memorial Day, which
baa been set apart as a day of tribute
and re.iect to those who nobly gave
their lives in defence of country ; as a
day upon which the issues of the past,
the issues of more than fourteen years
x.o. ...... . j i , . u, . n.M i
written Constitution, formed a Federal , iCU ' f Uhoul 1 1 more closely drawn together;
government, which each in the exercise I1"? na conirac .or ,ov ... I j whe 0)1, tlcw, wol,M M,ollU
I lee I rails to oe ueiiraieu r.i kt ur-i . . . ... i i,..i..
ue HJHJaCH WIIICU WllUHIIlllin HI" n ine i
intliieiiea of amoothint' down the roll"!
of their sovereignty aa seemed beat for 1",1Un 31,11 ,m'"7 co . iu, tl, wrw j.ill U ,
the public good, and the remainder they
It is not true, as the Oregoniitn al
leges, that the word "nation," or all the
for 6,000 tons of steel rails, to be de
livered during the mouths of May to
September, inclusive. Also a contract
for 2,500 tons ef iron rails to be delir-
ak the public, U ho not botli knave
and hypocrite 1 Oh I Clod, protect me,
an honest limn, from ever being a wor
shipper (it the teiiiph) over whieh a po-
iticul preneher nf the ilk or kidney of
I. A. Or- .-in 'i' -i ten.
I 1 1 1 l liii..l wlmli Pol'llund
sguiii iiiiiiiioriiilizeH her dead veterans,
and strews lilirs and roxes in honor of
the dead defenders of lilierty, not a
man who preaches religion but one who
practices it will be seluuted as Orator
upon tho occasion, and who will hold
faithfully to the sentiment of the poem,
" They banish our anger forever
When lliey laurel the graves of eur tlnaa."
Iterant, Ike
the "I rseil."
(!oV. I It wis has decided that the 'JO
hold over Senators are thrown out of
oflico by the adoption of the tiew Con-
KviTaV paitisHii veto of I'resident
Hayes adds a hundred llinnmtnd to the
l)-moTtio tniij.rily In lK80;so says
tlm Ihmton J'ilot.
1M issues! has a new law furhiihling
men to mi't't for military drill iinlcwt
legally orgiinSed. This is aimed nt
the Kt. lonis HocinliiilH.
, " Kukk elections and impartial
juries!" says tho Keokuk Comtitutlon,
"is the Democratic war cry
bound to win the battle."
and is
CoNCRl'JisMAN Mi lu.'ii, of -Maine
A special dispatch from Sau Fran
cisco to the Ore'jonum sa s that the re
ports which have been iu circulation in
commercial circles for some time past,
-regsrrmng tneBtainor an opposition
line of steamers on this coast, have
finally taken tangible shape. It is said
that articles of incorporation will bej
filed in a few days of a steamship com
pany with $6,000,000 capital to run a
line of steamers Wtween San Francisco
and Portland, and also a line to San
Diego and other southern porta. The
steamers Rio Grande and Saratoga are
reported as having been purchased by
agents of stockholders at present in
New York, and that they will he imme
diately sent out via Cape Horn to run
in opposition to the Oregon Steamship
Company and Pacific Coast 8team:hip
Company. Four smaller steamers will
be purchased and sent out, or inav, if
satisfactory arrangements can le mad
to that effect, be built at San Francisco
to ma en the southern route.
- , - . r , ... lered in June. The Iiome ( N e w ork )
word imports, forms any part of "the 1"" f o riMi
(it i l iron woiaa uac a tuuvisvv .v
controversy waicn nas umu guiug u iu
Congress for niontba past," bnt it is as
to the ;iorrT the federal government
may or may uot exercise ; and the Ore
gentian' method of discussing this sub
ject, as exhibited in that paper of the
7th, certainly has the merit of novelty,
and were it not for the gravity of the
subject, is calculated to provoke a smile
nf ii. 1irnl IT sneaka nf threatened
"usurpations" and encroachments of rlttir vcn
the States npon the "jiowers of the Na
tional government." This forcibly re
minds one of the quarrel the wolf
picked with the lamb, accusing it of
muddying the water of the hnsik from
which Wth were drinking, when the
water was flowing from the wolf to the
tons of iron rails, to be delivered in
May, June and July at BuffaU. The
Danville mills have a contract for 2,500
tons of iron raila to be delivered at Erie
in June. These combined aggregate
21,000 tons.' If the entire lot were
loaded upon cars, at the rate of twelve
tons to a car, and ma. la into one train.
the train wou
those who come with lloaers to eulo
ghte their dead ; on that day it should
be the aim of trite and loyal hearts to
speak words that would biod mole
(irmly together the now reunited fac
tion of III ue and 11 ray, and to remem
ber only with sorrow and forgiveness
that great mistake of our nation, the
Hlitical war between North and South.
In shaking of lh army Cruj-an
savs : ' Its record ia clear, heroic anil
patriotic. Kvery American should be
proud of it." Ho speaks of it as a
, , , . , ., . branch of the Government, and deplores
Id be twelve miles long, , . ' 1
. , .i the reduction of its oiheers' pay. Lot
venty locomotives to haul , . ,
us look over the houor and integrity of
this funny little bulwark of the nation.
AS BtMiisu cikk. xhe head of the War lK-iwrtiaent. not
l -
. . I . r, ii i . .. i..
It is gratifying to see ore influential HJ J ral" .--.K..ap, .....e
Ilenubliean ahaet that has the welfare " extreme.y o..iou oy Mm
- ,
of this nation at heart, end haa the
hit ions and other little rccetitricitiea of
and manliness to denounce the ciiaracter, ami was accm-ngiy m,Keu to
manner in which membera Of its Mrtr r'I""""1 " " '""-? lueeonn.
, .,:..i:- ...,. Ivanceef President (Snint was !lowil
-iDevmmmvli...u-n. are tnrtne to sectionalize the eoimtry. a,eo1
, . . 4l " , The following is from the S. K. Aiyu- " "-,e
present controversy is npon the national ,. , ... ... , J ,irniWMi:
... naul. edited by Frank M. Pi x ley, one proeeeui
election laws. A national election was , , .. .. ... ,,r
. , . . : , - of the leading republicans of Cilifor- ho nr
eurrltilir next leniMarn t li.A I r in mrm gf at .
i --4 ,1 1. ,
. i initial
The Legislature of the State of. New
York has agreed to reduce the legal
rate of interest to"aix per cent. It has
been at seven per cent, since the adop
tion of the constitution of 1854. This
is . very significant as a sign of the
times, and as evidence that in the lead-
ing commercial State in the Union the
impression has becomo general that
there will 1n3 do immediate return in
this country to the high rates of inter
est which have previously prevailed.
This action of the New York Legisl
tare is in accord with that of several nf
the western States, the Legislatures of
which have recently lowered the official
. rate of interest. Our last Legislature
here in Oregon bad a bill before it to
reduce the rate of interest, but it shared
- the fate of several other bills which,
had they become laws, would have cur
tailed the receipts of a few nionied men.
, We hope our next Legislature - will be
; composed of men that will ' see that
: such a bill becomes a law. .
Then tin-in was another
narrowly escaiied a term in prison.
. . a UI inUIIIX IWI.M..IIHMI, . vinw
certainly not anown to the iraraers oi - the gallant Colonel IUUmk, thrr.-
our Constitution or to the States that! " . I ,.-. n- ,i.,.i...(J a f..l..,...l
St n,-.-,i.,.tm-..I.Ul 11 w.cantelect. Ilepuuiicanr. est- -
I dent without I vine about the South and sn.I l out luiniiiaiil int. l,eno. was
by a vote of 12C to 57 that a Member Lithout dragging from its sepulchre the court martial.! and exi-dled the army
oi Ingres, was ine onatr 01 10. o skeleton oi tne civil war, wiumi ex- fur ilu,ultilis U,e wif, of , .aUrJin.u,
that elected him, and Hannibal Hamlin citing sectional jealouse- and stirring L.oriltI1!.nil The sentence
and John P. Hale Voted with the ma- "H "J L the court martial was aft,r.rd
jonty. I This journal intends to support a Kiv commuteil to tan vears' aums-iiiinn from
Tl - ill . .i iT.r..i o. i. . ..... .... I 1
iim oeiraiuoi me u uiiea ouius, an- publican candidate lor 2'resnient. ,he .rlu, IV.i,li Annih-r
ting a- r high court of impeachment in hope to take an active ,rt in an l.on- ,teml ,ank Md u
.1 . r ii-:ii: di . it.:., i 1 nral.Ia mniwiffl. 1 hsll lie clml till"
' Ij:. .: i ;n . 1 tne Ibt roll as a ueneral is now trav-
J m I - .u wo iHni noticfl nnw. I elinit as r.rivuU) secretary, do rami
year 1797, while most of the framers L-r!r itt the contest, before our UttU or wlU ,h cha.nlr L a ...ivato eentle
m . . r . . . i I . . . . . . I
oi tne uonstitution were yet at ing, ana i blood is warmed by the excitement ol IO-n 0f roeans, one Ulysm-s S. (iraiit.
some of them tln members of that " stnio, ma we i no,si our ,n.T ne... - i. ,,. ... ...w,.,,.,!,
i i i . , i-r-.t r. . I iiuartj.ra mt V othlnirtMI will annd nil lift I 1 1 a
body, deemed mat a unfed Mates LJV wiiwii fl ishing the news of a court
Senator was not a fedtrml officet. And lhva K'0 bood ubirt on thut of martial in the Knat, convened and pre
the late electoral commission that aet tbe centinent. Ne negro HTsecntion sided over by Cen. Hancock, wherein
aside toe WUI ot the people in the eloc-I stones for us. Or this kind ol politu-s the honor and di"nity ot Oens. Stanley
tion of a President and seated K. B. I we are altogether disgusted
Hayes in the White House admitted
that the Presidential Klectors were
and I fawn is being handled without
act ic.
gloves. Yet the Itev. ('rnzan eulogizes
this white elonhant excrescence on the
f I. . i. ... .1 .... . m . . s . .1
state omcers ana mat tee elections at I At tue annual session oi tne urand l ,.,,;, ... i ..n .. u..,.i
wnic.. uie wen. eiii were om v;napir oi noyai .rcn masons neiu ai. of the Government. It is neither
electtoas. y, here, then, . . the No- Portland last Fnday and Saturday, the brancll or truilk( but ig c.mi,OKt.d slm
lidwu eieeuoni i lonowine omccni were eiecxea : o J- ! . i c i.;.i; .....t .....i r r n.
i r it t. r it T t r t r I ' '
iiw, jtr. uuiwr, tue present; coniro-1 ungie, u ii r; v xrown, it u n; r'overnmetit
I- 4. it t . I -r .t Cii i a r tr . r tr . c 1
versy is no., over vne -nuiionai election r pi onurtien, ; x Herman, n ; We ,mvo Lcen greatr diHappoimed
, m w. u,o uU ""0..i eiecuons, xv x j.uarv, u0)vu " i K this tn.lisl.ed man of (i.ul From a
nor is it over any " threatened usur,a. D P Mason, 0 L ; S L Pope, O C of backwoods politician and stump shaker
won or encroacamenis oi tne otatee otin; J jjeil, 1 c ; flti .rage, li tr w- wml1,i RxnMt r,f
Valmnal;i. l...t I U . l? T n T A H . H E n.,..l ' J
-p,.. ,uu,CTO)a)U.viiv)i.t "'""'acter and more tendorness of heart than
the attempt to repeal the election law, win, O M 3d V ; L, Vair, O M 2d V ; to Uute the m(.morv of OMr duad
.1, l a. T tAt rx ir w Tr r a r t , r. r"i . iyt-i t " usurpation oy tne general ii a narris, uunn; uusuu n u- r0ft8 regardlcfi8 of tho coIo, cf uniforill
-overnmen over oiaie elections, and a son, M tt. or the llag they died under, by using
ua eUcro-c.,,s upon tne ngnts oi aionnay tue urana linage met in the time ftnd j,,, tljif( roverenil gentle
the electors of the several States ; and regular aession, and tho following new nmn uij to prodnco a political sj.cech
that little fiber from the root ef the officers were elected: Most Worship- IIe j,ag on fitia wJ)0H(, mlin
treeot uentraiisra that has thus shot mi urand aiasret, it r J"Arnart; uep- taught by tho precepts of his Mawter.
out into the States for nourishment for uty Grand Master, W S Wright ; Sen- should be one of justice, nwrcy and
the tree that proposes to overshadow us ior Grand Warden, Alexander Watt'; jove jie tl18 Right Rev. Cruzan takes
fall ri 1 1 ,1 f f f atT f An i r j-s -m-wr m - -r . . .
junior urand warden, J IS JJoipn ; advantage of his position as Orator of
WlLdjAfllfcllfc. Orard Treasurer. Ifvatan Abraham, nf . x. ... i
' j --itne uay w vn.uierie nuu cniss as
uakiand, Oregon; urand Secretary, 1 oriminala brave men and true soldiers,
W fratt, ot i-ortland; Uhairman of ; laniruace. thouch flowerv and hv.
elected as a Croenlmrker, boasts that
he never had u day's schooling or owned
a dollar's worth of projajrty.
Tiik best authority in Califoi nia says
that reports from different counties in
that State show that proect for tho
coming harvest were never laHter.
" 1 lios'T enrx a J - n for th Jeelmon
vCthr. Sui'tfuf Court? was the utter
ance of (Smut while President of the
United States. That is the man the
JepublicniiB want to plra in jsiwer
gain to " cxecuto the laws of the Uni
ted States" and in the interest of whom
they are now getting up an excursion
from tho Ivist to this )oat.
Til K Kcpnbl leans find themselves in
a bad shape for 1S0, having emphati
cally committed themselves to the lol-
icy of employing tro at tho polls to
intetfrrt) with voters. They have the
ui.envuible task lirfore them if defend-
ng that infamous and ntiopular atli-
ud. If they don't care to do that
they must laick down.
Jcst almut this time, sas tho Ixuis-
villu Courirrjournnl, would it not l
well lor the llepuUicans to toko up a
collection among themselves ami pay
m;k to the Southern negioes the mil
ions they stole front them through tho
lecoy Ficediucn's liatik t While they
are "passing tho hat' we advise them
not to inixijwi-n. i. . Ifowari, who
asrd to know something aUiut bank-
JriMiK Asa Packer, aged 71, dieil
in Pennsylvania May 17th. Ho was a
good lemiH-rat, a just judgo, and a
public spiiited citijm. He was promi
nently nainel for tho Presidency a few
years ago, but his name will live in con
nection with liehigh University, uon
which during his life ho sKnt $1,500,-
000, and in his will he leaves it an en
dowment ef another million and a half,
and $500,000 fur a library-
Zach CiiASiit.i:it is said to treat Dan
iel V. Voorhaes with great respect, not
withstunding that tho Indiana senator
is a l)einoerat. This is accounted for
on the ground that many years ago, in
the dining room of the Kirk wood
House, Washington, Xachariah insinu
ated that Ihiuioi was a copperhead and
traitor, whereupon Daniel smoto Zach
ariiih over the head with a milk pitcher
and felled him to the floor.
Concrkhsmah , Ki.vti, of Louisiana,
says that he has letters from a number
of negro immigrants to Kansas, stating
that they are dissatisfied and will re
turn to Louisiana and Mississippi as
soon as they can possibly find the means
to do so. It doesn't take Sambo long
to find out that the mule and land he
was promised will never be his. The
flie Ohio State Greenback Conven
tion met at Columbus on the 5th inst.
and bursted np in a grand row; when it
came to the adoption of a platform, a
great many of the delegates withdraw
ing. Those who remained put in nom
ination a full ticket, headed with Gen
eral A. S. Piatt as candidate for Gov
ernor. Gen. Carey, and others of .the
disaffected delegates who withdrew,
held a meeting at which sjieeches wave
rnaee denouncing the action of the con
vention, and a resolution was adopted
to issue a. call for another convention to
meet at Toledo oil the 17th j inst. to
nominate a new ticket. .The .rapture is
supposed to have been caused by Carey
failing to get a nomination. ; t " 's I
The bayonet policy, tho Kepnbiican's
thirik, is necessary to . keep 105,000
Federal offiieholders and employees in
a position where they can apply their
mouths to the government teat.
We see by the Oregonutn that, after th. Educational Fund, D Froman, of t M ' Mm and igaorant. Tl,
' lAlOany. loranflemnn BIMalcS of RtatA UlViuinunlr
e -I
as being finished and gone into a very
small" grave in 18C5. He is strunsrelv
Ihe last words of uen. J. A. Dix, a ignorant of the Constitution of the
pacts .to come to Oregon, "where he
will spend spme time in visiting posts
and places familiar to him in his earlier
days." We are pained to hear of this,
for it will be a sad trip for the great
excursionist. His old haunts will be
very hard to find now. Nearly all the
filthy groggeries which he used to fre
quent have given place to first-elass sa
loons, and the Indian wickiups, where
the brown forest maidens used to wel
come the maudlin lieutenant, have long
since been removed and their diseased
occupants have gone to ; the happy
hunting grounds." Yes, it would be a
sad trip for him, and we hope some of
his friends, out of consideration for his
feelings, will tell biin not to come.,
conriEK THEM.
Tho San Xrancisco Jawmtal' of. Oom-
inerce 'announces the fact tlmt 2,000
Chinese arrived at Portland last week,'
aDd then puts the workingraen'a watch
word in a new shape : " The Chinese
must go" to Oregon.
soldier of the war ef 1812 and in the United States, or - probably bus never
laU war, relative to political affairs, read that instrument, upon which the
were in deprecation of the agitation in fundamental principles of Amoric,
Congress to revive the dead issues of liberties are founded. Peruse that val
tne war, and he spoke feelingly of the uable document, Mr. Cruzan, before
bad effect upon the country that the yoll ftgain mount the rostrum In tl
talk of revolution and civil war would
create. lie often wished that the old
issues could be buried, and that the
union could be restored as it was, and
and talked in that way when lying on
hia death-bed, when all the best part of
a man is sure to assert itself. What a
difference there is between the conver
sation of this dying statesman, soldier
and patriot, and the recent shameful
Ltirades of thoBe two Oregon demagogues
Revs. (?) Acton and Cruzan. They
are a disgrace to the clergy of our young
State, and should not be countenanced
by any preacher of the true gospel.
Iu the Krim'e un Thin i!.V of lust
week, 1'i.yaii! - oke on the bill reported
by himself from the judiciary commit
tee, relating to juries and to repeal sec
tions 801, 820 and 821 of tho revised
statutes, lie quoted from Hamilton's
writings to alio that theory of the
veto power was to confer on tho IVesi
dent jsiwer to protect himself and to
prevent the passuge of bad laws, either
through haste, inadvertence or design
The bills recently vetord were not so
sxed. They represented tho tuAier
second thought of the American peo
ple, in whoso delilierafe judgment the
reforms contained in them shu.ild le
made, and tho jsiople would judge the
President and his party by their works,
ISnyard remarked that the same jsiople
who elected the Democratic wajerity
also elected a Democratic President,
This was the opinion of every Demo
crat, and they rested their hope in the
U'lief that truth and justice are omnip
otent and must prevail. Upon that
great wtwo the American people will bo
called to decide at a future election.
Hut these facts only render tho situa
tion more dillicult and trying for the
majority. They are trying to execute
their duty and sliajiu legislation so that
this country shall be free and prosjicr
oiis ; so that the nation shall 1 re
stored, public credit maintained, ant
all tho functions of government duly
cared for. Their responsibility is to
their sense of duty, and their projosi
tion is that every branch of the govern
ment shall be sustained. Our first
duty, said Bayard, is to supply every
thing needful for such sustenance. Put
our policy is not to lo taught us by a
harassing and obstructivo executive.
Our mossuro of patriotic duty is not to
be dictated by him, but by the oath w
took to support the government.
Sheriff's Sale. !
tton issued out of the Circuit Ceurt of
u ie (Stale of Oregon for the County ef Unn
on the 10th day of June, 187H, on a judg
ment recovered in said Court on the 8th
day of June, 1870, in favor of W. II. Dodd,
I'laiutiir, ana against ueorgs w. lawion
and Mary K. 1awson, his wire, 0iMrge K,
Hetllemler and J. W. Held, lJeleiidsnt, for
tbo sum or nine hundred and ninety-three
and 04-1.10 dollars, sold coin, and Interest
thereon in like coin atthe rate of 1 er cent.
iter month from date, and for his costs and
disbursements, and for tbe further sum of
1246 6-100 costs, and accruing costs, I have
eviod uonri all the riuht. title and Interest
of said .Defendants, Oeorfce W. biwaon
and Mary K. lawson, his wife, George F,
Hettleruier snd J. O. iteld, lsrfendsnts, on
anil after the said ml. day of June, lM7,In
and to the following aeMcrlbeu: real-prop
erty, to-wit : ijonaiiou ijtnu t;imi ho.
4Mt, being the Worthwest q usner of Sec-
lien 24, lii Township ii nouin or lunge 1
West ol the Willamette Meridian, iu l.lnn
County, Oregon, as known and designated
ii tne piat ami surveys oi me united
Mutes on hie hi the Iand Oilice In Oregon
I'll v. Oregon. Alan, 1 filiation Land Claim
Notification Ne. b::U, being the Moutiieast
uuarter of tho Northeast nusrter, and Lots
4 and ft of Hectioit If, snd Lota 1. 2 and
of Hection HO, In Township IS Mouth of
Hang 1 west, in iuin . ouiity, as ueslg-
iiatfd on the reeorded plats or the United
Mlates on tile at the I .and Oflice at Oreiton
l itv. urMion, win. ail me teneoienis. kere-
(lltameuts and appnrtenances thereunto
In seine of the Kithtein States to find
trichiuia in pork is no uncommon thing,
but in Oregon such meat whs unknown
until a few days ago, us the following
proves : Willie Palmer, living near
Monmouth, died some time since, all
!.-. Shinlev has discovered bv bis eat-
iug triidjiuouiijiotk. A piece of iuuhcI
taken from the bodv of the ilea
boy was sent to this city, and under
niicroscaiie shows the si sidles in great
uumUir. This is the first cwo of tho
disease ever known tm the Pacific
Coast, we Mieve. I'vrtlmtt Stawlanl,
belonging or In any wise appertaining, all
taken as the real propejty of the said lH. (ieurice VV. Jiswsou and Mary K.
Dawson, urn wire, eorge t, hetticmler
and J. U, iUM, and on
Saturday, the 1.7th lay of July, 1879,
at the Court House door In Albany, Don
County, Oregon, st the lion r ef 'I o'clock
V. M.. l win sell ii neieinoeroro uesenned
real preperty at public nm-tiiii, to tbe high
est bidder, to saiisly said aril, wltn accru
ing costs.
tatted J litis I", ISTU.
4'iwt KherilT of Linn Co., Oregon.
So that when yon want to buy your -
SDrine Goods
Yon will know where to buy thnin.
We have made up our
mind with tho facilities
we have not to be
undersold by any
csrwcHEY m reus pockets iz
Sheriff's Sale.
l- lion Issued out of the Circuit Court of
tUo Htato of Oregon for the ('entity of Una
on the loth day of June, 1S7, on a judg
ment recovered In said I'o.irt on the otn
day of June, A, I'. 17!, In favor of John
A. i rawlord. i'laiutiir, and aninst k. k.
Cbeadlu and Kapluwl C'headle. Defendant.
lor the sum or twiiiy-evei nunmaii ana
evetity-ihree dollars and fifty cents, In U.
S. Kold coin, and the further sum of two
hundred dollars (Cold coin as attorney's
fees, and for tho costs and disburse
ments, and the sum ef ftft Bj-luO
and also the costs and ax-ruin(f costs
and disbursements of and upon this writ,
1 have levied upon alt the riKht, Uile and
interest of Mid !efendsn;s, K. it. Cbuadle
and IUihaei ('beadle, on and after the
said oth day of June, 18711, lo and to tbe
fallowing described real property, to-wit:
Water JM Ho. six () In the City of Al
bany. Linn County, uregou: also. Lot Ne.
two Ci) In Block Nik elulit (S) In said Cily
of Albany, in Unn County, Oregon, as
marked out ami described on the plats and
surveys of said City, with all the tene
ments, hereditaments and appurtenances
tlicreuuto belentriuic or In any wise apper
taining, all taken as then! profierty of
thesaiu I eren4anl. r- it. cneauie ana
llapbael Cbeaole, ami on
&tturUtj, lite nth day of July, 1879,
at the Ceurt House door In tbe City ef Al
bany. Linn County, Oregon, at the bourof
one o clock r. M . l will sen me hereinbe
fore described real property at public auc
tion, to i lie niguesi oiiiuer, to aausry aaiu
vi in, m mi KinuiUH ivmn.
t ... i . v.. . . - ... : 1 1 1.. .... I . r ..t
i Ainr uiau.u uim.
lsued June 10, 1879.
4jw4 Sheriff of Linn Co., Oregon.
fasaerlsal le Sateen krrprr.
Tbe Salurn Slatemmt says tliat it is in
(nenel the followiog h i!l hereafter be
rijpdly uf.wwd in this Judicial lu.trict:
lb it r.vtt til thr JjUl.a'irr AtfnMg of
th Siolt oj Orryo:
Scitios 1. It shall 1 unlawful for any
mw to kuii.ily sell, I'jr ogont or etker
wiae, any spirituous or ellter infmcstini;
h'tiurt t- ai.y Hi i in T fur any purism) what
rr. nuhws upon the written ontcr f hia
lrviit or guarUaa or family pIiy.cLn. or ia
svll ti.s suiie to any wrou, or to
stiy wroi who M in the lutiut i liecotnm
tuUikicateil. and any iran vinisn.e-tn
mivuuuus nf tht wsaion l.ail ford-it sad psy
to tba :lit..l fnii'l the imn of oae bundreil for earh and every oifritsn, to Isj col-
h cte.1 bv acthiu en Im.ii.I. by any citisen
t th canty, such nwy have
twrti ci'iiumtU'il.
career of politics.- y
History ami a vivid memory of jiast
events paint but too plainly the wrongs
and recrimination brought about by
political preachers. Shame on a man
trainotl in tho teachings of Hira "wh
loveth all men as a brother sluuno on
him, I say, who strays from the path of
his legitimate calling, and by vitupera
tion and lies, clothed in beautiful and
eloquent language, tries to turn tlm
heart of man upon hia fellow-man and
countryman, and again burst asunder
the vials of wrath' which have been
sealed now for half a generation. I
whole Kansas emigration ncheme was
gotten tip by llopublicana to give them
an opportunity of again awinging the
" bloody Khirt."
The Grant circus will start from
tho 'Kant about August lat. The ad
vance bill jHistcr, Zack Chandler, will
go a month earlier. Tho De Youngs,
of the Chronicle, are training for hand
springs and buck summeraetfl, and Old
Mother Ahii 1ms donned her striped
stockings and picnic tights. Kcott, of
the Oregonian, will be on the ground
with a peanut stand and a strap game,
readv to turn an honest penny. The
w - '
San Franciscoans are padlocking their
hen-houses, enlarging their calaboose
and doubling their police force.
The death, of Gen. Shields a week or
so ago leaves Gen. Jo. Lane the only
surviving '.Brigadier General of the
Mexican War. - Although the aged
hero ia juRt recovering from a severe
illness, he will be in attendance at the
re-uriion of tho Mexican War Veterans
at Salem on the 17th inst. General
Lane was the most active officer in the
IT. S. Army in Mexico, and he is enti
tled to all the honors which his old com
nulea can conler upon him.
nr.'. Turntable Ncukrrll.m
Will cur all dbiwvrc ot the Klduoya, Bladder nd
Urlnarv Orifaim. Hundred have boeu ciirod after all
...I.... ii ...v.. ru.l Mia KiiifllBb Oaiiiioilon
u;n ....a.. .ml In ilII ciuiefl of liUcuseti Liver, tys-
Hilt.iu ileraniromeut. Many ttt tlie
loaiiinif uitizen ot this city will vouch aa to their ir
!-. 'I'n b hail ui all uruuLrmui.
HAMBUP.O FIOS the UiiivBreol Canhartic,
keib rtin usts
Ashle Sheeting, 36 inches wide, for 5 c
CalxtW " " " " 7Jc
Cabot A " " " 75e
Rockland Bl'dMualin,3Cin wide for eje
Ixmadale " " " " 9c
White liock " " - 9c
8-4 Iaina" " 2 yds " 21 ic
10-4 " " " 2J yda t 25 c
800 pes Boat Am. Prints, 20 yda for $1.
200 " Eoglish u 16yds for $1.
50 "CbevioUorShirtV.from 12ito20 e
25 " Bed-ticking " 13to30 e
25 " bl'd Sc. unbl'd Canton QUO to 25 c
15 " Damask Table Linen, 35c to $1
25 " ail priaseflax dress linen20 to 37 Jc
10 " White Pique, latest ptnslOto 30 c
75 " SiUc and Wool Dress Goods, new
patterns, 25c.
New Shades in Trimming; Silks and
Satins and Black Dress tieods-
Best Brands ef 2. 4 and 6 Batten
Kid Gloves.
Finest Black and White French
Knjoy Life.
Whal a truly beautiful world'we live ill!
Nature Kives us Brandeur ol mouiitaius.
fCletts and ocean, and tbouwiulNuf means
lorrnjoymeiit. .We can thire no letter
when in ierfott heallli ; but how eflen do
tl.e mnjoritr of fsiople feel like irivinn It
up dislieartened, discouracxl and worried
out with disease, when there la no occasion
for this feel III jr. aa every sutleivrcan easily
obtain sallnfactory .rof tbnt Ureon'a Au-
(Tiit Klower win uiaae tneui as tree iroin
disease as when born. Dyspepsia and
Liver Complaint Is the direct cause of sev
enty-live per cent, of aucb maladies aa
Hiliousness, Indigestion, Hick Itoaalacue,
t'oatlveness. Nervous Prostration, liiMth
ness of tho ifead, 1'alplutioitof the Heart,
and otber distressing symptoms. Tbree
dunes of AtiKust Klower will prove Its won
derful ctTect. Sample bottles, 10 cents.
Try It.
When the system is ran down to the ex
tent that you pas sleeplcts nights, are ner
vous and irritable, nave giooiny loreDou
liiim. aniir stomach, sick headache and
coated tongue, do not enroll yourself aa
high private, in the rear rank, under Gen
eral Debility, but cheer up and try White's
i'ruiria e lower, rue ureal xver rananw.
now for sale in ever city and town on the
Continent, iso medwme ever compound
ed is half Its eoual for the eure n
l'EreiA and UVKK COMPLAINT. it
has a soeoitic pewer over the liver, and by
curing tbe liver, Dyspepsia and all ether
dlseasea arisintr from it. vanish as If by
nuuria. (Sample isitues are sua at tue
small price of IS eenta that will conviuce
von of lta merits. Larue size botUcs 71
cents, ior aaie everywuere.a
Frllovk' Coswmisd Srscr or UvrorsoarniTiia. Hy
lta union with tbe blood, and ita eifoat upon the mii
clua, ra-ealablinhing tha vlia and tuning Ui other, it
la capable ol erteotiuff th following nwultt : It will
cum Cunauni.ition. Ily Increaalnit nervoiu. and miu-
cular lfir,it w ill cure nv0wia, rveuie or inter
nmiMl A.ill.m of the Heart, and Palpitation, Weak'
nana of Intellect, cauaed hr grief, worry, overtax of
brain, cr Irregular haulm, HrotiohiUa, Acute or Cbron
le, Uuiiiroatlon ot the Lunga, even in the stoat alarm
ing atmM ; it cure Aallima, bna of Voire, Neuralgia,
St. Vllua' Panoa, Eplleptio KiW, Whooping,
'.rviuifliM. uid BUBUilltfl life during tlie proceea of
liiptheria. No otlwr preiaratiim ia a aubatitule fur
thi under any cirvumatancea. Look tor the name and
addrena J. I. FaULOwa, Ht. Sohn, N. 11., on the yellow
wrapper, in water mark, whivh la aeeu by hnliluig up
the paiwr before the light. Price Sl.60 per bottlo
Si for 7.W. Sow by all druggiata.
Fine l.aaiurr for Sale.
Ike Conn has made arrangomeuts with
S. Kiukersoa to do all . his planing, and a
large stock of flooring, rustic, furnishing
lumber, etc., will be kept on hand atthe
planer in Lebanon. Flooring and rustic will
he sold at $20 and $-1 per thousand, and
other lumber iu proportion. Our readers
will rememlier that the lumber from Conn's
mill cannot be excelled anywhere.
- i '
Four good reliable men, adapted to the
Sewing Machine Agency business. Want
them to travel and otherwise work up tlie
business. Good wagna guaranteed. Euqnire
or address Singer Manufacturing Co., Al
bany. -
$3000 Krward.
Offered by Philip Cohen, who has moved
back toh!g oil stand, and will sell goods
cheaper than the cheapest, for cash or credit
Call and be your own judge.
Philip Cohes
HAMBURG -FIGS aubatitute for Castor Oil.
Lanli for Sale.
169 ACRES of farmius land, all prai
rie, situated three milos west of TaDKent,
on the Tangent an.l t'orvallts nsad. ftiev
enty acres of tail graiu on the place.
Church and good schools nuar by. Terms
easy, luiiuire of tho underMiiened on tbe
if UtAI. II. itlUUr-Ulj.
Taken Up.
T HKltKllY filVE N'tVTICE Til 1 I
A. have taken tip in Albany a stray caw
and calf described as follows: ltutn a
bright red ; cow four vears old, marked
with swallow fork and under. bit in the
loft ear.
45wl U. X. COTTOS.
(Late of San Francisco.)
D liKKINGaud hair dressing business,
f..r crentlemen. he wishes to notify the la
dies that lie manufactures switches, puns,
frizex and all kiuds of false uair irom
combings and at a low price. Rooms op
posite Mcllwaln's store. -' '
of Towers, 4-horse, 8-horse, 10-horse and
Warranted for 5 YEARS !
Farmers are invited to call and examine
them, at B. F. DRAKE'S, Halem ; at A.M.
HOOP'S. Albany, and at THOMPSON fc
SON'H, llalaey.
ellSBlectei Stock of Fancy Silk
Ties andEeck Hand
kerchiefs !
Latest in Linen Collars and Culfe snd
Lace Bibs,
tbe Finest lsiorlmritiB Fsorj Hosiery
for lafaits, Childm, lissts
A Large and Complete Stock or
Laee aad Battoa Children's,
Misses and Ladies Kid
Shoes andiSlippers.
Dr. G-. Schlesinger,
Importer and dealer In pure
Keeps on band a fall assortment of
Imported Goods
In hia line.
Special attention paid t the compounding
of Physicians' Prescriptions and
Chemical Analysis.
"Wm. Tolgt, Proprietor.
J. cigars always on hanu.
Call and see me. Saloon in brick build'
Inst. next door to Dannals' furniture store.
. nrif VAinT
John W. Cleaver adrertlses his farm for
sale, comprising C40 acrts, well Improved,
situated on Peterson's Butte, Linn county.
For further particulars Inquire at this of
flee or of Fox, Baum & Co., In this olty.
Ilomcopalhic VI15 slcian-
II from 2 to 4, Cuomo Diseases ana sur
gery a Specialty. ojuu.
Meu'a Suite of Clothes, $7 50 to $25 00
Youths' " ?G 00 to $12 00
Boys' " " t?4 50 to $7 50
Best Merino TJndeiahirts and Drawers,
50 cents.
White Shirts, open back, well fitting;, .
from 75c to $1 50.
12 pair lien's Cotton Socks for 75c.
Patented Bine and Brown Overalls, 75c
M Blouses and Jumpers, 50c
San Francisco Refinery G C Coffee-
Sugar, per pound, 9Jc
Light Island Refinery Sugar, 8 Jc.
Costa Rica Coffee, best brand, 1 7 Jo.
next quality, 15c
Diamond S, beet quality Syrup, 5 gal
lon kegs, $3 00.
100 lbs best Honolulu Rice, $7 50.
Best brands of Tea, per pound, 50c
Next. " " " 37i.
1 box 20 bars Chemical Olive Soap, 75c
The Place to find all
these Cheap Goods will
be at the Store of
FOX, EMM & 0.