The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, May 23, 1879, Image 3

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    FlUDAY MAY 23, 1879.
(iraiil;iiii'nt, I. O. O. F.
fit- Gr.iti.l Xticaiiiimmt, I. O. O. F., of
O.vjdii, nu t in hiiu in this city
last Monday. On t!i roil living called it was
f.-us-.l that all tiio n'.'iorrj wore prosi-nt ex
ert T.-M. I'.'t.-h. M.V.!.r.;l. 11. Moon.
It W. C. T. : 3. II. I.yoii, V.i. M. : ami W.
I'l-aden, V. U.- S,
Tlio following Km-am-wit-tit- worn nre
sented: Ellison, No. 1; Wiilamctto, No. 2;
KxceUor, Xiv I'ul', No. 4; Orj.-p.inna, Xo.
:'i, No. ft; F.leazt-r, No. T; Har
mlHiiy, X.i. S; I'niou, Nn. 9; v'.i-in.l Uomlp,
N.. 1 1 : .Vljl.av No. 1. V. T. : Vancouver,
No. 1, U. .'.
A't. r eimf-Tring ti p tirauil I'.iicaiti-)inont
donrv u;hi m's, the committors
wore ap; onto.!.
Aftvr hrarin-; rvjmrts from tlio Craiul Pa
tri;uv!i, 4 ; rami Scribe, I rami Treasurer anil
f..-.iiil lU-invsoiiUtivi'i, tlio Kiicanijmu'iit
rn.vo.lvl to tlio plwtion of i.fiiecrs which
r.'sti'tcl itt tho choice of t!u following jor
sot?: t it S;,.-.t.-. : No 1, M V G p.
V S Newbury. No I, M K. G H P.
K V. Turk, No 'i V G S ".
.1 M l!;ioou. N.. -;. ll v ; s.
1 K Moorvs. No . il W G T.
.1 C Church, No ti. K " t ; J
a g Wa'.anr. No i. i; w ; ft.r two
On Tuotoay i' oiiir.j; tho i-i'lovr were in
s!t!hk.l. an I tho following jior.-n anointed
lOtrut IVi.tity Grand I'-ktriarvlis:
Patriot N . 1 A J Marskil, of No I.
-T O IUtUt, of No 2.
Phil Metvhuui. 't X- '.
4-M C A they, of N- !.
" J K r.-wkonsto, of No .".
: I J Walton, of No ii.
! 1 W Wis-oom, of No 7.
10 -VJ r.rn.nweil. of No S.
1 1 1 S K UuLk, of No !.
12 SiU J l:iy, of No 10.
1 ;? J II Shiun, of No 1 1. '
It -V ll r.;:lto!i. ,.f No l-r.
l.-.-H Hoy, .f No 2. I. C.
After tramae! in a i;rt at le:.l of other im-jnir-1
ii i-::i --ii the V. lev.iriui-mt? adjonrn--.'..
I.e'irr-.v rMwtcrj UriralloB.
XotitIi!ta::ilUi; the iiuvs-aist rain, there
was a lare attendance at the dedication of
the Hebrew t emeti ry last Sabbath. The
eron3 coni'iriiin thii Hebrew Association
reside in rarioua to ns of the (.ntral Wi!
!.iTni.tte Valley, hence many Israelite were
i;i attedatieo iron !'or.I.u;d. CorwallU,
1 unction an.I HarrWbar, l ii.h s cur own
rc-idvi.t citi niof t!it natioaality. makirg
i'fall ::V.:t.- an in-jKaiu jitocesyioa as they
nianhtd from the cars to tiie cemetery
ground j. At: tv hi g at the gates of the Cem
etery the precession hn'te;' ar:d Mr, K Sc:i
ler, l'r;.lect of ths A.icclaiion, on btaa!f
his rru'l.rn, reaii a' a.idres- to Ilev. tr.
May, the Jewish iliid tof !'ort!.ind, formal
ly invi:ii: !.i:n t- th rr". ic-s of
iledic:it:oi:. whtrcuji.M :i;"er as invocation
iy tl:e Il.H:tor, t'r.e gites were thrown ctn
an l the j:rtcesioTi entere-i tlu tacrci buri;il
grounds tho Ilahhi in the lea'l reading the i
beautiful ceremony of j ddUcatioit and the j
ln:j cfjlumn of the soii3 ai;d daughter of j
lsrat-1 following with d-H' and soI.jtiiii frteji with b-Tivet! i:ead. Anivh: at the cen- j
ter of the gruundi win re a neat h'.ue h.u j
been erected as a rccej. :!.? an I j arifyin? !
vlaee for the dead, previous to interment, a j
fervent prayer wa orf-.-rvd and aa appropri-1
ate and elo pieit il 0"'.irse deliverel by the j
ilabbi, which was : ."aou ed bv a solemn invo- i
cation and the tmt inpn-ss-vc poom of de.r
icat'.oii ever nsetl in the Ko'.ish language.
At the e-iae!:ia'o:i of tho ceremonies the
pr-ceno:i refjr.-ned an I ::i irehed to the cars
and the j-eople retnrue-l t the city.
Thij Cemetery i a ino.lel of ne-tnes and
Wauty. It is hcated alioct one mile lielow
the city, on the .S.ile'.n road, U laid out ia (2
bi.ieU.-, 2i'.v2i i'-et in dimensions, every block
covereil witii fresh jrreen sward and enr
rojnued by lovely ) -hi!: thaile treea. The
j.'n!uls are checkered w ith w alks and ave
nues leading aroun.l the blocks, and the
wiiule is enclosed with a neat white fence,
hi touted at onvenient intervals with en
trance ami exit a.r. The Assriciation
wiiicii o.vu3 this Cemetery comprises 2J
iiiemiers. and considering their simtll nuni-)-ers
and their organization of only a short
twelvemonth, they liave accomplUhed a work
of which not only them.e!vei but our ho!e
c-.ty ihnjhl be proud.
Tie Slarb ir oT Itrrue.
Mr. T. P. Hackkman'pecretary (if the
Albany Committeo appointed to further the
claims of Cape Foul weather as a Ilarixn- of
lUfuge, lias received the following' letter
which explains itself :
rnf.TLANH, Ogti, May 15, 1S79.
Slit : 1 a:u in receipt of your fii-i.r of tiie
iOth inst. afking ti.e limn ant p!ace ..f meet
iirg of the ijMiurtt ..1 Jluine.irs f.,r the l'acitic
c:st in view of the act of Congress -reijuir-iu'
an i'lxami..ati..n i"r a Karln.r of Keluge.
i liave t. say in iiiiswtr that ti.e Board ex-js-,-ts
to make a It'OrO'tjU ej mit' n'liton of tfi?
rul'jrrt, anil a report wi.l lie mode only after
every one h:ei h-ai'd. l'ut.Iic meetings'
v.iil i? held, at which tiie m-iiilr.s will at
! I :'.-r t::.. p'ar;.K.: o: atheiiog all (ssi-i-;
. ..orniatioii upon ul ject in hand.
Th uottees tor tlie-e m.-eii:ijs v. ill re;u:ii the
pul.i.c throiigii tlat n.eii.iiiu i.t S ill Francisco
:.nd IVrllaoil paper.-. A r--i:jtL'emeiits are .al-r'-.iy
in pioi;ress, iii:d it i- beie-ved the ex
aioinaMoii u'lil c-ifii!ii::uce at .oi e;'.rly itue.
Very rciectfui!y and truly yours,
li. Ci.-.I.EIl'SK.
."'iaj. ilag. and Member of tkiard.
'i '.ic '"It )!.," I'lca.iie liarMir.
';'. 1'. McSCnigb:, propriet"r of the Lower
S ta Sj.riiig-;, haa etlLe' stud remoleljed
hi- hotel and made other needed luiprove-
iiaenta at that favorite summer rosort, and is
no prepared to accommodate travelers and
pleasure seekera in the best possible way.
. Jlo will feed horses with hay at Solents per
bea I per day, and has erected a new shed of
ample proportions to protect all from the
weather. l)..n'c fort tlu.t "t'aricy" and
ids estimable wifu ara the most hospitaljlt
CJtipie iu the world .-.n.l wiil do everything
poifible to ni'ike their beautiful mouHtaiii re
sort a paradise to visitors.
G. II. Cihnonr, at the Cos unpolit in Sa
loon, I-banou, keeps the best brand of fine
wiues, liquors, cigars, etc.,. and has the fa
mous billiard table on which the celebrated
Portland tournament was recently played
acknowledged to bo the best table in the
Stats. And "don't you forget it" that
"Bob" knows how to treat his friends and
customers when they call apou him.
-Quarterly Meeting;.
Rav. P. IL Starr, of Salem, Presiding El
der of this District, will preach at the M. E.
Church iu this city next Sabbath, at which
time the quarterly meeting will be in session.
Eev. Starr is considered one of the best di
vine, in the Oregon Conference.
4'uunrll I'rorerillnss.
Our City Council was called to order on
Tuesday eveuinj; of last Wouk by Kecnrdor
Harper, ths Mayor bting absent. IWent,
Aldennen Martin, Kline, Scott, Mason and
Minutes read nnd approvoil.
Tho committee on accounts reported favor
ably on ths following bills, ami ordnrs were
drawn for tho several amounts :
A. B. M. llwmiH tS"!.t. W.;' (M
J. M. Nolull I.OiilO It. M.uiUMth
K. S:Utiiinh JV-OOlP. V. IUiiit -'.'''
M. Ikiummrt I.0OI W. U Wmkliw tan
.1. H.i'miloi l.miCKrter ' . i-''
M. llortron.i lamllK'loiioiSiiiitli......
U;i:k,fc 4al J. W. Ilalilllill (.
H.jHirt of City Marshal for the tirst piar
ter was received and placcil on lile.
A petition from Julius Joseph, aohinj for
tho right to run an eating horn's on tho cor
ner opposite St. Charles Hotel dining the
coming week, was not granted.
A petition from tho Hoard of Tiro dele
gates, asking for tho passage of the ordim.nco
bill relating to tho department election, was
placed on tile, and tho same iiis.position was
niado with a petition from I .inn Kngino Co.
against tho passage of tho sauio ordinance.
A petition from Hoffman & 0a is, asking
the privilege of putting up a small tout on
tho Hast side of Terry street immediately
north vf First street, in which to dispose of
candy, soda water, otc. manufactured in
this city, the same to remain standing during
the week ending on the 21th. tiranteik
A. Ilackleman jtUioned tho Council to
repair a lot and fence belonging to him which
had lieen damaged by a ditch Win ; con
structed by the city. Keferred to Commit
teV oil Streets.
Tho ordinance bill, introduced by Mason,
which had passed to its secoud reading am!
been referrol nt a previous llieetitll,', t'
amended by Martin by substituting the first
Tuesday for the secoud Monday as tho time
for tho IVpartment election, and requiring
that lireinen shall have K-en members of tlio
IVpartiueut only 2o days instead of "t W
fore they are entitle l to a wte. I'.nie 1
unanimously as nmeiulriL
t)n motion of iWntley pr'irrty Uohiei-s on ar.d 7th streets were to repair
tho crossings at tho intersection of thie
streets with Montgomery, so that vehicles
could pass over them. The O. & C. IL ll.
Co. was alsi ordered to put hi cros-sings
where their track intcrset tiHl i;:h and 7t!i
On motion of Martin the propcrty-hoMcr
on First stre-t, from Montgomery imrth,
were ordered to bring said street t the re
quired grade. Also onlering tho projK-rty-hol.lers
on First street, Wtweeu Ferry and
Washington, to bring their sidewalks up to
the required grade, and to tho est ablishrd
width of ten feet.
Adjourned t meet on Monday t-wnhi
May I'Jtlu
Called to order o:t Monday evening, the
lltli, by Mayor Mouteith. iVee:it. Al l.r
mea Martin, Kline, Scott, Mason and l'ent
ley.. Committee on Accounts rvjs.rtc.l favora
bly np-.)n tho following bills, and orders were
drawn on thu treasury fir thj several
JItrt !l,-!Tjn ) .'V I-. S - I I
et A M ... 1 ... i'i' lUns-r ' "
i W la;4ol S nt W Al.4-rJ.el I'.'.
Tn. Mriu-tih 1 i ts J 11-jHl lo e.',
I" lli.- il ti ii Sa:tm-rh ,,t
L Vxrun 11 f W I. Watslns "I
11 P M.,... li Ai'.u'.v K.i.-t. e I". 1 - "'
it It- tit 11 H 'J
i. Kline U t.e
A resolution ottered by Maso:i to prevent
the pynient of city order usne.l in f.iv.i.- of
John Wiliiaby was tal.le.5.
Kline moved that that part the frra- on
Washington street.betwe-a First aul Ttdnl.
be euanged, by leaving a cut vf to feet;
made w here that street i!itersects Seeond,
and from that point sloping north aid sou to j
on such a grade as will mn it out where it !
strikes the established gra le on i'ir.t and
Thir.1 streets. Tabled.
Kline ninved that tho propcrty-hi.I.ler e-i
Lyon street be g.veu sixty days i.i which to
lii.uh tho work ordered 011 that i'.cct. Car
rie.L On motion of eni!ey the. Marshal U11 or-derr-l
to put op a street lamp on the south
east corner of Fourth a:id Montgomery
Ma.S'ju was then eice:n.:l from at ten lance
during the remainder of the evening o:i ac
count of iliiiusn in his family.
On motion of Kline the time for the pay
ment of taxes was extended until Juno 2oth,
ami all taxes not paid by that tune will bo j
declared delinquent and the Marakal U or
dered to collect them by law, t'lario iive
er cent, additional as his ft-e.i.
Adjourne.l to meet on Saturday evenin,',
May 24th, 1j73.
Xo f ! a su h n :;.
One signiiieant fact in favor of Ames' pro
cess for preserving meata, etc., is that (h-M-son
t Mattoon allow every j.urch.isi.-r of a
county right, who has not seen tho matter
tested, tut Jtririlt'jt of tr'jiti'j tin: j,rcr,s f,r
thrrr rtiortlliA before consummating tiio pur
chase, and they will hold the comity iu re
serve for him, provided tho party negotiat
ing will agree to buy at tho end of that time
and u'tve satisfactory references a-t to liabili
ty, integrity, etc. ' As they have hc::i wen
known in our community for jcar's-as f)oior-
able meii,-tiie ai-ove proj-osition should satis.
ry everyone uias it tno proeuss a l.umimj:
they have n-t yet if wt. ' In facts
they l:eep on liaml at .Mr. i.ol.Uoii s, in t
va'lis, meat, fish, butter and eggs ami a.hi
ins; other articles all the time), where any
one who chooses can cull at liny timo mid ex
amino for himself. We are told that Mr.
(ioldstoii sets out "a free, ltujeji"- every few
days, and probably half tho citizens of Cr
vallis have eatt-u his ''preserved" provision-!.
Mr. Mattoon a'so tells us that negotiations
are now pending for the purch.tse of l-fnrly
half of the counties iu the State t-al.-o t lion
half of tiie mora important imf, besides
some in Washington Territory, and 'that
they are receiving letters almost every mail
from all parts of the Pacific coast, making
inquiries about the matter. Iload their ad.
The Cascade sV;icn ttond.
" ' . '
Mr. Oil'ilaud, the toll gate keeper, was
down lat Tuesday and he iu forms ns that
he has been up the Lebanon Mountain Iload
as far as Kackletnaii's Pass. There is no
snow to amount to. iiiucit "tliis,ilife f that
point, but there has liceA a light ' fall since
Mr. (i. came down. He says it will not be
safe to start over with, wagons for snvercl
weeks yet, but : droves of - ban-sea and cattic
can pass over within about five days after
the weather clears up. 1 fe has tho road well
I cleared oat as far as the oass, and will go op
again in a few days with a gartg of men and
repair it as fast as the miow melts.
The St. Charles.-1 '
The St. Charles Hotel . this week, with
Major Herren at the helm and Mart.- Angel
chief clerk, has done a rushing business' and
the myriads of guests who shared the hospi
tality of that house are prof use in praises 'of
its excellent management! ' We are glad to
know that an Albany , institution of suoh
high importance is to thoroughly and deserv
edly appreciated. -
M.l I 1111(111 .
SuSriile r I. A. ItvCimey tnulliir 111 Km
lor Ilie lieiiiau ICiiih.
Our piMpla woro utarttod lint Sabbath up
on hearing that a man had jimt been found
dead in olio of tho rooms of tho St. Charles
Hotel. Upon impiiry wo learned that the
deceased was a man about 55 years of age,
named l. A. Kotiuey, nnd that his homo was
iu Oakland, California, at which place ho has
a family. Ko camu to this Statu a Khort
time ago and was enynyed to canvas through
this valley in tho interests of the Oregon
Mutual Firr Insurance Co., but being ad
dicted to iuti uipt rnnt.-o to such n degree that
he neglected his business, ho was discharged
last week. Heing 'almost out of money he
bceamo depn sued, and bity'ui;; some morphine
ho wimt to his room in tlio St Charles llotol
last Saturday night and, after writing a note
to Mr. J-'rol, tho manager of tho insurance
eoiniany, ho took tho fatal potioi and re
tired. In the itermm of Sabbath tho Chi
naman who attends to tho rooms at tho hotel
reportud to Mr. Anjjol, tho clerk, that Mr.
Kenney had not yet arose, and that ho conld
get no answer by rapping on ths door. Mr.
Angel then forced tho door open and th itu
foituiiato man was fouud rcclieing on the
bed, villi his head renting on his hand, cold
iu death. Upon a tabU by tho IxnUido the
following niite had Wen left, aJdrcssist to A.
Bret, tho tuauager of the insurance Ccmpa.
uy :
,4:,ni, :.o 17, lsi. y.;., .1 c,.?.-.
I h.r :il Ihh'ii nttic lo suv yu Itlt, s-i 1
ha.- Inkolt s liltji, mr;hiitv ; If I tttki.u I.-..
iiMH-h, ll i M.'t l!i ri;.vt. I I :citl. I ulti iut-iia-r
.I icti.)! ir I, I;, I. ii. I', r'., .1.1 1 ntiieiH,
iil.; mj i't.uU...i- if M". K..'i I Ah it..t, iiii.
Uii.l. l si. I. A hwii,
1 itwit;ir,t I ".ijjitifl t l tin ll-'tut luiliHai..
ThoCoronerwai siUiiino.ic.l who Lninidi
aUly imphtme'.'.ed a jury, and sftcr inquiring
into thu circ.iiiit.inci' i n-tiir:n-d tho iw log
We, the j rv, f.ii i the mm.- ,. (! '..--. vf -il to ! e I
A. Kvem . Mui IS. U hi ci;i I.. III. il. Vjl if u ... 1 1
U..e 4 stsisj lULrt.-'.-.i; .i
('. II. Ill .Ml'..
:. II. Vkh!.i i:.
i:. r. i)...!.o,..
-. A. Hv.mvis.
i I: ik 1' vui.o.,
.1. M. C. .
'i'liii de.-u.ue I 1 ing an iitiio stra-.ig. r, and
tho Uoto showii! tint ho' was an Odd 1M-
1.1. tho Master of the Albai.y l.i.'.fc. Wal
ter Uotchtiiti, uai uoti;id( i.nd he immc.1;.
ate'y telegraphed to the San Francisco Utlge
for in .tractioni r.s to tho ih-.; of the
bodv. l!c rectivid an aiunrr telling l.iri to
"bary tin; body v i'.'u l.or.ars ami it it I bill to
Templal 1 r? M ith thr-e
instructions tlio ftmcrr.l occurred lat M"ii
.lav eveliiio', bcin i. i..r.;i t.-I bv tho i ran '.
. .-el. 1
11 overnoi
etary of
.t:ii.. 1'Jivate t:.rv
!Vaik H.-! -kii, A .i,!a;.t S.M-rc.
Siate, Mart. I.. Ci.anib rhii i and
:iiemitt-s cell.'. I on es .hiring the
Hon. It. li. '"lil'rcy, after ;t:'or:i,i.i ; the
functions of the otiice of tlran.i Masti rnt l!o
presvnt s-j-ion .t tlii-siranl l.-..!g , S.I .(). I '. ,
will t'iko i.i-i i::::i:f-ti,fo ib-j :.rt'.ire iei t?,e
"t-auier, f r the per s o.' eu'erhi on til.
de.tUs 1 1 whith 1; hn 1 fi:t aseic.l in
Washiiigio.i. We m..t h.-ar:.!y j .ia hii
many tritmn in wHi.iag :u,i. .-i: nn I wee a
I. h-.'.r.I!t roi.u-i.rc iu t'-.e nn'.
nal r.i; i i
i '.rit. 3. H. , uruer, edit-r 1 1 the i . i
t"n It) I .' i i, wept various tests Mi!
heat iu bcej-tu luri:i.; the wcvlf, v!iio
o': r
Jo-oraic; f.:i.t
ers. .lit i .
a mar a ii--
niua-ui atio
t f -n. i ! iv. -I
J.t I tor hi
' t:
ot W tr
shot !
IhiLo. !. r.eif.t .ii!, ...n- i.f f,.f;ii, r
boy., but lio'.v iff .J:!a:i.!, is l.ove at.i.oi u
atid lovki toon! . Vi r l:Uc W. !!. l;in.
bar who i ;i:.-i ht r.-; and althoti-h ! of
tliei.i sil!i" a "r-it del', t or i t' t: .-ei will
take a ' ie to r" i f tit j critter.
TI. K. Turk atid Frank Me.: ta.
f Catiyei
s t ilv, arc at-ioi.-' our i.:ter ot" tie
they ar- botii an f. tt- in h--1-'. :w t:
moitiitait-.i and br-.-vl ! no ;ire .
."ii t.. t:
suni: -!.t.
Mr. T. l:, iliel.tuorid au-1 Mr. J.o.i ,
ioik, W" re anions our vi'-io.ri .nn in.; t iu
w.k. 'i'o:u was -f.;t aud full of --.i" a:ei i.
ad a ki
i !
M an.
mo h it I rt.-,'..
-! f,. tl.
uy t-i bis
f..f the In:
J .t ptiii M:ll.-r, t!
ro.I L-J , Ta.-vlay
parents in J.-tne i"iii.
Ci-arhy S-:t..i,,
Woiiiiig .4t..l i.iii. r t'
with u. ilnri.j - tlio w
Mar .':..
i.-rl w.-.i p.
ilr. A. N..!'.::r. of the !'..rt!.itid :! .,. ' ,..
was among awr welcome cailcrs thii iiig t!i
week. He look as if Metropolitan jonrnal
Vjrvil with him, and reports tMt: ft;tut
or in a 1! e.trisiiin f condition.
.. The Jewish VVeililin-:.
Iist abh.ith pf '.crnonii at 4 o"i lock the
marriago of Mr. X. Kali .ky and Misa Fran
ces Jackson vas Solettmiz! at the Odd Fel
low ihill, Uev. M. May, tie Jewish F.abhi,
of i'ortland, pcrforrniii the len tnouy. The
ha!! was crowded with tho '! and fashion
of Albany, and among the jjucsts we noticed
quit.: a number of Jewish brethren from the
otlo-r cities' hi the valley. 'lover before
: havo wo witueKScd such nil inti -rotiiiL' wed.
tcr!,BUy j..j KacIl ., imp'rK.a;Vb
,t.,,t(Ire oiyi!!1 to.tho cotitracliug partie:-, au.l
if .j .u.,.;., l.m. xUv
fifi.-e ivtu lie-in by tl'.fc .'l.'ibhj, their happi
ness in life it aniured. The bride .-tin! room
wore atteu.h il by'Mr. and Mrs. I. O. Jack
son, Mr, and aim. X. Jlaiuu, Mrs. Mitchel!,
of I'orthuid, and ?Ir. Ile.'!ki, i.f S.ihim,
Sig. Fox and Miss Ilacliel Mitchell, of Fort
land, n.u.1 Marx It itimgart and MiftH Fanny
Lewis, of Siicd-I's Station. After the "scre
!:iony w.-ia peiforini d tho v eddin;' p.'iity re
turned tit tff.- r.-i.'i-ii.-.. tin: bride's inr
eolr. ' '''- i '' -' s held. A great
in: i. e fti.eiU A.j. i! -yd uxu-ndeil thijr oo. and pai too!; of tho lnnjiitality
of the hoot and hosted, Mr. nnd Mrs. J.iok-Soi-.,
Wu.t-xteiul our corejratulations to Idr.
snilMis. Kaiisliy and them n long nnd
haiipy life ' ' '
" -..f 'r.' . .
" ' lUul lros;ieel. '
Our fariiiers are JcuHni; blue atpi'i:scut,.in.l
well they inay.for the present rainy weather
is riiiu'oiiM to 'their proijiects for a good grain
crop this fall. All the high lands iu our
county are pretty vell sown, but wherever
the soil is w'6 farmers aro not half through
seeding. And that is not all; this weather is
very bad upon tho fall grain, and in many
places it is already turning yellow. Taking
it all in all, the crop prospect hi Linn looks
very gloorriy at present. .
"!nrUH !ar!le Work.
. llr. Henry A. Clark has moved his marble
works across the street from his old location,
and he can now be found next dor to No.
Two's engine houso. - Mr. C. nerved his ap
prenticrfihip in one of the best New York
marble establishments, and of course he is
able to do good work and give, pdrfect satis
faction., j .
HAMP.Ur.O Flos the UniverHaCariliartic. i
HAMBURG F10S the mother's blessing. .
HAilUUKO FIG3 for sale by all druggists.
rlivrs'l lliiine Itelllim.
HtlilOf J) mar rut:
An nniimittid theological iliseu-iiioii, bor
luring on l'.i rehui ism, took place at tho
Sweet Homo School lloiiso on Thursday
evening, thn loth iuat., ami was participated
in by Kwv. Samuel Mathews, of tho Mctho-
di.t llpiscopal Church, and Newton llussell,
a Mormon, nnd his wife, a Second Adventist,
known in this community ns ti Nortmiite.
Kev. Mathews delivered nn ablj sermon to a
largo and attentive audience, and at its con
clusion two hoys, sons of Newton Itussrll,
mo o mid iu a frivolous maimer attempted to
reply. Their littlo speeches had been
trumped up by tho jNortonitca in general,
and closed with a perfect tirade of abnso anil
epithets fearful to contemplate. The audi
ence ilisporseil thinking that if that wan nu
exposition of Christian they would
rather take their portion with tho "damned, '
as even tho iuiidcls livo among us iu peace
ami quiet, w ith tho exception of beiu;; dis
gusted in this way by tho so-culled ("hi itiuiin
once in nwhilo. Kev. Mathews, according to
nppointnieut, was met at tho same phieo the
follow ing evening by a larger aiidioui it than
before, and fully established his reputation
hi f.uo tho critical eyes of his traducem and
the community in genera! as n morally and
mentally qualified minister "f the c.osh I.
Swiu; JloMi: Chi; i: i.
:rnnit Trmirrimre Cull).
1! u.M-r, May C'.Uh, 17'.).
PkuiSi';: -Tliollalny Temperaiiee Alii
mice, at iU Hireling on the V'I'.U inst., re
solved t eti nd an invitation t.i all the teui-ps-ifinv
org inizili uH throuiiout the county
to lliuct us in IBMS CollV. ntion at the Hob.
oris bridge ctuip ground souio titno during
the month of Joi.e, and npiM.iut.-d a -.iiiuiit-tee
of throe to confer with alike, coiiimitlri)
from each of the other org iiiiatii'iis as to the
doe of mertir- : r-li.i the nrraugclnel.t neers.
R.iry to ui-ike to. m.-etun; a succens. Com u lion aj'poiuled iil plcaie. corr. s.
pond hh the uiob r-4iucd, sugj-i'sting the
proper time in next 111141th for tho asst-iu-
hiing of tin convention or m.iss.mesliiii;, so
that it may be niiuouncivl at an eaily ilny in
the Various county papers. It i suggmteil the organiiitions taliu prompt
nieantircs to iunii-.h Kiun.; for t!io occirioo.
AIo tint tho various committee iio-et in
general eomueiU. o on the raioji gro'tind 01m
hour 1h f.r toe time lixe.1 for tin? couuneniv.
!!ie;it of thn rvcrclsc to i rf.ii";o i!n pro.
gr.ii.inii' for the s..tion.
T. .1. Wit.......
s extern Mur t.f.Iue,
Ths foil.. wing
Western SLir !!
J it Tur-.l.-y t ve:
it Weto ilt'lj'h l iti
No, lit, in this city, on
-, by st.ito li.-p.ily K
N. Liggett:
W C T Hichald l ei.
W V T Mr Kmnu M i'ut i-y.
W s i:Wt Murphy.
V S 1, L Met 'arlney.
V T A 'i Ar.i.11.
: ." ' Kobett IW titl-y.
W u: Mi v.
Win;, i M WctfaH.
'li.c ijMlg.J olio chtte t 1 I.i ..; tt.Kob
ert lUntlry nnd I- l- Met'irtiioy to m rve a
'i'nt.UT() a-id lie f.-Ihiuin ; p.-r3t..ii tiere
v':in.f U it ,b h- ;te l toe lirau-l I-'"'.',
which licet i in S i!wu on Jin.o llth: ll..!..
. rt r--!it!.-y an t I- N. I.ig-;et! ;.-.'. .-ei'. , A.
I'. ArnelJ an I Ilich ir I fox.
J'jiii Mi n orali;4.
May '.-
1 '
e - - '
At a tiu-etin;; of the eit-.'-i .f this r.miity
It. ! 1 nt ttto Court iioit.e o-i t',.. l .l;h in-.t.
U was .-. -.-'. i that they w .'.I
t-e'ebrate th-i c-e.o.:.g -t'ltiii .-r-ary o A-ii'-ri-
e-;.l lii'!e..c;;.:en.'e at t'
io::io.; ot arret: :.-.-eo-f!
extend thfo't -it your
t'- i o !: j ; ie of I
'tia.'li-.. nti.l t:.e roiu i;,,.'10'lc l t.
iper a :r;i ral mvitl
iti'.i ti'oty t parts, i-
I i
:l to. e t' t.r.i'.j.
i V. s. Mi i' vt.i.i -..
J J. w. i: it io t.s.
! Or... Oi.iiti ti:t.,
J..;ts l'.i i.m.i i,
W. I!. Cai'.ri .t.
Committor- of ArraU'Oii.M"it.
i:ll of H'.uor.
Tie: o.'.iowlng namoi pupils arv entitled to
i 1. 1 ;.!.u-. d upon tho roll of honor iu Fox Val-
l.-v'iie.triet (No. 1) for the month en. nng
May 1'.', 1S7'J: Mary ll.iiuwa.-r, Amanda
I h er, A la ( lir.lner, Ijiura lardner.l'ran
ci Mcljtne, Hiincaii Mcl-iiie, Oeorgo Me
lon e, Sarah Turner, laggie Turn-r, Mary1.!.
Irons, Xcttio trims, llugiiio Feiiney, Walter
F. Feiiney, LIuh! i llrotherton, Walter
I'.rothi rton, Willio Ilrotherton, Lew io Froth-i-rtou,
Mary (."ardner, Fred lio (lardner, Ida
M. Ferry, Frank X. Is-rry. Lucy Ik Kobcrt
soti. F.i:t:l:Y,
t!rt tlelnew 'anurrsul!'jn.
Tim regular animal meeting of too First
Hebrew Congregation of Albany was held
last Sabbath at tho Reiiai Ik-rith Hall, at
which timo tho following olliccr wcro flee
ted to servo during the ciisiiiiy year:
President K Senders.
Vice President Jit Hun O r.i.I-.vohl.
Secretary - "'sfiiatj'. Fox.
TrecHiiier - Ivl I'aum.
Trustees ---Moses Sternberg and Nig Tox,
id thia city, Sam May, of li.irrinburg, M.
Jacobs, of Corvaihs, nml H. 11. Friendly, of
rir. Aleaniler ICi'ltirrteit.
On Friday of last week Dr. Alexander ru-tu-tiiit
to tiii city with his family, and on
the same day went out to his farm near l'o
tersouViluUii. Ayirror two ago ho went
up into the Walla Walla country in tho hope
that the change, of climato would be b-meli-cial
to the health of his wife, but iu this his
hllpes were not realized, His wife ia now
very low with oousumntion, nnd at tho hot
cannot live innny months. Tho Hoctor will
hereafter make bin homo on the ' farm.
t'.;i:-.l liy ibe ludinns.
itonry J. Clark, of this city, received a.
letter a few days ago from bin siater, Mrs.
John Circlo, who lives on Beaver Creek, in
Grant eonnty, and it contained the no ws that
it trapper named Pendleton, from near Har
rishurg in this county, hid been found dead
over on John Hay's river, nnd that it was
siippo3e.d that he had boon killed loathe In
dians. The letter was mailed' on the Kith
Prof. .'iiaovln nt l.ehtinoii.
Trof. (,'hauviii, tho telentcd elocutionist, I
wi:l shortly givo one of his elegant entertain
ments at Lebanon, and wo lsjrtpeak, for him
a full house, as wo can promise our Lebanon
neighbors nn ovoning of raro onjoynuittt.
Attention, laullcs of the 'oiin!iy.
By calling on Mrs. C. V. Davis you will
find something that will just suit you, llats,
bonnets, (lowers, laces and riM-ons, with
prices cheaper than ever lief ore. '
lliiine ami Aliriiuil.,
li your crop in f
Chuw Jaeksoti's Host Hweet Navy Tobac
co, Tho " Ilrllo of"! New Orleans" (jivns entire
Try ths lielie of Tew Orleans," at Holf.
man .(' I lav is'.
Mr. ('yrus Westhikr anil wifu started for
California last woek,
Calvin II. MeHniiald and a son of tho late
Oov. Curry called on us last Friday.
liny your cijjurs of llolfiiinii k Havis.
They huvo all kinds and prices to suit.
H. C, Nowby, formerly of this oily, is now
liguring in nn adultery case in Matt Joss.
Ilveryhody can afford to smoko the "Hclle
of New tlrh-ans." They aro only ti re cents
I'roperty holders have lieen (iven until the
20th of next month to pay np their city
taxes. A. (Voeker will prescli at tho Fvan
gi lieal Church next Sun iny .- ino ruing and
Mr. Oiliuour informs us thnt it is a mis.
, tikn about him and Han Wagnon buying out
ntkin saliHUi.
I'ivinu service will bo held iu St. l'etcnt
Kpiscopul church next Sunday, May 25th,
both inornmi! and venim;.
'1 ho good biMik prouiisi us a sroil time Btid
harvest, but wo aro beginning to believe our
so d tiinii was along lost fall.
llemeinU-r tho ol.l and reliable Albany
Soda Works. They have a man that under
stands tho business to a gnat's heel.
Mis llovia Alexander is now teaching
si hool near alia Walla, and will come back
here as s.xm tho present term is ended.
. Mr. I'ltti olfo has rumovml his otiice to the
O.M Fellow's Temple. His rosideuco is on
the corner of Seventh and Ca!aooia streets.
A large and well ammrUd tm:k of pruts'
siiiM s from the ceb-biated factory of Thomas
Kmerson's Son, iMmton, just received by
Samuel I., t onng.
1'. M. 'I hoiiiMon infotn.s us that there
wrra ) li delegates in attendance atthoopen
its g -f tho Odd l-e'.h.w Oraud I.oo at
Monday. This a an unusually goo.1 show
ing. (hi account of ill heallh, r, F, 0. Smith,
deutit, etpects to have this city alx.tit the
lirt ..f Juno to lie abwtit. prohaV.Iy several
months. Any of his customer who wish
work d olio had best call soon.
W ret-rvt to b-arti tht Hon. Ilnoch Iloult
met w ith an accident last Monday whii li
prevented him from viitinj Albany this
si't. He fell from jits hay loft in hi bain
and bruiied his shoulder very badly.
lot -i-no i'.uehanan and his family started
tip to hi farm iu Klii kit-it, W. T., yester
day and will bo nl .w i t about a week or ten
days. Mr. Ilaton, fonneily of Salem, will
run the rgii. ul'.ural warchonso until his re
turn. I'jvid SUv! and his estimable lady, of
I'or'.'aud, honored us w Ith a rail last Mon
day. Mr. Sterl's health i not very good
and they have Ixs-n rambling throogli the
valley f..r several weeks. They started for
Jcibvrxin l ist Tuesday.
Tho St, Chat!.- accommodate ! mare than
10 guest, during the past Week. all of which
k-pt tin- Major extremely buy. The
I'.uveru House, the Coinuii-rei-.l n:id llta Com
.'ck hulrl wer als cr.wd...l. In point
of (art it ji a go j.l wjek f.-r our public
Ionise, an I thn gurai expre universal
; m.iti. facte. n :.t the i. ter ta : ii iiict. t afr.'t.lrd.
a a kiHiwie.l the receipt of the Mny
nml-r of !. W, Frenlico .( tVs monthly
Mci. al JiMtrnal, I'oitland, ttrcK'n, ptice vt
yar only 75 cents. Ferry is-is-.n that owns
t mini r i.r '-in stuml l su'mci-i1c l.r this
v..:,,sl.l Monthly. Tho iirrsen-; ntimW
! c...1t.,:o thrco ptocet of choice new music
-hich at retail would cost at lent one dollar,
line linbrr far aatr.
IU' ('..nn l.i-i mute nrraugeincut i with
S. Nieker-f-n to do all hi pl.-.ning, and a
Urge stock of ilooriiifr, rustic, furnishing
i, etc., will bo krpt on hand at the
planer ill la'bauon. Flooring and rustic, will
l sold at $20 and $'.'1 per thousand, and
oilier lumlx-r in proiHrtion. Our readers
will reuiemls-r that the lumber fom Conn's
uii'l cannot Imj excelled anywhere.
New llralal stsams.
Ir. tl. W. Cray wishes his friend and pat
rons to rememln.-r that his now dental rooms
aro now located in Foster's brick Mock at
tho largo bay window. Kutraiieo to otiice,
first door on tho right of the stair lauding,
iqssiito tho Y. P. C. A. Hall. nX'mii
, IK ou Hssl ruraliare? ,
J:i. Hannals, in this city, now has on
hand n larger stock of furnituro than any
other establishment this sided of Portland,
ami if you want to purchase any it will pay
you to givo him a call. He has something
to tell you in regard to his prices.
Baud Itr organized.
Our Mechanics' Ilrass Iktnd was organized
laat Tuesday evening, but still keep the old
iiami). Following aro the olliceri: Presi
dent and I'ltsinnss Manager, II. 1). O.odlcytt
lorader, C. 1 Pierce j Secretary, W. C
Twuedalo; Treasurer, A. Staiger.
lower Triers Than t:rr. '
Fred Dunning wants us to announce to our
readers that for tho next sixty days ho will
sell furniture at lower prices than ever. This
is no advertising schema simply; ha moans
business, aud you will find it so if you cull
around and price his stock.
ll.V'll'.t'l'.i) nu-Jcuru ii.
1.1 ii u ( nun ly Ciniurll.
Tho Linn County Council, P. of IL, will
hold its next regular monthly session at the
hall of tho Sand tli.lgo Uruitge, convening nt
It) o'clm-k A. M. on Saturday, May 2-lth,
1ST'.. (i. Pai-iush,'
M .'llll I'll. .
Four good rcliiiblo men, adajited to the
Sewing Muohiuo Agency business. Want
ilium to travel and otherwise work tip the
business, (hind xvagos guaranteed. Fnqtiira
or address Singer Manufacturing Oo., Al
bany. Two Harks for Mile.
Two second hand hacks, ono a Shuttler
and tho other a platform spring, both are ah
nu!t as good as new; for nalo cheap. One
will be sold for cash and the other on time.
Call nt this ollice if yon want a bargain.
Hi.-.OOO Reward.
'Offered by Philip Cohen, who .has moved
hack to his old stand, and will sell goods
cheaper than the cheapest, for cash or credit.
Call and lio your own judge.
Philip Cohen.
A Popular ltesorl.
At the Cosmopolitan , Saloon, on EroaJal
bin street, can be found the finest brands of
wines, liquors and cigars. House open at all
hours. Hi. VVATrvlINUS,
- Proprietor.
ILL M! JllJll!--'g.IJl
4 biin U lllrei lury. !
U. 1'. Cnuiicii. 1'ruachingovcry Hnbbath, I
at 11 A. M., ami 7 P. M, by llev. f. O. Ir
vine, I). I). Nabbath School at 2:.H) V. af, i
I rayer mooting every Wodnesihiy veiling.
Fva!(iki.I('AI. Ciiiltcn. Freachintfon Sab-
hath at II A. M., and 7 r. M. Sabbath
Hohonl 12:15. l'raver meoliiiif every Thurs
day ovoning, J. lioworsox, pastor.
( ALVAIiV CllURi'll. Morvicos every Sab
bath at II a. m. and v. M. Sabbath
School at 2::w. I'rayer meeting evury
Thursday evening of each woek. W. It,
Floyd, pastor. .
M. K. Cituitcii, Hot'Tii, Services every
Sahbatli at St. Faul's M. K. Church, South,
at 1 1 t.'lll A. M. and 7 r. . Sal.lmtli Kehool
at 10. l'rayor mooting every I'riday
evonng. 1', A. Mines, pastor.
M. K. Ciiubch. Frcai.hiiig every Sabbath
at 1 1 A. M. and 7 r. M. Song service in
tho evrtning bofnro suriiion. Sabbath School
at 2,'1)0 r. f. l'rayor mt'iting every Thurs
day evening.
Sr. lVrKita Kimhcopai, Ciii-riii. - Hi vino ser
vice ia hold iu the Church every Sunday at
1 1 A. M. Sunday School at 2aK I'. M. K.
U Stevens, pastor.
IIaITIsT (llli'lti-ll. Sorviecs every Sabbath
at 1 1 A. M. ami 7 I. t. Sabbath School at
12. 1'rayi r meeting every Thursday even
lug. v . J. Urawlonl, pastor.
alAATUIt Hl. t t r.U'M MAT A iTH KIsKMi:
4 M..1J
i;irrl lr Ike rrlrmt nt Wlillr
lot bar.
Noiiater Slater lias tiroparod ami will
tdiortly Introiluce a bid which pruvldo
unit aiior jtny i, iHso, it siutii not tm law
ful Tor an v siililiwL t LIim i letiifiiri-
tlien or thnroallor bwoniinti n ciilnof
tlio Unlto.l Males, to innrsK"' In, eurrv on,
or work at any tiiiiiitifac'iiiriiiK or iiiim'1ih&
Ical business, or to own, loaxu or work any
In I no, or to own or Iiiswi any r:il estuto lor
any piiriioso otlmr than tJuil of lawful
coniinereo, ami for places of remili iicc. or
to csinliict any farm, garden, vineyard or
orclmnl : or to own, have or keep any herd
of catllo, horsox, sh.e, goat oi un iiio fur
llio purMs of milking profit by tho lu
creaMi of product or uw tiinreofi or to koqi
any uoiei or resiiiiirani cxei pang for tin
it or tti'coiiiino.lailoii or Citlm-so ; or lo
work or eiiu-stfo to work as mechanics, ar
llsiins, lulxirnrs, wallers, ss.rvaii!, tsxiks,
clerks, ar In any otlier capacity j or at nn
oilier kind of JuUr. skllml or imskllle.
exi--pt for and In tlio employ of mil jiim
of Cliiim lawfully engaged In commerce
111 lli I. liltod Htales, or travolln therein ;
or as Interpreter or l. aoliors t tho
I lilneao lanirungo. J.vrv violation ol
thoso provisions by a Cliinamaii Is lo Iw
tiuiilHhabln tiv a lino of not loss than Sim)
or impriMOfitaoiii iti llio Isou'i nt sry not
excisMlliii- alt utonths, or by Is.tti line and
Imprisonment; ami iy forfi lturo of
an property usn or Itivcsu-a In llio tirn-
hildloii ImslncHs.
'i'ho s-iinl ws-tion makes It unlaw ful for
any iron, col Miration or coiuiiauv Uieai
ploy any Mongolian sti'.Jei-l t,( China for
any of tho aliove nsmed ursiM, exrcM
as liilerprntfis, or li-ai-hprs of Cliiiieso lan
guage, aim imiOM. a line ol f loo lor each
Tho V. H. district iviurts aro civon lurls
ilirlion of alt cwhi nrisiuir ou ter this tint-
mmmki inw, ana tne I'n-siiient is tiirm tl u
notify the goveniniont of China of its pro
visions a aooti a enacted.
Tin. but coiH-liutoM with tho following
proviso, which I Inteuded lo tout all
treaty m'liiirciiieiita :
rroviih-i, That llio citizen of China, as
nIiots the right to travel or re I do In tho
Culled Matoa, shall onjoy tho luiino prlvl
htgoa, lintiiiiniUe and exi'luptions, while
so traveling or residing In tho Cniteil
Stales, ami shall ho protected in poraon
and prois n v in tho aamo itiamie r as tho
citbeus of foreign nations are) eniilliKi to
by treaty atipulalions wi:h such foieigh
iisin. ns, aim not otherwise.
Drdtrallea tf the Tran-dr.
The dedication of the Odd Fellow Temple
by the Grand I,odge, for which such grand
preparations had been made, camo off yes
terday, lait owing to the wet w rather it was
not near so successful a it would otherwise
have lcn. At 10 o'clock the XtcC'utlti
rived from Curvalli with a largo excursion
party on hoard, accompanied by tho famous
Second Hrigade Itand. At noon a great many
jHs.plc arrivnl on the mail train, and tl
Northwestern Ikind, of Purtlaud, w hick bae
Isjen engaged by the Allsuiy Idgi', pat in
an appearance. When the IJoseburg excur
sion arrivsI it i met by a delegaaioa ol
0.ld Fellows, and all Wcro escorted to the
city. After that came the grand pirado iu
regalia and tho dedication of tho
we went to press before tho exercise of the
day had been concluded. Taking it all in
all, everything acd off in g-xwlshaiH?, or as
wen as count imj cxpoctel un.ler the present
state of the weather, but we aro very sorry
that we could not have had at least just one
little "shower of stnidiiuc" during the day
Frara At 'rvltl.
Frank Hay burn, who broke jail at Corval
lis a few weeks ago, was taken back by Sher
iff King last Tuesday, having been arrested
in California. During tho afternoon of Tttei
dan, J. W. Itaybiirn, a brother of the prison
er, became very muoh incensed a tho Sher
iff ond nrew a revolver on him. King closed
with him, and iu catching at the pistol the
hammer came dowu on his hand lietwecn the
thumb and first finger, and thus probably
saved his life. Itayhura was tried liefore a
Justice of the Peace aud bound over under
$200 bonds.
Vrand Ledge OlUrrr.
The Odd Fellow Grand Lodge, which has
been in sessiou during the past week, elected
the follow ing oflicers and they w ere installed
Johu Ketiwortliy, M W 0 M.
J W Case, II Vf V (t M.
Phil Metcham, Ii W C W.
J M Bacon, It W O S.
I Ii Mooree, II W C, T. .
E K Turk, It W O J W.
W S Newbury, 11 W O 11.
At Hurrlsbum.
While at Harrisburg List week wo were a
guest of tho Alpha House, kept by J. M.
Fronk, and it is indeed appropriately named
for it is tho "Beginning" of good things in
that burg. The furnituro and rooms are
neat ami clean and tho table is niado to fair
ly ;roau under tho weight of good victuals.
We cheerfully commend tho "Alpha" to tho
traveling public.
Gen. Miller'a horse, "Bye-Straw,"
won the $1,000 race at the Dalles last
not.TON' OSTHA.NlER. At tho rostitonce of the
tiritlu's lather, at Onk r'lat, Klii'kilat county, W. T., on
WsdnesHar, April 111, 17, by Hev. W. h.wiitu, Mil.
Simkux Uiiuton, of Ool.lenilalu, W. '1'., an I Miss Bosa
Ostkassks, ol OaR iat, n. i:
Thus one of Klickitat's fairest daiiRbters and one of
our bast suit most hijfhly ros's-ctcd yoime business
men have started on life's journoy together, and we
but yolos tbe feeling of the entire community when
wo wish them Ood speed In their new relations. The
number of tsvtted g-ueats was not large, and they
were regally estertalned. K.
81st, 1879, at the Presbyterian Church in Natehez,
Mississippi, by Dev. J. IJ. Stratum, Ms. Oko. K.
CiiAHSKiiLAix, of this city, and Miss Sallis N. WKI.CU,
of Natuhox.
Several ot the friends of George in this city sent him
a telegram of congratulations, and the Dksoorat now
Joins the long procession ot his admirers of Linn in
wishing him and his fair bride the fullest happiness In
their married state. We sincerely hope that they may
find their futun home In this the "far west" all that
their fancy has painted It, and that the gallant Lieu
tenant inay always be able to provide "wood, water
Slid grass" for his household.
LOVE SUMPTION'. On'Satunlsy, May 17, 1S79, at
th Commercial Hotel, In this city, by W. O. Palmer,
J. p., Ms. Jos. E. Lovs and Miss Asxis J. Si'MmoN
both ol California.
r.W U H: OASTt'K.
The Lucky Queen mine has "liwJetl."
TIimo will be a convention of Uni-
vorHaliidM tit Hurriahtirg in June.
Hie lfariiBburg Kuclv nays Bob
Lane in a bilk. lo you know Bob?
Mitchell any", its a " copr-er-ttead
lio" tliat lie is Jay Gould'ii attorney.
1'tiget Bound in afflicted with bilkfi,
and Kant I'ortland with tho paralysis;.
Uart. . Whitlow, of Lafayette, aged
73, died cf heart disease last Buaday.
Whyin thnniler don't our exchange
quit calling Hiuslaw (in Lane county)
Jfr. Lord and Jlisii Skye were mar
ried at Huuruniento the other day.
Ird ! what a rJkyerockit !
The -Masonic Oram! 1 loyal Arch
Chapter meets in Portland on June (ith,
and tho Grand Lodge cm the Oth.
Jaap-r Wooloy, of Puyallup Valley,
V. T., has Hlitin T'J leai in four yearn
and there' more deaths Bruin.
loist Monday morning a fire at As-
toi i:t burned the atore of Trenchard t
Uj-Hhur ; losM 1 2,000, insured forSNJ,-
Mr. Hadaway ia to enlarge the Ore
gon City Kuterjirim: We knew that
ntier Hadowsy that would succeed.
(Cute !)
The Jacksonville 7Vi- gi vest a week
ly column of mining newH. That jiaper
is always full of meat and condiment to
The XitiitLir-l wy 'a Portland wid
ower c-ulla himfwlf an exiiett." If Le
wcro mairii-d be would robably Ie an
The Portland city election comes otl
on the first Monday in June. The
principnl tight m ag-tinst the Chief of
Police IJewr.
Tho Mormon, Miler, wan last week
convicted at Salt Lake cf polygamy,
and us a conscq uenco all Mormondom
is in a liowlintf rae.
Tho 20S miles of .r.ji-ctexl railroad
of the N. P. U. U.,lx tween the mouth
of Hnako liver and Pen d'Oreillc Lake,
will bo completed next year.
The wife of a Multnomah farmer is
a klcjitotuniiti'.c can't help stealing.
Put her in a i:wsj-ajer ofiice where
then? isn't nnything for her to anatcb.
-jVatroiivillu (Cal.) editors are out if
luck. One Jay last week one cf them
wna iu,tiicrcifully flogged and another
was rotten-egged. We are not open
for that kind of usage.
Gen. Howard has enlisted 20 Indian
scouts for the service in this depart
mcnt. 1 hey had lest not scout around
amen z the Umatilla whites if they
hnv any respect for their top hair.
Battlesnako Jack in in jail at Canyon
City, lie hhowed ws several scalj-a last
summer, which lie claimed to have taken
fiom " red " alain by hU own bands,
and we don't see how a single man and
oi.e jail could hold such a bloody hero
At a recent election in Sacramento.
California, Homeopathic physicians
woie elected to the City and County
hofpital, the people taking great inter
est ; there weie also two appointed
iiieuibcrs of heaith, the other three be
ing Alopathie, who Wcamo indignant
and resigned, .fter which three more
homeopathic physicians were appoint
The two brass bands, the City Coun
cil, the University students and the cit
izens', the religious and tho profane,
tip) preachers and politicians, the 'old
maids . and bachelors all of Eugene
City are in a terrifllc quai rel now over
everything, and, as a coiiM-quence, like
the monkey and the parrott, that beau
tiful little burg is having a h I of a
Ono night last week a Portlander
named Shoemaker found one) Dr. de
Hoag in bed with Mrs. Shoemaker, and
ho went and got tho police to haul the
guilty couple from their warm couch to
the chill and -slimy atmosphere of the
jail where they now languish on a
charge of adultery. This nest-hiding
couple were last winter converted to
religion by Chaplain Stubbs.
A Portland wife caught her husband
attending tho Bare Blonde show by
means of a telephone connecting the
house und his store. He had forgotten
hIkmu the machine when he told her
he must stay lute at the store that
uiglit, and when she tried to talk with
him through tho wires she got no re
sponse at any time "during the evening.
1 le was cornered and had to own up,
notwithstanding his positive assertion
that the "wires were down" that night.
If ynu are troubled with nervousness, are
ilisheurtenetl, timl of life, fear death or
feel out of sorts as the saying is, you may
safely conclude that you have the Dispep
sia or Liver Complaint. The liver is very
apt to become torpid this season of the
year as poisons arising from stagnant wa
ter or decayiiiR vegetation are more numer
ous and are through inhalation taken into
tho blood. Unless the liver is strong and
active, and furnishes a Bupply of fresh and
pure blood to drive out the impurities,
the above mentioned symptoms surely fol
low, aud if not heeded, end in more terri
ble diseases and death. White's Frairie
Flower proves itself the Great liver Pana
cea. Its action on the liver is different
from any medicine evereompounded. Its
cuies aro truly wonderful. Try it. Price
twenty-tive cents and seventy-five cents.0
Astonishing Suooess.
It is the duty of every persen who has
used Boscubk's German Syrup to lets its
wonderful qualities be knows to their
friends in curing Consumption, severe
Cough, Croup, Asthma, Pneumonia, and
in fact all throat and lung diseases. No
person can use il without immediate relief.
Three doses will relieve any case, and we
consader it the duty of all druggists to rec
ommend it to tne poor aying consumptive,
nt Wit to trv one bottle, as 40,000 dozen
bottles were sold last year, and no case
where it failed was reported. Such a wed
w.inA as the German Syrup cannot be too
widely known. Ask your druggist about
it. Sample Dottles to try soia ai iv cents.
Regular size 75 cents. Fd sale by all
HAMBURG FIGS cure the Piles.
HAMBURG FIGS substitute for Castor Oil.
HAMBURQ FIGS cure Constipation.
So that when you want to buy your
Spring Goods
Toil will know when, to buy them
We have made up our
mind with the facilities
we have not to bo
undersold by any
, one.
Ashh: Shifting, 36 inches wide, for 5 c
Cabot W " " " " Tic
Cabot A " " " " 7c
Ilockland Bi'd Mitslin,3Cin wide for Gc
Lonsdall " " " " (Jr.
White liock " " " . 'J
8-tLacoina" " 2 yds " 21 U
10-4 " " " 21 yls . 25 c
800 p'cs Best Am. Prints, 20 yds for?!.
200 " "English " ICydaforCI.
50 ."Cheviots or Shirt'g.froni 12to20 c
25 " Bed ticking,
13gto30 c
25 " U'd ii unbl'd Canton 11110 to 25 c
15 " Damask Table Linen, 35c to $1
25 " all prime flax dress linen20 to Z j
10 " White Pique, latest ptnslOto 30 c
75 " Silk and Wool Dress Goods, new.
jiatterns, 2jc
.New Shades in TrimmiBZ Silks and
Satins and Black Dress Goods-
Best Brands of 2, 4 and G Button
Kid Gloves.
Blark and While Frenib
Laees. .
Well Selected Stock of Fancy Silfc
Ties and Keck Hand
kerchiefs !
Latest in Linen Collars and CcfTs and
Lace Bibs.
Tbe Fineit Itiorlment in Fint'j Boiitry
for Infanti, Childrta, litui
and Ladies!
A Large and Complete Stoek of
Lare and Button Children's,
Misses' and Ladies' Kid
Shoes and Slippers.
Men's Suits of Clothes, $7 50 to $25 00
Youths " $G 00 to $12 00
Bovs' " $4 50 to $7 50
Best Merino Uneleisbirts and Drawers,
50 cents.
White Shirts, open back, well fitting,
from 75c to $V 50.
12 pair Men's Cotton Socks for 75c
Patented Bine and Brown Overall, 75c
" Blouses and J umpers, 50c.
San Francisco Refinery G C Coffee
Sugar, per pound, 9Jc
Light Island Refinery Sugar, 8c.
Costa Rica Coffee, best brand, 171c.
" " " next quality, 15c.
Diamond S, beet quality Syrup, 5 gal
lon kegs, $3 00.
100 fi3 best Honolulu Rice, $7 50.
Best brands of Tea, per pound, 50c.
Next " " 37i.
1 box 20 bars Chemical Olive Soap, 75c
The Piace to find all
these Cheap Goods "will
be at the Store of