The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, May 02, 1879, Image 1

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rr- l.riKiUdlttta aail iMi-onti M.
lW lMp3M j 6T
1 Inch
1 00 I 8 00 I 6 00 I H 00
2 00 I 5 i0 I 7 00 I 12 00
lft 00
18 00
J 00
86 00
48 00
00 AO
100 00
2 III.
8 In.
4 In.
8 00
fi 00 I 10 00
7 00 I 12 60
IA 00
4 00
18 1-0
25 CO
S 00
40 00
60 00
8 00
15 f0
18 00
7 60 12 00
x r-oi
1 Col
10 00 I 1ft 0
25 00
40 K
16 00 I .'fM'O
TERMS UK Sl-tscxllITlOX:
Skis! copy, vr wr
sintrle , nt iii.imli ....... ..'
Single cofy, tints- in-mili...,,,, ".'.'
in;U number..
Bualnea notice In the Local Colmnna
20 eenta par line.
Yor h-KHl and transient lvrtlKemnU
1 00 por aqnarn, for the nrat inaenion, Mid
50 emit por aquare for each aubaoquent ln
ertion. . Ft 00
S 00
1 0-1
y fl. ll.'i I ft J M ti rs a H . MM si Dl
-AT OfR-
OpjxnJuf the Xv- -XU Fv!!,.w
And there is no use talk-
inS you want
E3 3 lf O II
I tea you vithoat bosutstion that I
havo tae Mnd make the prices
that cannot fail to meet your approval.
iTo ruatrul Ur
luu( ive untvcia:
tr.te I Knorf thai my ir;oH
Uomril; rU..s to avimuh t!iatet.
Look at My Prices:
4'. n Ri Ci.Ow :
; a I'usrt Ku-a
::i a. Ja ,
1 2 Urvuiui Java. , . ,
Tr. Japaa. V ft. Xs S'iuii '.',
' Vounc Ilyiii or tluuiH.wucr, V 3
Ssla or Pu-nic Crx-kera, V ,
MM Cnckera, V
Sucu K. Sn Francisco ,
l.laen O
Si C .'ruhjl or K.u t ru..liej . . ! '.
6 3 rVotdervU
Fickte sral. jar
1 quart
Vonrhest(shin Saucs. a. Uti'o. .'.
IVtnsir or Ail-Silw, in grain, v a. . '.
Naniinca, V box, :kj cr
OvkUun M:Murra' CS caa-t.
'te-Kt'a SO. ui
romohes V can
s oii, v utie si .t
iimb iloiMfy in jara
u :k liiit4uu laiv
Syrup, V Kiikn
&-KUon kos
5 CImmmp ;
. oil Uil iHnrnvr', V ni
-SI 00
. I 00
. I oo
1 no
1 no
1 (H)
1 00
1 10
1 l
4 ID
1 w
" i irO. t-u ; ;j
inaamoa. 4'i.ivr. Irpirr and lll.plrr
Cash j.aij for e;.'!.-ti--
crouiij anj put up by mivll rJ warranto! pure.
Alo. the UKMt oomnirte t.k t4 JK r.LANt'ti's
CloAKS, fi,-clwr with a full line TMtvs Mu.
era Aruoles, Tiya, Nftiotm. am! t.uturrou- othr arti-wtiK-w
1 twvo not uuie to numt-mt, ai! of !i;vh
1 n sell at trior that defy oiui;ieUtn.
Patent Ketallie
Beets and Slicss
Trcn Esairg over,
fearing eff on tie Side
and Ripping in the
Custom Iooi anO shoe Sakrr. j
Nono bet the best stcck used, i
and a good St guaranteed-
French Kip Eor; to order - t-0.
Philadelphia Ki;i - - - j.; 0.
Repairing ncally done.
Oive lil:t a r!l.
"V.lf Allianv. Orrc.a.
Sportsman's Headquarters.
Guns, Rifles Revolvers!!
And Amen n nit Jon of .411 KiadH.
Just received a la rye invoice & the latest irnfroveiJ
RemlD'tou. hborp'A. Winchester arwl ho.lia.rd rviitati't
r-.lleH, Moore, Reminsfton n4 Steven brvecb Ui&diii
shot jrjns, ww inux-Je-lacidin r-tteu aiil guiim oi
ivtrry description.
Aslo, a ianrs nI well selected Mock of Flshinr
.tickle, Cutlery, iMrg CjII-j.p. raan' 'xN, anU in
fact ii;."thinj you oouid winh for in uur litu;.
Sruriabrr Thnt
We Cannot Ee (Jndcrold
Anjrmhere in lhn State. l-tf
JAMES 13 A X N Alls,
pkal& is imi Asmcnai or
Slarblr and VTood Top v.
Parlor Set3 and Lounges, Mar
ble Top Center-Tables,
Spring Beds and
A(kI ail kinds of
Hlialuots Cfaalnt le(Saitrn2i, i:xlenajUri Tw
hUf Mattd. CiU aiicl tunry
1 intiid to kp evcrythinir in tbe furniture line,
and will truanihtee 0tttuifM;-aofi to all vh,. will call on
Die at Miller Urick. J IHI K 11N V AI.
lite umleniiiid a.r prire.l to manufacture
Mt.nummta, Tomb i;ral-.t,.;.rs. .Ilaullvn,
TaltTu, Wab ainutli..
Klc, Mr.
All kinds of cemetery work done in nL-trt!e, free
stoue and ntnit. All work uoue iu fin, cudbliianiicr
Mud at tlie lowest ratefl.
3T.Stiop in Frank Wood's building, on the corner of
Second and Kilaworth streeu.
133 II. A. CLARK.
Corner Second :uid rai.sworth Strln,
C. 0. KeDy,M.D.,
PhysJcian asid Seirgeoai,
P&ORiG in M'llwain'a I'.Ioek. Ilesi
denee, one door north of U. P. .Church.
. i;oi:ippathic Playsician,
OfBce and residence on Fery street, between Second
Jid Third.
112 First Stivot. bet..
Tito ;:i'.c tv bpin Iwuxht ultice the
vou great inditceniont
ItVH) i sui.Unl, '2 ?iU f,r
mU " t."i4tUe t'ti.tott, wr ti
3-' K httf? tUo'k. Jir ViJ
U " li-4 hhrcttit, er vd ."
" " "
ttVO.I,. inHjrt I ;m, .F. riora
UMtVU-wi ucr Nw4!r, U impvr ...
.Mtio lwi;cv' Iii, jur ar
fki dt.r i'tul-i wiU t', put (uri. Mi
-'4 Uiz .Nij-kii, A
luo In tiU' 11. mo, ir di. .""
Jm la Apron, i-krii
vtl Haiti bur KJiuj;. vj ..."
M U.u ijtitivV Tit
'JU lUndknvtut'U, 6
.V litw: ttcKtV iiaiuikiffvbtc, i luf
l.'Vdtif ToWuim. ir Uoi
t-lu-' Meruit Vrtti t
iit-nLi Merino rnvtrrpOtirt. .
.;. sh UibUm, 7 mch, ct, wurU .
N.'iik, r c. nA,r.
t ;.'!. Im' lintth Hum, & ir
l'nj"j! i'ir.:t !....,
All Ww.l KtAiitivi, te)tit ami rvil....
Stukcr FUnm 1. if,-uUr irivr !.
L-hJie' linj mz Shawls.
iit-i.y W.iut 1Y.U
- Uwu all wvt 1 ilintcrv. 4i iu .".. ...
."li4 ra(mnft', 4o in, 40 cU, i-ih1 alue
lvt ti,, .c,ii Stnrt, h.lf, M t, worth.
'." il.u i;nt Shirt. oi nl, vim, worth ,
Iu.vp.-shirt. hiW ..1
61 00
t cU
... cu
... S5 cU
... sow
... vM
... cu
. . 10 CU
... bcu
... 74 ct
... .O ita
... -J. ct
... 6 ct
... ct
... Vi Ct
.. 4icta
, . 40 ct
M uo
. . Ml -0
... 37 rt
... WcU
.. 57J eta
. e"l UO
7 & el
.. 1 "J
.. 7 rt
. til- ' 1 hex i.ti
5 1 i;vr IUu-'um-. . ttt
M:vo H, m-tit. Umikfnlm't 5 (....
Lai.c' K:4 ;autiiieu, 7. ct-. n--tiUr firtc.
I.JttV l.m-.ikfi slmwit. roct. rvjf. rHx..
Lit ' l.ttiwrri ".ilir fi.r
. . Ct ;
j' i"i; i H.i;r irfi i;.Aa. ift-jat k.i rr -j
KM l.-.its 1' Litifn, ;.7lc, -; titiv , . rt
in cu
Ti cu
7l ct ,
l uo .
r - ct
a J0 ;
i :
f-a :
i uii
lo cu :
fl rt
ft Ml '
M CO )
1 Ml j
t-- CU i
i r :
i u
- cu j
I i't, wttie ....
T-. Jvl el. i Ml V;-,Juo
l,-,it-.i ' lr;!icl list. 7, ' "
ld.a S!;-fV K, (t Hit-. ir.Minir! .
1-t i.- U'hitv .-s.rt. J ruiR.'
! Lsm. f 'ailm-Hid skm ...
tl'-J i':. hI SWv.Ja. fi bular JiftiT
;;. s.j..a I"!akr, iJV. !-, jwr Vl ......
I. .lU ,, I'Ant.'.an, n'.mMc wUlh
i Vi Hoj.rnr!, vi i.r.
li v iSti.Lr.O ..r " ,
I tiurvm.. t. ,
li v-' s.-it-w! lishi;..rti Hw. $mir lur
.i itojffraiis, , nj. prv.
.'t V.'.,. ; ih curi. nv- JTive
(' u dti a iK-lN. ; lor
Look for the Largo Canvas Sign,
iiixamine Stock and Prices Before
Purchasing' Elsewhere !
33ml 23- 7?T rst m&zrmj'
;rmarr" rrrTTHM iraga
Wholesale and rvtail Jralcr in -
BmgH, FainlSj Oils Glass.
rniMandnl with icrnrarr by romp(it
al-ituntM, who are on lutnd and Mlichtt.
would call the attention of fhraielaaa
nnd Country lrust;iata to tho Inet tbatanr claim
to m knowledge or tbe drag bnaineaa im haaed
upon the ataudard. ktrenstb and quality of our
tfoodand the accuracy of our pharmacentlcal
prcparationw. a9
Sheriff's Sale.
forecloHtire in the Circuit Court ot the
fciate of Orf,'on, for the County of Linn,
and an execution issued In purauance
thereof on the 'lud day of April, lbT'J, to
inn directed and delivered, in favor of
John W. Moore. Plaintiff, and againat 11.
T. IxliiH and Mary Lollis, hla wife, De
fendant, for the Hum of live thousand nix
hundred and ten dollara and Hixiy-flve
centa. and the further sum of thirty-one
anil r.-100 dollars. coaLt. I have levied
upon the mortfrafred premise decribedlii
aaid decree as follotva. to-wit: Tho douth
one-half 01 tho northeast quarter of aec
tiou eighteen, and the north one-half of
the aoutheaxt quarter of aection eighteen,
in Township twelve South of Rane two
West. Willamette Meridian, in Linn coun
ty, Oregon, and on
Saturday, the 31st day of May, lS7-,
at the Court House door in the city of Al
bany, Linn county, Oregon, at the hour ol
1 o'clock KM., I will well the hereinbefore
described real property at public auction
for cash in hand, to the highest bidder, to
satisfy aaid writ of execution, with accru
ing costs.
Dated this 25th day or April, 1870.
38tv4 Sheriff of Linn Co., Oregon.
Open from C A. m. to 12 P. it.
38133 A T.S SB 33 CO CT3
Agent for the Yaquina Bay
Private entrance to ladies' dining room.
i09 Front atrrei. Alltanr.
Dr. G. Schlesinger,
Im;Krler and dealer in pure
Keeps on hand a fuil as'-ortment of
Imported Goods
In hi line.
Special attention paid to the compounding
ol Physicians' Preacriptions and
Chemical Analysis. .
Kerrv anil Washington.
tirtwit Dttclluo in good. a can tburofrB ofior
in tht following linen :
fA"UIU UUek Trimming Silk, 00 c, gima vml HI 00
haiu " OrvUrm LnHUkt l 7&, ' . 91 60
w a Tia.M, ft for b& cu
loo Jts Pillow Muftina, pr mlr 1 2ft
tMi LditM' fcmbr'a HutUkorvbtW, t for. . . cu
All Unvn lYmah, lo yds fur 1 uu
I'fatUlrvn' KrobrulUrl Blti. t for cU
t mi auc mrkitrt Towtii, tmr doa, d, ytjud vaJ . . IM uo
' 3 u,lc W Cuiwu. 14 yU lor 11 on
, w buit iac litrutn. par l , Si
; ldlcw WhiU Wool Hum, r Mir
Mcms All ool Hum, r $mif Si cU
j Ami tboukuuu of othr krllclw tou nuuirvu4 Ut
i-J" i-c tlmik4MxhiU. 3 lor....
ChiMrvti'a ic tub t clm
I UIW Ktnbruiira Cufl mud ColUn , cU
t0iM Nck Ti4M 10 cU
OfMit Nck Tim, all Wla lo eta
, LOmw Siik n, 3 fur... (41 cU
lo 1'tl low Sluum. per uilr ... tl fio
; ShoOtl. 3 VKTUJi fr . Si cU
tV TnmiiMKl Htu , y uu
LvUim TrtnttuaU IUt , , , . t ui
bililrvtt L tmra Trt turned Uu - vl to
i.Wio HiniKxj lo rU
: lo tmrOji t4 otnyham !'r. 1 00
' - yri- Uiwi Crtvth lor Ml 00
, Tftbl uMm, wr yrl m eta
Towels, jr uam 7 & eti
Nlkln. wr du M 74 eta
LUicm" Linu Colur. & lor rU
t.'uu Mb1 Utiit lhmj, d ur tA rt
dia C fail4rn lloae, er iir ..... t cu
51 i-wn (too nk lr- ioo.U, 1; ydi for. . ! 011
14 yim Hajr 'U W t'uiioa t i 10
Turhuh TowvU, wch ct
I jO CnrwU (f iO cU ucti, uutj t)U4f 1 Jf4
LiMlioa' Ulirit ltUT, 91 J4
LaUim K111l.r U l.ittm uiu, Ml, rrvf. pnc cU uo
1juU-" Kfrm h iVrcKht HulU. uo
MlMr' JuJ ChUUnm HuJU. r u
hiltlreii U h-te HulU . .. . . VI f4
TM (MM l.ith, fwr vO. Wru
ititt lJlmnst Mttu.nrjry ric.
Th Urwt vtwh of MUlinry im1 r brought
to thi uuukd, m1 hi t rotimifthltttf low pric.
I hvr thM.ln BaaiUoii.s .r Ur Uirk 4 LJU,
MtMr' ik4 4 hiUrva itttUalihu Shoom.
14im' kul fuvvil, Uta..... 00
tUuW kkl fodd, full rll.iUM 9t It'i
t- hiMrtrtrCU ttcbout htum..,.. , oca
Mum ?i
Ultw t; t Shoe iA
ft 00
i hiklron'a Oil twl hbuc w ct
Nvwuon Tivrtt, buckle uu
liim' Kuhbvr Mi rhu 4i rU
kul.txr 0ralKWM ... fOcU
LhiUirmi Rubber O.rhov. 2cu
IMeuuraub to call at
Millixery Rooms
And cumins her elegant stack ol
(Just arrived per Steamer Oregon),
Comprising the latent styles In IIATa, ROWKTs,
omuii:r. flowkih, and
uiIut nriiaiiiaiita too nienrr u to mention.
TIip Best of Dressmakers Employed
in the Establishment
Ht'llNEEK' Bl ILUiSV, Cor. Mailt and Ells
worth Hts., Albany, Oregon. n3S
-T. 13. WYATT,
(Successor to Clark Wyatt.)
Dealer In
Agent lor the celebrated Diamond cross-cut saws.
Physician and Surgeon.
Albany Oregon.
1847, in Germany, and in homeopathy
in 1858, in Austria. Consultations in
either English, French, Italian or German.
jsar-Offlce with Dr. Grifflin, over Red
field's grocery store, where diplomas can
be seen. vl4n20tf
General Jobbing!
lo any
work In his line with disoati
at Budn's Clothing Store.
(fhuk ot'lt mtiji'LAR cuBair.M.xrl
wtsniWTo Lf.rriK.
Wahiiinutok, 1). C, 18, 1."7'.).
Tho Nituatiun iu ('onr'H't-M liuit not
iimtoiinlljr clisngod timing tho vcik.
ConHtilurution in tho army tiiroju-ia
tioit bill in tho Committee of thuWlmlo
baa occujiietl thoLowrr Houno from tiny
to day, the flooj guttm of tlm h'liito
having 1hoii thrown whlr tiiifii. The
joiut of attack ii the i'Uuo trohih:tin
tho into of triMia ut tho (mi! la on ulit
tion Uuya, and from tho howl that hua
boon rioJ on tho llciiiblicitn hiu . oun
wouki think it tuH 11 jiroinmitioii t
abitlihh tho govornmi'iit of tho 1'i.itoJ
Statt'H. The anetn:h of (ion. Clurl'mlJ,
over which liia Hailical MMiuciatva wcru
ao elated at firat, turna out to Lavo
inmlo a very tlillort'iit iniproaKiorji-cm
what waft anticipatotl. Tin mlmirtttion
with which it waa ut iintt (;rti'li-tl in
atalwait ciruloa ia t-huunl into n 1. tl
ing of tlikcomliture ultct u littlt; cool rc
nction, ami in th liht of it littht vi rv
recfitt liiatury. No lonjjrr b--j than
laxt I tffiiilfi-, .Mr. (Jitrlit !J took oi ca
biaii t-t annotinco, in u cry 1 it itict
tone of 'oicn, from hin .l.u-n on th(
lloor of tho IIuiiho, that tho iiiuti who
hereafter tiiulortook to !iro t!i hfitrtH
of the jh-oj.Io with M't tional !t it. B or
blooJv ahirt uttoralitf!, wouM i.wl him-
aelf without a j.nrty. Aaitt. jtibtb..-
fore thu of thp ltt Nranion t.f ( ,u-
grciot, ho amtoiiiti-fil to tho 1 Vinorrata
that tho I'jubl:cani uiiu ii-ailv ta
concoiln that tho lo-'iaUiii.ti !, it
waa iohmoi1 o rojNMl in tin- aimy LiU,
well aa the juror.' lr;.t o.tth.ha 1 1m-. -n
enactotl at a time a i Jiir.-roi.t li-i.ut tl,
prowttt that lhi-v mi-'ht now U i.-in-u!
?tl without ha. ut lo lliv 'o i itiai !,!.
1M I n;. . i i .
don llii-JM) ilil'ctfia-.-ji la i'1'" "i ll
i t... . . .i . ' i
utaiiiw ivinmij; i inn iim tj liJ: uiluv,
anil ti tvn nji tha junits uu;!..
Now, bait-ly a nioulli, ho
a ,nj-.ilu,i, t., iojh..,! ll,o ,iny clai,-.
.......... viu..uilllir LtJ tilL'COK!
Ihla .,,(JU0 iHilunnati l.
l utlat-hi-al to an HjnujuialiiH hill, I i
1 the partisan electn.u law whi. li
ilia Ii iiuerit;i proiiute to ti-j-mI. To
pa thu la' in that av wan !n-ii'e, ilv
corroet atel regular, hut to all. nipt to
rcjieal It in the aauit manner n "i
In 'p-rri.S hUajiee.-!, Cor
the liteurd. Mr. (iarliel.l Kill if t,.
oliU'rul atoning down that tiothin"
reiuaina of liia liioul stalwart utterance.
Tkoae who liateued to the i.-i:n li tut il
waa ilelivrred, hut Sattir!v, tiij.l.-r-
stood Mr. OartielJ to sv und h did
aav thut liia pariv wouhl not vieM an
inch, "even to Rate this government."
That cxjirttwtitm, with othi-rs riiiailv
vigorous, has vanished. 'J'liit highly
consistent un l exee.ivclv loval n di
vidual Was oliee a preacher, hiuci mi
ajfriculturist, anil ia now a rather nel
erate priced olitieiau.
Gentlemen nominated to ticc and
deairin to be coulirnied will not feel
under obligations to Senator Anthonv.
At tho close of the si-hsion on Mouilay
tho Republicans dcaircd to into ex
ecutive acsaion, and .Mr. Anthonv mailt!
a motion to that cil'eet, hut out ot a tie
aire to make a cheap reputation fur
wit, prefaced it with tho remark that
"if the Chairmen of thu various iMno-
cratio caucus and sub-caucus commit
tee had no business to attend to or
itecche to make, lie would move that
the Senate go into executive ai-ssion."
To Mr. Anthony' disgust Mr. Kenmti
presently, rose and quietly moved to
adjourn, saying that, while tho Demo
crat were'willing to help conlirm ikU
nominations, they would not do ao ulirn
the motion for an executive session was
made without a breach of good man
ner. The Republicans, in aomn con
sternation, got Mr. Anthony to w ith
draw Lis remarks, but the motion to
adjourn was carried. Tho next execu
tive session will be moved without auv
preliminary flourishes. This talk admit
caucus rule comes with a mighty bud
grace from the Senatorial relics of a
party that has "run thinga" in the most
high-handed manner for nearly a scoru
of years, at caucus dictation.
The Democrats are disposed to allow
the fullest discussion of the rcpcaliui'
measures proKsed, und there is no dan
ger of their getting any the worst of it.
Mr, McMabon ho successfully punc
tured Mr. Garfield's effort that 1 only
wish I could give his remarks in full
Lore. Gen. Chalmers a!. -so made a tell
ing speech. J ust as he was concluding
he was interrupted by Conger Jump-ing-jack
Conger who said the gentle
man had declared that the first revolu
tion had no terrors for him, and ho
wanted to know if tho revolution of
1861 had. Gen. Chalmers replied thnt
in olden times tho King of England
had kept a jester, rigged in fool's cap
and merry bells, to make fun for thu
court. Tbe Republican pat ty in Con
gress also kept a jester, but instead of
a fool's cap and the bells, they dressed
Lira in a swallow-tail coat. This was
applauded with great enthusiasm in the
galleries and on tho Democratic side.
Conger retorted and tried to smile, but
it was oniy a sickly grin, and the title
so aptly given him will no doubt stick.
- Upon a pedestal in the lower hall of
the Smithsonian Institute stands a mod
el of the new National Museum, for
erection of which Congress has appro
priated $2i0.000. The item was strick
en out of the bill once and supposed to
be lost, but it was restored at1 the last
moment by the aclion of a conference!
committee. The money is not availa
ble until the 1st of July, but tho cer
tainty of its forthcoming lias inspired
some preparations for commencing tho
work. The idea of a National Museum
was proposed years ago by the late Pro
fessor Henry, who, in his annual re
ports, continually laid before Congress
the necessity for such a building.
When the Centennial Exposition closed
and the various foreign governments
donated to tbe Smithsonian Institute
thoir cxhibiiH. tho want of room in
whit h to jilucn thorn rvviv'ud tho mnm:-
nin iittcatiuii, no that now thu erection
of ii building, which hlmll bo worthy of
the object, ia only u muttor of a very
littlo tinit). Tho model mentioned ia
tho ono which will doublleia bo itdopt
cd by tho committal which Jia.i tho uf
fair in charge, Uon. Hhormmi, Air.
l'olcr Parkpr and l'rof. fiuird. Thia
committim ia now engaged in making
tint final iirraiigo'meiita regarding thu
building. An now jirojoned, tho inline
im will bo Miniated on tho aouth eui.1
corner of tho Smithhoniun ground., mid
bo threo hundred feet long bv three
hundred feet wide, eoe) in an art a ot
two and one quarter acre. Tim atyle
followisi ia tho Jlomatitmiiue, to Iji.iko it
httruioni.e, aa much ua jionnible, vith
the Smithhohiau. The atructurn in to
be built of plate iron mi l gluHH, and, b
ing only ono atory high, will rewmblo
greatly tke bilildinga at the ('Millennial.
It ia to contain four hall l'lx.'.2 l'.-t,
four halla KSOxC'f f. et, four IiuI.'h ;.x
5- fet and ono hall i-'ixG'i fee. I Voin
tho renter ol tlio butldtn t ii-a tho
tloiiie, Ul feet high. Ninety thousand
Mjuaro fuel oft lie tluur hjinun uro to In
lit gr hv ILVjUO t.iuare. li-et of bti.s.
biding a letter light (hail wan
at tlit) 'li iiii:t and 1'aria I'.xjx.Hitioint.
Tlieio ia to be u uilioii t eaeh ii-rni r
of tho building, the i.i.le walla of wi. !i
will Iu 'X feet high, tt liile tli walU o!
1110 ouilillt.g J.ruiMT uri) , leet hi
The Hat rMjf ar 1 tola; eovereil wuh
ineiai, umteu.i i a wi. len ahealhnr.',
laid upon t"roui terra -otta. or i!
cijuivaieiit lit hie ;loif ijuabty. 'i'l,.-stt-ejjer
l"oof are, to in- n'al ti;i iji.n
raft era, Jilutleie.l ut.i,r, tl, iutide. It
il intended lo cXjiel.ii 011 tho building
ih wholo f tho Hjooo-iiiation, mei it:,
eouii!et ion will iiiaki- a he.tiitif,,! u idi
tion to the arehiti r'ntal . trm tuii-i t.f
the city.
Tin-li'at t-lloi to 1 1 !,,;., . ( ;
tll'elilelit ixHilii uu- vtill. Wilho'i'
ifaling Itllleh fctir. Tin j.roja,..-.!
lltrt.l ex. urioli to I al.iouo,, ;H to i...
It I !... . ! . .- .
j iooo . ov i,ii, a:M'atn ire o it i. ,;
"' of linuieiiHO tuijHirtatiie, l.i in no l.-i, a
work than (;..i,rul Ciant'i 'i"r.,,-U
Aioiirel lli i Win ,," i y John K i,.;i
Vonllg. A l:.!i.a! clo-ft, '.1:
I ,, ... 1 .. -,f , ... . . . t r . t
; tilU .,. .,, , ' . t ,- , ,
j ,...;,..-,ml ,:rilll,- ,,,..! ' ,
I tjivo il u;. !.: t-vnin I -t;t i.,
Welle- '.triii roii'-. ,Mio
Nation. t! 7'iieatre, itn.l
low in,; from .Malt. V'i..
take a yard un.l a half
HinL'i, k!.'.'t I
ii at I ..
. i i.,s.
.... -hit
l! alt!.. 1
r .. II t i.
j yu K,.t .,, ,,.., ,
'!" di-pi-'.i- i.jfii
left OUt liHJt t!;. i
two rontiinlrtiuis
lv hi ii-.
ia.;i i. i- rt
i I lit ft ' "t ill ;
--i v
a .
.1 .
ti ri.n sro-.i ma i in..
Th f..'!.jwiii li-ttir li.eii S :i it.. i
llrotir in regard to ihe h.ii of i .-,"--..
w ill Ihj of intereit to uur n a iers ;
Wvsiiixi.rnv, April ! 7 ..
II i.'.'.iim J'rt l, '., Srrrt !nr .' tl,f
I'orl'und , (VVyiii. Jlmrrd ff T rtt !:
Dkah Stit:- Vour i-!ii;iiiiiiii!i:itieii of
Man it 111 at, with the iud,ir:.e.l resolu
tions of the Isiard of trade, relalins to
l'ort Driord Is leeeivcl. In -177,
under a rvaolulioH of ( '.iiien-K, t!;i
Hoard of Ki)gineer. of t!ie I'aeiCc Coast
inado a reintrt upon thia suhi. t-t : but
tin) last liver and harboi act tlireets that
such a port shall bo chosen for a port of
relilj-e its Mini! be cutiMdcred Isjst bv it
majority of the Hoard of Kaginecrs for
the Tactile Coast.'
rtl I .t. -l? . .. .
j uo ueain in i.ieuc. A lexan.ier
leaves a vacancy iu that lJ.jard, which
will probably aoou lat tilled and when
this ia done, ami the I.oard authori.eil
by the Secretary of War to investigate
and report, it will thrn lie. atlviitahle, in
the opinion of tho Engineer llurc.tti
here, lor the board of trade, shipowners
and all persons cognizant of tho jieeu.
liar advantages or diMid vantages t f tlif
fercn porta, to prceiit their views to
thu said Hoard.
As tho act, which I mail to your ad
dress today, hhowa, there is lio discre
tion left to the department in the choieti
of a port. It can select tho one re Kil t
ed favorably by the. Hoard of Engineers.
The resolutions aont by yon to, the
ollice of tho chief of engineers, together
with all other papers relating to the
matter, will h referred to tiie otlicers
engaged in the work.
' Very truly yours.
L. V.Gkovku.
Following is a copy of' the act which
makes the appropriation for this pur
pose :
That tho sum of one hundred and
fifty thousand dollars be, and tho samo
is hereby appropriated out of any
moneys in tho Ireasurv not otherwise
appropriated, to bo expended by tho
Secretary of War iu the commencement
of the construction of a breakwater
and harbor of refuge at mivh point on
tho Iracific ocean between thti Strati of
Faca and Suit Francinco, California, as
May, in the onnion of a majority of thu
board of United Stat engineers for tlte.
Paeijie Coast, be most suitable, thu intT-
esls of commrrc", local and ierteral, briny
The only way people can be thor
oughly known is by living with them
in the same house or traveling with
them in tho same carriage. Sulem
O, got out ! Jiiht have them take
your paper for a half a dozen years and
never pay a cent, and see if you liavn'c
got their measure to a t-y-tee !
Tho Amity (Yamhill) denizens worn
much shocked one day last week by tho
appearance on their streets of a couple
of Salem girls of so-called "respectable
iamihes, who sashayed recklessly
around town, carried their dress skirts
high, visited a Chinese wash house for
opium to smoke, and otherwise showed
themselves "away up."
That irreverant sheet, tha Peoria,
(Ills.) Journal, speaks of the late great
St. Louis fire as "Hell with the lid oh!"
tn:vt a ov int:Hi: i:.
lion. (). X. Denny, I.'. !',. (.'onsul ut
Tientsin, China, write an intereatiug
letter, under d.ifo of I'ehruary 1 , to a
jh ihoiiuI friend in thia city, in whii li be
givea Homo interebting aket-lica of hit
travcla und lifn in the middio kingdom.
Wo urn uilowed to .-junto iei 1o!1iwk:
Tho host winter L-ih been jeifectlv
lovely. For i ,(uw duyn only the
mercury waa ut zero, and the real of tho
time from III) ' to CO' uboe; himiiliuie
bright and warm. Last Winter the
I'eiho wa:i clorml with iee from l.ecein
ber to March Cth, und the ion was about
two JVet tliicU. 'i'hia Winter it hail
only cloned threo daya, execjit near ila
mouth, whero It 14 Ktill c!o.-Jt but tho
ii:e in thin and won't luht
The aoi-iety here erv ni.-e : we
have-had a greaS Variety .f entertain
menta thia W'iutct, e'liK-eiiK, amateur
thcatricuiH, diiiiieo, buil.4, i-:v. We
have ten gunboilla here. l otu are Chi
liohe, ono caeh t 'niti-d StaleN, Kii!i,h.
erman, I'weiicli und Kit :ian. All ol
them Ilivii if i veil ii;blic bulb', as well 101
till) llUli-ient CollMuliltea. 1 l.-l'l !i.-r.. I
11 i;ni L'.'ilh ila; .f January lot- n in'',
lo iV-kin and mtt.i m d on ti..- i.l'ili n,y,i.
It it H., jn!i. ,y Jaud uttd my lojivey
"I": "1 a H-;-uiar " dead a -4i-" call,
drawn by two litnb--.. t:i ie I rea-h-'i
i'rkiii ut ." ijV!,,.rl; t,., .A
I J he mirtt .ii,a -reeai,: 1
I inena wa i? 110 i.t r;
I fold .latiu -.rv inoinin - :
1 en-.-.t in uomii . I. '. .! .. .. .
an V
in piirH'M...
e iipj eoiil'il -!!ed ;.
to ",!' liir J"i;ll the ;;.it.
lole thi-V c!t-e, which I
o. tiii v in i'.'n-:-
o 1 I :j I..'
;,1 a ,t at teiir:
. ix-.-i i t-.l at 1
i i ad we not
Iuau. tin thai day
Ililiiille pa ,i "i nVlw i.,
l ira ile.i ll... ate i.ef. re t
, t i . .
we 1
WOI.. I Mill li.t'l lo l ain . l,ti-l,,l; Hit; j
na!! I ; 1 1 u:or:.ii,,'. it i , t i.n e in !. h i
iioiii ti.., Ui.,i nr n.i-i- t,i ii.,. ii.Mi r j
one, . ii Ii aoii.ita v., i i , : ., l .tit.ii'
city. I'.-Liiij; i ';i.!ii:' i .' oth. r ei;-.-ilt
t'i.ina, ex...-j. ,i Jia-, i. i .,,,. ,.J,j
h iiiiiiiet i4i-,t:.;; i i f..-M.i and :i-t-et.
1 1 eii.-c. on ni;r li-. i, ,t a.i .i:ii. r citif-i :u
the t in;. lie et.i '.t . i.f , aiei M.ti
could t'oriii i-.o 1 l.-a a- t- I'.-klng and
i.e.. no iitie-r I 'hn.e ..- eity ami Vou .-iiiid
lorni l.o 1 !-a li to t'i....e, no i:;i!,-ii-nL
li,.-V nil'. i'.-ki i ha. Very wi i.j h-.m-l.
nli'l h.i lit-..e in .t i.ur,i.ea:i air itiKjiii
is. Ti.ei,- It b'lts!-! a:id din, iu.. laoi:?.-
aiela "' J pi" in..! carta paa m an t out
i'l t!s Ii!.i f-i.l ;. every tt.iv. Thele
I a rn ioiii' S.I a.: it etitratice. eiist, weal,
j liolt'a iiiel oti!il - tt.-:, '-S.:.i, ua Vo.i
' '.now, .i by the T.-i :uin. niter
l!.ey cui.'i'ierr-t I .it;:a, ft ,i:,e Vi Veaja
' i'o ; u:el they hitve eovi-tle d t!.-! em-
l . lie ever stliee. Ti.ey liitmjjh!. iiito
! .".. Si.t the .iii',i!oiit cutlotn til ahaVid
i iii-a j and i-ui, w !.il? ti.n I "i.ii.i-- iiie it-
I KpoiiMtih- l.,r the barharotih aiel in!it)ina:i
: eiiituiii oi" deforming tin- ::. While
,.t..-. ..i '.-i i
me ni!i n.r la-in; n iui.h , t can
tiie .s!ii(eH u! the cliil l for a Jul: -lit
1 ne : l or ii.eiial l:.i:.;e i-i In..
''Tottering l.ilV."
1 loW IM.I.'S
it ...
etry urnps out. wneu you u t- a great
g't-ay, tiilty, ho:e -eye I w. Iiii.ll nttlbhin
around on her "l.iiy" ktaika - -bah '.
Tho Women of l'civiug nil, or lnos'. 't);,
have largo fee!, as the Tartars don't be
lieve iu ihe i.tlio foot t.i:K:iie.ii, ati,l
ace a great of the tirt heiies t.n
tho htreets, that if, lalie-. .f the bei
Tartar r.iiuil.. t. This is in I the cast-in
t 'hinest! cities. Vou iniel.t through i
titIV cities and iiyt oet hi' t.f a real
htdV except by chance. 1 1' was holidays
in Peking w hen 1 a,i tl.ere and the
sight waa novel iu the e.l!e:ne. The
"least of the lanterns" caiuu ol!" while I
was there ; thin is aUo very interesting;
more lanterns and more .u ietieH t!:au
you ever haw. I took kcvcii.1 fclrnHs
ihroueh the "curio ahops" and bazaars,
and hero I kuw million?, and uiillinns oi'
dollar.-.' worth of nice und n.l l tilings
for sale. Ore , tiiau.
ll r..:n tin. Ai'mata (;.) r,.i,. '..nil,,,,: !
"ULt H."
i;un C'ai- j
Ila tVonlil llavr tlcrn VI incr In s
-ruu'a S'larr.
Old Si ban been keeping fully poKte.l I
on tho celeliritted :aso of Oliver vs i
Cameron, Yesterday he ransacked the j
exchanges, und when he was about to j
leave.' fai,l : "
" Which ono of dese hyar two ar'
gvvino to conio out on t., lie widdei or
do olo man !"
" Can't tell ; what do you think i"
" Data my hau' ja-raekly, too !
Yer aee, tie, do olo man Simon, he war
lackiu' in 'Mpearuencn wid tleso Mecon
ium' sweetheaits, hence wise lie got in
do law, und dar'a no tcliiit' ob what
dey'll lan' him fore doy turns him loose."
" Ho is old enouoh to lui known
better, isn't he i"
" Take keer, now, don't yer know dat
tier is places in tlis wniT whore do
whiter do-head do bigger tie fouW Dis
ting ob gettin' enamull'd wide der fe
male ain't no respector ob pussons, an'
er ole feller like onto nie, or Simon, is
gutter bo peert tor walk in tie tied grass
wnlout bein trippd and hung onder
diirin' do promenade, you heah nie 1"
" You have steered clear of those sort
of difficulties, have you V
" Well, I ain't gibbin myself -way
ter noboth', but do ole widtler nebber
coulder got mo into dat sorter 'tanglc
ment. I'so bin in range ob tint kinder
trublo 'fore now, but whenever de room
got. too littlo ter hoi' enn5'body but ma
an' cr widder I alius adjourned for da
want ob er quorum, -cr spendid bizness
tell I call'd in do witnesses s'riicient ter
proob er a'r-tight nllybi on do spot
tint's mo !"
" You were very wise, Burcly !"
"Uh-oh, man! Don't yer ferstit it
yer better be in er dross-sirklo ob er
wet ho'net-nes' den in fr miuits sol
lytude wid er widder 'otnan dat's on de
marry I"
Aud the old man borrowed a chew of
tobacco and left. ' '
Prof. White, Hayes' new Prussian
Minister, parts his hair in the middle.
The papers don't say what other clothes
he wears.
4 h 11,1:.:, Utrmpt Iu Va,n,:t K:,
'la- upon
a I.IIIIh . I r I .
A great ileal ,f 1 uJt -,..! ;,
..m,r..(! eUl0 vu.rlga f u Vtmuih
coimnii ra;,..- ta j,roi, f a jitt!B tight
yr.oM .la.igl.1,:, f l:BV. Mr. , u
"""" !:!, aa jiar ao wo can
earn, arc aa ylir 0IIU1 tiu.0 lw
hr.Mo liaa U,:n w.iiBg f,ir ;,ir. L, ,
eomrnca farm l,Vw, UlS trwrf. ahe,t
ao.M.ofiJ,,, fa,,,;,.-. 0l, Jvi(lay m
j-r. Jtii-l l.,rA wrnt uutto milkfluti
I oiiihroko, i.ut-a-i ! svig oat u, M an(1
h. t0 'VhoreV a u.aa!, r.;m,je,l in th
Jem... Jnali wiaonicuU Mr. Ug llrar,J! i.ot,o t tho huuw aarl went uj.
to what v.-8J tha nutt... W,, hB
tlii ro he eiat.n, . 41. t...
.A I. . ....
t. v v..o iiiiov aim wa
.iu....i u ci. 1 utuoroko n'ttniTrtin-f ,,.
rae u,,n hi. JiitU sir. JJo rtthe.l ia BnJ
enila!. the CKnirtn th sc-t, l getting hi,
,WM lVf,l,rk Ufw. hi,,, to
ia-I...,;, C!l tarntd him over to the author-l:-3.
;".:S;..,:a c..i,;;,lait again.t hiru in
h'iiiir... S,,;.!;. ncurt. VvtnuruKe W44 tra-J
rit.d gailty. UUIJ, V(.r t(, awaitft,;ti;
" t!'" "':tt :"'. X'.t la:;g ,1,1, tr.
::ri,- , t,.it:, .,-,,!
M.d.:ifM hroajiit
mm ...- ,,! (,ir, .j ;,;. (V,.r . lh jM
I " ''r.i: i'ek-y J,t .S..tordav, Il
j :v.-t ar-: t;
" f :': ai er i ... .
: tutu tt J;ra.ii .J, &i
t-::nj.t to commit erimc Wat
iii ii.-r (-ifiiiiiil'.-il
I l.n.!.. ia i.-irt;;.:,
and il J01111.I --tiihr, t hi
rni Hr.uuhl ten t otit ll
i . .r; ::ioi )fiArrt:AKAi r.
iur. ru,li,.
'' " I' M .. of the tints of Havia 4
' i'i.v. ia t..;-r,r-.-ry an l J,'f4 lia-:iaear
.it...ii:-, I ...ra-l... tiiuTitM-artil vn
' J.teriiiKr,-
wiii.e out
! !'rl"-"';J '.-r .".'li UlW.CoI.,ra,l,.. .Sine-
tn.-r- have i . -a .cv.-r-d report, of hi, havin,
"' ii'-'.. ut part of the West. He
i.;:.eji., anu an.
i.r.i;;e,l 3:ui ovtr-nriisiUv.
n.r i-v.-r
'i'ie r- i ,
ti. "'. till.,
! moral
m'. !ili-. f
' lO'- .n
In: Wat !u!iii, kiej'aii his dc
WS ,l:t
i t, in r: i- vcrv
r.r..Ia-l n..liii.-. H ,,Cver
i.o er .lr..i. .!r-.iik. atrint-
!i waa ia Tall lliv.-r
V i!,j wai a.'tnitte.l into Free 11a
a i "'4 1 i. Lie;..., i ..rt.I.iOtiLb,
3-v. ti :rty ,r..u.- ;,iar: weight,
; ..H.iit :j.:.,.'re..
noar five f,-. : ii-
I t'i:i;T,i--vn;ti; a li'--'!
' h.f-,v.n jia.r; i;. a ,.-... -M
!ii.l,i-r . Oae j,,.
, i-i.-n w itlt ii'.v t.f f.t
i eiit nhort. j;.. ja
;;riy eyt-Jt: li'lit
a-..-; Very liac hght
aa.'. l-.aheavy aitely
r.-;uirt t having aeeti
havct! and whUken
havo caaie?eti hh
: nan.
1; aay ow '.a or can ret anv infor.; i.;s u rr. -juomj, r cu llnd anv
.Jie aai r,aj th. .e't-riptioti.they will coa
-l'r 1 !' .'..torl.y latoni.lB ,i.l vifcil
lii. if earn.-it f i.i . iia t,cc, ai.,1 by so lti
n.ietc ii,-r i.: tin, .Sn-ail.ul tnyktrry anil
Heart reautas Addtvaa, Jenniu Xut
t eiiiurt ,.!, , .Moiitonicry conntv
Western papi:rs please copy,
ili Jieati,.;, cf Ihr Truiilc.
ta t.:
ph. ill t!l
ti.-ti: la-!
km ':
.' '-'-'1 of May the r.'Uow Tcm-
itt ity :!! ho dedicated, at which
.u.wai!'.. preraiame will he ob-
U i.i lornt in pi K.-e,i..a at the Court House
at 1 o'clock e. y.., and iho lino of march
;'r.iai tia re wi!i he .-.i fallows: L'p Fourth
treol to a!.iii:;ton: U.wn Vishinton to
First: d.twn Firt to l.yon; tin I. vou to
Third; up Thir l to Iurtvorth: down KU
! 'LV ' Kf.Vit't t:"
me proves; in:. Mill 1,. fonned in the
j :u.i,iwin-j order:
; First, I'-aml.
' Second, Albany Lod-e Xo. 4.
Third, Visitinc; Iaid-en.
i Fmirtli, I. a la! 1 1 on.
l-'ifth. t lrand Ia,L'o. I.D.O.F., of t'ac State
tif Oregon.
Tno Teinplu t i:i he tlcilicated y C
, Crr.inl laxlo of thu State of Oretrou at two
: o'clock. Orator, linn. .1. X. Dolph, of Fort-
i land; Oand Marsha!, Col. I. IL Xooren, ot
A conlial invitation to attend the dedica
tioa cervmunies ia extended to all Odd 1 el
i i .i - .
oi, ami tut tr WiVvS. Ill entKl Btan.Iin- n
lUl j"""1"'"'
'. r. I.ukessto,
i. M. I llOMPJON'.
.1. iv. WE.tTHEior.a,
i'. II. Haymoxh,
The MuuViy IrltTsr.
There has hern much complaint from our
e,oo,l friends ia Orleaim precinct of the apa
thy or uu willingness of our County Court to
mako on appropriation for the erection of a
bridge 'on Muddy Creek, on the road leading
up the iliamettii river from Albany to Har-
riBhurg. Our frit-nda complain that because
they live in-Orloans precinct, Which is heavi
ly Kcnublicau, our I'ourts are prejudiced
against them. ThU wo think ia au unfair in
si mi at ion. Yo know too well the native
modesty of our friends up in Orleans, and it
is our opinion that they have not fully ap
prised tho County Court of tho necessity ol
this improvemeut.or they would have had the
hr'tlgo some time ago. ISy reference to the
Court proceedings published ia another col
umn it will ho seen that the Commissioners
have taken the initiatory steps and have ap
pointed Mr. Kiddie to make a draft of the
proposed ' bridge, and it ia very likely they
w ill have it built during tho coming summer.
Wo aro familiar with tho circumstanoes aud
know that it should be. Much has been
said about exorbitant taxes, but our farmers
are not going to complain so long as the
money is expended in the improvement of
roads aiid bridges in which they have a di
rect interest. These improvements are suffi
cient receipts to them for all the money they
have paid into the treasury.
Two llat'kM for Sate.
Two Kceond hand hacks, one a Shuttler
and the other a platform spring, both are al
most as good as new; for sale cheap. One
will be sold for cash and the other on time.
Call at this office if you want a bargain.
.1 'o;iuInr liestirt.
At tho Cosmopolitan Saloon, ou Eroadal
biu street, can b'e found the finest brands of
wines, liquors and cigars. House open at all
hours. E. WATKINDS,
H!rrl Iters, tie Bare T Brad This.
Recognizing the fact that all our people
are bow affected by the hard times, and
knowjug that when they pay out money for
newspapers they of course waat to get as
much reading matter as possible, we make
the following announcement and offer :
To all subucribers who will settle what
they owe and pay us one year ia advance for
the Dr.MOMtAT, ut to any ew subscriber who
pays in advance, we will send the following
free of charge:
Tbe Chicago Weekly Ntvm for six months,
or the
F,irwtrit P.niew tor one year.
in an independent paper abont the size of the
Dr.aovaAT, but it is printed in smaller type,
and docin't have over two columns of adver
tisements. Kach number in crammed fall
with the latest news of the world, miscella
neous articles, and as it always ha from
t'lreo to Sre stories in it a home circle can
not find anything else which would be more
'r 3 2'j in advance wo will send it and the
'). t- a:ty address for a full year.
taz: I ASHES KF.tlEW
it a Fi page monthly agricultural paper, and
ii an full of tlcpartmeoU aa the government
t Washington, and they all bear evidence of
anaiual k: ill and industry in their manage
me;,;. JViidrs its agricultural articles it
ivcv a great deal of mucellaueoca reading
ind mrre splendid stories.
It and the I::'.:: i:Ar will be sent one year
for only S3.
r.emcniber that j cannot make these of
'cra to any one but new subscribers who pay
n advance, or t old subscribers who square
ip and pay ens year in advance.
1 1 Uu't every day that such an opportunity
is oSft-rc! to 3:t two paper for the price of
me, and you would do well to improve it.
iCuliow Till, fa Voor XeishiMiWa
Orlopetlla af Lileralurc.
The new eiht vi lume Acme edition of
Ch'imi-T Ciymjdii of EwjtUh Literature is
rnociia:; a isVi the largest sale which has
probably ever been givu to a work having
only hi;l. literary merit and nothing uf the
sensational. Nearly oO.OOO vol, have been
sol 1 the first three mnutoa ef publj
c tt.'oa.
Volume 2, just received, gives the history
and epitome of our literature, from the
'oldea asje" fcf Queen Elizabeth to 1700,
giving in its -tit! bcactiful pages, biographies
if aud choice selections from the writings of
ill noted authors of that period, among
hich are Ixird Bacon, Sir Walter Raleigh,
,3urto'i, 1 lit hop Hall, John Knex, Milton,
Drydtn, Jeremy Taylor and others. Tbe
rork is cf tech well known excellence that
-rvery person of literary taate posseeee or de
-ires to possess some edition of it- This edi-
ion U cntnplete in eight handy volumes, ci
wl'ent in tyjiegraphr, paper and binding,
revised to date, and sold at prices so low, that
a common epiestion which the publishers
have to answer is, "whether the price ia for
each volume or for the entire work? It is
sold only to subscribers direct, the largr dis
count usually givon to dealers and agents,
being allowed to the subscriber instead. The
pablisaeis make special inducements to early
purchasers, the eight volumes complete being
sent to those w ho subscribe this month, ele
gantly bound iu cloth for $2.50. Specimen
pages sent free on request, or a specimen
volume for examination, poet paid for 43
cent". Amrrirax Book Exchange, publishers,
Vi Beekmau street, Xew York.
The Library Uasazlac.
The Library HayaziM, the first number of
which has just reached us, is inique in its
form and typographical appearance. Even
though its contents were dull it is so attract
ive to tiie eye that one must delight in tam
ing its pages, which present a varied array of
choice selections from the latest foreign mag
tzincs and reviews. Sir Erskine Perry, for
many years a resident of that country, dis
:usscs "The Future of India;" Richard A.
roctor treats of "Supposed Changes of the
loon;" T.-Adolphus Trollope writes of "The
tomes aud Haunts of the Italian Poet, Gua
rini;" there is a learned and entertaining ar
ticle on "The Phoenicians of Greece;" and ef
lighter but not trivial articles there are:
"Theatrical MakeshifU and Blunders;"'The
Happy Valley" a picture of life i India.
"An Imperial Pardon," which gives a wtsa-.
derful picture of peasant life ia Rue&ia;
"Some Oossip about Leicester Square;" "A
Woman's Love" a Slavonian story; "Christ
mas in Morocco," etc. To those who have
been longing for the era of low priced, first-
class literature, not the least attractive fea
ture of The Library Jiaaazin is its low
orice, $1 a year, or 10 cents a copy. Te see
so much that is excellent offered for so littlo
cost is sure to put a cheerful smile On the
face of a parson of literary taste, and a dim
or dollar into the hands of the publishers, the
American Eook Exchange, 55 Beekman street.
New York. i
Second (land Books.
A catalogue ef about 20,000 of second hand
and shelf-worn books, in every department
of literature, to he sold at nominal prices,
will be issued January 2oth, by the .dmrrt-
ean Book ExeJiange, 55 Beekman street, New
York. It will be sent postpaid for 10 cents,
and the dime will afterwards be credited to
ward the price of any books ordered.
Choice Jlcw Seeks.
A largo catalogue of a careful selection of
standard and valuable works, offered at
prices much less than they have ever known
such books to be sold, has just been issued
by the American Book Exchange, 55 Beek
man street, New York. It will be sent free
on request.
Economy flab.
Harper's Magatine for 13.15, Scribner's
$3.30, 2?ew York Weekly Tribune $1.20, and
other periodicals ia proportion, are supplied
through the American Book Exchange, 55
Beekman street. New York. Lists Sent.
free. . . . .
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