The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, April 25, 1879, Image 2

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    She Dtrnwat.
FRIDAY APRIL 25, 1879.
Chief Moses, who has been for some
months past ia Washington, has suc
ceeded in getting a large -eaervation
set aside for himself anil Lin eople ilk
Washington Territory. Au agreement
lias becu made with the Indians' by
which the surrender, the lands heroto
fofii occupied by them in Washington
Territory, and accept a reservation set
apart for them by the executive ordor
adjoining and west of the Colville res
toration, iu the northwestern part of
the territory. This reservation ia a
large one, larger than the Yakima res
ervation in the same territory, which
contains 800,000 acrec. It runs north
word to the British possessions, west
ward to the 41th parallel, southward
along the Mothaw river, and eastward
to the Colville reservation.
A good deal of the land contained in
it is mountainous ; ' but other laige
tracts of JuuJ are well watered and
well adapted for agricultural purposes.
The reservation abounds in game and
fish. Its immense size fits it to sup
pott other Indians than the 2,000 or
thereabouts whichpnder the present
arrangement, will go there as sooa as
possible with Moses. It is therefore
agreed that such other friendly Indians
as desire to settle there permanently
may be permitted to do so. The reser
vation is likely, consequently, in ac
cordance with the government policy of
consolidation, to become the receptacle
of shattered ends ef northern tribe of
Indians without reservations and In
dians on reservations whos removal
-nay become a necessity. In eonnec
ion with the agreement with Moses it
may be mentioned that an arrangement also been made with the Umatillas
!i:tt will result in settling the troubles
d nestions that have arisen between
in and the whites.
The telegraph reports Moses as being
nighly elated at the agreement wjiich
has bee j reached. THe says : "When
I go back I will be a bigger Indian than
ever before."
The preparations for the Grant ex
cursion to California are now nearly
couiplets-d, and those Republicans who
are exacted to contribute their mite to
defray the expenses of the big show
can now Lave the gratification of know-
iug somthing f the extent and cost of
the trip. To accommodate the exten
sive menagerie the railroad companies
have furnished on hundred sleeping
Ialace-cars, besides special trains at
nearly every point. The cavalcade
will pass en route to the Pacltic, where
it will arrive abont the ruidJ'e of Au
gust. Of course the excursion will
a .Tor J a harvest to the railroads, who
regard it somewhat in the light of the
"Greatest Show on Earth," or some
such ma naze rial concern, ou a scale of
unusual magnitude, anal are willing to
accommodate their rates in pre)ortien
to the number of animals carried.
All this parade of greatness and
manufactured popularity is exceedingly
fuUnme to American citizens, to a large
majority of whom the name of Grant
is s-nonvrnous with whatever is dis
honest and immoral in our national
politics. Ne one possessing self-respect
and a regard for the future welfare of
his country eon Id nnite in these laada-
tions to a man who, during his official
career, did more by his own notorious
example, and by tolerating others
equally corrupt, to degrade our political
system and destroy our repute as" a na
tion than any of his predecessors in the
chair of Washington. Ooe such lesson
ou;lit tt Kiiffiie fur a g-uerstia, at
least. . . .
ou isdiax TaoiBLtu. .
A dispatch to the Portland itapers,
l;ited at Yakima, W. T., on the. 2 2d
st -'. that while Deputy Sheriff -Wil
liam Granger. Mr. " Johnson and two
otherswere taking the recently captured
Perkins' murderer, Wy-eine-cott to the
Yakima reservation, the father and son
)f the villain lired from ambush upon
"he arty, severely wounding one of
-hen), and stauieiig 14 borxes which
hey with driving. Tlj whites re-
rnA the fire briskly, and succeeded
: killing one of tli would-fx; resetters.
-n. Howard promptly scut creops to
-e seat of violerce, and seems to have
no fears of an Indian outbreak. '
Hon. II. II. Cilfry, of Salem, Las
Wt-en appointed to a clerkship in the U.
S. Senate, at a salary of about $2,200
jB-r Hiinnm. Mr. Giifry is a sterling,
unwavering Prfmoorat. a gentleman f
culture, and possesses clerical qualifica
tions of a high order, and while we
shall very much regnt to lose him from
our Oregon' circle of acquaintances, we
most heartily congratulate him on his
good fortune. He will shortly leave,
with his amiable wife, for bis new field
of action at the National Capital. Our
best wishes will ever attend him and
J inline De-uly has sentenced Kot-ko-wot,
the Alaska Indian murderer, to be
hanged Mrfy 5, and has decreed that
his body b given to the physicians of
the medical school for dissection. , The
J udge is bound to make one good In
dian, auv way, if there be any virtue
in hanging and carving ',
The Kansas people aro cursing the
Radical policy which induced,thousHnds
of Southern negroes to emigrate to that
State. This schema was gotten up by
the Republican Committee at Wash
ington in the hope that enough colored
men mar leave their old homes to re
duce the basis of Southern representa
tion in Congress. The "solid South" is
a political fact that opjKtses a fatal ob
stacle to the continuance of the Repub
lican party in power. It is natural
that they should seek to got rid of it.
Accordingly they encourage tho negro
hegira, and whether the poor African
thrives or perishes is of small uccouut
to them. Cut the Kansas puopte, who
are scarcely recovered from the grass
hopper plague, and who now have these
countless hordes of destitute and help
less creatures quartered upon them, are
protesting against the indignity iu tin
measured terms, insisting that the Na
tional Radical managers must either
remove them from the borders of
"Bleeding Kansas" or else provido for
their maintenance. Even the Republi
can Congressmen from Kansas denounce
this scheme of the Chandler-UarGuld
"National Emigration Aid Society,"
declaring that '.the negroes are not
wanted in their State, aud those who
have stimulated and encouraged their
emigration have acted heartlessly cruel.
The. warm climate aud rich soil of
the South afford the best hemes aud op
portunities for the negroes, and there,
among their old masters, they are more
kindly treated than they ever would be
elsewhere, and there they should lm al
lowed to remain, unless they choose to
remove without being influenced by
illful misrepresentation and down
right lying. When will those simple
minded and confiding people get their
eyes open I When will they begin to
learn that the Northern Radicals do not
care a straw about them, and that they
only keep up the race agitation for
party purpose and selfish ends 1
Will they never learu who their true
friends are until theso abolition, mis
cegenation, colonisation, iuigration
schemes of the R-tdical fanatics have
resulted in the destruction and liual ex
termination of their race T
The conspicuous features of the bill
recently introduced by Senator Slater,
providing for tin transfer of the Indi
ans from the Interior to the War De
partment, are as follows: From aud
after July 1st, 1SS0, the Secretary af
War shall have the same general nwer
and jurisdiction over Indian Affairs as
re now possessed by the Secretary of
the Interior; that Le shall detail an
Army otlicer of a tank not Ies than
Colonel to act as Commissioner of In
dian Affairs, and mike such details of
officers, not . below First LieuU'tmut,
either from the active list of the Army,
as may be necessary, fioui time to time,
te administer the affairs of the ludian
Service. Commanding officers of mili
tary dejiartcnents are to be ex-ollicio in
charge of Indian matters therein, and
the Inspector-General of the A tiny is
to be Inspector of the Indian Service,
and make annual Hearts to Congress
of the number and condition of the In
dian tribes. The bill require all con
tracts for supplies or transjiortation
connected with the Indian Service to be
made in the sami manner, and, as far
as practicable, at the same time as Army
contracts. The oilicus of Special Com
missioners, Superintendents, Boards of
Indian Commisaioners and Tnsisftors
of Indian Affairs are to le abolished
from and after July 1, IjJSO ; and,
among other thiug-t, it is provided by
this bill that all ruligious denoiiiina
tions shall enjoy a free aad equal light
to erect and maintain church and school
buildings on any and all Indiau Kser
vationa, and shall not be molested in
their religious or philanthropic i-ll'-irts
to advance the Indians in maral, relig
ious and literary culture.
" A HeV-J! TOTtLLl K4 Lll:l.
- There was a newly-married couple on
the Great Republic when she stranded,
and when the tug-boats came alongside
to rescue passengers the husband sprang
on the first one and went off to the
laud, and stood there in safety looking
at the ship which still contained his
bride, and softly sang :
"lun waiting on the shore, lure
On the svy and faultless sand
Fur thy foocsteue dimlr a'"""
For tbf ahatl.w on the strand ;
, While in my tad, sad dreemiiiir,
1 know it it but dreamtni;,
The kisses on my basd,
. ThU dreaming is it asBislng
F.-um yonder una low land f
But when she came on shore in the
next boat and peremptorily ordered
him to go back to the ship for their
"duds," he said, "Not much, Mary Ann!
not for yon and all of your furbelows
and frills and flounces and striped stock'
ings and dimity !" And he told her
the naked truth, for she didn't get her
clothes, and -there is a divorce suit
'.' Now that our farmers have been
buying California potatoes all winter at
$1.25 per bushel, it is time they were
thinking of raising enough at home for
their own use, at least. Don't let your
spare garden-spot grow up in weeds and
sun flowers, but plant potatoes, for
" De big sunflower may rise above
De modeiit 'tau-r-vtuo,
An' bra; about it a Sunday clMte,
An put on aire ao tine ;
But whee de Winter howls around,
an' de enow lie at de doali,
De hig sunflower, oh ! whar am he ?
--De 'ater hab de flush."
. AxoTHEU lecherous "Rev.," named
Weisman, seduced a Miss Emma Ilersh,
a Somerset,,. Ohio, school-marm, and
both of them have skedaddled for parts
Loss of the Steamship Great Republic.
1 in men so Lost of Freight.
We have now to record the most
feurful marine disuster which has oc
curred in Oregon waters since the loss
of tho ill-fated " Brother Jonathan,"
some fourteen years ago.
Lust, Sunday tho startling rumor
reached this city that tho Opposition
Stentnship.Great'Republic, en route from
San Francisco to Portland, was wrecked
on Sand Island, in tho mouth of the
Columbia, just after crossing the Har,
and subsequent intalligonco proved the
iuinful rumor to be true.
It appears that the vessel arrived off
the Dar on Friday evening, and the
weather being calm and pleasant the
Captain concluded to go on in during
the night, and the pilot was given
charge of the vessel Having safely
passed the ltar and entoied tho South
channel, and whilo on her counto, in
comparatively smooth water, and com
ing to the end of the course opposite
tho foot of Sand Island, she failed to
make the abrupt turn necessary there,
tho pilot biing unable in the darkness
to see the beacon by which the vessels
are ordinarily guided. Capt. Carroll,
the commander of the vessel, said to
Pilot Doig, who was directing her
coutse at the time when the turn should
havo been made, "We are at the end of
this course." Doig responded, "no, we
are not; khu wants ono minute mora."
That minutn was fatal iu less than
thirty seconds her bows touched the
sands, and as her engines were driving
her ahead, she ploughed deep into the
treacherous shoals. The darkness was
intense and the title had lieen ebbing
t-o hours. After a lew itietruttHat
struggles to retreat tho vessel lay uutil
morning. She weut on drawing seven
teen feet of water anil could be ap
proached by tugs at low water near
enough to get out a line.
.-s too airnuueti vessel was only a
few miles from Astoria the news of the
disaster soon reached that city, and
everv available vessel was soon sent to
the scene of the wreck, and in a few
hours all of tb passengers some 1200
in number were safely brought off and
landed at Astoria. The first and c
oud officer and some 1 1 of tho ship's
crew, however, were drowned by the
swamping of a boat iu which they were
attempting to go ou shore. Threo men
clung to the boat and drifted ashore
with it. Seven hors.s reached the is!
and alive. There were 27 in all on
board. The ship was now going to
pieces, and breaking up vety fast. Her
mainmast fell during the night. Thi
engiues hail broken through the bilge,
and the ship listed seaward. Breakers
wer washing completely over her, and
oetiumg, lurniture, etc, wsHlnng up
with the surf on the beach.
At alsjut eight o'clock iu the morn
ing, at half tide, heavy swalls from the
southwest cuumcnwil to come in, and
soon lifted her stern, which still floated,
around to the northwest, presenting n
broadxidt to tha sea. Kadi swell ca
reened h-r over aud drove her higher
on the sands. On the receding of each
swell the weight of her immense 'hull,
machinery and cargo, drove her deeer
into the sands. She finally became a
total wreck, and Captain Carroll and
those of the crew who had lemainud
with him ami assisted in saving jwshpd-
gers, abandoned the magnificent vessel
to its fate aud went ou shore.
There .were several thousand tons of
freight on buard, which, together with
almost all rf the piMerig-r'j baggage.
was lost.
The passengers wore mainly i lit id t
grants, immt of whom are left i-Htiriilv
destitute by this sail disaster.
Capt. Carroll, of the wrecked steam
er, gives the following account of the
disaster :
" I grave the steamer ovor to Pilot Doig
at the automatic buoy at 11:30 Kridsv nlirht.
It was clear Ktarigbt, not a ripple on the
water, which was as smooth as a mill
pond. We came In over the bar on a alow
bell all the wsy ; crossed tho bar all rip lit,
reach inn the inside booy la safety. Tha
first ami third ofneers, freight clerk and
my sol f were on lookout. I had a pair of
glasses and was the first to discover Hand
Island, and found bearings all right. I re
ported Hand Island to tne pilot, lie had
not seen it. We run along probably two
minutes, and then I told the pilot that I
thouaht we were getting too close to the
island, and that I thought he had better
hnil her up. lie replied, "I think we are
hot in far enough." A minute after I told
him to " port your helm, and pot it hard
aport, as I think you are getting too near
the island." lie made no reply, but run
along about nvo minutes. Than be put
tfie helm bard aport, The vessel swung
up, heading toward Astoria, but the ebb
caught her on the starboard bow and, be
ing so much nearer the island than be ex
pected, set ber en tne snit. Shu went on
so lightly than only a few knew it; but as
the tide was falling we had no chance to
get the vessel off that night. Next tide on
Saturday morning was a small one, and
wb were still unable to get off. The bar
ometer was going down, indicating a storm.
I sent Mr. Peck, the purser, in a small
bsat to the Can by in a small boat for as
sistance and boats to remove the passen
gers. The tugs Bronham and Can by ar
rived and sent small boats to the steamer
immediately for the transfer of passen
gers, which wat done by means af small
Various opinions are expressed as to
the cause of the disaster, some blaming
the Captain for attempting to cross the
Bar and running the narrow channel at
night, but the general sentiment is that
the pilot was either grossly remiss in
his duties and criminally negligent, or
else was hired to do this dirty job by
the old steamship line. However, as a
thorough investigation is to be made 3
to tke cause of the misfortune, we sus
pend judgment until the truth is devel
oped. Beorsen's comet is coming.
Kabtkii is over but out umbrella still
koeps lent. ,
N atu u ally enough, nearly all Mor
mons are Republicans.
Indiana school teachers are finsd if
f they lick pupils in angor.
Col.. McCiUHK, of tha Philadelphia
Time, was married to a Jewish ladf
recently. 1 ,
Chan Fak Kwai, a Chinaman, is
lecturing in tho Kast, allee same Mcli-
can man.
The days aro getting long enough
for a gmno of chess or an Oreyintian
TUB position of tho plsnnt of Vul
can is yot unsettled. So ate some of
our littlo bills.
Tub petition to the Illinois Legis
lature for a local option law was sigund
by 110,000 women.
A Yank ek has invented a musical
churn that plays the "Sweet Dy-and-
Ry " whilo the butter comes.
Tub widow Oliver says her broach of
promise suit was a rider and she wants
it attached to tho appropriation bill. ,
The Democrats in Congress don't
mind tho '-jaw" of the inijHitmit Radi
cals, but go right along with their poli-c7-
A la ho a. invoice of Spring and Sum
mer joetry for the Dbmociiat wet
down in tho (Ireat Republic. No in
surance. Xkauly 2,000,000 Texas cattle are
being driven to Northern market). The
Chicago dealers expect to be bulldozed
if they "steer" that way.
Al'sTUAMA, the largest island on the
globe, contains au area of 3.000,000
square milas and a imputation of tj'00,
000, which is steadily increasing.
New Knulaxd philanthropy for the
Southern negro is abnormally largn, but
the number of colored men in office in
New Kngland is significantly small. to the Cr and Sttttmium
Mr. (lilfry will not succeed as a depart
ment clerk at Washington unless he
turn editor ! That a do'il of an idea,
isn't it t
Tue Portland Dee acknowlodgra that
"leading Republican are aanaging"
the negro emigration to Kansas ; aud
Kansas citizens "d a these leading
Wii. Jenkins, a Cincinnati church
sexton, has fallen heir to 97,000.000.
Other Jenkinses are also wanted to
share in this rich spoil. Let's see ! Is
there Jenkins blood in our veins?
CoKNBUt's J. Vand:kiiii.t discharges
an honorable dubt by paying la the
daughters of tho lato Horace yrrclr-y
tho money which ha had borrowed of
of the latter, amounting in all to $61,
IS7. Texas' has 1,700 convicts, of whom
COO are kept in prison, and tho rust are
hired unt to work on railroads and
farms. One, undergoing life sentence,
is hired by his wife, and lives comfort
ably at home.
Ilarts decline the invitation t join
tbo Ctraut excursionist to San Fran
cisco. Mrs. Hayes has convinced h'rn
that no man who patronize Kjuri.on
whUky a a steady drink is lit to re
ceive the honors of a publio triumph.
Jl'tioe Dkauv thinks nobody should
vota except proerty-holdra. Wonder
if he has forgotten when he was a poor
village blacksmith, without a wriuy in
his purse? The laboring men of Ore-
gun don't appreciate his present aristo
cratic and intolerant ideas.
The Jackson (Mich.) l'atrlol says
So much has bet-u said and written by
the opposition upon the subjeot af
Democratic stupidity and chronin blun
dering, that they can of course offer a
ready explanation of the to them an
toward circumstances of beiag in a mi
nority in both branches of he .National
Legislature. Was it stupidity and con
stant blundering that has transformed
the eight Democratic Senators of ten
years ago to a compact body ef forty -
three and changed a two-thirds Repub
lican majority in the House to a major
ity of tenty in our favorl
Williard Ilerren and aomo other
Heppner boys, while hunting on the
John Day last week, found an Indian
"cache," containing a lot of beads,
blankets, skins and three dead Indians,
one of which must have been a chief
from theVay he was fixed up. Thero
was threo white scalps tiod to bis belt,
one of which was a white woman's.
She had light, nearly blonde hair, some
what cutly. His rifle and six shooter
ware buried with him, also a broken np
Wells, Fargo express box.
The State Board of Publio
Instruction has authorized a vote
to be taken among the' County
School Superintendents ' on) the
text book question, It is probable that
by this means tke Bancroft school book
monopoly will be effectually "sinched."
So mote it be.
Our columns- are" crowded with ad
vertisements, to the exclusion of read
ing matter, in consequence xf which we
have made arrangements for a supple
ment containing a large amonnt of misr
celaneous intelligence. ' The supplement
will appear with our next issue.
- mine csarteks.
ffow shear sheep.
Twas the pilot's fault.
Oregon weather still alittle "split up."
Next s The Great Republic sufferer.
West-Sido jpvoparty fast rising la
valutf. ", , -
Astoria belter organic a lifa-saviug
Jackson vilhi has "fat men's foot
raons." , ' J '
Ore gou fumiors making their plows
TonnesHoe immigrant arriving at
Eureka, Nev., was half destroyed by
nro last Saturday.
A Chinaman put in a bid for "night
watch" of Eugoxe.
A Champeog hen laid twin egg the
day before Easter Sunday."
Crops and the new Constitution both
bid fair to fail in California.
Jay Cotil J wants 1,000 negroes to
work on the Utah Central It. It.
The Portland detectives havn't ar
rested a Hagar murderer for a week.
Gen. Jna F. Miller is building an
elegant residence on hi farm near Ba
That negro emigration cloud threat
en to resell tne I'sviuo coast, to do
bprirg cometh ou apace, and the
voice of tho doodle-bug ia beard in the
Astoria aud Portland responded no
bly to the relief of the "Republic" suf
Oysteia .'heasr ihau beef at Olytn
pia. Iet tho Olympian continue to
"shell out."
An Indian of tho classic name of
Felix is the newly vluctad chief of the
Nos Forces.
Tillamook Hay put in it oar for the
Break water sito. Why don't tW'I-ong
Tomers" chip in t
The anlira Kplo of tbo Valley coun
tiea arc "solid" for Foulweather for the
llalbor of Kef u go.
Palouso iHwnlo aro breaking out
against bona thieves, and kamp rope
have "ris" ia prioe.
The Olympia SlatularJ is tha best
local paper on the Sound and ia sound
on tha political gouae.
The apposition lino will immediately
apply the place of the wrecked Repub
lic with a near steamer. -
The Olympia Standerd estimate the
wealth of Washington Territory lum
ber interest at 94,000,000.
Calvin B. MoDonald and Uncle
Davy Newaome will lecture on temper
ance at Corvallia to morrow night.
Mr. Jacob Co user, of Jefferson, died
last week. We deeply sympathize with
her bereaved husband and family
Judge Sawyer has overrules! Judgi
Deady's derision in the Or is wold
and tho latter i to havo a new trial
An Albany swell who feel insulted
by a newspaper article wants to "patt a
head on a certain editor." O, spare us
The MeMinnrillo JUjtorter call the
Oregon mail service a "milk sick insli
tutiam." How did it swt tha "milk
sirk" tcl it 1
Last Friday morning Win. Young,
f Olympia, was found dead in hi bed
with a cigar in lit mouth and a news
paper ia his band. "Heart dieasa,'
say the doctors.
F. I Lance, a Walla Walla gambler,
whilo aUcir.p iog to murder Lis mistress,
at Dayton. W. T.. Last wer. shot him
self in the Lead and died.
The Democrats ef the Third District
of California will undoubtedly te nomi
nate Hon. J, K. Lattrell for Congress
and tke Rada caa't beat Lisa.
That pilot who ran tha Graat Re
public ta har doous is named Doig. He
ou"ht to Lava tha "i" knocked but of
hi naino, if not wilt af bi head
. Tha Partlaad JWdoea tho Uir thin
in aivini credit ta article taken from
it ' exchanges. ' Bro. Clarke, thera
hope for such a Radical' a you yet 1
A majority of immigrants go to the
fertile plaina and rich unbounded pas
ture fields of Kaatorn Oregon. And
still there is roeaa for thousand ef
homes up thero.
The mnrdorera' carnival , is net yet
ended., .A family of four jiersons was
recently cut to pteoes by an axe in the
hands of seme nnknown person near
San Jose, California.
. , Mrs. Duniway has disposed of a part
interest in the If out Norlhweat to her
sons good beys, who gft their typo
graphical start in the Democrat office. 1
Success to tho new firm.
The other day a young couple, while
out boating cm Cees Bay, agreed te get
married, and the Marshfield Jfeuts calls
it a "naval engagement." Is'nt that
editor a little naughty-cal t
The Roseburg IndtrjMndgnl say Wo.
Iliggins had. a clinched fight .with a
brown bear, and they rolled and tum
bled, Higgfns got away without ser
ious damage- sb did the bear.
, An emigrant pre-empted a piece of
laud on Apple-gate on which a school
house had been built, and notified the
directors to rerasive it, forbidding them
to open school. A number of persons
attacked him with knives and clubs and
were arrested.
The Roseburg Independent was 3
years eld last Saturday, and already
wears pants with gall uses, red-top boots,
and chews tobacco and spits on the big
Oregonian't shirt bosom. It's truly a
precocious yeuth an Independent son
of a gun on wheels I
The Marion and Wasco county wag
on road company has organized at Sa
lem, capita stock, $4,000, of . which
half has been subscribed. Bids will
be advertised to open a trail through
the Minto pass to Prineville, and the
company intend to have the road ready
for teams by Sept. 1st
For some time past about soventy-five
white laborers have been at work grad
ing the extension of the O. C. Rail
road from St. Joe westward, far which
work they received $ 1.50 per day, board-
ng themselves. On Monday of last
eok these men were all discharged
ithout previous notice, and Chinaman
put on instead, before their eyes.
The Bee says the railroad company
would not lot the men ride in freight
cars and some of them walked to Fett-
and, because "after paying their bills at
the boarding house they had not money
enough to pay their railroad fare.
These men, though discharged to make
room for Chinamen, were not only
thrown out of employment without
notice, but were not even aid for the
work they had done. Time checks
were given thuia which they were told
would be cashed in a few day if they
would wait. The boarding ba ia the
greatness of Li heart gave the boys
5 cent ou the dollar for these chocks.
more scandalous or outrageous pro
ceeding never came to our knowledge.
I it any wonder that " sand lot
meeting ate being held in Portland by
these grossly out workingmon and
their oppressed brethren, and that the
cry is swelling iu volume from thous
and of throat. "The Chinee Must
(Jo t"
r. r m. er ui.
Hon. Dan. Clark. Past Grand Mas
ter of the State Orange, writes an in
teresting letter to the StaUiman con
cerning the. condition of the subordi
nate Orange in Linn county. He says
they are prosperous and flourishing,
and pays the Patron ef Linn a taiga
encomium ution the cencial outlook of
the order here. , The Council for this
county will meet at Sand Ridge on the
fourth Tuesday in May.
Tall CtLiroRVia (XSTlTtTlvSil.BLSC
Tiai. .
The election on the new California
Constitution will occur on the 7th
proximo. The middle classes and work
iag men are generally iq favor of its
adoption, bat the capitalist and I
nepotist are straining every nerve
accomplish its defeat, and it is proba
ble that the money and power which
they are throwing into the balance will
accomplish the result.
a DiTiit-tisar.s mas teE.
Gen. J no. A. Dix died last Tuesday
in New York. He was the author of
the now famous expression, ''If any
man attempts to haul down the Ameri
can flag, shoot him on the. spot !"
If yoo ara troubled with
disheartened, tired of life.
fear death or
feel out of sorts as tbe saying ia, yen may
safely conclude that you have tbe Diapep-
sia or Liver Complaint. Tt liver ia very
ant to become torpid this season of the
vear a poisons a ruing rroui Btaanant
ter er deca vlna vetretatlon are more numer-
nuw and are liirounh Inhalation taken inte
the blood. Unless the liver 1 strong; and
satire, and furnishes a supply of fresh and
pure Mood to a rive out tne impunuea.
tbe above mentioned symptoms surely rot
low. and If not heeded, end in more terri
ble dkiasaaes and death. White's Pralrid
Flower proves itself the Graat Liver Pana
cea. Ita action on the liver Is different
from any medicine ever compounded. Ita
eutea are truly wonderful. Try it. Price
twenty-five cents and seventy-ave oenta.0
- Wa. Uw amUraifnad, dartyaMe ut Ika Mstkodiat
Churvb la Nun, Sooila, bavinar ttaad taa prtiaaralicsi
tusxra aa KaUowa OotapouDd syrup ol llrpnBo-
phltsa, prvparsd by Mr. J
at Jubn. M B, or has-inf
aaita vara iiaialal. Bali
imm I. Kallowa,
hoowa eaaas wnaraia iu
iva SlaWa raUaba nag
4 lur llw d hi.ii lor arhtck tt H uniilanailiil.
Jaaaa u Huaiaata, Praa. o Iknieraou. McMcaaaT, Kt-Praa.of Cisifaraata .
WiLuas MAaaaxT,
JiNia A Moaiaa.
Jomi W Moans,
snusaa B Hisms,
Kuaaao W Wumu,
ALU W KamoLsu, .
Caaaaanes Juar.
- ttovuao Moatus, ' .
Jom JuHsacHi.
Falkiwa' Hrpopbuavalua aria as an aloruical aaSmani
aana Uw tMaa. lufoauur In iua iuaaaiawii. ro
duein a appatila, diyastlua and aaaloillaUaB. . Iu
InDuanoa la saarlad apua Mm blood, the asrrsa, tba
muatlos. It pMsHasaa asata or dUaaan tuaoa and
ranunlaa tha aaan. IliOHstftathe priaaiplaaat Ufa
an.tanlmalUsi. sad daaUaaa tba iriaor at jroath,
laaiiBss t yoaUt, and tba appaaranoa at jroutb.
Astonishing Suooess.
It is the duty of every peraen who has
used BoacBKaV OliSA.f SrafP to leU iu
wonderful qualities be known to their
friend In curina Consumption, severe
Couarba. Ctoud. Asthma. Pneumonia, and
lnfacfall throat and lung disease. Mo
reon can use it without Immediate relief.
Three dose will relieve any ease, and we
oonasiar it tbe duty of all druggists to rec
ommend It to the poor dying consumptive
at least to try one bottle, a 40,000 doaea
bottles were sold last year, aad no case
where It failed was reported. Suoh a mod
Iclna aa the GxaxaK SraCP cannot be too
widely known. Ask your druggist about
it. Sample bottle to try sold at IS centa.
Regular also 75 cents. For sale by all
druggists. ,
Sad Havoc is Created
A mon the tenant of the moath by allow-
inir imparities to eollect upon their sarfsoe or
every vestige of tartar from tit teeth, and
renders their V re mature decay impossible.
It not only impart to thm whiteness aad
visor, bat communicates hardiness and rosi
nes te the gums- The breath acquire
meat aeeentable frasrano from it ase ; it
a Durelv botaaio liuuid. and it.may b relied
on to aocomnlish its beautifvins effects with
oat injuring tbe enamel like a gritty tooth
past. ' '
Pleasurable to call at . ,
j!illim:uv Rooms
- And examine her slofsnt stock of
(Just srrirsd par Steamer OregonX
Comprising tha la teat styles in BATS, BONNETS,
other ornaments too numerous to mention. -
The Best of Dressmakers Employed
in the Establishment
SCIUMEEK'i BBILDaNS, Cor. Vain and Ills
worth Sts., Albany, Oregon. - uSi
112 First Street, bet. Ferry and Washington.
The whole stock being bought since the Great Decline in goods, we can tberofore offer
you great inducement
1000 fse PriaU, Standard, V fit tut 1 00
Mm ' LoaMtai Cuatoa, tan-y4. ........ .......... Sou
) Whit Eock, pr rJ-.. .. eta
W " lo- ttwaUaf, pmr y4 6 eta
" W " " .,.. .. ZO eta
1U00 doa ausn Pint, S Papara .... 25 u
10,000 dot rsvpara Maadlaa, rwpwa.. .............. 2.' rta
lOUQao iaata- Hoaa, awr pur lOcM
M t VmBt aad Collar., par ML ........ l&au
to aa Mavalna, all Dm 7S eU
1(0 doa IwnW Horn, fwr Mats
60 dot LaJIW Aprana. aah ...................... 26 da
1000 rda flaratniry adyiug-, par yd ,.H. & ela
SO do LadlW Silk Tlaa 25 els
U Am tlaadkarohlafa, lis- cm
ao aos utatr naiinsaruniaf, X lor . li- cm
lb Sos 'amala, fss- Sot SI 00
tutr Manno vast to ru
Umu Maris L'ntlarsfclru. 40 eaa
MboUaSas Hlbtsm, 1 inch, t cM, wrMi.... 1 00
Shaaar Soaks, pain ..... l 00
Omta' BriUali Iloaa, pair ... l 00
i ooa wmi 37 ct
All Wad naosM, vhlto and 30 eta
Status- KImimI. 16 Ma, rayular pries 87 eta
I .am mrj mi nnawia. . . . si uv
Haar Waaar Prsuta tfi eU
1 Mas all awl Caahaiara. t la 76 CV
n b"la Caahaaara, 4v la. u sts. a-oud valoa. l 00
wi Ma ma ajvs, x ets, kkI ralua 7i ew
100 dus Oaat'a Shirla, wblu, ( oo, arorta SI V)
ti dot Oaal'l Sblru, eolorad, do eu, wortk ... SI Z6
ia ass Burr ajBiru, wan .,..... Kk eu
doa ' ' ClHroWa ; o'M
M pMaa RaoblH, S jrda for 26 eta
lalaaaa' HaMUtauad Haadkarcliicfa, tut te eU
LaSMa' Kid OaanlWta, 76 ru. rayular prrtca. . . . t tl
Laallaa Braakiaat IkMb, 60 ata. rac. prie SI On
lauar Umm Coilaa. 6 lor 26 ru
to bolu) Caiaad if air Urraa Ouoda, tec, (wal ai ST J eta
100 kotu Tabla Unas, S7te, rnud nalua . vzl eu
600 doc ail s4 Chlldnn'a Kaa.
60 dc lakdMW (tMsmlaa, IA eta, good vala ....
U iloa LaXKaa Uraa-ora. 6eU, t,n4 talus
100 dsc tadlas' PU SklrU, 60 eta, rood ralua,
60 das Back Lost ha, t tvr tie, good ral, mvcb . .
76 eu
76 rts
t Bo
16 eta
4 OS
u oas LMMr i-naasaoa Hats, si,
ISO das Muaaa'Trlnowd Halo, It, - - ..
10 das BfiaW Klt Uala, trusmad
ei oo
St I
100 das Ladlaa- Wklu I
, 1 rafllas.
ss 00
If eo
lo au
60 eU
t ou
t oo
ei oo
6 eU
HI 60
2 OO
ta LatdssC BakrISarad Skirts. .
S6 doa Paiaala Saavla, as, npla ortca
100 boHa Buasr Plaka, aaar atila, par d....
69 boils aU wool Caabmara. douLla wUnb
8 Mu Canteai Ptaasal, It lor.
is fas usaaons ar...
Ladlaa fnrtraaaad Klda
Ladiaa- Sin pad BaJavs-al Haas, t pairs lur
60 doe lladaprsada. Hoaarouaib. SI. rar. srlee.
160 Wax Ltolla, arltb earls, 60c, ray. pnea.
OO das Caiaa alalia. S lor
T Look for the Large Canvas Sign,
Examine Stock and Prices Before
Purchasing Elsewhere !
33ml HJ. TT i-i nT
Wholesale aad retail dealer in
Drugs. Paints. Oils Glass.
eaa-pin1'J with Mrrarate-'f by rampetcait raa- .
alatavata. wka aire kaaitt day aind nlx-at.
vr wexalcl caill the attest! r Fhralciaaia
aTtai4trBirtr7 Uraga-lat te tha lave t thattear elaUaa
te aa heewieetR-e ef.the ara( braaleeaa ia hauaeel
javeai the atavBateral. atreaisith arad qastltte ereatr
a;ela aa4 the atcenravr efear pharaaiaeeetteml
SherifTs Sale.
forecle-ure in tba Circuit Court ol the
btata of Crrtgon, fut tba County af Linn,
aad an execution issued in pursuance
thereof on the 2ad day of April, 1S79, to
as directed and delivered, in favor of
Joha Vf. Moore, Plaintiff, and against B.
T. Lotll and Mary Illis, hU wife. De
fendant, for the sum af five thouaaad six
hundred and ten dollar and sixty-five
cents, and the further sum of thirty-one
and 96-100 dollars, coats, I have levied
upon the mortgaged premises described in
aid decree a folio wa, to-wit: Tbe south
one-half ol tha northeast quarter of see
Uoa eighteen, and tha north one-half of
tbe southeast quarter ef section eighteen,
in Township twelve South of Range two
Wast. WlUaaaetta Meridian, In Linn coun
ty, Oregon, and on
Saturday, the Sid day qf May, 1S79,
at the Court House doer in the city of Al
bany, lann county, Oregon, at the hour of
1 o'clock P.M. I will sell the hereto before
described real property at publio auction
for cash in hand, to tha highest bidder, to
amtlafy aajd writ of ezaoution, with accru
ing coats.
38w4 Sheriff of Linn Co., Oregon'
To Voters of School District No. 5.
i there will be a meeting held of the
legal Totara of School District No. 6, in
Linn county, Oregon, at the hour of 7X
o'clock P. M. on fueaday, the 6th day of
May, 1879, at the Court House in Linn
county, Oregon, for the purpose of voting
on the question of building the Ctntral
School House one story higher than at
present, making it two stories high. Also,
to levy a tax sufficient to pay for said im
provements. By order of the
J. H. Bubkhabt, Clerk. S8w2
eome white in forehead, strayed from
Albany on Monday, April 7th, and wa
seen the next day ou the road leading from
Jefferson to Lebanon. Any one leturning
this peny to Soott Monteith, in this city,
will be liberally rewarded. 38
Land for Sale.
fTs r f acres one-half mile west of Soda
i nil ville, 100 in cultivation; all under
teuoa. Oak Creek affords it water the year
round. Will sell at a very low prioe s on
third down. For iaither particulars, ad
88m3 , Sodaville, Oregon.
taveaterS aad rateatee
should send for .InstruoUans, terms, refer
ences, etc., to Ediaoa Brothers, Solicitors,
af Patent, Wa-htngtea, D. C, who fur
nish the same without charge. Edison
Brother I a well known and successful
firm of large experience, having been es
abliahed sinoe loofl. 14:12tf
In the following lines:
60;bolU Black Trlmminr Silk, 0 eU, r-d ral
St 09
t 60
lb eta
SI 26
ti eu
1 00
V, eta
St 00
1 00
ti ats
26 bulu " Oroa (Jralo Uraas, tf 76,
in ureas a
una. iss t
60 dos Tldlas, 6 lor
IW aos Leee ruiow Sterna, iss- pair. ...
60 d tadtaa' Kmbr'd tiandkaralilata, 1 lor...
All Moan Crash. 10 rds for..
l.-hUdran's Rmbroidanst Uibs, 6 Its-.
6 dos Turkish Towsla, par doz, S3, rood ral.
T balaa Cabot W Cottoa. 14 yds lor
SO bAM Iaca r:urtaina, par yd.
MMt n site wool hum, par pair.. .
aaasaa- All wool Hosa, per pur. .
16 eta
And tboaaaada of uthar arttclaa too aaaaorons W
merstlon. at stoniahinf low pricaa.
LadlW Laea Handlurcbiau, i lor
t.'htl'lren'a Lacs Hi)..
Ladies' Kmbrotdarad tuff, and Collars
Ladies' Keck Ties
dent's Nark Ti-a. all ebauee ....... .
Ladies Silk Tiea, J ls- ......
laos Plllnw Shams, per lr ...........
Sheneel. t tarda lor .
Miasm Trimmed Male... ....... .
Ladies' Trimmed UaU ..... . . ..
Children'! Laxuirm Trtauoad UaU ....
I Jul iea- Striped Hoes . .
10 yards of Oingham l" .. .......
1Z Tarda Llrlefi Crash lor
Table Klsen, per yard..... ..................
Twela, per tUn
Napkins, per dos.... . ..
Ladies' Linen Collar., f lor
Coats Spool MecMne 1 bread, lor ...
II. eta
26 eu
10 et
10 eu
60 eu
1 Ut
t vo
St 00
1 60
10 CU
41 00
1 0O
76 eu
76 eu
SI on
St 00
16 eu
1 V,
St 60
tl 00
6 OO
K t
SI 60
W dux Children e Uoas, per pair
; 60 pisors Saue Flake lireaa Goods, 12 yds fur..
i U yds Heavy Cabot W Cotton fur.
Turks Towels, earb
, 160 CoraeU for 60 eta each, food raise
iLadtas Unen Iftuters
j Ladlaa K.mbr'd Uoea SuiU,S, res;, price
Ladies' rVenrb Hanala Maiu...
j awes' sod Children's Buna.
i hiwren h ie Sons .
Talds Oil Cloth, per yd. :
Ladies- uotmaas at Manulaetory Plica.
Tha larreet stack ol Millinery Uoods seer uroogbt
to tide asarket, asd aiM at retonfshlns; Wtw pnees.
I save sno,ia adiiaun,a rary isrye aVick ef Ladies',
ausssr aad Childrsa's Pbiladelplua Seoas.
I Ladies' kid foxed, phda , SI 00
j Ladies' kid l..xd. full acallopad (1 S6
. Children's Calf school Shoes so eta
)fsssa) " g 25
I Ladiaa Oil C-at Shoes r.Zl!..". 1
iMlaaea" " " 1 00
Children'. fU Gstt Kboea . vu eu
i Sewpart Ties, Jluckle 1 00
; Ladiaa Rubber trtrerehoas 46 eU
. Miaaes' Enbls-r Orerabses 60 eu
i Children a Hubber Oreraboea 36 eu
(Pavtemt ZBCotaJUc
Boots and Shoes
Froxa Harming otbt,'
and Ripping in the
Caatem Boot arnU She Maker.
Nono trat the best stock used,
and a good fit guaranteed-
French Kip Boots to order - $3 00.
Philadelphia Kip - - - . 0.
Ropairiug neatly dose.
Give him a call.
B3MT Alb-ay, eraaa.
Dr. G. Schlesinger,
Importer and dealer in pure
Keeps on hand a full assortment of
Imported Goods
In hi line.
Special attention paid te the compounding
of Physicians' Prescriptions and
Chemical, Analysis.
Notice to Creditors.
Joseph Taylor has made an assign
ment to the undersigned of all hi proper
ty (except that which is exempt by law
from execution) for the benefit of ail hi
creditors, and that all the creditors of said
Joseph Taylor are hereby required and
notified to present their respective claims
under oath, to the undersigned, at his of
fice, in Albany, eOreeon, within three
months from the date hereof.
Dated March 17th 1879.
n33w6 . ' . Assignee.
General Jobbing!
it n
at Blain's Clothing- Store.
TJ "PI Q riTBaatoaai
JDJOlaay mac
waurareui. 86 ta tree Bar
mads ay ear worker oi aiiasr sax.
right ia their awn iocaliuaa. Far-oulara and te-eales
warth Sf free. Impreve yosr apara time at aha bibb
ddreas Btubos Ca.. FerUaod, Msaa. at
ssV mmmW s' U