The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, January 03, 1879, Image 3

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JK.ilJAk .JAJiUARY 3. 187klrary Sociecv tuenUlu. and alLthadif.
'-' vj aautli alrr-rary.
U; P. CHOBOM.-rn.aohmg.verySahbath,
at 11 a. m., end by Ear. f Q S
Tine, D. D. .Sabbath School at 2:30 r it
, ... -Torj MaauaaoayaTaning.
Kali, 1 1 ,':i,,WlW00 Sab
School ItaS. Prayar meating every Thair.
, . uuveraux, pallor.
L,.'. '- "..bbath
ST: rrayar maatiag aver
PlT.) ' , oms each week. W. B.
f 1-. Oil IT. mT r .
SabUth at St. Paul". AL KoiT c"I!V
- - ."-"'-'a. . oervicea everv
!: ".5?0 Ud' Sbbath Schoo4
xniyer meeting everv
Teang, P. A. Meaea, pastor. 7
.t ii Trrfr
tK. . -i r ' c,on ervicein
.. Vng armon. Sahlath School
j ' '.r?ar meeting every Thar
mitinw , m ""O" a protracted
.f- - un pastor.
1 ST Ptrrc.r.. o .
v ce held u, the Church everv Sunday at
II A. .at Sunday School at 5:30 r. u. II.
Bakarrlkrra. a S.rr Te Head Tfcla.
eoognuing the fact that all our Beoula
re aoer affected by the hard times, and
wnen Mey pay oat rnonev for
BSWMun.M 4L - .
r- -t w oenrse waat to get aa
mach reading matter as DoesiM. .v.
ne louowutg aaaounoameat and offer :
-II 1
" uoscnoers who will aetUe what
awy owe ana pay us one vear in advar.
the DmifoclUT, or to any mew subscriber who
pays m advance, we will wad the following
free of charge:
n f (y twt for six months.
or ih
F arrner Rerietc for one year.
" "pendent paper about the sin of the
lxocAT, but it is printed in smaller type.
and doesn't have over two columns of adver.
tieetnenta. Ech Ztambar ia crammed fnTl
wixa me latest news of the world, mieoella- I
erncies, and aa it always haa from
V A.- , I
urew o nvw swnea in it a home circle can.
" anyuing else which would be more
u.c. .
"r,iMa Mvaaoe we will send it and the
- a I
democrat to any addreee for fuU year.
i monthly urriciiitanl MiMr.'aUatd
" "- departments aa the government
at Washington, and they all bear evidence of
an usual skill and industry in their manage,
meat. Besides its agricultural articles it
gives a great deal of miscellaneous reading
and aocce splendid stories.
It and the Democrat will he sent one vear
I or only $3.
1- w ...
m a - - "
Aensemaer taa we cannot make those of.
fersio aay one but new subscribers who new
ia aavaace, or to old subscribers who square
-r jrear in aavance.
xi lan l everv dav that n.h .b t,,;.. I
ia offered to get two papers for the price of
. I'r. "."..r i
one, and you would do well to improve it.
aalaew Thia to Tear el kber.-&l
ataatlaas Bllwlas.
,., MaHASia, Ogn, Dec. 220, 1878.
Editor Democrat:
For the last six months, I hare been lock
ed ap in one of yon gloomy canyons of our
grand, romantic Cascade mountains,
prospectus in conranekioa with m ..W I
or. the "final VV . 1
WiC JUdaow that I .ten down and not
m viimu
from the shadow of Jeffereon, into the alter-
aata anashiao or fog of tho valley, allow mo
with sincere deferenee to salaam vm, j,-, I
nity and be pardon for thia lonr tmKnnJ
silence, aad also to tender my sincere th.nlr.
iaarlheeoatfnued wisita of the Dkjioceat.
The Canal Fork Co. have not been working
iot the last few weeks, but a gang of men I
will go in antin in about ten diva in .,
forward the' lower or fourh tnnn.l ;
70 feet L, tunnels Ko. 1 and 2. while on.
der tho superintendence of J. B. Mcintosh,
some very rich quartz was struck, and some
qoanx carrying a per cent of galena and ail-
ver. prospects of this company are flat-
tertog, and will undoubtedly turn out finelv I
U BupermteTided and worked by miners of I
theory and experience. No work haa been I
done on the White Bull mine this season.
'- XaataUlDh A Co. W .4 4.1 : v I
x- aiuvar iirj
micn piaccr claim aumaent only to hold it I
Kawauer one oi tne greatest chaaces
for an actual money-makina- inveatnaamt ia. I
n.: t :j ... . . I
minin that there ia o. tbi. r
T tr r o ... . I
. onucn e o. ot your city. I am
uuormeu wui open up, or rather drain off,
. m , . .
their claim at the mouth of Canal Fork next
aeaaoa. Uood, Doe., and may tho laurels
yea win be golden ones in bar.
afrlaevtlle Kews.
J. M. McConnelL of this city, received a
laster from hi son Elihu, who now resides at
xrwevuie, wnica contained the following
The winter over there haa been, so far,
rery good. It commenced snowing on the
23d of December, and fell to the depth of
bout four inches; bat the prospects are that
there will yet be plenty of it
The Sunday School had a Christmas tree
on vunstmas ive, aad while everybody was
enjoying themselves at that place, an alarm I
oinre waa given. , The ceiling of th store
a zungee at rvusoa was discover-
" "I " " .v yrmm mwu. eaiiiniruaea. I
a, sad ail went home. But about half-past
one the fire broke out again, and this time
swept everything. The loss was about $18
000, upon whiah thr was an insurance of
10,000,. . . .-, :
Fox, Baum, Je Co. have let the contract for
repairing their brick building on First street,
aad they have conaeqaently moved their
large tock of merchandise out aad are now
located in the two store rooms in Fro man's
briclr, recently ooeupied by Mollwain afe Ma-
goon and US, Bhiin. Work has already
commenced en their brick, and it is to be
flnuhed np by the first of March. The floors
, wm be raised, as aUo will be the roof,
ana. tne inside will be fixed- up on a plan
original with the proprietors, which . they
think will excel auytafciag of the kind in our
-A Dog.
A jin hunting dog was lost by Geo. A.
tteed, of Salem, while hunting near T.
' Latham's, about 4 miles above this city, a
few days ago. The dog is a brown setter,
about 2J years old, and answers to tho name
of 'Brownie." A liberal reward will bo paid
to any one leaving the dog at this office.
Th Eatertalatttrat.
Ih prognunm olered to th pabllo an I
oa IS sir Yur i Eva bv the llusioal and lit.
erens parte war rendered la good style, but.
we are aorry to say the audieao ; wma ' not
near ae Urge aa it ought t hav bien.w The
maeio furnished by the orchestra the audi-
euoe appreoiated very highly, toad of ae.
looting their musio from the opera of Lu.
cretia Borgia, "Aany Bologna, etc, it was
mostly simple ballad, sometimes, arranged
into mdlj, with which moat of tlio audi
enoe waa acquainted. The solo. In the uer
ttte '-Grandfather Clock" waa" well
onj, by E. D. CraadaU, hut tfay , should
hare had mora praotio on the chorus, which
we think ia the only pretty part it the aong.
nettle Miller came next with a recitation
"Am I My Brother a K aoper?" She haa al.
waya been good in Una line, but at the time
ia question she waa area better than aver be.
The poesa ia temperance piece and
Miaa Hettie aeemed to throw her whole soul
into the work of rendering it in the spirit in
which it waa written, and aha ncoeedod ad
mirably. She waa loudly tncorttt, and whoa
she appeared tlio second time Whittiar's
beautiful poe.n "Maud Muller" was re
cited in a style that again brought applause
from the audience. Annie Griffin then Bang
a beautiful and difficult piece of maeio i
Dare I Tell?" She haa a toft, sweet veioe,
and has paid so muuh attention to the culti.
ratipn of it that aha makea the trills as natu
ral as a nightingale. She waa also mcortd
and then aanir a beaatifnl kallaj. ). .......
of which we have foreotten. Then H. C.
Clement took the stage, and ia hi deep base
TOies Sana "The Old Sex on." and althoncrh
I . . . -
it made nearly every one imagine that they
couia almost bear the clods falling oa their
coffins, the audience apulauded so that he
had to come forward a eeooad time. He
then aang "Rocked in the Cradle of the
D!1." which we regard as a great improve
upon "The Old Sexon," both in tnelo-
dy and sentiment
Next cjund tlta lUeaiii f otur of th owuiui?
the drama entitled, "A Htuband to Or
der." Havine recently returned from a tiur
through Ed rope, the selection af If. A. Foa
I Ur to reoreien Baron T. TWnr. .
4 emigrant nobleman, waa a happy one. He
ustained his part well, but ia his make-up
his white hair and black moustache .li.l not
corresDoad varv welL A, n ltw,M .
splendid Colonel in the Imperial Guards, and
hie wife, thoush bavins- one of the moat Aim
Parts, suoceeded admirahl n C.
I.. ....
loore and Minnie Monteith repreeeated the
old eosntn onV .nJ ...
J ","" ww vu voui UaUIUl
lj y that they did Bot do their TtrwelL
They alwaya excel in anything, 'on
tne baneaque or comic. Mrs. Moore imner
aonated the Baron's ward, and waa DerfeOlv
I "
at borne an the stag. In her actin she waa
not by aay one. A. R McWain
nad evidently not put quite enough atudy on
his part, which made him hesitate in some
instance., but K
well Hehad.characw. m.rr a
time, set tho audience into . rr f "7
ter. Mac. Monteith would make a better
baron than a servant, though, aa there waa
aot mach required of aim, he got through
Tel7 well The drama was a good one ; the
. " '
P' w not very deep, but all the parts wore
. ,Miiin, kh h waa warmly appro-'
cialea bv toe audiuii W m.,J ' l
- - - . t
appreciated, bot that is a miatake, for dur-
ing the exercises the meronry sank down un-
Ul it waa nearly out of sight It had been
advertised that the hall would bo "heated
with four good stoves," but even "four food
stoves will not heat a room to any great ex
tent without having some fire in them.
Council met on Taeeday
, ... ... 7
of last
w. bemg a quorum prent.
. h . . . . I ; . .....
. n9a "" . ,ol-
mg Thuraday evening. At that time the
"ea r ' rollow,ng Persons
were found to be preaeat: .Mayor Wheeler.
EocordoT Baldwin, Marsha Mathewa, Alder-
men AUeo Brush, Monteith, Rumbaugh and
SuPn -
The Recorder' Marshal and Treasurer
oraereu to maae np tbosr reporta and
bave them ready to present a( a meetios; of
Council to be held Monday evenine. Jan.
6th - 1879-
Action on the petition of Pfieffer Bro's and
Frank Wood for a sewer on Ellsworth street
WM innner postponed.
M- "rd s biU for gravel waa referred
-aiwee en Streets. , , . . .
no tollowiag bills were allowed v John
Brush, $3; W. L, Wetkins, $60; F. M. West-
fu 922.0; J. R. Herren. S50; 3. GradwobL
9A "1 I W u.u- a, , ,
t.iw. iiiiiwwwii OA4.J
Adjourned to meet on Monday
Jan. Ota, 1879, at 6 o clock,
. ... . . '
s-ar-wera. .isiae mm Everybeelr
nfactnrincr a atiwnV .tT. f .,:.
' uuu
this city, and as time are bo hard of coarse
sales were dull ' He has a large atock on
hand and would rather have the real cost of
1 ... v. i.i..tuiu
it in money than the stock itself, consequent
ly he authorizes us to inform the public that
for the next sixty days he will sell for cash
down anything he haa in hi shop at cost
He mean exactly what he says, and if you
will call on him our words will he verinaal
This is the best opportunity over offered ia
this city to get furniture cheap. tf
A Car to tke raiMJa.-
Feeling a sense of gratitude to oar neieh-1
bors and friends for their unremitting kind- I
ness to us in onr recent affliction, in nursing I
and watching night and day with our dear,
dear dauehter. Tunww-A k who ? vamn.j
from us by the hand of death: taka ,,'.
method ef expressing that gratiiuo! to one
and all. We will, dear neighbors, cherish
lor you a itina regard and thankfulness, and
in the day of afiliction you may by his companions. He' has acted"ai "Secre
neighbors to rally to your help. j tary of the Lodge for several' years, and in
have kind
Mb. aad Mbs. C. D. Boekhaet.
Near Albany, Dec. 30th, I878v
- - - If vl.JI
A Taleated rhyalcUa, , , i , . . M
We omitted to mention last week the loca
tion in our midst ef a talented physician and
surgeon Dr. Rosas. The Doctor is a native
HTfTJnd,iin thVAll0path?0
1847, and in 1858 he graduated in Homeo
pathy at Munich, i n Austria. He is a tal
ented gentleman, and is getting a very lucra
tive prctice in this locality. Consult
his card in another column.
0ltt Fellow .
Oa last Wednesday evening Distrist Dep. I
uty Urand Master J. . Backensto installed I
the following otficers in Albany Lodge No. 4,
a. u. j. x j rraiter an .bvetcnum, JN Ur; ut I
K U Smith. V G: Ed R M Harfaw Pai'nn I
f J . .... , I .
Secretary; Ed Zcjsa, Permanent Secretary;
N Baum, Treasurer; Geo. Hochstedttary Li
brarian. ," 'J
n. E. Chare h.
Preaching on Saturday evening at 7 P. at.
and Sabbath morning and evening at thi
by Eev. P. M. Starr, of Salem.
MwViltenrorth femiomttV 1
.i . ' , " una B) Mas
bmhl... . . . ......
Tbs worlds trued nm.
, - Arevtaaslutaitee If H33Ji3
Uod bleu our emblem -
The "RlbbAi'oI Woe."
aim pert of that number
Will help uiak our lam
i h
Ami flaMUwetmntaenMU"'' " ,!
" With victory Inns; ' ' "
While laltliful Uiey stand ' .! ' 1 ' " '
Mr th "aibbya of Dlu7i ' i , 1
llawmtudty rewartt 1 H i
Aloiif Umu.h th street, ' "
And well utsy , wo, '
HZ ) I
. Tor 'tis ujf aud ueat, ;H
And whea the woiid eras ,
WhetvewaMtodu, ,-.
Thar will welenat a hunie ,
With ear "Ulbboa el Mim."
It ahuwe waaaveewera ,
To never again
Partakaef aaotsea: .1 .
I .
So now, with dad's help,-1 ' '
- InUUewetl Be true
To the pledr. ear honor,' ' -
And th "tirbboB of UM '
. ' 1 . i . t .'U
stay It tnmg be the pride . . .,
m wait a bfat. , . , ..
And brttif to this ouotrr. 1
. Oar bona tat lb Woet, , ,v ;
And happlne, too
For mother and wlfa
ThU -Kibboa al Bl.-
! WiUCfr AT 4BT.
The I re ..a b.ih.. u-k mKM 1
riret Tea Mlir ef the Vaa;alaa
Kallreatf. '
Wm. E. Bamiltua, one of the directors of
the Y equina Day Railroad company, and one
of the most prominent aitueua , of . Corvallia,
called last Taeeday, and he iaforms as that
the iron aad rolling stock isr the first ten
miles ofthe uarrow gauge railroad haa been
contracted for and will be shipped from Jfew
iork on or before Uie 20th of thia month.
Ua account of the great depressicai ia the htm
business all the large factories have ihut
down, and thia purchase had to be picked ap
as nve ouaerent email eoneema. ' The prior
was consequently a little higher than ataaj,
hut the cash is oa deposit ia one ol the New
York banks, and will be paid over aa soon aa
the iron is received on board shin. - The iroa
and rolling atock will be brought around the
Horn oa a sailing vessel, and will ' arriw
5aa Iran ctsoo a boot -the Brat of May. It
will then bo brought np beret iouuedistelv.
The contract for getting out a part of the ties
i i ' ...... ... ...
uas airvaay oeen lei, ana tuey win all bo on
the greaad by tho time; th .iron arrives.
irack-iaying will then be, ootaaseooed, and
extra exertions will be pot forth to have the
road finished to Philomath by the Fourth of
wy aspect to nave a
July, at which
a: .t ...
nn?" Ulil Vmn. Rail
Old Boreas Cxed things for skatioa last
ihursuay, and ever since our Dooole hava
been euieyinsr this exhileratinv r4 t-
aoaao, excruciating) sport, with different re-
suits. Some have cut over the eyes; others
nave spoiled the beauty of their nasal tro-
tabaraoeet;, catbere bave swallowed j tooth
without number; others after a fall hare seen
more stars in a Daiuute than . aa , astrorMoier
would see in a year if be were to camp right
andaa aha Umoaa Boss Xelooopaa, tad others
nave come so narj aa to nearly knock tho
patcbee off the seat ' of' their breecbeo. A
few days ago Tolly Tate fell in such a man.
aer as to mash hie aoeo dear back behind his
banuiilce; FA. Thompson remained at
home insensible and ia bed one entire after
from thoeftasta of a fail oa tho ioa-
Alec Purdam fell oa the' ice and cut a gash
over his eye, that would m-i a stranger
think he had a wic that knew
how to use
Uig pio; Charley TerapUtoo fU and
woll,V aBdift Kfrt an? We- UL bt you
hamto ocOTp ajpaif ; aow but
-",o'g soit-potiomea one oi ua Uray o.
Many others have been injured mora or lesa.
nd all of our people excepting the doctors.
oditors, and those who have oontrata4 th
baling mania, a prayini" for a thaw.
' " , acwiag achlao aappUea.
Porta fair Singer, Tt'aeeier A i Wilaoa,
Howe; 0 rover & Baker. Florenee. Hotno-
Buttle aad Buckeye, Sewing Machines,
brushes, liobbins, rubbers, needle,' oil,
bands, aad flat belt! for all machines just re
ceived per steamer Idaho. All kind ef sew.
ing machines repaired and warranted.
J. Dw; First 8t, Albany.
Hotel Chaage.
Mr. E. P. Dodson, recently of Tillamook.
this week bought out Mr. ; Hobart, of the
Hebart House, and wiH hereafter run that
house. It is his intention to only charge
twenty-five cent a meal, and he will set as
good a table aa thia market can Afford, . He
ha renovated the entire establishment and
partly refurnished it. ' " ' ' '
Belisjtoae Brvlrra,
During th past week religious , services
have been co'aducted'nightly at the' M. P.
Church! nearly all the clergymen of the city
participating, On Monday ventno;Rv. Dr.
1 conductecl the services; on Tuesday
evening, Bar's Hill and Freeland; Co Weda-
vening, Ker. Crawford, and on last
entng by JUT,, Floyd, ' t ' J M j'l ;. .rr!
1.114 NrMM rreat,''J;
At the last ' meetins; aSf St John' Lodge,
No. 6'2,fA. P.:ft'A? M.,r tUeir Secretary waa
presented with a beautiful gold, watch chain
appreciation of his' services the brethren
i made Sim this tlegaot present.. , Q A .?. f
...! H H
aVAiag Oat at tjestv,
Ed. Baum-u soiling out his entire stock of
gent's furnishing goods, such as white shirts,
ntory of .topic wou don't iliv U,
InvlnJyoursel ase
means business. ' It is for your benefit to
save money.
Come Forward and Settle.
Haffbnden Bros, want.aj", who owe them to
come forward and settle p immediately, and
they wish as M announce that the next year
will be strictly .- : oA year with them.
No more credit at tlial establishment "Take
aBS notiee ana govern youreeiveo according
Iv. " . ' .-.-a.-. in.. I
i - A Mow Dray Flrsn, , , i . i j
Yesterday Geo. W. Burkhart sold his lry
and truck, business, horse, etc., to Clark 4
Davis, the brick-layers, aad th new firm
will hereafter compete for their share of th
hauling in this city.' These men .' are 'rush.
era, and will get their full share of work. '
tissue aad Abroad. '
Wheat 81 cents.
1879 is 3 day a old.
Everybody "skeets."
Chew "Red Tag Navy."
flwf snow is about all gone,
bounty Court moots next week. '
" Cemo and pay that thou oweat Hi.
This cold snap make aloe duck hunting.
Chew Jackson's Boat Sweet Navy Tobao.
Joa Charters and wife art again ablt to U
rrof. C. B. Plummer waa in the oity this
I -
r n oeen tne lovllest winur
. , . .-n . . ,
...a auuwn m " euioor.
UUl, Uanoa has a aew suit of alothsa.
ii .1
W hat ia going to happen aext?
vaauiiiiaaui nave a pet aeer mat
drinks bear like anv nl.l
Nnrhln ha I 1 1 .1 M , .
m lj .u eioaan Ullliara
Mum U al. . .1 J . I Itl ... .
' " pwwHuoe quarts rs.
nis com weainer is very hard ou oats.
ou wneat win probably not be injured.
neiiKoger Tooki a Catholic priest
aiaanaa i. .k.-l .ar Ll
vaa laaa nauuauaone.
"Fairmount Lake." acroes the river, is ths
favorite skating field for Albanian.
Always oall on Ilartlea at the Central
oaaraet oeiiire you leave onlaara for vntar
r i . . .
Resumption Day passed without creating
even a nppie of discord among our mer
Rev. 8. a Cad well, travelina aaant of the
n. n. u Association, waa in th citv dur.
lug th Wuk.
.Billy Cox, of Salem, on of the beat taova
. .i. .....
capital city, gave us a pleasant call on
New Year's day.
Th three-year-old daughter of Mr. Jaa.
Uyr died last Monday niuht after an ill.
of about 21 hour.
While cleaning the slush icoout of the mill
race a few days aj i. Bob Foster fell ia and
displaoo l considerable water.
the wile of Wm. Hale died last Monday
morning, aged about 8'. years. She was the
mother of Milton Hale, of this city.
a rvueauy irom Araaasaa, is
openaag eat aa ladias' furaishing store
First street, a few doors oast of Nolana.
v' n.-. a. i . . ...
va aauw uare a neater lor tneir en.
gioaa They are not going to be oatdoae by
aay new company.
ihe mercury runs down to about 19
aboy sero every saoroing, aad in tho after
noon get up to 40.
. About AJO was cleared by the eotertaio-
asat isn i useday STsning. Better returns
than was expected.
.nas. illisms. formerly of Browaavillau
but now in the drug business at Th Dalle,
was in oar city yaaterday vtaitiag friend.
Deputy Sheriff Humphrey is now In the
ssogropay Dusinaas. 11 eats writ a oorson's
outory "with neatneaa, eheapaeaa and die.
Uowmaaypaoplo ran do wa town last Teas.
daylight, thinking a cooflagraiioa wa aadsr
weyr Th boys did rinr la th New Year
Un a vim.
mat stittmntn oorrestiondant'a aim f
lni!U.i J: : . .
. . J iiaiu, ua man s at
ww w a ww mtn. inspector General Wat,
suns minks they had other clothe on be idee
ine address of Bra. riper at the Masonic
installation last Friday night was a most in-
tare. ting aad.. masterly production and was
I a Ba.1 . aa.
iiaMinea to ty Ltie AJasous and fam lies with
deepest interest .
Aitaougu cunstma ana xw y., ,,
are nnMM with the past, still Uartles
keeps a magnificent stock of at eat on hand
at the Central Market, aad delivers free to
any part of tke city.
lUmetaber that on week from nest Tub.
uy tnera wm o another entertainment at
.i . i.
the Pacific Opera House, given for th bene
fit of the Albany College by the Albany Ma.
meal and Literary Society.
. Th. All l
. caarraapoaiusut oi the Halem
UtlrmutH aar Nelson has a pet deer which
am uougns rrom a man just in from th
i i ... .-.
mountains "for a mer nominal
Xoinical" ia good nuff f , , '
Slush is has been running in the canal in
sucn targe quautitiee that our mill
have had great difficulty in running. It
keeps two or three bsnds at each place oa-
tantiy employed in clearing it out,
Mo. 1 a bad their hand engine out on trial
lait Tuesday veainr, and b worked w.ll
Uui,..itiietis need have no fear that the old
narnt engine will not do her duty ahould a
Cr break out during this oold spell. , ,
Chooa ye paaU for S3.fiO. 14.00. 84.50
13.00. 85.60. $6 00, g.B0, 87.00, VI. 50. $8.00,
as-au, vj.w, f9.0O, f 10.00, 11.0a at W. R.
Graham 4 Son's th cheapest place ia town,
to buy clothing and furnishing goods.
rrof. it K. Warren, an old resident of this
city, but now Principal of th Portland High
school, came up last Friday and remaiaod
with his Albany friends until Monday noon.
ue thinks Albany is improving rapidly.
Will Wostlak aad wif arrived ia this oity
irom siodoo county, California, a few days
ago ana wm remain bare during the winter,
Hs likss his California horn very will, but
he still ha a warm shoulder for "Old Linn."
Th firm of Wheeler 4 Rio. attached . lot
oi twine aou nax at tjrane twin factory
last Tuesday evening to secure a note held
by them against Craaeiar about 81 100. Thav
ouly found about 8700 worth of property, so
that --l u..La i A ii . . l
they are several hundred dollars out of pock.
. I
Dr. T. I Golden and ' family, of Salem,
but formerly of this city, spent a few days
pi Holiday week with us. We are glad te
know that tb Doctor is having a successful
practice in th capital oity. He is undoubt.
edly one ef the moat skillful ooculists in the
last Monday morning th scarlet fver
numbered another little eirl amons: it vic
tims in this city, at which time, aftar only
two or three day t sickness. Lola Mav. a lit.
tie six -year-old daughter of Wm. E. and
n ji.j c . , . I
aa.uo yju., uiou. one was Dunea on Xues ,
aay at two O ClOCK. I
, . . ... . , , ,
Our "saatitts" hav heretofore been going
over to Fairmeunt Lak to enjoy their ex
grating pse,, but th.r isnouof
that now; thsOalapooi U fresen over as
tight as a drum, and the toe is much nicer
thre than nywhr else.
;,. Y""",!0- aionieun, lorraeriy a resident of
T.l . TJ a- i. 'il. a . .
thiacity bet now Indian Aseat at LamraL
lagno, arrived here last Wednesday evening
on a visit to bis relatives. He has just rs-
turned from th East, bavins taken several
hostile Indians Vmltv e TnHi. T.n. I
understand that be h just bo.n re-ap-
pouted aeent at Lapwai. He will nrohal
aiiarv lur vu e reservation to-morrow,
. . , Kraagellcal Chareh.
oervices conducted by the pastor on next
Sabbath at 11 a.' m. and 7 p. it. Subleot-
The New Year'The Divine aad Human
in Christian Union."
Sunday School at 12:15.
Cefflas and Casket.
We hop our reader may not hav to use
such things for a good while, but if they do
trred Uraf has them or all kinds and sizes,
both wood and imitation, and prices accord
ing to finish.
laloa Services, Bxeeyt oa Babbath.
For the SabUth, an. 6, as a atibleot for
u uip; "uoristiaa Union." . . '.
Monday, Jan. ft Thanksgivings for the
blessingt of the year past, and prayer for
their continuance. At the Congregational
Tutmiay, Jan. 7. Prayer for the Church
of Christ, it ministers, it growth ia grace,
and its enlargement A 0 the Baptist
Church. ; J
the family, the vonncr. oll.-r. .al-.
. ai "."" v
7 --e. !. ower scnooia, tjnna.
I learning H.I.1..1I. .-.I .i i. t . ,
wan Asaooiationa ' v. vr. ..i v
I ' " a Ua A VUtl
Women. At the IT V. k.L
I Thurln r a v . . ., ' ,
I i - w auaviuuei rulers ana
peoples f jt Mate and rellwioe. Ii W. . ....
i eartn. At the M v rh.i. -
. . "y, un. ,v in rressi Tors bleasina
i I . t i .... w
i u iiuuusners. xlitira ami !... it.. ......
I . , . ..
1 01 temperance and other social reforuia. At
I the M. K. Church Smith ,
Saturday, Jan. ll.-Uomo and ForeittB
Mission, and the converslo. t th. mm i
I L. V . -w...
a.aiw a. ranireitoal tOarch. .1
I Oa Sabbath evenine'. Janaiarv 19' I I.
I areata d that ni.lin a., l.iji . .
i - r. ..mmuga if, neimor
pnyer, praise and the nreaantatto. l ..
I . . - . "
I obloot and work of tl.. aai:
J. H. CaswroKO.
a a ayiaa.
J. Bowtnaog.
J. F. Da Voaa, '
W. B. Ftoti..
P. A. Moacs.
w ,aa aivaia arvstaiBBl,T SVC'v C SIKBI
W tak pUaaur in lafonniair Mlf aJatr011aT
sua me puoii in general, that w wiJl re-
move our stock of goods for two months
from tho 1st of January up to the 1st of
March, into the store formerly ooeupied by
L. E. Blain, aad that room aot bcinir lam
enouga lor oar Mteaetve stock of Uonaaral
Merchandise, w will sell fur tb nstt aixtv
a ....
ya, at greatly reduced prices, toon and all.
Asrlrallarai IssaleBarau.
Eugena Bsohaoaa, mauagor for Nwhurv.
Bjpman Ua, In this city, has a large
stock of Morrison Bro's improved walking
ao sully plow and tel bottomed road
erapera. Also extra floishod Esp and
Whitewater hacks and wagon.
Katie to BMalrtrt t larwa.
Will the dktriet clerk of tb following
district plaaae send m their aame immedi
ataly: No. , , 43.J57. 59, 61, 63, 69, 76.
aad 80.
L. N. Ijoobtb.
County School aWporiatendaot
Our oarriev, Ed. B. Piper, takes off his
hat and autluaa has aaost polite bow to thoa
of our patron who remomberod him on New
I '""" nis aiucare
u If. a . 1 at
Utaaks aad
arootise U be mor faithful tbaa
ever in delivering tb paper.
Earaaaaaal oawrra.
Tb following officers were elected Or.
geaana EacampoMiat laat Wedueeday en
ing: K Saitioarah. C P; A M Hoop, ii P, K
O Ktnith. S W; Conrad My or, Trvas: J..
Webber. J W; Trustee. J f iWW.n.L,. It
Saltmarsh aad afo Webber.
tiraaleal CorUAeasaaa.
At the public examinaUoM laat Satuislay
th following peravofis went gaauBtd toacbar
certaScate by th County School Superin
lent: Alio Brush, Minn is Allison. Mar
tha Wheeler. J. B. Johnaoo, Q T. Doan
aad French Chrisiager.
1 """a "Waajas.
Oa Ouhaaass Its, Ws. at las mil of the
bride' taareaata, la the Turks of the Baatiant, Mr. D.
C. Holt, etdaaet soa of Hob. B. K. Iloll, of Harrietiurr
ami lad la warftook to Mala, ynanewet ataochtar
ef II oa. J. H. aoat Retti Johnaoo. IUt. W. S.
Wahop of the C. P. Church olBeUllnf.
The fair arid and gallant grass had has Behoof.
malaa, under the eAetatlnff ciargrBaaa aa Uaaeher, and
while dee In the aarcleriea ef sanence thev seem te
bar found Urn to sola the mightiest prablem of all
ay deaMaMtratiag that they had
Two souls with bula sUagi thought
Two hearts that beat as eoa."
rrooi that happy period th gotdao hours oa angel's
wings sped happily for Ih Bright yoaag pair. Van
la tee puree! esass timnaturnted tar them the soma
aa thing! of earth to pearl of price, the bright mera-
hgof a aew UUdawaed la roseate eeloca, so elood
dimmed the diataal aorlaoa. Looking at th mdisat
jrooug hrki sad naaaly groom vfeil th atretic word
war spokaa which asad them one, the word ef th
iw were retailed to saw eiwaory;
In peaee love taaat th shsphsrd's reed ;
In war, be mouals th warrior- stsett;
la halls la gay attire Is seen;
la hatnleU, dnos en the green
Lor rule the eourt, the camp, the grur ,
Aad nan belew and eeluM above.
For hrre Is hearse, aad heaven Is lor.
About arty guests partook of the supsrb wedding
dinner, gotten np under the suparrlaloa. of the bride's
aaother, Aunt Haute (evervtodr's Aunt IletUeX and
"7 b PUat hl uM a paid It was
,h orioa ,ppiu' "hk iamU P
end of th labl wita almost miraculous reptdltr. tm
mediate) after dinner th bride's mother handed th
Rr r- Bishop a superb, richly bound family blhls.
" " i " nrv w.n,fut..
Thbfpleaslnf duty Mr. BUhop acquitted of la
. mLTLi La ia.un. ln- ...
happr pair would Tr ehertah th sacred nreoiDU oon
talned therein as ths eountor and ftilds ol thtr fu.
Utn UrM brids vu 10 presented with an W.
gant gold watch and chain by her husband.
Innocent mirth and jeUity ruled Hi f eating time un.
til the "was short hours ayeat ths twsT admonished
the guest that It was tuns to adjourn, which they did
with heartfelt wishes for the prosperity sad happli
of Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Bolt. ,
On ths Uth th bridal party, oonsUtlng of ths bride
and groom, ths groom's brother, Mr. Sloe Holt, Miss
B nod grata, Mia M. Irrln aad Miss Bishop, eat out for
Harrisburg to snjoy th hospitality of a kind rosp
tton by Hon. B. B. Holt at his elegant rldno. At
th r"ePtlon th 'o"0"1" pre" were nolvd by
tb brld and groom: From B. , R. Holt, a beautif Ui
. 7 .. ... j... .. . t:
tah. .. Urn allrar aaitor with eaU hall: a aat o.
aBWWH an WKnawr BlWft, Mia b. d. ami, t an h
sllrsr tea and tabl apoons, butter knit, sugar spoon,
and art of knives sad sllrsr forlas Bios Holt, a pair of
knives, sllrer forks, Uble and tea spoons i J. O. Ren
ders, asUrer water pt tenor; Mlae B. A, Curtis, a glsas
oak stand; Addle Snodgrass, a wash stand set. ,
In a fsw days Mr. Holt will take has winsome bride
to ths beautiful home which he ha' prepared for her,
lx miles east of HarrUburg; ' " "'' ;
Oo thou and do Ukewla. '' . ' '
RIIMTtH WnAnVTH rtn Tnurtav TW. la. SSm.
t ths raeUienos ol T. 8. Weodfln, by Rev. 0. Sperry,
Ha. Oaosss W. Bikch and Mus Mabt T. Woddfis
DUBR0tLLE KETGHDSt On Waitnirf.v T.-
1st, 1879. at th reiidano of the arlde'i nannu in
V I .i. n i n . . . . C '
I ' Lebanon, Linn county, and Miss 1.1.4 Kstohum, of
r1" "y- ...
v..i mj, or nor. ii. noweraox, at, 4. i. 1'vtsulLI.s,
CUNNTNOHAM WHIOHT At tha Kt : m..i this eity, on New Year1 Bra, 187, by .Rev.
T. B. White, Ma. M. C. CvxauraBaa anil Miss sUaaa
Waioirr. . ; -
f!OV Tn 111 I. Alf v An 1 .r. .1 . .. Tl..' mn.u ' luaa
Lola Mat, daughter of Win. K. and Hattis Cox iced
year, month and 17 day . .
TEMPLETOtf. At Brawairilla. nai IiMu ru.
27th, 1878, J. O. TsMFIiBTOM sgwl abeut 3D year. U
leave a wile and four children.
Dr. Hlnlle's VegeUblo Xrphrrtlcaaa, '
WJ," mrJn of the KMiaers, Bladder and
i ,';" ,1'Mt ;,vt j
iB at
AhM-Mieedtae. had Wtod. Ii naitahaall
a hi. n.r. bo fxiuai In all eavass of IMmatml . LWer
yur laxlinit- olll-n., from U1 ll
to tbet vlrluan.
b UruKriai,, ,
Tho Centaur Linlmanta ara nf LI
Th Whit i for th human family theYel
tow U for horsey sheep, aad other animals,
lestimonials of the effort iiroducod by theiwi
remarkable Preparations are wrapped around
every botti, and may be procured of any drug-
Clat. rae liv mail fm at., lim.. . ...... 7
n . . waa , mow oi mi (.KM
tauk CoMPAur, Mi Hoy Street, New York
1 ' J J . 13:S9yl
? Prerent Decay of TeotK-O
erJ'i? J&1T "l1. P"rvatlvo. armootl
a UaaUlifui roMneas' and Mardaaia ec the
J . mam, aa Bgroeaiiie taeio
II the mouth all thoao
NO.oijont. lKa not u!h an In valuable
lynoi. Bnioin, one so fiiira wH aa all on
tlvo, deserve ; tho i pomibtritv lt enlovnf
Most amiirodly. It baa no rival worthy of
. . 'I' l. .. , a " I
are nothlnir'to It, and aiiice. lis appoarsnne, I
lain, aim or uiiarv Dowanra ami i.uaioa i
' - " -r"a iwav Bjrwuuu. raoiu oy iril(r-
dae eaars to greet that the urrilnary repair f lly
wiaHurit uin raat awl nutrltiti eaiiout make up I
' iii.iMaj., imiir a me orenaiaa orgaa
III reault. Turn tarnna, orgaoa ad dliKillona, are
rnatiraurtu wltk rwrre sn4 meatV, or ?mtritlifi cUo.
trUiliy and plka.ptt.eda. , l'.yia bm Fellow' llrpia.
plu-plill the waud elatnmu are ratumd to th
bclr in (am eaalf aaaliallalail. aa tkat
n. or uaiKreo ruiictiuna are aiaad eooiiU araln.
aaaua - ma iw.ia im interrupted artloa of th I
"i" T ror. roe MunrH 1,1 rr Ur.
ree up. The Luiiara inaiilblv iah
phere. th Sfceutyib 4ieU. better. ITl. 'leiaenal
Organ bateume rt.iiifOi.iml. ' The liraln flre, vl.
roua and eradurlmr. and Ui ...,l u.,.i. 1
uae by the uaw 01 tbkrnaly ratal.le vl walaUiUaf
gnaM end (wJeag d xnkm. F-r ifUmlar . v,
the value of thu sreae ramsdr. aaa P.lli.an1 l ajili
m.ihmii, a bhi uroxaot.
"tlver tho King' '
The JJvajf l ith lBirirari'al iJt Hid ; wl.r.l
aauinan mjmutta, a It control llio ifo.
bnaltb and banoineaaa of uihii. Whim it 1.
uieturiMKi in u natural a -tlou, all kinds of
aiimofii are tu natural rAxM, Tl( dia--
ll. A. I .1.. ... ., . I
and blood, tbu aiHon af tlio brain anil
...' "v ,,f. tnu ui'aramiaiiia aar uiaa ii..a n
norvou vKtn, am all loimoillatfjly oon-
ruxion witn tne worfclntu .f th I Jver. It
naa been urxnfnllr ttrovml that Uman'a
AiMtuat flower la uucjnalfd In curing aU
aaarwana anonwHi Willi lllanoptia tor Uvi-r I
OfSplamt. and all UiO nullmrirua armt,l.
oma that reault from an u 11 lute tby oooali-
Uon of tb liver and Stomach. Maniple
kr.,.1... . . .. . . .... ...... a j
aawiaaa W WJ, t ' !Ill. rUIVOIy BO f
In all town on tbaa Vntrn llnnllnani
I Dree doao win prove that It Is Juxt what
it.. i ... 1 . ...
a nun toe systotn 1 run down to the ex.
temt that you pa steeple nitflita. are ner
vous and Irritable, have rUk iny forebod
IngU. aour aUimaa'h. ab-k hnaiianha anil
eoatod toUKU. do not enroll yourself aa
uticu pnvaut. in tue rear rmnK un.u.r t Jan.
ral DebllHy, but nneer up and try White'
Prairie Flower, Tb Ureal lver Hanaoea,
now far sal In ever rity and towo on tb
Continent. No uiodlrlne evor oomp'iund
d la half lt equal for the tnr of I)Y '
na a apneine power over Uia liver, and bv
ourlng the liver, Iiysprpsia and all other
me see analog HOIll 11, vaillsn a IT Oy 1
mairlai. .Satnpie botllea ara amltl at tba
email nriej of 25 ewnta that will convluoe
you Urn laerita. , Ijtrg a .boulee Ii
cent, for aale everywhare.l
' a
1 i a 1 1 11 a ,11. ,111
llw OaauoM liUHtu Vturvut and Hivntx
Kk.icmti.r is the best family retnrdy ever
placeal before the public. ' " :
It i an OitcrHr production, compounded
fraam Oasoo root and horb and manufao.
turwl by aa oldUltSoOX bouao.
You should have it in your family.
It purifies the blood and regulate the sys
tem, 15 ' , -it.
It root out all scrofulous impurities from
the blood.
, Keep your UUaod iu order and yoiar faaUh '
MOST b good. '
Women in rjM!A!cr, It preveut' nausea
aad vomiting. ,. , , . , , ,
- Gtv ittyourowldra. Take it yoaneU.
Don't be without it in your family, it is
nos a psawDvioaw nonrum made to soli, but a
purely VaCETASi.t blood puriGay.
AU druggist have it for sale.
Manufactured by
Apottiocaries and Chemist,
' New Market Theatre block, Portland, 0.
Doh't shake yourself to piece with th
Aoci and Bun up with Fxvin when you
can be completely cured by using a bottle of
that famous preparation called Tut Wixlam-
It ia a aur re for Fcvaa and Aouc
All druggist hav it for sale.
Manufactured by
" Apothecaries and Chemists, Portland, O.
( ' TO WfJOBI rr MAV ccekx.
Thia la to certify that I have boon affoct
ea ror tne iwi inreo years witn chronic In
flamatlon of tb bladder and torpid liver.
Having apent a amnll fortune with the
bent medical talent I could obtain In San
Franciaco, aad vinlted the various aprlntr
1 . . . 1 , . , . 1. . , . . . .. ,. . . . .
iu aaiiibrnia, noping to nnu rnnoi. Hav
ing found none leave ap all hope of be
ing cured and dropped all mealrtrie. and
doctors. While reading one nf tba dally
papaaa I saw an advertisement of a m edi
ct ao called Neaphrntloum, a preparation
prepared by Dr. M In tie Co., of Han
Kranclnoo. I was persuaUod or my wife
to try it, and I went and boufrht a botue.
Having taken that one bottle I found
muoh relief, all pains oeantng and feeling
1 am now perfectly restorett to nealtn and
strength, thank Ood, for the superior aklll
or ir. Minna K jo. Any one who mar
.l ill. ...lAmn.1 n M 1 1 T
uaaaj ,u,. .wiwihvm . wu uai. an aaajr niaa
aeaoe anti see me. ,
.-.-I .t AfooRK, 127 Fifth Street,, . -i
.! I'ortlnnd, Oregon.
September 11, 1878. s ..,h ;,..,., .
Da. A. E. Miima .fe Co-. brunts: .1
vnl ujataaaar tranav vnnr Kno-llali lHaniiaallnn
Pills equal.. ; aad even aurpaa all you
olaint "ron my experience in their us.'
Fanoy. they have no equal for Dyspepsia
ana uver trouDies. ,ji .. . , i
i .'! J. A. STROWBRIDOBr ! .. !
' : i First Street, Lieatiier Merchant.
t'PortWtnd.clept.17, '878. i . ,
i Dr, X. E. Mimtik A Co. Qenta: I vol
unteer to say your English Dandelion Pilla
equal and even aurpasa . all you tdalm
"irom my experienoe in tneir use, fsnov
they hav no equal" for . Dyspepsia and
Ldver troubles. . rronnetor uoeidenuti no-
teit lrst Stree. v . .. . n.:d.bit, ,.
f. .i i , ; . . i uoolueutal ilotel. .
' Drntrirlsts can rend 'their ordeni 1 to
Kfessr. Uodsre. 'Davis . Co.. wholesale
droggiBts, Portland. "Jl ' "l,J
MR. miffTiH tx jo., treats aucnronio ana
speolal Diseases with tsuooess. No. dob,
stjoona uireet, corner . caorrison, rortiaua.
StockholdGra'LIeeting.' :
JLI ' meeting of tho Stockholders of the
Orange Union, Albany will be held at the
oflioe of said company in Albany Linn
county. Oregon, on the 17th dav of Janu
ary, 1879, at the hour of ton o'clock in, the
forenoon of said day, for the purpose of 1
taking into consideration and voting upon I
the propi aing up the business of
sajauot, a dissolving toe corpora
tion, an .4 Durness of votlnsr unon
any reaol ,a that may be offered tor the
purpose oi aissoi ving saia corporauon
Uy order or tne Board ot Directors.
E. P. McClure,
"ii' tlaia ftAi.t .jjai.l
ftl htr 'i t, -!
'aasj '
its ajs ii m 3
af I .
Iff ta ' 3
f in' i
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HO ''4
,W I ,YH W r, , . a . fi . a
' !3C fgs ' " '"' ' fj.'pi yr '-d jZ!Tnjr 1
.,1. P'.-a i" .' O 'i. i21j?
9. a -..Efg M H P-.xf,
-iS- B es3r
:J. ,.0
4 m an 1 V 1 ' ,
, i m i.w7 , H, I a r """ "' '' ""'
$ I w 2 H S -Z
S ,ru ,.. ft ... 2 , CQ.S 5 fjt 1 1 - - .
Oat W M f-kLa ), iim L,i
y ... 0 d 3 y E-
' ' ' E S o
' ' -DEALER Iff-?
A'ao, every variety of carwaeu ry and otfaar
bpectati attention gi veu te orders from
i toa Terriioe-y. by mall or otberwiiao, ad-trotripUy -fot-
" ' "'i' warded... AU ok ,warratedL, : ,t,, ,,a ril j ..,,,
;:rV' "-DE.ALERS nsaxs YTIO
...4,.., i
. i ...(..
i. .cm
' --...- X
executed in. YEnaoriTi
Every other variety of aemetery and
rrpecmi atwntioB given m omeia rroru a ainatnce, y niaii or ouierwt. i i
and work promptly forwarded. All work warraated.adi i ,!-... l,
" .... I,, i. , i ,,. . . i . -t i I . . i ...... ....... i ......... a .
t5Sliop en Broadalbia Street, ' nearly opposite the Demorrat 0Ee. jS
' ., .'". ......... i , ..... t
, '.t f. -Hi l.., A a, ij I, .
si v 'ft ..-. . ..i .,1 ' '
f I lliC'i . . t
Has removed his
.ii.'i. ,.1-. i i' . "- ii .. ;
I l lu
" - . , .ii i.
.j t
l lililu'l
.A ,..l i
? a - r
t!:itJ .Oslo .in tf
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....! 1 A
f.f .- i 17 '). i.t M 1 1 r ;
mmux vjBau.jierj
iPttn '.. !;!lj i.f T.K.l, iHII .till I
'l .JI' - t'i I IB tf
are prepared to furnish Lumber on
board of the oars at Albany by the car
load at tbe fullowias rakaK lor caah on
i-Toorina: ana Kustm (gi w ? i. -Cleajr,
iresaed 1 aide,. , ) 00 , M
tnear,irugn, j . r, . "t .17 v va..H,
Common, rougn, , s "mmw " ai, i,
1x8 Battona, ! i ' ! 1 00 M
All freight pre-paid by us. '
; I : , . SrBiKOFiKt.B Milliso Co,,
nlSmS Springfield, Oreaon.
'I At
aw aHaii
$5 1 tLf 'VI it n -TH J 2MT
itoV. sdT
"' r Jk
!! i.lS .11 ' m 1 .41
a 3
cna auriT
(UJIJil .ttlUll
. . 11..
1 it
! 1' t
A r ;f a ; s 9 a
. a at r a a
f:i m ft iBwIsWattJ .
ia. ' TTNA
--AND. . , :.;a
i L..,
aa. eaeaV aasra
storae wor done with aeatBeaa aiteVaaia
anv part Of Jtna slate Sod Watdl!r
' r i , . r . J
T i iaa i.l '
- -i-: ' j h:,
ln. ii SJ i
ariD iTAUiaiinziG.
Tt in i .' . ii 'i'riii -s M'H pi.-
stone work done witb naa tne and ellspeb k.
ni.i !
immense stock of
. . . " ' !' ' ' r .
S iti i IsT fi ft O Qli PI
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