STATfi RIGHTS DEMOCRAT BATH or Alvt.K I Ih f 8 'dm' 3 00 I 5 00 I 9 00 6.0) 7 00 12 00 ISSUED EVERY ' FRIDAY BT It K I tw 18 (4 22 00 27 00 86 00 48 ( 60 (O 100 00 v .V j. . if 1 lmli 1 00 2 In. 2 00 In. 3 00 4 Jt. 4 00 4 t'oi e oo V4 Col 7 f0 X cv,i io oa 1 Col 16 00 a m flf-0 10 00 7 00 j 12 AO ( 14 0 12 00 j 18 00 15 00 J 25 00 CO 00 I 40 00 16 00 iv no iMy 00 30 00 40 00 60 00 TVT A TtT. "V. BBOWIT FF1CK. la "laesMeeraf B 114 la . ( p-atalrs Corner BnwUlMt and Itml Sla. BiiHlno" notices In the Iv-a! Cokimc TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION:' " 20 writ per line. rSnele copy, per nr.,.., .,. n CO VOL. XIY. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEM UER 27, 1878. NO. 21. for ipu&l and transient acivertlNnnwtma Stogie oopy, three month 1 00 Sing-l number .... in II 00 per wjnare, for the first Inwrtl'm, and 50 writ per square for oah anbaequent In- rtion. 7 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. MRS. S. NICHOLS, H. D. Qomepathic Physician, Office end residence at 14 Ftrat itiM, up-stairs. In Mcilwaiaa asw brick block. DR. ANQIE L. FORD. OFFICE AND RESIDENCE, SECOND door west of the Court House, Albany, Oregon. Special attention ven to the diseases of women and children. IStf W. G. PITER, ATTORKEY AKO COUHSELOH AT LAW. ALBAAT, txSECOX. Will practice In all the Courts of the State. Prompt attention given to oolieo Uonn and conveyancing;. ruffle on second floor of Briggs's Building, 1st door to the left. 7-if. T. P. EI ACK LEM AIY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. ALBAST, BBECBX jeromce In the Court House."!. vlSnSO F. M. MILLER, TTOIlNF.Y AT LAW, LEBAXON OREGOD. VT111 practice In all the eourta of the State, frompt attention rirrn to collections, con veyance and examination of Titles. Probate business a SDxciallly. vlxnautl. J. A. YAiTIS, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW CORVALLIS, OSZSOK. O Alll practice In all the Court of the State VOmce la the Court Houw "a vlUaLSrrl. jlv. baldu i., ATTORNEY L COUNSELOR AT LAW, Will practice In all the Courts In the M. Id and 4th Judicial District la the Supreme Court of Oregon, and In the United State 1Mb rict and Circuit Court. Orflce up-etalrs in front ooin in Fairish a brick block, t int to., Albany, Uregon. YKnWyL D. M. Conley, ATTORNEY AT LAW. tUUT, OBECOS. 0 FFICE, 87 WEST FRONT STREET. Special attention given to collections. Tl3nl9tf S. A. JOEI.VS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ALBANY, OKEO0N. syOmce In the Court Houee."a vn2U. J. W. RAVBIRIV. ATTORNEY AT LAW. COBVAIXIS, OSSQOIC. Special attention to collection of accounts, "Office one door South of Fisher Brick. Tlon.lOTl. CHAN. C WOLVEBTOH, .TTOmi AJD COUSSELOR IT LAW, A LEANT, OREGOJI. in romans brick, up staira D. R. N. BLACKBURN, mORSEY AUD COUHSELOH JIT LAW Brownsville, Oreg-eau r Collection a specialty. ap21. J. K. WEATHEET0ED, (SOTABT PUBLIC,) ATTORNEY AT LAW, A LB AST, eBEC4X. Trrnx practice rx all the courts of the IT State. Special auenluHi firen tsceilectiunaaad probate matter. R. ARNOLD, LL D., Homeopathic Phjsician. ALB ATT, BECS'. OFFICE HOURS FROM 10 TO 12 AND from 2 to 4, Chonic Diseases and Sur- gery a apeoiafty. niou. H. J. B0UGHT0W, II. D., ALBA.VV, ..... vBECoX, IE DOCTOR IS A GRADUATE OP THE UNI- illece of J lue member vt Beilerue tijepital Medical Coilege of Kw Turk. a9Office in Dr. Benton's Drux Store. vln7tf a. W. WTLOOX, ISomeopathie Physician, ALBAST, OBECOJ. Office over Tweedale's Grocery Store. TlSn8tf Dr. T. Jj. GOLDES, OCCDLIST AND AURIT SALEM, OBEGOX. rR fJOf.nFS HAS HAD EXPERIENCE IN I I LrMiinr ihn vflrloni dfaeaaea to which the ye and ear are subject, and fe confident of giving enure aatleiaouon to iiium woo raw piac memeeivea unuvr uucara. - nuou. D., 3. Rice, LL D., ; Physician and. , JSiifeoii, "a FFICE at Dr Flnmrner's Draz Store. J Residence on the street leading to the pepot, at toe crossing oi toe canai. ........ 13:29tf C. 0. Kelly, II. D., Physician and Surgeon, OFFICE AND RESIDENCE i Street, Ko. 853, near the Ae AEBAI9T. OREGON. Office hours, day and night. 8-m3 3s&JDAVI&,m.. D. i s 1. r. s -ft Obstetrics and .diseases oi women and children , spaciaie. Oinoe and residence on Timt Street, oppo site Foster's naw briJt block, over KedfUbl's Store. ' ' . Kltl . i . 1 W. P. Smith, M. D Physician "Siad ' -nrgeon. Alhanv. Orarn. A a-v FFICE IN FROMAI BLOCK j Kssidence on Third street, nearly op- ruj-tf Tw BAsTBBX UCSIAJIft. The Indian situation in Eastern Or egon looks serious, and an outbreak is expected at any time. We most earn estly caution our Eastern Oregon set tlers to be strictly vigilant and oa the alert. They should make tho most thorough and complete organisation, and should look to it that every man who can carry an arm is supplied. They can't afford to be run awsy from their hemes and leave their property to be destroyed as was the case last year, and as the threatened emerceacy a rain promises. "We are glad to notice that Oea. Turner of Pendleton, is doing his best to organize militia companiee in his Brigade section, and with an active co-operation ou the part of his subor dinate officers we tope to see an ef fective organization of the citizens of that quarter before next spring. We are no alarm est, but we most earnestly warn our Eastern Oregon neighbors against their threatened dan ger, and trust they will heed their warning. ALT KBT AH Til UaATI. This ia a half tnet Of oourse, however, you know it without our ay in the matter. TVe reaaoa is, printers have a right to ft Holiday season once ftyearas wellas other people ; snd we are quite certain that the indulgent readers of the Democrat whom we have served se constantly and faithfully in the past, will not begrudge us this littlo resting spell. Many of eur advertisers will notice that their "ads" are necessarily omitted this week. To such we promise that they shall have an extra . week at the end of the time agreed noon for bieh the "ads' were to ran so that nothing will bo lost to them on ac count of this omission. And now we wish our friends and patrons, one and all as we have annu ally done through these columns for the past thirteen years a "Happy New Year V May the incoming year bring to them all the fullest fruition of all their hopes, desires and expectations, and may their proserity be only com mensurate with their gratitude t the "Giver of all good and perfect. gifts." Selah. wives' raePEBTT m obecos. Among the bills passed by the late Legislature of Oregon, and which has since become a law, is an act relating to property of married women, which provides that property owned by a woman at the time of marriage, or ac quired thereafter by gift, devise or in heritance, shall not be subject to debts or .contracts of the husband, and the wife may manage, sell, convey, and de vise the same as the husband can his property. The property of either hus band or wife shall not be liable for debts or contracts of the other. Ac tion may be maintained by husband or wife against the other fjr tho re;jvry of property for which the other has ob tained possession; thesameasif they were unmarried. Forcivilinjuries committed by the wife, damages can be recovered of her alone, except in cases where she is jointly responsible. Conveyances of liens from one to the other shall be valid. One may constitute the other his or her attorney, to act for mutual benefit or attorney in fact. The wife may recover the wages ef ber personal labor in her own name. Neither is lia ble for the debts of the other incurred before marriage. Expenses of family and education of children shall be chargeable on property of bth basband and wife, or of either of them. rEX AJfB SCISSORS. uzji AiUTLER claims tkat bis own soft money "bricks'' knocked his brains out. It seems to us that that "fiat" money could only tuck his brains out. Two colored men Samuel J acoli and Elbert Gotling have just been sent to the penitentiary from 'Wen ton, N. C, for assault and battery with in tent to kill Marcus Williams, colored, for voting for J. K. Yeates (Dotn.) for Congress. ; Republican friends, please note this dowji y it is a pure case of bull-dozing. The removal of the Modoes , to the Indian Territory was quite a successful stroke of policy. . Half of them lire dead since the removal ; the other half cannot live long. Their agent writes: "A pretty good country to get rid of the Indians in." Why can't we start the Umatilla and Flutes to . that section t Oregon thstaV neted tllf atid the whites need their land. On ' the- Puyallup jservatiort, there is a special U. S.l.X6rOO"consi8ting of lofir We4(ber8, IJireSofom are noble ;f tinow emi cloyed- in- raiding poa,. oso lpmvuK ftffuIKrous iiteTO5 j!Q',T of ea Marriages 'are common, ana;"firie8,"sto not imposed -where the Lymenjal knot is tied in good faith. rACTTIO CeAATEXR. Itoseburg has seven doctors. J acksonville haa six doctors. Celfax wants to .become ft city. Four persons are now oonfiaed in the Marion county jaiL Two hundred Chinamen are at work on the Cascades Canal. A great deal of marrying is being done in Eastern Oregon. Klickitat county, W. T., will have 100,000 surplus bushels of wheat. The woekly Corvallia GaaeUt will doff its patent outside next week. , The convicts at Salem no longer have tea, coffee or tobacco gives them. Large numbers ef beef cattle are being shipped from the Dalles to Port land. George E. Strong has established an office of the O. A C. Land Company in Jacksonville. A Chinaman died iu Jacksonville last Sunday from the effects of aa ever dose of opium. Persons who cut timber en Govern ment land in Southern Oregon, are be ing watched by informers. Under the management of Wood 8t Edwards the Oregon City Enltrpriu has discarded its patent outside. The appropriation made by last Con gress to survey Alsea Bay was maed up in a harried survey ef the river. Jacksonville people will meet oa the 4 th prox. to discuss the feasibility ef building a narrow gauge railroad to the coast. Two new locemotitea named the J. C. A in worth and J. W. Spragut, have recently been pat en the Dalles and Celilo read. There ia a movement ea feet by cat cattle men of the Dalles to ship 800 head of fat steers to Saa Franciaee by each trip ef the Great ItepttUie. A Lane county farmer last week pre sented - the Eugene Guard with ft "mess'' of fresh peas grown in aa open garden. Very good for December. , The Inland Empire says that as boob aa the Walla Walla narrow nun ia turned over to O. 8. N. Co., important concessions will be made to shipperss. Walla Walla Statetman: Cay use ponies are sgain in the msiket at pret ty low figure. We notice one that that was offered, saddle, bridle and all, for $15. " Eight hundred sacks of Washington Territory oats were sold in Saa Fran cisco last week at the rate of $1 bl pea cental. No other oats ia market sold as well during the week as these. For the balance of the beating sea- on the Upper Columbia river, there ill be pat two trips per week be tween Celilo and Walula Passengers leaving Portland on Mondays will make the connection. - - - Salem StaUtmtm, 21st inst. James Doanbg was arrested last evening by officer Minto for an attempted rape oa a little trirl about ten Tears ef are. Youag Doming is abont 18 years ef age and is well known about town. Thtmas Williamson, from the head waters of the Grande Sonde, has dis covered some mines en Beaver creek, which be thinks will give employment to about a thousand men when proper ly prospected. Twelve ounces sent to the mint coined $18 40 per ounce. The Batortalaaaeat. ' Since our last issue a change has been made in regard to the entertainments for the benefit ef the College. The first one will be given at the Opera House next ' Tseaday evening, and the second en Taeaday evening, Jan. I4tn. I at programme for each ta va ried and very interesting. The first . enter tainment will be concluded with a drama en titled "A Husband to Order," and the ond with a drama entitled "Still Waters Kan Deep," followed by a laughable faree "My Wife's Out" Don't yon ferget the dates. Sew!- Machine applies. ' " Parts for Singer, Wheeler A Wilson, Howe, G rover A Baker, Flerenee, Heme- ihuttle and Buckeye, Sewing Machines, brushes, 1 bobbins, rubbers, aeedles, eil. bands, and flat belts for all machines jest re ceived per steamer Jdako. All kinds ef sew. ing BiacBines repaired and warranted. J. Dr s. First St. Albany. , Caaae Perward and EelUe. Haffendoa Bros, want all wbe owe them to come forward and sett, op immediately, and they wish us to anaounoe' that the next year will - herv efrintT ti m, ar... V No more credit at tha es'tablishmeni Take du notic. and govern yourselves aceerding- JJ. - ... i C K ; r Agrlealtaral laasvlesaealv ' Kugene Buchanan, manager for Newbury. Chapman A Co., in this city, has a large stock of Morrison Bro's improved walking and sulky plows and steel-bottome4jro(i . 1 l ' 1 , v. . .. ' ' eorapera, aiso extra , nuisuea n.sper ana. Whitewater backs and wagons. v.. .iiit Sew. Tears at abedd. , Off New y-eer ay there will be dinner Fruit Dr ""'M Shedda, and ia the evening aa entertainment at the M..E. Church, both for tbe benefit iU fM-WfteV Instatutloa. tlbedyl U the nl"BV eS 4 Jr,i y it a n jn fa, Wt tmtut " V -ii " l i. 'Ji'eV -i The County Sehool" gapTlhSenieai.w hold a puJauft eMutvCteipenl atjf:., office in the CeurtHouse, f beginning at nine o'clock on Saturday, Deo. 23th, 1878. 3w Chai-rh Plrerterp. U. P. CucaoH. Preach ing every Sabbath, at 11 a. a., and 7 P a. by Rev. P, U. Ir vine, 1). D. Sabbath School at 2:30 P. M. Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening. EvaxasuoAL Crvscb. Preaching on Sab bath at 11 A. and 7 P. a. Sabbath Sohool 13:15. Prayer meeting every Thurs day aveaiag. J, Bowersox, pastor. Calvast Cbvbco. Services every Sab bath at 11 a. a. and P. a. Sabbath School at 2:30. - Prsytr meeting ever M. K CnraoH. South. -Services every Sabbath at Ht Panl'e M. K. Church. Seatb. at 11:30 A. a. and 7 ft, a. Sabbath School at 10. Prayer meeting every Friday I M. E. CnuacK. Preechina every Sabbath as 11 A. a. and 7 p. a. m r. - .... a service la the evenina before sermon. Bakbath School at 2.39 P. a. Prayer meet! of every Than day evening. Will oommenoe a protracted meetina at the oloae of the week ef Braver in January. J, T. De Vera, pastor. Sr. reran IriarorAL Cacacn. -Divine eur. vice is held la the Church every Ssnday at I 1 1 a. a. auaaay scaooi at 3. JO p. at u. L. Stevens, pastor. m OFFER! abecrtbere, Be tare Te Bead This. lUoogniaiag the fact that all oar people sr. new affectea hy the- bard times, and rJ -7 t newspaper, y eeae waai te get ae 1 atach reading asatter as paesible, ws make the (oUewiag aaaouaceaaeat and offer I Te all sebeoribera who will settle what they ewe and pay as one year la advaaee for the Democrat, er to say new sabeertber who pays ia advaaee, we will sead the following tree of ebargei The Chicago WmUji A'etM for .is months, or the Tw mm s Rfiat toe ens year. TBB CaUCAS XEWS is aa bdepeadeat paper aboat the sias ef the Daatoaur, bat It U printed in smaller type. sad doesn't have over two columns ef advar- aaata, lack aamber is crammed fuQ with the latest news ef the world, mise.Ua- sm articlea, aad ae it always has from three te Ave stories la it a heme circle net Sad anything else which weald be more For $3.23 ia advaaee we will send it aad the Democrat to any address for s full year. tttU PABBEBA' BBTIEW is a 16-page mental agricultural paper, aad is as fall ef departments ss the government at Washington, aad they all bear evidence of n usual skill and industry in their manage- coeaL Besides its agricultural article, it gives a great deal of miscellaneous reading aad some splendid stories. It and the Democrat will be aent on year lor only $3 Remember that ws Cannes make these of fers te any ane bat new subscribers who pay ia advance, er te old subscribers wbe square up and pay one year in advance. It isn't every day that cash aa opportunity is offered to get two papers for the price ef one, aad yen would do well to improve it. ontaew This le Tear Bel kaer.Vft Pre as wehece. Iaet Saturday evening Mr. W, K. Price retaraed to this city from the Ocheoo eouo try. He reports the weather fine over there aad "buach grass range" ia fine order, There is as yet no saow, aad .took is ia splendid condition. Several heavy cattle buyers have been throagh that eoantry late ly aad sellers have realised better ' pri tbaa fee several years past, with the market at aa upward tendency. There is new daily mail line between The Dalles aad sew ha been as-1 er Walla, ia tk Ocbeeo Priaeville, aad a new tabUeked at Silver Wells, country. -A company ef tmilitia is being j. ferntedstPriasvUlT proUctio. sgsiast ...f. . . " tareateooa innian ouioreaaa, aaa as oar re-1 eeat comrade la arms, OoL Tkempsos, has charge this matter ia that scenes, we kaew there will be ae foolishness about it rtsBlaal Matters. Jack WUluuaa was tried last Tnssdsy be - fore Jasttce Palmer en a charge ef forgery, aad was leaacl guilty and bound ever under ue sum oi aouu v appear aeiore in uraaa Jury. Net giviac bail, he is new ia JaiL He forged aa order ea Allsa, Robinson A Oa., er, rather, raised it from $10.60 te $40.60. A Chinaman stele a bolt ot iae dress goods from the store ef ; Fox, Beam Jt Co. a few days ago, and the next evening he came back after more, sad Mr. Bans saw and reoeg. nised him. Off ears Watkias and Davids oa . i rr ? a . I .1 . ii and Ala Harris then took the matter ia hand aad aooa acceded in bagging the China man and recovering ths goods. Th celestial was bound ever to appear before ths nsxt Grand Jury, and was committed te th jail for safe 'keeping. ' Cratelal Aefcaewsedgeeaeat. Albabt, Ogn., Dee. 18, 1378. To Hie President and Mtmbere of the Linn Covntg BikU AetoeiaUon : i GsitTL3CMRjr-Prrait me, ia behalf ef the Yi'P.'C A; of Albany, to express to yea ear most sincere thank for th elegant gift of a Bible, se kindly presented te as by yea. Accept eur thank and best wiahea. "'-I liv??;. 'T1 taapwWally. J ,'. -'; .',x:iiAiwART T. Fcbrbv -m- Ki '.'i r-v-tf."v..; ee'y. YT Q-.A; By order! ef the Association. " ktevlvsl Heellass. f . f ' , - - - Next eabbath la the time t e begin re vival meetings at the M.E. Chsrch, which will be continued throughthe month ef January except during the week ef prayer, i W ia- rite all Christians and all Christian minister ,t j comedtalts B part with a, ' as well as vne "vmBne-sei larsev t;l. n tit h-tm ,71 -r'-r i V. it turf ttltfThoitimretor'e Addreaai, li-ftlirrTtW r,a-.vad.h adara af the &oMWlnoe&Y riAJ,T-l'.--':sii.v---i--J. ii. . in... it i ;. eoniwe'atVte-ILi exchequer and receive his poem. '. - ...mas a Casket, , !..;i ';'.) f '.Wslhope PV readirs-Tnay.hotbaV to.. BBS svr-H' things for a good while, but-if tkey-'do, Frei' Graf fas tkeof"'aUTtttd.Bnd' aiiea. both wood and imitation, and prioes accord- iag to finish. MEW TOBK PASBIOMS. Beet Garments Neveltle la Laee-E- sersafesmeata Blaaer Ceslaaaea, ' ' OuT DOOR OARBsVTS. I Then.wtm.UrUl.for desks are Sid- anna .I...-.!-. . . , , ane, showing a very heavy rep, or mstol- which while bavins a silken surface as formerly, is wrosght with a rough wool lin ing iaaids rendering It very warm, and dis- peasieg with the ate ef flannel. The Oea hT,Tr.lo - bdme model reoestly brought eat sad would be suitable for either i' fabrioa last mentioned. Then also. we have the Luoien eeat, which theugh la aa eppneiu style Is better adapted to seme fig area. It Is slightly doable breasted, long, ana eat away ever a Leais XT vest One of the meet stylish eat door costs mes of the season was wore the ether day by the cele brated Mrs. Etioks.Lerd. It U ef black eetia made witbeat overskirt deml-train. Md wltfc "I'M Etting beaqua The lower edge ef the skirt is trimmed with a deep row ef-ehiaohUla far. sleeves ana baeoua to saatea i ehiaebiua asC This eeatusse was hea driving. SOaMtiaas an calivia- bg effect is givea te the costume by a boa- net of ess or mors ef the new garnet shades. Saeh a ens was warn the other day by Mm. If ercaa Dis. wife ef the widely s. ha, Triaity Chsrch, The feaaaatiea was t grtt uu yUJl,,r nl u VM aniahed by a rieb toft ef garaet eelered se- rfcv Mach l.Ue-et U t.. V.. ladtee who stake their ewa dress ss. er wb have family sewing dene at heme, by the an- aemeat that the Wheeler aad WiUoa maehise has, at tk Taris KzpositW taken the only greed prise awarded for sewing ma- ebiaas; this being more noticeable from the fact that there were eighty other oosapeti- term asw laocs. There was a Urns when ladies wbe mads pretension to nduaiveneas ia areas would have scorned the idea of weariaf asythini bat real laee. This was before the days of ebresaes, cheap photographs, plated ware, by courtesy called stiver, sad more tbaa all be fore the fast succeeding la trod actios ef sew I laces; prod Oct i ens of the loom it is true, but which are new se prettily made up tate all . a a . .a - manner ei graceful use, that they are par- chased by people ef position. Breton is the meet desirable novelty, aad has almost su perseded Italian (a genteel asms for eotten) or Smyrna which flooded the market seme time age. White ties, whether ef lace Bins- jia er silk, are is general deteand, both be- cases they show ia goe-1 relief on the datk material ef the day, and alee because they do not eoafliet with the atasy eulered bonaet strisgs sew tied under the ebin. For let a remember a boaaet is is set a bouact Balsas provided with a pair of etriegs, and strings weald look outlandish unless tied under the cbia. Many of as have eeea stewed away one or mere of those variously colored bead ed bags which very old Udiee aaed te take pride in. Bags just like them are new the delight of the young ladies of to day. Then agaia, ia imitation ef long age, we see qaaiat looking bags of silk or satis, with drawiag stnug around the top, and suspended from the arm, while ether styles are ef velvet plaia or embroidered, attached te gilt er sil ver clasps snd suspended from the waist la the latter ease the belt Is embroidered; ia the former, mean ted with rill er silver te itch. SPTERTAla-BSSTS. This is the season for grand dinners, after- aooa teas, etc., the kail season proper, not eemnt easing until after Vew Tear. Aa for af teraoea teas, sometime, sailed Kettledrums, they are qsite the rage. The newest idea is te set eat a aamber ef rustic tables covered with sloths gaily ornamented la appliqu mbroidery, aad capable of holding I (roca tws four peraeoa. Of course the tea I sups are matter at areas imporViaoe, aad " tai U" ff I eoueht after. The raanlv corresnonda with - . .. . saa oemana, ana iney are tmportea in aoseas expressly for these afternoea teas, at priees varyiag from $18 to $25 for euch special style of china. Mere costly saps aad ssaoers are from tbe Royal Weroeater Manufactory, aad a notably beautiful set, for which $200 per 1 desea ia asked, ia ef greea and several shades I .f nld ea a white around. For dinners, the different stylee ef mean cards are objects of l erat atUntlbn. and no small emulation among fashionable people, but they do not new serve te indicate the bill ef fare, but only the poaltiea of ths guest at the table. Hand paisted sards more er lees elaborately executed are generally ased, bat ea a rcceat occasion, elegant sash ribbons three yards in length aad a half-yard in width were sus pended from the chandelier te each lady a pUu. tn, snds being finished with elegant I . . . ... . ... .. . floral designs, in th midst ef which th la dy' nam was skillfully inserted. - DIXKER COSTUMES. A dinaer ecetnm recently worn ws ef deep garnet velvet combined with Pompa dour silk covered with aa effective floral pat tern. It was mad Geneviev train and Bal sam basque. Tha back ef tha akirt was of velvet ; the froat ef silk draped towards tke tide and finished with hews of silk aad velvet united. A rioh fring was rua in short horisoatel ' bars connecting this with tk velvet train at th back. The' basque was high at the throat with albpw aleevas, aad vast; tb upper portion ef tk vest betag el ths sllkt the lower fart et the vlvt Lace mitt, pearl jwIry aad daeheaae lac in this nk gave finish. The highest degre et art, and th greatest extravagance in the employment of material oharsoUnsas the elaborate dinner ooatimea which really are ss hAadsoms aad soatly as evening teilsts. The dark side of the nictate ia that a major ity ef the people Who give such lavish enter tainments, as of those who attend them, are mora or less heavily in debt, and often tha house ia whioh costly dinner take place is mortgagee not ope but several ihs,V.iBut thaAnDDlv of 'buttarfli never vivos eat If ana falls away exnauMca, emersnseup ... n i. j. . k eir pUce, se ef faahionabi .enter UainiaeaUiW.hava. alwayi I snare. -AjUct -.-.. gjjuing .! at . 'ejJ Baum 1 silling :pki bifa i'lttifs fliWfr gents futalahirig gosda, suoii as.whiU shirts. undr'waii; 'VerIU.'' ate.; et., aetor sating irmmtWy. 0 p'voak, H y don't believf it, I call soori 'and 'oonvinc youralv,..-M b .meaa business. It ia for'yeur benefit te save money. THE 4.I1BISTMAS HtT. Isleea ea See re esse relate Way's Werk. A Ceed Aocoraiog to lue sanoascemebl we nede Z 77 FZTT?. rnn.'t' i me as oook a aionveilQ s last Baturuay Ln,Br to muia n.mmnt. , J " . . " Z . . . hunt ea Christmas. A sporting and hunting club was organised, and it was agreed to rate game in accordance with the following table. Dues., 1 Raae-hlll Crane.. , 60 100 ..... t . ... 1 too 600 1000 to While Sen. Oray Squirrel Orajr PJever.... Orar V Kiidee Quail Itow lesgeS Piever. aaa4-pepe.. Iwsr near Elk Kedwh mine.. 0ruue Oreo Rabarte and D. B. Motiteith were elected as Captains, aad they selected the following companions by choosing alternately from the sportsmen present) " D. B. AfeaUith. F, WaUou, W. U Scott, Denver Hackleman, Wee. Baltimore, A. Mil ler, sad frank Wheeler. Oren Kubarts, J. II. Grant, O. M. Chauip- lia, K. B. Sprwoger, N. Bridges, E. Millar sad Gee. Barkhart They basted all day and at 9 o'clock in the evening all bad returned, and the result footed ap as follows: aoHTarra's cobta. D. B. MonUritb, 9 dacka, 1 snipe 105. P. Watson, 39 ducks, 4 snipe, I killdec 44 W. B. fvott, 31 ducks 3 saipe, I killdce -337. Dearer Hackleman, 12 ducks, 4 snipe, 6 killdee 10. Wee. Baltimore, 16 ducks, 47 snipe, 3 kill- dee. -871. A Miller, 33 ducks, 3 euipe, 1 goose 393. Frank Wheeler, 23 ducks, 1 suipe, 1 kill- dee 347. Total for MonUith s aid., 2607. acBABTs cox r A.i v. Orea Itubarta, 9 ducks and 1 snipe - 103. J. H. Grant, 14 ducks, 6 saiim, 3 killdce 240. O. V. Champka. 9 duck. 2 swine. 8 kill- sees 13& K. B. Spreager, 47 docks, 1 snipe 45. N. Bridges, 23 ducks, 6 snipe 301 E. Mdler, 24 dacks240. O. W. Burkhatt 20 duoks. 3 sniue. 3 kill- Total for Ru hart's side, 17C2. Moateith's majority, 843. Total number of point oa both aides, 4309. UT OP CAME EfLLSO. DaeSa.. ..144 1 IS si I Koine Oeoefc RHWees 111 By previous agreement the losing aide wee te furnish aa oyster and game supper for both parties, and last night this part of I the agreement was being fulfilled when we went la preaa. AH of the sportsmen who participated ia the hunt aaasnibled at Mady'a and were partaking of an elegant repast, fit ealy for a king or hunter. Thus ends the first match kuat eur Al bany sperUmen ever had, aad ao one can say that they have not established a fair reputa- Al though numbering two leas than the parties which recently engaged ia the sporting contact at Salem, their score is more tbaa double, and the game was rated just about the same. Another point which must be remembered is, that no dogs were ased in this contest -each hunter did his own re trieving. A hrtslaaas Wedding. Oa Christmas evening Mr. Jay W. Blain was Baited ia marriage to Mia Nannie T. Osbora, the eeremoay being performed by I Rev. Dr. 8. G. Irvine, assisted by Bev. A. I M. Acheaoo, Mr. Wilson R. Blain, a brother I et ue greom, eucuitea a groomsman, groomsman, and MiU,r" dmai, Bot I the eeacraetiag parties are well know Both ef traetiag parties are well known to our eitiseas, aad also to many of our read' sra, Tb groom has occupied the position ef accountant ia hi brother large clothing boos for a year or two past and hi wife is I a step-daaghter of Rev. Irvine. The wed- I diag was a brilliant affair, although none but relative aad a few intimate friends were in I attaadane. Following ia a partial list of precenta received by the happy couple I A large aad elegantly upholstered arm I chair, by Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Blain. I Set ef solid silver table and tea spoons, by I Mr. and Mrs. 8. E, Young Set ef tea spoon, by Mrs. snd Mrs. D. G. Clark. Fall set of table aad teaspoon and knivea aad forks by W. R. Blain. Silver card receiver, by Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Peters. I ..... Pickle diah in silver and glass, by Mattie Fester. Silver butter bowl aad pickle dish, by Mr. sad Mrs. W. H. Gaston. Solid silver napkin rings, by Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Stewart A full aet of geld aad coral jewelry for the bride from her husband. Silver cak basket by Mrs. S. (J. Irvine. Vases ia silver and glass, by Mr. add Mrs, D. W. WakeEeld. of Portiand - Set of vaees ia bronae and- glaaa,! by Lulu and Jennie Clark. .' '.' Set ef Bokemiatt vases, by Anni. Althouse. Fear volutns ef British poet, by Mart V. Brewa. : " . . ': ' ' Aa Oxford Bible, bv Mrs. 3. G. Irvine. ' Solid alivr thimble.' by"Etta ; and Lisa stark. . . . Caral mat, by Mrs. M. V. Brown. , ,Tidy, by Maggie Foster. ' ' " ' - Wall basket, by Jennie Purdy." Handkerchief box, by Mrs. C. H. Stewart A fan and red silk handkerchief, by Ah Jim (Chinese). A red ilk handkerchief and fancy package of tooth powders, by Yet fiiAg. Vprnese). Tidyj by Mrs, W, 'Qi .Stewart.-1 ,;. Sionse .wudoV bmcEata.' .by 'Clara' - Blata. - Creand ..glaa set in(J wateritoher, Mr. B. Blain. - ; ; ...A lull, at pi: china ;'170; Pieces) by Mra, Naney Oabora, grandmother of tha bride. ni. . it i.flif j :U. t. .1,1' :!.(! an.'i v.i i .!: tan, Ballard's XB Sreksa. ' Last Saturday D Ballatrd aeoidentally ran ,hI'Ua'thbunbahaI,ia the, idewalk, out at Lebaaon, and broke it between the ankle and kne. aad also dislocated the ' ankle...-, If. ba'sbpold nndertuke to sue the town 'for damages it would be apt to burst up the corporation, Home aad Abroad. Wheat 81 oti!. Chew "P.ed Tug Navy." ' , Chew Jack win's Boat Sweet Navy CO. Santa Clan reigned supreme Iswt Wednes day. One' Christmas Ball was a duci lei pro cess. 0. A. Peebles, of Solum, rpciit ChrUtumr in Albany. To day is the Festival of St. John t . Evangelist Democrat oa the "half h!L" Christina ia the reason. Our young bloods are getting ready New Year's call. "Times are tight," but everybody made Christmas preterits nevertheless. I-est Wednesday and yettenlay mortiink the mercury indicated 21 above aero Watch ntght meeting at tb. M. E. Chum). Tuesday evening, beginning at 9 r. M. Jehn Crawford, of this city, ha paid t.Vf toward building tb Vaquins Bay R uV'wd. Tbe residue stock of holiday gm.U a: ri. Farmer' and Mechanics' Store will Ixs at sweeping reductions. Frank Osbom, 4 Esgcne, called t-rila:. II ws down attendi.g the wedding M-. Blain and Mis O.born. . Hon. W. B. Carter, preset it State rrinttr. waltzed in on n on day last wrck and a- t.t a pleasant hour in conversation. Tb Matonio brethren of the two Ldn'e in this city will install their officers to-niilit, in presence of the Craft and tbeir families. Wa Kin rick had a runaway on Chruttma morning. Hi butcher wagon tok a apin up the street, but no great damage waa dene. Bishop Morris will hold iliviu service with Holy Communion in St. Peter' Etcnpa1 Church next Sunday morn in l', Dec. C9tb, at 11 o'clock. C'oL Hogg and Mr. Hamilton have fone to San rrancuco to arrange for tbe immediate purchase of iron and rolling stock for the l equina Bay Railroad. Tbe masonic installation will be tt only for Mason and their families. I'. (. Clark will install tke officer, and Judge Piper will deliver the addrtsa. Mia Itebecca K. Burkbart, daughter of C. D. Burkbart, died of consumption en Christ mas Eve, and was buried yesterday. Sle was about nineteen year of age. The following youog lalira will reaive calls on New Year 'a Day at the reside! ce of Dr. A L. Ford: Nettie Piper, Mary Han non, Lillie Henton, Mia A. L. ForJ, M. D. Prof. C. B. Plummer hold forth at Leb anon next weak, and the week after will probably appear in Albany. Of courte be will get a good audience here, lie always doe. Peter Schlatter lost Lis little boy but Sat urday by a very severe attack of membran ous croup. He was only about seven months old a real bright little fellow, sod the pride ef the household. Choose ye peats f..r $3 50, $4. 00, $1.50. (3.00, 83.50. $0.00. IU50. 57.00. $7.50. 3.00, tS.50, $9.00, $9.50, $10.00, fll.00. at W. R Graham t Son's the cheapest place in town to buy clothing and furnishing gooda One strange feature in the result of the Christmas hunt ia that tbe two captains. Monteith and Rubarta, although numbered among our very best marksmen with either the rifle er fowling piece, were the lowest in number of point in each of their parties, and tied each other in their score. eireatt Cearl. Following is a report of the proceedings ol the special term of Circuit Court which closed in this county this week: 17 Board of Commissioner v Jaaies Tri gonioff et el dismissed. 26 Wm J Thompson et al vs James F Thompson et al granted. Zi U L. . A.uper v Martin Loper ilis- misaed. 46 M C George vs E S Morrill et at ju l mctit by default 47 D M Conley vs Emoline CheadJe di missed. S3 D From an admr vs James Riley et al tndgment ot R3iS bv atrrecmcnt ot parti.. 63 J H Fenn v Eliza Fenn granted. 67 E R Cheadle v Raphael Chcadle sranteiL 63 R Cheadle vs ER Cheadle diamiael 74 William B Finley va Frank Havea - a decree ss ineciSa performance craiitrd. 86 J F Hendrix vs Henrietta B Ge t t al referred to J. C Powell to take testimony andjreport nndms of law and facta at Hi March term. 1879. 95 Mathew Mann va Robert M Kldtr continued. 93 Warren Hulburt va I C Dickey, Slieri; ludement for plaintiff for SIS-. 102 Guaseppe Mataace vs Geo W Hughe iudirment for rjlaiiiUff for 8303. 104 In the matter of tbe application of Phoebe Crabtree vs Linn county daruago iudmnent for plaintiff for $25. 105 James Crabtree, Executor, vs Linn county damage judgment for plaintiff for $45. 10C D F Crabtree vs Linn county dam age judgment for defendant 107 O Fox dt Bro v M Hendrick ion de fault 118 J W Moore va B T Lollia and wife foreclosure suit at issue. 122 Hawley Dood fc Co va Jas Moore action at law to recover money judgment for plaintiff. 123 Martin Lnper vs D L E Lupcr suit for divorce granted. 125 James Mooreiva I C Dickey, Sheriff action at law to recover specitio personal property judgment for plaintiff. 126 State vs Win Voit -Belling liq' uor to minora not guilty. 127 State va Pi eter Baloney indictment for larceny from a dwelling house guilty 3 years. 123 Same eame same 2 Years. 129 SUte v John Tethero indictment JSnJ- for an assault with a dangerous weapon 130 Stat va Jack Williams indictment for forgery dismissed on motion of Dutrict A ftjwn.v 131 State va J E Sorbin indictment for aniline linnor to minora not (ruiltv. 1 82 State vs J E Sorbin ludiotment for selling liquor on Sunday dismissed on mo tion ot tbe District Attorney. I -- bondsmen and vacate writ of arrest 133 H Weed va M M Hart motion to ex 1 granted. That Almanac i ! v i 1 by I : jjere Eea before ue the" Western Farmers' J Almanac for 1879. . Thta iaebout the most j.ancjent our Amerieaa Almanac, being 52 years old. It ii yean old. It is published at ixraisvuie, ny. .... . . w ?,i mr by Jno.Pr Morton, s Co,, and U yen send a 10 cent greenback to the proper address you will receive in return, the oldest and best Almanac. ' In tha business. " Temperance neruioa. Z,We...pfopos.e to give' our. view as to the 'remedy of the evils of. intemperance on next Sabbath evening at the M. E. Church. J. F. DkVoke. f'arlatmas FetCvflles. On Tuesday evening presents were dis- ributed at tbe United Presbyterian, Calvary, aptiat, Methodist and Sonthwn Method. t Chnrchcs, and a great many p!jle were made happy. Iu addition to the tiiiie-libnored Christ- z Trc?c, tho decorating committee at tbe P. Church put up what thry called a iirintmas House. It was aboat eibt feet rjaare by tiins feet . high, and consisted of ruxh lard frame work covered entirely i h tvcrgrtKii and lined with white mua- n. and wti located in the farther cud of he cbarch among a lot of evwgreen tree. riie bous-.and the trees were iirofuselv rin'.. I.:d wit!i small bits of cotton to repre- nt inow, anil the irnitatum wm ao natural h it ' o wu!d shiver when eazins? st Th-n jtv-nie aere artiui'jilly arranged u hlv(.n in the Ixruae, and a window and or in tiw frrnt, with tw rneetiag la-nj lb- iti.ide of the rear wall, and two more I . 1 " '.r-i, rnndured a very pleasing --. the audience. Santa Clau took ,,f t),e houe tnd passed out tbe . .iitt' the big aud little folia The . . n Hi,- ut tere-Ue dejor.ted, save bo a ''i''J'Mate roMtots ia evergreen and r work. At tbn Calvary Church tbe room waa nice d.c.riUd with ivy, fir and cedar, and inc lea3tifcl mottoes adorned th walls. Two large evergreen trees stood oa tbe retrum, a few feet apart, tbeir top l-tin bronjjbt together, forming an arch. UjKin tbsc tres wore loaded presents of all i ml a and almost without number. To tbe -ft of tbe tree on an elovated position tood a fine iliiplay of f-i.iii.-y Bohemian ware, tnd idhcr lieautiml arti !o, while in front the trees was a Ivije upright piano, a pr-.-sctit from Mr. Eugene Buchanan to hi Wife. Tbe featcre nf the evening though was the app-araii:e of Santa Clau dressed bis wintry rubei and with a veritable ecr hitched U hixavo.-i. It was what is -ll--d a Uiulc deer, ami its ears were so loeg h it a -imu would not have to stretch bi-ir i;rm)(inatin so very mocb to see in it the traditiopal rrindeer. V.'c di-ln't hbvs time t visit the other lirte, bnt learn that thry were tastefully decorated, and that tbe trees fair ly groaned nndrtb-ir iAm of presents. Watysa i r-XAIEE. r nloa rrvlces, P.xrept a eabbath. For the Sabbath, Jan. 5, as a subject -' r the pulpit; "Christian Cnion." Mim Jji, Jim. C. Thankngiviugs for the b!es;.i;g of the yesir past, and prayer fcr their continuaoce. At the Congregational Church. Tu'xlni, Jin. 7. rr.iyer for the Church of Chivt, its ministers, its growth ia grace, and its enlargement At the Baptist Church. Wtnrt".'j, Jm. S. Clirifctiaa education; the family, the young, collcses, seminaries rf learning. Sabbath and other schools. Chris tian Associations of Yuan 5 Men and Young Women. At the U. P. Church. 7Xrfiy, Jan. 0. Fur nations; rulers and people; for peace and religions liberty n th earth. At the XL E. Church. Friday, Jan. 10. The Press; for a blessing o publishers, editors, and authors; the caaae of temperance and other social reforms. At tbe M. E. Church South. Saturday, Jan. 11. Home and Foreign Miwions and the conversion of the world. At the Evangelical Church. Ou Sabbath evening, January 12, it is aug-.i-st 1 that public union meeting be held for prayer, praise and tbe presentation of the l j-vt aud work of the Evangelical Alliance. J. H. Crawtobd. S. G. IavtxE. J. Bowersox. J. F. DbYobx. W. B. Fiotd. 9 -P. A. Moses. Pastors. Maxaule Elections. At a rrgnSar couimunicatiori on the 3th . int . Brownavillo Lodge No. 36, A. F. A A. M , locted tbe following officers to serve for the ensuing year: P. Hume, W. M. ; J. M. Mover, S W.;G. C. Blakely, J. W.;D. R. N I'llackburu, Sic ; Jas. Blakely, Treas.; G. C Thompson, Tyler. St. John Lodge No. 62, of Albany, elected 1 he follow 1113 officers to be installed to-night : Geo. Humphrey, W. M.;R. S. 8trahan, S. W.; R. S. Price, J. W.j Thoa. Montieth, Treaa.; L. Bilyeu, Sec'y; John Brush, Tyler. Corinthian Lodge No. 17", A. F. t A. M, elected the following officers to ha installed on the 27th, St Johns Day : IX Froman, W. M., Sig Fox, S. W.; Eugoue Buchanan, W.; John Briggs, Treaa. j N. Bauni, Sec'y; ' Ed. Baum, Tyler. Bayley Chapter No. 8, Royal Arch Matons, of Albany have elected the fallowing officers, be installed to-morrow night : j J. K. . Weathcrford, H. P.; L. Kline, K.); P. C Harper, S.; Sig. Fox, C. H.; M. Vj Brown, ' S.; Exl. Carter; R. A. GjW. B. Barr M. 3d V.; John Brush, M. 2d V.; A. B. Paxton, L Ut V.; D. Froman, Treaa; L. Sanders, Sec'y.; Geo. Humphrey, Sentinel REMOVAL OF FOX, BAUM & CO. TO THK STORE FOBMEBRT OCCI MED BT l K. BLAI.. We tako pleaaure in informing our patrons and tbe public in general, that we will re move our stock of good for two months from the 1st of January up to the 1st of March, into the store formerly occupied by L. E. Blain, and that room not being large enongh for our extensive stock of General Merchandise, we will sell for the next aucty days, at greatly reduced prices, to one aud all. . FOX, BAUM a, CO. Evangelical charch. ' Services next Sunday at 11 A. M. , and T p. M. by Rev. S. Heininger. r , - . Born. , WHITE. On the 10th inst.. to tb wife ol Kaier M. L. Wliite a soou- , . UABB1P.D. HOLT JOHKSON. At thereKulenee olj. H. Job- son, on the th iott., by Rov W R. biahop. Ma. ft. C. Holt and Miss Mattis i. Jounsos all of bum eounty. B-ifcnv - . - ' - -.11. , ! BOON. At MUton, UmatU.a county, ef 'dipfcOisrie. Dec. , 18T8, Wna.iii Sxaauaii Book asi isan, U nrontbs and T days. BOON. at tbe same ple-abn the same day, an iniant son ol . C aad itaiiaJafioon aged daya BOON. On Kovembcfil, Mauaia, the oic. 0. Boou-sd yeaw, months audSOaja