Witt Qmbtmt FRIDAY, .DECEMBER C, 8781. srr.riAi notice. A. O -iV T I. to all who are suffering from the errors of Indlsrret it on of youth, nervous vnliMM, amir drear, hwa ot aianhood, -., I will seud a receipe thai w ill cure Jo FRKK OF I'HAKUK. This irreat remedy was dicnverd bv a minakinarv In Smith America. Bcnil a sell wd.lTTvd envelop, to the Rtv. Jvwlfit T. 1k u, Station IX, rhbl House, Now York City. nllwT 3VJ3W GOOTXS I Just received at the MILLINERY ROOMS OF MI1S. A. E. MA It TIN, ALB AM, OKKCOS. A Complete assortment ol th. latcat atvle ot Mllll Dwrjr 43ooda, etmamreir ol Straw, Milan. Felt. Hun HaU, French Ho warm, bilk, Sauna, Velvet. Lace UrO. Urnaaventa, Feathers, Cut llea.li, etc. o. Ladle' and coudrea underwear cheeper Uian it coat to make them. Wt turret ttw place, corner Main and Ellsworth streets, opposite the Keren, Houae. Ttaankiiur you paa tavora, and hoping 1 will save the pleaure ol areiua; you soon, 1 aiu Kcwi-ectltilly Your. 13-nai MRS. A. K. MAKT1S. A. 8. MOIL WAIN, The undersigned will oont'nue the above business with a large lucreaMod stock of Dry Goods, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Boots, Shoes, Crock ery, Shelf Hardware, Groceries, Flows, Wagons, Etc-, And a Keneral line of uotion, all of which will be sold at preatly reduced prices for cash, 1 lease call anaexatume uelore pur chasing elsewhere as 1117 price will defy competition. a. ii. ai ilhaim, arilwmim's Block, Albaar, Orej-om. Agent for Hawley, Dodd & Ce.'s Aftri- lowing Insurance conipanie; Imperial of 1 1 -W ,1. w a s v r jaOiiuoii, nunueni 01 uonaon, uwn 01 1 i. try- iGEO. RICHARDS. WAB05 1ND G1EEI1BS lAKEE. Blsnrurth. bet Fin and Second. Prepared to do an kind ol repairing la hi tine ruung wraeeai made a specialty. vumxyi Eldorado Restaurant! ffT AVISO EST A B LIS II KD THE 1 1 above named place, two doors below the Odd Fallow's Hail, I am now able to accommodate boarders at all rates. MEALS AT ALL nOlRS! Oysters and Clams a Specialty Every thiBg conducted on Ea rpeaa style. LOUIS JONES A CO. nl5tf Dissolution Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, TO all whom it may concern, that the co-partnership heretofore existing between Jonas Davis anJH.C. Clement, under the firm name or Saris A Clement, u this day dissolved by mutual consent. Dated at Albany, Oregon, the I lib day of November, A. 1). 1878. JONAS DAVIS, nl5w4 II C. CLEMENT. Executor's Notice. TOTICK IS I1EKKBY UIVEN THAT the undersigned has been duly ap pointed executor of the last will and teata ment of Henry Beamer, deceased, by the County Court of Linn county, Oregon. All persons having claims against said estate, are required to present them with the proper vouchers, within six months from the 13th day of Nov., A. D.. 1S7S, te the ondersurned at his residence, in Brownsville, Linn county, Oregon. LUTHER WHITE, nlow4 Executor. MADY'S RESTAURANT Open from C a. m. to 1 2 p. m. 226 5b GO CT3 Agent for the Yaquina Bay Oysters. Private entrance to ladies' dining room. M Fraat Street, AIImbt. 13-tf Notice of Final Settlement- In the matter of the estate of Richard I'sber, de- Notice u hereby kriven that the nnderjined. execu tor and executrix of the but will and teatameut of kichard Vauer, deeeased, hare Bled their final account in the natter of said estate in' the County Court h Linn county, Oregon, and that said Court, on the 15th day ol Moveniber,1878, made an order appointing Friday, December tRta, A. D., at the hour of one o'clock, p. H., of aaid day, at the Court llonae in the city of Albany, Linn county, Orespon, for the hearins of objection to laid final account and for the aetUc nieot of the aamc U. W. Ku , Executor, Hxtxu Lkiikk, Executrix, ol the la-it will and testament of liii-hard I bir dc- Kod tlii the 81 h day of Kovemlwr, A. I). 1878. Stockholder's Meeting. NOTICE IS IIEREBY OIVEX THAT there will be a meeting of the Block holders of the Linn County Agricultural Association, orr ."Saturday, tlus 30th of KortniLer, 1878, at the Surveyor's office in the Court House at Albany, at the hour of 1 o'clock, p. in. C. P. BURKHAKT. - H, Bbyakt, President. Secretary. nl0w3 JAMES JL. COWAIY. - (f acoaiioa of a. ciwii a c.) LEBANON OltEGON, DEALER IN QEXERAL B1EUCIIAKDISE WILL KEEP ALWAYS ON HAND A FULL STOCK or DRY GOODS ! GROCERIES! Boots and Shoe I i AH for Sale at the Loweit Prices tor' CASH or PRODUCE. All perion owing A. Cowan A Co. can tattl by sailing on me at Lebanon. vTnS-kf. JAMES L. COW AS. WASHINGTON, D.C. HAS A FIRST-CLASS HOTEL AT ?2 50 per day. TREMONT HOUSE. No Liquoi-s Sold. 14:12tl Ucan make money faster at work fur us than at any. toinf else. Capital not required : we will start you. . --- a oay at nume inaue uy we luuuKirioua. kkeo, women, biiv acid e;irl wanted every wnere to wuxk iut u. riow is ttie time. Costly outnt sad !rs trae, Addrsse Tsri A Co., Portkunt, kiaine ADVERTISEMENTS. MAY & SENDERS, IlftrrUburg, Un eonnty, Offtt., PKAUKR8 lit GENERAL MERCHANDISE, attch as are generally kept la a FIRST CUSS RETAIL STORE. 11 AY A SENDERS Is the Arm, Allow us to assure you, ou will always find at aity time A.ound their store to nerve yon; IV" umber oue articles thoy do keep. Do soil them at small profit. S uch as clothing, Rood and neat, 14 very thing you buy will fit ; Totlona, Hardware, Qrocrlea, 0 iahM -f all vmrtolloM, mbrolderlea, Ijwes of all kluda, Xobea aud even window blinds; Sam will always be ou hand. Seders, ditto, ditto, j ver bearing lu our minds, Ijlve and let live, is our ntottn, Ijove thy neighbor like thyself. Cheat no one U our theme, Hop, ng to do well for ourselves Xli ver retaining our go.td name. A-tkd now as Poetry la not our fort, Patrons, look upon It tender E very eno la Invited to the store of mam May A Senders ! 1 1 1 la without a rhyme. CONSTANTLY ON KANO METZLER'S CELEBRATED RAW-HIDE BOTTOM CHAIRS. - vllnSStr. Meat dalireted Ires to any Fart of City. MEAT MARKET. rpii HE UNDERSIGNED. HAVIXO DISPOSED Ot hi meal market at the aid atand. can b fcauid at tending to bunnea at hi new atand, on Krool atrat, next dour to tranx Store. 13:41U J AS. L .HAHK1S, OREGON MARBLE STOIME WORKS- The underaiirned are ireml to manufacture VillBfsli, Twawlaa Heael-aiaae. Mawtl, Table Tew. TTaaai ktaad. Etc. Etc All kind ol cemetery wnwk dune In Bauble. In atone and granite. All work dune in first rl maju.es and at the lowest rate. AsTShop In Knuik Wood' building-, on Uie corner of Seuund and EUswurth streets. CLAttK HALTER. Easiness Cards, Visit in Cards, We d ding Cards, or any other kind of Cards, rail en Mansfield & ilonteith II lob Printers. Albanv. O ! n37t HERE WE ARE AT OCR NEW- HEADQUARTERS! 0ipoah the Kew OdJ Fellow Temple.- And there is no use talk ing if you want GROCERIES! I tell yen without besilatien that I have the STOCK stnd make the prices that cannot fail to meet year approval. OTo control large trade I know that my price must give univeraal aaliafactioo, and I a) tail use all honorable escertion to accouipilab that nwl. Look at My Prices; 4 t Rio Coffee tl 00 ibuota luca l ou I Jara 1 06 1 Ground Java 2.1 Tea, Jafaw, 35, 50 and 60 " liMinff liyaon or ounmuer, w a iw SodaorPienie Cracker, V tb 10 Hweet Cracker, V 15 Sugar 0 B San Francisco 1 00 bu uoiucn c l oo i t Crudied or Kme Crualied., 1 00 0 B Powdered 1 00 I'ickloe-J gal. lar 35 1 quart " th Worcheatenhire Sauce, a. bottle 40 Pepper or All-ice, la irrain. V B 25 Nartifnea, V box, 20 or SO Oyster McMurray' 21b can t 25 tiei'l 'ZOi can 20 raLclie, V can :i5 &lu-p's CfJoratnut, fb iai:kagu 40 Sweet Oil, V bottle 3i or CO 1'ouib Honey In tela jar 60 10 lb lionoiuu luce 1 00 Syrup, gallon 75 5-eailon ke 4 00 5 t Cheene 1 00 Coal Oil Downer",; gal 80 " b gal. on S 7u Cinnamon, Cloves, Pepper and Allauire fSr Cash paid for eggs." rround and put up by myself and warranted pure. Also, the moat complete mock ot June buuiws C1UAB8, together with a full line of Tobacco, Smok er Article. Tors. Notion, aud numerou oilier arti- etas whfee 1 Itave not time to enumerate, all ol .which 1 will sell at pnee tnat oeiy conipeuon. 5 JULIUS JOSEPH. Sheriff's Sale. RY VIRTUE OF A DECREE OF FORE closure in the Circuit Court of the (state of Oregon for the County of Linn, and an execution Issued In pursuance thereof, on the 19th day of November,1878,to me direct ed and delivered, in favor of Martin V. Koontz, assignee or James A.-t anipDcu, TVaintuT. and aeainst James W. Lakin and Maggie A. Lakin, defendants, for the sum of 4ls B3-1W in goiu coin, wun interest in like coin at the rate ol ono per cent, per month from the 30th day of Oc tober, 1878, and the further sum of $22.15 costs, I have levied upon the mortgaged premises descriDea iu saia decree as l ol io ws: Commencing at a point ten chains and eighty, seven links south 89 west from tho north-east corner of W. A. Forgy's Dona tion Land Claim; thence north lour chains and 18K links; thence south 69 west 80 links; thence south four chains and Y& links; thence north 8it east 80 links, to the place of beginning containing of an acre more or less, being in Township 15, south of range 4, west, and in the county of Linn, Htate of Oregon, and, on Saturday, the 4th day of January 1879, at the Court House door in the city of Al bany, Linn county, Oregon, at the hour hour of one o'clock p. m., I will sell the herein beforo described real property at public auction, for cash In hand, to the highest bidder, to satisfy said writ with ac cruing costs. Dated Nov., 29th 1878. ' I. C. DICKEY, Sheriff of Linn County. By Geo. HcitrHaEY. Deputy. nl?w4 ADVEBT18KMKNTP. J E. SORBIN & CO. Importer! and'dealen in WINES AND MOIOUS, CIG&RS AKO TOEACCO- Afcenls for Jease Moore A tVi'a. tU and R' Yt niaaie, oim tor ai Klne whUhlo from lino to 1U.U0 a IS lion, Uittloa mmt tri ocnu to tl.fio Klnc Krt-noh brnmly from tl.T to 115.00 miott. tit iMittlea fniin T& eta. to J.W. Klne Old Pnrt Wine from xuo to tl.OU a (cab on. iw ix 1 i nun vj ci a. w j.uu, Klne 8M.-rry Wine fmm $iV)l 110.00 a gal t,. t W. a .. a,, iui Hllj III Ut'turi lllllll tU 171 P, HI fwVIF( ltnllsntl Uta 0.(M a Kalloo, lu bullet from 76 era. to ai.au. Alt klnda of Wine. Bitter ami (Virtual. Claret one dollar Kttllon or aa cl. a bottle. Liquor In pint uud half lul Kaaka lor intveicra sua otuera. SAMPLE ROOMS attaehea to OUR STORE. CIGARS i3 TOBACCO, By the box or pouad, eheap. Pint MrweC wear IlrMdwIbln. Attiawr "THE PARKER GUN.- 9CH0 STAMP 'OP CIRCULAR PARKER BRO'S WEST MERIDEH,C. JOHN CONNER'S BANKING AND EXCHANGE OFFICE ALD.IXY, OREC.O.. DEPOSITS RECEIVED SUBJECT TO CHECK AT 8I0UT. laltreitlllowfd ob Time Deposit! !i Cola KSCBAR08 ON P0RTI.AKD. PAN FRAN CISCO, aad NEW YORK, for iale at lowest rates. COLLECTIONS MADE AND PROMPTLY REMITTED TBaokln( hoar. a. to 4 p. n.-V Refer to II. W. C0RBETT, 11 EN BY FA1L1S0, W. 8. LADK. I tLAii'i FLY bftia KILLS all the FLIES in a room Is TWO HOURS. toe worth will kill more Sic more Sic T tbaa $10 1 - No dirt. J j f 2 atmaa. 1 SoUfcy rwc.iTt Kvaar- T Botan'.c Lledtciae Co., Buffalo.N. Y. j. ii. mnikii Aitr, Eri'l EtttLe ami ConTtyanetiig Igtal, ALBANY, OaEQON. corxkr rifurr axo broadalbix irrRKtm. Farms of all sbtea. Improved and utilm- pmved. In this and adiwettt counties, auH- abie lor gnun raudng, auso umix-rou lauu and stock ranches for soUe on eay binna. Also for anle a number or dwelling boaaes and vacant lota in this citv. raruea desiring l eiuier soil or ptircliaae nnoDlu call and learn terms and prune be- tore purcnawng eisewuere. rentons Unstring help can M provided with any number of Laborers by Inaviug ruTrw. ii n i ' iu. TUB SA1 t'KASliM't MW.KTIH, The leading Crenlns; and Weekly ncwicr west ol Ui Hocay Mountain. TMB WCCKLT HI XLETIX Is a twelve-nag Journal, and in nroporllun lu its at Umj ebmoaat tper In the country. TEKSA, (pMtace rrre). Dally, fit; Weekly, &"! per yiar; avUol "a year proaii.Ki. Send wUI card tut tcuiicn. For Sale. A Splendid Farm. cy(f ACRCN 200 In culUratlon. It "jlill is well fenced and otherwine well improved. 200 acres is the beet of farming land. Good bouse, barn, and all neiseaMary Improvements for an excellent modern farm. No white land on the place. It la situated 1 1-2 miles went of Albany the great agricultural center of Oregon For terms enquire at the vhir-e of viaultr J. I HATCHER. American Exchange Hotel -A.X-.B-A.lSr'X", OREGON. THE ONLY HOUSE IN THE CITY KUN ON THB EUROPEAN STYLE. Having' renovated and refurnished the same, will be happy to receive ail who fa vor us with a call, and will endeavor te please to the best of our ability. Owing to the dullness of time, etc., we will put the rates at $1.00 per day, aud will guaran tee the best table in the city. J5ont brands of wines, liquors and cigars. EDWARD MURRAY. M. 8. BURROWS, Manager. pMt. WELCOME SALOON. Win. Volgt, Proprietor. THE BEST WINES, LIQUORS AND cigars always on hand. BEER 5 CENTS A GLASS. Call and see me. Saloon In brick build ing, next door to Dannals' furniture store. 2-tf WM VOIOT. FOR SALE. A FINE RESIDENCE. DR. LISTER'S RESIDENCE IS NOW FOR SALE on reaaonable terms. It la one ol the finest in the city, well finished throughout. Four lots fc-o with It, all well nmproved. Title rood. Person wishing to buy are lnritod ao call and insTiecti the premiaos and learn the price. ' I'll. WM. LISTER n&Otl Sheep ! Sheep ! "I DEAD OP GOOD, CLE AX BIIEEP FOIl J All sale, or to be let out on alires to some trusty person. Call on Thos. I. Anderson, or outlaw kirn at, Albany. nl4w4 CITY EXPRESS. I HAVE A GOOD TEAM, A FINE, strong hack, and will do any deliver ing or other work entrusted td me with dispatch. I came here to stay and expect ing to stick to this business, I solicit a fair share of patronage. . Vl3n40tf . t. Ii. DUGGER. TO VKOM (TJ&AY COKCERH. . - ; PoRTLAnn, Sept. 28, 1888. This certifies that Eugene Buchanan, Esq , Is our authorized agent at Albany, and vicinity to carry on our Agricultural Implement business. Hkwbury. Chapmak & Co. n9tr -4 . " 1 i. ' ADVEItTlBEMKNTfl. At.tAKH AITTI-FAT Is the irrent rcmrdr .rlrrll I racy. It t tiurelv t vimtitble an'l icrl'Cily Imrmli'a. t scUon trie food in tlm sioma Ii. jii-rvt-itiitiK it scon tit. ion Into fnt. 'l aki n awir'Hii' to dir. .-iii-ni, II ertil nMlaee a fat fro a, lias pound, a wa.li. In nlacliut this n-niciy U furn tlic imwlo n a wecuref'.r oiK-,uy, wcthiafi anownitf its aMMty to cure, a attested by ijuiMiraHia or t-auni.uiai.. or wlilrtt tin lullxwlni from a Uyly Int'olutitbua, tiltbs Is a eainulei "tu iiilrnB'nt uut Anii-rntwaa.luir rcri-lrril. I took II aicorlliitf to dlrm'tinns and It st.'lure.l inr Ave p.Hinla. 1 was so eliitc.1 ovt-r tii re sult ttiai 1 ImiiKHtistcly sent to Ai'hkhman's omit- ator ror imp sccono ooiuc, anmiMr, a ooTsn-inu, wriilnif for a tl-nt from rr.rvl.hnri', Ii. I aujs Ifowr boltlrs havo redurrd ltr WKlulit from If routi.ls to vn tw-tinds, and Uwre Is a e-m-ml 1mrovo. somt In bralth." A a-t-ttttomau wrlllNV frmn llim Cn, n)Sl M Wllltout aHHilal ctinnae or attention to Cllf-t, two bottlr of Allan's Atltl-st rclurnl i.ic f.ir and oneMiuarii-r tH.uti.l.'aTlin wi-ll-sn'twn VlnArt. ale lrui(U(, hiirn, iooi.irri. A hu m. of II" ton. Hoi., write as f"llowst " Allnn'a Ana-l-iit has wiurnt a ls.lv In our my sem pounds In Hmo ,(ttiH A arntU'iiian In HI. Louis wriu ai Allan's Antl-Kat rclut-cl me twrivo mhio.Is In lliree w.i-aa, and alloirriiier I lost Iwriiiynvo tunn li slnro rmnnienrliix llsuv." Mrs. I'owlfM, ri-iai-r'", Vnolnaln Iirmrrlat. of Hudsln, N.TMWrlii lo tub I'Moifttrrona or Allah Axti-I ati iirntie Itivn. 1 ne r'llwuul.rr"rl I from llic lady wbo iimi) Allan's Antl-kat. 'It (Hie Antl-t all had (hc.l. "lro.l effi-ct, rcdm-in tha fat from two to nve noun.ls a week Ulltll I bad lost twcnly-fle pon.i. I lP" neer to regain whet I liavo loat.,rr Anil-rat Is ait line cellwt biil-urlflrr. It nrotnon-s dim-ail corlns drancpala, and Is also i cotrut rruudy f-r rii.uniall.tu. Ojild br dnimtsts. I'attioulclua Ouw. Tr an Immmte prartice at the world's Plnn ary and Invalid.' Ilotri, batlni In ul niany thou. riud raaes of Iboav diMaars pcrullar to woman. 1 are bm u enaMrd lo prr Art a most potcut aud po.l tire irmrn j itir incee uiKiirk 1 o ilcabiuale Uu natural spcclae, X bar named ll Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription The term, however. I bat a feeble etreloii el tny hlfh apprerlaUon of Ita value, beard m.n r. anal oiwriaUon. 1 liar, while wltm-wln lt poll ute rcuit In toe irc!at dl-aM-a in-Mf-it to u.a oreanlam of woman, almrlml It out a Iko euaaat ev eewwalwe seas ef say sae4ll eaeeee. ln Ii. rorilti. as a positive, safe, and rCeclual rr.nr.ly fr Hit c that ofdlvaare, and one Uial will, at all Hum aud uii-1. r all rircum'tancea, art kindly. 1 am wiillns to n..te my r-rtitatlon aa a ibrt iau: aud so cotiO'irataiu I thai It will sot disappoint the tnoal sanrolnerx. tctatl.msola lulalinalld Ifcly who naralt f -r any .rtlie allfurnta for wMfh I rrronim-nl It. tl 1 pl!-t and rU It unJrt A tHHUTIV 1.1 AK ANTt-fc 1 -or C- n-llu..r., arc panifulrt wranptu bottk-.l she f.mwlne are anion Uium dlaraars In wbtrh sny rarerH t'reserl4lea lias wntWr l rurra, If by suulc. and wim a e-ria.ity nerrr btlore atiainr.1 by Miilpliiet l.eueurrbu-a. Rtrrwlti llowln. t'ainAd alunthly rmode, eoirrtj.tona wl-n frmu unnatural cstiara, Irtrrulartlka, UrU tu a. I'ro- !4t.u, or 'llm ol lb" 1'u.rua. Anu-r.r.i'-n and Ulrovcralno. llrsrtu-4own HrtlaaUon, lntm.il leal. Srroat llrprrwloo. IVUIIty, 1 H-.(-.t0rai r. 1 lirestmcd llrarla.. Ilironl tooa-.tt.Mi. lo- f animation end t ictiono ii": t tru., im.u-ncr, . . . . r Kir, ill I v and s'ctuala Holni C.i not rb4 this ttH-illrlne as a " rttrr-ait,, I nit It ..lmlrii.lv rulnlts a afaatirana aaraeat. brlntf a tn.t pertTt tor" I Be lu all cl.r.n.lr illMH of Ine k-tuJ .yitrm or woman, ll win not tiuppolji, aor w HI It du narm. In aoy .lato or cwniiltloo. Tikwi whob-.irerurilM-r information on thtr mN. Wtaraaootaln It la Tub l'"fl.a' I ohsih .. li.i.ii ii luiutu a iKuik of over Isw iera. arol. ltaiil, on rcilt'i of tl.ao. It tn-eta tniiuiu-lr f Tiioai jiiurawa --olr to froni. and eia uiixn aloal4.i a.lU-e iu fvaard to the aui!xjXKtl vf ll.rMr enaction. . -. - ib ,lalw aa!4 ke Vrwaarlaaa. ' It. V. I'H.Iti It. f. Ii . I'mp'r. XVaiw a lJIpau-ry ao-l lav-.!!--. I limn, wnsaio, r. i . Albany Bath House. T1IIKUXDERSI0NED WOULD RKSPKCT fully Inform lb eiutcna of Albany and vl einilythat 1 bavotakeoebare of this Kiiablisb at, and, by keeping clean rooms an J par ine strict attention to basin, eipecu te sail el lhoe wbo may favor us w.Ui tbelr patronage. lisving heretofore earned pa nothing bat First-Class Hair Dressing Saloons, W aipeets to fire entire tatiafactioa to all P-ChlMien aoJ Ladles' flair neatly est and saampooed. Jin r-unr.jtt. Cosmopolitan Saloon. J . A. Gilmour, Prop., Oa BrsMtilalttla Klrrrt. brlwrea I lrt and M-read. 1,'ISItJfT PRAN'lUt OKdQt'oitH A XI' I'lilAIM 1 tun eiaiataotly ot$ hand, and tlw thirdly Will al waye find Ja.h ItorKaw n-a-H ti u.U--r u their want. U.sltl H0L6R00K AND LUDLOW'S SHOES. I have just opened out and on Urely line of new Holbrook & Ludlow'H SUPERIOR GRADE OK Ladiei, Hissei and Childrens' Fdo Sliocs These goods are strictly Fill ST CLASH. Made from the choicest selection of the best material -and fur style, til ami comfort. are unequalled. H. E. YOUNU, n7-tt. Albany, uregon. FARMERS. If you want the best Harrow cvor used. order front E. Carter A Co., ono of lhone Combined Excelsior Harrow and Clod mashers." 'This machine has now been in nse two years, and has bad a large salo the past season, and it Is safe to say that no machine ever oll'ured to tho farming public lias given more genoral satisraction. The manufacturers havo profited by the two year's experience and so improved tho details of tlio machine as to fully over come all minor objections to those firwt made, ana are now prepared tQ supply farmers with a Harrow that thov cannot sll'ord to be without, as It is generally ad mitted by those who havo used the "Excel sior" that a man with one team can do as much work in one day with it as ho can do la two days with any otlior Harrow, and do it as well or better ; and ''lime is mon ey" with tho farmer during the planting season. We are pleasod to bo able to Inform the public generally that wo have succeeded in securing a good stock of dry finishing lumber, and we are prepared to furnish Sash, Doors, Moulding and all kinds of nouse nniihing now at reduced pricos and at short notice. Give us a call at our Fac tory, on River bank, neir Saw-mill, Al bany, Oregon. E. CARTER & CO. nutt Sportsman's Headquarters. . SCOTT & MONTEITII, DEALEllS IN Guns.ailiflcs g Revolvers!! And Ammunition of All Kiniln. Just received a lare Invoice ot tho latent Improved Remington, bhar)i's, Winchester and llallard ruiieutlnir rifles, lloore, Kemhijfton and Bteven's broetili-luadiii allot guns, and muzzle-loading- rillus and shot kuiis of svery description. Aslo, a buve and well solectfld slock of Fishing .ackle. Cutlery, lxo; Collars, Fancy Uoods, and in tact anything you could wish fur in our Hue. Kemcniber That. - ' Wo Cannot Be Undersold Anywhore in this State.' l-tt f? a week In your own town. 8S outfit froe. No j?UUi-ik. Veaoer. II you want a busini at wlikb pemins of either sex can make (rmat pay l! the time ttasy woi k, write for particulars to H. Hau.sst & Co. f-crtiaml, iuioe roe . )-. 4 v. - ' w. ,wT XJ ADVKRTISEMENTS. STEIHWAY& SOU'S A full ttKmirlnioiil iif tli'm new im- provttl iunl wmlil rcHOwniul iiimIih input coiiHtitnlly kept on lutiiil by ALBERT BARTSCH, Soli turnl far Orrgun sad Mtmb. Trrry IMI Tblrtl Ulrcrl, rarlliiHil, OrrKon Agent fur lint fauiotis KRANICH & BACH T5TT a5 iTOTlOl- nl.lvlHinO DR. SPINNEY SO. II KKAItXEY KTKKRT. Treat all Ibreale aad Sprrlal ttlaeaar. VOI T TkT"V TVTiJ'W lirnustl UK lttlstl. Ikon THR Y elt'-la 4 yimllif ul lotto or huiM-retlon, w 01 do Willi to avail theoiarlvial u Ihla, tlHlfrwtMt b.-m eier laid at tit altar ol euflrriiitf tmusvoty, pit. hl'IXNKY will tfiunU to lorteil t.'of.ir every raa Hcntinale weak nee or private dl.rw ol any kUid of cmrwclM7 which b undsrtako. and lailff to cure. niuiLsAt.i i ar.. There are many a lh atfeol tblrty-nveo tatty who are tumbled with u naucnt evaruauon ui una der, 4tcn acnmitauiled by a alight amaruneorbuniilif a-umtum, and a wawkauiiti' u the eyeteni in a manner Um lAiwrtil mnnut aoMint lr. lm evantlnliie the urinary deIM a ropy anttmenl will ufteei he found and inetlinc small atntcios ot ajuumen wiu aiiww, the ?Lor will bs.il thin mllkUh hoe, asmln t liana in to a dark aud turfed aieranre. Ttier are many mm who die ol thia difficulty Hfiairaiil ot Ui eauaa, which Is the aerund Man ol seminal weakness, ba. tt. will guarantee a wrfo-t cure tn all autb rani, and . hnillhy roabiratlua ' Uie tMiilo-onMiy orvana. Orrnw lloraa lo to 4 and to a tuiudaT lnm I to 1 1 A. a. I'ottaullaUua Iree. TuoroUih eaauunaUot and ali ke, S. Call and address, db. nrnivr. t to.. 13 JTtl No. Ii Kearay M. taan rramtato Ti TCiff vbiialiKwa yoo can nee m- to rJO mr JJuUiw made by any worker of either nclii in their own kawliuna. Particular and aamJn a -trth a' Ire. Imtiruv inur etawv time at this boat- AdilreM stuiul Co.. Portland, Maiue. Su REVERE HOUSE, C erarr rir.1 aad Ellsworth Albaay, Ores Pfeiffer Bro's Props. This new II -U-l la tilted up In find rlaas style. Tal.lre iil.lml aith the Iraa tiae market aSorda. Sirio lkte in every Ibnen. A pood Sett4e luim lor l .an hutvia! Trawieni. ri'rw'aarli la aad fren lb lUtrl.ta s UU READ THIS Faukfji & Adahs 4 IlENOW PREPARED TO FURNISH to tho public the wm:i:u:ii & wile-so.?, No 8, at reduced prlTi. ALSO, Oil, Keetllea, Tliread, and attach ments to alt kinds of uuu'hliiea. Ofllco yRalom, Omgon, tm'JI January 1st, vl3:n4d-tf GREAT REDUCTION! SKLDKK A!l AOENCT aad He ar a I as per week, HOMESTEAD $20 BEWINCi- S20 iaciiitviu. For Domestic us. With Table and Fixturea oomplote,onlj$20 A perfect and nneiialed, larve, atntmy and durable Machine conatrurtea ewnt ami eonu, inns tne neat material with mathematical ureciaioa. for constant Fam ily Use or nuuiulacturiuff purpose. Aiwa) mady at a liaitmilil's millce to do lie daj 'a work, nev er eut ol or der, and will iaat a feneration with moderate care; easy to understand and rnanaew ; tight, smooth and swift running, lik the well-retfulatcd movement of fln watch ; Simple, Comict, KHIdcnt and Reliable, with all the valuable Improvement to b found in Uie tibh eat priced Machine, warranted to do the same work, the same way, and a rapid and smooth aa a 97A Ma chin. An acknowledired triumph ol ingenious mechan ical akill, essentially Uie working; woman's friend, and far In advance of all ordinary Machines, tor absolute Strength, lu-llalilllt-aud general uaefulneaa; will Hem, KpII, Tuck, beam, tjiiilt. Hind, Braid, Cord, Gather, Kttllle, Khirr, Plait, fold, 8oi.lloi, lloll, Kmbrulder, Hun up breadths, Ac., with wonderful rapidity, neat nee aud ease, anw Uie stron treat lasting' Milch equally fine and sinonth Uimturh all kinds ol iitMid, from cam bric to several tliickiiuaacas ol bnaidcloth or leather, with One or coarse cotton, linen, silk or twin, (live liorfocl aatiafacUon. Will cam it cost ever Utiles over In a season In the work tt does, or make a bvhmI living for any man or woman w hn desires to uso it lor tliat purjiose; works o faithful and easy Uie servant or children can use It without damage. Prtoeof Machine with lijrlit tablo, fully equipiied lor family work, M. llAi.r Cask, C'ovaa, Bins Uufu axd C'amkst hrvut each at corrcon.lliit(ly low rate. Safe delivery guar anteed, free Irom damage. Explanatory iamphleU il lustrated with engravings ot the several style ot Ma chines, refcranoee, variety ol sewing, Ac., mailed free. Coiilldcntlal term wlith liberal inducement to enter prlaing Clergymen, Teacher, lluslueas Mun, Traveling or Local AgenU, Ac, wbo desire exclusive Agencies, furnished on application. Address John H. Kendall la-Co., 421 Broadway, New York. vl3nlyl McOalley & Andrews, LEIIAXOX, OREGON, SXAX.XK8 IK DKY GOODS, i'LOTIUNt., BOOTS AND BHOKa, tKorr.aiES, cbockebv, 1VILLOAT WAKE. ETC. jttfTOur stock l new and will be sold cheap. Give n a calk 13:3411 R. N. BAKER, Merchant Tailor. CUTTING!, MAKING, CLEANING and repairing promptly -attended to, aud all work warranted. JtShop two doors South of the Ex change Hotel. 3-tf Irs. Blevins & Powell's ILLIIIERY STORE An Immense stock of tho very latest stylos of Ronnots and Hats and other mil lonry and fancy goods has jtiRt been re ceived. Also all the new novelties. Vt 1 vets and feathers cheaper than ever before. oiJ-MMK. JETiLISON'S CELEB RAT ED IMPROVED CHARTS for cutting ladies' and childrens' dresses, etc., etc. lulm3 f f" Fancy Carda, Bnowflake Pamask, In 25 styles m.J wiUi nam, lerts, Nassau CaniOo., Nassau, is. V ADVERTISEMENTS. ASTONISHING CURES! or KrrvoH li-lMlir. Isil Manbooil. me Mlyala, r.absaaleil tllHllly, Imimlr Mraimry, nraisi iienr, nrnhnra l tTiMlurllvr Mrgana, l.lr., Kir., by Ihe CELED RATED ENGLISH REMEDY, am amtlrv oorKM' Vital Restorative! It restore HEARING and strnfigtlimi the KYKMHiHT. Jt 1 not a QUACK KtlMTIltlM. Ita ollucts are permanent. It lias tin fxitinl. It Is neither a MT! MULAST NOit EXCITANT, but it will do the work thor- oimiilv ami well. lilt. M1NTIEA CO.'H great surr-ens In the aliove 'oml.-.liitn Is largely diu; to thu use of this wonderful medicine. I'rlee :I.1KI per bottle, or 4 times Hie quantity lor vm; snut srx'iirs rrotn oimerva tlon. tiiKin UECEIrT OF l'RICE. ' None gofiuino without the signature of tlin pronrltor. A. K. MIM I ll'.. M. IK l'liyaleiaim say these troubles cannot lie cured. The VITAL RESTORATIVE and Dr. Mlntlo A Co. 'a Special Treatment testify pimitiveiy unit tbey can. t OSl LTATIO.11 I'BKR. Tlioroueli examlnstlnn and ndvlrae, Inchlil lug atialysla, I6.1W Aildrca DB. A. K. HJ.NTIE at C O., UradtiaUi nf t'nlvorslty of 1'cnnaylvniila nml Into Iti aldi-nt Hiirccon. OrthaiHi dio li.wnUal. I'liiiaui-ipiiia. lirauch ;fllre. No. VA corner rlecouil and Morrleon Hlnwla, l'ortlHinl. I. O. bin, or 11 Kenrnov Htrt' Man franclaoo. tlrrtre hour-IU A, M. to 8 f. sf., dally i 6 to rvruiiiKa. nununya, 1 1 a. a. to i r. m. only. ui I. CITY DRUG STORE. I'araer llral aad Kllawarth Slreel. ALBAST, OBKCO.w. K. 8ALT3IARSII luui again ptirehftWr.1 thm C1tr IniffHloro, IIHTIII Ur:laWTA4 uie VIUUV IlltVlUn Ml C. AV. SIIA.'VV, suereciHor to A. Carol hers A Co. He la naw receiving a splendid new atork, whk'h, aildod to thu former, renders It very com plete In all the d liferent departnienta, Feeling assured that all can be suited, both In quantity ami prion. Mr. rmltniamli eor ditlly Invitoa his old Mentis and cuxtotn era to give him a call. rRKHCTUITIONS will rwvlvw lituno.ll ate aud careful atlentton, at all haurs, day ana night. 1'URE WINEH AND LIQUOIiS 6r tneiliclnal purpose Vl.1nl2tr JAMES DANNALS, Piuura is ax a ai r acti x or SOLID WALNUT BEDROOM SETS Marble aad Waad Tta. Parlor Sets and Lounges, Mar ble Top Center-Tables, Spring Beds and Mattresses, ULUT, 111PLE l.D Oil BRiCEETS, And all kind ot Whalaal. aalra. Brdalrad. Cklraataa Ta ble, aiaada. CHI aad laarjr MaaldlBK. Mr. I ll.U-nJ te Itaen rerythlng In the Itimltnre line. and will guarantee a,lialartlm u all vlw will rail on meat Miucr'e Urtck. JASIfc ISaWlLft. Tailorinj: Establisliinent CHARLES F. DEUBEL. (tioonweur to It. S'. Baker.) Oa flral Wrrel, - Albaay, Orv.a. la Ibe Balldlag roraarrly aeraplrd by Vv, B. trasan A aaa. I rotM-tf ully announe. to the pntdle Uiat t am pra. parvd to do ail work in my hue in Srwt-cass style. Being a practical Cutler and fitter I guarantee per fect salial action. Ilraalag and Brpalrlns daae wtlb Uralses and Ul.palrb. tr A trial raaptcUaliy soli. ited. all C11A3. P. rRL'P.KL. CONSUMPTIVE Positively Cured All sufferer Irora tbl disraae that ar auton lo be cuml should try Dr. Itlaaarr Olrbralrd a aasHpllve Pawdrra. Hieaa pim.lrr are the only irrttrali.ai known tlmt will cure 4'aaaaaapltaa and aladiaeaaosol the Tkraal aad Laas-indrcd, so strong I our faith in Ukui, atal ahai to convince you Uutt Uiey are no hnmbag, we will l.-ward to every uflivr, by mall, post paid, a frre) Trial Bas. W. il ni l want your money until you are H5rfeetlv aaliaflcd i4 their eurativ. powers. If your life nj worth saving, don't delay in giving these Psa dc r a trial, as Uwy will supaly cur you. Irtce, t.w large box, Dluu, sent to any part ol Uie Culled Slate or C-uuula, by mail, ou rvuelpt ol Hiie. Aiklrc, ash Ac itoiim.vs, 119)1 snq Frtwix Sraawt.lCaooatTii X. Y Notice to Farmers and Builders. SETTLEMIER A CO., HAVE AT their mill, four miles below Lebanon, on Hamilton Creek, 1,008,000 feet of the very liest quality of lumber, Which they are selling at very low prices. Also In connection with the mill, they have a planer and moulding machine, and are prepared to furnish llooriug, rus tic, doer and window frames, ami mould ing of all kinds. Also fence pickets, rails and base, kept on hand. lie sure to call on us before j-ou pur chase. G. . SETTLEM lEIt A CO. o-btt JUNIUS F. WHITING, HOUSED SI O-1ST PAINTING. KALSOMINING, PAPEMWNGING, GRAIMNG, ETC tuk RELATIVE HIGHER BRANCHES and DESIGXIXG A SPECIALTY. Cornet Second .Mid Ellsworth Streets, ALBA.1T. OKECOX. .T. 13. WYATT, (Successor to Clark A Wyatt.) Dealer In HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL SHELF HARDWARE, NAILS, ROPE, ETC., ETC. Afoul tor the celebrated Diamond crosi-cut saw, vl&iiett ORIN RUBARTS. (SucceMors to a. W. Hobart.) Manufacturer and Importers ol saddles, Brldlri, Harness, Wblp, Collar aad Saddlery Hardware. Hack and Carriage Trimmings, . A SPECIALTY. Front Blreet, Albany, Oregon. HAVING PURCHASED THE ENTIRE STOCK OF Saddlery Hardware and Manufactured Uoods ol U. W. Hobart, ot Albany, and having twenty years exporiunce in the business, we take pleasure in an nouncing to the publie that we Intend soiling at the very lowest prices. We guarantee satisfaction to all our cuHtomcrs and roalwctf ully ask for a fair ahar of the patron&ifu. . . - . fiTWe have an extra large stock ol whips direct from New York. As we intend selling thein below, invite people's attention to them. iiamfl w holcsalo a. ancTx.x x.xivzi of APklERfCAN AND FOREIGN WATCHES. LARGEST ; STOCK ! LOWEST PRICE !! ATjERS ! ZZHD FOR CATALOGUES!!! XXJXXi I 1 JJ.VKJ I Trr -p A CT n AT T rrrTT-rvwr w-a-r re. AAIAM1UU ViliJAI V AiX.il Ail Xtlli til A A ORDERS WILL RECEIVE PROMPT AND CAREFOl ATTENTION. 161 State Street, CHICAGO. Vl3nl(Hn8 Mount Hood Agricultural Implement House- MiWIllIit V, I!AIMIAN & CO., IMl'O ItTEl H AXi nsAinwu m MJMJtnu CK.VKKAl. D- M- Oaborno & Co., 8 "World-EcnowTiccl Mowers, Beapcrs and Sclf-Eindingr Harvesters, The only perfect Rrlf-Rinding ITarveKter known,' THE IMrnOTED UIIITEWATKn WAGON, tn Latest an Bft. THE FAMOt.'H WHITKWATKIa it E-U'EV Hai as, Cabp-iaoks A KtmmsW.w.w. THE MORRISON BROS. CELEBRATED PLOWS, Walking and Hiding Willi WikkI or HUfl IV-sms, maile especially for the IkrrtliKr4 Traile. THE LION SELF AND HAND-DUMP SULKY RAKE, The Jktfct J.ake Known. The IVWfMif the Wol Sulky ami I'lilato-Itigger ijiib-illon to the umily or Tllli FliEKMAr' & EVANS (Tho Latect ami Ilenl). TII3D BEED EEOS. Spring Steel Tooth Harrow & Cultivator (Entirely New.) The Famous Minnewitta Cliif Tliresher, the Wcyricb HainrV Headers. Tlio IVwn Hickle Grinder, etc., -U;. (Every Fanner buys one on night.) FOB THK fcTATE tF )P.FXS AND THK TKUI;ITol:ir.1 ,P WXSIIIJri.TiiX AND IDAHO. XOS. & ifi:; FKOXT STRKET, V,NI) MQ & 2C2 FIRST SH.'l FT PORTLAND, - OI.i:.(. Pricos siilijoet to (tisni;e ithout no(i. - EUGENE BUCHANAN, Manager, Albany, Orogron. STOVES! STOVES ! M. M. HARVEY. W. H. RfVFARLAND. WIIOUSAI.E AXU BirrAIL PEALF.KS IX STOVES, RANGES, PUMPS, HOSE, LEAD AND IRON PIPES, ETC., ETC., ETC. AIJVJ MAM-r.tlTCUES lin. Copper nnl Hlicet Iron A"svi' of ovt'i-y 1 e c ri p t i or. PLUMBINO and OAS FITTISO and all Job work liclonging lo thalniMncfr' i-wie fully and proiujHly done, by eontnotent and Kkilifu! Me liatii-M. Tl 1 1 ItTY YEA US experience In Uie businesK, warrants us In gnaranlceing uilta twioii. . OUR STOCK will lw largely iniTcaird by purchase maile by our Mr. llarvej . at tho EbjA and in Kan Francisw. l?alers In mr lino, and Country Merchants are re scctfiilly invitvd to call and lake a look at our hh1s and prutm, whieh lutve ht-cn uiarkxtl down to suit lite Ujiipm. Our Motto: "THE MXT tlOtllW" at living ralex; Our aim is to make Albanv om Sormanent homo, and build np a business that nil! last. tXiMK and SEK us,' and on't forget to look at our 1VX1W ZCXOEEZKEOZaTX ItiVlVOES, Sis ditnnnt styles in utoi-k. KEMEMHEH Iho old stand near the Bank. - M'FARLAND & HARVEY. tlSnlMf r. r. MAsoiv. johx Fa-air. FOSHAY a IV1ASON (Sncceesors to John Fushxy.) -VF.ALKI13 Hi- DRUGS, BOOKS, STATIONERY, ETC., A LARGE AND DRUGS AND ar-a-tr. A. -sr.-sr. Euihrai-inj evervthing mmally fotmJ in a a-ckm retail Jrttg establishment, A Tl LL USE Or BOOKS -fVLVI STATIONERY, The stock is rrrr he-re and well lected. A nea depot I b run in connection with this depart, nt, ahcr. all the la text Eastern inagazine, pictorial, etc, can be procured. WHEN YOU COME TO ALBANY CALL AND SEE US vl3n:57tf SALEM MARBLE WORKS. DEALER IN EV1 0 N U M E N T S , TABLETS j -AND- , HEAD STONES, ITALIAN AND VERMONT HARBLE, SALEM, A' so, every variety of cemetery and other stone work done with neatness and disnstcii. Special attention given to orders from any part of the state and Washing ton Territory, bv mail or otherwise, and promptly for- , : warded. All work warranted. ALBANY, BRANCH HOUSE. A branch establishment Is located at Albauy and owned by the Staisrer Krrws Address all orders to A. Staiger, Albany, Oregon. l&Uyl - AT THE OIiD STAND, 72 FIRST STRKET, HAS ON HAXTl AS FIXE AN ASSORTMENT OF, .. - ,. COOK, BOX AND PAELOR - STOVES AND RANGES, As nny liouso lu llic valley. lie also imports ana manulacdirm Till, SHEET IHOil AFID C0PPES1 WARE OF EVERY DESCrjFTION IN STOCK OR TO ORDER. AliSO, HE KEEtV? OM HAND, A FUEL. ASSORTMENT OF GENUINE GRANITE IRON WARE. AEIa OF -WHICH HE OFFERS TO THE PUBUC AT PRICKS, THAT BKl'V - COMPETITION, CALL AT 72 FIRST STREET, ALBANY, OREGON. Repair work dono Vl3;i25 ul nFTowelors. i I'.ALE I is" IN miimjt n mi inn i rcr AUC.VTS I'Ott 'AUfwrhment (A new and -alnabIe tu Agrlmiltural JnijiU iix-nts.) t'ENTKXMAL FAN 1I Mi, FRFjSH STOCK OP MEDICINES "B-C Ta-l v C . ' OREGON. at reasonabla figures.