The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, November 15, 1878, Image 3

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    ijfa Dttwtx'J.
FRIDAY....... NOVEMBER 15, 187R
Chart-It Dlrrrtorj-.
U. P. Ciiimett.' rreachingevory Sabbath,
t 11 A. at., and 7:30 P. M. by llov. F, O. if.
vine, D. 1. Sabbath School at 2:30 P. IL
Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening.
Kvaxgeucal Church. Froecliingon Sal
lath at 11 A. m., and 7:30 r. M. Sabbath
School 12:15. lTaycr meeting every Thttri
day evening. J. liowersox, pastor.
Calvabt Chttrch, -Services every Sal
bath at 11 a. m. and 7:30 r.M. UUIh
School at 2:30. Prayer meeting ever
Thursday evening of each week. W. li.
Floyd, pastor.
M. E. Chttrch, Socth. Sarvicee every
Sabbath at St .Paula M. E. Church, Soutlu
at 11:30 a. at. and 7:30 r. M. Sabbath School
at 12:15. Prayer meeting every Friday
evenng. P, A. Alosce, pastor. f r r
M. E. CircRCH. Preaching every Sabbath
at 11 a. k. and 7:30 p. M. . Song service in
the evening before sermon. Sabbath School
at 2.30 p. x. Prayer meeting every Xh urn
day evening. Will commence a protracted
meeting at the eloae of the week of prayer in
January. J. F. De Yore, pastor.
fcllTTEE. Notice ia hereby given that the Democrat
ic City Central Committee for Albany will
meet at the rooms of the Dkmocrat offien,
on Wednesday eveuing, Nov. 20th, 1S78, ftc
the purpose of calling a city Convention to
nominate candidates for the .offices) to le
filled at the December election.
- . P. O. HARPER,
By lookiug over our books we find great
many of our sutucriflers owe as for from eoe
to three years' subscription on the Demo
crat, and as we probably need it worse than
they do we would like for them to come for
ward and settle up. For the purpose of a
listing them, we have arranged matters so
that tbey can settle up in their own pre
cincts. 11 r. u J. Liggett, the Conety
aohojl Superintendent, is oar book-keeper.
sad be will accompany Sheriff Dickey who
that gentleman makes the tour of the pre
cincts collecting taxes, and U fully author
ized to collect and receipt for all moneys doe
as. The Sheriff has posted his notices all
over the county, and by looking at them all
will know when he and Mr. , Liggett will ar
rive ia the different precincts. In the mean
time, before they start, we will make out
and send to each subscriber, enclosed in his
paper, a statement of his accounts Tneaaea
oue will know, the exact amount he owes, and
bring it along with his taxes. It isn't often,
frieuds, we call on yon, and we hope yon will
respond promptly this time. . We know
times are rather hard; it ia for that very rea
son that we are obliged to cl on yoa. Our
billet though, are small, and any one almost
any one can raise enough to pay them.
1' ; .'; "ald ppmrtmUr. - :
If there ever was a favorable time in' tnU
city for purchasers of clotbin, gents' fur
nisLing ' goods Kits, ' boots- aild shoes, etc.,
that time is certainly now, and tha place is
at L. PL I'laiu's, C2 First st., Foster's hive.
lie has just moved into the store he now oc
cupies, and is better prepared to show good
than ever before. It is really marvelous
here all the fine goods go that are handled
by this bouse. . At the prtsrnt tiuie, for in
stance, we don't think we sr exaggerating
when wc say there is more line new stock in
UUin's store than any clothing store this
aide of Purtland. . We would suppose he had
goods enough to last till spring, but be tells
us he is receiving new goals by ersry stewj
tr. and if he did not, at such prices as be
sells goods, the present stock would be pret
ty well mii out by the holidays. - TW secret
of the success of this bouse is that people
know that for real good, serviceable goods
they can safely go to Mr. Blain, as be m ill
not handle any inferior, articles ol any kind,
and when supplemented by such, extremely
low prices it is not to be wouuered a hat
the cream of the trade flows to his store.
And then purchasers also know that when he
offer them a piece of goods that it is a good
article, and. not soma alias or. bogus aSaix.
To our readers we can candidly -say there is
no place in this city at which you can see
such a variety of new fresh goods at such ex
traordinary low prices aa you can bow find
at plain's, and, toallwe-unhesiiaiLnglj say,
go and see for yourselves at bis new place, jn
Foster's block. , .- . . . ...
f ennetf trrea!llB
it Tues-
tWeet Ceari. d A ' '
Mante and 'Abroad. -
loaned laet m re .ular t . last 1 ues-
fUyevwiiiag. Present, M ycr Vhel ?, r
oorder Baldwin' and Aldermen' Allen, Simp
son, Brash, lluinbaugTiand fsUiwsr"' ' ' -
Mai, MonUiti. J,0.i A
Minutes of previous mooUii4,readand p
proved. The following report was made by the Re-
Raoort ot the njpaotliiursa ef the .Cli tl Aitxtav
Ibr tb eumsit row ap w iUt sad ol titsoUMrtluii
M mssuo; si Mm en T Oelotepr
kat pMS4ai bmu iseesstol aaA'nss)ma-l wpnrt
eaMufort sobaaiitod.
Ttwrtseskra unM IsbbW Vf erWmtt
CounoU up-JS Tfesnui-w fw current wt' trom
Ju. Its, U78, to Oct. h, ls.'s, sjbouiiUbc Is Uts
trvftM to Um sum f Cwk rrninJ r Um
m sertod, 6,W4.r, t t;nn ow rwipts tra
Jsaaary tot to tXA. sta, lius, tsmMa ts tu.11.
Bibm ths Uto lut vbmmM Uxre Ims bsaa wanrnats
iatMd a onMr at t Deasl astoanttB to Um sun
ol tti.U : ul sramats sla to ss-ahav
a,SlS.;, shaws Um total saxMWt ol wurants toiiMd
to est slnas Jul. 1st, 178, to b S.SM.ST.
Bjr um Trsssursrs rtport at tbs Ui t Oetosw he
he bad tearomwl wmrrmnts sine lu. 1st uwxuitlns;
In Um mrmf to .87.s. ,M ths wurnud. thus
BibwitJtlMri ws laws far tin isms seti ,iai..
fc). To rwnalndsr of Um wmuii rnlMUMd as ssuts
mrs Issued prior to Jan. 1st, is: & and smuuuw to the
aejetW.nt.laV '
hi a auVul KdBlaaio std MsipuHami t umo
ear keok with Um Tnasarar's books I tad that thers
are oatstaadiaf warruta issaad prtot to Jan 1st, W 8,
swuiiinlinf to aaljr tls.60.
Taa tolUnritu ajniufai at UM toratatnf avrasvlU
how UM prasaat taanotal aandtUon ot Um city to ba
aseapt staatys said by Ut Marabal and Jtaoordat
to the Treasurer ainaa OoC sth as ? r
Total aasooat at wrraata ton aa ahem.. W
Badaannd and aaaoalad as abora . ,aa.W
Outataadiat ordars Istuad this year.....
OutatatMttac ardars laaaad prior to tali
Tlietygubtjs term of. Ctit Court wan in
Bsioa last toeuk. Ptesoiit,' iohni,. Judsa,
and McDonald and Powell Commissioner.
Following it. a auiiimnr ijt tfcd buIao.i traiiit-
fHUtUTB COVltT.'" ' " '" ; "
-J. W. Wright was appbintmV guardian
Uium for NelUoSayaijf tlii'J n'l 5
yaar Hi
Total omt of onUton-aat warrants. wiUJ,.OT
All d which ia reapacUulw submitted.
, v, i J. W. BALPWIK.
'' " " City Hasordar,
- Mr. Peterson's petition tor right of way for
ditch on Ferry street was indefinitely post
p , X i i. i ItuiS'ltlii Uiit
Chief Engineer Herrea , and Assistant En
gineer Scott appeared before the Council and
asked to have a new shsd pat ap in the rear
of the engine house of Xuin Engine Co. No.
2, and to have the aide door taken oat of
that building and put ia the front, saying
that tha hola.wotid pV&ah!y not cost over
2i !
An ordinance, introduced by Alderman
SImpeoo, dividing the' city into ' Wards, Was
then passed, which ordinance can be found
in another oolumn of this pp r I fl"
, On motion of Alderman Alien the recent
amendment to the City Charter was ordered
printed, i It can be foaud in another column
of this paper.
AUdenaan Stewart iutrvdsoad V" fwiiow-
tug wmuuuuj, iu ot vuku vi duujnw
RaaolTad.' That at Um city aiocim to traaapira as
Moatdav. Ise. . UTS. tha vutinc pawe ia Um lat W ard
shall b in Um mkUle ruoas w laa rrouml floor ol Ute
woat aM of tha Court Huoaa -. m um Iml ainiH abali
ba at Um tXxialx Traaaurar'a odtaa ia Um Court llama;
ia tacSd Ward U shall ba at Um buUMto ortk-a ol ItM
Faraaar's Warahotiaa
Baarivai, That tha foJInWinc . per an (a kjipoiaiS
as Judqrea of aiactioa lor laa election which will trana
pira on Moodajs, Baas. itsT:t lrsr fi'ard. L. Marun.
Dana Fromau, N. bond, baoood Ward. Jam Whaal
av, Wat. Uatar, Waitar Katchum. - Third Ward, M m.
Oolbm, la C Ult Vattaf.
Batnhrad. That tha ChJal Euirinaer ba Inatroctad to
asTa UM laaprwvamettta aud rapaira aaatla on una r.Q
etna C.'a antriaa annaa which aaaia to ba ncariar!
attch laaproraaaanta and rapaitw not to coat abovo Um
sum of Alao thaA he he ..Inatrwstt itaa s ea
how Jacket prlaalulor tat mm 'M tha Cue la-
A Tfjbft IW If IW)oO , to .nd Moulni' On rric. Cash Store.
recover mouoy. Judgment for duiunilant Tor
IM.05 and oftstsj "
l stato of Andrew J Beanl. Jiic.Mtn.l - tie.
widow and kluorcblltbn. X'dntiuuwl. ' "
Estate of Richard Usher, doooasod the
xooutor iud sxecutrU tile ilnal' auvouiit nml
Friday, Deo. 6th, 187S, was set for tlu !Ual
aWemeht!tbeaame.'',v''! (K ' : ;'; ' .
Estate of J. S. Wrigbt doooetW iilm'm-
ittrator presents final account! examined and
allowed,"' J '"a '' i,.mt'.'.
In tli esiato and giterdiaiulnp. of minor
heirs of J.) 8. Wright,' deoeaodF. V.
Wright was appoljttod guardian .-uf laid ml-
nan and bonds placed at 13,30! ,
In the estate of fieo R Holm, ' deceased
estate settled and 'administratrix discharged.
In the as tats of Charles T Savaga,t deeeas
ad Uium
Chariot Savage, minors.
In the estate of Charles F Savage,' deceas
ed on petittUcSn of J' B t'oritct,; a.1
trato ia was 'ordered Uiajt Ute "cent estate, Le'
old for gold coin on the following ' terms t
Oos-half oash in baud and the babtnoe on
credit of nine months,', 'property t
poa said premises. ' ' t'' "
Rstate of Thomas Keys, doceasod -Caleb
ray, wtetrotors flea Staa (grasUW-
ment. Ordered thaOnyrtne 0tn y
Of Deosmber, JS ppointed .(or Vri"g
the tame.
In the estate of Thomat DaakinS, deceased
-mfCyWi;failhtot!rtorJi.ts rvtaifi
of all pciraeaitf proMty-ilaJ ami sale on-
firmed. The administrator presented addi
tional Inventory er personal ptUortv, ap
praised at ft 1.50. ' Examined 'and charged
to admtnUfnftoftv inflow ai tl ere J to sell
Oertain personal propurty .deacrilietl in pt'ti-
ttoa priyatejaale for cash. u,lvsuJ. . ,
Katate and geardianihip Arthur L'ox, a
- Rob't Brows netitianed theCity Council
to- have his license aa street sprinkler remit
ted on account of his . baring : t$6kjfl tl
qoarea at the intersection of the streets.
Petition mntad.
' A petitioa was presented' byFoVfirors
atkiog farther - time In which to complete
their aulewalk in front of their property on
first street, iteming thai . they, .intended o
buiLl new front to tbeir store as toon ai
the material and workman could be had, and
that the sidewalk Would then have te be torn
up. -he petition was granted ana tney
were given wold Feb. I, 1879ta' ooarplete
tbeir walk.
Th following bills wetw tilotml :uX 11.
Herren. fll.60; R. f. Earhart; $8.25;
Mathews, $133.75, tnd Y:?'-yr$
kins; C0: E. B. Davidtonl t9i75: " 3. W.
. . r. i. a. .r'.'W'--' t"r.nt'frv
Action on M. D. Ballard fl biiL.,ws vposttrj
poned for the presents aod, oiujnotion action
on the btH oTFTU. postponed
untd he complied with the cotoUaCi fsfregird
to the spreading of gravel.
CbewasjesMi Iseasa.
Chiwaucax. OcCSIthlSTS,,
VEditor Democrat: .
- J do ttot.wwk tftcrwtl yoo.columns bat
.... . L...1: Si V J IS
tcougut it would not be ainiti to give yoa
few, local items from this fair-famed Cbe-
ican. We call it "fair-famed'' because it tb4 AMp4,
notice the. people; hey.. are. large; they are
superb;" imd ihey'liave'Cne stock. As we
were coming from Lake View to this place, a
distaaee of taboo for,ynule, we riet piij
Chanf rd Hands.
' sn r '
During the' past week the St.
Hotel has changed hands, Mr. Fronk step
ping down and out, and Mai. J. R. Herren
ahumin eontrol as- pnprittm'' ' The llajor
will no doubt make this house one of the
most popular in the valley. He is well
known all over the State and baa boats of
friends. The St, Charles is a large and com
modions hetfcl,'and is now being re-furnished
and renovated from op to bottom, and we
recommend it to all as one of the best "har
bors of refuge"rlor the weary traveler that
we know of. 'ilart. Angel, lata jWgoan t at
Arms of the Senate, is the clerk, and a more
polite and affable gentleman cannot be found
anywhere.' TT" '
"tirsad Aaalveraarr Ball-
great valocityr aoiL we were afterwards in-
zennea anat weir intenuons were gooa, anu
they were to be united in the holy bands of
wedloLkAon the eve of the 23d, in Lake
View! ITK5 Aforetie5rtrhitory to
the nspttal party were talkingthe patter
ever aeoonay, wben tim ptul.M rJeeiUag
id ipnluied, Ahrjegrevsar (earasjafit
of passion and swore by toe heavens ne weald
take bis own life then and there, in the
culinary department of a litt'e domicile' on
the Chewancaa Slough. On hearing this
threfra1ntIBinTrmwsUfpH r"nd
him! and a kind sister, in a more modified
tone of voice, was beard to say, "Yet, sister.
44luVe!B., STb Wrttnrwpent of the
whole family t&ey agreefl to hitcJi their teams
tp and. je jroey along down through the path
of life together.
At the but regular meeting of Albany En
gine Co. No. 1., held on Thursday evening
-of last week, it was decided to "give a grand
ball at the Opera House on ChristlfiaatJEvsV
Jos. AVebber, Che. Keifer, Maj. J. Her
ren, T. S. Mealy and -J. MeL Merrick were
ttppriuted to make . thenecessary arrange
ments, and as they buve had a great deal of
experience we expect to see this ball' eclipse
all others which we .have had. No. . One's
have acquired quite a reputation for the
mtgnificence of. their. balls, and whenever.
tbey announce their intention of giving ono,
the event is looked forward to anxiously by
all "of the Terpsichorean devotees. - '
The Flrat Festival.
And now cemes the ladies, of the Fresby.
terian Society to annoflnee- that tfeeyjjbare
select ed the evening pf Thanksgiving Day as
the time for holdiog a grand festival, tapper,-;
sociable, etc. The funds raised are to be ad
ded to the building fund of the IVesby terian
Church, and when the ladies have this oo
joct in view the affair onVfc to draw a, jargd
crowd. "We know whereof we affirm'
wfien we hiake'tho iJtatoineiitthat-tllo' cul
inary skill of these ladies tannot be eceld
anywhere, and' this" particular 'art contri
butes largely towards the success; of a festi
val. 'f
A Maaquerad. ' 1 -
The Corvallii Brass Band gives a masquer.
adc ball on the 22d iust. Prizes are to be
man characters. Th'S is the, best band in
the State, aud has just been appointed by
Gen. Brown the Brigade Band for the Sec
ond Brigade, Oregon State Militia.
8toaWoinffVil lalth d lftrH: J
most Of the! tef " cattle " nave ' lubougij
through this valley, Summer Lake and Sil
vke:Ifcef paM were from ?20 to S23,
Games gl$ffcLjlar and cold.
Truly yours,
Dbiftino About.
iS I -Preafc aslre.Tl
Read the new city charter.
Ilev. Stevens is slowly recovt-ring from
his late severe illness."
One price and bottom prices for all at the
Farmers' and Mechanics' Store.
Holiday goods next week at the Fanners'
Be mrs to read the ordinance dividing tha
city into wants, and And out where you be
long. ,- . , .. .. . ; ,
We are pained to learn - that the wife of
Hon. Ellis O. Hughes, of Portland, is very
Cotd and IUinwatcr had another foot
race last Saturday and the former won again
easier than before.
Albany, is now divided into three wards.
lie u re to determine which one you live In
before election day.
Seventy nine different stylet of men and
boys' hats at the Farmers' and Mechanic's
One Price Cosh Rtore.
Krai Dunning! says ho is the only uuut do
ing business in Albany that is not growling
bocause times are to dull.
The' Commercial Fire' Insuarnce Co., of
London, has capital of tTJ.ftOO.OOO. C. II.
Sttjwart ia agent in this city.
The second term at the Albany College
began hut MomUy, and a great many now
t'.udci'.ts matlo their appearanue.
Last Monday and Tuesday mornings the
thermometer indicated considerable coldth.
The mercury was down to thirty.
L. T. Nichols, Christadolphian, will preach
at the Court Huum this (Friday) evening at
7 :10 o'clock. Everybody is invited.
Candidates for Marshal on the Republican
tioktt-r. at YVtstfall, W. J. MsUtewt, P.
W.Spink, Ben Johnson and D. Klrkpat-
Remember tfttt a new school director is to
be elected next Tuesday iu this district The
voting will take place in the afternoon at the
Central School Kotlu.
Hartteal ia the name of the gcutletuan who
now keeps the Central Market recently own
ed by liaiuht t- Hill. He delivers meat free
to any part of the city.
There will be no service in SL Peters
f. - .1 (......!. na jinn
mgtorr. If. "ty;ool, fdtanpmenU J a,' wiU hold di
oanaj aooounb ; ia"uui a.iuiwi.
Estate of Kobt Mo,,' doeayied--Wm
Cyras executor, . presents . rvluru of ,salc of
pertonat proptrtyr-taio co)iu-tuau, aamin
istrator was authorized t sell. ' certain
personal property msntionwl ini pi-lition at
private aale for cash ui band. ' 1
Estate of Woolen Davis, dewaaed Mary
A. l)j-t, 0veaCrtt was ao tfi"nrd to sell
oertain persona! property mentioned in peti
tioa eliwivatetald fut-l-ash in Itipl, 'H'
Kstate of Eli B Moore, deceased - li rm-
ol aald ea
- Kxaaaned
vine service there? at 7 p. n.'
Ooaalenian, wbeo yoa comm down to work
in the nutruMig leave your urucrs at me ven
tral Market, and Mr. Hartleas will send
your meat hro for you in time for dinner.
. . t , .i
heal Urowu, navy uiao, cardinal, inynie
green and silver grey are the fouling colors
in blankets. A fall line just optmod at Uie
Farmers' aud Mechanics' One Price Cash
Store. '' '
Chaa. Weeks. Jimmy Ilwe and (atnas
Fisher, of Salem, came up last fueaday aud
maa, atlrawtraur, . m ol aafi es- the dinner at the St Charle.
prwieuU h a.l aoUotuH.' KanunsU I .mPJ u, cj,T that elegant repast
and ailoweiu,' ilaJrdj.'rjli .tna tf a-tminiavrawr I B0M,y,
pay in fuy ajl cUims running uniaid and I j-puh baa some Bohemian toilet acts,
present wittnn life second' period . ol six ..! 1.1M1 Imakete which are verv
months from date of . nyrtjijo f ; apKPintmrnt
OriVM MNvKIXtl, 'it-.
The Uagradlas Caatsnt f. ulaat Rmek-
lag Taklat Keet la A Inter.
Not until a week or to ago did it become
Keiitrally known that the baneful habit of
oium smoking was beginning to take root
in our oity. But such ia the ease, and there
are but few Chinese houses hers that hsvt
not private rooms for the aooommodation of
persons who wish to ttnoke this poisonous
drug. Very few have to fa frequented
these horrible dent eseept the dmi numdt,
and persons who have acquired the kabit in
some other oity, but there are tome, and
among the number are two wayward young
girls. Last Tuesday the brother-la-law and
mother of one of these girls learned that
lie was ia one of these dent tad Immedi
ately started with Offlosr Wttkina to search
for her. Tbey went to the Chinese boom
in the rear of 8e niters 4 Sternberg's, and,,
in opening the door which leads to the pri
vate rooms, bell connected with the door
rang and gave the alarm to the parties being
teircbed for, but not In time to aUowthsai to es
cape. , ,
The two girls wore ia a room in company
with two young men one named Wineset,
who hat been engaged lately ia lathing at
the Odd Fellow Temple, and the other sails
under the name of Koaea. The iadignaat
brotherdn-Uw give the latter a geed d rab
bin;", and during the melee Wineset and the
two girls made their escape. Both of the
men were afterward arretted and tried on
the charge of abducting the girls. for the pur
pose of prostitution, but were cleared, the
the evidence failing to substantiate tha
liaa't aaalveraary.
Una Engine No. 2. last Monday evening
made arrangemeatt to celebrate the anniver
sary of their organisation by giving a grand
ball at the Opera Hmue on Thursday even
ing. Vac. aw. - J he eompaay appointed w.
B. Scott, Q. W. Barkaart and K. Zsyat to
manage tht affair. Tbey met last Wednes
day evening and appointed the following
I'rmtiniixa. W. Berk hart aad A. C
ItterjAion Eugene Buchanan, L. C. Bice,
Ed Cox, Had. Crane and W. B, Sett
7 Vrroiea fJ ao. Hocastedler, Harry
Armstrong, Ton Winn, Paul d'ffeirrjr and
Dan Bambaagb.
IntUatlo P. II. Raymond, Win. Peters
end Geo. SilL
Floor Manapr- Ed. R. M. Carter, J as.
Foster. Ed Baum. O. W. Bark hart aad R
J. Graham
Mtk - XV. a Scutt, O. W. Bo rk hart aad
Ed. 'Utm.
The price of tuikeU was pat dowa W etuy
.'. which is so low that the hall ought to be
- A Coarse ef Keetare. i 't A
Tht Yeung People't Christian Association
bava made arrangemraitt' id haVs ni. J.i
T.w u,iiriiii course vi iieiiipvrancw
lecturers la thit tity. ' Tn ' first will trans-
pira vn that evtriiag 'SJhatikiitiiriiiii-Day.i
at which time also the new Y. P. C." A. hall
10 be MktMd'mfi&ittt'MrM
lectures will be continued for three even
ings, and should tht tudienee be .too Taig'e
for the new hall, tha atoond and- third lec
tures wiil be given at the Court Ttouae. ' Hit
lectures illuttrate tba lift of a drahVard for
years, and are taid to ba - very interest-
. , i.-. I ' 1 ! -I - ,!
Clrealt Ceart. . , , ;
- ' ; - . i . - - , i
Cireait Court for Lion county adjoarned
last Saturday evening, aad a great many had
te be postponed until the special iern, -which
wiQ convene oa Dec .10, 1878. The coats
are going to be very, large. ,
.. i i ii' tit i in J i. I. J J
Wiirraa a tan for mea and boyt oa the
bed- reekt br WheeW. at Bbedd. . Bvm't go
told or wet "Oumga Itubber'1 it cheaper
tnea gum oxxstor ttuu. ' , : , , .-,.
'""' (Let Hat.- .
The followlnr lathe list of bHtert remaining
la the hd CMfto. A I baa LUn iui4y. Ura-
ton, Kovemuerlt Mm) paMoasentllns; rertbawa
arttars sseat give the date eo wblea tliay were
f -( -f
izeri -adinirtUtrator
..r . .1.
instate oi e recti a. ii;
Dresents third aecomtt. Evamtiie.l and al-
hjWeit. "'' '" 1 .-i.i-fc w i -.d . .
EsUte of W 1 fn.n.Wl TarfdTr.rter ai-
nointed administrator 'St tonu't won of said
Ute. - -
Estate of Joae.h Harihon- vlmmintrator
Was at timrtxeil totfla certain . pertoital prop
erty at private sale t gill coin.
Extate of Woolen Davix, daveaeml cr-rtain
operty 'rseatitaraS wii set a pair fi-he
idow and minor caildien. '
In the raigruvtwrn of Jeha C Sumner, Jus-
ticaot l4at Peacnof Sweet,, JIo. prweiAic
resignation accepto.1 and Hujih. Harris ap
i In the hpptieatip of Andrew Rilfcton, Sn
perviaor oXJlioad JiaUfct Jv. CI, for lumber
order that A. Ilabiton. supcrvi4orof lload
District No. Gl, be allowed not exeX-eding
S, (XXf feet dMumlif r W' it J' Wid 4 In
.... . . ..4 tiw- 11 111.
said district .
Ia re Ben Halooiab, A.i.paujiex -onlereU
that the keeping of said pauper be awanhn)
t J-rB-Ttk-i r4Wr b.h, Jurniah
bosfr,'WhiugimWrHr! ViriaVH B.lie.h
and tewing, fiiccptv'MHW WiWWCltM "M
3eir ttnVli rtf-tra1!
f-i-bood approved and crilf red filed- . , t!i s
The fiUlowine bDIafc-were .' albrcwil .-.if
Dickey, t329.90; Wm Lutter,' IMXyV. 3 M
ftry, 3; Ed fdiray, SHrfB lUsppbrey,
250; I C VlMy..MM B L
Woodet, d(ll W Inham, 4; C-OCh-w,
14fS0r H -OklasriV UtiVin'Uiii, k Co,
Altxtar rwttratele lastllate.
beautiful and cheap. They are going off I This iustiUtioa closed iU tnt term for
fast and if yn want anything of that kind this year oa Friday last Tba al
call soon. I during the past quarter waa fully up to tba
Henry Suaeee was . unanimoaaly c!cla.l I jpecttions of its friends ia view of the
. .. ... i ...
First AjuUtant Foreman of Albany futgine I scarcity of money. Prof. Hewitt aad ait
Co. No. 1 at the laat tuveliug. A bctu-r I rmry eOieUtfit aeaiatsat, alias Mary rlnlay
choice could not have b eu made ; lUnry is I son, were abundant in their Ubort during
very inch a fireman. I arbt4 boors, tbroagb and by which tlaey
Shrepj alicrp! Who wants to buy 100 1 hare made a grand success. It bat bweu re-
beal of goal healthy kherp, or take them oa I marked that the tta.leuU in aUrwlanoe have
the shares! Call at this office nr a-ldrea I ru orilarlv, stadiuus and prompt, which
Thos. Aaderanw at Aibaiiy. I.rok at the I always advance the beet interests of
adv. iu another column. - - I connected with the school. Tba ssaauna-
The linn of Blevins d' Powell, dealers in J naal, ou Thuraday aad Friday of last week
millinery, received this week a UrBe stock of I reflected great credit alike upon the twacbera
ladieV and childrwt'e .underwear which Uwy M1 tb. ttudmta, la being present I was
have lut on tim market at extremely low
prices. Call around, ladies, ami see them.
Last week tome , thief Moke into luis
tliller's bouae and took from bis pants lying
near the bed about S1"-"'. No elue has been
f.mud to the tl.if, fid Mr. M. will have no
redress. Thia ahnuld warn our citizens to
bo on Ute look out
The I rati who took that Uttiful china
pfU-ficr off Mr Allen's gato" post bad' better
returp it. immediately to Mr, IUymond. If
it i returned within one week no qtestioot
a i'.l 1 aaked Ji uf a, canl will appear in
Ibm palx r w nil ine name ll ine guilty par-
ty. '
i llust ucwi'ie at r.jlgari. a n r nuny even-
. i. e - - at : L ... l.l
ing WiU toe iinvnanaw ' iwtf awwini
fur f leag while: , Tho attendance . was large
and every countenance wore a taiile. As
(or the luncheon, it was superb, especially
the sandwiches, and we stayed right with
them until thiry ghW eui ' 1 ' ' i ' iJ
No. S's beater arrived this week and was
set iip and 'ifet in shape imtnclistely by At
Miller , tso. ? ciBkhv ItSnwtt -liW a'chana arid b a
(javftiicm tro, -njui, ModiiakUm to r.irr' ftra apparatus.
2S.33: W O Palmer,
convinced that the students, ia point of nat
ural ability, were fully up with three of any
other part of our county; aad as to applica
tion tbey were not found wanting, as the ex
aminalion disclosed to those who were pres
ent i, i. r.
i i i, ai e ii -
A ratesM aVswabd. ,
Ijiat Tuesday twenty-five of the bwdiag
farmree of Linn eoaaty lorated a eoaspany
aod bought of a Mr. Wing the State right for
manufacturing aod telling . kit patent track
and tack bolder. A publia exbibitioa of the
working of the inveotkxa ' wiU be bad at
Buchanan's agricultural warehouse to-mor
row at 10 o'clock to whieb everybody it in
vited. Last Tuesday after the eo&ttract wrss
made Mr. Wing iavitod aB tba company
dowa to thaSt Charles Hetel to partake ot a
collation gotten ap by the new landlord.
Major Herren. Through the oonriesy of tba
Major we were present aad we mast aty
that the feast waa magnificent, excelling any
that we have ever eeea at any public; boose.
t i
-iff Vj( 4 ()
Alkire, J D
Allan, H T
rkurt, O
Boughton, ErofJy
Butts, Mrs Susan
Foprg, OW
PrUey, Daniel M
' . Johnson, Emily
Mooa, J A
Moore, Chat D
Stone, Harry E
Smith, A B
Truleager. J
'J. LI. J..1
atA aUMEa
OrlKKRV ADAIR. Os Thersdav altomoon at 4
'kat. Hut 14, UTi, sttfca mhlmni ol tha brlda't
BMtber, ia aVdaat, by EaVP, KaleinV,-' US.) O. V.
Cssaav, of Albany, and Ms rats V. ltnid Balaas.
The yowac ample have tha bast wtabas and aans-rat-
ulatkeit at the entire DtancaiT stsMUataset ",W
heps they aasy, sad taal sere tawr wm,- aevav aavej
af pan nam lor Ilia.
tieed) Tbtacs la Akaadaaee.
Bohjr.Bily.u, MiJ X - CowwwnA'W ? M
MoorV,'-10.S(i : Weh'listevf ; Jteob Tlionrp-
son, 11S.4C; Allen Parker, 2.50; I'.rowTUville
lWoolmbSrLCof JS.C-; SivA iarT, Al
Ien, Robinson. vJo, S.A Vonn. '7.V, 11
R Powell, 13.40; A II Mcfionald, 13.40.
t.r r--v.Lj ca i-rtj-
On SatunrBjpii A.gfJ.fiyi opened
Uie cases contasjTHraie ,rjsjBji.
oeur.PtU, ,;U9W..'Ipriipiq Ai4. found;,, tjluit tly?
tbree largest wereAbreken . in thimsand
piecea. (X)ef ltVvWt'f Jf M Jf'n
at one corner was broken into small pieces
aid fromreJcrJkliltoiiCrJcry
The f bnAgp(mcmbrs uf Uio comjiany will
never bo prouder of 'their tint baby than
they are of this little micliiue.
Marrlaaw Ureaara.
Jiut arrirel, ax-tteamer Oreon," at Hai
fenden Bro'a, a largw iavoioo . of goods,
among which are the' folio wing t femdoa
hail docks, eastern eodflah, 8 Wei tier eheeoe.
celery salt, sardsllea, sardines, canaine mar
. The followmg marriage r licenses were u-1 pie syrup, ZanU currants. Muscatel raiseoa,
toed by our County Clerk during the month I best brand condensed milk, eoffeet, erauber
of October. They amount to twenty-three, I riea, canned gooda and fresh crackers. Tbey
bidy fire more tbWthe ' nuiuber of divorce always keep a full etock of fab6y groceries,
. mm mw nm Bautrriuix caUBwa. r
Of a fair aoa ta a' Ane set of teetn. Tba
ladkaai beina- folly alive to this fact, natrotf
laa l07XDONT in prefersnoe to any other
ostumos, ainoa tney Know by expe'lenee
that Upraaerrts) Ilka no other tba pristine
wniteneea ana cieannneat or tne tetn anu
makes a naturally sweet breatb ad'iitirmal.1
ly fragrant. It is one of the privilege of
tba beaux tex to look lovely aod that por
tion of it which oaea HO.OIiOiiT. hat
lamed that tba aniHe coutriloUMi Hi no
dearrne te the end in view... All drug
gists seU It. .. -,
nil a i i ii i ' '
4 few gooi rtsssss irk erery Liij
awamta mm. sv - , ? . s- 9. .. . '
1st Tbr are the sbeaMsl goods in tht
maraet wJMtbstuavica tsUkad ihio:con-
3d. They eaa hi worn in damp Weather or
la a shower, without fearof aeing rnimd by
irling or tbrinking. , - - y : ' "'
id. Tbey are all double width foods', fall
twenty seven tnchet wide, aad Maade from
tba vary riret aisti iiiXi, by erperiented work
mea, aad eaaaot be aeeiled byaay aimSar
goods, eitbaw Pereiga or Domeetie. ; " " .
4 is, Tliemaontacteririg, dcufg and finish-
( is dooe ia suesi a sitsiwr that thasi goods
oaa be waaaed aad dona ep ad waal at a linen
euit, without the least injury tat the fabric,
and the mercbaat selling, it authorized to
warrant fhatu as such. "
Mk. ; In tbeir maaufacture there is no
weighting, ttiifening, orartificial lustre used.
Thus attowiaf just what the goods a juld
will be untd worn out , , . . , . .
Clh. No axpease it spared, and the greatest
care taken to fcuvkt every color as fast at the
perfection of skill and the parent dyne will
snake theaii j " ri '--- - t- ...v i-?
MA rreaai m voire mt ahevv assati Jaal re
erlrret. aad a fn aaaertaaeat fceaf twnsunt
ty est kataat hy aAJICCi. V. ftfK, rtnt
street, a Iheay. aanaplea lelt by awe II, aadt
all arattru pteenntty atlewaVedl tav; ..m '. 'i
' !!;,! v.t ,' L, In-1 it "tun rU
, ,fl! . Mwi i tl 1 2!lf
The Onaooa Biood Pcnxruut and En!tarr j
BaocLAToa ia the best family remedy ever
blarW rMore tiaiblU-llrr HIT
It ia aa Outoow prod notion, ioompounded
from OdaoOH roots and herbs ami ' nutnn fac
tored by an old Oalob bouae.
Ton should nave it in your family.'
It purifies tba blood and regulate the tyt-
It roots out all scrofulous impurities from
tlatUood. . r f !;s. f..A i
tXecp yuK uoodia atdet aul lyvuc health
MUtT be food.
, Woman, in rawAcT, it preyweU msm
awl TOauitinaT. ' - "' ' ' " ' tlfi
01 vt it toyooiokndrtsu.
,Du t be wUhout
d A .la.'niriiM annti iiiai
purely va-raifB iMoouvmrioe.I.,r JJr
i tci jUn-'iiC w ;.'.'. ' i a Vi!:i's
i t ill &
W..S. ST.. J, .-g-. S S' : -
i 0 3 S h M 0
r 3 .... 0 5 - 03 M -4C.
1 15 1 g ti ; ; (
uvt-vro ,,v: g 0. M O 'f'lm
' -.ff.-O, !'" li ml milk t
5 1- o -?'&?h
"TJQ ' vv -' ;'- ':.'" i
aCr Jt i It WO.- w J il if t -. t .
t . . . , . . i ; ' ; , j II , t , -!
...a i
lUClfltli' Jj 1 t v. ' . .
IvKil .. ..;i-:i!:. ! rU
r -i t p.
direction, showing that probably a roller had
Pressi tuystera.
' " ' fWJft'
Having made arrangementt witn luS6wli-
ert of ;!oysterbfdt itYarUjMy TabW
t4 f uraiah tke ntyfoflL f ijpet atmaona
bto rales. .11 also wish to inform the public
that no Chinamen are employed i the prem-
t, and everything w ke..t bn tb varopea;
plan. Having catered fof htf public for
eighteen years I tWnlt 1 1 caat - eaiaafr ail who
call on' me itt tiie ' Kdotado Resf4nKtut; two
doors below tne uua r enow i em pie. .
'I'T -XTbaivTaB-Bsll.
slipped nlraddeW-oIlowW it tr'fali.
t f These thw;a pieces JHSHa. were nure Eroich
plate' 13-1 eet Olid inelie ldi4 -feet S
hches wfff WnMaqArttf t t ;4lich in
tbiclcness. i Jicy wcLgljcrt about mm iogj
eacrr aud wero the largest everTiroiightup tlie
Columbia. Til e'y' "Were rfrtli? h the neigh-
horhnod of $50i aiirl t'jeVlejtffla npon Mr.
I'luiiimer, aa lie li t l uiu contract for furnish-
ifzf!;fif1fltl1, fS' rfl'Itfff'
orea to have Xiio glass iuurca when lie was
ibPtn fmpqiacoIin; lie, eoipTiniiy ;j frnuld
take the rwlc ,' tid 'a 41i iMirti ei'i svlib nrade
tiiS'trnkiprcuW will 4 hot', biijiirin'.'f tj.)je
lias to stand the loaSiindiviiluallvj.. Jinraetli-
WtelywwfoBstamiire tmt:'thy' wciro 'bro-
ha-ta tlmiortbir; duplicated, aui Mai i new-.lot
nt!fcrobab1y arrive Here" fin thefkt
.I.I1K11 11 jrl-jj .-
, -ISM Uilf V'.'-i fT li.) j..v ,,iu
! sh h JWi!--!.!' Vf.M .i
aew ralenU.
-' Ad. Wj'out atUw Oomatodk-HetM, uj
making arrangements to give a grand ball on
Wednesday eejifhs, Ntrv.2J
poae thow.bli."th,f
be clad to beat this .piece of news, as Edgar
bat 4uite reputation for giving nothing but
firtllass.partt, fjflg&fn fmS,
very fine, and he expects to excel liimseli in
tbja line Jit tlie cfm t Jt I jd music
as can be had., will be in attendance. The
price ef tickets yrifi be' the same at Usuat.
T I i A J! 0VeJitl FBI
' The kbove-namsd Cktod fiipla!; Idgeof
this 'city installed the -followiu1 o2 jer last
given to the best sustained lady and gentle-) Tuesday evening : A M Boop, W C T; B
Beutley, W V T; Geo W Walker, WS;U
tax, Ty,;rijTjuE:.cow2icYT; Bovt
Murphy, W M; Lee McCartney, W 0 G; L
N Liggett, PWCT.
and a solid stock of ttaplaa, .whioh .tbejeaU
fiweaah. A large ooasignmaat nt'tnrwpa,
tweet potatoes and cabbage just received.
,, , .; - i ' ,U II t ill.'' I
Mr. J. Dunn," who commenced repairing
tewing machines in! this i city nJe,2wekt
ago in one of Dr., OToolet buildings, has
bad to secure it larger build Uig. He oaa
now be found in one el . the rooms
opposite Mollwain't new ; briok ' ' block,
Oo'VV' Humphrey and .Dora T Harconrt. I near tlie' Revere House.- He had -repaired
W-t ' ' i ' i N t' rt. !it. ...f-.'U.I.. ' t i , I - ' . .. . .
tome machine! mat nave ueen in constant
nse for sixteen years, and the owners any
thev now run as well at when ew. All hit
work it warranted to give satisfaction or no
charges are made.
for the I tpplicatlmul at the last term of courts
; lAuoro and Manoy b Uunn, . . .. ,
j !in'tsrlyi 'aVtMaggli f; Irvine.
I MotrMii-aeh and Kinma McCoy.; i j
! Charles Wolvurton awl Clara E Price;
(HtigH It SlicrTilf andAwerira K Hyde.
J K ftcett and liena-Butcher.' 'i'..i.. t
Julius . rtpitefcld aild- AVUliclmuaa Ho'dolt,
Vf Care' and Martha Tl Smith;
"U K Charlton and. Isora Starr.,.'
;Jac& Fartiffv'.'auo! Christina, Buchner.
i (r t'Xuncu ami S t Smith.
Uepry W Walters aud Louise Merrick.
W. B Bochly and llae Belle Lown"
; ST S wn and Anna Vcks. ;,; , '
j Henry Bond and Mary E Koeney. -1
II J Johnson anil Lav uia K nainney.
' J Thompson and Frances Bilyou.
j W II troifton ajid Miuria f Irvine. , -t
A;MAchc8bn anr Jcirhie K Hamilton.
J N McDowell ana" Sarah- one Bernard.
i Frank Horterf and Lizzie Carter.
j 'SV F y"hit6 andiW Jio' Frcduiiburg.
T..i.,i'fW..V,:.l y rl t...t, - '
i WIMIU Xa p" TV A taitA fiJXlBtm e lVta,,
Dent lift.
Just received at
-i f - tv f , s
twMBt5-nwaat-aans-n . - -i tWa--ina AwfSf-r
J? w tlnU4N nLJiaLN tQt7.U- u
-I ..... - - . ,
Per Steamer Oregon,M '
in- A Splendid U Lot of .1 m ported -antP Fancy
i ! -&Sr. IIw O IZ3 CE1 HtlB
bick are ihs follow in tr trode;
Apong wnica are ins louowmg groat;. , . f.H.Mt;
I iVt Chicken, Beef, etc., OrieiaiLai "Picke.-
les, Chow Chow ainsnroom ivetcirap, Kssence'wt Jsva-j' -'
chovles;1 4 Raspberry Vinegar. L.uccaOll, Glost$r.ilt
Cheese. Flnuoat llaUMocks, ry'a ciiocoiate,
I m w ilia tft.. 4AAA r .M
W .W0 I UfSf A iford Munatre. Lea & Perrin's Worcester IU
taw yony, aasatly. it ,te I .,. Kno-ltah Fiinav liisuifs. r small -i i.-I i"
Wili art -Sell' tmt'al : :V. 'n. " f -m ' ..,-.;..- i ,
............... . : - - J i" ri
4 I Cil .1 I i t . 1 1 ed! .-.Coffee, 1 Canned . Stringed
: .. ... ;..
I fA-'lMo sou'of 'Jd U Cowan T'td last Safe
unlay evening and' Wat buried on Sabbath.
vi. .i: .... .- .1. : ...i l .: iv
- - - - - - ; . - i . irc uuDitu wuieii oiiiki uiiu uu w. " e
I ' mmn s cm a zm. a m i. I . . ... ... . . . ..
j Tha 4tMe. y. be Had boon ill lor about tnree
ImeM lMsroeeivt ttietal4aio' ortho "
fofwrpsten toMSaJ$ kaafTidK'fbtiors;.' I Mr. Edward Trites, an old .ai'id rctpected
for jtlwcek, ending October,, dJ 87. O'eo. Citizen of thit county, diodAn; ,tliis city last
iatfaakMsnta Sabbath. He bail- boon ttlicted for over two
iktmMlhtyS i6m ! ohr6n& diarrhea, which final-
IfM'itMJ'W Fran- j tyf BiiiiuiBtcd litni th4t death found Aim an
cis?eyiJai.rgg.laatersy fatiriwii ..fcjaJiagUer, I ?aay prey.,- fu s.,uuiiuo. am iie.uuj w
Eukar,eybfacgp4.' , .
JameeB. 'Ouip-'it-iCe.y 8an jFvaiickteo,- CaL, .
ooogh-famedie. "Z.'XX'm ill-
t ro v. t! "!,t t .ya.ft.1a ,
! ' ,; ,!.-.
j Four prp4g2saM$ liisab.i8hipped
to this jity every day from Comatock's mill,
and it embraces every kind in demand in this
oommnnfty "Ad. ! Edgar ' is the;"ag(nti and
hc iias tti damber yard at ,AepQ , Id
yox(, SiioiiI4 "tritiiilluin'ber, reimember ' that' he
eim fill yonr ordenl. . - i - , ' 1
4 licnper Than Ever.
j -Wm H.i Brunk wisliet ius to lufurtn. our
readej;' that s he hat,, just' received a well se
lieeted stek of boots, which be proposes sell
ing &V bottooi : prices and every pair will be
warranted. Ho proposes to Bell genuine
French, kix boot at from $7 to $S; California
kip, at from $5 to $6, and genuine cork-soled
boots at 83. 50. Call around at his boot shop
arul.tee them,' .'1..,' , '. , ' . ;' ' - '.J, -
'-A-Cemuserctal aefceeW"
Mr. Small, of thit county, formerly pro
prietor of HmaU't Comirtorcial Collei'rf, of
Zanesviile, Ohio, proposes' te open "out a
commercial tchool in' thit city for yoiing men
and young buliea. Two elattea will be orga
nizedone for the day and one for the even-
in-;, to aa to .accomodate all. Parent and
others who feel an interest in thit important
specialty are requested to oall upon oe " Write
to Mr. S. in thit city at Once for the purpose
Ol securing tne location oi uiis aenooi b our
midst. : For particulart call at thit offiee.ii H
.,.;-: , ' ... . i i ' i i'i- v!;tii'
tnlaa tervlees. 1'"'; . ft;
1 - The following pastors of the eity of Albany
have made arfangententa to hold union ssr
vicet at the Cftlvary: Church' on Thanksgiv
ing Pay (Thursday, Noy. 2S Hoy, 0, Ir
vine, JJ. D., delivering the sermon at 11
o'clock in the forenoon:
Rev, S. Irvine, . Dr. ,
- Kev. F.-A. Mose,"lii--...
p v . ! Eot. J. Bowersor,., . , s
' , Pev.W.R Floyd,, ,;.lf f
, ,, W..B.C. Hill, v.",
t Kev, FPeVore,,,, ,;,.!.
t . f UBiacrii aaaiwrt ..
, Who . wants ; lumber? , . The: BpringStdd
mill, up n Lane county, is' ready to 'deliver
lumber of all kinds in this city. For pricej
consult their card in another column. .
, All drnggata nave it lor tsie. nm
. Manufactured by ;-
; ",'.,Vi 'ieoarlswaad'CIs
; New Market Theatre block, Portland, O.
1 .Doji" tbaka yovrtali t -pit witb : ft,
Aovn and BrM en with , Fin, -when , yon
oaa ba ooatpletely cured by nting a bottle of
that fams preparation nailed Ts VVliAakl
rrtu FTvK srr Adt- aliMriie;' t"'":''
vUmt tare e re lor i jTraavanc, .-otrav,,.
lABdrunrista have it furaadav-.'tliiil. iU t
IdVutufaetured by "' U, v?; ' , "''
; Apotbeiauiet aad CTlaennsta, I'ortUnd, 0.
I .u ;;: .: -i if. i;:;i:la .h.K
1 e r .
-r ,Tw WeeM IT afA.tCOflfti vv r laSOilS!
I.f!ni;,i..rt-n'l 1iUjtit'l 4 f
' ThU U to certify tftatl have. beeqalTeot
ad for tba last tare years wftn chronic in
flamation of tha bladder and torpid liver.
f laving apent- a . aroaii lomns wira ui
beat medical talent I would obtain in Saa
Franolattft aai visited hs rtrlout aprinn
In California, hoping ta find relief. Hay
ing iouuu none a gave np u nope oi ue
lag cared and dropped all' tnodtoinas and
doctors. While reading one af tho daily
pa pert I saw an advertlaemeut of a medi
cine called Nphreiicu!Zira preparation
prepared , by, Dr. Mlntlo A. C"-, of San
Franciaoo.-'Iwaa prauadl:by. Mi wifqf
to try it, and I went and bought a botUe.
Having taaen uiu wis . wuno
much relief, all paica ceasing and feoiing
Mttoa betlor I took two- nora boUloa a?d
I am now perfwtly restored to heeJih and
atrength, tkank Uoe, for the so perl er fckill
of Dr. Mlntie A Co. ,Any one who may
doubt thia statement can caii ax my resi
dence aDd aee mer-5 . rn
; Portland, Oregon.
1 Septamber 11, 1878.
J.-.-i i .: ' ai.xu ift
D.! A." E. Mnrrrsi A' Co.4hmtkl tI
vxlnnteer to tay your Eogllsh' Dandelion
Pllta eqoal ana even surpass all ' you'
claim "from my experience In their ,"
Fancy Uwy kv .J2''fal 2tlt,JcPi
and Liver trouble.
1 .. i ;;. . ,1.. Ai STmowBRiDeK.) t
: -'!-: 1 Firflt Street, I n tii ex aiarcaant,
liPrMrtlajid, Sent--W. '878. luvy t? k.
1 Da, A. b2..MiMlB- OOr-Gbonia t ii I vtilft
nnteer to amy your English Band el ion Pii la
equal and even surpass all youielaim
'-from my experience in tbeir cae, fency
tbey have no equal" for Dyspepsia and
tJver tronblea.- Proprletur oi-.l-ntai Uo
tel. First Stree, J ' ' ; "8. D. KoT-,r
i y. -.y ,, . Occidental If otel.
! DrvpgQk ' ' ican ' jeend. ; their , ; orders , to
Meters. , Hodge, Da via A. Co., wb.alewile.
drosgistt; Portland, . vi-.i-, . rvn :
Di. MiJtTi ot Co., treatt all ohronip and,
Special Disease wlih 'tuooeaa. No. 155
$eoond Street, corner Utorriton, Portland'
rr, k .. , tv n m x
AL"J ti .f uu ci Cannetl
Beaus, Canned Sugar Peas,
Pigs Feet,,
i, t: ty.i ' -..!
li -lull- .U -;
,r.r. A .!
ir .;.l'ut
I.iK't Ni .1 JUliJ
--.til iill 41101 i a .
,f. si,-1 1 . -bit"!
Pork, aim tl
i .irrf-.a- i-fiT ; Beans. Canned
! ' Table Fruits ; ?f '
. p I C t$ of various " "' '"' ".'.
i a W nw a, ia ai aaaxi Sa-' . 3 t kllltlS. - '
Smoked Tongue?, . . .
(t ir-di.ii.e..i Finest Brands ofDevUedUaii vfi.'
, m .ii -Choice PeelCKi Peaciies, also nave on nana
Th 'iliBst Brands of Oysters in i the Marfceia
... r
Il .,tohoiXiO
t I tit
Has removed his immense stock of
. . it .
.; -r j-.n! :ii I ;mu :ui .
jGh'J IT O? S V IF" SDL Xl S EC 1 3ST G-
i ' i - ...-!,..... . - - .. IV, .
; ! v; CLOTH
I i.j-llr iili;! l',li;-'5 ,-,.,. .l.i.fc.
Call and see his' net.. store.'
15 tf .' ' ''
. A IT I
-. 1 1'-
I f; !. ( .1
I -inf T-.ill.
sh, 1
A f
1. . i Jut
u-ll i.j.uui-.
0r 1
1 r. ?tJL ,H .1 ... . .., ,
t. t'.'l "? 1
, "are prepared to furnish Lumber on
board, ol wo curs at Ajuany vy iuu
load, at tba, following rats for casb on
alivt?ry I,-, .
Fiooring and fiustic f2 00 If. M. .
I Clear, dressed I tide, , " .20 00 M- -
.v Clear, rouga.t L' ,174)8 " M.
Comiaon, rough, ' 1 ; , -' 14 60 M. :
1x8 Battens, " " 16 00 " M. .'
All freight pre-paid by us.
SKisaniii. Miixinq Co.,
Hl5rn3 ' fcSpringfield, Oregon.
Corner Washlngt)n and Firsi Htreel.
' aBA:3sTi ORCOrON. -
thottk & Simpson: ccr'si
THE PROPRIETOR 'laltea ploajsure in In
forming the pabiii In ifBa'-ral laat taas
ls.tly rofurnisbl emd roiicvated laa bouse
turoushout. ftotl now stanUK-secoud to rone In
th blate. The dining nxica is under lis im
mediate supervi.-ion, and no pains mil
spinvd to Buppljtlie table wtta ihtttba
Biarsittt aSorvas. Huuaopen ai. uiKtit, t
-. Cvaclt To anil f-'rixm the BamM
- - -eVteiSOtr -' ' '