The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, September 27, 1878, Image 2

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    1 -wt '
IT.IDAY...... SEPTEMBER, 27, 1S78.
. CiriT.lL SOTT,.
Salem, Sept. 25, 1S78.
Since the election of Hon. J. 11.
Sinter to tho United States Senate, the
Legislative mill has been grinding with
accelerated velccltv.nnd at this writing,
; work of tho session h well in " hand
a rrMittott mix. i
Gov. Tbaj-er in LU inaugural addrmi
emphatically endorses the urinciplo that
tho legisla turo of a State "has no right
undor any pretext, to favor particular
individuals or localities at the expense
of tho public at large," and wo fool
and prouiifea to U completed with BUre that this endorsement met with tho
more than usual credit. Of course I most hearty approval of tho majority of
A Botss City dispatch says the
Democratic Territorial convention
nominated Oeorgo Ainslio of Idaho
City for delegate to Congress. He is
a good choice and can be elected if any
one can.
there is the usual flood of bills of all of the senators and ippresentatives,
l.ut tlm cood irrespective of political tmrty. It is
OVl V v - O 1
sense and sound judgment of the two with this feeling thai wo call tho
houses, coupled with tho veto power of I turn of member to a. II. JXo. t, in
tho Governor, will preclude tho enact- troduced by Hirsch, of Multnomah, and
ment of many a measure, introduced read a Urst Urao Sep. 18, 1878 thurs-
just for grandeur, which might lo in- day), and entitled a bill to license sell-
Hos. N. T. Caton, Democratic can- imical to the interests of the common- mg by sample.
didate for delegate to Congress from wealth and the people. I 1 his is precisely me sain measure
Tf . . T a -l a I a k. tMa-.. I mlMuinwul Ks A I 111 Vial M 1.1 mf nV
i.asniBgwu lemwiy, wui atone Among vvr "uiw' JU.v--... -------- ... , , f,,ver suffer-
his canvass of the Terri- tanee under consideration is a bill in- man during tho session of 18To, anu '
I I ... a . a a s i I I n
torv. The. canvass will own in the traduced by Senator Bradshaw, of whica teen, as it snouia uo now, iau
eastern counties and close on the I Yamhill, providing for a Constitutional
i -
There woro 33 deaths Horn yellow
foror and 12 now cases at Memphis on
tho, 21st.
Webb lfsycsaccompHiiicsGen. Crook
in his effort to intercept the runaway
St. Louis ha contributed gG7,330
thus far toward tho relief of the jil-
low fover suiToror.
John Eoyle O'lliolly, nominated for
atten- Stato Auditor by tho Butler Democratic
Convention, has declined.
Dr. T. S. Scales, health ofliocr at
Washington, reports fivo cases of yel
low fever on hand, and five deaths to
Marshal and Madame MuoMahon
sent 5,000 francs toU. 8. Minister Noyes
Thk Kepuhlican convention of
Washington Territory will conveno at
Vancouver on the Oth of next month.
TTe hardly think they will be as unani
mous in their nonination of a candidate
for Deletrat as was tho Democratic
The Inaugural Address of onr new
Convention. o will publish tho full
text of the bill for the benefit f our
to become a law. I 1 U0,nM "
The mil provide for a liccnso to bo K' h0 institutional 0Bl m
loviod on all commercial travelers sell
California, was not a citiwn and has
. ... . a i -r i. i i ucen oiwi vu wkm
readers. This measure should la. "T?. A.7 .11 CVhon. tho Wa-hlneton
We need a Constitutional Convention suio ot wso-w, oi i-cr .auuu, - - j,
n in each countv. or each of such travel- pin. 8ot cro,r,1 of
MU ""w --- through the atrerts makin
Tli a wnk Constitution was onlv wno mar oo uoiug i
made for an emergency to "boost" 810,000 or under, and an adaitional
. . . tt t nf 91 rutv Mnt. iinnn Mu;h addi.
young Oregon into mo wnion wacn -j i- -i .
she had not the requisite amount of tionai mousanu over anu muu w,
population to warrant tho peoi'lo " 0- hm farther provides that
but the simplest and
labor chain-
follow him
g men si op
work. Thev wore Gualiy Uispersea iy
tho police.
Them has been a new outbreak of
fever among the troops In Cyprus.
Twentv-ono deaths hare occured since
Four hundred iwn
tMr Vill lut tin kbatment upon SJ1T
i. i: e -i.. wi f occuiiation began.
than ono vear: that it ahall be now w . ZL .
fiarnwir is unnnil in pvonr liali.-iilur I aaopuua any
.J .t, .-.'1 ;tK .11 ."n, most economical government. IU prea
have tho good of the SUto at heart. ITiont are not sumcicnt , ai- . , . Tre(uljrv on tll0 20lh dU.
Tho Democratic party was very fortu- low our growing young otaio to occupy iue u7' - --v , MQ Bln tUo
- - 1.1 ! . : 1 ...I. .. I amAnit Ia I.. n1 mvA nAT ieM to ins ' '
nate in chooninsr him as its standaid
bearar last spring.
the position which alio thould among I to levy this tax and givo notice to the
IJO "I. JAM. It,
at Attn.
Tho San lYaiiciBCO Examiner has tho
following in regard to our now Senator:
Tho Dornocratio Legislative Caucus
of Oregon neloctod ex-Congrossman J as.
II. Slater t ua supported . for United
Sutes Seuatur, umi yesterday ho was
duly chosen 1y tlio Legislature, on the
oiut ballot, iy a vuio oi cigntoon in
Senate and thirty in the Hoimo two
Democrats absent and , ono voting
blank. Tho two Independent of
Democratic antecedents votod for he-
mith, Tho Iladicals acattored their
vote. Senator Slater was born in San
gamon county, Illinois, in 1827. He
came to California in lol'J, and the
next year moved to Oregon, then a
Territory, and settled in Corvallis, Ben
county, where ho taught school and
studied law. His start in politics was
opionent to the &iUm Clique of Ter
ritorial days, and his county twice
elected In in
sition to that
torner General Williams and ox Sen
ator Nesmith were conspicious mem
bers. In 1858 Mr. Slater was protni
s, and his county twice
to tho Legislature in oppo- Tr,,11Joon U
at faction, of which ex-At- of t rgo & Co.'a e
men trouct.
According to tho San Francisco Ex
cftanae Mrs. Coleman and Mrs. McDon-
oitgh, by tho will of Mr. O'Brien, are
mado the richest wotnon on tho Pacifio
coast. Their share of tho estate from
tho Nevada Bank alone is valued at
nearly $3, 000,000,and from tho remain
der of tho estate, it ia said, will bo at
least $10,000,000 more. Mrs. McDon
ough's three infant children inherit each
$300,000 moro- Says tho Exclwnge:
"Mrs. McDonough is the wife of Thorn.
BsMcDonoiigh,a wood and coal merchant
on Maikot street. Young Coleman,
who is one of the executors and a $300,
000 legatee, ia a quiet and a gentleman
ly young man, ono upon whom hU new
honors and wealth will-sit easily. He
has 1een employed In one of the offices
in Nevada block, and stands well
anions bis associates. Ills sister are
charming young ladios, and ono of
J; rod 31 ay,
express. -
O. JACKSON, tukea pltasure In calling, the attention of UiO CiUxona of
Albany and vicinity, that ray sow store Is now open tor business. ft
' Departments consist of '" '
A Circassian slave reeen'ly took ref
uge in the British consulate. The con
with ex-Senator "Kellry, in the sul ordered her retention and requested
'National" Democratio movement, and Minister Layard to urge the porto to
r?V-- , wcmvTtr " uTtT prohibit sales of alavea ia Turkey.
tsIufjllO Of Oregon. IIO SUpporUd tho ' mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
urectmriagc , auu ine ticaet in ioiy, Town Iwoperty in good d6IXMui and
HU WW aa w si viuiw vuawa w vasv ws - . . tit
vallis Union, ono of tho organs 0f "dvancing in HiUsboro andhasbeenfor
tho Democracy. In IS6Z be retnov- o years
...I it 1Tni.ft KAiintf wlinrM 1ia fiji fatneife
... . . ..j I To prevent any ovil results from axpos-
resiucu. in icuu no was -ibcmw rrw nra oontKlu or Infectious diseases,
ecutmg Attorney lor tuo raswrn uro-1 loriiry in stem y u oonaionaj use
ipm Juuicial District, ana on the cxpi
uioposiuon wsicu buu ou.v8 wv p-nt order of Secretary Sherman re-'W prolusion, llow plain u
the sisterhood of States. They allow Sheriff f tho county to collect tho , . f 'wni i(W0 of ,it. temirate,of unassumbg
no margin for Public improvements or samo; that any violation of tho act voting tlio oruer o g ; honest and frugal, assidioua,
te.teBtxJLy enterprise. shall bo punishable for each offense by that n for J .set in 1U likes and dislike.
. ... .. 7 , A .. i. .v.- ei nn r. ha been about 830,000. neither brilliant nor showy, I
stand a ghost of s
against. Tom Caton.
A. U. ewlaxd, late speaker of tae I even for necessary enterprise.
House, will probably get the somina- j Constitutional Convention, com-1 a fine of not less than $100 nor more
T. TY1n. -. ,1,. TA I t . r ...ft nflir.. en AH nv imnriunmMllfnr lllll Im
muu wi xviho w uio vv.uu. AkvipOSfKl OI lXlfet3ii.'4 viiwciMi utuu vi j iiiui vw, w. ..j'. . -- - - - . a t h W but
ir . - r . n -. . i : . i .. . . . .1 i 1 1 h a n nnA nrtr more liisu mix. uiuuuu. vi .w .
puuuts wnirauwi m aouiugi"" capability ana. iniegriij wguiureuwj ... I , ti,,, 13 deaths at
Temtory. We don't see what he many ef the defects of tho present y o. - . 'M",", " a .1.. .1.-,!,. UW.
i.,i TT. J . 1 i. 11 . that hilfnr inrh ItlM Sball CO u ikmuuiu- -"""t "
wuu uw wnmuuiB iot. iio uuu 1 1 instrument, ana we Dcuevo woutu huu 1 .-- o 1 - , . 1 t.
.w; ,1,: -1. ..w tho county as aessor, and half to tho A. raircnua, msursncc .xeu. ...
Bruulwn6.un. " . . ' t i fl,l r.immsnder of Knilibt Torn
r c..., 1 county in w men wie ounivw u wmuuv ,
As yet no bills of importance have ted ; the bill to take uect alter km pas- i'-
TV, n..n.Krv- .r iu I 1 v v f t t.t.. uin nd lnnmnl br tncGoTcrnor. I v
1 pusseu eituer unutt-'uvi, u. ui I o 1 . v I.. ! 10
ir-j.- -a 1 j ,1 1 . . 1 ... . 1. I wnu exciteu iwuw."
try wura Mi us ciiiyrv u- i ture, out many are oa tuo way. 1 iow, were uiis uui vt uvwmc , 1 - . . . , . ,
proved. We are glad to see this evi- There is a bill pending to build an it would keep every commercial traveler acrra .evaua an 1
rrrlhr f.w i. .- 1 ... U-.H l..n.H. ...4 -f it .... ... ,!Vf I attractions. lPOrH....v,.-.
DBA rf ih bet rTVr in RiuHiem Or. .1 .Jjfl ....n.flnnk I 1 I.- Pl.n.l n.l incline W . feet W lu0
- w-w-p-w- ;rr v.-- w ,WrWJ , nenetratec
mn I hA aVHiM sir artto m Ji'tt mm..1aa iha ViMtA liAiiaa i I twt I ..11 .iA nAwKitntaisiiihpl iWV ,V( '
lished in it in relation to the earl v his- .r.t VV nn all nvailable means for :- .11 a.- !.,, nfPnrt. n,ue aukiji 'Br'
" I v f - I IU IUI )"M M Va .UV s-fws w - I . f - . 1 -sVt-
tory of Southern Oregon are very in-1 public buildings this year. However, 4 honsos : co themselves to San Fran- Prta cow"M"r ,ho tcv-lor'nrnt vtr3
tewttia?. I ;f there is an asvlum erected it ouzht I -Inv r snd their ordtrs for iroods UmporUnt
to be located at Ail-any, as wo have without seeing any samples and there-
ration of his term, in 1870, was elected
representative iu Congress. Sinoo the
ulono of hU Congressional term, March
3, 1673, he has followed the practice of
his profession. Ho is plain in his bab-
and very
dislikes. He is
say aiioe a month, or onener u neceskary,
01 rrene uamounc iea.
Final Settlement.
I w the nooersiKbed, admlDiatratrla of
uetaleof Usorife R. Holm, deoeased.
has been about $30,000. neither brilliant nor showy, but a fair ni,nt m the above named estate, lu the
The cenerjil outlook in tho yellow speaker, and ablo in bis method of pro- County Court for 14un County, tftst of
IlMlA Ktuit. w.tnug nui viuio. no in uuv uuiva u
Utile aoaie- , o ...... 1 If.... j... ,1. rit t
ItiO IWCepUVO laCUlty, bUl U a CJOSO I u"y, u y y. vv., m.w,
and laborious reasoner, and is firm even st ths hour of one o'clock In the afternoon
....i.i.-... : 1.:. a . of sad cay. has been sot by said Court for
"' ,-v"r "'the hearing of objections to said account
te his views on tho leading questions of .d the settlement of astd estate.
tbe dav. it u said that he is not in svnv I JMted this 211 iy or Hoptemoor. ib.b.
. . I I'll I I'I'N It III-
C atroet, Virginia Ci'y, was crowd(d
with excited spectators on tho 21.
Ono of the largest dry goods houses1
WaUusweek received a copy of the MW fcTored 'ar,v expendi- for, without knowing, what they are in New York City ha, been extensively
Da!;, Experiment, small daily paper q puUic fun(li We hope purchasing. All tho money that is now robbed through a conspiracy among its
- t , v ir v r" - Iv : the delegation from Linn will urge this distributed by these "gentlemen of tho employees, v. o ""V .
I t ; . ..a . 1
-t,.. mn,;,u 1. M j- .mm. onr rt.le. would bo spent alone, there havo nocn c.vw rim
f. I 1 1 .1 1 .!.... :. I -r, TLa nolice are now arresting the
hilL leisewBCre: uu iuhu wy-'T 1 j
The capital city Li in mourning to- spent at homo by our merchant would thieve receivers ana gn-between,,.
' . I ... .... s I t-1 . - .,.11 villiaon 1
.1 .. .1-!. r -r "n,n it 1 ti iivnt ir tnem aoroaa nirenwu. .. . , - -
r., r i..,i;nF mA n.l nn thfiir lournevs to purchase coous aocua couoij .'i., .. rf
v..., v.. & . - . , r 1
popular citizen. He died auJdDly. of in San Francisco. a tornado. x.vcry s.u.....
L x v r.-. t.:. .t.;. t. i. w fundw- such a atiite and shed in the villiflgo was swept
ue&r. uuruaci i t. wui w uw . - . . .
- I 1 a .HM U aM ATiA frftmA IWfllJD? WIllCIl
1 VA f UUl nucleus u-tuiutui vo 1 a 1 1 .. 1
- . i,uAeoiwi vi? a -a T fmin rn 1. .11 iunn 1 nriifi to lncrvuHH laid miic v. Aa , v - 1 j
have been discussing tno projeet or t - . ..,... I- 1 t. 1. i-t-.i.. ..i
. - r. tr...: i.: .. 1 . .n.l ovet-r eitien thu:k with timtjers. boanw, bn..K ana
r-fno nr. . "Fk--- o" ut tliA Will- I m tUO IIUWW.UUU, I Vll J I .... . .
amette Falls, and i at nearly ev.ry sea- Deputy Grand Master of tho Orand would bo able to purvhaso less for hi stone.
. t..!i u. ,l r.-.r th- Lodere and Past Grand Lecturer of money than ho can now procure.
n. lt .!! , f.r have proved the Grand Royal Arch Chapttr, and Tho only individual! benefitted by
f-ilnww. Oim baa W-n introduced I hut remains
John Miller Murphy. It is the neat
est little sheet on the North-west coast,
and as Bra. Murphy is a racy writer
and a good business manager, we think
it probable he will soon have to change
the came of his paper to tbe Daily
rill bo followed to the I such a law would be the few wholesale
Tbi air was
Is, brick and
The inhabitants took refug in
A suit in tho nature of an injunc-
. . . . c .
tion was hied In the circuit court o o.
ithy with inflation. He is inclined
lu the opinion that there is currency
eaough in circulation, and will 'Administrator's
to meddle with financial matters further I
than to supplant National Bnk issues VTOTICE IH ITEREBY GIVES Til AT
with National currency. He doe not fa- IN ax
vor the - auoiuu JLiuna system,but no op-1 f tbo estate of OmX K. Ortmea, deoeased.
ixmem the fiat money theory, and de- by tbe County Court of Una Connty,
mandsthat the eurmcy shall U on I Xnc
coin baM. Ho has naver been finan- (a prvwnl the aame with proper proof
cially aucceanful, and at present U only wiihtn lx months from the 2it day of
in w-l-rat rin.,.m.tanrJU. Hoormo. eK?tnber. IS78. U ths undor-lKned. at his
---"-- , , . I roftMlenoo four miles ev or Marnsoarg,
rcnudiaUion in any shape whatever. I j. w. ottlME.
Tha distiatch which announces his elec-1 Administrator with the will annexed of
... ... ... 1 1 1. . ... . f a n 1.1 ... .t .1 H.m 1
by ths democracy in tho Bute, in Xi ORSES
the Sctote, beyond question, Mr. Sla-1 koi at
ter will always be found in hearty sup-j ,
port of c-ry iarty moasure and faith- 1 U J3 1 j 25 IA. JLi JLa
ful to his coastituenta.
I attl ma t tmUU tntVua. an tMuttwr tth, ISTS, to
tbo KlbM Iwklw, lur Mk or fvmd ndii, au
awaUu Uim Hli lnrrt M II) eev.. Twwajr
rood U-j
ramie taasTta.
Tillannjok ha differed greatly from
foret fire.
The Dalles contributed $532 50 in
aid of the yellosr fever sufferers.
About 150 men are already prosjHsct
ing in the new Snohomish gold digging.
Prairie fires havo destroyed much of tbe
wild hay crop in tho Lewiston country.
Tho Tacoma Herald think
O g
i k 4ksa
- i
hosiery, cloves akdf.i:::;;3,
. .....
Aro complete iu i4ylo and quality In all brancbea. I purchase 1 my stock
Ar.d Importers of Eastern Markets, and am enabled tooifer them at Agar to
A Liberal sharo of patronage I rspectfal!y aatScltsd. Call and examine Cor
HilFJlEBr, DOBS" 2 50.
' Offer for Sale at the Lowest Possible Price.
Ccnslstinj ki part or
Wc have been particularly cawfai to rccoamicrl no unpicmenu save aocb
as are really the "ne plus ultra" of t!.cir c'ass. telieving the best re not only: the
cheapest but tafest to both to corisror ?.ni '.iair. Our price lists aiil be fur
nished on application, and we a.'ll no gl that we arc afraid to guaraxuee. W
would call especial attention l- the
Deere Sully Plow,
Over 1,000 Sold in Oregon tutd
W. T. in the, last 3 years.
th ymlhr muraMut 4 tbi unrtvkl
bnflMnt naada ouiy to t awa ta t ap-xa-
, . . , Lmr.rrr.wbv a verv lar?e 10- dealers livinz ia tho City of Portland. Louis on tho 21st to retrain the uoar
aunng tms sesstonaou we uoj ux "-7-"-" ' Lr j:.- fM 1,.,inI Ccram or
- . t rn r-i.. MKumnt mn i.rpi:!rfnoi me "ji.Ti.ici ijnaer ineae cuv-uuuuunm oiv u.vvv..
Ajinn conntv memoers wui not. iau w 1 1 . 1
- I m. ... 1 . 1- 1.1 .1t.1. ' .. . . A I an
rnrV JVMtW nr It. rH"P- Tie." JJe leaves a who ana two grown Jeei assuxeu toai tu iu mowwj J
. e , r o - ,
Twit TnLiiana. Ratainin? Board At-l,1oT. Tim lormroi ones liftva tha I r.wM f attemoted local lecislation. IS
1 1 r " - . . . . . t. 1
toroey, John Eay, ia becoming Solicitor .ymimthy cf tho entire community. to draw tho attention of member to outsido 01 the common taum
... 1 - - 1 . 11.
of th Troamirv. IF his character is I TT, T TT T.nls.11 PaliC-imia'a f a. I IhA nrntvtd measure. cnes.
as bad as bis3 client, tt he Solicitorship vorite Conjrressman, is in the city to- It may possibly be urged that the
is to be no better filled than the Seo-ldar hnrnT Wn making a nleasnre license thus levied would enable tho
- - . - 1 j , 0 o . I
retarvship of the Treasury itaelf is. I tour throuzhout the North Pacific 1 counties to reduce the rate of taxation.
(na llai on old. ai oe4 kooa. bardr,
MMtuna, umi m com grow ; w aw w .
all hruka la taao. U-m HriM anl Monraaa. aMBprta.
Inc Mock auUaMa I carrua. fmm, aud aaavy dnft.
aumiM will ka aiad vbara caah la mM Son.
Taa aiia all! taka aiatai at Altwijr, Orraoo. on tha dajr I
abova aaanaa at 10 ock-. a. ro. a. A. huu..
J. (itLaot a. Auetiaoaar. I-al
E stray istoiio. -
on or about tba uoth of August, IS. 8,
Moses the undersigned living in lclanon prs-
l-mi I Inn t ounlT. took UD the I'.llowlnft
has anked too much land of Gen. How-1 d-.rii.i horae: 6 ven old. IS raoda
No eonplK-tlaa cf Ir-vra. A txr
taaaata tt, aaa 4a bru r awn tbaa lau
a waatiw ptw, aa4 tatoa tba atauiuir
par day. a Sara paidaiacM tatptrn to Ux
hiiwuiamaiil of our tiri 'imaou au4 eoii
Import aaefc aa baa Ua nr latcat faasmva-
a-aiia aaa aan aj our saa u too tuoiM w ar-cM--
about IV
1 call anaat-oa to th jiirtil Sj
OEERPS MOUSE FLOWS, Randall's Balfo Cutter Ham
Buckeye Broad Cast Sdrs, Dccro's Bod Hottu
tlsAiao Cons J?loror Z3v.oI-.a7-o Cod Srilla.
lanifuaffo exoept Lngliah taught
I. .. . I . . -...Tm. ,l,a
. .. 1- . . I .1. 11" . - C V. .w... - ,n f ItM Till Til in ICUOUUL Bllll Ul m V-I-... V '
no dausrhter to mourn nis suaucn secure vne aeitsm. vi utu . Bwum. - - i
I ........ I i t i: . -It t V - i.f
uoaru to auoiuui wui unmuo v.. - j
There will be a meeting of iho pub-
tt t . i. I ...... . , , , . ... i v iiutncr anu euiwrs 01 "ok
v cen air. riayes nas artpomiea me coast Curing tue past lew weeas. iuany iut suca aswgnou irwu v I Wgahintrton Territory, for the purjioae
very last iouow uo ueiu i-j bku ot toe yEsocoAT reaucn wui remem- possiue weiguv wuu wn iwucmwi . of taking into consideration tho Irori0'
tho Presidency for him to some office, I ber him as the gallant Democratic no commercial traveler will be found I . cf forming a Press Association,
it is to be hoped that be will announce champion who stumped the Valley in able to pay such a tax as tbe one pro- such as has rcoantly been organiw iu
the fact by a proclamation. behalf of non. L. F. Lane two years posed. wiuornia anu ot..-
- - ... ..I ..a. , " S - r IHWiB W BTCUUiUi vtvt.i r a a w
Ti ?a lnnkinT xcfldiri!riv well We trust that no memoer ouuiue OI . ' . t. t.i
rr. . v- .i t tj..,t 1. 1 o " i . ..... oaiem. trcsoo. -vi. iwtin v- ----
XttiX wtu uwuieu, wcu xuv.c, w . . I,- lf . k,.F tU Joluntinn from Multnomah will he . .. .... n . i - I KV. .1.
"""6 - -a ; I "O tniS Oiyetfc, wui f icuoo jfhv. ...
smart; no one can deny that. He
gays: x can t see any Aaminiatration, i gtate
remarks General Butler. I d like to
know what Hayes d ministers. The only
administration I have seen is his ap
pointment ef 57 men who helped him
to fraudulently fill the highest office in
the Government. He has appointed
more scoundrels to office than was ever
known ia the country before.
pleased than ever with our fair young found so false to his constituents as to call and add their signature to tho
vote for the passage of this bill.
a Loec sirmmEB.
Salem, Stpt. 26.
e.:tt f.Ao f no or V.i'llj w of t riA
I T. . t V l...t r-Kn tu
flood, and tho number introduced in fw "1'c"" a -
ut Vw,..-nr,nr .r, over t existeu between me managers OI IU
hundred. This is "nuU" for the State ?rtlan(1 ra'n "d .caused by
Printer, but if even one-third cf them cnrrilons articles appearing ,n the lat-
ruffnesa" for I paper caiung in qwu
and character ef A. U Alciwnahi, tno
From the dispatchea we karn that
business manager of the Telegram. In
tho last article i n the Bee concerning
him, his wife also was hold jip before
the public gaze in an unenviable manner.
McDonald could not bear this and hap-
Democrat, AUtny.
Standard, Portland,
Record, Salem,
Attorian, Astoria,
Independent, llillsboro,
Reporter, McMinnville,
Nucleus, lLirrisburg,
Gazette, Corvallis,
Democrat, Corvallis,
Inland Empire, Tbe Dalles,
Enterprise, Oregon Cify,
In an article published a month r go
we favored this Convention, and now
we again give it our endorsement. The
Democrat will be represented.
Simon Smith's house at Salem, was
robbed of 8 3,000 worth of note on
Thursday night of last week,
Hundreds of acre of good land were
burned clean and made ready for the
plow by tho recent fires in
county, W. T.
A twelve year old Indian boy 33
inches high is attracting a groat deal of
attention in Seattlo a kind of low Lo,
so to sjeak.
Mountain fires have compelled largo
herds of deor and many cougars and
bears to descend into tbe foot hill about
tho sound.
Tho destruction of timber by fire in
Washington Territory this year will be
should pass it would be
the average Oregon tax-payor. .
The women suffrager are here as
a number of Nationals took possession usual, besieging the Legislature with
of the recent Democratic convention in opportunities to bo allowed to vote,
Massachusetts and nominated Beast hold ofEco and do other manish things,
T? ...1 rA. r Tt. . ,....1 I . . t f i t. n anAinnMM -A wr .1
VUWa KJ XUC inwonuiUUO I UUV VI M19 BUUVIUJjjVI. - T v..l- l .
were so riotous that the ialice had to -nsolaly informed - u that they Pnui3 meet J. tw. aieroer, wie sup.
be ealksd upon to quell the disturbance, "couldn't expect much from this Leghv P09611 fcaiur OI lD n" 000 ua
- I 1 11 T . T ' . A A .A. a B. . " . .a
Tf that tba wav the Greenback-Na lature there were too manv old fozr wee, no as:eu nun to rvt, wUB I The neonle will BCod to watch the
tional-Butler-Pomeroy party conduct Democrats in it!" We say God belss Uahl Mercer would not do it, "dl of these gigantic monopolies,
- II ... in is t . 1 i 1. 1,. jra, ,im r..ut i - ' .
affairs, what would be the result if such "old focv Democrats !" Thfv are I iJCionoia buook- ' TW have crown richer and more
, . w - i ..... i t ? i i j w .
they were to gain control of onr gov- the balance whscl of tho legislation Mercer haa n nana on out revolver m thao eren government itself.
eminent, and save many a yourjger member from ais pocaei, auu b vu w &n jmated to be worth 4,600,
. . ...IV ... 1 ll.r..U Kma -
.WrJni .r m1 maVinrr a. fnftl nf I OraW it. WUOU mlAiuiu i,iid- uw
A pabaorath ia doing duty in the j hkufcelf.
Bepuhlican papers to tko fact that Gen.
Vest, of Missouri, a candidate for Sen
ator, has said that ho is in favor of
disfranchising all the colored popula
tion. This ia just what Mr. Vest has
said : "Whilst I was oppoeed to eman
ctpating the negroes and to giving
them the right of suffrage, yet I declare
now and have always declared that suf
frage could not be taken from .them.
But they should be educated and pre
pared for eitizenship." Wo suppose
that misrepresentation now goes on the
retired list.
M. V. B.
arms around him and they both fell to
the cround. In tbe acufuo Mercer
got the best of it and arose first, and
holding McDonald down with bis left
hand, with his right ho drew his revol
ver and shot at him four times. Ko
Farm, Grist Kills,
Schuttler Fumq, Freight and Spring Wagons
Wood-working Machinery; Beltinc,
hlRb, branded on right shoulder with two
OiturO O S, anu On Wll wnn o.m unure u.
8 1. R. KEKBLEK,
Appraised by me, this lftita day of Hejp.,
ISTiialKiO. O W. SMITH, J.
O. 0. KeLly, M. D.,
auU Physician and Surgeon.
J Street, No. 3&3, near the depot.
Omce hoars, day and night. p-mS
Sir You bar baan to lutuaaia wlUl ay wtfa Cbria.
Una Jorvian, at Albany, dunnf my ana anna mm boom,
i .ii mm-& vm mM. a nlaea ai. anr tima Too aay and
rom at, dnma a abot aaa. na or p4ol and I arUI
cwrt yj, and Um baat Birkmu wiB -in tha prtaa.
.t - Vaoeouvar, W. T.
Witt US. XtW IftUfcWJuaa. rat. QAJHTTV v- T-t--i
JBAT mm mull a ww va.a ma, MUkaMa WM
a kp&mm bnru4 We ara ala Bol . ,
a . " " aaanaa BHaMfti
Too wtU taom to &sed oomms&t. Send ford
i and Price Lists.
;r, xodd e ccv
ft a
very great, exceeding that of any for- Coay c Linn.
mer year known to the early settlers.
The mon who located oa the Swtno-
eunatu you m; .Hm. . .Ir A tsj"? fiftfl
OV roquirou, m nitw Ml aaia w
TTrt TVAwsnn rnn Viuv OlothinET, Gents' St&plO
-caTCArr timi eri in nnnrla Fine White Shirts. Boot-
Hats, Rubber OlotliinirBlankets, Fin Cigw
bacco, eta, eta, toteliigenUyln Albany .without
first examiniiig tno extensive wo ww-
and Mechanics' Store for tne rouowing reasoaa .
mr- s'snuirr in rirtNnTANTLY FULL OF- IN
Chritlna Jordan, FlalntitT, vs. Archelaua
Jordan, Defendant.
w-. . . i 1 - IamI.h Ik. atvewj. tiamarl
mish UaU a few years ago, and dyked rfefenOanu
their lands, are now amonz the wealth-. I In the name ef the State of Oregon yon
' i iwWa tauHiMaH - ann aniWM
lest farmers in Washinzton aemtory. ,bannmr.rlntof iha above named plain
a i:ui. -in l.i . t..l-Itiffln tha above entitled court, now on nie
a grt ii yv K. w, . ,,h .ha .i.rk at .aid court.
drunk at Roseburg the othor day. Tho by the firt day of the next regular Ocwv
t. l. - ;r.,;..f. ber term of theUlreu t Uourt ror aia uutn
lavJ countv. Ormron. to-wiu I'M stn aay or
ins? liouor oufht to be hunir and ouar- Ootobur. 187a, Ad you are nereey noun
" " I a.1 thai. If foil Tail tO 1DDM
Dlalntiff will to mid oourt for d.
cal department of WUiametto univer- uxiy of Isaac Jordan, HUKnuiirnj"o, t.,,A. iMBrprnfJlTY.
....... Amhaldaas Jordan. 1 nomas jeutrsoniown . -
sity.has been appointed neaitn omcer Jord Ann, Jordan and Laurrett. Jor- ,...,- .-rtTrrr DPIf'IPLrn OF nUSIN.
for Uio fJbo, bay dUtrict, to take effect - THAT MY. CVS',
. t S . uwiunu w aaa J I aSa
JJr. Uenrylano, a grandson 01 Men. dissaving andaunumngu 4'KfrWin?l SALES. WHIOH
TArin ftn.i a. frraduato of the medi- riaeoontrac now tos owwu r urtiwri " ' " r -T . A .-imi.
. tiano, anaa graauato 01 ,0" uff aud defendant and fur the eare and cus- -rarrrrr r An tTlRST Cl-ASS STOCK COrVSPAlH-
Moxpav, '' . 23.
Petition from citizens of liealoneoun-
ty, asking an appropriation of 5,000 ten struck him over the head with his
aid for construction of the Alsoa bay I anA McTlonB.ld was
"IvarSerH J M, 3, guesting about to'get out hU pistol, the coward
congress to extend tho time of com pie- ly pup ran away. McDonald shot at
tion ofNPR E; read nrat time. Also him two or three times, but missed his
II J M 4, asking that the Umatilla res- m9LX McDonald was found to be shot
000,000, while their yearly revenues
aggregate $197,257,059. , They , con
trol State and national legislation,
receive millions of dollars and millions
of acres of land for slight equivalent.
They control tho election from tho so
loctmenrof a town to the President of
the nation. Either these all-powerful
railroad corporations will absorb the
nation, or tbo nation must exercise a
judicious control of tho railroads in tho
interest of tho people.
October 1st.
Tho wool clip of Oregon this year is
about 6,500,000 pounds, being about
4,500,000 pounds more than last year.
Tho price ranges from 18 cents a pound
for tho poorest alkali wool East of tho
Cascades to 22, 23 and 25 cents for tho
best quality in the Willamotte and
Umpqua valloy.
The hop crop on the Sound has nev
er been gathered in a finer condition
tsan this year. The hops are nnus
tiiii'y large, of exceptional fine quality,
and uncommonly well matured. The
yield is not as large as formerly, but
wh&t te lost in quantity is made up in
quality, "
U U estimated tLat' 1 49,222 7C will
rua the Yamhill county government
Jjiirrrthe enduing year. The gross val-
i: i cf r rt rtv ia tie county is $3,737,-
.3 I. V.:
ervation be thrown open to settlement;
read first time.
Dorris II B 96, to provide for
holding of teachers county institutes;
first reading.
' Evarts II B 99, regulating costs in
trials of Indians in Eastern Oregon;
first reading.
Brown S
B 81, repealing
an act
through the stomach, from which cause
he died next more big. Mercer was ar
rested and had his preliminary trial
this week before Judgo Adams, and
waa held to answer without bail.
The people of Portland are almost
unanimous in their condemnation of
this outrage, and they loudly denounce
The Society of Friends throughout
tho world,to-day numbers less than it did a
half century or a century ago.-The
Orthodox aro supposed to number 200,-
000 and the Hicksltes 50,000. It is
stated that therearoat present only 17,-
000 in Enffland and Wales while in
.Z a
aPrHiuting commteioners of the canal J-- J mQ they nttmbered 60,000. Birthright
ana iocks at tregoa utj. T ' membership is said to be the chief cause
Haley S B 82, to repeal aa act fair about. - . , , x ... ,
granting Jacob Fleiachner the right to I of the decline, together with the system
establish water works at Albany. Mr. O. Ealston, of MarshSeld, wants of disowning members for deviations
SB 3. for the Yd let of Jason A v th- wlr-Vn of T. 7!. Ladd. m the doctrines and policy of the ho-
mlnor children, the Uwaeof said mar.
riatre, and for Uie cost and disburstments
Published by order ef Hon. R. P. Boise.
Made at CttainDers sept. wn. ioio.
64. Attorney for fiaintirr.
Farmers' and necshanics' One Price Cash Stois,
f Albany, Oreson.
I will open about the 15th of September.
a large and well selected stock of
Boots and lioea
I will keep all descriptions and styles
of Boots and Shoes. I will give particular
attention to fine ware for ladles and Child
J, J. DROWN & &Cn
S B 8-i, enabling judges of circuit
courts to exchango" places.
Burnett 3 B 85, to emend the
civil eoli relating- to sltjvi" duties.
last heard from at Thirty Mile creek,
Wasco county, Oregon. Fears are en
tertained that Mr. Ladd has besn mar-darai1-
by tha Indians.
c.etj. Ina sect xn tneso uays coniowua
more neatly to other sects than it ever
did,, by adopting - Sabbath Schools, by
more frequent preachu. and by taal ing
singir-g apart of their rs.uv-s w6V-'p.
The Commissioner from -Oregon to
tho Paris Exposition Van Beurden In Peterson's New Brick Building
writes tho following letter to the Ore- er of lerry ana rirst atree
gouian in regard to our State'B prizes at
the Exposition: .
Pabis, Aug. 30, 1878.
To One Editor of the Oregonian:
I take pleasure to announce unto
you that the following prizes have been
awarded so far: To the Oregon exhib
it, .gold medal, for wheat. Medal of
honor, which is equal to gold medal,
for wood. Two silver medals for
salmon. Bronze medal for Oregon fur
niture manufacture. Bronze medal for
Plummer dried fruit. Class 46 for
wool and furs not known yet; neither
class 49 for flour. Morning papers an
nounced ofiioially that tho diatnbiuton
of prizes will only take place on the
21st of October, instead of the 18th of
September as first announced. This
postponement causes much dissatisfac
tion among exhibitors. ;
Truly yours,
J. Vas Esvedss.
Teacher's Examination.
teachers wishing certificates for Linn
School House, In Alban
M.mhiir "rith. 1373. at t
6-wl - School Supt
County will bo held in tno uenirai uisu-k
at ITD'olock, a. m.
on Saturday,
X front Street, Albany.
f -TSole aent for tho Taquina rsvovs.
tiiio. t""4
In Ch Circuit Court o Ae Etata of Ortyo
Jor Ltnn County.
W. II. Roberts, Plaintiff, v Mary a
Roberts, Defendant.
8ult In equity for Divorce.
To Mary C Roberta, tho above named
In the name of the State of Oregon, you
are hereby summoned and required to ap
pear and answer the PlaintiQ's complaint
fn the above entitled suit now on file with
the Clerk of said Court, on the first day of
the next term of this Court, to he boldou
at the Court House In Albany, Linn Coun-
ty, Oregon, on the fourta sxonoay, tne isio
day of October, 1878, and you are notified
that tha relief demanuea in saia compiaini
is. that the marriage contract now exutuug
between said Plaintiff and Defendant be
dissolved and for such other and further
relief as the Court may deem just and
..itosin anrl if vou Lul to appear and
answer said complaint as herein required,
the Plaintiff will apply to said Court for
tho relief demanded in said complaint.
This summons is published in the Statb
weeks cOTiseeutivi'lv, by order of Hon. K.
P. Boise, Judsre of said Court, which order
is dated Ang-iiHt tn, is.s.
5--srS Attorney for I'iaiatifl
Perfection at Istst I
Sewing KSachiue!
b preaantad to tha p&btte '
Tho Host Perfect XIaohlat
tnr InvMAed, cambinin a a 4o '
of taa olter M-x-rilw
All Patent Btettta hariar axptrad. waha awSntafi
a uachina that lor &iwiielty. twrab.
rapaclljr, UCELS ALL. aiaaiu, -
pnM ara ao w -a w wtaf km
wlthla tbe
This b a New Kur
ill WW fi.teti
poii trtn-'k hi yir fwn irjwn. S r. r.t Ins. Ko
v . ' ; . :. .. r, i v it wjua ft uu- ct w !i
W-i,s w, tS ' :'S8 f 1 V ad tha f 1
X - i, a
-oaokof att. arst iMir tae
tiaa it tregaa.
ro t .iL atv
Adxainistrator "Kotlca.
the nndersif-ned haa beea apoo aa.
administrator of the estate of Skw a
Simison, and thr.t persona havlr.?- ci ia
a&iriBt said etat are re- HF-'1
tho wica proper vc ' " "'
wiililn fc..x s: - .Vb .-f f :. s r v
5--W4 A. '