A FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 13, 187H. tnerrtt tKrctry. U. T. CttrtcH. Prt-a.-kirigfrery Sabbatli t II a. K., w4 7:30 P. X by Her. S. U. Ir vine, U. U. .H!.hKth vh4 at 8:30 P. M Prayer meeting rv.rj Wednesday evening. M. E CHUIM.-B I'roaciiing every Mattbeti i II M. aud 7.30 P. M. Song service i, th eveuiut nvt.ira aeruiou. Sahlietli 8c1mm at 8.30 P. u. Prayer tmwting rtry Taut day aveaing. J, K. Do Vte, Met.. ErtMueraL OHOtua. Divine aervicm mil bediel.t t 8t Peter' I 'hurch tmict Sun.U evening. foji. I M Is at 7:30 o clock. Rout, I 3evia, l-t. Kt ahuki al Church. rreachiagoo Sal. bath II i. a, d j r. a Sal.batl Schnul 12:14. Prayer meeting vrrry Tour day eveuiug. J. Bowert.x, pator. Calvary Ckukor. Srvicv every SaU tta at U a, M. and 7:SU p. C Sabbath pkidooi at s:JU Prayer meeting evert Thursday aveaiug of aach iroek. W. B. cioya, pastor. M. E. Circaca, Sorra. Service evert aat.hatn at Si Paul1 M. . Church, South. a. . ua : r. M. Sabbath Schu 12 15 ...Pr'y,r n,rl!R every KruiaN evenmg. W. H. Klyce, pastor. WMUII AT TKK ST. (ItllU A K Chase iflfr h Tlllala-A Brig! CHy Marshal. - Oae day tat week a burglar e&UireJ a Ixxl ro-Ha at the St. Charles Hotel in which Mr. StUes, of Lebanon, wi sleeping, and took (ran ai clothing, which was faacgiug oa th bed-post, SIS in eaeh, a watch wwrth about $15, aaia valuable ohaio. Sheriff Diokej aooa foead out that the bor.'Iar wa a ma nan! SUne, who bat beea peddling oap our itreeu tor two or three week. He got oa hi trail and foUewad him closely to PrtUnd through the west tide coeatiea, eoaotime not being over halt a day behind hi man. There he lot the trail and left the tatter with Chief Boaeer. A deseriptioa was seat to tb cUSereni town ia the valley, da few day ago Avery, too Marshal at M:IiaanUe, tekgraphed to thu city that Stone was there, bat finding out that ao re ward waa offered for him be would Rot coca phf with oar Sheriff request to arrest and hold .bint. antU Me. DiAy ooald get there. It U a ahaate that bm exist who will be ao aoull a that, aad the citueas of the enter priains ttle city of McUinnvilla cheald see to it that a man is elected to the Marghal ahip text time who will act a other ocera of the law do ia thia State who will ex change vowrteeie with thorn aad nt let the absence of a reward keep him from doing hi doty. i . laipertuf ( HuMui. The September nnmber of Ckurck't iu' cal Victor, the popular josnaa of unaic. j ooacain eight complete pieces of mtuic, ia additioa to the largo qaantity of reading natter, including oootribnud article by well knows writer The vocal wlection tn this number are " Don't Leave liie rarml" aong and ehorna; - Harp that Once thro' Taras Hall;- "S.mg id tbo "Phari see and S-uLluowe," oumic ni; aad " When the Sur tJ Eve." Tbo Uutinmettta pieces are i rch ua iha C.:aituaiuua" The Wia-Ung Br-. k," ,u.l C.rd of rardi Walia." TUi U a lara qnantity of -d maid to b giren w.ih m.e uamW of a jiiaral co-ilia bat $1 53 a Br Tbe po .iro- alone ia h5L-t f.fm woa'd ct fall. $2 00 Tbo ilctwUer IWor will opea new vnuHi. It m ill ftn.t.in tHUcff w ai, bi.lc th rrsdirg matter Maakad ,ip!e o u atctirt pkMy ft g.d aaaic at a very li.w firice l, auUcriVii.g for tb FltUor, and now u a grxl tiaie, k-gin-aing the new vtate. Erry fabMniUr alao receives a premium. Send sump to John Ciaixh X Co , Cu.oufcali, O., for full particuWa. CWljr TrUaw Jatkra, , Laat wet It two bttle xcs tf Daid Wd lianu. liviiig about nine miles fna Lcbauon, diaoovered a nest &f ytilow jackets ia the fceM, aiuL true to their nataral iustincta. they at oaoe concocted the plan of Uuniag w inaecu out iuey ibted a top of hay and tooched off the nest, and the tire imme diately oommnoicated with a pile of straw, W . r ana ta sew tame than it takes tu to writ it fr. Williams' whole crop of wheat waa on Are. The wheat was all lost, and it w only by the hardest of work that the barn aad other buildings were saved. Although tao ooys wta not get anything ia their stock. tag next Christmas, they have still oca thought to console them they killed the yellow Jackets. Tae aWaa Fbatearaotor. Visitors to this city invariably speak ia nattering terms of the work done at oar photographie establishment, and this praise is justly merited for Mr. Pax ton spares neither labor or expense in order to keep at toe very head of the profession ia this State. He has jast returned from San Francisco, where he baa been sojourning for several weeka, and be improved the time by making himself perfectly familiar with all the new styles of work. He bought one of the new Multiplying earners and several more inatru - awnta and is now better prepared than ever to torn out fine work. Call around and see ais new specimens. , i T T . - AasleaMe' Arfjaotmrat. For a few days after the runaway and smash-np out near the depot, Albert Benaei, the young man who wa damaged by the mishap, threatened ts bring a auit against Mr. Cannon for damage, bat we learn the Blatter ha been amicaWy austed. Mr. Canon .pay the phyoian's bills for render ing medical service to Mis Frazier and Mr. Rennet, and also pays the latter' expenses while he waa detained iu thi city. This ia ail that could be aaked by any one, and the payroout of itahuttstbat Mr. Cauun ia dip.ed to ace any oue aufier lo by patroidziug him. Fur the Meo(aia. Ch Hiwkii. anl Ph. I. B.Ui.uore aUfted Lw tho in .auuiu. last lao-dy ou a huutiiiy etourifm, xpcti.ig to canp suuiewbere iu tne vwcuity oi MMm jlu j, ear Mealey's. tan wants it duti,u;tly uu.iurotixxl that he w g -iU( jif,. we tiij tuiiM bo find iue aud get k.ad a l.t'U We dou'l wa,it nim iiun, bi,t just MjUei zed. eunugii tu put hitu in miud of tuu Busati.)u a person j -itok,ii;j at a country " vum. suck. aaallaui i uuul. The old orijfiual atockhoUer iu tfaa Al bany and Sutiiu Water Ditub or. Canal C... held their annual meeting ia this city last Tuesday, at which time th following B iard or Director was elected: Martiu l.uper, C. P. Burkhart, L, E:kio, R. .Satt.nan,h, John 1 r ' J- 2. Eurkhart aud J. F. Back eut The new Board int aometLTw cast weok and Utt ou:-s. ' featty femft. - The regular term of County Cowrt fr etwW ocevtned ca alondsy of last week, aad the following buxiaaaa waa tran cted: W. J. Crabtm and ether appU4 for eaaty road. it. & Roberta, B. Cheadl aad ), B. MnatagaaappnlntedtoaaaoHdamtgra, t meet ia Lebaaoa, Sept SO. U Uaabrmik aad other apHed for aoaaty od, and A w. Sunard, 0 Sparry aad 11 a Wondy were appointed to meet at Crowe ville oa Srpi. SO, to view it. r ' J. It Hertea vs. Liua County. Claim for IU3 50 for wcrk oa dtsliaqaent tax lUta. 1 Nntinned. , The claim prMatl by tb petition and tffidarit of M. Ik Waliao wta diaallowed. The contract tor putting ta ooats of paint n the Onart Hrune fence was awarded to IL C Clomcnt for 18i Contractor inatmcted to Be Altaatio loatl aad par oiL D C Ourrie tru apiotad Jaitkw of tb Peace for Sbedd; Precinct Iaaao Hutchisi waa declared a pauper, and t pmrwaitioa fretn J. Ik. Walton to keep Lira for $200 a yaar Ua aooepted. J. C Johnaos! aad other petitiooed for a ohang ia a cdnnty road, but no order wa wade, J. B. Heirrea presented a eUlia for I66 vrpltt paid to Traaaarar. Contiaaed. The taxea o tha Aldea Fruit Dryer for tb yaar 1877 wtr red need $23.20 It waa ordered) that the aoaaty will not be wpoasibl fur medical treatment of Janet Oilman, nor for prescriptions filled for him. P. U. Smith, County Am or, reported tbt total amount of taxable property la tb unty at $4,6 J&,S5& A tax levy was atad a thia property a follow: For StaU par pneea, 7 millaj schon, 3 mill; ooanty, $ nill. Tb Ataaaaor also reported 1786 polls, upon each on of which a tax of $1 was levied. A list of uaate of persona (rum tha diiTer- eat precinct ia tbo ooanty was made oat, and it wa ordered that tha grand aad trial jarors for the different term of Circuit Court from July lit, 1978, to July lit, 1871 be drawn therefrom. Hiram Smith, administrator of ta UU of Job White, presented return of sale of real estate. Sale confirmed. Samuel I Althoaea waa appointed guar dian of tha estate aad person of C F. Coa- amgham, a minor. Joe. Lame, guardian of Wat. Vaavawter, presented return of sale of real property. aaia confirmed. Final estUemeet made la the estate of Xancy L. rarriah, aad administrator dis charged. First account ia the estate of W. a Som merviUo beard aad allowed. The last will aad testament of B. B. Crimea waa admitted to probata. F. U Harper, Henry A. dark aad D. M. Cocky were appointed to appraise the prop- erty in tne estate of Mrs. Suaoaa. Taeaday, Oct 8. 1378. at 1 o'clock, p. at. waa set as the time for the final settlement of the estate of Job White. torsoay, uct a, 1878, at 1 o clock, P. at. was set ae the time for the Gnat settlement ta be mads in the estate of Wyatt Crane. David Froman. administrator of the estate of R Montgomery, mad return of aale of prnwual property. Sal coanrmed. r trat account of admuitrator ia same es tate beard aad approved, and be was ordered t pay oa claims allowed tea per cent. The f. Ji.wmg bt U were allowed: W 0 Fliuer, $3 77: 1 Boyle. .75; Vaauy Smith; .75; R Farlaad. .75; M WOliams, SiCenrge Haraphrsy. .75 Fsal d'Keirry. .75; 8 Kip bart, .75; Wm CoralW; .75; John Tabor. .75; Tom Ounn, .75; John &dgr. ; W 0 Plar. 4 95, C P Bevms. S; Tbeo Hodge. 2; Tbeo Bevins. 2; Wm Davidson, 2; J B Blalock. 22 50: Ed Cox, 4; A Louhnrrr&.70; J.M Brace. 60; L H Montame, 5; W O Palmer, 1; N Bond, 4; D Kirk pat rick, 4; J U Bruce. 4; J-An Davis. 4; W A Peterson. 4; (J F A Aettlemeir. 15 9C; E Marry, 36: San Wa. 2 50; Wm McLeod, 140; UWU bart, 10; Fuafaay it alasna. 65 50; Riley a 8 teach, 60; Jaa L Cowan. 228 55; 0 W War ren, 5.44 aad 14 70; P M Kmith, 31028; J M Bruce, 745.71; CE Wolverton, 5 and 3.50; Geo Bupbrry, 20; I C Dickey. 60 G4; City of Albany, 18 50; AUcB, Robiaaoo & Co 12.58 aad 10 aad 897, and 1 35; fl R Pow ell, IS 40; i V Hill, 48, aad 6; A K McDon ald, 18.40; 8 A Joba. 75; I C DUkey, 18. Court adjourned to meet oa Monday, Sept 23d, at which time a asttlemeot will be made with the builders of the sew bridge aorees the Saetiam. To Imauarraata. Aa mnltitadee of peepie are making their way to the Pacific Coast, ia search of home for themselves and the friend, we suggest that Oregon a a whole is the best country ia tha world, a to climate and certainty of crop. This indeed may be considered the poor man' country, where, with reasonable exertion, be may make a good living. Tin valley greatly resemble that of the River Jordan ia Palestine, both as to length and breadth, which at one time contained about five million of people; then it i reasonable to suppose from our area of land, our climate and the certainty of crop, that at mm time in the near future we will hava an im. ma population ia this valley. ' The eoro- pletion of the 0. 0. R. R., which I ooaaid- er aa absolute oertaiaty, will fill oae country with energetic men who will develop tbis whole northwest, and railroads will run into every nook end corner of Oregon, as well as Washieg ea Territry, aad cities will spring up all along this Coast, a oa the Atlantic side. ' A to Albany, it i bow and will oootiaee to b mt of the great eentor of business, and those who invested ia real estate in this place wm be laeky provided that they hold their property a few yew. W have noted the tine and progreM of inland cities ia the Mi, iasippt Valley, such aa Kansas City, Luveu worth and mauy other,. now ranging jip to 40,000 and 60,000 population, which a few year ago had but little promise, bence w predict for Albany a grand f uture. A to the present population, it speaks for itself as t intelligence and enterprise Toe sound of the hammer is to be beard iwt only on Front atreet, but in any part of our city. A to the morals of our citizens we find our prison empty most of the tin which speaks woll for the buy that are growing up around n, and show that hoodlums are very scarce. We can then with algood grace invite the stranger to make his home in our l:atjfUl city. P. M. H. A Besatiral Plarc. If you have not already been there you should at once go down to the new place of M clil wain & Magoon. ' You can form no idee of the maguiScent apartment they now occupy without seeing them. They have a Urge stock' of goods, and are now fixed ao they can show them of to good advantage. Although not having been ia business in this city for any great leogth cf time, till they have many frwUd aad are doiug a gesod trade, Csll around and s thsax tntt rrtsi. IT wtu, a taut. Ur. EOW: iir- !t are A krlol ltni appoata la your solum no. Out thou brlw In UjmU, Ui sSset It hu had CkMiU not wll b rsoountaJ In volumes. On atmaat KaUoau (kin et Typs Ptnuulry tun,) Lei by hum tU fsnlus or other I knew not but It way atv bssa old Ktek htoMaif; M a, taw, pwohaaiM, twaa hi hrotW. Dut, U till. M It may, Bam, la pawing lhf.rtU lwi, aad hartu, a f, nwatwit of Ulkur. eppei iahrwraaaatum,oa aoaw kutii,prs!!iu., wr, a stay aav Mw, ealy fur JMUur i Bat U raattan net ahkh, e ta t UU n-ouilna. and taenby baa a tal roll o Mtdaam, Par that eall ba bmejrbt anrruw to many a but, Aad ha arlvts at neariy to audoaaa for ny H aarab Jan. b ouo aoted en ai, And whom I la ivtan loved etnearaly, How ihlnka aU baadaom; ae will soaro ImH at m , aad I abort, sir, aba set vary quesriy. Aad, la But, all tb (Ma are now nuttlne alw, iv banaaw ma apvke of Uwlr bwuty, . And If w bow at eewu to tk m le a quMs, Way thy thliik w ar ahlrklug our duty, f" I knew that tb rlH will all all bat at for thu i Thsy win aty Pat borrlbl ereatur i The I u-at t b baialabs wsat atvUiaM IU, . aas asenuHMU la svury aiatur. Mtf jmuhedbeamubl,lr,ai I bave U late AadHsaaoassoaunlot that Ham- Tee weuU say a I ay-l U1 tU to It, tou i aaa aa I Ma will a at bits. - awe AUnmtt. Ugh I laa't It ataokyt 'Feveraager U prevalent bereaSouts. Our puhlio achotd are are filling up fast. Judge Oarretsoa, of Portland, called oa yestealay. Oar Legislator ell went dowb to Salem hat Monday. How we do wish it would rain and take this amok away I Cuaaiderable aickuest iu tita part of tb country at preaoat. Bill Caaoa apraiaed bit foot a week or two ago aad la just able to be oat again. AL Charek is putting gas aad water fix- tare into Mr Monteith new building. The Uregoa Legislature coa vetted last Monday. Look out for a new batab of law. Any man pay toe much for hi whistle when b ba to wet it tea or fifteen time a ay. Star Mealy ia back from tha mountains. aad we are glad to see that h ba nearly re- c, ;. Mr. a'Mra. J. B. WyaU atarted to Low er Soda last t day, and U1 probably re maia there antd , health im prove, f Jimmy Uady ia attll at Wut utuig up hi reetaaraat. He U bound to make a perfect palace of it v We. Twee boo after eervioe will hereafter be ran ap and dried ia One' tower. It will be a saving to the oity. One or two of the lower room ia Foster 'a new brick block are nearly completed, aad the work is still going oa rapidly. Wild gees have now commenced their an aual flight southward. Every eight tbey can be heard pasting over this city. A little daughter of L. Martin died but Tuesday, nod waa buried en the following day. Rev. Stevens eoedacting the services a K. Young end wife, L. E. BUia, gig. Fox, and L Klin came an on the last steam er and will probably arrive here to-day. Komor haa it that Bagfey kSI resigned bis position at SileU, and if that U the ease oar fellow townsmen, Judge Piper, will soon re ceive the appointment, aa bs waa ium. mended by the last M. E Cnirencs. C A. PI sm aver ba the coatract for far- ai4dt ag the gUa for the Od.1 Follow Tem ple. The bUl for it laid dowa here, out to order, will be $1100. Mr. Wiley's family, whom we Mentioned last week a having suffered so much froji aickneas, have stooe moved into town and are now reonvering very fast. Mayor V heeler wont down to Salem last Monday to take bis seat in the Hoaie, and ine that time L. C. Rice ba been boating tie work on the Mnteith flume Ltst Stturday eveoiog the supply of brick ran oat, aad tbis week the niaaous have nut worked oa the 0 Id Fellow Temple. Two more day will complete the brick work. The famoa "Club Hutu Cigar" ha just Bnmgns o A4oaay ay Ed. Vaam, i it - 1 . . . L . t , " t a lovcr w tne iniraM wcC'l go aroead and try it. It u au the rage now. Mr. Daaaala i putting a nice undenhut wheel in the new Auras ia frsut of lui nitare eatnldishmeat. He will have a fall of two feet, five inches there, and expect to get power enough to ran a jig saw and Uruiag lathe. . The property bolder oa First street bavo beea gtn until the ttth of the present monta to noun up the grading and After that time the grave ling of taatstreotj. Mar hal take hold of the work if acy re- main to be done. Mae. Montoith and Lee Liggett atarted ever to Yeqaina Ray last Saturday ia a one horse buggy. Liggett expected to orgaaiee a lodge of Good Templar over there, and Mao wanted to ae somebody probably Pete Abbey and probably not. Hi. Powell, one of our County Commia- Umera fell in descending from the cm-walk at Ed. Beam' oae day last week, and waa hart badly. Since that time Ed. . Baum'a building ha beea raised also tb aidewaIk,o that no more such accident will happen. t aai UhUng. a nob Geraen farmer, died one day last week aad waa buried in this city, n came to thia State from IllinoU a few years ago aad bought the "Oay" How- ard farm, about four mile from here, where he ba lived ever since. Mae Werk. During the poet week Staiffcr Bra a. of tbi city have erected round the bo rial plc of tb family of Vr4. R. K. Warren, inthi Oiy CeueWry, ix beautiful aton poet with the neceusary b-immingg. Tb work is fine and w think tliat little plot is now probably the moat ornamental of anv in th oemetery. The 8tiger Brother are do ing a large businer and ar increasing their took by adding to it a pleudid selection of nonunion t and head-ctouc. If von want anything in their lin be sure to call on tbera. Jfew I Taar haaee. By reference to our advertising columns it-will be seen that the property belonging to the 8tste, and oed in the late Indian campaign by the Lipn Comity Rifles, will lw old by Quartermaster Price in this citv on Wednesday, the 18th of September. Tb property consists of horses, mules, wagonn, harness, saddle, bridles, tents, cooking uten- ils, etc , and will be sold at public. auction tn the highest bidder. The sale will com menoe at ton o clock and will coutinu from day to day until all property is dUpoed of. Fine atuck eer sale. ' . . W. C. Myers, of Ashland, is advertisinii all his fine stock for sale his Pereheroi. stallion and uarcs, ShetUud ponic and everything. We do not know hi reason fir genetf out of tha baine., but that ntuke no differsnoe; his stock is for sale ansfii will ttke quite a ucn oi i.uoy to make th por KhAtnrfcilt'eadart. ITiree cr lour young men irot a r..uple el Itdie ft-oia tliia city Lo wr out tiding In buggy, on tha road a short dwtuneo thf. Ida of Miller' Station let Monday evenln, liottt dusk, and acted so menacingly tli he ladies became alarmed, and, turuiiu .round sought aafoty In flight. Tlioy pu heir horse to hi best njKxjd and did not M util they arrived at Mller a, hor Uiey Id heir buggy aud earns houie by iprea Al he young nu n bail horse, but were not i. he saddle when they met th ladio. The.v rr in tb road completely blocking it, am ia soon as th ladica cam near thsy coiumen ed yelling aud ounlng, In auch a manur a u cause thorn to thihk they wore In dangnr, and when thty turned to tUrt back th youui uMtn mouiiuid aud pursued for some dUtauot. lh next day Dety Marshal Watkina aut Lteputy Sheriff Baldwin arrested three of lh young mtt aud brought thoiu her for trial On of them waa placed on trial la.t Wtd uesday, being only Uiatgud with rude ani lisoniurfy otrtiduat, but there happubod to U uue man on the Jury who didn't think hi ea guilty, e a disagreemtnt waa bad ami tb jury discharged. Yesterday the youti, man Maaairaignvdsgaiu and the ease wa, beutg triad blue Ju.tu-e Luter hu w aut to prvsa. The cauae of tU, to say th least, UugsnUemanly Conduct id thcwi yuuto, uieu, was that they bad tow much Uuihn aboard and were letdiug hilariotu, and bo doubt if they had boou sober thsy woulu Hot bav ecUd to. but tbu U bo exvuM lur Uaetu. II our ladle camimX go oat uitv the bucutry wiUioil being trigbteiuxl uuan tu deaih, it ia time fur the authorities to riae ia their tnigbt and deal out jutwe to the ufJouUnra. Iu thia caae th young met( could only be charged with a trivial UttU rime, and that may be all thay ar guilt) et Tbeir object in stopping tb ladies ami afterward pursuing thorn may have been jat port, and w aineerely hop it waa, but in aay tvvut th Court should give them to oadentaad that they cannot frighten and insult ladie without suffering for it, W bav not given th name of th young men fur the reason that w ar aenuaibted with the parent of some of them, and know that thay wilt not uphold their una ia uch con duct A afMlraetJve sir. Oa Friday evening of last week about 5 o'clock Mr. 8. J. Archibald, living near Tan gent, discovered hi barn to be on fire, bet aa he waa anwtdl himself and ao oae else ex cept hi family waa there, th fUiase swept away everything, A party of harvester at work some ditao away came aa aooa a twesible, bat arrived to late to ev aay tbieg from th bam, bet eacceeded ia keep. iag the fiame from eommanicatlag to the dandling close by. The wind Mew directly toward the house, aad it took hard work aad lota of water tokeep it from going ap ia moke Itka the barn. Beside tb barn Mr. Archibald lost four horses, about 700 bushel of eat, 300 of wheat, 40 ton of bay, half a a plow, a new mower, drill wagons. and a great many other farming implemenU, tc, which make th loat foot up over $4,000 A harvesting party had been there the night before and left quite a n a tuber of saddloa, ei-thitig. tic , ami these ware also Ut, About 200 buettel of oat were aaved from th burning pile through the etertiua of A fl BridgefamxT and eiacre. So oae know bow the fire originated have not the alight est idea as to iu causa. It was first i-ov-ered l-y a little !, who was going out to pump water fur the bora, aad h father had been oat nt over twenty minute be fre and bad not iw.iuwi any algna of ere. Mr. Archikald ia on of our bet farmer and we are very ry to bear him meet ing with such a toss. TeUew lever aaJTrrera. Rev. Prof. Hewes, of San rrabciaeo, ia apei.ditig a few werk in Oregon in behalf ul tb allow fever sufferers, of tL South. He ba traveled through Palestine and ba a larg number of View of th Holy Land, illuminated by th Calcium Light. The aUiuoi in Portland and belew bore have mado amojeaieata with bim to give hie il lustrated leciar Ufr tln-ir SaJbaUi Schook, the pioceeds to gt ia aid of those ab&ncra. The Supcrmteudt-bU of tbe bah- j bath bchuol ia thi city aud Eugene hav made a similar arrngeuut, and the leetuM aaa xsibitbin ui be gtven in tbi city at tbe Opera Uuua oa Friday evening of next week. Ticket will be sold by tha children of tbe Sabbath School au j at Fushay A Mason' drug store. For adalta, 50 cents; childrua under twelve, 25 cents. Mr. Hewes baa just done a simiiar work ia San Francisco which made large returns. His lecture is j4ten of vary highly wherever be has delivered it. Da. O. W. Oiur, Snp't U. P. H. S. W. G. Pirxn, Sup t M. K. a & T. P. Hack lex a.i, Sap't B. 1S. W. B. Flotd, Pastor Calvary Soviety. K. K PtraooM, Sea Evaug. Ileal 8. 8. W. U. Ki .vck, Sap't M. It S. a s. - ) eed feews Per Avrry nedye Of eoarso it ia good new to hear of a re daction ia the price of anything you wish to buy, and after reading tbe advertisement of the new Eastern Store you can jadge your elves aa to whether any reduction ha been made or not Mr. Kaba is a stranger here, knowing no one and of com haa to aU for cash, but you aee hi price is another col umn and you can very easily tell whether or not it will pay you to patronize bim. Re member that he keep in th Froman Build ing recently occupied by Mcllwaia A Ma goon. . : A l ar4. By recent ad- ice from my New York agent I Warn that my Fall stock has been hipped and will arrive about Sep. 15th. Gent, don't buy your outfit for tha icosju uutil you inspect my clothing, furnishing goods, fine shirts, boots, hats,, blanket, trunks, value, etc. etc J. M. NOLAN, Farmer' and' Mechanic' One Price Cash Store. 10. Building, Albany. belching. Oar fellow-townsman, J. F. Whitiug, box just fiuihhed up the sketching for the new atlas for Linn and Marion counting. All the .ketchiug for this work w don by him, ex ccpta very few made by Mr. Chaseat the firt. J Yesterday we were hon bis view of th' State Capitol and the Salem Court Houso.ami we a ere surpriited to cce such perfect vvoi k. He is a talented artiet A Ruck for sale. A good, nibstantiid, light runuiug lmcl, worth over $200, will be sold now for $150 It is iiyht aud 8troEg,and has jast been beai.. tifully painted. It has platform sprtug,aiid ts one of the easiest ridia ris out. Call at wi office if ysa v aat a bargain. CsHuell rrerredlngt. Our City Council met in regular tension Ut Tusiday viiliig, and th Mayor being hfiiit the Keoordor presUed. Present, Abler. m-)n Bru,Simon,Stowrt and Ruhibaugl'. Committe on Accounts reported favorably K.n B. W. Cundiff bill for $90, and tb eport wa adopted. CommlttoB ou Plr and Water refitud ia f vor of having pulley cud rojK- put up iu t .e tower belonging to Albany Euglue C . -N'o. I, ao that Linn Kuglue Xo. 2 could ele .rate tlwlr hose after it ba been uod. Tbe xtrt wa adopt ed and tb Comtuitt order. I to go ahead and carry Into affect tb work r coiumi'inlej, Conmiittce on StmoU reported that thsy 'il orderet tha Marshal to replace tbe din whioh bad been taken off -below the grad in ou First street between Baker and Mont gomery, and to also gravel said il-wt where it had been graveled previoui to th dirt ba ng removed. It appesring that quite a numlier of prop, erty holder na First street bail not yet com iilied witb th nnler to greda and gravel aaid 4i rest. Alderman Simpson moved that they -allowl until the 25th of the present mouth to complete Chfl wttfk, and tbit if any oart of tb street work is not completed by bt Cm that th Marabd 1e ordered to flu h It at thoexf4me of tlse property boMcra. Mutiny crr'u!l, tJ - i Tbe foUowiogbllleervre Allowed: W. J. Vlathws,$24 1 Putnam t Co , $11 50( J. W, Uldwin, $28 18 1 John Davi.laoo, $14 i O. Itubarta, f 10) C. U Cherry, $& 1 Blltllt I1CCIO. . t Kaaaa BargUrCaaglil p Oarrivfcarg. A bort time ago Sheriff Diekey received 'mm A. if. Smith. Sheriff at Yates Caster. Kansas, a description of oae Wallace MoClaio, wbo bad stolen a utn of moiiy la Woodaoo county in that SuU oa the 5th of Aug. Tbe ktt-r tated that a brother of his Daniel MoClaio- lived near llarrisbuni; ia this county, end that it waa supposed b wa on bis way out here, which snppoaitioa waa oorreci The letter beat the man her ud our efficient sheriff waa oa the lookout ur him, aad ba wa bagged oa Wednesday of last week by Deputy Sheriff Humphrey, before he had beea at bis brutaere a full day. Sheriff Dickry immediately telegraphed to tbe Kaaaa tiberiff that ha had eartared McLaia, and telliag bim to immediatetly for ward by U! graph the necessary reqaiaitioa. An answer came back that tbe requisition would be aent by mail Mr. Dickey tote grejibed back that he eon Id not bold him so loeg, without any authority, and Sheriff Smith would not receive th dispatch, but had it aent beck, Mr. Dick of count was eoaabWrably disgusted with the action of the Kansas official, aad aa he waa left without any authority whatever nothing was left for him to do bat to turn the prisoer loaae. wbioii he did at eaee. If tb people of Kaa aa want their criminals caught thsy will have to elect to office person wbo ar not ao gMasly incompetent a Sheriff Smith. repeat fire. For tbe past week tb pr l ii li.Li val- ley bav been greatly treufJ-f i iia euiok from tb Crei wbk-u nrc no-v seopiug throob tbe heavy nttiunUiu fru all arml us, and ni relief can bo fiMtnd unUl w hav raia. Frtm the Portland pstwrs we brn that heavy fires are raj lug ia the fir tim ber oo both ail of tbe Columbia, and ea . through ClACkama coubty, awl a gvetlc- J man who came up front Califoruk a 0 "-r-Z- ' -,r" ' . ' , , . ., i T fent any evil reeul'a frmn expoa- lasttripof the Alton infom a tbat lU'ar trt mnbtatnue or li.r.l(,n- rli-T Coaat Range last Monday wm a luxtt ,f rUi.s for ov.r or. kaa-trtd md. A party r ..u. : .: . last Taoedjy, hvl to fLtbt fire for nesaty half tbat day, and a Bnllomaa just in from Prinevitle aay a heavy fir ia running through th Caaoade on the IVuaooa moua. tAin rva-L II bad a big race with it and earns very near losing hi wcgnn, team, aad probably hi life. The egeape waa ae cl that his wagoa cover wa barned off. Kreawlaalaa aaelety. Tbe College having again opened out, thia Sonet ha a 1111 cwtmmced having regular meeliag every two week. !t Friday aftciwona the semi-annual eleetioo of officer cam off which results 'in the cboio of th following person to Sets daring the eaauing six muutka: President, He tie Miller; Vice- President, Libbio Alt house; CvcoruiDt Sec retary, t N'anuie Otborn; Coarosponding Ree retary, v-Atti Pot Ur; Treasurer, Kate foe- aor; Critic, Maggie Foster; Sergeant at Arma, Doll is II nock; Librarians, Aani Alt bouse and Dollie Umick. After this tbe So ciety will meet on Thursday afternoon in stead of on Friday a heretofore. neat fp at last. Levi Livingstone, who was tried and ac quitted in tbi couaty a few year ago oa th obarge of paaslng counterfeit money, was reoently ou trial at Seattle oa the same charge, n didn't get off aa easily ever there aa he did here. Tbe jury and judge seemed to think it waa a crime to utter coun terfeit money, and ao he waa found guilty and sent to the Territorial peaitentiary for fiv year. He ba hved several year in Linn and Benton counties, and has a sister now residing ia thi "city. Tae heemsker's East. A suicide U a weekly oocurreno in tbi State now, and thia week it 1 Ilna ooanty' turn to furnish the victim. : One S. ft. Zim merman, wbo haa recently worked at shoe- making at Shedd'a, went down to Salom last Friday, putting up at tnoChemeketa. About iv 00100a on tne sain? evening be earn down and went into the back yard, where ha deliberately blew out hie ' brain with a revolver he -had purchased a fee hours before. Ko cause ia known for th rash act. Cloning Out. Intending to retire from the trade, n wishing to settle up our business a apeedil) a possible, we now offsr our entire stock ol ( Jensral Merchandiae at oost fur OasM. Al persons indebted to us either by note or honk account, ar notified to come forward and pay up and thereby save treuuble. Albany, Sept. 12th, 187& P. 0, HARFXlt&Co. narmuny Grange. Tliore will be a very laterest'ni.'j mooting hold at tha hall of Harmony Grange oa Sat irday, Sept. 21, 1873, at 10 o'clock a. ra in invitation i extended to the member o .icighlwring Granges to honor the mediat with their presence, n. C. Powell, the 8eo--eUry, inform us that this invitation was extended by order of thrt Grange The State fair. We acknowledge the receipt of compli mentary ticket for tha coming Eighteenth Annual Exhibition of the Oregon State Ag ricultural Society, whioh opens on Thursday, CvC 10th, and eaaiinuca r..ao day. net One' Haaihly Iteellng. CoaaidoraWa lusiueu wa tra-utctod at the last regular meeting of A!loy Engin Co. No. I, held on Thursday evening, tb Celt inst Tbe First AmUtUnt Foreman, Oeorg Kaiser, intending to move to Junc tion, tendered bia resignation, which was received and the vancaacy iiUed by election, . which resulted in tbe oh.-ice of Chas. Witlert Cliarl. y u a gmI fSrumau and will till th posttiou witli credit to himself and honor to the company. On th ixame evening five new meuihors were ad mitted, whioh bring th membeiiihlp roll up to the limit seventy-five. It will not lone remain ao, for aeveral are aeny behind in their financial account and will be fired out at tbe nest meeting, peovided they don't settle up before that time. eoa'l t ea Paraet K. A ponderous itock of tbe very latest style of isWtbiog is now being received at L. E. Blaia'a, and if you want to oow outdreased in th very heigth of fashion, go around and elect a new suit at bis store. He keep th very beet assortment of grata' furuUhiug good in thia part of the country, and you neM not be afraid of getting shoddy when you deal jrith b,im, as he kre none of it Eeiaember also thatl la sjeulitr the oelv brated White sewing machiue, and ba JftH pectived anotber large assortment of them. -fe ;, tb Beet MaraJa f ,t. ; ; Titos, wbo has solneg cobt tW.Saiig-r &ew iug uiacbiua ia tbi city, has at but dietanQ it and taken the " New Home " machiuc II doe tbi not ieeaasath Singer i a poor machine, but for tb reason tbat the " New Horn," U a later Invention and combine tbe good q aaa tie of all the other first-class machine. It haa beea invented atae the pabtut ran out oa the other machine, and U course all their beet feature hav been united iu this. See bis card, and be sure to call aad look at hi new machine. Wae (a Beat lit During the present season.' we have seen Qeite a number of item ia our exchange relative to fast work made iu harvesting, but eon oemee up to'the time mad last week ia this county by Olney Fry, Jr. On Friday aad Saturday of last week ho headed nfcwfy aye kvW, uoiuf a 14-fwot 8 took too Chief header. Thia wa doee ea the Bodiae farm, about three mile east of tbis city. Who can beat it f Hre at AeSersea. Oa Friday evening of last week about 11 o'clock the hosiery factory at Jefferson burn ed to tha ground. The cIIunhm worked hard and eaoceeded iaeeviag all the yarn aad aoeka oa hand, but the machinery waa all destroyed. It was th property of A. L. Stiaaon, of Salem, end bad jast beea traded for a one-half iatsrest ia the Saowdea Sprioirs property, near Drain' Station, aad the deeds were to have been exchanged on Monday of this week. The property wa insured for $3,000. Gov. Chadwiok last week issued commbv aiot tw Ceo. 1- Cbamborlaia a First Lieut eoeat, ami Robt. Marpby a Saeond Lieut enant of the Linn Couaty Rifle. Theee two youar; moa wer elected to the positions' raeotioaM above after tbe resignation of 1 .'.-. If :. . , , -. . . waa'i " tatiooed at Mordarer' Creek ia 1 1 a j fortify tha a aterii he I he ocmMonal u - ! . ,VfT. ,711'.'!"' n,J?!rner " Bor'7, i "-" a rmitv auiinti. The Otssoox Blood Fcainsa aad Kicrr RaocLAToa ia the beat family remedy ever placed before the public. It i aa Oaeoov production, crmpunled from Oaeoo mot and herb and maaufae. tared by an old Otaoos boose. You should have it in your family. It purifies tbe Wood and regulate the sys tem. It roots oat aQ scrofaloas impuritw from the blood. Keep yocr blood in ord-v and your beskh Ktrvr be good. Women ia P80?A9CT, it rweeeaU nausea aad vomiting. Give it to yoer cl.iUiron. Take it yourseir. Deu't be without it ia your family, it i not a BOMOaou aewrmwt made to ae!L but a purely vaorr ablc blood purifier. All di-uggist have it for sab. ' Manufactured by WILLIAM PFTJNDEIt A CO., , Apotbeoaris and Cbrmista. Kw Market Theatre Mock, Portland, a Don't shake yourself to piece with the Acarx and Bcax up with Fevxb when you eaa be completely cured by using a bottle of that famoa preparation called Tics Wiixax rm Fevkb akd Aoc Mirrcax. It U a sure e re for Favma and Acre All druggist have it for sale. Manufactured by WILLIAM PFCJfDEU A CO., Apotheearie and Cbemista, Portland, O. r rtsws! Plewil rtewst amwel E. Taaag ma peeelvew aad will hee aa ka4 far fall trade the fellawlaa well kaewa wlews. all taereagbly tried aad adapted te eeaa sell t Champion Hellae Ptawa. .ardeai 4"Itj C'lla)Mr Plow, t'olllaa fait t'aat Wteel Plotra. Celefcratrel 4Iliver Chilled Plawa. Farmer eaa always depend on finding the largest and beat aaaortmeat of plow ever aept in Albany, at hi warehouse. For aale on term to auit I few goo.1 reasons wliy every lady - fikBla cay ua '-V -' ' " IinOADIIEAD . A I. A P AC AS." lit They are tbe cheapest good in the inaraot, when their service ia taken into con sideration. - 2d. They can be worn in damp weather or in a shower, without fear of being ruined by lurling or ihrinking. 3d. Tbey are all double width goods, full twenty-seven laches wide, and mode from the vary beat materials, by experienced work men, and cannot be excelled by any aimilar jooda, either Foreign or Domestic 4th, Tbe manufacturing, dyeing and finish ing i done in such a manner tbat those goods can be washed and done up as well a a linen uit, without the least injury to tbe fabric, and the merchant selling ia authorised to warrant them aa uch. ' 6th. In their manufacture there ia no weighting, stiffening, or artificial lustre used. Thu showing just what the good are and will ba until worn out. Cth. Ko expense is spared, and the greatest care taken to make every color a fast as the perfection of skill and the purest dyes will make them. ; " " AST A froth lsvalee of abave seeds Jnt re- eel ved, aad a full axaartmeat aept constant ly ea hand by S.tKltlL E. lG. Pint .iswt, Albftov. s!lM aeat bv nanil. iid aii ertbass frtam&j mAimMt&i tu. CAtfUEL w otni call xni: attestio op Ahr.Aar GENERAL MERCHANDISE, OriMl4!fl( ia part A tb fnUinriiig Sf -ialti ; A Urge utmrrtuumt c4 STAPLE AUD FAflCY 0E GOODS, l:l wit (Ml ear U Haa tHndaso tbd the Bant. A full an4 FAHCY fJOTiOUS, LADIES' A very deairsbl aoj LADIISFUnfllSISiriG GOODS &r.1USL!fi unszntvsAn A (nil CEflTS,' LADIES' a CUILDREHS' BOOTS & S!I03, iniprlalny Us lateat and tamat OmubM bt the Callfrmta uvt Eaalera awrkaaa. Untai6at tha eeiebrawri ''HolLrouk A bodloV umk. The icwt ?ali In WU Taw and a M,f,icU obx-fcuf house FunnisniriG cooes. Tb largo Moufc of tWi la Olf-aht dlwt fotta U. 9MmAuAu ui Ue Knt., and all new aul aaanbis pMa, ' AJJIO- Agricultural Implements Copilalin U - Tt- Mnuiae ttCPfAbO rTrTS CHiLLF.SCiEC TIIHHUIi.aCBiaf of au ThrWxr. ThsmkbraaM VARMI If ARVRHTKE and CtLXSZ tJ.r IllSUUb-lbs aiiibMt and beat Th wU raaownad CB aMPIOX EEAPT.UIIaad MUWEUatb aaowt ewnnlpH barlln BweblB WVr.r.LZ- TWO HRHlt TRKAD POWEB a'.lA TU abalifcU aad CUCAS Kit. HAiSK-f aijror.E ceab hjuiieka ioi rbt ad.'ianaba. led, Ih'jS W UUaX wua round ritU rus suaaa. Agricultural Macliiiiery. Tho AgricmltiLral Warehouse is on Second street near to Ans. Llarshall's stable, where a full line of Machinery is always on exhibition. FIRST AND SECOND STREETS, ALBAIJY, ""TiiSlfBrt al ssaafilN amir WHOLESALE 121, 3riK,SO? STREET, .A TttJSrST DRIKD FRUITS of aU Kinds. TOBACCO And CIGARS unexcelled. COFFEES Fine, Vrrsh ajid Fragrant - CANNED FRTJIT3 lit great quantities. STAPLE GROCERIES at Bed - CANDIES-Elegant, Exquisite and ExoeUent. ANY KIND of Groceries you may Want. PROVTSIONS-Good, Fresh and Cheap. TEAS Choice, Charming and Cheap. FANCY GROCERIES a Speoialty. THE UNRIVALLED NEW YORK SYRUP. FULL LINE of Queens ware and Glassware. ; O - ALL THE VARIETIES OF FRESH FRUITS AM) VEGETABLES. , CASH PAID roa IGG3 IS ANY QUAST1TIIS, HIGHEST RATES C5T EVERYTHING AT THE LOWEST Sportsman Headquarters. SCOTT & MONTEITII, ' DEALEE3 IN Guns, Rifles Revolvers!! Aad AaasaaalUea af All ailad. JnH roeeleed a largs Involos of tha latest improved Remiiiirton, aharp'a, Winchfiater anU Balianl iixiatiaif riftea, Moure. Eomlnfrton and feteven braech4oa1iu ht guns, and muasle-loading rifioe and shot gvua ol 4very dwcrinUoa. AiId, a largs and well seleeted stock of Finning .acala. Cutlery, Dor Collar, Fanny Oioda, aud iu tact anything you could wUa for iu our Una. Reaaeaaber Taat Wo Caninot Be Uudcrsold Anywhara In this State. n-ti lXtlGNOLIA LULLS! C0TICE T0FAnCI03! rWILL PAY A PREMIUM OF FOUR Cbnts pkr BTisBf i, in mill foed bran or hurt on all (rood wheat aold to roe or stored in my warehouse J. U. FOSTER & CO. JnlyU. &7K M!r LEE SMITH OFFERS HIS SERVICES TO THE CITIZENS OF Albany, and vicinity as a firvt data EGUSS, EI0H MD GEKAIEXTAL 3? .-A. I 2T 1? 23 JR. . t loW, Bl t woia frm Katun. s V" u uuxuwk a. - mates niftie from Pl&na nd 8?H?ciiiOtiona. io on Firt inrrael, o'posit tstr Brewery. E. YOUr aku vjcikitt to mi iuum asu ixmnard eutnk - u Use ut & CllSLDEEFiS' UQZ12M. tarcftillr at! stoek of IS3 S3. S? ts Ti itu kei.p vmrttA&outo tuuci BAT BAKKH. In ta.trfttity, amna-Ui aad danoibur.araa uul a rival TKa THrtVAH WLXT BAT KABC-Sb IlA.VU I'lUC UAU nwk Tb tAiisza fcevtiLvi-so rirv BOCKt: HAY fOESi TaiiKK asd FOUU bi'UVO WMioSi. Tlie la-t!f eciebrau P.AfS WlOCiK "KEI.V Tl.lini-SES.inaUMBm puant VO Tuba tva li.-aa Ssnar tafaw cnicori. mmS g -T T CiviSBv tsff) AND RETAIL rock Prices. HYING RATES Sllf. FOR CASHf. GREAT REDTJCTIOITS Ar THE GRANGE UNION STORE Btw oWroua of i&vuagr out ocr attiialra ook at Feneral BMsrvbuiuU, wa wiil suU Iren titiadataat oo prioea. aWus U.dueaii.ts t Snnni to rash custoaun. XOTICE TO DEBTOR. ara hereby nodflcd u cocn l.rard at ooi alml t ie their .accounts, aa must hv money inunsiai- FreiadoaU RrN. BAKER, Merchant Tailor. CUTTING, MAKING, CLEAKTXO !dWps!rmg Promptly attendea to, aud all worn warranted. -Nhop two doors South pt the Ex- etate Treosnrer'a Trat a otit. STATE OF OREGON, EG ON, a, Ans. 17, 1873.) Salnin. i j . ' su ion tiMre are rJL V-1' tbe 1 ry fr the payment .l is ate Warrants f aid i.ue imiord 7t, 7U, fcOl, S S 70-. Si I Hi- k?i rj j" Fancy Uania,' abewduke Iaui4. in K.