The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, September 06, 1878, Image 1

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    7? mr-nTO nrunnnim
RATT.3 OF.t'Vr.Kt"
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15 (ifl 2 S1
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40 eo
eirr rs. ta "rN-,,-r, f n a i , . i . r. ( e retain
Cweawir ferwMUUMa m1 s-rraad at.
15ijsliiei, noliofsi in tbe I-eal Ctlnmns
20 eenta per line.
for lejfHl and tntmfent advertlmenta
ft 00 rx-r mjnam. for the trt Inncrtk. ani
'0 int pf-r icpiar for each nljii tiitt in
t oBjr, r Mar. ,
h .,, atx awaiilui. . ,,
ir t , .-, tana aMtla, .
a KauW... .,
ALBANY, OREGON, FKI I) A V, SlilVTEALiilillt C. 1878.
., mi rl. jV
a .,,' r t y
) -V-
0-O22oo In th Court liouaevos;
F. M. f.HLLSXR, ,
Will matte ta ail th mum nf tiia mjl
twM auvnttoa irtvo In co!tfctkn. ano
! xuramaUoa oi Tale. PmiaM
i a apwiiiy. lie Sea.
' cvous, ecsaozt. - :
Till wt!' la all Id Cixtrt of th State
irui&ga ia u Court ttau ,
"hi eraettr in a!! th Court ta Ih Sd. la
ni u jua-uu inatrtcta; la toa ttatawm
Court, u f-Tn, and to Its Carted Stat Lfc.
rkt and Clret Cnuri. OitW cp-atalr In front
oon in rurwil bncA biocx. 1 L- AlbMj,
OtlH A. ISA 1 XiS,
riu. MAcncK ix all thi contra or
1 UM fcuta. Oaawvnac ojltim
fcaj fcroa boarat uW uU, aoa a4. ana aatat
oaioa la Ooart Booaa aatatra. taaT
D, IX Conley,
epecou aucnuon ging to collaoUona.
n. j. Eouonrojr,n. d..
Atmxnr. . . . . cctio.
VCiUrnr MadKsi Caica ai Nrw Tork, and la a
tat aMesbcr of baum Uoanui XoUcmX OeUm ot
! Torlu
AWIar ia Dr. BaotoaM Drur Store. rU&t
apr. WILCOX,
llomeopnthie Phlciaii,
tflcw rr r eilaJe' Orone-ry Store.
i rt ii S KYAT . I .A W.
oa. i in :.-,t h . "
wiaJ ntnUn toco!l-!l.ti of twuou,
Wueioe oavr door Mnutb of Fkahrr Brk-a."
(1141. E. WOLVEBTOS,
tnsixiT na cccsseloi it iit .
tiwual brick, op Malra. ,
d. xl rr. BLACKEURrr,
ErawavriUe, Orcfes.
9ColIaeUnaaaaDela!tr. apU.
Or. T. tt. OO LDlzn.
Dlt OOLDES HAS had experience is
UvaA Be toe vartou dieaa to bleb tbe
)r aad Mr are mbjvt, and fen la confldr of
giving entire aatwfacUon to thaa who tstj
Utce themlv& under hi eara. . 001
m aa
over Biaia'a clothing tore. Kaai
deaea, aootbast corner of Third mod I yon
D. B. Rice, IL D.,
Physician ' and Surgeon.
OFKICK at Dr Plammer's Drug Store.
ReeideBoe on the street leading to the
twpot, at tit crossing of the Canal.
Will praet!o8 ia all the courts in Oregon.
Homeopathic Physician-
f from 3 to 4, Chonw: lu-wsfl and vn
gory a Kpcialty. nlOtf,
(suw. BciaJ ittiittna fcivcn U olltctiuiis and
probate miller.
(Siicoanor W U. W. Hobart.)
Mannutorura and luipuner. of
- Bridfcta.
t ullara and
Haddlrry Hani ware.
hi uarmg3 msirngs,
Fr&st Mreet "Albayt OKiio ,
IX (--" v ti-'tra ware ad 3i.i;u;.v' urx-.l (.vmjicLb ol
, Ut .1'11 V It! I 1
. . m, tfiPS-rstnUre i-;..
1 i a. J
if twenty Venn
i.UtftSUftil 111
tfii.'i!r at trie
BlftC'T.l-.jU to ai
r a our suarii oi
"K 0
-.-frri ft.
ViiLi:iiTv ixicii,
:a?.ni:sEiSD WAG0.1'.
3 aw u fact ti i: t: i:
Ooraer Hoeomi atidlVrry Ma Albany , t
Ate prenarad to manufacture rorrmirv ami
a-ajcaoa at Qort aouo and of th vary
Tbajr mk the Pataica CAUHiAca tm
Boooiaavt thaMLaia.
aoae at aauftaat auUce aad la the aiaat
. ThHr arorh and aa atari 1 la warranlod Ut be
KB i
COm ID M1XB, rraa.
Ootaerof Ttm and nroadaJUa Sta., Albany.
A large Mock of frrah
ktt eooatantly oo ha ad.
All hlnda of
la their aeaaoa.
SaweU Mlvafoel o aajr farl f Ike
Fee aT Ckars.
: vBt.Uf.
(at Kca or a. cowa a ce.t
Boota and Nhoeat
All for Sal at t& Lkwcc Prima fr CASH
wtajf A. Caaa A Ce. aa ctU
ay aalltae -rm a at Lafaaaaa.
r7ai4a. JAMKt l. C0VA2I
u-aam jrtia-TorssBOorr a
Wholesale . Liquor Store
KKcra cvmaTAsnxT o b a.o
The (Iebrtrl MU lola ;
Tb floeat whUkey In the tkate.
Whiskies, French Brandies. Sberrj,
rort, tl.iret, ana all otaer Kiau
of tviaes, Ota, Ale, lkcr. -
aad Perter.
Bitters ef every kind, and the best
braaos ci tuuaeco aad iigars.
aTI want rTerybody to oaderatand that
hav ooened out a firat-chMi wholeaalr
liquor atore, where city and country deal
ers on procure their stock at fort una
prtoea, w uh only frei bt added.
Kooms on too corner oi r ron. ana rerry
reeta, Albany, (rregoo. 'JSUt.
SIcIiwain cV Magoon,
WaoieaiS and retail dealer la-
ball liWVatdt
ll flTlf tt
VLU I lltil
ri r f
Agricultural Impleraents
Of all kind.
Ixn&m, aad (ueaa of lirarpooi, baviny a apiiti tit
I U -1, 1 .lll n li..
imr or other work entruated io me with
diHpateh I came here to Way .ncl e.peet-
inif to atica to ma cuaineaa, i aoncii a iair
Hhareof patronage.
vl3n4l)if T. I.. DUtJOER.
4'urnrr Fimt aad Klltwurtb Albaav. Or.-aoli.
Pt-ifier Bro's Props- '
Thi new Hotel UfiUul up in finitclaan atyle. TabUa
SU).fliil with the the market aff'rdj. Mprina:
beiia in evary Kuobi. A pul fcmui'le lUUt tor Lem
mercial 'fiuvwlcm.
4"Free C'eaeh to and ! m Ibr lltrl."a
--; :llll
EUvworth, bt. First n.ud ":d.
Prepared to X j all kind A rcjanina.; In hi liiw
the niuiTiVE m:"o snii":::E3
xsona 'as
Ells'vonh Str
hniniiiitMt tin i n.
(faua or tiai'tt cnmmrAxkrT.l
Zi rich, Aujimt 4, 1878. .
Frotu the gay ooutro ut Pariit, to tlie
ljttl, jilain, auliil city of Zurich n iwi
uar so l"r, but, in miuo roKi:!, it in
a much givatel' tranaitiuu than fmUl
Paria to MilwaiiktH, fur ouo in th
style ami llitou uf Urt'tw tnuvli uioit
that U raritsian in our wcatmi ciiitj
than in thin aiiciout SwiM town. l!ut
iu thuir UiAiniiT uf cflvbratiu the Su.b
bHth, thn E.iniat(, ruiht r thnu tle
AniericKii, tylj (.rt-VHi!. I hail iiioji
fiortuiiity to tho iuhuhi'iaiiisun Sua
ly, "iunhf ir I'laiit SiiHtUy clutlia,
you will boh t a Ctttiutry iitf-lin Ihiuho
in America, -if,t;tly cUmu, but iwaiylt?
ami cut auch aa were woiu iu Auimka
twenty eara agix. Ti.ey were out with
their wivea ami chihlrtn iu the arkf,
on the trott, in beer ganltiL", or fih
iig with Louk ml lin iu tho swtft riv
er that flws through the town. i
Situated on the hanki of tho livtr
Liiumat, borJorcsi on tho Eitat by tbe
Zurich mountain, on the t M mlj-utiing
the Uto mountain, with ila, bUvt tk
clivitie; towarda tho aoulo, ojx-ningon
the Jake, the fchurt of which are coy
ered a ilh viilos and iltt
gni with a Cne back groutid of forest,
vineyard aad Al- the conry of Zu
rich, (the ctwlrum Tutirum of tho Ro
mans) i truly charming. like tie
great metropolis of the United King
dom, Zurich conibU of cine independ
ent comtnuxilin aitrrouning the center
with a U-U of irctty litt!e towns, iuter
neJ with trk and walks and conn
try houw. About C0.000 i the nnm-
-r of the inhabitant of tl.e cantuit. j
The center of tho toan 'ia, in trt,
eMOjiosp I of nurrow atrcetA, uneven
and hilly, but on enuring tho new I
atrreta ami rjusrier!, one uh h finp, aol
hi, moilertt Jkhi' l.uiH of atone, which,
if they do not aatihfy aa cn criiicji f
architectural b-auty, f.irtikH' a strong
cxititraat with the oMrr ami quaititi-r
bui!.lir.g of tb city. Fimt . f all the
iK-hiol hiiM.K, irfrvt :i!uciK of thiir
kiiiil, are t- r admired. ' The .ji!nliil
jiiln of biiih?:nt', kr.o-.yn n tli Fuly
tbnu achool an l tln TJoi'?ri!ty, i
424 futt !on?, 253 fWt l.nmJ anj 03
f--t bii;h. Jt tm?i ?- a hiit a-rie al!
the other buiMing of lite city. Th
rmr rottnn of tho moiinnti buiUlin
ContuiiiH K'diH-al Biiiifralical al
technological colfi-cliilii, while tlm o-n
trl rt ia tlevoteil to nreharology anil
collivticnH ot (insravinm ami t-rint.
AH cmbii,l thi-y f . tin the lKt nJ
lvtiva mttMt:ni .f Su iirM-l;i?.tl. To
the riht of the P.Jtit-chnic achntd kre
the AMlnmx for usd citifns. tniimu
menta of civic charity, to the left the
Aaitiini for the biiml tlcaf am)
dumb. Ther are !o the djimjcal
Lbra:ory, Asncuhural Clle-e, Can
tunal Irtirmary, 5S9 f--t lon. with SCO
beila, and the Aarriitioiuieal 0'Tato
ry. Oilier Luihltngs !uvoU-il tit com
nii-rce and trallio huch m luiil 'i
houh, a, i(jnnfti railway htiU.iii.
and a ( ulatiul P.uIcI'I'i'h Hall, feie to
this coiujurativoly mm&H cmn)iiiify the
anjiect and imiortance of a city of more
than medium rank.
If the reader diirea to know on
thing -worn a!0'it Znriirh, which ia not
jirolatblc, I rtjctfully refer h m to the
school gograjjhy, and the.encyclojiedia
where I got my information. One
scarcely khows what to write about in
these old historic towns that havre been
written about so tmieh already, yet if
wo could btit have a trito picture of the
trivial things that the tourbit sees and
experietfcen, I am jcrAUKled it would
be more interesting reading than de
acri(!tiotiB and Htatiatica. For my own
part I have been more . interested in
what I hat-e Been from tha car window
while traveling through the country,
or in tbe streets of different cities and
town, than in the. much U-written uiu
eeumH, ait cillecticms, architectural and
other monuments that evtsry tourist ha
to, "do ILslenuig In a Iacadaisical
marlyr-li'-if! war t viir loro of a gnid,
te'li-iy 1) w i .et long, wide, ami
h'gh, thU part of tho cathedral is, who
I O ' . I . '
design ed that pint, or who it-btoied
thi,: the number of tho statues of
suitits, their cunt per saint, and other
statistical rbbij.h. , Most totiiiHts think
tbey must nee just what in put down in
tfie 'gnida book " and nothing more.
K-no iitt nothing of the history or Ht-
eratii re of tho countries they visit, they
tufcH home just what they bring, a vust
jiryornt of icnorance, with relicn of
pUitngraphs and 'pieces of atone, picked
up in this or that ruin. -
J .got np quite early the other morn
itigMt Berno, intending to walk about
th -city before the time' for the train
for tlbtci-lakien. In the lobby of the
hotel were half a dozen American
fcchoiti teaeh.eia with their water' proofs
and umbrellas. -I gathered from their
couwereatioit that -there was a wonderful
clock u Berne, and I follows! them ia
the raui to see it, for in eight minutes
it woukl atrik'e.' We formed a curious
grop i t the luiivow Btreet, looking up
&t the tel automa-toii.the saarVet women
kuluiti) over their cakos and fruit re-gardiae;-;,
Au;.rf?cR .iiva.; .i Mi'.Ii J-0-
lite pitying curiiMity. -Tho flick hi rt c,
And a lnuiz intsl lnl liMvilig on it
litilw pailltisd llgtinm of it Ix ur, It dutclt
Uiiin, a un,!. Key and a duj revdvd; a
lit tie piijl with a mil,' uf beer in hit
hrtnd, !! 1 Ifd Father Tiuns," mulilc ) hir
h"ud nn I tho hhow was ohm. I hope
that we nil fell that o wero kul'L
Having lived all our hvts in tho ti u-t-r,
mr in compniulive imw'tncfl t4'
truly womtoi ful and uw-Jul , m-i.'hnuU'id
dnyiot', wo had j'ofie out iii thf tain tw
gu.M al. tho atupid pMi-lut'l i'j;i uf a ii.i?
chtu' iliolie. C. A. S.
- TUK IIU.T rtJtu u
JilThate'ior 'a Milit ir Journal, 1 1-. V r
d.ttH tt' UivrllitM'i-, 1?77, U fll.lld 1) nui
O'lntatiiiiitf tho Mr-nricd firi pimtM- iu
Uoumi"," luidn by thn Iiv. J.ic.ib
Duvhe, a gtnilh-nmn of great Ji!iipi'i!C'.
Hern it iit a hi-t'ti i'.'nl curio Htyi
O Ird, our llfMVi-nljr Futhi-r, hih
and Mighty Jvintf of kini, and In-. uf
lord, who d.i-t fiMin Thy thrums behold
all the dwf llura of the euith, and rtdgn
cat with power auprcino and uticiit
tiolle l over all tli ktn'..!iin, empii-ra
and g vernmiiU, lunk down in Mmrvy,
a-o btucfch Tlntf, on tin Ann ri -an
StatOH, who hive flnd to Th fr.on the
rod of the 0prutr, and thrown
tht-niHulvrt on Thy crucimta protection,
deniriutc to bo h-ncitfortb di'iaimhmt on
ly on TJmo. To Then they Intfo n
ealed for the righlfouatt-n of iheir
cauae; to Then do they now look up for
that coUhti-naiieo ami aupport whiuh
Thou alone can&t give. '1'ako thm,
then-fore, Heavenly Father, unto Thy
nurturing cure. (Jive tht-tu wiidoui in
couneil and valor in the In !;!. Defeat
tbe malioiou dtnigmi of our advertm-it-iy
convince them of tbe uiirt-litonni-i!
of their oourae, and if Umy utill pfr-
iat in aangiunary puroe, oh! let the
voice of Tbine own unerring justice,
-onnding in thfir heart". coiiM rain thrm
to drop the weapon of war from their
unnerved liamja lu tl o d.-iy of I.i(iIa
ti Thou preaent, O Go 1 of whtdoui,
and direct the council of thi hunorit
tile sBm-nililv. I'ii tili) t!.-m to ai-it!e
thiuga on thu.bcnt Itlid Hiirot foiitldj
tioiia, that the KC-ri of blio l may be
jeo.lU c!oamI, am) ork-r, hrin:iy and
! .to m ir lo t-sT-.-ctutlly rejti-id, and
truth and justice, religion an I ps-ty
i)'iva)I and flourtdh ntu rig Tl-y jople,
lYeavrvo the heiilih of ihesr Uli-t an-l
the vig..r of their lahid; altowcrdowu
Hx,n tlini, and thn million th-y repre
sent, amh t.m,r5il lilrkatnga a Thou
aeent expedient for ihuni iu thia world,
and ciown thitu with rvfilj-ting glory
in the woild to ciims. A't thi we ,k
til tilt rtanT mtt I WoU tha Dit iln cl
Jena Clirint, Thy S.rt, our" S.iviVSr',
Amen. ""-.;
I tic rttutiiitinti-K'.tr. ,
Th K.lieie of lifo in;:lanco t.tkali
lv Isaac Kriwl(anih-r iijoti hU life
Minountel to tUiH.250. Th bulk .,f
hu estate, wiihont the !! imUcir.
-oniiata largely of l.m lc.l proMrty tti
the interior if tho Ktate, which eotild
not .bo dinMmed i.f liovr at anything
near ita true value. Ilia family, how
ever, will lie abht tt hold for m ire prox-)H.-roti!
timea. Tha folhiwing nre the
eomjuttiiea that had rink iini hia life;
C.nno.'ticut Mutual, 820,000; Mut'tMl
Lifo (New York). 10.000; Uobe Jin
iual (New York), 10.UIHi; Pacihc Mil"
ttnil (CatiioriiiA), SjlO.bOu; 15-piitaMe
(Vew York), $10,000; LifV AaaociaMon
f America, si 2,000; JihUohhI Life,
I'l.OOO; Unit"! .States, g.'j.'.'AO; No
oik L'frvSo.UOQ; Maiiluiunn (New
York). So .000; Imperial l.ilo of Liu-
Ion, 10,000 total,"! 102,250. Thew;
conipniiiew are aolveut atid will proha.
bly my the amount called for by thc.r
p-iliciiw, which, with earning, amount
ing to $18,000 additional, will nuke
over $120,000 which the family of thn
U ram King win lee.ue. With one
exception thia money cotneH entirely
from foreign comiainies. Tho raciftc
Mutual Life InauraticeOomiiunvof this
city hH been the first to pity, tho other
companies requirinx 90 days before
payment. Laat Friday thi companv
paid over to the family of the deccuted
a a
Tbo atory piwa that tho enagemont
of Princess Thyra to Prince Loui
Naiioleon was materially hetiiod bv the
consideration that tho Ex Empress
Eugenie la very rich, her fortune being
entimated at 87,000.000 to ?8,O00,00O.
Cliiistiau IX. of Denmark has been
one of tho poorest of sovereigns, cscc
ially ainco hU little kinu;dotn hai been
reduced and fleeced by Prmmia, and it
become him, therefore, to look out for
good mate-lies for his children. lie, or
rather his wife. Queen Louise, reputed
to l6 one of tho adroitest match-makers
in Europe, has looked out vigilantly
m.d to tho pufjioije. She ha-i certainly
muriied oil her family to advuntuge.
Her eldest son i the husbund of
Louise, daughter of Charles XV.,
king of Sweden und Norway. Her
secoiid son, George, kiug of Greece,
husliand of Olga, Grand Dutches of
Russia. Her third moii, Prinet) Walde
mar, it not yet twenty, mid is a celibate
only by t-e'iihou of youth, llis maiiuua
has a keen eye, it is uatd, to his con
nubial interests, and he can trust to
her management with perfec . faith in
the power of hei accomplishment, Tlie
eldest daughter, Alexandria, at every
body knows, is the Princess of Wales;
and the eeonrl daughter, Umimar, is
the wife of Curowitch, ho that they
will be, if they live. Queen of England
and Empress of Ilu.-sia. Thu o!e
child now to disposed of nuptially i-i
Waldemaiv , The (Jopenhngen gossips
say that Queen Louise' is very sorry
she has liot another daughter for th
just-widowed King of tpuin, and that j
she regrets Waldemar b not a girl. If j
&ho is a fair tample, royal match-makers J
are altoge her siiierior to those of the
common kind.
By r i'I'r
man finds 1
tie moraio
hf. ia"a
hot bd a
it giep.p done to
a in
fw vr.
ltt. 1II10' KICKY.
t: r i urr.iu lixlurp.l by Ouu r:tri-c5i.)r"
t.fuw Y.r!t Siui, Au; id.)
.(. lilifulM-th Tiltoil ouSumlitv last
v .sited in her houi at I H il-we
"'"''! IVooklyn, by it My t of
tl-i city who wn furiiifi-lv intinttio
liii ii l ol' her I'.imily. Thn vjait : wun
in-t hi ut Mrt. TtJt'n'a li fiue-. Kho 1 tl. i' t.!m h v I but ftnv v titln -t, Hiid
i: i " of her old frie.iel t to r..-n
V r ! -pt when i lit y m n m nt for.
S ki Ji.'t..( quietly with hi' mother, M.
M ) -, ittl-l ,or tV ."!., ;,irvil nisd
U. . ..... .
''' h vif.iior Mr. ,"fi!ijt tulked
tV S i.i eetieinl tesnn i.f lur ' emf-
"K.l a. it , h-r jiiMvi ,i4 e(i" ,rU i't AM
Mr. Ue. flier. .Sloihi'i I "ib; ht) Ind
eutvied b il liy iu-j il,e phin ciucik ft-.d
ut, th i oul'ue tk of tho fcsMii A to frftt
di'ti tho cktrgf uiij ti Ii ot;t of
them K!ii kept a I in on the end of
h-r tongue all tho lime, and f.,f
yt-ar hl wa ready nl t,y m (inent to
H( if fch.s thought it Would help Mr.
liv elier. Boa- her cotilVMuii hh
enj ied greater j-fitoo i f m:n 1 lli.m
ever before. She hn 1 reiNMtted in fcirls
cloth and a&he, and ahe lx.-iii.te I i!,3t.
ho had obtuine Divtuo forg'svt!iiei
and that htm htd i.niliiti n ,iv t f,
for the futute. Wh. u Mia. Td;
a.ked if her liufcMud iuCticii-Ntd
her to m.ikn the foid'ear.ion, iihu nai-l:
"Kotatall. Hudi titoi kuovr I
contemplated aueb a thin;;, and Im l ten
aeon mo to apeak t- Hie about it.." itr,,
1'lltoli H'l.le I thut kho pitU4 led
to go to hejr Mr. lltwher prej.-ii i,
Mr. TIkjIuus (J. .Sl.eji nmli ntnf othi-ia
who hd I laUientnd W ith her at b.-IIii;
deprived of hi. npiriutal cuii4oLiiui.
.Sim w cm t one Kmid.iy to 1'iyioouth
l.'Jiiiicli lu aviiy .ed.-J ui.d took a ae
it lh gitlloty. No t;ne ri;.gti:2. I her,
and but two or three troiia ki, kije
w there. Mr. IJeeoher w. t ignorant
ef her , . preat-nce. 1I prcasuif.l hi
jMjwcifof eormon on Ui downftil of
William l. tiilneiti, the forger, and tho
biinlun of hi argument w that con
feion vrt the only balm for a gniity
oul. Coining fioiu bin lipa tho itdviea
had fC-.lliar Dree, iiud tho Wor-U
rang i her caia for !hvh nf erwaid.
hoiilo.ta gmJtial growth a a. 3ostr-
....... .,.J(. . w v.'..... i.u.. m ,
gulit ot lal-Hltoo,, wliwn 'J,ro tli-it, I
M rinon wai a baruf ii, l-ghtly, j
unji.-uwii,' . iKKi-i .i
I . .. ,.f .......... ; ., : I
,. -.v. "i'.i
ttltation," h-b it tint .! t OntVa
voul l in the Jrr5tiit i- : oj i .e (;,. t
Soe w aftoi-J, all- if ..tho -..JV-
aiou Caen; upon hid UtaVri ho 1 j
take bi !. T holy m Wet off
Phiojith (.'lii.vli iI
rjiiua-h idet .r;t . i-.t. ' a j
v! rk.lil atMin,ay ug; "'ti'i-'-.;lr :( u
iu ihw tvoihl f.r .-eU riUT-'4.T"'rnw
Wee - i" Iu Ktato 1'ii-ou !.ig .t la
Vi;..iii C tiilmaji, .and iiv I v. I. St 1
ei tlu-rs." Mrs. Tiitoi. t .( ,.-.-.-d
tho gr att SjUrnso at Sir. r. -. ele-. 'a
-.;i, 0 net siIk-o Lt-r celi!rs.i in. S.'n! had
felt all along thnt her lie wtTi b".;oy-
itig him tip, and she di ended the stte
of deapair into which .he thought her
rccatttalioM wwuhl plunge htm. 'How
can bo no dufy (Jud and Iiihh f" sho
wild. A to her future, ilrs. filton
Said that she felt she had teJiin this btdo
of the irrave. Her benlvu was iiam.rnl,
nd her trouble made her physically
miavraii.e. Il r sou UaiTuii, to .wi!Uui
she wai devoted, left tbu Fuiytf-chni.:
liidtitutii alien her couttMatou was pub
lmlnvl, and leinained home with her,
exhibiting tho temlervat regard for bet-
lit many ways, and seeking T.o protect
her from many annoying MMton. Ha
was induced to meet Jam -s liarmau,
mother to TiioiuAA .Siieiti iuaB, and thai
geutleinu.ii, who Mr. Tilton thinks
acted as his brwther's emiaaary, sought
to induce Carroll to abandon It is huitte
on the ground that his mother had con
fessed heraulf to be an outotst, and bis
father was ft dishonorable man. . The
hid rejected tho proiL Again Mrs.
Tdtoii std, she bad been annoyed by a
lecture iigent who had iiisihled tipon her
going into the held, guaranteeing her a
fortune of $100,000 if she would con
stmt. Sbo wholly refused to tnteitaiu
any proposition of thu kind, fcslio
claimed that the sulyect of her reuniuu
with her husband had nuver boon
broached between them, and asset ted
diatincllv that sho was more averse to
liviiiLr with him than he could pot i
bly be. She did not now feel that tdie
was entitled to rasumo her relations as
a wife to her husband and a mother to
her childrou. It having been suggest
ed to Mrs. Tilton that others had suf
l'ered through her prolonged opiajsition
to her huibunl, iiud that tho might
give corroborative evidence which
would partly vindicate' them,' she ex
pressed an aversion, to enteriug into tbo
iletiiils of her sin, but iuiim tied that
she intended to prepare a . history of
her extienenco with sir. r.eoehor. aiid
leave it to her husband's friend -i, ti bo
made iisi) of us limy pleased after her
death. The interview is described as
having beett iuteusoly sorrowful. ' ihi.
Tilton was deeply in earnest in nil that
she said: and the ladv commenting ui-
on it, remarked with feeling: "No
oun cjuld liear Elizabeth Tilton tell her
story of woo and disgrace without be
lievin; that bhe was speak in-' the
triii L." ,
a uor
Oin. of tho best, things in tho world
to bo is a boy.
Boys have always been so plenty
that tbey are not halt appreciated.
A boy is wiliin-i to do anV amount
of work thai w half play, , ' .
Tim feeling of a boy toward pump
kin pie has .never been properly con-dd
ere I. ' '
A boy furnishes half the orttorUtn
tuent, aud takes two-thirds of the scold
ing of the family circle. '.;?.'
It is impossible to say at what age a
boy becomes eouncious that Lis t rouse r
legs are too short, and is anxious about
the part of his hair. , - .
ia fact, a boy is a haul suljecch to
r.'':t a mortd from. ". . .
.;es, for iilstariOcs.
ill-gotten gains!
'0'J..Cu, t-
i ontir in a dii:i..
Thn faiinim dul in whielt i,tiy
111, no ucirloniuii worn enngnd in IBii
H hUiJ ieiiicli!.eii d iu , JSuu.-li0. Col,
Jitmm Iioie, the tktnoUH tighter Mid in
ventor of t'.O kinf.j which U-ant Ida
llUUIt", lined tO HMOittg!Ttttdcnlof tiint
iii that city. His wiw clialleiiifed ly n
VfejitlelUMII from AleXdlllil-iil, Li., wiUMU
1'iiendi to tlitr nniober of fony or iiwro
it.tcmp!tnid him to NatchoK to ijn lUir
play, knowing that Uowi wu a ijen
pitrato in m ttii I li t I hii oivu friea l-t
ubout hint. All piinifA wont upon tha
ii. l l.- Tlio coin ittit:iM took th-nr place
iu tho ciintrn, Mjiritt!d fioiii their
iViei.di io the lenr f.n enough not tuen-
dngur tliuni Willi their ti.illt.. Uuiiold
til-? t t'.'l t B'Tiiy thoxj ; ',''' Ki lll'.l I
,'iuiMfi.un 'Ut;, yimlt - iwa.i.d 'their
ohampioit mid Ins .'C Hi ! - iUd H-irt-ti,
Mild opjh(iti thcUl, it f-ir Ijehind Ujie
tnd hi iundH and aiiriuii, twenty
.WmiOmiopiantt, D,(!nId thn litdghta of
N ikiSier. throiiud with apetaittot-K, "itnd
it Kie.imer rounded to, t4 i.h;tdt bj..-k
Willi ii K-lieri Wttel(in- Willi deep in
terest tho aceuo. ' 'Tit plait of light
wa-t t exekitiigi) aliot twica with piu-
llUllllitj CIOOJ Wltll kl(i liowil!
b.-lng iiruiexl wii,h his t n terriblo
weapon. At the limi tiro thi parties
eicatj?d. At tho Mrximl t'to I,!iiiitti
i tti tu tpiick, mid tixiSi; advstntjigo
of Bowie, who Wttited the Wjrd. At
thi nwie'a aerond i cried J'out phty,"
and (.hot thi) Lmininuhtn di-it l. The
weoud of lh latter iiiManiiy killed tho
ahiyer of hi !rinci;ul. I;io drove
hU knife inui thin man. . Tli-s onrgi-owi
ii'w crowd bjitdeii, while, with loud
ci iea, on the twopntii-toflm-tuli,
th'i light of bitttlti in thuir Jn a
moun-nt tho whole nuinU-r were fit
Kueil l:t a fw-arfnl "conflict, ll'.ikn, pis
tol and kniven wero tuu-d v jtti fjttI ef.
I'- ct until one party drove : tho other
from tlm lield. I do ies Lliow how
m tny were killed and voundid in nil
but it wa adroadtul alauhtiri'. K.iwie
fought like a lion, and foil eg vere.d with
wound. -For months ho lincr-id ut
the .Ma ton ilounu U-fore be ifaily recovered.
tf lc he tits at t.atCAiiav.
At Vutln lltmm ctma nt WnitehaH
alreet ye:erdav, h no t a little colored
,K,,y can viui; a m,iu'eroi i.ook, :!rie
woidi p jiikl b, t, c:i tin m, but their
t-iiot pur:icrt will protitfdy , uevr
Kwn i.ev were nn,. le'.:inf. for the
. . r ' . .
nwn,iiiM W.Uileili jM,!!Celjtait Was
cded to tbo tuatt-r bv hetiiti th old
r,, . 1. , I o j!
'-Jliu't o otr.o longer ma,
i,';..,-r, Ywuei fiippiti' to' iiiHit ut, de
wr.m ." Y.w'lin A r.,un l. .n'
n- deie w'tto poo'de. an li avl-divll
.'i', l.- t V't i.Mi ct."i- n rbn-.-iii'
-V J v
a t.l't Wat Wei ; i-
S" on', jo' I :' r :
i;it v.. Jinl-j f;rvnvc-i.
. "Wh u'a tSei mat le r, o!d r,ii"
the y di.: m nt,
"NotLiit bo-i-i, Wp'in I ain't gwintor
hav no nigger chiilun h's'-yin' an' a
h'.lleriii' tit mr when I'm i;--iuo 'long
do jstrveta." '
"Oh," well school i.biUlrcn you
kuow bow tbey ttre."
"Dai's wV. luako I say w'at I diss.
D.-v U-tter b home oickiu' uo chin.
Wat a ti'ger gwinter I'aru onten bonks?
I kin take J sr'l stave nn" Hing mo'
s-enie a nigoi- in one miunit dan
nil do school bonnes betwixt, dis 'fit ue
S'ate uv 3Iidgigin. Don't, o.ik!
Vii one bar'l stave I kin fatly li' do
tail er trnu!.c.
'Then you don't lielievc; in cduea-
llOlii ".! "
'Hits de ruination t.b dia eouutrv.
Look at my gal. Do" olu 'cm. in s'mtVr
ter std nan vfrtr on now o tia-shent
hardly nx Vr fer ter enrrv i!j waddn
home. She done eot bevsnt ir bi'tiess.
I ain't 1 r nt mithiti in Inioks, rn y it
kin count all do money I j,-rs. No oso
i talkiu , Iris, put a spelkn book in a
niggers liauils eu ilar yon I-es a piow.
hand. 1 done hud tie so'unco un it."
XtUtnta Coitiililulion.
Tlm Is'ivutif.d Kuglisli khip Kur'Jice,
which went down with all its crew last
Hjirine; only two out of S50 cst'nnins
has been wrested from the iii-s. Haw
sers, seven and fight inches in diameter,
carried by four vessels ,were a'tached to
the wreck by divots, and tti;n by pump
ing some 2,000 tons of water into the
four vessels they sunk to the requisite
depth of five feet. A Pop fl" nil bag,
an immense turret sdiip, fastened by
wiro c ibles, to act as tug, and a flotilla
of email. craft -tool; part iut'lho rcsnr
roetion. Divers .wero sent do vn to see
that '"all-sdie. elaborate urrarteiuiHits of
jewel roh;s itnd toggles weirs io good
trim, and thon, at tlio ngnal, every
hawser' was drawn taut, and tho pumps
nut to work? to lightuit tho raising ves
sels of tho water piicu:;ly pumped
into them, aud, as they rose, the "great
drowned ship"' began to liiso too, and
finally a ringing cheer announced the
Eurydicti free. She had gone down
just an hour's distance from; land. Da
tweon tlio docks lay tho remains of the
crew all btrown with sea weed nnd
shells. ' : . :"',-. , ' '
- Tha EuryJJic was launched at Ports
mouth iii 1S13, and soon required tho
reputation of being one of tho swiftest
cruisers in tha navy.' She had been al
most re-built in 1S77, and was one of
ihe h-ndsomest shipsin the navy. -rNev
er la-foi-i , remarks the Louiaille Vour-
t'ir- Journal, was so vast a weight raised
such r. depth in the face of such diffi
culties of situation and tide. The work
was aoeoinplished under the direction
and management of Admiral 10 ley.
Somo of the papers say tliat "tr,do is
looking up.' h hit on its intek, tht
Cln, Breakfast, 1'abk. . ; i. ,
"Has sound color?" asks a philoso
pher. Un, yes; luive voi revel beard
your roan voice? . . ;
Say "a laying hen" instead uf "a !
Leu" beciuso &he is on iiest.i
ro in .utsoH.
Don't think hen yon have won a
wife that you have won also a slave.
Don't think that your wife has Jos
feeling than your sweetheart. Her re
latJosi ft you is simply chunked, not ln-i
nature. '
iJoii't thtnl; that you can dispense
with ull tho littlo civilities of lifa to
ward her on marrying, him appreciate
thiise things piiio as much ta other wo
men. Don't bo gruif and rude at home.
Had you It-en that sort of a fellow l
for5 marriage, the prohaLilitiea are tlmt
you would be sowing on your own but
tons still. , ;
Don't make your wife fej that fcle
u an Kicumbianee on yon by giving
griid.Mitely. Whai she m'od, give
cnoei-luny, :t ' it it were p!e t-,iiro to
duea. rJha will feel belter and so will
Dju t meddle in the Affairs of the
huuao under her charge. 'ou have fto
more right to la p.king your no! into
ihe kitchen than she has to walk into
your pluco of business and give ditc-
tions t! your employe.
Don't find fault with her extrava
gance in ribbons, etc , until you have
shut down on cigars, tobacco, whiskr,
oecr cluiM, etc.
Don t leave your wife e.t Lome to
nurse tho children on the acorn cf
economy, while you bolt down town at
night to aee the show or reud a dollar
at billiards.
Don't bolt your nupis-r and hnrrv
out to spend your evenings lounging
around away from vour wife. Eefore
marriage you couldn't si-end evening
enough with her.
Don t prowl iu tho Joiin resorts
till midnight, was'.ini vour time in
culpable i JJei.ea, leaving your wife
lonely at borne Vi brood over your neg
lect and her disappointment.
Don t ibiut that board aad clothes is
a smheient for nil that a wife does for
Don t erpoct your wife to love ami
houor you if you prove a brute, un
worthy of love or honor.
Don't caress your wife ia public, and
sr.arl and growl at her in private. This
proves you to be both a Lvtocrite and
Don't wonder that jour wife is not
as cheerful a she used to be, when hhe
labor from early morn tUl late at night
to under to the comfort and caprice of
aseiOdi being, who ha notsoul enough
to appreciate her.
TltE 1IBXMTV O' A BB tZlLItS I'tmitT.
An instance U recorded of old IU?v-
oiuttouary days, in which a Tory, con
demned to death, was so much rts;-ct-
ph-dgo to deliver Liuiself at the idase
of execution, ho was allowed So dejiart
withont guards vpn,n tbo fatal journey,
lie faithfully kept his pledge, and the
nobleness of his conduct in the matter
procured for Lira a full pardon, on tho
condition that be should leave the Colo
ny. A somewhat similar case is now
; related of the Brazilian mulatto whose
arrival in New York caused much
newspajier mention. He had been scn
teuo i to imprisonment for life as a
j;a!!ey-sLtve, ou the convict island of
Fernando de Noi-or.La, oue hundred
and twentvlive miles off the coast of
Brazil. His erimo , was killing of a
man who hud assaulted his; 'ster. With
two other prisoners he escaped from the
island on a raft The larsi day out at
sc his companions were washed from
the frail lloat and eaten by shaiks.
Without or watur, he clung to the raft,
ami on tho forth day waa rescued bv
tho vessel w hich took him to New
York. There he found the Brazilian
Consul, to 'whom he told his fctory an '
ollered to surrender himself. As ...
extradition treaty exists between the
Uuitetl States and Brazil, the Consul
could take no official action in his
case. His sreat love for Lis mother
overcame all concern for himself. He
offered to go back to Brazil, to be again
committed to the galleys, in the hope
that he might lave an opportunity
barely to soo her. Finally upon his
own request, the Consul procured for
him a passage to Rio, and with ' the
vessel sent a letter to be laid before
the Emperor, in his behalf. Tho poor
fellow had, at last accounts, arrived in
Uio, aud tnero surrendered himself vol
untarily to the authorities. Ho was
placed in jail to await Dom Pedro's
determination in his case. Doubtless
tlie good Emperor, larrre-heartetl as he
is, will order his discharge from custody
ana allow him to return, a free man, to
his mother for whom ho has sacrificed
his own liberty..--
ala .
lltl'l KK W ATE II,
Here is a fresh ill as tra lion of the
way iieople are poisoned all the while
by foul well. A family living on ele
vated ground in West Hartford, in a
region remarkably healthy in all its
natural conuitions, were for yesrs Buf
fering from various forma of fevers,
headaches and an endless variety' of
ills, whiiih kept a doctor iu pretty
prompt attendance. At last, three
years ago, worn out with this experi
ence, tho owner determined to sell out
and move away, believing tho locality
to be an unhealthy one. At this, junc
ture, a friend if the family asked and
obtained permission to do- what the
owner of the place, or at least what tho
physician should have dono long before
make an e.vamiuatson of the premi
ses. He found a privy vault only tea
feet from the well 1 It was evident
that this was the muso of tho continu
ous illness among members of tho fatn
ily, and ho obtained leave to remove
tha bucket from tha well and a promise
from tho family to go to the barn for
their water where it had betn intro
duced in pipes from the great main that
leads into Hartford. From that time
forward there was a cessation of the
A lisping doctor si
a v ery Lhiu ti-itient 5
riaced tl
a Ufa of
t.e:;:ui her
would make
Tiir. r. ttrE is t r, is.
A disjrfiUh from CaIvrton, Texa,"
has the following: " In tho dark path
"f th latB ( clips'' arro Toxis:t, oiiC
hundred nnd sixleen miles ia width,
there were thousands of igt.orar t fo
jIe, both whitr; and itsk, who had not
heard that anything jiectdiar wna alsit
to hapjsfii. Many of tln fte fs-o lo the
eclipse surpn'sfd nt work in hrir lields.
Many Jtidierons scrriies aro e)rteil.
Eijwfcially on the plantation or United
Stales Senator Cjke, rsear Wstt-, wait '
Uiat thHRegrrxra went Ut prayioe:. 1
liovitig veiily tlmt the Day of JmJg
ntent bad come- A lor ri bin tragi ily iu
Jo!iiim Miiiity ma 1 Aet 'down to.
the -c!ijf-. Kphibitu' Miller cloit-d,
with his fii.niy of ,tsf nnd four chil
dren, Jivtd ' neai I'dchamiti, in lht
eorin't-, v lu'lir he had removed frrm
Ta.n --;' rix t;f, g--, Oi .h
rnorntii f ti." e!-l;!s.e j.e iiid h s had
heard the woil 1 was coming to an end
that eefi!ix, at.d if :, he inttdel to
fi fco sound asleep the trumpet f ihf
Angel Uabriel could not awaken him.
When tho .clijstfs commenced slid the
dark nes of totality came on, ho mn
from the field to the house with a
hatchot in his hand. He was fallowed
by a negto woman named Nancy Elli
son, who aUo thought the world was
eomirijr to n etwJ. , As she got t tke
hoiio Miller's wife rushisd out sifisler
the same delusion, arid looking ep
at the beautiful corona f light around '
the black : mo w, screamotl, '" Come,
sweet chariot. At tho ssme t;rne
rushing aoro'm tho cotton f.eld, vririf;- ,
ing her hands. In tb Tncantime, Mil
ler, wishing to take his ten-vcar-old boy
with him to th'i other side of Jordan,
rat.d Lis hatchet and split his son's
head open. Leaving the latter welter
ing ia his blood aud struggling ir, the
last t,hroes of death, tho father, ca the
ladder, aiecndfid to tho top of the '
house. Here with a new razor, le eut'
his throat from ear to ear, and fell to",
the ground a corjv HU two little
daughters cseaped bv kiiing under a
TbeHaleigh (N. C.) Ol-cr
the folhiaing affecting story :
Ik-nbury Floyd of Cbowan coaiity,
aged about CO was convicted of a tri- -'
vial lareenr in 1873, ai d sentenced lb '
four year's imprisonment. He bad
let-n a good soldier, nnd lct a h-g in .
the "CJonfederata nrvice, aad was said
by bis neighbors to hare been a kind;,
hearted and obliging man. He to-nl no
wife, chick or child in the wot 11, ci-'
copt a little blind daughter, about
fifteen year! cT-"L "sU'wH tlltetluid""""
axvliiiu. ; Ijtst wif. k t!: ?? j m-r li t. ced
ent Gudc-r e " i ' tl !e;!.
Kirl, and that, liavlrg b-n in ih-i s
Itini the full iaVLiiaJUujL
ted. she would hart? to dLsbaip-d,
and Le.did not kuo.v what to do with
her, as she had no home or f.Ii-ii to .
sr to, except this poor ic-km fiaher.
The Governor promised at once to par
don Lim. "'"'.'
This week , tho tardon was ii:od,
and Mr. GaJwr rlscics: it iu the
hamls of the litth? giil, went w ith Ler
to the jrnriileiitiary to liberate hi r fa
ther. The scene ltwcen the father -and
daughter was melting in tho ex
treme. Sho could not set? the felon's
strijifs and tho Laggard prison look, and
he, posw man, could look wiih plide
a:id fiindaeas upon the fair but sightless
face of Lis child; something puro and
iuRoeeut still loved Lim. Throwing
themselves into each other's amis, tLey
a-ept unciMitrolIabiy. After a .little,
hand in hand, they went away. .
One of tho delegates to the National
Convention, ou his return from Syra--
cuso, went tosco his heart's deli'-ht to
whom he had been engaged for fcixtsj-
static uionths. She met him at the
hinge-weakened gat with the reinark:
"James, I Lave learned to love anoth
er. To-night we part,"
"Learned to "love unotLerll'art!
Why, Fanny, what da you mean"
"I mean precisely what I say", she
answered, with an icv smile.
"Oh, no; it cannot be; it cannot be.
Say you are joking. You eai.!ut mean
it. Have I not your promise
to be my wife i'
"You Lave," t.he replied, iu the same
unimpassioned ton-:. "And h, ii be
cause you have niy aWluta premise -that
I feel free to bo fickh . "
He reached around to l is Lip" pocket""."
and wLipjied out his pistol, exclaiming:
"If you would not see me fill dead at
your feet, explain." v
"I wilt," she sahl. "My 'absdute
promise is like the absolute jmper mon
ey you dote on there is no provision
for redeeming it." ' ,
He slowly returned his piaiol to Lis
pocket aud departed from her pre sneo
without a work. Albany Journal. '
The Use
op Wheat Bha'.-
bran of wheat, diffused through hot
water, is largely employed by calico
printers, to rcmovo the coloring mat
ter from those parts of their oocls
which are not mordanted, i. e., h iving
tho colors fixed. A -handful mix! in
a pail of water forms an excellent emol
lient footbath. Infused in hot 'water
(bran tea), roi ly sweetened, it onus
a popular uemuicent inuon sit m
cougl-.s and hoarseness. It also ruis
an excellent" manure, anil, from "con
taining tho aramoniaco-mtigneBiao- phos
phates, is fpecia!ly cdaptixl tv a ii-css-ing
for jidatoff. In some part i f tho
count! y it as. and pei-hps hi. 11 is,
mixed with oar and. uiude iuio hnsn
bread used by tho poorc v orJt-ts for
economy, and by tbo higher class s be
cause reoommended by the faculty as
being more -wholesome than tLite
whtatcn bread.
i. i .
It has been i.talua i.snl: noix! f the
Ijohtmcn e-tn pull a, mn-atri-ke, it" is
stigetod that it uei'.em.s on Li.- scu'l.
J t-nks, who l.isty.
vixea, bili-.-vt-s i! : t
is u .i'.v . , v i-i v
srrieu a . v--'"--':.-.;"
a "-J