K. 5 1 J I i 7 .v.. A full assortment of this new inv provtsl anl world rcnon-tn.il instru ment constantly kept on Land by ALDIHT DARTSCH, Sola Aaeat for Orr-gaai aad Wuk, TenT tea ThJrd sirecs, hrtluJ, On- AZiBO ,- Agent Cw Lha tuDoot ' " " - -"- KRAfilGH u BAGH TfT TTrt-hfS; ullv43ar8. t a - to TO CI 0 O r-l m C3 p vy at n 1 i 1 - w 1 - I f-J H A bo 'd M 2 8 t.S s a 1 Ml The Best Offer Yet TO- Lina & Benton Co. Farmers. TTTITU MY SEW WAREHOUSE T v and new niaebiBery, and erery- .iiiici-in eoa running oraer. occunrtntr the best location and afest from fire in the city, I am prepared to store 2S3.C03 BUSHELS CF GRAfK. Eackt fornlsted to those xtoring with me Alwui in the market to bny or contract for trrain, and the highest cash price paid It will be to the farmer's advantage to come and ee me before making arrange ments to ntnre or contract Ibeir jrrain. Grain shipped by railroad or river, on any line. C. I. HMK-iOX. stmt TITUS 131 1 OS. DEALERS IX CL4M'K, JKWFIJT, KSLTXK fLMTHf HAKE. SO IiAOS0 rCCI'AlXa, tlt, AUBkXY, . . . . BECOX. 13:S Mst delireied Trea te any Part of City. f jihk rsDEnsiasEO, iutoo disposed op Jos DisrKfct ai toe oui .uuyi. can ne luuna u teodlu? so bu!ii;ie.sa at hi. liew stand, 00 i'niit street, aixt d'w to liranjfe S'tore. 1S:41H J.V3. I .HAEaiS, Stock holueis' Mertinr. a - t t. ' S - k S . . . kJ5 .t i a' 2 a' ""fenCE 13 HEUEBY GIVKN' THAT 4 the a meeting of the rofkbolders of tu9 Albany and .Sant'am tt'aier Ditch or Cati&l Company wilt be held at the Ccurt House ia the C:iy of Albany, Linut'outity, Or' 'on, on ihe second Xaesday in Sep- -r, 1S73 lhat being the listh cay lit - f one o'clock in tho afternoon of - the purpose of e eeting seven va the ensuing year. - ' P. iiUKKHAJIT, "rtl, . Pit. i "- s.rv. S mm if thojr do keep.. -.a at small profit. l J very thing you buy will fit ; aSToUoos, Hardwire, Groerlua, of all varletioa, Xld lubroMeriea, Lace of all kin Js, Liobe and eveu window blinds; tS am will always I on hand. Senders ditto, rtlu vpr beaing lit our mind's Xjlve anvl lei live, lx rmr mti Xjov tby netbbor llk tbyaolf VJhwa no one U our ttwaio, Hoping to d oll tot oanelvai . ti vor retaining oar p name. i.nd now u Poetry U rv4 oar fort. Iatrona, look apon It Ufder Lli wry ene la Invited to the abire of am )Uf A Senders t ! I CONST ANTZ.T ON EANO METZLER'S CELEBRATED RAW-HIDE BOTTOM CHAIRS. Vlltllt. JAMES MADYS- RESTAURANT, on Front atitwi, In the building recwnily ocwiroedby Ir LLter. MEALS AT ALL IIOMIM AND BOARD BY THE DAY AN'D WEEK. FRESH OYSTEIUS Keotsli every other day by exprew Private Booms for Ladies. JAMFS MADY, Proprietor. aug2d FiTS EPILEPSY, FALLING SICKNESS, FrtaurHI; Vmrr4m ttmmttmm tMtilh'. rf Dr. t-wclartl'a (rtrbrt4 Milill I ki Fm ilrr. To nattaofttUmn uai tboM pointer, will do aU w ctaia fcrf thm. w. wll.l mmnd Hum by mail, Bw MM. a I'rv Trial bs. A. It. ti-xdard lit tiw ofciy pbyA4a Uux ha. trgr to thk dwaw a kua! Muaijr, an.1 a. Co our luiowkidjf. Uvraa bar. bom awasa.atly una bjr Uaa m m loam r.acn,w wiu ciuraairc a prrms Brat car in every c, or roraad o sll ntor rxuratlrd. AU iu9tfn rlAuit iKv tb. Puadcnaa 0.1 : trial, aad be oosritr4 01 ttwtr curaUT. iKawarw rrkr. I .r lam box. tXxi.o. or 4 baxtm i- tO.00.aant ftrfnail to any pari of L'lutod rHatni nt Canada va r oupt M p""- or sy aiyrti, ,. u. u. amiii. M39jl SOO Fta,TO tSKT, BaoostTS, X. T. OREGON MARBLE STOiE ORKS. Tt cndirrrlyctd are prTrwl to mmulactur. M.aaatcaU. Toaabs llradHttaaca. Sfaallaa, Tabic Topa, rah Ktsada, - . TJX. J I tr. AD kind ol oemCUrw wr-rfc dm. In Bifiii fra. Moo. and (ranlte. Ail fork dan, in lira &,m Tninn am at to. lov9t ratM. -rhop in Prank WomT. hulkliR;, on Um otm rf Swood and Eiivmnb droota. liS ' a BALTEK. - Fot Sale. A Splendid Farm, efifs C'Bf 300 la enlUtAtlou. It till is well fenced and otberwHo well improved. 0)0 acres is the best of farming land. Good boose, barn, and all necessary improremente for an excellent modern larm. K white laxd on the nlace. It is nitunud 1 1-2 miles weal of Albany the irreiu j?ncmturai center 01 Oregon ror tariris injoire at the phtco of A J o. a. nAiou r. W. A. HIX.I. HAIQHT & HILL, Uaien In ail kitul oi trtaA SHOP-"CityWarkot," on Mrnt, above Ferry treet; " iltat ilartt-t " 00 rlrat atrwrt, road- aibtn. SUPPLY THE BEST MEATS AT A VUZ BE 1 1 tiawa, and will (tlriv. to pleas, all who pirtroa oa. - SZTTke highest c&ab urld paid tar Uttit, Pork, Ma t4iaodVea . ... - LUii0U. 11X1.3 tiV r- KILLS all the Wr " - X FLIES in jTi 5- 1 room in TWO HOURS, roc worth wiU kiU more dies IK than $10 f fy " worth of V. --" -"i-i-Ily Paper, f ' . t . " Vo dirt, i no trouble. I L... Sold by t J- Ersay. "1 Botaaic Hediciae Co., Bsaio.N. Y. fv- r r-v Business Cards, Visit i i j iuj? Cards, We ddis, ; Cards, or my olhe j kind of Cards, call v r Jab Printers. Alban?. 0r. t.' :t ilTISKMENTC. ao Celebrated " t v oi n i ' tit " LACK PMUCEI BLACK rmxcK Imported from England to California by Daniel i.uon, and hipped to Ormroa in Kobruary last and old ito A. I-Hxlxo, April 8, lS78. ltlaok l'rtnco U 10 baud and luehea high, and weigh 1,750 pound. , II a la of a dark brown oolor. 11 LACK 1'IUNCK will aland tbe pioaonl Kmtmn m follows : At Lebanon, Linn Coun ty, Momlav, Tuesday and Wednesday of each wtk 1 At my farm 8 miles Houlhol liobanon on Thursday, Friday and bat Ur du y of eftoh week. TERMS. Single servlro, $10. to be paid when aarvloe ia rendered 1 Season, f w, to be paid on or bofoM July 1st. 1B78I Insur ance 30, to be paid as soon as the prove to be with foal, change ownei Is about to leave the 0011 niry. All vara will be taken to prereut accidents, but will not oe rosponaibio lor any. XWCall and soe tue horse before mak ing other arrangements. Good pastorsge can be had at reasouable rates. S7U A. DO DUB. J E. SORBIN & CO. Jmportsra and doatsn In UICS A.D LIQUORS, CICSBS IZ2 TCSACCO. A"bu for Jnm Moore Co". B. and Rye WhUkH.oM tifsals rta huki f mm line to tvoo a gatton, boitln from U evoui lo MM fto Krtuoh brandy nxxn W.T te fU.SU a ralloo, lo boUlo from lb cU. In 11.14. Klne OUt Wtas tram I1W to Ml OB, lo boUlas from W cum. lo i.6U, rios ttberry Wins from XM lo t MJV a gal ba, la boulc IronAMIo $1MK UoOod Ul a (kUob. la boU froa T All kinds of Wins. Bitten sad Onedlata. CUrvi on dollar a saitoa or 15 cts. a boUbk LVjoon to plou sad bsU ptnl gasks fur travlra and oCbn. HAMPLU BOOMS attaehei to OUR STORE- CICARS H TOBACCO, By the boa or poo ad. eaap, Ftrst 8r(. Mar ItisagslMM. Atteay THE PARKER CUH.- IHO stamp roacite VIA PARKER BRtfS "t WEST MER1DEN.CT. JOHN CONNER'S BAKXKS AKO EXCHA!.2E OFFICE ALinvr, oncco.1. DEPO8IT8 RECEIVED. SUBJECT TO CHECK AT Slant. UttrrUlllovrv eiTiae DtpttlU ti Cels, CSeOAl Q OX PORTLAND. RAH FR45. CU CO. and KltW VOKK. fur sale at lovsat rate. C3LUCT1 SMS MADE AND fROMPTir REMITTED .Bibklag kstt, I a. u. te 4 r. H- nrfw u. . h. w. conrrr. n t.iftl iliu.t, W. 8. LApU. AXD MACHINE Sn OPS! Albany, OrJ 0. 0. CHERRY. Prop'r. HAVIXO LEASED TUB ' ALBANY Foondry and Machine Bbopa, I am prepcued to furnish Wroajrht aod Oast Iron work of every deaorttxion, 00 short notice. All orders for Mill work will be filled with dispatch and ia a satisfactory marsner. IseTarticnUr attention paid to repeii tag Agricultural ImpieaMBU, also. Bras castings made to order. - Albany, in., Oct. 2d, 18TL - TlSodyl J. IL BURUIIAQT. Eeal itiu ud CoattjraaetiBf Igtit, ALBANY, - - - - OREaON. COWER nCMT AXW BBOAXtAlATjil STBKETm. Farms of all elaes. Improved and unim proved, in this and adjaoeut counties, auh able for araia raisinir, also timbered land aad stock ranches for sale en easy terms. Also for sale a number of dwelling bouses and vacant lota la this city. Parties daalrins ta either aell nr nnMhau bonld call and learn terms and prices be- lore pnrtiaaaiag eiaewnere. Persons desiring help ean be prm-tded with any number of laborers by leaving rdirs. dnl'2tf. JASOX SPRIXGER & CO., Conssr gpMr aod MJiaaoc StraM., Saa FranMO. jjaaujattaron sod Dealrrt la D00BS, WIIiDOWS, BLIND3, treigltla. Cards aad ralleya. ' hmpotimt at GERMAN, FBEUCH A E.VCI.I8U WIKPOW OIJUS It, n sad Hat. tFDoor. a Spolalty-.Til . ttSV FOR CATAbOOl'E AKO PRICE UW. X. 5 Froal .Street. rerUaad. ftrwsaa. Albany Bath House. THX UNDERSIZED W0CLD EKSPECT folly inform tb eitfi.a of Albany sod vU ui a it j that I have lakren ekarf . of thl Kicabllih si.nt, sod, by ksoptos sl.sa room, sad carina rtriot atteotioo to basinet., zpu ti .sit si those who may favor ns with tb.ir patroa.fr. nimf osretoiort ssrrisa so aotaiog sat rirst-Olafis HalrlJreeslngSaJoonr. W la $'t vWt atifaetk to sil ' jper-CUUdien r,4 ladle.' Hnlr neadr est ndfhamr.ooo.-i. , JOSWhUJlf.P, 0o3mopolitan 'Saloon. r i. A. Gilraour, Prop., Ou Crund.tlbls Street, brtwrea rir.l aad - fteraad. ' - J TilSTET BILV.N'Dd OF UQC0R8 AXD flUR X itmit ennnanuv n natid, aod to. t -ar IW Jack f " ,-4y to color t a al- r anta, TITS ' liSf Jr f il.tt.Tl, rl V .4 .t jAiji- treat ol T - tu-jr J :uri- - f ', ADVERTISE HUNT a. DR. PIERCE'S V STANDARD"', REMEDIES Am not adrartbwd a. "mira al!.," hot sr. .noclflia Ui Um ill.ua .is a wblnti tby an. NMnmeadd. NATURAL CCLCOTION. . iBTsrUgalan of natural aolonn. ha v. -de mMUtrntod twyoiid onotrovwiqr, that Utrouxhout til. animal klttv d'n tb. "Mnrlval ol tlx Sittwt la Um only law that vsuolualM tnrllt and fvauiit, nM not Um hum prtnvltiM (tmrn U. tntnoMivial mwowtt A mant As ntfarlor oanMt wpanml. s atiirlir arlUila, fly fiaaisi ot annwiur Bunit. Dr. I term', standard llnll. eiuat bar. outrlvalwl all othMa. TnMr eal. Is lb. United State, siaos ..oatil. ooe mlUlun dullara p. aa sum, erblto lb. snuMint rted (uue up to aevenl bundoMl UkmlMaad ttwira. K. BdntneM enuld ruw to mrb riirMiU. pnrtl.ia and ns spun any eUwr orw. uias taat ih ucnk Catarrh Remedy Is pdeaaaat f aae. IIX. SAGE'S Catarrh Remedy Its Cares salead arev srrUd mt M years. rT.U SAGE'S Catarrh Remedy Its sale esaataatljr taereasrs. T3H. SAGIS'S Catarrh Remedy Cares hf HIM, fteetktaf Etfett. T3HU SA.GH2S Catarrh Remedy Cares "CeW la Head" aad Catarrh, AN OPEN LETTER IT SPEAKS FOR, ITSELF. Its, Ear:-tlsvtn( read Va our'paoe rwru f rate aunt. 1 an Wlaoed te tail "sa 1 lan aaunt eaiarrs. and 1 suv-y um "eaas- aad "labaUtMr-iuhar maker, (an aMhr craMm) S'iimm as else U UMeaalinUM saaollar Iks papers. For M years I wtStmd ub raiarrn. ine nawir -rfwd- "aebea," "tii toaattaf-tulMB," and aU.'ka,' axwkiaH work, tboosh sh at Interval I ensild ani up tae axalMd oatarrk autfl. anal t kaaai. s ralaabie sad be ess eaa know bow ararb I suaVrad ar atma s Mckean 1 e-aa. - Mr bead saeed o sir area so tea I assiiaiaajd to my bed lur sassy esBWlyedara. auSenac toe atea. laaeava aata, enlea at saa Mow kMtad enaUaasaaie t we boars. Ail avaa ol smtal aad toata r. etrtd. sad bwtnf bnuared, body ehmnsea sad n..aid. nsryus syauaa stuWnn X, aad eotmatnutm brokea, aad nm aae kiaa e"l aeeeaelybtb. ot the uene. I prayed Sj dik la re Ueve tae el a, ntfleru(. A tavuralUe bouea M fwu paper of Vt. kafe. Caterrk IUvooIt tod 4r I ne fc. pw cbaea s peaace, and uaa la wtib tr. ftorore Saad UuekeM, ebHi aredlee be in. illy by bedroMaUe pre Mre. las mil way naapaUWe Ha aremnna keaes. Wet, Mr. KdUor, a did w ear. w la Ian luurUia cd a oMnnd, ear a eaa boar er avaHb. but a. ea Uaaa elcbt nil mure 1 era. raUewd, and la thres awun mw tindy eared, aod have remained so lurow siabaa amritn. While aetos tb. Catarrh a.aierty, I aead tw. l-vorw. (ioUea fciadJ Maowery to puruy my bd and etrotirvoen any etoenark. i aba knot srjp liver aruve aod bnael. ensular by tae use oi ha Hiaeaal rMrtretlve Fatleu. U eiy eapMteeoewllI ludon. aUtmt aiBeier. to eeek Uaaai Bwaeaef rettet, Utialeuv t 111 bar asewered Hs fnrimm. Vears truly, b. U, HMI1CX. ACLOUDOFimriESSES. .Tb.Mwadscs.aiil paruVa ar insar Use thua aaade abs baea been eared et ealarrb by lbs aas et tie ar'a Catarrh Rcaedy : A T Doema, Kee? Oeaeea, Pa; l 4 Brraa, Pt JVaeeA Mo I X C Laarta. eauand X Levi neetoair. tctaw Lake, Ohio; CVaa brarup, Nona Ch.oiei..t. Met MiMoa J-ieaa, bnea. I Y, I I Killer, hndfer MUM, Wyoi tfi Memman. LooMpeaa. tnd; M M fuel, Imereaepiet. lad. 1 W Balb.Tnenaal, Pa. II IS Ayroe. LaKat, lad i Jeade M aeara. Ft Urancb, ladt L ti. baeaa, Canwet, Mas W A Thayer, Wvs IH ; bloauta, Jr. Pel reel ai, Taaaa; duaa. F lUaocrt, Stun-a rule. Pa; A W Loab. Mr Tar land, Wte. doaaeea WaV Uaaa. UnOrk , Ohio . Hn M A Uimr, Treaaea, Teaa J u JueUn, been. X M; A i Caeper. TUde Soak. W Va, LooU arJm, tern, Obfc. C U Cbaea, rikhart, Ind. Mr. ttenry Man Freacem, Cat i Mrs K M CaUotdu. LavreaoerUle ITiWJ Grebea,. Adel is A O Hunk, beemaa, Oa : Cba Rtoe, bau M:Cba K K , Ind i IWI I JeeM M aeara. Uallbde, Ind ; Uabl Slier, t Wayne, Ind : Hr Umotm Arsale. B Uaiaay avreaa. b Y ill W llau, liaMOwa. Mka. Wat F MeMoa. UienlL Maeai I W feutnrta, Marunpe, An; rhae M laear, lUme bar, IU-. M 0 Cole, LoereJL aw: Mr. t J Spurua, Caaalen, Aia; (as F saw, Fredorkklowa, lb ; Mm Ltvy Hutw, Fanalassoa. Ml 1 Vapt K i apaalda-c, Caaap at.nibaaea. jw;W Traeb, btreah.ai aock. loaai Mr. Lvdia Waata. abaebaa. M V: i M l-ee. JaarUoa dsy. Moat; llency Ebe, Maeaae, Udj L F On.n i.yi, fcanwtd. 1U 1 S E J-ava, t harleMos, Four CWaeraVi YiUas Hail, Puatdo. IJalj War II Her erta, aterlaai, PA. II 11 kJucm, s peaa Nlrect, Ptu banrb, Fi i Jeciunea. IWitwI't tsppot, K; Hear- sviiet, CI nrs, k T Mba UaUM ramu, Matibrues ery.Ohio t L Lnftimali, Cbatbam, III ; a II Mfioy. baab acart, UbMi W W Warner, N.atb Jaekaoa, Mkcb ; Mua Mary A Wbtsa, Unreal, Wis , Jobs Zinrler, tartlaie ra ; imam Tnoretauaa. m twa, xumirnnrs truer, feiaaaee Wty, N.b eeeaoh T MUerr. Xerda, Oblo; II bMbobk OaieeebA, Tes i u L Ulrd t'pper Aluat, Ul t Jobs Uarla, FreaeeM, ArUi Mr. KaoefOrabaai, Fufial Mines, Dregvo. OoLDEf. FiIedIcal DiscoyerV to AtleraUre. er Bts.d cieaaala. Golden LIedical Discovery Golden T.Iedical Discovery Is m Ce4afsae, er Urer MtsssiaaL, Golden TiIedical Discovery Is Tvale. - Golien T-Iedical Discovery By reaann of ha Alterative proporUoe. sans tHefeee at tbs Blood end Skin, ae acndula, or Klnrs Kvll ;Ta- more; near, or ma aorea; Bkitebea; rtmpie.; and tiranllona. By virtue of lu Pectoral wrtil. It earee Broaebial Throat, sad Lone AflaMlnne; InHplonl CnoranpUon; LlnKrln( CotiKha ; ed Chronle Laryn (40s. IM Ckc4a((fyue proparuoi render It an unequal ad nmedjr lor HUOrmeno; Torpid Uver or "Uver ONBpkdat:" sad k. Took properuee make It wrually eronwea ia emisf indieeUoo, Lost ol Appetite, sod Inpepeu. Wbers tbs (kin Is Sallow sad eorand erltb Mneriuai and.plmpiee. or ebers tbere are aarobiloa. ewelUnr. and aflectkms, a lew botuo. ot Ooleen Medleal Inaooy. ery will edect an wtlre eun. U yon tael dull, rlrovay, debilitated, bars eal tow oolor oi skin,- or yellow tab brown rpote 00 lace or body, treouent boadaebeor die lei. bad taate In mouth. Internal beat or ebilla alter nated wttb but luehea, low eptlite and gkxfiny lunbod bwe, lireirular iitlts, and toruru. coated, yon are ufieriuc Irom Tusro) Lrvrm, or "BiLKHravu.. In many raaes ot "Lms Coarudar." Only cert of tbeea .ynptom. srs'sspwloboed. -A. s remedy lor sll eucb oaaea. Vr. itorce . itaidMi Medicai Duworary bu no eoedand beaiSyP,rtU"1 urM Un Urar rtrengtlt- THE PEOPLE'S I3E0ICAL SERVAHT. Da. K V. PnUI la the enle nmoretar and nun Uoturer ot the forMrsnc raaedws, all ol which sr. said by drUiTfleU. lie U alra ths Author d ths Peo ple'. Common Henso Medleal Advlier. s work of nearly one thoaand peee., aitb two hundred and eiirbty-twu wond-onKnrinira and eolorad plate.- lie bu already avid ot thU popular work Over 100,000 Copies ! 1 (pest'paid, rSLCSO. Addmsi: K. V. 11 LUCK. If. B.. ' WorU'iDiipemary, Baffalo, IT. T, USvt nEADTIIIS! IF TOU WIBH TO EXOACS IX A OOOD, WELL eatabllabed, growinr and paying- businoM, call and e. tL Carter k Co. A their DOOM, bAKH A.VD H AIIKOVr FAITOIiV. In Allianv. who nruiiuaa to sell one-ball, or U. whole ot ttiuir factory pr;rty, mt auu penmnai, on very accwminooaunir torma, to an oceptcd purchaser. . For partiooian, apply lo or ad dim tbeprowietor on -toe premisoe. To Our Friends j,;: wha tetvs fnyorvd vs with their patronage, we return our .inoere thanka. Our bnrinee. will be continued ai beretoiure, and vur edorui to rive aatiafnetton to all )o may iavur at with their orders, will be unabated. We have improved our machinery, and Inereaeod the aapaclty ol our factory, to meet the rmeinr demand tor a;wuler scop, of work, both plain and ornamental, hi our thriving city and country, and sr. pro pared to funiUh to. Lateal blyles af tVork in our line. We nave connected with our foraior butlne&j, the msouiactars ol ths s ,. LAwbLoiw,! LwiMi,.a.iJ rutin. v.i : . . JLXX- ' OZ.OX aziTjarsnr,, p.t-nuj by Kulin ft Minor, tod sr. premrsd to farn. n r jrri. line iu?erlor mipltnrerit w.Drj - i. tu im o'... i ntal every lii tiir In its line vw- r ! KrO 1 a' " I I" Jllll 111! . , 1 v 1 1 I i i, ai.l a v p- : ..' ( v A lu ti-at imvj. . . . v . ift to orr l.';---'. ? ! ? u- Is t H fflTKS ADVERTISEMENTS, TV , j , V I -rs-r. yum- II All Eli- Tins ntaiidnrxl arliclo U comotiii(l c1 wllli tho greatest care. Its effects nt o at wondci fill txnd ni satisfactory ss ever. It restores gray or faded lmlr to Us youtliful color. , It removes nil cWipllons, Ucliui-r mid dandruflf. It gives the head n coolinjj, sootlilnjf sensation of great comfort, mid tho scalp . by. Its uso becomes white and clean. Uy Us tonic pricrtles It restores tho cajilllftry Rlftiidi to their normal vigor, jitevcnUiHf Imlducss, and mote ing tha liulr grow thick and strong. As a dressing, notliln; hai Ikch fiMind no effectuut or desirable. A. A. Hayes, M.1X, State Assnyer of MassachusotU, snys, "Tlio con stitiicnts are ptire, and carefully se lected for cxeollent quality and I COUhldcr it tliO-BtST 1'niCPAUATtOK far iu Inteuded iMirposes." Price, Om Dollar. SuolsisiglinTn'o -Dyo FOIl THE WHISKERS. This clegitnt ircparntion may be relied to cbangQ tho color of tlio lie.ird from gray or any otlicrundcslr. able shade, to brown or black, at dl cnHlon. It U cosily Applied, being In one preparation, and quickly and cf fectnally produces A permanent color, which will neither rub nor wash off. fcl.33fect.rc. by R. P. HALL k C. '"'.' KeVsauA. srjz. ' ' sVU if sit n0Ca, aat SmIms ia tttCAm , DR. SPIN EY ; SO. It ICE ASSET UTRECT. Tresis sit Cbraeie aa4 aria T'fAJ'r.aW al w 'sF a t ke. nlll Cku.er t ees !TBt .ST.. eAuae of roetaui -tuitmt mr .l.ia.ia mi do well lo avail ibewiwdrn. ol Ui'a, tbegreatw, Ua wi wntae soar e.-seirw.y bawsMty Pa. MPIKbAV a JI caareatoe to turtmt. ttm mry eaee IMttdnai wvaanee e privets dm. ot any kind or sareeferwtuek be aadarutkea aad bv l ajMa,i. ' MISSLAAtaj Mbk.. . , Tbers are Baay st lb are oi thirty dees a itr j aretroobUd vrttb loe trenaea. evatewl ins, e Iba blaa. der, 4Vmi aonittipaBied by . altrfct emerUM or bornliai teamiton, and. et.rilns of tbs eyavam Is s seaaaer' lbs puwai eaonot sosuub b. On naaiidbf lbs arbwy depeeti. a ropy aertlmerH will artes be lnd and ana,Mliiaa enull partkaee o elbaeaaa will .ppeer, er ae waer win beet s taw ssUkUb htm, avals ebaas bf lo dark aod torpid aorea raooe. Tbere are inaay . wm da at thai dteieaity aroorant al laaeawae, wbkb b tb. eeoead etace el MUul awk.eaa. la. a. will rTMxmae a perfect core la all mt one., and s aauuiy nm.m uu of to. featto-arlMry orvsna Orrui ilucas IS la aad te a Sonde, traai 1 II a. a. Oeasatutks fwe. Tboroufb eaLuanMUc Bt. FTCY el C., Xo. tl Kearbir St, Saa Kraotero USA BESTdafrn. rta-bt a tbetr own Uaatlra. esssatscsta. SaloFMper Mare aaaer sea. rtfbt na tbetr own Uaatira. PanlaBlara sad ea,piM 'a aw rre. ia.jM. . yoar enar. Uea. at Ihm btaa saa. Addrasi bTtaaos b Co.. Fortetnd, Maine. k? O. W. Burkhart c Ca DRAVIV1 EM. HAvrsa '4HE nsfiwT octitts in this rltv we are Drenared to rk an aud alt klnda of baullng day ar ylht, and a nw na vmmp as tna ortoaprMt. uiva US a eaU. O EO. W. BUHKliAUT A CO. nlUt HEAD THIS PARKEli & ADABIS nr. - v - , nr, now pukpaued to rcrtxisn L to the publics tbe , . WnEELEIi & WILSOIw, So 8, ai- redaoed prtoea. " AIV1. "Mt. fVaarftoa Tt.nl. ....1 raents to all kiods of machines. - Office rSalexa, On-goo. nntll January ltd. ' TlSrWf GREAT REDUCTION 1 BCVBX AJI AOBSCT aasl SMerSlMMrwtfk. HOMESTEAD 20 SEWING:! y 31 ACIII1VE. Far PuajerUoeaa. i 020 WlthTalloaaariitures eomplotsealy $20 A perlaol and oaeaaaJea, -aura; mron aod d arable MacbirMeoMtrBetedelesaMaiid anrld, trum the boat ttiaverlalwtlb satrMisatteal peeabnoo, rorOnoMant Fuo- uy ass or swruiaccwnir parpoaus. - Ainrt trady at mooMrit'. notles to do km dev. emrk. der, aod vrtll laM a rwrUoo wHh ovxierete care ; rmy to ondaretaad aad m.mga; II (bt, anwotb sad swift roanlnt-. Ilka tbs waU-reaaiatcd movement oi a Bus watch ; simple, COarpart, Undent and tteiktbla, vrttb an the valuable hnprovemeai. to be found la tb. hleh eet prloed Maiiilar.. warranted to do tbs saSM work, tb. aw way, and sa rapid and smooth ss s 7 Ma chine. AS acknowledged trtumfib nt higmbii.. nwli. leal .kill, eaetntially tna worklns wotnaa'. Mend, and lar In advance ol all ordinary Machines, lor ebecluts ceorrn, neuaoiutyaon general naetumee.; enu Mem, ilL Tuck, Scam, ljuilt. Bind, Bral, Cord, Oather, Bus an Bread the. Ac., with wonderful raulditv. .nea. new and iaa, anas the ttrongen tsetlnf etiteb squally Sim and .month through all kind, of goods, from raia- nne to aovarai toicamia.ia ot nroadclats ar hwtber, with flns or roan, ootton. linen, tlk or twins, fiives perfeot satddscUoa. Will earn lu ooet lovere Urns, over la a eeaaon In the work It does, or make s rood living for any man or woman who dealrea lo na. It for that rmrpoae; atnrk. so faithful sad ear tb. eervanu or children can um It without damaga. Frko( Maohins with hht tablo, hUly equipped lor tamilv work, Sjo. Uaur CaR. Covya., kips paawass as Oawewaeraas each at ouirvepoodlngly low ratea bale delivery guar snteed, tree from daaugs. - Kxplwat7 pampjdu. il luemued with engravlnc of tbe aeveral style, of -Ma, cbloea, referancoe, variety ol ecwine?, Ae., stalled tree. ConfideiiUat trrms wlitb liberal Induooments to enter prieing ClenrraMn, Taacben, BueuMrn Met, Traroling or Loral Agent., Ao., who d'etre eiolueire Agcooiea, fiimiebl on apotleaUon. Andrea. John II. Kendall A Co., in Broadvray, Hew fork. . yUtUi .... McOalley & Andrews, l.CRAXOaTy OHEGOXy -: ' ' oisxaas -nt-, -"..- - ' DRT CrOOOS, CLOTKI.Vtl, BOOTS -AXt) SnOES, GROCF.S1ES, rBOTKEST, WILLOW WABE, ETC. aarOur rlock U nw and will b aokl cheap. Olvs a scali. - - , . - .. lltJHU RESTAU RANT. Meals at all hours and prices Hs S9 Fasat Street, Albaar. T. CHARLES HOTEL, Corner VTashlaRton and First street. - AXaBAJiT, OltSQOSf."'' FEOIHI & ZlllTZOZJ, Tros. THE PROPRIETOR tftkos plessnre In In forming tbs public in general liiat ho has Utoly refurnished and renovated ths hou throughout, and now stand, second to nono La thn ci.hU. Th dlnlug: room 1. undor hi lm. mei;iu siipt-fvlsioii, end no pains will Ui Sosr '1 to i. r-pjjr t ft tnt,ls wlfii thsbelthe luit'k t nfr.jj.4 . 1. .toop.n all uIkuU Ta 1 Froia tlio Hoiua, '' . .:Mi.Wlf. It i.WTi. f HI -'HX: ft 1 ' t-W A. wdai'ik' ADVERTISEMENCCS. ASTONISHINa CURES! ' 4f NrrvaM. Debility, ftesl Hasbaed, Far. el.yala, K.haaalrU Vitality, laioair lreary, obiat I'iatiaaa., WMkaou uX CriHlactlye ntaas, Ate., fcio., by lbs . - 4 . CEUS2ATE0 EKCUSH TiMEOY, SIB AST LET COOrCefS " Vital. Eetorat(veI imai iff e -..-.-,. It restores 1IKAKINO and striiet&Mts the r, fx I OUT, It is not m tUACK NOSTRUM. lu ePbuto are pormsnAnt - It has ne equal. It is neither aHTlMULANT NOU KXOITA NT. but it will do tbe work thor oughly and well. im. MINTIKrt (X).'H trroet sueooes In the sliovs ooiiiplclats Is largblj due to the una of this wonderful rorxlkdne. frlrte $1.00 por bottle, or 4 times Uto atinntlty fot f lui sont aemire from oirserTa lion, u eon KICvKIlT OK P1UCK. Nooe Kenulee without te siimaturo of wo propriutor, A. alio t m, j, j;. j'brsmisns say tivese troubles cannot be OU rbe VITAL IttSTOHATIVE srul rr. Mintie A Co.'s HpeeiaJ Treat men t testify positive! that tley can. COSSILTAT.OS FSKK. i U Tboroutb examlnstioa sod sxrvkx-.' includ ing susly.1.. VtjtM Address . . A. E. MtXTTS et ft'4 "i Orsdustoof t'nlv.ruy orrVoneylesblAejid Isle Kestdnot Burgeon, Orthspoxiio Uesptuti. Fhitsdalphls. w liranoh troos. No. VA eornor 8aeoa4'aed Morrlasa Mtrent. I'ortland. p. O. iioa 6U. or II Ki.arooy Strew.' Mao Kranoiaoo, . - Omes hours 10 A. M. to S r. M., daily tint Y.Dln.e. Mundays, II a, m. lo 1 f. m. only. . , . fcolvl. i- J : ; . . .. CITY DRUG STORE. Cetwar rtrst aa EUswertk Stfeeta. f ALBAjrT. BZ4rA.' -' tl. SALT5IAIISLT hs soOn pnreUaaed tbe CUy Drag Store, haviafwurutiaaeKl the eaUre totns ot eaeeeawMr to A. Cerotbere rt Co. lie Is flaw nwdrlnr a anlanrtl.1 mts., arl.it. added a tho former, renders it very oota plote. la Mil the diffWrent derNuunenta. reeling asaunxl that all can be suited, both In ltuuitity aod priees. Mr. foltmarwhcor. dlaUw InvltM hla nl,l rVturfe mnA ttrm- rs lo give him s eell. . rjlKS:iUPTI0NH will reonlre trnmedi. sie and oareful attention, at ail hears, 0r and bight. rrnia vvrfcm 'vt TTrinArw ... - weeea " ' w " mm abb" db aVAa m V f wTf fl medivUMU purposes JAMES DANNALS, baaaaa rs as aasrrecreaea oe SOtlD WALNUT BEDROOM SETS, t.",. ' Marbts aad Weed Tarts. ' Parlor Seta and Zeounges, Mar- i M Top Center-Tables, . Spring Beds and : . Xlattreaaea, WALSIT, SIPLE 1HS Oil ttlCIETS, Aa-i sG kind. -A W balaaaa. I baira. Bcelaleetda. rxlraalea Ts. blea, Staada. UI aad rsary atasildlsca, KXd. IlabAd lofcnsp sverytbinf lo lbs turnltars ttes, and l fuarantea satfadaottoa to all who win eail oa sm st MiW. Mrkh. 4AMCJI OAbSAba. 2ST23"W" Tailoring . Establishment CHARLES P. DEUBEL, CSuoceaex b E. . Bakrr J nwsat rtn sm Albaax. 1 reapaeMulby ssaaaaas la aa aaldU that I aa pre pared ea aa ail work la sy baa a arat-cJaai ao-ie. BetojrjsjMSii,sl Qaater sad Fletar I fssrsntss per. tlraaJauj, amd ateaeOr ls Aaas with Irsaara. aa4 DUrMkh. ftTA trial reepeettuUy alk-ited. adl , CDAS. F. MHJSXI. ST. faOHOLAS HOTEL. aadearwdcaar, Oircaa. J. B. SCniFFOBD, - PBOP. HA VIVO REFITTED THIS HOTEL ia first -claas atyla, I boa to Infon uaveliuft publio Uat I can give uieu. d aooom modatiooa. 1 : The Offica of the Co nallis, Lebanon Dallas Mbtage lines. Is at the St. Charles Hotel, at Albany, In stead of the American Kicbsocs, as repre sentodjb the proprietor of tho Tatter hotel. .; .T. 13. VYATT, - (Sooccesor to Clark A Wyatt.) . Dealer ia-- HARDWARE, IRON. GTEEL CHZLF HARDWARE, NAILS, ROPE, ETC., ETC. A(ent tor tbs eot.br.led Dtsmond erosvsut Saws. vi3a40tf DOCTOE 11 nzuTon, Physician ' and Surgeon. TTaving permanently loeated In tbe city ia-oi Aioaoy. ana enterea upon tat thirtynrntyear of his practice, respectfully Rsuunrv iia proiosaioDat rvrvices iq vil citizens of Albany and aorreandiiig ooun r-f) T(Nl at tha Citv TJrnir Rtrtm. T? denoo on first Street. I2n40 ; ; Notice to Framers and Builders. SETTXEMIEK A CO.,' HAVB AT their mill, four miles below .Lebanon, on- ilamilton Creek, 1,000,000 leet of tbe very best quality of lumber, which they are selling at very low prices. Also iut oonnooiion with the mill, they have a plsaier and moulding machine, and arn prepared to furnish flooring, rus tic door and window frames, .and mould ing of all kinds. Also fence pickets, rails and base, kept on hand. Be sure to call on on before yon pur oliaae. G. F. SETTLKMIEJB & CO. . ediitf coneumPTivE - Positively Cured All mifferere from thin dlieaae that are auxkm. to ba oored should try I.r. KU.err's Crlcbraled Cos. fuoii'ilvr S'owttcr. Inert Powdots are tb. only preiwrauon known that will cure On.amptloai and ail diaeaao. of th. Tbroat sad lmiRa indeed, etronr U our faith la them, and atao to convince you thr.t they ar. no humbug, we will forward to CTsry K.rtwr. by mall, poet paid, a fwe Trial Box. e aon t want your money until you ar. perfectly tisacd of their curacy, power.. II your life it worth me. don't doiav in e-h-uur lhaa Powdrnt a trial. a.- th.jy will eurwly cure you. - t t'rice, laio box, ii.bo, acnt to any part r.l th. ttiitod ita;cs or UukU, by ;uail on recyipt pi pnoe. AUrvea, ash & Konuinrj?,' 13 SPj-t 500 FriTos Bts-s-t, F-.oorj.Ts X. T 7 " nw Ve m.-sTw.- V -r.:-r at mrk -r t,. then i .rv. I J v...- -r .i,. . .-'. i.uuinfui we ': t a. a nt . d rssie t- tr..-.": . . - ......a, t - o- ! t' -l wrtntwl ee.-;'5- . -4 i . : -r v. .o-ar Id tr, tiaaff. IVvvy cr.. ; z.Ji I I . m rf "''? I imM VaeT t im ir fm "' - ' ; vuBbi xyxyzx. Xiaxna oir ' ;: ; J: LABQEST . QT0CK I LOWEST PHIOU " OltOtBS WILL RECEfYE FnC"?T Af.3 CAREFU1 ATTeiTC:i -161 Stat Street; X5HIO AGO. ';; Llou nt If ood Arlcultu iMioirnrns Avri ii tui : OCb'KIUl, fi. II. psbornd & Go,! Woril-Ilnowncd 'lUoWm'-'xiMr and' j t' ; ' " ci.n:-Jt- TT Li. a ' - - bcA eUilaULUJj: ' ! lleonly rf lf-Bnng mteietor known, . ' i. ; -r. j ' . ... - " . IWrnOTEO Tf HI TEW AT Ell WAOOW, th testee. sag Best. THE PAM0C3 WHlTEWATKIt 4 UTES Hacks, Cabsiaoss AExtrtja" VtAUvm. . Walking and lUJlog whh Wood or Steel Ewmi, rasuie sapeoUlly for tha fiorthm vt - - THE lO SELF AKD KAKLVCwji? SttlkY EASE, , The Esks Known. The Belle of the WeM Bulky snd Potato-Wirger Atisobment (A. new aaj valaalle s- . , . , quisiUon to the family f Agricultural.Impieaieou.) EEIllAW E VAKS ClTENJflAlV FAJf IfllX I, (TbelaiesaadCwt). THSBEEDBEOS. Spring Steel Toth Harrow & Cultivator : , 1" , i (Entirely Sow.) " , . . . - TIjs Fbovoos Ulnnesotu Ctlef Tbreaber. the Wcyrlch Haines Headers. The Ilob . Klckle Grinder, etc cto. (Every rartuer beys ooe on aiffbt.) . " : ' i ' ' - rou thr . j . STATS Of OtEOGX AS1 THS. TESATrOElia tlf WASHCIG705 AITB HAH0i. Nl& 261 V 2C3 JTeOST STI1EET, AND 260 & 262 FIRST STREET PORTLAND, - , OREf-Orf. Prfcee ajubject to Cliansfe without nofine. . J. J. BB0T7II, Agent, ; ' . Albany, Oregon. . STOVuS! VI. M. HARVEY. W30LnAUC ASD IUTTAIL tKAIXJ U . r STOVES, RANGES, PUMPS, HOCS, LEAD AMD IHOfi PIPES, ETC, ETC, ETC 1 a lao stASCTACTriuea f Tin, Cop jvo r and. Slioet Iron "Waro or every Xescription. PLUMBING snd GAS yiCtYSO aud a"! job work boloaging to the boslaess caro tolly and promptly done, by oorrj2at and skillful Mechanica. TiiirtTA TEA.E3 experienoe In the basiness, warrants na la guarsreoinz itU-" faction, , s ' ..-.-.'... ,t i , - ... ' OCR STOCK will be largely increased by purohaseS made by our Vr. Harwe r, si tha KaM and m San Francisoe. Dealers In our line, and Country MorcOartts arr m. persutly Invited to -call aad take a look at oar goods and nrRY whish have Uea . narked down to suit the times. , "- Onr Uottot "THE BEST GOODS" at living rate; Our aim s to make Albany vet permanent borne, and build p a buMocss thai wiU la.it. COMB and 8K us. anl doot forget to look at ear , ; ajuw asioxxnacoHo xsuiLrTca-xia, Six dLCfcretii styls In stock. BSSCCMBEItlhe old stand mmr tbe Fank. - " r.VFARLAND & HARV'SY. 4 - . . . - viSaaitf - : . b. r. masox. - ' FOSHAY (Soooeeaon to DKAUCKS DRUGS, BOOKS, STATIOIIEIIV, ETG., JCET 3 b TnfiTFC.TTltTfirO zmzozE. A LAACt AJT0 ITIESH F-0CK OF ' - - . DRUGS AND 7 ED! Gin EC : OZ3 , A T.Ts I 4. 8 MJTtO, . ababraclaf arerytMn osoaOy iaaad ia s trst-olass retail drof ntln'.liiliimiil ; ' A wxmx txsm f :. BOOKS AND STATIONERY, Tbe Wock is eery bar sad weB sateebVd. A newt depot hi ale. nut la eonsectloa with Ibis dcmrbsaal. vrbrya ' -'I Ihti kitTrt rniniiim m(rislnn. pirlnn.li. rtn . ran hi iirn-.r l . . . WHEN YOU COME TO ALBANY CALL AND SEE US SALEM -MARBLE IVOHECG.-i ' ;, ' : ' -dealer"in . " M O W-'Uli. EtJTSV TABLETS ' ., . . :;,.tand-.-. .;r r. . - " - ' y- rTTa-AJO U a'ilP XET "- - italic: a::d VEn::c:iT narzm, SALcr.., - - - - Also, every variety of cemetery and other stone Work done with- neatness and dir t -fe. . Special attent ioa given to orders from an v part of tbe state and Washing- ton Twriiorv, by mail or otherwise, and promptly for. -warded. -All -work warranted.' ALBAW Vi BNOH -. HOUCIi.'- A branch eetabllidiment ia iocabid at Albany and owned by the Etal.r Pie. Address all orders to A. Staigor, Albany, Oregon. lioiyt sjHtccd. AT THE OUJ STAND, 72 FIRST RTRrrT, HAS 'ON HAXD AS FTSE ASf . v . ASSOKTM-EXT OJT . . ' ii COOK, BOX AND PARLOR STOVES AND RANGES, As anj house ta Ihe valley. . He tUo Imports and manufarf nri Tji"' fn.fwjeee mnri rr e;n ""; - ' tils SiibaM.1 a 6 Sal U.M OF EVEP.Y BESCraiTTON IX STOCK OTt UAJI, A Jt'UlJi CVflllf"- f1HIT" . s-'r -M i Jfi . i ; W u iil I to a. b X tel ALL OP WHICH II E Ci:rr.3 TO THK PUBLIC AT IKXCF.v, THAT 1-117 . courmTio:?, call at tj piiist stkl.t, ali:a::y, oiiesv.v. 1 - ..... ifev 'WAA Va 'lew' - -v r - bd - - rcl lm iplement ilousS -: t.viftp. r ACi..VTI fob AiU.rVC5 UTS, STOVEC! -: V. He f.lTARSeAfa Da JOE2I FOcTHAT- z MASON John Poahay.) u 4 r t - - -. . o.s2cc n. ."111111 e" TO CRTTTt. AU50, HE XEEPS fit? ASSOI.TMi.Xx OP - - . . m sa ejb V.Vhf w r f V 1 : ( k r V V ... Y