SLIT 2 RIGHTS DEMOCRAT Pi I ) .A. . A . . I U, 7 "?n i 1 .A AAA. vV . A A yN - irro zraix rrzvxx . 6V ! i i ernca. I "m w aratMtafcCaastaigs rmf E-rwufcuM u4 lcm Ma. i. tssss or ecBucurnox: j kt, aar Mr. ja M VOL. XIV. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST. 23. 1878 s ....................... fa, . wr, uiwauMb m I iiatti euaviar..,, w r . . .. m i : lwi i H! f a f ull I ; 1 Si II 112 I J f i II' - : J I 11131 11 1 I I I 1 I ' fl I " I I 1 -i 'J " Iff I ft I i I I " if ai i - i.i ti i r i - s-J y i ii i i i i ij I i j i j i - i , . . . . -I, . .. . . . 1 1 i " I I i I ) f s - rr.OFESSIONAL. CARDS. ATTORNEY AT LAW. . lUiST, C-KrCAV I prot&et la the Coon noac,-Js Fm r.i. killcr. TTORNKY AT LAW, f LE3ASOS OBEGO). ;.".U r-"! to all U coarti of tha 811. -B1 uaua 1t to coJlMUon. - lay. tUuui, J, A. VA.TIS, ATTCr.XSY AKD CC'JSSElOa AT LAW CCSTftTT.n, CSS30IS.: rui loa to atl tha Courts of h SuU la Mi ( ooii lioow - MiiaUrt. - -I. W. IJAX.I7I., ATtORICEY 6 CCwSSaca At IAW, I mrik la alt tha Court la UwM.U tj uf Onvon, and is liva Untul fMm In. i. au JihIK! . Mil JudHOml IXMfMx! In f Kj. MUd(Ut4ll (liii 11 fire in (road on In rarraOkt brtcA bioctt. ft'irst be, Aitaaaqr, LOUIS A. EJ A IV ITS, C0AAY rCOLXCJ 11 Cat-raJUs, Or?. irn-t r-tucncs rs aix'thk conrrSjor ST Bad, fun fctwgat aal nU, oxv fcaaad. sad aafcM tidoviaOourt HMi aa-atelra, S5tl J D. ITConley, ATTORNEY AT LAW. y lUUT.tUt.tL J riPFICE, 87 W I U Special atteoJ EST FRONT STREET. Attention pi ran to collections. n. j, EOtfGHTCir, eld.. AISAJYY, . . . ttUtl. mHB WVPDR B A CKADVATK OT TUB OT- A VKa.-ii.TT MadM.1 Cattea at !(r T.rt, u4 -at BeUme Uuophal Modiad CAa at Now York. AdUtfaa ia Dr. Htntosrt Drag Suva. ri3a?U . . A 1B Alt Y, "OS X.u 3 TtMSce over tto ' i: : v, at i; . . -..i-t- Car ATTORNEY AT I. AW. flMelal attaatlaa toeaHaotloB of i aVOOIca oh oor Housa of riibera Brick.'' - anrt. CHAS. E. WOLTEBTOX, ITTII3ET All KOSILSSTIT. iiff, 'AUEAXT.PW-y.'" - D. H. K. ELACHEURir, incr.rn kd. ccus-ach at uw tB" OoUeetkms a apeeUHy. - .- - apU Dr. T. L.. rOLD, ObOTLlsiAND AURI T rvTt. COTJES ES HAI EXPERIENCE IS JL treat nc tha vanoua tlAaa to whieh tba ay and ear are aabjejt,'aad fla eonfllaotof tirinr enUca aatiataeUoa to Uutaa who may piaoa taaaueiresiiMr Jxsa en. . aoau. arrr rr OFFICE IK FBOMAJS'S BCTLDISO, 1 I yrer Elala's dotblos store. Kea dence, aoKtii-est corner of Third and Lyon treeta. 13ai ryBRice, H. D., Phrsician and Sarsreon. fYTLCZ At I F.ummisr'a- Drag Sore. lf Eaidaoe on tha sweat leading U U pepot, at the oroesirijf or ttie taaau K. S. STKAHAS. . Albany. - JOES BURSETT -' OorvallU 8TRAHAN &.E.UaNETT, f ATTORNEYS AT LAW. " ra practice In all tfie eourtt la C-regon. " lloineopatliie Phj '.rin. rkFFICB HOUF.3 FROM 10 TO 12 AND - Vf from 3 to 4, ttiocic Dteeaao ana eur- gery a Speciawy. ? . mwfa ' " - : J" (NOTABT PUBUCJ ; ATTORNEY AT LAW, AtBAST, OEZCfiX. - ' PHACTICS IN ALL Tn E COvBTb OF Tbs l Hull. -8psaJattBiMtaeoictkiaaB proUta swttr. r-T Office ia Bri?y" BolMiiij. RUDARTO & DUCRUILLEf (Swuanara to a W. Bobart) Uumtaetnruv -sod ImpxU 'jA KaAAIea, Brkiia, llaracaa, ' WBiaa. f ' w:r and - ' ' Kaddiery KarAwajre. Hack mm A.. CrZCIALTY. Trout fkrcei, Aibasy, rt-Ka. CHASED TEK ENTIRE STOCK OF rjmn asd ilinnin.tared Goods d Af&ny, vd hnng twiy year fanHM w. tail pirawura ia aa-. .viicuuwe lawnd (telimg at V gTianuiU-e &UsjiiCik.B to 111 , 1 rcsi-ecu'eiiy i f a iair abua oi . i.r- l-,.-,-t m. W. i'..!.i...l B: .. .. U.taa tow, we WILLEnT&SCSCn, MANUFACTURE II S Coraar Buoni a&4 Tttrj Ka Albaaf, 0a Art prrr4 V Bannfari parrUrna and taj al aaort ifuUoa aa4 o tka W BXST HATCRI.IIm Th asaka toa fummxvm. Cakuaom Avr Bvatua f toa Slata. VMa al ahortaat RoUca M iaa Mast SKILLFUL MANNER. Taa(rarorkaa4 aoatrlal la amiraatad to ta flMoiaaa. atunaua STAR BAKERY PROVISION STORE ! . r3iaiiam.rTCa, ' Ooiaarot rmttod BnavhUMa Mhaar. A, Urea aUjrkof troah FA3ULY GCOCEUIES kar4 aoaataaUy aa hand. All kladi or " FRESH V m GETAB LEB la taalr aaasaa. , : ' ; Caaaa BcUvcnal ta aajr raH mt taa CMf t ni .at. JATIC9 ICOWAW. (r caaa. r a. eaa ct.) LEBANON OREGON, OSALE& rs GEXEHAL U CRCIIAXniSK 2U car alwats on icro a full itock DRY GOODS ! GROCERIES! AUt SaU at tULaaiil. fdeaa Arf. Ail tierj.a avia A. (Niaraa t C. aaa KUl t t.1 .?r... .... , . J&aAVTCaC ATESSB ftga A- . . Wbolesalc Liqaor Store TEB FINEST BRANDS OF WIXES, LIQUORS, TOBACCO & CI GALS. Tbe Cclehralea ml Lvl STONEWALL WBISKEY, " Tb flnaat wbiOtey h tb SUtp. Wluslles, Frtaci BrAcdits, Sherry, Fert, tlaret, aaa all euer kiaas T wises, Viu, Ale, Beer, and Porter.' Bitten of ererr kiai, aud tb best braads or tobacco aaa Itnrs. iSI want evarybodrt aaderutaad that hare orxmd est a firaVoUaa whoteaaia hiqaor atoM, whara ciiy ted ooontry deal ers can proCBrv xaaar anr a racuaaii prioea, wuta anly fretvlav KlieO. r -. Boom on titaeorittr of Front and Farry Street, Albany, Orogotx . , SSi. McIIwain A Magson, . , VbdUmU aai retaS oaJai iu r9v bal ttwvxOf C30SEESES, ' CECSrtESYf ! I kae: ... AAUA ETC., fTO., -AJTO--U. . ....... . Agrictiltural Implements .r al atad,--' '-'y- '- FIRS triSUIXAnCE Lobdos. ud Uim of I-vv-p-zcJ. kiw i:a40 f;ii,oAJ.oou. .n - . isoza CITY EXPRESS. I HAVE A GOOD TEAM, A t FINE, atroiiK hack, and will do any Celrver lug or other work entrusted to tne with dispatch. I came here to stay snd eieet ing to stick to hia business, I solicit a fair share of patronage. vi3n4otr . t. ii. dug am. nas-aiai I.ayw-sr.-' ;-. - Ceravar First is4 EUswenb AltMuay, erLt- Pfeifar Eros 'Props i Th!i aw Holel iBlti w to tmtehM t5- Tbl cupfiuad with tk. aaot tit aurket t!ofJ.. fairing Bed. in avary Baoia. . A uud feaopM Houvi far Com atercUl Trawiera. ATTree Caach taAAXtrosaSu'2IIots-WA : ..- -.' GEO. EIOHARDS. ; WiE03 1S3 CAMIAOS HAK5E. ElUworth, bet. Fim and Si cotat. ' Prepared to do aB Unda t rapairfnj to tin tiia , . 1 ?- JUNIUS Fi WHITING, - HO-TJTS "E3 Q T 3r hT PAINTING-. KfclSSS::S!K3..tAPKASS:K3.' GRAilISS, ITS T!!E iiLitl ilk k.. i . . ..,.... -V A " ' I ! T TV - ' re ;-, rAJUA LKTTtJU aaetala abaat the Bwalevard. Tha ia. eaaal Bel w ark. ar KauparU af rarla. Cafha as 4 tryiUI rUeaa Btaeatled to laa eUaaeaalaaa ar a City. aVMallag Ola pUj. Tieerat ar OUraoatU. etc., ate. rao ova aaat ua cuaaatroaaaiiT.l Paew, July, 23J, 1878. Erary groat inctropolia Ltt, and It as had a centre heart, tho faoea of life, of character, And movement. In Borne, tho Forum with its olaaaio memories; in London, Itagont atroft; in "Sow York, E road way; and in Pari tnodcra Taru the Boulovarda. Othor wluta hare boon mora central and more fkahionable in the FarU of the past, for tho Boulo varda Interior wore once Exteriors, and their history and chronology ia known. But tho Pakia Royal, ther Louvre, and other centre of attraction havo lxv?n eclipsed, by tho&o Boulovards, which reprpaont the typn, the eAsence of FaHa lifo in all iU originality and j.iquaaey. Formed in tho soventconth oentury, tho Boulevard wn at first the bulwarks or ram porta of Faritt, when tho night ingale freUontd tho groro replaced by the present Boulevard Ilauwunana and Malchharbon", and lovora atroltod in tho ftowery fields about tho ChAuiaoe d'Antin. They bavo many intercatinj hiaioricsl association. 2Iongalaer,-th inventor of balloons, llvod in the Boule vard St. tanis; tho Avcvasin Fiesahi pointed bin iafemai inarJJno agaiost Louis FLilijipi from Na CO Boulevard da Tomple, and tho noted beauty, Ni non dta L'Enclos, lived on the aame Boulevard. Ko., 23; while Uie t11 known 2Vulcard dt Iuliwin, tho ze nith of Parisian animation in 1815, was inhabited by the celebrated come dian Bnar-I tho rival of Maliaret Wh&t a transformation in tho present day: the Hhop windows with tha blaze of Patua, tho wealth of the Indies and Bonanzas with the rarest combination of modern inonuity and industry a Crystal Falaco extended to tike dimsn lions of a city, with aveusm of light and passages of jJeaiura All this mutt be seen to bo understood or rather felt, for the general impression of the far-fasnod Boulevards it a uh more poweifal appeal to the psjtaiona, Voo tkns, and, perhaps, to the aesthetic sense, than to the thovt or reason, more clearly typified in our more sober ciiToaJth ejaarl qts ai.i aarri-i of thU aje tieuglsts o tlie I" rctitk CstmII hAva at- traeted from ali rr vf the world gaze witk rejture Uj-on tWsct0 of wonders. The da riling display of diamonds and other costly jewels exhibited in the win dows whioh are illaminatel with gas by means of rejectors throw Lag the soft clear light and showing ofT thene treas- ttras to the best advauWise, The win- down are in roost case.i rearranged ex preesly with a view to evening effect. Nowhere the can be seen such an at- tractiro display of tiaras of diamonds and precious stones, ranging in price from five to ten hundred thousand franc-. Watch of erery ratrety of style, and every doeripiua of jewelry, glitter in the soft mellow light. Perfumery ships, also arranged with the most con- summ&te skill. imrre?ntu32 the air with delicious odors, add to the fairy like impressions of. the scene. Cloth ing establishments,' marbles and pict ure, bronzes, fruit and pastry shops. in fact every thing can be found here in the greatest profusion. Every variety of form and device is restored to in ar ranging gas lights and mirrors so as to produce the grea$et e fleet. The names of many of the principal restaurants d cafes are emblazoned over the doors ia let '-.ers of fire, tha effect of which ia extremely beautiful while At the same time the cost miuk be enormous; but the shopkeepers seem to pay no regard to the item of expenditure in their en deavors to eclipto each other in brillian cy ot display,. This illumination con tinuvs until about jmidnight. A point of unusual attraction is the t ,'ttul1 Cttfo i' on the Boulevard das vf ituv Scribe; the agbinceut CAfe in llUt-il Paris, liud probably ia the world. " The general efl'ect from tho opposite side is dazzling; the rooms are ablazoof light. It is said that 2,000 persona congregate hero at night t drink coffee, cognac, absinthe and peruse tho leading jeurnala. The decoration and furniture of this cafe has cost nearly a million of francs. Its main Attraction is perhaps the exquuato painting of the ceiling ex ecuted by' artisti of no less merit. thAU Boulanger and Dulaney. A group of baechartes and fiiuns on tho ceiling of a drawing room, which measures thirteen metres in circumference is a work of ar tistic merit which might be envied by any rt collector. Uion tho side wAk, in front of, the cafe, which tire "fibou thirty feet wide, and covered with aa- phaltata, liko tho streets, are arraaged small tables and neat fancy chairs made of iron, these are occupied, upon pleas ant eveninza. bv persons of both sexes, regahng themselves witn ices, etc, i.n eS'ect of this large trowd both within aad without the' cafe, the groat pvofus ioD of gas lights, tbe numbers of which ' -. .... -.. . im i Beecu tioable aud quadrupled Dy reaeo- tion from the' immense mirrors on the :e t") pro-lace a e 9 Ciun ncy cai gytr,' Q.-.A. M. TBtaxAas Tstvatmuts. Senator Thurmta spoke to a lrv? audieuoe at Hamilton, Ohio, on the 13th. lie first dofondod hu ova action in so- ocpting the Ohio Democratic platform, nd argued that bo was censutent In that acceptance. lie gave reasons for reterrinK ereonbacic to nationul bank notes. Ther were first i national bahk ourrenoy means the indefinite ierpotu ation of tho national debt; scoond, tho natiomd bank system tends to combine, concentrate and ihtonsily the money; powor; third, the national Uul eifcu- ation is a special priviloa;e that put many millions annually into the pock et of the shareholders and takes at many - millions annually out of the pockets of people. He went into an extend! analysis of the Bute platform, showing that it was not favorable to inflation or " kiting," but . douanded what tho publh had loQ2 asked for. lie continued: Now: Las the ruleof Ike Tlopubt lean party since the dose of the civil war, 13 years ago, been wu ana Maeaceati think thatKbis question nutt be an swered ia tho 65tWa. It is not nec essary to go into a JoUuled examina tion of tul its measurec, nor oould that be done in the limits of a speech, or indeed in many speeches. Nor is it necessary to assert that all its ueatures have been bad aai Injurious. It is suffi-rient to look at the general result and see whether it bas resulted in good government and prosperity, or . the re verse. , Xtow, certainly no one wui de ny that this country has for. the last year suffered as no other country aver did auffitf" from depression in very branch aT business. In evsrv - indus trial occupation the entire body of. the producing classes, employers, employes nd - middlemen nave been auecteu. Bankruptcies are numbered by tens, if not by hundreds, of thotwAnds, and the aggregate losses almost defies computa tion. The nomber of laborers thrown out of work or reduced to naif time and diminished wagesnAsbeeaestimatod by millions, and however exaggerted the estimate may be, the extent of the evil baa no parallel ia' tho history of this, it indeed it baa iu the history of any people. Startling as ;s the (act, and at first view almost inraprieiensi- blo that in a country wbeev ftefiuletion averagne but nitres f owima so toe stiuare mile, there have beea and there a a.-.. aS) vet are thousands destitute oi bread. The money interest aloao had flourished. lie arrnied that a vast contraction had taken place, even during tbe tbroo and a half years. Oreenbacks bad decreas ed 215,000,000, Had national bank note $29,(OO.0OO. besides, $IJ,000,- 000 greenbacks deposited for tho re demption of bank notes. Of the pcu- tnlity of maXtBg reanupUcA ! Jccvo paTtarata, bo aatd ureas rrttsa ana Franco aro I-ro-emltn-auy lu .era mosey oountrtaa ot curu.i-u'itTii. - isa ftirmrr Lat iafvin anl bullion about three di.llara for every dollar (S paper caonay. Of course ahe can maintain scie payment, at luot at Ion ai ale avoids war. I ranee nas toon mtuutc than paper money, and when at peace CAxi (sally maintain sTtcie payment; but the United States Lave at least threo dollars in peper for erery dollar in coin. And even a little wax or a change of the balance' of trade might. so long aa the diproportioa exUts, malre ahipwrecK oi tneir pretended specie psymeaL According to tho beit information 1 can oUAin, the product cf our mines is likely to fall efl". It is probAUehat the max imam prwaet has been reached, and that amutwi Jtew valaabla mines are diaeorerod taere will henceforth be a steady 'decreaae of production. But, nevertltoloss, u tbe balance of trade should continue ia onr favor the influx of gold and silver to gether with the product of the mines would cnaulo us to begin ana maintain spocie payments quite a soon as j justice to the debtor class would admit. If this bo true,why resort to forced redemp tion! Why crush the unXbrtuaate, in order to anticipate by a .comparatively brief period an event that would come naturally And unattended with severe distress. lie then showed that the expenses of the iasi yoaroiooaiH.ic aamiausirauon, ending June, 18 6.3, were only fifty-nine millions, while is the last year ia which the Republican party . had unlimited control, that ending June, ' 1875, the expenses were, exclusive of pensions and interest, one hundred and forty millions, or two and one-halt time as much as the Democratic expenses. 'The average expenditure, per capitA from 1853 to J860, under; the Democrats, was $i; 54, and from 1868 to 1875, un der Republican rule, 1 was, per capita, $2 45. : lie declared the 'credit inobil ier, tbe Pacific mail. : the'. Belknap trkl, the villainies of the custom , house, the straw bids of tbe post office, tho Indian and whisky rings - and the long list of defaulters in every ; department, have become- matters of history and attest too clearly for controrersy the need of reform. . - ' But no substantial reform vou may rest assurod will take place solosgas Keptibhcan rule shall prevail,, Ibo evil is too deeply seated to be reached anything short of an .entire cbangja of admidistr'ation. He denounces the method by which President Hayes was seated. He con cluded with a warning that the Repub lican leaders intend . to perpetuate their power by keeping alive the sect ional animagity' whicb has cursed the nation. ". , ' ': ' ; . ; Fellow citbens---N'othingtaoreunjusi, notbincr more unpatriotic, nothing more injurious to the peace, welfare and pros perity of tho republic; nothing more clearly ' demonstrutiye ot too necessity for a change of rulers and the inaugur ation of an era of justice, of fraternity, tlian w Auoraed by these facts can ho imagined.. Da you" wi&'a tLe union pre served! thea support tLc:je who would bind it tether by tia ties of fiat?r nal .feeling , aad a comsion. .interer-t as well as by . a constitution nd l-y-kn 3. Da you -ievc-r jortice aud aivco.t. ecuii'Ifv cf r' ' . .? th&rx euppit '. party on whoso banner justice and equality are iudellibly inscribed. Do you wUh to see the country strong and pronporousl then support tho policy that,heddiag its benign influence upon every part, gives irresistible stronglit ar?d universal well looing to the whole. . i aaa i "! ta txtLa Jxaa-s ausraaTtSK. t ' - UY JOUM W. IIATTOS. "I tell's yeah, beys, Fse d.m' wid doeo miwibunsry . niggers. Yeah hear me aew! l'w don' wid 'em, fur suah." " What's the matter now. Uncle Jakel- l'sd don' got an empty bag to hoi; dat'a all" " Haro the missloasrie ten ioipos bjonyoa, Unci!" "llev theyl I jess reckon so I I's bad mi eye teal out biu djs time,' good fashin'j aa' no mistake. I'se biu 'pray in' fur sum mo' htrain'; de kind what AJ a wid fullorj do kind da 5 fool big- jrers, suin a miser, git fur dar money. vo yean know dat col -black, deasod-mi aigger what cut siob a snlum ronn'dis settulmint a week ur two agot Yeah don'tt WeU. I do. an daf what's burtin' dis chil' right bar he libs. ".. x eali see I se one ob de desums ot our church, an' de vis'ting brudders an' sisters alms call ter see me, an' 1 foods 'em like fightin' cocks, an' tru de Lord fur pa. Well, du mlaahunAry mgvr oums roun' An' tolls what be don' for de hea ts tn decs papula what libs wa' up In de tree en' eats bugs and wurrums fur dar libia' tell bow be oonvarled 'em aa made humans euteu 'em, but bo sain it took a deal ur Bibles, 1 clothes an' vittels to pesuade Vat to quit dar mon key ways, an' he'd earn roun, to rau' a collecsksn 'mong de bredren, au' 'spott ed to git !0 befo' be lef de diggins. " lie said bed like to borrer tea dol- trs for mogiate use, an' he'd pay it back ahen he lifted a eollecshun. I kind o' hung back, till be said, wll a moils at bland as a cabbage leaf; " Well, mt good brudder, it is Lat eral an' right that yeah should be keer ful, like; and I don't blame yeah; but, to maka tings ssrtin ait' iruab, IU 'posit dis goi watch till 1 gits de money. , WelL I se get de watoh an dat nig ger is don' gone wid deten doltir. ' " is it col l Is dat ball a t- nv tie Court House gol'1 Is b wth what bangs up for a algn'trnhmd-tati-rct dar, gol't I de tire uv a wagiu l o. l eol'f No, aar, it's tutflin tmt a pulvi r- utod machecn est no Isio tu time o' da daa on uv d"tu pi'.eut iu. lh traps what aeils two Tor a liiokel. T a, aksuacx. MArriace is to woman 4 4k tLe happiost and aadJest event i-l" bar ,1'U; U if the i tv b i t kim Ula-a- nUi oa tbe doatU of prraieat :jyixUJTvi. She Quit her borne, bar iretit, her cotna&ionJ, her aausement e vexf- thing on which she bas hitherto dejend ed for oomiort, for aiTcdtion, for kind ness, and for pleasure. Tho pareDt by wbo?e ad vide she bas been guided tho sister Lo-arbom he bad dAred to impart tha very embryo thought and fueling tbe 'brother who bas played Lor, by turns, tha counselor sad the counseled, and the younger children to whom she has hitherto been the another and the playmate all are to l forsaken at one stroke every former tie ia loosened the spring of every action it changed; and the Hie with joy in the untrodden path before ier, buoyed up by the con fidence, of requited love, she bids a fond aud gratefal Adieu to the lifo that is past, and turns with excited botios end joyous anticipations to tbe hsppiness to coma. TV vo lo A mm teAo can blight nick fair cpti who can t reach erously lore uch a heart from it peace ful en torment and waetbful protection f home who cab, coward like break the illusions which have won her, end destroy the confidence which love bad inspired.' Woe to hitn who has too early with drawn the tender plant from the props and stay of moral discipline, In which she has been nurtured, and yet makes no effort to supply their places; for on him is tho responsibility of her errors on him who first taught her, by bis ex Ample, to grow careless of ber duty, and then expo sol bar, with a weekenod spirit And unsAtisfied heart, to the wild storms and .wily temptation of a sinful world. - . tat WAS TAAtsr ASStAU. She , was a young lady from Duek water, and Lad enjoyed her visit to the Base Rang metropolis immensely. She was pretty and piquant, and one of her srell known gallants had done las level best V meke it pleasant lor ber during her stay. Ice exciting cause of the fol lowing was an Attempt ou. his part ta snatch a. kiss from ier pouting lip. Then she arose in. all the dignity of of fended maidenhood and said: '.'See bore, mister, jest don't set 'em too fretJi. You, re dono.the handsome thing in cir cuses, ice cream, candy and aich, but you can't take x.ti liberties. My Jake, out tp the creek, he's got a -quit-claim .1 1 a - . i : 1 j i . r get it. . Yon can t squat on this loca tion And you d bet ter fauntfor a quarter section in some other direction, where you caa get a better title and gather your own erop." Xhe young man rec ognized the force , of her argument and hunted. Ewreka (Aev.J SeniimL He was an entire stranger to the girls present, and the boys were mean andwouldnotintroducebim. Heuaally plucked up courage, and stepping up to a yourg lay .requested the pleasure of Lrr company for the next dance. She looked at him in surprise, and informed him that she had not the pleasure of his acquaintance. ;vV ell, ,' remarked va zeadovia, "you don t take any more chances thaa I do.", . If ?Ir. liii y r.' ' 'irtat ' i.i'.'j npare time; Spn i l'.M r ' y j-- a t- S t) 1 a v , rrb...: V MV AKR SO flASV TUIVC SO? Why is it right to steal from the gov ernmontl , Whyi it wrong to kill tbe man who says he told you sot Why tho boy who made the Fourth of July odorous And hideous with gun powder from 1810 to 185C, inclusive, ere spocrhlp j with indignation at the de praved and riotous tastes of tho boys who want to onjoy the same kind of a celebration ia 1878? Why peoplo Always dUeuss Kurofteaa politic as though they understood themt .Why a man should always get mad if you frankly and for bis own good toll him he is making an ass of liimaclfi Why it it so bard to find a man whoa you want to borrow money of himt Why is it so hard to borrow the money when you Lave found himt Why a man always wbiUe Lo had chosen some other profowuon! , -..Why a man is always goiug to take a vacation "next surninorf' ... Why a man thinks evury yc-ar that he wont bo at big a fool this year at be was latt! And why he id, though, all the sataet Why a man never triee to beat down the prwe of a railroad tickett Why everybody afluctt a profound knowledgo of growing crops and crop Itohj)ocuI Why men always lie about the size of tho fish they catch and tbe Jiutnber duck they nbooit w hat a cirl ever see in great selfiah. deceitful hulking Animal of a man to marry him for, anyhow! Vhy it takes fire crown iwonle to tke oae sleeping infant to the circus to "tm the anunalaT Why a man who doctors himself with tatont- mediotnes, three bottles for a dollar, 'Always in refrring to bin health' sjHrak of "hia physicians" as though he were oonstsntljattetuloi by a of fifty or aixtv doctorZ? llawbryo. TBS Mt Kfll STrs Oi PtTl A. Philip GUWt Ilamerton inhisadmir aUo pApers on "lutelleetual life," thus talks to a man who "atoped his paper:" "Newspaper are to tho civilized world what tbe daily housetalk is to the mem bers of the family they keep our daily iutereat in each oihor, they ksvc us from the ovil of isotat ion. To live as a mem ber of tbe greet white race that lias filled KurojHJ and AmericA aud colonized or conquered whAtever territory it bas Iwen pleased to occupy; to share from day to day iu thoughts, its faros, it . iavpiratious, it it necessary that every mau auouul read Ltx papers. W by. Are French )oaaants so bewildered at seat It u lOiAuvj they never read anews- pa;?r. And why are the inhabitant uf tha United States, tbousb spread otr a territory fourlren times tba area aX FiaiiSV IA Vtttt4 -wvre ajiaU if rouwn ot aouon. so much more aitve and mo-lem, so much more interesting ia tuiv (lixcoreiKrt of all kinds, and capable of aalretin and utilising tbe heat oi thcml It is becaute tho news paperj pt-netrate erery where ; and even th lonely dweller on the pram a or ia the fortrtt u not ictelloctualty isolated from tho great curreuU of public life whiou flow through the telegraph and pre aaw ratAariac touiti. Of tbe San Francisco hoodlums the Tat Flat gang is one of the best known. Their favorite place of resort with stol ea goods is a bouse called by tbe pol tee the " Receiving ' Shie"." Jumping up behind a dray, truck or express wagon the Tar Flatter will "nip" a bsg of rice, a chest of tea or Any parcel u.t are portable. And soon be lost in ue depth of " Battle Run," an assemblage of de cayingtenemont house. David McKee, or " Club root, ia now captain of tbe Tar f tatters, and can, it lasaul, outrun. with hia defective foot, any of the gang. George Mortar, aged fourteen, is also an eminent and powerful young thief, And ha been known to get away with a sack of wheat from a grocer' wagon in motion. Somo of these boys are said to bo reforming. Oae of tho former members of a hoodlum gang is now con ductor on a railroad in California. SKiailtCIA ASD BHtrMATIttl. A very simple relief for neuralgia is to boil a small handful of lobelia in half a pint of water till the strength is out of the herb, then strain it off and add a teaspoon of fine salt. . Wring cloths out of tbe liquid as hot as possi ble And spread over the part affected, It aet like a charm. . Change the cloths as soon as cqld till the pain is all gone; then covering till perspiration is over, so as to prevent' taking cold. Rheu matism can often be relieved by appli cation to the painful parts, of cloths wet ia a weak, solution of sal soda m water. If; there is inflammation in the joints, tho euro is very quick; tbe wash needs to be lukewarm. tor. Country Gentleman. , ' The marriage of which this is the only legal evidence (this is bona-fide) took place in Copperas precinct, in Feorai county, now in Fulton county, UK, in the infanoy of (he county, or rather in primitive times, and the mag istrate ought to be imraoraliaed, whelk- er he receives his commission or not: State or Ilusois, ) S3. -Peoria County. ) To all the world, greeting: Know ye, that John Smith, and Polly Myers is hereby entitled to co together and do as old folks do anywhere inside of Copperas precinct, and whou my commission comes 1 am to marry em good, and date 'era back to kivoi ncci dents., u. n, tt , : l. a. Justice f tha Peace Two yoHng men were out fishing the User day, and on returning were going past a farm house aadfelt hungry. They yelled out . to tlia firmer' daughters': "Girh Lave you eivy but -"nlkl" ' The reply was gently wafr '" teir eara: "Yes; 5 ' - " TIIK rilWT tMLA4H ClBKKSaACK. A few day ago lias paper publuthed notice that Mr. It. T. Ieaverton of JJoldon, Mo., had In Lis possession fthe first dollar greenback issued by the govorament. That notice wa publish el . far and near in tho newrarer. Mr. eo. Horn, of Kanftaa City, read it, urged tho owner to sot a price. If said 623,' and the money shoved quick ly into bis bands. In a few days Mr, Clots was offered $05 for hu purchase, but dctchned to sell it. I a four days after making the sale Sir. Leaverton received an offer of $100 for the bill from Baint Louis parties which be ten dered to-Mr. Cos who declined it. Mr, Ilatchy, a bridge builder offered $150 in gold for a half iniereNt in the bill which was now considered to be a groat bonanza, but tbid offer was alort-f.i.ft4. wholesale lvinor firm concluded that it would be a irood tbinz and: a chean AlwtiMement at 8500. and mado this offer, Jut with aamo la.k of suoeeas. Lidding on tbe oldoet dollar irreenback'. then lame general, and reached $700. but Mr. Ooss AtiJI retained the tronri- torship. The mot latureatif.a aud last henrl of off. was from BiL-k Pomcroy. He wanim to borrow the bill to dispbiy At hustings during a canvass for the Na tional Greenback party. He was promptly informed if bo would execute a bond in the um of $1,000 with two good surities, for the safe return of the bill, he could Lave the use of it for a short cauipaigri.-Wy County (Mo.) JJemorrat. . - ; vreKTM AaMAAUAailsu. - If thou art too lazy to think, thou wilt bo too poor to know. 1 1 thau canst tolerat a lmr tbc-u art half a liar thyself. it mom tbau one to ent all the good out of A laugh. When a man. ta-ts too poor to feed bis own fleai he a do-r All men tJiiuk well of tliem.-clves,bat some Iiavo a Queer wav of sbowinor it.' - ilea boast of -their relations when theyhAve nothing else to boast of. Sitrer think of reasoninr with a mule, whether it bas four or only two legs. Thou mayest tell the truth so that it will be a lie. A knave cheaU other.; a fool him elf. Never relate your to an other. The trial ia not fair where affection is judged. Vows made ia storms aro forzatten in calms. A No man should be judge in bis own case. i To a man full of questioas make no answer. What men aro JcEcIeutof ia r??J6a tbey uHualty -make ui iu a rase. lbe heart is achrtKtaJ palace -if once liroken it can never bo mended. To keep your secrets is wisdom, but to expect otheis to keep them is folly. WHAT IT COSTS. "Come, lot's go in and take a little. Tom keeps the best liquor in town Come, don t hang back ; let a go in. "Jim, I've been thinking this matter over over sinco I saw you laat and cannot do it. Beside I have been fig uring oa this matter . some, a-l what do you think it coxtato patronise Tom f . "Well, a dollar or two a week, suppose," said Jim.' Sara, taking a pencil And piece of pa per from bis iiocket-book, handed them to Jim and said: "IiCt's look at it fully, And make a Uir calculation, i on deposit : Your money, and you lose iu . Your time, and you lose it. You character, and you lose it Your health of body, and you lose it, Your strength of mind,and you loae it. Your (x.lf-control, aad yoti lose it. Your iudependence, and you lose it. Your comfort, And you lose it Your wife's happiness, and vou lose it Your children's right, and you lose them. , - - ' Your count ry'sbonor, and you lose it. r - Your own aouZ, and yonlose it. . "Sam, I'll take the pledge for life on that - Coi&e, let's go and sign the pledge together BMUAKCIi. JO&K. After the eongress adjourned the other evening, Bismarck punched Bea confield playfully in the ribs, as the two sauntered down Mam street, and said. Who'a treaty! " " No particular individual can claim it, my dear friend. The treaty belongs to all Of us. It is the product O, vipe your abin of, school it,' said Bismarck, laughing. " Ton't you hunters tant!" and he repeated very slowly: "Who's treat-eh; treat; say to a foller if he will Laf somedings; set em up. : Sseei Beaconheld tumbled, And steppius behind a green screen, exclaimed: It a mine, its mine! What will you havel" Peer, replied Bismarck, his face beaming with good humor; " efry dime peer."--Oil City Derrick. - To cover the expenses of the warft us- sia has been compelled to raise three in ternal loans aggregating 250,000,000 paper rubles, one foreign loan of 93, 750,000 silver rubles, and to disburse in addition; 250,000,000 saved from the budgets of former years. The whole cost of prepairing and conducting the war has been 800,000,000 rubles ($576 000,000). Theestimated cost of taki" ' the troops home will be 5C,000,O0n ' lfeS, or $36,000,000 more, makir ' tal expenditure 850,000,000 ?G12,000,000.- . , . , Squara utabraella3 t tto latest thiogs in Far' We. h ave brra t -;atle?.-5t a we- week, V l Mere aro arc v ; six orv rifuda or :w tentiary; i ThaFriM ganizod society county. Tlio exreiips of tlx! ConxticV Convention, - everytbirig amount to ?d,&31 25. iSaviL'utioti on nimkn t tver isl thin. Tho. boar art "warjr shoau with a hawser. llio ltrnti Kays tuat Ursc nt si.V Ihaij aj-yN more iiwauo U the a-.ylum oUer eounty in tbe f.'.Hto, , Ti only wjiwfii ut Oweo givim ap the ghost, and tho building . i t ow uaed for ncbool purpn.. ... - A new flouring mill i in iw erected in tho forks hi the Luckkmut, on tho land owned by John Usim. . 1V,w is jiifct aboi't tb? tii; ill- ifc tin; rarunis Methoiit preebc-rs ar- d-,.v. rto tur farewell sermofr. Heriry McGuire, of Mariou auiAr, put a bullnt bole through bus band while carr-les.-,! showing a leaded pistol. Senator G rover, Colyuel Wilrfiji and Gen. Adair have lcfcii wu insf a vwitto the salmon hatchery on the Clackamas. Tbe Orc-roti f tho M, II" church will be l.tld atSilfcia, beginning on tbe 28th of August, Bishop Adrews prcaiding. On the fint busine of the rail road from Olympht to Tenino, 22 pay ing paascngejA went over it front Olyra pU, and tho whole rt -ceipt were $40. P. Sums, a herder r'n'ar Rcx-ky Bar, Idaho, was shot and billed, on the 5 lit of J uly, by Newton Neal, for sottbi;; bis dog after real s oxen. No arre&t . It ia now the season to make vonr beta on the number of men who will be twisted into carpet rags this barrpst Ume on tho tumbling rods of tln-r-Miing machine. - : " rAcntca sots. llw easy it fa for farmer' lvs to earn tl.eir own jJckc-t-moii'.-y if tla-y aro not afraid to work !- TLo jrarenU mot co-oporate with them, "of course. Let each father consider how he can beat as sist, ia a moderate wy at first, to fix-ter industry and forethought, can-fulness, ncatne&s and bwiinesA habits in bis boys, by setting aside for them a piece of laud, few seeds, a little lumber, a few tools or Any material vj-on I,!ch prctitai.le labor can be exjnuetL I krow from my own early experience bow valuable this maj' be made to every toy in the land. Almost every lad km fri" T r-s "7 -ctiou, some 'tern of -swiiMt."? i-Uh. if carried out ia tracti:3j trsure j--;t..; own line of business, - fur rliiaifr-- . ag&tnHt inclination is uj hill w;i k. Aa iiKjuiry at the fctorfA 'wul asist i-i tb .-hoice of an article to raise, nud the ease with which the facuities avaiUMj can be a-sod will decide the point- A calf, pig, some jjoutlry, or a cult, wLT always pay; a crop cf beans, tomatoea, potatoes, jop-coro, anything, srg'ccted by others, will find arva.iy market, a.:ii if well managed will give a urjrkt profit. Thus a boy early lf-atus to 1-business-like, rconomual and industri ous, aud not least important f aH understands tbe full value of munev, which, to him, represents ja hard labor, and ia valued accordii A IK. An extraordinary fallacy of night air! What breathe at night, but nig -! "ice is between jure a v.Jiout and the ford' sir iMpst jjoople prefer tLe latl accountable choice. V IJ say, if it is proved to be ""X. ly one-half of all the disease from is occasioned by sleeping 4 windows shut ! An orn most nights in the year, can' v anyone. ' This Ii not lo say 13 not necessary a for tf great ' cities night air is i And purest air to be had 1 four hours. We con Id stana Biiurung urn winy diiriniT tbn Aav. far inf s j , sick. The absence of sui all teud to make night for Airing tbe patient., One of our higher t j ties on consumption 1 told us that the air so good as after. tei Always air your r outsiJo air, if " ioss made to open, doo ' A truth. which seernr of apprehension. be aired from wij from within. ! there aro in a ho ' A sepent's f death is its v' A baby is--constable wf A lap d, a very sill , A cross La what :( - The to-1 fills thcT -..Aati- hold at, As hue V SO tn'm J i r 4 Corner S eooud xcl JLl- a. ,1 - -