The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, July 04, 1878, Image 3

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    Eft gauorrat.
- - Jly 4. a7
Barker' Masai lie.
Harpor a magarir.e for July finds a novel
field for the portrayal of character and the
description of scenery in the lowlands of Vir
giniathe old aristocratic "tide-water" re
gion, rich in historic associations, and ex
ceedingly picturesque in its memorial relics
ei the old time. The opening article of the
nmnber devoted to this subject, and entitled
"oosne Landmarks of Old Virginia," is con
trikuted by Allen C. Redwood, who uses his
pencil as effectively as his pen. There are
two illustrated papers on foreign subjects.
A. H. Guernsey contributes one on the pecu
liar features of the worship of Juggernaut in
Orista. The other, entitle.! "A First Week
in England," introduces to us the quaint old
houses and rows of Chester, to Ludlow Cas
tle, where Milton wrote his "Comas," and to
the fine old cathedral at Hereford. The
nal stones by William Black and Thomas
Hardy are continued. Charles Da Kay eon-
tributes a vivacious short story, entitled "A
Wife Bust," and James Payn humorously
, describe aa "Adventure in the Forest," in
the vain search for Dickens' Maypole Tnn
The editorial department are full of enter
taining and timely information. Among
the many funny things ia the Drawer in
cluding another remarkable "colored debate"
is a very taking poem by John Vance
cueuey, entitled "Collie."
Archery Cestames-Bathing and Yachting
Satts Jewelry Paras! Mysteries or
at fa takes.
Ast week a gentleman from Polk county
killed an enormous black bear near Lava
Lake on the mountain road. The bear met
him on a deer trail and showed fight, and the
hunter put nine buckshot in his body. Giv
ing a death shriek that reverberate-1 and ech
oed through the canyon for miles, the old
fellow tamed over on his side and died with
out a struggle. His head was fully as large
as tnat of a full-grown cow, and had he been
fat he would have weighed 500 or 600 pounds.
One day weak before last Mr. Hcnsley was
fishing from a canoe on Clear Lake only a
short distance from the shore when a very
large brown or cinnamon bear came down the
mountain and took charge of his raft which
was moored at the shore. Mr. Hensley had
been cleaning fish on the raft and bruin stav
ed nntil he had eaten up everything he could
find and then departad. Mr. H. had no sun
with him and the bear looked too thin, poor
ana aSectionate for a man to tackle him with
nothing tint a fish hook.
era Isaprevrsneals,
If any one thinks our city is not taking a
mighty jump forward this year they must be
blind. Ever since the building season began
the sound of the hammer, saw and trowel has
been continual and a great many buildings
have been erected. McHwain's tiro story
brick is now just about completed, excepting
the inside work; ihe walls of Foster's two
atory brick are nearly up; the excavations for
the basement of the Odd Fellow Temple are
oorqpleted and bricklaying win commence in
a few days on that building. This week
Clark, Davis ft Co. have received the eon
tract for two more new bricks n a, belong
ing to Wm. Peterson, will be erected on the
corner of First and Ferry.and will be 23x100;
two stories high; the other building is to be
3UJx45, one story, owned by Dr. OT'oole, and
will be located juet below the postoSce build-
The Hatch To-Da v.
Linn Base Ball Club goes to Salem to-day
to play a match game with the club of that
citv. The Salem dab is one of the beet in
the State, and is composed of the following
persons: Riggs, e ; C. Belt, p ; Gray, a s ;
Moore, 1st b; Cross mm, Sd b; Hoyt, 3d b;
Willis, If; 'Peebles, e f; J. Belt, rf. Our
boys will labor at a disadvantage in playing
as they have not had but one practice game
since appearing at Portland, their captain and
pitcher having been up in the mountains.
They are good players, all of them, and even
without practice will no doubt make a very
good showing to-day. If they win the purse
offered it will be fine a vietory, and if they
lose it they have the pluck te "pick their
flints and try it again."
archest cosrona.
Srece 1 Fcshioaable young lady exceed
ingly affectionate towards papa. Scene 2
Tearful request for a bow and arrows, and an
indefinite number of archery costumes.
Scene 3 Bw and arrows pnrchsaed get
ting up of costumes. Now we enter, for with
this part of the business we hare much to do.
We will premise by observing that at present
one is a nobody, if one does not belong to an
archery club. Piano playing is superseded
operatic screams are hushed, and when one
does no coaching one practices shooting at
target. All this of eonse gives a wonderful
impulse to short costumes. Every known
device is resorted to in order to render them
just as coquettish as possible. Chiefest of all
perhaps, our would be Dianas affect Hunter'
green, and this really charming color thereby
takes rank as extremely stylish. It is effect
ively contrasted with pale shades of ffavme.
or use costume may be composed of Hunter'
green lightened by admixtures. Then again
we find brilliant combinations of divers hues,
to say nothing of the dazzling results of gilt
or silver braiding, buttons, and other metal
ornaments. Let me add a word about vests.
Tis cot inappropriate, for just now the vest,
in more nsss than one, lies close to the fern
inine heart The expenditure of thought in
this direction is something marvellous, but
there is a good deal to show in return.
Vests are now even sold separately, and worn
upon occasion with d liferent suits. Black
costumes are relieved by the most masculine
of white vests, pique," Turkish traveling or
black and white checked. Bicher vesta are
of striped eilk or brocade.
County Court.
osne Fran the takes.
IhatFiak Lake crowd Cash Hawkins,
El Clark, Win Peters, "QW Foster, and
the chap who shoves this pencil returned
home last Friday evening. They caught be
tween five and six hundred trout snd brought
a large barrel full home. The fun they had
was immense, and nothing happened to cause
these, any trouble. Their horses didn't balk,
their wagon didn't break, the fish bit beauti
fully (so did the fleas at Lower Soda), the
seats of their pants held out well, no deer
was foolhardy enough to butt any of the par
ty off the trails, the grab didn't give out, and
tne ah, the don ah, the donkey -dip w
The Best Testlsaoalal.
The government of Wortemburg, upen the
petition of the piano manufacturers of the
kingdom, has purchased one of Steinway's
Grands and one Upright Piano to serve as
models in this branch of industry and, as
each, to be publicly exhibited in the Chamber
f Commerce, at Stuttgardt This world rs
aowned instrument can be had by calling on
A. Bartach, sole agent, 209 Third street, be
tween Taylor and Salmon, Portland. i
anil her Change.
Oar French friend, J. M. JfoUu, of the
MeohaaioV One Price Cassi Store, has rade
aether step upward and can now be found
oo the corner in the postoffioe building. He
has paid strict attention to business, adver
tised liberally, gold his goods at low prices,
and the eonsequence n that this is the third
time he has had to move into larger apart
ments. Good luck is sure to go with him.
CasapusoaMag Changed. ' "
Rev. D. C. McFarland authorizes us te an
Bounce that the Tangent campmeeting has
been changed to a basket-meeting at the Tan
gent Church. Our readers who -expected to
attend will take notice of this change in
place, and when the time rolls round will go
to the church with their baskets instead of to
the camp-ground.
A rieasaz.: Parry.
A very pleasant dress party was given one
evening last week at the residence of Mr.
and Mrs. Geo. A. Edes, of Salem, in honor
of Miss Lillie Hen ton and Miss Piper, of this
city. The host and hostess entertained their
fiieads in an admirable manner.
- , ... -, . . .
acnung suits are ox navy blue or corn
batiste, re)ie ed by braiding in which anchors
are conspicuous. The irrepressible kilt skirt
appears. Sometimes the waist is a plaited
blouse to match, or again, it is in one with
the skirt. The sailor collar, with anchor in
the corners, is an indispensable finish. The
innate ugliness of bathing suits are modified
by additions of fancy braiding, and here also
we find little anchors worked on sailor collar
and cuffs. For material both flannel and
serge are employed; the latter of course be
ing preferable, but more expensive. - Flannel
suits vary from $5 to t 10; serge from S3 to
15. Scarce in this connection, yet too pret
ty to be passed by, are some costumes lately
alaing and house costumes let it be
understood. The first was a walking cos
tume made Theresa princess dress of dam-
assee grenadine and silk both deep green.
The new mantalet was in shape the new
Mignon Visit, made in black silk, and trim
med with French lace aad rainbow jet A
changing costume of organdy is made demi
trained skirt, Laveaso overskirt and Surplice
basque. The Ethelka is another exceedingly
stylish polanaise.
Let us say a word as to engagement rincs.
for I am sure that somebody's Theodore is on
the aoint of buying one. Say then my irood
Somebody, to your Theodore, that fashiona
ble ones are now so slenderly made as scarce
to seem triers than a golden thread, though,
true enough the solitaire diamond glitters in I
the center, If neither you or Theodore like
diamonds ( which means that as sensible
young people you intend to begin economi
cally), then you may choose pearls, emeralds
or sapphires. Very pretty rings are of col
ored and white pearls united, and it may be
added that the medallion setting is most
fashionable. Scarf p jis are the rage; and are
all the more convenient because the earrings
need not match. But then wo do find very
pretty sets scarf pins and earrings to cor
respond. As to the earrings ia general, they
are short, and close to the ear.
No one who makes a business of being
tashionable will fail to have a bright red par
asol for driving. Bright red, with a terrible
looking club for the handle. Only some de
grees less striking are parasols of satia, over
spread with small figure) or stripes in ap
pearance exactly like that used by gentle
men for era rata. Charming parasols are of
brocaded silk in refined shades, and plain
silk parasols are beautifully embroidered and
edged with fine white and black lace.
The other day I was greatly interested 'in
going over the St. Nicholas hotel. The per
feciion of dicipline which prevails seems to
my somewhat disorderly imagination quite
wonderful. The dining-room, with it3 corps
of waiters, the ranch room, the runre's din
ing room, the kitchen with its white capped
chef, the dish washing, reduced to a science,
the arrangements for keeping the plates and
dishes always warm, are edifying spectacles.
Below are the ice house, hung with meats
and vegetables, the pantry kitchen, the ser
vant's dining room. Above, in the linen
room, five persons are kept constantly em
ployed in the one department. But the half
is not told. Sometime when you are in the
city go the rounds, and take a lesson in sys
tematic and beautiful housekeeping. You
will be rewarded, and if you are once an in
mate of this grand old house, you will never
be found elsewhere.
L"CY Cahter.
Last week l special term of the Comission
ers Court was held which transacted the fol
lowing besiness :
lathe matter of the application of Bilyeu
ft Chamberlain for rent of office. . P-eutwl at
Si 00 per month with right to use the same
whan court is in session. . - -Bonds
of Jas. L. Cowan approved.
Bonds of L M. Bruce approved. : '.
- Bonds of Z. B. Moss approved.,
lathe matter of the aoulication of R
Badger for lumber for Road District No. 8, it
was ordered that said Supervisor be author
ized to purchase 7,988 feet of lumber to re
pair bridges in said District, and also spikes
and nails to repair said bridges.
Bonds of the County Treasurer placed at
$50,000. , " : ;
Bonds of t C. Dickey approved. . :
Ia the matter of the return of the delin
quent list for 1874, 1875, 1876 and 1877. an.
proved with errors excepted.
in the matter of settlement with Phil;.,
Grigsby, County Treasurer.
eepted. ".i ' ' -
The following hills were allowed: -ff R
Baker, 2; yallace Cushman, 2j HanaotCush-
man, 2; Jos Denny, 2; W H Brunk 2S G W
Haskins, 2: John Coon.2; Harrison Haskin..
2; John Cushman, 2, James Hogan, 2; Philip
Dermoid, 3 20; Joshua Jordon, 3 20: Mrs C
Jordon, 2; E Thompson, S 45; V taughertv,
6 50; D R M Blackburn, 2 50; L Bilyeu, 125;
M Houston, 2 "0; 3 W McUhee, 3; H Shel-
ton, 5 CO; W Huston, 8; C P Burkhart, 2 60;
Bobt Gray, 8 20; N Russell, 8 40; Geo Pat-
terson, 8; J M Gordon, 14 99; Moses Millar.
20; T JStitea, 23 20 aad 85 10: GCoch-
ran, 3 60; Levi Douglas, 10; A H Baltimore,.
jos uarrett, 7 20; T M Powers. 6 40: K
Home aad Abroad.
Clas Tree Poem.
ooniequsnra ct Wero bemir no irenersl t..trjj .l . , . ..
celebration in Jl1k .,.A. . r.u.u,. gnaates ot tae
thatonreitr: Z.. "Z.7 Vmrwtr, at Eugene, met on the
Mima TJxZ:'rL7rj: p
,'.1J. i Ti "nlon, planted a clams tree. After the
ornebody about the DMooEATouTce ti re- class had planted the tree, Dr. J. C. Bolon
eeive money .n4reocpt for the same. read the following be.tiful poenf; written
v, - uBiiiu a uia
apple painted upon his sign, and then when
any one asks him for an explanation.
he can
tell them that if it hadn't been for an apple
he wouldn't have been runnini areadv-nulo
clothing store te-day.
The wife of TVm. Marks, living riknn tj,.
Albany prairie, died last Sabbath.
' One of the nicest jobs of kalsominin we
have seen for sometime was done a few davs
ago ia the Court Heuse by Steve Foster.
Steve is an artist In this line and never fails
to give satisfaction.
Friends, money is scarce with us, and if
you possibly can, we would like for you to
settle up.
Our county authorities are having the
court house and jail repaired. W e think it
would be a good idea for them also to make
arrangements to have new shade trees set out
on that block this fall.
We see by the Standard that Rev. V. B.
Barr, of this city, is down at Portland. :
Linn Engine Co., No. ,2, held their regular
meeting for July last Monday evening.
; The new county officers took ' their seats
last Monday aad are now grinding away just
as ii iney spent a lifetime scrvine the
people. -
Ex -Sheriff Herrea has moved Into his own
house on Third street, and Sheriff Diokey
now occupies the apartments ha the second
story of the jail. - i
Our new Countv Clerk. .T.. t n
fo jT ,3;f,YtDVrt', 125 J C".)ha,reated Adam Settlemir. propert; Uhea
10; JHW igle, 13; J B Trusk. 12: E L Khox. opposite our effi .n ; 1 v:. .,!! ,
ijrtA. a- r t . I " mav q isunuy I "'""w" i
uw; u uryan, i w, John Lnper, ? 40; Gj there in a few weeks.
ramsn, 4; J w Jordon, 5 60; Eli Carter, 4
"oway, 7 20; Ed S Gunn, 4; C M Oad.
way, 3 60; Jas Hogan, 3 60; J LCook, 4; Jes
iwnny, 3 bt); W it Baker, 3 40: Thos All.
pain, 3W;SI Crooks, 3 60; N M Perca.
veil, 3 60; W Cushman, 3 40; Hannah Cuah
man, 2; D Lewis, 4; Mansfield ft Monteith
1. 50; C E Wolverton, 3; Foshay ft Mason
20 25; G F and A A Settloroier. 6 40. 10 OS
Jonn unggs, 12 50; Philip Grigsby, 21 87
f HEaymond, 35 38; Phil Grsgaby, 209;
K Herren, 145 80, 74 92, 75 80, 39,60, 39 60.
iu, a W, 6 40, 74 05, 38 15; C E Wol
verton, 5 t0 W G Piper, 2 60; five Indiana,
70 each; J D Nelson, 60; A H Beard 1 A
i z-oweu, 1; J M Bilyeu, 1;N Crabtree
a. uaieuuuey, ljlJ Stites. 973 60: 8 A
Johns, 75; J K Charlcon, 10; E E Holt 15
B Herren, 9
for the occasion by Mr. T. ,J Cheshire, of
1-ane county :
We stand within the rtiadow of th3 wa"j
And plant to-dty thl monumental tree.
And by tha act commemorate the birth
or this young mother'e flrat-born ch!U. Haw surge
Through every heart, and tromble in each onl
EmotioBs whone fruition baffles every
Tonjue! How flaih throtfh every mind prophetic
uieatru that danle ercrjr eye I No heart
But swells with pride no home but smlloe with joy
at every step this boms of Learniof Ukes.
Tie but the first ot miny y to come,
from uut the forest's plentitude, strong- bands
Will bear their prize, till ripened centuries
Will reveal a glorlods phalanx, from whose
Midst thy topmost boughs will wave in triumph
a tne urst-born of the train the pioneer
Of all the brilliant host. From north snd south,
Prom net snd west, tbe gentle winds thst kiss
Our serrate bills will sway thy pliant arms.
And bear upon their broken billows, words
Of cheer from those wh trained thy tender shoots.
Those host words bars christened thee to-day.
And who hare climbed abr.xwt the rujrjred path
To claim the honors whic.i this hour brings forth,
Will leave those h'Ule. The last farewells will fall
Like tear drops os tho heart. Tholr parting sighs
Will linger in these hannts snd weave a spell
Around this scene that Time can never mar.
On Life's Highway their solemn march begins.
And phantoms of the desert sands will raise
Thctr ghastly shapesthe arid dust win rattle
Oo the splendid casket of tholr dead, and
Time's breed wings will brush the mold from many
A gilded cenotaph: But these frai! limbs
Will bloom and broaden ia tie inn and stand
A Hving landmark of the past the best
And dearest spot on all the broad domain.
Ajf Historical Pact. F,nrv mmvnt. v'fr, Tsi t.n in
;ed iy twrUiny tli Improved fit) Homestead Sewirir
--- hhov Ttrisin, uwiig f J L3 uwriUJl nOUSsS, DU
- -a awjmu in najjK. is ciear 01 aet-t, ua nam moiwy
intsjrefH, the natural ca-nMtirr nl apprmno-
- i ,fjr it1 - o lowest pnt'es. a good
prat-clMs &winX Machine, most useful reliable at aU
t.aics, easy to undonrtaiid and control, Uie same ize
ana does the name work as any mac-Lino that iU at
j-ouft times tUe price. There is no ui&cJiitie at any
Jiiioe bettor, or trsn riA b... .
n Jlil none o low lu price by many dollars. The
UOMMTBAD f widely fcnowu and uwd In thousands of
r3mUac mthe Eastern and Middle State, sod deSJy be-
I , ; " 11 mil HO Wt. SICK-
iaii. in "?e K!SMm- ''? the work A the
family, or win earn fonr or five dollars a day fur ens :
woman wrio sews for a living. It is the strong-
ntVssM Yv,I " " ' VV lJ mil umr so at IU Worx,
nd fVM a nnest stitch yet invented,
2r!j Tred l Jw- door, oo matter how rem-jte yoi rnv
.-,:., - t , r aiiu n'-jriwe, witn more
eertaui arid ranirl ataiH ... i n ., .
other. EtraorHln. i7'r.vI..,.ry"" nanany
. .. - " : J - "Hen Doue to toc&l or
traveling agents where we have hum i,H!JT
thT ?1?0 "J"?1.' KBi y""T direct to
Consisting in part of the fc'icwiiig softAJtlan A. Ia.- aasoilHj , f ' -
aaiected with great care ia San FrasKisoo and the East
N A fall and complete lias of . .
Kcdnrrd Rate for sixty Days.
inrougn our combination and tho Lro
noca oi gooas wmch we purchased in 8an
Francisco this spring, wo have accumulated
of f lothlng aad Dress ISeMsda
ofall description, which we will sell at!f.F?JTS I JUllSe
oreotlv reduced vrteet for the wmi t j I t swaVlaW
- - - - 9
tverybody will do wej to call and examine
our goods and prices.
Highest cash price paid for eood merchant
able wooL
Don't forget the place.
. A Tory desirable and carefully selected stock of
LADIES FUnrilSHIs-iG COODS&fslUSLI?, unDEnvfii3
A toll stock of
Comprlaing the latest sad most desirable goods in the California and Eastern markets IndKtnt
the celebrated "Holbrook Ludlow" maie. ' ""-"1
A Cballrnge.
The newest shades in Wall Paper and a complete stock of
Kev. A. if. Aeheson, oi OakvUle will
preach at the.U. P. Church in this
oaouatn evening.
nar. tioyds subject at the Calrarv
Church next Sabbath mnrnin. m-?M v
tmrabonal Heritage;" in the evening
Curat s Modesty."
Freaching at the Evangelical Church nevt
Sunday at 11a.m. and 8 p. m. Sundav
cvaou at z f-
lhvine services wiU be held in St Peters
t-piscopal Church next Sunday evening, July
t O'J o CJOCK.
Eev. A. M. Aeheson preached at the C P
church m this city last r5abbath evening.
tapt. K. F. Burch, Superintendent of the
State I enitentiary, called during the week.
Hon. Bea. Haydon, of Polk eounty, spent
a part of last week, in our city, in attendance
upon the special term of Court
ra!a rrswpeeSa.
Owing to the late rains our firm era did
not get their spring sowing dons as early aa
usnal this eaeson, and as it baa not rainedfor
so long tie prospect for a large wheat yield
is very gloomy. Our farmers have beet
praying for rain for several weeks, but they
sen us tnat now it would be too lata. J K.
Charlton informs us that he has 200 acres of
spring wheat near this city that will not
turn out over 500 bushels of grain, and this
is only one instance in thousands in this val
ley. Of course this will not be the case in
every part of the valley, or even in our
county, but there is no doubt but that the
spring sown grain will be almost a failure.
The fall wheat looks well and will yield as
heavily as ever.
A late letter from B ob. Foster informs
hi- friends that he I ft Paris for Rome.
Strawberries can still be had in this mar.
k.e far 1 tents prr box. . .
Wild blackberries are sold hero in large
quantities at 50 cents pr gallon. "
itaveriy a minstrels will perform here on
Wedm day evening of next week. The peo
ple of Portland are in ecatacies over their
performance down there.
Work is still progressing on our streets.
The wife of F. P. Caviness died in this
city last Sabbath of bilious fever, and
buried on the following Av
. . - ) unt .1 .
HwvF VVaM S T .t .... ..1 b'-umwiwboi in out. and Br
i loruaou, in mis citv 1 m . . . :
last Tuesday. H. starts next Saturday on 'a utZtZtZ-?
tap back to his old home in tho Empire Kni "us, gathering Inspiration from thy name,
State. WUl erase- new truths and wHr,
years have broadened thy expanse.
heaves made their homes amid
Thy whispering (reen-waen thy ron root have
The nether mold, and Strength's brave tenons girt
Thy (lorkras form, the young with laughing hearts.
-s remouiis; steps win seek thy shads
To dream and mine. The eager youths to baths
Their soulj til gl.ioos day-dreams of the dawn
To write their names upon the oloads, sod build
Their airy te-hple to the stare; the old,
To muse on Death, and gather nr. the shards
fith which the stem iconoclast has paved
The way to their long rest within the tomb.
The poet, wandering on his aimless way.
Wooed by the wfabpering spirits of thy stiaefes,
nil scat thy bowers and strike his golden lyre
In harmony with thee. The daring youth,
Oo whom Ambition's magic hand is laid.
I would respectfully announce to the farm-
era of Albany and vicinity that I have the
agency for W. A. Woods Self-Bindinp- Har
vester, the only successful aelf-bindinir har-
I vester ever introduced into the Oregon har
vest Delda. I will also smumnm f hat I .m
ready to meet in field trial any self-binding
uw csicr utaue, ana in tne contest submit
my machine to such tests as may be required
by a committee of nractical
ed by the Linn County Council, or other or-
gauueu ewuy oi practical lannera.
4im3 A. AL Hoop.
The largest stock of '
xvvr .aowT, m e city-jxmcht direct froni tie inuturers in Iiast. :
suw aud drzUe pvr
A complete line of
me dcsk of ail purvatiTes few family nfc; They are
the nrodact of lontr. lahorionM. and vntmrfnt r-hm..-.-.
invetiptioo, and their extensive aee, bv Fbrsihn
lo their practiee, aad by ail emlised njstions,' provp
bircui -w im tutu edohw eaectooj puryauve tnll tnat
niediaU acienoa can devise, ileimr nurv rtxhhi 1
iv harm can arise from their use. In intrinsic value :
na curnve povers no 7tner FUI cs be conrpared
with them, and every pervon, knowing their rirtaes,
will etr.nioy them, when needed. Thev keen th. r.
u cihw unioT, wa nimincain in Deal Lb v aetioii
Agricultural Implements,
Ccmistixig of
Mild. aPsxrr-Tiny aswl mt.
I lectttai. ther are sMciallT adantod tn Um tmv4b osf k.
dijyeaUve apparttn, deransments of which they pre-
- hu iiiit u tiiucit i at sir: u. 1 liev mrm uv dmi jui i
I safest shysie to enipioy fir enildren and weakened
constitutioos, where a mild, but effective, caUiartic is
i ivifutxvsx. ror me oj mu aruggrsxs. i
THKsHR Chief of aU Tliaherl
The oelehraterf V Pqif mnrecreD j
SELF BlSIr-rtmpW.andmadi
MOWKBS-the .mat complete liarvesting machine
Conrad Myer has raised his bnildino on
First street until it is now on the crude
This gives him a 9-foot basement which ia
nearly invaluable to hint in his business.
Hon. E. A. Cronin passed through our citv
yesterday en route for a "rustication" at
i aqains Bay.
There was born on the 34th inst. to R. R.
Humphrey and wife of Waterloo Precinct.
a fine girl, and "Uncle Boss- has the con
gratulations of the whole Democrat family.
ane Haymakers ' and "Lone Toms" had
a match game of base ball last Saturday, in
wuicu tne tatter were successful. The score
will be published neit week.
Sir. Frank Mohfald and Mrs. Flora Struck-
mier will celebrate the glorious Fourth by
uniting their lives, their fortunes and their
sacred honors to-day.
Here's another Democrat bov ! Eons nn
the 24th inst, and its biinful parents are
Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Davis.
Harry Khun got back from the PaloSse
country yesterday. Ho thinks he has struck
it and ia goiug beck immedintcly to lrcate I
pcxroauen t iy.
That rolicing young fellow. Ted Whitfield.
ia back from "Old Hengland."
have had some nice littla showers of
rain this week, but they come uiot too late
to rta much good.
wui pierce the dismal vet! that hides
Their wealth, and plant his banner 'mid their realms.
Farewell ! May mother Nature guide thy growth
And give the strength to bear the winter's blast.
Those who give thee to the earth to-day
WUl watch thy growth with Jealous eye.
And aa each year brings round this day with skins
Of bloc atd wealth ot June, will garland thee
With all the beauty burdened summer brings.
And when Bo more they come when chiseled words
Upon the marble slab proclaim their virtues
To tbe world their memory reverenced still
Will prompt strange hands and riooa hearts to bring
Sweet otTerincs here and lav ihn .t k.
Sesiat tm Tesur nlm.
Edgar Williams t Co. 's agent, Mr.
Taos. Jonnings, ia still ia Albany, and will
take orxlers for a few more views from this
part of the county. In our opinion there is
nothing so conducive to the cultivation ed
good taste and refinement as fine I i stores, and
we trust that our people will embrace thi
opportunity to get fine lithographs of their
houses. Mr. Jennings may be seen at the
St Charles Hotel.
WHEELER'S TirflBfipcr nnn Bn-nrrn
TafttaHEB and CLEAJfEK. " "n
HATSTS' 8IVOI.E fiP nvinvso
atjnstable reel, IKOK WHEELS with round wrVwtht
The TlflElt SFLP DfSCH.IBfJIVa Srt vvmv
BAKES. In aimi.licitr. atreni.-.h and darahilin .H.h.
out a rival
HtN'D IL'Hi BAKE madf.
The Justly celebrated BADC WAOOV with netent
SKEIN TIGHTfcXES, aad ue new ivfe-n Oa '?aisi
with Brass Screw Cape.
Aad at kUds of
Polish tlie Vonnters' Teeth
Agricultural Machinery.
The Aerricultural Warehnn
near to Ans. Marshnll'H
iiininery is always on exhibition.
T 'ssxraie Marvester.
Harrisbtro, June S5'.h, 1S78.
We, the undersigned ritirens of Harris
burg, and farmers of that vicinity, .have this
day witnessed the operation rf the "Osbome
Self-Binding Harvester." oa tho fana of J.
D. McClain, in a very heavy an.l a veryligiit
patch of oats, rather gr?u, and of ell lengths.
The machine cut clean, elevated, and bound
well, and is of very li'-ht draft, it l-einc?
drawn by two ponies, weighing l-asi than 750
With 80ZODONT, and when they trrow
up their tnouths will be irarnishfld with
sound and handsome ones The foundation
by neglect, snd kt fa very important to tbe I aL RiSFI Y
well-be in of either child or adult that the " I
teMii should be well taken care of. Bad leetb
are no fit masticators of the food, and breed
dyspepsia Make 'hern white and strong,
therefore, with SOZODoXT. a crMi
vi Rupreme excellence ana purity. Use it
n iuioiu ueusy.
(Successors to John Foehay.)
SJgned, J. L Fatni, Purtihaser.
Samuel Kixou, V. Davis, John Young, L
J. Atchtnson, Chas. Eoth, J. JL Halloway
A. Manson, . B. Romaine, J. A. Douthit,
. 1 eters, Louis Petnxnn, .1. Lowengart,
r. schooling, James Sherrill, James
Uriines, S. Allspack, J. Gera.
That White (aywae.
1st Meansrlasm
The following preamble and resolutions
prjsed a few days ago by the Oreiron
state Medical bocicty, at Portland, in re
spect to the memory of the late) Dr. J. P.
Tate, of thiity: -
Whereas. It rjleaW th r.m( p.n;
on r nday last June 14th, 1878, to promote breeder, bought her a few days ago to breed
Our lata co-l&nnrr Imfbd I '1' . , 11 t. I . ......
an onerous practice of
Nealy all our eitisena will remember that
little white Cayaes mare that was first
owned in this city by It. E. Cox, and has
ever since been kept at the Mammoth Ware
house. She has gone. Mvera. the firo. xfnrV
manv wearv
eternal rest of the
AIoboM Orewned.
eassTal satire
The Farmers' and Meahaaios' One Frio
-CashSur has. remoTd to the poateffia
bnildiogia this city. --
Last Friday Miss Mary Wheeler and two
other ladies started to go over the Calapooia
for blackberries, and while attempting to
cross the stream on tbe saw logs in the pond
Miss V heeler supped and fell into the water.
As the logs rolled very lively her friends
could render her bat very little assistance,
and she would very probably have drowned
had not some men come to the rescue. It is
rather dangerous for persons te attempt
crossing the Calapooia on these logs anless
they have had some experience ia such feats
of balancing.
B. C. Hardannn.
You are wanted at this office. A. S. Kuor
and Silas Haight found a pocket book which
had your name in it, last Wednesday, and
left it with us to find an Owner. It has in it
a note for several hundred dollars, a' certifi
cate of deposit at Connor's, and acme other
valuable papers. Qall and pav charges and
get it, as we are afraid if it is left here very
long we might abscond with it.
We are requested to announce that the
eampmeeting now in progress in the Forks of
the Santiam will be continued over next Sab
bath. " All well-disposed, orderly persons are
cordially invited to come to the "Feast of
Tabernacles.' This ' campmeeting is con
ducted by Elder T. B. White and P. A.
Moses, of the M. E. Church, South. -
A Baes Csussice.
-Uunng the past week Foshay t Maeon
have bought the stock of drugs and medi
cines belonging to Bell & Parker, and as soon
as the invoi ing is completed it will be re
moved to the establishment of the former
firm. This sale was mads on account of Mr.
Parker, junior partner in the firm, who kas
already lost one eye from neuralgia and will
probable have to soon lose the other. Foahay
t Mason have been doing a large business
ever since they entered into partnership, and
now, navmg nearly doubled their stock by
tuts purcbase, are a great deal better, pre
pared to attend to the wants of tho people
than ever before. Be sure to call around and
take a look at their mammoth stock.
Svneel of tbe Par I a c.
Board at Fire Delegate.
- Members of the Board of Fire Delegates
will remember that the next regular meeting
of that body will be held at No. l'a hall next
Monday evening. Let aU the .members turn
cat .
-this body, the highet in rank in the
United Presbyterian Church on the Coast,
convenes on the 18th inst, at San Francis
co, and will remain in session several days.
The church in this State is strongest in this
locality and will be well represented in the
tsynoa. Among those who will be in at
tendance from this county will be Rev. T.
J. Wilson, of Halsey, Rev. A. M. Aeheson.
ot UakviUe, and Dr. O. W. Gray, of this
city. Rev. Dr. Irvine, who has been back
east for several months. aitr.;.Ung the Gen
era! Aucutb'y of XortS Ar-.t-riea, is now on
his wsy tj Saa iiucisco and will arrive in
tima for the convening of the Synod.
A Sew Store Opened.
Mr.-I. G. Jackson has opened out in the
building lately occupied by N. Baum a large
stock of general msrehandies, dry goods,
groceries, boots, shoes, clothing, ladies'
wear, etc, and expects by attending strictly
to business and selling low to build np a
large trade in our city. He is a public-spirited
man and believes in the old maxim
"Live and let live" and consequently pat
ronizes the printer. Look out for his adver
tisement next week. -
The Pcreheresi Horses.
W, C. Myers informs us that his famous
Percheron horses will remain in the valley
only through the present month, and that
about the first of August he will start for
Ashland for the purpose of making arrange
ments tor taking his stock to the State Fair. I store.
farmers and stock raisers who have mares
which they wish to breed to his horses should
make a note of this.
to one of his Shetland stallions. To-day she
ana mat ponderous old White Prince will
draw the "Plug-agly" wagon at Salem. It
is her first appearance before the public in
tnis role aad our folks ought to give her a
gootl "Bend oft
year a devotion to the
iruc ; tueretore. be it
RmoAwJ, That we have lost from our
ranks a highminded-practitkmerand christian
gentleman one who ever commanded re
spect and admiration for his many noble
qualities of heart and mind, and who the
better known, was more esteemed and loved.
KetoUed, That while we are ones irm
reminaed of the weakness of humanity, w. Our citizens will remember how they en-
blemish of sin and has gone to the undoubted rgl Tennessee minstrels a year or so
pesession of that reward, which, thank God, nd n gld to learn that they will
t""'"" "ope saau one day be oon nave an opportunity of witnessing an-
Maves-tr's Hlsutrete,
0. P. 3. Plcmmer, -W.
H. Watkiss,
Jambs G Ricraresox,
HARRigncric, June 25, 78.
Newbury, Chapman, & Co., Portland:
Started Binder to-day at Junction. Work
ed splendid ; doing good work when "Mc
Cormick" clogged. Everybody well pleased
with the "Osborne";
Shall I wait for Eugene trial Answer.
Send to Newbury, Chapman, ft Co.. for Br-ntm. i. a..
vuvuiats sum price Just.
other entertainment fully equaling them in
merit Haverly a Minstrels.
twenty -two persons, will appear at the Opera
House next Wednesday, July 10. Front
seats, $1 ; back seats, 80 cents. Seats re
served without extra charge by calling on
roanay at Mason.
card F rotai.
sVeware, LadlrDii-t Bee.
Uncle Georgey Hughes tells us that he got
a letter from nis son George a few days ago,
ana at tne time of writing it he was at Ft
is. We thought Georm
was all right, and this ahows that ha hasn't
lost bis "iiapper ' yet
peotj jaq no dn pavja oj pnq etrs ji
Aioqeuica nu jas p.eqg aiouw e Ai
pM A' arm sue IHOod Bin r.
Sutqum a o, s,uea n8, ja38vl MO that the.r
:iuoq jo put. istjsiaqi bios' eqe it
atoqauios jtio t pug H,eqB jaq noA ing
'Aionji oj joa tqlino eqs Su qiouios e,u
uauieM BSjijou Suiqi-Cuw s.ojoqq ij
Use Cesmfr Kllea.
Those patriotic young fellows who belong
to una military organization will remember
next regular meeting will occur on
to-morrow (Friday) evening at the Court
House. Let every member be on hand
Albany Enzlae Ce.
A Carious Catch.
The regular monthly meeting of this old
fire company for July will occur this Thurs-
Last MnntlAV .Mntni tk. . : 1 . .
6 iioia aay evemnz. As most of trm kv, . s.
a . mm lug, UUi Ul U 1 6
arrived at Millers, a flock of grouse flew
over the train. One of th
lem tho meeting will no doubt bo slimly at.
calculations some, and undertaking to ruur
betwecn the cars flew right into tha hands
of Gee. Hardv. the exoress anf. n
brought it no up here and gave it to Jas.
roster, wno is now stall-feeding it for
tuanas giving.
roarlk er JaJjt
The eagle don't screech in Albany to-day.
CaapaneeilBg ia "The Ferka." .
The campmeeting of the M. K. Church
South will commence at the "Shed," near
Job Crabtree's, one week from te-day. A
cordial invitation is extended to all.
Property sold.
Win. Peterson has sold to Ben. Brenner
the vacant lot on Front street, lying next to
Brigg's tin store. He has also sold to him
the corner building, now occupied by L Fox,
which will be moved over against the tin
A new two-storv brick will lie nut
up on the corner by Mr. Peterson, half of
the inside wall belonging to Mr. Brenner.
i Clears t Clears t
Ex Geo. IT. Elder, from San Francisco and
New York, 10,000 of the finest imported and
domestio eigars ever bromrht tn tliia n.rt.t
Also special brands of first - class tobacco at a,ual numDe' f dav! But we congratulate
tho rarmers and Mechanics' One Price Cash I our girl" and her Billy, , any how. Long
Store, in tlis poatoffice buildiug, Alabany. ' may they wave 1 ' '
MOROAN FARROW. At the Revere House, In
this city, June 17th, by Rev. R. C. Hill, Mr. O. Z.
iloaOAX and Miss Kmilt Farrow both of this county.
BRUNK HALBROOK In this oitv at th. l.
denct of the bride's grandmother. Wednesday evening.
July S, 1678, by Rev. T. J. Wilson, Mr. Wm. H.
Haunt anu alias ubbis iiaurook both of t'. j city.
The bridegroom is one of Albany's mot
exemplary and popular young men, and the
bride well ! she's our Lib ! tho pet com
positorof the Dimocrat office for year's past;
and how we are to get along without her,
the shade of Faust only knows ! But she's
gone, and there's a silent case and a dark
corner in our office, and the sound ef the
press is low and the boys go mournfully
about the "alleys'and the mallot and shoot
ing stick are draped in mourning for the
The Centaur Liniment are of two kinds.
Ths White is for the human family; theT el
low is for hnrsea, sheep, and other animals.
Testimonials of the effects produced by these
rt,-m.irK.iite i reparations are wranrjen amunrl
every eorue, ana may he procured of any drug
gist, or by mad from the Office of 1'h Ces
tacb Co3tPA.Tr, 46 IVy Street, New -ork
Smith ft Norton having opened a shop in
Albany, are now prepared to do house, sign
buu omameaw pauiung, groining, kalsomia
ing, glazing, gilding, etc House lining and
papering will be done at reduced rates. All
work entrusted to their care either in the
city or country will receive prompt attention.
Their shop is on Ellsworth street, near the I
lorry landing. ii2tf.
Knsbraelns; epverrtasw usoaDy fond in a Brat-class retail drug estabEshment.
books VTvr
JntiSJl,nW?e w,d-, A a"" depot i aho ran in connection with this deparvneav arbro
Ul the latest Eastern mag-inces, pictorials, est, can be procured. .-. Z..-
. . Tl3n.T7tf . .. - :
To the Farmers of Oregon: ; u i
Gentlemen: We have the pleasure of inform
ing yon, we have on hand and for sale the foUowing
deservedly popular line of Farm Implements: Gar
den Citv OliDDer Plows: Cultivators and Harrows-
Farmers' Friend Grain Drills and Broad Cast Seed
ers. COTTl'hi'nftfl- T.f n-ni.rvr Vn-rna "Poor! Qoorl Rnvirov o-nrl
ware, botUe-wax and camp furniture, sold on fliilfiwarns. ,.t,;. Cil "KT s. Trr .
the bed rock by Wheeler, w " V ,T wtttUA"c,w. O"""" W agOIiS;
' I sVJ T 0 bWr an wa, W ' MSL. J sfli. J X rW Jt . "
"aao 4AA owut tuxu. Dbbvausa jrram Cleaners; aiso
for the harvest Of 1878, tiie justly celebrated Mc
Cormack Self Bin dins' Harvester, which we stand
ready to warrant in every particular. Please call
and examine before nurchasinsr. Descriptive circu
lars, FREE, on application. v.-..:
Agent for T. Cunningham & Oo.
Broadheael Alparaa.
Just received direct from the manu
facturers, another large invoice of the
Celebrated Broad head Altac-as, at Sam
uel E. Young's.
Fbctt CAS3 and jars, granite-iron and tin-
The Rational Uoid Medal was awarded
to Bradley a Rulofson forthe best Pbotoerraphr
In the United tttatee, ana the Vienna Medal fo
toe oesi in inewona.
4 atoatgomeajr tttieet. Ekaa Franelaon
Hon. H. H. Gilfry, Grand Master of the
1. O. O. F., has appointed John A. Boyer, of
Z2ZZ2FJ!ZSZ 0orner Pirst and Broadalbin Sts., Albany, Or.
prising Jacksonville, Ashland and Kerbyville
ledges. Mr. Boyer has officiated in that ca
pacity for several terms.
AND -f
SAUEM, - - - - - OREGCJw.
A full assortment of this new its.
proved and world renowned instru
ment constantly kept oa hand by
Bale Aeat far Ores-em aad Wash. Terry
SM Taird afreet.
Fee-tlaad, sres;ea.
A'ao. arery variety of cemetery and other stone work done with neatness and diwrob-b
ton Territory, by mail or otherwise, and promptly for-
warded. All work warranted. " s
A branch establishment Is located at Albany and owned bv the Siaisor Traa'a-
Address all ordera to A. Buiger, Albany, Oregon. l3Iyl
W. H. B Bin.
-i.-wO i. i-ii-Lrwa3,
Agent for Um famous
s .. -5 - DEALEHS IS-, c : .- : -v.
Gold dSiT3ii Bought and SolcL
Drafts issued on Portland, San Francisco, Kew York and Europe
: vmiXEiiiA. woo D's ::r"
UEAatERs; MOM EKS. KE.1PER1 ASl '-- -:
,, - ' TUB LA BELLE vTA2"JI,
AarsiU far the ftrfaaaeml VsusaV Beval aasl Csaaswltefat Pin luaramee CoaawsuWis. aatet
taat kwrUi Faetstc Use. - . . - - .
I 9"CH,aB see ns at W. H. Babsrt eststaod, lsaWbeeai kslwsaa lislis ssi TsTa Ii i. Wis lit sj Bisiasi